#younger phantom troupe
decaysan · 2 years
Younger Chrollo ✩✩✩✩
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Look at him with his dubbing papers ✩✩✩✩
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Then Phinks and his spooky ass with short curly haired Feitan
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could I request headcanons of uvo, chrollo, and phinks with a little sibling figure reader in the troupe and she’s ten years old maybe? :) platonic ofc . tysm and it’s ok if u can’t do this request ! (If three characters is too much just uvogin is ok ^_^)
Of course! I hope you enjoy!
Uvogin, Chrollo, and Phinks with a little sibling figure in the troupe
Warnings: none
Female! Reader
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I know Uvo’s a violent man, but I feel like he would be the softest in the world with you, which is unusual because he helped kill an entire clan, including the children
-I mean first of all, he’s very impressed by the fact that your a ten year old and also in the freaking phantom troupe, with enough training you could even defeat him over time!
-He very quickly decides he’s gonna look out for you wether it be in training, missions, or just when your all hanging around waiting for orders
-Speaking of training, he wants to see you reach your full potential as soon as possible, so he spars with you often. He won’t go easy on you, but he won’t seriously injure you either, he’s very aware that your both physically smaller and more mentally immature than he is (at his old ass age) so he’s aware that he has an advantage when it comes to fighting
-You learn a lot from fighting him though, he may make harmless taunts every now and then but he gives very constructive criticism and it does help improve your fighting skills significantly, perks of sparring with one of the strongest troupe members I guess
-He play whatever games you want in during times when there’s nothing to do, especially when your on guard duty with nothing to entertain you. He makes a surprisingly good playmate (he’ll let you play with his hair too)
-He keeps an eye on you during missions, but he’s well aware you can hold your own, you wouldn’t be in the troupe otherwise. That being said, if something gets serious enough (like Kurapika’s case for example) then he won’t hesitate to defend you with his life. There’s not a lot of people he’s willing to die for, but you’re one of them
-I kinda see him like a cool uncle more then a brother, idk why but he just gives off those vibes
-I think Chrollo’s quite fond of children personally, he’ll still kill them if their in the way of achieving a goal but I don’t think he enjoys it and he also wouldn’t kill a child for no reason like he would an adult
-He’s very impressed by your power level, your a very useful addition to the troupe and he plans on utilizing that as much as possible
-But he does genuinely come to care for you later on though, that’s not surprising considering how the troupes practically family anyways
-He let’s you sit with him during meetings if you want, your also the only troupe member that’s allowed to touch him without explicit permission beforehand
-He doesn’t involve himself too much with you, but he does keep an eye on you more than he does the others, you may be powerful but your still young, it’s not easy living this kinda life at your age
-He’s the one to introduce you to the troupe and he’s also the one to make sure you get acquainted with the troupe without any issue, he can and will threaten any troupe member that is too unkind to you
-Like Uvo, he’s not concerned about you during missions, he’s very well aware of your powers, he’s probably the most familiar with them out of all the troupe members since he had to recruit you
-I honestly can’t see him treating you too differently from the other troupe members, your tough, you have incredible potential, he doesn’t see the need to coddle you like some of the other members might
-He’s skeptical if you at first, why did Chrollo choose you of all people? The troupe is no place for a child as young as you
-After seeing you fight for the first time though he’s immediately like “damn maybe she does belong in here” and now he’s curious as to how you turned out this way in the first place
-Phinks doesn’t approach you right away, he ops to observe you from afar for awhile, but the longer your in the troupe the more you inevitably interact
-For some reason, the two of you are put on missions often, so you grow very attached to him and he’s very confused about it. He has no idea why you cling to him specifically but he gets used to it after some time
-He’s definitely the most protective of you out of the group, he’ll never let you know how much you’ve grown on him but he makes sure nobody bothers you
-Especially on missions, in theory he knows you can hold your own but when your actually fighting and in danger he tries to do the bulk of the fighting no matter how much you protest
-He’s afraid to train with you because he fears he might hurt you, he’s a tough dude who doesn’t hold back when fighting so he’s not sure how well he could hold his strength against you
-He’ll “begrudgingly” (not really tho) play games with you if you ask him nice enough, but he’ll make lighthearted complaints the entire time
-Fears that your gonna die during your time in the troupe, it’s a very dangerous job and your super young compared to most of the guys they fight
-We have a tsundere older brother over here everyone lol
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illubean · 8 months
Can you write a scenario/headcannons where the hxh characters have a crush on Zoldyck!reader? (I think reader would have such overprotective brothers, killua and illumi lol)
HXH with a crush on Zoldyck!reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Fluff?, Headcanons, Gn!reader
why is illumi the only one with eyebrows and a mouth in this photo
Warnings: none
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Kurapika Kurta
out of his two older friends Killua thinks Kurapika is the better option
but he still doesn't like the idea of you dating anyone
like his dear older sibling is giving their attention to someone other than him? unacceptable!
Kurapika is a lot more reserved with his feelings than Leorio, leaving not much room for Killua to meddle
so the younger boy just watches from afar
he gives the blonde glares and intense side eyes, and when he feels he's getting too close he won't hesitate to swoop in and steal you away
Kurapika is pretty smart so he's probably found a few ways to get around your brother
after a while of you two talking without Killua's knowledge you eventually get together
one day he caught you two holding hands under a table at the diner or sitting at a bench
he actually screams
with erratic gestures to your guys' hands he's like "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN"
the boy is slack jawed
he thought he did such a good job keeping you separated
"watever just...don't hurt them or anything!"
Leorio Paladaknight
Killua's first reaction to learning this information is "No way, you're too old for my sibling!"
Killua babes he's only like 19
Leorio is by no means subtle with the way he feels about you even if he thinks he is
Killua makes it his life mission to keep you separated 💀
The group is splitting up and Leorio volunteers to go with you? So does Killua. He wants to sit next to you on the train? Aw too bad, your little brother is already sitting there
but if by some miracle you get away from your brother he doesn't waste a single moment in asking you out
after learning that his attempts to keep you separated failed, Killua gets a little pouty
"Seriously? You chose THIS guy!?" "What the hell is that supposed to mean you little shit!"
knowing you guys got together doesn't stop the boy from trying to get in the middle of things though
he's a pro at this point
he will find a way to crash literally any date you plan on going on soo you guys gotta be secretive about it
you probably had to come up with code words in order to plan dates 💀💀💀
Chrollo Lucilfer
the only way I see this working is if you were already part of the troupe so lets go with that
out of literally anyone on the planet he just HAD to have a crush on a Zoldyck
to say your family wasn't pleased would be an understatement
especially Illumi
the Zoldycks typically don't do -ships...like friendSHIPS or relationSHIPS so Chrollo pining for you is definitely an issue
and when two of your brothers end up joining the troupe after you
let's just say Chrollo isn't having the best time.
Kalluto is a lot less aggressive or opinionated on the matter than his eldest brother, but he still isn't fond of the idea of you ending up with the leader of the phantom troupe
he finds ways to draw your attention away from Chrollo
whereas Illumi isn't so passive
if he catches the head of the spiders so much as glancing at you he's going to stand in his line of vision with a stern "Stay away from my sibling."
and just to keep things easy on himself Chrollo heeds these warnings
well..until he's able to catch you alone
you guys are gonna have to date on the dl and be SERIOUSLY sneaky
dating while coming from a family of assassins is not an easy feat
In conlusion alongside being professional assassins, the Zoldyck boys are also professional cockblockers
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empressgetou · 3 months
chrollo x zoldyck reader
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being born as a girl zoldyck is not a fancy fairytale story or rainbows and unicorns. it is a hundred times more darker and gruesome if you ask y/n. in her younger years, whenever she was tasked to do things outside the kukuroo mountain, she would finished her tasked first and foremost then wander into places in her spare time.
specifically, in yorknew city since most of her jobs are around these parts. that is where she met him. chrollo lucilfer, her boyfriend, and the phantom troupe's leader.
she about not older than 9 years old, when she happen to wander around the city after finishing her job and chrollo who was 11 years old at that time, who happens to be doing the same, spying and observing people around. his attention was caught by her straight-long silver colored hair that complemented her body and pale skin, making him thought she was interesting and decided to follow her discreetly or so he thought.
y/n felt a pair of eyes trying to burn in the back of her head, sensing a great amount of nen she swiftly tried to get away without him suspecting. but before she could turn to the other corner of the alley he jumped in front of her. confused how he managed to caught up with her speed and from a crowded place.
"you're not gonna kill me are you?"
"not, if you're going to tell me why'd you try running away from me?"
"you have a strong nen in you, i assumed you were targeting me that's why."
"ohh! so you know about nen! i just learned them recently."
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a day just before y/n turns 16, she's currently still in york new city, who had just finished her job. she is on her way to the airport going back home and unexpectedly received another call.
"happy birthday." greeted by a gentle voice on the other side of the phone.
"i dunno if you forgot that tomorrow is my birthday or you're just teasing." her lips slowly forming a smile.
his audible laugh can be heard from the other side, "the latter... why don't you turn around so you can have your early present."
as soon as she shifted her gaze, there, she saw chrollo approaching her way who has his right hand in his ear holding the phone and his left hiding in the back.
he stopped in front of her and handed her a small bag. she opened it without hesitation and sees a gold necklace with a small open heart and a cross similar to his tattoo hanging, that have every bit of diamonds embedded into it.
"you didn't steal this right?" she joked causing them to both laughed.
"absolutely not. i had them customized for you."
his statement made her heart weak and hugged him as if the world depends on it. he was taken back a bit and hugged her back.
"happy birthday, angel. wish i could celebrate it with you tomorrow but oh well maybe next time." his voice was ever gentle holding her body close to his.
"you know my family, they say it's important to be together in this special occasion ." she replied that made her cringe.
"though i hoped you didn't threaten the jeweller to make these." he laughed again and shook his head saying a no.
"thank you, i love it."
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y/n now age of 24. she managed to hide his relationship with chrollo all throughout these years from his family, and from her father especially. though she did thought that illumi who was close to her may have a hint about this relationship but not that she minded. years and years of training, she became much stronger of her abilities. if grandpa zeno were to ask, he'd definitely say that y/n could be on par or much much more skillful than illumi if she wishes to be.
i mean she is trained by the most infamous family of assassins and together with that she was also trained by the leader of the phantom troupe, a world-famous gang of thieves and a criminal organization, though she would sulk from time to time since chrollo would not give her a special treatment just because they are lovers.
she was taking a break in her training outside at the back of their manor when a butler came and brought news that killua had already come home to god knows where he had been. she and killua have a very close relationship together with her younger siblings, and she doesn't deny that she each love all of them differently and yes that includes milluki.
a few days later, she came home late because apparently she was too busy strolling around their hometown, she then heard from her mother's call that killua's friends came to get him out of this hellhole of a place. well, if she were in killua's place, she would've gone with them. she tried to run away for years, but she keeps coming back because her poor younger siblings would face the wrath of illumi and their father would constantly gaslight her into punishing them badly if she were to run away for good. she know how her old man works his way through them and how everyone in the household is manipulated by him and of course illumi learned how to effectively use it on them too.
she loves her family, she treasures them but she hates how they are being treated like toys and disposable objects if you were to fail them. but for the sake of everyone's peaceful life especially her younger siblings. y/n made the sacrifice to not leave kukuroo mountain and made a deal with his father to leave her siblings alone and she'll be working in the family business and after she finishes her work they'd let her be outside their home because they know eventually she'll just come back.
if she was born a male, her father would've made her the successor of the family considering she inherited the zoldyck genes and power but alas killua was born, a more suited heir and a prodigy. she was the first prodigy before killua, and if her wishes were to be granted, she is willing to follow whatever her father's wishes to if it means protecting the younger ones who wants a normal life. but they all know that their life wouldn't be normal because of their family's reputation and history.
she went straight into the butler's quarters knowing killua's friends were waiting for him. she then saw a few butlers waiting outside. as soon as they saw the lady, panic in their eyes risen and tried to convince the lady to wait for killua.
"what's the big deal, i just wanna meet his friends."
"well... uhmm but the lady would be furious if we were to–"
"i don't care what she says, i'm harmless see? now lemme through or my hands are gonna go through your head." that made every last one of them gulped into fear.
"nee-chan no need to be so violent, let's go meet them together." killua's voice was heard from the door thinking killua may have gotten here first, that made her stop approaching the butlers.
"hmp they wouldn't let me through, m'not gonna eat your friends you know." killua giggled her sister's childish remarks and held her hand to his.
"teehee i know, now let's go meet them." snickering while his cat face evidently showing.
y/n having a strong sense of hearing can hear the clanking of metals and eventually stopped, she looked at his brother to see if he also heard it.
"you think they're tryna kill your friends?" she joked.
"nahhh they wouldn't dare." true since he was already free to go with them according to their father.
"well im glad that he let's you do that. i hope you enjoy every bit of time with your friends." she smiled ever so sweetly.
killua looked at her again, "what about you neechan? aren't you gonna leave here? you don't wanna stay in this place."
"no, neechan has to do a lot of things back here. but you'll definitely see me around if i do work outside, if your'e lucky." she winked at him.
as killua opened the door he dashed near his friend near his age, he calls him gon, and the blond male named kurapika and a bit older teen with glasses named leorio. she quietly the entered and the others sensed another presence behind the door.
gotoh was the first one to greet, seeing their lady unexpectedly showing to the guests, "m'lady, you have arrived. this is killua-sama's friends. they came to get him" explaining as he bowed.
"yes, i've heard." roaming her eyes into each of them. studying their appearances and this one particular glasses man was staring at her intently making her eyebrows raised.
"well it seems you have good friends, don't you kill?" killua nodded and grabbed gon's hand pulling him in front of the woman.
"this is gon, he's my best friend. he's my age too, neechan! and that blonde is kurapika and the old guy is leorio."
"i'm not old! i'm only nineteen!" leorio butted in.
"maybe it's the suit and glasses that's making you look old." y/n slightly smirked looking at him that made the guy a blushing madly.
"but don't worry, everybody has their own style. don't they?" she asked him and leorio nodded aggressively.
"this is my sister, y/n. and will you quit simping for him old man? she may not look like it but you're way too young for her and she's good at seducing people so don't let her fool you." killua said with a bit of teasing her sister making y/n laugh.
she then thought of an idea that made her smirk, "alright, that's enough. i don't want you revealing my secrets to your friends or that wouldn't be too good for you, would it?"
killua sweated making him regret what he just said, "aheheh gomen. that wasn't really my intention, neechan."
"i can see you enjoy their company kill, i'll take my leave first, i wouldn't wanna be on your way much longer. i'm pretty sure you all have come a long way." while taking a last look at his companions.
she grabbed his hand and hugged him ever so tight that made his friends surprised, the butler's however did not react a bit, for they have known that the zoldyck's daughter is more transparent to her feelings especially when it comes to her siblings.
"m'gonna miss you again kill. be safe alright, and no more trouble, okay?— don't worry, neechan will be there when you need her. i'm always close by." with that she left as soon as he kissed his forehead.
truly her sentence was a bit odd for killua's friends but killua understood what she said since she was always traveling a lot and not actually staying home all the time.
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5 months have passed and y/n and killua are in contact with each other of his whereabouts. she had heard that they were in heavens arena in the past few months and unsurprisingly a specific clown was also back there and then the remaining months he went to whale island with his friend gon.
she is, as usual traveling again and is currently in zaban city. her phone beeped signaling an email, fished her phone out and stared and the text indicated.
"meet me at *location*."
eager to see her lover again, she dashed her way to his whereabouts. as soon as she got there, there he was standing and waiting and once again with a gift in the table that she assumes is theirs and this time a bouquet of white cleome hassleriana with a few of rose lillies, and forget-me nots in them.
"i missed you."
"missed you too, lover."
he went to get her seat and settled her, y/n thanking him and she was already opening the gift bag that says dior and chanel.
"i thought that this day should be special so i went all out and got these for you."
seeing inside the bags that he bought contained some make up products, perfumes, and a few clothing and made her so excited like a child. he handed the bouquet that is already making her eyes almost tear up.
"aww you're making me cry, you're so sweet. i love thesee! thank youuu."
she went and dipped her head as she kissed him softly while also getting the bouquet in his hands.
"i really like these flowers and you got my favorite too! you're really in love with me aren't you?" she teased still admiring the flowers.
"of course, all the best ones for you, my dear." he smiled so softly as if he was not the most wanted criminal around the world.
"thank you, really. i love you 'rollo"
"i love you too." as soon as he finished his sentence their food came in and the cake's candle was already lit ready for her to blow off.
"ohh and cake?? you're too much" she giggled that made him smile even more.
"happy birthday, my dear."
"i'll be expecting you at yorknew city next month?"
"hmm yes, i've seen a couple jewelries that interest me this year and a few weapons too maybe i could use 'em."
"the troupe would be excited to see you."
"hihi i can't even wait much longer. i wanna tell them so bad and just wanna ruin the surprise, specially the girls haven't seen them in a while."
"don't, it's more fun this way." he smirked.
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yorknew city, a place that holds various annual auctions from september 1st to 10th, including the world's largest auction, the southernpiece auction, in which the world's rarest and most valuable items are sold.
by the gordeau dessert, some troupe are on their way to meet their boss in the said hide out. machi, nobunaga, feitan, and franklin. and the other spiders came from the other side are also on their way to yorknew city.
on the other side of the continent of republic of padokea, y/n still haven't woken up from her slumber and was already late for her daily routine. her mother, kikyo worries for her daughter all the time, and with that he ordered gotoh to check up on her on the other wing of the mansion.
as soon as gotoh managed to wake her up, she was already in panic saying that she was already late for her schedule to meet with the troupe which was supposed to be around 7 in the evening, exhausted from her training last night she haven't heard the alarm go off this morning and slept until afternoon came, which was very irresponsible as what her mother used to say. she was able to get ready in less than an hour and went to the airport for her flight and now she just gotta wait for the aircraft to land in the united states of saherta and meet with the spiders.
it was already past 12 in the night when she managed to get to the exact location, the boss was about to converse with the others when he felt another presence just came in and the spiders were a little too occupied to notice.
"gomen minna. i was supposed to come by earlier but i lost track of time." a gentle voice was heard and everyone whipped their head at the back.
"ohhh omoshiroi! y/n! long time no see!"
many reactions came from the spiders and the founding members huddled near y/n and she just laughed while holding the back of her head embarrassed for the attention given to her. she missed them so much. she found friends within them all throughout the years, her family.
"danchou, you never mentioned y/n was coming here! is she doing missions with us too?" asked uvo to which chrollo only responded with a slight nod.
"okay, boss everyone's here!" shalnark announced.
"well, boss? what are we stealing this time?"
"we will take the treasures of the underground auction."
"which treasures do you want?"
"ancient text, maybe? the boss does like books." machi suggested.
"no. maybe games, there will be many copies of most expensive games ever." feitan said in his broken japanese.
"wouldn't it be more logical to take precious metals and gemstone?" nobunaga butted in.
"all of it." chrollo finished and stepped in to the light so his face was seen by them and it made y/n smile.
"we'll be taking everything that's up for the auction."
"hold on, boss. are you sure? the underground auction is operated by gang from all over the world. just think about it!" excitement can be heard from uvo.
"if we do that, we're gonna make enemies out of every last one of 'em." he continued.
"are you scared, uvogin?" the boss questioned.
"no way! i'm ecstatic! i can't stop shaking! come on! give us the order boss!" uvo's voice is now getting louder at this point that made everyone smirk in excitement.
"i give you permission to kill them all. anyone who dares to get in our way." and with that uvo roared so loud that his voice reach outside of the building.
it's been a few hours after everyone had arrived and y/n and the founding members gathered close to each other and talk to catch up. they asked each other on their whereabouts for the past few years, some of them met each other by accident in some places and some met others because it was planned just like y/n and the girls would meet up from time to time whenever they have their free time. usually it's just near heavens arena because machi usually goes there for whatever reason, y/n didn't really asked. while talking to each other, y/n failing to notice a certain neon pink-haired eyeing their direction. he had seen y/n a few times more than one because of her brother and to think she was connected to the spiders made him excited. chrollo sensing hisoka's bloodlust from afar he decided to get down from his place and went near the spiders that's close to y/n.
"danchou, is there anything you need?" pakunoda asked and everyone stopped their conversation and faced him.
flashing a hint of smile on his lips, "why dont you ladies have your breakfast outside? it's already dawn, i heard there's this café i think you all would like."
y/n's eyebrows raised as she knows chrollo would usually offer it but this time he made it sound like he was sending them out of the hide out.
"oh yes, i've researced that there are many sweets to choose from. y/n, we should try it before we go off on our mission tonight." shizuku suggested that made the woman nod at her.
"should we get something for you boys?" the silver-haired asked.
chrollo flashing her a smile and said,"anything's fine," that made y/n nod her head again.
night time came and whoever was tasked to go outside for the evening are already in motion. y/n to her dismay stayed behind making her pout. currently sitting beside her lover making complaints.
"oh come on, why can't i got with them? it'd be faster with me helping ya'know?" she quietly whispers to which chrollo ignores her and continues to read his book.
not a moment later, his phone ringed. fishing it out and uvo's name on the screen. his muffled voice can be heard beside y/n saying that there was no sign of the items at the auction and the others concluded that the mafia might have hinted them that some bandits will try to steal or someone about being a traitor among the spiders, making chrollo decide to get the attention of the mafia and let the shadow beast follow them to locate the items.
hisoka, to his delight is thinking to himself on how the woman is a bit too close with the boss and it seems to tolerate her actions toward him. being to close with him, touching him here and their, talking to him nonstop and even lying her head on his lap, surely he thinks they're not just friends that's for sure.
an hour or so another call came in from machi, saying that uvo has been captured by a different individual and everyone decided to come back to the hide out. they then decided to track uvo and able to locate him captured by the nostrade family.
dawn had already came and still no sign of uvo, the boss decided to change their plans and is now currently on the hunt for the one's who kidnapped him and possibly who killed him.
y/n went off to search for her own clues and separated with the others in the meantime, afternoon then has set and she went to a house that shalnark managed to rob with chrollo. she sees chrollo already on his white buttoned-shirt and black pants.
he's so fine, she thought that made chrollo chuckle at his lover's stare.
she cleared her throat and told him the news. "my father and grandpa were hired at the auction to stop the troupe from interfering, they heard i was here and decided to call me in. sooo i guess, that's me against u huh?" she laughed.
"i'll just have to make sure your brother finishes his job before your family finishes me." he smiled softly as if he wasn't even planning a murder.
"no fun, but hey, if you manage to impress my father or grandfather, who knows maybe he might let you be with me. if he already knows about us i mean."
wearing her white silk above the ankle dress that matches her hair color and a silver heels, she was already sprinting towards where the meeting was supposed to hold with other assassins. nobody knows of an additional person in the job, only the two men inside that had just got in too.
knocking the big doors, everyone stopped talking and eyes went to the door. silva seeing his daughter already here, he then explained their own plan.
"she will be with us, you don't need to pay her, she'll be our responsibility."
while some assassins are amazed by a figure that just got inside, some were already complaining.
"a girl in an assassination mission? is she even capable of defeating a troupe member?" some smirked and snickered by his sentence, y/n trying her hardest not to get provoke.
kurapika eyed her for a second while y/n failed to notice his brother's friend due to her closed eyes stopping herself killing the others in the room.
after the meeting and everyone seems to be intimidated by the zoldyck family, truly living up to their name and fame as to what others had thought, they let the family be. the zoldyck's exchanged a few words and went to there separate ways to inspect the whole building.
"nevermind them, you yourself know better than those punks." his grandfather whispered before walking his way. y/n thinks that his grandfather may have thought she was offended by what they said, well honestly, she wasn't, she was more of pissed because she knows she's far more skillful than those amateurs and she was trying her best to stop herself from killing them there.
chrollo now was inside the building and at the topmost floor. an assassin seems to have followed him and y/n happens to spot him and decided to just tail him as well. and to her delight, she finally found where chrollo was.
"why am i alive? what's happening?" said the assassin on the side.
"this is an indoor fish. you can't die unless the nen fish disappears."
the assassin spotted y/n walking her way to the leader, while y/n's eyes glued to the assassin.
"kill him!" the assassin shouted at y/n making her smirk.
"why would i?" she smirked as chrollo had already sensed her presence, making him turned around and walked towards her.
y/n stretched both her hands out reaching for chrollo's shoulder blades, inching her upper body close, hands dangling to his side and leaned in for a kiss which chrollo returned.
"we wouldn't wanna get violent with each other, won't we, lover?" her sentence just made chrollo chuckle. y/n then stepped to the side as chrollo began his requiem for uvo.
on the other side of the building, the elder zoldyck's are still roaming around trying to locate the phantom's boss without knowing he was already waiting in a specific room. y/n being sneaky as she is decided to play out as if she doesn't know anything and went to his father's side helping them.
the two elders now standing in double doors sensing a great amount of nen inside waiting. the three of them went inside and there awaits chrollo standing firm.
"we meet again." he spoke.
"you remember me?" asked the father.
"how could i forget? you killed one of my comrades."
the two zoldyck's went forward and as chrollo went near them as well, y/n stayed in her position while watching the men closely. the battle soon began and the zoldyck's wasted no time trying to get to the boss. a little moment after, a burst of aura coming out of the three, using each of their special abilities and with that a blinding light has struck their eyes and heavy shockwave was felt and soon after, the battle ended.
as soon as y/n recovered her eyesight, she instinctively went to the broken concretes and trying to look for her boyfriend while hearing the sounds of a phone call in the background, hearing her father talk to illumi.
"you okay?" she walked passed the crumbled concretes on her way and knelt in front of him holding his shoulder. chrollo nodded and put his hand on top her hand reassuring he was fine, that did not go unnoticed to both the zoldyck men.
after a very intense conversation, the zoldyck's were now finished and trying to walk out of the room. while her grandpa zeno did not react to whatever they saw a few moments ago and walked out smoothly, her father silva, was raging with anger and was giving chrollo his death glare, to which the latter was doing the same. for silva to see his daughter seem to be close with the thief's boss is atrocious, she is in a family of assassins who's name was built out of respect and with dignity and to think she was fooling around with his enemy made him mad, or maybe he just couldn't accept the fact that the only girl in the family was comfortable with another man other than the members of his family. he will talk to her once she gets back on the mountains and give her a good word but for now he will let her off the hook in the meantime.
a few minutes later, the troupe was now walking inside the room that chrollo fought with the zoldyck's and they all proceeded to the auction room.
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"he's lying chrollo." the silver-haired woman exclaimed as she was glaring in hisoka's direction.
"he wants to keep all of us here, that's why."
"but according to his fortune, he seems to be telling the truth." shizuku explained while peeking at the paper.
"he could've put his nen to it and changed it."
fei snatched the paper and examined it,"don't see nen here."
what? i know i did, it was only for a moment but i did! she thought, and having heightened senses she saw a glimpse of his nen transferred to the paper.
"i know what i saw." she turned to chrollo and begged for him. "please we have to get out of here, or else there will be more trouble."
he looked at her and said,"let me see your paper. "
he read the first few lines and it was the same with the others mourning for uvo. but what caught his eyes were in the next poems.
seeing the truth was burden, you wished to have known better, as you saw a shadow of your own character.
a challenge between blood and water will clash, a spider so dear, if not careful shall pass.
as you mourn for the passed moons, you shall not overcome, losing your light to the darkness you will be succumb.
and true to her words, she seems to be telling the truth, but chrollo could not risk any more of the spiders to get killed. his family. not again. he had no choice but to keep them here. hisoka might endanger them all, including her. it's best to keep them where he can keep an eye of his family.
"so what's it gonna be, danchou?" shalnark broke the silence.
and another muted moment before he finally had decided. "we're staying." as soon as he declared to stay, hisoka's lust almost exposed and he will be a goner if he weren't too careful. y/n never believing what she just heard, turned her back as she walked to the door.
"i said we are staying y/n."
"and i'm not. i can't stand someone in the same room as that stupid clown. since you like to believe him anyway i might as well just leave on my own." she was being petty, she admits that. but something just tells her she shouldn't stay in there any longer, she knew what she saw and she'll have to get to the chain user first before any of the spiders do and finish him off once and for all.
paku walking to the same direction where y/n was a few seconds ago, when chrollo stopped her.
"she's going out to cool off. she'll be back."
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and she did, she found herself inside a café and ordered herself a hot choco to cool herself off. sitting in the window side, she can see traffic, traffic and traffic on the streets and rain pouring outside. a beep then from the phone was heard and saw chrollo was trying reach out to her which she ignored.
a little while after commotion from the people walking beside the streets were whispering something was running on the building itself. she saw a fading figure of feitan and grew curious.
the spiders now standing by at the hotels lounge while they wait for the others, chrollo currently still trying to reach her. but little did he knew she decided to follow them a little while after. she read his messages briefly and went to the exact location.
barely wet from the pouring rain outside, y/n paved her way in the hotel and sees a very very familiar colored hair, the two boys are being held by machi with her nen and the others are by the other side.
her eyes open wide as chrollo approached her carefully all while her eyes meeting another pair of cerulean blue ones.
"why are these kids here?"
"they want to catch a spider they said, for the bounty."
“you have to let them go. we can’t risk anymore trouble if we are to take them.”
not hearing any replies from their leader, y/n then looked back at the two boys who’s also looking at her nervously.
she imaginatively palmed her face as she is thinking of what are her plans next now that his own brother just got himself in trouble with the troupe.
she can’t tell him about it all just yet. she groaned to herself knowing she might have made a mistake of not telling his nosy of a brother sooner than ever. and that is not to get in contact with them.
“don’t think about it too much, we’ll get uvo soon, y/n” nobunaga talked at the back when he heard her murmuring stuff that caught his attention thinking that she might be just worried of their friend.
y/n knows his brother too well like the back of her hand, she knows the two of them really wanted just the bounty but it’s way too stupid for them to go after the troupe all by themselves.
what was he thinking? she thought all while glaring at a scared killua, that made chrollo curious.
“something wrong?”
and just when she was about to answer him, the lights went off.
she heard a few shuffling in front of her that’s when she knew killua made his move in which she immediately grab his clothes and not let him get away.
by the time the lights are back, they are all still in one piece. well, except that their leader is already missing and there’s a letter attached to an arrow planted in the walls.
killua still could not read everything thoroughly of what is exactly happening and why his sister is with the troupe, he has no idea and is afloat as of that moment.
y/n immediately looked at the children blaming them for their sneaky little stunt they pulled in front of her.
she then thought, if they wanted the bounty for them to have money for their useless gaming consoles then they should’ve just brought every one of them, but why just their leader? is chrollo alone already enough to buy such treasure? or was there more to it that just the bounty?
all the questions came running through y/n’s head but unfortunately, her questions were all answered when a ringing sound the building signaling a call.
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y/n somehow already figured the whole plot of why killua and gon had been chasing the troupe. apparently it wasn’t just for the money but they know who the chain user all along and is after a troupe member or well specifically, the chain user is after their leader. so they captured uvo to get the leader moving and make himself appear in front of him or her, y/n has no clue how to identify him because honestly she has not seen this chain user they speak of.
and this made her even more frustrated. she doesn’t mind if one of the troupe is in danger, they can get out of trouble all by themselves or with the help of others. what’s bothering her is the safety of the two children, who probably never had a moment to think all this thing through. putting themselves in danger by facing a thief organization all by themselves is insane. adding the fact that his boyfriend is now captured by the chain user who plans to kill him if they are not to hand over the kids over by midnight. certainly this was way harder than the tortures she endured from her father, she’d rather have those.
after a few arguments along the way from the call and back to the hideout, everyone had already agreed they would trust pakunoda to ensure the safety of their danchou by letting her hand over the kids alone in a specific place. as much as half of the troupe would disagree to save the danchou all by themselves, the other half wanted to agree with the chain user’s deal. they wanted to play this safe. they still want him back. they still need their leader with them. and that is what paku thinks as well.
before she left the hideout, she had to look intently at y/n to which she understood what she was already doing for. whatever the result may be, she is doing all these for them, for her leader, for her family.
y/n not able to contain herself as she was already overwhelmed by the turn of events, she instantly grabbed killua’s hands and met him in the eye.
“whatever this is, you take him back to us.— please, bring him back to us. to me.” holding the silver-haired boy as she whispered the last words ever so lightly so that they wouldn’t hear her.
y/n could not puzzle what pakunoda said after that, she just felt her shoulders were pushed to the side and seeing pakunoda with the boys walking away while nobunaga had run to catch her falling body. one last thing she knew was reaching out to her little brother, her head feeling a little too light and went black out.
just as pakunoda and the kids finally arrived at their destination, she was instructed to switch both killua and gon with their leader at the same time. with a condition that chrollo, could never make contact with the spiders again nor even talk to them or else he would die due to a nen that was connected to his heart connected to the chain user’s ability, if broken he dies immediately. pakunoda thought that if the clown was here with them, he probably wanted to battle the leader, but no luck to him since chrollo can’t fulfill his wishes because he cannot use his nen.
the switch of hostages already made and the aircrafts are now high up in the air, pakunoda deeply burdened of what should she do best for the troupe and for the leader. looking below, she can see that indeed the clown’s intention was to get to the leader to face him alone. and with the last glimpse of the scene, staring blankly, she could only wish she knew what to do by then the time when she comes back to their hideout.
a frustrated hisoka was all chrollo got to deal with when he explained his circumstances. after the clown left, he could only think of one solution and that is to head where he was supposed to, to take out what’s in his heart, to take out that nen stuck to him. as he was in deep thought, a sudden image came into view. his love. his most important treasure of all.
what would she think. he thought.
would she wait for him until the time comes that they can finally reunite together?
would she try to find a way for them to meet whatever it takes?
would she just leave the relationship and the troupe instead of looking for him?
words and words came through chrollo’s head, their relationship was more concerning since they had a fight not just long ago and they have not talked about it yet.
he may not look like it, but y/n can testify how his lover takes good care of their relationship. how he takes care of her. how he takes care of his family in his own ways.
it was indeed the most impossible thing that has ever happened between them yet, but one thing chrollo is sure of. he plans of going to the east to dissolve the nen in him. he will come back to them, he will come back for his family, he will come home to her.
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but, he never came back.
…or did he?
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comment for part 2?
not proofread; may contain grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
side note: ik it has literally been a year since i last posted, school sucks since i’ve gotta lot of work to do. so here’s another au for yall coz i missed being here :33 xoxo
191 notes · View notes
mamayan · 1 year
Darling! Hisoka Morow x Yandere! Reader
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cw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Fem! Reader • Noncon turned Dubcon • Yandere Themes • Murder • Emotional Instability • Yandere! Reader • Drug usage • HC • PIV
This is not “reader” inclusive as I’d assume nearly 99.9% of you do not exhibit true yandere traits. This is written with a female yandere in mind. No other physical descriptors will be used, but “reader” will have psychological descriptors and habits which will likely not match the majority. Please keep this in mind while reading. Thank you!
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To become so obsessed with a psychotic mass murdering clown magician like Hisoka, you’d need to be a special breed. Harley Quinn style if you will, but incorporating an even more massively unhealthy level of adoration and blindness.
Since Hisoka is a whimsical sociopath and amoral character, it’d likely attract someone that is… surprisingly selfless and mildly antisocial. His attitude and way of life likely trigger feelings of envy and jealousy at first within you. Why does he get to be so carefree? Why can’t you just slaughter your entire place of work when they piss you off?
So starts the morbid curiosity. Who is Hisoka Morow?
You’d see him in passing a time or two, maybe you’d even witness him kill or target an individual in battle. You’d stay undetected by Hisoka. This requires great skill in nen-ability and you’d likely be a pro-Hunter or something along those lines. You’d need to be incredibly powerful and a good strategist to have Hisoka as a darling. Specializing in stealth/tracking/spying would all do you well in aiding to observe stalk Hisoka.
He’d take a life so easily it’d stun you. His lack of remorse after even more. How does he feel so little? Why is he so easily aroused in battle? Why can’t you look away? Rationality will need to take a backseat in this budding crush you have. It won’t bloom into what you call “love” until he does something that speaks to you personally.
It’ll be entirely mundane too.
He’ll do one thing that will capture your heart. Maybe it’s when he spares Gon and Killua. He’d claim it’s because they’ll make worthy opponents later. You’ll see it as something else.
Once your feelings for him are established, it’s impossible to find fault with him anymore. Everything he does is perfect, utterly adorable and fascinating, and he’s a silly kitten who can do no wrong in your mind. His clawed finger nails are proof that the most harm he can do is claw up some curtains.
Hisoka is constantly on the move, traveling often and usually very light. He does have a few spaces he uses more like storage than actual living quarters. This where you spend time when you aren’t observing him. Going through his things, envisioning a future with him, imagining him tied to the bed.
You’ll be delusional but no so much you believe you can have him without force. Wild cats are hard to tame after all, and a superiority complex over Hisoka will begin to develop the longer you watch and learn about him. You’ll likely have dug up all the skeletons of his past. You believe you know him best, who else understands him so well but you?
This dig includes any lovers or even potential lovers. They’re in the way and need to be gotten rid of. You can’t let them ruin him now can you?
Finding all of his past lovers isn’t easy, especially without alerting him to anything suspicious at first. Thankfully, despite his track record of murders, his love life is stale at best. A few hookups when he was younger, no long term relationships, but he does have a notable relationship with a female from the Phantom Troupe.
Machi, a beautiful woman which Hisoka blatantly flirts with. More than the usual too, it holds a level of sexual tension which invokes unparalleled rage inside you. It’s ironically not directed at Machi, but she’ll bear the brunt of it anyway.
Hisoka is given both a sick and delightful surprise when Machi’s severed head is delivered to his hotel suite in a box. A love poem hand written by you in it, but it’s a warning for him too.
It’s a grotesque combination, but it’ll most certainly catch his attention. A bouquet might’ve sufficed too, but Hisoka will now know of your existence. He doesn’t think this is a love note though, he thinks this is revenge. He’ll be angry too, because whether Machi was ever a real love rival or not, she was someone he wanted to fight. His designated prey was caught and killed before he even had a true chance of tasting victory over them. That must mean you are an even better treat.
It’ll drive you wild seeing how desperate he becomes to track you down and find you. He comes close a few times too, but always just out of reach. His real niche laying in combat unlike you. It feels romantic in a sense, and it’ll drive the fantasy further that you two are meant to be together. He’s meant to be yours isn’t he? As you begin leaving even more obvious hints of your presence in his life, he’ll realize it’s not revenge you’re seeking.
He’ll figure out he’s got a perverted little stalker when he finds your cute lace panties left for him to find. No need to mention you’d touched yourself on his bed to the thought of him and came in them. It’ll be fairly obvious from the fact that he hasn’t been to this particular hideout in a while and it’s spotless. No dust. Everything perfect, but he didn’t clean before he left this one. Then he’ll see on the unmade bed, a clear sign of a woman having intruded and marked the area. Strands of your hair. Your scent. Your clothes.
Still, he won’t catch you. He’ll bait you too, and sometimes you wonder if you’ve been caught only to realize he just knows he’s always being watched now. He doesn’t know your exact location or if you actually are there. “I liked your gift… hmm, but it would’ve been a nicer surprise to see you in them~” he’s flirtation and goading. It’ll be difficult to resist him, when he’s seemingly speaking straight at you. You know the moment you reveal yourself though, he’s not going to drop to his knees and offer himself to you. It’ll be a battle on sight. Though the thought of him getting aroused because of fighting you… makes you itch to throw caution to the wind.
Instead you clear any and all traces of your presence for several long months, until Hisoka grows avidly annoyed and then slowly disinterested, moving on to other opponents and amusements. Being in your line of work means a very much endless cash flow, the resources available to keep up with your favorite pass time of just watching him in all his glory. He’s perfection, even as his face twists up into a manic monstrous expression as he slaughters his victims, you see nothing but an angel. Never mind the screams and begging for mercy, isn’t he so cute when he plays a magic trick for them? It’s easy to become overwhelmed with jealously occasionally, but you’re good at being patient and reminding yourself that person isn’t special, Hisoka is just entertaining himself.
It’s also hard to remind yourself you aren’t special either. While it takes a certain sense of superiority over a darling to develop yandere tendencies, you’re also affected by an inferiority complex about the world. This means you’re isolated in how you interact with the world, no close friends or relatives, no real hobbies outside of what assists you with your work, hardly any social interactions that aren’t required. This is what makes Hisoka so fascinating, and it’s also what starts your real downward spiral to depravity.
What makes you truly snap and lose control to your yandere tendencies , is nothing other than Hisoka himself.
He’s coming down from a recent high of a fight in Heaven’s Arena, only showing up due to being challenged as a floor master, but the fight had been surprisingly up to his standards. His opponent was both entertaining and thrilling until their end. He was in a good mood, a very good one, so when a spectator approached him batting their lashes and hinting at spending the night in his suite… he said yes.
That was strike one.
Strike two was the audacity of the piece of shit throwing themself at him. You carefully followed, silent and untraceable as sexual tension began to rise in the elevator all three of you shared. Only they thought it was just them.
Strike three. Wasn’t your presence at least somewhat obvious? It’s highly delusional on your end to become enraged at other’s ignorance to your presence despite your mastery of hiding it. It’s what allowed you to watch Hisoka so long after all, but illogical as it is, you were still pissed. Furious at both of them but now mostly at Hisoka. Who was leaning over them, letting his height and teeth aching sugary tone seduce this common stray off the street like they were his personal favorite. They weren’t. He didn’t have any real favorites. Only toys that were disposable and this was no different but it didn’t matter because he was yours. And it seemed he needed to learn this.
Even Hisoka can be taken off guard, especially with his pants feeling too tight and the piece of ass before him being all to eager to please.
He’s unconscious when you finally reveal yourself. The deafening scream echoing throughout the elevator as it finally reached Hisoka’s designated floor and opening. Unfortunately for the poor soul screaming who was just looking to get laid, you weren’t in the mood to grant them anything less than a brutal death.
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up shut shut up!” Your fist broke bone with each strike, until your victim lay unrecognizable and very dead. You’d released your nen, and every nen user in this entire Arena now knows you’re here, all because anger got the best of you.
It didn’t matter, because even with the corpse at your feet, you were still furious.
You took both Hisoka and the body out of the elevator and swiftly worked to clean up the damage and fluids. You didn’t need the Arena fining you again. Hisoka was out cold, but he’s quick to recover so you work on getting him into his suite and bed, working his wrists into nen blocking steel cuffs. He’s spread like a star fish, each limb hooked to the fancy bed posts. You muttered anxiously as you dug around your bag, hands shaking as you pulled out a small leather pouch about the size of your palm.
It might seem overkill, but chaining and drugging ensured your personal safety once he woke up.
Never mind the fact that you could just leave after disposing of the body. Your heart fluttering and cheeks flushing as you looked upon his unconscious body on the bed prevented you from acting within reason. No, you wanted him to see you, if for no other reason than to establish where he was.
Beneath you.
Hiding your presence and that of the corpse, you quickly left the building with Hisoka’s key card to properly rid yourself of the responsibility and allow yourself to fully focus on Hisoka.
Returning was quick and painless, this time not revealing your presence until back in Hisoka’s suite.
His face was angelic while he slept, though his head would likely ache from the powerful blow you landed to the back to get him in this state. You contented yourself with just watching him for the next hour or so, until with no warning, he woke up. It was odd how he didn’t even twitch. Just suddenly aware of his situation and surroundings, alertness to his features immediately. You wished it was a sleepier and cuter wake up, but you still found it adorable how on guard he was instantly.
Those lovely gold orbs landed on you and narrowed, despite his sly smile. He might appear relaxed and languid for someone chained up and hardly able to move their body due to relaxants circulating their system, but you knew he was furious. Hisoka, as much as he loves playing with others, hates being played with. You stayed silent, letting him observe and calculate, allowing him time to run through his options and every plausible scenario.
“Well… good morning Ms. Stalker.” His airy words sent visible shivers down your spine, his eyes and focus, for the first time entirely on you. He also seemed to note your reaction, his smile sharp and predatory. “Oh? You like the nickname? Bad girl… don’t you know not to play with magic?” He tested his restraints, with surprisingly more strength than you thought he’d have after injecting him. He’d require another dose then. You were quick to work on that, his eyes tracking your movements and realizing your objective.
“Not even going to let me play?” He didn’t resist as you sterilized his arm before injecting him with a fourth dose. Three should’ve been enough to tranquilize an elephant but Hisoka wasn’t a normal human. He flexed his hands and twisted his wrists, copying the same with his feet and ankles. The cuffs were made specifically for him. You’d kindly taken off his shoes and socks, but his shirt and pants remained on. You felt your throat constrict and thighs clench at the thought of him naked. You’d already seen it a multitude of times but he hadn’t known you did. Watching him shower and change so shamelessly.
“You look ready to eat me. Is that what this is dear? You got jealous when I brought another up here?” His nickname for you threw you off, your eyes widening and meeting his teasing gaze. He looked sinfully beautiful like this, at your mercy yet still so him. You licked your lips, feeling mildly nervous now that you were about to speak to him. This was too good an opportunity to pass up though.
“Yes,” he paused when you finally answered, “I…I was very jealous.” Your hands gripped the bottom of your shirt, the material bunching as the earlier annoyance was brought back to your attention. You grimaced, “This wasn’t really how I intended for you to meet me for the first.”
“Oh? But we’re here nonetheless aren’t we?” His tone was a bit snarky, but he was correct. What did you do now? Make every little fantasy you had come true?
“How about this, yes? You take these off and I give you a painless death. Isn’t that nice of me?” His words have your eyes snapping up to his face, his words not matching his sweet expression. He wanted to kill you? Not even fight? You frowned, a low boiling of rage in the pit of your stomach.
“You think you hold any power here?” You sneered back at him, walking to look down at his sorry figure chained up and at your mercy. He was being a brat. You backhanded him swiftly, his head cracking to the side at the force and momentum. His pale skin already reddening as a small trail of blood tricked down his chin. His gaze was on fire as he turned back to look up at you. Defiant and piercing, but his smile never wavered. “How about this, Hisoka, you stay right where you are, and maybe I’ll be nice and let you finish tonight.” His eyes widened, a small moment of shock taking over his features but he quickly schooled them again.
You began undressing swift, throwing your clothes to the floor until you were only in your underwear. Your chest heaved, nipples tightening under the cool air of the room and Hisoka’s gaze. You couldn’t place his expression exactly, a combination of desire and rage most likely. You climbed atop the bed and thus him, knees on either side of his hips as you made light work of his shirt. Shredding the garment and tossing it to join your clothes. His pants were next, now both of you almost completely naked and staring at one another.
“Is this your idea of a good time Ms. Stalker? Tying up innocent magicians and having your way with them?” You laugh at this sentence, because it was silly to think too much about. He was still being light and teasing but he was exuding a little bit of bloodlust.
“No Hisoka, my idea of a good time is just you in general.” You placed a cold hand on his abdomen, sliding it up gently until it reached his throat. “Watching you, hearing you, smelling you…” your eyes trailed up his naked torso to his lips for a moment, before connecting your gazes. “This is your fault really. I didn’t ask to be haunted by you, I didn’t ask to feel like this, I didn’t ask to want someone so badly I’d gladly watch this word burn if it meant you’d be entirely mine.” It was a deeply disturbing confession. You sat down, right over his erection where you could grind your pussy against him and elicit a beautiful hiss of pleasure and pain from him. “I can’t, oh, I can’t decide if I want to own you or be you really,” you panted, beginning a slow rock of your hips as your arousal soared. The object of all your affection beneath you, looking so much like a cat being bathed it brought a small smile to your lips. This was all turning you on, and he seemed to also be enjoying himself somewhat.
“I very much would love to humor you dear, but I really do recommend you remove these.” He dropped his facade, his expression turning dark as he realized how unlikely you were to release him. You were clearly deranged, maybe more so than himself. He tugged against his chains, the rattling echoing around the room but it only served to make you amused. Despite his words, his hips had begun to lightly buck up into you now. Both of your underwear soaked through, a combination of your slick and his precum. His voice and tone sent your hormones flying to cloud nine, your face starting to look intoxicated as you gazed down at him with obsession.
“You say you want them off but do you really want this to end? I could just… leave you here. All night. Maybe I’ll come back just to make sure you, haah, stay hard?” You were panting and a little sweaty, breasts heaving as you became more intoxicated by the moment and him. You looked spelled bound and he looked downright menacing. Of course, because out of all things, Hisoka likes control. His flirtatious attitude can not be mistaken as submissive, but here you were forcing him into such a role. Threatening him with a punishment if he didn’t behave like a dog.
It made him want to bite you like one.
“Pretty Ms. Stalker could’ve told me she wanted her little pussy filled, no need to go to such lengths-tss!” He flinched when you finally fished his cock free, your soft cool hand a striking contrast to his pulsing hot shaft.
“You’re so pretty Hisoka.” You were lost to your own fantasies, not really registering his words anymore. He realized it quickly as you focused all your attention on his leaking cock, impressed by the size and girth. It would hurt, taking him, but the thought of stretching around him was driving you wild.
But first… you dropped your chest low and opened your mouth. Your tongue had him groaning low, the sound of his teeth grinding together had you even wetter than before. You licked from base to tip, slow and sensual. He tasted sweet. Not salty or bitter like you imagined and it had you quickly and messily taking him into your mouth.
For all you were, you weren’t experienced. This was your first blowjob but you prayed not your last, because as you choked and gagged to take more him, he was losing it himself. What you lacked in experience and skill, you were making up for in enthusiasm and pure need to please. Observing his reactions as you let his tip finally sink into your throat even as tears pricked your eyes and fell down your cheeks. It burned and ached, but you pushed the pain down as you watched him. He finally gave in and kept your gaze as you worked to make him cum, sucking and taking him as deep into your throat as you could. You were making an absolute mess of his cock and balls, slobbering all over him. It was erotic and truly enticing, and the only indication he was close was the twitch of his lip and his hips trying to make you take even more of him.
You tried to get all of him in your throat when he came, but you failed by an inch or so. You stayed still as his hot cum coated your throat and mouth, moaning at his musky sweet flavor and making sure to suck and milk him for any leftover until he was choking on his own moans for you.
You made sure to clean him up nicely, licking and making sure even his balls weren’t missed. When you finally pulled back to look at him, you nearly passed out at the sight.
He was slightly sweaty, breathing a little heavier with half lidded eyes glaring and grinning viciously at you. His cheeks flushed, the left slightly bruised from your earlier hit. His lips red and bitten, a bit of blood still leftover on his chin. He looked gorgeous. You couldn’t be blamed when you were stumbling off the bed to grab your camera from your bag. No need to turn the flash off since he knows of your presence now.
He scowls as you snap his picture, looking beautiful and ruined just for you.
“I- sorry- I just need this okay?” You set the camera down, eager to return and continue touching him and exploring.
He snorted, looking at you in disbelief with mild amusement. “Is that so? You needed to photograph me naked?”
“What? No. I have lots of those already. I wanted one of your face after I made you cum.” He seemed flabbergasted at your answer, but you couldn’t help your eager hands from cupping his cheeks and leaned down over his face. “You’re just so pretty I can’t help it.” You told him honestly, his expression relaxing into something neutral as he observes you. Fine by you, as you begin kissing his face, hair, cheek you hit and then his neck. You lick and suck over his pulse, enjoying the masculine groan as you mark him up and lick his sweat. You’re trembling as you wiggle down to his chest, playing with his nipples. Swirling your tongue elicits the best response, his back arching lightly and proving your theory that his nipples are sensitive.
His hardening cock beneath you all the proof you need, your own nipples pebbled and aching as you drag your chest against his while you work.
When he bucks up again underneath you, you finally release his nipple with a pop. Looking at his tossed and adorably fucked appearance, you shiver. His hair messy from throwing his head into the pillows. You licked your lips, finally clumsily trying to get out of your underwear but failing because of your position. With a huff of annoyance you just tore them off, finally completely naked and slightly embarrassed by his stare.
It hardly mattered if he liked what he saw, you weren’t so far gone that you thought you looked anything like his earlier willing catch which you’d crushed- “Pretty thing aren’t you?” You paused your internal rambling when he spoke. His voice low and husky, not as flirtatious and teasing like his usual tone. You’d never heard him use this voice before, you eyes meeting his with curiosity.
He chuckled, but his bloodlust from earlier was gone like it had never happened, “What’s wrong? You were so eager just a moment ago, don’t tell me you’re shy now? Is Ms. Stalker a virgin?”
His goading voice was back, covering up his earlier tone like it’d been a mistake. Though you were surprised he hit the nail on the head. You were a virgin. Not because you lacked people willing to fuck you, but because you lacked interpersonal skills to have a normal relationship. Intimacy terrified you before you’d fallen for Hisoka, but after it was all you seemed to want. To touch him, feel him, make him feel good. You wanted him desperately.
“I won’t be much longer.” You looked away and solidified your resolve as you moved to hover above him again, your dripping cunt begging to be filled. You balanced using one hand on his hip, the other gripping his once more hard cock and lining him up with your entrance. You let his tip brush through your sensitive folds as you shakily released a breath. You took one small peak at his face, his eyes watching you like how a hawk might watch it’s prey.
You let his tip breach your entrance, no surprise that it stung. You didn’t prep yourself at all, and though you were wet enough, you wished you’d thought to carry a little lube in case this scenario ever occurred. It didn’t matter though because even if it hurt you were being connected to him and it made your chest swell with pride and happiness.
“Fuck, you’re tight- ah” he threw his head back and grit his teeth again, your gummy walls simultaneously sucking him in and pushing him out. It had him close already embarrassingly enough. The pleasure and pain mind numbing.
You’d only taken half of him but it was leaving you breathless, “m’trying” you could only gasp as you struggled to push more of him in, tears pricking your eyes once more as the pure stretch of his cock inside you was turning your brain off. It hurt but it felt good too.
“If you take these off, I’ll happily finish the job you’ve started dear~” Despite his tone, his face looked just as aroused and strained as your own. It was tempting, but deep down you really didn’t trust him. It came from knowing him that you didn’t trust him in the least. You shook your head, denying his prompting. His laugh is dark, even as his hips surge up to force another few inches into you. You cry out, bracing against his chest as you fall forward a bit. He does it again, sinking into you until finally you feel your hips meet and his tip kiss deeply into your cervix. You lay panting against his chest for a moment as his cock pulses inside you, your body pathetically struggling to adjust to his size.
“Take them off while I’m being nice.” He’s not asking, but still you shake your head and push yourself up, moaning as he sinks even deeper. Your hips take on an unsteady rhythm, testing the depth that feels the best but his hips throw you off each time you find the perfect angle. The stretch and friction drive you wild, your mind numbing to the pain and pleasure as you feel the coil inside you close to snapping.
“Feels good~” your moaning loudly, face fucked out and teary eyes locking with Hisoka’s. His eyes are burning, face scrunched up in frustration because your pace isn’t quite fast enough, nor is he hitting as deep as he’d like. His chains clink against the steel posts, you’re too distracted though to pay attention as you desperately work your hips towards your finish, bouncing on his dick. “M’gonna cum Hisoka” your deliriously close, the coil right about to snap-
When his chains do first.
“Huh,” You only get a split second to panic before he’s on you, breaking each steel bedpost and freeing his movement up again. His cuffs are still secured for a second but it’s meaningless a moment later when they shatter. His nen stored up enough to cancel their purpose of restraining him despite how much you’d paid that specialist who guaranteed no one could get out of them. Never mind that he should still be drugged up enough to he struggling to move at all.
You find your positions switched, your back hitting the mattress as you gaze up into his eyes now.
It’s silent for a moment, save your own pounding heart and icy fear now filling your veins. He just… looks at you. His face blank, eyes calculating but just when you decide it’s best to fight than let him slaughter you like this, he laughs.
Not like normal. This is borderline hysterical laughter, his hand wrapping around his torso as he howls with laughter.
Before you can activate your ability, he’s got a hand wrapped around your throat and squeezing just enough to warn you. “Did you think this would all just work out how you wanted dear?” You were scared, that was true, but as he nudged your thighs apart and dragged his still hard cock through your folds teasingly, you realized you were also horrifically aroused too.
All of your fantasies had you on top, because you didn’t trust him not to kill you if he was, if he even wanted to willingly touch you at all.
“Look at you~ poor thing,” he’s mockingly sweet as he leans over you, long tongue coming out to lick your tears off your cheek. As he leaned back, you truly didn’t expect his hand to leave your neck and slap you across the face. The sting follows after his hit lands, but it shocks you silly more than it actually hurts. You don’t have too long to think before he’s shoving himself back in, and your too far gone to stop the orgasm that slams into you. “Wait!” It too late even as you cry out, hands desperately grabbing on to something to anchor you. Him.
He hisses, face vicious as he stares down at you, “Did you really just cum?” His voice somewhat incredulous as he feels you twitch and writhe beneath him. He stayed still, letting you shakily come down from your high before he’s rocking into you.
Then he’s fucking you just how he likes. Hands gripping your hips in a death grip as he slams himself into your overstimulated cunt over and over. He leaves you mewling and fucked stupid beneath him as he mercilessly thrusts into you like a rag doll. You can’t keep up. Can hardly speak besides useless babbling, only making him laugh and sarcastically mock you for it.
“What’s wrong dear? Isn’t this what you wanted? Am I just so deep inside you~?” Cooing as you nod and cry harder.
It’s when he kisses you that you cum again. He tastes like bubblegum and you’re gone, creaming his cock as his tongue tangled with you own messily. It all feels too good, your arms wrapping around his neck, legs around his waist, while you just struggle to take it. His tip pounding away in a spot that has you gasping and sobbing below him, because despite everything, this is the most pleasure you’d ever felt. It was disorienting and left you mildly numb, his sharp claws trailing down your chest softly to settle his thumb over your clit and press until you came again.
This one was slightly painful, your muscles constricting so hard Hisoka finally fell over the edge himself. His moans so pretty, soft and deep as his hips still move despite him emptying himself inside you.
He recovers first, staring down at the pretty thing in his arms struggling to catch her breath.
You’d given quite the headache for a while now, but tonight really took everything up a notch. You certainly weren’t halfhearted, something of which he respected. You weren’t a weak thing either, his thrusts harsh enough to break a normal human’s hips, but you just looked fucked stupid. It was cruel of him to be so rough, but then again you’d really brought it on yourself hadn’t you?
You’d brought all this onto yourself, and whatever happened in the future too.
Because now he was a little hooked as well, and you were just too cute and interesting to leave alone now that he’s tasted you. Had you first.
He easily reached over to snag your camera, switching it on and snapping a picture of you still shaking and twitching with his cock still buried inside you and beginning to grow hard again.
Realization dawned on you, but even as you tried to move and get away from him, he had your wrist locked above your head to stop that nonsense.
“Nu-uh dear, I’m not finished. Not even a little.” His lustful gaze and sadistic smirk had you looking like a frightened animal, but it only served to rile him up further.
It’s after all, your fault for loving someone like him, right?
It’s important to note that once Hisoka becomes interested, he treasures it. But something he treasures one day can become trash the next… until you.
Hisoka is surprisingly a willing darling. Don’t think this reverses any roles, he’s not submissive to you in the slightest. He acts like a total brat but he’s dominant through and through, don’t expect to ride him unless he’s got full control to just fuck up into you.
He’s needier than you’d expect too. Not just with sex, that’s constant, but also in just having your company. He likes when you talk to him, interact with him, don’t expect to go back into observing from the sidelines. He’s all to happy to give you front row seats.
He’s just as jealous as you are, but he’ll purposely play into your jealousy by flirting with other women to rile you up. He just likes how you look enraged, finds it cute. If you do the same, he’ll make that individual sit tied to a chair while he fucks you in front of them until you can’t even apologize anymore. Then he’ll kill them. He welcomes the same treatment. You get a bit shy acting it out.
Bonnie and Clyde duo!
He’s not a yandere, though he gets jealous, he’s just a psychopath in general. He’ll still be Hisoka no matter what. While you can interact normally with others when necessary, your fixation on him will remain an outlier. Hisoka is just trash to everyone, and surprisingly decent to you. By your low standards.
He likes ice-cream and ice-cream dates. He’s an ice-cream date man.
Illumi doesn’t understand your relationship but respects your devotion. Wonders why more women can’t be like you. Hisoka likes that his friend is envious of what he has.
Enjoy your darling, he’s frustrating and difficult but all yours now!
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Dividers by @benkeibear
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Anon: Could i request platonic yandere machi and yandere chrollo, pakunoda, uvogin, franklin, hisoka feitan, nobunga, kortopi with machi’s older brother who has all the powers and power level of saiki kusuo, and so hes really infamous due to his powers even if they dont know his face or how he looks like, and also kind of protective of machi due to the work she does and also willing to help her out in missions even though he is not part of the spiders. But only if Machi is in trouble and is not as willing to help if its because other members are in trouble. Also i feel like reader would come really handy after chrollo lost his nen, not even just for communicating but also for helping him exorcise the nen bc in the real anime he showed us that he could restore life so i would doubt that there is anything saiki couldnt do.
I have not watched Saiki K so I had to read through an article to understand his powers and what I understood from it is that this dude can basically do everything. Also, considering that both Machi and Saiki have pink hair they may as well be siblings an an alternitive timeline. Obviously Machi is platonic in here but I also made Kortopi platonic whilst the rest leans into the romantic obsession. I also kind of connected everyone's Hc's in the sense that all of them develop an obsession for male reader here.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, clinginess, stalking, Hisoka creepiness, protective behavior, manipulation, male s/o
Tags: @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @maggiequinn59
Machi's brother with powers like Saiki Kusuo
The Phantom Troupe are like the spiders that adorn their bodies as a tattoo. They hide in every nook and cranny to get their hands on the goods that they desire to claim. Tales of your existence are only shared in the darkest slums or the highest societies, your Nen hailed as the strongest in existence. None of those people have a connection to you as strong as the Phantom Troupe though yet they are simultanously closer yet also still as far away from you as everyone else. Machi has sworn loyalty to the troupe from the moment they were founded by Chrollo and has confessed that this legendary figure is none other than her older brother. Intrest in you had been there from the moment of that reveal and it is still there even to this day as Chrollo even intended to have you join the troupe as well yet from what Machi told everyone you were a lone wolf who only really cared about your younger sister and who most likely wouldn't bother helping other members. True to her word in all the years none of them ever saw you. It isn't until the unfortunate encounter with Kurapika that Machi decides to ask for your help and, though reluctantly, you agree.
Chrollo Lucilfer
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📖Chrollo's interest in you has festered over the years as you are an anomaly to him, someone he can't get his hands on. There has always been far too little information about you as truth couldn't be separated from rumors and even Machi, the greatest source of information, has always been guarded about the knowledge she revealed about you. Chrollo has decided to respect her decision to not reveal any information about you though even if it doesn't satiate the growing dark tear in him that longs to be filled with the knowledge of you and your Nen. As unfortunate as the encounter with the chain user has been for him and the troupe, at least it hasn't been a complete loss to him as you travel to their current hideout. Dark eyes gauge your every reaction from the moment you appear as if you were a frog and he the hawk planning to catch you. Only that you are no mere prey as you soon showcase. Not only do you exorcise Kurapika's Nen from him but on a sudden whim you even decide to use Restoration to revive Pakunoda and Uvogin, two spiders who did in Yorknew City. Your Nen exceeds everything the rumors say and it is then that he knows he can't let you leave again.
📖​Normally he would simply use his Nen to steal your abilities from you yet there are two factors that make this all quite difficult. After all you are Machi's older brother and as loyal as Machi is to him she would be opposed to the idea of her leader stealing your Nen. Then there is also you who does not trust him in the least and additionally knows of his Nen and how it works. Obviously you wouldn't trust him then as soon as he attempts to question you about how your Nen works. Convincing you to stay after you have done what you have deemed to be necessary is difficult as you have no interest to join the troupe or to become an ally. Chrollo still tries to engage you as he does his best to prolong your stay as long as possible by providing you with all comfort and things you like and enjoy. What is it that you really want? How can he bind you to the troupe, specifically to him? He tries to read through your bored face as he attempts to piece together the puzzle that is you. He can't let you escape his grasp now that he finally has you in front of him after years of waiting for this chance.
Feitan Portor
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☠️​Feitan can't quite get along with you at first. He only accepts your presence because you are here to help Chrollo and just like everyone, except Machi who doesn't look overly surprised, he is left in shock when you even restore two deceased members of the troupe. With such power comes the unavoidable caution and distrust in him though. He knew that your Nen was refered to as the strongest for a reason yet he would have never thought it to be to this extent. You're neither a member nor do you call yourself an ally so having you in the hideout of the Phantom Troupe is a dangerous gamble in his eyes and he only grows more hostile when he realises how much interest other members start to have in you. He has voiced his worries to Chrollo who assured him that you wouldn't do anything as you, even if begrudgingly, respected Machi's own desires and wishes. The interest his leader has in you is at that point obvious to him and he silently wonders if you have put a spell on all of them as he seethes with silent anger.
☠️​It is when he realises how dismissive and disrespectful you are around other members, especially Chrollo who they all respect, that he snaps and requests if he can talk to you alone. His voice is a low hiss as he tells you that he doesn't trust you and that he is fed up with your nonchalant behavior in the face of even Chrollo. Your face remains as bored as ever, only fueling his wrath as he starts cursing under his breath. It is then that you propose a fight all of a sudden in hopes of cutting this conversation short since you're feeling tired, nonchalantly dismissing his words and even his powers as if he weren't a feared member of the troupe. Feitan accepts as you have not only insulted his pride but because he is secretly also curious just how much your Nen can do. Everything is over within a few seconds and he can only glare at you with humiliation yet also a hint of reverence, begrudgingly admitting that you are at least not a dog who knows only how to bark. His feelings for you take a spin after that day and by god does he despise turning into a fool just like the rest of the members. He doesn't believe in the idea of talking you into joining. Thieves take what they want after all.
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💘​Pakunoda sacrificed her life with no regrets at all as she had done so to ensure the survival of the rest of the spiders. She didn't know that Machi would not only contact but convince her brother to help this one point and she especially didn't expect to come to her senses only to look up at you. She hasn't been told who you are yet your pink hair as well as the colder look on your face instantly brings back memories of Machi as she looks at you before other familiar faces pop into her vision. Some of them hide it better whilst others don't but the shock filling the air due to her revival is almost palpable to her. It is when Machi leans down and her and your face are basically next to each other that Pakunoda asks if you are her brother. You just roll your eyes before asking if it shouldn't be obvious, your snarky tone earning you a glare from Machi and Feitan before you raise your hands in surrender and apologise. So that is the man who can create miracles with his Nen? As she slowly sits up, feeling her previously crushed heart beating again in her chest she comes to realise that no rumor could have done your abilities justice.
💘​The gratitude and respect she gives you afterwards isn't because you brought her back from the dead though. No, it is because you helped Chrollo and the rest of the spiders with your abilities that they wouldn't have found anywhere else in the world. You do not seem to like being praised though as you grumble that this is a one-time thing and that you won't help them next time. You do not let her touch you very much and initially suspects that you probably don't trust her abilities. Machi reassures you though that her Nen most likely wouldn't work against your bullshit powers anyways and that you just aren't too fond of physical touch, a true lone wolf through and through. You seem to tolerate Pakunoda's presence though more than others and she feels weirdly flattered by that as she isn't trying to pry information out of you nor tries to sweet-talk you into joining the crew. She's aware of Chrollo's desire to have you permanantly stay and in fact the man has been requesting her to try to assist him, acknowledging with a note of displeasure that you tolerate her presence more than his own.
Machi Komacine
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🪡​As much bickering as the two of you have going on Machi has always seen you as someone very precious to her. Whenever she had nothing to do she would seek you out. The both of you had no phones to call each other or no other way to pass messages back and forth but you always found her anyways when she was alone and wasn't involved in any troupe activities. Even Machi doesn't know the full extent of your powers but at this rate she has accepted that nothing will surprise her anymore so she is the only one who isn't left in awe when you revive not one but two dead people, merely muttering that such a bullshit power could really only belong to you. Your younger sister knows that you aren't a big fan of helping other people or getting involved with her other family and it took her quite a lot of convincing and the ominous promise that she gave you that she would fulfill you a favor for each thing you do to help her and the troupe. She owes you three favors now but you do not tell her what you will ask of her later on and silently she dreads what humiliating things you will ask of her to do.
🪡​Even if you are the strongest Nen user currently alive, Machi worries about your health. She knows that you are quite lazy and that your diet isn't the healthiest so now that you reside for an unknown time in the spider hideout she sees it through that you receive proper meals instead of devouring fast food or unhealthy snacks. She cooks for you and insists you to eat it even if she has to hold a glaring match with you. People like Nobunaga and Pakunoda note that Machi has never looked quite as lively now that you are around and it amuses them to see her getting so easily worked up as she gets into proper sibling fights with you because you refuse to eat the meals she has served you as if you were a little child. Machi has always been sharp though and she realises with a growing unease how much interest you seem to receive from pretty much everyone around you and it comes to her as no surprise when even Chrollo approaches her and asks her if she knows of a way to convince you to join as her loyalty seems to get tested now that she has finally brought you to meet the Phantom Troupe.
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🫀​Uvogin, upon initially being revived, nearly tries to crush your head. He accidentally knocks your glasses off and as you meet his eyes you petrify him. This major accident is one of the main reasons why Feitan initially antagonises you so much even as Machi steps in and protects you, informing him that this is a power you can't control which is why you always wear glasses to not accidentally turn everyone you look into the eyes to stone. You joke 24 hours later when the effect of your powers finally wears off that at least Uvogin seems to have calmed down. Soon it turns out for you that perhaps you should have just tried to petrify him for a longer time as Uvogin's interest in you is immense. He knows no personal boundaries, his hygiene is terrible and he is way too touchy and friendly with you as if the both of you are long lost buddies. As soon as he swings an arm around your shoulder and gets all chummy with you, you always turn around to search for Machi in a silent plead for help as his strong body odor assaults your nose.
🫀​There is only one time where you caved in to have an arm wresting match with him out of sheer desperation to get away from him and to take a shower. Your super strength is one of your abilities that you have arguably the least control over though and your drawn out despair to get away from Uvogin at this rate is so big that you by accident break the table, his arm as well as a good portion of the ground beneath you. Uvogin is not in the least offended though as he gives you a boisterous laugh, pats your back with his not broken arm as he speaks that he didn't expect anything less from you. As soon as Uvogin spots you anywhere he immediately greets you whilst you visibly flinch, asks you if you want a few cans of beer before flopping down next to you and shoving a few cans into your arms, completely oblivious to how awkwardly stiff you have gotten next to him as he asks you with a grin if you perhaps have a few embarrassing tales of Machi you could share with him as the pink-haired woman is usually always so cold and distant.
Nobunaga Hazama
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🗡Nobunaga is by far one of the most laid-back members and whilst he understands where Feitan's wariness comes from he has also always been more logical in his approach as he understands that you are the best as well as safest option for the troupe. He trusts Machi after all to keep you in check. Similiar to Pakunoda he feels like he has to express his gratitude as he knows that no one requested of you to revive two members who had been killed in Yorknew City as the only thing asked of you was to exorcise the Nen the chain user had used on Chrollo. Due to his more quiet and lax demeanor he is able to spend more time with you than some other members who you downright seem to flee from as soon as you sense their presence. It is somewhat laughable when he sometimes observes you quietly from the sidelines. For someone who is as powerful as you are it is quite nice to see that you haven't let the power get to your head and he is especially delighted when he sees how Machi and you start properly arguing like any good siblings do and over the silliest things as well.
🗡He is quite lucid of his own feelings as well as the feelings many other spiders seem to develop for you. It is when he even realises that Chrollo seems to have developed a longing for you that he finds himself stepping back a bit. He knows that you aren't the most social person and that all the chaos that slowly starts to unravel due to everyone's growing obsession may tire you out so he takes a similar position as Pakunoda in it all to be an anchor for you in the brewing storm. He is mindful and never pushy with you which seems to work as you often seek shelter with either him or Pakunoda to escape from the mess in the making, a deep sigh escaping you as soon as you are alone with the both of them. He takes pride in that though even if he does feel a sense of guilt born out of loyalty and trust as he knows that other members and even Chrollo to an extent envy him for the security you feel around him. At the same time he also knows that you could easily use your Nen for all kind of things and actually consciously hold back from lashing out to not sadden your sister and he knows better than to test your patience.
Franklin Bordeau
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🧟​Similar to Feitan Franklin is initially filled with distrust when you arrive in their hideout, his tall figure always looming behind you as he is prepared to pierce you with multiple bullets should you even attempt to try anything funny. He's not quite as hostile as their most sadistic member though as he does acknowledge you for the things that you ultimately end up doing for the troupe. You not only exorcise the Nen of the chain user but you also revive two of their members and whilst he still wouldn't see you as an ally he at least doesn't look like he is about to fill you with bullet holes as soon as you take a wrong breath. Partially this is a simple result of having seen only a fraction of your power as Franklin has started to wonder how much he alone could do against you to begin with as your full abilities remain a secret. He does attempt to interogate Machi about your true powers, even threatens her for a bit only to realise that she is telling the truth when she admits that not even she knows the full extent of your Nen.
🧟​He watches with growing worry how you seemingly bewitch other members of the troupe who grow borderline obsessed with you and he does consider ambushing you without your knowledge without you being aware of it but the problem is that you are so rarely left alone at all. What he doesn't expect though is for you to seek him out willingly as you at this rate take all of his hostility over the minsfuck that is the obsession of the other members. It is quite rude, the way you lament over their behavior and don't even spare complaining about Chrollo but on the other hand even Franklin has to admit that they have been acting off around you recently. Multiple chances to try to attack you present themselves as you seem to deem Franklin as a safe person yet Franklin soon forgets about those plans as the disease called obsession slowly catches up to him as well. Instead new ideas start filling his head as he wonders what would be the best way to keep you with the troupe and to not have you disppear. He shares the same mindset as Feitan though. They're thieves and thieves steal what they want to have with brains and force.
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▫️​Kortopi has been quite fascinated with you ever since it was revealed so many years ago that you are in fact Machi's older brother. He's always been curious what kind of person the brother of Machi would be and he is inwardly quite giddy when it is decided that you will travel to their current hideout and assist them for a while. As soon as you do arrive and showcase what is only a little of your real power he is quite amazed and desperately wants to get a chance to talk with you yet all of this is made quite complicated as soon as all other members start swarming around you. It is at one point no secret that almost all members of the Phantom Troupe have gained some sort of obsession with you and he feels left out and by extension also starts feeling somewhat self-conscious. After all from a physical aspect he is the weakest of all the current members and it is when he sees you breaking the arm of Uvogin during an arm restling match that he starts wondering if he so far has been overlooked by you because you only spare time for members who are stronger as you are without a doubt the strongest person in this hideout.
▫️​Kortopi starts stalking you excessively as he doesn't seem to get his chance as you are either in the company of other members or magically disappear when you are fed up and need some desperate time to yourself. He feels depressed and increasingly more insecure until he one day seems to struck gold as he catches you outside the hideout, lying on the ground with your eyes closed. He's always hoped to meet you whilst you were alone but now that it has happened he doesn't even know what he is supposed to say. It is you who beckons him closer as soon as you notice that he stands there as if someone has pressed the pause button, invite him over since you haven't really seen him before. You remain somewhat harsh and cold, really reminding him whose older brother you are, but you are nicer to him than to some other members and that is the confidence boost he needs to approach you from that day on without worries even when you are already in company of other spiders.
Hisoka Morow
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🃏​Hisoka has regretted few things as much as leaving the Phantom Troupe after the Yorknew City incident when he finds out that Machi has called her older brother to help the troupe. He has always wanted to fight Chrollo which is one of the reasons why he joined the spiders in the first place but an even bigger desire of his has been to find out where he could find you only to be severely disappointed when finding out that Machi didn't know where you were either and that she didn't have an established system through which she could contact you. He did consider getting her into danger in hopes that you would come to rescue her but Machi has always been careful and smart around him. He didn't consider that you would come even though Machi herself isn't in danger as he thought you only cared about her yet Machi seems to have persuaded you into doing it this once. He stalks the traces of the Phantom Troupe and sneaks close to their hideout, trying to detect you. He finds you when you are all by yourself as you merely desired solitude for a while only to sense Hisoka's bloodlust. He attacks on sight only for you to turn him into stone, startled by yet another weirdo.
🃏​The troupe has never really trusted him but as soon as they discover that the clown has his eyes on you they become even more hostile. It is quite amusing for Hisoka to see all of them wanting to shield and protect you from him and under normal circumstances he would have enjoyed the idea of fighting them as well. Unfortunately they are now mere sidequests as he desperately wants his fight with you. He does apologise later on to you about his unsavoury first introduction though the thrilled gleam that he is barely able to conceal is something you take notice of. You have no interest or desire to give in to his wishes though, refuse to show him the true extent of your Nen abilities and it is sweet agony to Hisoka as you are basically his wet dream with your powers. He desperately needs you to give him a taste of your strength and to achieve his desires he will play sly and merciless. Your little sister is the most precious thing to you and he's sure as a good big brother you would be enraged if something were to happen to her, wouldn't you?
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leth-writes · 1 month
Yandere Chrollo
Just a reminder that my requests are open!
Warnings: this blog is 18+. Discussions of violence and gore.
Summary: A library worker is found by the infamous phantom troupe.
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This piece is more experimental, so if you want more, please let me know!
Despite having worked at the library for four years, Barbara still hadn’t quite gotten used to your presence. She tended to forget who you were, trying to kick you out from behind the desk until you flashed your badge at her. And yet, working at the library was still better than the drudgery of working retail, so at the library you remained.
Your favorite section was definitely the non-fiction, because it allowed you to get lost between the stacks, with only exhausted college students and well-meaning seniors occasionally wandering by. Even though you lived in YorkNew, your branch was on the outskirts, and was thus less visited than the main branches deeper within the sprawling city. This left you with quite a lot of free time toward the end of your shift, especially once Barbara went home. Working a closing shift meant you would average only one confused browser coming up to you per shift, allowing you to hunker down in one of the massive beanbags by the window and read away.
The weather was shifting, turning colder, and the nights were getting longer. It was approaching September, and you’d need to start prepping for the first week of school ‘rush’. At least, Barbara was convinced there would be a rush, but it wasn’t likely. Still, it was never too early to set up a couple of after-school activities to give the local kids a way to engage, especially with the recent uptick in crime.
Barbara was sure that the uptick in crime was due to some nefarious presence in the city, and honestly, you partially believed her. A series of brutal murders had rocked the city, yet the police were more focused on ramping up attention in the center of the city, around the operahouse, rather than protecting the populace. You weren’t surprised.
Chrissy, your friend from University, was waiting for you when you walked out after locking up. It was dark, without even the moon in the sky to guide you, as you both walked to the bus stop. Chrissy flicked her long black hair over her shoulder, glancing over at you. “Was your shift okay?” A hint of concern laced her voice. “Oh, it was okay. Barbara forgot where the stapler was and tried to get me to buy a new one, but that was about it. How was yours?” You left out the yelling involved in the story, of course. Chrissy smiled wanly; “I swear, the customers get younger and younger everyday. I had a ten year old come in, convinced she needed moisturizer for aging moms!” She laughed loudly, grabbing your hand and pulling you along to the bus stop.
The stop was empty and dark, no bus in sight. You checked your phone; the next one was 10 minutes away. “Do you wanna do something this weekend?” Chrissy ventured, peering over at you through her lashes. “I don’t have any plans”. “Cool. I got some tickets to some event from Mikael, some opera or auction or whatever. Wanna come with us?” She swung your connections hands between the two of you. “Alright, just to keep you from getting drunk and spilling wine on some rich socialite”. She laughed, tossing her head back. “That was one time!” 
Footsteps crunched along the gravel of the path behind you. You surreptitiously turned around; it was a tall, willowy woman with a short blond bob. She was wearing a partially unbuttoned blouse and a tight pencil skirt. Some type of businesswoman? There weren’t any offices for miles, though… The library was part of an outlet mall, so maybe she was finishing up with some shopping. Satisfied with your mental assessment, you turned away. She came to a stop just to the left of the two of you, and you pulled your sweater tighter, making sure your mark was covered. You’d accidentally rubbed the makeup off your wrist earlier after cleaning up the curry Barbara had spilled, and you wanted to make sure she didn’t catch sight of the red, raised spidery tattoo present just beyond your forearm.
The tall woman glanced at you, then Chrissy. Seeing the lack of threat you two posed, she turned away and peered down the pitch-black road.
Chrissy pulled out her wallet, before sighing. “Shit, I forgot my keys! I need to run back and grab them. I’ll see you tomorrow, hun.”. She whipped around, barely missing bumping into a tall, stocky man who was approaching the stop, shouting out a hurried “sorry!” as she sprinted down the path.
The man, who was so hunched over your neck pinged in sympathy, leered at the blonde woman. “Hey!” he called loudly, moving toward her. “Hey, you!”. He moved closer, and she shot him an annoyed look. She shifted slightly away, her eyes flicking toward you before flashing back to the man. His hand reached out to grab at her hair.
“Just leave, dude.” you mumbled, stepping toward him. He glanced over to you, before doing a double-take, as if only just at that moment noticing you. “What’s it matter to you?” he asked. “Just go home. Leave us alone.” You huffed, turning toward the road to try to spot the bus. As you stared hard into the darkness, praying the man would leave, you noticed a flicker of movement at the corner of your eye, right before you felt a hard shove. You fell forward, your hands shooting out to catch yourself before you fell directly onto the road. You groaned, brushing dirt off your palms and slowly rising to your feet. 
You looked over; the woman was staring at you, shocked, and the man was slowly lumbering away. “Are you okay?” you asked. She continued to stare. You stared back, unnerved. The impromptu staring contest lasted for almost a minute, only interrupted by the bus slowly pulling up. “Oh…kay… Well, have a nice night?” You ventured hesitantly, climbing up the steps of the bus in a hurry. The tall woman continued to stare. Just as you were turning around to find a seat, she suddenly grabbed your forearm. You started, whipping around and yanking your arm out of her grasp. “...Thanks,” she said lowly, not breaking eye contact. “Are you going to get on the bus or not, ma’am?” the bus driver’s low rumble broke the quiet moment, and you turned around again and went to find your seat. When you glanced back, the woman was gone and the door had closed.
The next day, the library was quiet as ever. Barbara was puttering around behind the desk, chatting to a younger reader who was attempting to check out without learning the name of every one of Barbara’s great-grandchildren. You smiled wryly; you wouldn’t risk getting sucked into the story of her son’s first steps, so the kid was on his own. As you moved toward the non-fiction area in the back, with its dusty red carpet and wide arched windows, you stopped to place books back in their assigned spaces, rolling the cart steadily forward. 
You were broken from your focused trance by the soft clearing of a throat. You turned around to spot a young man, smiling at you. “Hi,”you said, glancing up at him. “Hello,” he said softly. “I’m looking for a particular book, but I’m not sure where to find it…” You perked up. “Oh! Of course, I can help. What book are you looking for?” His smile softened. “I’m looking for A History of the Bible, but none of the other branches I’ve checked have had it.”. You took the moment he glanced away to assess him. He was tall, taller than you, with a lithe frame and choppy black bangs hanging over his forehead. He wore a plush black turtleneck, with dark slacks and an expensive-looking belt, though you couldn’t place the label. You hummed, nodding.
“Well, I’m not sure if we have it, but if we do, it’ll be over there.” you pointed in the direction of Christian literature. “Are you looking for other books? Even if we don’t have that specific one, we might have something else you could use.” You hedged, tilting your head as you mentally ran through the catalog.
“Hm, I’m not sure. Are you well-versed in biblical critique?” You laughed. “No, it’s an interesting field but I’ve never taken the time to pick up a book on it. Are you in university?” You asked, curious. “No, just an… avid reader.”. You hummed. “Do you have any recommendations?” His dark eyes meeting yours. Suddenly uncomfortable, you looked away. “Um, I just read a couple of things off the cart every now and then… Anyways, I have to get back to sorting the shelves…” You turned away, feeling his eyes boring into the back of your head. You hurried away, leaving the cart behind and swiftly walking into the backroom.
You let out a huge huff of air, tension draining as you left the man’s point of view. Barbara, mid-eating her lunch, looked up. She seemed to realize something had happened, because for once, she seemed concerned. “Are you alright, love?” she asked. “Yeah… yeah, I’m okay. Just rattled by a weird interaction” You turned away, walking out and moving toward the front desk. As you arrived, almost as if on cue, the phone let out a shrill ring.
You picked up the phone, absently curling the coil cord around your finger. “Hello, YorkNew Public Library, East Park branch. How can I help you?” You let the cord go, watching as it bounced in the air. “Walk outside and wait at the curb.” The voice was deep and rough, cold in its efficiency. “Excuse me? Is this a prank call? That’s not appropriate-” You began, huffing. “If you don't, the deaths of everyone in the building will be your fault.”. It felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped over your head, recoiling from the phone. “Listen, I don’t know who this is, but this isn’t funny. I’m going to call the police.” You went to hang up the phone, but stopped; what if it was real? What if there really was someone who would hurt everyone? Would it be better to just wait outside?
You considered, weighing your options. No. It wasn’t possible; the only people in the building at the moment were you, Barbara, and a young boy over by the arts and crafts table, innocently working on a paper project. You’d lock the doors and call the cops and they’d catch the guy and everyone would be safe. Satisfied with your plan, you slammed the receiver down and moved toward the door to lock it.
Your cellphone dinged.
Freezing, you reached into your pocket, before realizing it wasn’t in there. Where was it-? 
Your phone dinged again.
You turned around, spotting it on the counter of the desk. You cautiously approached it, the irrational, animal part of your brain half-convinced someone would jump out and attack you.
Picking it up and unlocking it, you realized it was a message from Chrissy. You swiped into your Messaging app.
You dropped your phone, letting out an ear-piercing scream.
“Fuck! What the fuck?! You cried, hand coming up to clutch at your hair.” The landline rang again, interrupting your freakout. You yanked it off the hook, “What was that?!” you moaned, half-collapsing against the counter. “If you don’t step outside, We’ll have to come get you. If we have to come get you, the old lady’s next.”. You let the phone drop, tears cresting your cheeks as you shuffled your way to the curb.
The wind was blowing harshly and the sky was a sickly gray. What was once regular September weather now felt like an insult; it felt like thunder should be crashing down, a representation of the despair you felt. A sleek black car pulled up to the curb and the door swung open. You stepped up, bending down to see inside.
Across the divide was the man from earlier, still smiling. His choppy bangs were now pulled up, exposing an intricate dark tattoo clashing with his pale skin. “Ah, you’re here. Good. Please, get in.” You did, closing the door. The locks clinked in place, sealing your doom. Tears were still spilling down your face and you shuddered with the force of your sobs, breath hitching. The man looked over, concerned, and placed a hand on your thigh. “Don’t worry. We won’t hurt you.”
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello, i have a request for phantom troop(you dont have to do them all) finding out that one of the only reasons the reader joined was because they have a younger sibling to look after, and needed the money. This can be platonic or romantic (i leave this in your hands) feel free to ignore me. Have a nice day/night.
Ooh, this is interesting, thank you for the ask! I think I'll just pick and choose the characters, I'll go with Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan for this one! Also the relationship will be romantic for this too ^^
Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan with an s/o that joined the troupe to support their younger sibling
At first she was a little surprised since it wasn't like most of the troupe cared about money. However, I feel like out of the troupe she's the one that will understand you the most because she also tends to be someone that cares for others almost like a mother
She won't judge you at all, and if other members of the troupe have something to say about your situation she won't hesitate to talk back to them. She won't throw insults, but she'll definitely give them a stern reminder that the troupe is meant to be open to anyone and everyone that can make it
If you ever happen to show her your younger sibling, Pakunoda will probably be your sibling's favorite person in no time. She tends to be super caring and chill at the same time, so I doubt kids will hate her haha
Overall she doesn't mind your reason for joining since joining the troupe alone makes you above average in skills and it means you were more or less accepted by Chrollo's standards. If you happen to be looking for a place to stay however, she'll definitely say you should move to Meteor City where she's from
He won't judge you, he's extremely open-minded and has no issue with you wanting to look after your younger sibling. He might have some questions as to why exactly the troupe was your choice though since it's such a dangerous team
I doubt other members of the troupe will talk badly about you in front of him, but in the rare case it happens he doesn't stop them with words but rather gives them a cold stare. It's enough to shut them up before Chrollo talks to them about it in private
If you need a helping hand, I feel like he would be super happy to help! Though they don't look like it, I feel like all members of the troupe have a soft spot for kids. Chrollo's super chill around your sibling too, they might ask when you two are getting married haha
Similar to Pakunoda, he may offer you and your sibling to come back to Meteor City if you two aren't already living there.
He might ask you why you then decided the troupe would be where you wanted to stay when you could've been doing something else like a job in regular society or a hunter, since you clearly have the skills to become one. However, after you give your explanation, he'll be like "yeah I'm actually really happy you're part of the team, means I get to see you more often!"
He's the type to throw fists when other members of the troupe look at you disapprovingly. Most troupe members won't care tbh, but in the case that they say anything he'll have no trouble jumping on them :/
The cool uncle that your younger sibling always wanted! He was probably the one that asked if you wanted him to help you out at home. If you really need any extra help outside of troupe antics, he'll be there!
He doesn't really care about money but at the same time he does understand that you need to help out your sibling. He'll do what he can to support you, but most importantly he won't judge you for your reasons of joining the troupe
She honestly didn't really mind when you revealed your reason for joining the troupe. "As long as you aren't some crazy clown trying to fight Chrollo you're good," she might say, giving you a friendly punch on the shoulder
She isn't really like a mom-friend, but there have been times where she felt like an elder sister to some of the troupe. Because of this, she's actually just as protective of you and of your sibling as well. She's super caring, it's honestly really nice!
Machi won't fight against other troupe members calling you out or looking at you disapprovingly, but she will definitely give them a stare and maybe throw a mean insult in their direction. The only person she won't do that to would be Chrollo, but honestly the leader probably doesn't mind your situation at all
She asked if you wanted to move to Meteor City if you weren't already there right after you said you needed to take care of your younger sibling. I feel like she thinks it's the safest place since she grew up there, but in the end she's open to anything that you want and will be there to help you out
Out of these troupe members he was probably the only one that thought it was a little weird at first. You were scared he would tell you it wasn't right for you to join the troupe, but he was more confused rather than upset at your situation.
However, he hides that he thinks it's admirable you're throwing your life at risk for family. It's sort of like what he saw in Meteor City, and perhaps what the troupe is doing to support the children back where he's from. He has a soft spot for kids, he won't show it though
He probably said he didn't want to help you out when you were with your younger sibling, but when he showed up at your door you knew he was probably lying about hating kids. He turns out to be really chill, sometimes even cute in your eyes. If you tease him about it he might get a little upset though haha
He stands up for you in the case any troupe member thinks what you're doing is wrong. They likely won't, but if it happens he has no issue pulling out a weapon and throwing it in their direction. He cares a lot about you, and now that he knows there's someone you want to protect, he'll do his best to help you out
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imagobin · 8 months
🔯Zoldyck Family HCs🔯
I wish this had been explored more in the actual manga, because to me the Zoldyck family is one of the most intriguing things in HxH.
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We did get this chart which is very interesting, but I wanted to expand on it with a couple more headcanons and speculations. Doesn't include Maha, Zigg or Grandma Zoldyck cause there's too little info on them (Seriously Zeno, where do you keep your wife?)
Starting with Kalluto because he's the youngest and also gets very little time to shine.
It is commonly agreed that he cares about Killua a lot and wishes he'd pay attention to him, and I think so too.
His relationship with Illumi is possibly one of mentor and apprentice, they go on missions together and Illumi supervises him to make sure he carries out assassinations properly, without toying with his victims too much.
We don't see him interacting with Milluki at all aside from flashbacks, but the two might have a pretty positive relationship. I think it still means a lot to Kalluto that his shut-in brother would take time out of his day to go on walks and play with him, even if that hasn't happened in a while.
As for his relationship with Silva and Zeno, I do like the idea of both father and grandpa being proud of Kalluto for mastering Nen at such a young age, though Silva might be a bit disappointed that Kalluto disobeyed him and became part of the Phantom Troupe.
Such a sweetheart aaaa I wanna see more of her and Killua's future adventures.
Ever since her ability was discovered by the other members of the family, Alluka's either been used to get something (Looking at you, Milluki), or feared. Silva and Kikyo definitely fear her powers, and Zeno probably does too. Though... I have a weird feeling that unlike the rest of the family, Zeno would be like Killua and at least respect Alluka's pronouns, if she likes 'she/her', Zeno doesn't see the problem with referring to her as a girl.
I think Alluka on the other hand really wants to love the members of her family, despite how horribly they've treated her. She probably doesn't even understand why they all became so cautious around her at one point.
The only family member that Alluka does not like is Illumi for... pretty obvious reasons. Illumi isn't subtle at all with his desire to control her and her powers; plus, Illumi's hurt Killua the most, I don't think she could ever be okay with someone who's hurt her big brother so much (even by Zoldyck standards).
Not much to say about Killua since we see him interact with most of his family a bit more in-depth... aside from Kalluto-
Killua has definitely always favored Alluka over Kalluto, despite how much the youngest Zoldyck strives to get his attention. This is probably because of how close Kalluto is to his mom.
Killua finds Kikyo annoying, and definitely doesn't trust her, so since Kalluto spends a lot of time with their mother, by proxy, Killua can't bring himself to trust his younger brother either.
Aside from Alluka, whom he obviously trusts deeply, the other member of the family he trusts the most is probably his grandpa; Zeno clearly favors him and seems to be more supportive of Killua's choices compared to the rest of his family.
Milluki my beloved, how I wish you weren't just the butt of a joke 90% of the time.
Physically speaking, he's probably the weakest Zoldyck besides Alluka, so he's most likely afraid of the other men in the family, and would definitely not want to get on their bad side.
He obeys and respects both Silva and Zeno, but I also think Milluki would like to be treated like Killua by his grandpa, that's why he shares his invention ideas with him; he wishes Zeno would praise him some.
Milluki is 100% a mama's boy, he cares about her so much, he definitely had the strongest reaction out of everyone when his mother's safety was threatened by Nanika's powers. Despite this, Kikyo doesn't seem to give him any particularly special treatment, again, that is reserved for Killua.
He's most definitely also the unlucky middle child, I think he was definitely put to the side once Killua was born; his family fully focused on Kil since he's the heir, and left Milluki to kinda do his own thing. I feel like this consequentially brought him to be jealous of Killua and all the attention he gets.
I swear he's even worse off than Kalluto, cause at least he's got his mother's love, Milluki's basically neglected even by Zoldyck standards.
Man's the family's workaholic, you can't change my mind, he's also a little fucked up, but we love him for it.
He definitely cares about his whole family in his own twisted way. That includes Milluki too, they were the first two Zoldyck siblings so until Killua was born, they most definitely spent a lot of time together. Illumi doesn't really understand his brother, but he humors him.
His relationship with Kikyo is never really explored, but I see them as being definitely close, not as close as she is with Kalluto, but close. They share the same mindset when it comes to Killua. Illumi was also her first child, so she definitely poured her heart and soul into training him into being the perfect assassin, and it definitely shows.
Illumi's dynamic with his father and grandfather is definitely one of mutual respect, they may not agree on everything, but they trust each other's strength. Silva also appreciates Illumi's dedication to the family's business.
M'lady- okay no girl needs to take a chill pill, her fashion tho, on point.
Obviously her view of love is completely warped, growing up in Meteor City and marrying a world-renowned assassin didn't do her mental health many favors. But just like Illumi, she does love her kids deeply in a really twisted way.
She plays favorites, Killua and Kalluto are the ones she cares about the most, and with how dismissive of Milluki she is, he's probably her least favorite, kinda tragic since Milluki loves his mother a lot... but then we have Illumi, where does he stand? Kikyo cares about her first born child of course, she's very proud of him, and trusts him a lot with keeping Killua in check, since they seem to share opinions on how he should be trained. She wishes he'd spend more time with her for sure.
Her opinion however is way too often brushed off by Silva, not because she's a woman, but because she's not been raised like a Zoldyck, she doesn't fully know their ways, so she's not seen as a valid voice. It's an unfair treatment, and it really pisses her off.
True winner of the 'Father of the Year' award, along with Ging, great job you two.
Silva honestly has evil mastermind vibes, he cares about Killua, but also wants to constantly control him and test him in his own way (the needle was a massive proof of that). He's just a lot more subtle with it compared to Illumi and Kikyo.
He loves his wife, no doubt, even if he doesn't show it very often, I think the man is prone to small displays of love, and definitely shows it more with his actions than his words. (Him agreeing to let Alluka out of her room because he doesn't want Kikyo to die is definitely the biggest display of this we've seen canonically, he's aware of how dangerous Alluka's powers could be, but he still chose to risk the consequences of that over sacrificing his wife).
His relationship with his other kids is not really explored that much, but I believe he's mostly satisfied with all of them. I don't think he's super disappointed in Milluki either, but he definitely doesn't expect much of him, he does wish he'd take things more seriously.
My favorite anime old man! I really wish people would pay more attention to him, he's cool as hell.
Zeno is probably the most chill man in the family, maybe cause he's old, but he's definitely the least likely to snap back at any of his family members.
He has a very strong set of morals, with him not wanting to cause any unnecessary deaths and all. I feel like because of this, he silently disapproves of Illumi's ways, especially regarding his Needle People, and the older brother's desire to control Killua.
Zeno doesn't really think much of Kikyo, he acknowledges her skills and such, but doesn't really go out of his way to interact with her. These two have definitely had their disagreements, mostly because Zeno tends to act on his own without consulting anyone, let alone her, which inevitably angers Kikyo.
He is quite proud of all his grandchildren, even if he's mostly focused on Killua. Much like Silva, he is happy that Kalluto mastered Nen at such a young age. He also sees more potential in Milluki, but wishes he was more committed to the family's business and used his genius to its full potential.
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etrsilk · 4 months
Hi! Can you do the main four X toph reader ? Like she's blind but can still walk on her own, fighting and do basic things,and how would they react to her using seismic sense and metal bending?
(By the way I love your blog so much,I honestly think this is the best hxh blog I have ever seen! Sorry for my English it's not my native language).
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₊✩‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⇝ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐡 .ᐟ
˗ˏˋ ➛ ���𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢,𝘎𝘰𝘯,𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘢,𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘰
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 — ✘
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
⎝ 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:: First, thank you so much, you don’t know how much this makes me happy ♡🥹 and don’t worry about your English! I'm not an English speaker at all either and when I reread the headcanons I published, I notice the HUGE mistakes I made XD and apologies for the delay! I had a very important exam to prepare for!! Then: know that I have very, very limited knowledge of the character of Toph and her universe because I never watched Avatar, so I did my best by learning as much as possible about her, her powers and her character ! But despite that I tried to do my best! ♡ otherwise it was a very fun challenge to do and I hope you like it!! (Also I really like the way you worded your request, I like it when they are specific and precise!! 🥹)
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 —𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ When he learned that you were blind, he was both annoyed, very surprised and curious. He felt quite a lot of power emanating from you; but can a blind person really live up to the strength he felt coming from you?
➘ the reason he was annoyed was because of his childhood and everything he was taught when he was younger, he places great importance on the power of others even when it is just a simple potential mate or a friend (or girlfriend 👀)
➘ Obviously, he has never been around a blind person so he has no idea of ​​the lifestyle of people with this disability and to what extent most of these people are independent or not, so he quite naturally thought that someone suffering from blindness struggles in daily life and needs a lot of help!
➘ And honestly, it would bother him to be in the company of a “weak” person given his lifestyle!
➘ But he remained with you, curious about what you could do in view of the presentiment he had about you and when he saw you fight so perfectly and manage in almost everything without his help, he must admit that even if he suspected that you were not weak, he had no idea that you were so powerful!
➘ To say he admires your independence would be a euphemism...he'll never tell you but he's really proud of you!
➘ You didn't explicitly explain to him the fact that you have powers and how they work, you just use them in front of him like it's normal lmao
➘ He was like "what?? What the hell is she doing"
➘ Needless to say he was particularly surprised and curious, of course thanks to his natural analytical gift he started trying to understand how your powers work….he half understood 😭
➘ The main subject of your arguments: “he thinks you are weak” because he often insists on giving you his help, as if you could not manage on your own; But no!! You are wrong, he is so aware of your independence! He just wants to help you as much as possible!
➘ Thanks to your personality, you help Kurapika to relax and laugh more often, and in general your relationship has good dynamism!!
➘ Kurapika would be really impressed and proud of you, he would really be in “that my girl”
➘ he thinks your power could be useful to capture the Phantom Troupe !!
➘ the demonstration of your powers not only reinforces his admiration for you, but also his affection!
➘ A bit like Killua, he's trying to understand how your powers work
 —𝐆𝐎𝐍ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ I can imagine Gon being there saying "such a powerful blind woman? OMG" but not reacting more than that
➘ Gon understands and fully respects your desire to be independent and does not interfere with that, obviously, he protects you enormously whether you like it or not because he cares about you and, obviously if you need his help he will will happily help with no judgement.
➘ Like Killua, he has never been around a blind person and therefore has no idea of ​​the lifestyle of people with this disability and their level of independence. So when you made him understand that you could manage just fine without him, he just let you do your thing.
➘ During your training sessions, you are used to setting yourself a lot of challenges! you are both very competitive
➘ He discovered your powers during one of your training sessions, you did it a bit to impress him because he was showing off his nen and his superhuman strength a bit!
➘ you simply said "so cool! look what i can do too!!"
➘ You placed your hands on the ground and began to describe your environment and these "movements"
➘ You then notice an old rusty metal plate abandoned on the ground. You grab it and start shaping the metal as if it were clay.
➘ he finds your powers really incredible and very interesting, he begs you to teach him and is very, very curious XD
 —𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ He would be shocked literally every time you fight or are very dependent like "well if I went blind I wouldn't be like that..."
➘ As a doctor, he has already dealt with blind people and already knows that even if most of them need a little help with certain things, most of them manage quite well. So he didn't force it too much and didn't go too far against your desire for independence! ( So basically he had a very different vision from that of these other friends.)
➘ I think your relationship would be very intense because of your two strong personalities! At first, you didn't really like him (and he didn't like you very much either)
by revealing your powers to him, you only reinforced his admiration for you 😭😭
he thinks your power would be very useful in the medical field !
“I can do a lot of things too, okay?”
—English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
/(this made me so want to watch Avatar for the first time lmao, I honestly think Toph will be my favorite 😭)\
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hello-gloomy · 4 months
'What was your nen again?'
Phantom troupe x Gen!reader
Description: The troupe finally had some free time so you decided to meet up with them again, you happen to bring up something none of them mentioned to you which brings up a question.
Warnings: Crack taken seriously. I don't think there's any use of Y/N aside from that pretty tame some of them might be OOC it's my first time writing for so many characters.
A/N: Just something short (Maybe) to tide us all over till the first two polls are done or till I finish my other WIPs. (I should be doing work rn but I'm not.) :^
"You need to work on your sleeping habits."
"You didn't go to sleep till 2 yesterday." Shalnark looked mildly unnerved at your claims, which made you feel slightly bad for the unconscious snooping you do through everyone's memories. But you couldn't help but bring it up, how is he supposed to commit crimes on three hours of sleep all the time. Bound to make mistakes like that.
"I never told you that..." This gains the attention of Pakunoda who happens to be close by she gets up from where she was sitting in the large dining hall you and the group were staying at for their temporary break.
"Told them what?"
"What time he went to sleep." Her brows furrowed for a second while she glanced at a shocked Shalnark.
"Lucky guess?" She pondered out loud, He grimaced at that while you giggled at his facial expression.
"I peeked at his memories."
"Brother eugh." You full-on belly laughed at that attracting some more of the others to get closer.
"What's going on now?"
"Shal didn't go to sleep till two."
"Explains eyebag."
Feitan moved closer to your left side while Shalnark opened up the camera on his phone to look at his eyes to prove his point.
"How see memory?"
"With my Nen." Everyone stopped and looked at you.
"You have Nen?"
"So your Nen is similar to mine then?"
"Kind of, just without the gun. I could project other people's memories too."
"Show Shalnark memory."
"Do not."
With that, you summon your nen and a small eyeglass appears you scope out an open wall and find one large enough by Uvo and Nobunaga. You motion for the others to follow behind you while Shalnark whines for you not to embarrass him. Walking past the other pair they take notice and ask Paku what's happening she gives a brief explanation. You engage Gyo and through your eye, you show the memory of Shalnark on his computer and after a bit of fast forwarding through the memory, you show him passed out at the desk. The projection comes to an end and you turn around to find Machi and Korotopi have joined you as well. Pakunoda turns to Shalnark to scold him first.
"they're right you do need to work on your sleeping habits." She held her hand on the side of her face. Shalnark turned a bit pink at her remark while Uvo and Nobunaga started laughing at him.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I were the two of you considering how reckless you were being last week." They stopped immediately, and Machi's eyes were practically excited, begging you to show their embarrassing moments. You let out a quiet huff and turned around to project another moment. Showing the two men almost getting blown up on the task Chrollo had previously sent them on.
"Nice job."
"Shut up Machi!"
"Why don't you show one of her embarrassing moments!!"
"And get strung up hard pass. I like living unlike you two obviously." That had everyone laughing again. Chrollo had magically materialized and joined the theatrics of the group you had all made now.
"How far back can you go with individual memories?"
"From the instant their brain forms." "But I usually don't snoop back that far without explicit permission."
"If you'd prefer I can show memories from when you were younger?" You hold eye contact with Chrollo while the rest watch on. You get a bit nervous and start to doubt the previous forwardness you had getting ready to retract your question, Chrollo interrupts yours and everyone's thoughts.
"Just don't go back too far."
Carefully you picked a memory that you found lovely, one between The boss and Pakunoda. Everyone hushed when the light from your eye displayed upon the wall, you all heard the tune before you saw anyone, piles upon piles of trash a few giggles in between notes of the crackling song and soon enough two small figures came into view a young Chrollo and Paku holding hands arms enveloped around the waist of the other. They were beaming at one another you let it play a bit longer before it cut out. Turning around everyone was looking between Paku and Dancho. Pakunoda wiped her eyes before she looked over to a smiling Chrollo.
"That was a good choice."
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IWTV Season 2 Sources & References
(The 1st 4 were cited by the Writer’s Room)
The Ethnic Avante-Garde: Minority Cultures and World Revolution by Steven S. Lee
Paris Journal 1944-1955 by Janet Flanner (Genet)
The Vampire: A Casebook by Alan Dundes
Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles: An Alphabettery
The Fly cited by Jacob Anderson
King Lear by Shakespeare cited by Rolin Jones
Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin
Sebastien Melmoth by Oscar Wilde
Amadeus (1984)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Gaslight (1944)
Casablanca (1942)
Now, Voyager (1942)
The Third Man (1949) cited by Levan Akin
An American in Paris by George Gershwin (1928) cited by Daniel Hart
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Phantom of the Opera
Les Vampires (1915)
Dracula (1931) credit to @vampchronicles_ on twt
Le Triomphe de L’amour by Pierre de Marivaux
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin cited by Jacob Anderson
Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean Paul Sartre
Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Vampire’s Kiss (1988) credit to @talesfromthecrypts
Les Morts ont tous le Meme Peau by Boris Vian credit to @greedandenby
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Barclay Beckett credit to @rorscachisgay on twt
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Vie de Voltaire by Marquis Condorcet
Simone de Beauvoir: A Critical Introduction by Edward Fullbrook and Kate Fullbrook credit to @iwtvfanevents
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes credit to @iwtvfanevents
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Artists and Salons Referenced:
Palma Vecchio
Andre Fougeron
Elsa Triollet
Fred Stein
Lisette Model
Gordon Parks
Miguel Barcelo
Taxidermied Javelina by Chris Roberts-Antieau
Ai WeiWei (wallpaper)
David Hockney (Lemons)
The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits
Salome by Louis Icart
Ophelia by John Everett Millais
Shelter by Peter Macon
The Kiss by Edvard Munch
The Vampire or Love and Pain by Edvard Munch credit @iwtvasart
Ruiter on Horse by Reiger Stolk credit @ iwtvasart
Portrait of Frank Burty Haviland by Modigliani credit @iwtvasart
Self-Seers II (Death and Man) by Egon Schiele credit to @90sgreggaraki
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters by Goya
Movie & Play Posters on set (in chronological order by year):
Tarzan and his Mate (1934)
Avec le Sourire (1936)
Les Deux Gosses (1936)
Le Jour Se Leve (1939) about a man who commits murder as a result of a love triangle and locks himself in his apartment recounting the details as the police attempt to arrest him. Credit to @laisofhyccara
Nuit de Décembre (1940)
Mademoiselle Swing (1942) about a girl who follows a troupe of swing musicians to Paris.
Les Enfents du Paradis (1945) about a woman with many suitors including an actor and an aristocrat.
Fantomas (1946) about a sadistic criminal mastermind. This version includes a hideout in the catacombs where he traps people.
Quai des Orfevres (1947) watch here
Monsieur Vincent (1947)
Le Cafe du Cadran (1947) about a wife’s affair with a violinist.
La Kermesse Rouge (1947) film about a jealous artist who locks up his younger wife and a fire breaks out while she’s trapped.
Morts Sans Sepulture by Jean-Paul Sartre (play) also published in English translations as “The Victors” or “Men Without Shadows” about resistance fighters captured by Vichy soldiers struggling not to give up information.
Mon Faust by Paul Valery (play)
Musical Influences:: @greedandenby collected all music used in Season 2 here.
Henry Cowell
Meredith Monk
Howling’ Wolf
Shirley Temple
Jason Lindner Big Band
The Teeth
Carlos Salzedo
Alice Coltrane
Thelonius Monk
David Lang
Caroline Shaw
Gadfly by Shostakovich (for Raglan James)
musical career of Martha Argerich
Season 1 here (these lists are updated regularly)
Season 3 here
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blossomwritesthings · 3 months
𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬
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⬷ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 ┊ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: minho x felix (minlix)
genre: dancer!minho/artist!felix. brothers best friend troupe. college au. age gap (abt 4 years). minho pov. extremely dark themes throughout, including smut - MDNI, 18+ only.
word count: 3.0k
the playlist 🗡️
a/n: I'm already starting to write chapter 5 of this people, and it's continuing to get better and better as I work on it lmao!! 😂 This chapter was a little bit on the shorter side and dealt with a lot of the world building, but I wanted to set a solid foundation for how most of minlix's childhood was...But even still, I dropped subtle hints throughout that possibly could allude to something a lot more and darker happening on behind everyone... anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! 💙
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  The first time Lee Minho saw Lee Felix after five years of being apart, he was shocked by a jolt of lightning. And it wasn’t the good kind of lightning. To be honest, it was painful and searing. It left his skin feeling red and raw, the veins in his entire body thrumming with stark, firey surprise. 
  His entire life, the image of Lee Felix in Minho’s mind had always been that of the pure younger brother. The younger brother to his childhood best friend, Chris. Growing up, he and Chris spent every waking minute together — including attending the same middle/high school and even university. And of course, Felix was always around. Always a phantom floating in the background, sometimes a part of their plans, but sometimes not. Annoying, at times. But sometimes, fun to hang out with. It just depended on whatever mood Felix was in— as he was always moody.
  He existed in the back of all Minho’s thoughts but as a mere side character to the elaborate story that he and Chris were building together as best friends. And once they went off to university together, Felix finally fell away to the wayside. Granted, during their four years of studies, Chris would briefly mention Felix in passing… about how he was the popular kid at their old high school and how he was excelling in his grades. 
  But for the most part, the two best friends were a little too busy with their own hectic lives to care about an annoying little brother. What with Chris diving headfirst into his Musical Producing Degree and Minho pursuing his passions within his Technical Performance Degree, they had their hands quite full. On the side, they worked at the same performing arts studio that a lot of their classmates worked at too. Chris was busy interning as a producer there, while Minho was an apprentice dance instructor. 
  They worked like that, studying at the Korean National University of Arts and working at their part-time jobs for four long years. And finally, in their Senior year, their lives came full circle again. Just like that, Minho was transported back to the days of their childhood, when they were bumming around their small town in Busan and hanging out with Felix whenever he begged Chris enough to let him into their cool party of two. 
  Immediately upon enrollment at the University, Lee Felix was a sensation across campus. He was making waves in the culture— with his fashion sense, his aura, his good grades. Everything about him radiated confidence— or so, that’s what some of the seniors in Minho’s dance classes whispered about. In the cafeteria, Minho could hear sophomore’s laughing and gossiping about the elaborate parties Felix held at his dorm, about the crazy shit that went down at them between his large group of friends. 
  And of course, Chris was swamped with too much work and his studies to care about meeting up with his little brother anytime soon. Minho had heard from the grapevine that Felix was studying something related to fashion design. Honestly, Minho was quite surprised at that fact, since Felix had always dressed rather…simply, growing up. 
  If anything, Chris was the one out of the two brothers who were more fashionably inclined and more interested in streetwear and trendy clothing options. Meanwhile, Felix opted for a lot of preppy looks… things that showed off his pure and innocent vibe. 
  But perhaps, based on the wild parties that he was throwing, Felix was no longer that young and wide-eyed boy from their childhoods. 
  Minho was wrapped up so much in his world of just fucking graduating that he never had free time out of work or classes to run into Felix. He only heard snippets of the younger boy’s life from other people… about his popularity and his godly looks. 
  It wasn’t until one day in the middle of his senior year, when it was a cool September day out and the trees were bursting with colors of gold and crimson that finally— finally, he saw Felix again. After so many years. 
  Honestly, it was like a chance of fate. 
  He had gotten the day off from work because his mentor was on vacation for the weekend, and he was already finished with all of his homework for the rest of the weekend. So he was completely free to do whatever he pleased. That, of course, included a nice long walk around the university’s gardens. 
  Minho loved the autumnal scenery outside. How the chilly air bit at his cheeks and sent a shiver through his bones, how the drying leaves crunched underneath his boots, how there wasn’t a soul in sight around him. As much as he loved Chris, and the two other friends — Hyujin and Changbin —  that he had made at university, he also didn’t mind the somberness of his own company. 
  At least, he was the only one traversing the gardens until he came upon a figure sitting alone on a bench. It was strategically placed under a large oak that was weeping leaves of crimson. The topaz and garnet flecks of color danced around the figure, twirling down, down, down, onto the ground around them like little flecks of a brilliant autumnal rainbow. 
  As Minho approached the figure more closely on his path back to his dorm, he noticed the person’s sloped shoulders and the way their curly, bleached-blonde hair swept across the nape of their neck in the graceful breeze. And it was only when he was close enough that he could smell their scent — of sweet lilies and candy apples — that he realized the person was focusing on something. 
  They were… drawing, in a sketchbook that they held in their arms. With their legs crossed atop the bench, they were completely focused on their craft. And with the glance Minho took at the ivory paper in the person's lap, he could tell they were designing some kind of outfit. 
  “Beautiful day to do art, hmm?” Minho mused out loud in a quiet voice. Even still, he completely startled the artist — awakening them out of their daze of craft. 
  For a moment, they froze in their place, just sitting there in silence as Minho finally rounded the corner of the bench and faced them.
  Just then, they managed to tear their eyes away from the paper in their hands, offering Minho their full attention. 
  Minho’s breath caught in his chest instantly. 
  The chilled breeze ripped it right out of his lungs, making it hard to inhale and exhale. 
  He could feel his entire body set on fire at the sight of who the person was… 
  Lee Felix. 
  The boy he hadn’t seen in almost four years. 
  The boy who was always in the background while Minho grew up beside his best friend Chris. There, but not of any importance... half of the time. 
  And yet, there he was once again — like an ethereal, shining ghost of the past. 
  Because goddamn, was the older version of Felix ethereal. 
  His skin was so smooth and milky-white, that it looked like the outside of a brilliant seashell. 
  His pink, rosebud lips pursed a little bit as his eyes scoured down Minho’s entire frame. Chestnut-brown irises lit up with realization only slightly, as his brain finally registered who was standing in front of him. 
  But perhaps the biggest shock for Minho was the way that Felix carried himself, the way he was dressed. Because although he had heard rumors about it around campus, he hadn’t seen it up close and personal yet. 
  Felix was dressed in loose-fitting linen pants that were the whitest of creams, paired with a ruffled shirt that had buttons all down the cufflinks. Half of the buttons attached to the v-neck of the top were open, offering Minho — and practically the entire fucking campus — large glimpses of the chiseled muscles just underneath the fabric there. A black leather trench coat was draped across his shoulders, offering a semblance of warmth against the cool autumn day. And each time he moved, the pounds of jewelry he was wearing clinked and shined against each other — silver rings and cords of pearls around his neck and at least a dozen different piercings in his ears filled with diamonds and silver studs. 
  “Holy shit— it’s been, what… five fucking years or something?” Felix was the first one to speak after Minho had initially spooked him out of his artist stupor. Running a few ink-stained hands through his blonde tresses, he offered Minho a casual, dazzling smile. 
  Minho was a little taken aback by his words, how he let the curse words slip free from his red-stained lips so easily. Growing up, Felix had never been a big one for the profane. But he supposed, Felix was no longer a child and an adult in university, of course, it was normal for him to use a derogatory word once in a while. 
  “Yeah, it’s been a long time. How’ve you been, Lix?” Minho asked, walking towards the nearby tree that was still raining autumnal leaves down on both of them and leaning his shoulder against the cool bark. “I hear you’re studying fashion. That’s gotta be pretty interesting.” 
  Shrugging slowly, Felix made quick work of shoving his sketchbook back into the canvas bag at his side. “Eh— it has its annoying moments, but for the most part, I like the shit that I learn about fashion. It’s pretty interesting.” Not affording Minho a glance as he focused on tidying up his workspace, the elder man was able to freely examine the younger as much as he wanted. Felix seemed a lot more… nimble, since the last time Minho had seen him. Too skinny, if he was really honest with himself. Just then, Felix met his gaze again, eyes scanning his entire face. “And I heard you’re a prestigious dancer around these parts.” 
  Minho could feel the familiarity of a blush creep up his neck and into his cheeks. He didn’t know why he was getting shy about it, but— the fact that Felix, a young, small part of his childhood, was offhandedly flattering his skills, did something funny in the pit of Minho’s stomach. “Uhm— I’m just an apprentice dance instructor at this place outside campus. It’s nothing fancy. And when I’m not working, I’m in the studio of the Technical Arts Building practicing for class.” 
  “Oh, then I’ll have to come by sometime so you can teach me so cool moves,” Felix said, playfully wiggling his eyebrows. He was still looking at Minho’s face, watching as the crimson flush overtook his entire body. Bursting out in a fit of laughter, Felix almost doubled over at the sight of it. “Holy fuck— your face is so fucking funny!” 
  Rolling his eyes only slightly, Minho sighed from the embarrassment. “Stop torturing me, I hate when people I know watch me dance. I refuse to have Chris in the studio for that very reason.” 
  At that, Felix’s laughter stopped abruptly. “And why is that? Is it just too— embarrassing, or something?” 
  “I don’t know what the feeling surrounding it is. I just… I prefer when strangers watch me, that way they can’t pick apart my body language in the moment or my facial expressions.” 
  Slinging his tote bag around his shoulder, Felix stood up from the bench and tilted his head to the side quizzically. “Yeah, I think I get that. It’s why I don’t like people watching me draw. Makes me feel like they’re peeking into a part of myself I’d rather keep hidden.” 
  “Even if you’re only drawing clothes?” 
  “Well, kinda— but more so when I draw things just for… Me. That’s the stuff I never want to see the light of day, let alone other’s eyes.” 
  Minho could feel a faint smile creep across his lips at that, finding comfort in the fact that Felix could somewhat relate to him. Unlike his friends Chris and Changbin, who just loved to show everyone their newest work. And besides that, Minho’s dance partner and friend Hyunjin was quite a moth to the spotlight as well. So he had no one to relate to. 
  “I guess we can both hide our craft away from everyone until the end of time then.” Minho laughed, nudging Felix’s shoulder lightly as he walked past him. And just like that, they fell into an easy traverse across the garden's pathway. For being shorter than Minho, Felix sure did keep up with the brisk pace he set. 
  Felix turned to him as they walked, a tiny smirk gracing his lips as he practically stared right into Minho's soul. “And who knows, maybe if you played it right— I’d offer you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see my real, personal artwork.” 
  The way that Felix’s tongue twirled around the world ‘played’ was dangerous for Minho at that moment. Even still, he managed to flash him a nonchalant smile. “Felix— no. I’m like… five years older than you.” He had heard the gossip around campus, how Felix would sleep with anyone he could get his hands on. Boy or girl, it didn’t seem to matter to him. But unlike Felix, Minho was the exact opposite. The last solid relationship he had been in was when he first started university, and they had mutually broken up after the guy moved across the world to be a transfer student in Europe for his Sophomore year. 
  “Although, I like when people say no… gives it a sense of thrill, hmm?” Felix said in a soft tone, the words cascading around Minho, floating over his ears and making the edge of his spine shiver only by a little bit. 
  With that, Minho pushed Felix a little by his shoulder again, enough to force more distance between their walking bodies for his mental sanity. “Okay, hot stuff- keep it in your pants for your own age group.” 
  Felix dropped the topic after that, laughing softly and focusing more on the surrounding landscape around them. For a while, they walked in silence, just taking in the beautiful scenery that was all around the garden. As the quietness wrapped around them, Minho’s heart rate was able to calm down. He wasn’t used to Felix being so… openly flirty. His entire life, Felix had always been the quiet wallflower around everyone else — the one that wasn’t loud and never stepped out of line from his parent’s guidance. He was the better, well-behaved child out of the two brothers. 
  “Hey, I’m having a party at my dorm this Saturday night, you should stop by sometime— it’s gonna be a real fucking blast,” Felix started, as they slowly neared the main campus’s grounds. When he saw the wide-eyed look Minho gave him in surprise, he waved off any worries the older man might have. “Don’t worry, it’s super chill— and you won’t be the oldest person there, I promise.” 
  Raising a questioning eyebrow slowly, Minho’s gaze locked with Felix as he studied his face. And just then, he realized that the entire time they had been reconnecting in the park, he hadn’t been able to get a read on the younger boy. He thought he had been able to gauge his emotions, but really, Minho was realizing that the smiles and laughs might’ve just been a farce in the first place. 
  “I’ll think about it, okay?” Minho offered, not having the heart to completely turn him down. Because at the most, he could tell that Felix truly wanted him there. Even though they hadn't spent time together in so long, perhaps things would change now that they were both adults and attending the same university. “The fact that you’ve barely been here three months and you already know so many people to hold parties at such large calibers honestly kinda scares me.” 
  Rolling his eyes, Felix playfully hit Minho’s shoulder, “Oh shut up— I’ve been the popular kid for a long time now.” 
  “Apparently so.” 
  After that, they stopped just in front of the freshman’s dormitory complex. The housing on campus was dispersed between the school years so that the seniors lived on the other side of campus from freshman. Just to make sure the parties of the young folk didn’t disrupt the soon-to-be-graduates. 
  “Well, this is me. I should uh— finish my project.” Felix motioned with his head to the tote bad he still had a firm grip on. “It was nice seeing you though, Minho. And maybe you’ll grace everyone with your dancer presence this weekend.” 
  And without even realizing what he was doing, Minho reached out across the widening space between them and gently ruffled Felix’s long, blonde tresses. For a mere second, the expression on Felix’s face turned completely glassy, melting into a certain emotion that Minho couldn’t quite place. That he didn't want to understand.
  “I’ll see ya around, I guess.” Minho found himself saying in a soft voice, his hand dropping from Felix’s long locks and briefly brushing across the back of his neck before fully pulling away. 
  And before Felix could say anything else — before Minho could do anything more out of character or anything else stupid — Minho finally left the charged orbit of Felix’s presence. Backing away, he turned and started down the park’s pathway again without another glance behind him. 
  Even when he felt gentle eyes following his figure the whole way down the path that led back to his dorm. Even when the feeling didn't leave him until he was completely out of sight, Minho never stopped and never looked back. 
  It was better for both of them, he thought at that moment. 
  Yes, definitely a lot better than anything else. 
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
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illubean · 3 months
HIHIHI!!! I've been following you for a while and i recently saw your toph! reader HC and I've been wondering if I could request for a katara! reader who's really good at waterbending and specialises on healing and blood bending? Could the characters be Gon, Killua, Illumi and the phantom troupe? Hope you eat well and stay healthy!!!
HXH W/ a Katara!Reader
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck, The Phantom Troupe Type: Headcanons, Fem!reader, Platonic
tried making this gn but then I ended up using fem labels a lot >.< also when I see "the phantom troupe" in headcannon requests im just going to write them collectively unless otherwise specified
Warnings: None
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Gon Freecs
your older sister/eldest daughter syndrome is very evident around him
he probably doesn't pick up on it but everyone else sees how fiercely protective you are over him
you have a soft spot for children and Gon is literally the sweetest ever so you can't help but want to keep him safe
before the hunter exams, the only role models Gon has ever had in his live have been maternal figures (Mito and his grandma)
you end up becoming another one
which may also be part of the reason he is so respectful and kind
he's ok with your motherly nature mainly because he's very used to it and he can understand where you're coming from
he cares for you as if you guys were blood related
when he went cray in chimera ant arc you were the first person Killua and Leorio thought to call
yk because of your healing ability
you healed him the best you could before Alluka showed up
and scolded him immediately after he recovered
Killua Zoldyck
he likes someone with Toph's rebellious personality but you?
you're a total wet blanket...
your such a stickler, always trying to stop him when he's feeling mischievous
you remind him of how things were back at his estate...
you are not his mother stop acting like it
but whenever you protect him from getting seriously hurt or heal him he's reminded you have good intentions
he knows you're not trying to be manipulative and controlling but god pls loosen up
despite how distant he might present himself he can't help but grow a little emotionally attached to you
he's never had a healthy relationship with his mom...
you are the only normal motherly figure in his life
he acts like he can't stand how you fuss over him but in reality he cares for you deeply and kind of likes that you feel the need to be protective over him
Illumi Zoldyck
unlike his brother, he likes you a lot more than if you were to have Toph's personality
because you remind him of his mother
he doesn't mind your protective nature as long as you don't get in the way
your 'blood bending' technique is of great interest to him..
you are able to use it on normal days and don't have to wait for a full moon because this is my fanfic and I said so
it just happens to be at it's strongest on full moons
he probs starts keeping track of the moon cycles just to take you on missions and see you in action
with the blood bending technique you could literally stop any enemy
a very OP ability indeed....
which is why he keeps you around
you're strong and have a pretty normal personality so there's really no reason for him to dislike you
The Phantom Troupe
it's pretty 50/50 with them
and by that I mean some of them don't mind your motherly personality while others think it's annoying...
mainly Phinks and Feitan; they feel you're too bossy
but the entire troupe can agree that your nen is impressive
1) they have a healer now and 2) your blood-bending is some sort of secret weapon
you get along well with Nobunaga, bonding over your shared soft spot for children
Chrollo probs personally recruited you for your abilities seeing as he couldn't really steal them..
Machi likes having you around because now she has to stitch people up less often
when Kalluto joins, he becomes the one you're most protective over
the younger members see you as an older sibling figure
aka Shizuku(18) Kalluto(12) and Kortopi(he has no canon age as far as I know but I like to imagine he is a child rather than a small adult...)
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luffyvace · 8 months
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a masterlist of all hcs I’ve done~ (any characters who are not here or in part 2 have not been done—link to part 2 in my pinned post)
One piece
Luffy D. monkey
Luffy relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Luffy x black reader ♡
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
Luffy x heroic fem! reader (requested)
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro’s kisses headcanons
Zoro x male reader headcanons
Zoro x reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Luffy x reader x Zoro
Zoro x overly sweet reader (requested)
Sitting in Zoro’s lap hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Nami x male reader
Nami x black reader
Nami x female reader
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother)
Nami x fem! Reader ft. Jealous! Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji
Zoro x Reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Sanji x black reader (also has Ace separately) (requested)
Sanji x overly sweet reader (requested)
Nico Robin
Brook and Robin thoughts
Nico Robin x morbid gn! Reader hcs
Strawhat headcanons
Hcs of what I think Robin’s ideal s/o would be (requested)
Robin x male! Reader neglects himself from always taking care of the crew (requested)
Robin x (biological) younger brother! reader (requested)
Nami x poker faced male reader (who’s Robin’s brother) (not my idea)
Brook and Robin thoughts
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Strawhat headcanons
Portgas D Ace
Ace x amab! Reserved! reader
Ace adopts a dog headcanons
Ace x black reader (also has Sanji separately) (requested)
Ace x childhood best friend! Reader who he has a crush on
Akagami Shanks
Red hair pirates x male reader who has heterochromia (requested)
Shanks x fem reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Shanks x male reader (a mini scenario in hcs format)
Boa Hancock
Boa x older brother! Male reader platonic relationship hcs (requested)
Buggy (relationship) headcanons
Perona x male reader
Monkey D. Garp (platonic)
(Platonic) Garp x younger fem! Reader who looks up to him as his apprentice (requested)
Kurtapika Kurta
Kurapika fluffy relationship headcanons (requested)
Cute domestic hcs of kurapika x fem reader (requested)
Big brother kurapika hcs (requested)
Chrollo Lulcifer
Chrollo x outgoing reader
Feitan Portor
Feitan fluff hcs (requested)
Feitan x seemingly angelic and innocent reader who’s actually in an criminal organization too (requested)
Feitan x a truamatized reader who’s a sadist and has hemokinesis powers (requested)
Machi Komachine
Macho relationship hcs
Shaknark Ryusei
Shalnark x closed off reader (requested)
Shizuku with a S/O she thought she was already dating
Bonolenov x reader who’s from his (gyudondond) tribe
Uvogin x reader who’s as big as him
Phantom troupe relationship hcs (separate):
(Separate) phantom troupe relationship hcs
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku x male reader hcs
Bakugo Katsuki
Katsuki x shoto twin reader
Katsuki x male reader
Katsuki x black gn! Reader
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto hcs for his big day
Shota Aizawa
Aizawa crush headcanons
How Aizawa courts you/relationship headcanons
Aizawa’s kisses headcanons (mini series by me)
Mina Ashido
Mina x gn! Reader
Minnax black gn! Reader
Uraraka Ochako
Uraraka x shy fem reader
Tsuyu Asui (Fixed! Tsuyu relationship hcs
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Shigaraki x scholarly reader with glasses (has dabi separately)
Touya Todoroki
Dabi x scholarly reader with glasses (has shigaraki separately)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fukuzawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo x lazy male reader
Ranpo’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Yosano’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kunikida’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Osamu Dazai
Dazai’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Tanizaki Junichiro
Tanizaki’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Naomi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Mori Ogai (i don’t condone his behavior)
Mori’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Hirotsu’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Koyo Ozaki
Koyo’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Chuuya x gn reader
Chuuya x male reader
Higuchi Ichiyo
Higuchi’s reaction to screwing up her first date with you
Higuchi Ichiyo as your girlfriend
Tachihara’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa’s reaction to screwing up his first date with you
Gin Akutagawa
Gin’s reaction to screwing up her first date with yo
Tanjiro x male reader
Inosuke x black male reader
Rengoku x gn reader relationship headcanons
Obanai x chubby gn reader
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
None yet~ coming soon!~
List of characters I want to write for eventually
List of character I want to write for eventually
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bad-appl · 5 months
Hi, I would like Kurapika with a younger sibling reader please! So reader joins Kurapika's bodyguard work, which kinda makes Kurapika unhappy but reader's too stubborn so he just let them. But then reader gets injured trying to deal with the Phantom Troupe, like they kidnapped two of their best friends! (Gon and Killua) But after that ordeal everything's all good and reader got patched up but they gotta deal with Kurapika's scolding.
That's all, I hope this wasn't confusing! ♡ ~('▽^人)
HII!! No worries! This wasn’t confusing at all :3
I love this idea so much, he would be so nervous but also relieved when he finds out you’re okay but have been injured.
He’s gonna scold you for days on end.
Tags: Fluff, Comfort (?), Platonic
Kurapika sighed as he finished wrapping the last of your bandages, you had recently gotten into a brawl with a member of the phantom troupe, which left you bruised and bloody. He looked up at you with serious eyes, he always gave you that look whenever you were about to be scolded, you mentally prepared for the talk he was going to give you on safety and self defense.
“Y/N, do you know how stupid you are sometimes?” He said with a protective yet annoyed tone. “You could have gotten killed, and I need you here with me. Not only did you not inform anyone else where you had gone, but you also left your cellphone and other identification here with us.”. You sighed and nodded slightly, feeling a bit of shame for once, “I know, I’m sorry.” You half whispered in a somber tone.
Kurapika looked at you, his gaze softening as he pulled you in for a hug, “Don’t you ever do that again. If I find out you have contacted the phantom troupe in some way without telling me, next time you will have a consequence.” He said in a soft but affirmative tone. You nodded at his words, “I understand.”
He smiled at you softly before speaking once again, “Atleast tell me this, who did you fight? I was only informed on the fact you were in contact with them.” He questioned, you let out a sigh before speaking “It was Nobunaga, hence the cuts all over my body, he isn’t the strongest out of the troupe so thankfully he didn’t injure me to badly.”. Kurapika nodded before patting your back, “I’m glad you’re okay now, I love you Y/N, and I can’t lose anymore family.”
You smiled at him and nodded, “I love you as well, I promise I’ll never do what I did again.”
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