#your honor they're husbands
at-what-cost · 2 years
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"avoid his kicks at all costs"
edited eyestraining vers under the cut
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(he's not a kangaroo, but might as well be)
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pookiebearmick · 4 months
galladrabbles - muscle
thanks to @blue-disco-lights for the @galladrabbles prompt this week! i'm sick today and feeling the achy, so here's some fluff <3
There’s nothing that Mickey hates more than being sick. The stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and sore, achy muscles. God, he’s miserable. There’s not much he can do but sit under a blanket, watching the stupid cooking channel and wait for his cold meds to kick in.
But then, of course, his sweet husband gets home from work, kissing his forehead as he sets down a bag of takeout.
“Picked up some chicken noodle soup from the diner down the street. Debbie swears by it,” he says sweetly with a smile. “Says it always makes Franny feel better when she’s sick.”
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It would be funny if after finally becoming a dragonlord Merlin kept finding dragon eggs and just goes to Arthur and be like "Hold this for a minute, I'll be back" then runs off to do chores or fight off another sorcerer attack with Arthur just standing there with a "wtf? Why am I holding this giant egg?! Is this a dragon egg!!?"
Then Merlin returns and thanks Arthur with a quick kiss on the cheek (my boy don't realise he did it) before running off with his egg to find a safe place to store them; this goes on for a while, Arthur wants to question Merlin but if he does would Merlin stop giving him kisses on the cheek? Because he might not admit it out loud, he likes it and looks forward to it everytime Merlin unconsciously does it which is whenever he holds those giant eggs or when he does something unexpectedly nice for his manservant.
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mikacanica · 4 months
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A little sexy times sketches on this fine day! Crowley was really into that Roman outfit, you know 😳🫣
Still hoping we get more of this in season 3... I mean, not the sexy times part but the "we have been friends for all of eternity and maybe even more" part... of course just that!!! 👀
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cakesncowboys · 4 months
crowley and aziraphale after s3:
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jupijupijumi · 3 months
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Your hand in mine
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totalherald · 2 months
Pre-situationship (no ring) 🤭
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During 😊
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Consort Merlin: [shining Arthur's armour]
King Arthur: [staring at his consort] You know you're not my manservant anymore, right love?
Consort Merlin: [humming] I know, but your safety is still my priority, that includes making sure your armour and weapons aren't rusted or tampered with.
King Arthur: [smiling fondly] Of course sweetheart.
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iskander-tm · 1 year
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Husband to Husband communication in a photo booth
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I will DIE for this two, I can't wait for season 2, I'm starving, I'm done with the crumbs, I WANT THE WHOLE CAKE!!
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I need a fic where Arthur just naturally but also obliviously holds Merlin by the waist, hips, or a hand always on the small of Merlin's back and Merlin just thinks it's normal Arthur behavior because the prat is always manhandling him so he wouldn't know any different.
The many times Arthur has his hands on Merlin:
Merlin fixing Arthur's collar cause it ain't sitting right whilst Arthur is chatting and holding Merlin's hips.
Merlin bending over to pour Arthur's wine and Arthur has a hand on the right side of Merlin's waist, gently squeezing.
Merlin standing with a jug of water, watching the knights train whilst blond prince has an arm wrapped around Merlin's waist, instructing the knights from his manservant's side. Both oblivious of course.
Merlin bent over tending the fire in his prince's chambers, Arthur for some reason is standing behind Merlin his hands (you guessed it) is already on Merlin's hips. Totally normal behaviour between master and manservant. The ghost spying on them disagrees and thinks it's really gay.
Merlin...once again bending over but on a table this time yet not in a seductive way lies, he totally is, he's a harlot to look over Arthur's speech; Arthur meanwhile has a hand on Merlin's back absentmindedly stroking a hand up and down, occasionally his hand goes lower almost bout to grab Merlin's arse cheeks unfortunately it doesn't happen. The ghost is also sad that no further gayness happened. Me too buddy, me too.
To be continued, maybe lol
Psst, click here for part two: clickmedarling
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bloodashre · 3 months
Sorry to ruin the movie magic for some of you, but it's extremely unlikely that the shots of The Kiss are edited to be longer. Like, a million to one.
How do I know? I'm in school for filmmaking, so I'll share a bit with you.
1. The first reason is the most important. It is very difficult to edit a shot to be longer (and almost never done, especially by professionals) and not have it be obvious. It is painfully obvious, particularly to other filmmakers, when someone does actually do this. I can almost guarantee that if this had happened, other filmmakers in the industry most certainly would have called them out for it. I've personally watched the scene literally thousands of times (I'm not exaggerating) and in my semi-professional opinion (yes, I've already made my own films, though I haven't been paid for any of my work yet), it's not edited to be longer.
2. Nearly as important and launching off the above, it's much more likely - and more easily and actually often done - that it's edited to be shorter.
Additionally, there's no reason to think it would be edited to be longer when it comes to the story. It's unnecessary. The reason it looks so awkward to solve of you is because - newsflash - it IS awkward! It's meant to be awkward!
Aziraphale is caught off guard, during a moment of being about to break down, crying, in the midst of an argument. He was just rejected. He's potentially thought about this moment so many times. It is possible he thought The Metatron was threatening Crowley, which just happened only a few minutes ago! And lastly, there's literally thousands of years of feelings that haven't been spoken aloud - at least not properly, depending which theory you follow.
And there's even more depending which theories you subscribe to that support this even further.
And then, there's the fact that, at least for a moment, he kisses him back. He goes from being surprised, to resistance, to acceptance, to reciprocation, to rejection in a matter of less than 30 freaking seconds - while also portraying all the unspokenness, uncertainty, and fear of 6000 years, as well as a possible threat AND rejection of Crowley refusing to come with him ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
It's so awkward and complicated and terrible - and yet also wonderful - and Michael Sheen is honestly a fucking MASTER for the amount of emotions he's able to portray in such an insanely small amount of time. Please please PLEASE don't reduce his abilities and the beauty of the story to editing some bullshit that any filmmaker with any actual integrity would never do.
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feralforbeanix · 3 months
It's so funny to me when I read a fanfic or even an online post about how if wrightworth (or any defense attorney x prosecutor ship) happened they wouldn't be able to face each other in court any more.
My brother in christ this is Ace Attorney. If you're worried about what is and isn't allowed in actual court I've got some bad news about most of what happens in canon.
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snoopy-nerdio · 3 months
Thought I'd post this on Tumblr too
Anyways so I've fallen back into my love for Ninjago, especially THESE GOOFBALLS AFTDHDJDUFHF
I'm not that good of an animator BUT THERE IS SO LITTLE OF THEM OUT THERE, so, I make my own
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rosepetalgold · 1 year
Absolutely dying over the fact that Remus not only canonically hangs out in dark closets for no apparent reason but also that Janus knows to look for him there
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