#you'll never break our spirit.
southstand · 1 month
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We know that this club changes lives.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Cuddles with Eddie brock, just light kisses and Golding each other until venom wants to feel you too, the slimy feeling crawling up your skin 😧
Eddie's warm. The kind of warm that you can smell, that comes from three blankets and means slow, sleepy blinks. You're lost in conversation about a sitcom you've been watching with Eddie, intent on picking apart one of your least favorite parts.
"It just wasn't the best episode of the season," You conclude, nose wrinkled as your face presses heatedly into Eddie's neck. Your eyes are shut, and you're barely holding onto consciousness.
"I dunno," He replies, rasp still clinging to his voice even though he's speaking in a murmur, "I just- no."
"Nothing," He cups your cheek, tucking your face back into his neck from where you're peering up blearily at him, "'Talking to him."
"Mm," You grunt, poking at his chest, "Cut it out, Venom."
Eddie's silent for a moment, then, "No. Seriously, if you-"
Something squelches at your waist.
"Goddammit," Eddie breathes, eyes scrunched shut in disappointment. It's a steady transformation, black goop enveloping Eddie's soft skin and you pull back just in time to see teeth and a strikingly large tongue fit themselves over Eddie's face.
"Sorry," Eddie grimaces at you, as Venom gives him one last word with you, "I tried."
"I know," You assure him, already rolling over to stumble out of bed, but you're not fast enough. Venom shuts his mouth, closing Eddie inside, and grabs your ankle with one of his slimy hands.
"Oh," You groan, hands shooting out to grab the sheets in a futile attempt at escape. Venom flips you on your back with ease, staring down at you with those cloudy eyes.
"You do not like me." He observes, voice gruff and growly.
"That's not it," You huff, reaching up to peel the sheets off of his back where he'd taken over Eddie's body, "I don't like when you break our bed. You're a lot stronger than Eddie, y'know?"
You'll have to pay for that remark when Venom gives Eddie his body back. But for now, Venom only hums in thought.
"Eddie broke the bed once." Venom reminds you. And it's true, a risque nighttime incident had left your headboard cracked. But Venom tends to snap the legs off in his insistence on your cuddle positioning, so you're cautious.
"Come here." He falls back onto his side like Eddie had been, and surprise surprise, something snaps below you.
"Oh, Venom." You groan, crawling forwards to lay on his outstretched arm. It's almost sticky to the touch, and your hair feels wrong touching it.
"I will fix it." He vows, but he won't. He never does, and Eddie's going to be very grumpy tomorrow when he has to take apart the bed to see what's broken.
You do have to admit, once you get past the sensory ickiness, Venom is fantastic to lay with. His arms are big and strong, and he cages you in them, tugging you towards his broad chest.
He's got the spirit, just not the tenderness.
"Sleep," He commands, a slimy finger prodding at your eyelids. You squeeze them shut in hopes that he doesn't accidentally blind you, and in his strong grip, you've got no choice but to comply.
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doki-doki-imagines · 2 months
OMG HI first i love your writing sm!!! they make me kick my feet and giggle tbh hffjsjdjeh but can i perhaps get kung lao, tomas and anyone of your choice with a reader who can dance?
author note: Thanks for your kind words!! I'm happy to know my writings bring happiness. Giggling and kicking feet is like the epitome for me. Hope you'll like these as much!!
It's a particular bad period financially so please, consider tipping on my ko-fi
Kung Lao: -"I can dance too!" He does not, but at least he has the spirit. -Lao would like to learn, mostly because he loves skin to skin contact. -So go for styles that require a partner. -Lao loves to make you spin and get you back in between his arms. -And you like it too because: his arms are very nice and strong and because his smile makes your knees jello. -Lao sneaks a kiss here and there, but he won't stop dancing, so you have to stay on track! -Even if he lives for teasing you when you misstep due to his charm.
Tomas Vrbada: -He is deft on his feet, but Tomas lacks rhythm! -Tomas is always embarrassed when you ask him to dance together, but he will try his best for you. -He likes to see you dance, tho! Not even in a sexual way, he simply admires your skills, and he becomes happy when he sees you happy!!! -Tomas doesn't have much time to spend with you, so usually he prefers to relax in your arms or take you somewhere nice. -You can try to teach him how to dance once in a while, tho. Having you in his arms is always nice after all. -But don't ask him to dance in front of his brothers. The best Tomas is an alive one.
Liu Kang: -When you invite him to dance together, he refuses, a bit embarrassed "I have two left feet." -But if you force him a bit without being rude, obviously, he'll finally accept to dance. -"I always liked to dance, but I never had the time to be good at it." "Then I can teach you!" You look at him, sparkled in your eyes. "I'm terrible at it, even if I'm sure you're an amaz-" Your forefinger touches Liu Kang's lips, shutting him up. -When he finally understands it's your turn to talk, you intertwine your hands together while the other lay on his shoulder. -"I'll teach you, even if it takes all our lifetime." His eyes widen for a moment, just a second before holding your hand a bit tighter. "Okay." He nods, atmosphere tense even if a smile grace his face. -But you are good, breaking it and finally being able to make him move around. -Maybe one day Liu will tell you he is more a disco music fan…
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feyascorner · 4 months
Okay now hear me out HEAR ME OUT… this might get a bit angsty
But if astarion had romanced an elf tav, since elves reincarnate in dnd lore and retain some memories of their past life surely astarion would wait, right? Wait for them to come back to him, right??
Well most of us know that already 😋 but one thing I found interesting was; if astarion did find tav again (maybe he confirms it’s them through small mannerisms, maybe they meet at a tavern and this new tav laughs in the same melodic way, or he overhears tav talking about an interest they had in their past life) after confirming it is indeed tav again, how would astarion even feel ☹️
Because yes yipee you found them!!! But now are faced with the task of having to not only explain everything to them again (maybe fill in some of the gaps that are missing in their elf trances) but also have to deal with the impending doom that they’re going to have to die all over again 😭 like a cruel never ending cycle of having each other but never forever. (“I love you forever”, “oh darling our forevers don’t match up”)
OR OR OR if we’re feeling extra cruel, astarion finds tav over and over but each time tav dies gruesomely and it’s never preventable. A classic #timeloop lmao.
Ok enough rambling do with that as you wish
I LOVE TIME LOOP TROPES SO BADLY IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY...i dont really like how this came out but i love sad astarion so!!! not proofread so pls excuse that!!
Astarion, of all people, should love blood.
But when it's yours, all sticky and warm on his hands, he's repulsed by the crimson red staining his pale skin. Your lifeless body lies in his arms, head tucked into his chest, but your own no longer rising and falling in rhythm with your breaths. Your lashes are specked with flicks of red, and your eyes shut almost as if you're sleeping. It's only in moments like these, where you're truly like him, yet not like him at all. Dead, but not undead. Even in death, he thinks you're beautiful.
Just a few years, he reassures himself, despite the wet tears on his face. Just a few years, and you'll be back, as you always are.
And he does find you. After so many years of wandering aimlessly into bars you liked, places you enjoyed spending free time in, and spending most of his time in your previously shared home, he finally comes across you in the city square.
Only then does he realize you haven't gathered all of your past memories yet. On the one hand, he's ecstatic he found you when you have more time left in your elf lifespan, but on the other, it pains him to see you look at him in a gaze that's void of your usual adoration. But no matter. If something as trivial as this were to break his spirit, he would've rotted away years ago.
It takes time, but you manage to remember him again fully. When you do, neither of you wastes any time in restoring the remains of your previous lifetime together. You redecorate your old shared home together, toasting to a new lifetime together afterward. You give him that soft smile of yours, and he thinks he could not be happier than this. With you having so many years left, and him being infinite, he has no need to worry about being separated from you anytime soon.
For a moment, he's almost glad he was turned into a vampire spawn, because of what it means for the two of you.
"I love you forever," you say one day, pressed up against his chest with your legs entangled. "Even through all my lifetimes."
"Quite the grand gesture, my love," he grins, and you return the sentiment. "While I have only this lifetime to give you, you can have all of it. You can have what's my eternity."
You press a kiss against his lips. "...And half your closet?"
He snorts. "Everything except that."
It's okay, he tells himself. He has time. He won't have to watch your lifeless body lowered into another grave again until he's readied himself---though it seems he's never truly ready. As long as he's careful, you'd be okay.
He's always joked that your heroic tendencies would be the death of you.
There had been a storm. A large one, in fact, causing large waves to crash against the harbor and sending its occupants fleeing inward toward the city.
He should've begged you to stay.
"It's dangerous."
"It's far enough from the harbor, I'll be fine," you insist. "People need help fleeing and our neighbors are going to help out. I should too."
"Then I shall go with you-"
"It's still daytime. We can't risk it," you shake your head, squeezing both of his hands. He smells the whisk of your shampoo as you do. "I'll be okay, Astarion. I'll be back in an hour or two, I promise."
You never do.
By the third hour, the storm has already calmed, and he impatiently throws on a clock and bursts out the door like a madman. He flies past the dozens of people perched on the streets as they try to recover from the hellish storm, and despite how many there are, he doesn't see you. None of them even know where you are.
"They saved my son. Jumped into the water into those nasty waves and got him out, but they...they didn't make it."
Astarion can see the fisherman's mouth continuing to move, but he can't hear him anymore. He feels like he's suffocating, eyes wide as they slowly turn to the calm ocean that now acts as your grave. But there is no tombstone, and there is no place for him to lay down your favorite flower.
He was supposed to have time. You were supposed to have time.
And this time, he doesn't even have the opportunity to kiss your pretty face goodbye, left with nothing but the murky waters of the city that extend past what his eyes can see.
It's times like these that he hates his own eternity.
He's numb by the time he reaches the house again, just as you'd left it. When he enters the bedroom, he realizes that neither of you bothered to make the bed this morning, and sees your pillow crumpled messily against his own. And beside it, your messily tossed pajamas lying with no owner anymore.
He grabs the shirt, staring down at it with dull eyes.
He can't even cry anymore.
Astarion spends the next few decades as a ghost of the city, holding himself hostage in the confinements of his own home. He doesn't touch anything, he doesn't move anything, and he doesn't even dare to open your closet door out of fear that your clothes will lose your scent. He's sure they've already lost it, but it comforts him to know that he's left everything exactly as you had.
Time passes, and as usual, it only leaves him behind.
The criminals lurking in the shadows are the ones who face his wrath. He hunts them down viscously, barely drinking half their blood before they're already dead from the wounds he inflicts on them. He gives no more mercy, because the world has not shown him any in return. Today is no different, as he corners his victim for today in the darkest alley he can find that has a dead end.
The man begs for his life, but it doesn't even register in Astarion's head before he's dead.
The blood tastes like nothing as it slides down his throat. When he releases the man and his body collapses to the ground, Astarion wipes at his mouth, glowering blankly at what remains. A corpse. Even filth like this could leave something behind while you were lost in the sea, forever forgotten by everyone but him. It's not fair. It's not fair at all.
His head whips around, able to recognize your voice anywhere, regardless of how much time has passed. It relieves him because he'd begun to fear that his mind had grown foggy in regards to your voice, but the worries seem to have been misplaced because you sound exactly as he remembers. Your hair is a different length now, your face void of the previous scars you've had and replaced with new ones. But no amount of change can stop him from recognizing you. Not even death itself.
"I knew I'd find you here."
As you run into his embrace, he sees color again. He can breathe again. He can live again. And for the first time in decades, he lets himself cry again.
No matter how many times he does this and how many times you die, he'll wait. Even if it crushes him to watch your demise every time.
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
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Secret identity
Miss Americana and the heartbreak Prince— Prince Carlos sainz x reader part one
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @ladymarvel27 @darleneslane @csainzoperator @carlossainzwho @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @purplephantomwolf @lightdragonrayne @hrts4scarr @nikolaros22
as much as Carlos loved being a prince he also hated it. Soon he’d take over and become king, something that Carlos couldn’t wait for and dreaded. Carlos always saw being the king as soul-sucking and stressful. It wouldn’t be so bad but his mother, his beloved mother, had been going through suitable candidates for a future queen. Carlos didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
That’s how Carlos found himself here in his room packing bags and making arrangements to leave Spain to live a somewhat normal life while he still could.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Carlos’s sister said, sitting on her brother's bed.
“What could possibly go wrong, it's just a couple of weeks” Carlos says.
“Everything could go wrong brother”
“Your paranoid”
“I’m not paranoid where are you even going to go hmm?”
“I found a roommate far away from Spain”
“What are you talking about?”
"Far away? " the sister questioned Carlos with curiosity and suspicion
"America" Carlos responded
"America ? You ? You're crazy you'll never actually be able to fit in there you're royalty "
Carlos let out a small smirk he could already tell why this will be a fun trip
"That's precisely the reason I'm going sister"
"What are you gonna tell our parents ?" his sister asked concerned
"That's the beautiful part" Carlos responded with a smirk
"I'm not telling them"
"You can't just leave and not tell them where you're going" his sister exclaimed
"Oh I think I can..." Carlos replied confidently "and for the record I'm not planning to be gone forever this is just a little break I need "
"You realize you're missing the coronation party and the chance to meet your future Queen" his sister pointed out
"I'm aware sister" was all Carlos could say in reply
"You're not serious right?!?" his sisters eyes widened and mouth dropped
"I'm very serious" Carlos responded
"You do know what's gonna happen when they find out"
"Of course I'm aware " Carlos replied in a calm manner
His mind was made up regardless of the repercussions
"You know that the chance of me actually liking a queen or even just tolerating her is close to none and besides that I just want to live a normal life like everyone else for awhile"
"There's a huge difference between living and existing you know " he added
"You're so stubborn it's ridiculous" the sister stated as she shook her head
"I suppose that's a trait I'll carry forward to the throne" Carlos said in a joking manner
"Yeah right if you ever sit on that throne in the first place. They'll probably throw you to the wolves if not worse" his sister said mockingly
Carlos smiled amused at his sister sarcasm
"Just promise me you won't tell mom and dad where I'm going " Carlos said to his sister
His sister looked at him and let out a sigh
"I promise not to tell them but I'm not lying for you in case they find out about this " she stated
"I'll take that chance" Carlos said and they both knew he would
And so it was settled Carlos was going through with this whether or not his family supported it.
The sister left the room and Carlos continued packing. He had his bags almost filled now as he paused and took one last look around his room
"Just what am i getting myself into" he said to himself
But a little voice in him knew he would be okay. A little adventure was just what he needed to brighten his spirits and clear his head from all that's been bogging it down.
After an entire life spent in the upper echelon of society, being waited on hand and foot by maids and butlers, being given anything and everything he wants, finally Carlos was getting the chance to live a somewhat normal life for a while.
It was a bit scary but also exciting.
He’d finally be able to learn how to do basic tasks, be responsible for himself, and appreciate the simple things in life.
And he had a feeling he may even meet someone special along the way.
He made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare so he spent the next two hours just sitting and watching people walk by.
Some of the people walking by looked completely overwhelmed by the airport's constant noise and hectic atmosphere, and Carlos couldn't blame them, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a bit nervous himself. All of this was going to be very different from his previous lifestyle.
Finally his boarding time came along which snapped him out of his trance.
He still had a slight sense of uneasiness but it was quickly outweighed by the excitement of starting a new chapter in his life.
Carlos waited in line for his plane and got on board.
At that point he officially had left his old life behind and he was already picturing things playing out in his new one.
This was going to be his new normal for as long as he wanted it to last and he felt strangely content.
Time really flew by during the flight and Carlos spent most of the duration of the flight napping.
When he awoke it was almost time for them to land.
The plane was coming in for its descent and Carlos couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous.
He was only hours away from beginning a new chapter in his life but at that very moment it felt more like a leap of faith.
Soon the plane was safely on the ground and after an uneventful exit Carlos was officially on American soil.
It was a surreal feeling for him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and optimism for this new chapter of his life to begin.
Carlos just felt that his whole life had been leading up to this moment, and now that he was finally here he was ready to start his new adventure.
And he had no idea what adventures lay ahead of him….
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taggedmemes · 5 months
we won't survive this if we don't stand together.
it is through conflict that we strengthen our bonds.
the next resolution may not end in her favor.
it's a question that burns in my belly day and night.
have you been looking at my differently?
i was too hasty to judge you.
i thought you witless, gutless, and unimpressively bland.
i thought you cruel, stubborn, and judgmental.
you have stoked fires i didn't know i possessed.
you've gained my respect.
you know how to set my heart racing.
we'll kiss and make up in our own time.
someone prodding at a newly opened wound doesn't help matters.
admirable conviction.
how can you go through all this trouble and not understand why?
secrecy is ingrained in me.
i like night orchids and can't swim.
i can't remember much of myself.
i hope that's the end of this silly quarrel.
killing's never my first choice, but they were too dangerous to leave alive.
i've come to sate you, and be sated.
time for pleasure has passed.
there's something i want to talk to you about, something important.
i owe you my life.
i may not have survived that night without you.
i'm trying to say that you've earned my trust in a way very few ever have.
i'm not usually one to elaborate if i can avoid it.
most fear the dark, because in darkness they see their fears reflected.
in darkness we do not hide, we act.
you pray with such conviction.
the presence of your goddess must fill your whole being.
perhaps we need not speak farewells.
i never pictured myself as a hero.
never thought i'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives.
i hate it, this is awful.
i would've liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.
all i want is a little fun.
it's not you, it's me. i have standards.
you have no idea how good it feels to see these people smiling.
don't waste a night like this talking to me.
i thought you might care to have a drink with me.
i rarely imbibe, the stuff goes right to my head.
before you know it, i'd be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person i laid eyes on.
you strike me as extremely resourceful.
there are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you.
i must not keep you all to myself, as enjoyable as that may be.
this might be the wine talking, but i'm feeling inspired.
look at them all, guzzling poison l ike we've the right to be happy.
i need to dance.. nope, i need to lie down.
the others will kill me if i keep you all to myself.
spontaneous thank-yous make me suspicious.
this is a night for celebration, not suspicion.
amid all this merriment, i wasn't sure we'd have a chance to speak this evening.
were our bond a little stronger, i might even have shared a moment of magic with you.
our fledgling acquaintanceship has not yet taken flight.
such intimacy will have to wait.
they could not match your nerve today.
it was enough to drive me to madness.
i won't be nursing their pounding heads and sicks stomachs in the morning.
everyone seems to be in high spirits.
you know who i never thought i'd find myself caring for.
i think you'll find i've been showing ample concern for myself since the moment we met.
share a bottle with me?
i'll find you after everyone's turned in for the night.
i think a toast is in order. any suggestions?
sounds like you just need a little more liquid inspiration.
you're beautiful.
i know [i'm beautiful], but you're sweet to notice.
i'll trust your judgement.
i do not truly care if you approve.
that night meant a lot to me.
i'm not sure what kind of sourtship we'll be afforded, given all that we're facing.
if you want to see where this goes, i do as well.
we share something special.
my people are nothing if not resourceful.
thought i'd shaken you for good.
that'll teach me to underestimate you.
she's trying to trick us, don't believe her lies.
when i saw an opportunity to get away, i took it.
you're asking me to trust a devil.
i don't want this to end badly for either of us.
you know monsters, right? better than anyone?
thought i was going to have to take your head.
there have been enough threats today.
how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards?
turns out i've got a knack for killing demons.
she looks like she could throw me over her shoulders and carry me to safety.
i'd hug you if it wouldn't scorch your skin off.
she's got the brawn of a warrior and the wiles of a survivor.
she speaks her mind, plainly and fully.
in other circumstances, i would have done the same.
best to not dwell on nights past.
you've been naughty.
you know what happens when you're naughty.
aren't you a luscious thing.
if i had a warm heart, i'm sure it would be skipping.
i've taken more pleasant shits than you.
that's no kind of talk for a lady.
you better not lay a damned finger on [name].
a promise broken, a price paid.
been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that.
he's a good man, maybe the best of us.
the sex gets better the more experience you have with someone.
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speedycoffeedelight · 2 months
Yeah that was a FNAF reference, for some reason I just kept picturing Vox in security since he does a lot of surveillance in the actual show and that just evolved from there. The problem with Vox is that he probably wouldn't listen to your warning and take the job. (Also Angel and Husk are both waiters at the same cafe in this narrative)
Vox: READER! THE ANIMATRONICS! They're... They're ALIVE! T-They tried to KILL me!
Reader: I did try to warn you, that place having murderous animatronics is like this towns worst kept secret.
Vox: HEY! You didn't warn me about SHIT!
Reader: Like you'd believe me if I said 'Hey Vox, you shouldn't take that job. Why? Oh no reason really, just that you'll have a high chance of being killed by the fuzzy singing robots that's possibly possessed by the spirits of murdered children.'
Vox: Huh, point taken. Anyway... Fuck that place, I'm never going back.
Reader: Ah, Vox. You might have to.
Vox: WHAT?! WHY?!
Reader: You're in a contracted position, you're kinda forced to.
Alastor: Reader, my dear, please allow me to explain in was that even he will understand. *Clears throat* By signing that contract, you have essentially signed this world version of a Soul Deal and are forced to uphold your end of the deal either until you're work is done or allotted time runs out. If you try to break said contact before either criteria is met, you'll be handing over your soul and forced to work that position. Forever.
Vox: *Having not been here long enough to know that Alastor's making stuff up* W-Wait. R-Really?
Alastor: Oh ho! Now you get to have a taste of what your poor lowly Voxtek security guards have to deal with for the rest of their miserable lives. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Vox: Wait! You're contracted too! So's Husk and Angel! You're all in the same position as me!
Alastor: That might be so but none of our jobs can result in a slow, painful yet comical death at the hands of showtone mascots, now do they?
Vox: *slight whimper*
Alastor: Oh cheer up, old fella. Look on the bright side! You finally succeed in making me wish I had a camera.
Alastor don't bully poor vox like that he'll overheat!!
And here's to praying that vox is skilled enough to not get killed so he can still be a part of reader's harem 🙏🙏
Maybe reader will go help him out and vox is in awe from how easily she survived and falls in love even more.
Also, love your scenarios 🥹🥹
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Feeling inspired. Wanted to get an intuitive read for you guys who feel the urgency to know what it means to see these numbers.
Whichever numbers call out to you just embrace the message. It's time to feel good about ourselves and our spirit guides wants everyone to know that we've been doing the best we can. So here is my intuitive message for the collective. I hope you enjoy!
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111 - Congratulations. You've made it passed a big chapter. In this new era, you'll be focused on prosperity, great health and great sex! Lol, jk on the sex bit. However, you will be going through growth and transformation during this next era. You'll have to choose between your priorities and what used to work in the past. Is it goals or partying? Will it be the booze or will it be the vegetables ? You decide.
Have fun with this new journey. You don't always have to go out and have fun. You can have fun journaling, making that garden, enjoying the moon when it comes out in full bloom. Spread your wings this time.
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222 - You've made it. This is a time to join new groups and go to those events you've been telling yourself you'd go too. New friends, partnerships and breaking of generational curses is a theme for this group. Be patient, be yourself, be honest, and be vulnerable.
For anyone this may apply to, trying a new sport such as basketball, football, or even hockey will bring out that motivated spirit you carry.
You've made this beautiful bed, you'll get to lie in it this time with someone you can truly adore ;)
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333 - Benefits for the ones who chose this number is celebration will be often for you. You'll be out with groups cheering away does mimomas. Having more fun with new people. New experiences awaits. Traveling will be certain for you in the future. Road trips, trips near the beach, boat rides are something i noticed for this group. Congrats!
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444 - Determination & Exploring. This is your moment. You should embrace the new physical activities awaiting you. I dont mean just working out, or trying some new sport that could possibly break your ankle. This could be for the ones who never go outside, and have been hiding all these amazing talents in the dark. Its time to break wind and show people you have a gift. Its your time.
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555 - Travel. Explore. Motion Picture. Success - You might have to go overseas if you chose this number. Maybe not a new country but a new city far from your hometown. Read more books, enjoy the scenery and explore the universe. This is your moment. Get to it!
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666 - Sensual beauty. Luxury. Go relax. You need time to get your self together. Spend time getting your nails done, get that massage. Get something you said you'd save up for but hardly ever do. Its okay, self care is important sis. Get to it.
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777 - This is a beautiful journey Im picking up for this group. You guys definitely will be on the road in the near future. Either alone or with someone new. This is a spiritual journey. It will seem magical. You have to let go and let things be, ok? Just relax. This show is for you.
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888 - Pick yourself up. You got this. Its time to go on that daily jog. If you have to force yourself to do it, please do so. Make room for the weight that your shedding off this era. It's time to build up your self esteem, your endurance and your physique. This group might of had a eating problem in the past, or maybe some health problems. This number is asking for you to choose yourself. Choose what works and leave behind what doesn't. What do you see for this new reality of yours? You decide.
This is still good news for this group, your spirit team just wants you to NOT. QUIT. To never give up. Its good because you havent, you're a tough cookie. They just want you to want more for yourself. The root chakra is significant with this group. Do more walking and writing in journals to help figure out what are some roots that need picking out. Have a blessed one!
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999 - Beginning to an end. New chapter. Congrats. You made it to the finish line darlings. Where would you like life to lead you? Would you take that bus and go on a random adventure? Go to the movies, its time to do something exciting. Do research on some new hobbies, as well as something that seems 'dangerous'. It's time to build up your stamina with a whole new life. You should try that dance class, you might come out a master in the long run ;)
I hope this helps! Have a good weekend everybody.
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knightofburgers · 3 days
(Image descriptions below the cut)
Maomao's (found) family at the Verdigris House, bidding her farewell before her journey...
1. The pathetic (but loveable) Sazen:
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2. The three princesses, each with her own flavor:
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3. The brats, who'd never do something as uncool as expressing their feelings:
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source: The Apothecary Diaries light novel 9, chapter 15 — Preparations
All the images are of white text on a black background. Following are the texts, in order:
"What do you mean, you're leaving again?! This is ridiculous! I've never heard of a court lady going so far from the court so often!" (paragraph break) This anguished objection came from the apprentice apothecary, Sazen. There were even tears in his eyes.
"Oohh, I'm worried about you! Is it too late for you to back out, Maomao?" Pairin said hugging her close.
"Here. You'll be needing this for sure. Put it on every morning, then wash your face to take it off before you go to bed." Meimei placed a ceramic vessel in Maomao's hand. Presumably it contained some sort of cream that would be good for the skin.
"They're going to take our little Maomao somewhere like that? What idiot made that decision?" demanded Joka.
a smart-alecky voice said from behind her, "Hey, Freckles!" (paragraph break) "Yeah? What, Chou-u? Maomao turned, annoyed. "You're dumb!" he shouted, and with that the smart-mouthed brat ran off. He still dragged one partially paralyzed leg, but it obviously didn't dampen his spirits. His lackey Zulin likewise stuck out her tongue at Maomao, then ran after Chou-u. (paragraph break) "What was that about?" Maomao muttered. "Chou-u misses you, Maomao," Meimei said.
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lunar-years · 1 year
hi! love your blog. I was wondering if you have any fic recs? I’m especially looking for royjamiekeely but I’m flexible :) thank you!!
Hi! I have read a lot of the R/J/K tag, and gosh, there is seriously so much incredible stuff in there. It sort of depends on what kind of vibe you're going for, but here are a few* to get you started.
Note: many of these are rated M or E, so please check the actual warnings and ratings and summaries before reading :)
Start with author inlovewithnight and literally just read everything they've ever written, it is all completely brilliant and there is something for all tastes. My personal favorites are the blood in my mouth, I wish it was mine and they threw me a whirlwind and I spat back the sea, but do be aware those are definitely darker/heavier fics and heed the tags!!! (the first has quite bit of noncon [not between RJK] and the second involves physical abuse initiated by James Sr.). For a lighter option I recommend Follow the Hearts and You Can't Go Wrong which is a lovely future R/J/K fic about the end of Jamie's career
from there move along to @valonia47 (Ao3) and @belmottetower (Ao3) and Mixtape Star (Ao3) and also read everything they've written :) I wanted to single out favorites for you but how could I when it's all so very good?
our bodies touch and the angels cry by lennynards: R/J/K that starts out with Roy & Jamie having to stay within 10 feet of each other at all times after both accidentally drinking a weird tea Jane brewed up for Beard. Yes it sounds like a completely ridiculous premise but it is one of my favorite RJK fics ever, 12/10
In Colour series by lyricl: this one feels so very true to canon and it just gets them all so right, I don't know how else to describe it. It's not a complete series though and nobody has actually gotten together as of yet, fyi. They're all far too busy having a lot of complex (& horny) feelings about each other from afar.
This might be a long shot that's not quite what you're looking for but, For Now series by Wild Wren. It's actually mostly a Roy/Keeley series, and I started reading it on a whim because I literally ran out of new things to read in the R/J/K and Jamie tags at one point, lol. Then it ended up being some of my favorite fanfic of all time. It's Roy/Keeley but like, in a not normative and also very kinky way that does a great deep dive into their respective ~issues~. Also Wild Wren had them break up even before the show had them break up, and in a much better and far more detailed way, just saying!! Part 4 is pre-ot3 in the messiest possible way. What a brilliant series, I cannot recommend it enough.
Outgrow the shoes of expectations by @destinationtoast : Brilliant on the ot3 side of it and even better on the character study of each individual within the ot3. Sooo so good. I think about it all the time.
another box with a question mark by irishmizzy: going to be completely honest when I say I don't fully remember this one, but I do know it was very funny and excellent and it is also rated T which makes it different from a lot of the others on my list, so i wanted to include!! It is in my bookmarks and I'm going to be rereading it asap now :)
something that's so close by @ohlafraise : s3 outtake that is very funny and perfect and lovely and also happens to be rated T :) also check out one night upon the shore by the same author. It's Jamie/Keeley, but don't worry Roy's there in spirit. You'll see. That one is very much not T though, lol
by any other name by renecdote: Jamie accidentally wears a Kent jersey instead of his own jersey on the pitch and the internet thinks they're dating (spoiler: they are dating). Who cares if it's not realistic because it's so hilarious and wonderful, amen.
Oh Lord, You've Never Been so in Love by asexual-fandom-queen. I literally just read this one, it's hot off the presses and it is so sexy and tender and also just gets these three so very right. the perfect anecdote to the end of s3.
Anddd of course I have to self promo a little and recommend you Waterfalls (between seasons 1&2 canon divergence), The Full Picture (s3: Jamie attempting to parent-trap RoyKeeley while avoiding his feelings for both of them) and my new one Confetti (ot3 fluff where they celebrate Phoebe's favorite holidays)
*I said I'd give a few and then proceeded to be really long about it, but like, what else is new? For that reason I've tried to stick to strictly R/J/K fics, but if you'd like Roy/Jamie or gen fic/Jamie fic recs also let me know because I could totally make a whole separate post about those, lol.
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amostexcellentblog · 9 months
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law
Step 3: Never, Ever, Let Him See You Cry
(Part 1 and Part 2)
Maverick: ...and the doctor says it's a miracle he survived at all. Jesus, it should've been me. The Darkstar was my project, I was the test pilot for all the earlier models, but I wanted him there with me, and I wanted to show that I trusted him.
Iceman: He chose this life, he knew the risks. We have to accept that Mav... But damnit it's easier said than done.
Hangman: *Shouts getting louder as he approaches* Rooster! ROOSTER! *Stops in the doorway, out of breath, still in a flight suit* Oh, Bradley... *Walks to his bedside* What.. Is he... Will he be okay?
Maverick: It's hard to say. The doctors say they've done all they can do, at this point it's largely psychological. If the spirit is willing he'll wake up within the next few days and he'll survive, get better and live out his life. But if he doesn't wake up then his body will start to shut down and eventually... They say the odds are 50/50, but I don't know.
Iceman: The thing is, even if he wakes up the doctors are sure he'll never walk again. Everything he's ever wanted, gone just like that, his career as a pilot, the navy, his engagement. How could he possibly want to wake up to all that?
Hangman: Engagement? What, you think he won't want me anymore just because he can't walk? Well tough luck Bradshaw because I ain't goin' nowhere! You tried to get out of this before during the uranium mission and I put a stop to it then too. You're never getting rid of me Bradshaw! Even if I have to steal your wheelchair and tie you to the bed! *Wipes the first tears from his eyes*
Hangman: Speaking of beds, remember we were looking at houses and I wanted that 5th floor walkup because you could see the ocean, but you wanted that 1-story bungalow because it had a yard? Well I guess you went and made that decision for me, you sneaky son of a bitch! But if you wake up, I'll forgive you. I'll even build you a ramp to the front door, and a deck out back so you can sit and enjoy that backyard you wanted so much. Course, I'll have to learn about carpentry and power tools first, but how hard can it be?
Hangman: Hmm... What else can I bribe you with? Ooh, if you wake up we'll have a fun new role playing opportunity. We can pretend we're in Coming Home and you'll be Jon Voight and I'll be Jane Fonda. Unless you wanted to try it the other way, but I don't know how well that will work... *Choked sob*
Hangman: I'm runnin' out of things to say here, Bradley. I guess the real reason you need to wake up is that I love you. I love those hick shirts you wear and the way you always have them buttoned wrong. Look like a giraffe, and I love you. I love how you can only play three songs on the piano, one of which is chopsticks, but whenever you see one you swagger over to it like you're Mozart, and I love the way you blush right up over your ears. I love you because you don't know how to kiss, always shoving your tongue down my throat like you have to map every inch of it because this might be your last chance. You jerk!
Hangman: I love you. Please wake up. I love the life we've had together, but I'm a selfish prick who wants more. Please wake up. I'll love the future life we'll make together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make you love it too... Please wake up Bradley... Please... I love you... Plea... *Breaks down in tears*
Iceman: Jake, my bubbe, when she was married back in Poland she wore a lace veil she'd commissioned from the finest lacemaker in Paris. When the war came and they had to sell everything they had to raise the funds to get out of the country, it was the only thing she kept from her old life. When her son got married, she gave it to my mother to wear as a welcome-to-the-family present. For our wedding, Maverick wore it wrapped around his arm. When you and Bradley get married, I'd like you to wear it.
Hangman: Thank you sir, I'd be honored.
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random-chaotic-bitch · 6 months
ninjago characters as things my friends and i have said
"Use Miracle Grow, it does wonders! You'll have a beard in no time!" Jay to Lloyd (prob just before the merge) (iykyk)
"People who put their crocs in sports mode are walking red flags." Cole to Zane
"I support women's rights, but I also support women's wrongs." Jay, about Nya
"Show the angles." Kai. On a daily basis.
"It's official, seagulls are the spawn of Satan." Nya, pissed that a seagull ate her sandwich (this actually happened to me... fucking beach pigeons)
"Don't die of boredom, I would hate to have to give your eulogy." "Going to your funeral would be inconvenient for my schedule." Kai and Jay to Cole
"Oh. I wasn't aware of that information." Zane
"Daddy long legs" Jay to a very confused 6'4" Zane
"Oh no not the crusaders." "Oh yes yes the crusaders." Cole and Nya
"I HAVE NEITHER THE PATIENCE OR THE CRAYONS TO DEAL WITH THIS!" Lloyd. Specifically little Lloyd (pre-tomorrow's tea)
"Do me up, I dare you!" "I'll do you up! Oh, goddammit!" Cole and Jay (while Nya is on the floor laughing)
"Find another animalistic queer identity, this one is mine." Cole, Lloyd, or Kai
"It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me." Lloyd
"I just love giving Cole anxiety attacks." Jay
"Do you think that after we physically die, a part of our soul gets trapped wherever we died?" Cole (joking about the whole ghost thing)
"I've fingered the middle!" "... Fuck you." Kai and Lloyd
"I thought charity was about giving, not bitching." Nya
"We got you two for a buy one get one deal." Cole to Nya and Kai
"You're the child, Sora is the cousin that comes and goes as she pleases, and Wyldfire is the rabid cat-like creature we found on the side of the street." Lloyd to Arin
"I have a little bit of karma in my back pocket!" Kai
"I have a joke, but if I say it, you might actually kill me." Jay to the team
"We wouldn't kill you!" Lloyd ^
"Okay then." *tells the joke* Jay ^
"... You have five seconds." Lloyd ^
"Give it back you- you rat!" Nya to Kai
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technologyculturedneo · 8 months
Kiss Of Death. Lee Jeno
"Do you want to kiss? The kiss of death."
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Pairing.Boyfriend!Jeno x Reader
Synopsis.Your relationship with Jeno has been nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that you can't kiss him. You've always been told, that one day you'll find somebody who you'll love. This person that you'll love will die at the cost of a kiss from you. Jeno's not scared and prompts you to kiss him. He tells you he has a heart of fire and will never die. You take him up on his word and for the first time since you've been in a relationship with him, you kiss him.
WC. 3k
Playlist. Are you scared? I am not slow tempo- ic3peak
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The movie ends with the main couple embracing each other with a satisfactory kiss. You can see some tongue being added and you hesitantly breathe in when you feel your boyfriend’s hand joining and merging with yours. “Let’s go,”
You nod your head, and before the credits roll up you and Jeno are already outside the movie theater. Upon getting out of the mall, you see the sky in its pitch black form, only being lit by the stars as well as the stores lighting. Jeno buys a smoothie for the both of you and asks for a little more of your time so that he can speak with you.
Walking hand in hand with your boyfriend, your heart is beating fast and you’re afraid to look at up to him as you both walk towards the empty park bench. Taking a seat and setting the drinks on the table, you drink silently not watching him.
After the movie you both watched, Kissing Booth For Us, you knew the type of talk that would come.
You and Jeno have been dating for more than 3 years, next month it’ll be 4 years. You were the perfect couple in the whole of your campus years. Even after graduating, anyone who knew you, knew that you changed the ‘bad boy’ rider into a respectable man. While Jeno was still a rider at heart and would occasionally ride his bike with his motorcycle crew aka his friends, he sacrificed a lot of himself to be with you. Of course being together for more than 3 years had it’s fair shares of ups and down, but nothing could break you apart from him. While you were a decent girl from a wealthy well-groomed family, and he was from the dark side of town and wasn’t brought up with all his needs being met, nobody thought that you'd make it this far. But despite that, you made it work.
Nothing could break you from him. Not his doubting friends, not your doubting friends, not your mother and certainly not that damned curse.
You’ve never considered yourself to be cursed, however legend has it that your family bloodline and tree is cursed. You’ve always heard the story from your grandmother, your mother and even your older sister. The story of how kissing the love of your life will lead to his death and ultimate dismay.
It’s why your family had a history with all the men who were married to any women of your clan tragically passing away in the most pain-fullest of death. Your mother and even grand mother told you that all the women in the family were born by chance. It’s crazy to think that your parents had intercourse without kissing at all. Not even one bit and not even on the cheek or hand. And when they did, instantly your fathers would die. The story had been passed down for generations and generations, and you’ve witnessed it for yourself from how after you were born your mother and father kissed just once – and the next day he passed away. You saw his spirit dead with your own eyes.
Not wanting to take that risk, not wanting to take that chance, you told yourself that you’d never fall in love. But that was all before you met Jeno.
You never thought, that you’d fall for him because of who he was. A bad boy who hardly attend his classes. Who knew that years later you’d both be engaging in dates and activities together?
“My friends keep thinking you’re cheating on me,” He starts off with a cockily smile. “With Mark,”
You grunt and shake your head in distaste. “Mark is like a cousin to me, our family's are close,” Merely because it’s the same in his case. If he kisses the woman he loves, she dies. And because of that, your families were bonded together. “Is this all because I’m not comfortable kissing you?”
“I can’t lie babe, but it’s crossed my mind one too many times.” Jeno sips on his drink. “We’ve been together for so long, and I’ve…practically sold my soul away to have this love with you, and even though you have your reasons that I’ll die and whatever, it’s starting to sound a bit suspicious,”
“Look,” He licks his lips while looking at you. “It’s not like I don’t believe you, I do… or at least I think I do, I’ve tried to because you always look scared when you talk about this, but come on Y/n. It’s been more than 3 years, I’ve given my whole life to you. I’ve…committed myself to you and I don’t believe in these fucking curses,”
"But baby, do you really want to kiss me?" Even the way he curses sounds too light and soft. "It's a kiss of death."
“What if it’s just a made up story that your family has used for decades to keep...to keep you guys dignified?” He has made this argument one too many times, and even though it’s been beginning to eat you up that what if it’s fake, you don’t want to risk it.
“Jeno,” You whimper with watery eyes. “I don’t want to lose you,”
“And you won’t babe,” Jeno ensures sitting closer to you looking hurt that you’re hurt. “Nothing will ever happen to me,”
He could live without kissing you, but he couldn’t live without being with you. And he knows he can just let it go, but with the way his friends have been eating his brain out, he can’t help but be desperate. It was just a kiss, not intercourse – and it’s the fact that he’s abstained himself for 3 years only yanking and fapping himself off to the thought of you, that it makes him all the more desperate.
“I’ll never leave you, because my heart is a heart of fire. A heart full of flames of love that never dies out for you. My fire and passion for you will never die out. Which is why, I want to take this chance.” He whispers when taking a chance to slide right next to you and look over your worried face. He takes a chance when sliding his fingers through your hair holding the back of your neck. You want to kiss him, you really do. “And what if everyone else around us is right? That we’re from two different worlds? What if…I’m not even the love of your life?” He states in whisper, giving you a light smile to allow you to trust him.
You’re hesitant when his face draws near to you and you feel his warmth. Your face gets hot and your breath begins to shake. He’s gentle when laying a hand against your neck. “It’ll be alright,”
“You sure?” You whisper out.
And just like that, Jeno’s fluffy lips meet yours in a kiss you couldn’t have imagined before, it feels like you’re drowning in it every single time his lips meet yours. Drowning in a good way. Like your soul is floating in the water of this love that you both have – and this kiss is setting your heart ablaze, it’s setting your soul on fire and nothing can stop it from being real.
And everything feels alright, even when you let out a little whimper which comes out in a moan form. His hands cup the sides of your neck and pulls you close to him before deepening the kiss as if it was something you’ve been doing your whole life.
It feels so natural that you can’t help but melt into his touch with your eyes closed but still feeling the tithe of tears overcoming in you.
The moment is intoxicating. He pulls away slowly almost reluctantly, but not too soon and kisses the tip of your nose before pulling back completely to watch your earthly beautiful face. He watches you in both amusement and adoration. “How was it?” He whispers.
With your eyes still closed, “Please, kiss me again Jeno,” You can’t handle how much you need him that you dive into his lips holding gently onto his gorgeous face. Your boyfriend is finally kissing you, you are finally kissing your boyfriend. He’s not dying and that curse all seemed to be a legend and legacy away. How could you believe whole heartedly that a kiss would kill the love of your life? How could you believe that Jeno would die from just a kiss? With the way it feels so good to physically kiss your boyfriend like this, you never ever want to let him go. Never.
He kisses you slowly at first, savoring every second of this. Finally, after 3 years of being together, you’re finally allowing yourself to open up to him to give you a kiss. You want nothing more than for it to never end. The kiss is sweet and tender all in its own way and then suddenly there’s teeth nipping at your lower lip – just like in the movie!
You pull away briefly just to smile at him as he smirks at you before diving back into another kiss.
You’ve always heard plenty about how good kissing is from your friends, but you never imagined you would experience it in real life. You think it might be better than those cheesy romcom movies because this kiss that you’re having with Jeno is not just some random kiss in a movie scene with an actor who’s acting- but it’s with you and your boyfriend of 3 years.
He tastes sweet and you have a sudden urge to kiss him some more until you’re both breathless.
Jeno doesn’t rush you or push you into anything more than just lip biting and inserting his tongue in your mouth, he allows you to relieve your inner desires on him – of always wanting to kiss him. He can see (just by how much you held onto him and kissed him) that this was seriously a big deal to you.
You really believed that he’d die.
“Perhaps I’m not your true love,”
He joked, and you shaked your head. “Stop it. I love you more than you’ll ever know. And I’m happy that you’re still here, that it was just a myth, a legend. I can almost say that I broke the curse with you,” You were happy that nothing bad happened to him, and you couldn’t wait to kiss him again and again for the rest of your days. He took you home on his motorcycle before and gave you another kiss goodbye. When you locked your door, you refrained from telling your mother or even calling your best friend.
You simply laid in bed with the biggest smile on your face.
Meanwhile as Jeno’s driving back home on his motorcycle, something unusual passes through his body.
He struggles to sit properly on his seat before blinking rapidly and almost painfully. His whole body gets tense and as common as it is for him to feel pain while riding his bike, he drives a few more streets before seeing the usual abandoned warehouse, where he and his friends have made into their mock up trial course. Shifting his gear and directing his handles towards the warehouse- he’s suddenly surged and gripped by an unknown force.
Jeno gets thrown off his motorcycle into the empty dimly lit motorcycle warehouse. He crashes onto the ground sliding past the wet floor. If it weren’t for his leather jacket he would’ve gotten road rash. Nonetheless, his whole body is intense as he struggles to stand trying to overcome the inner bearing heat that swarms all over his body. It’s hot, but it’s not the temperature or air of the warehouse that has him sweating, it’s his own body that gropes him in an intense amount of heat.
Seething through his clenched teeth Jeno can’t even see through his vision. Jeno furrows his brows in confusion as he attempts to blink, only to be met with a burning sensation. Smoke billows out from his eyes, enveloping his surroundings in a hazy cloudy view. The pain intensifies with each passing moment, leaving him desperate for relief as his eyelids fight to stay open. It’s bad enough that he feels himself burning up, but seeing the mist of smoke oozing off his body has his jaws trembling and throbbing. Grunting and fidgeting in agitation, Jeno can’t find the means to open up his eyes anymore as smoke blurs his vision entirely.
He can see the smoke literally warping out of his eyes. Struggling to get up, he manages to get onto his feet with wobbly and rigid legs. He forces his whole tight body to move forward. However, his legs strictly stiffen and unbending almost looking like he’s using all his might to trudge forward.
As Jeno continues to struggle forward, his body, slowly becomes consumed by the scorching antagonizing flames. The intense heat radiating from him intensifies, causing his skin to blister and crack, revealing the glowing embers beneath. With each step, he leaves a trail of scorch marks on the floor, his once sturdy frame now weakening and disintegrating. As the fire engulfs him, Jeno's agonizing cries merge with the crackling flames.
“God!” His body contorts leaving him falling forward on his knees with his hands out as he yells out. It starts with his hands contorting and transforming into a mere skeletal structure. The raging fire consumes his flesh and he watches as his skin dries out in ash and fades away. “No!”
With the last vestiges of humanity slipping away, Jeno in agony can only bear his soul out in pain as his skin deteriorates away leaving nothing but charred bones.
The pain finally stops.
But Jeno is in trauma of his new found skeleton hands shaking with flames fuming out. He can’t breathe. He can’t move. His skeletal form kneels amidst the blaze of flames. The fire dances around him, casting eerie shadows on the surrounding walls. The once-vibrant warehouse is now a chamber of torment, filled with the intense heat and the haunting sounds of crackling flames.
But even as his physical form diminishes, there is something undying within Jeno. A flicker of determination amidst the devastation. As his skeletal fingers reach out, he discovers an inner strength, a newfound power emanating from his very core.
With a surge of will, Jeno commands the flames to bend to his whim. The inferno responds, twisting and swirling around him in a display of unearthly power. The intense heat transforms into an aura of energy, crackling with an otherworldly intensity.
Jeno, now a being of fire and bone, steps forward, his glowing sockets fixed on the exit of the warehouse. The flames part before him, creating a path through the scorching heat. He strides forward, his skeletal frame radiating a sense of both dread and awe.
He can’t believe it.
Inside the warehouse, Renjun, one of Jeno’s closest friends peeks his head from behind one of the large metallic boxes containing the electricity. He gazes in disbelief at what he’s just witnessed the spectacle unfolding before him. Jeno, transformed into a living embodiment of fire and bones. The air around him shimmers with heat, and his presence commands both fear and reverence.
And right before Renjun’s eyes, he watches as his friends clothes begin burning in ashes and withering away, and ultimately revealing more of the bone frame structure that was once flesh and meat of Jeno’s body. The bones through the fire grow brittle and crack, and slowly they crumble and Renjun has wide eyes watching his friend break bone for bone down to the ground.
There’s nothing but a pile of bones on the ground with a skeleton head in the center as the fire burns all around the space.
Morning comes, and its Sunday. You’re sitting outside of your house with your ‘cousin’ friend, Mark, both sipping on some tea and reading a shared book. You stop reading to speak to Mark.
“I kissed Jeno yesterday.” You moderately state out. “And he didn’t die.”
The silence is deafening and you don’t look at Mark, you simply allow for the silence to continue until he’ll speak. And thankfully he does. “Well, he couldn’t have died because he was never the love of your life. Which goes onto me saying, you’re wasting your time with him, you should be focusing on your business and growing your enterprise so that you may meet ‘the one’ and begin a legacy with him.”
“A legacy of what? My children growing up without their father?”
“No, a legacy of beauty as well as old money reigning in our types of family.” Mark sets his book down to look at you. “For years, our families have had the best genes and all the wealth and success because our forefathers and mothers sacrificed and gave up their fleshly desires and cravings, so that we can have it all. For me, love is a waste, I simply want to build an empire and generation to carry out our legacy.”
“Till today, no matter how many times I hear that story, it sounds absurd every time,”
“What’s absurd is your relationship with that low life. What do you even see in him? You’re both from different worlds? He’s the darkness and you’re the light. You need to be more smart Y/n. You put us all to shame with him being in our family line.”
"So what if our world's are different? What if he's on the far end of the spectrum? What if he's darkness and I'm his light leading him to his light? Who cares about what he does? You and mum always find something to be negative about. He's tried being better of himself, but you can't see it."
"It's not that we can't see it, it's just pointless." Mark mutters.
"Even when one problem is fixed, you scurry on to look for another one? Why can't I just be happy that despite his world, which is filled with darkness, actually gives me a chance to escape from reality? To escape just for a moment. Why can't I have him? Why can't I be with him?"
Mark's eyes say it all. He's looking at you with pity, trying to understand your mind. Despite not saying anything his whole posture, facial structure, judgmental aura sips out of him. So even when he opens his lips, you're already expecting the counter back. "It's the fact that you, a well refined and sophisticated scholar, can see him, a delinquent at best, you can't even see him for who he is, and you still chose to be with him. Even despite the curse, you still want to be with him. I rest my case at this point. Do what you want. I'm not going to speak or stop you." He digresses, shifting his glasses back on his face as he turns the page of his Lumière dans le monde manuscript. You sigh.
It's not because of his reaction, bit it's because of his lack of reaction. Not only did he indirectly jab at your intelligence, but he makes it almost impossible for you to introduce Jeno to your family formally.
After standing your ground for Jeno, you’re not expecting that after an hour of driving to his house and then going to his bike workout warehouse area (because he was not at his house) to see him, that you see something else.
His friends; Renjun, Chenle, Doyoung, Taeyong, Jaemin and Donghyuck all standing and surrounding a pile of bones and a never ending burst of flames on the ground.
It’s when Renjun looks up to you, that you don’t even need him to say it.
Because the sight is so familiar yet unfamiliar.
You saw it with your father when you were a young girl, but back then, it was bones and dusts of sand all piled around the bed. The elements of the earth and what their hearts represented lays around them. While your dad was a kind man with a warm heart, his outer structure was dust as he represented Earth.
And when seeing the skull on the ground with its hollow eyes as the fire surrounds it, you can’t help but cup your mouth and cry out. That’s Jeno, and his spirit of fire that never dies out. He said it himself.
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
Fighting with Destiny
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Pairing:  Reiko x Umgadi!FemReader 
Summary: (Based on General Shao & Kitana MK1 Story endings!)
 With the reader being Umgadi, life was already complicated as they fell in love with Reiko; things only got more complicated when they all learned of the rebellion General Shao had planned, with Reiko being his second in command. Only wanting peace, the reader uses disclosed information to reach their lover, hoping to find a way to defy this nightmare of a destiny they're facing...
(Also, I might make this a series!)
Warnings: The reader is upset/confused in their heart (Otherwise! None!)
Word Count: .8k 
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Life as Umgadi was my destiny. Loyally tending to the royal family, I never questioned my life in the slightest, not till I fell in love.
Umgadi lived by strict rules, and it was the first time I did things behind the scenes, as the person I fell in love with was General Shao's second in command, Reiko.
My heart was hurting more than ever in recent days. Not only was Reiko standing alongside the general as they planned to overthrow the royal family, but even after they had been captured, their ambitions didn't die. That only made their spirit more robust and determined to fulfill their goal as they escaped prison.
I was conflicted; my love for Reiko and the Umgadi deep within me was having a brutal war in my heart.
Given all our challenges, I didn't even have the proper time to talk to Reiko. This was dangerous, but I knew where they were hiding out. Princess Kitana was planning an attack against their growing army to end this rebellion.
Using that information, knowing that it came with significant risk, I went out that night, traveling over the mountainous area, and at the peak, Reiko was already waiting.
Sitting on a rock, sharpening his dagger against a block, his eye darted over to me:
"I knew you'd show up sooner or later."
"I don't have much time, Reiko. So, please, can we-"
"Can never make time for me," He huffed, standing up and guessing correctly, "Your royal 'best friends' still don't know about me, huh?"
"Reiko, things don't have to be this way," I breathed in, trying not to cry already, "You knew that I'm Umgadi before any of this started. This alone is enough to stain the vow I made-"
"The vow you made when you were born? You only think that way because that was the way you were raised. Some life, practically being a slave," Voicing his opinion, hearing another view about the Umgadi made my heart break, those tears finally coming out, feeling so defeated.
"Why do things have to be this way?" I was shaking, hopeless, as I stared into his eyes, "Why can't we all just live in peace? Is that too much to ask for?"
Seeing that I had only pure intentions and realizing that this was too much weight to bear, he finally eased up on the bruteness, sighing as he took my hand.
"In our new rule," Referencing General Shao, bringing me into an embrace, he wiped my tears away and promised, "We will. We won't have to hide our love; you won't be told how to live your life anymore."
"My heart is telling me two different things, and it's too much," I admitted, hugging him and attempting to clear my thoughts somewhat, but just like my heart, my brain was racing with thoughts.
"I understand," He sighed, still hugging me but staring into my eyes, telling me the hard truth I was trying to avoid, "But you're going to have to make a choice, Y/N."
My heart was pounding so hard I feared it would implode, trying to search deep within my soul, needing to find an answer, regardless of whether it was right or wrong.
The longer I stared into his eyes, searching for an answer, the more tears ran down my face. After so much, he hugged me tightly, whispering to me as I clung to him:
"Look, I won't tell General Shao about this, but you'll have to make a choice soon. Just know that I love you and only want to make our dream together a reality."
That was the first time either of us professed our love with those three words, my heart acting on its own as I picked my head up, kissing him like it was the last thing I'd ever do.
Kissing back with just as much passion, it hurt to pull away, subconscious feelings leaking out and into my careful whisper:
"I think I'm finding that answer. It's complicated, but I think it'll work."
Looking down at me, curious as to what I was thinking, I couldn't afford to spend any more time there, kissing him one last time before I hugged his head tight.
"We'll get our happy ending, Reiko. I love you," That's all I wanted: a happy ending, showing that I did care, admitting with a low whisper, "And be careful. They know your movements. That's how I got here."
I knew that General Shao was the one pulling the strings, and whether Reiko was loyal to him or not, I didn't want him getting hurt, that being the only reason I told him what I knew.
"I'm not easy to kill, dear," Not wanting me to worry about his wellbeing, I only nodded, kissing his cheek before turning away, tears in my eyes again as I looked back at him.
There was so much fear in my heart that our small talk here might be our last moment together. I felt this determination from out of nowhere as I left, destined to find a way to make this work.  
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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myechoecho · 6 months
Moon in the Day, ep 14
Honestly, I really loved how they ended this. There are some minor questions that I have but nothing too important.
I suspected we'd get a bit of a flashback before dealing with So Ri Bu and it was the sweetest scene of them in the morning. We also get a bit of an extended scene from where they bought the rings. Do Ha, was expecting his father to find them. Hoping he wouldn't but suspecting he would.
In many ways, I think that the fight between Ri Bu and Do Ha is seeing which is stronger - Do Ha's love for Yeong Hwa and need to protect her vs Ri Bu's resentment and revenge now that they both have physical form.
Of course, Ri Bu tells Yeong Hwa that Do Ha will disappear if they break the curse. He also seems to be trying to convince Do Ha to let him kill Yeong Hwa or else they will be separated forever. Which shows again how much he does not understand Do Ha. If it means Yeong Hwa will be safe, and he never has to watch one of her reincarnations die, he will be at peace leaving her.
I was pleased with the tree branch stabbing death, though I'm not quite sure how that destroys him since he is a spirit but maybe Do Ha had to kill the physical body. Plus it could also be because he was already weak or maybe it was past midnight. Doesn't really matter because finally he is gone.
Their goodbye was heartbreaking - both of them. Just after destroying Ri Bu and under the tree (in a parallel to their Silla times). His love and devotion for her really knows no bounds.
Joon Oh coming back was a bit interesting. I hesitate to say it's implausible given the whole 1500 year curse, ghost and evil spirit aspect of the show. What I've come around to is that is the universe's (or maybe Do Ha's) way of saying thank you for the use of your body. The man was pretty dead and had terminal cancer, but he was given a second chance. I do like how he wasn't instantly cured but still had to go through chemo.
I also like that he had echos of Do Ha, similar to how Do Ha had some of his memories. But he was never the reincarnation of Do Ha despite being his doppleganger. Do Ha being Joon Oh seems to have matured him (plus going through chemo) because I cannot see pre Do Ha Joon Oh handling the box of trinkets or meeting Yeong Hwa that way.
I love that Joon Oh gave Yeong Hwa some closure and that they will both live their lives the best they can. The letter made me cry, but also reaffirms again that Do Ha was at peace with leaving her, though not happy about it. "But I couldn't put you in hell in which you can die at any moment. Because my only reason was to live was to protect you. Don't give up after losing me. You'll get to look back sometimes, but leave our farewell behind, and do your best to be devoted to today". As always, he wants her to live. And I think it helps that he knows he will be remembered.
I flat out adore that she had the dream of their end in Silla but makes a different choice. And he knows it's different and won't change anything just as she does. But she wants to make a different choice in her dreams so they can be together. Though they still meet a bad fate in this version of the dream.
I am beyond happy that we got a Bugasal/Sunny and Grim Reaper ending for them. It's not a coincidence that they meet in a historical setting and see the moon in the day. They are clearly connected, but without all the painful bloodshed.
This is one of my favourite shows of the year.
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princessxt · 10 days
Hiya! Can we please get a Dean Winchester and Daughter Reader fic? It can be as however long as you want.
Hiii, omg this is my fist imagine, I hope you like it🤍
You can make a request in the comments or by asking me a question!
You can see the list of who I write about here
You look like Dean Winchester in this light
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Pairing(s): Dean Winchester x Daugther!Reader
Gender: Fluffy?
Warning: None
I turn from side to side in bed, trying to fall asleep again, after waking up scared from a nightmare.
It's been a week since my life changed completely. My mother had been murdered by a spirit, my father, who my mother told me was dead, appeared saying that he hunts demons and other supernatural things with his brother. And now I'm here, in a any roadside motel with them, who are my last living relatives.
Knowing that sleep wouldn't come again, I get out of bed, feeling the cold breeze hitting my body. I put my feet in slippers and go to the dresser, grabbing a soft, warm coat. Before opening the bedroom door I see that they are 2:53 am. I leave the room and huddle inside my coat in the cold air. I close the door and go to the soda machine, taking 2 cans of Coca-Cola. I sit on the stairs and open the can of soda. I watch the cars passing by. down the dark road and I see one of them entering the motel parking lot. A couple gets out and goes to the reception, leaving a few minutes later. They go up the stairs and look at me sideways, but soon enter a room. I drink the cold liquid from the can and I think about everything that happened in the last few days, still trying to understand everything. I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice that Dean had left his room, which was next to mine.
"Did you lose sleep too?" He sits next to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't sleep again." I pick up the can of soda that was still unopened and hand it to him.
"Want to tell me how it was?" He opens the can and takes a sip. I take a deep breath and start to remember the dream.
"It was with my mother. I was in a house. It was dark and I heard her screaming, calling my name and asking for help. I tried to scream back while I opened the doors of the house looking for her. My voice wouldn't come out, and when the doors opened, the room was empty. When I finally find her, she stops screaming. I arrive too late to save her." I look at the road, avoiding eye contact with Dean. Our relationship was strange, we didn't know how to behave around each other. We could even be father and daughter, but we'd only known each other for a week, and under troubled circumstances.
"I'm sorry" He says after a few minutes, breaking the awkward silence. I just shrug.
"I know we don't know each other very well. But I want to try to do this right. I want to try to be a father. The father that I wasn't to you when you were growing up. I want to be, from now on, the father figure that I I never have. It's going to be difficult, I'm sure of that, but I'm willing to face a lot of things to have a good relationship." He speaks and I feel his gaze on me.
"My mother always said that I am a very difficult person to deal with." I finally look at him. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I looked like him. His dark blonde hair, his green eyes reminded me of mine. Sam had noticed earlier, while we were on the road in Dean's '67 Impala, that our tastes were similar. He liked classic rock. and he loved crude jokes, just like me.
"I can handle this. You'll also have to work hard to like me." He gives me a little push with his shoulder, making me laugh.
"I saw a 24-hour snack bar near here. Want to have a late-night snack?" He gets up and looks at me from above. I agree and get up too.
"I hope there's pie and cheeseburgers there" We headed towards the Impala, and got in, heading to the snack bar, which wasn't far away.
I may not have noticed, but Dean smiled the entire way, realizing that in addition to gaining a new reason to fight evil, just to ensure I have a better future, he would have the chance to do better than his father did with him and his brother, giving his all to make me happy, and putting me as a priority in his life.
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