#your aesthetic sucks
xx-may4-malic3-xx · 5 months
Getting real fucking tired of all the gross pro ana shit the scenecore community keeps pushing :/
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foxgloveinspace · 6 months
People jumping ship cause of the new masks is very ahhhh. Telling. Tbh.
#very much so#tell me you where only here cause of the looks without telling me your only here cause of the looks#listen. I miss the old masks already too. that’s not the point.#you can mourn for something without that taking away your joy for it.#‘it’s all moving so fast’ iii has been turning red since July.#‘they’re evolving too fast’ or we just got here later then others.#‘I can’t even listen anymore’ sucks to be you. the music that has been put out hasn’t changed so I don’t understand this one#‘they’re gonna get cancelled over this’ ok. I guess this is just thinning out the people who were real fans and who where fake fans#I’m gonna be a sleep token fan til the end. if this is the way they want their image to go? I’ll follow. if we get heavier music next?#sounds fucking amazing to me. (I listen to heavier stuff anyway).#idk I just think it’s so so so fucking telling. that if your jumping ship cause their Live Performance Aesthetic has changed… you didn’t#mean it when you said sleep token was important to you.#like I’m 100% MOURNING the old masks. I am BMO with Finn’s old hair sobbing about the old masks.#but I know this too shall pass#this is how I fucking felt about Vessel’s mask change#and to everyone going ‘what about Vessel and the Chior!’#1). VESSEL HAD A MASK CHANGE EARLIER THIS YEAR!!! he isn’t gonna change masks again so fast those fuckers r expensive!#2). the choir did have a change?? they wherent wearing robes at all and where in body chains they looked amazing#I get we are all neurodiverse and hate change but take a deep breath before you renounce all your sleep token love#I’m guessing Vessel will get a new mask in April again. for the kick off show.#tonight was a closing show. and he didn’t FEEL GOOD. I wouldn’t be surprised that if he was gonna do something with a new mask#if he pushed it back because he didn’t feel good.#he performed a whole show while we could TELL his throat was hurting. fuck.#I want to wrap him up in a warm hug and give him hot water with honey in it.#idk I’m rambling. it’s just telling.
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faetreides · 5 months
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modern bf!coriolanus snow
“i better find your loving, i better find your heart
i bet if i gave all my love, then nothing’s gonna tear us apart.”
- find your love // drake
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maevefinnartist · 11 months
sorry but as someone who *had to* live in a van I will never understand all these trust fund kids who *choose to* live in a van
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agentmmayy · 2 years
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matching outfits in different aesthetics 💙💛🦇🌼
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entropiasgift · 6 months
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Moranna: La Dama de Emoth o Tata Allswell.
Los niños de todo Kaelkoth saben quién es ella, aunque luego cuando llegan a adultos se les suele olvidar y la convierten simplemente en una historia que pueden usar a su favor.
Porque en los cuentos que cuentan los adultos, ella es la Tata Allswell, la bruja que llega por las noches cuando todos duermen y se lleva con ella a los niños que se portan mal y desobedecen a sus padres.
La verdad no es tan simple como en los cuentos, pero el fondo es el mismo: Allswell no tiene reparos en hacer desaparecer a los niños "maleducados" de sus camas, aunque desde su punto de vista, los que son malos son los padres, no los niños.
Las historias dicen que al llevarse a los niños los convierte en monstruos terribles que luego quedan atados a ella, pero eso tampoco es verdad. Es el mundo el que hace monstruos, y también el que luego los mata sólo por ser como son, así que ella se los lleva lejos, los oculta... Y trata de enseñarles a existir en un mundo que los odia.
A ella también la odiaron hasta el punto de casi matarla, así que entiende lo que se siente. Quizá por eso su corazón pertenece a los desamparados, a los pisoteados, a los corazones rotos, a las almas en pena, a los niños que temen a las manos de sus padres... Todos aquellos que necesitan refugio lo pueden encontrar con Allswell.
Nadie sabe exactamente dónde está su casa, pero la puerta suele aparecer en los bosques en forma de una cabaña en mitad de la nada, o en una casa de apariencia abandonada en la que no habías reparado antes en alguna callejuela de tu ciudad; y se dice que tan sólo los ojos de aquellos que lloran más amargamente pueden encontrar su morada.
En realidad, los Nocheterna saben encontrarla en Emoth, una montaña de las Tierras Sombrías, y se cree (o al menos ellos creen), que ese es su verdadero hogar, y a donde lleva a sus niños para ocultarlos del mundo. El resto de puertas que aparecen y desaparecen por el resto de Kaelkoth son simples ilusiones, portales que ella usa para moverse a su antojo.
No se la llega a considerar una Vesta Oscura porque su alma (si es que la tiene) sigue siendo muy suya, y tampoco hay registros de que ningún miembro de la Caballería haya intentado alguna vez meterse en su cama; así que si alguna vez ha pasado, el caballero en cuestión no ha vivido para contarlo.
Eso sí, no es extraño que algunos de sus hijos e hijas se afilien a Lúnnera al crecer y entren a formar parte de sus filas, así que de alguna forma sí que se le concede cierta reverencia en ese sentido, pese a que ni siquiera Lúnnera parece estar segura de qué grado de afinidad tiene Moranna con su causa.
Es Ukthus el que la protege. O al menos, son las bestias las que patrullan Emoth y parecen cuidarla para que ella y sus niños no tengan nada que temer.
Quizá los únicos que se la solían tomar más en serio eran los Cazadores de Monstruos, porque varios de ellos acabaron con sus cabezas decorando los dinteles de las puertas de su morada como represalia por atacar a sus hijos; aunque hace mucho que nadie consulta el tomo dedicado a ella y a sus actividades en la Fortaleza.
Una de las últimas entradas (de hace unas siete décadas o así), señala que Moranna tiene especial debilidad por los Sinluz; y el autor se pregunta si tras sus acciones aparentemente erráticas y desorganizadas no habrá algún tipo de plan o de intención oculta que él esperaba poder desentrañar pronto... ¡JA!
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sh3sthnderstorms · 2 years
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greatgaspiads · 1 year
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Where the Netherworlders Are
Babes Week 2023, Day 5
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ottiliere · 1 year
i love. i love your dios hairstyle? i have never ever seen someone draw his hair that way. this is so nuanced. your dio is so nuanced. you could be a licenced professor in jjba phantom blood university
you flatter me too much... I haven't even begun posting my essays or comics yet! I am very taken with his jojonium hairstyle because... well I think it's very cute. but also in part because of this part from Our Deportment by John Young (1882):
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his physiognomy remains intact but the rest is true. of upmost importance to me that the way he dresses and appears in public is relatively abrasive to the societal norms of the time but he has a vision and you philistines would never understand
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stargirlies · 11 months
I don’t know who needs to hear this but please remember literally everyone on the earth that has ever been born is too busy thinking about themselves to pay attention to things you think in your head everyone is going to judge you for, or think about and if they do judge you or have the balls to say anything nasty it’s a very simple reflection of themselves and the energy they feel in their souls.
also remember your random thoughts of negativity, bad feelings or thoughts that pop into your brain is literally just that. thoughts that pop into your brain.
that (weirdly enough) doesn’t make them true, and you have the ability to stop that thought, tell yourself ‘no I’m not going to think this way’ and flip it around.
moral of the story you’re awesome & don’t let your mind control your heart.
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custer-mp3 · 2 months
not to disc horse or engage in Not Like The Other Dudesism or anything but prev & prev prev is just like. yeah.jpg. i'm so fucking frustrated rn that i've been being stalked for the last month and a half by someone who spent the last day i willingly spoke to him yelling at me for "not being at all what [he] thought" & i'm a lying liar who lies about who i am when like. i've never been anything but myself, i'm super up front about my expectations for people & situations, and one of my strongest character traits is i've known EXACTLY who i am & what i believe & have since i was a little kid. and like. it's not my fault that he made up some version of me in his head based on scattered snatches of interests & half-facts misinterpreted due to bias even though irl i'm actually just a cantankerous deadpan old man who wants to be left alone. i never misrepresented myself so it's very much not my fault but the disconnect between who i am and what people think i am is so huge cuz of whatever weird baggage or preconceptions they have about people who look like me or have similar surface interests or jobs that they all come preloaded with, and i think it would be way less frustrating if it Didn't. Keep. Fucking. Happening.
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ciboriaadastra · 10 months
Having a thought about how the amount of wealth Bruce comes into and then amasses for himself changed over the decades of Batman media, and the reason he's beeen scaled up to be so impossibly wealthy is probably because cities and companies in DC lore are analogs to real life places and companies.
Wayne Enterprises probably reflects how homogenous American multinational corporations are now, where a single company can make and distribute almost all consumer goods because it has bought out/merged hundreds of smaller companies + purchased everything it needed from the ground up so it does not depend on many others besides itself.
Just something that crossed my mind when I was looking up what WE actually does and the Fandom (bleh) wiki listed so many branches. Wayne Shipping? Wayne Foods? Like...is this Amazon and Bruce is now Bezos? Wayne Entertainment? He's also Disney? Wayne Electronics? This is Apple? Wayne Aerospace? Boeing??? Bruce is trying to be in control of and monitor every single means of production and every production line fr
Feel like that should influence how people view Wayne Enterprises and Bruce himself. Steadily creeping in and taking root in every industry. People get curious about a new construction project in the city, but once it's revealed to be a Wayne Tower it's filling people with dread. Though, it was a long time coming...everything you order online comes in a box with a W on the tape delivered to your address in a black as night truck with a giant W emblazoned on the side. The meds in your cabinet were produced under Wayne Pharmaceuticals. The cable and streaming services were recently bought by Wayne Entertainment. The Wayne Foundation started offering scholarships at the major college campuses. Your phone is Wayne tech. Your car was built with Wayne Steel. Soon the hospitals will be all Wayne Medical, your insurance company bought out. The local newspapers and stations will be bought up. The libraries. The clinics. The orphanages. The schools. The grocery store. You're never going to scrub that b ig soulless W out of your head. The way the logo looks like the head of a pitchfork, ready to stab and capture the intended prey.
Thinking about how Wayne Medical seems so innocuous in what it does except for the bit on how Bruce has access to every person in Gotham's medical records, because he can access the Wayne Medical databases and use that information to track suspects. And the thing is WE does not just exist in Gotham, it's a multinational corporation with bases in major cities not just in the U.S. but around the world. This man has millions of people's medical records easily accessible to him which feels both extremely unethical and extremely illegal. Not that civilians can prove he can and does access those records though.
#thinking about how bruce as a billionaire should be just as scary as the batman#maybe that's why the playboy persona came about...to distract from how terrifying it is to just see WE to swoop in and devour your city#sucking it of all that built it and made it the way it is and turning it into a living asset#You need scandals and tacky tabloid gossip to cover up the things the common people don't like#yeah sure it can be an act to the throw off *other elites* so they don't think he'll ever catch onto them or something#but if everyone is talking on the dc comics equivalent of twitter + insta + fb about Bruce's latest drunken or flirtatious stint#they're not talking about how the new investment Wayne Foods is going to monopolize the agriculture industry#buying hundreds of farms in the Midwest and so much livestock#If everyone's talking about Bruce's latest sweethearts and broken hearts#they're not talking about what patents and copyrights WE holds and how WE can ruin your life if you try to challenge or defy its claims#I just like thinking about the whole 'is Batman secretly a vampire' but with Bruce also being suspected for how WE conducts business#also thinking about corporate horror in the vein of people pointing out how sinister Amazon's logo is being an arrow resembling a thin smile#it made sense when the word amazon was there bc the arrow was pointing from A to the z...implying they had everything you can name#but now it's just a creepy ass thin smile on the side of those delivery vans#Wayne Enterprises but they reduced it from 'Wayne' on everything to just a W and then they made the W look so bulky and pronged#for lack of better description...also I think every Wayne Tower should carry the gothic aesthetics over regardless of where it's built#I think it should also be obnoxiously and carefully painted black so it also catches your eye from being the odd one out in a sea of beige#Bruce definitely has the money to make his presence as intimidating and goth as possible...tells the criminals who is gonna be boss now#ciboria rambles#bruce wayne
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inkmaze · 2 months
I've had a pet peeve for years and years abt a small thing in media. abt ppl w long hair [basically always women] not tying it up/getting it outta the way when they know they're gonna be in a fighting situation/etc. it's so small but frustrates me so much and happens a shocking amount. wheres the practicality. especially w women who are trained w fighting. hellloooooo?
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kgdanny02 · 2 months
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I have become comfortably numb…
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hag-lad · 3 months
It’s just so obvious to me that terfs’ anger and aggression towards trans people is completely misplaced. Trans people are natural allies to feminists of all genders; they aren’t a threat to women’s liberation! The freedom to explore, experiment with, and change genders is inherently good and inherently destructive to the patriarchy. Like. This should be obvious!
That being said, I do hate to see individual trans people exhibiting shitty/misogynistic behavior toward cis women, but like… I hate that no matter who does it?? And trans people aren’t particularly predisposed for it. If anything, they’re predisposed for the opposite! There are assholes in every group, but let’s not pretend they are representative of the whole group. That is so childish and absurd.
I’d feel safer around any random trans woman than I ever would around a terf, and that’s a FACT. I’m a cis woman, but I don’t feel represented by, protected by, or indebted to terfs at all. I feel actively alienated by them, I feel like 90% of my loved ones are despised by them, and I share virtually zero political goals with them.
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abbinurmel · 10 months
Listen I frankly don't care how yall relax or decompress and if you're among those people who regress or like kid stuff purely for aesthetic then fine, whatever long as you're still able to live a functional happy safe life-
I really gotta ask. Where does this "happy vacant minded pure innocent haha no thoughts mind" association with being a kid or reliving childhood play even come from?
Cos frankly alla yall never have been or been around kids. At all.
"Lookee mee teehee Imma just a kyoot widdle goil with my immaculately decorated and absolutely clean hair and clean #aesthetic pink room and expensive adorable imported Japanese cosplays and designer stuffed animals and Instagram selfie influencer makeup, i just sit all day in bed surrounded by neat fwuffy pillows and flowers and organized building blocks in my sweet cute heavenly paradise where nothing bad ever happens uwu"
Meanwhile ACTUAL childhood, regardless of gender be like-
"I will now take Barbie atop the great fire mountain, where she will make a living sacrifice of Pinkie Pie to the bloodthirsty ancient gods, so they may be appeased and no longer send deadly plagues to wipe out LegoLand."
"It's 9PM and I am in bed and I just heard a funny buzzing noise come from the house somewhere. The whole world literally wants to kill me in my sleep now. My bed will have nothing but my skeleton left in it by tomorrow....👀"
"I got pushed down in the mud at the playground because I told my friends I liked the color purple."
"I saw a dead earthworm on the ground and I cried cos I knew existential despair til I was red in the face and then got sent to the principle's office."
"Billy threw up so I just stood there and laughed until Billy threw some of his throw up at me"
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