#you're such a queue-tie!
ur-boyfiend · 6 months
slow dancing with minho in the kitchen at 3am, both in your pajamas, both a bit loopy from lack of sleep. stepping on eachother's feet and giggling, not taking it very seriously but it doesn't matter because you're together.
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blorb-el · 2 years
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superman 308, “this planet is mine!,” 1977, script gerry conway, pencils josé luis garcía-lópez, ink frank springer, unidentified colors and letters
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sugarnsweets · 13 days
I was on the popular reblogs tag and. On a post about how isreal will not accept a ceasefire no matter what there was this reblog that I couldnt find on any other fucking reblogs on it like playing isreal out to be the victim? Is this staff rn?
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I could find no reblogs in the tags witht this addendum from the zionist.
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note: starting today, only four polls will be published per day as opposed to the previous eight! this is to keep starting polls at the same time so that i can continue queueing them rather than posting them later and later in the day :)
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cyripticchronicler · 4 months
Love Potions and Unspoken Desires - Sirius Black
A mishap with Amortentia has you and Sirius head over heels for each other. Except, your feelings are genuine. But what is his were too?
A/N: I haven't posted in forever and I'm so sorry! I've been busy with school and have been studying a lot. I'm really proud of this one shot though and I hope everyone likes it!! If there are any errors or constructive criticism you want to give please tell me <3
Warnings: Slight mentions of abuse, kissing
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The torch-lit halls guide your way as you walk towards Potions, mind racing at the mere thought of the lesson. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable, trying your best to keep your back straight. 
They slump as soon as you enter the room.
“You’re late,” Professor Slughorn announces loudly causing your cheeks to heat. Everyone's heads whipped around to face you and you prayed to Merlin the ground would swallow you up whole. 
You clear your throat so your voice doesn't come out scratchy, “Sorry, Professor. I was helping out in Transfiguration.”
He nods in dismissal and you take that as your queue to find a seat, eyes scanning the crowded room for an empty spot. Your eyes land on the only free seat next to Sirius Black and you tense.  You can barely be in the same room as him and now you're going to have to sit next to you? Merlin, you wish this day was over. 
And he looks so pretty today too. His hair was freshly washed, Gryffindor tie slung loosely around his neck, and shirt sleeves pulled up to his elbows. 
A pointed cough snaps you out of your thoughts and you hurry towards the seat, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
You’re pretty sure everyone just saw you check out Sirius Black. 
Could this day get any worse?
Turns out it could. 
You go to chuck your bag underneath the table but miss by a long shot, the bottom of your school bag hitting Sirius in the face, causing him to let out a surprised groan. Some people behind you let out a laugh and you squeeze your eyes shut, kicking your bag underneath the table and sitting in your seat. 
You barely make eye contact before you look away, muttering a hushed ‘sorry’ and attempting to catch up on the notes you missed. 
“Today we’re making Amortentia. Can someone tell me what this is?” At the lack of answers, he turns to you with a pointed look.
You raise your hand nervously. “It’s the most potent love potion. When consumed it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker towards the person who administered the potion. it does not create genuine love; rather, it amplifies preexisting feelings or creates an artificial attraction.”
“Very good. Five points to Gryffindor.”
You nod your head awkwardly and look back down at your notes. 
“Write down the ingredients and instructions and then get started. You’re going to be working with the people next to you.”
You tense up, head snapping up. Sirius chuckles next to you and you turn to face him. 
“Looks like we’re working together, Love. I’ll go get the ingredients.”
You nod your head awkwardly, too shocked to respond. Did he just call you love? Are you okay?
Your cheeks heat and you groan internally at yourself. Stop blushing you dipshit. 
Attempting to distract yourself, you make quick work of cleaning the workspace, spotting Sirius talking to James and Remus out of the corner of your eye. James smacks Sirius’ back, whispering something that causes Remus to shake his head and Sirius to grin. 
He comes back a minute later, ingredients in hand. 
“You seem to know a lot about this potion, you ever used it on someone?” He smirks teasingly causing your cheeks to flush. “No,” You mutter quietly, “I just like making potions.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, eyes searching your face. You look away quickly, his stare burning your face as you pour some ingredients into the cauldron. 
You continue the work in comfortable - for him at least- silence, working with him easier than ever. 
You were finished in no time, grinning in triumph as you tried not to breathe in the strong smell. 
“Well done you too! Grab a vile and bottle some up why don't you.” Professor Slughorn smiles, hurrying off to another table whose cauldron is smoking. 
“Good job, love. I might have to work with you more,” Sirius flirts and you jerk in surprise, hand flying back and knocking the vile that he was holding with your own, Amortentia effectively spilling over you both. 
His eyes grow dilated in seconds and you assume yours do the same, heart thumping and palms sweating as you stare up at him with heart eyes. 
“I-I'm so sorry.” You force out, too focused on how he looked at you like you hung the moon. 
“For?” He questions, seemingly in a daze. He looks down at his shirt and grins. “Right, it’s no problem, Love. You can do nothing wrong in my eyes.” He flirts and you go back to respond but are successfully cut off by James. 
“Sirius! You’re in deep shit, man.” He laughs, slapping him on the back. You track the hand, wishing it was yours instead.
Sirius doesn’t respond, too busy grinning at you. Merlin, this potion is good.
“Dear, dear.” Professor Slughorn mutters as he comes to inspect the chaos. “Right, it will wear off soon. You’re just going to be partially in love with each other for a bit.”
Sirius grins, “I am in love with her-” James cuts him off with a hand on the shoulder, dragging him towards the door. “I’ll just keep him away until the potion wears off-”
“The class isn’t over-” Professor Slughorn protests but James is already gone. You frown in disappointment, already missing Sirius. 
It was a few hours later, the potion's effects still thrumming through your blood, your infatuation for him stronger than ever. You were distracted the whole day, mind always seeming to stray away to thoughts of Sirius. How pretty he looked, how he’d let you put his hair up, maybe even braid it, how he’d smile at you. He’d probably be great in bed too- 
“You’re doing it again.” Lily mutters, face scrunched up in disgust and you groan in shame. “It’s like my feelings for him have been amplified by 100. It’s amazing but unbearable at the same time.”
She grabs your hand in comfort, grabbing the mashed potatoes with her other hand and piling them onto her plate. You’re in the Great Hall for dinner, loud chattering filling the crowded space. From just a few feet away Sirius and his friends sit and if you listen hard enough you can hear James’ obnoxious laugh. 
“I'm sure the potion will wear off soon,” Alice reassures from beside you, grinning at you in hopes of making you feel better.
You shake your head in disagreement. “It’s only been two hours and these potions can last for days.”
“We just have to keep you away from him. How hard can that be?”
Very hard, you realise, eyes widening at the sight of Sirius Black stalking towards you, encouraged by the jeering of his friends. 
“Hello, Love.” He smiles, eyes soft as he admires your face. You sigh, chin resting on your hand, too distracted by his beauty to respond. He seems too distracted by your beauty to call you out on your silence.
“Fucking hell,” Lily whispers from somewhere behind you but you pay her no mind, continuing to smile at Sirius as he does the same. 
A loud laugh from James who still sits at the table, snaps him out of his daze, “W-would you want to have breakfast with me tomorrow?”
You nod immediately, smile blinding, probably losing a few brain cells from how intensely you were nodding. 
He flashes his pearly whites, “Great! I’ll meet you in the common room at seven?” He questions and you nod, too distracted by this freckle you just spotted right underneath his eye. He doesn’t make a move to go, eyes tracing your jawline slowly. 
“Okay!” You jump at Lily’s hands on your shoulders, slowly dragging you out of the hall. “Time to say goodbye.” You and Sirius both frown. “Don’t be like that, you’ll see each other tomorrow.” She grabs your arm and waves it back and forth, “Now say bye-bye.”
“Bye,” You whisper, cheeks flushing. “Bye, Love.” He mutters back. 
“Why did today of all days be the day nothing turned out properly!” You whine, head falling in defeat onto your folded arms that rest on your dresser, abandoned mascara bottle hanging loosely in your hand. 
Lily coos softly from behind you, distracted by getting dressed. “Sweetheart, you look amazing. You’re not having a bad eyelash day and your hair looks great! Sirius is going to fall to his knees when he sees you.”
You look up from your arms slowly, meeting Lily’s eyes in the mirror, “You think?” You question hopefully. She nods. “And my eyelashes look okay?” She nods again and you smile softly. “Thank you,” You stand up, moving to get dressed. “I don’t even know why I care so much, it’s just breakfast. I swear this love potion is making me go crazy.”
“Sure, it’s the ‘love potion’ that’s making you go crazy,” Lily mutters sarcastically from behind you but you’re too busy daydreaming about Sirius’ eyes to notice. 
“Hello.” You mutter, successfully gaining Sirius’ attention as he turns to face you. He’s dressed in his uniform but he’s obviously tried to tidy it up a little bit. His usually loose tie wrapped tightly around his neck, his white t-shirt tucked into his freshly ironed slacks. “You look nice today, but-” You walk over, hand gripping his tie and losing it. “That’s better.”
You notice a faint blush on his cheeks and grin. “Thank you, love. So do you. Are you ready for breakfast?” 
You nod you both start walking to the hall together, his hand brushing yours slightly. You take in a deep breath for confidence, trying to calm your racing heart as you link your fingers through his. 
He doesn't pull away. 
You make it into the hall a few minutes later, taking a seat beside Sirius. James attempts to sit across from us but one look from Sirius sends him sitting at the end of the table beside Remus, a pout on his lips. 
“You didn't have to send him away,” You mutter, feeling bad. 
“He’ll live. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you.” Sirius states, causing you to blush. He grabs your plate, piling it with the stuff you get every morning before handing it back to you.
“How do you know what I eat for breakfast?” You question, face scrunched in confusion. Sirius pauses his movements of piling his own plate, cheeks tinted pink. “I-I guess the potion has made me more aware of what you eat.”
“Yeah, but the incident happened after breakfast yesterday.”
He shrugs, “Huh, I don’t know then.”
“Have you-”
“Do you like to read? There's this really pretty bookstore that just opened up in Hogsmeade. Maybe we can go after breakfast? Get some butter beer too?”
You decide to let it go, “Yeah, I’d love to go. I’ve been meaning to get some more books to read, too.”
He grins, eyes sparkling in delight as he stares into your eyes, “Great! It’s a date.”
“I don’t believe you!” You laugh, knocking your shoulder against Sirius’, hands linked as you make your way down the snowy path to Hogsmeade.
“It’s true!” Sirius insists, pulling you closer, nose red from the cold. He looks so pretty, you think. If only his feelings for you were true. 
“And Euphemia let you stay after that? She must have a heart of gold.” You tease playfulling, relishing in his laugh that warms your insides. 
“Oh she does, I owe her my life.” Before you can question him he’s pulling you towards The Three Broomsticks. “Now c’mon, let's get you a butterbeer before you freeze to death.”
You comply, following him into the warm building, the quiet talks of chatter greeting you as Sirius leads you to a table in the corner. 
“So,” He begins, leaning forward for suspense. “Tell me something that you’ve told no one else.”
You impulsively grab his hand, letting it warm up your cold one. He doesn't mention it as you speak, “Um, in first year I once walked in on The Grey Lady and The Bloody Baron trying to ‘get it on.’ I was too traumatized to tell anyone.”
He stares at you, shellshocked. “Well- That’s certainly not what I was expecting. Is that even possible?”
You chuckle quietly at his shocked impression, “No, actually. They kept on going through each other. It was horrible to watch.”
“Your poor eyes,” He winces in sympathy, squeezing your hand tightly. 
“It’s still engraved in my mind. It’s put me off kissing ever since.”
He freezes slightly. “So you haven't kissed anyone?” He questions quietly, eyes shining in delight. Your cheeks flush, “No.”
He takes in a breath, leaning forward and you instinctively do the same until your noses are brushing. “So if I were to kiss you right now, I’d be the first one to ever touch these precious lips?” You nod and his eyes squeeze shut. 
“Fuck.” He mutters under his breath. “Can I-”
“Here are your two butterbeers.” You jerk back at the unexpected voice, watching as Sirius does the same. “T-thank you,” You mutter to the waitress who is already gone, taking a big gulp of your butterbeer in the hope of cooling down your flushed body. 
You sit in silence until it gets too awkward for you and you attempt to start a conversation, “We’re still going to the bookstore after this, right?”
He jumps, not expecting you to speak before he breaks out into a relaxed grin. “Of course, Love. I’m not much of a reader but I know you are.”
“Oh, that’s sweet. If you don’t want to go then we can just head back-” “I want to go. I want to spend time with you.”
“Oh.” You curse internally. You’ve already said ‘Oh.’ “Thank you? Yeah, thank you.” He laughs, “Don’t thank me, love.”
You flush, “Sorry-” “And don't say sorry either.”
You nod, “Sorry- I mean, shit.” He laughs at your ramble causing your cheeks to go bright red. You attempt to turn the conversation around, “What do you mean you owe Euphemia your life?” He visibly tenses and you curse. Fucking idiot.
“You don’t have to- That was rude-” He links your fingers together, placing them on the table and successfully cutting you off. 
“It’s okay. I trust you, love.” He grins but it seems fake. “My parents and I never got along, and after I joined Gryfindor things started getting worse. Whenever they got violent I went to James and Euphemia would take care of me. My family successfully kicked me out last summer and I’ve been living with James ever since.” He falls quiet and you squeeze his hand. 
“I’m sorry-” You cut yourself off at his glare. “I hope you’re okay.”
He manages a grin, a true one this time. “I’m okay, especially with you.” He teases causing your cheeks to flush. 
“That’ll change once the potion wears off,” You attempt to joke but Sirius is silent. “Yeah…”
“Want to go check out the bookstore?” You grasp at any shred of confidence. 
Sirius practically jumps out of his seat, taking you with him. “Let’s go.”
“I had fun tonight.” You state, awkwardly standing by the steps that will lead you to your dorm. Sirius stalks closer towards you. 
“I did too,” He grins, diamonds in his eyes as he brushes your hair behind your ear before cradling your cheek gently. “Remember to tell me what you thought of that book,” He shrugs down at the book in your hand, unable to keep his eyes off you.
“Yeah. I should go…” You make no move to leave and Sirius makes no move to remove his hand from your cheek. 
“You should,” He whispers, eyes trained on your lips, swollen from how many times you’ve bitten it out of nervousness. 
And then his lips are on yours. 
And then you're kissing him back. 
And your back is against the wall, his tongue pushes into your mouth, and he’s holding your waist. You can't breathe and you're scratching your nails down his shirt-clad back until he groans against your mouth in pleasure. 
And then you’re pulling away. “Stop,” You whisper against his lips.
He stops immediately, taking a few steps away from you, “I-I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.” His lips are swollen and wet and you want nothing more than to kiss him again.
But you can't.
“No, I’m sorry.” You hide your face in your hands, back against the wall. “I-I should’ve said no to the date. I just- I wanted so badly for your feelings to be real. That you’d actually like me but it’s not fair on you. And I’m sorry.”
He looks at you like you’ve grown another head. “I do like you.”
You shake your head, “Sirius-” “I do! I’ve liked you for years. I’ve been wanting to tell you but you just make me so nervous-” “Sirius-”
“C’mon, listen to me-” “This is the potion!” 
“The potion wore off hours ago and you know it!”
You slump against the wall in defeat, legs against your chest as you look away from him. You know he’s right. The once amplified feelings you had for him are more sane and you no longer feel like you’d kill every single person who so much as looked at him the wrong way. 
“You can’t like me back. I don’t believe you.”
He crouches down in front of you, hands shaking as he reaches to touch your knee. “Why don’t you believe me, my love?” He questions, his voice much quieter than it was before.
“Because you’re Sirius Black,” You whisper like it explains everything. And it does. He’s Sirius Black, the golden boy who could have anyone he wanted.
“And you’re you. If anything I don’t deserve you. You’re smart, beautiful, way out of my league.” You open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off. “But I’m going to work every day to be the man you deserve because I want you. So badly it hurts.”
“I want you too,” You mutter shyly, you look into his eyes that still look at you like you’ve hung the moon. 
“Aw my love,” He pulls you closer, breath fanning your cheek. “You’ve had me for a long time.”
Taglist - If you want to be removed feel free to comment. I won't be offended :)
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002yb · 10 months
Jason is looking for a lighter in his pockets but he left it at home, Dick has a lighter, he lights Jason's cigarette only to take it away of Jason's lips and kiss him, Dick's kiss tastes like cherries and chocolate, he put the cigarette back in it's place and walks away, Dick's sweet lips makes the cigarette taste bitter
It starts as a stupid game between Jason and Tim. Just something dumb to do to pass the time - hidden away someplace high to avoid the crowds at whatever event the Wayne family is expected to partake in
Tim gets his hand on some small chocolates, individually wrapped, and bets Jason that he can't unwrap it before it melts from the heat of his mouth - they say you're a good kisser if you can unwrap a candy like that, y'know?
So they make a game of it. They both suck. They snicker at each others' efforts and Jason complains that the only reason he can't do it is because this game was meant to be played with sturdier treats.
Which Tim takes as a challenge because okay, let's test that.
Queue: Dick
Who joins them along the ledge of whatever building they're sat on top of. He takes the empty space between Jason and Tim, amused at how the pair of them have hidden away from their familial responsibilities and also endeared that he was invited out with them to be rebellious or whatever they're doing
But really Tim only texted him because of his damn chocolate game. Jason shoves a chocolate at Dick and tells him to unwrap it without his hands.
And Dick is confused, but then Tim clarifies by pointing to his tongue and oh - Dick laughs, sticking the chocolate into his mouth as he teases, 'you two couldn't do it?'
'Because it melts' and 'you're supposed to play with different candy,' would be the excuses, but moments later Dick pulls a flattened wrapper from his mouth and Jason and Tim are ∑(゚ロ゚〃)
And oh, oh. Dick having brought cherries with him to snack on. Because this man is starved. He gets harassed at these galas just let him snack in peace, damn.
Anyway, Dick piles on and challenges his brothers to tying a knot with the cherry stem. Same thing, but no melting so no excuses, huh?
Jason and Tim being very l: because uh oh.
But Jason is Jason and he doubles down because Dick is bluffing. Ain't no way this man can tie a damn teeny tiny cherry stem with his fucking tongue the implications would be too unfair and--
Dick does it. He plops a cherry in his mouth, stem and all. Spits out the pit and not long after - a knot. Purposefully bitten into a heart shape because Dick is a playful, ornery, cheeky little fucker.
Just this heart shaped cherry stem knot dropped right into Jason's hand and Jason flushing fucking cherry red because oh my
Can Dick tie a ring for him too or--
For real this smooth bastard just stole Jason's heart whoops
Jason and Tim taking their own cherries to try. And Tim gets halfway there, but Jason really can't do it and it's infuriating. Lots of banter and teasing before Jason huffs and spits the stem out outright (which leads to a handful of 'aw, spitters are quitters come on now,' jokes, foul fuckers) and goes for a cigarette instead.
Only no lighter. Big sad.
And it's cool, he's content to sit there with that unlit cig in his mouth since he can't have Dick's tongue down his throat what
But then Dick brings a lighter out of nowhere and having his heart stolen again aside, he's flummoxed. Why the hell does Dick have a lighter?
'It's Tim's.'
Which Tim is very ∑(゚ロ゚) about because fuck, he's been exposed
Jason laughing because 'Timothy, really? What a rebel.' And Jason takes the light, tickled at everything the night is turning out to be. Dick pickpocketing their younger brother? Tim being exposed for smoking on the down low? Wow.
Some Dick and Tim banter as Jason accepts the light and then it's chill vibes for the boys and it's sweet. It's summer, it's sunset; still too hot to be dressed to the nines like they are, so they strip down. Jackets off, shirts undone, sleeves rolled up and shoes (and some socks) tossed somewhere behind them.
It's the most relaxed Jason has been in a long time - listening to Dick and Tim shoot the shit, laughter low and pleasant and Jason is calm
Until Dick plucks the cigarette from Jason's lips and oh. fuck.
All Jason can do is marvel it - how Dick sits along the rooftop ledge bathed in gold light, smoking Jason's cigarette before passing it to Tim. The easy way he breathes out the smoke, how it dissipates in a rush at Dick's huff of laughter before Tim takes a drag of his own and hands it back.
Dick takes one more drag before looking back to a dumbfounded and awestruck Jason. The fading light of day is bright in Dick's eyes and the mirth in his smile is a wondrous thing.
He blows smoke down at where Jason still lays and oh lord Jason can smell chocolate and cherries through the smoke and he can't help but look at Dick's mouth, the curl of his lips into a devastating and damning smirk
Dick laughs a bit and replaces the cigarette back at Jason's lips
'You good, little wing?' He asks, and like fuck he is, no
Jason rolls onto his side, flushed face hidden in his hands because 'no, make an honest man out of me, jerk. fuuuuuuuck'
Because Dick really did treat Jason like a wrapped piece of chocolate, like a fucking cherry stem (tied into a heart shaped knot that Jason holds fast to his chest); he's been fucked without Dick laying a hand on him - what an unfair bastard
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ashsimpsalot · 7 days
Beedi with my cheeni (Teen!Kid X Teen!Reader)
Tw: smoking
A/n: I know this is anwar but teen dev is technically teen Kid sooooooo. Also as someone who smoked and struggle to quit DO NOT SMOKE, KIDS
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You're trying your best to uphold the "good student" reputation you have. Your eyes pinned on the class's clock as if it personally betrayed you.
It's almost time to go home, not for you though, you're supposed to go to that stupid additional classes for gifted kids.
Your eyes trailed from the clock to look at the whiteboard.
You have to focus otherwise you'd have to study all these by yourself and you just can't be bothered!
Your focus on Miss Raji was diverted once a random crumpled piece of paper spawned on your table. You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to your right, looking at the tight face of your favourite boy. You raised your eyebrows and he, with his straight face, tilted his head towards the direction of the paper.
You turned and smoothened the paper to see what's written inside.
'beedi tonight?' written in his pretty handwriting.
A small smile creeped up on you, your free hand had lifted itself to toy with the tip of your uniform's collar. You turned back at him and sticked out your tongue then turned to look at the teacher again leaving Kid confused.
After class, he trailed behind you, pulling lightly at your bag once he reached you.
"yessss, devu?" you turned around and smiled. He pushed the overwhelming feeling from his heart to his stomach, he can't let it all spill out, all that from the childhood nickname that his mom used to call him. Now only belong to your lips.
Kid looked around before looking down at you. "tonight?" he looked like a kicked puppy, how dare you give him a vague answer?
You chuckled and nodded "yea yea, just wait for me there, I'll be there." you said nonchalantly, eyes searching around the hallway before your hand roam up to his tie, chuckling and pulling his tie while leading it into one of the empty classrooms.
"cheeni..?" Kid's confused but relaxed once you held his cheeks in your hands, squished them a little before planting a kiss on his soft lips. You chuckled when you hear a small whine form him when you pulled away.
"for a tall and scary man, you're really clingy," you teased before exiting the classroom, leaving Kid confused, blushed and alone.
Usually you would walk with him back to the orphanage but because of your extra classes, he had to walk alone and simultaneously in charge walking the little ones back with him.
"Bhaiyaa!" he heard multiple high pitched voices once he walked near the primary school's bus stop. He smiled a little but not enough to be noticed unless you're squinting... Or is his girl.
Kid simply offered his hand to the assigned leader of the little people pack and he gladly took it. Creating a line of kids holding each other's hand to go back to their orphanage together lead by.. Kid.
"where's sundar didi?" mid walking, one of the kids asked, the kid asking is being carried on his shoulders because the tiny guy claimed that his feet hurt.
"hmmm didi went to a special class. It's for smart people," he explained with pride in his voice. His cheeni is a genius and he's proud.
Once they're back in the orphanage he followed the routine he's been doing for almost 7 years. Queue to bathe, eat dinner in the small dining hall, help the little ones with their homework, does his own homework, go to bed.
Well at least tonight, pretend to go to bed.
Once the care givers checked on them, he carefully creep out of the door, walking as quiet as he can and going to the abandoned building behind the orphanage, climbing onto some railing and ending up on the roof.
"boo!" you jumped out and tried to scare him. Kid looked stunned but there's no sound from him.
You let out a big laugh. "oh my God! The colour in your face dissappeared! you should've seen yourself, bandhar."
Kid's stunned face formed a small smile, he pulled you in and kissed your forehead, nose and then twice on your lips.
"you got me there," he mumbled into your hair. You chuckled, face pressed onto his chest, shamelessly sniffing his sweet scent in. Your hand roamed to his rear and pulled the small plastic packet out his pocket, only pulling away after giving his ass a little tap.
Which earning a yelp by him making you laugh slightly.
"beeediiii, where'd you get them this time?" you asked with a smile, feeling his arms wrapped around your waist, swaying you with him from left to right slowly and his smile widen.
"first years, I comfiscated them," he chuckled when you gave him a shocked look.
"ouh! The prefect is misusing his powers!" you laughed and held his hand, leading him to the blanket you'd laid down on the floor, you laid down and took of his shoes, you just smiled and waited for him. Kid laid down, head to head, he turned his head slightly to kiss at your forehead, he trailed down to kiss your nose then you lifted your head so he can access your lips.
He took out one perfectly rolled beedi from the bag and light it up, giving it a little drag before passing it to you.
You looked at it and chuckle. "I know you didn't roll this by yourself." he turned to look at you.
"why's that?"
You sit up and looked at him. "come on, baby, don't lie to me, I know you so so well, it's okay to say you can't roll."
Kid tried to act like he's offended but he himself knew that you were only telling the truth.
You smiled and took one drag and playfully blows the smoke at his face. Kid just smiled. He's got his eyes closed while your own were pinned on the moon. You sighed before decided to bite the bullet.
"you've been a little distant," you said, twirling the beedi on between your thumb and index fingers. He might be clinging to you but his kisses doesn't linger as long, his touches ate held back, it makes you crave him.
He didn't say anything but the way he sucked in a sharp breath notified you that he indeed heard you.
"why is that?" you asked, still not taking your eyes off of the bright moon.
"cheeni," he said almost annoyed that you're bringing this up.
"no tell me, what is it?" you demanded, sitting up straight to loons t him.
He sighed, finally opening his eyes and sat accros you.
"you're a smart girl... And you're not taking the scholarship because of me."
You groaned. "this again?"
"yes, this again. Do you realise the potential you're letting go?" he asked you, his face now a little desperate.
You took a drag of the beedi and shook your head. "I'm a smart girl, yes, but there's too many smart people in India, especially in the field of what's offered to me. Baby, engineering? Do you know how severely underpaid engineers are here? Why should I continue my studies into that field? Because of a scholarship?" you asked him, trying to get him to grasp your perspective.
"but the company offering the scholarship has overseas branches, I made my research," he said, fidgeting with his fingers.
"what? You want me to work outside?" you asked in disbelief. "if I knew this scholarship would bother you so much I wouldn't have joined that stupid learners program,"
He throw his arms up, his frustrations were flowing through. "see?! You're holding yourself back because of me!"
You groaned and shook your head. "I'm not! I don't want that life. I want our plan, I want you, Mumbai, I want to open that small coffee shop we've been talking about. I don't want anything else! Just a small apartment with you, a small life," you replied just as frustrated.
He was silent for a few minutes before sighing, his knees had been pulled to be against his chest. He opened his mouth. "and when the apartment gets too small? And the money gets too tight? Would you come back to this moment and regret choosing that life.. Choosing me. Because of me." his voice small and tired.
"I can't give you more, you came from more, you deserve more, you could achieve more,"
You sighed, this isn't about the scholarship.
You pulled his knees away, settling in his lap and hugging him tight.
"you stupid monkey, I told you, I don't want more. I want you," he's pressed his head on your chest, you mumbled into his curls.
"I just want you. Can you let me do that? Have you?" you asked, pulling away, carefully lifted his chin with your hand, holding the beedi away from him in fear of accidentally hurting him.
"yeah.. I'm sorry, cheeni," he mumbled, brown eyes looking up to you making you lost in its depth. You leaned down to kiss his forehead, nose then twice in his lips.
"Just you, you, understand? You," you whispered in between kisses and he nodded.
"Just us," he replied
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aziraphalalala · 8 months
My first fic is up on Ao3 THIS IS NOT A DRILL
Okay. I need to calm down. Deep breaths. I've wanted to write for the longest time. I never found the courage, or the focus for it. Then the Ineffable Divorce happened on Good Omens and something shifted in me. I joined this hellsite again. I started talking to my mutuals, and reading fanfic. I found a writing guide in a book shop in Prague, which opened my third eye. Before I knew it, I was writing, and commenting, and finding inspiration.
I have so many people to thank. So, this is kinda like an Oscars acceptance speech, except I didn't win anything, very few people care, and I am not wearing black tie right now (blanket burrito. I'm wearing a blanket burrito.)
So I am sending extra special hugs and thank yous to:
😘 @phoen1xr0se, who encouraged me to join the Ao3 queue and just start writing
😘 @keikokasugawitch-blog, who volunteered to help with editing on Ao3, and stood by ready to jump to my rescue if I fumbled it
😘 @celestialcrowley for our chats about writing, and your encouragement to post so you can read my stuff
😘 @superstitiousteven who just slid into my DMs and told me they'd like to read my fic
😘 @nerdypixel, with whom we've been able to share our love of DnD, and whose work I get to beta (and happily, I might add!)
😘 @fellshish who is an amazing writer and the sweetest person, and made the reckless promise of reading my stuff when it's up
😘 And finally, my dear @crowleyscleaninglady, with whom we just clicked straight out of the gate, immediately took a rocket ship into the next dimension, and never looked back. We're writing fic together (and hoo boy it's a steamy one!), I'm betaing her incredible Good Omens Human Thief AU fic which gets me all kinds of excited, and she's just the best.
This fandom is amazing. You're all amazing. And, if you were to read, kudo & comment on my first fic ever, I would instantly die. But I would die happy.
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ur-boyfiend · 4 months
faerie circle
-> sequel to will o' the wisp -> fae!felix x m!reader
another one that's been rotting in the drafts..... i'm so sorry lmao wc; 1.8k
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your flashlight beam disappears, though this time it's because you've turned it off, not because something is broken. the familiar lights appear, lighting a path through the underbrush. you know the way well enough, but you enjoy watching the lights as they dance around you.
you're not a faerie, but most of the creatures in the forest treat you like one, knowing you're in felix's favor. once, when walking to your apartment with a friend, a crow landed on your shoulder, and when you reached up to pet it, it dropped a sparkling necklace into your hand. it stayed on your shoulder the rest of the walk, which took some explaining when your friend inevitably asked.
you reach the clearing, always bathed in pale moonlight, even when the rest of the forest is dark. you sit down on a fallen log, pulling out a small bag of cereal and another of seeds and nuts. before long, the clearing is alive with small birds and animals.
after some time, a doe and her fawn nose their way into the clearing, and you snap a still-green stick from a small tree and peel the bark off to offer the two. the fawn takes the bark quickly, and you're able to softly pat its nose. the doe is less trusting, but eventually takes the offered treat.
you hear the sound of bells on the wind and look up as felix comes into the space. you smile, glad to see him again.
he takes a seat on the log next to you, and the small creatures that had been surrounding you direct their attention briefly to him, but quickly go back to nosing at you when they realize he doesn't have any food for them.
he looks offended by the rejection and you giggle, finding his reaction cuter than it reasonably should be.
"they like food more than you," you inform him. felix just rolls his eyes, and you rest your head on his shoulder.
"i like you more than food if that helps?"
this time felix laughs, and rests his head on top of yours, "i'll take it."
a breeze blows through the clearing and you shiver, leaning further into the boy next to you. he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you even closer. it's getting to be winter, and you know that visiting is going to become harder and harder.
you hum quietly, continuing to feed the animals clustered around your feet. the animals come and go, some staying after they've eaten in order to get affection from the two of you, others quickly leaving once they're done.
you notice there's a squirrel being bullied away from the scattered treats, and you lean forward carefully, directly offering it a piece of cereal. the small animal takes the treat, before climbing up your arm and sitting on your shoulder to eat it. felix grins at the interaction, always enjoying watching you with the animals.
eventually you scatter the last of the treats, keeping a couple pieces of cereal and a peanut for the squirrel still perched on your shoulder.
the crowd of animals disperses when they realize there's no more food to be had, but the squirrel on your shoulder stays. felix gently nudges you and you look up at him, tilting your head slightly to the side.
"it's past midnight, you should head back."
you pout slightly, this is always your least favorite part of the meetings you have, but then felix taps the tip of your nose and you can't help but smile.
he stands up and offers you a hand, pulling you to your feet when you take it. the squirrel that's been on your shoulder makes no attempt to move, and when you try to pick it up, it clings firmly to your sweatshirt. after a couple tries you give up, not wanting to injure the small animal.
you look at felix, tapping the tip of his nose the same way he'd tapped yours, and head out of the clearing. before you make it back into the woods, however, you feel him grab your arm.
turning to look at him, you're about to ask if everything's okay. before you can get the words out, you feel his lips on yours, feather light.
you're both frozen for a second, before you put a hand on the back of his neck and pull him in, smashing your lips together. you can almost taste the desperation in the kiss, but any rational thought melts away when you feel his hands tangle into your hair.
you think briefly that this might be a bad idea, but in the past your bad ideas have had good outcomes, and if this is the exception then so be it.
you break the kiss to catch your breath, reveling in the moment of pure euphoria. neither one of you makes any attempt to move away from the other, your ragged breathing the only sound filling the still night air.
"i should go..." you mumble, not moving.
"...yeah." but felix doesn't move either.
you're both scared of ending the moment you've wrapped yourselves in, not sure how you're supposed to leave after this. not sure how things might change when you come back.
without really thinking you ask, "come over?"
felix laughs slightly, making you realize you're dead serious. he seems to realize that too when you finally move, taking his hand and tugging him towards the edge of the clearing.
"i don't know if that's a good idea," he responds, and you can see sadness in his eyes.
"bad ideas are what got me here babe, what's one more?"
you'd used the petname so casually you barely noticed it, but you can see a light blush dust his cheeks.
in order to keep yourself from blushing more than you already are, you turn and pull at his hand again. this time, he follows without protest. just as you're about to leave the clearing, you feel a small weight drop onto your head. you pause, and felix laughs.
"i guess that squirrel really wants to stay with you."
as if on cue, the small animal moves from the top of your head back onto your shoulder, nudging your cheek with its nose. you smile softly, already forming a soft spot for the creature.
the will o' wisps reappear as you make your way out of the clearing and through the woods, heading in the direction of your apartment. you reach the path that cuts through the trees without much trouble, since your first visit you've gotten much better at navigating the tangled underbrush.
the lights disappear as you cross the tree line, and you smile softly. the rest of the walk to your apartment is relatively quiet, you and felix chatting softly about whatever came to mind.
your apartment block comes into sight, the units set up more like a motel than the hotel-like layouts most apartments have. you're glad that you don't have to smuggle a squirrel through hallways or into an elevator, and glad that you won't have to explain anything about having a visitor.
before you go to unlock your door, you pause at the mailbox. there's a small envelope clothespinned to it, your name scrawled on the front in familiar handwriting. you snort, already having an idea of what's inside.
you stick the envelope in your back pocket, pulling out the key to your apartment and slotting it into the lock, opening the door as soon as you hear the confirmatory click of the door unlocking.
"c'mon in," you pull felix into your apartment, your cat emerging from whatever pocket dimension cats hang out in when she hears the door open.
as you turn to close and lock the door, felix crouches down, holding out a hand for your cat to inspect.
your cat's loud, rumbling purr soon fills the space and you laugh quietly, of course she loves felix. the squirrel on your shoulder soon catches her attention, the two of them sniffing at the other. you're not sure what to do if they don't get along, but luckily enough they seem to have no issues with eachother.
you turn to look at felix again, "want anything to eat?"
he tilts his head at you, and you gesture for him to follow you into the kitchen area.
"i've got uhhhhhhh," rummaging through your cupboards you pull out a box of shortbread.
"shortbread?" you hold up the brightly colored box. the squirrel and your cat join you in the kitchen, both looking for food. you roll your eyes and hand the box of cookies to felix.
he sits on the counter, watching as you pick up your cat's food dish and fill it with a can of wet food. the squirrel is sitting next to felix, trying to grab at the shortbreads. he gives one to the small animal and smiles at it munching happily. your cat is standing at your feet yelling, and you sigh and set her food dish on the rubber placemat in the corner of the kitchen, also refilling her water dish.
once your cat is eating happily, you sit next to felix on the counter and grab for some of the shortbreads. he laughs and puts a piece in his mouth, holding it out towards you. you roll your eyes and lean forward, kissing him, and taking the cookie when he opens his mouth slightly.
he blinks a couple times, then glares at you. you just smile back, happily munching on your prize. it doesn't take long before he's smiling too, and laughs quietly.
"you asked for it!"
he rolls his eyes but doesn't argue, instead leaning his head on your shoulder and closing his eyes. you reach up to mess with his hair, reminded of dandelion fluff.
you can feel your eyelids getting heavy and you yawn, prompting felix to look at you.
"'m tired, c'mon," you hop off the counter and grab his hand, dragging him in the direction of your room. your cat follows suit, the squirrel not far behind. you gesture to your bed, covered in plushys and unmade. you're too tired to feel embarrassed. grabbing an oversized t-shirt and comfy pants you turn back to felix, now sitting on the bed, and hand them to him.
grabbing your own pjs, you duck into your bathroom to change and brush your teeth. when you return to your room felix has changed also, and is sitting on your bed again. you drop your laundry into a basket in the corner, flopping facedown onto your bed next to felix. a moment later you feel him playing with your hair.
shuffling around, you manage to lie down properly, patting the space next to you, pulling up the blankets when felix lies down. he quickly goes back to playing with your hair and you hum in contentment, starting to doze off almost immediately.
the sound of bells in the wind is the last thing you hear before slipping into a dream.
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sugarnsweets · 9 days
Has somebody ever made a collection of poems from queer people trying to explain their gender/sexuality?
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eskumii · 2 years
soft yandere!incel!izuku midoriya + darling who's a famous pro hero
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TITLE: " SHE WANT ME FR " — navi.
NOTES: literally ascended into the air mid sleep cycle to write this and it's kinda different than what i usually write so forgive me i'm feeling a little silly goofy rn ,, nsfw below the cut!! idk why this keeps not showing up in tags :( so frustrating, i reposted like three times already man edit: works now lol
PAIRING: soft yandere!incel!izuku midoriya x pro hero!reader
GENRE/AU: izuku is quirkless and works a boring office job, rookie pro hero!reader, izuku is a pervert + woman hater + literally delusional smh
CHARACTERS: izuku midoriya (20), reader (19)
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imagine incel!izuku who's obsessed with you, a promising new pro hero just barely debuting into the infancy of her career.
incel!izuku who, at first, isn't interested. you're another female pro hero, so what? he's rather partial to it; you're only really getting attention because you're a female. once everyone sees past the pretty face and nice thighs, you'll be irrelevant.
incel!izuku who falls in love after seeing one leaked picture of you pre-pro hero era, where you're makeup-less with messy hair and in pajamas. having been uploaded to one of the deep web forums he frequents, he expected an overwhelming amount of hate but, instead, everyone thinks you're even more attractive. izuku stares at the picture long and hard—actually, maybe he's beginning to see what they mean. he bookmarks it and revisits it often.
a few days later, it's his new lock screen.
incel!izuku who keeps a journal full of all the information he's gathered on you so far; from height and weight to your favorite food and color. he watches all your interviews and jots down the timestamps in which you do something cute—not that he doesn't just rewatch the whole thing later, anyway. he'll vehemently deny being a fan of yours because oh, you're not that cool, but at least you're cute! he can't possibly let people know how far into the rabbit hole he is, not a chance.
incel!izuku who begins scouring the internet, looking for erotica content about you to consume. sometimes he'll even write his own, pouring out his fetishized fantasies onto the notes app of his phone. how he'll tie you up and have his way with you—whether you want it or not—because a woman should always take responsibility for being so carelessly screwable!
he totally jacks off in a bathroom stall during break at work because he gets so turned on while scrolling through your pictures when he's supposed to be filing papers. he'll sigh in relief when he finishes all over his phone screen, which displays a picture of your face, before cleaning up his mess.
truthfully, izuku knows his growing obsession with you is unhealthy. but, but, he was the same with all might when he was a kid—there's no harm in looking up to a pro hero, is there? besides, you're a woman, so it's only natural your slutty, skin-tight pro hero outfits would give him such raging hard-ons when he doesn't want them to! aren't you ashamed of yourself, walking around in such tasteless outfits? if you were his wife, he'd never let you leave the house. ever.
incel!izuku who's such an avid fan that he collects everything that's you-themed. he buys all your limited edition merch: shirts, posters, trading cards, cups, body pillows. you don't even want to know how many he's had to replace from cutting holes in them and pretending they're you when he's horny. a huge portion of his salary now goes to catering his embarrassing addiction to you. you should be grateful for having such a loyal, loving fan, no?
as if reading his thoughts, your management team announces that you'll be having a fan meet-up. izuku is so ecstatic that he's among the first people to pre-order tickets the second they're released. he dreams about shaking your hand or even giving you a hug, and how your soft your body will feel against his. he can't wait to touch you and just be near you; he's not sure he'll be able to control himself.
when the meet-up day rolls around, izuku queues up in the line and waits his turn to meet you. he's almost trembling by the time he reaches the table where you're sitting, smiling so adorably at the little kid that's rambling to you excitedly. the sight is precious—he wants that to be his kid one day.
a few minutes later, it's his turn. izuku walks up to the table, stiff as a board, and crouches down so he's eye-level with you. he's blushing intensely and your eye contact with him is making him feel so hot. you smile at him, and he begins to feel a touch light-headed.
"hi! thanks for coming," you reach out for a handshake. "so sorry the line's so long, we didn't expect so many people to come out!"
izuku can hardly speak. unsure of what to say, he simply nods and shakily reaches out to grab your hand, the anticipation almost sending him over the edge. and when your hands do finally intertwine, he immediately and unexpectedly gets a boner. a euphoric feeling runs through his body like lightning, striking his heart as if an arrow. seeing you in person is so much better than the pictures.
as you go to pull away, you can't. his grip is so tight that you literally have to wrench your hand away. he's staring at you with such a concentrated focus that you're not sure he's blinked even once since he came up to you. you're a bit weirded out now, so you try to end the meeting quickly.
"ah, well, uhm, what's your name?" you ask hesitantly, popping the cap off your marker so you can sign a poster for him.
did you just ask for his name? his name?
"i-it's i-i-izuku midoriya!" it comes out of his mouth in a shrill tone and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to you.
"i-zu-ku... mi-do-ri-ya..." you repeat his name slowly as you sign both his name and your signature at the bottom of the poster.
each person gets five minutes with you. izuku doesn't say much. it's completely awkward for you when your questions go unanswered and you're instead being stared through with those jade green eyes of his. when five minutes is up, you wave goodbye and blow a complimentary kiss, as it's apart of your trademark. you literally couldn't wait for it to be over.
izuku doesn't take his eyes off of you until he's escorted out of the room by the staff. his heart is beating out of his chest right now; did that even really happen? did he actually touch you? it sinks in slowly but surely. he did! he touched you! your hand was so soft and fit so perfectly in his. like it was meant to be. and the way you looked at him? he resists the urge to palm himself through his jeans.
you're such a sweetheart, too. not like other low IQ women who just ignore him when he's trying to be nice to them; come on, you even asked for his name! you really are different from the rest. not to mention how good you smelled, it's a sure sign you know how to take care of yourself. he'll have to find out what perfume you use so he can spray it on his body pillows.
he just can't wait to go home and brag about it all on his online forums and the fan sites he's recently joined!
but first, the tightness in his pants is increasing to crazy levels of uncomfortable. he excuses himself to the bathroom to take care of it, still giddy from the fact he had just been face-to-face with you mere moments ago. as he unzips his pants and begins almost violently rubbing one out, he stares intently at the poster you had given him with bated breath and a gaze ripe with lust.
that's right, incel!izuku uses the hand you shook to jack off, just to cum all over the poster that you gave him. he's literally drooling as his fist is rocketing along his sensitive length, milking himself for all he's worth. shuddering in pleasure from his orgasm, he smiles dazedly at the poster of your face now slick and sticky with his semen.
what a bad girl, making him go to such lengths! making him so horny and needy with your alluring eyes and adorable smile! how dare you steal his heart and walk around looking the way you do, knowing he can't have you the way he wants. what a whore. you should be the one getting him off and making him feel good!
it's all your fault, darling. don't blame him when he breaks into your house while you're sleeping next.
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ssentimentals · 1 year
joshua + prom night
leaning on the wall, you scan the room for any of your friends and curse quietly after finding none. why of all nights you decided to be punctual tonight, arriving twenty minutes earlier to the prom? there were not many people inside but those you have seen got you feeling a bit underdressed with their full on ballroom-like looks. you look down at your dress, self-consciously tugging at the material of it, smoothing down non-existent wrinkles.
'people here have an awfully bad taste.'
startled, you turn your head to find joshua standing next to you, looking immaculate in his three piece dark blue suit. his hollywood movie star charms always made you go weak in the knees but seeing him now in that suit makes your heart drop somewhere to the bottom of your stomach, awakening all of the butterflies. he sends you one of those gentle smiles that win girls over in a second, but being too jittery with nerves, you only offer a tight-lipped smile in return. 'yes, they outdid it with all that glitter.'
he chuckles at that. 'i was not talking about the decorations.'
'oh, you meant the food then? i haven’t tried anything yet, is it really that bad?'
this time joshua fully laughs, throwing his head back. you stare at him in confusion because you haven’t said anything remotely funny to get this kind of reaction and also because you are not exactly friends; joshua gets along with everyone but you two never really interacted outside of the class. 'i meant, they have an awfully bad taste because no one is asking you to dance with them.'
'oh, i see.' you nod, feeling very awkward. joshua is staring at you expectantly and you raise your eyebrow, really feeling super out of your element. 'um..yes?'
joshua blinks and his mouth first opens and then closes. he looks at you in such disbelief that your self-consciousness doubles, making you want to hide somewhere. 'i-you-' he sputters and then shakes his head, chuckling. 'that was a compliment.'
'what was?' you ask, horrified that you missed a compliment from him. you gape at him and he stays silent, letting you repeat the conversation one more time so you could realize — 'oh. oh my god. that was the compliment?'
'and my rather poor attempt at flirting as well,' joshua says, laughing in an a bit awkward way. 'guess it wasn’t as good as it sounded in my head.'
'no-no, it was great, it’s me who didn’t get it!' you rush to explain, not wanting him to feel bad. 'i’m a bit slow.'
'slow?' joshua repeats, smiling. 'so you like slow dancing?' 
you blink at him, registering his words. this time it’s you who opens your mouth and then closes it, unsure of what to say. joshua grimaces, tugging at his tie nervously. 'was it very bad?' you nod and he sighs in dejection, making it very hard for you not to laugh. 'sorry.'
weirdly enough this exchange loosened you up a bit and you stand in front of him more relaxed. 'it’s okay, i’m also bad at these kind of things.'
joshua, noticing the change in your body language, also relaxes, taking one step towards you. 'what kind of things?'
'flirting,' you blurt out and then gasp, turning to him. 'not like- i mean, not like what you said was flirting, i just—'
'it was,' joshua interrupts, successfully saving you from embarrassing yourself. 'it was flirting. but with no luck again.' he sounds a tad bit self-depreciative. 'i swear, when i say them in my head, they sound so much better.'
not knowing what to say, you just stare at him helplessly. in the back of your mind you're praying for any of your friends to arrive but you also kind of want to prolong this moment because when again you will have joshua this close to you? you open your mouth and quickly close it when joshua takes one step back and offers you a hand. 'i guess direct approach works best. i think you look breathtaking tonight and i am not sure what's wrong with others and why there's no queue here to dance with you, but it all works in my favor. will you give me the honor of having your first dance?'
trembling, you carefully slide your hand in his. there are thousand of butterflies in your throat, making it hard for words to come out but you still somehow manage: 'i never thought someone phrased it like that still. like having the first dance is..an honor.'
joshua smiles and lovingly cradles your hand in his, taking one step closer. 'it is an honor.' he says with conviction and you can see in his eyes that he means it.
you squeeze his hand back, gulping and pushing all butterflies back where they belong. 'then you have that honor, mr.hong. for all dances.'
the look joshua gives you at this makes you burn up. 'you won't regret it.'
when he leads you to the dance floor with one hand squeezing yours and another one placed securely on your back, exuding confidence and power, you think - no, you know that you won't regret it.
a/n: coming back to you with joshua imagine, hope you like it! check out my other works here - nini
tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @smalliechelle (let me know if you want to be added!)
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tallulah477 · 8 months
what are your spider hcs
Ooooooh such a good question!
Miles "Spider" Socorro Headcanons:
When Spider was younger he used to tie a piece of rope to the back of his loincloth to imitate a tail so he could feel like he fit in with the other Na'vi kids
He doesn't have a queue so he can't connect to the Spirit Tree, but he used to touch a chunk of hair to tree trunks as his way of connecting to The Great Mother
He stopped with the rope attached to his loincloth bit when Lo'ak caught the end of his "tail", pulled too hard, and accidentally gave him a super wedgie
He still does the hair thing sometimes though - just the act of doing it alone makes him feel much more connected to Eywa
Norm showed him Tarzan when he was younger and it became his all time favorite movie
He can relate to the character so well, a human child raised by a completely different species but he feels more at home with that other species than his own
He also likes to do the Tarzan yell when he's swinging through trees or jumping onto someone's back for a surprise attack
He's the biggest jokester ever and he loves to make people laugh, especially when they're feeling kinda low
He hates to see people upset
But he also loves to give compliments - even the smallest of "that basket you're weaving looks really good" or "This steamed meat is great, thanks!"
He's always felt like an outcast and been treated like he's no good by Neytiri and the other Na'vi, and he never wants anyone (especially the people he cares about) to feel like they aren't loved or good enough
He's also like the best singer ever? His voice is amazing - so smooth and soft and his favorite song to sing is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
He likes to throw people off though and start singing the most raunchy, sexual song he can, but in the sweetest, most romantic voice ever and everyone just pauses after a minute like "wait, wtf is he singing?" cause it sounded like a romantic ballad but he definitely just said "Put this pussy right in yo' face, swipe your nose like a credit card,"
Speaking of pussy, this man is the KING of Pussy Eating and he KNOWS it
He will eat you out within an inch of your life and you've thought you've died and gone to see Eywa
He's got that human tongue and even know the Na'vi are basically superior in every way, and their textured tongues must feel so fucking good literally anywhere, you can't deny that Spider's tongue is all soft and wet and silky and feels like heaven sliding along your clit
He's also 1000% an ass man! How can he not be? He's super tall, sure, but he's still a human and his head is basically right there all the time anyway
Plus he loves tails - he loves pulling on them playfully and knows that the base of the tail can be really sensitive and an erogenous zone when you stroke it
He's hung - he's so tall and huge for a human already so why wouldn't he be just as impressive down there too?
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softevnstan · 1 year
.+°🩰🍂👁️🫀🤎 Welcome, Enjoy Your Stay 🤎🫀👁️🍂🩰°+.
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Hello, my name is Silas and I use they/them pronouns. This is an 18+ blog. Minors DNI.
[requests - open] | [ao3] [random prompt event] | [random prompt event masterlist] | [moodboards]
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· This is a side blog for writing (and whatever else I feel like posting). Any follows/likes/replies/comments/asks do not come from this account; They come from @ftandy. · This is mainly a blog for bucky barnes and matt murdock, but I'll also post other things. · Feel free to send me asks about anything. If you send in a request it may take some time before I get to it, but know most likely I still plan on writing it. For asks that aren't requests, I might not answer them immediately, but just be patient, please. thanks! · DNI if you're a racist, islamphobe, transphobe, homophobe, or just in general a dickhead. my blog is meant to be a safe place in that regard. · This is a zero-tolerance zone for drama. don't like my pairings? this blog isn't for you. don't like the subjects i write? this blog isn't for you. don't like my take on characters? this blog isn't for you. please just block me, i won't take it personal. · I'm not a consistent writer by any means and have no update schedule as i write as a personal hobby. thanks for hanging around :) · my timezone is AKDT. my posts are infrequent and i attend college in the day. my posts typically run on a queue.
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IMPORTANT: to see my posts, change your community labels.
Angst = ❤︎ | Fluff = ✿︎ | Smut = ⚠︎︎ (minors DNI please) | Dark themes = ☾ | Personal fave = ☆
✞ It Feels Like Home ❤︎✿︎☾⚠︎︎ ↳ Bucky comes into your office one day looking for a new therapist when Raynor isn't working out.
✞ Kiss Me ✿︎ ↳ Your childhood best friend, Steve, needs help learning how to kiss. You have experience.
✞ The Devil Wears A Suit And Tie ↳ They haven't seen each other since college, AND now Bucky and Matt are fighting for the opposing sides.
✞ Everything Can & Will Go Wrong ⚠︎︎❤︎✿︎ ↳ TJ is about to go into heat; Meanwhile, he's stuck in a hotel in San Francisco on a layover with his mother's handpicked chaperone - Andy Barber.
✞ Slice Of Heaven ⚠︎︎✿︎ ↳ After a date night out with Bucky as you explore your new relationship, you unintentionally wind up taking your makeout session a little too far. Quickly you learn it's been far too long since Bucky has had a partner.
✞ Sleep, I'll Protect You From The Nightmares ✿︎❤︎ ↳ You're awoken by a sinister nightmare that leaves you rattled; Matt is there to comfort you and remind you you'll never go through anything alone.
✞ Linen & Thongs ⚠︎︎☾ ↳ After doing Bucky's laundry for him as a means of thanks, you decide to take it back to his apartment for him. What you're not ready for is Bucky's early return, along with being subjected to some of his pent-up thoughts and feelings.
✞ Strawberry Cream ✿︎⚠︎︎ ↳ For valentine's day, Bucky brings you a bowl of whipped cream and strawberries. With a game proposition, you very quickly come to learn you're hungry for a different type of cream. May the best player win.
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mdhwrites · 7 months
Boscha Ask: If people like seeing bullies slowly not be jerks, why not allow Boscha to have an arc? It could have been really compelling.
(I accidentally posted this ask when I meant to queue it. Wanted to post it later so sorry the full ask isn't here. I've included the main thrust and relevant parts of the ask for my response.) You're absolutely right that it can be extremely satisfying and worthwhile to watch a bully become a better person. To see them let their guard down and see the worth in others. For them to go from defensive and worried about any weakness to being able to open up.
TOH had one of those already and her name was Amity and we all saw how that worked out right? And she was a genuine, primary member of the cast. THAT'S why I argue that the show in S2 actually used Boscha well. She appeared for a couple gags when it was the right time to do so and otherwise vanished. Her role was after all as a small time antagonist and a marker for Amity's progression. She is not Sasha who has a deep, personal tie to both Anne and who Anne was before Amphibia and that is the point of her existence. That's why I say that after Winging it Like Witches, she has no reason to be here anymore because Amity is past Boscha, past most of Hexide, and this ISN'T Amity's story.
Or hell, how about a different character who after their main narrative use was up decided to stick around, albeit briefly: Lilith. She got mistreated AWFULLY by the show because she got in the way of Hunter's narrative purpose. She couldn't continue to be a character for the sake of the new villain. She could only be a joke. And while Boscha is just the romantic interest's old bestie, this is arguably the second main character of the show's SISTER and the PRIMARY ANTAGONIST of the first season.
Just covering a proper redemption for Amity and letting the fallout of S1 actually have an effect on the show, including what should have been Lilith's rage at Belos, could have easily taken up the main plot of at least half a season. Hell, in the show we got, Lumity IS the focus effectively for S2A plotwise with how little movement is in that half season. S1 sets up threads with just those two, ignoring Eda, Luz and Hunter, that are connected to the world building and drama of the world and plot itself that evaluating it... Making someone who is almost a one off in S1 and a supporting member of a supporting cast member seemed like the wrong move to me even when I was writing her before S2 came out.
And here's the ultimate rub: I AGREE. There IS a story there. I wrote a fuck ton of it with The Power of Love. Little Miss Rich Witch flips main character's perspective over to Amity, not Luz, and makes it her story in an original context. And do you know the part of TOH's identity that story focuses primarily on? The school drama, where a school bully can be a primary, ongoing member of the cast. TOH wants instead to have a plot that's grand fantasy and that's NOT where Boscha lies, even if she would have made sense as a member of the EC eventually.
Which, tangent, for as much fun as Sport in a Storm's scene is with her, I did one off for it at one point, it also creates the problem that Boscha didn't see Hunter and try to sign up for the EC despite having no reason to not want the power that would give her.
The problem with your position is a problem with a part of modern ship culture. You love a character so OF COURSE including them as a main character would have been great for the story overall because you'd get more of them. But... Is that actually true? I love Boscha. I think she had a lot of narrative potential that was never tapped into but that was for the best because this isn't a romantic school drama.
It's an adventure, fantasy comedy and the fact that we got Boscha at all out of that is almost condemnatory of the series as much as it is praising it. Sorry.
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avatarrecom · 8 months
Day 6: Blindfold
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 800
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. God, the local church confession booth definitely hates me.
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch He’d go feral if you let him blindfold you. “Darlin, I'm gonna cover your eyes with a blindfold, but don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just trust me, alright?” You give him the green light and he ties the blindfold on, while his feather gently brushes against your skin, making your senses go wild. With each touch and kiss, you can't help but moan louder. He’d treat you like a total goddess, worshiping every inch of you.
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet Honestly, I think he's into being the one who gets blindfolded (and tied up). He finds it cute and sexy when you take control. Even though he could easily break free, he stays put and follows your every command. Every touch sends him into a frenzy and he's always begging for more. He even calls out your name in a desperate voice. When you're on top of him, he can't get enough and he finishes quickly. And when you tug on his queue just a little bit, he lets out the cutest whimper that makes you feel powerful.
🍬 Recom Z-dog To her, blindfolds are totally cool, and she's actually really into them. She gets a kick out of seeing you wiggle around when you can't see anything, 'cause it makes all your other senses go into overdrive. She loves it when you don’t know where she’s gonna touch you next. She definitely keeps extremely quiet so she can see you jump when she suddenly whispers in her ears, while you thought the was somewhere else.
🥽 Recom Walker She's not really into anything too rough, but she loves messing around with different sensations. Especially when she blindfolds you and your senses go into overdrive. She's all about experimenting with temperatures, and one of her faves is wax play. She just loves how it looks on your skin. And the best part is according to her? You never know what she's gonna do next!
😎 Recom Mansk I think Mansk isn’t into blindfolding, He’d want to see the pleasure in your eyes when he’s absolutely destroying your pussy. He’d want to see the tears leak out of your eyes when you’re overstimulated. Maybe he’d try it a few times, but he still prefers to see your pretty face when he fucks you.
🧯 Recom Prager I have a feeling that he’s only into blindfolding you when you had a rough time. If you’re a soldier, then maybe because of a mission, or because of the hunt on Jake. If you’re a scientist, it might be when he returns from a long mission and you two haven’t seen eachother in a long time. He’d definitely use his bandana to blindfold you tho. But a clean one (I just know that he has dozens, sometimes he also uses them to tie you up), He doesn’t want his dirty, sweaty bandana touching your beautiful face. When you’re blindfolded, he would worship your body like you’re an extra celestial being. He’s such a sweet baby, he just wants you to feel better.
⚕️ Recom Ja He would be okay with blindfolding, but only if you ask for it and even then he hesitates. He definitely wouldn’t suggest it himself. I feel like he doesn’t like having one of his senses cut off and he wouldn’t like it for you either. He would only do it to please you when you’ve had a rough or stressful time.
🧢 Recom Brown He's into blindfolds, for both of you. He thinks it's super sexy how it makes your senses go wild and makes you more sensitive. Usually, he pairs it with temperature play - ice and wax. The different sensations drive him crazy and he loves hearing your little gasps and whimpers. But he’ll only do blindfolded temperature play on you, not himself. 
📿 Recom Lopez Definitely into blindfolding. Loves to lightly trail his fingers and lips over your body and surprising you where he’s touching you next. He would tie your hands too, so you can’t use them to sneakily find out where he is. I feel like he definitely has a collection of blindfolds, to use in different situations and on different people. He would be okay with being blindfolded, but not often. The moment he takes a step back and sees you with the silky blindfold over your eyes, he has an instant hardon.
⛓️ Recom Fike Blindfolds is something he never thought he'd be into, but when you mentioned it, he got all excited in his gut. He's totally into using them on you and having you use them on him. He will decide on some rules with you and when you’re the one who is blindfolded he’ll constantly ask you if you’re okay. He won’t do anything extreme, he’s too anxious that he’s doing something wrong and he can’t see the emotions in your eyes.
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