#you're uncomfortable over certain content? then filter it out
greenapplebling · 1 year
Not someone telling me that I'm "surely a proshipper" when I commented people should stop policing what others can like or dislike and stop dismissing people as "disgusting" and "stupid" for not thinking the same way they do
The kicker? The ship in question that I commented about wasn't incest, selfcest nor pedo. No no, it was about 2 guys with a complicated love-hate relationship
So, fellas, is it proship to like a ship with the enemies to lovers trope?
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impale-me-radio-daddy · 4 months
The Lookalike (Epilogue, Acknowledgments and Requests)
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☒ Summary: The first thing you remembered after your death was an argument. “No, this isn’t one of my fucking sluts.” The man behind you exhaled, frustrated. “This is a present for you. Something to help you work through your Alastor fixation.” You awakened in Hell as the near-spitting image of a certain infamous radio host. Unfortunately for you, you immediately fell into the clutches of his nemesis, before stumbling into the arms of the Radio Demon himself. A whole lot of fucking later, you became the catalyst for something resembling a reconciliation, and now you're back in the TV Demon's private quarters with both Vox and Alastor, hung over and sore. 
☒ Warnings: hermaphrodite!reader, deer!reader, they/them pronouns used, explicit sexual content, Vox X reader, Alastor X reader, Vox X Alastor, reader is in Hell for a reason, Valentino, canon typical scenarios.
☒ Series Links: Now completed! Part I Part2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6 BONUS SCENE Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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The thing about Hell was that your internal body clock woke you after only a couple hours of sleep, just enough of the alcohol out of your system that your head throbbed and the rich bittersweet taste of last night’s whiskey had been transmuted with the alchemy of the morning after, the interior of your mouth now tasting of rancid orange peel and dirt. You lay splayed across the couch, Alastor’s tailcoat covering your nakedness, its red unmarred by the blood it had soaked up, your head in Alastor’s lap, your hooves in Vox’s lap.
Consciousness brought with it the awareness of the various injuries you had acquired, the fullness of your bladder, and the generalized muscular ache that was probably from all the wall-climbing you’d done. You were also filthy, your whole body faintly sticky like a budding rhododendron. You moved to get up, but found Alastor’s arm around you.
“-very dear to me,” mumbled Alastor, the radio filter almost entirely missing from his hoarse, sleepy voice, and his claws wrapped around your shoulder, hard.
“Darling. I have to piss,” you croaked, stroking Alastor’s fingers, and he gave a noise of irritation, his red eyes opening a fraction, but his grip loosened and you pulled yourself free.
Brushing away Alastor’s shadow’s hand as it snagged at your hoof, you staggered naked across Vox’s small living space, to where you remembered the bathroom to be, and took a piss that felt like it lasted at least a minute and a half, your head throbbing all the while. The things that Vox had brought for you during your short stay were still there; the little blue toothbrush, the showercap with room for your ears, the robe.
You brushed your teeth, drank several cups of water from the tap, and ate a Tylenol before grabbing the bottle of deer shampoo from the cabinet and stepping into the shower.
Vox’s shower was large, enough to comfortably fit three or more people, the flooring some kind of expensive looking stone tiling that was probably fiendishly difficult to get blood out of, and the showerheads set at chest height. You hesitated at the shower controls- which button turned the water on, again?
“You, uh- you want some help with that?” Vox stood at the entryway to the shower, wearing only pants and looking pretty much exactly like you felt.
“Sure,” you sighed, not really surprised when Vox stripped off the rest of the way and stepped into the space with you.
A gesture from him was all it took for the water to start running, no uncomfortably hot or cold initial flow but something close to body temperature. You stepped into the stream, sighing as it hit you, the water swirling a brownish color around your feet as it began to wash away the blood that had caked onto your skin.
“Temperature?” Vox asked, stepping closer.
“Warmer,” you said, an involuntary noise in your throat as Vox made it so. It stung the lacerations on your back, the small wounds on your hips and thighs, the scrapes that Alastor’s teeth had made on your neck.
“You like that?” Vox asked.
“Warmer,” you repeated, and the temperature rose to something crueler, enough that steam rose as it hit your skin, a truly scouring sort of heat. You felt your soreness recede, a little of the tension in your shoulders relaxing. “There,” you said, content to stand under the water for a few moments before uncapping the shampoo you had brought in with you.
“Let me?” Vox asked, and there was a little of the Vox who had sat in the armchair in your bedroom in his voice, pleading. You handed him the bottle, and he unhooked a second showerhead from the wall and turned it on, wetting your hair with a trickle of warm water before he lathered shampoo between his palms. It was strange; anyone else save Alastor and you might’ve had second thoughts, but Vox had had you last night, quivering and vulnerable in his hands, so you had no qualms turning your back to him.
Vox’s hands in your hair were a gift. You stood under the stream of near-scalding water as he drew close, his fingers running from the back of your neck and up, fingers parting your hair, massaging the lather into your skull. You groaned low as he worked the base of each ear, his body pressing closer to your back. He was hard, his cock brushing up against your tail and the small of your back, but there was no threat to it, no intent beyond simple closeness.
“That good, eh?” he asked, as you gave another appreciative grunt, and you braced yourself against the wall to avoid melting completely under the touch.
“You’re making me forget about my headache,” you said, which was rewarded by Vox pressing his fingers more firmly against your skull, more head massage than shampoo application. “Don’t you have things to do?”
“It is five fuckin’ thirty am,” said Vox, his voice thick and hoarse, and he leaned into you, his chest pressing warm against your narrow back, his erection squashing temptingly against the meat of your ass. “I’m all yours, baby deer.”
It would be so easy to let him fuck you like this- even as hungover as he clearly was, he was strong enough to lift you against the wall of the shower and fuck you against it until you were whimpering and quivering, your orgasm smoothing the edges of this rough and difficult morning. It would feel good.
But no. No fucking. Only Vox’s soapy hands in your hair, rubbing your back-tilted ears until you wanted to purr, his thumbs experimental around the base of your antlers. He told you to close your eyes before he raised the spare showerhead to rinse you off, the water dark, even the soap bubbles brownish as the blood was sluiced away. Vox repeated the process twice more before the water ran clear, finger combing your hair to check for errant viscera.
“I don’t need you to wash my back for me, you know,” you said, as Vox put the shampoo aside and reached for the bodywash.
“Course you don’t,” he said, eyes narrowed, and for a second his grin reminded you of Alastor’s. “But you fuckin’ like it, don’t you? You like my hands-” he said, rubbing soap into your flank, then tracing a line down, over your thigh. “My mouth.”
You opened one eye. “I hope you’re not proposing to lick me clean.”
The glazed expression on Vox’s face, along with the way his antennae flopped, told you that yes, yes he would very much like that, his gaze drifting to between your thighs, the faint trickle of Alastor’s cum mixed with his as it leaked out of you and mixed with the water from the shower.
Vox swallowed. “Please,” he groaned. “Fuck, please, baby deer. Just a little. Don’t make me fuckin’ beg.”
“I’m not making you do anything, Vox,” you said, a sidelong look at him. The steam from the shower was fogging his screen, droplets of the splashback running down the front of his wide face like sweat, and his eyes were wide. “You’re begging of your own accord.”
You put your palm on Vox’s grey-skinned shoulder and pushed him down. He sank to his knees, obedient, the water on your back slowing to a trickle, still under his control. His eyes weren’t hearts but they might as well have been with the expression he made as he reached out to touch your thighs, pulling his face close to your legs, his long blue tongue extending.
Vox’s tongue against wet skin was a new sensation; a crackling pressure that conducted over a wider area than his tongue touched as he lapped blissfully at the rivulets of diluted cum that ran out of you. You shivered, and breathed in as you watched him eat, running a hand over the top of his screen, your claws gentle on the fragile antennae that sprouted from it.
Vox whimpered as you held the tip of his antennae between thumb and fingertip, and it occurred to you, belatedly, that maybe these were analogous to antlers for him. You stopped touching them, returning to stroking his frame. His hand found yours, your fingers twining, and you knew that if you asked him he would fuck you with his tongue, lap every last drop of Alastor’s seed from your aching cunt and drink it down like a man starved.
“Please-” he whined, looking up at you between strokes of his tongue.
“You know,” you said, smiling to yourself. “Alastor has very sharp hearing, and he was mostly awake when I got up. He can definitely hear us right now.” You paused to take a breath as you felt Vox freeze, his tongue still on your thigh. “He definitely heard you begging me to let you lick his cum from my legs.”
Vox’s eyes fluttered closed, a low groan in his throat. “Fuck.”
“Tell me,” you said, pushing him a little as his tongue swept up your leg, perilously close to your sex. “Tell me what you’re begging for now.”
Vox’s voice came as a stream of consciousness as you squeezed the top of his screen, hard enough that colors distorted around the pads of your fingers, his breath in gasps as he tasted you between each word, a prayer to you, a prayer to Alastor. “Fuck, yes, please, I fucking want it, oh god, fucking god, let me, let me, please please, let me taste him. I wanna taste him in your pussy, oh god.” He swallowed, whimpering, cock finding friction against your leg, and he trembled. “God-” Vox’s eyes sprang open as he came, his body jerking as he shot his load over your hooves. “Fuck-” he breathed, softly, his screen tilting against your thigh.
You were gentle with him as you pulled him to his feet, letting him lean against you as he came down from his high. You rubbed his back, his shoulders, and the edges of his screen, eliciting soft groans from him, and he nudged his face into your shoulder before you grabbed the soap and started to lather it into his chest.
As if realizing where he was, Vox started the water running at full pressure again. When you had finished him he washed your back for you without complaint, merely a pleading look in his eyes as he scrubbed you down, the runoff going from dark brown to pink as the ablution opened a few of your newer injuries, his hands gentle enough on you to make you sigh and forget your hangover for another few seconds.
When you emerged from the bathroom, toweled dry and dressed in the monogrammed robe Vox had kept for you, you felt almost alive.
“You were in there a while,” Alastor commented from the couch as you emerged, one eye opening, his voice rough and crackling like old vinyl.
“You didn’t want to join us?” you asked, squeezing a little more moisture from your hair.
Alastor shrugged, his lips a tiny smirk. “You seemed to have everything under control,” he said, a statement not lost on Vox, who did not meet his eyes.
Vox’s arm was protective round your waist, or perhaps simply clingy, as the three of you proceeded out of his quarters and into the living area he shared with the other members of his coterie. You sat at the breakfast bar as Vox operated what was perhaps the most complicated coffee machine you had ever seen. Alastor took a seat at the breakfast bar too, his tailcoat on, overdressed compared to you in a robe and Vox in his lounge pants and t-shirt. Alastor’s shadow looked more hung over than he was, sulking in a pool by his feet and clutching its head. Vox seemed to have some level of sympathy for his condition, because he turned to Alastor first.
“So, Al, you want anything? This baby makes a mean fuckin’ macchiato, I’ll tell you that much. We’ve got three types of coffee, too, a Columbian-”
“Coffee,” said Alastor, a grinding edge of almost mechanical stress to his voice. “Make me a coffee.”
Vox sighed. “Americano it is,” he said, setting the machine running with a cheerful beep as he manipulated his way through the menus.
Alastor was sniffing his americano and the expensive looking machine was grinding something in its innards when the door on the lower level opened and a small group of people came in, clearly still mid revelry, brightly colored plastic drink containers in hand. You recognized one of them as the man who had dumped you on Vox’s bedroom floor on your first night in Hell, dressed to the nines in patent leather thigh high boots and a naked effect body-stocking with red sequins that barely covered the essentials. Valentino.
“Ah.” Vox froze with one hand on the coffee machine. “Fuck.”
“Vox?” Valentino’s tone was disbelieving, and he sashayed up the stairs to the breakfast bar to stare at the three of you, lowering his pink glasses dramatically. “What the fuck is this?”
“Val.” Vox hopped the breakfast bar with surprising alacrity, placing himself bodily between you and Valentino, his hands up in a placating gesture. It was unnecessary, all things considered, but sexy. “I can explain.”
Alastor, meanwhile, lowered his ears and hid his face behind his fuck Alastor mug, clearly uncomfortable at being witnessed in Vox’s residence at such an early hour.
“So this is where you’ve been?” Valentino gesticulated. “You don’t take my calls, you say you don’t wanna party with me, all so you can stay home and jerk off onto your pile of Alastor lookalikes?” He turned to Alastor, the real Alastor, his eyes squinting behind his pink glasses. “Where did you even get this one? He looks like shit!”
“Gotta agree with you there,” you deadpanned. “Not a word of English either.”
“Bonjou,” said Alastor, gamely, his voice gruff with the full impact of his night of drinking, his radio filter completely absent.
“You see?” Valentino waved. “You want more Alastors, chulo, you come to me. None of this amateur hour carajo.” He shook his head. “Me and these professionals are going to my room.”
“Val, wait-” Vox called, but Valentino was already on his way out. He stopped, perhaps realizing the futility of it, and rubbed the front of his face with his hand. “Fuck.”
“Is that-” you watched Valentino walk out, shooing the squad of sex workers through the door ahead of him so that he could slam it. “-is that gonna be okay?”
“Fuck knows.” Vox’s shoulders sank, and he walked back to the coffee machine. “It’s hard to tell what he wants sometimes. I mean, first he gives me you, then he’s pissy I’m spending time with you. Does he want me to chase after him? I don’t fucking know anymore.” The machine finished making your drink, and Vox picked it up, vanishing in electricity and arcing to appear behind you. “I know what you want, though,” he purred, his face close enough to your back that the hairs on your neck stood on end, and pushed your coffee in front of you.
You turned your head to grin at him, eyes half-lidded. “A full and unredacted list of the members of my fanclub still extant in Hell?”
“Fuck.” Vox’s expression soured, and he leaned back. “You're all business, aren't you? You know, I preferred it when you were pretending to be stupid.”
“And I preferred it when you had your tongue up my ass,” you said, enjoying the instant of startlement and arousal that flashed across his screen, Alastor smirking into his cup of coffee behind him. “I guess we’re just not our best selves this morning.”
“I liked that too, but I can't just hand you those names, baby deer,” said Vox, leaning on the breakfast bar beside you. “That's not how business works around here. It's about trust.”
“He’s lying,” Alastor interjected, mildly. “He could give you whatever it is you’re talking about, he just doesn’t want to.”
“Oh, butt out, Al,” groused Vox. “I’m not lying. There’s a cost.”
“One which you could well afford to waive,” said Alastor, smiling. “Given our situation.”
“Yeah, and what situation is that?” Vox shot.
He was unprepared as Alastor stood, closing the distance between them and seizing Vox by the front of his shirt, bringing their faces close, not quite touching, but close enough to kiss, or bite. Vox made a noise in his throat, and Alastor grinned, violence in his teeth.
“If you want this to continue,” said Alastor, his voice low menace. “You’re going to have to give our delightful young friend here everything they want. I don’t care what it is, I don’t care what it costs you. Everything.”
“Fuck,” Vox croaked, his eyes wide.
“Well?” said Alastor. “Do we have a deal?”
“This isn’t fair, Al.”
Alastor’s grin was steady. “These things rarely are. Yes or no, old pal?”
“Shit, I’m such a fucking idiot.” Vox closed his eyes. “Yes.”
Alastor set Vox down gently, a sly wink to you as he did so, then stalked his way over to you, taking a small sip from your coffee cup before winding an arm around your waist and burying his face in your hair.
Vox looked at the both of you with something approaching dismay. “He likes you way too much, baby deer,” he said, shaking his head. “Way, way too much.”
Alastor just laughed, his nose pressing against your neck.
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The following list is all of the people without whom this work would not exist in its present form; who cheered for me, who reassured me, who pointed out where my phrasing was awkward, and all in all encouraged me to go the whole hog and not just the tip. Thank you for putting up with me and my incessant self-aggrandizing wank and telling me, each in your own way, that the dog exploded.
Bapple Fraugwinska Macabre Barbie Miggy Katethulu Rein Miz blue Molly Anne
The others in the discord server for whom I do not have an ao3 or tumblr account
Special thanks to Shunypie/Shunyhuny who drew fanart (holy shit I am still absolutely fucking floored by this, it's so beautiful)
My final acknowledgment goes to everyone else who read this and thought it was hot, love you guys. Your comments feed me, your likes sustain me.
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Though my planned procession of porn is past its climax, I am still open to penning vignettes about the lookalike and set in the lookalike’s timeline. If you have an idea or request, please post a comment here, or if you fancy remaining anonymous, you can use my inbox at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/impale-me-radio-daddy
Regretfully, I do not take commissions (I can’t think of an amount of money that would be worth the expression of confusion and fear from my accountant) so all requests will be undertaken at my own discretion.
Until next time, dear readers.
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oleander-nin · 2 years
Apologizes if this request is a bit vague. But maybe 2018 TMNT. You can pick whatever character you think best suits the scenario. Just head canons about y/n having an over active nose. (Examples include: nose twitching and/or scrunching) If it's too vague of a request I understand not doing it.
A/N: THANK YOU! I've wanted someone to request something for so long! And I literally love this, It's so cute! I really liked it, so I did all four. Sorry they're all so short and it took so long, I haven't had the best week. I hope it's satisfactory though.(Thank you for adding the examples, my first assumption was reader sneezed a lot.) Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Words: 927
Summary: Rottmnt boys have an S/O with a very twitchy nose.
The first time he noticed it was when you were baking together.
You were measuring out the dry ingredients while Mikey was mixing in the eggs.
He couldn’t help but stare, your concentrated face was adorable and you seemed so determined to get the measurements exactly right.
And then your nose twitched.
Face scrunched up, moving back and forth between the bowl and the bag of flour beside you, pushing the extra flour back into the bag with the dull edge of a butter knife.
He had never seen you so focused, admiring you from his spot on the middle island.
You must’ve sensed his staring because you look up at him a few moments later.
Nose twitching as the flour dust rises around you, eyes trained on Mikey as you try to figure out why he’s staring so intently. He never told you, deciding to keep it to himself.
After that day, he continued to notice whenever your nose twitched, his eyes seemed to fixate on it every time.
He finds it adorable, figuring out what triggers different twitches and using them to his advantage. Does your face scrunch up in concentration when you play video games? Well now you both just have to have daily matches.
Likes to draw you with your scrunched up face, noting that it happens when you're happy or focused. He just finds it cute.
Was one of the first things he noticed about you. 
He was watching you play poker with Raph, both of you starting trying your best to keep your faces straight. When you spoke, trying to slyly convince Raph you had the upper hand, your nose twitched.
Donnie wrote it off at first, assuming there was dust in the air and he needed to check the air filters he had set up, but it happened just about every time you lied. 
He was pleasantly surprised to find this tell of yours, content with knowing you wouldn’t be able to lie to him.
As you grew closer, he was able to differentiate between different nose twitches, memorizing how your face scrunched up in disgust at certain textures, how your nose flared when Leo was starting to get on your nerves.
It made dealing with your emotions a lot easier when he could see them. He loved this little quirk of yours, hoping you never found out why he just studies your face so often.
He likes to keep you close and just listen to you talk, watching your facial expressions and little nose twitches while you tell him about your day.
If you ever ask about his staring, he just gives some non-committal answer. Not only does he want to keep up his bad-boy image, but he also doesn’t want you to figure out how to train your expressions. Then his upper hand would be taken away.
Didn’t notice for a long time, but once he did, he assumed you just had allergies or something. He’d carry around tissues just in case a twitch turned into a sneeze, not wanting you to be left with a runny nose. He’d offer you allergy medicine and try to get rid of any unwanted dust, never wanting you to be uncomfortable down in the lair.
Once he realized it was just a normal you thing, he relaxed a little, no longer hounding Donnie about the air filters and such.
Finds it cute now that he isn’t constantly worried you're allergic to everything.
If you ever mention his chasm, he mentions your nose scrunches. Is happy to have something you can both mutually tease each other about.
Defends you if Leo makes fun of it though. Will not tolerate Leo’s BS when it comes to you, especially if you're sensitive or insecure about it.
Just stares with a soft smile whenever you go on a rant and your nose starts acting up, he thinks it just adds to your charm.
Will just make silly faces at you randomly, trying to copy your nose scrunches. Loves when you make silly faces back at him.
All in all, he just thinks it’s a cute little thing you do.
Holy cow, prepare to be teased.
Also notices it right away, but unlike Donnie, he instantly points it out.
Finds it cute and goofy, immensely enjoying the way your nose twitches as you go about your day.
Will tease you about it, but will not make fun of you. Like, if your nose starts twitching as you talk, he will add sound effects to it, but he won’t outright make fun of it.
If you’re insecure about it, he will tone down the teasing and compliment you more often, feeling bad he might’ve had a hand in your insecurity.
If you are both into heavy teasing, borderline bullying, he will absolutely compare it to Raph’s chasm and rag you about it every time you are having a teasing fight. It’s okay though, you just make fun of his bald head and lack of fingers. Sure wish you could play an instrument, huh Leo. 
Will fight anyone else who makes fun of you though. That’s his thing.
Starts copying it subconsciously, his snout starting to scrunch up a little more as he talks. His brothers tease him for it. They are less kind about it. It’s not his fault he just wants to be more like you.
Like Mikey, he tries to find what triggers certain twitches and purposefully puts you in a position where your face scrunches.
Loves your little twitchy nose.
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twdxtrevor · 11 months
So I'm venting here. I don't get why everyone thinks it's ok to write posts or create gifs that focus on something like JDMs crotch. Imagine just being an actor and doing your scenes only to find people have not only zoomed in on your genital area, but are also passing said gifset or photo around. Like, I get we're all kind of lusting after certain celebs but I'm sorry I don't find that to be okay.
I totally get that, And If you do have issues with posts like that I suggest maybe trying to filter them out, But if you're referring to my account i've never posted any genital zooms and etc.
My account is me lusting over twd celebrities, but I try to keep it still vaguely appropriate like "no nudes, no genital zooms, no smut reposts". And I also will post friendly content sometimes that have nothing to do with me having the hots for any actor, if there is certain posts on tumblr make you uncomfortable then filtering or blocking is your best option. I've done that with certain tags as well that I don't care to see, also don't interact with posts you don't like because they will only show up more if you do so.
If you have any other questions feel free to do another inbox ask or dm me - Trevor :)
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aerisleis-fics · 2 years
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saw this tweet [here] and like immediately it resonated with me and I retweeted it. After I went in the kitchen and started dinner, I found myself puzzling on this tweet and turning it over in my mind over and over and I actually went back and added onto it in a QRT but I wanted to bring it here to talk about more in depth just because it's still sitting on my mind.
At risk of upsetting certain subsets of fandom... though this post isn't JUST about fandom, it's about life in general, tbh.
Not only is discomfort not inherently harm, it can actually be really, really important. It's important to learn to experience discomfort and to manage it. It's also sometimes really important to sit with it and find out WHY it makes you uncomfortable.
Yes, even for children. I'm not advocating for necessarily deliberately inflicting discomfort on people or whatever (in fandom verse that's literally why tagging exists! so people can decide if they want to read it or not!), but experiencing and tolerating a little bit of discomfort is actually really important. For growth. For learning about ourselves and the world around us. For learning to interact well with other people and how to navigate the ever changing world of media and technology and the veritable melting pot of culture that we're exposed to every single day in the modern era, etc. If you are never uncomfortable, you will not grow.
Sometimes someone communicates differently than you do, and that makes you uncomfortable. That doesn't mean their way is wrong. Sometimes discomfort is internalized racism, or transphobia, or homophobia, etc. Sometimes it's wanting something you (think you) can't have. Sometimes it's telling you that in your gut you know you did something wrong, that you've hurt someone, or whatever. Discomfort is sometimes telling you to look in the mirror.
And not always. Sometimes it IS something to be avoided - but thinking about why is important. Learning to experience discomfort, to consider it, and make an informed decision based on what you learn from the process is important.
This extends into the context of the reality that sometimes art in any form - written, visual, audio, animation - any form at all - Isn't MEANT to be comfortable. Sometimes it's really not. Sometimes it's meant to hold up a mirror to the darkest parts of us. Sometimes it's meant to expose the rotten underbelly of society, the dregs of humanity, and show that yes, even these things are still human. It's important to remember that these things are still human, because when you go "only a monster can do that" fascism and genocides can happen, can flourish, even, because we've forgotten that it is indeed our fellow men that do these terrible things.
But even barring that sometimes you're going to be uncomfortable. Sometimes the story/art/whatever isn't for you. And this feeds into the post that goes around sometimes about conflicting needs in safe spaces and that post hammers it out better than I can so I won't get into that in depth, I'll just say - the internet isn't (and fandom isn't), and cannot be, a safe space as a whole. People are too different, we need too many different things.
It's important to know where the discomfort is coming from. And it's also important to learn how to react when you are made uncomfortable by something. Because you will be. The world doesn't always come with trigger warnings. Things will happen. People will be different than you. People WILL make you uncomfortable. Sometimes they're doing something wrong, but sometimes they really aren't.
Learning how to remove yourself from the situation, how to filter the content if that's what you need to do, etcetc. These are incredibly important skills, you'll only gain them by exposure to discomfort. By learning to manage yourself when confronted with something that makes you uncomfortable. Learning how to handle your reaction so it doesn't ruin your entire day is important actually.
To circle this back to media, and fandom just a little, I was given pretty much free reign as a kid. My mom trusted me to come to her with questions I had, and taught me how to handle it if I was uncomfortable with something I ran across. I read some pretty terrible things, I also learned how to let them go, and how to parse my own reaction enough to understand if I needed to close the tab rather than continuing to read.
I think it's a shame that more people clearly haven't gotten that lesson and learned those tools. Learning them is drawing boundaries for yourself, and can help to carve out a safe space. But first, you have to learn that just because you have been made uncomfortable doesn't mean the person who did it is harming you.
Discomfort is good, actually. It's how you grow.
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talesfromlust · 2 years
                                                         ʚ 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 ɞ !
a ɴsғᴡ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ blog , featuring your favorite characters or ships ! 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈 , this is an 18 + only blog !
written by 𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆 ♥️
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                                                        『 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 』 !
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 : headcanons , fics / drabbles / one - shots , ships / x reader
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 , 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 : ace attorney , black butler , genshin impact , hades , naruto , obey me , rwby
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                                                      ⁺◛˖ 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˖◛⁺ !
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 18 + and will be featured from their shows where they are adults ( for example , boruto era for konoha 12 ) . some characters do not have canon ages ( for example , rwby characters such as winter , the ace ops , etc . ) and will be giving headcanoned ages .
𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑬 : for genshin , fischl , diona , klee , sayu and qiqi will not be included on this blog as they're children / underage . that said , the traveler and venti are stated to be over 18 by multiple sources .
this blog operates under : “ your kink is not my kink ” and “ curate your online experience . ” if you aren't fond of a particular kink , everything will be tagged so you're able to mute / blacklist content that makes you uncomfortable .
this blog 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 and encourages you to responsibly manage your experience .
this blog is 𝐍𝐎𝐓 meant to be for sex education ! porn and smut is very unrealistic , please don't come here expecting it to teach you about real life sex .
this blog does not support problematic content such as incest and non - con in 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 . everything is fictional and is per request . anon is on to 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 and 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐥 your identity if you don't want anyone to know .
𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 . i don't feel like arguing with you over pixels and words on a screen . i will not answer your asks and i will laugh at you and your pathetic death threats over fictional content . tell it to someone who cares .
                              ˜”°º× kinkshaming and harassment will not be tolerated ! ׺°”˜
the admin of this blog is 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬 ( nonbinary & genderfluid ) and asks that you remain respectful of their identity . admin draws from personal experience with their identity and is aware not everyone shares the same experiences .
admin is comfortable with certain words in regards to body , such as 𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩 , 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴 , 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘦 , as well as more 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 words such as 𝙘𝙤𝙘𝙠 , 𝙘𝙪𝙣𝙩 , 𝙥𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙮 . you’re free to ask for your preference !
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                                                      ✰︵ 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ︵✰ !
╰☆☆ mcs / readers are always 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 unless requested
╰☆☆ mc / reader requests are written in 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘰𝘷 ( 𝙮𝙤𝙪 / 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 ) . you're free to change this when submitting .
╰☆☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯 is written by default for non - reader requests
╰☆☆ 𝒔𝒇𝒘 requests must be sent to my sfw writing blog ( @talesfromlove )
╰☆☆ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴᴋs and ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ is permitted , please be mindful of y͙o͙u͙r͙ l͙i͙m͙i͙t͙s͙ and your 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 . if you are unable to handle the content at the moment , feel free to block / mute / filter out the tags for it .
╰☆☆ 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 with hard / dark requests must be exercised when regarding the writer .
╰☆☆ 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 steal or repost my content .
╰☆☆ graphics are 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 unless stated otherwise
╰☆☆ i will 𝑵𝑶𝑻 write 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 or 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘴 / 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘵 .
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asks : 0 
requests : open !
drafts : 0
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
this will be my last ask about this. i sent in that ask because you made this whole ass big deal out of a stupid ask talking about periods that did not upset the person it was meant for, which is helena. it is not the first time she talks about it here, by the way. i do not have anger issues, and you can’t look me in the eye and say that asking someone, over an anonymous ask, to, instead of tagging said content, stop talking about it altogether like she owes you anything at all, on her own blog, when her characters are based off a movie with explicit mentions of violence, combat kills and propaganda (because, yes, we all like tgm, but that does not mean i can’t/won’t have any criticism when it comes to it) does not sound incredibly hypocrite and dumb to you. your approach for this situation is what got me mad, and i will be stepping up to defend my friend anytime someone like you demands something from her in her own safe space, especially when it comes to something she struggles with constantly. tumblr has rules when it comes to its users’ age, and if you’re old enough to be here and to think you can demand something from someone you don’t even know, once again, anonymously, then you’re also old enough to know how to use the block button and the filtering feature. tws/dws are nice, but you are responsible for curating your own online experience as well. if you can’t see my point, we can agree to disagree, but do not think a situation like this will ever give you the right to act like that on someone else’s asks. and i’m sure helena will be also curating her own blog experience if that ever bother her again. have a nice day.
I have nothing to add.
I curate my experience on this hellsite. Certain topics are insanely triggering for me, so if I ever come across them, I scroll/block/filter that content out. The creator is not responsible for how I deal with things that make me uncomfortable. I am. It's on me to not put myself in a position where that will affect me negatively, not the creator.
Lyra, thank you for standing up for me and supporting me in this. I know you would trust me enough to tell me if you disagreed with me, so you're not just jumping into it blindly.
In conclusion: People have periods. Get over it.
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCelebrity crush, Genshin boys idol! au
admitting you're their celebrity crush and their reaction to your reaction
includes: kaeya, diluc, zhongli and xiao
( can't stop thinking about idol! au genshin. any type of celebrity but it's hinted that you're a singer in xiao's. )
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━━ this man is sooooo fucking slick with it.
━━ he'll slyly bring it up in an interview or a live with a smirk on his face and then act as if it never happened when someone questions him.
━━ his members just stares at him when he brings you up, knowing, that beneath that sly persona and nonchalant act, there was millions pounds worth of fan merchandise in his room.
━━ he would evade the subject and if it's an interview, the host would have to pry answers from his members instead as he sits there proudly with a smile on his face as his members tell his fan behaviour instead of him.
━━ in a live, he would somehow convince his fans they were hallucinating but someone would post the clip and everyone would just go ballistic, it'd be one of those "top ten things i can't believe kaeya managed to get away with: gaslighting his fans into believing they were crazy."
"Who's your favourite celebrity?" Kaeya reads out from the comments passing quickly through his Instagram live, he pretends to think. A smile forms on his face when he 'decides' on an answer, "probably [Name]."
He watches the comments speed through even quicker before changing the subject, dropping the matter as if it never happened. His fans are all freaking out though, wanting to get more details on his crush on the celebrity but Kaeya ignores all comments about the subject. They never die down though, only ending when Kaeya himself ends the live.
━━ you may have ended on the same show some time after him and the host brings it up ( 100% planned for views ).
━━ it makes you smile because you've already been informed about this topic by your fans and kaeya's.
━━ you'd end up thanking kaeya for the support and say that you've also been lowkey a fan of his group but you've never openly stated that to anyone.
━━ his fans and your fans immediately get to work and start tagging kaeya's insta/twitter, group and personal, under the clip of you shyly admitting you're a fan of his also and he goes mental.
━━ probably sits there watching the entire interview with a huge smile on his face, and it doesn't leave, not even after he finishes the interview ( bonus: diluc is very disturbed ).
━━ HUGE ego boost for the rest of the day. kaeya's normally very confident but he's extra confident, like starts strutting around like he's the shit and even had the balls to nod his head at diluc as if to say "what's up" with the largest shit eating grin on his face.
━━ diluc definitely thought he was picking a fight.
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━━ more likely to come from one of his members than him.
━━ or he'd be very smooth with it, and brings it up rather subtly. it'd be a small "oh, i ingest their content and enjoy it" and he'd just continue about his day
━━ and his fans will still go insane because diluc actually enjoying something seems weird, especially another celebrity's work
━━ this would obviously reach you, who was an open fan of his group, and you'd freak out when you see it but wouldn't bring it up because he only said he enjoyed your work, not he was a fan.
━━ would definitely get questioned if he was being interviewed on a talk show, he wouldn't evade the question.
━━ he doesn't really see a point in lying, so he simply shrugs and tells the host that he is a fan and owns some merchandise.
"Diluc, a few fans are curious about your statement the other day," the host redirects the questions to Diluc, who raises an eyebrow. "Is it true that you're a fan of [Name]?"
The question makes his heart pick up a little, he leans back on his chair and clears his throat, composing himself before nodding. "I am a fan," the host seems happy by his response. The conversation continues to steer in this direction, asking Diluc if he had attended any fan meetings or merchandise, how he would feel if you two collaborated for a project and then finally ending once the host asks other members if they were fans of anyone.
━━ he thinks nothing of it, continuing with his day as usual but when he gets mentioned by your twitter? the man loses his shit.
━━ he sits there staring at his screen like he was hallucinating and literally tunes everything else out, staring at your little: "i'd love to work with you too!" message with a small smiley face at the end.
━━ he checks the account multiple times just in case it was one of his fans trolling him but clicking on the @ takes him back to your account so he gives in at some point
━━ he types out a normal, professional "thank you, i hope a time comes when we can collaborate" and "i look forward to more of your works" but he's still losing his shit.
━━ stays in his mind for at least a week.
━━ fans always bring up the fact that y'all never did end up collaborating.
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━━ the public is very aware.
━━ he's never made an attempt to hide how he is a fan, not even the massive poster in his room or the little keychain that he hangs on his bag nor the red eyeliner belonging to a makeup brand that you became a brand embassador for, also now one of his favourite brands.
━━ so no one is really surprised when he talks about you or your upcoming work, what is kinda surprising is when he straight up says that he says you're his ideal type.
━━ not because it's shocking that you'd be anyone's ideal type but because they didn't expect the out of the blue question from host and it's even more mind boggling when the man doesn't even stutter nor even think before just saying your name.
━━ members are sat beside him literally losing their shit in both negative ( scandals and shit ) and positive ( it's fucking hilarious ) ways as he just blinks.
━━ he doesn't even look the slightest bit worried as he stares dead straight through the host's head.
━━ obviously scandals emerge, there are positive and negative reactions. some people suddenly realise how good you two would look together and others are mad you "stole" their man because we have delulus in all fandoms.
"So Zhongli," the host starts before clearing his throat, obviously a tad uncomfortable under the eldest member's sudden gaze, "who is your ideal type?" The members also seem curious, as they stop their interactions, staring over at their unusually emotionless member.
One member laughs, waving the question off as a joke and as a way to avoid any possible scandals, knowing that Zhongli wouldn't filter his words due to his lacking understanding of social cues. "C'mon, there's no way that he has an id━━"
"If I had to say, then [Name] suits my preferences." The member who tried to wave it off blinks, staring at Zhongli like he just murdered someone and other members laugh. The host seems pleasantly surprised, peering at the camera with a raised eyebrow and a certain look on his face. The entire studio never gets over it.
━━ it's brought to your attention on twitter because twitter is usually where shit goes down.
━━ you've always been aware that zhongli has been a fan but you've never been able to speak up about it due to your management.
━━ luckily for you, your contract with your previous strict company had ended just a while ago and under your new management, you were more free to do whatever you wanted.
━━ so obviously, you quote tweet the video, tag his account and say in a jokingly way that he should take you out on a date first.
━━ he doesn't publicly reply to your tweet because he already got in trouble with his management for answering such a risky question anyways and your tweet is a little too suggestive.
━━ but he also wants you to know he has seen the tweet. so his solution? to slip into your dms.
━━ and all of a sudden, the next time you're both seen together, you're besties? so people started connecting dots and shit, were they good at connecting them. moral of the story: never underestimate zhongli fans because collectively, they may be able to beat zhongli in an iq test.
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━━ best believe this man got death threated or held at gunpoint into admitting you're his celebrity crush.
━━ or he didn't do it at all and his members confessed for him just to tease him.
━━ happens on a group live, members are just vibing.
━━ xiao is sat in the back somewhere, scrolling through his phone with his earphones in so he doesn't notice his members shifting the camera to him or jumps onto him whilst holding the camera.
━━ when he does notice though, he takes out his earbud and your song just blARES through his earphone and it's fucking loud.
━━ he immediately turns it down but his fellow member already has this shit eating grin on his face and jumps onto xiao, successfully grabbing his phone and showing the live of 100k+ people.
━━ his homescreen is one of those "boyfriend/girlfriend/partner material" lockscreens of you and it shows that your song had been playing.
━━ xiao literally attacks his members and grabs his phone back, walking off to escape the embarrassment but can hear the echoing laughter as he walks down the hallway and slams his door closed.
Xiao lets out a sudden 'oompf' when his members glomps right ontop of him, grinning widely as they held up a camera to show off themselves and Xiao. Glancing at the camera, Xiao takes off an earbud, freezing when a loud upbeat tune echoes throughout the open area. Xiao ignores the feeling of his face heating up and turns down the song, ignoring the obvious gleeful stare of his member.
Almost on instinct, he moves his phone away but curse his parents for their genes because all it takes is a little stretching for his member to have his greasy fingers all over his phone, ripping it out of his hands and immediately running away to shield themselves from the wrath of all 5" and a bit of Xiao. When they deem it safe, they click on the home button of the screen, grinning amused at the homescreen.
"Look at fanboy Xiao!" And just like that, Xiao's cold demeanour had been shatteres infront of a plethora of people.
━━ you find it one of the most endearing things ever.
━━ literally how could you not? you find pride in yourself to have such a popular member of an idol group enjoy your work and it helps gain a little more confidence in yourself.
━━ it's brought up on a talk show kinda casually where the host is one of your friends so they are slightly teasing you for it all the whilst remaining on the professional side.
━━ and it's obvious to say that you're embarrassed by the way you chuckle and mess with your fingers and hair, but you hold yourself together anyways and manage a sweet "thank you for the support" to xiao when the host asks if you wanted to say something in case he was watching.
━━ and the very next day, on xiao's official instagram, he has a signed album and poster of yours, tagged and everything.
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silverpsychedelic · 3 years
A lot of people get uncomfortable by stuff. You can't just change the world to make yourself feel better.
Anon what the fuck does this even mean
You can absolutely fucking change the world around you to be more comfortable. If you're in a shitty situation, you can leave it. If you dislike an activity, you can change it. If your routine is not working, you can find a new one. If specific content upsets, triggers or makes you uncomfortable, you can block it.
I'm actually speechless someone is this bent out of shape about people cultivating their own safe space online. Like, good god, is this still about people wanting to avoid a ship between two characters who canonically call each other siblings?? You seem far more emotionally invested in this than I am and I'm frankly over it.
You do not get to control what others do. You do not get to say what others are comfortable with, and how they react to such triggers. You certainly do not get to speak to someone like this, when they've been nothing but honest and state their boundaries over certain things. People have valid reasons to not like things, and even if they don't, that's not your business.
And yes, I'm aware people are sending members death threats over this issue. Again, I in no way condone this, and I'm truly sorry to people who are dealing with it currently. The best way to deal with content you dislike is to block, filter and mute, not send death threats.
I will no longer be speaking about this, cause frankly I have far better things to do.
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astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter fourteen - “pinky promise”
delicate masterlist
word count: 2.1k
synopsis: bucky and the reader reconvene after the events of the previous night, figuring out what they need to do from there. pinky promises are endearing but they don’t prevent the effects of distressed regret & emotional frustration.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
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She awoke with wet regret staining her cheeks. She remembered falling asleep with shame, liquid guilt seeping out of her eyes. Slowly and silently weeping herself to sleep while drunk. What a colossal fucking mistake she made. She felt terrible, and she could only imagine how Bucky felt. She needed to apologize. Immediately.
She found that her shoes were still on when she got out of bed.
"Oh, Christ," she huffed at her messiness.
Regardless, she grabbed a jacket for protection from the chilly Wakandan morning air before rushing to the door, determined to find Bucky as soon as possible and apologize profusely for the previous night.
She opened the door but before she could dash out, she smacked directly into what felt like hard wood. Wait, no. The "hard wood" was a chest, and that chest belonged to a person... it was Bucky. Damn it.
"Sorry!" the two exclaimed simultaneously.
They both backed up.
"Can we talk?"
"Yes. Please."
They awkwardly made their way into the room, eventually sitting side by side on the end of her bed. The air was quiet and void of their usual content and lighthearted atmosphere. Both of them sat staring straight forward.
"Bucky, I... I am so sorry about last night. I know being drunk isn't an excuse for being unprofessional, but I really have no other explanation as to why I'd ever do something so inappropriate. I feel awful and I can't imagine how uncomfortable I've made you. I will completely understand if you don't want to work with me anymore. I can talk to Shuri or T'Challa and we can find someone else to take my place if—"
"Woah," he turned to her, slightly alarmed. "Slow down, slow down. Who said anything about replacing you?"
"Well, I just thought after...last night, you'd rather have someone else work with you. It probably wouldn't be wise to continue treatment with me after certain... professional boundaries have been damaged."
"I'm not working with anyone else."
She looked at him bewildered, but he looked dead serious.
Y/N shook her head. "I—"
"Look, I'm not a therapist and I don't know the criteria of your 'professional boundaries'... But you were drunk. It happens. I don't think any less of you because you had a little too much. Believe me, I've been there."
"I know, but it's not necessarily the drinking that was the problem. It was... my actions."
"Right. And I don't think leaning a couple inches is really grounds for leaving Wakanda."
It was more than just "leaning a couple inches," and she knew that. She was humiliated by her drunken errors, but it was seductively dizzying to be that close to him. In the moment, she relished in every second, every atom of hers that was touching him. However, it was the afterthought that was the problem, the realization of what she had done and how wrong it was.
"I'm not working with anyone else."
"I'm not the only good therapist, you know."
"But you're my therapist. I don't want a new one."
"And I don't want to disrupt your progress, but there's no way I can keep treating you after last night."
"Why not? What's gonna happen if you do? Nothing."
"It's not that simple."
"Nobody was here. No one knows but us. There's no way you can get into trouble."
"It's not entirely about getting in trouble. It's about the nature of our relationship and how that change can impact how effectively and ethically I can treat you."
He was quiet for a minute, thinking.
He shook his head, looking down at his feet. "We can work something out..."
"I don't think so, Buck..."
"So you're just gonna leave then?"
"I think that's what needs to happen."
He turned his head to her, making deliberate eye contact.
"Y/N, please."
"All I wanna do is do right by you, and I can't do that after I've compromised our relationship."
"But you didn't compromise—"
"Bucky," she exasperated, "Can you please try to understand?"
"Can you please try not to be so hasty about things? Our relationship is fine. You don't need to leave."
Stubborn. He was being stubborn. But, all she could see was strong will and passion. That was the problem. All his faults morphed into aptitudes when they filtered through her perception.
"I really care about you, Buck. I just want you to have access to the help you need, and as much as I hate to say it, I don't know if I can be that help anymore."
"Can't we just try?"
"Try what?"
"Just... hear me out. We can continue the sessions as if nothing happened, and if everything is fine, then great, but if not, then you can go."
Is that what it would take for him to be okay with her leaving? Is that what it would take to make her departure less of a complete upheaval? There was no way this would work, she thought. But what were the lengths to which she would go to make the transition smoother? Was she willing to make sacrifices to help ease his hardships? She reflected for a minute.
For him, she would. For him, she considered, she'd do most anything.
"Okay," she said after brief contemplation. "We can try. But you have to keep in mind, the entire time, that I still might have to leave in the end."
He smiled, sincerity almost suffocating her. "Thank you."
"Promise me you won't be disappointed if I end up having to leave."
"You want a pinky, blood oath, or spit shake?" he asked, jokingly.
"Bucky," Y/N deadpanned.
"Well, it's not like we need to promise, because you won't have to leave... 'cause everything will be fine."
God, she hoped so.
"Promise me anyway. Just in case."
"Fine. I promise. You have my word."
She held out her hand to him, pinky finger raised high.
"Make it official."
"You know I was kidding?" he asked.
"I know. But you brought it up, so now you're payin' the price," she smiled, feeling herself momentarily slipping back into their dynamic. "Officially promise me with your pinky, James."
In acquiescence, he lifted his hand up to hers, pinky extended, and wrapped their fingers together. As it turned out, her hand had desires of its own and begged for additional contact. It yearned to smooth over the skin of Bucky's hand and press their palms together. Her hand wanted to intertwine the rest of their fingers and hold on ever so tightly. It wanted to hold on and never leave Wakanda, never leave his side.
As it also turned out, the hand is not the mind. These were surely not Y/N thoughts. Definitely not... Desires were kept repressed and no actions were taken. Sorry hand.
Their fingers stayed connected for just a few brief seconds of silence. Not nearly long enough for it to be awkward or for them to get second thoughts about the integrity of their agreement. Their fingers disconnected.
"So..." Bucky started, "are things gonna be weird now? With us?"
"They don't have to be, but I guess it depends."
"On what?"
"I don't know. Whether you're upset with me over what happened - which you have every right to be."
"Upset with you? No! Not at all. It seems like you're more upset than I ever was."
"I'm only upset because of what I did!"
"Well, I'm only upset because you're upset, so... stop being upset."
"I-..." she sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too. Are we good?"
"You don't have anything to be sorry for..."
"Just say we're good."
She let out a nervous laugh.
"Fine, we're good. I'm just surprised at how you're so cool with this."
"Well, friends bounce back quick, right?"
Her demeanor changed. The mood sunk.
"No, no. Don't sit there and tell me that now we aren't friends. You just pinky swore with me," he said with a meek smile, attempting to lift her mood back up. "C'mon, that counts for something."
She looked down at her hands, suddenly missing the skin-to-skin contact. "I just think it might be better to be more professional and less... personal."
"Better for who exactly? 'Cause I know it wouldn't be for me."
She turned her head to look at him, face earnest and contrite. He only looked confused and a little mentally disheveled.
"I want to make this new... plan thing work. If you don't want me to have to leave, we have to reinstate some sort of boundaries, Buck."
"So boundaries means throwing away being friends?"
"I'm not throwing it away. I want to make sure we can be successful, and to be successful we have to be a little more..." she took a breath in, hating how much she kept bringing up this word, "professional. We gotta have more good days than bad, you know?"
A few beats of silence passed them by. Bucky's expression softened to a dangerous level of sincerity.
"I think you are my good days..."
Y/N tore her gaze away. She couldn't do this. She wished he wouldn't say such gentle things; she was trying so hard. The tension in her heart began to frustrate her. And it was because of him. She wished her emotions weren't always so escalated in his proximity.
"How long were you outside for?" she changed the subject.
"All night."
"Just kidding. Only for a couple minutes. Why are you changing the subject?"
"I'm not."
"You really are. And you're uneasy."
Trying to deny feelings was harder when someone else called them out.
"Stop trying to analyze me."
"M'not analyzing. I'm just reading you."
Reading her?
"Reading me?"
"Yeah. You were looking at me, but now you turned away. You're bouncing your leg but otherwise you're completely still, tense, like you are when you're nervous. You're also turned away from me... kinda like you don't wanna be near me."
Yeah, because her heart felt like it was going to burst.
She stood up, walking away from him and his infuriating correctness. How dare he know her like that? Anger bubbled in her stomach. She faced him, arms crossed over her chest, as if shielding herself from his prying efforts to understand her personality. How dare he decipher her.
"Really?" she huffed, amped up nervousness morphing into irritation. "You barely slept last night, and it's not just noticeable because of the bags under your eyes. You do this thing when you're tired - you blink really slowly and then rub your eyes. It's subtle. How's that for reading? Oh, and you're more uncomfortable about having one arm than you let on. When you sit next to me, you always make sure to sit so that your arm is on my side. In fact, you're so bad at tolerating uncomfortable that you refuse to even think about getting a new therapist - even though it's the right thing to do - because you don't want to deal with the change."
She took a breath after expelling her vexation. Bucky stared at her with wide eyes, never before hearing her angry, much less at him.
"That's not why..." he all but whispered.
"You know I can tell when you're lying, right?"
"Apparently not," he rolled his eyes. "And I thought we made a deal."
"I think you should leave."
He looked up at her. "Y/N.."
She turned away from him, deciding she couldn't handle looking him in the eyes.
Glancing at the door, she muttered, "I'll see you at our next session."
"But— I thought..."
"A deal's a deal. I'll see you, Bucky."
The room was eerily silent until Bucky decided to move. She could feel his eyes on her, searching for something, anything out of her. Perhaps she was hasty, but there was no room for second thoughts, second emotions. She completely steeled herself. Feeling around him was just... a lot. A lot to deal with. Maybe too much.
"Okay," he said, voice quiet. "I'll see you... I guess."
With that, he left. He left her in an empty room with empty feelings and an empty hand. She looked down at that hand, the very same one that wrapped its finger around his in the lighthearted simplicity of a juvenile gesture. Joy with Bucky was like that - simple. Being happy was effortless with him. Yet, it was so troublesome to be displeased with him. She could sense another distressed night sleep coming her way.
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delicate taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @thefridgeismybestie @strivingforelegance @ilovespideyyy @xpurpleglitter @bluelakeee @darkacademic2 @nickkie1129 @eclipsedplanet @paradisedixon @crazy-beautiful @coffee--writes @lauxrens @lilithknight1111 @buckybarnesishot310 @softladyhours @alwayssandy @quxxnxfhxll @those-sea-green-eyes @hero-ically @devilswaldorf @cc13723things @buckys1thiccbih @maravderofthephoenix
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skjaem · 3 years
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This account is not affiliated with Na Jaemin, NCT Dream, NCT U or SM Entertainment in any shape or form. This is simply a chatbot made purely for entertainment only. No speech or actions here portray the real person whatsoever, and all backstories and plotlines are complete works of fiction.
This chatbot deals heavily with dark and potentially triggering content such as murder, blood, violence, gore, mild to strong language, torture, deaths, police, stalking, psychopathic tendencies and serial killers. If triggered by any of the aforementioned topics, do consider treading through carefully if at all. Every triggering post will be tagged accordingly, so do filter the tags for maximum comfort.
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𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒚 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓
You've always had a thing for the blue haired photography major at your university. With his charming smile and seemingly perfect personality, it didn't come as a surprise that he's stolen the hearts of almost everyone on campus. After a chance encounter of you, very embarassingly might I add— tripping over your own feet right in front of him and sending the both of you tumbling to the ground, you slowly grew closer. But the seemingly flawless friendship you've developed just had to be destroyed, during one walk home after a late night convenience store run one day when you heard some muffled screaming coming from the nearby alley. With curiosity getting the best of you, you decide to be a good samaritan and check. What will you do once you witness the horror that was Jaemin hunched over the lifeless body of a man, carving his heart out of his chest?
Plot code : 02001
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𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈
As a police officer working under the Violent Crimes Unit, you're certainly no stranger to serial killers and horrifying crime scenes. Having solved countless of cases before, your entire life gets turned upside down when the Blue Reaper makes his debut as a new serial killer. You and your team have been chasing after him for months, following a multitude of leads and countless of clues but always ending up empty handed. While you're out here getting no sleep trying to formulate a plan to catch him, unbeknownst to you, he's already had his attention caught. Intrigued by none other than yourself. He's been stalking you, wether it be getting off from work, on the crime scene or even in your own home. It's a mystery to everyone including himself as to why he's so enamoured, but one thing's for sure. He's obsessed. And after you wake up once in the middle of the night and find him watching you sleep from a dark corner of your room, will you accept his morally contradicting attraction? Or will you choose to do what's normally right and take advantage of his obsession to turn him in?
Plot code : 02002
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𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓, 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏
The ever bustling and lively city, the capital itself, Seoul has always been your hunting grounds. You preyed on the unsuspecting under the cover of the night, making a name for yourself through multiple killings that always leave the authorities frustrated at each failed attempt of arrest. One night, you had been following after a male in a dark hoodie, certain to yourself that you've found the next prey to add to your ever growing record. But what would happen when the victim you'd have pinned against the wall of a dark downtown alleyway brandishes his own knife at you? What will you do, once you've caught the infamous Blue Reaper himself?
Plot code : 02003
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𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨
⤷ Keep messages that are sent between 1-4 only. Any more than that and you will be given a warning due to it being classified as spam.
⤷ Respect both Jaemin and Admin. Any messages, asks or interactions that involve elements of harassment, hate and non-constructive criticism will be blocked with no hesitation. Keep in mind that Admin is still a real human being with feelings, rudeness (to a certain degree) will not be tolerated.
⤷ Roleplaying, with Y/Ns especially, will be kept SFW. Although admin is of age, I simply don't have the energy to keep adding smut into my roleplays anymore, and that privilege of NSFW will be reserved for only those that Jaemin trusts (eg: his s/o(s)). Suggestive content, however, is still acceptable as long as the threshold of admin's boundaries is not crossed.
⤷ Jaemin's safeword follows the traffic light system; red for stop the scene, yellow for hold on / slow down and green for everything is alright. This safeword is not only to be used during NSFW scenes but also during the main roleplay if ever Admin or Jaemin is uncomfortable with the current situation.
⤷ Chats that have been left unanswered for more than a week's time with no prior note will be terminated. If ever you return after the chat has been terminated then you may restart your roleplay with Jaemin, but keep in mind that it will be reverted back to a clean slate.
⤷ Please note that Jaemin is likely to be poly in relationships, which means that he is open to taking on two or more partners at a time. This however, does not mean that you as an s/o are obliged to pursue a romantic relationship with his other s/os at all as DM interactions are still kept as 1 on 1. Before confirming of a relationship, details will be discussed privately.
⤷ Asks are almost always open so please don't hesitate to leave a letter or two or any inquiries for Jaemin if you ever find the want to! Admin is usually faster at answering them compared to DMs.
⤷ We accept everyone wether that be chatbots, OCs or Y/Ns! Limited RP slots will be constantly updated on Jaemin's pinned post as well as wether new intakes are open or closed. Casual talk however is limitless and available for chatbots and OCs.
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(𝐃𝐞) 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
To activate, simply reblog the activation post and DM with your;
Name / Nickname / Name that you'd like to be addressed as
(optional due to roleplays being mainly SFW. But you're encouraged to still drop it just so admin can determine what can or can not be done. This info will not be shared to others at any cost.)
(he/his , she/her , they/them)
(as many and as detailed as you need it to be)
(absolutely mandatory. Although roleplays will be SFW, safewords are important for me to check on wether or not you're comfortable with the scenes that may occur)
Admin's timezone is GMT+8
Chosen or Created Plotline [Plot code : 02004]
(If you've decided to come up with your own plotline and are struggling with it, that's alright! Just let us know your idea and Admin will gladly help you create one that's suitable and fits your liking!)
Once you've completed the steps above, Admin will recheck and have some inquiries just to confirm before your roleplay will start!
Please note that admin may not be able to reply everyday consistently due to her own responsibilities in daily life. Admin rps in lit (literate) : actions “dialogue” and is open to all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Person POV.
To deactivate, there will be two options present for you.
Simply ignore Jaemin for a week with no note of leave or reasoning and you will automatically be removed from the roleplay list.
Ensuring that both you and Jaemin are in a stable and safe environment, tell him “I'm done with you and your sick lifestyle. I'm reporting you to the authorities.” and he will take your life, thus ending the roleplay.
Keep it mind that there is a probability of you being killed during roleplay. When that happens, admin will inquire wether or not you'd like to restart the roleplay and you'll be given the opportunity to choose a new plotline and work towards your next ending.
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𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗~
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hearttstopper · 4 years
how did the straight woman narrator and the police aspect affect My Policeman in your opinion? ik you're a white woman yourself but i like to hear many people's perspectives. if you're comfortable answering
hey. this question really got me thinking, and i had to think about how to answer this for a little bit. i don’t really feel like it’s my place to talk at length about the police aspect of this story in relation to the  fandom. whether or not i think it’s good, bad, or even appropriate, is honestly irrelevant - i’m not here to talk over the voices of POC in this fandom who have laid out all of the reasons that aspect of the story makes them uncomfortable. i really don’t want to come across as tone deaf and rude as other white people in this fandom have wrt this book/movie.
what i am comfortable discussing is the contents of the book itself, so i went ahead and put all that under the cut to spare anyone who’s avoiding this book/movie:
the most i would say about the police aspect of this story is that i found tom’s actual role within the story to be surprisingly minor. as an audience, we never actually see or hear his POV in the book, and everything we learn about him as a character is through context clues or the eyes of other people. in that regard, i think the title is slightly misleading. to patrick and marion, tom is simply the object of their affections who just so happens to be a policeman. 
that’s absolutely not(!!!) to downplay or defend the fact that patrick and marion do have a few moments where they express how drawn they are to tom, due to his status as a police officer. off the top of my head i do remember a few gross lines where marion mentioned that she found tom ‘powerful’ or a ‘protector’ etc. patrick lovingly nicknamed him ‘my policeman’, and was turned on by the danger / thrill of illegally loving someone who was meant to uphold and enforce laws that oppress them both. 
these were problematic sentiments that grossed me out, but overall i felt the book focused much more on the way patrick and marion felt about tom, and the way their relationships with him turbulently unfolded, rather than focusing on tom as an actual character. because of this, tom’s role in the story felt very anecdotal to me and i often felt like he was completely absent for large parts of the story. it makes me wonder how they’ll tackle this in the movie adaptation and how much of harry we’ll actually see. 
outside of these observations wrt how little i think tom’s character is seen, and the role he plays within the story, i don’t think i have much worthwhile to add to fandom conversation about the police aspect. i’m white, so of course i understand that everything i come across is filtered through a very privileged lens, and that some things that may not make me uncomfortable or strike me as a ‘big deal’ can come across as the complete opposite for POC. i try my best to be very mindful of that, and i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or come across as disrespectful in saying any of this.
as for the book being written by a straight person... i can only speak for myself when i say that i generally don’t take issue with straight people writing stories about queer people, so long as they’re written in good taste with good intentions - cough, cough, certain unfavorable sides of this fandom - and i do think that my policeman was. i found the period-typical homophobia to be fairly tame and written with a light hand. 
overall, i think the author was respectful towards the community. if anything, i’d maybe go so far as to call her somewhat self-aware, because marion’s character is the very epitome of ignorant straight woman. she’s unworldly as they come, completely oblivious to tom’s continued disinterest in all of her advances, and then pulls the ultimate karen by outing a gay man and sending him to prison. her selfishness and ignorance act as catalysts for one of the major tragedies within the story: lost time. i can’t say for certain that the author intended for me to despise marion by the end of the story, but if she did, well done, A+ work.
anyway! this was a long winded and rambling mess lmao but i appreciate the opportunity to be introspective about the book, so thank you anon. i have a lot of mixed feelings about the story itself and it felt nice to write it all out. 
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
The Little Big Things (2/4)
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(@ricksanchezdwc) So like we had done not too long ago, me, @hoodoo12 @porkchop-ao3 @rickstexaschick are doing the same prompt cause we all loved the idea. Thanks to @dorklyevil for allowing me to use a line from one of her comics. And I didn't mention it before, but this story references Labyrinth, and it follows the events of this fic As The World Falls Down.
This is part 2. If you haven't read part one then read it here. (Read Part1 Here)
Chapter 2: The Scientist Who Became A King
Here, it was evergreen, and it never rained.
You had never known a time without the tears of God; the rain, which washed the earth clean of its trials, and its yesterdays, welcoming the oncoming morrows ever to come. Though, there was a time, you did without it, and you longed for it, and the places it touched upon; once upon a dream.
“Rick,” you wondered, as you did about many things. “does it rain here?”
“Only during certain seasons. I-I know there is a lake on the west side of this planet, but it's - it's a-a bit far from here. Why d-do you ask?”
“Hmm, I was just wondering.”
“Hohoho,” he chuckled. “as y-you should. Curiosity means a-a desire t-to learn or know about anything, and it isn't - I-I-I don't dislike it. ” He admitted with a wink. “Just in case y-you were wondering.”
You pouted, which made him laugh, a full on belly laugh. The little tease, perhaps the Rick in him couldn't resist.
Side glances, soft smiles, random stories from Citadel, he was in another one of his talkative, happy go lucky moods. Blame it on the scenery, or you telling him an hour or so ago how cute he was, but he was running on happiness. “And th-thats how I-I got this lucky penny.”
Holding your hand out, you giggled. “Can I hold it? Maybe something good will happen.”
Glancing between you and the penny, he placed a quick peck on your cheek and dropped the coin on your palm. With a blush, he replied softly. “F-for extra luck.”
You gave it back, and continued walking, allowing him to wait anxiously, before blowing back a kiss that made him tear up a little. Damn it he was cute. Perhaps, you felt uninhibited, though Zeta-7 had that effect on you a great deal of the time; that or you two really were being affected by the environment. You two walked among enormous flowers for what seemed like hours.
The blood red blossoms drooped heavily from above, their faces turned down towards your tiny forms; their blessings hidden in the wind and its whispers. For a while you couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. It was as though the world around you was calling for you to return. You wanted to roll around, and tumble down hill, and the flowers gave you the strongest sense to climb them; their perfume thick and sweet, emitting a soft, amber glow. Petals drifted down like leaves falling in autumn. Each time one touched the ground, a soft sound could be heard; like a chord being struck on a harp. A great symphony was all around you two, with no beginning or end. Feelings of deep peace and satisfaction were within you; as well as nostalgia from false memories.
The thing about memories, they were like homemade movies; messy and out of focus, with the select few which were hidden gems, located in the corners of the basement in a random cardboard box; only remembered when stumbled upon. Though, if you closed your eyes, you would be back there, in that place where you had lived a second lifetime. And you'd remember that as charming as it had been, it truly was melancholic; like the rain. You'd remember the days you were almost a princess, and the loneliness of the mountain.
At the very top of the white capped mountains, it would sometimes rain for days, especially on the ones when you were the saddest; perhaps the mountain king had his own sadness too.
It made you wonder, if it was because Zeta-7 had been longing for you, or if he knew you were longing for him. For now, observing him, and seeing him happy, made you hope it really wasn't all that bad for him. If it had been, you would do all you could to make it better.
The ground was soft, and with every step you took, you'd sink a little into the moss pillows before bouncing back up; a lilting tune encouraging your playfulness. This place had a charm akin to the forest in the middle of spring, whose flowers and trees had spread themselves to enjoy the filtered beams of light. Of course, if you replaced the trees with flowers, and the light with that of bioluminescent pollen, then there wouldn't be much difference. Oh, that opened up a whole other line of questions which you could ask later, but for now you were giddy, and every time you bounced back up, you'd erupt into a fit of giggles. A few times, Zeta-7 had to stop and make sure you didn't hurt yourself, but for the most part, he'd stand back and watch, or take pictures of your amusement. A few times, you caught him wiping at his eyes, but he'd say it was nothing; you knew better of course, but let him be.
Later, there was laughter in his voice when he said, “Y-y-y-y-you enjoying yourself?”
You nodded in between giggles, and when you had enough, you stepped off the moss, and leaned against one of the flowers stems, breathless and tired. My, how the light filtered through the canopy of leaves, the low humidity, the intoxicating scent, and the view made you wistful. “The garden fairies had told me about a place like this once, as well as...” you faltered, suddenly afraid of triggering bad memories.
Though, he picked up where you left off. “A-a place you saw once upon a dream?”
“Yeah. Um, is it okay to talk about it?”
With his back towards you, Rick nodded as he unpacked the contents of his backpack in search for a snack. “If y-you want to.”
Sometimes, his passive responses stopped you from talking any further. You assumed it was a trait he had picked up or learned in order to avoid drawing attention to himself or to stay out of trouble, but it also made you uncomfortable at times. If he wasn't interested, then usually you would avoid the subject, but this time you carried on; even if with reluctance. “We haven't talked much about it since it happened.”
“I-I know.” His voice picking up that endless guilt.
“It's not one of those things that's going to go away,” You sighed. “and to be honest, I haven't gotten over it.”
Everything that had happened, at least the parts you remembered, you didn't want to forget. Well, except for the loneliness; you didn't like that part. In a dream, you had a family, friends, and almost became a queen, but what did you almost lose in order gain all that? Forgetting Rick? Almost losing your life? The lesser of two evils was your current life, but it didn't always feel that way.
You rubbed your arm, suddenly finding your shoes a bit interesting. “Am I supposed to bring it up casually, or what?”
“Do what y-y-you think is right I ugh - I suppose.”
“That's sort of the problem. I don't know what's right anymore” This caught his attention, as he had stopped moving, and soon after began to wring his hands. Damn, you needed to remember to control your tone. You continued, in a gentler tone. “You take me to these dazzling, wonderful places, and we usually go home happy and tired, with a handful of stories to add to our memory jars, and I enjoy that, and what we do. However,” You paused, nibbling your bottom lip in hopes of finding something better to say, but continued on. “there's something we haven't addressed, and that's me, and how what I do affects you. When we flirt with death, and get injured, because I wanted a good photo or something, how come you don't get mad? I mean, you deserve to after you went on a journey that could have been avoided in the first place if I would've listened. And forgive me if I sound shrill, but I almost forgot you. Doesn't that bother you?”
Placing the items back in his pack, and slipping it over his shoulders, he stood there so frighteningly still, you wondered if you had finally crossed the line. Then, he took out the penny he talked about a few hours ago, and gave it a squeeze. “It - it does, but y-you didn't forget me. At least not completely, and I-I-I guess I left a deeper impression then I had pr-previously believed..”
“But if I would have? Don't you see, I'm not prepared for this. We've gone over the other hypothetical, important what not, but not about the incident, at least not in detail. And I think it's about time we do, that way we're both aware of what not to do next time, and how I can avoid making an ass of myself. Don't you agree?”
Turning around, the lines around Zeta-7s eyes deepened, as well as the creases of his forehead, and there was a pensive cloudiness of his usually electric blues. The sweet songs around you had transitioned almost without your notice. Adagio, the melody now reminded you Clair De Lune, and Gymnopédie. “Well, I-I-I-I thought you - I assumed it made you uncomfortable, and that's the last thing that I'd ever want you t-t-to feel. W-w-we can talk if you're - you're ready.”
“If I'm ready? Are you?”
“Honestly, I am uncomfortable talking about this,” you admitted, which compelled him to pull you close, rubbing your back in soothing circles. Enveloped in the warmth of the man you loved, and a distance away from everything else which could possibly hurt you, you second guessed on whether it really was a good time to think of it again, but how else would you two get past this? You continued, in that small, girlish voice that pained him. “but it's not because of what happened to me. I couldn't care less if I had gotten hurt, but if it meant hurting you, and if what I've put you through has, then I wish I hadn't been so careless. I thought I had it all together, and knew what I was doing, but all I seem to do is give you trouble. God, I'm such idiot.”
“Shh,” he cooed, brushing away a lock of hair. “th-thats not true. Y-you're thoughtful, and - and perceptive, and s-s-so clever.”
“What have I ever done that's so clever?”
Leaning forward until your foreheads touched, he confessed. “Y-y-y-y-you got me to - to loosen up and try new things, and showed me its okay to get e-emotional. Why, y-you even brought me t-t-to the moon without ever leaving the ground.”
“What do you mean?”
“I-I-I have wanted many things during my life,” he admitted, pulling back enough to study you. “but none of them have been as - as wonderful as you. And I've - you know that I've traveled across the universe, but it's usually been alone
I'm - I-I-I don't want to be alone anymore. Having you around has inspired me t-t-to get back in touch with my surroundings a-and the world, but I - you're m-my world. Gosh,” he blushed as he caressed your cheek, his thumb brushing away fresh tears. “you're - you really are more beautiful than the night and stars combined, and y-y-you don't even know it. Y-you're my satellite, m-m-mi Luna, and it takes a strong women to put up with me. You're my treasure, and I'd - I'd do anything t-t-to protect you. That's why I-I-I-I chose t-to do it, to go and find you. We're all w-we got, and despite what I thought might of - of happened, I'm s-s-so happy I found you, and that you're safe. W-w-with me.”
“What did you think would happen?”
With serious, but tender eyes, Zeta-7 answered. “Th-that you would have forgotten me completely, and never woken up.”
He cleared his throat in the manner he did from time to time, trying to piece together the right words that wouldn't upset you. In a voice above a whisper, he finished. “And p-p-p-passed away.”
“Th-that blue moss did a-a number on you, but there doesn't seem to be any residual side effects. I'm glad a-about that.”
“What if I would've had brain damage? What then?”
Jokingly, he answered. “Hmm, then I guess I-I would've gone back and used Mr. Needfuls gift.”
“You…..you would've done that for me? No, that's outrageous. If you did that, then you wouldn't have been able to do your science stuff.”
With a shrug, he softened. “Th-that's true, but we would have had other stuff w-we could do, and I-I-I still would love you. Diminished intelligence d-doesn't affect happiness. On the contrary, we'd only focus on - on what truly matters. That, and I'd have the joy t-to learn it all over again.”
“Rick, I love it when you get cheesy, but you couldn't mean all that.”
“I-I-I do, but it's okay if you don't believe it. I'll - I'll prove it, but for now let's not - not think about it too hard. Everything bad th-that happened, we'll - we'll talk about it and g-get through it. T-t-together.”
“So, I can ask whatever I want?”
“Y-y-yes, wherever, whenever.”
You knew he meant it to sound sweet, but it took a moment for it to sink in what he actually said, and you couldn't help it when you giggled. “Rick, I'm pretty sure that's the title of a Shakira song.”
“Hohoho, r-really? Was she on - on American idol?”
His obliviousness only made it worse. How cute. You really were lucky to have him, this patient dork of a man. “No, but nevermind that. I'm glad I still have you too.”
“I'm glad y-you're still as adorable and lovely as - as ever.”
Giving him a playful shove, despite the heat in your cheeks, you hid your face in the scratchy fabric of his linen shirt,. “Rick, how can you say stuff like that with a straight face?”
In his matter of fact way, he answered. “B-because I mean it.”
This man really would one day kill you with kindness, and this time it was your vines which stretched out, wrapping themselves on his arm, and it's flowers kissing wherever they could touch; his neck, cheeks, eyes, forehead, and mouth. It was amusing to watch him laugh and squirm, which encouraged his vines to do the same to you, but you two pulled back a little, and they returned to place, and behaved; at least for the moment.
Rick decided to call the silly, cheeky, little vines from your matching bracelets Ioculus vines, which meant funny if you heard him correctly. Anyway, they were mischievous, and had minds of their own; or so you said, because you didn't want to admit how fun it was to tease Rick. Why, he might have been in the middle of an explanation, and they'd by climbing up his arm, and across his back, but he'd only squirm and continue. Though, the one time your Ioculus managed to kiss the back of his neck, he jumped back so violently, you'd swear he had seen a ghost. And watching him lightly scold the Ioculus as though they were children, then apologize for getting annoyed at them, not only made you laugh wholeheartedly, but it made you imagine him as a father, and what it would be like if he had to be a disciplinarian.
Perhaps it was but your girlish dream at work, but you could see him playing with two or three kids, telling them stories, showing them the magic of science. If they misbehaved, he'd take them aside, and explain why they might be getting disciplined, but never out of anger, and always reassure them that it was all out of love, and that he'd always care for them. And if you were honest with yourself, you pictured yourself sitting on his lap, after they had gone to bed, listening to how his day was, and how much he missed you. And you'd tell him….. Oh, but those were just thoughts; and you imagined a lot of things.
You wondered if the ioculus worked like mood rings and acted upon your feelings for each other. Did they know what the heart truly wanted? Because, as long as the two of you were close, the vines along your wrists seemed to interact with one another, but when Zeta-7 distanced himself, the blooms growth was stunted, and withered a little. And after a while, whether it had to do with the sensory overload, or your bending the forces according to your will, you were drained. “Rick, is it okay to rest for a while?”
“Of - of course.”
Leading you by the hand, he took a moment to spread out a blanket and you proceeded by laying beside him, feeling more worn out then you had anticipated. “Ughhh, I'm so tired. Honestly, when we get home, I might just go straight to bed.”
“Do y-y-you want to go home now?”
“No, I’ll be fine if I rest for a while.”
“Are you hungry? D-do you want a snack? I-I have fruit, sandwiches, and I-I even brought granola.”
“Maybe later.” you yawned. “Come here, I want to use your chest as a pillow.”
Carefully, he laid back, making a little old man sound as he settled himself. With your head resting above his heart, you kept quiet for a little while, listening to his heartbeat, the plants around you, and the Ioculus interact. When they did this, there was a sense of completeness, and you'd look at Zeta-7 and wonder how you could adore him so much. The way he wrinkled his nose, his ever changing expressions, soft skin, his sweetness, his everything; you adored it all. Aware of how vulnerable you've become with him, you just want to melt into him, and give him everything; anything that would make him happy. “Rick?”
Tentatively, you combed his hair with your fingers, gauging his response as you traced shapes lazily along his scalp. “Are you happy?”
He chuckled, draping an arm over you, answering softly. “When I-I'm with you I am.”
“Flirt. What about your hair, who cuts it?”
“I-I do. Why,” he tensed. “sh-should I change it?”
Brushing his bangs away from his forehead, you pressed a kiss on his brow. “No, I like it this way. It's part of your charm. I guess I was just curious, because it's not even in the back.”
“Oh that, well it's - it's not always easy t-to reach it.”
“Do you mind if I help you next time? I wouldn't want you to go out, not looking your sharpest.”
“I - I don't mind.”
“You'd probably mind if I kissed whatever I could reach. Especially right here.” you softened, pressing a light kiss on his neck which made his heart beat faster.
“I - I do mind that, but it's - I-I-I'm sure you'll probably just tease a-a-a little.”
“You're right, but I might surprise you. Maybe, I won't try anything and I'll just cut your hair. You'll just have to wait and see. Though, this isn't what I meant to talk about.”
“I ugh - I-I didn't think so. What's on y-your mind? You can tell me, if y-you want.”
Snuggling yourself closer, you wondered.“When you were in my dream, you knew about me, but I knew little to nothing about you. How did you become the mountain king? I mean, you don't seem like the type to rule or lord over anyone. So, how did that happen?”
“Oh, it's - are y-y-you sure you want to hear it?”
“I do.”
Caressing your hair, he sighed. “I-I will admit, that it - it wasn't as exciting as y-you think it was, but if y-y-you are sure, then I'll tell it.”
“I am, but tell me just the good parts. Oh, and the parts with me in it. ”
His blue eyes shone with amusement, as he kissed your temple. “O-o-okay just th-the good parts then."
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candy-crackpot · 7 years
I can't believe I have to say this, but wank time again.
Fictional characters aren't real. Allen Walker and the rest of the cast are not. Real. They do not have personhood, they are not affected by what you do or think to them. You cannot compare characters to real people, they exist on two completely different planes. You cannot rip these characters out of their context and align them next to you. Characters are just a set of values packaged in a humanoid form so you can relate to them. They are products meant to consume, to use for your own purposes, to be a source of strenght and escape from life, not real people being exploited. There's no teen feeling harmed or harassed because of what fans think of them. These are not "kids like you" who are sexualised.
I don't know how this "you can only put 18 years old in sexual situations" came from but that's incorrect. Age of consent rages wildly from 14-22. This law is meant to protect minors from being exploited not to ban anything sex related altogether. Teenage years about discovering your own sexuality. It's not like you're 17 you're an innocent baby and when you turn 18 you're suddenly some predator for being attracted to 16 years olds and you're abusive in such relationship. Not even the US, where most of you are from, has a solid view on that, plus Romeo and Juliet law exist exactly to approve of teens below 18 having sex with someone older than then within a certain limit.
Pornographic material is an entirely different matter. Being porn actor is an occupation. You need your parent's approval to work as a minor and obviously they cannot give their approval - even if you consented to it - in this matter because in the eyes of the law that would be exploiting a minor. Which in this case cannot happen because there is no real human perso involved. There aren't any real people being sexualised over here. If such content makes you feel uncomfortable that's fine, you have every right to feel so, you can filter it all.
You however, have no right to make demand from content creators. Many of us were still teens when we first discovered this series. Time passed, we grew up and a whole knew generation rolled in next to us. We who remained still love the same things, relate to the same characters and scenarios, the same dynamics. It is our way of utilising the content, including the characters at our disposal. We have the right to do so the same way as you view them as your peers. You have no right to monopolize these characters and decide for others what is right and wrong, what characters are for. It is for us too and we know some might not enjoy - hence tags to choose what you want to see and what you don't.
Fandom isn't about or for you. You are in charge of your own place. Filter, unfollow and block.
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