#your work is amazing aaaa😩😩😩
hxjikonn · 2 years
Could I request headcanons of Kalim, Vil, Ace, Idia and Rook with a fem!reader who's skilled in all fields of science and technology? Just imagine her using her skills in technology to upgrade Rook's bow and help in creating poisons for Vil.
I hope this wasn't too specific.
A/N: The moment I read, “science and technology” the immediate character that popped in my head is Honey-Lemon from big hero 6 😩♥︎ I’m not really a sci-tech person myself so bare with me, I’ll try my best to write this one! (P.s nothing is ever too specific when it comes to details ily for that) heads up this is gonna be a long one
Gear Head
☆Staring☆: Kalim Al asim, Vil schoenheit, Ace trappola, Idia Shroud, and Rook Hunt
Synopsis: Their headcannons with Fem!reader who’s skilled in science and technology (THINK GOGO or HONEY LEMON from big hero 6)
Warnings: Copy pasted french sentences in Rook’s part💀 Feel free to correct me in the comments I do not know a lick of french😭
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Kalim Al asim
You’d think he wouldn’t be interested in what you do or how you do it, but believe me he is.
It all started when he sat behind to you in a potionology class, and you were doing something out of the ordinary.
He looked over your shoulder to see that you were making a tiny little contraption that would project holographic images
He was so amazed and at awe but he didn’t get your name and that was the only class he ever shared with you, so he went to Jamil for help
Kalim: Jamil~! d’you know that girl I sat behind in potionology class?, y’know the one who’s really good in science-y tech-y stuff?
Jamil: Oh her, yeah she’s the prefect, y/n I think…
When he got your name the boy couldn’t stop thinking about you, he was curious, he was trying to put together things in his mind to solve his questions but he just couldn’t find out how you did it
The next day, he made it his goal to be friends with you, so instead of sitting behind you, he sat beside you.
He turned to say hi expecting you were probably doing your own thing, but you were already looking at him….
He thought you were really pretty so he was a bit nervous now.
“Umm, hello” you greeted him, bowing your head slightly, “Oh! Hi! Hi I’m Kalim” He also bowed his head slightly “I’m—“ “Y/n! Yeah I already know” he cut you off smiling, “How’d you know?” you asked and smiled back back at him. Her smile’s pretty too-he thought but then quickly realized you were asking him a question “Uh y-your the pretty- I mean prefect! You’re the prefect…right?” He stuttered, thoughts merging with his words, you laughed at his mistake, he wanted to be eaten by the floor at that point “Yeah I am, nice to meet you” you said to him.
He told you about what he saw you do yesterday and that he was impressed. He started asking you loads of questions about it and you explained and answered all of them
He doesn’t really get half the stuff you were saying but he thought you were really smart…he grew very fond of you…
He always looks forward to seeing you in that class, and always sat next to you. Whenever he had time he’d go looking for you so he can listen to you talk about your hobbies some more
Don’t get me wrong, he tries his best to understand what you’re explaining but most of the time he really just wants to hear your voice and listen to you gush about science and technology and why you love it
He finds it endearing, he just keeps smiling and staring while you talk and he gets embarrassed when you caught him doing that
Would always watch you mixing chemicals or tinker and make stuff in awe. And he loves it when you praise him for remembering what certain things do or mean when he chimes in while watching you work
Would gush about you to Jamil all day long
“aaaa how can someone be so pretty AND SMART?”
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Vil Schoenheit
I’m not gonna lie, this man would see you as competition tbh
You’d always answer Crewel correctly when he asks you a question in his class. It annoyed him
You’d always know which chemical to add next to complete a potion. He was irritated by it.
You could surpass him at any moment. That kept him on edge. He kept a keen eye on you.
He’d take note of every little thing you do to crack some sort of weakness
Little did he know that doing this would give HIM a weakness.
He noticed how you bounce your leg when you’re nervous, how you scrunch your nose when someone answers incorrectly, how you’d clap your hands quietly celebrating your small victors….it was annoying…it was infuriating…not you. But the feeling he felt in his chest.
He thought he inhaled too much toxic fumes in labs that he finally had gone insane, why did he feel this way? Is this a new form of hatred? He hates you…..right?
He thought the great 7 would have mercy on him, however that wasn’t the case when Crewel paired the two of you for a project. He kept belittling you to save his ego.
He toned down the insults when he noticed you weren’t doing the things you usually do in class though. But he was still very strict
He didn’t let you help out on the project, instead he made you a runner, making you do absolutely unnecessary things that doesn’t contribute to the project, he wants to do on his own.
However that all changed when he ran into a dilemma while making the project, he knew you could probably help him, but he doesn’t ask you, his ego got in the way. Instead he kept on trying, all turned out to be failed attempts.
You heard his frustrated groans and sighs, so you peeked over his shoulder and ask what’s wrong.
“Is something wrong?” You softly ask, “No, mind your business.” He snapped, you crossed your arms “That project is my business.” You protested. “We agreed on letting me take the lead, so you just focus on the task I gave you and let me do this project” he said sternly. “You asked me to iron your dorm uniform! What does that have to do with the project?” You were persistent. He sighed, it was time to admit defeat. He was upset by this, admitting defeat to a magicless human of all people.
He stood up from his seat, “Fine, do it then, I know you can solve this probably better and faster than I can since you’re such a clever little teacher’s pet” he walked away from the table arms crossed, turned away from you. “I can’t believe a magicless human is more capable than I am” he mumbled. Thinking only he heard it but then you chimed in “Yeah that’s me, magicless girl from nowhere, I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway, honest.” You confessed, he scoffed.
“it’s the only thing I can do here that makes me feel like I fit in, so I get excited when I make potions…I don’t wanna take over the project, I just wanna help…” you told him, he sighed and faced you again he wanted to apologize for being unnecessarily mean too but he bit his tongue “Well potato we aren’t going to solve anything with all this sappy talk, lets get back to work” he sat down with you, and you helped him find the missing chemical needed to finish the project. For the first time, he didn’t feel jealous of you. He was astonished by your intelligence.
He still hasn’t admit to himself that he likes you, however when Rook asked him if he hates you as much as he hated his other rival Niege leblanche. It dawned to him that you were different.
Ever since that day, he always sat next to you in class, he’d always wanna be paired up with you in projects, and he’d help you understand things you were having trouble with. He still doesn’t confess but his favoritism for you was evident to everyone.
“The only reason I’m doing this is because I see now more as a valuable ally rather than a rival. So that’s what you’re going to do, stand by me and never leave my side naïve little potato. That’s an order”
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Ace Trappola
Would think you’re cool, he’s literally your fanboy, you cant convince me otherwise.
He thought he’d only see them in video games or in sci-fi movies, but when he saw you make futuristic contraptions and devices he was in awe
In beginning he’d only watch you because he thought the gadgets you made were awesome. But overtime my boy developed a little crush on you. No scratch that, he was crushing hard.
He started finding it very attractive when you’re focused on what you’re doing. He’d catch himself simping for you at random times
“Phew it’s hot in here huh?” You wipe the sweat beading on your forehead with your sleeve “You’re hot- I mean! You’re hot??? Yeah me too! Let me open the window” he rushes to open the window trying to cover up the embarrassment he just put himself through
He was about to walk back to your table when he saw you taking your lab coat off, he turned his attention to the floor “Damn you’re right, it’s fucking hot in here, I’ll go get you some water okay?” He rushed out even before you could answer he was staring holes on to the floor, he was having palpitations okay? Give him a break.
He would internally fanboy every time he watched you work on another project of yours, just takes pictures of you when you don’t notice it.
Like Kalim, he doesn’t even understand half the stuff you’re explaining to you, he just likes hearing you talk and seeing you smile when you do…
He tried to impress you by building something on his own…but then it caught fire and burnt him. It was still a win for him since you scolded him while tending to his wounds after.
Would always ask if he could take a device you worked on, you’d say yes if it doesn’t explode, cause fires, and is a harmless device. And he’d take it home and put it in his bed side table admiring your work.
Would ask you to play video games with him or take to see a sci-fi movie and point at something asking you if you could build that next.
“No Ace, I cannot build optimus prime.” “yes you can! I believe in you!” “It’s not that easy”
Would brag about you 24/7 to his roommate a.k.a Deuce.
“She’s so pretty, and so cool dude, did you know she build a freaking laser beam yesterday??? Man I have the coolest crush ever” “Ace I’m on the phone with her” “YOU’RE WHAT?!” “He said he was on the phone with ‘the coolest crush ever’ Ace”
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Idia Shroud
He thought he was dreaming, he hoped he wasn’t though cuz he was already thanking what Deity made you.
We all know Idia choses NOT to physically meet people, he lets his tablet attend meetings, social events and classes for him.
His tablet was his savior from ever having to socialize in person ever again! But unfortunately some careless student accidentally hit it with a baseball making it crash and shut down. Destroying the device.
He didn’t wanna have to go out so he asked Ortho to look for the tablet instead. But Ortho didn’t find his tablet anywhere.
That’s because you found it. You found laying on the ground and it’s technology peeked you’re interest.
While Idia was sulking about his lost tablet, wondering if he had to go back to going outside, you were repairing his device…
When it turned on, Idia got a signal back, he was fuming with rage, he was gonna catch the person who stole his beloved tablet
He gasped and ran to his computer, “Ortho! My tablet! It’s restored it’s signal! I’m finally gonna catch the dirty little thief who took it!” He exclaimed waiting for the camera to turn on.
“Hello?” You tapped on the tablet, “Did I fix it yet or is something still wrong?” You asked yourself, completely unaware of the camera being back online. Idia’s jaw was left hanging when he saw you “Hang in there mr. Tablet I’m gonna fix you…” you said talking to yourself focusing on figuring out if there’s any further damage. “Oh that’s the prefect!” Ortho chimed in, breaking Idia’s tranced state. “Looks like she’s the one who found your tablet!” his little brother exclaims happily.
My dude had heart eyes for you, he’s looking at you like it’s impossible that you even breathe the same air as him.
He asked Ortho your name and when he found out there was just this echo in his head that kept repeating your name
He’s so impressed, by your skills, your knowledge is technology, your attention to details while you admire the tablet’s mechanisms and programming, he was praying you weren’t just a dream
When Ortho suggested he meets you in person, he was quick to oppose the idea and degrade himself telling Ortho that he should just go meet you instead since you were more familiar with him.
But after a little convincing and a pep talk from his younger brother, he actually went to see you in person, he was anxious and but he also wanted to meet you and befriend you
When he did he was expecting you to cringe or to think he’s a huge weirdo, but you didn’t and you actually complimented his skills in tech and programming as well, it made him crush on you harder
After that day he started going to classes he shared with you in person (only those classes though but still) people were shocked to see Ignihyde’s dorm leader outside
He’d also invite you in his room when you visit their dormitory which is very rare since he and Ortho are the only ones who can get in and out of his room
Is not afraid to act like himself and gush about stuff he likes with you. He’s comfortable around you.
Would ask your opinion on gadgets he’s working on cuz he knows you know this stuff as well as he does.
It is evident that he likes you more than just a friend and admire’s you more than just a technician/scientist. But he still thinks he’s way below you and that he doesn’t have a chance.
“There’s no way she’d go for a guy like me, I mean have you seen her? She’s way out of my league… she’s like a goddess right Ortho? Ortho? Oh you’re sleeping…”
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Rook Hunt
It all started when you two got paired up in capture the flag, back in your world you didn’t really hate P.E, but here, you loathed it cuz it’s accompanied by magic like every other class
Rook was observant and he knew you’re incapable to yield magic so he, offered for you to stay behind and protect the Flag while he goes out and infiltrates other team’s bases for their flags
You agreed but you still didn’t want to be useless, so you asked if you could “upgrade’ the arrows he used and give him more equipment.
Rook was curious with what you could offer so he let you, and he watched you mend the arrows, labeling each set of 3 with different colors
He came up with a new nickname for you “Mademoiselle l’inventrice” (Madam inventor) because of your skillful knowledge in inventing
He watched you work until you were finished, he admired your dedication on making his equipment more useful to him but of course he had questions.
“Mademoiselle l’inventrice, you seem to have labeled my arrows different colors, why is that?” Rook looked at his newly improved arrows with curiosity, “Oh yeah, well the red one explode upon impact, the blue ones release sleeping gas also upon impact, the yellow ones paralyze people TEMPORARILY and the green ones have poison, don’t worry they cant kill, They’re more of an allergen than a toxin” you explain to him, and gave him more gadgets and equipment you’ve made for him while explaining
he was dazzled by how much benefit you’ve provided him with “Magnifique, Merci! Mademoiselle l’ inventrice, I shall do my best at the hunt!” He tipped his hat to you as a form of thanks and went off to “hunt” and you guarded the flag, also using your technology as an advantage to protect your base.
He was impressed with his new equipment, smoke bombs, his cloak you customized so he could camouflage better, and the arrows you modified.
Hunting was so much fun but with his new upgrades it’s a lot more enjoyable, he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins due to how easy it was to take other bases down
Needless to say you both won the game, and following that momentous event he was always near you, whether that be by your side, or watching you from afar, simply observing the beauty in your intelligence. Admiring your work, admiring you.
You was more curious about what other things you are capable of, and he seemed more attracted to you personally. He wanted to get to know you better.
He compliments before, but now you notice he compliments you A LOT more, not just you but you’re work too. You don’t mind his attention to detail though you find it somewhat endearing that he notices even the littlest of things
“Vous avez fait un merveilleux travail Mademoiselle l’ inventrice! You never fail to impress and surprise me!”
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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG😭 I HAD TO DELLAY IT AT TIMES I WAS A BIT BUSY! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Like always, I did not proofread 💀 bare with my mistakes
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planeyboys · 8 months
AND yours jams are amazing omg
aaaa thank you!! I have felt starved of music compliments lately 😩💖
Here's a snipped of new stuff in the works
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eldrytchcryptid · 11 months
"You gotta enjoy every part of your transition, you're still becoming a man now - even without it."
-a very wise trans girl
I've been waiting almost a decade to start testosterone, and finally having a date for my gender appointment has made me... almost ignore all the euphoric changes (and all the weird and funny changes) happening in my transition as a trans man. So I thought I'd make a list of pre-t stuff! I might add more later - or y'all can add some too!
Socially transitioning
- feeling I gotta make sure to let ladies go first (on the bus, through doors etc)
- "Ma'am?" "Who??? Oh right. Uh yeah no." / "Deadname?" "DEADNAME?" "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO RN - oh lol."
- oh god am I making her nervous DUDE STOP BEING WEIRD *I'm literally just walking home and it's dark* BE LESS WEIRD *aaaAaaAAA*
- am i still allowed to say hi and pull faces at cute babies or is it weird cause I'm a dude now?? Am I creepy?? But kids! Kids are fun!!
- *on dating apps* oh god this is so different now I have to come up with conversation oh god oh no
- yes let me pick up these heavy chairs for you ma'am yes I am helpful I am a valid man now / yes let me get this thing off this high shelf even tho I'm only 5'7
- *watching videos of me a year ago* oh shit I actually speak lower now w/o T
- that crunchy morning / cold-ridden / drunk low rumbling voice 😩👌
With a (stp) packer
- *upon putting it on* oh oh it's a dick holy shit yes
- *upon taking it off at the end of the day* 😭 noooooo my dick my broski I miss you already
- the fcking toilet seat
- I really hope I don't look like I'm hard rn
- *need to adjust* *no I'm disgusting don't look at me*
- *upon crossing legs* oh shit I can't wait hold up it's in the way *has to change way to cross legs*
- manspreading?? Am I spread too much??? help
- these trousers as tight af but my dick looks amazing right now
- left or right. Too far up wait *searches pictures of dudes to find out where to put my dick
- *touches whilst sat chilling at home* fren. safe. i love u pp
- *squish* *wiggle*
- *I will hit you with my penis as an threat*
Minoxidil (pre-t beard growth)
- *stroking beard* hheeeeeee fluffyyyy
- researching how tf to shave cause apparently i can't fuckin do it right
- stubble???? Itch???? Euphoria???
- *strokes* hmmm yes indeed
- gotta fuckin use twice the face wash cause I'm essentially shampooing at this point
- huh yea guess that's me (instead of hatred/disgust)
- yeeeee hairy legsssss
- cis guys wish they had this ass dude
- need musle gib *too chronic fatigued to work out*
- mm yes men's clothes (on top half w/binder)
- mm no men's clothes (thighs and ass too strong 🥲)
- shoes make me taller let's fucking go
- men have tits too right? Ye man I just got man tits
- *stroking the mirror like I'm Mulan* am I just a gross man? Is this my fate?
- strapon. just. strapon.
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furuu · 7 hours
Hey! I’ve been reading all your work for a while now and it is absolutely amazing. I love how you write such detailed physical movements and reactions to convey their personalities and character. Thank you for sharing your work 💓. I was wondering tho if you could explain the Drabble where reader puts a blob-Sukuna surprise in a bowl of water and then he’s there and the bowl is broken. Can you explain this please I’m so confused but it sounds so cute 🥲😩 thank yoooou I hope you’re doing well and that you had a good day
aaaa tysm for all the compliments it makes me happy ppl really enjoy what i make >< its just because ive been reading fanfic for so long ( ՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞ ) the drabble about blobkuna is based off this fanart by .daromram linked here ୨ৎ
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anantaru · 11 months
hellooooo!!! i’ve only been following you for a few weeks but i’m already in love with your works 😩 your writing style is absolutely mesmerising and the way each sentence just flows perfectly into one another aaaaaaaa!!! words cannot describe how fascinated i am at your works 🤍 apologies for rambling but i hope you’re having an amazing day
hello love 💓 aaaa you made me smile so much, thank you 1000x this means a lot and have a great day as well !! 👼🏼
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saintobio · 3 years
i haven’t read the new chapter yet but i wanted to come on here and tell you how much i love ur writing and to thank you for all your hard work writing these chapters and answering everybody’s asks❤️ hope you’re not working too hard and are taking breaks!!
ok alsooo a while back, if i remember correctly, you said you toned down the original angst level in story a bit, but - i can’t be the only one that thinks so - if you ever wanna crank up the angst more i’m here for it😗 bring the pain, don’t be shy👀 im sure there’s more to come so don’t hold back😏
can’t wait to read the new chapter and thanks again!!
p.s. i’ve been following since remember, forever but have been procrastinating interacting cuz i’ve been procrastinating moving accounts - so basically after all the sn madness imma send in another mssg all abt that fic cuz it’s one of my ult favs❤️
this is ended up being so long srry😩🏃🏻‍♀️
hi babe, ik u all want the angst but the story will not progress if it’s just gonna be heavy throughout. i feel like ever since chapter eight, which is the heaviest of heavy angst that i can produce, people have become numb and idk if that’s a good thing sjsnj
someone on the dc server told me that angst is one of the hardest genre to write and i just realized how true that was (although writing angst is repetitive to me atp) so yea, instead of focusing on the angst level, i plan to focus on the plot from hereafter :) thank u sm for reading tho, and for being here since rf? aaaa that’s amazing <33
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maiverie · 3 years
BYEEE I read it and it was amazing,, can I be added to the taglist please😩😩😩 fawking heeseung is gonna make me cri if yn doesn't pull his shit together
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yuutasprincess · 3 years
Wait omg- your blog is so unbelievably pretty? And your writing is just SO GOOD 😩 how do you do it-
Jkjk but thank you for the awesome works and all that good Yuuta content <3
I hope you don’t mind this random ask👉👈
Throwback to when I wrote 😫 this is just a talking blog now 🥸
BUT I DONT THINK I CONGRATULATED YOU ON 1K AAAA I LOVE YOUR WRITING TOO!! I should be thanking you for posting amazing content 😭
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jakekgs · 3 years
Hiii! I'm the anon who asked for 15+36 tyun and may I just say, you are so talented 😩 😩
I really, really realllllyy liked it! Thank u so much for writing such an amazing work! I hope it wasn't too bothersome!
(also have I already told you how much I love your writing anddd can I be 🪐 anon? )
AAAA thank you my love!!! that means the world to me i’m so glad i could bring your request to life!!! (ps… absolutely!!!!) :D
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hematomes · 3 years
Yoo I see you have had time to watch the livestream yourself so!! Bruh Khoi is so relatable he was literally just so funny throughout the entire stream 😭😭 And then add the dry with of Cory, I agree, such a good stream this time!!
Also,,, I’m going to get in trouble this patch lmao bc like I was gonna skip Itto, but then he looks so cool, so now I’m stuck with wanting to get Albedo and him rip, I’m 10 away from soft pity, and while I have not lost a 50/50 yet, you never know when I will aaaa I only have 40 wishes for now let’s hope that the next events are lucrative!! (Tho damn, this flower event gives 7x60 primos??? Das a lot) (bc also,,,,,, Itto’s weapon oh no 😬 the thing gives a whopping EIGHTY PERCENT CRIT DMG???? WHAT)
Tbh I haven’t fully processed the 2.3 big event yet but,,, this is gonna be wild
khoi is hilarious i was so excited to see him in a livestream zkdnzk and yeah cory was a very nice surprise, with zach being a sweetheart as always too like 😭 they were amazing, def my favorite dynamic so far (+ max's chaotic description of itto's kit, ngl he nails that character they chose him perfectly pfrrr)
hhhh good luck on your future pulls <3 how i feel you for the weapon... tho it would only really work with itto (and noelle i believe thanks to the passive), i want it so much like dkskd even more than i wanted xiao's polearm AND IM A XIAO MAIN LIKE. 😩 sigh anyway i might... pour a bit of money on the weapon banner if i get itto and c6 gorou without spending it </3
im still wondering what's gonna happen and why/if it is a limited-time event, the 1st event with albedo did give some lore about dragonspine but it didn't feature albedo going ballistic and some chara potentially dying lmao but we'll see!!!! im extremely excited tbh
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zorelle · 3 years
ZO! (can i call you Zo?) ¿Cómo te sientes con este desastre de los libretos? ¿Estas bien? It's been hard on lots of people so i thought I'd check in <3
Ay que bella que eres. 😩💕😍
Pues primero me reí mucho con que Justo a las horas de hablar salieran fue como mmm que putas, quien soy Adam Sandler en la película esa dominguera del control remoto (aaa) o en la de los cuentos de dormir. Soy Adam Sandler. Y luego pues vi lo que mostraban y me dio una patada de amargura al pecho full.
Estos mensajes se publican vdd? Should I speak in English? How many people here speak Spanish? Anyway. Long rant.
I felt like shit. Then I decided to stop looking at them cause it was making me sick. But it just gets me everytime yknow, I didn't even watch the show when the finale aired like I felt the disrespect even when I didn't know the characters and entered the fandom because of that rage, my original motifs weren't coming from any knowledge of spn and the characters but from anger about poorly handled representation in the media and wanting to discuss queerbating but I got in the rabbit hole I guess and fell in love with the good spn, the deep amazing version that the fandom explores so thoroughly and the coded messages people in the crew implied from the inside that makes it all so compelling. And so... now it's clearly the worst finale to think about, it's like a fresh wound all over again, isn't it.
Like the cruelty with Eileen gets me with those scripts, to have built a relationship but not committing to make it endgame and choosing to have blurry wife, that's so awful. It's just so awful. And you know. To kill off your suicidal protagonist IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.... What the fuck man what's the message it's all just so fucked up I wanna cry again. Why do that... That is so irresponsable and it reads so much like better dead than queer idk... and obviously and most painfully
😑. The [OMMITED]
Waaaa like I laugh at the jokes n the memes but Cas was a lead, was the recently established queer character and they purposefully DID THAT TO HIM this is all so fucked up its just so mean and blatantly homophobic like there's no other way to read it. God how can anyone be like that in this day and age. I was fuming yesterday as I am today and everytime I remember, but yesterday I didn't even want to talk I wanted to break things I had thisanger induced permanent hot feverish feeling in my face I had to take several breaks during the day. It was awful honestly. I feel better today.
How are you? How do you feel? Como te fue con eso? Sabiendo además que lo llamamos ajajaja como ay de pronto sale algo en los guiones :3 JAJAJA NO SABÍAMOS NADA.
Now I'm thinking I don't want anything new to come up. Not if it's like this, I decided to just bury myself in fandom fix-its and fanfic and just... What I really would want is to have a report or something saying the CW is going bankrupt lol that they lost half their viewers because of this or that they somehow regret it or want to fix it but everytime something comes up about them is shit like this.
I'm patiently waiting for your fic to continue and plan on taking your words as the fuckery-eradicading truth.✨
Also did you see thee @northern-sparrow is writing a fix it too? 🙊 It's called a glimpse beyond and like yours it's a WIP. I'm so excited about them aaaa
They coexist in my mind as possibilities far better thought out and interesting and that seem more real than what some rich bastard decided to air and this works heal me up in such a deep way I CANNOT thank you enough. Truly. Like I cannot stress enough what a gift you are to us wounded ppl 🙈 specially on bad days like yesterday.
I gotta publish the ranting drafts I got about my playlist! I'll tag you when I finish the first one and you can tell me if you like them. ☺️ I wanna contribute too.
PS. Of course you can call me Zo. How do I call you? ❤️✨ De nuevo, eres la belleza en pasta preguntando como estoy mk* me da un nudo al pecho me sentí cuidada. Cuéntame como estás tú?
*por si acaso mk is indearing in Colombia lol, it's like bestie✨we use it with friends to mean closeness though it's originally "marica" 😬 so I wanna clarify 'cause I know it's different country to country.
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noramoons · 2 years
jesus christ i just finished reading FRWAD and omfg im never going to be the same after that
seriously you’re writing is AMAZING. So fluid, full of descriptions but not too much that it becomes dull nor preachy
I never talk about fics im reading (its kind of a guilty pleasure lol) with friends but since i started it I made sure to gush about every single chapter!!! And i said “ya know, I did start reading bcs it was smut but holy shit if the author suddenly decided that they wouldn’t include any smut anymore i would still read it”
so yeah long ask but please never stop writing you’re amazing
oh my goodness hello!! FNDJNFJK i hope you felt it was a change for the better 😩 i’m so glad you felt the descriptions and pacing were okay!! that’s something i personally always feel like i have to work on as a writer so i’m really happy you felt it was all readable :))
and oh gosh i’m so honored by this 😭😭 i have one (1) friend irl who i talk about fics with so i totally get not talking about it a ton. but this is so sweet AAAA i seriously feel so honored that you wanted to talk about it with them 😭 i hope they enjoyed your synopsis hehehe (and i hope you did enjoy the eventual inclusion of the smut 🤭)
omg this was such a lovely ask, thank YOU so much for reading and letting me know your thoughts !! it really means the world to me 💛💛
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neo-shitty · 3 years
i was only gone for a while tas pagbalik ko, dami ng updates :">>> i love it heh. pati lmao everytime i open your blog, gif ni haechan lalabas. bet ko to, nakaka good mood todo <33
gusto ko yung "beloved ghost anon 👻🖤" 😩 pero grabe ah, mapa nobela man ean o short read lng, pa amaze ng pa amaze ako sa mga stories mo habang tumatagal 😌 sorry checkmate, 2nd place ka na. DUDE IDK WHY pero never imagined na may makakatalo pa sa checkmate mo pero iba talaga to e (dagdag na this was my request kaya feel na feel dbuh). "when the dust settles and the smoke clears and you get a clear glimpse at the aftermath..." yung paragraph na to, omaygad ang galing mo :">>> like, alam mo ba yung feeling pag dumating yung climax ng movie? ETO EON ETO EONNN MAREEE. LEGIT, when i read this "omg when the dust settles omf omg eto yung title omg" PARANG TANGA AKO 😭🤌🤌🤌 i mean ganon naman talaga ako sa lahat ng mga nagugustuhan kong stories pero uGH. your description and narration sa inner thoughts and feelings ni mc ?? fucking ?? perfect ?? i expected it to be full fluff honestly, kaya nung nakita ko hurt/comfort <//3 */ rineady ung heart. anyways, reading this made me miss the rain :<< i ve always loved the rain. lamig ih , so hot in the pelepens kc ~.~ . and, yung pitter patter sounds, ang comforting sobra aaaa hbu? cold or hot season 🤔
eto na no longer human 😩 lakas ng kutob ko na matatalo nito crimson sa #1 spot. natutuwa talaga ako sa 30k wc, gawin ko ding 30k feedback ko para bumawi 😎 JKJK pero in all honesty, i feel like todo rant den ako dito. i m very nervous bc wala talaga akong mahula sa pwedeng mangyari and at the same time, really really excited sa release neto :>> nakakakaba yung childhood bestfriends to ??? au pero i feel like regardless if magka tuluyan sila or di,, it would nt bother me that much LOLOL even if they become enemies xd i know sabi mo no relation to bsd BUT the bandages ni mc ??? = ?? DAZAI ?? warafark. just reminds me of him hihi.
moving on ! dude, tumblr also broke the tags 🤷 they used to work pretty well but the update happened tas ayorn, hirap na. especially for the rec blogs since basis nila is yung tags ~.~ OHH SAMEE, battle of the bands is the most anticipated event tuwing foundation day. out of the 3 days ng celebration, one of them would end very late at night (10 pm ganon) kasi want nila bonggang bonggang lights, lasers eme eme once the bands start playing. it was fun kaso close na yung food booths after 5 pm kaya gutom kaming lahat :<< oh yeah and all the students would line up and those belonging in the council would inspect bags and ganon in case may nag dala ng ya know. high school lang naman pwede umattend gn botb kaya mabilis lng den yung inspection LOL AND YES,, chika mo lng yan 😎
yupp, everyday was the one about changing bodies. it s fine, thank youu pa denn. i did caught up with sleep but it seemed like you didnt Y^Y or is that 10 pm to 11 am? kasi kung 1 hour lng tulog mo, buti nakakatayo ka pa Y^Y SLEEEPPP. unfortunately, spy x family is far from finished. i feel like matagal tagal pa yun matatapos kasi di masyadong umuurong main plot (yung side arcs are very entertaining naman kaya no loss). pati it has over 55 chapters pa lang pero it s a great manga 🤩 we stan port mafia😔🙌 lol the mc in deranged detective does act like ranpo with the 'choosing only the cases that interests me'. nakapag pahinga naman ako in between, thanks! how s your week :3 (how s the beach 👀)
ALSO, i used to think that haechan was the left guy looking straight at the camera in the banner of your what if we stay fic LOL and thought the one holding the guitar was another nct member... omg.. in my defense, this was before i started stanning nct. i just looked through all your masterlists and saw that LMAO we also do that a lot at school, eating in class HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA it was kinda sad na bigla biglaan na lang canceled whole sy that time because of the pandemic :// i thought bibigyan lang kami short break tas babalik na tas biglang poooffff :<< pero dapat lang kasi deliks tlguhh. your fortunate enough not the get caught by the teacher Y^Y a row na dapat sampo lang pero biglaan naging 13 would be very noticeable HAHAHFJHASDFJHJDFHS
HAHAHAHHDSHDHDHA i actually stalked op in the famous twt post going around in tumblr. the one with the pretending to be clueless to promote voting. LMFAO the user doesnt know that they got really really sikat sa tumblr Y^Y AY PATI OMG yung performance nila sa AAA aaaaa. dude the last time they performed at an award show (forgot the name) they showed scissors which is a song na hindi pa released before. tas bagong kanta na naman yung pinakita nila. we stan 😌🙌 AND really happy they got a daesang, dasurv nila eon. plus, doyoung and nct 127 got focus award and album of the year. I DIDNT KNOW HE ACTED DAMN. dasurv then hihi. all in all, a good day for both them and the fans <33
i havent read star lost yet :"<< but i will later. sama ko na den reread ng gladius para may recap 😎 very happy that gm got a sequel aaaaa. kinig na den star lost before reading para feel na feel. AND , another minho fic coming up 🤨 will. patiently. wait. 😩
also for the ask game, 5 and 89 ?? spoti said i spent exactly 158,007 minutes listening 👁👄👁 should i be scared? LMAO 😭😭😭 629 repeats of grow up plus in the top 0.005% listeners of skz. i should chill for a bit. ALOS GOOD NIGHTTT
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gandang bungad, lee haechan agad! (also i can’t shrink the font rn, i think it’s because of the photos .__. so sorry in advance!!)
"sorry checkmate, 2nd place ka na” NAUUUR kawawang checkmate HAHAH i think you liked this better kasi request. am so happy i got to write this for you, and i’m glad you liked it :(( cute mong mahype sa fic HAHAHA T_T i came up with those when the dust settles metaphors while cleaning last week AHAHA tapos kaya sobrang realistic kasi based on experience *tumambling* GHOST ANON NAGMURA *GASPS* it was either this or a breakup au, bestie. at least may konting fluff pa dito T_T it’s been raining a lot here, hindi ba maulan diyan? there are times na natatakot ako sa sound ng rain (bagyo trauma tingz) but yes there are times na comforting :(( and definitely cold season!!
YUNG 30K FEEDBACK HAHAHHA OH NO T__T no longer human is literally just your typical zombie apocalypse au ganorn. i think to work more on establishing jaemin and mc’s relationship kasi may mas pinag-effortan pa kong side character kaysa sa bida mismo ;n; HAHAHAHA MOOD YUNG DAZAI. same tots nung nireread ko na siya. dagdag pa na no longer human yung title. 
battle of the bands happy place olweys hihi dapat advance kayo bibili ng food or magdadala ganon? oh ine-inspect for liquor? LMAOOO sa’min council pa pasimuno T_T jail y’all, j a i l. and the chika HAHA back nung 2019 i had this fling that i really liked. pero siguro kaya hyped lang ako sa kanya kasi it’s not every time na i meet someone who meets my standards? (di ako nagmamaganda which is a problem, i just have a very strict vibe check???) tapos (yall i’m having flashbacks, could be fic inspo) we fell apart. char lang, he ghosted me. tapos i was bitter for a few months pero eventually naging casual ganon since he still reached out and i pretended that what we had didn’t matter as much as it actually did. nung nagfoundation days, he was invited by my classmate (*coughs* wingman) who was competing. since he didn’t know anyone else, i ended up accompanying him throughout the show. that day, i wasn’t expecting that he’d show up but...he did. LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED PRIOR TO THIS I KEPT TWEETING NA BOTB DATE WHERE. pero anw, we watched the performance from the back. i told him na a spot for him was reserved malapit sa front bc he was 1) invited, and 2) i had council privileges but we stayed at the back. and...in the show, huling sandali was performed and it just hit different bc months before that i got to watch december avenue fresh out the ghosting and nearly teared up hearing the song live LMAO and watching it with him felt... like closure? later that night he tweeted smth about closure THAT I DIDNT GET TO SCREENSHOT but i liked it and i agreed. it felt like that. a silent closure for something that didn’t have a label. feryodt. if you want to read more on this, stone cold sober & chasing daydreams were for him and i just rewrote them to fit hyunjin HAHAHAH
anywaaaays i’ve been napping a lot after eating breakfast so mej bumabawi. bummer nga lang na nacucut yung tulog ganon. i sleep my regular 6 hour thing naman, i just sleep in between the day to catch up with the remaining 2? 
HELP MEEEEE why is that story so long T_T grabe yung hindi umuurong yung main plot. buti di nawawalan ng inspo yung writer HAHAH i think ranpo stans would like deranged detective. the beach was okay. i expected better but we can’t have better unless island beaches. sleeping somewhere else na di bahay ko after a year was great tho. I SLEPT AT 11. which is impossible kung dito lang sa bahay. the change of scenery helped me write the outline of roger rabbit (minho fic hihi) how was YOUR week? 
we all get confused with members before stanning. i used to think bang chan and changbin were the same person T_T damn i miss my friends HAHAH most of my high school fics is just me venting. and same. we really thought na isang week lang yung suspension HAHAH before we knew it months na akong nakakulong sa bahay ??? i think teachers barely paid attention to us kasi madaldal yung front row people HAHAH
HAHAHAH thoughts on the twt post? i haven’t watched the performance yet oml but i watched the vlive and AAAAA kakaproud talaga :((( they’ve come this far na. yeah doyoung does plays and acted in a drama (which i havent watched yet) YK I THINK THE NCT MEMBERS WILL ALL GET ACTING CAREERS SOMEDAY. 
good luck with reading star lost! i initially hated it but the writing’s okay naman pala :(( it was just a random idea and i’m glad i got to write it down. AND YES PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG WHILE READING AAAAA roger rabbit will be posted idk pa kasi no longer human muna tapos roger rabbit T_T i hope you’re still around by then T_T
here are the quotes for the ask game tho, first is sad beautiful tragic by tayswift and dive into you by nct dream. HELP MEEEE i only had 50k minutes and yours is triple T_T but then again, ganyan din ako nung hs HAHAHAH help me thats so close to the top for skz listeners .____. scary
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tenderlyrenjun · 3 years
hi!! <3 i just finished reading timeout and this is so embarassing but holy shit that was such an intense experience, you just took my breath away with how amazing this fic was. 🤧❣️ like literally!!!!! i was feeling dizzy and having a hard time breathing while reading NWKSISJSJS i love the way you described each details of their actions like the part where jeno and y/n got pressed up on each other MSKSKSKS I'M GONNA GO FERAL PLS THAT WAS SO GOOD I ALMOST LOST IT😭😭😭😭 the fact that i could see everything so explicitly in my mind and my brain going 🚨🚨🚨. and i don't why but i love the "jeno always sees her first before she does" AAAAAAA. and i'm also obsessed with y/n shoving jeno inside his car and hovering over him BBBBBBRRRRRRRR🤒. aND THEN THE SMUT GOOD LORD I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE!!! i am not kidding when i say i had to take mini breaks in between bcs i. suddenly. forgot. how. to. breathe???????? wtf?????? iT'S THAT GOOD. even right now as i'm typing this i'm still catching my breath like hOW DARE YOU PLS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY RN😤😤. jeno whimpering from y/n groping his thighs, y/n whispering on jeno's ear and jeno pulling her skirt, jeno grabbing her waist, the teasing, and jeno biting on his shirt bc he was told to daMN, the whole "can i kiss you? no, not there" part just got me like fUCK I WANT THAT LMAO. and when it got to the fucking part, just when i thought "ok this is it i'll get some oxygen here" but nO it just kept going and going and it became too much to handle that i'm just 😵🚨😵🚨😵🚨😵🚨 the whole time. and up until the end. and the ending!!!!!! 💯 i'm so curious of what's gonna happen to them next eeeee eee. i also really love how jeno kinda just accepts whatever y/n does lol. anway, you did such a great job on this fic, it's so well written and it's one of my fav jeno fics now💞 it's been awhile since i've felt this overwhelmed over a fic aaaa😩💖 i'll prolly read it again!!! 😎❤️ i love u i'm literally so happy i found this beautiful work of yours❤️
and last, i'm gonna have a hard time recovering from this jsksoskssj the jeno feels are hitting me bad these days. he's just soooo damn fine🙄 i'm tryna deny it but this just dragged me back in by the leg NSKSISJSKS this fic made me feel weak and vulnerable!!!!! :")))))
ahh thank you <33 thank you <33 i'm really glad that you enjoyed reading it!! it's supposed to be an experience! i try to make all my fics somewhat intense, just because i like the emotion - i was worried, at first, that it came across as cringey >-<
and yeah! every scene that i write, i can see it very clearly - it's why my fics are member-specific! they can't really be interchangeable.
they way that i see jeno is like ... someone who enjoys the security and familiarity. he can be free to do things; they can be free to do things, but the two of them must be loyal to each other. like, he's posessive but in the sense that, like, he needs security lol. and the whole letting y/n do whatever she wants thing is based off of jaemin and haechan chosing jeno during nct 2020 enquete20 for "member whose preferences match mine" solely because jeno would do whatever they wanted lol. he's easy breezy and only likes (10) people.
read time out: the prequel here
the part where they get pressed against each other:
this part sets up a whole thing that I have in the main part! everything is going to come full circle to this prequel lol. i'm glad you liked this part lol; i thought that i described it too much >-<
You have the same look in your eyes as when Jeno first met you. It took a few more meetings, after that one, until he was able to name it: contempt, maybe even irritation, or disrespect. However, unlike now, he was unable to discern why he had been so deserving of your precious scorn; all he did was show up to practice! This time though, Jeno concedes that it was partially his fault. He was weaving between couples and trios, trying not to hit anyone on his way to alcohol; he barely had any in his system, to be so wobbly on his feet, like a drunkard, but he walked too close to the drywall and bounced off it, in an attempt to avoid two people making out, then he hit you right in the shoulder, your arm carrying a shot glass filled to the brim (you would get dinged in a chem lab, Jeno thinks, not that he has taken chemistry recently; he mostly listens to all the ways Jaemin kept failing the lab safety quiz). You spilled peach soju on his wrist and the edge of his shirt, forcing him to lift it enough to show off his sharp v-line, his transversus abdominis, that gets cut off by his pants tied above his waist, rather than at his waist – a tease, honestly.
Jeno’s arm jerks backward, responsively, to force some space away from everyone, mostly you, but your watch snagged on the fabric, pinching the draw string tightened around his hips, wrapping you closer the more that Jeno tries to detangle himself. He takes a step to the wall, shoulders alert, feeling for the rough material until he falls against it. Your waist slumps against his as he drags you with him, and you grumble, ugh, holding out a second while people pass behind you, pushing past you away from the kitchen. Jeno presses your hips down, your feet coming to the ground, his hands resting more on your butt than your lower back, almost like a trap. The hallway is too narrow for this many people, Jeno thinks, wishing that Hongjoong had the sense to either limit how many students could attend or limit Seonghwa’s invites. Although, he probably would not have been able to attend had any of those two events occurred. And his hands tighten with the thought, locking you between his arms. He can feel you stare at him, blocking out the crowd that he watches equally intently.
the part where jeno notices you (or at least, one of them):
my user name is tenderlyrenjun, after the lipstick that renjun promoted, yeah, but mostly because they're tender!! they haven't said that they hate each other; they're just assuming it!! they don't know what this feeling is!!
Jeno scans his eyes further into the living, searching for someone familiar, then he spots you and Yeeun. Well, you first. He noticed that he always does this: sees you before you see him, and it turns into this whole thing.
I can't put the whole sex scene into this ask because it's ... the whole fic bdfkjghfdsghds but i'm glad you like it!! i'm aware that smut is my best genre - I just don't write it very often .-.
but there are only two times where "can i kiss you" is said and it is by each of them!! he says it in the closet; y/n says it in the car! they're not polar opposites!! they are two sides of the same coin ahhhhhh.
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