#you're magnus bane
kasper-tag · 1 year
Since our boys suffered a devastating loss in a recent shipping tournament, I thought they deserved a second chance at winning something. Vote for your favorite!
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tyblackthornfrog · 9 months
being a tsc fan means taking any means of transportation and thinking "a portal would've been much faster"
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for the real ones: best tsc crack ship
@bookishjules tagging the queen here 👑 (we had too much fun making this lol)
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carelessflower · 8 months
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Eight times. Eight fucking times. Magnus had shown up in his dreams so much these days, each more inappropriate than the one before.
Working with Magnus had been unbearable. Although neither mentioned what happened in that fateful interview, the tension still coiled around them, choking Alec’s every breath.
Week 3 & 4 of Problemalec, prompt blackmail & casting couch, check the tags before you read Im The Powder, You're The Fuse.
tag list: @i-have-not-slept @dustandducks @magnus-the-maqnificent @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @animalecfest
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dasloddl · 2 years
anyone wanna be Goodreads friends?
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stretch up and reach through
Malec | Rated general | tw self-sacrificial behaviour
Day 21: Coughing up Blood | “You’re safe now.”
Summary: Edom’s destruction causes a bit of unbalance in the demon realms, and there are repercussions. Magnus faces them, but not alone. 
A/N: still on track for whumptober wooooo
Read it on AO3 or below the cut.
Alec turned the corner at a run, breath coming fast in his lungs. 
He was still in Alicante’s formalwear, a suit and tie that restricted his breathing and shoes that pinched his feet, and there was a cramp in his side from his headlong sprint — through the halls of Alicante’s main building and to the portal room, then through the streets of New York, never stopping for a moment longer than he had to. 
Jace’s fire message had reached him mid-meeting, and he’d left without hesitation — there’d be hurt feelings to smooth over about his abrupt departure, but getting to Magnus was paramount. 
It was barely fifteen minutes after receiving the message that Alec rounded the last corner and sprinted up the length of the alley to drop to his knees at Magnus’ side. He felt his fancy slacks tear on the ground, his knees stinging at the impact, but Magnus was more important. 
The rift above them was huge, edges glowing eerily, its edges shuddering slowly together. Alec’s active spiritum rune showed blue magic wrapping around it, constricting it, and the barrier of blue was fed by a stream of magic pouring up from Magnus. 
Magnus was on the ground, hands spread but eyes shut, the magic flowing out apparently without his volition. Alec didn’t know what was happening, but if Magnus truly wasn’t in control of the magic pouring out of him to close the rift… what happened when all his magic had been used up?
Alec slipped his hand into Magnus’, focusing on channelling his strength into Magnus. Not magic — Magnus would need to pull magic himself — but strength, the energy in his blood and in his bones, to pull Magnus back to wakefulness. If Magnus didn’t wake up, he felt with a terrible certainty that the magic would suck him dry. Magnus had to wake up. 
With a gasp, Magnus’ eyes opened, and he stared at Alec for a moment, then glanced down at their linked hands and immediately tried to jerk away. Alec didn’t let him. 
“Let go, Alec!” Magnus said, sounding panicked. “The spell will suck you dry if you’re sharing strength with me—”
“It’s going to suck you dry, isn’t it?” Alec asked. “Magnus, you can’t—”
“The power required to heal the rift is beyond my means, and well beyond the means of any other warlock,” Magnus said, cutting him off. He coughed, and Alec saw blood spatter the ground. “The spell I’ve cast will draw however much magic is necessary to heal the rift—”
“And if you don’t have enough magic for that?” Alec held Magnus’ hand tighter, even as he felt his own strength falling. 
Magnus sighed. “It’ll draw on my life force. Which is why you need to let go.” 
“You’re not allowed to sacrifice yourself like this,” Alec hissed. “I’m not going to let you—”
“It’ll kill us both.” Magnus tried to pull away again. “Alec, I can’t stop the spell, it’s going to take as much magic as it needs. Please don’t sacrifice yourself to no purpose.” 
Alec set his jaw stubbornly. “No. Use my magic as well as yours. Maybe it’ll be enough.” 
Magnus met his eyes. “Only if you promise me to let go if it’s not working. If I go unconscious again, promise me you won’t sacrifice yourself.”
“Deal.” That was the best Alec could get; all he could do now was hope. 
He felt the pull on his magic immediately, the angelic energy that powered his runes flowing out of him as Magnus drew on it. He saw a faint vein of gold twisting up the funnel of magic that was still, slowly, closing the rift — but his magic was so small, so utterly useless, compared to Magnus’ blue. Alec felt his heart sink as his desperation rose. If his magic wasn’t enough to help Magnus, if his help was insufficient—
And then the column of magic was no longer blue with a thread of gold, but an explosion of white light — a river of power that Alec watched with his mouth open as it expanded. Doubled, tripled, quadrupled in size, like a chain reaction igniting the blue barrier into pure white that shone brighter than the sun. 
Magnus gasped, staring up at the white magic swirling above them, magic that was Alec’s and Magnus’ and more than either could be alone. 
The rift shuddered closed with a sound like the crash of thunder and the white faded away as though it had never been. 
“What was that?” Alec asked. “How—”
“Your magic,” Magnus replied. “I don’t — I don’t fully understand, but somehow the angelic magic reacted with mine. They should’ve consumed each other, by all rights, but instead…” He trailed off, staring up at the sky. 
“It closed the rift,” Alec said slowly, relief rising to overwhelm him. “Without killing you. You’re safe now.”
Magnus smiled, the same relief Alec felt spreading over his face. “Yeah. We are.”
Alec kissed him like the world was ending, like they’d stopped it from ending, like the end of the world was irrelevant compared to Magnus. 
When he pulled back, Magnus’ smile had widened to something soft and infinitely warm. “I love you.”
“And I you,” Alec replied, “even when you do stupidly self-sacrificial things like this—”
“It was necessary,” Magnus huffed, and Alec knew they’d have to hash this out eventually, but that could wait until later, when they were curled up together in the loft. 
As if to underline the point, Magnus yawned and leaned more heavily into Alec. “I’m going to reinforce the knees of your pants,” he said, apropos of nothing. 
“Um. Why?” Alec asked, glancing at him with some concern. 
“You ripped them open,” Magnus replied drowsily. “Should take better care of yourself.”
Alec snorted. “You’re one to talk, love. Skinning my knees isn’t that important.”
Magnus hummed against his chest. “You take care of me, I take care of you. That’s how this thing works.” 
Perhaps that was the best way to deal with their respective and contradictory self-sacrificing tendencies. Alec pushed a bit of hair out of Magnus’ face. “Sounds good to me.”
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overheardinidris · 6 months
Aline: So, Alec, there's a rumour going around that you're dating Magnus Bane.
Alec: Rumour?
Alec: Are you telling me some people doubt it?
Aline: Where are you going?
Alec: I need to fix this. There shouldn't be any doubt.
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megachiraztfs · 8 months
Story index
Here you can find a list of my transformations series and other stories with a short summary of what they are about. If you’re curious about one and want more details or want to participate in one, just write me! I'll do my best to keep this list up to date!
Single stories
Family: A story about a poor young man living on the streets who was given a new life by fate.
Unworthy: A story about a young man who couldn't fulfill his family's exspectations and had to pay a price.
Stories from the Grave: A story about why you shouldn't listen to every voice on old graveyards.
The heir of Milton: This is a story about a faithful butler of an old English family who had earned a special promotion.
Forever Together: Being with an immortal warlock made Alec think about his own aging and how he could stop that (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
For each other: Sequel to Forever Together. Mag and Alec get a new addition to their new lifes.
Going To Hell: Robin Hood, Kilian Jones and Prince Charming start a life-changing trip to hell with some monstrous changes.
Becoming a family: This is a story about Harry Potter and his four best friends as they actually become his family (Fandom: Harry Potter).
A preference for Bolts: This is a story about a young man in Scandinavia being blessed by a certain northern god (Fandom: Marvel).
Welcom Home: This is a story about grief and the use of magic to ease that pain for Magnus Bane (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
Watch Out: This is a story about two friends who shouldn't have put on the stuff of two missing guys...
Cold As Ice: This is a story about a cloak that makes his wearer non only loose his emotions (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Love Again: This is a story about a young man who lost everything, but find the love he longed for (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Duty: This is a story about a young man getting a little bit too much into his fantasies about his favourite character (Fandom: Guild Wars 2).
Creation of Friendship: This is a story about a misunderstanding that lead to a brand new and quite thick friendship.
Spin Around: A demon's work can be quite... changing (Fandom: Supernatural).
Reuinited Love: This is a story about a forbidden love that even conquers death.
A New Prince: This is a story about Merlin and Arthur Pendragon with a magical twist (Fandom: Merlin).
New Position: For the first Harry cannot play as a seeker - and needs help for getting ready for a entirely new position (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Filling the Gap: This is a story about two best friends who would've better stay away from a magical crime scene (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Deserved: This is a story about an unlucky guy who gets dumped by his boyfriend.
Spicy Pies: This is a story about a man, lending a helping hand to an old neighbour and is rewarded for his kindness.
Twice the Thunder: This is a story about two roommates without a costumes on Halloween - beware: if you're late, you might feel the consequences (Fandom: Marvel).
The Pumpkin Field: Beware of the magical pumpkins, dear friend - they could be after you! (Fandom: Harry Potter)
Tombola: Original props are the best gift for a fan - they always go deep under your skin! (Fandom: Once Upon a Time)
Push the Buttons: Some games are made to be an experience (Fandom: Assassin's Creed)
Wishes, requests, exchanges
Life-Changing Game for soul-controller: A story about a caught-up college experience in the digital age. Let the game begin!
Learning some manners for an anonymous requester: A story about a macho man who has to learn that not everything always goes his way. With a touch of magic. Dimensional travel. And elves!
Beware of the mirror for musclebishop: As you may know, the Magic Mirror is able to grant wishes. Even those you don’t know. But don’t be rude. Sometimes even the changes are changing.
Beer Up for mcbrute: Zoro (One Piece) has lost his way again and has been invited to the jock pirates’ ship. It’s not just the beer that’s special there.
Green On Birthdays for jungwoosong: Carl really leaves no stone unturned to convince his best friend Noah to watch his favourite anime, One Piece. But it’s only with a birthday present that things get moving.
A New Look for a user on Furaffinity: What started as a pity purchase at a festival out of niceness turned out to be extremely life-changing for Nat.
The Found Jacket for a user on Furaffinity: Timothy just wanted to buy a small ball for his brother, but instead of a stall, found only a stray red jacket.
Old Rivalery for thegeneralguy: Despite unwillingness, a visit to the gym began quite differently than expected - with a very special, haunted prize from a bygone era.
The Risk of Curiosity for itsrainingdilfs: Basic rule: Don’t read out funny-sounding words from old books. You might have company sooner than you’d like.
No More Stress for transformee: In the attic of an inherited house, you can probably find some special things when cleaning up. Even a hidden old mirror.
Good old Australia for changingmen: As a reward for a good deed, a young man is given a little something from the homeland of the man he has helped. With the prospect of a beefy future.
Magnissimus for malebodyandshoeswaps: On the way to his graduation ceremony, a young man’s shoes are destroyed in a chemical accident. But with the replacement pair, he takes his first step into his new phase of life.
Happy birthday for writer-ofstuff: Stiles’ (Teen Wolf) birthday preparations for his steady boyfriend Derek are not going really well. But whether the help from his book was really the right thing to do?
Secret Santa Lottery for bizzhideaway (great story exchange 2020): After Brody had taken part in a Christmas lottery and the notification of the winnings failed to arrive, his winnings were able to surprise him in every way.
Through Your Veins for begon1: If Batman only saw that this was a trap.
Confidence for
TF Captions
A New Curse Part One and Part Two
Back to your roots
Ho, ho, ho!
Special Blanket
Himbo Hemispheres
Temple of Amor
Tempting Tapestry
Rental Conditions
What about Green?
Well-minded spirit
Something in the water
The wrong souvenir
Kinda poisoned
The perfect example
Special Edition
New clothes, new man
Shortage of staff
By the lake
Smell Like a Hero
For Transformation series click here!
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
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Okay, so I've just noticed something, and now I've got a ask...
Could it be possible for Magnus Bane - as a Warlock whose father used to be a Fallen Angel - to be able to use a stele to draw runes on Alec's body?
Because yeah, beyond the fact that Alec hasn't been seen with a flexibility rune drawn anywhere on his body before he started dating Magnus...
Unless you happen to be a contortionist, and/or have extremely hyper-mobile shoulder joints, please do me a favor and try attempting to draw or trace anything there using either your right of your left hand. See what I mean?
Once you've got that flexibility rune activated, perhaps it would be relatively comfortable to do so.
But without it?! It's like one the worst possible spots one could think of using to put it!
Jace's flexibility rune has been put somewhere stylishly practical that's easily within reach for him, at the very least.
But Alec's?!
I can only think of two explanations for this:
Magnus is the one that drew the rune there himself.
Someone else - most likely Jace - did it for him.
And I can't tell which one is my favorite!
Because, while part of me can't help but think how incredibly cool it would be for Magnus to be able to draw and activate runes on Alec's body...
I kinda love the idea that, at some point, right before Alec was going to head back to Magnus' loft, Jace just decided to grab his stele, lift Alec's shirt, and start drawing something on his left shoulder blade!
Alec: [Trying to wiggle his shoulder out of Jace's grasp, and bring his shirt back down.] Jace! What the Hell are you doing?
Jace: [Trying to force his parabatai to stand still.] Just relax and stop moving, alright?! Trust me about this, you'll thank me later!
Alec: [Reluctantly does as he's told, trying to ignore the stinging sensation.] I've still got a feeling I'm going to regret this.
Jace: [Laughs, as he finishes drawing the new rune.] Oh no, you won't! You're going to love this tonight, and so will Magnus!
Alec: WHAT?!
Jace: [Smugly pushes Alec's shirt back down, and gives him two small pats on the shoulder.] There. All done! It should have a stronger effect and last longer, too, since I'm the one that drew it!
Alec: [Turns towards his parabatai, eyeing him carefully.] Jace, what rune was that?
Jace: [Shrugs.] Flexibility. Oh! [Starts fumbling with the edge of Alec's shirt again, at the front this time, looking for something.] Where'd you put that stamina one again? I know it's around here somewhere...
Alec: [Glares incredulously at Jace but, to his own surprise and against his better judgment, doesn't attempt to stop him.] Seriously?!
Jace: [Triumphantly] Ah! There it is! [Activates the stamina rune, before letting go of Alec's shirt, stepping back, removing his own, and handing his stele to Alec.] Say, would you mind activating mine, too? I've got a group reading at the Book Club tonight that will probably end up late.
Alec: [Sighs and rolls his eyes, grabbing the stele to start activating the same runes on Jace's body.] You're impossible...
Jace: I think you mean caring, thoughtful, and the best parabatai in the whole Shadow World that's looking out for his big brother!
Alec: Uh-huh... [Still pretends to be annoyed, but there's a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he finishes to trace the stamina rune.] How large is that group reading tonight, by the way? Want me to activate the endurance and agility ones, too, while I'm at it?
Jace: [Beams back at him.] Okay, you win. You're the best parabatai.
I'm also amused at the thought of Jace or Izzy just discreetly walking behind Alec to activate that large "calm anger" rune through his clothes whenever he's having to deal with some idiot from the Clave, and they notice his patience is just about to snap!
Still, that "calm anger" be a rune that someone else drew there, and that's typically activated by another Shadowhunter, is something I can deal with just fine!
But FLEXIBIILTY?!?!?! How?! Why?! How?!
"I have a flexibility rune, but I'm not flexible enough to use it myself!"
Good job, Alec!
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Just like a small question based on that one ask, but... might the lack of brown/black men in popular M/M ships have to do with people trying really hard not to be racist so they just... never feature black/brown men? Because I know several F/F ships with brown/black women, but I can't remember a single M/M or even M/F with a black/brown male love interest... well, maybe Link/Gan or Zelda/Gan? But besides that one... nothing rings a notable bell.
There are more than that, anon, even if there aren't a lot.
If we're talking about AO3, Link/Gan has 785 works. Finnpoe has 8,636. Sam/Bucky has 10,591. Do you just not watch live action media?
Part of it is "I don't know. I just don't find them hot for some reason..."-style racism. That can shift with time and exposure but there's no instant fix even if someone is interested in changing their own tastes.
Part of it is being instantly screamed at and held to higher standards. (And yes, no matter how much people want to whine and say this isn't true, it is true, and anyone who goes ahead and writes despite the haters will tell you so.)
Part of it is fear of messing up above and beyond fear of reactions. Personally, I think this is toxic white guilt-flavor time-wasting and it's better to try and fail than not try, but it's a massive factor in what some people choose to write.
A lot of it is simply the composition of the mega-franchises that tend to generate the ships with bajillions of works. If we're looking at AO3 circles, the biggest f/f ships are not that big. If you look at m/m ships of the same size, there are some with some guy who is not white and not a pale-skinned Asian.
Here's the AO3 f/f tag where you can directly see what's big in the sidebar.
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (20389)
Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (15516)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s) (14062)
Clarke Griffin/Lexa (12661)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (11492)
Adora/Catra (She-Ra) (10855)
Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (9751)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (7913)
Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long (7205)
Korra/Asami Sato (6866)
If we exclude nonspecific tags and misplaced dudes, we add:
Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (6127)
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler (6120)
Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught (5738)
Luz Noceda and Korra have darker skin. Lana Parrilla is Latina, but is Regina Mills? This isn't exactly some paradise for the diversity you're talking about.
Here's the M/M tag:
Castiel/Dean Winchester (107699)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (68231)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (65757)
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (64761)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (59546)
Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) (48169)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (47119)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (43665)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (41631)
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (40374)
Let's exclude some things and see what we get as we head towards the 5-20k range.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (38445)
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (36025)
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn (35907)
Keith/Lance (Voltron) (31634)
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (30488)
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (29568)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) (28959)
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (28191)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (27775)
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (27193)
Well, we've got Lance. (*shudder*) He's one of the most distasteful and useless stock character types in episode one and is the reason I never bothered to touch Voltron again, but his fans are certainly loud enough about him being Latino.
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (26087)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) (26058)
Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (21900)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (21897)
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) (21296)
Original Male Character/Original Male Character (21035)
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion (20224)
James T. Kirk/Spock (18810)
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (18703)
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin (18147)
Eddie Diaz is Latino.
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (17787)
Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (16950)
Dan Howell/Phil Lester (16818)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (16229)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (16193)
Harry Potter/Severus Snape (15551)
Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich (15539)
Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (14990)
Keith/Shiro (Voltron) (14816)
Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (14780)
We've got the Taika Waititi thirsters in this cohort.
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier (14413)
Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (14209)
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (13135)
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (13016)
Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know (12962)
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (12878)
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (12817)
Loki/Thor (Marvel) (12767)
Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren (12391)
Frank Iero/Gerard Way (12146)
Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams (12050)
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (12002)
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga (11898)
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga (11352)
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin (11101)
Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (11088)
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (11083)
Loki/Tony Stark (10699)
Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Misérables) (10523)
Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin (10415)
Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (10312)
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard (10211)
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi (9950)
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne (9944)
Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee (9763)
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington (9686)
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (9625)
Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol (9471)
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9367)
Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (9359)
Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (9347)
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (9317)
Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji (9186)
Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean (8973)
Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg (8785)
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (8710)
Alhaitham/Kaveh (Genshin Impact) (8657)
Peter Parker/Tony Stark (8607)
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (8588)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson (8522)
Only here are we finally getting down to the range where a lot of the big f/f ships on AO3 hang out, and here's Sam/Bucky, which is frankly not a small pairing at all unless you only mean in comparison to Stucky.
I'll stop there for m/m since these numbers are getting pretty distorted by me filtering out everything higher up, but you get the idea. Even that wretched Old Guard fandom couldn't completely kill off its ship, though then we get into how you're defining your terms and how much actual skin tone matters.
Here's f/m on AO3:
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (32122)
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (26417)
Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s) (23498)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (23403)
Minor or Background Relationship(s) (18497)
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (18142)
Kylo Ren/Rey (15915)
James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (15200)
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (14547)
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (13843)
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (13551)
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (13145)
Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (11318)
Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (11031)
Castiel/Dean Winchester (10851)
Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (9236)
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (9152)
Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (9141)
Other Relationship Tags to Be Added (9108)
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (9046)
Bellamy Blake's actor is Filipino, isn't he? I remember race wank.
I don't see anything particularly significant until we get further down the listings, but there are definitely smaller fandoms like Leverage where everybody loves and ships the black guy.
I mean, yes, clearly, media does have a bias against darker skin, and the darker the skin, the bigger the bias. This bias may be exacerbated by fandom, but in a lot of cases, it just seems to be replicated at about the same level.
That pattern notwithstanding, it seems like you just haven't heard of a lot of ships.
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I'll confess, I did read your previous prompt but it had slipped my mind and I was not thinking of it specifically when I wrote mine. I just really like hair lore and long hair and fancy hairdos and can never get enough fics with those. So if you want to extend the previous verse or if you've got a slightly different idea and want to write that instead, I will be entirely happy either way Thanks for picking mine! I'm all excited now ~~ \(^o^)/ ~~
haha you're good. i just was trying to figure out if it was a continuation or not but here we go! new hair lore from a different verse lol
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
“And what will you need for this ritual?” Alec asks, barely looking up from where he’s bent over a screen. Because if he sees Fray with braids other than training ones, he’s going to throw something — probably her — and he wants to finish this conversation.
There is silence and Alec looks up, frown on his face because he isn’t sure why they’re stalling or why they have yet to introduce whoever they’ve brought with them.
“This is, uh Alec this is Magnus Bane.” Fray says and Alec’s eye twitches, ready to rip out the braids currently in her hair and the small little demon bone charm in it.
“Yes, I know the High Warlock of Brooklyn.” Alec allows, nodding casually to Magnus who is watching him with far more interest than he did when Alec was seven and trying to stalk him out of the Institute.  It’s been years since he’s last seen him and Magnus is only more handsome, more beautiful and Alec reminds himself that business has to come before pleasure.
“It’s a sacrifice.” Magnus allows, “nephilim hair is steeped in their grace and the price to pay for nephilim memories must of course, come from a nephilim.”
“Alright.” Alec says and when Jace gives him a surprised but pleased look he adds, “Fray, you’ll supply as much as needed.  If there is more needed, you can request volunteers though no one is obligated to help you.”
“Surely you weren’t expecting me to volunteer?” Alec asks casually as he stares Jace down. “If you and Izzy and interested in volunteering then of course I’ll allow it. If mother asks, I’ll make sure she understands it was a sacrifice for a…” his bottom lip curs into a sneer despite himself, “comrade of yours.” 
Magnus Bane is staring at him curiously, eyes incredibly intent and Alec is trying so hard not to let it affect him, even when it makes him want to stand straighter and turn, to show off the charms on his braid.
“Seriously? It’s just hair! These are my memories.” Fray tries to explain and Alec sighs, because his hair is more important to him than a stranger’s memories and he turns to Magnus.
“What are the specifics?”
“I’m not actually sure—” Magnus tells him and he seems completely at ease with the admittance. “Jocelyn Fairchild didn’t care about how they were protected, only that the memories would be nearly impossible to get.”
“My mother—”
“Shut up.” Alec says at the same time Magnus snaps his fingers and Clary goes surprisingly silent and then her face twists in outrage.  Alec snorts and ignores her, giving Jace a look that just dares him to interfere.
“A price will need to be paid to summon the demon, let alone find out what the cost will be.”
Alec sighs and looks at Clary with a frown and draws a small, ritual knife from his sleeve.  “Take off until just above the charm, that should be enough to figure out what the actual price is.” He holds it out, handle first to Clary and she crosses her arms and snorts.
“You cut your hair!” Clary spits out, the spell finally gone, “you’re the leader, aren’t you! So cut your own damn hair, Alec.” She tosses her red tangle of braids, “you’re a guy. You don’t even need long hair.”
Alec blinks and then he moves.  Clary is on the ground a moment later and he pins her there with his foot on her shoulder blades, one hand in the garish mess of braids.
“Do you want your memories back?” He asks calmly and Jace and Izzy are still, their faces pale from the moment Clary demanded he cut his hair.  The moment Clary garbles out a yes, Alec ignores anything else she adds and he cuts. 
There is a tiny chime, like a gong being shattered and Clary shudders as what little has grown of her angelic power is sheared away.  This is meant to be a sacrifice; it always is when a shadowhunter cuts their hair and Alec feels no sympathy.  The tiny demon bone charms disintegrates and he scoffs as he tosses the bundle to Magnus.
“The charm broke, it didn’t consider any of her demon kills to be valid.” Alec says mockingly, because Jace and Izzy insisted that Clary counted as bloodied even though Alec was sure it didn’t.  The charm dissolving without the connection to Clary’s core makes it clear that she’s not as strong or as capable as they keep pretending.
Clary sobs on the ground, looking up at him in horror and Alec shrugs.
He’s given Clary Fray every opportunity to learn and ask questions.
“You don’t get to pick and choose what parts of our culture you like.” Alec tells her and Magnus hums in agreement as he steps up close and the look, he’s given Alec is so hard to turn away from, but he does. “You want to be a part of our world, then you pay the prices like everyone else and you don’t get to ask others to sacrifice parts of themselves for your own vendetta.”
“Get her to the infirmary.” He tells Jace, “she’ll be fine in twenty minutes with a little adrenaline. Tell them to give her one of the weaker IV cocktails for nephilim children, she won’t be able to handle the amount an actual shadowhunter can handle.” He turns to Magnus then and swallows, “would you like to discuss the array and look over the wards in the rooms we have in our ritual rooms?”
“That would be perfect, thank you Alexander.” Magnus murmurs and he steps up next to Alec and smiles, something daring in his gaze. “Lead the way?”
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foodsies4me · 7 months
February Malec fic rec!
Thanking @kalalab for this month's theme which is enemies to lovers! The same rules still apply, about one fic per author, but all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me so! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Rumor Has It by Lecrit: A human AU which is not something I'm generally a fan of, but Lecrit just writes so well that I gobble this up anyway.
Magnus widens his eyes at him, silently asking him to just give him this one. Alec simply curves one of his stupidly perfect eyebrows in response, a simple gesture that carries the weight of a call for challenge. “Looks like you’re gonna have to postpone your wedding for now,” Maia giggles next to him. Magnus huffs, flexing his jaw. “Oh, it’s on, Lightwood,” he mouths at him.
Also, because I suck at keeping to my own rules, I'm adding a second fic rec that I maybe love just as much by Lecrit aka the way to a chef's heart. But, in my defense, both fics are great and one is about cooking and baking. I am weak when it comes to food, okay?
Anyway, summary:
After a scorching review on his restaurant in one of the world's most famous food magazines, world class chef Magnus Bane is set on finding the food critic who dared to slander his art and make him change his mind. He doesn't expect someone as stubborn or infuriating as Alec Lightwood
you're the light that i won't let go by oh-la-fraise: Another human AU as well as an Enemies to Lovers with a twist.
There were three unspoken rules to the Manhattan Institute of Higher Learning, New York’s premier private K-12 school: 1) Respect that the space under the football bleachers was for sex, and only for sex. 2) Don’t eat the cafeteria meatloaf. 3) Never mention Mr. Bane to Mr. Lightwood or vice versa, unless you wanted the whole class to get extra homework.
careless curses by @alexanderlightweight: I don't know what to say that isn't already stated in the summary except I love it when alexanderlightweight writes dark themes. (Or just writes in general).
The Lightwood family has been cursed by death for generations and now, Alec lives with death hovering over him. Sometimes life is the curse and death the reward.
Ten Not-Dates That Magnus Bane Spends Falling In Love with Alec Lightwood by Aria_Lerendeair: Magnus is hilariously done at the start of this fic.
Magnus was going to have words with the Clave. They would be decidedly unpleasant words, and they might be accompanied by a few very pointed magic blasts and maybe even curses.  They deserved it. Another Lightwood in charge of the New York Institute?
Multi-chapter fics or series:
All the Costs are Even by tsujiharu: A fic that deserves more love imo, is this Pride and Prejudice retelling. Also, I'm just now realizing that most of these are Human AU's despite me being notorious for generally not liking them, lol.
A modern day Pride and Prejudice AU, in which a disgruntled lawyer and an aloof entrepreneur can't seem to get over their pride (and prejudices?) and admit their very obvious attraction to each other.
love is a four-letter word by @la-muerta: Do la-muerta fics need to be recced? Probably not because I suspect most people have read them. Am I still going to to rec them because I love them? Yes! So here is another lovely human AU fic where first impressions maybe aren't what they seem.
Magnus knows he's one of the best editors in the business. So when the bigoted director of the publishing house he works for gives their grandson's best friend the promotion Magnus deserved to get, he decides that it's the last straw. Magnus intends to go out with a bang and take his new boss down with him — but he didn't mean for it to happen quite so literally.
Crush On You by @gospi: A FTH fic of 2023 that had me laughing at how salty Alec is about crushing on Magnus. A lot of fun.
An ancient, unsuccessful recipe for starting new relationshipsalliances: A dash of rumors. A sprinkle of heritage. A smidgen of jealousy. A dollop of chaotic disasters. A shitload of assumptions. Let it simmer. Enjoy!
My True Love Gave To Me by AlxSteele: Christmas repeats itself endlessly for Magnus and while it's annoying he does end up learning a new side from the awful baked Alec Lightwood. Surprise, he isn't all that awful.
Magnus Bane had a plan, a perfect Christmas Eve just like always. Hang out with his friends, bask in the Christmas Spirit. Then everything went wrong. Now he's stuck reliving the same day again and again and again. The bright side? Maybe Alec Lightwood isn't as terrible as Magnus always thought.
A fic that I am sure most people have already read because it is wonderful (which is the reason why I didn't add it last month even though it's a wing fic) is Fall Without Wings by @notcrypticbutcoy. It's a brilliant fic that's all.
Or: In which the Nephilim have wings, are taught to loathe Downworlders, and Alec is presented with a conundrum when Magnus Bane saves his life.
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lxmitlxss · 1 month
@strenuusvenator ╰┈➤ Magnus Bane
Tumblr media
" Who are you? You're not from here. "
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
okay, actually, the whole "warlocks' hair stops growing when they stop aging" thing that our beloved author sprang on us randomly in chain of gold makes absolutely no sense scientifically and therefore might as well be jettisoned as a weird side note that isn't actually canon. let me explain:
a) hair is cells. like everything else in our bodies, at the fundamental level, hair is cells. now, i haven't actually started salon school yet so i may be proven wrong (feel free to gently correct me) but if i'm not mistaken one of the functions of hair is jettisoning dead cells: the cells being dead is why it doesn't hurt when you cut your hair.
b) warlocks are not totally immortal. they're eternally youthful: they don't age, and can't die of ordinary human ailments, but a blade or a magical illness will have the same effect.
c) the major reason that young people look young is the rate at which you heal and spring back from things—hence, why cuts often don't scar as easily in childhood at they do when you're an adult. this healing and springing-back things includes replenishing cells, and hair growth. the rate at which you replenish cells, particularly skin cells, diminishes as you get older and that's what makes you look old.
d) the statement that warlock hair doesn't grow suggests that after they "stop aging" warlocks quit replenishing cells. if warlocks quit replenishing cells they would very quickly look really badly sunburned and really, really old.
e) magnus bane is described consistently as looking youthful and as moving like a young man and he's over four hundred years old. same with tessa and everyone else. therefore, if magnus bane still looks nineteen, he must be replenishing cells and naturally rehealing his body at the same rate that he did at nineteen.
f) tl; dr, in order to look young warlocks have to still be making new cells which means their hair will still grow
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junemermaid · 6 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. "He won't be coming back. You know that, don't you?" Xia Dong spoke behind Mu Nihuang. (Flowers in Dreamland Weather, Nirvana in Fire, Mu Nihuang x Xiao Jingyan x Mei Changsu, ot3 porn that grew a backstory)
2. This is the story: in the holy heart of the world, a heretic kneels down, and entreats the exalted dead for power. (Servant of the Spiral, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, SH/Final Fantasy X fusion)
3. On the day that is going to define the rest of his life, Alec jerks awake to the gentle chiming of his phone and proceeds to fall off the couch. (Talking With Strangers, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, university AU w/ fake marriage)
4. Magnus stepped off the coach onto the grizzled asphalt of the tiny bus station and thought, not for the first time, You're out of your head, Bane. And the next bus service out of this place is the day after tomorrow. (The Stair Into the Sea, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus (& Maia), The Novel about ghosts and lighthouses and second chances)
5. Magnus stepped out of the bathroom, clad only in a towel, anticipation prickling his throat. (the black honey of summer, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, porn with a tender D/s vibe)
6. Far across the ocean, in a kingdom whose name is lost to time, there lived a young prince. (The Underwater Heart, SH, Alec x Magnus, fairytale AU)
7. Isabelle has a problem. Like a not insignificant number of her problems, it starts with a kiss. (Bramble, SH, Clary x Isabelle, canon divergent first kiss w/ complications)
8. Magnus weaves through the crowd, a tin mug held high in each hand. Alec watches his progress as he ducks around a server with a flourish of apology, a quick, glittering smile. (From the Green Shadows, SH, Alec x Magnus, SH/The Witcher fusion)
9. Magnus collapses into the pillows with sticky, boneless satisfaction, limbs going every which way. Alec presses a damp kiss on his brow. "Be right back." (is it bright where you are, SH, Alec x Magnus, tough pillow talk)
10. On his thirtieth day as a lightkeeper, Alec woke to find a girl in the parking lot. (The Birthday of the Sea, SH, Alec & Maia, side story to The Novel)
God, I really haven't written much in the last few years. The oldest of these was posted four years ago! (The counterpoint is that I have several long-running longfics right now, which means a smaller number of stories.)
I think these show I tend to start in medias res, or else with a distinct image or line—the hook, as it were. I am also amused that two of these have Alec waking up, and a whopping four start with Magnus and some kind of movement. The two fantasy/fairytale stories pull back a bit to establish worldbuilding and backstory first.
Overall, this is a reminder to finally rewatch Shadowhunters and get serious about finishing at least some of my WIPs in that fandom. Had I but world enough and time.
Tags for: @electricshoebox, @lynne-monstr, @faejilly, @neekerbreeker, @pikkugen, @sleepsonclouds, @lightwormsiblings, @frudence, @vaynglories, @circumference-pie
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jesmalestiel · 2 months
Happy birthday @eviebane! I know I already sent this fic I wrote you on discord but I wanted to share on here too. And many thanks to @subway-stranger for being my beta on this first chapter!
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Anathema Device/Newton Pulsifer, Crowley & Anathema Device, Magnus Bane & Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley & Nina (Good Omens), Magnus Bane & Anathema Device, Magnus Bane & Anathema Device & Crowley (Good Omens), Alec Lightwood & Newton Pulsifer
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Nina (Good Omens), Maggie (Good Omens), Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Ineffable Wives | Female Aziraphale/Female Crowley (Good Omens), Minor Maggie/Nina (Good Omens), Magic is real but it doesn't work the same as in Good Omens or Shadowhunters, Title from a Hozier Song, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Crowley (Good Omens), She/Her Pronouns for Aziraphale (Good Omens), Genderfluid Crowley (Good Omens)
Antonia Crowley (just Crowley is fine, thanks) co-owns a shop on Whickber Street specialising in the occult. Nevertheless, she spends the majority of her time playing barista at Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death so that she can make eyes at the woman who owns the bookshop across the street help out her old friend Nina as a stop gap before she can hire permanent staff.
Magnus Bane is a middle child and in search of something new and exciting. For a while he's been on the search for something, but isn't sure what.
Alec and Newt are best mates and have been sharing a flat for years when they find matching jobs as booksellers at A.Z. Fell and Co. Their boss, Aziraphale, is a little awkward, but they enjoy working for her. Newt especially enjoys working on Whickber Street as he has gotten to know Anathema Device, who co-owns M.A. Device & Co. with her siblings.
One Friday night at the height of summer they get together for a friendly game night.
And that's when everything changes.
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