#you stop fussing at my agent babies!
chrisodonline · 2 years
Guys, you know what would be HILARIOUS? If Callen got Castor to be an usher at his wedding since that's all he does these days.
Some quick exposition dropping. Guys, there is a person who commits arson on the loose. And he might commit more arson. That's what they keep saying. I think that might be important. 
Rountree is OF COURSE in his towel. But not the fun one Arkady wore that one time and scarred everyone for life in.
"Isn't this a pickle?" I laughed out loud at that. SAM HANNA. That reminds me of how LL called goosebumps "goose pimples" one time, and I thought it was adorable and had never heard that before. Anyway. So, awkward we "know" each other here. Mmhmm. Oh I bet you and agent lady had your own fires going, Rountree. 
Kilbride seriously asked for Callen to go to his office then asked him what's on his mind? Makes no sense. It was just to give a weird, contrived opening for Callen to question the odd team-up dynamics and seem annoyed with it even though THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR SO MANY WEEKS.  You are addressing his questioning authority but YOU TOLD HIM TO SAY WHATEVER WAS ON HIS MIND AFTER MAKING HIM COME TO YOUR OFFICE. I DO NOT GET IT. I don't know, maybe if you just flat out said why you pulled him in, would have saved everyone time. But I guess we got stretch out this conversation with dialogue. ANYWAY.
(Apryl, I am typing in all caps! I bet your ears are ringing or your Z-senses are tingling.)
Kilbride, this team is all about questioning authority. Why are you setting this up and then talking about being pissy? It's just more contrived angst so he can chew out these agents. "Your buddy Pembroke." His poor choices of words are really annoying me. "Surrogate mommy" and now even ironically referring to the guy who he watched torture a young Katya and found out did horrible things to Callen? I cannot.
"It is my attempt to keep you focused on the job." Callen has 100% been focused these past few weeks, though. He's actually been pretty present, physically, too. This whole scene is annoying me. UGH. But whatever.
Callen was nice enough to say Thank You, even though he totally deserved this info sooner. "Unhappy childhood" OMG. Poor. Effing. Phrasing.
Kilbride you could've listed some specific examples because he was totally just reading the paper and looking for Hetty. And he has legit just taken personal time to do this, even if he sometimes said it was for a different reason. It was his personal time. BUT WHATEVER.
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luveline · 1 year
could you please write something where maybe bombshell!reader hears one of the team members teasing about how she’s torturing spencer and she kinda backs off with the flirting and maybe it’s his turn to hold her hand and call her cute names because even though he always says he doesn’t mind, maybe he does and he just doesn’t want to tell her
tysm for requesting, 1k
Spencer's hair is brown silk in the sun. You bite your tongue to hold in a compliment rearing to come out, saccharine and completely true. Looking sweet, Spence. 
You love to compliment him and especially while Hotch is out of earshot. He and Derek play pairs against two agents from a different unit, their tennis racquets a shiny FBI navy. You start to speak and bite it back —a memory flashes, a shouting stop sign. 
You'd been teasing Spencer as he left the room, something about his indecisive hair. He's cut it shorter but left his curls without product, and you love it. 
Poor guy, Emily'd murmured, lips set against the rim of her coffee cup. 
What's the matter with him? you asked, perplexed. 
Nothing, just that he spins into a total meltdown every time you guys are within ten feet of each other. He must be exhausted.
She was joking and you know that, but something deep down worries she's right. It's not fair for you to keep winding him up… Especially when Spencer might be going along with you because he isn't sure how to say no. 
What if you're forcing yourself on him? 
You're sitting together on a small blanket in the grass with Anderson and a few of the other less competitive BAU agents. You bring your bottled iced tea to your forehead to cool down, condensation wetting your hot skin. The top of your head feels as though it has the full concentration of the sun beating against it. 
Spencer looks up at your movement. He's been reading a book for pleasure, or so he says, so he isn't going a mile a minute but he's still way faster than the average Joe. "Do you want to go find some shade?" he asks. 
"You look comfortable," you say, putting your iced tea aside.
Which is to say, I don't want you to come with me, it would disrupt you. Spencer nods and turns to the brown leather of his familiar satchel, popping the buckle open to dig around inside. 
"Do you think this would be okay?" he asks, bringing out his baseball cap. 
The fabric is starchy and the brim stiff as you accept it and wedge it over your head. You don't immediately cool, but your heart spins strange loops. "Thank you," you say. Thank you, handsome, gorgeous, baby, all beg to be said. 
Spencer stays looking at you for longer than normal. 
"Do I have something on my face?" you ask, swatting self consciously at your cheeks. 
"Nothing. You look really pretty," he says. 
"Thank you." Another loop. You point at his book, fingertip hitting a creamy page with a small thud. "Is this any good?" 
"I think you'd really like it, it feels like that last book I borrowed from you, and you loved that. They're very similar. I can lend it to you when I'm done." 
"Don't rush it for my sake."
Spencer gives you a private smile. "I won't. Just because you could watch a movie at two times speed doesn't mean you should." 
Your returning smile isn't half as nice. No shared lightness, no bright eyes. You're feeling awkward and unhappy —you really like Spencer. Like, you think you could be happy together for a long long time sort of like. He's charming and sweet and no one is ever as kind to him as he deserves, which is why you're trying to be kind now by putting distance between you.
You'll be brash forever. You can't change that, and Spencer doesn't need the stress of dealing with you, not on top of everything else. 
His smile fades as yours does. Quiet, without fuss, he scoots back on the picnic blanket, putting you knee to knee. The subtle muscle of his arm presses to yours and his hand wraps gently around your wrist as he dips his head down, his cheek touching briefly to your shoulder. 
"I know it's nice, but if the heat is getting to you we should go inside," he says, his fingers sliding across your palm to slot between your own. He squeezes your hand. "Heat stroke isn't obvious at first. Do you feel woozy?"
You stare at your twined fingers. He surprises you again, being this soft with you, and being uncharacteristically forward. Or maybe not uncharacteristic at all; Spencer won't let something like timidity stop him from comforting someone that needs it. 
"Spence," you murmur, closing your eyes, face angled down. 
"I'm sorry if I… If I've been messing you around. But I don't think this is a good idea." 
"What's not a good idea?" 
You can't make yourself say it. Instead, you rub the back of his hand, more for your own comfort than his, your tongue like a useless lump in your mouth. 
"You're sorry? Are you sure you're okay?" Spencer asks, no heed to the people sitting with you as he lets go of your hand to put his arm behind your shoulder like a shield. 
"I don't want to torture you," you say. 
Your friends love that word. You torture Spencer with your flirting and your easy affection. 
Spencer makes a face, eyes squinting and nose wrinkled. "They're just kidding when they say that. Emily, Morgan, they like making fun of me, it's like, sibling bonding or something. They don't say it because there's actually something to feel sorry about." He lowers his voice, bashful but sincere at once, "If you're torturing me, I guess I'm a masochist." 
You laugh without thinking, a breathless, girlish sound you'd regret if you had the wherewithal. "You're a masochist?" you ask. 
He takes the brim of your borrowed hat and pushes it up to unobstruct the view of your eyes. 
"If that's what it takes," he says. A hint of wryness creeps into his otherwise smooth tone. 
Despite his brave talk and his steady eye contact, his face has started to blush. A rosy hue kisses the tops of his cheeks and his nose, a dusting of pink splodges stark against his paleness. The curve of his lips seems extra tantalising now. He's very, very pretty. 
And he doesn't mind stepping in to take the reins when you're unsure of things. 
"We really should sit in the shade for a bit," he says. "Let's get drinks from the gazebo. Yeah?" 
You're halfway through a nod when he kisses your cheek too quickly for you to respond. You follow him to the gazebo without any more reluctance, weaselling your hand back into his, and attempt to pull another kiss from him.
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television-overload · 5 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 21/34 - eggs benedict
[Read on AO3]
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It’s strange, staying with Sheriff Adderly and his wife Ellen during this case in Vermont. If he had his way, he’d be checked into a motel instead of infringing on their hospitality, but he’d been given no choice. They even refused reimbursement for their troubles, which did nothing to lessen the feeling—however true or untrue it was—of him being a burden to them.
Ellen Adderly had pulled out all the stops for their guest, preparing decadent meals on fine china for every meal, claiming she’d have done it whether he was there or not. He has a hard time believing that. He can’t imagine living in such a way every day of his life. He and Scully barely manage to set out real plates to eat on when they order takeout at home, and he certainly doesn’t expect her to have a three course meal set out when he gets back from work. Besides the fact that she’s always at work with him, it’s just not something he thinks is necessary. Is that something she’d want to do? He doesn’t think so. 
The routine they have works for them, that’s all that matters.
But after getting a taste of his own personal brand of domesticity, it’s… odd… to see how others do it. He’d never have thought there were so many different ways to balance home life, much less enough that he’d start to form an opinion on them. His parents had been one way—not a particularly healthy relationship—and he and Scully are… well, they’re not really anything besides roommates, but that still counts, in his book.
Whatever they are, he likes it. Far better than this constant fussing, at least.
Mrs. Adderly must notice his discomfort, because at breakfast as she masterfully puts the finishing touches on his eggs benedict, she says “I get the feeling you're not used to anyone taking care of you,” and for some reason, that assumption grates on his nerves.
He takes a measured draw from his cup of steaming coffee, swallowing back his immediate retort.
“What makes you say that?” he asks instead. She probably hadn’t meant anything by it, but it still comes off as rude. He has someone to take care of him, thanks very much. Just not exactly in the same way as Mrs. Adderly insists on taking care of her husband… and apparently Mulder too.
“I’m sorry,” Ellen says, realizing her statement had come out somewhat offensive. “I just mean… I didn’t see a wedding band.”
She nods at his left hand sitting atop the table, and he follows her gaze to the bare ring finger.
“Do you have a significant other, Agent Mulder?” she asks.
Significant? Yes. Very. Other? That’s a good descriptor. Single, married, other. Yeah, he’d select other, if this were a multiple choice question. Although he’s pretty sure that’s not what she meant.
“I’ve– um…” he starts, wondering how best to describe his situation to this woman. “I’ve got a wife, actually.” He pulls out the ring on its chain to show her. “It can be dangerous in my line of work to have it on display,” he explains lamely before tucking it back into his shirt.
Ellen smiles. “Ah, well that’s good. Don't miss out on home and family, Mr. Mulder. I imagine with all the things you see, you need that refuge more than most.”
Her words hang in the air, a bit of sage advice from a woman he otherwise has very little in common with. But before he really has a chance to think about what she’s said, Sheriff Adderly makes an appearance, and it’s back to business. Ellen excuses herself to go check on their daughter, leaving the two of them alone to discuss the case.
Mulder remains seated at the table, staring down the sheriff with a knowing look. He’d begun to suspect—and now his suspicions are all but confirmed—that the man had been unfaithful to his wife, and it makes him feel sick. Here this man has it all; a loving wife, a sweet baby that they didn’t have to jump through a million hoops to get, and yet he’s willing to throw it all away for some cheap thrills.
He’ll never understand it.
The man is no more forthcoming about his knowledge of the case than he had been before, so Mulder lets it slide for now. The last thing he wants to do is show all his cards too early and spook him. He gives him just enough to leave him rattled. To let him know that he knows . 
He lets the unspoken threat hang between them until the sheriff folds, squirming away to take a shower, or so he says. 
He’s still seething in bitter disgust when Ellen returns, carrying her sleepy baby in her arms. It’s a well-practiced juggling act, Mulder can tell, as she goes about fixing herself a plate of her now lukewarm breakfast. With only one arm, she clearly struggles to transfer strips of bacon out of the pan, and Mulder gets to his feet.
“Here, let me help,” he says, joining her in the kitchen. What he’d meant was that he could help assemble her plate, but as he goes to reach for the spatula, he instead finds himself being handed a baby, and his eyes widen comically. “Oh, right,” he says, then plasters a forced smile on his face. Sure, this was what he’d meant to do all along. 
The little girl is heavier than he’d expected. Like a sack of flour, though with limbs jutting out everywhere. It takes him a moment to adjust, his hands holding her awkwardly beneath the armpits. 
“Hi,” he says conversationally, looking down at her like she’s a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. The baby just blinks at him, a blank stare on her face. “Okay,” he mutters to himself, lifting her to his hip and returning to the table. He makes every effort to not look like this isn’t the first time he’s held a baby in—well, basically forever, but he’s not sure he succeeds.
Ellen smiles across the table at him and digs into her meal.
“Do you have children, Agent Mulder?” she asks, “You and your wife?”
It still makes his heart flutter to hear someone refer to Scully as such, but he supposes that to Ellen, it really is that simple. Scully is his wife, that’s all she knows.
He’d always thought conversations like this to be so dull. ‘So, Dave, how’s the ol’ ball and chain? Kids staying out of trouble?’  But, now… 
Well, it’s different now that he actually has something to contribute to the discussion.
“Yeah, actually, one on the way,” he says, giving a self-conscious little smile. 
He’s never told anybody about this other than Skinner, but he supposes there’s no harm in telling this random woman in Vermont. It almost makes him feel… normal. Like he can relate to other people over the simple fact of his impending fatherhood. A shared human experience. A milestone in his life that doesn’t involve aliens, ghosts, ghouls, or any manner of cryptozoological entity.
“We’re adopting,” he further explains. “Only a couple months left till the birth mother’s due date.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Ellen exclaims, smiling up at him over her bowl of fresh fruit. “You must be so excited!”
“Very,” he says, looking down at the drooling baby on his lap. “We never really thought it was possible. That we’d ever—” 
He pauses, the shrill tone of his cell phone breaking into their conversation.
“Speaking of my wife,” he says, flipping open the device. “Hey, Scully. How’s the stakeout going?”
Her voice crackles over the other side of the line, drawing a genuine smile out of him. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask that, Mulder, so that I can give you the good news I just received.”
His stomach does a flip. “Good news?”
He pictures her nodding, sitting in that grimy, cold room surrounded by surveillance equipment, somehow brightening it with her smile. “Krista called and we had a little chat.”
Mulder looks up at Ellen from across the table, where she’s watching him with a knowing smile. “Oh?” he says.
“Mm-hmm. And you know what she told me?”
Scully is extra cheeky this morning, huh? He misses her horribly. This is the last time he’s letting Skinner split them up for a case. After this, no more. He’s putting his foot down. What are they going to do, fire him?
“What did she tell you?” he asks, turning to instead stare at the floorboards, giving himself the illusion of privacy despite the constant watch of Mrs. Adderly.
“She told me the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?”
His heart thumps in his chest suddenly, its rhythm erratic. This, he hadn’t expected first thing in the morning. He hasn’t even finished his first cup of coffee yet.
“She finally found out?”
“Yeah, Krista said she was a lot more cooperative at this appointment than the last one,” Scully explains.
Mulder freezes.
“She?” he says, his voice raspy with awe. “It’s a girl?”
He hears Scully release a shuddering breath before her voice comes back, with all the telltale signs of happy tears that he’s come to recognize in the last few months.
“It’s a girl,” she confirms.
It’s a girl. He’s gonna have a baby girl.
“That’s– that’s amazing, Scully! That’s… wow!”
“I know,” she says. “I’m– You’re not disappointed, are you?”
“Disappointed?” he asks, furrowing his brow. “Why would I be disappointed?” 
Disappointed is the absolute last thing he’d be feeling right now. Elated is a better word. Maybe a little scared, but he’ll get over it.
“I don’t know, I just thought… You know, you talked about coaching little league, and I’m sure you want someone to watch basketball with you…”
He laughs. He can’t help but laugh. “Just because you don’t like basketball doesn’t mean other girls don’t,” he says matter-of-factly. “And have you seen girls softball teams, Scully? They’re brutal. You try getting hit by one of those giant neon yellow ostrich eggs at 50 miles an hour. I volunteered to practice with the girls once in high school. Almost lost an eye.”
“But what if she doesn’t like sports at all?” Scully asks, and he’d bet good money that she’s chewing on her lip right now, the way she does when she’s worried. “What if she’s on the chess team or plays the violin or the piano?”
Oh, Scully.
“Then I’ll learn all the names of her concertos and cheer her on at every chess tournament,” he answers simply. “Look, Scully, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you and I are both gigantic nerds. I think we’ll be prepared for whatever she’s interested in when she gets older.”
She . They can finally stop talking about her in abstract terms. A girl. A daughter.
“Your mom’s gonna flip,” he says when she doesn’t respond. Margaret Scully has a grandson, but no granddaughter. He can just see the little plaid dresses, frilly socks, Mary Jane shoes, and giant velvet bows in their future. She’ll be spoiled rotten.
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Scully says, sounding wistful. 
“Me too,” he agrees. “When I get back, we’re going out shopping again. I think maybe this time I’ll be able to hold it together in the clothes section.”
That earns him a laugh.
“I’m willing to bet it will go the same way as last time,” she teases back, and she’s probably not wrong. Just picturing this baby, a little girl like the one he’s holding now, has him emotionally on edge.
“I– I’ll talk to you later, okay?” he says, glancing up at the clock. “Let the thought of warm baby snuggles keep you from freezing your butt off.”
She sighs, the annoyance of her less than ideal assignment returning. “Thanks for reminding me, ” she intones.
They stay on the line a moment more, waiting to see who will be the one to hang up. Eventually he hears a soft click, and he smiles down at the phone in his hand. Goodbyes have never been necessary between them. Maybe that’s just another way they’re weird, but he likes it.
The baby in his lap gurgles, and he sets his phone on the table to turn his attention back to her. He sees her differently now, with the knowledge that he has a little girl on the way too.
“You’re going to be an amazing father,” Ellen says, eyes shining as she watches him.
Mulder feels his cheeks beginning to burn. “Oh. Thanks.”
“No, really,” she says more insistently. “You seem to care a lot already. And wanting to be involved… Well, that’s everything. Your wife is a very lucky woman.”
“I’m the one who’s lucky,” he says, and he truly believes it.
He’s the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.
wife guy / girl dad mulder says you get another chapter :)
Chapter 22/34 - pizza boxes
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The sound of keyboards clacking fills the dimly-lit room. A greasy bag that once held at least a dozen cheap tacos from the place across town sits atop a stack of empty pizza boxes, not that the inhabitants of this particular abode pay much attention to that kind of thing. 
“Hey, here's something weird,” Langly says, looking up from the computer monitor, the unnatural light of it reflecting off his glasses.
“What? Is it Krycek again?” Frohike asks, crossing the short distance to lean over the other man’s shoulder. “What’s that little rat up to now?”
Langly adjusts the bright, warm-toned desk lamp to minimize the glare on the screen.
“No, just something strange in my sweep of government records,” he says.
“Mention of a virus? Shadow government stuff?”
Langly shakes his head. “It flagged a document mentioning Mulder and Scully's names.”
This bit of information piques Byers’ interest from across the room. “What agency? Homeland? DoD?” he asks, joining the other two at Langly’s computer.
“County court in Annapolis, Maryland,” Langly reads off the screen. “Dated December 24, 1999.”
“Open it!” Frohike demands impatiently.
It takes only a few seconds to hack the database, which is a little alarming. What would the public think if they knew how insecure county records are? But that’s a concern for another day. 
The document slowly appears on screen, and three pairs of eyes take in the information all at once.
“That's… unexpected,” Byers says.
“Married? Since when?” Frohike exclaims.
Langly looks up at him with a condescending glare and smacks the older man in the stomach. “Since Christmas, idiot, haven't you been paying attention?”
“Not that, stupid,” Frohike says, quick to respond with a slap to the back of the blond man’s shaggy head. “Since when are they an item? Did I miss something?”
“You seen a rock on her finger lately? I haven't,” Langly comments.
“Get Mulder on the phone, that little sneak owes us an explanation!” Frohike snaps, pointing a finger at Byers.
The phone rings a few times before it connects, the voice of their friend coming through on speakerphone.
“Now's not a good time, boys,” he says. There's some kind of noise in the background, someone speaking, but they can’t make out who it is. It doesn’t sound like anyone they know. 
“Mulder!” Frohike yells into the phone. “What gives, man?!”
“Yeah, bro, we'd have thrown you a bachelor party if we'd known,” Langly adds.
A sigh crackles through on the other end of the line, and Mulder murmurs something indistinguishable to someone before finding somewhere quieter to talk.
“How'd you find out?” he asks, sounding annoyed.
“Your marriage license record came up in one of our regular sweeps. No other threats, by the way,” Byers answers.
“Except maybe Frohike,” Langly jokes. “He might want to challenge you for her hand.”
Byers snickers.
“Shut up! I'm happy for them,” Frohike says, glaring at his friends.
Langly rolls his eyes. “You never stood a chance.”
“There's an explanation for this, I swear, now's just really not a good time,” Mulder says, insistent.
“What's there to explain?” Frohike asks. “You guys fell in love and got married without telling your best friends. No big deal.”
He’s not genuinely trying to guilt trip Mulder, but it does sting a little that they hadn’t said anything to them. Maybe just a little tiny guilt trip. A guilt excursion, if you will.
“It's not… really that simple,” Mulder says, his words hesitant.
“What do you mean?” Byers asks.
“I know you didn't knock her up, obviously, so what more is there?” Langly says, as delicate as a brick to the face.
“Well,” Mulder says, “I kind of did, in a manner of speaking.”
“Scully's pregnant?” Byers asks. This is shocking news. It should be impossible! “But—”
“No, Scully's not pregnant,” Mulder quickly corrects before the conversation can spiral out of control more than it already has. “But… we are expecting, actually. Hopefully.”
“IVF?” Byers asks.
“Not IVF. We tried that last year though, you're a little late to the party.”
Jeez, what haven’t they missed? Maybe the real conspiracy is whatever the heck is going on with Mulder and Scully.
“Then, what—?”
“We're adopting,” he says, interrupting them. They can almost hear his smile over the phone, all goofy and care-free. “There's a woman that selected us to adopt her baby when she’s born, so… I'm actually at this class for new parents with Scully right now. I should probably be getting back. Don't want the teacher to flunk me.”
“Wait wait wait,” Frohike says. “Adopting? How long have you guys been… you know?”
“Well we only started talking about it back in November. It's honestly moving pretty fast, but we're excited.”
“Not that,” Frohike says, waving his hands in the air. “You and Scully!”
“Oh,” Mulder says awkwardly. “Um, we actually aren't. A couple, I mean. If that's what you're asking.”
Frohike’s jaw drops. “You're kidding.”
“No, I'm not.”
“But you're married!” Langly insists.
“A formality.”
“The IVF!”
“Favor for a friend.”
“Yeah, right!” Frohike says with a laugh, sharing a disbelieving look with the other Gunmen.
“You love her, don't you?” Byers asks, sincerity breaking through his friends’ incredulity.
“If you're just gonna harass me, I'm going to hang up.”
Okay, so he’s done sharing for now. They’ll just have to try to get more out of him later.
“Mulder… what are we going to do with you?” Frohike asks, shaking his head.
“Listen, guys, I've got to go. We're learning how to change a diaper and I'd really like to not make a fool of myself, if at all possible.”
“Wait,” Frohike says. “Tell Scully congrats for us. We're happy for you, Mulder.”
“Yeah, we just think you're a complete idiot too,” Langly adds bluntly.
“Thanks, guys. We're really happy. Sorry I haven't been around, it's been crazy.”
Well, now at least they know why Mulder has been missing their poker nights and D&D lately.
“Don't worry about it, Mulder. Just—maybe tell us what's going on next time?” Byers suggests.
Mulder puffs out a laugh. “Sure, next time I marry my partner with the purpose of adopting a child, I'll let you know.”
Frohike points seriously at the phone, despite the fact that Mulder can’t see it. “Watch it, buddy, you're already on thin ice.”
“I'll talk to you guys soon,” Mulder says. “Oh, and if you're ever looking for me, I'm staying at Scully’s apartment now, by the way. I gave up my apartment.”
“Dude…” Langly says. There's something seriously wrong with those two.
“Alright, I gotta go. I'll tell Scully you say hi.” And with that, he hangs up, leaving the three amigos to take in everything they’d just learned.
“Aren't a couple…” Frohike grumbles, repeating his words. “They're a couple of idiots, I'll tell you that.”
Byers nods his agreement, and Langly shrugs. 
“Lucky kid, though.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Salutations Fi! I saw you ask about Valentine’s Day requests and I was wondering if I might be able to give a suggestion. What if Ingo’s beloved on Valentines Day we’re to romance him when he can’t get the day off by showing him in old fashion romance. Flowers delivered using the language of flowers to express their love and devotion to him, his favorite sweets left on his desk to be found, and sending him long love letter message on his phone throughout the day, until he is able to come home to a candle light dinner and a night of lovemaking where he is showered is words of adoration. Ingo is always so giving, he deserves to to wooed like a Victorian lover every once in a while too 🥰 thank you so much for all your hard work, you time, and consideration on this Fi! 
I'm happy I still have people enjoying my work! I know my stuff has changed a bit since I started, but I'm happy people are still reading my writings.
Love's Holiday
cw: fluff, valentine's Day fic
Ingo hated the expression that crossed your face when he had to inform you that he had been unable to take Valentine's Day off this year. So much more than anything, would he had preferred to, but it seemed to just not to come to fruition with how everything at work built together. You did not say that you were upset, but the disappointment was apparent with how your shoulders drooped and lips fell. Just before he could begin to lament endless apologies about his shortcoming, you embraced him softly and told him that it was alright. This was not the first holiday that had seen him called into work, and it was unlikely to be the last.
The twin still wished it had not needed to be this way yet was endlessly grateful that you understood that he adored his job. You cupped his face and asked when his next day off was. He supposed a rain-check on the romantic day would not matter, so long as you both experienced at least.
The day was admittedly test him when it finally came. Many Depot Agents thankfully did not have too many complaints about having to work the holiday, most younger and not in relationships, but it did not mean there were not a few that hated it. One would not stop lamenting about how his Kalosian girlfriend was going to end him for failing to spend the day with her, while another whined that his boyfriend was going to be mad about it. Ingo stiffly told them that his partner was unhappy, too, and that was simply how it was today. He did politely offer them advice on how to amend their lovers' unhappiness and to plan to celebrate on another date, to which they just cruelly called him 'mom'. Again.
How he wished Emmet had not started a bunch of them onto that by teasing him with that when he was fussing about a ketchup stain on the younger twin's face.
He had begun his check-list duties, going through the station in order to make sure everything was up to code and that his employees were acting as they were supposed to. When he was passing through the middle of the station, he could only sigh when a lost delivery man clearly entered. A large bouquet of flowers in his hands. The man's eyes went large when they landed on Ingo. “Ah! You are Subway Boss Ingo, no?” he called out with a strong voice, “You have delivery from your 'dearest'.” The twin froze for a moment, an odd warmth flooding his chest.
“Yes, that is me,” Ingo replied in his usual station voice, “Thank you for the off-path delivery.” The man only returned his words with a big grin and handing off the flowers. It was clear as day that someone held the Subway Boss in high regard. Commuters in the station stopped to stare at the odd sight of him with a bouquet of flowers. Ingo could only lower his eyes and stiffen his posture. He headed to his office to lay the flowers somewhere they would go unbothered.
Holding the bouquet in his sights, he observed the flowers chosen closely. White camellias, red chrysanthemums, a single black iris, and baby's breath all compromised the bouquet. He felt a small smile fall across his lips. It may not have been a common bouquet of roses, but the meaning of it all was not lost on him. The flowers were gently laid across his desk. It still stung that he has unable to spend the day with you, but this certainly lessened the blow.
He just hoped Emmet would not tease him too much for this. One more glance to the flowers left him at ease.
His checking work went over with little concern but led into his battles for the day. He found himself going against couples on the Multi Line with Emmet, and upset singles on the Single Line. They were wonderful challenges, but he simply felt distracted by the way the couples worked together in such sync. Naturally, he had that in a different with Emmet, but not in that form with you. His heart raced as he waited for the next challenger. Even Emmet commented on how distracted he seemed to be.
Ingo did feel bad about throwing battles on accident, but his mind could not refocus on anything. Just as he was about to let out another sigh, his phone went off. He took it out after some thoughtful debate. It was a text message from you. Air felt caught in his throat. Clicking open the app, his racing thoughts came to an end.
“Hey, hubby, I hope your day is going alright! I know how upset you were with having to leave me today, but I hope my flowers made you smile! I sneaked another surprise in for you, too. Win me some battles, okay? I love you so, so much! See you this evening. PS. I resisted going with a romantic Chandelure light dinner. I don't think she would have enjoyed that.”
His heart raced in his chest as pink dusted his cheeks. He held the phone tightly to his chest and felt at an emotional loss. How had he found someone this wonderful? Nothing about you felt real to him sometimes. His past struggles with love faded after he met you.
Another challenger entered his car. The poor guy was unprepared for just how much effort Ingo put into that battle. You asked for a victory, so he would give it to you. Chandelure's battle shriek left the challenger dumbstruck as his team fell with ease.
His lunch came, and he finally found himself back in the office. The flowers were moved to another location temporarily as he decided to begin some paperwork as he ate. As the bouquet was lifted, a heart tin became visible. He knew that was certainly not there earlier. Your text has mentioned another surprise, making him smile once more.
While he was not the biggest fan of sweets, especially when put in competition with his brother, he knew you got him the dark chocolate ones he so adored. Daring to pop it open, he took one of the small truffles out. The flavour bloomed against his tongue wonderfully. He could only wonder what he should do to repay you for all of these things you had done for him. A few more chocolates were enjoyed with his lunch as he felt prepared to finish the rest of the workday.
When Ingo got off the end of it all, he felt himself rushing through his closing duties. It was to the point he could feel the looks from his brother and the Depot Agents. This display led to Emmet dismissing him before he made a mess of things trying to get off sooner. He thanked his twin endlessly, but Emmet just shrugged it off and told him to enjoy his evening with you. Ingo grabbed his bouquet and chocolates with speed comparable to a bullet train as he rushed to leave.
Each step that brought him closer to you felt like an eternity as he rushed away from the station to his apartment building. Of course, he had made a quick stop to retrieve some chocolates and a card for you. Of course, due to the time very few remained to his disappointment. Hopefully, you could forgive him. By the time he made it to your shared home, a light sheen of sweat covered him from the speed at which he moved and the stress of finally getting away to see you.
The door opened for him before he could grab the knob, and you smiled at him sweetly. The room behind you was solely lit by candlelight. His eyes focused on you, who wore a tight-fitting black outfit that left him a bit hypnotised. He held out the chocolates and card almost instinctually. A laugh came from you as you took them and held the door open for him. Ingo could smell the food you had made and flustered when his stomach growled. He had taken a lighter lunch since his focus had been on paperwork, too.
You seemingly danced around him, getting him into a seat and taking the flowers and his chocolate from him. The bouquet was added to a vase in the centre of the table, while the chocolates joined yours on the counter in the kitchen. You sat down across from him and looked at him with pure adoration. Just as he brought a piece of the lovingly cooked meal to his mouth, you spoke.
“I hope you're prepared for a long night, Ingo,” you cooed.
He nearly choked on his food.
His night was quiet long.
And enjoyable.
Emmet's laughter about his hickies the next day left him as red as the chrysanthemums you had given him.
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sticktopia · 2 hours
Happy Accidents (RocketPrincess AU)
When a drunken one-night stand leaves Mango with an accidental pregnancy, he has to figure out how to keep his secret safe. Turns out, it's easier said than done when the baby's other parent is literally his boss.
Chapter 11
Mango returned to the house a week later, accompanied by Victim, Pivot, the mercenaries, and movers. He was there to direct the movers and make sure nothing else got broken. The others were there for both security and to help out where they could. Mango didn't mind them being there, it made him feel safer after all.
Mai came along as well, she was strapped to his chest, napping peacefully. Mango wanted to help move everything at first, but both Pivot and Victim were adamant on Mango not straining himself right after coming out of the hospital. They had a fair point, but that didn't stop Mango from  feeling kinda useless.
The familiar sound of a firework then caught mango’s attention. He turned and watched as Purple touched down nearby.
“Dad!!” Purple shouted as they ran over. Mango smiled as the teen got closer.
“Hey Kid. Where ya been?” Mango chuckled as Purple stood panting.
“Wh-where have I been?! Where have you been?! There’s a giant hole in the side of the house, there’s blood on the floor, and you weren't picking up!!!” Purple shouted, waking Mai and causing her to start fussing. Before Mango could speak, Purple wrapped their arms around the much taller stick. They trembled a bit as they buried their face into Mango’s side.
“I-I thought you died!!! I thought you left me alone again…” Purple’s broken voice cried. Mango sighed as he hugged Purple.
“I’m sorry Purple. A lot has happened in the past week. I didn't mean to make it look like I died.” Mango chuckled as he comforted his adopted son.
“Who is this?” Purple looked up to see a grey hollowhead. They furrowed their brow as they saw them. Purple thought there were only four hollowheads. They didn't realize there was a fifth one running around as well. Though, as their eyes went from the grey hollowhead, to Mai, and back, the dots finally connected.
“Oh uh, this is Purple, my son I adopted a few years ago.” Mango said. The grey hollow head walked up to purple and held their hand out to the teen.
“Nice to meet you Purple. I am Vic, CEO of Rocket Corp.” Purple’s jaw dropped as the realization set in.
“You’re Mai’s sire?!” Purple blurted out, jumping back in shock. Mango quickly covered Purple’s mouth.
“Purple please calm down.” Mango sighed, Victim chuckled a bit.
“Yes. I am Mai’s sire. It is nice to-Wait. Mango, was Purple not home during the night of the attack?”
“Purple calm down.” Mango sighed as he shook his head. “And Purple was at their poly’s house-”
“Dad!” Purple huffed.
“Bubba! Bubba!” Mai squealed as she reached for Purple.
“Perfect!” Mango said as he took Mai off and handed her to Purple. “If you're gonna be here, be useful and watch your sister while I help the others with moving.”
“Mango, I thought we agreed that you should not be doing any heavy lifting until you are fully recovered.” Victim said with their hands on their hips.
“Yeah, HEAVY lifting. I can still pack up clothes and toys.” Mango chuckled as he walked away. Victim sighed and shook his head. They then turned to the dumbfounded teen.
“Please do not let Mai get hurt. I hear she can be very energetic.” Vic says, snapping Purple out of their trance.
“What? Uh, yeah. She gets into a lot of trouble sometimes.” Purple chuckles as they adjust the girl on their hip. Victim watched as Purple cooed Mai, making her giggle and squeal happily.
“So, what happened? What attack?” Purple nervously asked.
“Ah, your father was attacked by loan sharks. They tried to take Mai as well. But thankfully, my head agent was there to protect them.” Victim said all too casually.
“Uh, Y-yeah, right.” Purple stuttered. “And that’s why he’s moving? For protection?”
“Yes. That is correct. However, you live with Mango, correct? We will have to move you on company grounds as well.” Victim hummed.
“Th-that’s not necessary! I don't live at the house 24/7. I spent most of my time at my partners’ house anyway.” Purple said, rubbing the back of their neck with their free hand. Victim nodded as they took in the information.
“And you can assure that you will be safe there?”
“I don’t see why I wouldn’t be.” Before Vic could ask any more questions, they were called away by the agents.
“Well, it was nice to meet you Purple. Hopefully, we will be able to talk more in the future.”
“Yeah, totally.” As Vic walked away, Mai became a little fussy.
“Baba!!” Mai whined as the hollow head walked away. Purple quickly adjusted their hold as Mai started to push away from Purple.
“Whoa Princess, it’s ok.” Purple said, but to no avail, as Mai was getting restless.
“Baba!!! Baba!!!” She began to cry. Purple quickly looked around for something to distract the girl, when a box of sidewalk chalk suddenly caught their attention. Purple snatched up the packet, slipping out one of the chalk pieces and holding it in front of Mai.
“Hey, hey Mai look at this.” Purple sat on the floor, placing the baby in their lap. Mai stopped fussing for a moment, curious about the strange crayon Purple held in their hand. Purple then began to draw on the driveway, entrancing their little sister. Mai giggled and laughed as the chalk left pretty marks on the ground.
“Mai do it!” Mai demanded, reaching for the chalk. Purple handed her the one they were using, before standing her up to play. Mai took a few steps from her big brother before sitting down again and scribbling on the concrete. She squealed loudly and excitedly with every mark. Purple smiled as they folded the blanket in their lap.
“Bubba! Bubba!! Mai do it!” Purple looked up to see Mai’s orange scribbles on the concrete. They smiled and ruffled the baby’s head.
“Good job Mai.” Purple praised the girl, making her giggle with delight.
Mango sighed as he stood at the door to Gold’s room. He hadn't been in there since the incident, and frankly, he felt he wasn't ready to let it all go. He didn't want to remove Gold’s belongings from her room, but he also couldn't just leave them behind. Taking a breath, Mango finally placed his hand on the knob, and opened up the door.
As Mango entered the room, the familiar scent of peppermint flooded his nose. He remembered how excited Gold was when her room began to “smell like Christmas”. Taking a few more steps in, Mango began to feel nostalgic. He could make out and remember every little thing that happened in this room.
He remembered the sleepless nights when Gold got sick, the tea parties they’d have, the time Gold tried to hide a pack of oreos from Mango. There were so many memories tied to this room that he wasn't really to let go of. It was still too painful.
“Wow, you really went all out here huh?” Mango jumped and whirled around to see Victim standing at the door.
“Mai barely turned one and you already decorated a room for her when she gets older?” The CEO half joked as they looked around the room. “Gotta say, it is all very cute.”
“It’s not for Mai.” Mango mumbled. Victim tilted their head and arched their brow.
“Is this where Purple stayed then?”
“N-no I… had a daughter before Mai…” Mango said as he made his way towards the bed. He picked up the bee plushie that Gold loved so dearly. He took a breath as he held the bee. “I… Lost her a few years back…”
“Ah, I deeply apologize, Mango. I was unaware.” Victim softly spoke, placing a hand on Mango’s shoulder. Mango shook his head and put the bee down.
“No, no it’s fine. There’s nothing to apologize for.” Mango sighed as he looked around the room. Victim watched the taller stick. They could see just how much this room meant to Mango.
“You know, we could replicate this room for you back on base.” Victim casually stated. Mango looked at Victim with wide eyes.
“What? No-no you don't have to do that.”
“Are you sure? I can see how important the memories in this room are to you. If you are not ready to let go of your late daughter’s memory, we can bring everything back to the base and set it up just like it is now.” The hollow head insisted. Mango thought about the offer. Yes, he wasn't ready to let go of Gold, but to completely recreate the room was a bit… excessive.
“I… think it’s time to let go… Not of my late daughter’s memory, but this room… ” Mango managed out. “There’s really no point in setting up a room that’ll never be used.”
The father briskly walked out of the room, leaving the hollow head standing alone. Victim hummed as they scanned the room. They then picked up a picture on the nightstand. In the picture was Mango, but much younger than he was now. On his shoulders was a little girl, who they assumed was the daughter that Mango had lost. They were both smiling brightly, like neither had a care in the world. Victim hummed as they took the framed photo with them. This was definitely something that Mango would want to keep close.
Mango sighed and rubbed his face as he made his way back to the living room. He approached some of the movers.
“Hey, there’s a room back there that needs to be cleared out. Everything in that room is going into storage.”
“Yes sir.” The movers said before heading for Gold’s room. Mango took another shaky breath as he walked over to the trapdoor in the corner of the room. Disguised as an odd tile. Mango stared at it, wondering if he should tell the others about it. Of course, saying anything would most likely cause everyone else to learn more about his past, and Mango wasn't ready to share that kind of information.
“Is that a secret trap door?” Mango jumped as Ballista suddenly spawned right next to him.
“Uh, no it’s not. It’s just a weirdly placed tile. It’s been like that since I first moved here.” Mango quickly said. Ballista scoffed, placing their hands on their hips and looking up at mango.
“Don’t you know?! Whenever there’s a weird difference like that, it means there’s a secret behind it!” Ballista said as he reached down to open the hatch.
“No wait!” Mango was too late as Ballista opened the trapdoor.
“Yo! This is sick!” The pixelated stick was about to climb in, but Mango pulled him back and closed the door. Ballista looked at Mango, half shocked, half confused.
“Uuuuhhhh, you good…?” Ballista muttered out as Mango held their arm. Mango quickly released the much shorter stick and took a step back.
“Just-” Mango took a breath. “Just don't go in there.”
Before Ballista could speak, Mango turned and left, going to check on how things were going outside. Once Mango had left the room, the remaining stick smirked to himself and opened the trapdoor, quietly descending into the hidden bunker.
By the end of the day, the whole house had been cleared out. All of Mango’s belongings were now in moving trucks, ready to depart.
“Are you sure you're gonna be ok staying with your poly?” Mango asked Purple.
“Yeah. I texted them about this earlier. And they said that I could just stay with them permanently.” Purple assured as they held Mai’s hand.
“But you are still going to come and visit right?”
“Duh. Creators forbid I don’t.”
“Alright, here’s my extra keycard. Make sure you don’t lose it Purple. You have to keep it safe.”
“I know Dad. Calm down.” Purple chuckled as Mango picked Mai up.
“I’m just reminding you.” Mango sighed as he ruffled Purple’s hair. Purple laughed as they swatted Mango’s hand away.
“Haha, don’t cause too much trouble over there kid.”
“If anything, Red’s the one that causes mischief.” The duo laughed together before embracing each other.
“I love you Purp.”
“Love you too dad.” The two pulled away and Purple pat Mai’s head.
“Bye Mai. Bubba will come back soon.” Purple said. Mai giggled and waves.
“Bye bye!” She happily said. Purple smiled more as they pulled their elytra from their inventory. Purple ran down to the end of the driveway, waving once more before taking off. Mai flinched at the sound of the firework, burying her face in Mango’s neck. Mango chuckled and comforted his baby girl.
“Ah, you're ok princess.” Mango chuckled as he turned to find the others. As he approached the house, Hazard suddenly stepped out.
“Oh, Mango! Have you seen Ballista anywhere? We haven't seen them in a while.” Hazard said as they descended the steps.
“Seen Ballista? No I haven't seen him since-” There was a pause as Mango realized where Ballista had went.
“Crap.” Mango cursed as he handed Mai over to hazard.
“Hold her, stay here.” Mango said as he rushed into the house. Upon entry, he saw that everyone was standing around, talking about Ballista’s disappearance.
“Ah, Mango. Have you-”
“Yes, and I’m about to beat his fucking ass.” Mango growled as he went to the trap door. As he opened it, he heard the others muttering.
“None of you better follow me or so help me, I will fight all of you.” Mango said as he descended the ladder. Mango quickly dashed down the tunnel, already hearing the echoes of the chaos. As he approached the portal room, he saw many zombie piglins swarming Ballista.
“Go away!!! Leave me alone!!!” The short stick shouted as they did everything in their power to push the beasts away, even killing some, but more just kept coming. Mango paused to assess the situation. He needed a way to stop the nether creatures from coming through the portal without making them angry at him. Mango went to try using one of the command blocks connected to the portal, but stopped.
“No, if I remove the command it might cause the other ones to malfunction…” Mango muttered. His only choice was to find a spare one. Quickly, Mango moved past the zombie piglins, being careful to not hit any on accident, making his way to his chests and digging through them. After a bit of searching, he finally found a spare command block.
“Ok, hopefully I still remember how this works.” Mango said as he placed the block down and started typing in a command. The orange stick held his breath as he pressed enter, praying he typed the command in properly. Within that moment, a group of zombie piglins suddenly froze, causing all the other ones to pause and look back, confused and a little shocked. Mango then rose to his full height.
“Piglins!!! Return to your home! Leave and never return!” Mango commanded, making the zombie piglins jump. “If you do return, I shall freeze you all for eternity.”
The zombie piglins all looked at each other before nodding, quickly heading for the portal to safety. As they left, Mango unfroze the frozen piglins, allowing them to leave as well. He sighed as he turned to Ballista, who was trying to sneak out of the bunker.
“Ballista.” The shorter stick jumped and whirled around.
“Y-yeah…?” He sheepishly said, like a child who had been caught doing something they weren't supposed to. Mango walked up to him and smacked him in the back of the head.
“You idiot! What did I tell you?! This is why i didn't want you coming down here”
“Ow! Ok ok I’m sorry!!!” Ballista shouted as he rubbed the back of his head. Mango continued to lecture the stick. Telling him how what he did was extremely foolish and he could have gotten himself and everyone else severely hurt.
“Mango, are you-Whoa…” Mango paused and turned back to see Victim and Pivot standing behind him. Mango tensed a bit and took a step back.
“I-It’s not what it looks like!” Mango quickly says, grabbing Ballista and then going to the other two. “C-come on, let’s-”
“Pivot.” In an instant, Pivot had grabbed Mango and pulled him back.
“Mango, I suggest you explain to us what this all is and what has happened.” Victim says firmly. Mango tries to escape Pivot’s hold.
“Let me go!”
“Ballista, go back upstairs, we will talk to you later.”
“Y-yes boss.” And with that, Ballista scampered back upstairs. Victim’s eyes went back to Mango, watching as he continued to struggle in Pivot’s hold.
“Mango, please, all you need to do is explain yourself.” The hollow head said.
“Just put me in jail already! There’s nothing to explain.” Mango huffed.
“I-Isn't that what you guys do? Arrest criminals and shit.” Mango mumbled, slowly stopping his struggle.
“Yes, but you are not a criminal.”
“I literally have an illegal minecraft portal and a shit ton of command blocks in my basement. I don't-”
“Let me rephrase then, if you tell us why you have all this, we will sweep it under the rug, getting rid of all evidence of its existence.” Mango stared at Victim with disbelief.
“I… Well…” Mango stuttered. He then sighed and looked at the hollowhead.
“Fine, grab a chair. It’s a long story…”
Chapter 10-(Chapter 11)-Chapter 12
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Family Matters (Fredrick Chilton x reader)
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Synopsis: Will and Jack get to see a side of Doctor Chilton no one was aware existed.
A/n: I have not watched Hannibal in a hot minute but my thirst for Raul is strong. We are also just going to pretend our little baby is perfectly fine and NOT in danger.
Warnings: Family stuff, mentions of crimes, tooth-rotting fluff, my bad writing
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Y/n sat outside by the pool watching her three-year-old and four-year-old children play around in the water splashing around happily with each other as she rubbed her swelling baby bump. Jasper and Aspen were completely content to battle it out in the shallow end of the pool. It was a nice summer day in Baltimore and Y/n was hoping these activities would wear the children out before their father came home. Sadly it didn't seem to be the case when she hears the family dog Sigmund start barking happily alerting Y/n that someone had just come home.
Throwing a glance over her shoulder she smiles seeing her husband patting the pup affectionately before the children are drawn to his presents.
"Daddy!" Aspen giggles and toddles out of the water as fast as her chubby legs could carry her rushing towards her father's waiting arms even in his full suit from work. Something that caught his company off guard.
"Hello, my darling girl" Fred smiles lifting her into his arms not paying much mind to how dripping wet she was, or the fact his wife had called after Aspen to get a towel.
"Wait...Aspy I want a hug from daddy too" Jasper the four-year-old cried also rushing out to his father who had moved to the pool deck.
"Now now Jasper of course you can have a hug too, no wining" Fredrick teases and sets his daughter down kissing her head before hugging his son. Aspen instantly peered around and noticed her father's two coworkers awkwardly watching the out-of-character display.
"Who are they? Your friend's daddy?" Aspen asks looking up at him with her bright green eyes. "Hi daddy's friends" She says not waiting for an answer causing Y/n to giggle at her daughter shifting to rise from her chair.
"Yes Aspen..now daddy and mommy need to talk can you go swim with Jasper and show him all the cool tricks you learned at lessons?" Fred hums catching her attention and she nods taking her older brother's hand and toddling off to the pool once more.
Now with the children, busy Frederick came to properly say hello to his wife. Seven months pregnant and still trying to come to him.
"Ahahah Mama, you stay right there " He hums moving to her side settling his wife back down and brushing back her hair "I need to speak with Agent Graham and Crawford about some case stuff in my office. I couldn't finish it at work I'm sorry my love"
"Thats alright handsome...oh no Aspen got your suit all wet" Y/n sighs taking in the damage of his expensive suit for work "leave it on the bed and I'll handle it okay" She fusses and he chuckles
"My love they are just clothes and its just water, it will dry on its own" He attempts to sooth her and she lets out a huff
"I know I know, but you are always so proud of your clothes baby. Ill make sure it doesn't winkle" Y/n hums and he relents nodding and leaning down to press a kiss onto her swollen stomach. “Are they staying for dinner” she adds smoothing his hair.
“I’m not sure…will gets a bit antsy when someone else prepares food” Fred hums and y/n nods gently
“Well you better invite them just in case. I won’t have them thinking we’re rude” she says sternly and Fred let’s out a small chuckle.
“Well they-“ Chilton is stopped by a finger to his lips
“Let me change the phrase..I won’t have them thinking I am rude. Now go, I have to get the little goblins bathed and wound down before dinner” she hums and he nods kissing her once more before departing to his office.
While her husband was busy, Y/n let the children play a bit longer before ushering them inside to wash off the chlorine and put on pjs. Turning on a child friendly movie Y/n sits on the couch with Aspen between her knees gently braiding the dark brown locks she inherited from her father while Jasper snuggled siggy on the love seat.
Once finished with her daughter Mrs chilton rose and headed to the kitchen to finish with dinner. She took into account of what her husband said and decided to go for a less meat heavy dish. Opting to make the children there chicken casadillas and a nice creamy Alfredo for the adults. She was just in the middle of cutting up the salad when three pairs of footsteps had her eyes rising to the hall. Fredrick was still speaking to Agent Crawford as they walk down the hall being tailed by a tall man with a mop of unruly curls and black circles under his eyes. She didn’t like how anxious the poor man seemed and bit her lip about to say something when Aspen bounces into the room.
“Daddy daddy look I drew a picture” His little girl giggles lifting the page with scribbles on it. A wide grin broke over his face as he turned his attention to her.
“That is beautiful my love. Look at this boys” he turns and shows his companions. Jack who had children of his own knew how to play along cooing over how magnificent it is while Will looked a bit lost.
“What do you think mister daddy’s friend” aspen urges in a way only she could causing will go clear his throat.
“That’s…definitely a picture” he decided on saying causing Aspy to look a bit exasperated her little nose scrunching up hands falling to her hips in a manner that reminded Y/n to much of Fred.
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you like it” she says in a stern little voice tapping her foot causing Jack to chuckle and will to tilt his head with a small sigh.
“It could be better” Will says and the room fall silent just as Fred was about to rip him a new one Aspen cuts in.
“You’re probably right. It needs more shading on mommy’s hair” and with that she takes the paper and rushes back to the living room.
���You got lucky there…I was expecting her to start crying or Chilton to rip your head off” Jack muses coming over to Y/n and leaning on the counter.
“Oh not little Aspen. She’s too much like her father to cry infront of a stranger” She hums moving to pull three beers out of the fridge for the men. “Dinner is almost ready if you two would like to stay. I didn’t cook any meat or anything it’s all relatively vegetarian aside from the children’s meal”
Will watching as mrs Chilton rings her hands a bit anxiously. He notices that she wants to make sure he is comfortable which is something most people don’t do. Jack was about to deny the invitation when Graham beats him to it.
“I would like that very much.” He says curtly and takes a swig of beer ignoring how Fredrick and Jack look at him confused.
“Great you boys go sit at the table I’ll wrangle the children” Y/n smiles gently rubbing her hand down her husbands arm and Will watches him instantly relax. It was odd seeing Chilton in such a…domestic state, far from the domineering, obnoxious and annoying doctor he was professionally.
Slowly they make there way to the table, Fred sitting at one end Jack on the other. Just as he was about to sit the two children come skipping to the room and much to Wills dismay sit opposite each other. So either way he would have to be near a kid. It’s not that he didn’t like children…Will always wanted some of his own…it was more that he didn’t know how to talk to a child. Never having much practise and this little Aspen creature was very chatty. So doing some quick deducing he was going to sit next to the boy but a little hand stopped him.
“Mister if you sit here with me Siggy will come sit under your feet. He loooooves this side of the table and I saw you like him” she says cheerfully and Will was shocked at how much she paid attention to his behaviour
“Well I-“
“The only reason he likes that side Aspen is because you drop food on the floor for him” Jasper pipes up and Will watches the girls head twist to glower at her brother
“That is not true. And you can’t prove that it is” Aspen retorts sticking out her tongue. Causing Fredrick to stifle his laughter after a glare from his wife.
“Children. Stop it, you are being rude to our guests. Please will sit wherever you like” Y/n says gently patting his arm “I can move Aspen if you’d like to sit next to Freddie”
“No no..it’s okay” Will says and sits down slowly next to the small girl who was happily swinging her feet looking up at her father. Will caught Fredrick make a silly face causing his little girl to erupt into laughter.
Soon after that dinner was on the table and Y/N finally sat down rubbing her belly gently. Jack and will suddenly felt bad for not offering assistance and Jack went as far as to say it but she waved him off with a cheery smile.
“All I do is sit around while this baby plays soccer in my stomach. I don’t mind standing up and moving” Y/n reassures and they both nod.
They all tuck into there food Fred asking about her day. Playing little tricks on the children as they eat and Aspen talking a mile a minute without any chance of slowing down, where as Jasper sat quietly only speaking to contradict his sister or ask for more juice. Will had a strange sense of calm wash over him as he sat in the Chiltons dinning room, something he hadn’t felt for a long time and suddenly he was jealous of Frederick for being able to come home to this. While he was spinning inside his own head looking at his plate Will was suddenly drawn out of his reprieve by Aspen shrieking.
“Mommy mommy little baby is doing the weird alien thing” she shouts feigning disgust causing Wills attention to be drawn to Mrs Chilton baby bump. Where he saw the perfect outline of a little hand pressing against her dress.
“Yes it appears they are” Y/n sighs seeming less freaked out then Will, Jasper and Aspen as she simply places her own hand over it pushing the little one back. “I’m sorry sometimes I just don’t notice, this little one likes to make sure everyone knows they are there” she laughs.
“Aspen you scream but you used to do that to your mama too” Chilton teases his daughter who makes a face
“Icky. I never want a baby if they do that” Aspen huffs and Will chuckles looking at her.
“Me either” he says softly and she giggles up at him
“But your a boy. Do can’t carry babies like mamas do” she says and Will pauses for a moment then looks down at her again.
“I suppose you’re right. But still, I wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night and just see a little baby hand poking out of my partners belly” he teases a bit making a little hand gesture.
Frederick watched the display and chuckles a bit. He had never seen Will warm up to anyone as fast as he was with his family. Perhaps he would talk to his wife about inviting him around more. It may help with the social anxiety he tended to fall into. Shaking his head he hears Jasper let out a little yawn and look up at him.
“Daddy can I go to bed” he asks softly and Fredrick ruffles his hair “of course bud. Take your dishes to the sink and say goodbye to Mr Crawford and Mr Graham”
Jasper nods taking the dish and coming back to say goodnight getting a hug from his mother and waving awkwardly at his fathers friends before heading upstairs to his room. Fred smiles and looks over at his wife who was looking back at him. He gently stands and takes the dishes with the help of Jack leaving Aspen, Will and Y/n at the table.
“Aspen I believe it’s also your bedtime” the Mother hums to her child and Aspen pouts.
“But I don’t want to go to bed. I want to stay awake” she argues and Y/n smiles shaking her head.
“I’m sorry little one but you and I both know you will be cranky in about ten minutes now. Say goodnight to Mr Graham and head up to bed. Daddy or I will be up shortly to tuck you in” The older woman hums and Aspen let’s out a whine before rising to her little feet.
Will expected the girl to be like her brother and wave goodbye before hugging her parents but she surprises him. The little girl moves to him first wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Y/N watched Will look confused and suppress a little giggle as Aspen makes her rounds and toddles off to her bedroom.
After a polite cup of coffee and desert Will and Jack both rise saying goodnight and moving to the door. Y/n stands next too Freddie his hand around her hip as they see the agents off. But not before mentioning to Will that he is more than welcome to stop by and see the kids and the dog at home.
As soon as they are gone Frederick sighs slouching a bit. He looked completely worn out which caused his wife to chuckle a bit.
“Fred why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll turn the dishwasher on and be up on a moment”
Frederick let’s put a small sigh nodding and disappearing up stairs while he wife finished cleaning up. Slowly she made her way up the stairs smiling when she hears her husbands voice floating through aspens bedroom door. The younger woman pauses leaning on the doorframe listening to him lull the youngest child to sleep with the tale of Cinderella, a story he often said was ridiculous and promoted women to rely on men to rescue them but…he couldn’t say no to his little princess.
If anyone had told Y/n six years ago that she would be standing listening to the arrogant, rude and often cruel hospital administrator reading a bedtime story she would have laughed in their face. Yet, here she was, heart filled with love an admiration for her husband who was squished into a bright pink canopy bed cuddling a little version of himself.
The woman smiled and left the pair to daddy daughter bonding time to check in on Jasper who was out like a light. Snuggled deep into his bright green sheets his mouth hanging open much like his fathers did. Y/n giggled and kisses his head before turning out the light and heading to her own room. Smiling when she found that for once Fred had followed her orders.
Carefully she picked up the expensive designer suit, moving it to lay out on one of the chairs until she could tend to it in the morning. Then heading off to complete her own night time routine. Coming back out of the en suite bathroom Y/n see her husband laying out on his back only in his boxers, his eyes closed hands folded against his chest. A small giggle leaves her lips as she moves closer to him prompting the man to open his eyes sleepily and smile brightly up at his wife.
"Come here my love" He says softly reaching out for her making little grabbing gestures.
"Alright alright Mi Amour I'm coming" She giggles and slowly climbs into the spot next to him resting her head on his chest.
"Sometimes I wonder how I got so Lucky" He mumbles as his wife traces her hand over the pale scar on his stomach. letting out a little giggle looking up at him.
"Mm maybe I am just mentally unstable" Y/n teases and he pinches her hip with a playful chuckle.
"Hey watch it" He teases "thank you for today"
"It was nothing, to be honest it was nice to have someone other then two toddlers to talk to" She giggles "now lets get some sleep"
The pair snuggle deeper into the covers and relax, Frederick falling into a deep sleep feeling happy and safe with the love of his life.
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icharchivist · 11 months
Belial jokes that if his movie career fails, he'll just go into porn and his managers and agents and PR assistants are scrambling to do damage control
But they're always doing that, considering how he is
the real damage control is stopping his fans from boycotting his projects fully because they want to see this career happening.
i also figure he gets into scandal because it gets out that somehow he had sex with the whole film crew and cast (reports unclear whenever it was individually, or all at once, or a mix and match), including some people who were married but still did it with him.
he gets this reputation to be a heartrob and a couple breaker. Too many stars get caught cheating on their folks with him because of what was a one night stand.
It ruins the life of most stars he plays with, but his own career still goes well because well, he's hot, and many people react to the news by "me too i'd cheat on my wife for one night with him wym" (the divorce announcement that follows is a pure coincidence). (there is also couples falling apart because their partners are mad that they weren't invited.)
the PR has no idea how to salvage it. Belial does absolutely nothing to help them.
During an interview Belial once mention that his heart is spoken for, but "with a body as hot as mine it'd be criminal not to let people have a taste at it. Want to try? ;)."
(rumor has it he also had sex with paparazzi and journalists who had tried to cover his case. The film industry is in shamble because of him.)
There also totally were scandals because people he had one night stand with made a fuss thinking "it was for real this time" and got mad at Belial for not wanting a full time relationship.
After all, why commit murders when you can drive as many people as possible to madness when they want you so bad?
and it's this type of PR nightmare where it's like, he can't be cancelled over it, because everyone is consenting to it and he's always been opened about not wanting a long term relationship yknow, so everyone is like "well, people who get into it make their own choices, so it's on them". But it's scandalous and still a bad look that gives him a very bad rep, but also gives him a Bad Boy Halo that is also too good for the studios.
+ it means any production he's in get free publicity from journalists reporting on behind the scenes drama when some adventures go wrong. so it's free movie PR baby.
do you get my vision.
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0viciouslyvague0 · 3 years
"It'll just be a short trip, you'll be okay, right?":
◇Character(s) Involved: Albedo, Childe, Diluc and Kaeya
◇Genre: Lightly angsty, Lightly Fluffy
◇Format: Headcanons
◇Au Setting: None
◇Summary: It's your first time leaving your lover alone to go on an urgent trip, surely they'll be able to cope without your presence, right? Well...
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◇"Of course I will, be sure to take care of yourself as well, okay?"
◇Albedo takes your absence rather well and it's not really any surprise to you that he would considering how he'd be away for days on end himself doing research in other parts of Mondstadt. Though, just because he takes it well, doesn't mean he doesn't miss you when the two of you are seperated, he's just found ways to cope with it.
◇Ways he copes with your absence is by surrounding himself with things he knows you like. Pages of his sketchbook would be filled with drawings of your favourite things and he'll occasionally eat food that he knows you enjoy eating. It's the little things that help dull the slight ache in his heart whenever you're away, it keeps your presence lingering even when he knows your not around. Klee has teased him about these habits of his and each time the little girl childishly asks him if he misses you because he loves you, Albedo can't help but huff out a chuckle and entertain her by answering with a yes, he does miss you because he loves you, very dearly. Klee confesses with a giggle that she's surprised that her older brother figure was capable of falling in love with somone and honestly, Albedo can't truly believe it either, never really seeing himself as the sort to do so, but he doesn't really mind it one bit. As long as it was you guiding him through this new discovery in his life, he'd be happy to remain by your side for as long as he could.
◇"An adventure without me? Oh, how will my dearest darling survive in the wild without their protector?"
◇Seriously, punch his arm, he deserves it and hey, he may even thank you for it. Jokes aside though, Childe understands if you have to take a trip somewhere for family or work related purposes so he won't stop you. Like Albedo, he's probably gone a lot due to issues regarding the Fatui or family, and he trusts that you'll be able to handle yourself without him around. At least, that's what he initially thinks. He'll eventually send over a few lower ranking fatui agents to watch over you just to make sure that you're safe and sound. Can't take any risk, y'know?
◇Childe's a busy person, so his manner of coping is to just go on with his day like usual and occasionally get updates from his agents about your status. The one thing that changes when you're away though, is his irresponsibility regarding his own well-being. We all know that he gets into fights whenever he can and the fights themselves aren't really the problem but the trouble arises after said fights are over. You see, he refuses to get any wounds he has bandaged or cared for properly, his agents have to literally beg for him to visit a proper doctor for wounds that seem too major to ignore. He's just gotten so used to you fussing over him and tending to his injuries that he doesn't even think about going to a regular doctor anymore, deciding to just wait it out until you return home to care for him. He's gotten a little too used to you babying him and you have to admit that there is some fault on your part as well, you just can't help but spoil him a little too much sometimes.
(More under the cut!)
◇"I'll be fine, but are sure you'll be alright?"
◇Oh, this poor man. Although his words and reaction seem leveled and calm, he's incredibly anxious about letting you leave to go on your trip. No matter how strong you may be, there'll always be something in the back of his mind that's screaming about your well-being and safety and given his past, you can understand why he'd stress so much about those issues. Days leading up to your trip, Diluc would try his best to spend as much time as he could with you, he'll even take a day or two off, something incredibly rare for him to do, just to help you pack up and get ready for your trip. He was often rather vulnerable behind closed doors with you and as hard as he tried to hide it as to not make you worry, you could tell that he was a little nervous, maybe even scared, to let you go, even if it was just for a week or two.
◇The way Diluc copes, at least for the first few days, isn't exactly... healthy. He works himself harder than he usually does, and his sleeping schedule is even more haywire than usual. It surprisingly takes Kaeya to bring him down to earth one day, telling him, albeit in his usual bastard manner, how sad you'd be to see him in such a state, terribly sleep deprived and not taking care of himself. Although he may snap a retort back to Kaeya in response, his words do stick with him when he finally closes up the tavern, not like he'd ever admit to it, of course. Unfortunately, Kaeya's right, you wouldn't be so thrilled to see him in such a sorry state, so he tries his best to care for himself a little better and to not worry so much about you, putting a little more faith in your ability to handle yourself just fine without him. In the meantime, he'll be counting down the days, waiting (im)patiently for your return, and the first thing he'll do when he finally has you safe in his arm, is tell you how happy he is to have you home.
◇"Of course I will. Ah, time alone to myself, I wonder what mischief I'll get up to without you"
◇Punch his arm, the sequel. Though he may sound like he's rather glad to have some time to himself, he's honestly a little... worried. He probably would have invited himself along for the ride if it weren't for the fact that he had quite the number of duties to do in Mondstadt. He tried his hardest to put on an indifferent facade around you, but you noticed that little things about him would change leading up to the day of your trip. The grip of his hugs when you woke up in the morning became tighter than usual, almost like he didn't want to let you go and he'd come back home earlier than usual from the tavern, using the excuse that Diluc kicked him out early, to spend more time with you. When he kissed you goodbye before your trip, you almost thought you were hallucinating, seeing his facade drop momentarily to show you a rather sad smile before sending you off.
◇The way Kaeya copes, at least for the first few days, is by hiding your things in a way that'll be easy to put back later, but is at least out of his range of sight for the time being. He knew that he would miss you, but he didn't think he'd do so this badly. At first, he tried to go back to his usual schedule, the schedule he had before he got serious with you, but for some reason, the routine made him realize just how... miserably lonely he was, and hey, if he didn't realize it himself sooner, Rosaria and Diluc (mostly Diluc) were more than happy to spill those cans of beans to him. It took him a while to let the realization sink in that erasing you just hurt him more than ease him, so slowly but surely, he started putting your things back where they belonged, and even got into the habit of doing small things that reminded him of you. His changes don't magically bring you back home to him any quicker, but it at least keeps him company for the time being while he longfully waits for you to come home. Be prepared to have him stick next to you like glue for the next few days, he's just... really glad to have you back home with him again.
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A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post! I'm super sorry if the grammar or spelling is incredibly off, I wrote this in a bit of a dazed state but I'll fix some stuff up when I come back to reread it in the morning! This was just a little something I thought of while writing request and speaking of that, thank you so much to those who requested stuff! I'll try my best to get them posted!
(Requests are open and anon is anon!)
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yourgoldengirls · 3 years
not alone
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Pairing: SingleDad!Bucky x BestFriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky is a single father struggling to raise his son. But maybe he doesn't have to do everything alone.
Warnings: baby crying, one swear word.
W/C: 888
Ao3 | BearCub Masterlist
A/N: this is the first drabble from the series of single father Bucky and baby Grant. all the chapters can also be read as one-shots. I know I haven't been actively writing here for a while now. I'm sorry. This year have been the hardest of my live in every aspect and I've been struggling to find motivation to do things that I once loved. I deeply apologize to everyone that I let down. I hope some of you are still here. I wrote this really fast to comfort myself while I was super depressed so I might revisit this later. English is not my first language so if you find some mistake please let me know.
Two hours. 
His baby has been crying for two hours and he didn't know what to do. 
He tried everything. His boy wasn't hungry, sick nor his diaper needed a change. He even tried playing with the child but it only seems to make it worse. 
Bucky knew that being a single father would be tough. When he received the call from the hospital that changed his life, he knew that nothing would ever be the same. But every time he looked at his son's face, he knew it was all worth it. With only eight months, Grant was the most sweet and calm child there ever was. He rarely cried, always ate his fruits and rarely made a fuss about anything. Which is why his father was having such a hard time understanding the reason behind two hours of screams.   
Bucky was minutes from givin up and crying himself when FRIDAY speaks, scaring the child who starts to scream more.
"If I may, Sergeant Barnes, Agent y/l/n just landed with Agent Romanoff."
With the mention of her name, Bucky's body relaxes a little before remembering that she was on a three weeks mission, probably tired to the bone and it wouldn't be fair to ask for her help at this hour.
"It's okay, FRIDAY. I got this" no, he doesn't. 
Even after all those months he is still a little hesitant to ask for help, not only with the baby, but with anything in his life. The team - his friends, he reminds himself - are always offering to babysit, change diapers or anything that he may need, but he doesn't feel all that comfortable accepting anything from the people who have already done so much for him after he escaped HYDRA. 
"Agent y/l/n is already on her way" FRIDAY announces. 
Because of course she was. 
If there was a stubborn person on this tower - besides Steve - was y/n. When Bucky first came to the tower, she was the first friend he made. Not because they had a lot in common, but because she wouldn't leave him alone. And after a while of her following him around, he finally stopped being annoyed by her presence and started to crave it. After that, they became fast friends and would do everything together. 
Grant is still screaming when the door opens. 
"FRYDAY told me he was crying. Is everything okay?" she says looking at the baby in his arms and Bucky notices that she was still wearing her uniform. 
"I told her not to call you. I got it under control." 
"I told her to alert me every time he cries too much. You know that" she checks his temperature with one hand while using the other to look at his diaper. 
"I already checked everything. He is literally crying for nothing." he says frustrated with his lack of parental skills to help his son. 
"It's not just nothing, baby's only cry when they want to communicate something. Let me see." She puts her hand under Grant's arms, taking him from his father, and uses the other hand to support his bum. "Hi, baby. You are upset with something, huh? I know, I know." She coos while lulling him in her arms. 
Grant then realizes who is the person holding him and slowly stops crying to inspect her face. He then puts his little fist on her left cheekbone and smiles. 
"What the hell?! This little traitor." Bucky can't believe that he spended the last two hours trying to calm his son down only for y/n to succeed in less then five minutes. 
"Hi, little guy. Did you miss me? I know I missed you. How about you and me play for a while and give you daddy a break, huh?" Grant then smiles and hides his head on her neck.
"I think he is too tired from all the screaming." Bucky laughs and rubs his son's back who gives the biggest yawn. 
"That's okay. We can play in the morning. Right, bubba?" 
She then takes him to the nursery and by the time she lays him down, he is already fast asleep. 
Bucky looks at his son and his best friend from the door and smiles affectionately. He knew his son was attached to her but not to the point of crying just for missing her. 
"You could have called, Buck." She says with a sign. "I know you don't like asking for help but I don't care. I love this little boy with all I have and if he needs me I'll be there. Same goes for you. You're my best friend. We're family." They walk out of the room and close the door so the baby would not be disturbed by their conversation. 
"I know, dollface. I just knew you were tired and didn't think it was fair of me to ask for help when you were out there saving the world.". He gives a sheepish smile and she rolls her eyes. 
"I think being a single father is harder than fighting bad guys. HYDRA has nothing on that little guy over there." They laugh and while looking at her tired face full of understanding, for the first time, Bucky thinks that maybe it really is okay to ask for help. 
Thank you for reading! please like/reblog and comment if you like this fic or let me know here.
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 21 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Helloooooo my friends!!! You are going to love this one. I am so excited to hear what you think about it. Hold on to the fluff my loves. 
Read previous chapters of this fic here! 
warnings: food mention, alcohol consumption, discussion of pregnancy (not reader), mild sexual content
wordcount: 1.9k
“Okay, be honest. How many nights have you actually spent here since you moved in?” Emily asked, perched on the couch in your apartment, a glass of wine in her hand, a few empty bottles scattered between you, her, JJ and Garcia throughout your living room.
“That’s not fair! We spend way more nights out on cases than I do at Aaron’s place,” you laughed from across the living room in a lounge chair. 
“You know that’s not what she meant, peach.” Garcia chastises you, and JJ lets out a snort. 
“It doesn’t matter. Her non-answer is answer enough,” she points out, and you all laugh together.
“It’s a good thing,” Garcia reminds you. 
“Oh, absolutely,” Emily concurs. “We’re all glad you finally figured it out. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to stand you making googly-eyes at him during active hostage situations.” 
“I did not!” You defended yourself with a smile, hiding your grin behind your fourth-- or was it your fifth?--- glass of wine. 
“You weren’t that bad. That’s not to say you were good at hiding it, because you weren’t,” JJ assures you. “But you held it together in the field.” 
“See, guys? And JJ’s sober.” You reminded the group.
“Are you sure you don’t want a glass?” Garcia offered her. 
“No, I’m alright,” JJ denied. “Actually, I offered to drive because…. Will and I are expecting!” She announces, and your faces all light up in unison. 
“Jayje!” Emily squeals, practically diving across the couch to wrap her friend in a hug. Penelope is right behind her, and you all take a moment to fuss over her and feel her non-existent bump before settling back into your own seats. 
“Oh, that means you and Hotch are next!” Garcia asserts drunkenly, and you tense, although you doubt any of the ladies noticed. 
“You think you’d want that? Kids, I mean?” Emily asks you, reclining back in her chair. 
“I don’t really know what Aaron wants,” you shrug the question off, averting your gaze to your wine glass. 
“That’s not what we asked,” JJ redirects you, apparently unwilling to accept a non-answer this time around. “What do you want?”
“With Aaron? More kids, definitely more.” You confess. “But Aaron’s older than I am. I don’t know if he feels like he’s done with that part of his life, you know?” 
“There’s no way. He loves Jack more than anything.” Emily concludes. “He seems like the type of guy who’d love to keep you barefoot and pregnant, even if it’s only because he’d get to pull you out of the field and keep you safe at home.” 
You let out a real laugh at Emily’s assertion. “Well, if he ever asks me about it, I’ll be sure to include that in my supporting arguments.” 
“Trust me-- they never feel done with being a dad. How do you think Will and I ended up with baby number two?” JJ reminds you with a wink. 
“Oh, you guys would just have the cutest babies. That dark Hotchner hair and your pretty eyes!” Garcia gushes, her lower lip starting to quiver. 
“Okay, and that’s my cue to get her home,” JJ chuckles, rising from her place on the couch. “Drink some water before you go to bed, okay? And maybe eat something, and take some advil?” 
“Okay, mom,” you rolled your eyes, standing up and giving your friends hugs goodbye as you said goodnight. 
“Hey, someday you’ll understand,” JJ tells you. “It will be sooner than you think, I’d bet.” She winks, and you roll your eyes at her again, smiling as you walked the three of them to the door.
“We’re going on a date tonight,” Aaron tells you as the two of you leave the office a few nights later. “Jess agreed to take Jack.”
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “Am I forgetting something?” 
“Only that I love you, and as your boyfriend I reserve the right to take you out whenever I please,” He smirks, placing a hand on your back as he opens the door and helps you into the car. 
You roll your eyes, but you’re not quick enough to come up with some smart-ass comment, so you let him have the win as he drives you both home.
“Should I wear something specific?” You ask as the two of you walk into the house together.
“We’re gonna walk downtown a little, so something comfortable,” he advises. “Do you need to do anything other than change, or are you basically ready to go?” 
“I could use ten minutes to freshen up,” you tell him, and he nods with a smile. 
“Take your time, we’re not in any rush,” he says, kissing your temple and moving into the bedroom to change into something more comfortable as you step into the bathroom, adjusting your hair and makeup just a tad. When you come back into the bedroom, Aaron’s switched into jeans, so you do the same. You go to fish your wallet out of your work bag, and Aaron slaps at your wrist lightly. 
“Stop it. You don’t need that,” he tells you, and you roll your eyes with a playful smile. 
“You’re a neanderthal,” You tease him, letting him guide you out of the house and back towards the car. 
“No, I was raised right,” Aaron corrects you. 
“What if I want a drink and I get carded?” You smirked as you buckled your seatbelt. You were younger than Aaron, yes, but not by that much. 
“If you get denied because you don’t have an ID on you, I’ll stop at the gas station on our way home and buy you a six pack of bud light.” He assures you as he backs out of the parking lot.
“So romantic,” you cooed overdramatically, tossing your head back with a laugh. Aaron takes advantage of the opportunity to lean over the console and press a quick kiss to your jawline.
A few moments later, Aaron parks the car in front of a greasy spoon downtown that you’d never been to before, and you give him an inquisitive look. It’s not that you minded at all-- any time you spent with Aaron was perfect in every way. But his dates were usually a lot higher-key. 
“I’ve got to keep you on your toes,” he shrugged with a boyish grin as he took your hand in his on the sidewalk and walked you into the restaurant. He let go reluctantly as the two of you slid into opposite sides of a booth. 
“So, it’s safe to assume that there’s more to tonight’s date than burgers and milkshakes?” You ask Aaron after the two of you have placed your orders. 
“Oh, absolutely,” Aaron nods, smiling smugly. 
“And are you going to tell me what that might be?” You asked hopefully. 
“Absolutely not,” Aaron confirmed what you had already suspected.
“Not even a hint?” You asked. 
“You’ll find out in due time. Be patient, princess,” he encourages you. 
“I’m willing to beg,” you informed him. You were sure that whatever he had planned would be romantic and wonderful, but god did you want to know. 
“Darling, I’d really prefer if you saved that for our bedroom,” Aaron deadpanned, and you choked on your water. 
“Agent Hotchner!” You chastised, catching your breath. 
“Come on, now you’re just teasing me,” he winked, and you felt butterflies in your stomach. 
“Well, is it working?” You asked, wondering if you could flirt your way into some intel. 
“Not a chance,” he admonished you playfully as the waitress sat your meals down in front of you. 
After dinner, Aaron took your hand back in his and led you out of the restaurant. You started to head off towards the car, but he stopped you. 
“You did want to see what else I had planned, didn’t you?” He asks, facetiously. 
“Yes please,” you smiled shyly. 
“Take a walk with me,” Aaron says, tugging you back into him so he can wrap his arm around you.  It takes a couple of paces for him to find his metaphorical footing, but after a moment, he speaks up again. “I haven’t been clear with you about what my intentions are, and I wanted to apologize for that.”
“Aaron, you don’t have to--” you start, but he cuts you off. 
“Let me, first, please?” Aaron asks of you, looking you in the eyes, and you nod, giving him permission to continue. “I haven’t explained to you exactly how I feel, and because I didn’t do that, you’re having to worry about silly things, like whether or not you have the same amount of experience I do, or whether or not I’m going to run off with Jack’s teacher or one of his friends moms.” 
“Well, I’m less worried about Rhonda now that I’ve met her wife. But Ms. Meadows is still on my watch list.” You tell him, and he chuckles, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it as he takes you down a side street. 
“Darling, you’ve got nothing to worry about. That’s what I needed to tell you. I’m all in, sweetheart. You, me, Jack, and anyone else we might add to our family-- that’s all I want. That’s my priority.” He tells you, and your breath catches. “So, I got you a little something, just to show you how serious I am,” He says, leading you into a jewelry store. You stop in the doorway. 
“Aaron Hotchner, please tell me you’re not proposing at the jewelers.” You whisper out, not wanting to cause a scene. You would have said yes, regardless, but you were struck by a little bit of shock. 
He chuckles and shakes his head. “No, dear. Come on in, and I’ll show you,” He takes your hand again, and you step into the jewelry store with trepidation. The man behind the counter seems to recognize Aaron, as he produces a bag from the back counter once they make eye contact. Aaron passes the bag to you, and you push through the pink tissue paper to uncover a box, in which you find a single diamond solitaire pendant.
“Aaron,” you start breathlessly, but he’s already taking the necklace out of your hands and maneuvering the clasp around your neck. 
“This is just a placeholder, until you’re ready for the real thing,” Aaron whispers, pressing a kiss behind your ear once the necklace is secure. “But since we’re here, would you want to try a few on? So I know what you like? You’re not allowed to take the real one off, once it’s on. So I want you to be happy with it.” 
You’re sure that you’re dreaming your way through the rest of the evening. You try on what feels like every ring in the store, including the ones you insist are too expensive, but Aaron refuses to listen. You’re practically floating on air during the walk back to the car, and you let out a sigh as you settle into the passenger seat. 
“I know I said you weren’t allowed to take the ring off, and I meant it,” Aaron tells you. “But if you’re not ready to start thinking that way, I understand. This is at your pace. You just let me know, and I’ll pump the breaks.” 
You practically launch yourself across the center console, taking his face in your hands and kissing him. “Does this thing go any faster, actually?” You ask, and he laughs as he kisses you again.
tagging:  @romanogersendgame @wanniiieeee      @zheezs14      @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner  @ijustwannaread2k19    @rexit-mo @shmaptainhotchnersmain @qtip-blog @averyhotchner  @the-modernmary @itsmytimetoodream @choppa-style @hotforhotchner11 @infinite-tides @isthatme-thatsme @g-l-pierce @bakugouswh0r3 @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads
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hiiraya · 4 years
one last chance (rewrite)
pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
words: ~2,029
warnings: angst with a happy ending
a/n: part 2 of one last dance. hopefully i’ll post a nat fic in a few days, i miss writing for my other baby. happy reading!! ♡
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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"I wish you all the happiness in the world, Wan. Out of everyone in the world, you deserve it the most. So take care of yourself for me, okay?"
If only she knew then that she was at her happiness whenever she was with you, no matter where in the world you might've been, she would've never let you leave.
Like history repeating itself, it'd been months since she last saw you. Since anyone on the team had seen you in the flesh.
When you left that night after your dance with her, you did it in the way you knew best; quietly, without a fuss, not a single word to anyone on where you were going.
You were never one for causing a scene anyway.
Fury kept his promise to you about telling no one your whereabouts, much to chagrin of Wanda. It didn't help that you'd been around the Avengers for so long you'd picked up all sorts of tips and tricks to staying hidden whenever you needed your space.
Wanda knew she wasn't the only one missing your presence back at the compound (though she was the only one that outwardly showed it), but she had to respect your decision to go, hoping that something would bring you back to the team.
To bring you home.
She tells herself that she's happy.
Because why wouldn't she be?
She's married the man she loves, the one who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She's already chosen him, the weight of the gold band on her ring finger serving as a constant reminder of her decision.
She wasn't supposed to be longing for someone else.
Wanda had promised him for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish him until death do they part.
So, she's tells herself that she's happy. Because there's no other choice for her to take. She's happy even though there's you sized whole in her chest that continues to remind her of the way your eyes drank her in on the night of her wedding, memorising the sight of her face, the sight of her before you left for good.
Being who he was, Vision could tell that something was off with his wife.
He could see the change in her behaviour ever you left the reception that night all those months ago. He would see the looks she would give the door whenever she would pass by your old room, as if she was waiting for you to come out and greet her for the day.
From the moment you were gone, Wanda started to retreat back into her own shell no matter how many times she insisted that she was fine.
It hurt him to see her be excited to come home from a successful mission, to watch her look around for you, ready to share stories about what had happened, only to have the reality of your absence wash over her.  
Every now and then Wanda would slip, telling the team “I can’t wait to tell Y/N about this!" or "Wait till Y/N sees this, she's not going to believe it!"
Everyone would only stare at her expectantly, and for a moment she was confused as to why until she remembered. The smile disappearing from her face before she excused herself to her room. He knew that there was no stopping the heaviness in her chest when she remembers that you weren't there anymore.
Because how could you be happy when the one person you love is hundreds of miles away from you?
"Wanda, can I ask you something?"
The look in her husband's eyes tells her that there really was no excusing herself from the conversation that they were about to have.
"Of course, Vis."
"First, I need you to close your eyes." He says, quickly adding a soft 'please' when she throws him a confused look. Nevertheless, she follows his instructions and lets her eyes fall shut.
"I want you to be honest with me, I'm not here to judge or pick a fight." She hears him walking towards her, only to feel the couch dip a few seconds later, telling her that he was sitting by her side, most definitely watching her reactions.
"If I tell you to go back to our wedding night, at the reception, who comes to mind first when I ask you to remember a dance from that night?" His voice holds no malice, no grudge or bitterness towards her.
She sighs as she lets her mind wander back to that night. The dance she shared with her husband should be the first one to come to mind, she knows this but it's not at all who she sees.
Instead she sees you, like she always does. She sees your smile as you held her flush against your body, sees the way your eyes studied her like you were trying to memorise everything and anything in that moment.
She sees you.
By the look on Vision's face when she opens her eyes, she knows that he's known for a long time. Maybe he's known all along.
He gives her a soft smile, nodding his head in understanding as he leans forward to press a kiss to her forehead before exiting the room.
You missed your home. You missed your family.
You wanted to say that leaving helped heal your heart, that your decision to leave was treating you well but you couldn't lie to yourself. Not when it was so painfully obvious that you were anything but fine being away for so long.
You missed helping Peter with his homework on the days that he would stop by the compound after school.
You missed the bickering between Sam and Bucky whenever they asked you to play mediator whenever they had their little arguments.
You missed being in the labs with Tony and Bruce, keeping them company and offering your opinions on their newest ideas when you could.
And even though you hated the way it left you with sore muscles and aching bones, you missed training with Steve and Natasha, the only two who could truly get your ass out of bed.
You missed everything that ever made you feel at home.
But you couldn’t go back. There was a reason why you left in the first place, and as much as you missed your family, you were a coward when it came to the matters of your heart.
You still loved Wanda and there was nothing you could do about it. You told Fury that you would only come back if they needed you. The fact that it had been months of radio silence from him, you just assumed that they were doing fine without you.
They didn't need you as much as you needed them.
But when Fury calls you about a rouge syndicate planning an attack using a chemical nerve agent, saying that they needed your help to create a antitoxin with Bruce if things took a turn for the worse, you don't hesitate in taking the next flight back to New York.
Thankfully, the team manages to stop the attack before it could even begin.
Since they'd been tracking the movement of the syndicate ever since they caught wind of the attack, they managed to track down the base they'd been using to create the nerve agent.
Still, you and Bruce create the antitoxin as a precaution.  
But now that meant you had to stay in the compound until it was time for your flight back.
Everyone had been elated that you had returned that Tony threw a small party just for you and the rest of the team after returning from the mission.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
Ever since you all arrived back to the tower, you'd been actively trying to avoid Wanda, talking to whoever was around when you saw her looking at you from across the room.
It was a cruel thing to do but you couldn't help it. You were still hopelessly in love with her despite everything. You could feel the tension fall around room as everyone became quiet, trying hard not to make it obvious that everyone was waiting for your response.
Nodding your head, you meet her eyes for the first time in months.
"Lead the way."
It's silent as you head to your old room. Closing the door behind you, your eyes can't help but drink in the sight of the woman in front of you.
"What did you want to talk about, Wanda?"
She gestures for you to sit on the empty bed beside her.
“They say absence makes the heart fonder, but Y/N, all it did was make mine even more yours.” She starts, eyes downcast to her lap.
You furrow your eyebrows at her words but don't get the chance to ask her what she means as she continues to talk.
“For months, I’ve been trying to convince myself that I’m happy with Vision because that’s what I’m supposed to be right? I’m supposed to be happy because I chose him, because I married him so why wouldn’t I be happy with the decisions I’ve made?”
“But I’m not. I’m not happy. I'm far from it. Every time he touches me, I can’t help but wish it was you. Every time he says my name, it sounds wrong coming from his lips. It feels wrong looking into his eyes and seeing them morph into yours. I find myself looking for you until I remember that you're not here, that you're god knows where. You're not here with me."
You too shocked by her words to realize that she's crying until she reaches up to wipe her cheeks.
"I danced with two people that night, Y/N. The one I married and the one I wish I had married instead.”
Your mouth drops open at that, you know you should say something, but you don't know what and even if you did, you were too scared that this was all just a trick.
She just missed you being around, that's all it was. She mistook missing you as thinking that she was in love with you.
“You left and it was like you took a part of me with you. You left and I didn’t know where to look for you. I love you, Y/N and I’m so sorry I let you go in the first place.”
You stopped her rambling there, leaning forward and kissing her lips before she could say more. Because when Wanda Maximoff looks at you like that, with apologies and honestly written all over her face, there’s not a thing in the word that could stop you from pressing your lips against hers.
“I love you too, but you already knew that. There isn’t anyone else but you.”
It's only after you two catch your breath that you remember something important.
“But what about Vision? Aren't you two still married?”
She offers you a sheepish smile as you look at her with concern, dread filling your chest at the thought of being the reason that Wanda was unfaithful to her husband.
“Actually, he was the one who actually made me realize my feelings for you.”
“So what you’re saying is-” You start. She nods as her smile grows, planting another kiss on your lips.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, moya lyubov. We’re not together anymore.” She finished.
Abruptly standing up from the mattress, you turn your body to face her, bowing slightly as you hold out your hand to her, palms facing up at you smile at her.
Wanda frowns at your sudden movement before a knowing smile appears on her face as she realizes what you were doing.
“May I have this dance?”
Her smiles grows up at you as she stands, nodding her head as she places her hand over yours. With your arms wrapped around her waist, her own around your neck, you pull her close and she can't help but think that this was where she was meant to be all along
“You may.”
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Lil' Mia and Miranda thing since I dragged you guys down the rarepair hell with me~
Lab equipment was really not meant to blend well within a lived-in home. And it didn't. The plush carpet on top of wooden floors giving way to the smooth lab flooring that squeaked under boots not appropriate for the setting created an odd contrast. Not that that was uncharacteristic for Miranda, any of her workspaces falling perfectly under the description of an organized mess, with particular emphasis on mess.
With Rose sleeping peacefully in the room generously, suspiciously so, provided by Miranda, Mia decided to stretch her legs by walking around the manor, the baby monitor connected to her phone. The building was relatively big, albeit quite old, tucked in the woods somewhere between the Beneviento house and the factory, with a tunnel conveniently connecting it to the labs running under the town. It had close to no spatial organization, bedrooms and labs and storage rooms alternating by patterns known only by the so-called goddess, or most likely not even by her.
Mia did not trust the woman. Not with the memories of the prison cell and the kidnapping of her daughter for experiments still fresh in her mind. But, the tiredness of motherhood and the odd loneliness that came with being the only two inhabitants of the house that were capable of coherent speech as of now, had her longing for some company.
It was an easy task finding Miranda, the soft cries of Eva guiding her down a short hallway to a lab door left ajar. Inside, the woman was sat at a desk, a laptop with half written reports and notes in front of her, pushed out of the grasp of the fussing infant in her arms. Miranda was far too busy trying to calm her daughter down enough to fall asleep to notice Mia leaning on the doorframe, curiously observing the scene. Oddly human, in her failing attempt to get her child to stop crying, when at any given time she could get anyone to kneel before her and bend over backwards to her every whim. Yet a small infant was giving her so much trouble.
"Need a hand?" Mia offered with a small chuckle. Should she even offer her help?
"I am fine thank you." But a slightly louder wail from Eva came with perfect timing to disprove her words.
Miranda's shoulders seemed to slump ever so slightly as her eyes closed slowly, the usual makeup replaced by dark circles, testimony to the long hours spent going through decades of research and reports while also caring for her newly reborn daughter. It was oddly bittersweet, to see a woman so dignified otherwise all but beg the small child to go to sleep so she could finish her work.
Work, Mia concluded, that was rather essential for the whole place, and also her home for now, to continue existing the way it was. With a sigh she walked up to the desk and gently stoked Eva's short brunette hair. "Here, let me hold her. At least until you finish typing whatever it is you're doing," she said waving a hand in the direction of the forgotten computer, who's screen had turned black by now.
There were a few long seconds of hesitation, but a weary glance at the mountain of files on the other side of the desk that she was yet to go through convinced Miranda to finally allow her daughter slip into Mia's arms. It took maybe five minutes of cooing and a one sided conversation made in silly voices to turn the cries into giggles, small hands trying to grasp at Mia's finger that was ticklishly caressing puffy cheeks. Exhausted from crying, Eva's eyes slowly fluttered shut and she was gingerly lowered into a crib set by the desk, one of the many scattered around the house.
Miranda watched the scene unfold with uncharacteristic softness slipping by the icy mask of her steely eyes. Even goddesses can be caught by surprise it seemed, and whether it was due to the apparent skills that Mia had with calming Eva down or at how she was willing to help despite their precarious position was up to debate.
"Shouldn't you be better at this," Mia asked, pulling one of the chairs closer to sit in. "I know it's been, what, two or three centuries or something but haven't you done this before?"
Her question was obviously poking fun for the most part, but Miranda couldn't help the tired sigh that crawled its way from the depths of her now useless lungs.
"No, actually. I haven't," she responded curtly as she grabbed one of the files and opened it in order to transcribe its contents in a digital file. "At least not on my own," she added upon remembering the numerous subjects she helped raise during her time working with The Connections.
"Oh? Did you have a sweet loving husband once upon a time? Do tell me more," Mia said leaning her chin on her palms as if she were a teenager at a sleepover talking about crushes, although the memory of Ethan clawing its way to the forefront of her thoughts made her grimace slightly, until she pushed it back down in the depths of her mind.
It was foolish perhaps, acting like that around a woman that could, and would with the right motivation, kill her in the blink of an eye. Truth be told though, Mia was bored out of her mind, so what better way to pass the time than push Miranda's buttons, especially when she seemed too tired to retaliate.
The so-called goddess grimaced, at least ten different reasons to find the thought outrageous flashing through her mind and, settling on the most obvious one, looked at her, one eyebrow raised. "I was a nun."
Mia leaned back in her chair, looking at the black head covering hanging from a hook behind the door, together with black robes. She had to wonder if they were the same ancient ones or if she replaced them every once in a while.
"Yeah, I couldn't tell," she chuckled. "A nun turned goddess. How ironic don't you think."
"Worshipping was never quite up my alley. And neither were men," she replied flatly, turning the pages in front of her and typing the relevant information in the file she had open on the screen.
Mia's eyes widened slightly with an amused oh. "So was she raised by the convent then?"
Was this information really to be given out? Mirada did not like talking about her past, or personal information in general. Gods did not need backstories, they simply were.
She sighed. "No, no. Her parents died when she was four and with nobody else to look for her, she was brought to us." Miranda gave a small shrug, pausing to type up decades old results on lycans. "I was the newest there, so the nuns dumped her on me. I was so mad at first, but she's always been such a brilliant little girl, even back then. She would ask for a bedtime story and did not complain when I'd start reading from one of the medical books I stole from the merchant. There was just something about her that made her grow on me."
With the paragraph done, she pushed her chair back, quietly so as to not have its legs scratch against the linoleum floor, and walked to another, smaller desk pushed against a wall. From there, she walked back to the crib where the small infant was sleeping peacefully, a small doll in hand. Doll that Mia recognized immediately, as an identical one was by her own daughter's sleeping form, back in their room. It was a small replica of Angie, plush and soft to the touch, unlike its real life wooden counterpart, the white dress made of delicate silk. Both toys had been made by Donna herself as gifts.
"But as you can guess, she was well past a toddler when she was placed in my care," Miranda finished, leaving the doll just by her sleeping daughter's side.
"So you suck with babies," Mia concluded with a grin. She would have laughed, but had enough clarity of mind to be quiet.
Miranda simply gave her a tired glare before rolling her eyes. She went back to her desk and opened a new file to be transcribed, this one on the reservoir's structure.
"I can care for them," she started, an odd almost imperceptible strain in her voice. "It just gets trickier when it's my own daughter and not an act."
Mia nodded absent mindedly, eyes darting to Eva. To see a woman with such power and ruthlessness, who could level the whole town to the ground if she so pleased, show such raw genuine affection towards the child made some of the notions in her brain crumble to the ground. Miranda was still the same woman who, ironically enough, experimented on more children than she cared to count, but then again Mia was also a willing participant in said experiments so was she really that much better?
She definitely was, Mia concluded, choosing to ignore a small pang at her heart when she watched all the ice in those gray eyes melt into tenderness while looking at her daughter. Instead, she started toying with one of the many pens scattered on the desk.
"Since I'm staying here, I don't mind helping you out with her," Mia said quietly, keeping her eyes on the small giraffe doodle she was doing on a napkin.
It wasn't for Miranda's sake really. She simply wanted the best for Eva, the child completely innocent unlike the atrocities committed by her mother throughout the last few centuries. Besides, it would be nice for Rose to have a friend not unlike herself, given the yet to be understood power both girls possessed.
"There's no need-"
"Consider it a thank you for letting us stay here, without a sniper pointing at my daughter's head at all times," Mia finished, a slither of ire slipping into her tone on the last words, the memory of a rookie agent panicking and pointing his gun to Rose for the unforgivable crime of being a hungry crying child seared behind her eyelids.
Miranda sighed, an odd sense of relief washing over her. After centuries of trying to bring her back, you'd think the she would do anything to spend each and every second with Eva, not letting anyone else care for her in any capacity, but truth be told, the prospect of not facing motherhood completely alone, even if Mia was helping her solely out of some sense of obligation, did not sound half bad.
"As you wish," she finally said, going back to the half written paragraph her mind drifted away from minutes earlier.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Nobody's Perfect (part8)
Warnings - injury / surgery / smut
Also - I have zero medical training so if I've got something wrong, please let me know!!
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers
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You arrived at the hospital with Cillian's parents and a nurse ushered you into a private room. Sitting the three of you down, she took a deep breath, making you nervous.
"He had a seizure around an hour ago. He's been taken down for surgery again, we'll know more afterwards. It looks like a ruptured spleen, it could have been a stray fragment of glass or the sheer blunt force of the stabbing, we can't tell just yet. It's a significant bleed into his abdominal cavity, Mrs Murphy we need to perform a blood transfusion." His mum started to cry, his Dad holding her. You just felt sick.
"How long before he's out of surgery? Will he be okay?" You asked, shakily.
"We don't know yet. Once he's out of surgery we'll know more, but for now.. it could go either way. I'm so sorry..." You took the nurses hand and squeezed it, thanking her. You could see her welling up a little too.
It had been hours. How many, you didn't know but the sun was up before you knew any more. You were waiting in the hallway on the phone to your mum when the double doors behind you opened. You saw the trolley being pushed through, with nurses either side, and a body covered in wires and tubes. You choked when you saw his Peaky haircut under it all.
"Mum he's back from surgery.. I'll call you later okay? Love you.."
You desperately wanted to follow him into the room but you held back, instead going into where his mum and dad were waiting. It was then, you burst into tears. His Dad stood and wrapped his arms round you.
"Stop trying to be strong in front of us y/n..."
"This is all my fault... All of it..." His dad squeezed you tight and shook his head.
"I'll hear no more of that, understood?" He was stern, but still gentle with it. The doctor came into the room.
"He's okay for now. We've sedated him to allow his body to recover. His spleen ruptured and bled out into his abdominal cavity. Luckily we've managed to stop the bleeding and save his spleen. He's had a significant blood loss, so we've given him a transfusion. He'll be out of it for a few hours, but you're welcome to come see him." The three of you walked through the doors into his room and his mum was beside herself.
She took his hand, careful of the cannula, and held it. His dad squeezed his eldest son's shoulder. You stood at the foot of the bed, watching the love of your life lie still, wires in him, a mask over his face, machines beeping everywhere, a massive bandage around his middle.
"I'll call his sisters and brother.. let them know what happened?" You asked his mum, before his dad turned to you and shook his head. You felt useless, you needed to be doing something.
"No, I'll call them. You stay here with him. Talk to him - he can hear you."
"How do you know?"
"He's squeezed my hand a couple of times. He knows we're here. Just too tired to wake up yet."
He left the room to make the calls, and you took his hand, kissing his head lightly. His dad was right, he squeezed your hand a little.
"Hey you... You trying to scare me away again? No chance Murphy, I'm not going anywhere." Another gentle squeeze.
You knew he wouldn't wake up for a while, but you were happy to wait, just talking to him. Even the Peaky cast had sent video messages so you could play them to him.
You were dozing in the chair, exhausted from no sleep for what felt like days, when he woke up.
"Y/n...." You'd never woken up so quickly. Instantly you were by his side and you pressed the button for a nurse.
"Right here, I'm right here. It's okay.."
"Did I get hit by a truck?" He smiled. The nurse came in and removed the mask from his face. Checking over everything as you stood back. Once she'd finished, you took your phone out to call his parents. They'd headed home to feed the dogs and get some sleep. Hanging up, you kissed his lips gently.
"Stop trying to scare me away Murphy..."
"I'm getting out of here and you and I are going away. Somewhere just us, yeah?" You nodded, unable to form words. Your tears slipping down your cheeks as he brushed them away with his hand, his own eyes watering a little.
He was in hospital for a week recovering, then another week at his mum's being fussed over and interviewed by police about the stabbing. You were now at his holiday home in Kerry, a full month after Silé's wedding, relaxing on the patio in the warm July sunshine. You'd arrived a week earlier, and had no plans to leave any time soon. Your family had even sent get well cards and gifts through the post for him, even though they hadn't even met him yet.
You got off the phone to Orla as Cillian came outside. Still limping a little but getting stronger every day. The sea air definitely helping.
"Liane's been charged. Attempted murder, Cill."
"She came very fucking close y/n."
You watched him sit in the lounger next to you and he took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers and leaning back.
"The press are going wild. They've found out everything - Liane having Mark's baby, the stabbing, and us. They're desperate for a statement, my agent keeps calling me."
"They can wait. I'm alive, that's all they need to know. The rest of it isn't important. Come here.." he pulled you to sit across his legs. You hesitated before you sat down but he nodded and you relaxed a little. You could feel his erection under your shorts and he pulled you closer to kiss him.
"How long has it been?"
"Long enough... You sure you're okay?"
"Shut up y/l/n and ride me..." You didn't need any further encouragement, and your shorts were off followed by his, discarded on the floor next to you. His hard cock, already leaking, sprung up against his stomach, the scar across it already healing well.
"No one can see us out here, right?" You asked, suddenly remembering your neighbours.
"I don't care if they can.." you lifted your body over his and sunk down on him easily - you'd been aching for him for a month, hesitant to initiate anything in case you hurt him, but he'd clearly been aching for you too, his hands on your hips moving you up and down his shaft.
"Fuck... I missed this...." He groaned, finding your lips with his before you leaned back and rocked against him slowly.
He found your clit with his thumb and rubbed circles over it, making you squirm against him and grind quicker. This wasn't going to last long, both of you knew it, he needed you to come and quickly. He brought your hand down to rub yourself as his hands rested on your waist again, rocking you faster against him. He wanted desperately to pound up into you but the discomfort in his stomach stopped him, allowing you to take the lead.
"I'm close..." You whimpered, a powerful orgasm building in your stomach, before throwing your head back and panting his name as you came over him.
"I'm gonna come... Y/n...." His release quickly followed, hot streams of cum flowing into you in bursts, leaking out onto his thighs. You rested your head on his, both catching your breath.
"When did you stop taking the pill?" He asked.
"Two weeks ago..."
"That did it, I've got a good feeling."
"Quite possibly Mr Murphy..."
"You sure you want this? It's not too soon?"
"I think we've gone well past the 'too soon' part of our relationship, don't you think?" You laughed.
"Very true. You're going to look incredible with my baby inside you..." His hands found your belly and he rubbed it gently, making your heart flutter.
"Love you..."
"Love you more."
Six months later
"I'm sorry, Mr Murphy, the chances of you conceiving naturally are extremely low." The doctors words cut him like a knife. His head fell back and he unclasped your hand to run it over his face. You both knew there was a potential problem - after all, he'd be been trying for a baby with Liane for years without any success, so there was always the possibility he would struggle with you too. He didn't want to wait a year to find out, so he'd paid for a private sperm count test.
"We do have a few options here though," the doctor spoke again. Cillian looked to you, you nodded in return.
"Cill, it's okay. We prepared for this, didn't we?" You took his hand again and looked back at the doctor.
"We have IVF, as many rounds as you need. I have leaflets on how it'll all work right here." Cillian took the leaflets and shook the doctors hand, before walking out of the room. You apologised and thanked the doctor before chasing Cillian down the hall.
"Stop, for god's sake!" You shouted, making him pause and turn to you.
"It's one thing thinking there's a problem y/n, it's something else entirely to have it confirmed..." He leaned against the wall and looked at the IVF leaflets. "What if it doesn't work?"
"We have to at least try, don't we?" You took his face in your hands and pulled him in to kiss him. "We'll make a father out of you yet, Cillian Murphy."
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savemesomenachos · 3 years
Heyy congratulations on 200!! How about 5 from fluff and 5 from angst with Stucky x reader??
Congratulations once again 🎊
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Thank you so much!! And I loveeeee🌺✨
You can find the link to my drabble list here.
Drabble #4
Fluff🌸 5.A- “You’re smarter than you look.” B- “Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?”
Angst💔 5. “Maybe you should just leave now.”
Alternate Universe
Pairings: Stucky x Super Soldier! Reader
Warnings: lots of angst, smoking, fluffy ending
Word Count: 1315
Y/n’s POV:
“You’re smarter than you look,” Steve whispers to me as I free myself of the ropes the Hydra agents used to tie us.
“Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?” I ask in mock offence as I lean over Steve to free his hands.
“Definitely the first one. You’re so pretty baby,” he says wrapping his free arms around my waist and pulling me in for a quick kiss.
“We’ve been kidnapped and all you can think about is flirting?” I say exasperated at Steve’s childish behaviour.
“Sorry!” he says as we sneak out the dirty cell and into the hallways.
Immediately an agent approaches us and we both slip into our fighting stance. I raise my knife to throw it at them but suddenly, they step into the light.
“Bucky?” Steve asks as he steps forward for a closer view.
He doesn’t say a word, only steps closer, his eyes murderous. I run into his arms at lightning speed. I clutch his waist and bunch my hands in the rough fabric of his tac gear. I feel tears threatening to escape as Steve joins the hug with an arm around Bucky’s neck and one supporting my back.
“I’m so fucking glad to see you,” I whisper as I pull away from him but Bucky’s gaze is fixed on Steve. Making sure he’s okay. Making sure there are no injuries on him. Fussing. I wait patiently for my turn but it never comes.
As soon as he finishes with Steve, he nudges me aside and marches straight ahead. I stare at his back, surprised by his behaviour until Steve snakes an arm around my waist and guides me forward and out of the base. Agents lay unconscious or dead all around us while me and Steve exchange a worried look.
The whole plane ride is spent in silence except for the occasional snore Steve let out. I tried to catch Bucky’s eye so many times but he stared at the ground the whole time. Something was definitely wrong and I was gonna find out what.
“Shower together?” Bucky asks Steve who’s too tired to say no. He practically carries Steve to the shower room where I follow.
“Just him Y/n,” he whispers to me at the door. I open my mouth to ask why when he closes the door. Right on my face.
I stumble to the bed and flop down on it. I don’t understand what’s happening exactly. Did I do or say something wrong? Bucky’s never pissed so easily so something must’ve really set him off. We hadn’t had a fight or something so it can’t be that. I gasp as I realise what it could be. Is he going to break up with me? It was just the both of them for so long until Steve wanted to add me to their relationship. Bucky seemed hesitant at first and so did I but as we got to know each other, we fell in love. Or at least I did. Things hadn’t been easy between us but we made it work and I really did love him. I never stopped to think for a second that maybe it was all one-sided.
“Why didn’t you come baby?” Steve asked as they both exit the shower with a towel wrapped ‘round their waist. I stared at him for a minute trying to memorise the lines of his face one last time before I pushed past him into the bathroom.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked holding the door open and a hand reaching out to me.
“She’s being dramatic is what,” Bucky hisses as he towels off and pulls on his pyjamas.
“What the fuck Bucky? Seriously?” he asks, turning his head to glare at him.
“Just say it Bucky,” I say as I step out from behind Steve.
“Say what? That you got both of you into this mess? You’re the reason you both have been stuck there for weeks,” he screams as he turns to face me, flinging his towel to one corner of the room.
“What are you talking about Buck?” Steve asks as he grasps my hand tightly in his.
“They’ve been tracking her for months Stevie,” he screams as he glares at me with a ferocity I had never seen. “She’s the reason you’ve been stuck there,” he says finally and then, silence.
Nobody moves a muscle and I can only stare at Bucky’s face with a guilt-ridden expression. I step forward to apologise before he says the words I would never be able to forget.
“Maybe you should just leave now,” he whispers and I halt my steps. I forget to breathe for a second and I stumble back before my hand meets the door of the room. I turn to face the door as I whisper, “I’m sorry Bucky. I never meant to be the reason you almost lose someone you love. I hope you forgive me.”
With those words, I run out of the room without a backward glance.
“Y/n wait,” Steve shouts after me but I don’t listen. I power through and only stop when I get to the roof.
I stand at the rail and blink back tears. I reach around to my jeans where I pull out a cigarette. I place it between my lips and light it up. I take a long drag as tears blur my vision and my legs weaken. I stand there smoking for a long time before I hear footsteps.
“Hey,” Steve whispers as he walks up behind me.
“I don’t think you should be here,” I say as I crush the cigarette under my shoe.
“He didn’t mean all of that. He was just scared. You know how he gets,” Steve says, steeping up the railing beside me.
“And he was. He was scared for you,” I say, sniffling.
“That’s not true,” he says, brushing a strand of my hair off my face.
“I told you this was a mistake. That this trio thing wouldn’t work coz Bucky doesn’t like me and here we are Steve,” I shout as I step away from him.
“Bucky loves you, he’s just wired up-”
“No Stevie, he doesn’t. Coz if he did, I would have been taking a shower with you and we’d be lying in bed already. He wouldn’t have asked me to leave,” I say as I break down in sobs.
“I do love you,” Bucky says as he steps onto the roof with tears streaming down his face.
I gasp as I turn to face him but avert my gaze to the ground as he steps closer. I feel his metal fingers slide up my neck and under my chin where he tips my face up to his.
“I’m so sorry about what I said. It was way out of line and it wasn’t true. I was just so scared when I heard they’d taken you,” he says as his eyes soften and tears still leak from the corner of his eye.
I watch him quietly as I process his words. My lack of response seems to make him more nervous by the minute.
“Promise you’ll never say anything like that again? I whisper as my hand raises to graze his cheek tenderly.
“I promise and I’ll make it up to you. Both of you, I promise,” he says, his eyes shifting between me and Steve.
‘Why don’t you start with a bath huh?” Steve questions as he steps forward to wrap an arm around each of our waists and press a lingering kiss to our foreheads.
“I’d like that,” I whisper into his shoulder and steal a glance at Bucky who seems relieved at my acceptance of his apology.
“Also, you smell and look like death,” Steve says which prompts a giggle from Bucky.
“That’s coz I haven’t showered.”
“Is it though?”
Permanent: @julyvegan @tenaciousperfectionunknown@mysweetlittledesire @bbl32 @cece5 @white-wolf1940@marvelfansworld @sohosteve @sia2raw @amelia-song-pond @honeymarvel @hart-failure@Clints-worldavengers
Stucky: @spookyparadisesheep @marvelatthisone
*if your username is in italics and with a strikethrough, it means I couldn’t tag you for some reason*
You can find my other works on my Main Masterlist
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science-hoes · 4 years
Warming Up - Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut
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Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut (18+ only)
Words: 2k+
A/N: I have done it. I wrote the first (based on my searches) Jimmy Woo smut for tumblr. I love this man so much. He needs to be appreciated. Anyway, this is a really cheesy scenario but I neeeed the *spicy* content. I’ll probably write more Jimmy Woo x Reader because this man has taken over my life. Also this was my celebration post for 1k followers 🥳
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected sex, cheesy scenario, language
You had been in cold weather before, but it had never been this cold. Fuck. It was painful to walk back to the resting quarters as the slight breeze chilled your bones. Monitoring the town of Westview was stressful, but oh how you envied the seemingly perfect weather that Wanda was generating. And as if on cue, it started to rain. It wasn’t cold enough to form sleet, but it sure was cold enough to quicken your pace. Maybe Wanda could control the weather out here too, to piss off everyone who was surveilling her.
Your walk to the resting quarters was much longer than you would have liked it to be. By the time you reached the temporary building, your body was soaked from head to toe. You entered the resting quarters with your teeth chattering and arms folded across your chest. Just as you were about to enter your section, you bumped into a sturdy figure that grabbed onto you to stop you from falling backwards.
“Hey, Y/N.” Your coworker, Agent Jimmy Woo, greeted. He awkwardly let go of you once he realized he was still cradling your body against his to stop you from stumbling backwards.
You looked up to him, your hair plastered to your forehead from the rain. “Hey.” Was all you managed to say in between shivers.
Jimmy tilted his head slightly. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there. Looks like you weren’t cut out for the cold weather.” He noted, but still flashing his charming smile.
You smiled in return, damn his smile was contagious. “I g-guess not.” Your teeth shattered involuntarily.
Jimmy looked up and down the hallway to check for other agents. “You don’t look so well, Y/N. Why don’t you come on to my room and I’ll get you all warmed up.” He said.
You raised an eyebrow, assuming his offer was meant to be suggestive. “You’ll get me warmed up?” You repeated.
Jimmy’s eyes widened and he began shaking his head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I just- I have hot chocolate in my room.” He rambled.
You smiled and nodded. “Oh, okay.” You said.
Jimmy began to walk down the hall. “It’s this way.” He said, making sure you were okay to walk.
You followed him to the end of the hallway until he scanned his badge at the final door on the left. The door slid open, and you slipped inside his room after him.
Jimmy walked over to his kitchenette and began pulling ingredients from a cabinet. You sat down on one of the chairs in his room, shivering still. Your clothes were still ice cold even with the warm heat blasting from the air vent. You tried to reach for a blanket that was on the chair opposite to you, but as you did, you lost your coordination and fell to the floor with a painful thud.
“I’m sorry.” You immediately said as you tried to lift yourself from the ground.
But before you could open your eyes, Jimmy was already by your side, gently lifting you into his surprisingly strong arms. “Y/N, you’re not okay.” He said worriedly before placing you on his standard twin sized bed.
“I’m fine, I’m just a little cold.” You tried to play off.
Jimmy began to remove your wet jacket from your body before working at your soaked shoes and socks. “You have to get out of these clothes.” He explained.
Your eyes widened slightly as his hands brushed against your hips and slipped under your shirt. “Trust me, I was a Boy Scout. You’ve got mild hypothermia, but it can turn really bad really quick.” He said, but looked to you for permission to keep going.
You nodded, and he pulled your shirt off. You helped carefully lower your pants down, leaving you only in a bra and panties. You could tell, even in the dim light, that he was blushing heavily. “I-I’ll let you do the rest.��� He said.
You slipped under the covers before discarding your undergarments onto the floor as well. Jimmy grabbed the blanket you attempted to reach earlier and placed it on top of the covers. You were still trembling pitifully, and it hurt Jimmy to see you like that.
“I’m still s-so cold.” You whimpered.
Jimmy shifted uncomfortably on his feet for a moment before pulling off his FBI jacket. “You need body heat. I can’t give you anything too warm yet or it’ll hurt you.” He explained.
You watched as he looked away from you as he slid under the covers to press against your body. He wrapped his muscular arms around you, pulling your head to his chest. Immediately, your hands found his arms. The sensation of your frigid skin against his was too strong. You needed more of it. You quickly untucked his buttoned up shirt and snaked your hands under to find more exposed skin. Your arms burned as they began to increase in temperature again.
At first Jimmy sucked his abdomen in, trying to hide from your freezing touch, but he soon responded by wrapping his legs around yours. “Geez, Y/N, you’re really cold.” He hissed.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I think we est-t-tablished that.” You chattered.
Jimmy let go of you for a moment, and you made a small whimper that broke his heart. “No, no, I was just gonna take off my shirt. It’ll give you more heat.” He explained.
And hell you weren’t gonna argue with that. He broke the knot in his tie and slid it off his neck before making quick work of his shirt buttons. It only took a short second for him to toss his shirt aside, giving you a quick glimpse of his toned upper body. Goddamn, you wouldn’t have guessed he was so cut from that bulky jacket he always wears. He wrapped his arms around your frail body again, this time defrosting your skin. But you let out an unholy moan as your breasts brushed against the coarse hair dusted on his chest.
Jimmy raised an eyebrow at the sound, but connected the dots as to what happened. “I-I’m sorry.” He stammered, not knowing how to respond.
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. T-that was out of line for me.” You responded, the embarrassment helping your face heat up.
Jimmy shook his head. “No, it was fine. I mean, it wasn’t a bad thing, it was good. But not in like a creepy way, like a…a normal human response w-“ He rambled.
You cut him off by pressing a chilly kiss against his soft lips. He didn’t move at first, afraid of what to do next. After a rush of confidence, he ran his hand up your neck, anchoring his fingers in your hair, and deepened the kiss. You shifted, pulling him on top of you. But as you did, his chest rubbed against yours again, and you let out another involuntary moan into his mouth. This time Jimmy chuckled and kissed his way down your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asked. “I shouldn’t be taking advantage of a hypothermic person.”
You giggled and shook your head. “No, this is only helping. Trust me.” You responded, feeling heat spreading to all ends of your body.
And that was enough reassurance. Jimmy’s hands delicately traced the sides of your waist as he kissed down to your chest, stopping at particularly sensitive areas to gently suck the skin and leave a pink mark. His nose brushed against the valley between your breasts and placed a sweet kiss there before licking a path up to one of your nipples. He swirled his tongue in lazy circles, taking his time with you.
The sensation of his burning tongue slipping against your icy bud drew a whimper from your chest. Jimmy heard your fussing and reached one of his hands up to your other breast. His fingers twisted the nipple there while simultaneously gripping the other one with his teeth. You gripped the sheets on his bed, twisting them in frustration, and bucked your hips into his chest.
“Jimmy…” You moaned, wanting him to keep caressing your breasts but also keep moving down your body.
Jimmy hummed in response, looking up to you with those sweet brown eyes. “What do you want, baby doll?” He whispered against your skin.
You blushed at his old-fashioned nickname for you but tried to refocus your attention on your body’s demands. “I need you inside me.” You replied.
Jimmy gripped your hips tightly before searing a trail of kisses down your stomach. “Can I taste you first? I’ve wanted to do this so long.” He pleaded.
Your walls involuntarily clenched at his request. You nodded, “Please.” You granted.
Jimmy grabbed your thighs and tossed them over his broad shoulders. He didn’t waste any time teasing you or pressing kisses along the inside of your legs. He licked a long and deep stripe against your pussy, drawing a desperate scream from your throat. He moaned at the amount of slick that he swallowed down.
Without hesitation he delved his tongue into you, sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. You secured your fingers in his black locks, tugging when his tongue snaked deeper into your pussy. He reached up with his thumb and rubbed circles on top of your sweet spot. You weren’t sure if it was the cold or the fact that you had been dreaming of this moment for weeks, but you were quickly approaching your first orgasm of the night.
“J-jimmy, I’m gonna come.” You panted, tightening your thighs around his neck.
“Don’t hold back on me, baby doll.” He mumbled against your folds.
And that nickname pushed you over the edge. Your walls throbbed and waves of electricity shot through your body. Jimmy continued to lap up your juices as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. You were suddenly very aware of your panting and placed a hand on your chest to feel your pounding heart. Jimmy kissed up your body again, worshipping every patch of skin he could get his lips on.
“Was that okay?” He asked innocently.
You huffed a laugh and met his lips with yours. You could taste yourself in his mouth. “That was…amazing.” You answered. “But I still need your dick inside me.”
Jimmy chuckled against your lips and guided your hands down his firm chest to the waistband of his khaki pants. You could feel his packed bulge against your hands as you whipped the belt from his waist and undid his pants. He kicked them off as you pulled his briefs down, his cock springing free. You took it in your hand, swirling the precum around the tip. Jimmy moaned deeply against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
You adjusted your hips and swiped the tip of his cock through your folds. Jimmy grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to him.
“Are you ready?” He asked cautiously.
“Yeah.” You breathed.
Jimmy slowly pressed against your entrance. It probably wasn’t the best idea to start fucking without stretching you out, but that was a problem for tomorrow. You hissed as your walls began to stretch. After what seemed like an eternity, he bottomed out inside of you and you whimpered from the sting. Jimmy leaned down against your body again and pressed kisses against your flushed cheeks.
“Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Just breathe.” He whispered.
His gentle words made you smile and you reached up to hold his face in your hands. He flashed that charming smile again, and you couldn’t help but kiss it off his face. “I can keep going.” You mumbled against his lips.
Without moving away from you, Jimmy slowly pulled out, leaving you empty. You were worried that he was going to just torture you before he slammed back into you with full force. You screamed into his mouth and dug your nails into his shoulders.
“Come on, baby doll, I know you can take it.” He whispered, catching your mouth with his.
He pounded his hips into yours at a brutally fast pace, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist. You held onto him for dear life as his cock buried itself into you over and over again. You felt that same build up of heat in your pussy with each snap of your hips. You buried your face in his neck, moaning and panting.
“Jimmy…” You whimpered as your orgasm neared.
Jimmy felt your walls begin to tighten and he quickened his already brisk pace. “Come for me, sweetheart.” He encouraged.
After a few more thrusts, your body let go and your vision went black from the overwhelming sensation. Your pussy throbbed around his cock, but he didn’t let off. He wanted to make sure you came again before he would let himself go. And with your final scream, Jimmy let out a moan in tandem with yours as his cum spilled inside you. The pulsating of his cock was just enough stimulation to help you finish out your own orgasm.
Jimmy collapsed on top of you, and you wrapped your arms around him. For a moment, all you could hear were the staggering breaths heaving from your chests. After a minute of silence, Jimmy looked back up to you, sheepishly this time.
“Are you still cold?” He asked with a joking smile.
You giggled and kissed him gently. “If I say yes, can we do that again?” You teased.
Jimmy laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby doll, we can do this any time you want.”
A/N: Lmk if you want to be added to my Jimmy Woo x Reader taglist :)
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Lip Sync Battle- Chris Evans x Reader
I rewatched Tom Holland’s lip sync battle and this happened.....
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None just funny fluff. 
Gif is from google, not mine, credit to the creator. 
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“Hey sweetheart welcome home, how was the studio?” Chris asks as I walk in the door, I don’t get a chance to answer before dodger comes running over tackling me to the floor. 
“yes baby love you too” I say giving dodger all the fussing he needed and more “yeah it was good my and Jack got another song done, just got a couple more and the album is done” I tell chris excitedly as he helps me up from the floor. 
“ah so you’ve still got a couple more nights of waking up at 3am and stumbling to the piano” he smirks resting his hands on my hips smiling down at me.
“well when you have a muse as cute as yourself, the songs write themselves and I can’t stop it, no matter what time it is” I say shrugging my shoulders as I rest my hands on his chest. 
He smiles leaning down to capture my lips in his “okay I’ll let it slide, just stop dodger from howling along” he chuckles nodding down to dodger who was wagging his tail. 
I gasp at him pulling away from his embrace to cuddle dodger and cover his ears “his howling is grammy worthy, don’t be jealous” I mock playfully. 
Chris grabs his heart staggering back slightly “oomph that hurt, your next song might be a break up one” he says wiping away a fake tear. 
I shake my head at him “nah you’re stuck with me” I shrug standing up and hugging him. 
“good, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself” he smiles kissing the top of my head lightly. 
A little while later we were relaxing on the couch as chris scrolled through the different channels trying to find something to watch when his phone rang. 
“urgh work, I’ll be right back pick something good” he says passing me the remote as he stood up to answer his call. I
 flicked to comedy central and started watching a re-run of a lip sync battle episode, the one with Tom Holland and Zendaya. I couldn’t help but chuckle and think about what I’d do if I ever went on that show, I hear chris walking back into the living room still on the phone laughing to himself when he sees what I’m watching. 
“yeah I think she’d be interested, let me ask” he says, He leans over the back of the couch “they’ve asked if we want to go on that” he tells me. 
I furrow my brows at him for a moment “lip sync battle?” I ask him turning to face him. 
He nods his head “you in?” he asks. 
“of course I’m in, and I’m so gonna beat your ass evans” I smirk. 
He raises a brow at me “oh really its on, yeah we’re in” he says to his agent not taking his eyes off of me. 
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“you gonna give me any hints” chris asks as we drive to the studio ready to film our lip sync battles. 
“no way, I am not giving you any clues, you’re going down” I exclaim shaking my head at him. 
He pouts at me “but you’re a professional singer, you’ve got an advantage” he whines looking over at me with puppy dog eyes. 
“You’ve sang before! In Not another teen movie!” I point out making his jaw drop in a mix of shock and surprise. 
“Whoa no need to bring that into this” he laughs shaking his head “I’d almost forgotten about” he pouts. 
“sorry babe” I chuckle taking his hand and kissing it 
“so no hint?” he asks again. 
I laugh shaking my head at him “still a no”. 
Soon enough we were filming getting ready for the final and most important round. I was going first and was finishing up getting ready. My costume was a lot heavier than I expected, it consisted of a dark sequin and sparkly body suit covered by a red traditional ball gown, both on loan by Taylor Swift. 
I got called to the stage and directed up to the little balcony floating device which would lower me onto the stage. I hear LL Cool J introduce me and the first song of my mash up start. 
The balcony lowers and I start lip syncing along to Taylor Swift’s Love story, as I get lowered down I point and wave towards chris who was chuckling up at me. Once it was on the ground the back up dancers join me and start dancing around me hiding me from the crowd helping me with the quick change. I flick my hips to the side as the song changes to I think he know, and my black sparkly body suit is revealed as the dancers move away. 
I strut over to chris who can’t take his eyes off me and run my hand through his hair and down his cheek making him bite his lip. My grab his shirt and pull him towards me before pushing away again on the lyric ‘He’s so obsessed with me and boy I understand’. 
The crowd scream as the song comes to an end and I take a bow before joining chris and LL Cool J. 
“that was hot!” Chrissy exclaims as I go to hug chris “damn if you two weren’t already together the tabloids would be on fire tomorrow” she laughs.
Chris heads off to get ready for his performance and soon enough LL Cool J was announcing him. The song begins to play and I furrow my brows in confusion for a moment as I knew the song. 
It was one of mine. 
Next thing I know chris has burst onto the stage wearing one of my costumes, make up to match mine, and a wig. My jaw drops as I watch him strut around the stage copying all the moves I do. My hands cover my mouth as I begin to hysterically laugh watching him sway his hips side to side, I laugh so much I can barely stand and I’m sat on the floor tears streaming from all the laughing. 
Chris struts over taking my hand and pulling me up and onto the stage to join him, we both laugh and sing along to the song dancing together as the song ends. 
He turns to face me and I burst out laughing again as I get a close up look at him “your eyeliner is better than mine” I laugh wrapping my arms around his shoulders. 
He laughs wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around “learnt from the best” he smirks “so still think you’ve won?” he asks smirking down at me victoriously. 
I shake my head “no, you’ve bested me Evans, I’ll have to invite you on tour” I tell him making him tips his head back in laughter. 
I grab his hand and lifting it up in the air signalling he was the clear winner before bowing down to him still laughing. He grabs my hands and pulls me into another hug, this was the best night ever. 
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