#youth representatives
tropicsday · 26 days
EU engagement with the SIDS, making change happen through Global Gateway - Press Announcement (SIDS-4), from 27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda.
The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) is held from 27 to 30 May 2024 in St John's, Antigua and Barbuda. Under the overarching theme of "Charting the course toward resilient prosperity", the Conference aims at assessing the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.
Watch EU engagement with the SIDS: making change happen through Global Gateway - Press Announcement, SIDS4 (27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda)
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internationalwomenday · 3 months
9th plenary meeting - Commission on the Status of Women, Sixty-eighth session (CSW68) - Interactive dialogue with youth representatives on the priority theme.
Watch the 9th plenary meeting - Commission on the Status of Women, Sixty-eighth session (CSW68) - Interactive dialogue with youth representatives on the priority theme.
The sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place from 11  to 22 March 2024 under the theme "Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective". Review theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
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kaitcake1289 · 4 months
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"[...] so she could stay in the same flat-chested, hairless-crotched 14-year-old baby doll body as her mind and spirit turn 19, 20, 25, 63, 358..."
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gideonisms · 4 months
tamsyn muir really understood something about the queer experience when she said that if a baby lesbian heard about a girl who could end the world she would definitely try to go meet her and let her loose
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sijopolang · 4 months
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Dear Gojo,
Despite it all, I think the kids are going to be okay. In time. After all, you made it so that they at least have each other.
Hopefully I won’t see you and the others anytime soon.
- Shoko
P.S. The cats you left behind, they’ve been a good distraction…though they cause quite a bit of trouble on campus. Seems familiar, no?
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this line from the solangelo fic i’m reading is absolutely insane
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here is the link if anyone is interested
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
Ohhh, my dear, energetic Zayden... this was, like, the only one that went sort of poorly and it absolutely murdered me 😩 I adore this sweetheart so much! Zay was feeling extra playful this night and kept over-running their queue with jokes, pranks, and dancing! Poor Dan barely got a word in edgewise, and it wasn't long before the pranks started to get our Bachelor feeling Tense... 😓
Daniel would never say anything to Zayden's face (as we can see, he's the "I’m enjoying myself but I won’t be doing Any Of That” type) but I think it’s safe to say our Bachelor felt a little outpaced here!
[ Part 21/?? ] 🌹
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pechachaos · 1 year
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a walk in the skies✨⛅️ + some old tang nd his silly kitty friend
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Ok ok… here me out for a second…
Thenamesh Addams Family AU…
The Lee Family: business associates of Father's who were coming to meet with them over real estate (or some such). Mister Lee dealt in property, and also possessed quite a lot of the railways, according to Father. Missus Lee was as much of a matriarch as Mother, although they were going to talk about their poison gardens, or some other such.
Thena stared at the family standing in the foyer. They were like the picture perfect opposite of herself and her own family. They were dressed entirely in black, even the son in a smart black suit. They had mild expressions but warmer seeming eyes, all a gentle brown.
Mother and Father had perfectly sculpted smiles, but eyes as cold as the tundra. They were dressed in all white, just like Thena was, with her white-blonde hair braided over her shoulder.
"Mister and Missus Lee," Father greeted them with a falsely warm tone. Before they had arrived, he had said that they were horrid people to do business with, despite his very warm tone.
"Such a pleasure," Mother purred as she exchanged air-cheek-kisses with Missus Lee. She had said that she would rather let Theseus - the young iguana currently hiding in Thena's room - sit on her lap than align herself with 'Mister Lee's wife'.
Such walking contradictions her parents were.
"This is our son," Mister Lee smiled more genuinely, putting his hands on his son's (broad) shoulders. "Gilgamesh."
"Pleasure to meet you." He had a soft voice.
Thena stared at the young man. He was big for their age, with a young moustache coming in on his upper lip. Thena's lips twitched; it suited him, in a funny sort of way.
"Gilgamesh," Mister Lee clapped his hands on his son's back as the parents began moving into the drawing room, "greet the young lady properly."
Not that they stuck around to see that it happened.
Thena looked at the young man again, extending her hand, her palm facing the floor. Her face was still impassive, and she hadn't said a word, just like Father always taught her.
Gilgamesh looked at her with some intrigue in his eyes, bending further than he needed to as he accepted her hand in his. He bowed his head completely, nothing short of reverent as he said, "my pleasure."
Thena tilted her head as he kissed the back of her hand. It was gentle, and he even held it softly with his other hand as his lips touched her knuckle. She smiled; she could feel his moustache tickle her skin, "enchante."
"Bless you," he extended a handkerchief.
Thena laughed before quickly raising her hand between her mouth and his eyes. She was forgetting her etiquette with their guest; Mother would be furious.
"What, are you not allowed to laugh?"
Thena looked at him again, and, without his parents to loom over him, Gilgamesh seemed more relaxed. His shoulders were still wider than any she had seen, but they were slouched, his hands in his trouser pockets. She had never seen anyone look so comfortable in their own skin before.
"It's okay," he shrugged as he smiled, attempting to encourage her into doing the same, "I won't tell."
She almost - almost! - let another laugh escape her before fixing her lips into a perfect smile. It was rigid and hard to maintain, but it was the only one she knew how to do. "I thank you for your consideration."
"So, uh," Gilgamesh leaned back just for a second before walking closer to her, away from the doorway where their parents' business mutterings were happening. "We're supposed to...talk, I guess?"
"Okay," he looked at her, hands still in his pockets. His eyes ran over her, and Thena briefly forgot what she had put on that day (Mother always picked her clothes for her anyway). "What do you wanna talk about?"
Thena blinked. She had read about trains and business economics and stock options all night in preparation to meet the magnate's son. And he was asking her? "Me?"
"Yeah, you," he smiled, even more naturally than before. He had a nice smile. "What do you like to do?"
What did she like to do? What was she allowed to do? Her days were filled with lessons, and then after that, she was left to her own devices. "Sometimes Mother lets me assist her in the poison garden."
"Oh yeah, Ma has the same kind of thing at home," Gilgamesh made a face that betrayed his lack of interest in the topic. "She just gets mad when I'm outside because she always thinks I'll step on it, though."
Thena felt her lips twitch, aching to leave the practised posture of the smile she had on. "Mother is similarly protective of ours. She gets furious when Theseus crawls around in the soil."
"Who's Theseus?"
Again, Thena felt caught off guard by the question, even though they were the only ones speaking. She wasn't used to being asked so many questions that weren't on a preordained subject. "Theseus is my iguana."
"You have a pet?" Gilgamesh beamed, so utterly delighted by even the idea of having an animal companion. He stepped closer to her, "can I see him?"
"I-I suppose," she uttered before she had a chance to think better of it. Was this what she was supposed to be doing? She was told to be hospitable to the Lee Family et al, so surely that included indulging Gilgamesh too...right? "Come with me."
"Allow me," he smiled, holding out his hand for her.
Thena paused just for a moment before slipping her hand into his, the way she had seen Mother do when Father held her hand as they walked the halls of their cold and sprawling estate. The way a gentleman did with a lady.
Gilgamesh held her hand so gently she felt as if she would collapse.
Thena looked down at the steps as she lead him upstairs, opting to walk to the left first. "Mother and Father have been anticipating your visit for quite some time."
"My folks too," he concurred, in much more casual phrasing. He looked around as they walked, his other hand still in his pocket. "They're all excited for it, and yet they keep saying what a drag it is."
Thena smiled as much as she was able without practising, "my parents are the same. I haven't the faintest idea why they insist on referring to things they claim are good to be so awful."
"They're funny like that, huh?" Gilgamesh looked away from the family portraits lining the upper walls to her again. "Should I have said it was quite awful to make your acquaintance?"
Thena let another tiny little laugh escape. She peeked at Gilgamesh, just to make sure he didn't mind. But he was smiling right at her. "Abysmal to meet you as well."
"See?" he grinned so freely, so uninhibited by the gilded cage around them. "Maybe that should be our code for things. If they're going to pretend shit it so great, then we can say just the opposite."
They reached the top of the staircase, where it split from its other half. Still, he didn't let go of her hand, waiting for to lead him wherever they pleased.
"Then I am having," she paused, her lips pressing together in threat of another smile, "an awful time."
His hand squeezed around hers faintly. But it was nice. "Me too."
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tropicsday · 26 days
 Official opening of the Conference and first plenary meeting - SIDS4 (27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda).
The opening segment includes the election of the President of the Conference. Following the election, remarks will be made by the President of the Conference, the President of the General Assembly, the President of the Economic and Social Council, the Special Adviser of the Fourth United Nations Conference of the SIDS,  the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, the Secretary-General of the Conference, and a youth representative.
Subsequent to these statements, the meeting will address various procedural and organizational matters. These will encompass:
Adoption of the rules of procedure and the agenda 
Election of other officers
Potential establishment of a Main Committee if required 
Appointment of the Credentials Committee members 
Planning for the preparation of the Conference report among other pertinent issues.
The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) is held from 27 to 30 May 2024 in St John's, Antigua and Barbuda. Under the overarching theme of "Charting the course toward resilient prosperity", the Conference aims at assessing the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.
Watch the Official opening of the Conference and first plenary meeting - SIDS4 (27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda)
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Interactive dialogue with youth representatives on key issues affecting young people, including girls, in the digital age.
Interactive dialogue with youth representatives 13 March 2023, 10am–1pm EDT Conference Room 4 , UN Headquarters
For the first time at CSW, young people will have a seat at the official table with an interactive dialogue focused on the exchange of experiences, lessons learned, and good practices in relation to the CSW67 priority theme. It will highlight the key issues affecting young people, including girls, in the digital age. It will encourage youth representatives to share their countries’ technology policies, learn from positive experiences, and highlight how their countries can address digital transformation challenges. The plenary session will take place in English but will include interpretation services in all other official UN languages. The event will be webcast UN Web TV.
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mynonclicheblog · 1 year
"Letting go of Paxton proved that [Devi] had evolved beyond the desperate nerd she once was"
Say it louder, McEnroe.
Devi letting go of Paxton is associated with inner growth, healing, confidence gained, and the full acceptance of herself. It's a big step.
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enthusiastic-nimrod · 9 months
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Realized I hadn't drawn Vinyl and Walkman in months, so I decided to do a quicky piece with all of them!
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legobiwan · 7 months
My brain is currently stuck on the idea of Dooku as a conductor. Was at rehearsal and the director was conducting with a baton and the other hand behind his back, and naturally my brain went IT'S MAKASHI. And THEN he did the, you know, "GIVE ME MORE CRESCENDO" gesture (we were playing the chorale part of Jupiter, you know the bit) that kind of looks like a Sith trying to use the Force to deconstruct your organs. Anyways! Thought that might give you a kick <3
He would so be a conductor. I've had plenty of music directors who would have loved to arrange my orchestra's internal organs with a single gesture. (oooh the stories I could tell, many of them true! to quote Hondo Ohnaka)
Dooku has the pretension and the artistic eye and ear to sculpt an ensemble to his vision. He has the civility to hobnob with rich benefactors. He has the temper and linguistic skills to swear at the entire ensemble in at least 3 different languages when something goes wrong during the Mon Calamari opera dress rehearsal (don't ask me how I know about these things). He would definitely find a handful of "chosen ones" to deign with his goodwill within the ensemble. He would be incredibly exacting in rehearsal. (And probably a bit petty and tyrannical (see what I did there?) - not uncommon traits among many of higher echelon conductors in the business, although it's slowly improving).
But anyway - it 100% tracks.
Also, Jupiter is a banger. Although I personally prefer the Mars and Neptune movements of The Planets.
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Birdie and Whiskey are two sides of the same coin: a white woman trying to exploit patriarchy to work in her benefit.
You're not supposed to like Whiskey because she is shown as self-aware of her actions AND the harm that she in engaging in by endorsing patriarchy BUT Birdie is shown as more "sympathetic" because the way she endorses patriarchy is through her interpersonal relationship to Miles and therefore her agency gets diminished because of her love for Miles.
However, Birdie is even more insidious of a character than Whiskey is because she justifies her actions to herself as being well-intentioned because she loves Miles. But she doesn't love Miles. She loved controlling Miles, she loved the power she felt when Miles told her "I can't believe I'm talking to you, you're on magazines." If I was in that situation, it would come off very strong to me but Birdie likes it because she interprets it as having power over Miles.
Miles is not as attractive as Birdie, but he has money. When she was young, she saw it as her beauty having power over him. But because she's used to her beauty doing all the work for her, she's never had to be intelligent. She's fed and believed this lie that beauty is the most important thing a woman has and her stupidity is her ultimate downfall because if she thought about what it meant to be beautiful in this society, she'd know she was dooming herself to fail because a woman is only beauty until her 30th birthday in America.
But here's the thing, Whiskey is young. She represents a different version of Birdie, a smarter version of Birdie who is more aware of feminist theory but is still blinded by her youth, race, and beauty. She's bought into the lie that beauty is all that matters but she doesn't like how that causes men like Duke to abuse her and basically sex traffick her. She's waking up to the harm that the "mandom" perpetuates and is shown to be conflicted over that versus pursuing a career in politics.
She knows that beauty can be used as a weapon but she is also aware of how rapidly she is aging out of that category and I think the difference between Birdie and Whiskey is really their intelligence. I love it.
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