hnsoka · 2 years
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This technique works for all eye types, usually though, if the eye is more round I'll have the upper eyelashes face upwards and if the eye is more droopy then i face the upper eyelashes downward.
Also the number of eyelashes has NO LIMIT so add as many as you want, it doesn't matter. Go crazy with it!!
@youaskedfurret sorry, i'm terrible at explaining but i really hope this helps ☺💜
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Hello, sorry for bothering you. I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list for everything, if so that would be great!
Not a bother at all :D honestly, this is the perfect excuse to redo my tag list.
Childe Tag List
@youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @elyiu @thegayrubberducky @aruuuuuuunyan @akiy4ma-mizuki @disa-ster @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki @openingssequence @onowie @sora-sunshne
Tag List for everything 
@hanniejji @hermaeusmorax @unionwitch @sunnshiii @vlorxus @xoneaboveallx @asheseiler @sakari-shi @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @aklxojjk @fulltimeventisimp @laic2299 @dieseameni @duhsies @creatorofstars @zalladane @sweeti-pie @curiouslilbeast @momos-peaches @timmyitsmeeee @nebula-gemini
Xiao Tag List
@youaskedfurret @37thcupid @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki @legionqueensav @mamasnu @castinluckgamer @dazqily @sora-sunshne
Zhongli Tag List
@legionqueensav @lemontum
Razor Tag List
@pineapple-panini19 @castinluckgamer​ 
Kaeya Tag list
Diluc Tag List
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sleepawaywriting · 4 years
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akskddkdkksks thank you so much!! 🥺 also i can relate to the piers obsession, i was so thirsty for more content that i was just like FINE I’LL DO IT MYSELF 😂❤️
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autisticheadcanons · 4 years
This isn't a hc but I just wanted to thank you for keeping up with this blog for so long ❤️
Thank you so much!- Mod Dragon.
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flamboyant-king · 5 years
Bitch I'm going to buy tiny Takumi so fast you'll go blind
you better be the first one to buy it if it gets made *squints*
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castaform · 5 years
youaskedfurret replied to your post: .
Get rid of him
i blocked him like 3 mins after realising who he was like Im not fan of my ex but still I can deal without this drama rn
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alphynix · 6 years
Did Ankylosauruses (how tf do you make that a plurl???) have feathers or quills? Or were they just big friendly shaped dinosaurs with armored plates and clubbed tails like we think of them. I really want to know bc they are my favorite dinosaur and I love them. (Honestly even though they immediately got wrecked in JW I was too excited that they got any screen time at all lmao 😂)
The plural for the general group of dinosaurs Ankylosaurus belongs to is “ankylosaurs” or “ankylosaurians”. For Ankylosaurus itself, since it’s a scientific name it doesn’t have a formal plural form -- but “Ankylosauruses” works fine, or you can treat it like “sheep” with the plural being the same as the singular.
There aren’t any good enough specimens of Ankylosaurus to show what its skin was like, but based on better-preserved close relatives we have a decent idea. And so far there’s no fossil evidence for feather-like structures or quills in ankylosaurs.
The skin impressions we have all show scales, but due to the way they tend to be preserved upside-down we know much more about what their back skin looked like than their bellies. It’s possible they had some fine sparse fuzz between those scales that just didn’t fossilize, or fluffelsewhere on their bodies (and I like speculatively giving them some floof), but at best it would probably have been something similar to a modern armadillo.
But if you prefer them fully scaly, that’s currently the most likely interpretation.
(We also now know the color of one ankylosaur. Borealopelta, one of the clubless nodosaurids, was reddish-brown!)
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youaskedfurret replied to your post “NUMBER 3 FOR THE KISSES WITH LANCE!! PLEASE”
I mean I didn't request it but still thank you
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jadehqknb · 7 years
Will the ask box ever be open for the bad boy AU again? Bc I'd love a sequel with Tendou's s/o and her reaction if she found out what Tendou did to Oikawa's s/o. (Like honestly if it were me, I'd be fucking pissed. Like women have to stick together, ya know? I probably wouldn't talk to him for days.) I feel like Tendou's s/o would be the only one who could bring him in and control him.
Haha, I know, I just keep making it go deeper yeah? I kinda wrote it with the idea in mind that Tendou’s girl isn’t really involved heavily with the gang. Like, she mentioned being a fringe member of the gang and it’s pretty much cause she’s involved with Tendou. 
So it’s possible she didn’t even know he took Oikawa’s girlfriend like that. 
It’s possible they broke up because of the crap that went down at that party. Maybe that’s why Tendou was sooooo pissed that he took Oikawa’s girl. 
Maybe Ushijima is more devious than we thought and used the situation to manipulate Tendou thereby influencing Oikawa (I had a whole side thing about that which was dropped because TOO MUCH DETAIL FOR A SMALL SCENARIO).
There was so much going through my head for it but I had to back it down because it’s a scenario and not a full blown fic lol. 
So, to answer your question, when I have the box open for general requests again I won’t refuse Bad Boy requests, just for now I’m not taking any new ones and only taking supernatural since that’s AU theme for October.
And, just so everyone’s aware while I’m at it (sorry that your question got hijacked into a long rambling deal) after October I plan on taking a break in November before jumping head long into a Christmas idea I have then we’ll head onto New Years Eve where I plan on doing RP (we’ll see how that all works out). 
*DEEP BREATH* which means I more than likely will not be accepting general asks until January...and suddenly the rest of the year feels very short. 
If any of the above changes, I’ll of course be sure to let you all know. 
Thanks for the ask and the enthusiasm regarding this scenario, I hope you all like what’s coming next.  
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floradewdrop · 7 years
ur gay ❤
ur gayer
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iwa-ch4n · 3 years
genshin boys reacting to you holding their face like this;
diluc: is slightly confused and a bit stiff but he'll let you. hold him like that for a bit longer and he'll loosen up and melt into a soft smile. definitely starts doing it to you after that
venti: he'll be surprised for a second, but then the adorable bastard giggles (ehe-) but its slightly muffled bc you're squishing his very very squishy cheeks and he's just so cute help
zhongli: soft smile immediately. might remove one of your hands just to hold it and kiss your knuckles. he's so sweet pls-
childe: no listen i just know this man is touch starved but he has no shame and latches on to any affection he gets. closes his eyes and he lowkey looks like a cat thats getting its chin scratched. please stroke his cheek with your thumb. please.
xiao: his first instinct is to pull away, but if you try again he'll let you. will probably mutter something about not getting close to him or useless human rituals or whatever but dont get him wrong, he's enjoying the affection
albedo: i think he would just take it as a kind of greeting? like if you came up to him and held his face like that he'd just look up at you softly and make a little "hmm?" sound as if he's asking what you need. he's so pretty idk about you but id need to take a minute-
bennett: FLUSTERED BABY pls he actually doesnt know what to do with himself. is blushing so hard and doesn't know what to say so he just thanks you??? but he's adorable and it makes you laugh and which will make him absolutely melt and you'll probably end up cuddling
razor: just looks at you slightly confused for a minute but when he realises you're being affectionate he'll like nuzzle into your hand and might try to do it back at some point
chongyun: confused for a second, then he processes whats happening and he is Flustered Baby part 2. less frantic than benny but he can't meet your eyes (unless you grip his face more and make him look at you) and he is definitely overheating pls help him
xingqiu: he takes it very casually bc he absolutely would just do this to you all the time. pulls you in by the waist and gives you a kiss on the nose (kiss him back smh-)
kaeya: does that fuckin chuckle and you end up more flustered than he is. will kiss your wrist and be like "did you need something?" but his teasing smile is softer than usual
scaramouche: pushes your hands away and asks what the hell you're doing. you may have to argue with him a little and hit him with the puppy eyes but eventually he'll just let you do what you want. seems like he's indifferent but he's blushing a little
tags; @youaskedfurret
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Effects of Addiction
Pairing - Childe x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Porn viewing, dildos, dirty talking, praise.
Word Count - 2.8k
Other Comments - Alright everyone line up in an orderly fashion to receive the long awaited part 2 to this camgirl fic. No one panic and no one push, everyone gets to read! If you haven’t read the first part of this you can read that HERE! I want to formally apologize for just how LONG this took to get out but I’m actually quite proud of the end result. I added a few honorable mentions in this one wink wonk ;).
@theshellystrawberry @youaskedfurret
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It has been a couple weeks since Childe had discovered your streams, and boy did you have him by the balls. He was tuning into your streams any chance he got, no matter where he was, quickly rising the ranks as your highest donator; always commanding the way the show went. He could tell that some of the other people in your lives were annoyed by his sudden intrusion, but they were gonna have to get used to it, (y/n) was gonna be his and only his.
Childe had memorized your streaming schedule by now, you would stream Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, with an occasional bonus stream late nights on Saturday. The Saturday streams were his favorite; with them being the least attended due to having the least amount of public promotion it felt more personal between the two of you. Something in him went feral on Saturdays, waiting for your profile to say live.
You two would occasionally have private conversations, over the website of course, where the two of you would discuss future stream ideas and other things of the sort. Childe was determined to slowly work his way closer to you. As much as he loved watching you slam a large dildo into yourself he wanted to unveil the deeper topics within you, the things you kept hidden away from this lewd site.
It was Childe’s favorite day of the week, a Saturday, where he impatiently waited in his bed with his laptop laying close next to him. Your profile was pulled up on the screen, ready for when you would finally hit the live button. Soon enough he heard the familiar soft music begin the play from the laptops speakers, signaling the stream was getting ready to begin. Childe hurriedly pulled the laptop close to him, waiting for your pretty face to pop up on his screen, with the usual pink background behind you.
“Hello everyone!!” Your melodic voice rang from the speakers, Childe’s lips pulling up into an instinctual smile.
“I have a little bit of a surprise for you guys! It’s exclusive to this stream because the idea would be so much harder with the larger audience I normally get.” Childe adjusted his sitting position in anticipation of this new idea. You never mentioned anything new in the small little text convos you two would have together so he was excited to learn more.
“I’ve decided I want to start getting a little more up close and personal with my audience, like many of the other streamers on this site do. So I was thinking that we’ll have a little public warmup and at the end the highest donor will get a personal one on one call to finish the night out.” Childe’s eyes blew out wide at the notion. A one on one call with you? One of his hands curled up into a fist, he needed to be the highest donor tonight. This is what he had been waiting for.
-- Harbinger11 tipped 3,000 mora: How’s this for a donation? --
Childe watched as your eyes widened, before you let a gorgeous smile settle onto your features.
“Ah Harbinger, I just knew you’d be excited for this little idea.” A small chuckle escaped past your lips, as you began to lay back and spread your legs for the camera to see. Childe licked his lips, excited for the show that was about to begin.
-- GoldenOsmanthus tipped 4,500 mora: You look so pretty like that dear. --
Childe eye’d this donation, before snapping his gaze back to your now flustered light pink face. He couldn’t tell if your face was pink because of what you were doing to your gorgeous pussy or from the compliment this other viewer just sent in. He refused to believe it was the latter, the thought putting a bad taste in his mouth. All he knew was that he needed to intimidate this other person from donating, he needed this one on one call.
-- Harbinger11 tipped 4,000 mora: I agree, all dolled up and flustered for us. --
You let out a quiet huff, Childe could tell you were getting more worked up as the time went on. He could only hope that part of that was because of his comment.
“My my you guys, I’m getting worked up faster than I initially thought, this stream might not be very long.” Your voice was shaky as you tried to keep yourself together and not give too much away for just the ‘warm up’ stream. So far Childe has donated 7,500 mora meaning he was in the lead. He was willing to donate more but he wanted to save the big bucks for the private call. He wanted to see how you looked as he spoiled you rotten while you pretended to fuck yourself on his dick.
-- ChalkAlchemist tipped 2,000 mora: Your fingers work yourself open so well I’m impressed. --
-- GoldenOsmanthus tipped 4,000 mora: Agreed, so skilled I can only imagine what else those hands could do. --
-- ColdHeartedCavlryCaptain tipped 10,000 mora: I would love to see more of this up close and personal. --
Who the fuck did this guy think he was? So cocky and annoying, absolutely ruining the tone of the stream. Childe had seen this username before in many of your streams and he was not a huge fan of his. Whatever, there was no way he was going to let this chump get in his way. He was beginning to fiend for your one on one call.
-- Harbinger11 tipped 11,000 mora: Well I guess that’s too bad captain, this beautiful baby is mine for tonight. --
The sound of you tip alert reading out the message sounding throughout Childe’s bedroom, followed by the cutest chuckle broken by a soft moan he’d ever heard.
“Play nice now, or there won’t be a one on one call at all and I’ll just finish off camera. Neither of you would want that now would you?” Childe sighed, that would be the worst thing to happen.
-- Harbinger11 tipped 3,000 mora: You’re right baby, my apologies gorgeous. --
Once again, the softest most delicate moan fell from your lips, as your chest rose and fell. Your fingers work circles around your clit, your free hand gripping the fabric below you. Childe knew you were close to ending the stream, he couldn’t wait for this call; nothing was going to get in his way now.
“Okay guys, warmup is over, the winner of the call would be Harbinger11 with a total of 21,500 mora donated! Thank you to everyone who donated, everything is very much appreciated. Harbinger, I look forward to our call, do not disappoint.” With a wink you ending screen was now the only thing left on screen besides a flurry of messages. Some cursing Childe, others congratulating him. There were a few complaining the stream was already over but who cared? Childe was finally going to be able to actually call you; or rather vice versa.
Before he could even click out of the tab, your profile photo popped up on his screen with two options. Accept or deny. He immediately clicked accept after he made sure the front camera of his laptop was working. He silently wished for better video quality on his end but oh well, he made do with what he had.
“Hello Harbinger~ My oh my you are one attractive man. Congrats on winning the call, you seemed pretty determined in chat.” Childe still couldn’t quite believe that you were talking to him and him alone. There was no one else there to witness what was about to go down, or interrupt what was going to happen.
“Well of course. When you said that there was a chance to get a one on one call, why would I let that opportunity go to waste? You are just too pretty to let those other guys get this call.” You chuckled at his statement and it made his heart soar. When he first saw your stream he never knew you were going to have such an iron grip on his heart and soul.
“I have to be honest with you Harbinger,” you adjusted your position where you sat in front of the camera. You seemed shy but maybe Childe was just reading too much into your movements. “I was hoping you’d win this. I’m glad you didn’t let me down.” Childe’s eyes widened at this confession. You wanted to call him? Had he died and gone to heaven?
“If you wanted to call, all you had to do was ask, baby. It would’ve saved me thousands of mora, though it was well worth it.” You found yourself comfortable, yet hesitant talking to Childe, the call felt natural but there was something deep down that made you feel nervous around him. He seemed so confident and smooth; not only that but he was so much more attractive than you were expecting. “And by the way, my name is Childe. Though if you’re more comfortable with Harbinger that's fine.” You found yourself smiling at this.
You couldn’t help but take in his albeit pixelated complexion. The man on the other side of the screen had the prettiest amber red hair that you’d ever seen. His eyes seemed to sparkle every time he smiled or laughed at something. You found yourself yearning to see this in person.
“Well Childe, it’s lovely to finally know your actual name. Now you have a reward to redeem, what would you like me to do?” Childe almost forgot that that’s what this call was about. It felt so natural just chatting with you.
“It would be an honor if you pretended to fuck yourself on my dick with one of your dildos baby.” You smiled and nodded before getting up to find your collection of dildos. Childe couldn’t tell through the confident relaxed front you were putting up but his comment made you hotter than you’d ever been before. Something about this man telling you to fuck yourself on a dildo already had you going; though you guessed you could also blame the warmup you had earlier as well. You pulled out a few in varying sizes and presented them to the camera.
“Which one seems to be the closest to your size Childe?” He chuckled before looking through the selection you’d put in front of him. There were a few that were around his length but were a little too thick, until he saw the second to the last one in your right hand. It borderline perfectly resembled his cock, long and slender but still thick enough to hit where it counts.
“The second one to the right one looks about right.” You smiled before getting back up and putting the others away. Childe had already begun to palm himself through his pants when you came back.
“You ready Childe?” He chuckled at the question, boy did you have no idea.
“More than I’ll ever be.” You both stared at each other for a moment before smiling and beginning what you both came for. You set yourself up in the right position with your legs spread towards the camera, giving Childe a clear view of your pretty pussy. You could hear a stifled groan come from him which triggered a spark in your core. Was this what we sounded like when he watched your streams? How did you never have this idea before?
You circled the dildo around your hole before slowly beginning to press it into you, your cunt swallowing it greedily. There it was again, that beautiful moans Childe knew and adored. You made the most precious noises ever. Ever so slowly you worked the dildo into yourself and by this time Childe’s hand was deep in his pants trying to mimic your movements onto his cock. You moved, he moved; a mirrored dance.
“My god baby, you never cease to amaze me when you do this. I can’t comprehend how one person can look so stunning with a dildo shoved up their pussy. You’ve barely done anything and you already look so wrecked. Does the thought of me fucking you turn you on that much?” A loud moan followed by shaky breaths flowed from Childe’s speakers. Your head was spinning; you weren’t used to hearing dirty talk while you were doing these kinds of things and it was affecting you far much more than you thought it would.
You finally finished pushing the dildo all the way in and you reveled in the feeling. Is this what it would feel like if Childe was inside you right now? You wanted to reach out and be able to feel him above you, for him to be with you. You wanted him.
“Fuck… Childe I want you so badly.” Your voice was quiet and shaky when you spoke, part of you trying to keep your composure and another part of you scared to admit what you were saying. Would it scare him away? Childe on the other hand couldn’t believe what you had just said.
“What did you say (y/n)?” Childe’s voice was also quiet but for different reasons. He was scared he heard you wrong. There was no way you could’ve said what he just heard right? His hand squeezed the base of his cock as he paused all his movements.
“I… I said that- I want you Childe. I want you here with me. I never imagined the effect you would have on me. But now that we're here and doing this I’m realizing that I want more than just this fake dildo filling me up. I want the real thing Childe. I need the real thing.” After you finished you began to pump the dildo steadily in and out of your already puffy cunt. You gripped anything you could get ahold of that was underneath you.
Childe instantly began to mimic your movements once again but his head was reeling. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There is no way that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. A specifically loud moan broke him out of his daze as you accidentally hit your that specific spot that made you see stars. You kept abusing that specific spot, writing in your spot; your legs beginning to spasm a little from all the pleasure that was wrecking your body as the moment. You pumps got faster and harder as Childe tried his best to keep up.
“Holy fuck Childe just like that! You feel so fucking good inside of me. Holy shit please… fuck fuck fuck.” You were high on all the pleasure as your body shook, overwhelmed with pleasure. You could hear Childe’s grunts and groans from your speakers all the noises he was making egging you on.
“That’s right baby fuck yourself on my cock. You pretty little hungry slut. You’re mine, you hear me? This pussy is mine.” You screamed out his name, your pussy quivering for release as your back shot up in an arch.
“Let go baby, cum all over my dick. Tell everyone who you belong to.” Childe’s arm was sore but he ignored it as he watched you with gritted teeth. He wanted to cum with you. He watched the way your body twitched and finally with one last strong thrust into his hand in sync with the last strong pump of the dildo, you two came loud and hard. It was a jumble of you two saying each other's names mixed with pants and groans.
You both laid in silence for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. Your chest rose and fell as you slowly pulled the abused dildo out of your equally abused pussy. You whimpered as you felt it drag along your sensitive walls. Before long you both were able to collect yourselves and silently get cleaned up before sitting in front of each other like the beginning of the call.
“Does this mean I can get your number?” Childe’s voice was obviously nervous as he tread lightly over the topic of exchanging personal info. He knew there could be real creeps on sites like this so he understood if you were hesitant. He watched your face as you thought it over before looking back at him with a smile.
“That’d be fair. We’re only getting started in this little endeavor.”
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Xiao: Jealous HCs
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But never be ashamed of anything anon. We believe in Xiao supremacy in this house. I treat Xiao as this angry boy who just wants to be hugged but refuses to say so.
I’d like to think it would cross his mind and yes, you are right 👀 green with envy as they say. I’m desperate for Xiao crumbs and waiting for him to drop so he can rip my HCs apart.
yes aha..part 3;; I’m not slow at all with requests haha...don’t look at me like that. I’m trying okay. It’s still day 1.
💕🥰 but ty all for the support! I hope you’re still here... I’m still working on my writing style and getting back into the swing of things.
Here’s my second appreciation post for @cattycattitude​ Beautiful human being that has been with me since the beginning and fuck I’m in love 💕💕
Semi Part 1: Friendship
Semi Part 2: Falling in Love
Semi Part 3: Cuddles
Semi Part 4: Protective
Semi Part 5: Affection
Semi Part 7: First Kiss
Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract
Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs
Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]
Really liking this semi-series. Never meant for them to be connected but look at how far our boy has grown 💕💕 aka look at how many liberties I took.
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @youaskedfurret​ @snowy224 
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Xiao: Jealous HCs
Xiao has been alive for a very long time. He’s felt hatred, sadness, and every ugly emotion under the sun. But when Rex Lapis had released him from that possession and he was given a second chance, he promised himself that he would not let himself go down that hole again. He’s been living in solitude and even the barest amount of social interaction he does have, he still keeps his distance. That was until you kicked down and broke the door and entered his life. It was the first time he had ever felt love, affection, and happiness. He was grateful and respectful to Rex Lapis and his fellow adepti but with you, a growing sense of personal protectiveness burst forth but even then, he had never been extremely jealous over anyone.
If you played with Dusty Ming then he was fine with it. If someone was taking up your time he might get protective sure, but never extremely jealous. Even when Rex Lapis himself complimented you on your looks or prowess, he would never feel jealous. He either didn’t know the person or trusted them and while it was his duty to protect Liyue, he never associated himself with any others so what was there to be jealous of? That was Xiao’s mental rant as he watched Childe of all people talking with you and beside you and-
“Deep breaths Xiao. Remember what Guizhong taught you. You cannot pick up your spear and beat your problems into submission. It is not healthy and it is frowned upon in 7 regions”
He might have gotten a bit too used to your affection plus adding onto the fact that it was Childe, the man that thought it was a good idea to summon an ancient god just so he could get the attention of Rex Lapis, therefore endanger you - and Liyue but mostly you - meant that he was dangerous and a schemer and who knows what else. Maybe he was just a bit touched starved but with Childe taking up all your time and how casual Childe was skinship. From ruffling your hair, swinging an arm around you, and laughing along he couldn’t help but feel that familiar green monster dig itself into his heart and laugh at him.
You still have his sleeve on you and in theory that should be enough but Childe doesn’t know the first thing about Liyue traditions if it doesn’t involve fighting. For christ sake, he used the expensive chopsticks Zhongli gave him as weapons. He doesn’t understand why Zhongli and you say he can’t eviscerate him. It was fine, it wasn’t as if he was some animal that constantly needed your attention and care so he could stay strong. What would you say if you saw him like this?
It’s only when Childe, looks him in the eye, grins smugly, and places a hand on your shoulder that Xiao snaps his chopsticks in half and proceeds to throw the pointed end at Childe’s head. Reputation be damned.
It took a bit but you managed to rip out the chopsticks from the wall of where Childe’s head was. A quick apology to Verr, who didn’t even seem mad that the wall almost had a chopstick hole sticking through it said it was alright, and you quickly dragged Xiao up to the balcony.
“Alright, I know you don’t like Childe and that’s completely understandable but you can’t just attack him like that okay?” you sighed as you looked at the huffy adeptis. He never liked Childe in the first place but it never escalated to a point where he actually tried to attack the fatui. Threats, all the time, but if it wasn’t for Childe’s reflexes you were sure that he would be in some serious danger.
“He’s dangerous and a threat. You shouldn’t associate with him so much and letting him get to close. You never know what those Fatui are thinking” Xiao huffed, crossing his arms and turning away to look over Liyue from the railing. It almost seemed like he was...pouting?
You look at him curiously as you study his features. Looking for cues that only you would recognize before a small lightbulb went off. Come to think of it, it has been awhile since you were up here, just the two of you. You slowly reached over and slide your hand between his arms so you could curl your fingers around his. Your palm resting on his as you slowly but surely pull him into a hug. You almost laugh a bit when his arms go immediately around your frame and pulls you in closer  
“I’m sorry. I guess I have been spending a bit of time with Childe and Zhongli. But you still can’t try and stab Childe ok?” you grin as you cup his face as his yellow eyes stare back at yours. He seems to ponder about it for a second before huffing and nodding.
“Good boy” you laughed as you kiss his forehead. Xiao hmms happily, he missed this. It still felt a bit weird to him to express this type of affection and to receive it but it was nice. The moment however was ruined when he saw Childe talking to Zhongli and pointing at you both from underneath the stairwell. His face immediately glared at the harbinger. You said he shouldn’t try and attack him so...
“Xiao, did you ju-?”
I kinda forgot I used to write small fics at the bottom. Whoops, Xiao is a goodboy. Best boy. I do not see childe because he is a scammer. If Childe is a fox then Xiao is a cat. I take no criticism.  
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
Okay bro dumb idea I've seen around but here me out, Diluc, Childe, Xiao, Kaeya, and Zhongli with a s/o thats super loopy on meds. The boys try to get to them to bed but theyre like "sorey in sure your lovely but I have a boyfriend" and fust sleep on the floor
God me dude
i get loopy outta my mind when I take specifically cold medicine
Tumblr formatting his fucking this :')
Is briefly caught off guard when he first sees you like this
He'd never expect you to become THIS loopy when you took your medication
However, the more he was around you, the more used to it he became
He always makes it a point to make sure you don't hurt yourself when you stumble or fall
The man's gentleman, he's not gonna leave you on the floor either
He'll help you to your shared bedroom and attempts to cover you
But when you lazily roll out of bed and onto the floor
He goes to put you in the bed again
You swat his hands away lightly
Causing him to cock a brow at you
When you tell him you have a boyfriend and try to "let him down easy"
He gives a little sigh but nonetheless hoists you into bed again
"I'm sure he's lovely, however, you need to rest now."
Finds it hilarious
Especially when you stumble everywhere
Will laugh when you fall on your ass
He'll help you up though and carry you to bed
Even when you writhe in his arms until you fall onto the floor
He clicks his tongue and reaches to pick you up again
But when you roll away from him and say you're taken
He raises an eyebrow but smugly asks you to describe said boyfriend
As you complement him to his face he grows more and more smug
"Is that so? I'll be sure to keep that in mind ~"
He finally gets you into bed and exits your room soon after
Will tease the shit out of you later
Very confused
Why are you acting so strange
Very wary until he gets used to it
You'd probably have to explain when you're not tripping balls
Stays close by your side when it's time for your to take your meds
The moment you start to stumble, he piggybacks you to your room
Your squirming doesn't phase him
When you slide out of bed onto the floor though
He gets worried and tries to help
Your whining about not touching you because you have a boyfriend makes him pull away
Even more confused now
"I am aware. Now let me help you to rest"
Will probably never understand tbh
Heavily amused
Always down for dinner and a show
And the show is you
Expect to be teased both during and after
Will never let you live it down, especially if you complement him
Despite it seeming like he doesn't take it seriously, he takes good care of you
Keeps you hydrated and supervised so you don't hurt yourself
As he helps you to bed and you push him away he chuckles and makes a flirty remark
When you tell him to stop because you have a boyfriend
He chuckles
"Oh? He must be quite the charmer, hm?"
When you nod and being to ramble about him
He listens intently, thoroughly amused
Knows that it's just your medication
But he can't help but worry
After all you're so out of it, you don't recognize him
He coddles you tbh
Stays with you at all times to monitor you in case something happens
Sticks to your side like glue and makes sure nothing bad happens
When he helps you to bed, and you tell him that he reminds you of your boyfriend
He smiles at that
When you begin to talk about how your perceive him it makes him happy
Though he doesn't go along with it like some of the others
"Now, now dearest. It would be best if you lied down."
At the nickname you reach out to him and make grabby hands
He lies down next to you
Tbh cutest shit he's ever seen
Tag List: @kurokuroshit @clouds-rambles @mika-zuko @yoimimi @tempehlust @duhsies @dilucs-claymore @dai-tsukki-desu @seiiblue @nagatorou @youaskedfurret @fictionalcharactersthatsit @reina-dragoness-aka-rei
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flamboyant-king · 5 years
Fuck I sent that before I finished sksksks it was supposed to say "have you considered making merch of your cute little fire emblem drawings?
of course I have! my brother wanted to help me make pins and charms and all that good stuff. But I have a niche audience and we have to produce a minimum of like 50, and I know I won’t have 50 peeps buying my memes. I would love to have like 50 keychains of bun lew or teeny taku or any of my trademark jokes. Make my merch unique nyaha!
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clowashere · 4 years
Drunken Feelings  Fem! Reader x Steve Harrington
Requested by anon: “hey hi hello i’m kinda embarrassed to ask for this lol but could you please write something with the reader having just broke up with her bf and hooking up with steve?”
A/N: Reading this, my mind immediately went to Season 2, Halloween Party. As much as I’m really into the third season, I just thought this certain request was better suited somewhere where Steve is still in high school and having issues with Nancy. I hope you really enjoy this and oh my lord, no, don’t be embarassed at all. I come up with much weirder scenarios in my head, trust me. I’ll probably really enjoy writing this one and  Hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Stranger Things (Takes place S2)
Warnings: Swearing, Steve being a hurt and hot puppy dog, trying to feel something after Nancy breaks his heart once again.
Taglist: @youaskedfurret @witchever  @lonerfromeurope  @stevieboyharrington  @marvelous-revengers  @take-me-away-now  @songforhema @cassandraslang  @firecracking-cat  @bubblegumcat229  @a-wade @irreplaceable-ecstasy  @brokenobserver  @curiousershipper @just-ladyme  @from-a-forgotten-kingdom  @lauren-novak 
If anyone want’s to be added to the taglist or if I’m missing someone, just shoot me a message or comment below! 
The coolness of the steering wheel spread against your warm forehead, as you leaned up against it. You tried to ignore the base of whatever song that was playing inside the house, the noise seeming to make the whole ground shake, despite you parking your car a little ways down. 
Tears stained the edges of your exhausted eyes as you leaned back against the driver’s seat. 
Why were you even at this god damn party? 
Most of the people here you weren’t even big fans of and not to fucking mention that you had just broken up with your boyfriend a hour ago. 
You were in love with him. You always had been. But after three years of being with each other, you apparently wasn’t enough for him. Seeing that he did fuck some skanks behind your back. 
The men always get bored. 
You could almost hear Jonathan’s voice in your head: “I told you so.” 
Feeling the urge to cry again, you bit your bottom lip, trying to hold it in as you watched numerous people pass your car, laughing side-by-side without a care in the fucking world. 
You could feel the anger build up inside your body at how careless they all were. Hiding their problems with alcohol and weed. Never confronting them. 
You were such a hypocrite. 
Tightening your hand into a fist, you almost instantly banged it a couple times against the pleather of the steering wheel, the pain passing through like it didn’t even have any effect. 
You fell back in the seat once again, closing your eyes, and practicing the deep breaths your mom had practically begged you to do. 
God why waste your time crying over this dumb shit? 
You had all of tonight and tomorrow to drown your sorrows in cookie dough ice cream and watch The Princess Bride on repeat. 
You were going to get yourself together, go inside and pour you a drink, and just dance the night away. 
Opening your eyes, you ran your hands against them, taking most of the wetness away. You then grabbed the handle of the door, pushing it open, stepping out of your vehicle. 
The stench of booze, drugs and horny teenagers was high in the air as you made your way through the lawn, which was littered with red solo cups, broken condom wrappers, and party decorations. 
Your boots climbed up the porch stairs, you visually disgusted by the few couples that were eating each other’s faces near the door. 
Ugh you need a drink. 
The door was already wide open, from what I could see, the house was filled to the brim with people. Only a few spaces available to walk through. 
Avoiding the crowds, you felt the warmth of body heat hit your naked shoulders as you weaved around, trying to find the kitchen where the drinks most likely were. 
Thank god you wore a white tank top today. Not so lucky with the baggy jeans though. 
It didn’t take you long to find it, moving through the doorway as your eyes came in contact with the island, the surface covered in every alcoholic beverage you could think of. 
There were several students slumped against the floor and counters but you simply just ignored them, urging for that drink. 
You took a red solo cup from the tall stack, eyeing the huge punch bowl in the middle of the island, taking the large spoon and pouring some. Raising it to your dry mouth, you hummed as the red liquid swooshed down your throat. 
It was like Hawaiian punch with a strong kick. You liked it. 
Guzzling the rest down without hesitation, you attempted to get some more when a bang sounded behind you, causing you to turn around. It was none other than Steve Harrington, shoving a drunken guy out the way, who casually fell into the nearby wall. 
The playboy grumbled to himself as he walked inside the kitchen, moving on the opposite side of the island. You assumed to get a drink for himself. He didn’t seem to notice me, as he ran a hand through his disleveled hair. 
You watched as he roughly took a tall bottle, tipping his head backwards, the alcohol falling into his mouth. 
“You might want to slow down Harrington.”  You commented, slowly pouring some more punch inside your cup. 
He didn’t say anything as he swallowed, setting the drink down. “You know how you could lay your entire life down for someone and they dismiss the entire thing like it didn’t even matter? Nah, you know what, fuck the entire female gender.” 
About to take a sip from your cup, you gave him a defensive look. “Rude. All of us aren’t terrible.” 
He shot daggers towards me, leaning his arms against the counter, strands of his hair falling into his face. 
“Steve, I’ve known you since we were little. So basically enough to know when something genuinely is wrong.” You pressed your lips together, setting the cup down. “Is this about Nancy?” 
His eyes gazed below at his feet before he raised his head in you direction. “She called our relationship bullshit. And yes she was drunk, but she just kept repeating, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.” 
Damn. So the girl-next-door actually speaks. 
Gnawing on your bottom lip, you made your way around the island, stopping next to him. 
“You know I’ve never been a big fan of Nancy Wheeler.....her love may have been bullshit but your love for her was nothing but.” You replied, crossing your arms over your chest, trying to catch his eyes. 
Slowly looking up at you, Steve’s gaze focused on your face, more specifically your lips, seeming to be at war with himself. 
That fact quite naturally would have made any girl nervous but this wasn’t your first rodeo with Steve Harrington. You two had shared some kisses and hot make-out sessions in the past but nothing too serious. 
And if you were being honest with yourself, you yearned to feel something. 
Something to distract you from the heartbreak. Only for a little while. 
You found yourself staring at his as well, decorated with the moistness of the drink he had just consumed. 
You were going to regret this. 
As if he was reading your mind, he took one of his hands, snaking it around your neck before he pulled you into him, enveloping your lips with his. You could taste the booze from his sweet tongue that didn’t hesitate when entering your mouth. 
You slightly moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck as he tightly held on to your waist. 
This was so wrong. 
His lips suddenly left yours, leaving small kisses across your cheek and down to your neck. 
Fuck it felt so good. You wanted him. 
Your eyes could barely be held open, taken how horny you were, as you glanced around to see if anyone was watching. “Steve...if we want to do this, we have to go find a room.” 
The guy wasted no time, nipping a little at the skin of your neck causing you to suck in a breath, welcoming the small amount of pain that soon turned into pleasure. Running your hands through his thick brown hair, you gently tugged his head upwards, both of your faces close enough so that your breaths mingled together. 
“This isn’t going to change anything right?” You asked quietly, observing his facial features. 
“Not a thing.” 
And with a quick peck against the lips, Steve grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the kitchen. 
I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on here, but I figured I start finishing my requests :) I’ve been extremely busy with graduation(which is happening in a few weeks) so I’m gonna try my best. I hope most of my stranger things followers are still present and that you guys enjoy this. 
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Love and miss all of you guys!  
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