#you should def still do it occasionally it looks so nice
bbyleiah · 9 months
smoke you out.
| just a random cheating fic I wrote about Eren stealing Connie’s girl 🫣 |
Cw: smut, cheating, bf!Connie, lots of dirty talk (eren has a filthy mouth 🫦) dry humping, riding, biting, sorta mating press, unprotected sex, cream pie, squirting, tummy bulge, hair pulling, scratching, fluids, pet names, etc. fem! shy sub reader & dom!Eren. (pretty good amount of plot though ☝🏽) (also it may not seem like it but the reader is def black 😭)
word count : long asf 😭
sn : I don’t know a single thing abt smoking fr so my apologies if the lingo is inaccurate 😭
part 2 🤩 : breakfast <3
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You tripped over your little feet as you tried to keep up with your boyfriend Connie. He didn’t pay you any mind at all as he dapped up his friends at this house party gathering. Your feet were starting to hurt in your cute Mary Jane shoes. As you tripped, Eren caught your arm before you could embarrassingly fall on your face.
You sheepishly looked up at the tall, clearly high male. “sorry..” You muttered softly. “You’re good, little one.” Eren hummed as he let you go. You blushed and scurried off, finding your boyfriend again. He was finally not moving anymore, sitting in the kitchen with all his homies, smoking and drinking.
You honestly hated when he dragged you to these parties because it really wasn’t your kind of environment, and it wasn’t like he stayed by your side or made you feel welcome at these gatherings. Honestly, sometimes it seemed like Connie could care less about you with the way he ignored you and constantly forgot about you. But it was also confusing because he was super overprotective and possessive of you at times.
You were just his obedient pretty little girlfriend that followed him around but that role was getting tiring. despite disliking these parties, all of Connie’s friends always made you feel safe and welcomed so it wasn’t too bad. You stood quietly beside Connie, drinking water and fanning second hand smoke away from your face as he enjoyed his time with his friends.
His friends acknowledged you occasionally which was nice, but everytime you tried to talk to Connie he’d dismiss you or give half ass replies. You sighed and gave up eventually until you had to use the restroom. “Con, can you walk me to the bathroom please?” You asked him sweetly as you tugged on his sleeve. “Eh, why can’t you go by yourself princess?” He asked as he directed his attention towards you.
“Because I feel uncomfortable going alone with all these people I don’t know..” You told him, you felt like your stance was valid. Connie sighed, “I get that but you should be fine baby, everyone knows you’re my girl so I doubt they’ll bother you.” Connie said as he took another hit from his blunt. You pouted, “But..” you started but Eren interjected. “I’ll walk with her.” He offered.
“Look at that sweetheart, you got yourself a volunteer. Thanks bro.” Connie chuckled. You huffed softly and rolled your eyes at Connie’s nonchalant attitude, you honestly would rather just walk alone at this point. But you made your way through the crowd of people with Eren and up the stairs.
“thank you for walking with me even though you didn’t have to.” You said gratefully to Eren with a sigh, sulking a bit still over Connie and his lack of care for you. “No problem. I know Connie can be a dickhead sometimes.” Eren shrugged honestly. Your eyes widened at his words as you stared up at him. Eren chuckled at your reaction, “What? he’s my bestfriend. I can freely insult him. Just as he’d do to me. It’s all love you know?” Eren chuckled.
“I guess..I’d never insult Connie though. He’s a great boyfriend even though he has his faults.” You defended, Eren snorted in amusement. “Whatever makes your pretty head feel better.” He shrugged. You used the restroom and to your surprise Eren waited outside the door for you the whole time. “I-..you didn’t have to wait for me.” You stammered. “What’s the point of walking you if I don’t wait on you also?. I don’t mind it.” He said.
He had a point to be fair. “true..thanks again though.” You said. As you two began to walk again, you stumbled once more, these shoes were really starting to be your enemy. “You okay?” Eren asked you. “Yeah, these shoes are just a little uncomfortable.” You sighed as you tried to adjust the shoes.
Eren observed you before he suddenly picked you up, you yelped in shock, eyes going wide as you hit Eren’s shoulder. “Eren! What are you doing?!” You exclaimed. “Relax, I’m just tryna help” He said as he carried you back into the bathroom. He sat you down on the countertop and sat down in front of you before grabbing your foot gently.
He slipped off your shoe and that’s when you saw the bleeding bruise on the back on your heel. “Oh..” you mumbled. “You didn’t notice this until now? Wasn’t it painful?” Eren asked as he looked up at you. “It was..but I didn’t think it was that bad.” You muttered honestly. Eren sighed, “You should be more careful, or buy more comfortable shoes.” Eren said as he began to clean the blood. You hissed at the sting and kicked Eren by accident, he didn’t budge though, focused on treating you.
This was such an odd predicament you were in. Eren had paid more attention to you in a few minutes than your boyfriend did in months. You didn’t know why Eren was being so caring to you but you were soaking it up since you lacked it lately. “I would’ve worn my comfy shoes if I knew I was gonna be chasing Connie around again..” You muttered with a sigh.
Eren didn’t comment on that. You just observed Eren as he treated both of your heels. You never noticed his full appearance until now, his low bun with loose hairs framing his face, his low red eyes and sculpted nose, his black sweats and black tee combo with a small chain, the small studs in his ears. Eren was gorgeous to say the least. “Don’t look at me like that or I’ll do something bad and you’ll regret it more than me little one.” Eren said as he gently placed some bandaids he’d found on your bruises.
You were caught off guard by his words, starting to blush. “I-I didn’t mean to stare so much..I’m sorry.” You said as you hid your face in your hands out of embarrassment. Eren chuckled and pulled your hands away, “It’s okay sweetheart, you don’t have to apologize to me. I don’t mind you staring, but I meant what I said. I don’t have much self control.” Eren hummed as he stared into your eyes, his hand caressing your calf making you squirm a little.
“I uhm..” You truly didn’t know how to respond, chewing on your lip as you struggled to find words. Something about Eren’s vague words and the way he looked at you made you feel weird, the energy didn’t seem appropriate. “We should get back with the others.” You managed to say. Eren chuckled, “You’re right…or we could ditch them and hang out? I prefer smoking privately anyways. I could smoke you out real good too.” Eren suggested with a sly grin.
You stared at Eren in shock again, “Connie would kill me! Also I don’t smoke much.” You blurted. “He’s not even worried about you. plus you’re with me, his bestfriend and he trusts me. You seem like you have a low tolerance so I can still smoke you out even if you don’t smoke much” Eren hummed.
You chewed on your lip again as you pondered wether to accept Eren’s offer. Everything he said was right, and you knew Connie wasn’t looking for you or even thinking about you at the moment. You also knew that you’d be miserable following Connie around more. “okay, I’ll go with you. but let Connie know, I don’t want him thinking anything weird.” You said.
Eren subtly rolled his eyes, “sure, I’ll inform your master” Eren teased. “Hey! He’s not my master!” You huffed with a pout. Eren laughed, “You follow him like a little puppy though. You know I should start calling you pup, has a nice ring to it.” Eren only teased more, laughing harder when you kicked him this time on purpose. “I’m just loyal to my boyfriend.” You muttered with another huff as you crossed your arms.
“I get it. I’ll stop teasing. Let’s go little one.” Eren chuckled as he helped you down from the countertop. You slipped your shoes back on and then you and Eren left and made your way to his car. Eren wasn’t planning on informing Connie of shit, he felt like it was none of Connie’s business what you two were up to, to be honest.
He only told a small lie so he didn’t feel too bad about it. Once y’all got into his black vintage mustang, Eren turned on the radio, rnb starting to play lowly in the background as Eren began to roll up. “You smoke papers sweetheart?” Eren asked as he grinded his weed. You stared at him completely clueless, “…I don’t know, what’s papers? I just smoke whatever Connie gives me.” You said honestly.
Eren chuckled, “These are papers, they’re white. They aren’t brown like rellos. I smoke joints, not blunts. Although I don’t mind either. Also don’t say no shit like that ever again, don’t just smoke whatever is given to you. Make sure it’s safe first and that you know exactly what it is.” Eren said seriously suddenly. You pouted, feeling like you just got scolded a little. “I trust Connie though..but I get what you mean. I’ll take your advice.” You said, understanding his point.
“Good Girl. You can watch me and see exactly what you’ll be smoking and all the steps.” Eren hummed. Your brain short-circuited a bit at the sudden praise, hearing Eren say that felt nice..really nice and it made you want to hear it more. Those feelings felt wrong though so you pushed them away. You watched Eren closely as he rolled up; placing the grinded weed into the papers, setting it straight and then running his tongue along the seams before closing the joint.
You unconsciously clenched your thighs seeing Eren lick the joint, you didn’t know why a sight you’d seen many times suddenly seemed so attractive. “You have a tongue piercing?!” You blurted after spotting the little ball. Eren chuckled, “I do, got it a few years back. You must’ve been paying real close attention to notice that” Eren teased a little.
“I wasn’t looking that hard!” You defended yourself as you blushed slightly. Eren laughed, “You’re so damn cute, fuck.” Eren said while shaking his head as he laughed. Your eyes went wide at that comment, now blushing a lot. It was extremely flattering hearing that from someone as attractive as Eren and it made you shy.
You composed yourself though, trying to act as if the small compliment didn’t effect you as much as it did. “Did it hurt when you got it?” You asked him out of curiosity, going back on topic. You watched as Eren placed the joint between his lips, lighting it with his lighter, the flame casting a glow on his face and highlighting his features.
He inhaled, holding it for a few seconds before he exhaled with his head tilted back and his eyes closed. It was honestly the most mouthwatering sight you’d ever witnessed. Suddenly you had zero thoughts, just solely focused on Eren. “Mhm, it hurt but mostly during the healing process. I like pain though so I didn’t mind it.” Eren hummed.
His words broke you out of your sudden trance. “You like pain? That’s weird.” You said, not fully understanding how someone could enjoy pain. Eren chuckled, “Eh, it feels good. To me at least.” He said as he handed the joint to you. You tried to take a hit, immediately going into an embarrassing coughing fit. “That’s not how you do it sweetheart, you’re too harsh with it, relax I’ll help you.” Eren laughed softly.
Eren then grabbed the joint from your hands and held it up to your mouth. “Open.” He instructed, humming in approval once you listened. He gently placed the joint between your lips, holding it there. “Close and inhale slowly.” He continued. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes as Eren guided you step by step. This wasn’t your first time smoking at all but you liked how attentive Eren was, you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Hold it.” Eren hummed as he pulled the joint from between your lips. “Now exhale slowly.” He said, pressing his fingers into your slightly puffed out cheeks as you obediently exhaled the smoke into his face. “Good girl, such a good listener.” Eren praised again with a small grin as he gently stroked your chin, underneath your bottom lip.
You almost let out a whine at that, Eren’s words and his presence was starting to affect you more and more by the hour. You were trying your best to ignore it but you wanted him so badly that it was getting hard to contain. “What did I say about looking at me like that?. Little one..it’s like you’re trying to tempt me.” Eren said, his eyes low and holding a look that seemed as if he wanted to tear you apart.
Truth be told, Eren always wanted you. He always had his eye on you ever since Connie brought you around. He knew that he paid more attention to you than Connie ever did and that he could treat you better. But you were always glued to Connie so Eren never made any moves. He knew it was kinda fucked up to be interested in his bestfriend’s girl but he couldn’t care less. He was no better than Connie to be honest.
“I-I’m not! I don’t mean to look at you like that..I don’t even know how I’m looking at you.” You fumbled over your words as you blushed brightly. “You’re looking at me as if you want me to fuck the shit out of you. Is that what you want sweetheart? Want to feel me in your tummy?” Eren said, continuing to smoke nonchalantly as he stared at you. You whined at his lewd words, your thighs squeezing together.
“Don’t talk like that! that’s inappropriate, and I’m with Connie.” You exclaimed. Eren rolled his eyes, “I don’t need the reminder, I know that. You say it’s inappropriate but you’re clenching your thighs and whining like a slut at the thought of me inside you. You want it so badly, don’t you?. Want me to stuff your little cunt?” Eren teased.
You let out another whine, you were honestly so wet by now at his words. You felt so ashamed that you wanted another man, especially the man that was closest to your boyfriend. “eren…we can’t..” you muttered, tears filling your eyes as you pouted up at him. “shh, it’s okay little one. don’t think about Connie just for a minute and answer me. Do you want me?” Eren asked as he cupped your face gently.
You chewed on your lip as you nodded honestly in response. “Use your words for me baby.” Eren hummed as he lightly pulled at your bottom lip with his thumb. You let out a shaky breath, “I do want you…so badly.” you finally admitted truthfully as you looked into Eren’s eyes. He grinned hearing that. “I want you too baby, more than you even know. You wanna sit on my cock?” Eren hummed.
You nodded and basically pounced on him, as if you hadn’t had any restrictions about this whole thing at all. You suddenly didn’t care anymore as you climbed onto Eren’s lap, straddling him as the two of you began to kiss messily and needily. Eren gripped your hips as you began to grind down on him like you were in heat, whining and whimpering into his mouth.
You sucked on Eren’s tongue, making him groan and buck his hips up into yours. You were so wet that a wet spot was already starting to form on Eren’s sweats. “please~” You whined as you broke the kiss, your small hands tugging at the strings to Eren’s sweatpants eagerly. “you can go ahead baby” Eren hummed as he left opened mouth kisses on your neck.
You untied his sweats and pulled them down, his hard cock coming out dribbling precum. He was so big, veins running along the sides of his cock. You wanted to drool at the sight. Eren bunched your skirt up around your waist, pushing your panties aside before he began to run his tip up and down your slit. You were a whining mess, your thighs trembling already from how sensitive and needy you were.
“so fucking whiny and wet. You’re already soaking my cock pretty baby and I’m not even inside you yet.” Eren gritted out. You only whimpered in response, your nails digging into Eren’s shoulders. Eren positioned himself and pushed the tip in, letting you sink down onto his cock as the both of you moaned in unison.
“so big…” you whined shakily as Eren bottomed out. “Mhm, you feel me in your tummy baby?” Eren asked as he placed his hand on your stomach, pressing on the bulge imprint his dick made. you moaned at the feeling and nodded, your eyes fluttering shut as your pussy gushed around Eren’s cock. “fuck..” he swore under his breath.
Once you adjusted you began to ride Eren, bouncing on his cock effortlessly as you moaned and whined nonstop. Eren was just as noisy as you were, groaning into your neck as he licked and bit at your skin. “n-no marks ‘ren” you managed to stutter out in your already fucked out state. Eren didn’t like the sound of that at all, growling in response. He understood why you said that but he just didn’t care.
“You’re mine and I’ll mark you as much as I want to. Because to be quite honest sweetheart I don’t give two fucks about your little relationship.” Eren said honestly as he began to suck harsh bruises onto your neck. You whined, Eren’s words were shocking to you but they also turned you on so much that you couldn’t even bother to fight against it. Your fingers tangled in Eren’s hair as he marked you up like he had something to prove, sinking his teeth into you and making you hiss in pain.
“hurts~” You whimpered, tears in your eyes from the intense pleasure of Eren’s dick hitting your sweet spot at just the right angle and because of the stinging pain. “I know baby” Eren hummed as he ran his tongue along the bite marks and bruises to soothe the sting. “Feel so good around me sweet girl, should’ve fucked you sooner.” Eren moaned as he fucked up into you, matching your pace.
Eren bit his lip as he looked at where your bodies connected, the white ring around his cock and the amount of slick coating his trimmed pubic hairs. “shit..I don’t think I’m ever gonna pull out.” Eren muttered, mesmerized by the sight of your cunt swallowing up his thick cock. By now the car reeked of sex and weed, the windows were all fogged up, the radio was still playing sensual rnb tunes lowly in the background but you and eren had tuned it out at this point and neither of you had a clue what time it was.
“you gonna let me cum inside you baby?” Eren asked as he began to rub circles into your clit making you cry out in pleasure, your seamless bouncing stuttering a bit. “you shouldn’t..” You whined as you finally opened and focused your glazed over eyes enough to look at Eren. He looked delicious, his hair damp and the strands sticking to his forehead, his bun a complete mess from your constant tugging.
His lips swollen and red from the kissing and his work of marking you, your nails marks on his neck and shoulder blades, his pupils dilated and his eyes dazed. You couldn’t look away from him. “Mm, I shouldn’t but I want to so so badly. Wanna fill you up so good princess. You want that don’t you?” Eren said as he kissed your cheeks and pecked your lips. His sweet gentle kisses and tone of voice was such a contrast to how his dick was abusing your cervix and how his hands were gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises.
It was making your mind all hazy and it wasn’t helping that your orgasm was approaching, that coil in your stomach tightening as Eren played with your clit. “I do wan’ it, want you to fill me up. Please~” You whined, your words slurring as you rocked your hips and clutched Eren’s shirt between your hands. The lewd wet sound of skin slapping and your combined moans filled the car. You looked even more fucked out than Eren did.
Thighs coated in both of your fluids, drool at the corner of your lips, eyes rolled and fluttering, head titled back with your hair sticking to you, hickies and bites covering your neck and collarbone, dried tears on your cheeks, clothes disheveled. Eren thought you looked beautiful and he was completely enamored by you. “fuck, you’re perfect. I’m gonna fill you up so full baby and I’m gonna make you mine. Fuck Connie.” Eren rambled as he fucked up into you.
Eren repositioned his arms underneath your knees, holding you up and sitting himself up further as he folded your legs up and pressed you against the steering wheel. the steering wheel pressing into your back was a bit uncomfy but the new angle Eren was fucking you in was heavenly, had you seeing stars. You don’t think you had ever been fucked this good, not even by your own boyfriend.
“m’ gonna cum~” You whined out, sobbing in pleasure and scratching down Eren’s back underneath his shirt as you felt your orgasm about to burst. “you can cum sweet girl, make a big mess for me.” Eren hummed as he placed kisses on your chest and boobs. Eren’s own orgasm was approaching too, his thrusts getting more uncoordinated and rougher as he chased it.
After a few more thrusts of Eren hitting that spot that made your toes curl, and the friction of his pubic hairs rubbing up against your clit you came with a loud moan of Eren’s name. Squirted all over him as your pussy clenched and unclenched around Eren’s cock. Eren groaned at the feeling, his eyes rolling back as he fucked you through your orgasm. “shitt sweetheart. so fucking messy, fuck!” Eren moaned as you soaked him in your climax.
It didn’t take long after for Eren to cum after you, whimpering into your neck as he filled you up with ropes and ropes of his cum. Eren hadn’t cum this much in his life, stuffing you to the brim as some of it poured out the seams. Eren’s thrusts slowed and he eased back into a proper seating position with you still sitting on his dick, twitching and whining as you were completely fucked out.
Eren took a moment to breathe and process the situation and you had dozed off, completely exhausted as you fell into a deep sleep on top of Eren. You looked so peaceful and cute it made Eren grin and he couldn’t help but to sneakily snap a picture of you before pecking your forehead. Eren checked the time and realized you two had been at it for almost three hours. It was 4 in the morning now.
“Jesus..you milked me dry little one.” Eren muttered while shaking his head. Eren started the car back up and began to drive, not bothering to move you or to pull out since he didn’t want to wake you. Eren knew he fucked up by sleeping with Connie’s girl but he couldn’t bring himself to regret a single second of it.
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heartsoji · 1 year
haikyuu boys with an s/o who's really scared of horror movies
pairings: iwaizumi x reader, oikawa x reader, tsukishima x reader, bokuto x reader
a/n: lol this is me i actually cannot with horror like at all
warnings: post-timeskip in iwaizumi's
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iwaizumi hajime
iwaizumi's pretty good with horror movies
occasionally, he'll be a little caught off-guard with a sudden jumpscare, but he's pretty much fine otherwise
now YOU..
you are not ok.
you are screaming, hiding, and tearing up
he honestly doesn't really understand what's so scary about them
since i hc iwaizumi to be a realist, he'd be like
it's a movie. it was filmed. those are actors. it's so obvious none of that stuff could ever happen in real life
still, he understands that you're really scared and tries his best to comfort you
time to put those beefy athletic trainer arms to work
he lets you cling onto them for the whole movie and lets you use then as a stress ball
iwaizumi's a traditional, old school, cheesy hopeless romantic. convince me otherwise.
therefore, his method of comfort usually comes in the form of soothing words and back rubs in his arms
its actually quite nice. he lets you scream into his titties (HE HAS TITTIES AND THEYRE MORE ROCK SOLID THAN REGINA GEORGE'S MOM'S. CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.)
when you're truly scared scared (like heart pounding, sobs racking ur body, you're def gonna get rlly bad nightmares type of scared scared)
he will probs turn it off bc he thinks that no movie ending is worth this much terror
he cares about you a lot, after all. he thinks its slightly amusing when you're screaming your head off at the obviously fake blood, but he would never want you to be fearful for real
rubs your back and whispers soothing words into your ear
"its ok" "i'm right here" "don't worry, i'd protect you if they ever came" type of stuff
after you've calmed down a bit, he'll try to make you laugh
jokes, tickles, anything, really!
he hates seeing you scared. he just wants you to be happy
10/10. marry me sir.
oikawa tooru
hate to break it to you but
tooru is equally as scared of horror movies
you guys have to cuddle up in blanket burritos together and scream at every jumpscare
honestly you both only make it through the movie through sheer willpower
if you're crying, he'll try to comfort you, but tbh he's pretty damn scared himself
however, once the movie is over, he's totally fine
movie forgotten. out of memories. what movie should you guys watch next?
but YOU
you're still crying
you're still really shaken up
you're def gonna have nightmares
he takes that opportunity to be the manly man he is and swoops you up bridal style
he's very charming. he looks at you in the most dazzling, heart-melting way
lol boy u were just crying too stfu
he cuddles you close, and just like iwa, whispers sweet words into your ear
however, unlike iwa, they're much more...childish? playful? how to describe them..
"it'll be ok. your big, strong, boyfriend will protect anything that tries to hurt his princess" "*dramatic gasp* YOU DON'T THINK I'M CAPABLE OF FIGHTING IT OFF BY MYSELF? HOW COULD YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME LIKE THIS? THIS.. THIS IS BETRAYAL" "they don't even look that strong. im sure i could hit a volleyball at one and it would rip into two!"
stuff like that
he would make sure to cuddle you extra close that night
overall, he's pretty fun and is good at making everything seem less serious. 8.5/10!
tsukishima kei
honestly, he's as affected by horror movies at the average guy
he doesn't find them as terrifying as oikawa, but he's definitely not as unaffected as iwaizumi
but you'd never know that
he just hides his emotions really, really well
also he just sometimes focuses on the wall behind the tv and drowns out the voices
he just sits through them and bears them, basically
now, why? why in the world would he do this when he doesn't even enjoy it?
to make fun of you, duh. shouldn't that have been obvious?
when you leap 30ft out of your seat into the air, he laughs at you
he'll even add onto your fear by like grazing your opposite shoulder when you aren't looking and pretending he didn't do it
hes a brat
but honestly, he partially enjoys it when you spring onto him at the jump scares, no matter how much he denies it
as we all know, the boys a lil shy about asking for affection
with horror movies, he gets your affection without even asking for it! yay!
but once the movies over, if you're really shaken up, he'll use his giant beanpole arms and spoon you until you fall asleep
but then he'll be an ass about it the following week
pokes, grabs, jabs you and will say,
"huh? it wasn't me. maybe it was the (wtv villain or ghost or spirit or wtv from the movie)!"
2/10. makes fun of you and makes the movie even scarier tbh. the 2 points r only bc of the comfort he gives after its over.
bokuto koutaro
like most things in life, bokuto goes between two extremes, and never crosses into the middle
he's either having super insane cut shots that go BOOM
OR he's doing awful and is in his emo mode
same thing with this
he either isn't affected by it at all and just laughs
or he screams when the character breathes a lil too heavily
now, if he thinks the movie's not scary at all, he's pretty good to watch with if you're super scared
during the scary parts, he lets you cling onto his beefy arm while he just watches the movie in amusement
like there's a really scary scene where there's a huge jumpscare into the most climatic scene in the movie and you're burying your face into his arm but in the background you just hear:
"oh the grey little child is smiling! it's kinda cute! why is the main character guy sweating? he looks like me right after a long game"
"why'd the grey little child pull a purple thing out of his throat? what's that? i wonder what it tastes like though..i think it would be a thick gummy texture, but maybe a little gooey on the inside. definitely grape-flavored. the really sweet artificial good one. oh.. now i want a gummy!"
he definitely makes it less scary because he makes all the scary stuff seem really stupid
honestly pretty nice. you might not get as many nightmares because of him
when he's terrified, he's more terrified than you
*main character sneezes* "AHHHHHHH"
think oikawa x 800
honestly, you kind of have to take the comfort role even though you're deathly afraid of horror movies
"kou, he's just walking. its ok."
honestly he makes it seem less scary like this too because it forces you to see why the movie isn't actually that scary because you have to find out the reasons to comfort him
8.7/10. a sweetie
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Hi i love the empress and male!concubines idea with the COD boys, I def think that it'll be interesting to see more hcs for this idea/au?
Alright my little anon. Truthfully I should have given more details in the og post (it also started as a rant about how I couldn’t handle a poly relationship because of my anxiety (I also saw a post about a girl who had 4 partners and didn’t get any attention and it made me sad so that's also way).) I have been stewing on this idea though so here’s some hc. Might do more if people are still interested in it or want more, I do love talking about my AUs (like this one and the Greek god one, so let me know if you want me to go more bc stuff like this rattles around my brain)
Also apparently there is a term for a male concubine and they’re called concubinatus or a concubinus. Honestly I took Latin and the fact I didn’t expect this lowkey brings me pain.
General HC?
The first empress in a long time. And the first empress to like her concubinuses (hope that's right) more than the idea of marrying for an emperor. So the council decided to bring you only the best warriors to keep. They of course still must serve occasionally but they have been elevated in status to there is lower risk anything will happen. Mostly kept as tacticians or kept to train the new boys joining the country’s military.
Konig and Krueger were taken as trophies of war for the Empress. They were two of the largest, smartest, and strongest men from the battlefield.
When the two were adjusting, it was difficult. The empress was gracious with them, mentioning how she wouldn’t dare make them do anything, apologizing for the war and the loss. Truthfully trying to get them comfortable, and the two were honestly shocked but I’ll get into that more in their sections.
Keegan was sent as a gift by a neighboring nation looking for peace and protection. He had a good time adjusting, sometimes making comments about how this treatment is too good for nasty military dogs like all of them but I’ll touch on that more later.
Price was probably the first concubinus. He had been a strong warrior and was deemed by the council to be a good fit for what they were hoping for. He also, however, did not intend to retire from his position so they had to find an alternate reason to stop him from getting in trouble.
For him it was awkward. His empress was a bit younger than him, however he did crave to be a father. While the empress didn’t intend to fall pregnant yet, he would be on his best behavior when the opportunity came.
The chance to be the father of the next royal was something he couldn’t miss.
Both him and Gaz were best in their class, breaking records, so it only made sense it seems to send them to the empress once they got their prime years out of them.
He was probably the last concubinus to come in before the gift and the trophies of war. He has the more vicious puppy eyes. He waits for you like a dog every time you leave and enter. Always talks about how much more comfortable your bed is and how nice it is to lay with you. Definitely sweet talks you even though he’s already a concubinus.
Will literally do anything you say and it’s partially because he thinks he will get sent back to the military full time if he doesn’t.
Definitely does checks on all the palace guards to make sure they’re up to spec. If even one slacks he uses his power to make them run.
This is all because of how gracious the empress has been with him. When he had a fit of ptsd (i'm thinking anxiety attack or something) she invited him into her room and away from the others so he didn’t feel embarrassed and comforted him as best she could before making him some tea. With an empire that stretches across Europe he was impressed she had the time to stop and care about a random concubinus.
Definitely was surprised he told you as much as he did and how you listened and comforted him. Telling him you’d never make him do anything he wasn’t comfortable with was something he appreciated.
See the first paragraph of Soap’s bc Im not copying it again.
Since I feel like Gaz is the older of the two (he seems to have a maturity I dont see as much in Soap idk?) He was sent to her first of the two for his ‘semi-retirement’. Now they just need them to occasionally train incoming recruits.
He definitely enjoyed adjusting to the cushy life of the castle. He liked being able to keep his weapons since he did double as a personal guard for the empress. But he likes that he and the other concubinus get a hot tub more, definitely likes all the fancy clothes.
His job is the have sex with his sexy empress, what’s not to love?
Truthfully, when he was being cocky toward the other concubinus and you pulled him away into a separate room to tell him you knew he was compensating for his anxiety, he was more than shocked. He was stunned into silence.
So when you reached your hands under his hood and rubbed his cheeks, telling him it was ok and he didn’t need to act out, he melted. He had never truly been shown such softness, so to be shown it by the empress of the enemy? He was so conflicted. With a pat on his chest you told him he could take on his position fully when he was more comfortable and that you were concerned for him and there if he needed to talk. He was still quiet.
Was not interested. No matter how many compliments you gave him or gifts you sent, he wouldn’t budge. He was grumpy and hostile. So much so he made the other concubinus nervous especially for you.
It wasn’t until you pulled him into your room that night that he relaxed quite a bit under your soft hands and apologies. Massaging his tired muscles, and lulling him into a sense of security. Now he understood how Konig folded so easily.
He offered to return the favor but you told him not until he was more comfortable and made him promise to play nice. He agreed but only to be a bit nicer.
He honestly believes this treatment is too good for all of them. They were dogs of war, animals trained to kill, and now they’re dressed in fancy clothes? With an empress who dotes on them when they should be doting on her? Truthfully he baffles him. He isn’t ungrateful, he just didn’t expect to become a concubinus when sent here. He expected a joint military operation or to be a representative. He hit it off quickly with the group from the empire’s military.
The two from the war keep to themselves and the shorter one threatened to bite him.
Often feels the most out of place because he is the only one from his area, but he doesn’t complain. He gets nice gifts and is invited into your room pretty often, so he appreciates every moment. He wonders if it would be proper or allowed for him to get you gifts?
I was surprising more eager to write this ask than I thought. Let me know if yall want me to do formal parts to this? Maybe an actual fic for this au?
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
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svtdarlingbby · 1 year
Seventeen with a gym rat s/o
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Svt x gym rat s/o. aka with an s/o who loves the gym as much as these buff babes. also low-key an excuse to post seventeen gym selcas 🫣💪
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I think Cheol said somewhere that he prefers playing sports vs going to the gym
but since he's with you and wants to spend more time with you he finds himself at the gym
he's pretty impressed by all your knowledge of various workout machines
wanted to impress you though so he suggested lifting weights
he's surprisingly able to lift a lot
but not as effortlessly at you
you found yourself gently correcting his form so he won't get hurt
tbh it was so endearing for Cheol
you babying him was so sweet
after weights you guys decided to have a friendly competition on the stair master
Cheol thought it would be easy, I mean it's just climbing stairs right?
he was huffing and puffing meanwhile you were still climbing the infinite stairs effortlessly
it was at that point he considered you a fitness god and told himself that he'd always go to the gym with you
the next day he was soooo sore lol he couldn't get out of bed rip
you couldn't help but laugh
still tho you were nice and rewarded his efforts with some cuddles
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Jeonghan finds himself going to the gym occasionally but the gym def isn't a huge priority in his life
however since dating you he noticed how much you love going to the gym
so he figured he might as well try it out too
but omg
he's trying sooooo hard to focus on lifting AND THEN THERES YOU
looking hella hot in your gym clothes lifting weights effortlessly
is totally checking you out
and you def notice
ah right-
but he low-key uses this as an excuse to get your attention
"Y/N? is my form right?" he says as he purposely holds the weights weirdly
"Nope, you've gotta hold it like this" you say as you adjust his grasp and form
lol this menace found the perfect way to get you close to him
of course he still actually listens to you and works out
but occasionally he'll try to purposely mess up his form to get you to help if he's extra needy
doesn't care if he's sore the next day
will use this as an excuse to cuddle with you
until you use your muscles to break free of his grasp and haul his ass out of bed
this reminds him that maybe he should continue going to the gym
one day he'll have enough muscles to cuddle you all day
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I feel like Joshua goes to the gym more often then he makes it out to be
have you seen this guy's veiny arms??
he's gotta be lifting
he's super happy about having an s/o who also prioritizes the gym
arm day with you is always his fave
just seeing your strong muscles and physique lift the heavy weights just make his heart go crazy
like ughhh mommy/daddy
so he also wants to return the favor by impressing you
puts a lot of effort into lifting, making sure his form is just right
tbh you really do serve as motivation for him
he's been getting buffer since he started dating you
he has the cutest shyest smile when you compliment him
"Wow Josh, you've got arms of steel" you say as you squeeze his bicep
if he could he would melt right there
it means a lot coming from you since you're an expert with all things fitness
def reciprocates too
like you guys would just be chilling and he'd squeeze your arm
"Damn Y/N, you're armed and dangerous"
oh lord he's such a cheeseball
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y'all did you see limbo? 👀
it's so obvious Jun has worked hard for that body
and it was so convenient that you came into his life at that point
just as he was incorporating the gym more into his routine is when you and him began to date
tbh it was so convenient and Jun really appreciates having you around
Jun doesn't know if his form is correct? don't worry he's got you to fix it
Jun needs someone to spot him when he's bench pressing? you're already there by his side
Jun is experiencing a plateau? you've already got suggestions of different new exercises to try
basically it's because of you and your support he's even more motivated to go to the gym!
also my man Jun also appreciates the view if you know what I'm saying
having you by his side makes him feel even more stronger and powerful
like "yes my s/o is a fitness buff and is helping ME while looking like a snack"
these are just his thoughts tho
in reality he's just snaking his toned arms around your just as toned form, smiling to himself
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ohhh you know he's gonna make you his gym buddy
I meannnnnn have you seen this mans body???
boi loves to workout
will always spot you during arm day
is your biggest cheerleader when you move up in weights!!
will literally hug you all sweaty in the middle of the gym lol its a little embarrassing but sooo endearing
the fact that you love to work out? you're prob building quite the muscles
Soonyoung isn't shy when it comes to wanting to feel your toned arms
"Whoaaaa since when did you become so buff?" he says infatuated with your arms lol
of course you feel flustered cuz this man does this even in public!!
but low-key his reactions are your motivation to keep up your progress
also he lovesss to take gym selfies
you think his gym selfies are hot? they get even better with you right next to him flexing your hard work
he feels so luckyy
overall he loves that he gets to work out at the gym with a hottie like you
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I feel like Wonwoo is a subtle guy when it comes to the gym
like yeah it's so obvious he goes to the gym but the gym isn't a huge facet of his life
when he realizes that its quite the opposite for you, he sees this as an opportunity to make more of an effort to make the gym routine
tbh he's amazed at how locked in you are with a routine at the gym
so for the first few days he kinda just copies you lol
he does the same exercises and kinda lets you be
its comfortable silence really
you guys both have your earbuds in doing your own thing while being near each other
of course he'll steal a few glances at you
but he always says its to match your form lolll sure
in private though he's always teasing you in a good way about your muscles
like he'll just randomly approach you, squeeze your muscular bicep, and say something like "close the gyms" in a really deadpan voice
it's soooo cheesy lmaooo but that line never fails to make you feel flustered hehe
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have you seen Jihoon lately?
this mans getting b u f f
and having an s/o who's a gym rat like him?
whenever you're getting ready to go to the gym Jihoon always wants to tag along
"Don't you have to produce a song tonight?"
"Nah I can squeeze in a gym session"
he's mainly going because you're going lol
he's def impressed with how fit you are, knowing all the machines and having effortless form
he's like damn I wanna be like that too
ALWAYS brags about this fact to the boys when he works out with them
"What kinda machine is that?" asked one of the guys
"That's a hip abductor, Y/N is a master of that"
also whenever you two are at the gym together
he feels so much more motivated
will def wanna do exercises that involve the both of you
is always down to hold down your feet during sit ups
cardio day you guys are on treadmills side by side
Jihoon won't admit this but when you guys are taking it easy a walking on the treadmills he treats it as if you guys were on a peaceful stroll together
he also won't admit he turns into a blushing puddle whenever you notice his progress
"Dang Jihoon, you're looking buff today" you say as you squeeze his toned biceps
that's it. brb Jihoon is gonna go to the gym to keep up the progress
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I know this man is gonna be obsessed with the fact that you love the gym
he def will use the gym as an opportunity to spend time with you
while also getting buff himself
Seokmin is a total goofball
I can see him asking you for "motivation" during pushups
aka him asking you to lie under him for a kiss for each successful push up
like just look at him in that pic god damn
I meannnn lets just say you both benefited from that
he's also your biggest cheerleader
like when you're lifting weights omg he got the whole gym staring at you with his cheering
after you lift the weights he's still gonna be a goofball about it
"now lift me pls" he says holding out his arms to you
you can only roll your eyes but lift him up nonetheless
he's giggling like an idiot and you can only roll your eyes
low-key motivates you to get stronger and vice versa
he wants to pick you up too hehe
he really does make gym sessions so much more enjoyable aww
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man Mingyu really does work out for that hot bod of his
while he love to play sports he also finds himself working out often too
when you came into his life though he thought having you around would motivate him more to go to the gym
because you were already sporting quite the hot body yourself
while you were typically very focused at the gym, once Mingyu came along that changed
of course you always thought Mingyu was hot, but when he's working out
oh my
you feel your face somehow get even hotter despite being all sweaty from working out when you see Mingyu doing all this
while you're over here flustered over him Mingyu gets kinda cocky lol
like when he's spotting you while you're lifting
"Whoa there Y/N, I know I'm making your heart race but you gotta take it easy" he says as he fixes your form
mannn does he make working out hard
or when you're stretching he'll purposely flaunt stretch his arms while you glare as you're trying to hold your stretch
he'll also flex and try to lift the heaviest weights ever to get your attention
thankfully his antics catch up to him as he's superrr sore the next day
but he'd happily use this as a reason for you to take the lead if you know what I mean ;)
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Minghao has become quite the fitness buff within the past few years
I mean look at those guns!!
I remember Minghao once said that it is super hard for him to gain muscle and look at him now ughhh
and seeing you succeed with your fitness goals makes Minghao even more proud
going to the gym is like breathing for you guys
you two always go to the gym together
and since you're with Minghao, every occasion has to be a fashion statement
you two are always wearing the coolest, trendiest, gym clothes that still manage to be uniquely your styles
it makes Minghao's heart flutter every time he seeing you wearing the gym shoes he bought you
especially when you're wearing one of his old gym shirts omg this man can barely even focus on working out LMAO and he's like the biggest gym rat out of all these dudes
gym selfies are a priority
his fav ones being the ones where both of you are goofily flexing your muscles
he's always so impressed by how much you can lift too
is soooooo flustered when you lift him up in the middle of the gym
but he secretly loves it so much awww like on the inside he's giggling and kicking his feet in the air haha
but as unserious as you guys act
once it comes to working out, you guys are fitness gods
you two are so focused when you're in the zone lifting or running on the treadmill
it's impressive really
and Minghao is so thankful that you're here to make the gym more fun
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Seungkwan has found himself going to the gym more often since you came into his life
you would think it's because he wants to live a healthy lifestyle
it's because you two are so damn competitive
ever since you told him how many minutes it took for you to run a mile on the elliptical Boo was impressed but decided to challenge you
"Oh yeah? That's pretty impressive, but I can easily do that in less time"
"Oh really?"
so you guys go to the gym
and for you the elliptical is nothing
you look over and see Seungkwan starting to break a sweat in the first five minutes
"Getting tired Boo?"
"Stay in your lane"
god he was so sassy lol
but beating each other in a friendly competition was how you two rolled
of course you ended up winning while Seungkwan was a huffing puffing mess, all red
"Ok I admit it Y/N, you are a fitness god"
that compliment fueled your ego lol but you weren't mean about it
"Here's the prize for second place" you said before you kissed him
"Maybe losing isn't so bad after all" he laughed and hugged you, not minding either of you being sweaty
"Haha loser, let's play some badminton?" you ask
"Always! Now we'll see whose the loser" he smirks
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okay first of all why is he wearing denim on denim TO THE GYM??
ANYWAYS kinda like Jeonghan I don't see Vernon prioritizing the gym all that much
but once he starts dating you, he notices that the gym ends up taking a lot of your time
so he's like "heck why not go with Y/N to the gym?"
is ill prepared as you can see in the pic
"Hansol. WHY are you not in your gym clothes?"
"Hm? Oh. Right. Let me snap a pic of my fit before I change"
once he's changed he's ready to go!
feels kinda lost tho with all the machines
you're about to start lifting when you see Vernon looking confused as he's trying to distinguish a dumbbell from a kettlebell
you think its kinda cute watching his eyes go back and forth between the different types of weights
but you also don't wanna patronize him or anything
"Hansol, why don't you start with a dumbbell?" you say handing an appropriately weighted dumbbell to him
at this point you kind of become like his personal trainer
at first he was just watching you to see what you did with your dumbbell and tried to do the same
once you began to guide him you could tell he was a lot more secure
and he really did look like he was enjoying the workout!
tbh the gym really strengthens your bond this way
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our boy Lee Chan is obsessed with the gym
I mean look at that body ughhhh 😮‍💨
so when he starts dating you the gym becomes practically your second homes
he's hella impressed with your strength for sure
"Whoa Y/N, how are you able to lift that much?"
he's also kinda cheeky when it comes to stealing glances at you working out
it's leg day and you're doing squats? 👀
he's super subtle about it tho cause he actually takes the gym seriously *ahem Jeonghan*
he also def tries to show off for you
when he's doing arm curls he'll def put extra effort in flexing his biceps when he sees you watching
will also act like the heaviest weights are nothing for him
pays for his cockiness the next day in the form of soreness
this becomes the perfect opportunity for you to cuddle with his muscular self
maybe the gym can wait a few more minutes hehe
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shoukiko · 7 months
How the TF2 Mercs would react to you wanting to paint their nails <3
a/n: I hope you guys will appreciate this, TF2 holds a special place in my heart, I've loved it for years so doing this makes me all giddy inside. If you have ay requests, please message me! I do CoD and TF2!! Enjoy! <3
Would be like "I ain't into that type of things, Toots."
After some convincing would let you paint his thumb and only his thumb.
Perhaps he sees you all happy while doing it and says it's okay for just *one more* finger.
Square nails, I don't make the rules.
Which then turns into his whole hand.
Shows it off to the team because YOU were the one who did it and they should be jealous.
Would pick off the nail polish as a habit during briefings or when he's not paying attention.
Feels bad coming back to you with his awful manicure.
"Don't be such a stick in the mud, at least you get to hold my hand." Dick
Would love to have you paint his nails, but he thinks it would cause issues during his procedures
Ya know, cuz he doesn't wear gloves....for whatever reason
"Please.... :(" "Oh... Meine Taube.. How can I ever say no to you?"
100% Short round nails. Maybe not slender/skinny fingers, but they're def on the thinner side.
Ends up forcing himself to wear gloves just so they won't get ruined.
He thinks your careful and skilled hands are very attractive and "intriguing" as you paint them.
He's weird like that, You love it.
He loves you....maybe too much....He'd probably cut your hands off if you said yes.
He's the type to ask lol
No again
Stop asking
He wears gloves anyways, why do you want to so bad?
He doesn't have time for these silly games!!!!
"Mon canard, Please. This is too immature for me" "So you're saying you don't love me?" *Smug look*
You win
He has very nice nails by the way. Perfect nails, perfect slender hands.
He doesn't really say much, but you can tell from his eyes he enjoys such an intimate moment.
He tells noone and shows noone, but he likes to be in his room jsut looking at them, thinking of you.
Would do yours if you asked....nicely
I mean this is obviously a yes.
The gloves are off before you finish your sentence.
Scarred hands, maybe missing a nail on a finger, but that's okay.
Picks the colors, they want pink. Lotta pink.
Get's excited when you bring up stickers.
Rocks a pink and purple manicure with a flower sticker on their missing nail.
Becomes a weekly thing, your little spa day. :)
Skeptical, but why not? Couldn't hurt.
Lot of surface area, dudes hands are bigger than your face.
He finds it amusing that your hands are so small compared to his.
He's letting you paint his nails, but he'd like some dark colors.
Maybe not black, more like blue or maybe red occasionally/
"One sticker?" "No sticker, thank you" "Okay one sticker" "...Okay, for you"
"If it'll make ya happy, doll."
Falls asleep as you paint them.
Rough hands, tan lines from his gloves, he has dirty finger nails :Gross:
You throw in some....cleaning... just cuz you care.
I love this man so much, but oh my god I just know he's musty.
You give him plain black nails, one white nail on his ring fingers
You don't do his thumb, you notice the big bruise under his nail, idk what those are called.
I looked it up it's called Garand Thumb (It's so canon)
You fight with him because you wanna know of it's like a hematoma or not (Gross I know, but I'd do it)
Well it's not something he'd find himself doing on his own, would probably think it's silly until he met you.
"As long as I don't look all frou frou after, I'm fine with anything Darlin' "
Thick fingies, like fat hands a bit, slightly rough because of how much he works. Only slightly because he still wears gloves.
I like to think his hands are covered in oil/dirt most of the time, He does wash them, but he's just always workin on something.
Would wash them before you paint them though. Lovely little you can't be getting your perfect hands dirty.
He wants yellow, give him yellow nails. Like sunshine yellow, like his hat.
He thinks it's "Just lovely lookin' "
You don't ask, you just paint them while he's passed out drunk.
You give him rainbow nails, Glitter top coat. You're so mean
Surprisingly soft hands, Big and thick, very soft. My goodness you're even jealous by how nice they are.
He even has the perfect nails for painting. What doesnt this man have?
Oh wait
He's PISSED when he wakes up.
Probably calls it gay (But like....worse)
Sees you sad because of how he reacted.
Slumps in his chair, "They're 'right...."
Grows to like them (more like live with them)
Maybe in like 2 weeks to see hims again, they're still painted, just a bit withered away.
He loves em
You offer to do them in the colors of the American flag
He accepts obviously
You do it standing up cause he is just...there. Stiff as a board.
Wide nails, Rough knuckles, calluses.
When you're done he salutes you.
"Well done, Maggot. Now I won't have to kill you." Sure buddy
I hope you guys liked it!!
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kmgkmg · 1 year
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word count: 3.0k...
pairing: soonyoung x gn!reader
synopsis: your neighbor soonyoung invites you to a friendly picnic, harmless right?
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, neighbors-to-lovers, choreographer!soonyoung
warnings: none!
rating: pg
a/n: a submission for k-vanity’s idols over flowers event. main flowers: roses x romance and sunflower x comedy, ribbons: black x picnic date. inspired by day 1 by red velvet! first soonyoung fic hehe (everyone cheered) and def one of my favorites i've written thus far!
Soonyoung’s hands were trembling as he prepared to knock on your door. The worst you could do is say no, right? Wrong. The worst you could do is say yes to his invitation and have him be a nervous mess in front of his friends. It was all Jeonghan’s fault, really.
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You moved in next door to Soonyoung around seven months ago, but he was still shy around you. He’s unable to live down the embarrassment he experienced because of his first words to you. Simple introductions should be shared between neighbors rather than long-winded ones. So all those months ago he practiced in front of his bathroom mirror around 60 times in order to perfectly say 15 words to you.
Good morning. I’m your next door neighbor, Kwon Soonyoung. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Nice and simple. Yet, when he went outside of his apartment that day, he saw you moving your things in with your friends and decided to greet you later. Later ended up being dinnertime after he heard the chatter and noise die down. He walked over with some paper towel as a harmless housewarming-welcome-to-the-building gift. But what he wasn’t expecting was for you to walk out in your pajamas with a mug full of tea. You gasped out of horror at the fact that you not only spilled on yourself, but also at the fact that you spilled on an unsuspecting stranger’s very nice, very expensive looking white T-shirt. The tea had turned colder than you thought so luckily neither of you were burned, but you both couldn’t stop apologizing to one another.
Soonyoung handed you the paper towel he bought, “I really just meant to come over to greet you, I feel so bad for causing this mess. Please, let me have your clothes dry cleaned.”
You looked down at your clothes, an oversized black hoodie with bleach stains on it from past box dyeing endeavors and baggy gray sweatpants from your high school.
“But aren’t you mad that I spilled on you? I mean that shirt looks like it’s,” You pause to look at the writing on his chest, “oh God, it’s Balenciaga? I mean, I can’t pay it all at once but installments?”
He hurriedly shook his hands, “No, please don’t worry about my clothes! This was a present from my workplace.”
“If you insist. But at least let me pay for your coffee someday, please. I know this is an awful time to say this, but hi. My name’s Y/N L/N and I just moved in next to you,” You bend down to place your mug on the floor and wipe the excess tea off and onto your pants before extending a hand for him to shake.
Now is the time, Soonyoung, you've prepared for this all day.
“Good morning, Kwon Soonyoung I am.”
It’s 8pm, that is anything but morning. Did he just say I am at the end of his sentence?
You tried your best to hide your laugh behind your hand, but it was too late since Soonyoung was already mortified at himself.
“I’m going to go back into my apartment now…” He trailed off, scurrying away before you could say anything else.
You were left standing in front of your door, with spilled tea seeping further and further into your clothes by the minute and holding a roll of paper towel in your hand. That was indeed a memorable first impression of him.
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Your apartment complex had occasional community activities as an attempt to create a bond between tenants, but Soonyoung always stuck by the people he knew. Joshua and Jeonghan, who were roommates on the seventh floor and longtime friends of his, always teased Soonyoung for self-proclaiming himself as an introvert when they saw him as anything but one. Yet, his true introverted personality shined whenever he was around you. He hid behind others or found excuses to avoid you. He couldn’t risk making you think he was even more of a fool than your first encounter with him.
You yourself were convinced that he hated you. You spilled tea on his shirt worth hundreds of dollars, anyone would reasonably be pissed. Your fears were only confirmed as he was seemingly doing everything in his power to keep away from you. You tried to approach him several times, but he always kept his distance. One time he even tripped into an ice sculpture, causing it to fall and break during a winter party. It was even more tragic since one of the maintenance people was retiring and the sculpture was of the employee’s face. Soonyoung broke the poor man’s face. Not literally, but it certainly killed the mood of the farewell party. He looked around the room in horror, but when his eyes landed on you he averted his gaze so quickly that you thought he would strain a muscle in his neck.
Still, every time you met on the elevator or in the hallway he would nod and share quick salutations with you. You felt indebted to him over the Balenciaga shirt and would bring him coffee weekly on Mondays to start his week.
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Back to the present, Soonyoung bit his lip softly, still contemplating on inviting you. As he reached out his fist to knock on the door, it opened with your surprised expression staring back at him. How did he always manage to time things so impeccably with you?
“Hi Soonyoung!” You beamed after regaining your composure after the initial surprise.
He was speechless, well aware that you probably thought he was a weirdo for staring at you without saying anything. How could you be so radiant? Your smile was brighter than the sun, at least to him.
You raised an eyebrow, “Soonyoung?”
“S-sorry! Um, some other tenants and I are having a picnic at Fallin’ Flower Botanical Garden and…well…would you like to come?” He handed you an invitation that his coworker Minghao designed for the occasion.
You looked down at the invitation, smiling softly at it. You weren’t necessarily smiling over being invited, plenty of other tenants invited you to events, but you were smiling because Soonyoung was inviting you. Maybe he didn’t resent you after all. You were engrossed in your own thoughts, oblivious to his growing restlessness since you technically hadn’t said a yes or no.
“There’s also going to be some of our coworkers and friends, about ten people so far. It’s really low-stakes, but we are handing out the invitations a month in advance so you have time to decide if you wanna go,” He explains in more detail.
“It sounds like fun! Thank you for inviting me,” You made sure your gratitude was known by giving him a brief hug. He froze, something that you assumed was because you made a move in your friendship too quickly. But in actuality, he was freaking out.
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The weeks leading up to the picnic you made more of an effort to make conversation with him. Your job had flexible hours as long as you clocked over 30 hours weekly, your manager was satisfied. Therefore, it was easy to cater to Soonyoung’s time.
You went to Jeonghan to ask for more details about Soonyoung's schedule, something which he eagerly revealed to you. It made you wonder why, but you didn’t question it too much. You would bring up the most cliche questions, from ‘What should I bring?’ to ‘Have you noticed the snow melting lately?’. Soonyoung was a bit surprised that he would run into you way more by chance lately, but he didn’t mind it. He looked forward to your conversations, it was a way for him to energize himself before or after working on new choreographies with his dance crew at work.
You also enjoyed talking to him, he was still your clumsy neighbor, but he was also extremely funny and caring.
After Jeonghan shared Soonyoung’s schedule with you, he would notice you and Soonyoung were completely focused on each other. Whether he was checking his mail, walking to and from the parking lot, or on the elevator, he tried to make it his mission to periodically see how you guys were progressing. Your and Soonyoung’s ambiguous relationship became the central topic of Jeonghan and Joshua’s nightly gossip. Soon enough they got the rest of the people invited to the picnic to go along with the plan that Jeonghan had concocted.
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Soonyoung and you planned to meet in the parking lot where he would drive the two of you to the garden. The rest of the group, Soonyoung informed you, would be meeting the two of you at the garden. You looked at yourself in the full length mirror of your bedroom one last time, paying attention to the dark wash jeans and light green shirt you chose to wear. The invitation didn’t specify a dress code and Soonyoung never gave you a theme, so you thought the outfit fit spring well. You slid on your white sneakers, locked your door, and headed down to meet him.
The parking lot was pretty vacant since it was the early afternoon on a Sunday and people usually were still lounging in their homes at this time. You spotted Soonyoung’s car and picked up your pace to head over to the passenger’s side. Knocking on the window, Soonyoung jumped from the sudden noise before turning and seeing you waving at him. He waved back with a smile adorn on his face before unlocking the door.
You got into the car, noticing his attire of a tan suit with a patterned tie to match, “I didn’t know the dress code was so formal, can you give me a second to change?”
Soonyoung’s smile dramatically becomes a frown, “No! I mean, you can change if you want but you look shining how you are right now. You always look good, Y/N.”
Feeling shy at his words, you get into the car holding the wicker basket full of food you prepared, “Thank you, Soonyoung. Where should I put this…?”
“Oh, here! Let me put it in the back seat,” He offered, grabbing the basket and putting it beside the tote bag that you could see had food containers packed in it as well.
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In the car, you were conversing with Soonyoung as usual. The garden was about a 50 minute drive from the apartment complex and you occupied yourselves accordingly. Soonyoung had texted you a playlist link about two days in advance and you had added some songs, making it a shared playlist. Another reason you liked him was because of his music taste, he seemed to know a wide range of music, and was really open to listening to all genres.
About halfway into the drive, his phone pings loudly, indicating that he received a text message.
“Sorry, would you mind reading the text I just got for me?” He asks cautiously.
You stopped playing with the rings you decided to accessorize with earlier. He was holding out his phone for you to take.
“There’s one text from Jeonghan,” You notify him, waiting for his approval to continue.
“Okay, what does it say?” He inquires, looking through his side mirror before switching lanes.
You continue, “None of us are able to make it anymore because Minghao put the wrong date on the invitations we handed out. You have fun with Y/N though, and then…there’s a winky face emoji and the cat kissing emoji?”
His ears turn red as you describe the emojis. Yoon Jeonghan, you are the devil incarnate.
Your mind starts spiraling, “Oh no, do I make them uncomfortable?”
“No, no! It’s not that!” Soonyoung fervently denies.
“There isn’t any other explanation for why your friends wouldn’t tag along I mean-” You persist.
“They were all on board until you said I was coming in the groupchat, that definitely means they hate me-”
“Y/N,” Soonyoung attempts again. He turns down the radio playing a pop song, “They didn’t come as a way to support me.”
“Support you?”
He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, trying to think if he should tell you of the conversation he had with Jeonghan and Joshua days ago. He could tell you were looking at him expectantly through the corner of his eye, time to spill the beans.
“They said that we like each other, crazy right?”
Silence followed, with you turning your gaze back to the road in front of you. Soonyoung had to save this atmosphere, but before he knew it he was telling you everything.
“Honestly, I have thought you were cute since I first saw you moving in. With each of our conversations, I only came to like you more and more, but I don’t mean to make this awkward! I know we’re only neighbors-turned-friends and I don’t want to ruin our friendship, so don’t worry I’ll get over my crush eventually.”
More silence…
“You don’t have to get over your crush on me,” You stated, thinking back at the past month and how you have grown a deep fondness for your neighbor.
Soonyoung’s head whipped towards you, “Does that mean?”
You grinned at him, “Yeah, I like you too.”
He tried his best to drive safely and maintain the speed limit but it was a nearly impossible mission for him. How could he contain his excitement over the person he likes returning his feelings?!
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You arrived at Fallin’ Flower Botanical Garden a little past noon and luckily there were plenty of spots to sit down at. The garden was even more beautiful than the pictures online. It was the start of spring, yet everything was either blooming or in full bloom. Roses, honeysuckles, cosmos, daisies, tulips, daffodils, mugunghwas, and so much more were growing throughout the place. The various vibrant hues mixed with the luscious green grass left you in awe.
Soonyoung had brought a pastel tiger-patterned blanket to sit on, something that made you only like him more because of his stubbornness in identifying with the animal.
You had sat down next to a pond where there were ducks and their ducklings swimming about and the weather was temperate. After about 20 minutes, you could tell Soonyoung was antsy.
“Sorry, I need to go find the bathroom real quick!” Soonyoung excused himself. He slid on his shoes, not even bothering to put the shoes fully on his heels before running off to find the nearest restroom.
Leaving you alone, you opened your phone and scrolled through the notifications you had missed. Opening TikTok, you looked at a video your best friend Seokmin had sent you. It was his attempt at a new dance challenge, with your mutual friend Seungkwan. You placed the phone down on the blanket, trying to follow the hand motions your friends were doing. You were never the most coordinated person and you only found yourself growing more and more frustrated at the lack of ability in doing the dance correctly.
Soonyoung headed back to your spot in the garden, it was easy to find since you decided to sit by the roses. He saw you from afar…dancing? He watched silently for a while more before approaching your blanket.
“Are you trying to dance to the new song Eric Nam released?”
It was your turn to be startled since you were completely unaware he had come back, “Y-yeah, my friends sent me a TikTok dancing to it and I have never been good at these challenges so I just tried it to kill the time. I can’t do it though.”
He admires your hard work, with your hair slightly messy from dancing.
“What if I taught you?” He proposes.
“You know the dance?”
“Well it’s a bit embarrassing to admit but I actually created the choreography with my dance crew for Eric Nam,” He confesses.
“How is that embarrassing? That’s so cool!” You respond, “Please teach me, it would be an honor.”
“Well first you place your feet like this…” He instructs, getting into the proper position to teach.
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Out of breath you both sat back down on the blanket, “That was so much fun, but I definitely worked up an appetite!”
“Well there’s this bakery where they make the bread vegetable shaped but then they actually taste like the vegetables! My friend Mingyu works there so I got a discount and got to skip the lines,” Soonyoung shows off the first item in his tote bag.
“No way, I’ve been wanting to get some bread from there! And you got the sweet pumpkin bread? That’s the one I’ve been wanting to try the most. They all look delicious, Soonyoung,” You rambled.
Because of your reaction, Soonyoung was proud of his purchase.
You went on to explain the first thing you brought, “I made chocolate cupcakes with strawberries dipped in white chocolate. The chocolate was mixed with orange food coloring so hopefully you can see since the strawberries were placed on top of the cupcakes,”
“They resembled carrots sprouting out of dirt,” Soonyoung finishes.
“Exactly, that was the plan!”
You both continued to show off the variety of food you brought, eating only a fraction of it since you both planned on way more people coming. After a few more hours of relaxing, the sun was starting to set and you decided to head back.
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“Time is too precious, I wanna see you again tomorrow,” Soonyoung pouts on the drive back.
“We’re going to see each other anyway! Mondays are the days I bring you coffee, remember?” You remind him, reaching out to hold his hand he had resting on his leg.
“Oh, you’re right! But let me buy us coffee tomorrow, I am your boyfriend after all,” He squeezed your hand softly, with a warm smile to accompany it.
“So, Soonyoung, today is the first day of us dating?”
He brought your hand up to his face, with his hand still entangled with yours. Placing a soft kiss on your hand, he nodded, “Day one of forever.”
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practicecourts · 2 years
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times!
Ah such a good one…
So these are fics I’ve reread more than once, its not an exhaustive list by any means.
The Last Enemy by @chdarling 1 and 2 (maybe I’ve reread 2 more not because i like it more perse but because its still being updated so i need to refresh my memory) Although there’s a thing about chapter 2 where Lily talks with her dad and she goes have fun with some of her muggle work friends. Although if i had to pick a favourite chapter there are so many in that one (a Slughorn Xmas party, some menial labour, the shrimp fest, i won’t go on bc for some reason my app wont allow for a spoiler break…
Then there’s two shorter ones by you actually “never really” is maybe too new to have been reread… but it has. And I’ve enjoyed Purely coincidental a lot… It helps that the art by @constancezin that it inspired (or the other way around) is very nice to look at again and again ;-) > i hope these links actually work. If not I’m so sorry. Go look for it yourself!!
Another reread is by the masterful @scriibble-fics , i must admit to reread a lot of her stories, or just parts of them, chapters I love to relive the suberp tension that she does so well. My last rereads of Notes and Magic were right on time for the new story drop!! Even if they are so very different.
I;ve reread @wearingaberetinparis Royalty one shots and of course : it only takes a taste when you know it’s good, I must admit now that I’;m behind on reading her wonderful stories as they come faster than I have time to read (which is unbelievable!!!) here’s one that i def read more than once When love was king but there’s another one shot (bar hopping with the prince that’s so good!!)
Three strikes till your out by @theresthesnitch i reread the campsite chapter occasionally. Because that scene where they are dancing after s’mores…
@mppmaraudergirl has me rereading the wedding ring and just spoiling all men (fictional or otherwise) just because that james is amazing. I’d love to find a good reason (such as an update maybe - hahaha, i hope you know this is a joke!!) Of TRN… but I’ll admit I read that one more than once already (I love the way in all of these stories i get so wrapped up in them, they become real characters that i care about even if they have flaws or do stupid things, but they also don’t get boring (I’m sorry for saying this but sometimes only fluff and nice just is that…) when they do the exact best thing they are supposed to say or do in that moment! This is rambling but… my defense, if you havent read any of these i dont want to spoil anything.
I just know i missed things here (oh, yes i did @mabeltothknows i reread and leave a comment only to find that the last comment on such a chapter was actually also by me…. Hahaha. But the sentiment was very much the same) i love that war one shot so much (i;m sorry i should link it but i cant find it that fast… AND THE PUTRID CORPSE …
A one shot that i keep rereading that’s old, is somewhere hidden om tumblr here where lily has a one night stand and the next day goes to her new job … guess who. It’s chapter 4 or 5 of these on ffnet…
I think I could just go on. (Room service by @maraudersftw Good old fashioned love letters by @theesteemedladydebourgh just popped into my brain… ) And the reason i feel that way is that this is by no means a complete list. SO instead of agonising to find the one fic or 20 that i now forgot but I’ve enjoyed so much that i occasionally go back to reread because they brought me joy I’m going to finish this post ;-)
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amphibifish · 4 months
should I read maloki because even though it's not the best adaptation I'm kind of curious. Is it worth reading
hmm it's really dependent on how much weird ship bait fan service (i think that's the term?) and general bad plot bullshit you're willing to put up with lmao. i go on a very long rant abt everything that sucks so umm yeah. everything i say is abt the manga unless stated otherwise
i'd def skip the chapter in the first season of the manga where loki gets cursed w a rune that makes him switch personalities cause it's really weird and bad and just weird. i'm not getting into specifics cause it's weird for me to describe but just like. skip it.
another thing thats weird for u to look out for is freyr's infatuation w mayura (who's a teen girl). in the anime its not as bad cause he's explicitly a teenager (he gets enrolled in her school with the purpose of saving her mystery club) but it's never said so in the manga so it kind of just looks like a grown man doting after this teen. actually on that, most of the gods are shown in some sort of shippy way with her at least once in the manga. narugami (thor) is probably the most normal occurrence since he's explicitly a high schooler in both the anime and manga. there's a scene where heimdall (who's also like a middle schooler like loki is) kisses mayura to make loki jealous or whatever. just to piss him off.
loki also gets ship bait with a lot of the female chars too like w mayura freyja and skuld. it's. yeah you know how it is
less weird things but just kind annoying plot things that happen are loki getting out of heimdalls assignation attempts with weak explanations and also the author doing the thing where you're assumed to dislike heimdall so the sometimes the plot just shits on him for no reason (there's a chapter where loki and heim get magically transported to a magic school and he spawns in already copying lokis homework and everyone yells at him for it. bro did NOTHING !!!)
i will say that after you get past that first season of the manga it's so much better on the weird bullshit tho ! ragnarok is much better abt it and doesn't have any so bad i recall immediately and shinsekai no kamigami doesn't either. that isn't to say the plots for those aren't kinda sucky too but they're better than whatever the first season put out.
the anime gets rid of sooo much of this weird bullshit and i think does some characters better (heim and freyr get more of a proper emotional bond with each other. as sad as it is i really like what they did with hel and i personally like loki and mayura's dynamic more in the anime) but unfortunately it's majority filler so the manga has a better plot so u kinda just have to decide what you're willing to put up with fsfsfs
actually on that freyja is better written in the manga i think than the anime once again we cannot win both versions just suck. she's still kind of portrayed as loki obsessed in the manga but not to the awful degree that the anime does.
there's the occasional homophobic remarks in the manga but that's few and far between and so i choose to just ignore it.
not fault of the author but also some scanlations have really weird translators notes on some of the chapters too.
as for what's good about it. it's really heimdall and lokis conflict. it's interesting i think because of lokis feelings towards heimdall out of guilt and drives a lot in the first and third season of the manga (it's a little bit forgotten in the middle of the anime lol). i think freyr and heimdall are funny characters and i like every chapter with them in it as do i like every scene in the anime with them in it. they sort of have that odd couple dynamic and it's nice to see heimdall warm up to freyr over the course of the show and become better friends. mayura without the ship bait is also a fun character i think ! she's a mystery obsessed highschooler who loves the supernatural and so she sticks around loki who's a detective a child and an exorcist! thor is also a fun char and he's lokis best friend and mayura's classmate who has a shit ton of jobs. yamino is jormungandr and he's there but to me he's not the most interesting char. i can't say much about the plot without spoilers but it's okay and gets interesting in ragnarok. overall the characters are what makes it fun for me and thus i ignore much of canon and think about them in the vacuum chamber of my mind lol.
but yeah that's my review ig of maloki. it's Not Good but i think if you're looking for something fun ragnarok is an okay read cause the characters are silly in that one and it's not so weird and also has the best plot probably. shinsekai no kamigami is also fun and i think that plot is super interesting BUT like i said its half unscanlated. and then if you're gonna start from the very beginning i would just skip any chapter that has the weird bullshit it's probably not plot relevant anyway. the anime is more lighthearted i think and has more character bonding time but it's also a lot a lot a lot of filler. so yeah.
i'm so sorry this got so so long but i had a fun time complaining because i have a lot to complain about and i hope this helps lmao
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brickmcarthur · 2 years
how i’d fix tdroti (this is mostly just an idea dump for now and it’s easily subject to change):
the overall season is longer with more reward challenges sprinkled in. that way, we get to know the characters more. also the first episode is a two-parter with the first elimination in the second episode.
more friendships and positive interactions between the girls PLEASE. some friendships i want explored include (but are not limited to) dawn/dakota, jo/zoey, and jo/anne maria (though i do think the last one is more of an enemies-to-friends kind of scenario where they come to respect each other over the season).
just… more friendships and duos in general other than the mike + zoey + cameron trio pls. there’s so much potential. lightning and sam. cameron and b. brick and dawn. brick and anne maria (!!!!!).
i want staci to be kinda rewritten so that she doesn’t just lie about her great-great-great-grandma inventing the wheel or smth. i want it so that she lies more about other things and how she’s greater than she actually is. have her lie about her accomplishments or skills (“oh yeah, i’m totally an expert at…”) and then when the time comes to prove herself, have her… kind of back out. i feel like if it’s shown that she lies out of insecurity and inadequacy (especially since each contestant has something unique about them), it’d make her more than just the “annoying character who’s meant to go first” yknow. i mean she’d probably still go home first but you get what i mean.
i also want zoey to be rewritten so she’s more of the “indie chick” she is. what i mean by that is that she should be a bit more openly judgmental and that’s the reason why she can’t make the friends she desperately wants. i mean it already happens in canon but i want it to be more pronounced/notable yknow. her emotional journey would be to realize that all the jocks and preps she dislikes are essentially people at the end of the day, and that she has to open up to other people even though they don’t share her niche interests. basically kind of like gwen but still more bubbly/friendly. she’d also wear glasses.
mike is… a difficult subject because of how badly his character was handled in the original. i don’t have did, so i can’t say much about how i’d portray his did more realistically (ik it’d be easier if i’d just write him out; however, i def know there’s a lot of ppl with did out there who like him and have rewritten him to be more realistic…so i’ll look into that). that being said, i do feel like his (base) personality can be rewritten. he’s shyer, more withdrawn, nervous, and secretive. he has trouble standing up for himself and doesn’t like having a lot of attention on him (which makes working in teams difficult). i also feel like his outfit would be different; he’d wear a baggy hoodie and can occasionally be seen with the hood over his hair.
i think it’d be interesting if dawn basically kind of acts as everyone’s secret psuedo-therapist. she may be odd and kind of invasive when it comes to reading auras, but she’s a nice person who really just wants to be helpful and provide insight.
^ characters that i feel like she’d try to help/befriend based on this (with varying levels of success): zoey, mike, dakota, brick, jo, scott possibly
^^ i also think it’d be interesting if her and scott were either long-term enemies or frenemies
dakota did not need to get mutated midway through the season ok.
^ that being said, i think it’d be interesting to potentially explore the effects of the toxic waste on the other characters as well. like what if cameron got mutated instead? what if dawn’s powers were enhanced? what if lightning got lightning powers fghdshfdjsk there’s so many possibilities
scott does NOT get put in the trauma chair at the end of the season.
jo makes it to the top 2 💋
anyway these are all i have so far but i may add more later
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boinurmom13 · 1 year
ok i GOTTA ask but why do you hate penny 💔💔i am genuinely curious
i ramp up my hate more than i should. like, i dont hate her as much as i do clint or lewis, but shes def my least favorite bachelorette.
ive always found her to be boring in the overused “shy girl” kind of trope, or the “tryhard nice girl” ig. in reality it just simmers down to shes stupidly boring.
like, i hate shane cuz hes an ass, but his story is the most flourished ive seen amongst the spouse choices. and hes a great character. i dont favor harvey as a spouse, but he had a dream and aspiration before becoming a doctor, and thats something to his name. abigails adventurous and overcomes her fear of going into the mines, sam matures, elliotts charming, haley matures, emilys sporadic and interesting, leahs strong willed and funny, marus sweet (still boring, but i like her cuz i too like science and strawberries), so on so forth.
its not just penny, either. like, i find sebastian to be overrated because hes also a little boring. yeah, hes good with boundaries, and yeah hes the typical emo boy everyone loves, but other than feeling free on the farm, hes kinda got no plot to him.
and im not saying every single person and character has to have this huge revelation and turning point to be a good character or be likeable. no, not at all. pennys likeable because shes kind and sebastian is likeable because hes probably really relatable to half the people who play sdv (even i relate to him to an extent). hell, elliott doesnt really have a change in character other than him publishing a novel, but hes a little dorky and has a dream hes trying to achieve. sebastian wants to move to the city, which is a dream, but its still like. a boring one, almost? even then, that puts him above penny, which as far as im concerned (ive only romanced her once, and it was to get the group ten heart scene with the bachelorettes) all she has to her name is “im sweet and good with kids.” shes a great, simple, basic character if youre looking for the “nice girl” trope, but shes still boring.
i dont HATE penny, right, like not as much as clint or lewis, but i do find her to be incredibly overrated for such a boring character. when put against the other spouses, penny just falls flat. i know thats saying a lot when harveys literally right there, but i assure you hes also one of my least favorite spouses, too. i like art of penny, and i like ramping up her personality to be more than shy and nice, where occasionally she does friendly banter with sam and his friends, or is some sort of in touch with internet culture while not pursuing it, but i just dont like canon penny. i find her really boring. shes a great spouse for someone who wants a simple person in their gameplay, but ive just never really pursued her because i find her lacking.
while i would bring up her two heart event with george, calling her ableist for moving him w/o his permission, i feel as though thatd be wrong. penny’s nice enough to change her ways, and im willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this once. she “helps” goerge, and depending on how you answer, she apologizes to goerge. (of course, you lose friendship points with her, but a lot of people dont respond to criticism nicely. hell, i dont respond to it great either). im not saying what she did was right. no, it wasnt. but i hope penny would be mature enough to learn and change from that, which is why i feel the 2 heart event is a bit of a weak claim.
tl;dr: i acknowledge pennys great for different people, but ive found her boring for my liking.
i hope this explains it well, or at least to your liking! i tried not to sound rude, because my intent is not malicious. im sorry if it comes off that way. sorry for any typos/confusing grammar as i do not proofread. like. ever.
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dumthicc · 7 months
What do you consider to be lower class and what do you consider to be middle class like what are some of the charactericis of these classes?
While I know their are set incomes of what would be defined as lower class, lower middle class, and middle class, I dont think total household income is a good way to measure class. The cost of living is different for everyone because of different circumstances. Some people may be considered 'middle class' but may have to spend almost all of their money on medical necessities, which would leave them struggling just as much as lower class individuals.
But when I say 'middle class' families, I mean the ones that could afford to go on nice vacations [I knew a kid in my grade that would go to Disneyland once or twice a year. Meanwhile my family couldn't even leave our state more than once every 5 years... his fam was def more upper class but the point still stands], afford new basic clothing, afford nice TVs, new washing machines, decent cars, etc. And also wouldn't be completely fucked over by a simple dentist visit or a broken wrist. Families that didn't have to try as hard to 'survive'.
I kinda grew up in two homes. Divorced parents, each with different incomes. I've seen what near rock bottom looks like.
My dad was working class and made about lower middle class money- but he drove and fixed trucks and would often have to work unpaid overtime or on days he had off. He also had shit for sick days and had to work even if he shouldn't have. Most of our money was also drained from different medical and basic needs (he had 2 kids, so yeah. That's expensive...). I couldn't see a dentist for all of my early teen years. My dad had to borrow money from me and my sibling occasionally just to pay rent.
My mom on the other hand was very lower class. I saw her struggle so much to buy food and pay rent. There were many times I couldn't visit her because she had her heating shut off in the middle of winter. And doctor visits? No such thing. She struggled with addiction (most lower class individuals do), and she had to learn how to budget like her life depended on it (because it DID). The only reason she was never homeless for more than a day at a time was because of her long list of 'boyfriends of the week' that she'd go to. She had to learn how to make every penny count. She had to learn how to fix her own car, her own clothes, her own home.
So I would consider middle class ppl to be ones who can live comfortably, and can afford nice or new things from time to time, such as eating at a nice restaurant every week, or going on vacation 4 states over for a couple weeks every year. The ones that can afford to throw away a pair of shoes and spend $80 on new ones like it's no big deal. Upper middle would probably be the type of folks who shop at Sam's Club or Target and have whatever new hybrid car came out that year and probably own their own 4 bedroom home and go outside the States for vacation twice a year or more. Upper class would be more stereotypical 'wallstreet richies'.
Idk how to properly describe lower class though. There's a huge difference between living paycheck to paycheck and being actually homeless... like my dad had at least the potential for saving up for a small vacation after a couple years, but my mom couldn't even afford to buy bread. I think class should be more of a gradient scale that weighs both income and living costs rather than 3 main categories.
Also, middle class families were a lot more common in my school than other places, and it's much more likely now that the children of said middle class families will grow up to be lower class once they move out, hence why learning how to do things yourself is so important.
Sry for the long reply, I hope it answers your question.
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voyeuristicvixen · 10 months
Capts Log No.43_ VoyeurMe
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UGH. Idc im so stubborn I will fucking do it fucking again it will fucking be better than the last time bitch. So what I was saying, DISCLAIMER THIS BLOG FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. If you my pops you def cant reaad this lmao. Consider this the lock on my diary. I wasnt going to tell this story, then that shit that just happened made me feel like I DEF shouldnt tell the story but I love the quote I was literally just tryna add a quote at the end and fucked it all up... whatever whatever.
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From time to time I go to this place called Social Island. Its nice place for ppl watching, if you are observant like me.. I love to observe nature, the stars, people, and SL residents! The profiles, expressions, avatars, its always something new and different to see and people from all over are just right at your fingertips. You can learn about their country, customs, whats going on present moment the things the news won't tell you. Its a trip. Yea thats the internet but SL is the whole experience of it, and IYKYK! Theres also of course the occasional debauchery of trolls, loud ass music players and sexual harassers.
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So one day I see HELLBOY. *swoons* Like- I can't explain how or why folks, ,but I got so hrny seeing this avatar lmao. Sexy af to me. I was just like, lemme get my tredente waaataaa cuz why am I so thirsty all of a sudden this is unnacceptable!!! But then I look at the profile..
No text. No description. No picture of their avi, just a glitched out looking Skullhead. lol. Idk I have always had a thing for beastly characters. Like the beast from beauty and the beast was one of the first fictional characters i was attracted to lmao.
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So I see my RL birthday is the dudes REZ day. Cant make this shit up guyss, I was looking at something on facebook, a sl couple that had this exact situation that were like celebrating something and I was like oh shit that so cool/cute. Next day this shit happens! Okay and then peep the days, 4440. lol .... We talked for about 6 hours.
About deep shit like spirituality, past lives, the usual thing I go on about.. but this dude was skeptic, intelligent. Non-believer. I should have clocked at some point how much he didnt believe in shit but it is nice to talk to people who do not believe in what you do and are still open-minded to hear you out. So that was cool.
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I hate how happy we look in that pic on the left lmao because no, this does not end well! The last thing I gotta say haha because after all this is VoyeuristicVixen I cant not ... He had a lot of forms and one of them was VENOM. *sticks tongue out* Have you ever been ate out by Venom? I- lemme just stop there lmao *sips tea* Press play & cont: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWWrEMPLQog
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He visited my crib in Jamrock, he even joined mystory lol.
So on his 4444th day, all hit the fan. I decided to have the talk that you know I dont want anything serious, I am still going through healing from a divorce yadda yadda. And it was a great day to do it because 4 represents foundations... four fours is like ultimate foundational energy.
I dont wanna really date on SL or RL at all right now, If anything I want to demo what open relationship situation would be like to see if that is something for me. SL is a great place to test what you are comfortable with in a safe way. Especially with BSDM matters but thats for another blog. So anyways I am telling him about 4444 from my favorite source, and how excited I was for that day for him.. Remember the dude a skeptic.
Long story short, I gauged something that he was doing and called him out on it. When I ended up being right I joked like yea cuz im psychic which is true but i was being vibey.. lol he ends up revealing some prejudices he had against brown people calling themselves psychic. He from India, brown too. But that dont make a difference. People can still be programmed against their own. I was a fun four day fling and I do not regret a thing!
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The main lesson I was tryna quote myself on in the last version of this blog lmao was that not every sign or symbol needs to be acted upon. Not everything you attract is worth your time. This world is literally made of constant synchronicities and patterns of numbers and instances. If you really look closely you will see it all.. Everything really is that deep dont get me wrong.
"you dont have to look down to gather water from the well." -FOXEY HENDRIX
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i am currently obsessed with this new Alchemy viewer, it does need a few things like a better flycam system for controller and also the ability to pose like the BD "poser" tool & OMG *chefs kiss*
Ive been going EVERYWHERE, like-
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Mentoring has been a trip also, its really fun to observe how people go about their first moments on the grid. Last night had someone almost give up till we talked them off the ledge XD For me it was always easy and intuitive to pick up SL was not too hard. But a lot of people just want to start experiencing and connecting and dont care for the technical stuff! It really means a lot to me to be able to make things easier for folks so they have a chance to enjoy the things we all enjoy about Secondlife.
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Lmao people will literally be naked all the time but not even their fault they just get stuck trying to change. There are changing rooms, but people dont usually bother to walk to them even if we offer to take them there. I usually just direct them to where they can switch the default avatar so they find clothes quicker.
But omg, this one person kept switching into all kind of random forms that were highly disproportionate you can kinda see ... and then this female had a random bt plug just chillen there. THEY DONT SPEAK. which is the funniest part becacuse you cant tell what the hell is going on. They just start doing weird things to simulate "the act" XD im like " yes we love all expressions here on sl and there are designated places for that! " & they actually do listen to me. Sometimes my fellow mentors will freak out at trolls, and im like.. trolls? my specialty!
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exhibit a. the OG trolls of SL used to grieve regions like this, falling d*ck orbs idek what to call them but i remember this day like it was yesterday, i was shopping for clothes at this cute korean place, back then there was a lot more asian creators for mesh clothes .. and suddenly the sky changed i kid you not. Also i think something about the sounds changed too like there was sirens, something that made me walk outside the building, then it was raining d*cks !!! ROFL. I miss when trolls were super original like this... ive also heard some other great griefer stories, I want to find the infamous bomb case.. apparently there was once a case that would basically make everyone in the room crash lol. But I think the servers are built against that very well now.. (not me talking about SL terr*sm) I have no inention to use these things it would just be great to meet someone who knows about those times XD I have to put these * by every word because I dont wanna get fl*ggd lmao. OKAY IM DONE TILL NEXT TIME!!
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Shout out to these WelcomHub cutiess <3 Heather is always in something fly shes the dopest!
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spitdrunken · 2 years
hiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIII could u do nsfw headcanons for ingo please ??? i’m srry if this is vague but maybe like what kinks he would have or smth ??
btw i’m one of the people who requested the n valentines thing and i loved it sm i love him i am in love with him.!.!.! u described his character really well and not a lot of ppl do well with him since he’s kinda ~mysterious~
ANON... YOU.... you requested n so that means you have great taste,, i’m so glad to hear you liked that little thingy i posted <33!!! (im planning on doing a New n Improved version of the N Valentine's post still sooo <3 look forward to that! tho ur free to send more ask abt him if u wanna~)
okay but!! nsfw ingo hcs!! i can def provide those <33!
notes: no particular warnings :)!
Ingo was a total workaholic back in Unova and, honestly, still is. (Though the reasons behind this have shifted as he was thrown back into the past.) Because of that, he doesn’t have much experience in the way of relationships, even less when it comes to sex. Long story short: Ingo is either a virgin, or his lack of practice combined with memory loss might as well make him one. He jacks off a lot more often than you might expect, though. He’s often so tired and tense, it’s an easy way to get his mind off of things.
You wouldn’t be able to tell if he wanted to have sex with you or not, because he just... Wouldn’t tell you. You could be the object of his fantasies every night and his face would never betray a thing. All his tells are subtle, but he gains a tendency of tugging on the brim of his hat so he doesn’t have to look you in the eye. It doesn’t help that, unless you’re direct, flirting tends to not register to him. You have to tell him if you want anything, because Ingo’s assumption will always be that you don’t. Even if just hugging you makes him feel... Strange... He’ll keep it hidden from you as best as he can. 
You’ll never see him as expressive as while you’re touching him. He just melts. Whenever he cums from your touch, he tears up. Ingo hasn’t gotten all that much physical affection in literal years, and he’s sensitive, shuddering at every little thing. He loves just having your hands on him, or your arms around him. It’s all overwhelming to him, but not in a bad way. Though he’s definitely the type who can cum near untouched, just from having you in his lap and making out or something similar.
This man is loud. Ingo already has trouble with volume control in his daily life, but he makes so much noise during sex that he even notices himself. It’s nothing coheren, mostly moans and whines, with the occasional choppy sentence in between. Ingo loses his train of thought before he can finish any of them. He’s honestly thankful if you stuff your fingers in his mouth. It’s one of the few things that genuinely embarrass him. At least you can always tell when he’s enjoying himself!
Ingo’s not into anything particularly ‘out there’. He’d be just fine with letting you take the lead and, even if you don’t, he’ll still be more into giving pleasure than receiving. (At the very least, he makes sure you get off an equal amount of times!) It’s really nice to him that he’s making you feel good. So much so that you might need to tell him to stop to keep from overstimulating you. Though your first time together will have a lot of fumbling around on his part, it’s not for a lack of trying. Ingo listens eagerly to whatever you tell him to do. He’s willing to go along with quite a lot if you bring it up to him, but he doesn’t want to cause you any pain. It’s simply not appealing to him. 
Other than that though, he’d like praise and/or body worship! Both giving and receiving. Though he’s very squirmy during the latter, and would really take his time with the former. Also, you should definitely sit on his face of you have a vagina. ...Maybe he likes the idea of public sex just a little, but with how loud he is, it’d be near impossible to pull off. He doesn’t want to get caught. He’d hate to think of himself as a pervert.
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Sniffles & Music
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom finds out that Y/N has the common cold and knows just the thing to make her feel a whole lot better. Tons of Fluff! Stay healthy!
A/N: Like I said, Im back! This was locked up in the drafts and I tried my best to finish it up. Sorry this is so short and def not my best work lol.
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ACHOO. Thats the fourth time Y/N sneezed within hour. Her nose red round and plump, her eyes on the verge of closing...she felt like death. Its a miracle how she didnt wake Tom up, with him sleeping ever so soundly next to her. It was almost cruel how he peaceful he looked, curling next to her pillow while she was suffering and using up a whole roll of tissue paper to stop the mucus from dripping down her nose.
She tip-toed out of the room, emitting tiny sounds as the hardwood floor creaked with every step. As much as Y/N would love to tell her caring boyfriend how awful she felt and how desperately she wanted his cuddles, she couldn’t for the sake of his health. After all Covid was still very much a thing, and she sure as hell was not gonna let him get sick from taking care of her...She could manage...she thinks.
“Mmm Darling?” Tom mumbles as he slowly awakens from his slumber. “Why are you up so early?”
Y/N’s ears perk up and silently curses herself for not being quieter. “I uhh...Im just gonna go and get some work done...before—“ Oh no..she could feel her nose start to twitch, and her eyes closing up again. Y/N quickly turns her head towards her right arm.
ACHOO! She sniffles lifting her head up only to sneeze again.
Tom now fully awake quickly gets out of the bed and rushes to his sweet girl. “Darling, you dont look so good.” He says softly lifting her face to his full view. “Are you sick?”
Y/N sniffles and shakes her head. “No.” She answers, her voice sounding a lot more congested.
“Y/N.” He said sternly.
“Maybe a little. It’s just a nose cold. Im sure Ill be better by tomorrow.” She reassures him.
“Well only if you’re properly taken cared of, you will. Please Y/N, just take the day off from work and let me make you feel better. You always take care of me. Let me do this for you.”
Y/N sighs in defeat as she whips out her phone to text her boss. “Okay, handsome. Looks likes you win this one.”
Tom makes sure that Y/N is back to bed resting as he prepares a nice cup of steaming hot tea. The steam slowly makes her way to her nose, sighing in relief at how the warm vapor opened up her nasal passages and boy did it feel good. "Ugh, it's like I can breathe again", Y/N slowly sips the hot beverage, taking note of the tartness. "Whoa...that is a lot of lemon, babe." Puckering lips, and squinting her eyes.
Tom's eyes light up, "So you can taste and smell?" he asks.
"I can taste and smell enough to know that Harry definitely makes the better tea." she teases him, with her stuffy voice.
Tom chuckles, "Now I definitely know you're sick...so tell me darling, what else can I do to make you feel better?"
Y/N looks around the room as her feet rub against each other, pondering about her answer. Truthfully, she didn't have to take long because Tom and her both know what it is that she exactly wanted. "Song and a cuddle?" she asks innocently, batting her eyelashes. She lets out a little sniffle, smiling with her red button nose.
"Anything for my girl." He replies kissing her on the forehead. "But you should know, Im still a bit rusty."
So here they were in their dimly lit room, as Tom plucked the strings of his guitar, murmuring that one song he was desperately trying to nail. A few curses thrown, replays, and the occasional "I swear I did this before", but it didnt matter to Y/N, she loved all of it and how easily it made her feel better. This was her super-concentrated dose of vitamin C. When all was said and done, Tom placed the guitar down, climbing into bed, as he instantly wrapped his arms around her frame. Kissing her shoulders, and the back of her head, he whispered "Feel better, darling."
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eremiie · 3 years
Hello there how is everything I am a fan of AOT and I wanted to ask you if it okay you can do a headcanon of eren and zeke dating a black s/o
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dating a black s/o;
❥ hiii, i hope you enjoy, ty for the request, i’m a poc so this is nice :)
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eren jaeger
first of all he fucking loves you, like he’s infatuated with you because you’re so beautiful and just everything you do is like wow.
let’s start with your hair, he loves it so much and he’s always trying to touch it even when you tell him not to lmao
he’ll sit in the bathroom with you while you do your hair and just talk to you while reading the labels of the products you use
he spritz the spray bottle at your hair sometimes just for fun too 
one time you let him try to braid your hair and the braids weren’t terrible but he knotted a lot of your hair ngl😭
he gets so confused when you ask him to buy certain products and constantly comes home with the wrong stuff
“what do you mean this isn’t it? baby, it literally says deep condition creme!” “but it’s not the same, i wanted the coconut oil one!” “well this is the castor oil one, it’s basically the same thing.”
no eren. no, it is not the same thing.
he likes joining you in the shower for wash days sometimes, but he probably leaves halfway through the shower because you’re taking way too long
he hates that sticky feeling of lip gloss but just the way it makes your lips look he finds it so alluring, he’ll peck little kisses on your lips all the time and then wipe his mouth after 
he loves your cooking. he really enjoys it and is always open to try new things, he swears he’s getting the most exotic shit even though it’s literally just baked mac n cheese or something...
“baby what is this? it is so good.” “eren it is literally fried okra.”
you put him onto so many songs and he can probably belt out the lyrics to some of your favorite artists because he’s heard their songs so many times
occasionally if you’re just dancing in the kitchen and getting down, he’ll join you for a few minutes even though he looks like a complete fool (i doubt he can dance, but he thinks he’s doing an amazing job💔)
sometimes he can ask a lot of questions when he’s bored to know more about your culture, heritage, etc because he thinks it is genuinely interesting
he def seems like the type to put #blm in his bio or something, or post a black screen to show his support 
he brags about you all the time to his friends, he just thinks you’re so cool and not in like a weird way, just genuine admiration for you, and he has a lot of pride that he even had a chance with you, it’s endearing
zeke yeager 
zeke automatically thinks you’re the baddest bitch he’s ever seen, i mean he’s all for you 
i mean this dude was like AWOOGA when he first saw you— pls😭
and it’s not that he brags about you, it’s just more of a “you see her? yeah, she’s mine.” but he doesn’t say it audibly, he just flaunts you in a more physical way
zeke actively tries to help with your hair but it’s more to pester you than anything, like he’ll comb the ends of your hair carelessly and you’ll slap his hands away 
not that he’s not trying or anything but he just doesn’t know what he’s doing LMAO
since i keep talking about the lipgloss thing since i find it funny, zeke out of these 3 doesn’t mind the lip gloss at all, he actually probably goes out of his way to kiss you, and ngl he probably licks the lipgloss you left on his mouth or something jokingly—
zeke lets you talk to him about anything, your culture, foods you want to try to make, issues that you have, and he’ll casually pitch in his own questions and stuff like that, he’s a good listener
if you’re at the store together looking for hair products and stuff he’ll just point to random stuff and tell you you should get it, even if he knows it won’t work for your hair
“what about this, sweetheart? i think this is pretty neat.” “zeke... that is tresemme... i need shea moisture shampoo.” “well i use this, it works just fine.” *cue a staring contest between zeke’s beard and you* “yeah... it’s working i guess.”
but in the end he probably understands why you use certain products and why you can’t use certain products, he just likes messing with you.
he really enjoys your cooking and probably tries to be in the kitchen with you and help you cook, he’s good company and he’s not to bad at cooking himself 
he’ll also give you recipes you should try that he’s seen as well, he just thinks that if you cook it, it automatically tastes better LMAO
he’s like a little sugar daddy, if you want him to buy you a $300 lace front he probably will, or if you want him to buy you some expensive ass shoes he probably will
he probably put on your bonnet or wig just to make you laugh or something, it was actually quite funny—
he treats you like a little princess too, like he’ll probably check the weather and be like “honey, we can’t go out today it’s too humid for your hair.” and he’s really just pretentious about little things like that, he goes out his way to make sure you’re okay, and good, especially when it comes to things that are important to you
he asks you if you can comb his hair and oil his scalp and stuff like that for fun, and lets you braid his hair and beard for practice, he just sits back and enjoys😭😭
levi ackerman
i feel like levi doesn’t show his admiration as much but deep down it’s definitely there, he finds you interesting, and an amazing individual
he has probably stuck around once or twice to watch your hair routine but he’s not always there to watch, the funny thing is though he probably remembers it; you’ve had him help you with the routine before and you were surprised when he wasn’t even really listening to what you were saying cause he kind of already knew what to do
“so then you’re gonna— yeah, yeah... how’d you know?” “i’m not stupid, i’ve seen you do it before.” “yeah— like once!”
we love our educated king <3
he’s surprisingly gentle when he’s doing it too, like his hands are so delicate and light and he’s lowkey afraid to hurt you so you have to tell him to be a little rougher when trying to untangle/comb through your hair
he will not kiss you when you have lip gloss on. i’m sorry but he doesn’t like the feeling, and if you kiss him he’ll wipe it off of his lips immediately, he doesn’t like it at all
he rarely brings home the wrong items if you ask him to run to the beauty supply or something. it’s just not hard to get the right thing, he looks at the photo of the product you sent him and scavengers the isles. he hates going for beauty supply runs though because he doesn’t like getting stared at, he’d rather go with you instead of by himself
he thinks your cooking is good but he’s not that surprised to be honest, maybe the first time you could see in his face that he was enjoying it but he never really exaggerates how good it is like eren would.
he does ask for another plate though, and if you tease him about that he rolls his eyes😭
he doesn’t take racism, any of that lightly, i can definitely see him getting immediately defensive over the slightest things that could even come off racist to you. it’s not that he’ll immediately say something but he does get sus of the person and a little more protective of you 
he probably secretly has so many pictures of you in his phone, and one of them is definitely his lock screen because he finds you so gorgeous 
he probably would put your bonnet on your head for you if you forgot it before going to sleep, or wake you up to put it on
he probably knows some hair care tips because he does his own research for your sake, he wants to know as much as you do so he can be a help; so even if you already knows what he’s telling you, act like its new information, you’ll see his eyes light up a little bit when you tell him you’ll try that next time :’))
he complains about your hair being left everywhere though, i also think he doesn’t like to participate in your wash days because he doesn’t like seeing your hair everywhere
but despite this he still is usually the one to clean it up if you’re taking too long to, thank you levi<33
another thing is, if you have beads in your hair, he really likes it because the sound they make is somewhat relaxing to him + it lets him know when you’re around, it’s almost comforting sob sob
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shelobussy · 3 years
For the gays. (And @damcrows who’s been dead for the past 24 hours. Rest in peace babe. Read some gay fic. Deny the inevitability of canon. <3)
the end, but the start (of all things that are left to do)  by @ajkal2
Jon wakes up.
aka. mag200 tore out my heart
(Very smol, very short, very spoiler. Def recommend for anyone who just finished the podcast.)
remind me how to smile by @tamerofdarkstars
Jon is probably fine, just hiding out somewhere while the whole murder thing blows over and that's... fine. Martin is fine with that explanation. Really. He's got plenty to distract himself - like listening through the entire What the Ghost episode library, for example. Or watching Georgie Barker's Instagram livestreams.
(Yea this was in the last rec list, but you don’t understand THE ADMIRAL GIVES CUDDLES)
Chamomile by Dribbledscribbles
Whatever the ex-tea was, if it really had ever been that last bag of chamomile Martin claimed he’d found tucked in the back of the cupboard, it was fast now.
Martin had tried catching it, chasing it, blocking its way with shoebox lids and plates and an upended footstool, but the thing was just too quick. Jon knew as well as Knew that he might have left off the attempts completely if not for the creature’s preferred game.
The game was, See How Many Times I Can Push Martin Towards Cardiac Arrest Before He Comes at Me with The Broom.
(Scottish Honeymoon Era. Adorable and weird. A vampire gets harassed.)
hey stranger by @ennuijpg
It’s a late night Tesco run, how eventful could it be? It’s not like Martin is going to run into his boss who’s wearing something absurdly different from usual and get the most acute form of whiplash possible from seeing him, right?
(Martin runs into Jon at the grocery store and has an existential crisis.)
roses roses, roses. by @judesstfrancis
Rose scented laundry detergent. Running into Jon in the breakroom. Running into Jon on his way back to his desk. Rose scented detergent. Running into Jon. Roses. Jon. Roses, roses, roses. 
(Canon enemies to friends to lovers au-ish. Martin POV. Very pining much sweet.)
go softly by doomcountry
And there is nothing else besides this. 
(More hurt/comfort than fluff. Scottish Honeymoon Era. Mild eye mutilation.)
Not Alone by @backofthebookshelf
After the coffin, Daisy and Jon are both fragile. They hold each other up. 
(Post-buried Jon&Daisy starter pack. Very hurt/comfort.)
trust my love by antlsepticeye
“you… you’re real, aren’t you?” jon whispers, the fog slowly dissipating from his mind. “it is not a trick?”
“i’m here,” martin says softly, reaching up to grab jon’s hand that was resting on his cheek, intertwining his fingers with jon’s and squeezing. he moves jon’s hand to martin’s chest, resting it over his heart. “you’re alright. i’m alright. take your time, love. let’s just take some deep breaths, okay?”
reaching out by Athina_Blaine
By the time things settled, when Martin had finally managed to crack through his cold shell, feel some of his old self returning to him in bits and pieces, they had found their little routine.
One that had the two of them sleeping in the same bed, making breakfast, going to the mart. Where Jon reached for his wrist while they slept, and Martin luxuriated in the gentle warmth of his fingers.  
But not one where Martin reached back. One that had Martin kissing Jon awake or taking his hand over the breakfast table, because ... Martin never had the courage to try. And then it never became a part of the routine.
And Martin desperately wanted it to be.
Martin and Jon have an important conversation.
(More Scottish Honeymoon Era for the soul. Hurt/comfort/fluff.)
Belabor by @janekfan​
Jon's given the position of Archivist and is falling apart at the seams. Tim and Sasha are upset and playing games. Elias is overbearing and manipulative.
And poor Martin is stuck cleaning up the mess.
(THEE first fic I ever read for tma. Season 1, hurt/comfort/fluff, and hints of Jmartin. janekfan is the absolute master of seasons 1-3 hurt/comfort. This is my favorite, but pls check out the rest of their fics.)
tea, blankets, and a damnable stubborn attitude by ivelostmyspectacles
“Are you really gonna stay here and pester Jon all evening?”
“I’m not pestering him,” Martin retorted, sounding vehement if not busy going through the cupboards. “I’m heating up soup.”
“Oh, you might as well make him another cup of tea while you’re at it.”
“Oh, good idea.”
Jon shot Tim a withering look.
(The one where Jon is ill, Martin makes tea and they watch doctor who together. Fluff 1000%.)
A Kind Hand by @voiceless-terror
Jonathan Sims was adjusting just fine, thank you very much.
In which a minor workplace spill causes Jon to realize that he might have friends.
(Ah yes, the other master of seasons 1-3 fic aka voiceless-terror being my other fav author in the fandom. This one is also season 1 hurt/comfort/fluff.)
A Weather In The Flesh by @cuttoothed
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
(More touched starved Jon! Much hurt/comfort!)
Something Old, Something New by @cirrus-grey
Months have passed, and everyone is doing better than they were. Daisy and Basira are getting married, Melanie is feeling her old self, Georgie is as much herself as she has ever been, and even Jon has stabilized on his wild fall away from humanity. Everyone is doing better.
Well. Almost everyone.
(Daisy/Barsira wedding! Melanie is a bitch and we love her! Jmartin dance! Post-canon (almost) everyone lives!)
The Weight of Love by @voiceless-terror
Jon is a restless sleeper. Martin attempts to adjust. 
(The fic where Jon is literally me and Martin attempts to sleep for 1k words.)
The Art of Conversation by @voiceless-terror
"Do you ever stop talking?"
Jon has a complicated relationship with words. Difficulties come and go.
(Jon has adhd and Martin is in love.)
Novelty by @backofthebookshelf
Jon experiences A Sexual Attraction; Martin has A Concern. They figure it out.
(Any fic that explores the ace spectrum is a 10/10. We stan all ace interpretations of jon on this blog.)
Half a Hug by Dathen
I know you weren’t going to hurt me, I trust you, he said again and again. And then a different kind of fear shone through, hollow and echoing: “Please don’t stop touching me."
Or: Life is hard when you're touch-starved but have trauma related to your closest friend.  Spoilers through TMA 132.
(Honestly bless every author who saw jon&daisy and was like. They’re siblings. No I will not elaborate.)
the loneliness never left me (but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company) by Athina_Blaine
It was about Martin making Jon feel safe, treasured, and loved. And it had been so, so long since anyone made him feel that way.
And, in the face of it all, Jon was starting to flounder.
(At this point I just need to make separate rec list for Scottish Honeymoon Era.)
you can watch me corrode by scarletfish
"So, how long have you been pulling this shit then?"
"I… excuse me?" Jon’s indignant, certain she can’t mean what he thinks she means.
"When was the last time you ate?"
(Georgie decides Jon and Melanie need a normal day off. Jon learns that he and Melanie have more in common than he thought.)
(Look, Melanie isn’t my favorite person in tma, but she and Jon are like THE SAME PERSON and I adore fics that elaborate on their relationship.)
Out of the Wind, In From the Cold by @ostentenacity
There are two bedrooms in the safehouse, and two beds.
For a moment, Jon considers asking to share, but decides against it with a wince. “I really loved you,” Martin had told him. Loved. Past tense. And Martin doesn’t exactly have a lot of choices right now in terms of company; it would be cruel to demand he play at feelings he no longer has just to make Jon happy.
(For a moment, Martin considers asking to share. But he dismisses the idea with a shake of his head. Jon has already done so much for him. Martin isn’t about to ask for more, especially not when it’s something he doesn’t really need. He has his right mind back, and he has Jon’s friendship. That should be enough for him. It’ll have to be.)
Jon thinks that Martin doesn’t love him. Martin thinks that Jon doesn’t love him. They do not, of course, discuss this. Unrequited love is already awkward enough, right? No need to dwell on it.
I Do by @voiceless-terror
“I, um- this was supposed to be a lot more romantic, I swear.” Martin looks down at the dirty bar floor. “I had it all planned out, I-I was going to take you somewhere nice, and then we’d go for a walk in the square- I’ll still do it!” He hurries to explain, as if that’s the most pressing part of this situation. “It’ll be really nice, I’ve already hired a photographer-”
In a fit of protectiveness, Martin proposes to Jon.
(Everyone lives, Martin accidentally proposes and Jon is crying in public.) 
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