#you see now why I said probably not a zombie dream
taibhsearachd · 1 year
So last night, I was having one of my weird anxiety dreams. They often involve packing, either to move or for a trip, and airplanes (usually crashing, but for some reason it NEVER skips past the whole process of security, waiting, boarding, trying to stow my shit in the footwell, that's all part of the anxiety I guess). (The other common form of anxiety dream is zombies, which did not feature this time. I think. Probably.)
Today, the anxiety dream was "you have a trip tomorrow, someone other than you has scheduled the flight, and they WILL NOT TELL YOU what time the flight is". Like, every time I brought it up - which I did, repeatedly, with increasing intensity - they would just divert the conversation to another subject, or eventually just laugh at me and keep talking as if I hadn't said anything. So I was getting more and more anxious, because I didn't know how much time I had to pack and prepare and when I needed to get to the airport, and getting more and more angry, and...
I wanted to punch this person. But, for some reason, in that dream we were riding in a car. They were in the front passenger seat. I was in the back seat right behind them. And I didn't have any room to hit them the way I wanted to, so... what I did. What I did. Was lean forward over the front seat back and bite their shoulder.
I felt skin under my mouth, and I distinctly remember thinking, "ah, good, I can bite them REAL good". And then I woke up with teeth indentations in my forearm.
I'd been sleeping on my stomach with my head pillowed on my arms. One of my wrists was right under my mouth. I bit myself awake.
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White Day
Teen!NanamixTeen!Reader -Part 1-
He didn’t have a crush on you.
Okay, he did but, Kento would never tell anyone he had a crush on you. His feelings were very important and not something he would go around telling people. You’d probably agree. You weren’t the type to make a big show of things and he liked that. If he could avoid telling people you were dating and just enjoy you alone, he would. Well. He would, if you were dating but you're not dating. Still, Kento couldn’t help but hold onto the hope that you might one day look his way. You were always so nice to him, nicer than the other upperclassmen. You took interest in the things he was embarrassed of, you liked the dramatic movies he did, you traded CD’s with him. You were like a dream come true in this cruel world.
He couldn’t help but wonder why you avoided him now.
You didn’t walk over to him and Haibara to trade snacks. You didn’t ask him to hold your books and started using your bag again. You didn’t offer to trade CD’s or share headphones. You didn’t even spar with him on the weekends. It was kinda embarrassing to admit but, he didn’t realize how much of his time was spent with you. How much space in his life you took up. This sudden feeling of hollowness surrounded him and it felt like everyone could see it. Everyone could feel it. Kento never noticed just how quiet his life was before you.
Kento walked through the halls, annoyed as usual. No particular reason but, it has conveniently been over two weeks since you two stopped talking. He didn’t realize you were ignoring him until you stopped having lunch together. He knew you were quiet that day but you were as loud as the other second years. He thought it was normal for you. And then you vanished from his life. The days since then blurred together. Kento stuck to his normal routine like a machine. The world would keep spinning after all. He was certain whatever was troubling you would blow over soon and you would tell him about it. He walked like a dazed zombie down the halls every morning and waiting in the class for Haibara to arrive. Today was different though, today he heard a light sound, a soft giggled coming from ahead of him.
There you were! Laughing aimlessly with Haibara and Shoko. His body froze a few steps away from you. You looked like a dream, like a distant memory that just came back to him. You noticed him standing there and his heart shattered when your face scrunched in anger and annoyance.
“I’ll talk to you later Yuu-Chan.” You smiled, gesturing towards Shoko to follow you down the hallway. You disappeared amongst the students as Kento approached Haibara.
Haibara looking between your fading figure and Kento, “Are you okay?”
“I didn’t know (Y/N) and you still talked,” Kento answered, still staring down the hall.
“Well yeah, they’re not mad at me.” Haibara stated.
That shocked Kento, “(Y/N) is mad at me?!” He said that a little too loud and Haibara quickly pulled him into the empty classroom.
“Why is (Y/N) mad at me?” Kento asked before the door could even shut.
“You rejected them.”
“On Valentine’s Day? The note?” Haibara gestured towards the desk.
“That was Gojo-senpai’s note!”
“Gojo-senpai wrote you a note?!”
“What are you talking about!?”
“What are you talking about?!”
Kento stepped back to lean against the desk as Haibara rattled on. “I never took Gojo-senpai for your type…”
Could that note have been from (Y/N)?
“I don’t think he likes the brooding type either…” Haibara inquired to himself.
Why would you of all people write him a note? It sounded ridiculous. There was no way you liked him. You couldn’t have, right?
Haibara struck a thinking man pose against the empty desk, “Utahime and Shoko-senpai seem more compatible with each other than either of them with Gojo-senpai.”
That perfume on the note, it was yours. He had been in your room plenty of times to spot it. You knew where he sat. You knew when he came into class. It had to be you.
“Definitely. Geto-senpai is his type.” Haibara concluded.
“Haibara?” Kento spoke.
Haibara was still tuned into his own deductions, “You agree, right?”
“Not about that! I need you to help me apologize to (Y/N).” Kento rested back against the desk. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He knew he had to make it up to you. He had to do it before you never talked to him again.
The rest of the day was filled with dread. You, of course, ignored and avoided Kento. It didn’t help calm Kento’s mind that that he embarrassed you in front of Gojo and Geto. Both of them just LOVED bringing up any embarrassing moment they witnessed. A chill ran down his spine at the thought that he is cause of your torment right now (even though they both knew better to not rub a heartbreak like that in your face). There was truly no escape from his mistakes. The worst part of it all is that he didn’t even bother to read the note. He crumpled your feelings up like trash and threw them back at you. Like it was below him. How could he do that to you?
 You seemed to be fine without him which hurt a hell of a lot more. You smiled just as easily with Gojo and everyone else. It’s like you didn’t notice the space he left, if he took up any at all. Did he really mean so little to you that you could just erase him from your life? Would an apology even do anything? What if you already fell out of love with him?
“What is it? I'm busy.” Your words felt like daggers piercing through him.
“Just checking on you.” Kento replied, holding a bandage out for you to take. After a tough mission, in which you two still barely spoke, Kento was trying his hardest to make some kind of amends. Two weeks turned into three and a month later. Today is the first day you two were in the same vicinity. And truthfully you had nowhere else to be but it was better than being here, beaten and bruised by a dumb curse. It was located in the pool of a middle school on the other side of town. The curse wasn’t too hard or powerful, its only saving grace was its speed. It gave you both the run around from late morning to early evening while Gojo and Geto dealt with the much tougher foes on the outside. And Gojo being the saint he is made sure that You and Kento were stuck together the whole mission. I mean it only made sense to him, right? He and Geto are better suited for the bigger curses. He’s just being a responsible senpai! That’s also why he lovingly made sure to excuse himself and Geto from the car ride back so it was just you two alone in the infirmary.
The thought of that smug bastard dining on snacks from the convenience store while you had to suffer made your blood boil. You were grateful those two showed restraint until now but this was the worst time to confront your feelings. Aching and tired from an embarrassingly long mission.
“I’m fine, thanks.” You replied coldly. You ignored his gesture and reached for your jacket on the bench. You tugged it on and felt a sharp pain shoot up through your shoulder. It wasn’t that painful but you were in a hurry and the shock got to you. Kento quickly shifted to your aid but you took a step away from him.
“You’re hurt (Y/N),” He pleaded. He pulled the jacket out of your arms and you put up no fight against him. At this point you were willing to run without it. Who does he think he is to act so kindly now?!
You yelled, “Why do you care?!
How could he have any sympathy for you now? If he really didn’t like you he could have done it privately! Why embarrass you in front of your friends like that! On Valentine’s Day of all days!
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“Leave me alone. You can’t just keep being friends with me after hurting me like that!”
“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know you wrote the note!”
“How could you not know?!”
“I-I didn’t open the note-”
“You didn’t read it!” Your voice cracked in anger and sadness. The pain in your shoulder was distant compared to the lump in your throat and the pit in your chest. Forget throwing the note away, he didn’t even read it! He didn’t even care what you had to say! How could Kento be so cruel! “I wish you would just leave me alone!”
You turned to leave but Kento pulled you back by your wrist, mindful of your injury. You didn’t feel like trying to break free, it was only to aggravate your shoulder into an actual cause of concern.
He spoke softly, “I thought it was a prank from Gojo. It just didn’t make sense any other way. I’m sorry.”
You still faced away from him, “Did you not consider my feelings at all?”
“I couldn’t have imagined someone like you would ever like someone like me.”
You scoffed, “And what am I like?”
“Perfect. Gorgeous. Generous. Brave.” Kento listed off as you finally relaxed into his touch. You still didn’t turn around, afraid this was still some kind of joke. If it was, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
Kento sighed, “I never thought you would like me. Like I didn’t deserve you. So when I saw that letter I thought it could only be a joke. I thought I could live with you hating me but… I’ve realized how much it hurts not being with you. I didn’t mean to hurt you (Y/N), I’m sorry.”
You were trying your hardest to not let tears fall. Part of you wanted to pull away and run. The other wanted Kento to hug you close. He didn’t mean to hurt you. Kento wouldn’t ever hurt you on purpose, that’s clear now. You always knew he wasn’t that kind of guy. You thought distracting yourself in your friends and missions would ease the pain but it only emphasized just how alone you felt without him at your side.
“(Y/N), I understand if you're still mad at me but please, don’t ignore me anymore.” He pleaded.
You hesitantly turned around, “Do you really like me, the way I like you?”
“I do!” He answered eagerly. His suddenness took you aback. Kento took both of your hands in his but quickly got embarrassed. A choked back laugh left you as he blushed. Though embarrassed, Kento was happy to see you smiling again. Smiling at him.
You pulled him into a hug, holding him like this moment would disappear. You listened to his heartbeat pick up as he wrapped his arms around you and relaxed into his embrace. Kento wasn’t much of a hugger but you loved being in his arms. He felt so safe with you.
You kept your head resting towards his chest. Softly you spoke, “I’m sorry I ignored you.”
“Don’t be, I should have read the note.”
You both stood there in a comfortable silence. Neither wanted to leave but the infirmary was closing for the night. Kento offered to walk back to your dorm room, obviously not ready for the moment to end.
“So,” he spoke carefully, “What did the note say?”
Your cheeks heated up at the memories. You spent four whole days writing a confession and scraped every version beyond the last. Even if that was short and sweet you still racked your brain over it! “D-Don’t worry about that! It’s over now!”
He chuckled, “(Y/N), I’ve never seen you so embarrassed.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” You pouted.
“How about we go on a date tomorrow? It’s White Day so, consider it my response.” Kento smiled. “Would you tell me what you wrote then?”
“Fine,” you huffed as you reached your room door. “Only because you're mending my broken heart.”
Kento smiled. He brought your hands up to his lips and gently kissed the inside of your wrist. “It’s a date. Rest up, okay?”
“R-Right..” You nodded. He gave you a small wave and he disappeared down the hall. You quickly shut the door behind you and slid down to your knees, thoroughly embarrassed. Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest. You looked over to your desk where the infamous letter sat and the realization set in.
Ah… Kento… likes me…
The Note Kento got vs the process Y/N went through:
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lizzieisright · 7 months
The happy end to this story! (childhood friends to lovers). Thank you for voting!
Palestine: what can you do
Morning comes way too early and your head is absolutely killing you. You sit on the bed slowly, scared you'll get dizzy, and try to remember how much you drank yesterday.
Instead you're hit with a brick to your face when you remember the end of the night.
Holy fuck.
You can't breathe for a second. Why the fuck did you confess to Abby? Did she kiss you as well? What the fuck? What the fuck happened?
You don't feel like you can even start to unpack all of that in your current state. You take a shower with a slight tremor in your body and keep your head empty: it's not hard when the headache is still pounding at your temples.
You brush your teeth and lazily slump to the kitchen, eager to drink something - dehydration is such a bitch. You make yourself tea and sit on a chair, staring at your table.
It's not true, is it? You had these dreams before when you'd wake up and swear something happened, but then details wouldn't add up and you'd come to a conclusion it was your drunk hallucination. This was probably one of them, right?
Should you text Abby and ask if anything happened?
Yeah, no. You'd rather die.
It eats you alive and if it's really happened, it'd be the end. No way Abby really kissed you yesterday - she probably left and your mind decided to sweeten the pill and played the same tape it plays every time you get too upset. It's pathetic and humiliating, but it makes you feel better. Usually.
It doesn't make you feel better now since your intuition is screaming at you, telling you yesterday was real, but you ignore it, because you can't afford hope.
And even if it was real, what's next? Hey Abby, do you want to break up wi-
The doorbell rings and startles you - and now you're terrified. You don't want to know who is there. (Because you know who it is.)
But you can't ignore the doorbell because it hurts your head way too much, so you go to open the door just to end this awful noise.
And Abby is there, smiling with a bag of a takeout next door she knows you crave on the hangover.
"Hi." She breathes out and there's her usual adoring look you can't handle. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm genuinely considering dying as an option." You joke, but you'd really prefer to be anywhere else than face Abby and yesterday's.. situation.
"Did you wake up not long ago?" Abby makes her way around your apartment to go to the kitchen and you're puzzled.
"Half an hour ago."
So did something happen yesterday or not? Is Abby being normal or is she pretending to be normal? Your dry ramen brain can't figure her out, so you decide to go with the flow and see what happens.
Abby serves the food and you sit down to eat. Your stomach growls and there is disgusting smell of alcohol when you breath out; you cringe and start eating, your mind is still half-empty. You feel like a zombie with no functioning brains and it's better than hearing your anxiety.
"Thank you." You say and take a large bite, because apparently you're very hungry.
"I broke up with Mia."
You choke on your food.
"What the fuck Abby!" You cough and it takes a few minutes to calm down. "You can't just say it when I'm chewing, come on. But also: What?"
"I went to her place just before I came here. We talked and I told her I can't keep dating her. She was upset, but she said she understood."
You blink. Your hands start shaking and it's not hangover. You press your lips together to not smile because Abby's words give you hope.
"So yesterday was real?" You ask, scared shitless.
"Yeah." Abby smiles and reaches out, tangling her fingers with yours. "You thought it was a dream?"
"Yeah." You admit and stare at your joined hands. "Are you being friendly right now?" You are cautious. You can't have any subtlety right now, you need Abby to be clear with you. After yesterday there's no space for blurred boundaries and friendly flirting.
"No, I'm not." Abby chuckles. "You want to hear it?"
"Yes." You sound like you're begging and Abby giggles.
"I'm in love with you."
You fold. Literally. Your body gives up and relaxes in the chair and you take a deep breath. It's real. It's all real, and Abby is here and she is in love with you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Oh my god." You squeak under your breath. "Yes. Yes. Fuck. Fuck, I will."
Abby smiles happily and raises your fingers to kiss them. You shudder and you feel like you're going to throw up.
Oh shit.
You run to the bathroom and empty your stomach. Abby runs after you, laughing, but keeping your hair out of the way.
"Shut the fuck up, Abby." You say and wipe your mouth. "I'm hangover."
Abby washes your face for you and kisses your forehead.
"Is it gross I still want to kiss you?" Abby murmurs and you feel your face heat up.
"Incredibly gross. I'll brush my teeth first."
Abby laughs and watches impatiently as you brush your teeth. The moment you finish she is turning you around and kisses you, wet and hungry, and your knees buckle. Abby is not shy and she is not trying to slow down, practically devouring you, pushing her tongue inside your mouth and squeezing your waist as if she is mapping you with her fingers. You're overwhelmed by all of this, but you respond eagerly and hug her shoulders. The kiss tastes like mint, but both of you don't mind.
"I guess your skills improved since we were 14." Abby teases you, but she is smiling happily. You are both panting, and you pinch her side enough for it to be painful.
"And you still drool all over my face."
"Well." Abby smirks at you. "You seem to like it."
"Maybe." You return the smirk and kiss her again, wondering if your God is a still a God if you can reach her?
You think she is.
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Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
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Dbf Joel Miller x fem reader (previous) No apocalypse AU
Spencer Reid x reader
Based on Taylor Swifts song, who’s afraid of little old me.
Warnings- Angst! Lots of angst, reader has a breakdown. Arguments, Joel’s a dick!, cuss words, supportive parents, Spencer’s a sweetheart as always, mentions of infidelity, heartbreak, some suggestive thoughts, 18+, if you like a Dbf Joel happy ending don’t read this! Happy ending with Spencer though.
So this idea just kinda popped into my head after listening to the song over and over, so at 2am I hashed this out (probably terribly proof read), also I am nearly finished with Pretty little letters 2, which will be up in a few days :).
We’ve all had that one ex who lead us to temporary insanity during the break up. 💔
Word count- 3.4K
The scandal was contained
The bullet had just grazed
At all costs, keep your good name
You don't get to tell me you feel bad
… Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke
Then we could all just laugh until I cry
… So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
"Who's afraid of little old me?"
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean
"Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"
Who's afraid of little old me?
Well, you should be
… You should be
(You should be) You should be
'Cause you lured me (you should be)
And you hurt me (you should be)
And you taught me
Numbness, the feeling you felt right now. He was explaining to you why it had to be this way, why he had to end everything you had built together. Your dads best friend, that’s who you’d fallen for, like an idiot you allowed yourself to be swept off your feet by this man. He initiated this, started this crazy love affair, yes you’d flirted with him but never in your wildest dreams did you think anyone would act on anything.
You’d told him as much when this first started, said this wasn’t a good idea, that you’d get caught, someone would end up hurt, or he’d lose his 11 year friendship with your dad. He assured you that you’d figure it out together, that he wanted you and he wasn’t going to let you go now he finally had you. He’d broken every promise.
Joel Miller, a man who was supposed to have honour, be someone you could trust in, he’d wrecked it all. “So that’s it? It’s over? You’re ending this now? After you promised we could work through anything?” You demanded.
“Yeah darlin, I’m sorry but it’s for the best, your dad is getting suspicious, and people in the community saw us together, we can’t keep givin’ them the grabbing somethin’ for your father crap y/n! This needs to end, I shouldn’t have let it go this far” Joel declares.
“Or we could just tell them we are together? That we care about each other?” You ask.
“No” he deadpans, “This ends now, I’m sorry y/n” then he walks away, leaving you to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart.
Days, you sat there in your window seat staring out into space, you went through everything over and over in your head, where you’d gone wrong, what had you done to cause him to break things off? He promised! Promised you’d get through it all, that you’d sort things out, and you believed him! How naive were you? You’d given yourself to him completely.
You felt ashamed, how did you let this happen? Surely you knew it could only lead to heartbreak. Memories of heated nights fill your mind, tender touches, deep kisses while he buried himself inside you. Tears sting your eyes once more, before you choked on full blown sobs. Burying your face into your hoodie sleeves you scream out in tearful frustration.
A week passes by in a blur, you decide to pull yourself out of this zombie state, deciding to go to the community BBQ this evening, you’d see him there and if you act like maybe nothings bothered you, he’d see his mistake and beg for you back? Or you’d at least get some closure.
You showered, put on your best little black sundress and gave yourself some Smokey eyes to complete your look. Heading down the stairs your dad seemed shocked to see that you were coming, “Hey kiddo! I didn’t think you’d be up for tonight, with how sad you’ve been. You ready to tell me what’s going on now?” He asks, “Boy trouble dad, I’ll be ok” you respond.
He pulls you into a tight dad hug, kissing the top of your head. “Well you know I’m always here for you kiddo right?” He asks, “Yeah dad I know, I’m fine I promise.” You try to assure him “Ok, come on then” he responds before motioning you out the door.
The BBQ was your typical neighbourhood party, people already drunk singing country anthems at the top of their lungs, kids running riot, their mothers trying to keep up. But there in the corner talking to his brother Tommy stood Joel, looking as handsome as ever as he was animatedly explaining something. You make your way over to him but stop dead in your tracks, his ex Tess walks out of the community hall and straight into Joel’s arms, he gives her a smile wrapping his arm around her shoulders, before continuing his story with Tommy.
You stood in absolute shock, it’s been 10 days! Just 10 mere days since he broke things off with you! The audacity! Was this already going on when you were together? You must have caught his attention in your current state, because he was now walking towards you, ‘fuck this!’ You think, before you turn around and run for the exit, shoving anyone in your way aside. “Y/N!” You heard Joel shout, “Y/N wait! Please let me explain” he continues, but all you can do is run! And before you know it you’d ran 6 streets over to your front door.
You slam the door closed behind you locking it and falling to the floor, as sobs wrecked through you, how could he do this? Was it all a lie?. You fell into your bed eventually, the tears wearing you out into a deep sleep.
You avoided him for days, he’d tried coming over several times while your dad was at work. You ignored every knock, every call, he’d even sent you a ton of messages.
Hey y/n
Please answer, we need to talk about this please!
Hey again
Look please I need to explain it all, please don’t tell your dad everything in spite. I know this has probably upset you, but I can’t have my name dragged through the mud here. I have a family, Sarah is your age, she can’t find out please.
And so they went on, you’d gone from sad to angry now, you allowed the burning embers of rage overtake you. How dare he! He should have thought of that before he started this, he doesn’t get to keep his good name, tell you he feels bad but to get on with it. No this wasn’t going to go down this way!
4th July celebrations were in progress, there was to be a whole day of it. Fireworks on the green, a community party, alcohol and EVERYONE would be there. It’s been two weeks since the BBQ, two weeks you’d ignored Joel and gathered up all your anger, tonight was the night you’d release it. To think you used to be so tame, so gentle and kind, he’d stomped it all out of you, you deserved closure. Was it closure though you seeked? Or was it revenge.
As you arrived at the party the sun was beginning to set, bright colours painting the sky. All eyes watched you as you walk through the crowds, most likely still wondering about your fast exit last time, or the determined look on your face making them all nervous. You make your way over to the bar ordering two whiskeys, you promptly neck one, letting the amber liquid burn your throat, before taking the other with you. Joel spots you instantly, leaving Tess’s side to come talk to you, panic written all over his face.
“Y/N hey, can we talk please? I need to explain things and then we can put this all behind us” Joel asks, you let out a humorous laugh “Put this behind us? You move on in mere days, and I’m to get over it? Did it begin before we ended?” You demand, “What! No! I bumped into her a couple of days after our conversation, look let’s move somewhere where less public people are watching” he offers.
“Ha! Why? Are you afraid of little old me?” You goad, while he stutters at your outspoken comment you declare,
“You should be”.
“What, y/n no come on we can sort it” he pleads, you hadn’t noticed your dad watching your exchange with worried eyes, nor had you seen him make his way over to you both “Hey guys is everything ok here?” Your dad asks, “Well maybe you should ask Joel that, how about it Joel? Is everything ok?” You sneer, “Buddy?” Your dad asks him, “Yeah everything’s fine, isn’t it y/n?” He asks imploring you to see reason.
“No, no it’s not, I’m sorry what did you think was going to happen Joel? I said at the start we shouldn’t have began this, you told me we’d sort through it. You made me fall for you, told me you fell for me too, then when things got hard you dumped me, moved on to her two days later!” You shout pointing at Tess, everyone was now watching you, hearing the raised voices. “Joel, please tell me this isn’t true” your dad implores, “I’m so sorry Dave, I’m so sorry, it just happened I never meant for it to go this far” Joel begs, a loud smack echos through the air, gasps heard from everyone as your dads fist connects with Joel’s jaw.
Tess comes running over now, and your dads loosing it with Joel “How could you! My daughter Joel! She’s the same age as Sarah!”
“I know buddy I know, I have no excuse, I ended things when I realised what I’d done, I didn’t mean to hurt her” Joel answers, “She’s only 20 Joel! You’re 48! Did you really think her emotionally mature enough to consent and then deal with the break up?” your dad bellows. Tess is the one standing in shock now, clearly she had no clue about you at all. “Well I didn’t think she’d act this crazy no!” Joel shouts, this time it’s your fist that connects with Joel’s face, his nose lets out a loud crack as your hand makes contact.
“Fuck you Joel! Never come near me again! Never call or message, stay the hell out of mine and my dads lives!” You state, “Dad can we go please?” You whimper “Yeah, of course darlin, come on let’s get out of here”. You turn to the crowd who are all still silent, staring at you in shock “What!” You shout, anger still filling you, your dad ushers you away from the crowds and into the car.
Once you’d arrived home your dad finally spoke to you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tears start falling again, “I thought he loved me dad, I though we’d work it out, then eventually tell you. I’m such an idiot!” You cry, he pulls you in tight “No sweetheart you’re not, you’re not. We will get though this, I’m here for you”.
That was six years ago now, you’d packed up and moved up north back in with your mother, both you and your dad decided it was for the best. He didn’t want to see you go, but you weren’t emotionally stable at that point and you needed to get away from the ‘Situation’.
So after a lot of therapy, comfort from your mum and your dad, some self reflection and some determination, you graduated medical school with honours. You’d completely turned your life around, joined an amazing team at the BAU (behavioural analysis unit) as their resident pathologist.
Which is where you met a wonderful man called Spencer Reid. He was everything you needed in a partner, he was kind, sweet, attentive and he showed you off as his proudly.
You loved this man immensely, you’d been completely honest about your past, about Joel, and your break down. He’d in turn told you about his mum, all her issues, and his sad childhood. He also told you about his addiction that he’s overcome, you became each others rocks, one another’s biggest supporters, but most of all you made the other whole again.
Your parents loved Spencer, they disagreed with most things, but they both agreed that Spencer was perfect for you, he brought out the best in you and they were so happy that you were happy.
Walking into your shared apartment after a long day at comic con, you took off your matching Dr Who scarfs and cuddled up on the couch. “That was great fun! We should make this an annual thing!” You declare, “Yeah absolutely, did you know that the first comic con began in 1970 when a small group of comic book, movie, and science fiction fans from San Diego put on an event, only 300 people attended! And since then, Comic-Cons grown into the global phenomenon that it is today” Spencer explained, you smiled along loving his info dumping. He always gets so excited, and you love watching his face light up as he tells you whatever fact is on his mind.
“That’s so interesting! Well I thank that group of fans then, because that was super fun!” You reply, Spencer smiles at you before pulling you into a sweet kiss. “Have you decided what you want to do this weekend? Did you want to go?” He asks, tentatively moving a strand of hair from your face. “I don’t know, it’s hard because Mrs Harris has been next door to me and my dad since forever, it’s her 80th birthday party and I should go. But part of me still worries about seeing him there” you explain.
“I know, and I understand. But I will be there with you the whole time holding your hand.” He offers, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a loving kiss to your palm. “Yeah, ok we will go, but if I get uncomfortable at any point….” “Then we will leave” he states, you nod “Ok”.
Arriving back in Austen Texas was nerve wrecking, your leg shakes in the cab back to your dads place. Spencer places his hand on your thigh to try and steady its shaking, “Hey, look at me baby, it’s going to be ok! You have me and your dad and we aren’t going to let anyone be mean to you” Spencer assures. Your sweet sweet man, if only it was that simple, you place your hand over his and give it a little squeeze, your way of saying I’m ok.
As you exit the car you take in the house you’d always called home, not much had changed. There was a new lick of paint on the exterior, some new plants out front, but all in all it was the same. You sigh, it was nice to be home again, for the last six years your dad had come to Virgina to see you, so you didn’t have any unwanted feelings arise, but now it was time. Time to put everything behind you, to get real closure and relinquish any power he still has over you.
The front door opens abruptly startling you, “There she is!!! My baby girl is home” your dad gushes as he pulls you into a big bear hug, “It’s great to see you again too Spencer” he adds. “Nice to see you again too sir” Spencer replies, “Please you don’t need to use sir it makes me feel old as hell” your dad laughs, causing Spencer to bashfully nod. “It’s great to see you dad, six months has been too long!” You admit, “It sure is baby girl! Ok let’s get you both settled in before the big event this evening” your dad says, grabbing your bag and heading inside. He was still a little worried about how you were going to get through today, even though you had assured him several times you were ok, that you needed to do this in order to fully move on from the situation.
Dressed up that evening you stared at yourself in your old bedroom mirror, flashbacks of this very same moment six years ago go through your mind, only this time you have Spencer holding your hand, the love of your life, your best friend. Also this time your dad knew what was going on, you had love and support, this time was different.
“You look beautiful” Spencer smiled, “I’m so lucky to call you as mine” he admits pulling you against him, hands cupping your face as his lips meet yours in a loving kiss. You shake your head, “No it’s me that’s lucky, because I have you” you whisper against his jaw, nuzzling your nose against his neck, letting his scent comfort you. “Come on then, let’s get this over with” you declare, “Ok baby, remember what we said?” He asks, “Yup three squeezes to your hand and we will leave right away” you recite, he nods at you guiding you out the room and down the stairs.
You arrive at the community centre and take it all in, the last time you were here your heart broke, but holding Spencer’s hand you actually felt ok, there were fairy lights webbed above your head, twinkling in the night air, lighting up the courtyard. Mrs Harris stood by food table helping herself to all the sweet treats, you huff a small laugh under your breath, some things never change. Walking up to her you see her face light up “y/n! It’s so good to see you dear, it’s been years! How are you? And who is this handsome young man?” She asks, causing Spencer to go a bright shade of pink, “Mrs Harris! Happy Birthday!” You say as you give her a warm hug, “This here is my boyfriend Spencer, we met at work. And yeah I’m good thank you! Life is really good actually” you smile.
“That’s great my dear, you deserve all the happiness you get, I hear you’re a Doctor now! What an achievement, your dad must be so proud!” She gushes, “Yeah bless him, I work for the FBI now as their pathologist” you explain, “Wow, that’s impressive, well done you! Well make sure you come say goodbye before you leave dear, maybe pop over mine for some tea too?” She asks, “Yeah I’d love that” you confirm.
Walking off you smile at Spencer, you hadn’t even noticed Joel yet, but he heard and witnessed the whole conversation, he’d heard you went to med school but didn’t know you had actually become a Doctor, nor that you had joined the FBI. That’s probably due to the loss of friendship with your father, he watched you with sad eyes, you hadn’t even noticed him yet, so swept up with this new love of yours.
You on the other hand had taken to the dance floor with Spencer, giggling as he twirled you around and pulled you in close. What had you done to deserve this wonderful sunshine of a man, he brightens up every dark corner of your mind, guiding you through and back into the light. You look over his shoulder and your eyes meet with Joel’s, you offer him a nod, one to say hey, and it’s ok I’m over it, I’ve moved on. This causes a searing pain in his chest, he hadn’t moved on, Tess left him that night after the truth came out. He’d realised he did still have feelings for you, he just got in his head and ran off like a scared little boy. A decision he bitterly regrets, looking at you now you’d truly gown up into a mature, brilliant and beautiful woman, despite the pain he’d caused you, you’d blossomed into a force to be reckoned with, a Doctor and an FBI agent.
You however felt closure, real closure this time, one that only develops after learning to love yourself, from realising you are enough and you can do anything you put your mind too, having a loving supportive partner helps too. You smile up at Spencer, resting your forehead against his, life has a funny way of working itself out to be the way it was always meant to be.
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Hi Cal!!! Lol I’m submitting later than I usually would but dw I’m here with lots of emojis! 😝 I hope the competitions went well!! Your dogs are so adorable please tell them I said “hi hi hi!!” with lots of pats and smooches!
Already so pumped for the new stories! I think I’m gonna vary my submission order this time - I’m finding a theme for the pair of emojis in each ask. First up is the supernatural stories!
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟 (this story is still everything to me! I can’t wait for when they come back from their road trip and buck is ride or die for eddie and the rest of the 118 is kinda lost :p in every world BuckAndEddie are a bit much so why should an apocalypse be any different?)
➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ (i have questions! I want answers! I’m ready for buck to bust them out of there and to find out why eddie is being both wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird)
- PCA <3
Thanks! The dogs did great! All passes, and three new titles across between the two of them
75 for 🧟 (THANKS! Excited to share my plans. I may not hit 75 though because I'm almost done the chapter. We shall see.)
It happens before the sun is even up. It’s not the full dark of nighttime, but not quite dawn. Eddie has finally managed a few hours of sleep on the couch. That is, until he is rudely awoken by a loud clattering outside the house. 
His first two thoughts, as he snaps from dream to reality, are Buck and raccoons. The first thought is proven wrong when Buck immediately calls Eddie from the bedroom, asking if the noise is him. So not Buck. And, when he hears another loud clatter, and a muffled curse, he realizes it’s raccoons either. Or zombies.
So, Eddie doesn’t really think. He doesn’t wait for Buck. He grabs his weapon, and he rushes outside. It’s hard to see, but Eddie is immediately greeted by the dark silhouetted of two living, un-zombified people messing around with his truck. They’ve got the hood open, they’ve jacked up the wheels, siphoned the gas… Everything… . 
He doesn’t think. He aims at the thieves, and shoots. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hears Buck hiss behind him. 
Even in the dark, Eddie’s aim proves true. It hits one of the thieves, though probably not fatally. The man shouts in agony and falls backward. The other thief grabs something from under the hood and takes off running. 
“Fuck,” Buck says again. 
The person Eddie shot scrambles back to his feet, cradling his arm. He takes off running in the direction of his co-conspirator. He knocks over a gas canister as he runs, spilling fuel all over the driveway. 
“DON’T COME BACK!” Eddie shouts after them. It feels sort of redundant after the whole gunshot bit, honestly. 
Buck shoves past Eddie to go pick up the canister, trying to save as much gasoline as he can. Eddie stands uselessly for a moment, hands shaking a little. Not from the danger. Eddie is used to the danger. But to the… Well, the fucking catastrophe of it all. Another stupid, horrible thing to happen because of Eddie’s fruitless mission to find Shannon. Now his truck is ruined. And… And he dragged Buck into all of it.  
Yeah not quite 75 but all I can do for you right now.
75 for ➰ (Wonderfully sweet and sketchily weird is exactly right!):
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“It’s okay!” Buck scrambles to appease him. “It’s fine, Eddie. We can still make it for dinner on time.”
They’ll go to the seafood place, sit inside, and die of carbon monoxide poisoning or whatever it is. No need to panic. No need to assume disaster will strike. 
“What does a broken kayak rack have to do with dinner?” Chris asks. 
“Nothing,” Eddie mumbles. “Nothing at all.”
“Beach or pool?” Buck asks when they walk back to the Jeep.
Eddie still looks flattened. Like he’s waiting for the worst to happen. Which is weird. Because the day Buck jumped out of the way of the kayak, he’d been pretty understanding. Why is today different?
“Doesn’t matter to me,” Eddie replies, somewhat weakly. He almost seems dejected. Like, okay. Can’t we be glad Buck wasn’t smacked in the head? Just for a second? 
“Well, what’s easier?” Buck asks. “In the worst case scenario.”
Eddie sighs. “Pool. Less work for first responders. And, uh, me.”
Right. Getting down to the beach. The sand. The water. That makes sense. 
“Pool it is,” Buck replies. 
“You guys don’t make any sense,” Chris sighs. “You’re being extra weird today.” 
“Sorry, Chris,” Eddie mumbles. 
“Yeah, sorry, bud,” Buck adds. “You don’t mind an afternoon at the pool, do you?” 
“Nope,” Chris says. “I’m okay with the pool. We have beaches in L.A.”
It kind of ends up being like the day Buck hit his head on the rocks. Chris and Buck swim in the pool and have fun, and Eddie seems somewhat distant. Not quite as bad as that day, but it does feel like he’s hanging back and not participating. The difference, this time, is that Buck is aware of what’s happening. He knows Eddie is waiting for something bad to happen to one of them. He just doesn’t understand what makes this go-around different for Eddie. 
“What’s wrong?” Buck asks him, sitting beside him on a reclining pool chair. He’s brought them both a fresh beer.
“You know what’s wrong,” Eddie whispers. He takes a sip of his beer. A long sip. “We messed up the day. Something worse is coming.”
“Okay, but you didn’t act like this last time I screwed up,” Buck reminds him. 
“That was different,” Eddie mumbles. 
“How?” Buck asks. “It’s kind of the exact same, actually. Other than the fact that I didn’t accept drugs from Rachel.”
Who passed him by without offering, thankfully. She’s sitting across the pool deck, begging her kids not to run so close to the edge of the water, rubbing sunscreen into her husband’s very hairy back. Buck has avoided looking at her as much as possible. Eddie has thrown her unpleasant glances, which feels a little too far. She doesn’t know she killed Buck.
Eddie sighs. “It just is, Buck. Okay?”
“Why?” Buck asks. “Because we both messed up this morning and not just me?”
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greyyson-but-no · 1 year
come with us
genre | fluff, humour
warnings | blood, arrows,
pairing | c!tommyinnit x reader; platonic!c!wilbur x reader
word count | 1.2K
a/n | didn't think I'd get something out before gcse's started but here we are. won't see you for a few weeks because of gcse's but with my (lack of) dedication to them you might get something...
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the zombie fell to the ground as the last of my arrows flew into its dead flesh, finishing the job off. it’s death revealed the two boys standing behind it, brows furrowed at the sight of me, jaws slightly ajar. i simply lifted a hand up to my nose to wipe the blood away on my sleeve, which now had a deep rip in it from the cut of one of their arrows. i hadn’t seen which one had shot it but i’d find out.
one of them was much taller than the other. brown hair and a long beige coat dangling from the lanky figure. he had a number of scars thrashed across his face, a large noticeable one across his cheek and a sword hung against his back, backpack held at his side, probably only with the belongings the two of them had.
the other one was blonde, and much shorter than the other. they didn’t look alike enough to be brothers but i had an odd feeling they were. he had a red ringer shirt on, and trousers that were ripped beyond belief. this obviously wasn’t the first time they had gotten into a little bit of trouble, and i‘m guessing the last time they didn’t have me to save them. 
either way, for some reason they both looked as if they were in awe of me.
“you’re welcome.” i murmured, sniffing and walking to the zombie corpse to collect the arrows. 
the shorter one stuttered before gathering his words and speaking. “who are you? what team are you on? where did you come from? how have we never seen you before?”
“the names’s y/n, i don’t know anything about fucking teams or any of that shit, can’t remember where i’m from and i could not tell you. i travel a lot so you’ve probably not had a chance to bump into me.” i answered bluntly, not trusting either of them and wanting to leave as soon as possible. their lack of equipment did not match their look, since it seemed like they had been away from any good base in a while. 
“i’m tommy.”
“goodbye tommy.” i scoff at the boy, even though he was probably the same age as me. “i’ve got places to be.”
the taller one that hadn’t spoken stepped forward. “you don’t look like you’ve got places to be, y/n.”
“and who might you be?”
“i’m wilbur.” he stuck his hand out and i shook it, looking up at him. “we’re from a nation called l’manburg, it’s an honour to meet you.”
“it’s not an honour to meet you.” i send him a sickeningly sweet smile and pull my hand away. “now if you don’t mind, i really don’t care who you are nor where you come from, i’m just trying to survive and quite frankly, i’d like to leave.”
wilbur laughed a little under his breath, and was about to speak but was quickly pulled to the side by his younger, dragging him behind the nearest tree he could find. obviously, he thought taking him behind a tree would mean that i couldn’t hear him, which was blatantly incorrect.
“recruit her? to fucking what?”
“i think we should recruit her.” tommy spoke.
“to l’manburg, will! she’s obviously on her own and we know she’s good with that bow, unlike some of us. she could help us.”
“to l’manburg, tommy?”
“you literally nearly begged niki to join us and moped around when she said no. give me one disadvantage of her joining us. i bet you can’t find one.” the blonde insisted.
“how can we trust her? dream might have sent her to infiltrate l’manburg.”
“he has no reason to be suspicious of us, he has no need to send her, or anyone at that. i’m sure she’s trustworthy. anyway, why would she have saved us from that zombie if she wanted us dead?” he asked rhetorically. “come on, you know you can’t say no to me.”
there was a small moment of silence before wilbur audibly sighed and spoke again. ��fine, but if she’s a spy, or does anything to give l’manburg a disadvantage then it’s on you.”
the two of them come out from behind the tree, tommy with a wide grin on his face and wilbur with a not so happy looking frown. they had no idea i could hear all of that conversation, so i giggled a little when tommy eagerly asked the question.
“i’ll take it.”
“did you want to come back to our nation and stay with us?” he phrased it, hand resting on the sword he had nestled into the holster at his hip.
“to l’manburg?” i asked, grinning gleefully at my mimic of wilbur’s words. their faces went a little pale, each jaw dropping slightly as they realised that i had heard, but i just laughed slightly. “why should i?” 
“because you look like you need a friend. and we haven’t got much ourselves but any help is welcome.” he spoke, sending me a soft smile that for some reason i had to return. 
i couldn’t control it. i hadn’t smiled in weeks, the last time being when i’d found a small rabbit that needed taking care of, and yet here i was smiling at this boy that had just offered me a place to stay. such a big part of me was sceptical of the two, but why would they offer me clarity if they only planned to run me over later? they wouldn’t. and i really did need the help. i hadn’t eaten in ages and my arrows weren’t going to last much longer. i’m sure these people had good protection back at whatever nation they hailed from. it would be fine. so i decided to trust them.
“okay. sure. i’ll come with you.”
“yes!” tommy grinned, wilbur rolling his eyes at the younger’s excitement. 
“on one condition.” i raised an eyebrow at tommy as he slowed, cautious of what my condition would be. “you don’t kill me and leave me in a ditch.”
tommy laughed, and i felt a little spark at his laugh. it had been a long time since i’d made someone laugh. “it’s a deal.” he stuck out his hand for me to shake. “i won’t kill you and leave you in a ditch.”
i shook his hand and nodded, smiling up at him continuously. 
wilbur cleared his throat. “if you two are done, the sun’s setting, we need to get back before it gets dark.”
“we’re done, will, don’t worry. come on y/n, to l’manburg!”
i laughed again, and followed the two of them as they headed off towards whatever nation that they were from, wilbur ahead of tommy as the younger one waited back for me to catch up. yeah, he really didn’t want to leave me behind. for once i was thankful that someone didn’t want to leave me behind.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Your Love Is Like A Wave (And It's Drowning Me Out) - 9k Words
A series of Majorwood drabbles, starting in Double Life and going through the next season, and bleeding into New Life as well
Or: 9k words of majorwood just for all of you 💖
A03 Link
Martyn is currently sitting by a cobblestone box, giggling to himself slightly. Said cobblestone box contains Jimmy, a red life, who he and the rest of his weird little quartet of yellows managed to kidnap. He doesn’t know exactly why he’s giggling though.
Well he kinda does, because this whole thing is a little funny. Jimmy still has air, and can see the sky, so for now he’s just loudly complaining and calling for his rancher to come to rescue him, all the while slinging curses at the other four. Pearl’s sitting on the edge of the box, dangling a hand in ever so often. Like the caged canary were some sort of wild animal that could bite at any moment, instead of ya know their friend? (To be fair Jimmy had tried to bite her once, but it probably wasn’t serious. Probably. )
Cleo is closer to him than Pearl is, making her own comments and jabs about the situation. And sandwiched right between them is Scott, and that man is the whole reason why Martyn isn’t sure why he’s giggling.
Making fun of Tim like this is always funny to an extent, but at some point Martyn’s brain laser focused on Scott and decided to never focus on anything else ever. Pearl and Cleo might as well not even be here, and Jimmy is only there to his brain because of his near constant back and forth with Scott. The man is close to him, very close, and taking quite a good amount of joy in teasing his former husband. All Martyn has been able to think about for the past five, maybe ten minutes is the sound of Scott’s voice and how nice his laugh sounds.
He already knew he had sort of a thing for Cleo. That was a given, they were soulmates, and Martyn was very weak for pretty people. But he wasn’t expecting Scott to be lumped in as well. It’s not like there was anything wrong with Scott, or that he wasn’t attractive or something. It’s just that their relationship has never been….positive in these games? And especially not now that Cleo hates him.
He ends up staring apparently, and maybe looking a little too taken with the man beside him at one point. Scott does catch his gaze for a moment, but that doesn’t stop Martyn from zoning out and staring. Cleo does though, her icy undead gaze seeing right through him. He looks aways, ears turning a little red, just as they hear Tango’s voice coming from over the hill.
“Ya know he’s into you, right?” Cleo says one day.
“What?” Scott mutters back, having literally no idea what they're talking about. “ He ” could literally be eleven other people on this server, most of whom claim to be in a happy relationship or something. So for their sakes Scott hopes the mysterious he does not like him, even if being a homewrecker and stealing Bdubs’s dream would be kinda funny.
“Martyn, he’s into you.” The zombie repeats herself, giving him a slightly unimpressed look. “You’ve noticed the staring, right?”
“Yeah,” Scott huffs, looking back over the ravine. “But I thought he was staring at you, because you were right next to me, or he was being…..being well Martyn. ”
“ Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” Cleo exclaims, looking at him like he’s a ghost. “I caught him staring at you the other day and he blushed! ” They look like they’re ready to grab Scott by the shoulders and shake him for being so oblivious. He also gets the vibe that she’s trying to push them together for some reason, which is weird because the zombie absolutely despises that man right now. Scott would know, she’s told him as much on late night “our soulmates suck” rants.
He hums in response, deciding that looking anywhere else was better than meeting Cleo’s gaze at the moment. She was giving him a look, one of those I can’t believe your this stupid looks.
“Pretty sure I’m not into him, so…” Scott mutters after a moment.
“You were staring dreamily at his base when I brought that up.”
He opens his mouth to reply, but promptly closes it when no words come to him. He’s not into Martyn, wouldn’t be in a million years. Even that sounds like the words of a man in denial, and Scott has to stiffen a sigh; eyes now purposely staying very far away from where the blonde's ugly little baston lies. It is always there though, in the corner of his vision, tempting him to look over again.
Martyn sat on the edge of the island, humming absentmindedly to himself; feet dangling in the water below. He was taking a break for…whatever he’d been doing before, and was now just watching the grass slowly spread across the manmade island, pondering all the while. He wasn’t pondering anything bad, no not at all! He didn’t have anything bad to ponder about in the first place. He loved being a Mean Gill, and was very grateful that Scott had allowed him to stay. There was just a slight, erm, issue .
His little….lets call it an infatuation from the previous season had come back. It was in full force too, to make matters worse.
Martyn could feel himself blushing red at the thought, and tried very hard to stop that. How would he explain sitting there, randomly red as a tomato, to anyone who saw? Because TIES could very easily see him, and Scott was probably somewhere nearby. The awful, pretty, beautiful, absolutely horrible man that was making him like this in the first place.
The blonde kicked at the water, watching it ripple and splash. Why did emotions have to be so weird?
Ever since he’d teamed up with the man, Martyn's thoughts had become filled with nothing but Scott. He’d laid awake, bed agonizingly close to the others, and thought about how pretty his eyes were. How he could drown in them and wouldn’t even complain. He thought about his hair, how soft it looked, how he desperately wanted to play with it and run his fingers through it. He thought how not only did Scott have fish features now, which were a little hot honestly, he also had freckles; which were fucking adorable , actually? Martyn didn’t even know he had a thing for freckles or fish people before, but you learn something new everyday he supposed.
He thought about pressing kisses to each of Scott’s freckles, of holding his face and cuddling him late in the night. He thought about how he always had to keep his gaze away from Scott’s lips, how he had to ignore the impulse to kiss him out of the blue because that was weird and wrong and Scott didn’t even like him back.
Martyn kicked the water again, with more force this time. He watched the ripples and splashes again, ones that were now more forceful, and was aware that his face was probably souring a little.
It was never like this before, never like this with Ren. With ren they’d just…. been something from the start it felt like. Maybe that was because Ren’s affection was loud, something he wasn’t shy about; so Martyn hadn’t been shy either. That feeling had burned pleasantly, it had been all consuming and the light he clung onto in the darkest days.
But now Ren wasn’t here, and Martyn didn’t have that light, that comfort . Martyn didn’t have that all consuming fire anymore. He’d been a little taken by them both he thinks, in Double Life. But back then Ren was bright and familiar and well….his usual self. Scott had been hurt, had been colder, would sneer at him and Pearl after throwing them out. It was hard to admit a guy was pretty when you saw his actions drive someone closer to insanity is all. (Though Martyn had also left her, which he felt bad about in hindsight, but at the time it was never their fault to his head. It was always Scott and Cleo ; they were always the bad guys . And now he knows there were no bad guys in that situation, that yeah maybe all four of ‘em kinda sucked and treated each other like shit.)
WIthout Ren, without the complications that came with soulbonds, this feeling had creeped up on him. It had ensnared him and wouldn’t let go; it’d stuck its tendrils in him and he couldn’t pull them out. And Martyn didn’t want to let go of it either, because Scott made him feel warm and fuzzy and bright and he adored it. He adored him , even if this was the most painful unrequited slow burn he’d ever been tangled up in.
Scott’s voice called his name from somewhere behind them, presumably their shared house, and Martyn jumped. His heart skipped a few beats in his chest, and dear god the blonde could feel himself swooning and he wasn’t even within bloody eyesight of Scott yet. He took a deep breath, tried to calm his probably flushing face and stood up, wincing at how soaked his sandals were. Yeah, maybe this was more than an infatuation , and he’d be an absolute idiot to keep thinking that. Maybe he was a little down bad, if you must. Maybe he had a little crush even.
He called back to the other, slowly walking back. He briefly thought about the teasing flirts Scott gave him, and the ones that sounded a little too shy, when Scott flushed the slightest bit of pretty light pink as he spoke. Those were the ones Martyn didn’t think were his teammates normal “flirt with every man in a five mile radius” bit. He thought, desperately hoped, that they were real.
And if Scott was going to flirt so much Team TIES asked about it once, why not play into the bit a little more? Martyn normally wasn’t one to be shy with his affections like this, and just because Scott made him feel like a lovesick schoolgirl, made him feel like no one else ever would, didn’t mean he had to be.
Martyn reached their storage room with a smile and decided yeah, he'll have some fun with this. Maybe he’d get a yes or no at the end of it too.
They're standing there, talking with Jimmy when it happens. Scott’s forgotten why they were at the mansion in the first place really, just that they were there. The conversation had turned to friendly teasing at one point, as it always does with the blonde avian. The two Mean Gills admittedly aren’t very good at not taking the mick out of him.
Today the teasing is because of how Jimmy looks at them both. His gaze is shifting in between them, focusing on the way Martyn stands a little too close to Scott; close enough to be something more than friendly. Close enough where if he wanted to, Scott could easily slip a hand into Martyn’s warm ones and never let go.
The two islanders exchange a subtle little look at one point, and it’s clear both of them have come to the same conclusion. His teammate turns back to Jimmy, a devilish little smile dancing on his lips, and Scott is a little excited (and maybe nervous) to see what he does with that new information.
"What Tim?" Martyn teased lightly, a smirk forming on his face. "Ya jealous that your ex got a new partner?" And oh . That’s where Martyn’s taking this. Scott’s breath hitches slightly, and he hopes the other two don’t notice as the word partner starts to repeat over and over again in his head. The word is soon on loop, like it’s coming from a broken record player, and Scott has to tell himself it means nothing. They're not partners….like that . They’re base partners , allies , and most disappointedly just friends ; even if half the server does think otherwise.
Scott gets a grip of his reeling thoughts after a moment, replacing them with curiosity. He decides to say nothing, and let Martyn go…wherever he’s going with this still.
"No." Jimmy replies a moment later, his voice stiff and controlled. He's still looking at them, and at how close they are. He isn't fooling anyone with that, because they can both see the jealous glint in his eyes and how his wings have puffed up behind him.
"You sure about that?" Scott gave the blonde a smirk of his own, a little more light than Martyn's was. He didn’t want to actually upset Jimmy with the teasing, just to poke a little fun at him. He'd also be a massive hypocrite if he made the other man feel bad or something about being jealous, because he'd literally been jealous of Tango and Jimmy last season.
However, and a little frustratingly, Martyn seemed to be working against him. The blonde moved, and before Scott knew what was happening there were arms around his waist. He blinked, feeling heat rise to his face as Martyn hugged him from behind. The blonde rested his head on Scott's shoulder, nuzzling into his neck a little. This man was horrible actually, Scott decided, and he didn’t like him at all anymore.
Jimmy caught his surprised look, and the merfolk desperately wished he didn't blush so easily. It was clear that the blonde was surprised as well, because that was a bold move Martyn had just done. The avian glanced between them one more time, clearly gathering that this was unexpected, before speaking again. "Yep, pretty sure. Goodbye now!" He huffed.
With that Jimmy turned away, clearly not wanting to witness anymore of their PDA, and scrambled his way back to the top of Bad Boy Manor. Martyn just giggled lightly next to Scott's ear and moved away.
When they returned to their island, Martyn did it once again. Scott had been standing in their little newly built storage area, searching for a material he swore he put in that chest. It almost wasn't a surprise when his teammate took a chance to hold him again, warm arms wrapping around his waist again.
"Hey" Scott whispered, letting himself lean into the touch this time.
"Hi" Martyn responded, resting his chin on Scott's shoulder once more. He heard the triumphant smile in the blonde's voice, and presumed there was blush spreading down his neck. His face felt like it was on fire, so that wasn't too surprising either.
"Was Timmy actually jealous back there?" Martyn asked against his neck, having started to nuzzle it again. Scott was really hoping that no one decided to come over right now.
"Yeah, he was." He responded, letting out a small humorless laugh.
"Probably shouldn't have pushed him so far huh." Martyn sighed. "Especially not doing….this." He'd stopped nuzzling Scott, and just buried his head in the crook of his neck instead. Scott shivered, able to feel the others warm breath ghosting over his gills and scales.
"It's fine, I'll message him later" Scott said, finally resuming his search for that material. He’d been so wrapped up in Martyn's presence, he hadn’t even realized he'd stopped doing that.
He let silence fall for a few minutes, Martyn watching as he shuffled through a seemingly endless pile of items, and listening to Scott’s mutters about how badly he needed to organize their stuff. He felt the blonde smile against his skin, before swaying them gently. This whole interaction felt so….domestic, and Scott wondered if he was wrong for wanting more.
"This is nice, though.." Scott muttered into the silence, barely audible. His frills swiveled back in embarrassment, and he felt his face start to heat up even further. There was a sudden, barely there heat against his neck, and he was pretty sure he'd made Martyn blush as well, possibly for the first time that day. It was a small win, but he'd take it. Scott had one point so far and Martyn had like five probably. Yeah that was a good guess, and Scott wouldn't be surprised if it was more. That man was very good at flirting, he had to admit.
Martyn nuzzled him again as a response, and warmth fluttered wildly in his stomach. Okay then, never mind. Martyn six , Scott one.
"I need to move, Martyn." Scott mumbled when he was done searching, fondly glancing at the other. He would love to stay like this, but he tragically could not reach the crafting table from here.
Martyn mumbled something unintelligible and maybe a little grumpy, before starting to let go of Scott’s waist. Before he let go fully, when his hands rested nicely on the merfolks hips, he leaned down to press a small kiss to the side of Scott’s neck. He pecked the other right under where his gills lay, sending yet another shiver to course though Scott.
Scott stood there for a moment, eyes wide. Hadn’t been expecting that when he woke up that morning, that was for sure. He placed a hand on his neck, feeling around his gills absentmindedly. He felt Martyn’s sly smirk on him as the blonde turned and left the room, walking back towards the upper part of their house.
Martyn hummed, standing beside Scott idly. The latter was talking with Cleo about something or other, something Martyn wasn't interested in. He wasn’t here for chatter, he was here to protect Scott. No one had tried to come from them yet, but his teammate had the most time by far. And he'll be damned if he lets anyone take that away.
Maybe he ends up staring at Scott and zoning out, just like he did back in Double Life. But by now Scott’s used to it, because Martyn can't help himself from looking at something so beautiful. By now Scott is already prepared to tease him for it on a moment's notice, so it's not a big deal like it used to be.
It had taken a while for Martyn to notice this consciously, but he found Scott's fins adorable. He liked the way they moved, how they shone and shimmered under the sunlight. They folded in when he was embarrassed or flustered, which made Martyn want to flirt and fluster him even more. And the freckles, again. God how he wanted to press kisses into each one of those.
He was blinked out of his thoughts by Cleos mildly amused gaze, and the wonderful sound of his merfolk voice.
"Did you hear me, darling?" Scott asked. Beside them, Cleo failed to muffle a wide grin.
Martyn stood there for a minute, cogs beginning to turn in his head. Scott had called him darling. Darling . He concentrated a little too hard on his rapidly beating heart, on not losing his composure and turning red a tomato, that he entirely missed the awkward silence that stretched out after the question.
"Martyn?" Scott asked again, giving him a slightly concerned, yet amused, look. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine, perfectly okay!" Martyn smiled back, voice going a little higher than intended.
"Okay!" Scott smiled, turning to resume his conversation with Cleo. The merfolks smile had been a little slow and mischievous, and Martyn wanted to shrink into himself in embarrassment. Scott now knew that he was weak for pet names, and was sure to use that against him very often from now on.
Cleo just leaned in to whisper something in Scott’s ear, something that made him flush. A little perplexed, Martyn watched as he slapped her lightly on the arm; the zombie giggling all the while.
There was water rushing all around him, blood pumping through his veins and pounding in his ears. Water splashed nearby, and Martyn turned to kick at Jimmy again. The avian, who was foolish in the water when he had wings, just coughed up a bit of blood, Martyn’s shoe having caught him in the face slightly.
Jimmy wasn't made for swimming, and the yellow wings just made it harder for him too. They started to drag him down a bit with how thoroughly soaked they were getting, which made Martyn's job just a smidge easier. He knew Jimmy kinda hated swimming, so the fact that he was in the water was a testament to how desperate everyone was for time.
"Scott? Scott!?" He called, desperately splashing in the shallows by their island. He couldn't see Scott anywhere, and panic behind to swirl violently in the blonde's stomach. Where'd he go? Did someone get him? What if he's dead, what if-
"Martyn!" Scott's answering yell came from the other side of the island, a few feet off, and Martyn wished he hadn't called out. Their others now knew where his teammate was as well. Which was fine, he could handle that, he just had to swim faster.
He reached Scott in record time, having to kick and fend Jimmy off at least two more times. The other pursuers were gaining as well, and Martyn had never been more relieved to see Scott’s living face, a sword clutched closely to his chest.
"Scott!" He gasped, swimming over till they were floating face to face. They were farther out than Martyn had initially thought, but he didn't mind at all. Deeper water just made it easier to drown people. Under the water, Scott grabbed his hand and squeezed.
"Martyn! Martyn you have to kill me please!" He exclaimed, casting a fearful look over the blonde's shoulder. They could hear splashing sounds, ones that were getting rapidly closer.
If they had the time for it, Martyn's brain would've slowed down, long enough for him to sit there and gape at Scott, horrified, for at least a few minutes. But they didn't have time, quite ironically, so he just squeezed Scott’s hand back and yelled. "Why?" He asked, voice close to breaking. "I can't do that to you Scott, I-"
The merfolk cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. "I don't want anyone else but you to have my time!" He said, staring serious into the ocean blur of Martyn’s eyes. Scott’s tone started out harsh, but turned softer with each word.
" Please. " He begged one last time, removing the hand from the blonde's mouth. Martyn said nothing for a moment, letting Scott’s sword be shoved into his own hands. He hadn’t even used it and the weapon felt dirty to hold, as if the mere suggestion was tainting it.
Under the surface two sets of legs moved to keep their owners afloat, and a tail flicked in a wild panic. Behind them the splashing got even louder, till it was roaring in Martyn's ears again. It was then he realized he didn't have a choice, did he? And pulled Scott in closer.
Scott’s breathing hitched, from fear or something else Martyn didn’t know. His hands shook, but he managed to get a surprisingly firm grip of the sword. He was going to burn it later, and make Scott a newer, better one, one that didn't remind him of one of the worst incidents of his life.
His eyes flicked down to Scott’s lips, then thought better of it. Martyn knew he didn’t want to do it this way, so he moved to press his lips to Scott’s forehead instead.
The merfolk let out a strangled cry of pain, the sword being shoved through his ribs. As he pulled the cursed weapon out, Martyn moved closer, eyes pressed shut. He peppered more kisses to Scott’s forehead, to his hair, muttering comforts; that it wouldn’t hurt for long. He buried his nose into Scott’s soft blue locks and murmured that he was sorry, tears falling from his cheeks. He did so until Scott had despawned, and there was nothing but the murder weapon for him to hold anymore. The thirty minutes that washed over him felt disgusting and vile, and he almost couldn't wait to die and lose them.
Martyn stayed there, floating on exhausted limbs, until the splashing was gone, until the roaring in his ears stopped, and until he felt okay enough to go inside and see his teammate once more.
He broke down anyways, poorly retrained tears dampening Scott's now yellow jacket. The merfolk said nothing, just let him cling to his chest and cry.
"Martyn?" Scott asked, voice groggy with sleep. He'd been awoken by shuffling sounds from somewhere else in the house. At first, he'd assumed it was Martyn using the restroom or something else you normally did at one in the morning. But then the sounds had continued, and woken him up again less than ten minutes later. He was pretty sure it was just Martyn, but got up to check anyways, in case they were actually being robbed or trapped. He didn’t wanna wake up in the morning by being exploded after all.
“Martyn?” He asked, stifling a loud yawn. Scott now stood in the doorway, his hand gripping it as he watched the blonde prepare what seemed to be some sort of drink. "Oh sorry." Martyn said, turning to face the other man. A hot mug of coffee was held in his hands, the distinct smell of it quickly crowding Scott’s sleepy senses. "Can't sleep." He mumbled the explanation a little sheepishly, like Scott would be bothered by his teammates having one off night in a death game.
He was going to not think about how the other man made coffee in a server with limited resources, because as far as Scott knew this map did not have a jungle for cocoa beans. Though it might, in the unexplored area. He wouldn’t know though, because it was unexplored and it was also one in the morning. Scott simply waved a goodbye, stifling another yawn as he turned to tiredly shuffle back to his bed, the blonde's gaze on him all the while.
An hour later, when Martyn still hadn’t gotten any quieter, was when Scott decided to make him sleep. Or else.
"Oh shit, sorry-" The blonde said a little blearily when Scott walked into the room for a second time.
"Why can't you sleep?" Scott asked bluntly, hands resting on his hips. There was a certain bit of annoyance in his voice, he was sure of it. Scott was aware he probably looked like some sort of sleep deprived, scary mother of three, but if that was the look needed to get his question answered, then so be it.
"Nightmares…about the, ya know…" Martyn seemed to shrink into himself, and not because of his teammates' tired gaze burning holes into him. He sounded so small, voice getting smaller with every word he spoke.
"No, I don't know." Scott huffed, a little more gently this time. He removed his hands from his hips, and walked till he could sit next to Martyn. The blonde had been leaning against one of their bookshelves, back looking uncomfortably pressed into the wood. Scott sat beside him now, legs crossed and a softening look on his face.
“About yesterday.” Martyn managed to choke out after a minute, hands tightening around an untouched mug of coffee. “Everytime i close my eyes all I see is you in the water….bleeding because of me.” His eyes stayed firmly focused on the dark liquid in his mug, gaze clouded and full of self hatred; if Scott wasn’t mistaken.
He didn’t think about it, just reached over and pulled Martyn into the best side hug he could muster. The blonde stiffied under him, and the merfolk could tell he was stopping himself from returning the embrace. “It’s not your fault, I told you too.” Scott mumbled, burying his face into Martyn’s shirt best he could.
“I know….” His teammate just gave a low murmur of response, slowly setting the mug of coffee on the floor next to them. Martyn moved to give him a proper hug, and Scott clinged to him like a koala clings to a tree; hoping it conveyed what he was thinking. He thought that Martyn blaming himself was stupid , because he’d asked him to do. Scott had wanted Martyn to kill him, he wasn’t bothered by it at all. He also thought he wanted another kiss, maybe in a different place than the forehead, but that wasn’t a good thing to do right now.
The blonde didn’t pull away, just held onto him tighter, moved the merfolk into his lap and buried his face into Scott’s hair. He didn’t even bat an eye when he felt the blonde’s body wrack with quiet sobs, just tried to get even closer and offer more comfort, trying to communicate that it wasn’t Martyn’s fault, because Scott had a feeling this stupid idiot wouldn’t listen to him if he just said it. He had a feeling he needed to show that it was okay as well.
Martyn didn’t cry for long, and they ended up just sitting there, holding each other until Scott had an idea. It was one of those ideas that was either going to go horribly and ruin everything, or shift something else in their dynamic. He was really hoping it was the latter as he untangled himself from Martyn, slowly getting to his feet. The other just looked at him with undisguised curiosity.
"Come on." Scott sighed, taking Martyn’s hand in his. The blonde blinked as he laced their fingers together, and Scott basically pulled him to his feet fully a moment later. The darkness of the night did its best to hide the blush spreading across both men’s cheeks, all the while Scott led Martyn back to their shared sleeping area. The other grip on his hand was tight, squeezing, and he pretended not to notice.
He let go of Martyn’s hand, albeit a little reluctantly, to move the potted plant that separated their beds. He felt a questioning and curious gaze on the back of his neck, the blonde watching as Scott quickly put their beds together. He wasn’t sure his bed would fit both of them, so he decided it was safer to just pull a Bad Boys and push all their beds together. "Don't be weird about this. It helps with my nightmares." Scott said over his shoulder, turning his head to look at his teammate.
Martyn looked a little dumbfounded, his eyes flicking between Scott and the now double bed. If either of them were in a more awake state of mind, the merfolk was sure one of them would’ve made some sort of inappropriate joke. Not that Scott would’ve minded sharing a bed that way, just not right now when he was tired and Martyn was an emotional wreck.
He flashed Martyn a fond yet toothy smile, and patted the sheets before moving to lay down. Scott felt the blonde join him under the covers a minute later, and drifted close to the warmth almost unknowingly.
They laid awake together for a few minutes, before one of them finally gained some confidence. Martyn, probably thinking Scott was asleep, moved closer. He wrapped his arms around the merfolk slowly, eventually holding the other in his arms fully. Scott held back a content little sigh, fully melting against the blonde. He snuggled even closer, back comfortably pressed against his teammates chest.
The two woke up in a similar position in the morning, holding each other and legs tangled together. They didn’t comment on it, Martyn only muttering thanks, and that it did help his nightmares. Scott said he’d push their beds apart later.
He never quite got around to doing that in the end, but Martyn never complained.
Scott blinked in the dim light, Martyn now leaning over him slightly. Oh . He was being pressed against a wall, their underwater hideout suddenly becoming more cramped and small than it already was.
"I thought you were gonna die back there." The blonde mumbled, resting his forehead on Scotts. His eyes were firmly pressed shut, and his body seemed to relax for the first time all day, shoulders sagging. Stress lines seemed to litter his face as well, and the merfolk hated to be the cause of them. Scott’s gaze softened, pressing his own forehead against Martyns in return. I'm here. I'm alive.
"I didn't die, not yet anyways." The last part was added with a humorless chuckle. Martyn didn't find it very funny, as his face scrunched up even further.
Scott apologized by placing a delicate hand on his cheek, gently thumbing it and Martyn readily leaning into the touch. The blonde's own hands went to rest on Scott’s waist almost unconsciously, and he leaned into it with a quiet sigh.
Scott slowly titled his head to the side hesitantly, only once the blonde had opened his eyes again. It was only after Martyn himself leaned forward did Scott feel confident enough to close the gap between them, pressing their lips together softly. Martyn melted into the kiss rather quickly, which surprised Scott. It had honestly been a spur of the moment decision. He hadn’t expected Martyn to reciprocate at all, or do so readily. Martyn's lips were warm against his own, and Scott quickly realized he found it intoxicating.
One of his hands begins to tug at Martyn's hair, trying to pull his ally even closer. Martyn responded by nicking his bottom lip, and eventually slipping his tongue into Scott’s mouth, deepening the kiss. Scott happily let him, muffling a pleased little noise. Warmth fluttered in his gut, the blonde's tongue mapping out the back of his teeth, as the merfolk finally got what he'd been wanting for weeks now.
Martyn whined softly when Scott pulled away after a second, panting. Scott giggled, his frills puffing out in joy. Martyn just recaptured his lips again, Scott letting out a surprised chirp and melted into the contact even more than he had the first time.
When they parted again it was Scott's turn to whine at the loss of contact, but he understood why they'd separated so soon when he felt kisses peppering the rest of his face. The blonde kissed every part he could reach, Scott’s cheeks, his forehead, his freckles and his nose. Scott smiled, cupping Martyn's face in his hands after the other left one particularly risqué kiss on his upper neck.
They both leaned in for a third and final kiss. It was soft and chaste, and tasted sickly sweet, and everything he wanted and more. Afterwards Scott wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck, letting his weight rest on the other. Martyn just rested his head on top of the merfolks lovingly, kisses occasionally being pressed into soft blue hair.
"I love you." He said, voice slightly mumbled as he pressed his face into Martyn's shirt
"I…" The blonde seemed a little lost for words, a little choked by some emotion that Scott couldn't discern at the moment. "Yeah, me too" Martyn mumbled just as quietly, wrapping his arms around his teammate and holding him tight. Scott made a contend purring sound from the back of his throat, and allowed himself to be lost in the moment.
It was all he needed to say.
It was a nice day out, a calm day, and the Mean Gills had decided it was a good time to spend the day together. It was getting later and later into the game, and quiet days like this were becoming more rare and much more valuable. Martyn wanted Scott all to himself for as many minutes as possible that day, really he did, before the manhunts started up again and people were trying to take his partner’s from him. Time with his beloved wasn’t a thing he was willing to waste anymore, not after the first hunt for Scott and the end of it, one that still made him wake up in tears.
They stood at the side of the house together, Scott having surprised him as he went to feed their chickens. Martyn giggled, the other wrapping his arms around the blonde’s neck pulling him in for a slow kiss. He leaned into it as he always did, the pleasant feeling Scott’s lips now achingly familiar to him.
The blonde soon put the chicken feed into his inventory, sensing that the merfolk wanted to take this just a little further. And oh Martyn was so not opposed, he was the opposite of it really. Scott nipped at his bottom lip with unusually sharp teeth, and Martyn allowed the other's tongue to slip inside his mouth with ease. One of his hands went to rest in Scott’s hair, occasionally pulling it.
They parted for air after about a minute, both of them smiling and panting just a little bit. Scott looked at him lovingly, one hand beginning to play with Martyn’s ponytail idly. The ponytail was a new thing, he had figured now was a good time to try and grow his hair out, because what else did they have to do other than not die? The decision had paid off greatly, Scott saying he liked the look very much.
Martyn hummed, leaning down to place a kiss on Scott’s jawline. The merfolk giggled above him, and he took that as a sign to place even more. The kisses slowly started trailing down further, being placed under Scott’s chin, around his gills, everywhere the blonde could reach. They became gradually more open mouthed as well, until eventually a bruise was being sucked into his partner's neck. Scott, who’s knees buckled more with every kiss until he was practically leaning on Martyn, muffled a sound; one that sounded suspiciously like a whine.
"Martyn!" Soctt laughed, tugging the other away from his neck. "People can see us out here!"
"You don't wanna give them a show?" The blonde muttered against Scott’s throat, feeling the latter’s pulse begin to quicken underneath.
“No, I only want to give you one,” Scott’s response was a low and sultry murmur, one that sent shivers straight down his spine. Martyn let his face be held in gentle hands, meeting the merfolk's now half lidded gaze.
"I think I'd like a ticket to that." He mumbled in response, A hand was teasingly slipped under Scott’s jacket, and the other man let out a slight shiver. His tail began flicking around Martyn’s lower legs, the contact burning like a hot iron.
"You already have one." Scott murmured against his lips, giving Martyn another passionate kiss. The blonde made a muffled noise, moving the two of them back towards the edge of the island. His hand stayed under Scott’s shirt the whole time, roaming and exploring to his heart's content.
They had to part once they reached the water, Martyn obviously needing air to be able to hold his breath. But once they reached the cave the two were quickly on each other, Scott allowing Martyn to slam him against the stone wall. Their lips smashed together once again, the action now having a hungry air to it. Scott slipped his tongue into Martyn’s mouth, causing the other to groan. Hands went to tug at blue hair, which made the merfolk make his own sounds in response. Sharp teeth nicked at the pirates lips, and his knees damn near wobbled underneath him.
He groaned, Scott’s tongue exploring his mouth until he couldn’t breathe, lungs burning and screaming for oxygen. When they pulled away Martyn dipped his head back down, resuming his earlier work on Scott’s throat. He smirked at the low moan that came from the merfolk, and pressed another hickey into his scales.
At some point he’d picked up Scott, carrying him the short distance to the bed they kept in the secret room. He pinned the smaller to it, hands gripping his hair nicely and dagging Martyn’s head back to Scott’s neck. The blonde resumed his work, not needing to be asked twice; especially if it elicited those sounds from Scott.
Hands roamed under his shirt, ghosting over his chest before beginning the journey downwards again. All the while Martyn tried to shove Scott’s own jacket off him, moving that and his undershirt so he could have even more access. More whines came from Scott, his partner's lips now pressed to his collarbone and beginning to bite down gently. Martyn let out a groan of his own, fingers beginning to tug at his waistband.
He moved back up to Scott’s lips again, kissing him into the bed like a starving man. Scott’s hands quickly moved to grab the back of his head and keep him there, the merfolk very content to let Martyn’s tongue do whatever it pleased in his mouth. They pulled away for a final time after that, both taking in large gasps of air.
Scott cupped Martyn’s cheeks in his hands, moving the blonde’s head down until they’re foreheads touched. “We should make out more.” He stated quietly, eyes closed as he leaned into the other’s presence.
“You don’t say?” Martyn huffed, amusement leaking into his tone. Scott just hummed in response.
The pirate would’ve loved to stay and cuddle Scott more than anything, but they still had chores to do around the island. So Martyn stifled a sigh, and slowly moved off of the merfolk. Scott made a disappointed huff, and sat up on the bed.
“Gotta feed the chickens, sorry.” He mumbled. Martyn pressed a kiss to Scott’s hair, before going to exit the underwater base. The blonde heard the tell tale signs of Scott’ swimming after him a moment later, and smiled.
They reached the surface together, Martyn noticing that Scott’s shirt was still not fixed once they were on land. He flushed cherry red, wordlessly moving to fix it and hide his glorious work from the world. Scott just giggled at him, tail slapping happily against the ocean’s surface.
“Hi guys!” Skizz’s voice came from the mainland, and Martyn wanted to die right then. He wanted to be striked down by lightning right now because that was proper embarrassing and absolutely motifying .
“What were you two doing in there, huh?” Tango’s voice joined in with his teammates, just as Martyn managed to cover most of the bruises lining Scott’s fair skin. He really hadn’t realized how many he’d left, which made this interaction all the more horrible for him. Scott however, though probably a little embarrassed, was leaning into the teasing. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He called back with a giggle. Martyn just groaned, resting his head on Scott’s chest, hands still gripping the latter’s shirt. His partner just laughed louder, pressing a fond kiss too the top of his head
Scott woke up one night with a loud yelp, loud enough for most of their neighbors to probably hear. He ripped himself free of Martyn’s grasp, breath coming out in short gasps as he did so. Tears were pricking at the corner of his vision, clouding it and making it harder to see what exactly was in front of him. In the merfolk’s panic he kicked off the covers as well, the feel of them being too overwhelming.
Martyn stirred next to him, obviously quite startled. Scott felt his partner's concerned gaze on him as he sat on his side of their beds, shaking. The blonde moved toward him slowly, and lightly placed a hand on Scott's thigh. When the merfolk didn't flinch away, his grasp became a little firmer.
"You okay?" Martyn mumbled, voice muddled with a strange mix of worry and sleep. Scott tried to open his mouth to speak, but his tongue felt as if someone had locked it in place, and now it wouldn't seem to budge. He held back a frustrated noise, and just shook his head no.
"Wanna talk about it? If you can?" Scott nodded again, and tried to get his mouth to work for the next few minutes. Martyn moved closer as he did so, bumping their shoulders together lightly. His fingers drummed on Scott's knee idly, a motion the merfolk found more comforting than he'd like to admit.
When he finally did make a sound it wasn't coherent, just a strangled sound that was supposed to be a word. Martyn smiled softly at that, and kept quietly waiting.
"….Had a nightmare." Scott muttered. "'Bout the first game."
"Third life?" Martyn clarified softly. Scott nodded.
"I saw the grave again." He continued, trying not to recall the dream too vividly, lest he start crying again. "I, ah, remembered the bunker, his death. Then it wasn't Jimmy it was…..it was you -" Scott cut himself off with a sob, the memory of the dream rattling him greatly. Martyn moved quickly, and before Scott knew it he was dampening the other’s shirt with his own tears.
He remembered how he'd lost his husband the first time, how he had been shattered into fragments with just one message. Scott didn’t even have to search his feelings for long before the grief came rushing back, crashing over him like it used to every day back then. His heart twisted painfully inside him, the moment still crystal clear in his mind.
"That's not again happen again, I promise." Martyn mumbled into his hair, gently running his fingers through it.
"How do you know that?" Scott asked, voice cracked with long ago grief. It could happen again, he could so easily lose his lover once more. It was the thing he worried about everytime Martyn tried to defend him, when Martyn shoved himself in front of a ranid army of yellows and reds to keep him safe. He always worried about having to bury Martyn, like he'd had to bury Jimmy with nothing but dirt and a lone poppy-
"Because this isn't Third Life." The blonde muttered, grip on him tightening. "There's no flower field here, and there's no banner to burn."
That made sense, Scott supposed. It made him feel better, so even if it hadn't made any sense it would still be a reasonable explanation he supposed. At that he sunk into Martyn, his teats gradually beginning to calm down. He still clung to the blonde like a lifeline though, the fear induced by the nightmare never quite leaving.
Martyn just laid them both down gently, Scott still clutched in his arms. He pulled the covers over both of them, and mumbled something about trying to get a few more hours of sleep.
Martyn respawned with a yelp, a little surprised still. He’d be killed by a random TNT minecart drop, and he was a little irritated over it. Stupid Skynet and the stupid minecarts. He was ready to go out there and shoot whoever had done it, that was an hour of his time they’d gotten away with!
“Didn’t expect you to be on top of me today.” A voice came from under him, and Martyn looked down in surprise. Under him was a very flustered looking Scott, the frills on his face pressed back in surprise. It took Martyn’s brain a few seconds to process how he’d ended up in this position, cogs turning at a painstakingly slow pace in his head.
He’d respawned in their hidden bed, naturally. It was night time. Scott was probably trying to sleep the night away. Right. Sure . That made sense, but it didn’t make either of them any less flustered. Currently Martyn was being distracted by how he was basically straddling Scott, and his partner was being pushed slightly into the white bedsheets.
“Well, I don’t think you’re minding it much.” He responded, entirely on impulse. Scott’s eyes seemed to light up with that, and he moved closer. Martyn met the merfolk’s half lidded gaze, nose bumping and breaths mingling together. The air had turned from awkward to heated very fast, and the blonde was soaking it all up like a wet sponge.
"Ya know I always had a thing for pirates…" Scott said, voice dipping lower. He ran a hand along Martyn’s chest area, where the shirt was left slightly unbuttoned, caressing his skin. The blonde shivered at the motion, his own hands running up Scott’s arms slowly.
"And I've always thought merfolk were quite sexy." He huffed in response, leaning downwards. Scott flashed him a toothy grin, going to meet the other in the middle. Their lips connected, and Scott pulled them further down onto the bed.
Martyn muffled a noise, the merfolk’s tongue slipping into his mouth for the millionth time. When Scott had said they should make out more he hadn’t been expecting this, but the pirate was so not going to complain. His fingers twisted in the other's hair, and a hand tugged on the back of Martyn’s head to keep him in place.
He pulled away first, the feeling of fire in his lungs. Scott just looked up at him with a pout, lips puffy and red. Martyn ignored the urge to lean down and ruin them some more, slowly shuffling off the bed.
“People are gonna be suspicious if I take too long respawning.” He muttered a quiet apology, watching as Scott tried to drag him back down. His partner just let out a dramatic sounding sigh. “Fine.”
“We could continue this later tonight?” Martyn offered, and Scott’s eyes lit up immediately. “Oh absolutely~” He murmured, giving the blonde one last peck on the lips. A hand thumbed over the waistband of his pants, and then Scott finally let go of him. Martyn laughed at that, ignoring the warmth fluttering inside him. “Eager aren't we?” He called as he exited the room, not waiting for the merfolk response before diving into the cool sea water.
Time was running out.
Scott stood with Impulse at spawn, discussing. They were the last three left, and they were supposedly going to have a fist fight to the death. The winner would be picked fairly, no foul play or whatever. Martyn stood beside them, oddly silent. Martyn was never silent like that. Scott wanted to reach out a hand to his partner, to hold the blonde’s own one last time. To feel Martyn’s loving embrace one last time, because this wasn’t going to end pretty.
He didn’t want to kill Martyn, and Martyn didn’t want to kill him. Unless the red life got to him, he didn’t think he could. And he didn’t want the bloodlust to get to him. He didn’t want to win again, and just standing here had already brought him far too close to that for comfort. So if it did come down to a fist fight, he would let Impulse kill him, because there was no other way to avoid it.
He didn’t reach out a hand to hold Martyn’s. Maybe because part of him knew what was going to happen, because he knew Martyn as well as a fish knew the ocean it swam in.
Impulse said something, then there was a burning in Scott's back. He screamed, feeling the unmistakable burn of lava on him, feeling the liquid splash painfully onto his tail. Impulse let out a surprised yell, and a bucket clattered to the stone ground under them. Just before the magma could finish him off, a sword sliced through his ribs, just like it had during his first death. His lover was saying something, but the merfolk couldn’t hear it over the ringing in his ears.
Martyn had killed him again, and stabbed him right in the back. Figuratively and literally. If he turned around, Scott would see a flash of pain on the blonde’s face as he did so. Scott didn’t mind though, didn’t mind dying, because third was a fine enough place to get. And probably a higher place than he deserved anyways.
My own Mean Gill. He thought, allowing the world to fade to black. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Martyn huffed, kicking his legs idly in the air. He was at least a good thousand feet off the ground now, which didn't make him feel too great. He made a mental note not to look down too much, and pondered on how exactly he was going to reach the ground again.
He'd just wanted to see what that weird little geyser did, not be permanently levitated! Now he was worried about going too high up and dying, and he'd only had these powers for like less than a week! Martyn huffed to himself again, trying to spin himself around in midair.
There was a flash of blue and orange nearby, and Martyn whipped his head around. He was met with nothing, with empty air. Like everything else around him. He gave the surrounding area a suspicious glance over, and again there was nothing. The blonde huffed at that, figuring it was just his eyes playing tricks on him or something. If he was gonna float into space he wanted it to be paranoia free, thank you very much.
The flash of color kept happening though, so much so that Martyn became more and more convinced it had to be another player messing with him. He also wished they would help get him down, not play an unwinnable game of peekaboo.
The person playing it also seemed to be getting bored, because the next time an orange flash appeared, there was a hand coming out of it. Martyn let out a small scream at that, and made himself float farther away. There was laughing beside him afterwards, and he once again spun to try and locate where the sound was coming from.
The flashes of light had apparently been portals of some kind, because one was soon open a few feet above him. Sticking out of it was the head of a man, similarly blue and orange hair falling in front of his face as he looked down at Martyn. The blonde blinked, watching the man laugh at his misery. The dude was quite nice looking, he had to admit, his features were slender and seemed to have a sort of elegance to him, and his eyes crinkled nicely when he smiled. His laugh rang through the air, a pleasing sound to listen to, and his hair was longer than it looked; most of his being kept up in two twin buns atop his head.
“Hi!” The stranger smiled down at him when the laughing fit calmed down, Martyn now having floated closer. His eyes were multicolored, one blue and one orange, and the blonde wasn’t even surprised by the color combo anymore. That seemed to be very on brand for this guy.
“Hi!” Martyn parroted, struggling to keep some irritation from his tone. “You mind getting me down now?”
The strange man blinked a couple of times, and for the first time seemed to realize how high up they now were. “Oh! Sorry!” He almost squeaked out the apology, before disappearing into thin air again. Martyn floated there, puzzled for a moment, before he was suddenly on the ground again. He made a noise of surprise, stumbling a bit as body readjusted to not being hundreds of feet in the air. Martyn’s vision spun a bit, and he felt a warm hand keep him steady while it did.
“You okay?” The stranger’s voice rang in his ears again, and when the blonde could see clearly he found that the other was now face to face with him. He nodded, staring back into those multi-colored eyes, the stranger’s breath brushing over his face ever so slightly. He had quite pretty eyes, this man did. Martyn could very easily see himself getting lost in them, especially if they kept meeting like this.
“Good!” At those words the other man was pulling back, another smile dancing on his lips. Martyn ignored how pretty that look was on him, deciding it was better to focus on what the guy was saying instead. “I’m Scott, bye the way!”
“Martyn.” He gave his own name, and committed the others to memory. Sometimes the blonde had trouble remembering names, but he figured this guy was the expectation. You don’t see a pretty dude who can teleport very often. Scott’s gaze flicked over him once, taking in his appearance. “Why were you even floating in the first place?” He asked, head tilted to the side curiously.
“Some stupid geyser sent me up there!” Martyn huffed, scanning the area for his new least favorite thing. “Over here!” He walked towards the damned thing as soon as he caught sight of it, wanting to warn his new acquaintance of what they looked like. He heard Scott follow after him, brown boots crunching against the light layer of snow on the ground.
“That thing!” He spat, glaring down at the small geyser, treacherous puffs of air still billowing from it. Scott stopped beside them, tail brushing against Martyn’s legs unconsciously. The blonde hadn’t even seen the tail till just now, and it only made him more curious about the guy.
“Ah, so that’s what those do!” Scott hummed, leaning forward slightly to get a better look.
“You’ve seen ‘em before?” Martyn’s now curious gaze flicked to the transporter again, and he tried not to stare at the open side of the man’s shirt.
“Yep, but I was always too scared to test them out.” Scott glanced at him, his features becoming playful “But i guess you did that for me, huh?” Martyn snorted at that, moving away from the wretched thing a little bit. Scott followed him.
“Guess I did!” He smiled, watching as the other opened a little portal in the grass next to him.
“Gotta go!” Scott explained with another pretty smile, this one dazzling and lopsided. “See you later?” He asked, and if Martyn deluded himself he could hear a bit of hope in the teleporter's voice.
“Yeah, see you later!” Martyn called, freezing himself in excitement at the thought. Scott laughed at him, before falling into his portal, tail flicking in joy. If Martyn could smile while encased in ice, he would. He wanted the ice to melt quicker, to melt right now , just so he could see Scott as soon as possible.
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sugolara · 5 months
𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨
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ft. Shota Aizawa x daughter! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, Shota Aizawa and his eldest daughter must survive from the flesh eating monsters in hopes that Eri is still alive. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, cross-posted on ao3, wattpad, qoutev
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“Yum, I always dreamed of eating chicken out of a can.” F/n said as her eyes lowered at the spoon of chicken chunks. It was cooked, but the watery white paste and the soggy vegetables with the pasta that were also added disgusted her.
Next to her, Hitoshi watched as she let the chicken chunks plop back into the can. Some juice had splashed out, landing on his hand and with a face he wiped his hand on his jeans, “Ew.”
“Bet it’s tasty too.” She grabbed a spoonful, looking at before a grin etched on her face and waved it to the male's lip beside her, “Open wide!”
“I’m not gonna put that in my mouth after you just put it in yours!” He backed his head away.
She made train noses as she inched closer, “Here comes the train!”
He held her wrist so that she wouldn't come any closer, “Stop it!” 
She laughed and went back into her seat. She lifted her can and looked at his, “Wanna trade? I’d rather eat beans than this. It’s probably rotten.”
He held his beans closer to his chest, “And let myself get food poisoning? No.” 
She huffed as she set the can down and leaned back on her hands, looking at the night sky, “This blows.”
He slowly munched in his food and looked at the fire crackling, silently agreeing with her, “You want to go see Itsuka? I’m sure she’s still up and bored.”
“Hell yeah.” She stood up, her back popping in the process. She then looked at the male as he stood up, wiping his hands from the small dirt that latched on him, “Maybe we can tell her our secret, if you know what I mean.”
He gave her a look as they both walked to the injured girl's home, “The way you say it…makes it sound so wrong.”
Her eyes widened as a blush sat on her cheeks, “What?! I didn’t mean it like that! I would never do that with you! I mean-!”
He refused to let out a smile as they reached the top of the stairs where Itsuka resided. He entered with F/n closing the door and knocked on the bedroom door. When he heard a voice telling them to come in, he entered, “Bored?”
“You bet.” She grunted, her brows furrowed when she closed her book, “I’ve already read this twice. I even read the part where the author tells their life story.”
“That’s boring.” He said and sat near her covered legs, “We thought we’d come by and keep you company.”
“That’s sweet.” The girl smiled and tried to move to allow F/n to sit next to her. 
“You’re good.” F/n raised her hand to stop her movement as she pulled a chair out. She grinned as she leaned on the chair, her chest resting to the backside, “So…what’s my dad like? You guys had him as a teacher, right?”
“Scary!” Itsuka quickly said with a smile, “I didn’t have him personally, but from what I heard, he was very strict. So thankful for having Mr. Kan, even though he was also strict.”
“He wasn’t that bad.” Hitoshi grumbled as his fingers played Itsuka’s blanket, “He’s a great tutor. Helped me with all my classes.” 
“Oh!” F/n laughed out and pointed at the male, “Now I know why you look so familiar! I remember seeing you in my dads car when he gave you a ride back home! You remember that?”
As he thought, Itsuka confusingly looked at her, “You don’t go to U.A? I thought since your dad worked there, you went there too?” 
“Nah.” She waved her hand, “I wanted to stay with my friends.”
“What school did you go to?” The orange-haired girl asked, ignoring Hitoshi as he mumbled in thought, “I’m assuming it has to be close to our school.”
“Isamu Academy.” She smiled, “Besides wanting to stick with my friends, they have a great Archery class.” 
“You know how to do that?” She beamed, “That’s so cool! When I’m healed, maybe you can teach me?”
“Totally!” F/n then pointed at the male beside them, “Maybe you can do better than him. With the way things are going I honestly don’t know if he has it in him.”
“I’m right here.” The male glared at her before looking at Itsuka. His eyes then wondered to her wound that was covered, “Did Yagi come by?”
“Ah, yeah.” She grunted when she shifted in her seat, the pain coming back, “I think it’s healing fine. Sometimes I can feel it, but there are times where it's numb.”
Unknowingly, F/n and Hitoshi shared a glance as Itsuka looked down to her clothed wound. Hearing her say she couldn’t feel it was concerning, especially since the wound had stitches. 
“Have you told Yagi?” He asked, looking away from F/n.
She nodded, her smile faltering, “He said it might be the pain meds rejecting, or whatever that meant. But he’s been keeping a close eye on it. Coming in every hour to clean it.”
“That’s good, right?” F/n glanced at them, trying to brighten the mood, “Besides, my dad brought a load of supplies which meant he must have brought painkillers. Bet if I ask him he would give me some.”
“Actually,” Itsuka looked down at her hands, “Yagi also mentioned that I might need a shot. Considering there’s no doctor around, who knows If I…who knows when that might happen.”
“Maybe a doctor will happen to stumble on by…” Hitoshi said, “What are the chances?”
“Yeah, right. We’ll be lucky to even have a nurse or whatever is the term for those who aren’t good enough to be doctor come by.” F/n said as she let out a laugh, but she groaned and clutched her leg when the male kicked her shin.
He gave her a  look as if to say, “Seriously?”
Itsuka chuckled, ignoring their behavior, “Yeah, but we got to keep hopeful, right?”
“Exactly.” The other two said, offering her a smile. Hitoshi then whipped out a deck of cards that he stuffed in his pockets. They settled for a simple game, one that he was good at. The two girls had trouble keeping up with his speed. It wasn’t until the fourth round where F/n slammed her cards down and glared at him, “How!? I almost won!”
He smugly smiled as he fanned himself with his cards, “I’m a natural.”
Itsuka laughed as they bickered. Her yawn then caught their attention. She wanted to continue playing, but her eyes threatening to close saddened her, “I think it’s time for me to turn in. Can you guys come back in the morning?”
“Yep!” F/n said as she placed the chair back, “Don’t you worry about it. We’ll come back with pizza or something.”
Hitoshi shook his head and let out a sigh at her, “Goodnight, Itsuka.”
Hearing her call back, they closed her bedroom, her lamp peeking underneath her door. When they entered outside, he turned to F/n, “I do remember you.”
She smiled, letting him continue, “It was raining and he forgot to pick up something from the school. I looked in the backseat and you were passed with a bag next to you. Aizawa told me not to worry about the way you slept, cause your neck was bent and you were halfway out of your seat.”
“Ah.” Her smile grew as they reached his home, which wasn’t too far since it was right next door, “I came back from a game. I remember seeing your hair before I slept. Man, that was long ago wasn’t it?”
“A year or so.” He said as he opened his door. He then awkwardly glanced back at her, giving her a stiff smile, “..Goodnight, I guess.”
“Goodnight, Hitoshi.” She waved at him, walking down the stairs slowly until she heard his door close. She then quickly headed to her father that was in the parking lot, staring at something in his hand, “Dad. What are you doing?”
He quickly closed his fist and looked at her, his brow furrowed, “Aren’t you supposed to be asleep? It’s past midnight.” 
“How do you even know it's past midnight?” She mumbled as she looked at the sky before sitting down next to him, “And to answer your question, I was with Hitoshi. Your super star student!”
He smiled at her, “You two seem to be getting close.”
Her smile disappeared as she gave him a dead look, “Wherever you’re getting at, don’t.”
Despite the feeling of being incomplete, he softly let out a chuckle, “It’s good to see you making friends and with Hitoshi no less. You two are completely different so to see you two together is surprising.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” She tilted her head as she imagined the boy's face, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks but she quickly shook off, unknowingly her father catching the sight.
“Do you like it here?” He suddenly asked as he stared ahead to where the curtains swayed, “It’s small. Not a lot of people to keep safe.”
She hummed, “I guess. I mean, I haven’t met everyone yet, but they look friendly and besides I made some friends.” She stared away at the stars and looked at him, already knowing if she were to ask the same question, he would agree with her only to keep her happy. Instead, she settled for the first question she asked, “What are you even doing here? I thought you’d be asleep. Or with Yamada or Kayama, or Yagi.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He ruffled her hair, careful to not touch her bandage and as always, he reverted the question back to her. She never seemed to catch on, which he found amusing, “Did Toshinori check that out?”
“Yeah.” She pulled away from him and fixed her hair, “It’s looking good, nasty, but good.”
“Just make sure it doesn’t start to smell. That’s when we have to start working.” He said, “Did you behave?”
She sweatdropped as she looked away from him, “Of course!”
Speaking of wounds, she glanced at her father. The face of Itsuka popped in her mind, “Itsuka is worried her wound isn’t healing right. I think she’s trying her best to not seem scared and she’s doing a really good job at that. So, props to her.”
“Yeah.” Shota mumbled, his eyes glancing at her as he thought back to what Toshinori had told him. 
Her wound, Itsuka’s, has gotten badly infected. It looked like it was swelling from the red skin. Bodily fluids were coming out and her veins around were a dark shade of purple that had the older male deeply concerned for her. Toshinori had said it was a miracle she wasn’t in excruciating pain, considering the smell it was emitting. The smell wasn’t strong, but if you were to get closer to it, then you could definitely tell something was wrong.
He knew it wasn’t the dead’s blood that had infected it, otherwise she would have been long dead. The reaction could have been from not having the right sedation. Without a shot, she would surely die.
The news had Shota upset, considering Itsuka used to be a student at his school. A good student who aced all her tests and made friends with almost everyone due to her kindness. 
He wanted to reassure his daughter, but he didn’t want to put hopes in her head. Instead he settled for a smile and ruffled her hair again, ignoring the glare she sent him, “Go to bed. I want you to help me with something tomorrow morning.”
Her eyes brightened as she stood up, “Am I going outside to help you look for stuff?!”
 Her eyes lost her shine, “Fine. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Hearing the door close, he let out a long sigh. His  head dropped to where he could see his closed fist. He blinked as he opened them, the wedding ring neatly sitting on the palms of his hand. 
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Sex Education: Just pretend. (Lando Norris)
Part 14.Smile for the cameras and say everything it's fine. That was the plan.
Previous part: Breaking point.
Note: They will be happy soon. I promise. Plus, next chapter has been half written for months because I got the idea so long ago.
Warning: angst. so much angst. only angst and miserable characters.
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"Is it true that you and Lando are dating?"
"For how long has it been going?"
"It's difficult to mix racing and relationships?"
"People say you and Lando were drunk, it's true?!"
I put my sunglasses on and tried to cover my face from the cameras. I was wearing my cap and looking down. I felt like a zombie. My knee still hurt from the crash and I was having meds. The ones FIA allowed. They weren't too strong and they didn't help much, but the doctor had given a green light to race.
The sleepless nights were short. Only 4 days had passed. Only 4 and I was here again under everyone's excruciating eyes. They were all judging me. They all had something to say.
I was YN YSN, the driver who had gotten Gio's seat only to go and fuck other drivers. The girl that had only gotten into F1 so she could have a good fuck.
I crossed the security fence and breathed deeply. They couldn't reach me here. The journalists and media here were more professional.
I walked to the hospitality avoiding anyone and once inside, I found no one but Frédéric.
"Morning" He said looking at me.
"I hope you are ready"
I frowned.
"Yes. Don't fuck it up this weekend. It depends on how it goes if you have a seat or not"
I swallowed.
I felt like walking on thin ice. I felt like the next step I took would be wrong.
"Go, you have press. And stay away from Norris"
No relationships with other drivers.
No interactions with Lando Norris.
Good distance with drivers.
No more relationship with Lando Norris.
No talking to Lando Norris more than necessary.
No texting, no phone calls, nothing that can be filtered to the media.
The list kept going and going. The boss had basically told me to ignore Lando's presence. We wouldn't even do any kind of media together in the following weeks. And it was painful.
"No more secret games, we've seen you two are not good at it" They said.
And there I was feeling miserable and not wanting to be there. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I should be happy. It was my dream. I had a seat on Formula 1, I was a woman racing here. Why did I have to choose? Why couldn't I have both? I had been doing good for months. Why not now? Why wouldn't they listen to me?
"Sweetheart" Sarah made me look at her. "Come here"
She gently cleaned my tears, tears that I didn't notice falling.
"I know it's hard. I know it."
"How?" I whimpered.
"I see it. I saw it the moment you watched those pictures. But YN, remember the plan. Once things calm down, we all will talk to them again. I'm sure there is something you can do"
"I'm sorry" I whispered.
"For making your job so hard"
"No, honey. It's fine. This word is still not made for us. But we can change it, though"
I nodded a bit.
Once I arrived at the press area, all eyes were on me. I walked between people while hearing them whispering. What was the plan? The plan was to tell everyone that it meant nothing. That it was a mistake and it wouldn't happen again. We had to give similar answers, say the same things and play the act our teams had written for us.
The other drivers looked at me as I arrived at the private area. I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like the pity in their eyes. Also, the doubt, could they even talk to me?
"YN!" George walked to me. He was probably the only one keeping me sane.
I hugged him quickly and bit my lip.
"We are together on press" He said with a happy face. But that was also an act. It was a known thing that we were childhood friends. And people had always been okay with it. The team said that I had to keep doing the usual stuff with him. Nothing had happened between Lando and me after all. It wasn't important. I was dealing with this feeling of sadness and emptiness in my chest.
I nodded at his words and touched his arm as a thank you. Us being together in press meant that I wasn't alone.
I looked around. George, Carlos, Fernando and... Pierre. Pierre too. I sighed.
Once we got inside, the nerves settled in my stomach. I tried to avoid eyes and cameras, they were all on me.
"Okay, let's start"
"I have a question for YN!"
Of course, you do. Who doesn't?
"We have all seen the photo that was leaked last weekend. Lando has already said that it means nothing and it was a one-time thing. He described it as two young people partying and said that if there was another girl or boy there wouldn't be any drama. What can you say about it?"
I took a deep breath.
"Basically the same. We were partying and it just happened. It really has no meaning. A kiss. That's all. The person who took the photo was lucky enough to catch it" I said shrugging it.
"So... There are people talking about a relationship between you two, what does it mean, then?"
"Nothing. A kiss is a kiss. We are not gonna marry. It's 2022"
I was playing with my fingers and trying to control my breath.
"The picture leaked during the race. Is it possible that you had that crash because of it?"
I let an annoyed laugh out.
"We are not allowed to have phones in the car"
The guys chuckled.
"Okay" They guy said.
A woman lifted her hand.
"How has this affected to you and the team? There had been comments talking about you having other intentions in F1 and rumours about you leaving after this"
I took a deep breath.
"I'm still here, as you can see. And the comments... The team is really supportive and is already working on those. Obviously, they all are defamatory and the only intention is to cause damage because clearly, that people don't know me. I'm here because I love racing, I have always loved racing and George can confirm that. I'm not using this as a dating app as many says. I'm just a young woman and I can make my own decisions. I can have fun and yes, probably it shouldn't have happened because we are rivals and maybe it's not that ethical. But well, it's done. It's another step that we both had to take in life and something that we surely will learn from."
Lies, lies, lies and more lies. All lies.
"Do you see yourself in a relationship with Lando or any other of the drivers?"
"I see myself fighting for a championship in a couple of years" I answered and laid the microphone in my lap.
The guys looked at me with smiles on their faces.
"Pierre" They directed the cameras to him now. "Is there something to say about the crash?"
"No. It was a racing incident. We both pushed too much."
We left the room ten minutes later.
"YN?" George asked in a whisper.
"It hurts" I said with tears getting into my eyes. "For how long do I have to pretend it was nothing? It was the best thing I've ever had."
George looked around, probably trying to see if there was anyone dangerous in sight. Once he checked, he hugged me so tight. I hid in his chest and closed my eyes.
"I wish things were easier." He whispered.
And suddenly I felt a touch on my back. I looked to the right and saw his green eyes and sad look. His hand dropped quickly as he was pushed by his PR assistant, but he kept staring at me until he was out of sigh. That was the first time I had seen him since the meeting. We hadn't even talked.
"He is not much better" George whispered. "I don't know if that's what you need to hear. But... he is not doing good."
I bit my lip.
"There is something coming and I want you to know that he misses you just as much."
"What is coming?"
"I can't tell you."
Yes, it's him. After being the protagonist of the year's paddock gossip with his rival YN YSN, Lando Norris has been seen in Monaco with the model Sylvie Flannagan.
The model is 24 years old and has worked with the big ones. We have seen her on Paris, Milan and New York's runaways. With her relaxed catwalk style and signature blue eyes, we understand Norris's interest.
But, what about YN?
Both drivers already talked about the episode between them, that eclipsed Max Verstappen's last win. Not even the spectacular recovery after touching his teammate while overtaking the Mexican was enough to make him shine more than these two. Now, only two weeks after the pictures leaked, Norris has been seen with another girl.
For the moment we know nothing about Sylvie and Lando. The only thing is that they both left a known restaurant in Monte Carlo and left in Norris' car. Are they dating? We will see. Maybe we get a new paddock appearance soon.
The article had come out only two days ago and the girl was already posting candids of Lando.
I was looking at my phone. It was a picture of her pinching Lando's cheeks with those long and expensive nails. I groaned and let the phone fall.
I received a message from George with the link.
George: this is what I told you about. He still loves you.
"It's fake" Sarah said. "I'm sure it's fake"
"It doesn't hurt less." I whispered. I wanted to believe it was a stunt, but they looked so damn cute together. The driver and the model.
Sylvie had those perfect curves, perfect nose, perfect lips, perfect hair, perfect hands... She was everything I wasn't and she was supposed to be dating the guy I was in love with.
I walked back to the press room. There he was. Why was he there?
I sat and gave him a smile. Behave normally, nothing happened after all.
The questions started.
"YN, what do you think of those rumors about Lando being in a relationship?"
Lando groaned.
"Um... Well, I've seen pictures. Aren't they highly invasive? I think paparazzi are crossing way too many limits, right Lando?"
He nodded.
"And the pictures Sylvie Flannagan posted?"
"I would kill to eat that pasta she posted last week"
"So you follow Sylvie on instagram"
"I do. I follow many models. And influencers. And actresses. And politicians. And singers"
Lando looked at me.
"And it doesn't bother you that she posts Lando?"
I turned to Lando.
"Does it bother you? It's consensual, right?"
He smiled and Sebastian on my other side chuckled.
"It's consensual"
"You don't have any kind of problem with this rumoured relationship"
"Why would I?"
"I don't understand what this has to do with racing" Lando said.
"Same. You guys should stop, it's his private life" I said and crossed my arms.
The guy directing the press told them to ask only about the racing.
"YN" Lando grabbed my arm when we left.
I looked at him in panic.
"Thank you" He breathed out. "Really, thank you"
"YN, Lando, you can't do this..."
"My contract, Lando" I whispered.
Lando POV.
I groaned. She had it forbidden.
"Yeah, sorry. Can I text you?"
She looked down and bit her lip.
"Don't make it harder" She whispered with tears in her eyes and I felt like the worst guy in the room.
I stayed there watching her leave and the lump in my throat only grew tighter.
Hours later, I sat alone in the hospitality. I didn't feel like talking to anyone.
"Mate. Why are you here alone?" I heard Danny calling from behind.
"I want to be..."
He ignored me and sat next to me.
"Is about..."
"What else could it be about?"
He sighed.
"It's a shit, man. But you can stay like this. Where is your... girlfriend?"
"It's fake." I said.
He nodded.
"I supposed." He touched my arm. "Do you even like her?"
"She is nice. She really is nice. She is friendly and understands the situation. But I don't want to sit with her for two hours in a restaurant or have her in my car as I sign stuff. I don't want her in my flat. She is not even my friend. She is earning money and this is only a job for her"
Daniel cleared his throat.
"Zak and I are not on the best terms now, mate. But I could talk to him. Tell him I'm seeing you sad or something"
"He knows. He knows I don't agree with all of this. I don't even think this is helping. People only ask about YN or if I was already dating Sylvie when... you know. When they caught us. There are people out there calling me a cheater. A cheater! They forced me to leave the girl I love and start fake dating this girl."
I felt like crying and screaming. I wanted nothing more.
"I hate it all" I whispered and covered my face with my hands. Daniel hugged my shoulders.
"Lando. This has a solution. I'm sure it does. You just need to let if cool down. You will have her."
"I can't wait until we retire"
He sighed.
"Lando. This life is a fucking shit. It's cool to drive fast cars. I know. But... Just wait a bit, and then fight. Okay?"
I didn't move.
"End this thing with the model as soon as you can. Then go for YN"
"She can lose her seat because of me"
Daniel gasped and pulled back from me.
"Yes. They made her sign a contract"
"Fucking shit"
"I can't do that to her. I can't"
Daniel sighed.
"There is nothing more to say"
"I wish I could help. I can give you my farm keys if you want to go there and hide for the rest of your life."
I smiled a bit.
"But really, if you need something... I'm here, mate"
I nodded.
"Thank you"
He stayed there in silence.
"Could you and Heidi come with us on a double date or something? I can't sit with her and not talk again. Really, we have nothing in common"
Sylvie wasn't like YN. She didn't sit there and listen to me ranting about golf or whatever. We barely knew each other and I could be who I wanted to be around her.
Your POV
"I can't believe I'm asking for permission for a party" I groaned.
"You can go, but be discreet. Stay with George and Carmen okay?"
"I'm not gonna make them babysit me"
They did. They stayed next to me on the club and tried to keep my mind of the mess I was living.
But suddenly I saw her. Sylvie Flanagan. A second later and following her like a puppy, Lando appeared.
"It's fine. I'm fine" I turned around and leaned both elbows on the table.
"You don't need to pretend with us." Carmen said while touching my hand.
I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.
"I don't understand how that can be a solution. I get a ban to talk and even look at this guy and he gets a pretty girlfriend"
"It's an awful idea" George said. "But... I don't think he is happy with it"
I looked up at my best friend.
"He is in love with you. He wants to be with you. Don't you think he would prefer to be here than with a girl he barely knows. We are talking about Lando. He is awkward as hell"
I sighed.
"She is really pretty"
"And so are you. You have a million things in common with him."
I closed my eyes.
I looked to the side.
"How are you?"
I shouldn't have, but I ended sitting with Pierre, Close enough to George and Carmen but only talking to the French.
"I wanted to talk to you..." He said turning serious after some stupid joke.
I swallowed.
"About what?"
"About what I did" He sighed.
His blue eyes looked darker on the club's light. He was serious and for once keeping the distance. There was nothing about the old flirty Pierre.
"Yeah, what you did..."
"I overstepped. It was none of my business."
I nodded.
"It wasn't. But... Why?"
George told me. He said Pierre was just trying to get Lando to act on his feeling.
"You know... I've been trying to get something from you for a while"
"What a way to start, Gasly" I chuckled and drank from my non-alcoholic drink.
He laughed a bit.
"Yeah, yeah. I have flirted with you for so long, YN. And that's a thing"
"It is"
"I thought you were interested in me at first"
"I was. You are hot. I was kind of interested. But look what happens when you are a girl and fuck another driver. They ban you. I'm glad I didn't fuck you."
He sighed.
"I'm glad too, yes. It would have been messy"
"Because you never looked at me in the way you look at him"
I opened my mouth to speak but words didn't come.
"You were being a couple of idiots and it was horrible to watch" He said with a smile. "I knew Lando was... I don't know. He was jealous of me, right? I don't know when your thing started but he has been giving me killing eyes for a while. I thought that if he saw that he could lose you he may go and do something."
"But he didn't" I said. "We fighted."
"I'm sorry for that."
I shrugged.
"I still want to cut your balls"
"I understand"
I looked at my drink.
"I'm really sorry. And I wish I had left you two alone"
"It would have changed nothing. The photos were already taken"
"Yeah, but you wouldn't have spend the weekend angry at each other. And then we wouldn't have crashed."
"Do you think we crashed because of..."
"Babe, you fighted like you hated me"
I chuckled.
"If I had known it was our last weekend together I would have talked to him. Instead of giving the silent treatment."
"That's what I mean"
I looked at him.
"Thank you for talking to me, Pierre. It means a lot"
He patted my knee.
"It's fine. And how is it? You can't talk to him in person or..."
"Nothing. I can't have any contact with him for the moment."
"And... What happens to us? The others"
"Nothing for the moment. Not sex and funny stuff with drivers though. I can't lose my seat."
"Lose you seat?"
I nodded.
"Break up with Lando and keep my seat or stay with Lando and lose my seat"
"Wow, why..."
"He told me to. He was pretty convincing and..."
"What the fuck are you doing YN?"
We both looked to my right, Lando was there and he was furious. George had a hand on his chest.
"Have you lost your mind? You can lose you fucking seat, YN!"
I looked around. I was confused. What was I doing?
"And... Pierre?! After what he did?"
"Lando what are..."
"No! I thought you would be more careful!"
His eyes were glassy and he was red. Other drivers were around us.
"After everything!"
I got up and looked around.
"Lando, you need to calm down. I'm not..."
"Yes you are! They go and tell you you can lose the seat because of us and now you go and do the same with Pierre?"
My eyes filled with tears and took a step back.
"I'm not doing anything"
"What if they take another picture?"
"We were just talking, Lando. Just talking. I'm allowed to talk to people"
He let his breath out and his eyes filled with tears.
Daniel grabbed his shoulder.
"You are not allowed to talk to me..."
I felt my heart crushing.
"Go and talk to Pierre... It's fine... We... We are n-"
"Let's go outside, Lando" Daniel said pushing him slowly. The aussie guided Lando away.
I felt two hands on mh shoulder and the next thing was Carmen hugging me.
I felt cold, shocked, dizzy. I hated this. I hated all of it. I just wanted to be a normal girl with a normal boyfriend. I wanted a normal life with Lando.
"I want this to be over" I sobbed on her shoulder.
"I know, YN. I know"
Next part: Serious talks and possibilities. .
Taglist: @ophcelia @damnyourlife @hannahholland1811 @somanyfandomsbruh @incalescentheart
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kdjamlabel · 2 years
Acceptance CH 5
Pairing: Hawks x F!Y/N
Summary: You catch Hawks cheating one day after work. After leaving him, you revert to your old ways as you strive to find some semblance of normalcy and the answer to a simple question.
Angst with a capital A T-T
The cold air stung your skin as you zipped across the city. You used to cling so tightly to Hawks when he took you on flights like this one. You just barely held on to him now. Instead of looking down at the bustling streets and their artificial lights, you opted to look up. It was a new moon and the lights below blocked out almost all of the stars, but you stared into the cloudy abyss anyway. Common sense dictated that you at least look down to see where he was taking you; you ignored it though. You knew all too well that Pro Hero Hawks was a creature of habit. So much so that you didn’t even need to watch the ground to know where he was taking you.
When you felt him slow down and dip you knew you had arrived. The minute your feet touched the worn concrete roof, you took a few tentative steps away, completely turning your back to him and cradling yourself tightly. You could hear him shuffling nervously behind you. Breaking the awkward silence, you spoke up.
“Can you hurry this up? I have work in a few hours so…” You said absentmindedly scratching your forearm.
“Right. Of course.” He fumbled nervously. That was new. “You remember that new secretary that I complained about?”
“Yeah, I remember her. Why?”
“Because she’s only part of the whole story.” Hawks said.
And so he explained everything to you. Hawks explained how Azusawa got placed in his office by the Commission. Their contrived reasoning included. How she had practically stalked him at work. How her quirk, persuasion, worked to break down a victim’s will, forcing them to treat her commands like a mindless zombie. That when you found them, he wasn’t all there. How when you walked in, she deactivated it so he would look the part of a typical cheater when he scrambled to explain himself. How he spent the last 7 months trying everything in his power to get in contact with you without you cutting him off entirely. How he cried himself to sleep when he realized you probably wouldn’t want him anymore after what she had done to him. How your last interaction haunted his dreams every night you too were apart.
The longer you listened to what he had to say, the worse you began to feel. You weren't even caught off guard by how quickly you accepted his words for truth. It was just so…bizarre. They could have just told him to stay away from you or something! It would have been so much easier for them to sit you both down and pry you apart in an office than to have someone go undercover and do all this. It was nothing like them at all. This wasn’t practical. This was one hundred percent malicious. Someone, somewhere in the Hero Public Safety Commission wanted Hawks to suffer. Why? You couldn’t guess, but they were getting away with it. You were so busy stewing in your newly found anger, that you neglected to notice Hawks was waiting for you to reply.
Your gaze shifted from the ground once you turned around to face him. So many emotions flashed across his face at lightning speed. Fear, concern, confusion, and finally hope. Hawks hesitated a bit before taking an unsure step towards you. Instinctively you jerked back, but backtracked immediately after and threw yourself on the man. As soon as you got your arms fully around him you squeezed like your life depended on it.
After a few beats of stiff silence, you felt Hawks’ body shake, all the emotions he was keeping in check while talking came rushing out in waves. He wrapped his arms around you, oh so slowly, returning your bear hug with a death grip. If you flexed even a little right now your jacket might rip you thought. You both sank to the floor, still firmly locked to each other. Hawks buried his head deeper into the crook of your neck while you rubbed comforting circles into his back. He was the first to speak.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice cracking just a touch.
“What for? If anyone should be apologizing, it’s me.”
“But nothing. You got assaulted. Stop apologizing for any of this. I’m sorry.” He sniffled a little before you continued.
“I was so quick to abandon you without any explanation. I may or may not have been a little insecure about us but even that’s no excuse for how things went. I left you when you needed me the most and ignored all your attempts to reach out.” You pulled back and gently cradled his face with a free hand. “I’m so, so, sorry you had to deal with all of this alone. I know this barely scratches the surface but I hope that even if you never forgive me for this, I can still help you find some closure.” You wiped a stray tear from his streaked cheek. The silence that followed your words was deafening, but you held firm, waiting for his response. The man in front of you fixated his sight into the very depths of your soul and spoke in a shaky breath.
“Do you still love me?” You paused for a second at that. You did. You really and truly did love this man. But you thought it would lighten the mood to make him work for that little tidbit of info.
“Do I?” You countered, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. You were teasing him, and as always, he was quick to catch on.
“I think you do.” Hawks replied playfully, albeit his voice still shaking a little.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Please…” He begged, his voice only above a whisper
“Yes, I do still love you.” You sighed, resting your forehead on his.
“Good. That was all I needed to hear.” He breathed a sigh of relief at that, and for the first time in months, you saw him smile. It was soft and delicate, like morning rays peeking out from dark clouds. Gods, you loved this man so much it hurt. You had no idea how you had convinced yourself you could get over him. The two of you sat there for who knows how long simply holding each other, neither ready to let go.
“So…where do we go from here?” Hawks asked bluntly, eyes scanning yours for any kind of answer.
“As in…?”
“As in, can we go back to the way things were? Y’know, before all of this?” He gestured vaguely to the air while his other hand still clung to you.
“I don’t really think so.”
His eyes blew wide at your deadpan. He looked so hurt at your words. You quickly realized your mistake and scrambled to find your words.
“I mean that in the sense that we can’t just ignore all the stuff that happened. There is a huge amount of therapy that needs to be had before I think we can call it “back to normal”!” You exclaimed, frazzled. Your bird man giggled at your reaction. Damn, he was adorable.
“Well, we have our work cut out for us then.” He said smugly, nudging your head with his as he smirked.
“You are impossible.” You scoffed.
“But you love it.” He said, smile growing wider by the minute.
“You're such a dork.”
“Your dork.”
“Always.” Letting out a breathy sigh as you settled your face into his shoulder.
Breathe in, breathe out
For the first time in almost a year, things felt like they were going to be alright.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
fake Fic titles:
Behind Glass Doors
Gave My Name to the Devil
Eternal Starshines
Ender of Wars, Ender of Lives
Darling, Why Won’t You Let Me In
Iron Shell
hghghghgh thank you anon these are amazinggg :D this is another one where i have one idea and feel obligated to do the rest right now so brrrr insomnia is helping with my motivation,,,
behind glass doors
karl and quackity had always been infatuated with the idea of being in the city. so, who was sapnap to decline his love's their fantasies?
the three of them had lived pretty far out, only because he liked it that way. and a human had managed to stumble upon him after he'd already found a borrower. he'd found a means to accommodate them quickly. and now he's planning a trip for them!
arriving at the city was easier said than done---it turns out they had been more far off than sapnap had realized and the trek to some kind of civilization hadn't been pleasant. but they got there!
and...immediately something felt off. it was dull, almost ghosted.
until they found their first sign of life, which was unfortunately quite a sight. missing flesh and grimey skin, ripped clothes and an undead look. a zombie. huh.
immediately, sapnap sought shelter for him and the other two in a building, locking the big glass doors that he doubted would be secure, but he hoped it would prove to be better than nothing.
gave my name to the devil
(i might make this an au if someone reminds me)
tommy had never seen techno try to lie. it made sense he was bad at it, considering how witty he was, but he didn't know he was that bad. and on top of it, the lying made tommy more suspicious. he'd lately been taking long trips out of the house, leaving early and coming back at hellish hours. and it wasn't like there was anything interesting to do outside of what tommy was already familiar with, because when there's a village at the bottom of a ravine, it's small, confined, and boring.
and tommy couldn't find his brother anywhere. phil was suspicious too, but he seemed more understanding. but tommy wasn't, because if techno had found something worth living for in this piss-poor town, he wanted to know about it.
so, he snuck off and followed techno. he'd tried before but always got turned around when someone or something distracted him, or he got tired.
but he stuck to it this time.
through the village, the forest, over an excruciatingly high hill that reeked and fit the looks of death (which got him pretty close to turning around because it scared him. he'd never admit that though) and finally, to the end of the ravine. and tommy considered turning right back around because holy shit. at the bottom of a towering rocky wall, there was an opening to a cave with the entrance carved like the mouth of a snake. and techno went in without a fear in his body. what was in there?
he was hesitant, but he hurried on before he lost sight of his brother.
it was dark inside, and he stuck close to the sound of techno's footsteps and the dim torch light.
and when he made it inside, techno was calling out for someone. a dream?
abruptly, startling the hell out of him, something in the shadows moved and appeared the biggest thing he had ever seen in his life. probably even bigger than the walls of the ravine, a naga.
"this is my brother, tommy," techno mentions, casually. techno knew he was here?
giant eyes fall onto him from behind a cracked mask.
"tommy! i've heard of you," the naga says.
techno told this thing about him?
eternal starshines
the sun never rose in wilbur's village. he'd grown up with nothing but darkness. and he had always heard tales of the kingdom with the most powerful of people, ones who set the sun and rose the moon, those who set the moon and rose the sun, those who fiddled with the weather; those who controlled the world. and wilbur, after spending years watching the children of the village sit and learn about the sun, something they'd never see. wilbur hadn't either, and he didn't want to sit with only stories, he wanted to see it. so, he set off on a journey to find this kingdom.
and when he did, through all of his doubts and troubles and awe on the search, he hadn't exactly prepared for it to be half as big as it was. miles and miles of a bustling town that he could barely see, because even though it was long, it was also tall. giant.
but still, he had a mission.
after dashing out the way of giants who wandered about their day without knowing the oddity beneath them, he'd arrived at the front of a palace, the darker of the two, which he'd associated with the moon, which he wanted to set.
while there, he's spotted by one of the giants, who introduces herself as kristin, and explains that there was yet to be a new ruler for the moon as the other had stepped down, and his better bet was to seek out the sun to strike the other end of the deal in the meantime.
and so he did. with the help of kristin's husband, philza, the two arrived at the sun palace and wilbur set off, making a base of operations in the walls and planning to get his deal started.
darling, why won't you let me in?
for eight years, dream and george had known each other, and everything had been fine. and now, the face reveal had done alright, and things were squared away with george coming to america.
but dream had left one key detail out: his size.
sapnap had tried to bargain with dream to tell george, but he disclosed it every time out of fear. he was the only tiny on the server given how rare they were, and he didn't anything to happen.
so, when the time comes for george to finally meet dream, it's quite a reveal.
the car ride was quiet—dream didn't want to make it awkward by having The Conversation within their first moments together.
shortly after they got home and settled in for the night, dream decides to lock himself in his room on a late-night whim.
george discovers this when he goes to find dream in the morning.
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blindrapture · 4 months
TUESDAY MAY 31ST, 2011 (Tropes)
7:12 AM "Man, that really did a number on you, didn't it?" I don't want to disobey. :c "That is what I wanted, yes. Okay, I don't have much to tell you today except to remind you, marketplace, 8 PM." Hey, yeah, there's a big TVTropes meetup there. Why do you want me to go to that? ..she walked out. Guess I can go back to bed, then.
7:56 AM Donnie’s up. She said she missed me yesterday. ..and she kissed me. .w. FUCK YEAH APOCALYPSE
8:38 AM Fucking hate those things. They don’t ever do anything. They just stand there, moving only when I do. I’m beginning to suspect they aren’t really “zombies.”
12:52 PM More zombies got into the house. I got ‘em out.
4:44 PM OH MY GOD MORE ZOMBIES BACK BACK BACK There’s been a lot of zombies lashing out today. It’s almost like they’re choosing today, of all days, to group up. >___>
7:10 PM We’re heading out to the marketplace now, all three of us. It’s a stupid idea to leave the house unguarded, but what the fuck.
7:48 PM People are slowly pouring into the marketplace. It’s oddly devoid of all zombies.
8:06 PM Wow, a lot of people here recognize me ‘cause my TVTropes avatar is a drawing of Rael Fancyhat. ..which is my ALTER-EGO. :DDD (Inter-ego?) In the.. coat n’ hat. And scarf. And.. yeah, I’m easy to spot. I just heard, like, seven “DJays” right then. I’m getting hugged left and right. I love tropers.
8:21 PM Seems like someone’s gonna have to make a speech soon. This oughta answer a few of our questions.
8:29 PM I see Mister Speech Man Dude. I think that’s one of the moderators. I think. Shit, I’ve heard about him.
8:30 PM Speech time! “Attention. Attention, everyone. I don’t exactly have a microphone, so you’re just gonna have to be quiet, alright? Alright. Now, let’s get some facts straight: This is probably the end of the world. There are zombies in the streets. There are giant faceless torso men crawling around. There are portals to another dimension lying around. The internet has been down since Saturday. There are really dangerous creatures sharing our world. We have no idea what else is going on. There, see? Does that clear things up?” crowd’s laughing a bit “But none of that means we should give our hopes up. We’re all still alive, and we’ve made it through some pretty atrocious wars so as a species I think we’ll do just fine. The important thing to do is to gather whatever information we can find. So if we could all patiently raise our hands and, when called on, tell everyone whatever information you’ve been able to discern about this bizarre state of the world.” someone raises their hand, the mod points at them “I’ve been having bad dreams about the future, and from what I’ve gathered everyone’s been, so they’re probably important.” “Yes, good to note! Bad dreams about the future, real specific, I love it! Who’s next?” a woman over there “I have good friends in the Internet Service Providing industry, and before the internet went down last Saturday some of them were talking about their computers showing a figure made of clockwork. The internet had actually gone down before that day and they’d been able to get it back up, as apparently this clockwork virus thing can’t keep a total hold over the internet for too long, so something tells me the internet will come back. Probably go in waves.” murmuring mod “Wow, that’s some really vital information if your friends were right in what they saw! Way to go to them! Anyone else? C'mon, we’ve got all night!” uh I guess I’ll raise my hand “Yes, you there in the hat!”
Hi! I, uh. I’ve got a lot of things to say, actually; I’ve kinda been running all over the country so I’ve already encountered a fair bit of stuff. May I take some time to.. list.. stuff? “By all means.” First up, hi, I’m Jordan. Jordan Dooling. You guys know me as DJay. I’ve been kinda running all over the country, and I’ve seen plenty of shit. Can I say “shit?” Alright, shitting fuck, all that stuff. There are, uh.. there are these things called “spidercats.” I don’t know if you guys’ve seen them. Hell, they might not even be called that; I just… heh, yeah. Spidercats are exactly what they sound like. They’re cats. With eight legs. And they are bastards, seriously. Sure, they can be docile and cute just like any cat, but I warn you: If they get hostile, kill them swiftly and sharply. Try not to get ambushed. …that was shit advice, now that I think about it. I mean, you can’t exactly prepare for an ambush; it’s not an “ambush” then. I’ll move on. The big, faceless guys? I call ‘em “Big Ones,” and I find it’s a very helpful name for remembering which creature’s which. I haven’t seen any other giant creatures crawling around, and I can’t say I really want to. But yeah. Big Ones. I have no idea how to kill them. I just try to avoid them. Oh! Oh! A little tip: Big Ones love Pot Noodles. Found this out the hard way. You guys might want to write some of this stuff down. A while back, I encountered something some of you might not believe. This was an isolated event; I haven’t ran into the thing since, but still! Best to inform you. It was, um… no easier way to say this, really. A Cockroach Jesus. It was a giant cockroach. With the head of Jesus Christ. He was driving a car, no joke. He’s a little hostile. Chased me through the woods. Uh.. take notes if you see him. Or one. Might be more than one. Oh, important to note that it was specifically the head of the white western depiction and not anything historically accurate! ..moving on. In the aforementioned forest, not sure where but it’s somewhere close to Ashford, Middlesex. …SORRY NOT MIDDLESEX, I forgot it hasn’t been called “Middlesex” since 1962. SURREY. Right? Surrey? Yeah, Ashford, Surrey. Anyway! In the forest is a little town I found filled with green people. Now, uh.. trying not to sound racist here, but the green people were evil. They tried to kill me. I think. I’m.. well, my memory’s a little fuzzy as to what they actually did. I just realized I don’t have a name for them. …well, they had trees on their fingers. So “Treefingers.” Let’s call ‘em that. Kay? Kay. Question, did you have a questi… no, you were stretching. Kay. God, this is gonna take ages.
There seems to be a, um… does anyone know the towns near Ashford, Surrey? You do? Good. Um.. tell me, was “Hell” always there? It wasn’t? Yeah, well, it is now. It’s a weird town, clocks are a little broken, and your old friends show up as tarantulas, but it’s.. I mean, it’s not bad. I wouldn’t hate living there or anything. The only problem is this, uh… “Eldritch Bear.” It’s a giant bear thing that really isn’t a bear at all. It’s Eldritch. An Eldritch Abomination. I’m sure you tropers know what I mean. Just.. if you see a bear, run, okay? You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, actually. There’s also a really creepy man around there, looks a bit like the G-Man from Half-Life. Don’t know shit about him, sorry. He’s good with bears, though. Alright, let me pose a, um… scenario in your minds: Let’s say you’re— close your eyes, close your eyes, relax, you’re on a beach, you’re in the sky, you’re relaxed and in your happy place. Right. Now, you’re on the motorway and a giant truck is chasing you and trying to eat you. That’s the “Carbra.” Watch out for it. f them do have wings. Watch out. No special name; they’re just the flying zombies, really. Real flappy wings. Can’t miss ‘em. Unless you’re looking at the ground. But then, why would you be looking at the ground out in the middle of— oh, maybe there’s a spidercat eating your leg or something. God, that would be, like.. the worst day, ever. …sorry, moving on. London is fairly safe. Fairly. I’m sure some of you were wondering about that. See, the zombies there don’t hurt you. They just stand there, as do the ones around here. I have no name for these. ….but I guess I’ll make one now. Uhhhh… hrm, what’s a good name? They’re zombies… but they just stand there. They’re pretty dull. …how about “dull zombies?” Right, rolls off the tongue, sounds good. Now, up around the northern motorway, I have seen a certain crying man. Now, don’t fall for the same mistake I made, kay? Stay away from the crying man. If he runs from you, don’t follow. “But wait,” you ask. “What if it’s an actual survivor? How do I tell the difference,” you ask? Well. …I have no idea. Just, um.. call his name. Or say “HEY YOU.” If you get no response, he’s either the crying man or he can’t hear you or he’s distracted or he’s.. well, a lot of things. Fuck. Um.. just… be careful, alright?
Right. I’ll cut right to the good part: The slender man is real. Saw him when I was on Blackpool Tower the other day. Same slender man we all know and fear— slendercoat, slender body, no noticeable face. He didn’t attack me, but ohhhh god I’ve never seen him actually attack anyone in a story ohh god what’s gonna happen SORRY SORRY SORRY. Next: THE MOTHERFUCKING RAKE IS REAL. AND THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OF THEM. Three Rakes. You know The Rake, I’m sure. Pale, hairless, dog-man, sharp claws, disturbing eyes. Yeah, there are at least three of them. Luckily, they are killable. And I have already killed two. But still, y’know? Prepare. My friend in the Americas let me know that the Grim Reaper might be real too. Wears a gas mask, apparently. Be on the lookout. What else. What else. Hoo boy. In London, right? In London, there is, uh.. how to explain him. He’s a man. In a hood. And he’s wearing a mask that’s a lot like a giant beak, covers his face. I thought he looked a lot like Ace, from RubyQuest, so I called him Ace Man. For some reason, I get the feeling he’s a lot more dangerous than when I just saw him standing there, so.. yeah. And here in Blackpool, stay away from the seaside, okay? You might run into a giant tentacle. I call it CTHULHU 2 or something, though I was told it’s nothing like Cthulhu at all, so don’t let my words distract you from reality. It controls the zombies around here. Okay, good I got that out of the way. Now, I think that should be it. Is that it? Yeah, I think that’s it. Thank you, and, uh… have a nice day.
“Thank you for that, DJay. That was pretty informative. But I think I have something you missed: The Harlequin.” The, uh.. the Harlequin? “Yes. Heard of her?” …no, I can’t say I have. <:D “Then I’ll explain. The Harlequin is an increasing threat in our attempts at survival. I’ve heard word of at least seven groups of survivors being defeated by her today. And with the more people she defeats, the stronger she grows, so something needs to be done sooner rather than later. The Harlequin, for all intents and purposes, is a living puppet. A marionette, y'know? Except she isn’t controlled by strings. She uses her strings to control us. Well, her victims. She loves to play tricks, whether just fooling us for fun or playing with her ‘food.’ It’s hard to tell who’s actually under her control, too. Her strings aren’t normally that easy to see. And if she knows enough about you, she can get your corpse to mimic you to a terrifying degree of accuracy.” Have there ever, um.. been reports of people.. following the Harlequin.. without being forced? "What, a genuine follower? No. No, nobody's been that stupid. To willingly go along? To just be some kind of... of pet? What would she have them do, probably murder. I have a word of advice to everyone here: You want to avoid the Harlequin. Kill the Puppets, put them out of their mercy. If there is someone willingly following her, kill them too! This is about survival, and protecting humanity!" ..ah. That answers my question. “Good. I’m glad it does. Now, then. Now that we’ve gotten all the serious business out of the way, let’s try living like humans again. Let’s have ourselves a party!” crowd cheeeeer
8:57 PM Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my goddddddddddd HELP.
10:31 PM I’m hiding in the bathroom. I just.. I need a moment. Oh my god, why am I freaking out so much, they love me, but I’m a traitor. You heard them, journal; you got it all written down. They'd hate my kind. I’m spineless. I’m a coward, a fool. A bitch. I’m a pet.
10:34 PM ….as I was walking out, I passed by a troper who I assumed was listening to his iPod. I looked again, he had no earphones nor any iPod or anything. Just wires. I’m gonna find Donnie.
10:38 PM I can’t find her. I guess I’ll.. keep looking.
10:44 PM Everyone’s looking at me. Why is everyone looking at me.
10:45 PM Someone’s stepping up to the stage. It’s the mod. He looks tired. “Attention, everyone. The time has come for the few of you who have been unconverted to step up.” ..the crowd’s pushing some people up to the stage. What the hell. …wait, am I converted already or somTALKING TALKING “We shall start with the first.” It’s a woman. ..obviously. I’ll shut up. ..wait. What’s he doing with that KNIFE WAIT asdfgh ….o_e There’s someone floating above him. Above the mod. I gotta get closer. The mod’s arms are raising. His hands are dangling as his elbows are up. The figure above him is doing the same. The figure’s moved their right hand to their throat. And.. I don’t need to tell you this but that’s his knife hand ohgod I can almost tell who the figurrjiweds Hello, Mistress. Mistress is pleased to see me here. I.. but.. fuck. Mistress says she’ll do that later; I may have been a good boy but she has other matters to attend to. That’s not what I… Mistress is making the mod talk more. She’s making him give a speech to the few remaining survivors, telling them how they shouldn’t have come, how the Mistress is so pleased they did come anyway. How their blind obedience will come in very handy. The crowd of puppets is closing in on the NONONO I’ve gotta do somethYES MISTRESS, oh god sorry sorry…I’m sorry, you guys. .__. I just.. I can’t. She can crush me like an ant. I couldn’t possibly… Oh god. Can I at least look awayYESMISTRESS ohgod I don’t wanna looooook blood blood look at that that’s death more and more tropers taken to the public spectacle I oh god please no that’s Donnie please. .___. Mistress sees I am passionate for this pathetic girl. Mistress decides she’ll show a little mercy, at least because it’s for her pet. But Mistress reminds me that her mercy comes at a price, a price that Mistress can and will claim when she so pleases. Yes, ma’am. >___< Mistress is ordering me to take Donnie and go to bed now. Mistress will see me in the morning. …her giggles. Not so comforting.
11:00 PM Donnie and I walked home slowly. Donnie stopped by a bin to vomit at one point. We didn’t speak to each other. She knows I’m a pet now.
(Attached: "What is this about? Tropes transcend television. They reflect life. We’re about celebrating fiction, not showing off how snide and sarcastic we can be. What is this about? What is this about? What is this about? What is this about?”) (Attached, flipped to other side: “Cyetbwla ewbtwnx eu tam ohytv, Sbjyw if lbnw lv usnz hcfaz Agl hkvdadfr gx spta bzx vxhoshogeay mw kxl ezo J.. kyeh, dhh Q jxhtdy ba. Naa Yemcjg vn Jafz Ztjjyail, tz Q'v cbzfxz pt. Lwex vn qov aur dhvx lgnibwd ns Uvybsxl ex vn ealwhz if lbnw nw Ag I esxbyhtx xska wx Rbdnnnl th ggn Icl umhcfwaeeg lapa as ocn yky yhc. Lapa as gcl xrlrrwfx. Apas jg zhn te. ...Vhvk htvsnh oed qgea fiwir: Vrhtagqpeaofi tbv VXN...”)
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* TRAILER SPOILERS LOOK AWAY IF YOU HAVENT WATCH ( Netjames 2023 line up + TutorYim because I have favourites) TRAILERS ( pretty sure you’ve seen it on Instagram or Twitter tho )
1. Middleman’s love
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Middleman’s love is giving romCOM vibes. Guess which part of the trailer is my favourite? TutorYim as MaiJade and NetJames as KingUea Mainly focused on MAIJADE! Story about an intern ( Mai ) interning at a company. Mai has a crush on Jade but Jade is used to being a “middleman” ( aka people go to him to know his siblings/friend) so he thinks Mai has ulterior motives approaching him.
2. Bedfriend
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I’ve read the novel so I’m super excited for how they are going to act this out! NetJames as KingUea. This series will be focused on them. Uea and King are widely chased by people in their office, the both of them said that they won’t date people in the office however the both of them are vastly different in how they react to these pursuers. What happens if they became friends with benefits after an accident ? ( honestly I am trying my very best not to spoil the entire novel.)
3. Love Upon a Time
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The trailer is giving until we meet again vibes ( past life) A nobleman and his bodyguard? My guess is that. in their past lives, James character is a nobleman? Or has high status and Net’s character is of a lower status and through some type of fighting competition? He got to become James’ bodyguard and they slowly fall in love? ITS GIVING FORBIDDEN LOVE I LOVE IT. I’m really excited about seeing if my guess is right hehe.
Edit : the English translation came up and I feel stupid HAHAHA
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Zombie + survivors = zomvivors. Creative name ahha. I think a zombie apocalypse broke out in school? It’s giving that one kdrama which name I can’t remember vibes. I’m pretty sure the whole of DMD is in it + some other actors and actresses ( Boss looking kinda hot in that one scene tho and Boun iconic blonde hair ) I’m really excited about this series, I think at first I was kinda shocked? That there would be a series based on Zombies ( made by DMD idk why I guess it’s bc they mainly focus on BLs from what I’ve seen but I have no complains ) but I really really love watching apocalyptic shows ( I’m serious, there was a point in my life totally not now that I watch so much of apocalyptic dramas that I only dream about being in one :D )
Notes :
You probably don’t care but I spent the last 20 minutes adjusting the pictures because they kept lagging into the cat ears photos 😭😭 but I’ve included my favourite scenes of the trailers.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Top 10 (or five or however many you wanna do) hopes/dreams/things-you-wanna-see happen during the two shot? What do you want the most. Also for a bonus point however many things you’d hate to see, or like things the fandom wants that you’d disagree with (coughs in inexplicable fjorjester hate)
So, on some level, it's like. It's Mighty Nein. They are dealing with Uk'otoa. I don't really think they can go wrong, per se. With that said, here's the stuff I'd like to see:
Sabian. Travis always excels at providing a certain weight to his character backstories and in having people who are both immensely important and also largely unseen (Vandran; the Claret Orders/Oltgar/Chet's past lovers; Wrayne Agrupnin; Kevdak felt this way prior to him showing up) so it's like. Let us see Sabian, he's at the center of Fjord's backstory, we narrowly missed him bc the Nein decided to go mad hard on Avantika right away and then it made sense to part ways post-Aeor (this is valid of them but still) and he's DEFINITELY caught up in this.
I will be happy if they reseal Uk'otoa, but I will be ECSTATIC if they just fucking kill him. Fuck off, snea snake.
Similarly, I'd like to see Caduceus and Essek cameos. We know Cad's not coming (and why would he, tbh, he's got a garden and he does not have any love for the sea and [long derailing meta about Cad and Fjord's friendship redacted]). I highly doubt Essek is joining them for the full two-shot either for mechanical and narrative reasons. However, a brief send-off scene or a Sending to those guys would be a nice touch.
TBH on that note I'd love for it to open with a like, call to action with scenes from each of the groups, so like, Jester, with Fjord and Kingsley, calling up Beau and Yasha; Caleb (and possibly Essek); Veth; and Caduceus, and each of them getting a scene of what they're currently up to and then joining everyone on the ship, or not, as the case may be. (Cad: I'm well! Absolutely not! But if any of you die and it's not Caleb tell him you can teleport here for resurrection or burial, whatever.)
Veth has 6 first level wizard spells now (possibly more if they leveled up further?) and I want her to go fucking wild.
Taliesin gets carte blanche - even when I don't vibe with his characters (which has only happened once) I trust his builds will be at minimum interesting - so I would love to see something absolutely bananas for Kingsley.
I want Marius LePual to finally kill something. Like, a small thing, like a sea spawn dude.
Fjord was considering getting a tattoo, vaguely, from Orly, and he's had the time, and I think that would be very fun. I feel like dexterity is the obvious choice but who knows. Maybe he picks cold resistance.
torn tbh between "somehow, Avantika returned" for comedy and making Vandran very unhappy, and the fact that her zombie death was a significant moment and the moment of the Star Razor's exultation.
My ridiculous long-shot wish is a Beauyasha engagement thus setting up another one shot set at their wedding. This offers an opportunity for Caduceus and Essek content that would make more sense than in this two-shot, it would be very fun, and probably Isharnai interrupts it.
Things I don't want to see are under a cut so that people who want to be in a pure state of bliss can continue. Rock on; as established, I am, as Brian Murphy once said of himself, made almost entirely of salt, but I admire those who are not.
So here's the thing. Do I care, particularly, about the opinions of people who keep calling for two characters who have been dating for like four months and have never once been stated to be married, to get divorced? Do I care, particularly, about the opinions of people whose social skills are so utterly lacking that they genuinely think that the way to achieving closure for unrequited feelings for one of your closest friends, who is dating another one of your closest friends, when you are also either in a relationship, or at least involved in Serious Wizard Flirting, is to confess this love to them, instead of quietly moving on? Like, realistically, it goes like this:
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Do I care, particularly, about the opinions of people, who I believe with unshakeable certainty, would 100% be the biggest Fjord stans of all time if he were played exactly the same, beat for beat, word for word, except by either Marisha or Liam (depending on their personal preference), instead of by Travis?
The answer is, of course, yes. I do. The devil on my shoulder constantly whispers to me "but M, someone is WRONG on the INTERNET." Fortunately, the angel on my shoulder has a boombox blasting "Welcome to Wildemount" at top volume and is doing a pretty good job of drowning it out right now.
Anyway, is it Thursday yet?
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afaroffsong · 1 year
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
bonfire - describe your dream house.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date? 
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
Everything. I want to know everything about you, my dear. ^_^
Best friend - My best friend (besides you) is my sister. I don't know what my impression of her was, but I'm told I tried several times to poke her in the eye. I was exactly 15 months, 6 days and 12 hours old when she was born.
Advice to my younger self - Oh. I've actually thought about this a lot. Little me needed a lot of advice and guidance she never got. Probably I would tell my 11-year-old self to trust God, trust that He cares, and pray a lot more. Maybe I would tell my 12-year-old self, "God doesn't hate you." I really needed to hear that. One or the other.
Hobby/skill I've always wanted to try - I've always wanted to dance. I did ballet as an 8-year-old. I was really quite terrible at it. But Irish dancing has my heart...
Fictional character I identify with - Beth March. She is literally me. Or I am literally her. Except she is much kinder and more selfless.
Dream wardrobe - *sigh* I am not a fashionable person. I would be happy wearing plain black leggings and purple/blue/black sweaters for the rest of my life. That being said, I do wish I could find clothes that actually look flattering on me. It seems everything these days is made for women with my sister's body type. We never share clothes because the moment I see her wearing something of my own I say, "Right. That's it. Keep it. It looks way better on you anyway." XD
Food I disliked as a child but now enjoy - Stuff with yeast in it. I hated the flavour of yeast as a child. I don't mind it now. Either that or soup/stew--little me thought it was disgusting, but I could eat soup every day.
Unpopular opinion - Oh dear. I don't know. I think liquorice is quite tasty? Most people don't. XD
How well would I do in a zombie apocalypse - I would either die in a really dumb way or trying to protect my siblings. I don't think I would last very long. XD
If I could look like any celebrity - Hmm, this one stumped me. Audrey Hepburn was very pretty.
Have I ever encountered a house I believed to be haunted - I don't think so. If ghosts are real I am among the majority of people who are totally clueless to their existence.
One thing I'd like to happen this autumn - I would like to enter my first dressage competition on my pony. But that would take a lot of courage, more than I have at the moment.
School subject I wish I had an aptitude for - History. Fascinating, of course, but nothing ever stuck in my head.
Dream house - Small, cosy, located in the countryside. A few stables, a lot of land. A family, some horses, a dog, maybe. I don't really dream about what it would look like, mostly how I would like it to feel.
Different time period - I'm quite happy in this modern age BUT if I had to go back in time... maybe the 50's? It's a time period I don't know much about. Also I'd like to wear dresses in my day-to-day life without that being weird, but also have the convenience of electricity and plumbing, etc.
Do I miss high school - I was homeschooled and no. I was so stressed out for no reason. And lonely. Not a fun time.
A physical feature I get complimented on - My hair, occasionally. Maybe once every other year.
The weirdest encounter I've had with a stranger on the street - I honestly believe my baby brother and I were nearly kidnapped once. We were walking on the road, a white van with two men inside stopped alongside us and they just stared and smiled at us. It was very creepy and I don't know why they drove away, but I was EXTREMELY happy when they did.
Tea - one sugar cube, a drop of milk. Decaf so I don't vibrate into oblivion.
Do I think humans are inherently good or bad - I think everyone is, inherently, both. Made in the image of God but raised in a broken world. Environment, potential, choices, experiences--these all add up. I have a hard time putting my thoughts on deeper subjects like this into words.
Neat or messy - Unfortunately I am very messy. If I didn't share a room with my sister I would probably be worse. (She hates my mess.)
Gone on a bad date - I have never been on a date, period. XD
Hair - I have always wanted curly hair. I don't really mind what colour--I am too dark in complexion, probably for anything lighter than what I have, which is really really dark brown.
Someone I miss having in my life - Probably just extended family in general. My grandparents on my mother's side keep in touch with me, but everyone else seems to have forgotten we're still alive over here in the little country of Ireland.
Thank you for the many, many asks, I really enjoyed answering them. :D <33
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joehillssimp · 2 years
Holds my mic up to you, "In light of recent poll results, what's the general mood? Did you believe your candidate would make it this far?"
Well you know when I first nominated Joe Hills for MCYT Tumblr Sexy Man, i figured Mr. Hills would get a few more nominations, but likely wouldn't even make it onto the bracket.
After all, at the time, despite Hermitcraft being One Of if not THE biggest Minecraft Servers closely followed on this HellSite(affectionate), he was certainly one of the less popular, considering his sub count in regards to others such as Scar.
Not to mention the behemoth that was the DreamSMP.
Now, as someone who frequented the fandoms of both of those major servers, I knew the power and the Sexyman-ness of Wilbur, Scar, Technoblade, and Quackity, and i had figured that one of those more major players would take center stage as the Definitive MCYTblr Sexyman.
Seriously, if you asked me to put money on it, I would have picked Scar to take it all.
But then the Nomination round went on... And on... and On a little More...
And Joe got 3rd Seed Overall.
And Oh Man I Got Shoved Into Maximum Overdrive
We had a chance. And not only a chance, but a Mother Fucking Top 3 Seed. I coulnd't have dreamed of even being seeded that high. But that is the Joe Hills Difference isn't it?
Now, since this was before we saw the bracket, I had hope, but I wasn't about to set my expectations too high, for all I knew Joe would get Scar or Technoblade or someone in the first round and Boom, all my hopes and dreams would be crushed before my eyes.
And then the bracket came out.
And not only did our High Seed mean we'd skip the Wild Card Round, but that we wouldn't be in the same Bracket as Scar(who let's face it was in a pretty hefty Bracket, probably to offset being #1). And not only were we not in the same Bracket as Scar, but out first 2 Rounds were Easy Victories.
And this was when I shoved every part of myself into Watching This Showdown.
And I will admit that I still didn't expect us to beat Scar. I was hoping for a nice and clean, 2nd Place.
But as we can see now
That isn't what happened.
Joe didn't get eliminated in teh preliminaries.
He didn't go down to the Sexiest Living (RIP Technoblade I hope you're making the afterlives/immortalities of whoever you're with rn an absolute hell and loving the shit out of it) DSMP Sexymen.
He didn't even fall to the Bisexual Queen herself Zombie Cleo.
And honestly, this IS, "The Man Who Conquered Death" afterall.
Why would we as a community believe that he could be defeated by anything less than Death itself! (or herself I think Miss Trixtin was in the first couple of rounds i don't remember though I was kind of busy screaming about Joe)
And here we are. After a long hard battle.
After Days of Voter Fraud,
And Discord Planning,
And Art Making,
and Horribly thought out campaign promises...
With Joe as #1.
And let me tell you...
I'm hella terrified I'm going to have to spend the next who knows how long working to animate a Sexy Joe Hills to Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" because that's what Joe has done and it's going to be a lot of work that hopefully will be worth it in the end.
If you wanna watch me Draw/Plan/Storyboard/Animate the Joe Hills Sexy Back Animation then come check me out at twitch.tv/anablazebanana
At 10pm PST where I will be livestreaming quite a bit of the process. I'm mostly doing this because @theminecraftbee said they were going to hold me to it so i may as well have tangible progress reports semi-daily.
So ya know, at least I have something to do now that all this is over and my life won't feel like an empty void without something big happening.
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