#youtube compression is a bitch
sande5098 · 8 months
I was wondering if you could do one where you're Ava Bekkers daughter, and you're around 14, and the episode when there's a shooting at the park you're there and you get shot, so when you get rushed into the hospital they immediately know who you're, unfortunately you're in critical condition and you do flat line but Dr Rhodes gose against code and starts doing chest compressions to save you and you do come back and you call out for your mum and he tells you that they'll get you to her, so when you wake up you're all bandaged up and you see Ava waiting for you to wake up, and she reassures you everything is alright and you scoot over letting her sit beside you in bed before you rest your head on her chest, and she promises to get ice cream and you two joke around before you both fall asleep together, and when Connor comes to check on you both he sees you both cuddled up so he leaves you both alone. Sorry it that's a long request.
Critical Condition
A/N: so sorry this took so long, let’s just say that A-Levels are a bitch and my psychology teacher is very unhelpful. I know that the millennium park shooting does take place on a Saturday but for the minute it’s a Friday
Requested: Yes, By anonymous.
Characters: Reader, Connor Rhodes, Ava Bekker
word count: 1.9K
You hadn’t wanted to go to school that day, most of your friends were either sick or away on a school trip and without them there to keep you company, school would practically be hell. Instead, you headed for Millennium Park at least, you could get some food there or even just chill out and attempt to do your schoolwork which had been emailed to you after you phoned in sick for yourself.
Your mum was going to be at work until 6pm so you had plenty of time to relax for a little. Either way you went to the bean statue and sat at one of the empty park benches, it was till early, almost 9 o’clock meaning that there was hardly anyone there since practically all children were at school and the majority of people there with families with young family’s or children with their babysitters.
As you put your bag on the ground and took out your laptop to open up YouTube on a tab and play some music through your wired earbuds you smiled as some young children ran by you with their slightly unstable legs which struggled to keep up with the rest of their bodies. You looked back at your laptop and quickly opened up your emails to see what work teachers had given you, most of it was easy enough: Biology Chemistry, Geography, English, Maths and Computer science. While you had a lot of your harder subjects today, at least you could do the work outside of a stuffy, noisy classroom.
You settled down into your work, occasionally taking a sip of the coffee you brought with you in a flask. Distraction didn’t come easy to you, and raven after the obnoxious school bell went off at the end of each class, your friends still had to shake you out of your school work trance. You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work that your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work, your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up, you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots, you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You could feel yourself slowing down, stamina was never your strong suit and the crowds where pushing each other out of the way trying to get to safety. It was at that moment that your footing fell from beneath you and you fell face first onto the ground, smacking your head hard, a sickening crack had brought tears to your eyes as you stumbled to get back onto your feet again; forgetting your laptop that had flown across the ground.
You started running again, tears clouding your vision and blood in your mouth from your heavily bleeding nose. Gun shots were still flying everywhere, the sound of people screaming and falling behind you and in front of you haunting your thoughts as you begged whatever entity who was out there to spare you today, that you would never skip school again, that you could go home and see your mum today. You were too busy in your own thoughts until you felt blood oozing down your back as you fell for the second time. Not having the strength to scream anymore you just lay there, slowly drifting off into the darkness…
The first thing which you remembered was the sirens, all of a sudden it was loud and busy. There were multiple people standing over you in some form of uniform, your eyes wide open and you pulse racing, you could feel it everywhere. Were you… Panicking? As you thought back in your memories, noting was really coming to mind, suddenly there was an agonising sharp pain in your abdomen, crying out in terror and fear, you tried to sit up, only to be unable to. There were shushing sounds all around you, telling you it was all going to be okay. From what little you took in you could see it was red… blood? A shooting. It was all coming back to you now.
You properly looked at the people in front of you, they’re wearing blue and black with white writing, police officers were the most likely, why not paramedics? Was the shooter still there? Your breathing hitched and you could feel yourself starting to panic again. One of them lifted you into their arms and you gripped on tightly to them, trying to speak to him, he stopped, trying to listen to you. Your voice came out ragged and weak, even surprising yourself. "Tell my mum, I’m sorry". He smiled, "You will be able to tell her yourself." He said back… With that you drifted back into a dose, still accompanied by pain, screaming, sirens and beeping.
You recognised the hospital you were being rolled into on the stretcher even from the bleariness of your eyes as they squinted open. 'No no no no no... this was not were you wanted to be.' Although it didn't really matter, your mother would have found you eventually but you knew just how deep a load of shit you would be in for skipping school. As you looked around yourself you could see blood everywhere, the crimson red starting to haunt the insides of your eyelids, even if you didn't think it was there it was.
That was when you looked up at the man overhead of you, you could briefly make out Connor Rhodes, your mother's current off and on partner; although she didn't realise that you knew that. "Don't tell mum please" was all you could whisper out hoarsely before coughing up more blood, a nurse handed you a sick dish which all the blood dripped into. "We'll do what we can, Y/n". You smiled briefly but before you could thank him you felt yourself drifting off into another sleep before you could stop yourself, the shouting for a crash cart didn't even allow you to open your eyes again.
"She's coding! Get me a crash cart!" Connor desperately shouted as he immediately lowered the gurney and threw the pillow to one side before starting chest compressions. Even though Ava and he had their spats he couldn't bring himself to obey protocol in that moment. This child was the light of Ava's life and who knows what would happen if she weren't to make it. He had to blink the tears back from his eyes as he was instructed to stand clear of the defibrillator thankfully, it only took one shock to get her back, and before he have time to think he immediately ordered that they take her to surgery to remove the bullet and sort out the internal bleeding before Dr Lanik even had the chance to berate him for breaking the protocol.
"I want my mum," he heard a faint whisper of the words and looked down at the 14 year old who looked like she was about to cry. He smiled as reassuring as he could at he, "She'll be here with you when you wake up but we've got to remove the bullet for you." The young girl nodded before the anatheisa took hold and she closed her eyes yet again... now the real work started.
Connor watched as the E.D started to get back to normal well, whatever normal meant several hours later. The place was an absolute mess, blood even managed to find its way onto the ceiling, which he had found it hard to believe. Connor had yet to even find Ava, his colleague was so busy that they had been separated to do their own surgeries. Walking into the break room again, which had mostly been cleaned up he saw Ava. The usual happy blonde woman was collecting her stuff, getting ready to leave after getting changed out of her bloody scrubs. She had an extremely tired look on her face. "Ava?" She turned to look at him, "I'm not in the mood Connor, I want to get some sleep. I'm going home." She replied, attempting to walk out past him. He stepped in front of heralding her forearm. "Ava, Y/N is here. She was involved in the shooting."
Ava stopped and looked up at Connor searching his eyes for any type of deception, "No... No you're lying, where is she?" Connor swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth, "She's in the ICU, room 4" Ava felt her heart constrict as she pulled herself from Connors grip and ran for the stairs up to the ICU. She had never ran the four flights of stairs so quickly, the tears were in her eyes, as they ran down her cheeks and dropped onto the floor causing a slipping hazard if others weren't careful enough.
Reaching that room and looking through that window to see a child wearing her daughters features with tubes sticking out from all over. She carefully entered the room setting down her bags and pulling the chair in the room over to her daughters bedside, picking up the girl's limp, cold hand and holding it in her own. She felt like it had been hours she had been sitting there for when her daughter opened her eyes for the first time. "Y/N/N, Honey, shhhh you're okay. I'm here with you. There's no need to be frightened anymore." Ava softly hushed her, wiping away her daughters unshed tears, glistening in the corners of her eyes.
"Mom? I'm so so sorry, all my friends were going to be away and I didn't want to go to school so I went to the park.. I'm so so sorry." Ava hushed her daughter once again. "It's all right, Honey, we'll talk about it later."
You shuffled yourself over on the bed a little, wincing as you done so, looking over at your mom, she gave you a disapproving look which you chose to ignore as patted the bed for her to join you. Ava pushed herself from the chair and settled beside Y/n on the bed, "Sleep my love, we'll talk later over Ice-cream alright?" You nodded and felt yourself drifting back to sleep surrounded by your mothers love. Ava was not long behind her. It had been a very long day after all.
Connor watched in through the window and smiled softly at the mother and child who he was both deeply fond of. Just another day of work and keeping families together, including the woman who he loved.
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beenovel · 2 years
sorry to hear about your diagnosis! here are some arthritis tips from a fellow chronic pain haver:
find a painkiller that works for you. i usually use naproxen 250/500. ask your doctor for specialized anti-inflammatory ones. don't be afraid to take them! they are literally made to help you!
heat packs are your Best Friend. literally treasure them cherish them etc. i have a nice electric one and a rubber hot water bottle just in case.
compression bandages!!!!!! i can't afford them so i use cheap crepe ones. also compression ankle and knee support (i felt the worst pain in my knees and i already had knee and ankle compression sleeves from previous incidents, so i just used those). look into buying compression gloves if it hurts more in your hands!
wear warm clothes! jackets hoodies socks! changing seasons are a Bitch to deal with. i live in a relatively warm area and i still had thin sweaters on in summer.
try keeping up some exercise. bob and brad on youtube are a pretty reliable resource for easy physiotherapy.
sit in different positions! after my diagnosis i basically abandoned my study desk and now use a laptop table and a bean bag lap desk.
don't be afraid to ask for help! - chronic pain anon (psst i'm actually one of your mutuals >:))))) best of luck though!!!!)
Nonnie how could you taunt me with "I'm actually one of your moots" like you're my new favorite person what. Also THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SM. I haven't actually been diagnosed yet, I get testing done on the 23rd so rn it's just extreme joint pain (the doc is thinking rheumatoid arthritis bc it runs in the family).
I have a heating pad my mom got me that's the size of my entire torso and it's my life's blood. Sometimes it's literally the only way I can sleep. I also have a smaller microwave like rice pack that I normally use on my hands and shoulders but have started to use on my knees.
Thank you so so much for all the tips, I've been absolutely drowning in articles on reducing joint pain for the last day and have been stressed
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3 skeins of yarn into this blanket, roughly 60 more before it's done.
i wasn't sure if i would take to crocheting, so i foolishly under-bought. had to make an emergency yarn run + order more in the colors i need because the stock truck at the local Joann's cares NOTHING for my plight
side note: the compression gloves i bought for my perma-cold hands are great for crocheting. hand cramp? not me bitch :)
side note 2: you remember all the wet blankets crying on my Dune post about learning? well i read the same article with this simple blanket pattern 5 times, and watched the same double crochet tutorial on youtube twice that before i got the hang of this. and i'm still making mistakes, but fewer with each skein. i just didn't assume i was incapable of a new skill or that there was a limited number of attempts before i had to give up forever. anyway just food for thought that waking up every day to put yourself down is not a healthy mindset, idk!!!!
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Hey not bts related but I was wondering what set up do you have for gaming? I’ve been looking for a new gaming headset and I was curious what you use or if there’s any brands you’re a fan of and why.
I use this light weight mesh-like gaming mouse and I feel like it’s almost too small because when I play for a long time my hand gets “gamer claw”. Then again I probably just need to take more breaks.
Full disclosure I don’t DOTA or LOL. I’m a good old fashion basic Overwatch/Fortnite hoe.
Thanks for your help! 🫶🫶🫶
I use the Logitech G733 K/DA edition headset. I'm actually a Razer bitch but I admit they're slightly overpriced just for the RGB lighting (but I like pretty lights *0*). The HyperX Cloud series headsets and Logitech headsets are solid options - they're usually what I recommend unless you wanna dish out the Razer money.
Mice info under break!
For mice, although it sounds better to have a heavier one, you just have to think about how often you make small movements. Lighter mice put less strain on your hand because you're moving around less weight. Although, for best ergonomics, you should use your whole forearm to move the mouse and your hand to loosely hold it (no wrist movement). Easier said than done though hahaha, so I recommend a wrist brace or copper compression sleeve for preventative measures. If you find yourself gripping your mouse too tightly (causing tension in your hand) I would say do stretches in between matches. Flex your fingers during queues, look up stretches on YouTube, correct your posture, etc. I do stretches even when I'm doing nothing, whenever I remember, because every little bit counts.
There are mice with interchangable weights that you can add or remove, good if you think you're sensitive to that. I had a Logitech one; Logitech are the best bang for your buck and they have options for all budgets. I always go back to Razer lol (they're expensive but I like the matte texture and pretty lights). Truth is that if you click a lot, you'll go through mice anyway. So I recommend going to a tech store and literally holding all the mice to see which one molds to your hand best (bring hand sanitizer lol). Everyone's hand is different. For best ergonomics, you should have a relaxed grip but I know that if you have habits they're hard to break XD
I always go for wired for best response time, but wireless options are now fine too (tech advances, heh). At the end of the day, be mindful of stretching whenever you can and try to keep good posture / correct it in between queues. Take care of your health! Prevention goes a long way. :)
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kingdomvel · 1 year
I think Anakin as a youtuber/streamer would be very Michael Reeves style. All "hello guys today we are making an air compression gun" and "i call this move hiding under the table like a little bitch", just absolute chaos
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bloodypeachblog · 2 years
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#how does corn talk during sex again? should i just do drunk in love kind of thing or just say fuck it and go 'dis bitch sanic'?
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79 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
Funny idea.
You ever wonder if after Mr. Compress seems to handle a sad moment fine, he walks away later and we see tears gushing out of the eye holes of his mask similar to how Izuku's mom cries geysers?
or would it be something like this?:
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Either one would be great.
Taglist for funsies: @fatgumsupremacy @omniuravity @macckenchiz
112 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Guys, I’m writing some FNAF Human!Sundrop/Moondrop smut right now and OH MY GOD HELP ME JESUS
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@fatgumsupremacy​​ thanks for making me honri over fucking FNAF.
EDIT: Here's the finished product!:
AO3 (check out my other stories on my page as well!): https://archiveofourown.org/works/36209029
144 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Some headcanons of Sun/Moon from FNAF: Security Breach (some fluffy romantic ones too)
412 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I’m following the r/NintendoSwitch board on Reddit and someone got their 3D sculpt of Breath of the Wild 2 Link in 3D World Magazine. Here is the shot from the magazine (3D Sculpt by u/Zeephos):
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I never wanted to fuck Link before, but now...? 
Ncfs underneath
I’d let him breed me like it would be the only way to defeat Ganon. 
I wanna be sore in the morning after he’s done with me. 
I want him to put his hand on my head, slide his cock down my throat and use me like a fleshlight until he brushes his hair back and cums down my throat. 
I want to lick his cock like a popsicle on a hot day, licking up the precum that drips down. 
I want to ride him like the stallion he is. 
I want to help continue his bloodline by carrying his children.
I would do so much to/with him.
549 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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doublearmbars · 2 years
fic: contact sport
Summary: a patchwork of media documenting the first couple months of MJF's tenure after being traded to the Red Wings in the middle of the night for nothing.
Notes: I’m a certified hockey enjoyer and this is drawn from a lot of stuff I enjoy but in particular: the You Can’t Do That podcast, the work of Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein on the Youtube channel Secret Base, and the stupid postgame rituals that NHL teams have established to give a fun item to a new special man every game. I might write more in this AU if i ever get a handle on writing the POV of either of these snippy bitches but I do have a Blackpool Combat Club hockey thing i'm plugging away at.
On ao3 here
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From a Youtube video by Secret Base- "Best in the world and you know it" A Dorktown Short Film
So he got traded to the Red Wings in the middle of the night, knowing he’ll never be back to the hometown golden boy, that he’ll die up there on that godforsaken lake, his words not mine.
You might expect his story to end there, in despair. After all these Red Wings are not a Stanley Cup team, hell they’re not even a playoff team.
Except, it doesn’t end there. Not by a long shot. But to tell you that story, I have to take a sidebar to talk about a different hometown golden boy.
The screen zooms out from the announcement of the trade to show a large chart with multiple boxes, and next to the labeled vertical headshot of Maxwell Jacob Friedman another is revealed, this one of a tired eyed young man with mid-length bleached hair, his dark roots showing. He’s sneering at the camera, and wearing a jersey for the Chicago hockey team.
You might know him.
From the Be Gay Take Penalites Podcast Ep 145 Little Caesar’s Gay Fight Club
Can you have shit in Detroit? Can love bloom on the battlefield? Your intrepid hosts Kelsey and PJ journey to find these answers and more as we recap the week in hockey. Also: we take a hard stance on goalie crime (it’s good) and return for another round of 80’s news chyrons.
PJ: Okay on to elsewhere in the NHL, I wanna talk about Detroit and MJF and my favorite old bitch. They’re so- they’re like unlikely animal friends
[Kelsey laughs]
PJ: it’s like an old dog and a shithead cat became friends. Am I wrong? Am I wrong.
Kelsey: No- no you’re- [wheezing laughter] they’re besties but they also hate each other is the vibe.
PJ: Truly like when Max got traded I was like-
Kelsey (crosstalk): You went on Twitter immediately like-
PJ: Yeah I tweeted-let me find it- I tweeted “Brooks looking at MJF like he’s himself from 12 years ago and hating it” and then that one picture from a postgame interview where he looks just completely hollowed out inside like he can’t even summon his Scorpio urge to complain.
[both laugh]
Kelsey: Like not even the intense energies of notorious old married couple Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin can fix this situation.
PJ: And! And they were a defense pair in the win last night.
Kelsey: Max plays defense?
PJ: Did you not- I forget you hate the Isles. Yeah coaching moved him to defense to- I think to punish him it’s unclear and stupid but he appears to be thriving? Which I love for him. He did play defense in juniors to be fair.
Kelsey: No, being fueled by spite we love that. Keep me posted on those two. I wanna bring up the goalie crimes from this week...
PJ: Oh god we have to talk about Bryan.
Video posted by the Red Wings official twitter.
The locker room of the Red Wings after a home win, with most players having taken off their jerseys and sitting around either shirtless or in compression shirts. There is background chatter that quiets when Maxwell Jacob Friedman stands up, hair a mess with sweat from the game. He's holding a fireman's helmet, this season's relic to pass between the player whose performance was best. He gestures across the room,
and the camera swings to show the man he's called out, still in his skates, who rises, crosses the room and takes the helmet from him a little snappily, then raises his other hand to acknowledge the rest of the locker room
The rest of the locker room claps heartily and lets out a rising communal "ooh" like children when someone in their class is called to the principal's office.
They shake hands. We see him say something in MJF's ear, but the audio doesn't pick it up. Lip readers on Twitter claim he says "nobody calls me that anymore"
The response comes through clearly though: "Well I am."
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dramatical · 2 years
How do you make your gifs have high quality? Do you use any presets or have any tips? Your edits are amazing, it would be AMAZING if you could share. <3
Ah thank you anon!! 🥰🥰
My tips are basically the same any other creator will give you tbh for good and crispy gifs your source material should be 1080p MINIMUM , I cannot stress that enough. For film search for files between 5-10gb for good results, but if you have space in your drives for even bigger files then go with these, sometimes files under 3-4gb are compressed as fuck and will only give you a headache when you try to color and The Pixels™ will inevitably show themselves. For tv anything under 1gb will be questionable, good streaming services rips are over 1gb for sure.
There is however good files not compressed for film under 3gb sometimes and they are encoded as x265 so if you don't have much space but still want to gif in quality get these downloads, in their name usually they say if they are 264 or 265 so look up for that. So in short:
Under 3gb encoded in 264: shit
Under 3gb encoded in 265: good!
If you need a place for downloads come of anon and I'll link you a trusted place for gifmakers only.
Okay enough on the files 😂 for doing the actual gifs I either screencap or use an external tool to trim an specific scene I want to gif. For screencaps I recommend mpv or mpv.net, both are open source programs and work really well and gifs will look the best imo. For trimming videos I use ffmpeg on my computer's CMD but it's not very user friendly if you don't know how to use ffmpeg well, I know people recommend handbrake though so there's that option and then use video frames to layers.
For sharpening I use 3 different settings depending on my source material:
Animation: I use a smart sharpen with 500 0.3, if it's ghibli or anime I'll lower the opacity of the sharpen around 80-85%
Tv/Film: a good source (files over 3gb) will only need a 500 0.3 sharpen sometimes. If I want it to look a bit more crispy I add another sharpen of 100 1. For not so good sources I apply a 500 0.4 sharpen and I lower its opacity to 80-85%
Youtube videos/music videos: first, YouTube is a bitch on quality so there's that, but if you can't find the thing you want to gif elsewhere (like our lord and savior Vimeo or the ShareMania forum) for YouTube I get my videos using Jdownloader, it will download the biggest file possible and more often than not it's the best quality possible. If the video even being 1080p looks kinda shit I use Topaz to denoise and clean my gif and then I apply a 500 0.4 lowered to 85% smart sharpen (gif making for kpop taught me many things lately 😂) and it looks like it was a video from a good source! There's also avisynth and vapoursynth but I don't use them, if you wanna check that out you can Google and lots of tutorials will show up, mostly from kpop creators.
After that, it's all coloring tbh. Know that shit files won't be able to handle vibrant coloring very well so be careful with that. If it's too bad I try to bring up the darks more to no make it too visible but you will always get pixelated stuff with bad quality source.
My saving settings vary between adaptive/diffusion and adaptive/pattern, if I'm working on animation or too heavily colored sets (like with gradients) I'll go with pattern, if not it's diffusion.
Okie I think that covers everything 🙈 if you ever need more help with gif making you can message me again and I'll gladly help!
You can also join the @pscentral server on discord where there's ton of gif makers (from beginners to well established ones) that will always be there to help and always give good feedback ☺️
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renaerys · 3 years
Okay I've got one: Prompt 15 with Reds. 🤣🤣🤣
15. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying, I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Somehow they can make even breathing a competition.
Send me a prompt and some characters! Reminder that the challenge is to make everything SFW, so we're getting creative here.
List of prompts
“So, we’ve called the paramedics and they’re on their way, but until they arrive it’s up to us. Remember the acronym, kids: C-A-B. What’s the first thing you do?”
Aiyeesha Simpson, a gunner in the making destined for academic greatness and social ruin, raised her eager hand. “Find a flat surface to lay him down!”
“Correct.” Blossom took Brick by the shoulders and shoved him down to the floor. A gaggle of Girl Scouts gathered around him as he wheezed for air.
“Ow,” he said.
Blossom patted his chest. “Please choke more quietly.”
I will end you, he thought so loudly he hoped she could hear him through the murder in his eyes. There was community service, and then there was cruel and unusual punishment. When his required hours were up and his record expunged, he was going to write a very negative Yelp review of the local Townsville Girls Scouts of America chapter and tank this year’s cookie sales. Supremely annoying, outrageously petty, and totally legal. That would teach Blossom for sure.
“Place your hands here between the nipples.”
Some of the Cadette Girl Scouts giggled. To be fair, Blossom of all people saying the word nipples in reference to her former mortal enemy as she trained a room full of twelve-year-old girls in CPR using him as the dummy was a perfect storm of absurd and kinky that he did not see coming. And now he was giggling himself, because he was a teenaged boy who thought the word nipples was funny regardless of the very clear contextual cues, and that pubescent shame was on him, one hundred percent.
Blossom, an ancient and inconveniently attractive evil resurrected in a lab for the sole purpose of making his life miserable, did not appreciate his amusement. “Push hard at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Remember to put your bodyweight behind it, like this.”
Brick flexed, and Blossom pushed against his heart like she was trying to crush it in her hands. Once, twice, three times she administered compressions, and Brick’s eyes glowed red with impotent rage.
“Assist Blossom with her CPR lessons to her satisfaction, and we can forget this ever happened,” Mayor Bellum had promised Brick when he lost his temper and blew up an (empty) ambulance. Butch didn’t need his Super stomach pumped no matter how much he drank, so the ambulance and the four-figure bill that came with it were completely unnecessary. This defense did not convince the mayor, however.
The promise of the bill forgiven and his record cleared—and the deterrence of Aiyeesha Simpson filming the whole thing to upload to YouTube later—gave Brick the strength not to eye beam Blossom in front of the children.
“Okay, who wants to try chest compressions on the dummy?” Blossom offered to the girls.
You evil bitch, thought the aforementioned dummy.
After the third little girl properly placed her sticky, little girl hands between his nipples, Brick had had enough. “Hey, I’m still dying over here. Can we move on already? Jesus Christ.”
“Of course.” Blossom smiled, and she had never looked more terrifying.
Brick hoped Butch was suffering. He hoped he was hung over so bad he couldn’t piss standing up. He hoped Butch tried going online only to find that Brick had disconnected the Internet and cut him off from all his online games and porn because fuck Butch and his weak-ass stomach.
“Who knows what the next step is? Maybe someone other than Aiyeesha this time?”
None of the other girls seemed willing to stick their hands up. The carpet under Brick had scorched where his power leaked out in his building resentment for this entire situation. The smell of burned polyester just made him feel even more powerless to stop this.
“No? Okay, well, remember the acronym. A is for airway. You want to be careful about a possible neck injury, so gently lift the chin…”
Blossom’s hands were not sticky like the Girl Scouts’ hands, but they were cold where they touched his skin and forced his head back.
“Are the paramedics here yet?”
Brick got a tight fist in his short hair for that one, and he considered it a small victory. “No. Something about a shortage of ambulances, apparently.”
God, he was going to destroy her so bad.
“Once you’ve cleared the airway and confirmed there are no obstructions—”
“Then you kiss!”
Some girls picked up the giggling again. Blossom, ever the professional, cleared her throat. “Mouth to mouth is a life-saving procedure and not something I’d recommend doing to someone you plan to kiss.”
Wow, great advice.
Some girls still giggled and whispered to each other. Brick had a sinking feeling that this was only going to end with his embarrassment: everyone knew that the cold judgment of pre-pubescent girls was the absolute worst type of judgment a person could suffer.
“Are you gonna show us?”
“Well, I don’t think I need to show you all how to breathe—”
“It’s in the manual! You have to demonstrate every step.” Aiyeesha waved the CPR manual, and Brick realized his misjudgment. She was no vapid goody two-shoes in the making, but a future Honors Student with a secret, a Work Hard Party Harder, an Ivy League Early Decision candidate with all of senior spring semester to slack off because no one was ever going to touch her 4.3 GPA.
Aiyeesha beamed a winning smile at Brick, and it was as chilling as Blossom’s.
Jesus Christ, there are two of them.
True to form, Blossom had never been able to defy a good instructions manual. “I suppose if it says so in the manual…”
Locking lips with Blossom was not a big deal. He’d done it before when they were kids, and he could appreciate the irony of a gesture meant to save his life this time rather than end it. She didn’t even try to mess with him by using her ice breath, just went through the motions as described in the instructions. The girls were disappointed with the lack of hormonal fanfare of it all, which was probably for the best. Leave it to Blossom to make mouth to mouth the sexless, medical act it was literally intended to be. He was almost upset, because it felt like she’d won something here, which could only mean he’d lost.
Disappointed but more educated than they’d been when they’d arrived two hours ago, the Girl Scouts dispersed after the lesson, leaving Blossom and Brick to put away the equipment they’d used.
She held a dummy torso, and she was looking at him with that pinched, constipated look she got when she was about to say something especially snobby. Instead, she surprised him. “Brick, thanks for being mature about it. I can honestly say you surprised me.”
He stared at her.
“I’ll talk to Mayor Bellum. I’m sure you’ve done enough to meet your hours quota.”
He had not fulfilled even half of his required community service hours and they both knew it.
“So yeah, thanks. I can finish up here if you want to leave.”
Was she trying to get rid of him? Why?
“Brick? Why are you looking at me like that?”
When Blossom was winning, he was losing. That was simply the way of the world. So, if she was losing, it could only mean he was winning.
“Are you listening to me?”
Brick smiled in what he hoped was a cool, sexy way if he imagined looking at anyone but Blossom. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying. I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Blossom stared. “I’m sorry?”
He would make her sorry.
“Yeah, you’re a great teacher. I could really feel your passion for demonstrating the lesson correctly. With your mouth.”
Her staring intensified. “Did you.”
“Oh, yeah.” He leaned his hip against the table like he’d seen in the movies. It worked for Daniel Craig in Casino Royale, and that guy had convinced Eva Green. Iconic. “I could really feel you trying to save me.”
Where was Aiyeesha with her phone to film this? There was so little he could do to rattle Blossom as they got older, and while the challenge delighted him, it was also exhausting being constantly a step behind her. Was this truly her demise? Had he won the Teenage Experience? Was this poetic justice for how she’d once killed him with a mere kiss, only to suffer the same fate in turn? He could have cackled. This was better than trolling the Girl Scouts of America reviews, although he might still do that because it was a genius idea and he had always indulged his own genius ideas when they came to him.
So infatuated was he with his own self-fellating digression that he was slow to react to Blossom sidling up to him. Her hand was still cold on his chin, and it sent a shiver down his spine. “Shall I save you again?”
Brick’s dignity drained with his blood, which was an unfortunate side-effect of being a teenaged boy that he would just have to suffer. But winning was about recognizing one’s weaknesses and working around them. He leaned into her personal space. “Please.”
He wasn’t sure who kissed who first, but it was happening and all he could think was I am better at this than you and I hate you and also Do that again. He tried holding her waist, and she fought back with her fingers in his hair. Not one to be deterred, Brick tried some tongue but pulled back when he tasted thirty degrees below zero. He immediately went back in because he could feel her superiority, her Got you, you horny idiot, but the joke was on her because he liked her cold, always had when it was hot as balls out and he’d make up any excuse to pick a fight with her just for the chance to cool off.
The Girl Scout troop leader walked in on them competitively making out in the classroom like it was an Olympic sport and put an end to things, leaving them at a frustrating draw for now. They said barely a word to each other when Brick glared at the troop leader so bad she flustered and didn’t even question them before running out of there with some excuse about getting the wrong room.
Later that evening, Brick caved and changed the Internet password back just so Butch would quit whining at him. He Googled kissing techniques and spent the next hour and a half watching YouTube videos and reading GQ articles about How to Please Her Like a Champion, because he was a champion and a winner and he was not going to lose to Blossom in this. Not a chance.
This had to be what they meant when they said kill with kindness.
“I’m going to end you,” he muttered to himself as he read about the top ten highest voted movie kissing scenes, which he would then stream and commit to memory in order to be fully armed and armored for the next time he encountered Blossom alone in a classroom. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe during their shared free period.
Truly, he had the most genius ideas.
If you enjoy my writing, check out more of my fics on AO3, link in my profile. I’m currently updating Trinity House and The Alchemy of Us. Thanks for reading!
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loudestcloud · 3 years
BNHA Character Theme Songs!
Pt4: Here we are lads! Final part because I do just keep forgetting to update this. Ive had this actually playlist done for literally 4 months so. Sorry lol but here we go. Villians & Vigilantes! reminder that this is spoiler free but I am up to date on the anime, and almost with the mangas
Edit: it's been a year now. Sorry about that 💀 I think I lost the motivation because a lot of my villian choices just make sense and I can't explain much about them because they are easy picks for me. Also please check out the other parts
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Explanations vvv
Stain: I was gonna pick Killer by The Hoosiers but I think this one is better. I can really see an AMV to this one and tbh it's a good song that no one reall talks about anymore. Also, blood quirk, blood song ect.
Overhaul: This man thought he was invincible, he thought he was incredibly and that no one would ever stop him. Now he's nothing 🥰 Also, people still make AMVs to this song and they slap every single time, I'd sell my soul for more audio inclusive AMVs. The presents of this song is very similar to that of Overhaul. It's very overbearing, powerful kinda iconic in a small way but at the end of the day, I mix this song up with so many others. The style, beat and vocals are just so similar to so many others like it.
ReDestro - This was chosen before I read the arc. I think it's still good. Keeping it spoiler free, while he may not be the most remembered for events he helped in, he should won't be forgotten in the Bnha history books.
All for one - A slow piano start, Soft high vocals, an ere vibe leading up to heavy metal! Add the lyrics and it's perfect for him. It feels like his into then the ground zero fight.
Shigaraki - " Everything you love turns to dust " and " You'd kill for answers but learn to live with questions " is very on brand. The vibe is also what's I see him as if that makes sense at all. It's kinda chaotic in a way. 🎵Don't get attached to live🎵
Kurogiri - This is a joke I like to make about something and I can't explain because this is a spoiler free zone. But that aside, Kurogiri gives me mother mother vibes, anyone else?
Dabi - okay I cave, I have to say it. Spoiler warning: I picked this before it was cannon and was fully just gonna say "we all know it's true by now, come on" like!! 🎵bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life🎵 Get it bitch! Headcanon this was his dance song? I think soooo!!!
Toga - 🎵the boy I loves got another girl🎵 💃🏻I just feel she would like this song choice💃🏻and vibe it a lot💃🏻 na but for real, Vibes, style, lyrics, voice? Very Toga
Twice - This was all I could come up with that wasn't wildly ablist towards him. I will be taking replacement request lol cos I think something better could be out there but for now, we have this. It feels like twice having a panic attack alone and then remembering that the LoV are his family now.
Spinner: Hahaha, gamer boy villian song. I just wanted to include him but both he and this song is very cool.
Compress - This was also added before the thing you may think. This song is here because I had a Yung Gravy obsession for about 2 months while also having a thing for Compress. I think it works but I'm bias.
La Brava - It's literally her quirk, it's kinda cheesy* and the lyrics are very VERY her.
Gentle Criminal - Old YouTuber boy! He's definitely getting rickrolled over and over, not understanding anything going on. I actually really like this song, 100% unironically and it's a romantic vibe. Gentle is loyal to La Barva too n that's most of what the sing is at its core.
Knuckleduster - He is a natural but at the start his vibes are low key ominous. He slaps tho and it's not a spoiler but I miss him.
*Koichi - It's a soft song, kind on the ears. Kochi was really out here living this song almost to a t, huh? Damm boy. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about him and this song is also very underplayed.
Pop⭐Step: * not as cheesy as this one, baby! Okay so this song is from a 2007 movie and in the fictional universe the song came out in the 80s. No one cares about this movie at all, even less people care about this song and I'm almost curtain my mother and I are the only ones who actually know the words anymore. That being said, Pop would 100% sing this once a show and shed think it's amazing. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about pop at all either.
No.6 - He really can't, can he? He's a strange little man.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "Only Lovers Left Alive"
"I have something special for you."
"I need a bullet. A very special bullet."
"Anything else weird or interesting you might need?"
"Please feel free to piss in the garden."
"There's only an hour before sunrise."
"Is that the really good stuff?"
"I've told you a thousand times, never call me that name in public."
"I can keep a secret. You should know that."
"You've been wearing that waistcoat for four centuries."
"So, are you saying that we're never gonna let the cat out of the bag? Can't we drop the odd hint here and there? It would cause such thrilling chaos."
"You scared the shit out of me!"
"You know, this whole set-up is a bit unnerving for me."
"I like to come to the source."
"I don't have any spare time."
"Is that you scrabbling about with all your wires and knobs, my old pack rat?"
"Any supply problems?"
"I just feel like all the sand's at the bottom of the hourglass or something."
"I seem to be writing a lot of funeral music."
"Oh, my darling, why don't you just come here and kiss me?"
"You used to love Tangier. You loved the music."
"It's just the travelling that's such a drag."
"You know, for a zombie, you're all right."
"You bought my car and everything."
"There were some rock 'n' roll kids here last night, ringing my doorbell."
"How do they know where you live?"
"No one fucking lives out here."
"I'm gonna spread some rumours, very cautiously, about where you might live and I'll just throw 'em way off track."
"Whatever you need to do, please do it. Just take care of it."
"Was he painfully good-looking?"
"Look, I know I don't have to say this to you, but please be cautious.
"I couldn't bear it if--I couldn't bear it if something happened to you."
"Mephitis mephitis."
"I love what you've done with the place."
"What about all your heroes?"
"I don't have heroes."
"What about your blessed scientists?"
"Pythagoras, slaughtered. Galileo, imprisoned. Copernicus, ridiculed. Poor old Newton pushed into secrecy and alchemy. Tesla, destroyed. His beautiful possibilities completely ignored. And they're still bitching about Darwin. Still. So much for the scientists."
"So this is your wilderness?"
"You're trying to distract me."
"Now, no more talking."
"You love telling me these things and I love to hear them."
"Frankly, he was a pompous arse."
"You're brutal."
"I'm a survivor, baby."
"Oh, what a lovely place!"
"It's so antiquated. I mean, what century is this?"
"Oh! What a hidden treasure, my darling."
"Did you make that?"
"Oh, this might need a recalibration."
"Just goes to show, we don't know shit about fungi. Even though life on this planet couldn't exist without them."
"Are we playing doctors?"
"Well, I suppose it could have been worse."
"Maybe you need to get a little more sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can have serious consequences."
"Fresh blood, baby."
"How can you have lived for so long and still not get it?"
"This self-obsession, it's a waste of living that could be spent on surviving things, appreciating nature, nurturing kindness and friendship, and dancing."
"You've been pretty lucky in love, though, if I may say so."
"Did you know that there's a diamond up there the size of a planet? It's a white dwarf. It's the compressed heart of a star. And it's not only a radiant diamond, but it also emits the music of a gigantic gong."
"A diamond? That emits the music of a gigantic gong?"
"Well, we are related by blood."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"You're still so beautiful."
"You do know it's very bad luck to cross a threshold without being invited."
"Can I get a download?"
"Are you alone?"
"No fucking way, not after last time."
"I'm really, really, really hungry. Do you maybe have something?"
"I just want to see where you keep it."
"We're gonna have so much fun together."
"It's always a bit weird with family."
"Don't worry. Go to sleep now."
"Darling, can't we sleep a little longer?"
"Isn't it time to get up?"
"Oh, this is from French television, 1975."
"Why did you turn it off? I love that! I found it on YouTube."
"It's probably blood poisoning."
"Are you taking care of your nutrition?"
"You have to be very careful. There's a lot of contamination around."
"My God, that is good! I want more."
"This is pure shit."
"You're gonna drain our whole fucking supply, so take it easy."
"I might have been born at night but I wasn't born last night."
"I wanna hear some music."
"You're so fucking boring!"
"That was like some martial-arts type shit, man."
"Are you gonna dance with me, rock star?"
"Don't draw attention to yourself."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just getting excited."
"I'm just really thirsty."
"I think it's time to retire."
"I need you all to myself again."
"What the fuck? That's my stuff!"
"Get the fuck out of my house."
"You know what you guys are? You're condescending snobs!"
"Go fuck each other!"
"So much for that confidentiality agreement."
"How beautifully made it is inside."
"Canis latrans. How lovely."
"That certainly was visual."
"Yes, I'm sorry, I know it's complicated."
"Is there another connection?"
"What about all my instruments?"
"Do you need something?"
"I have something very special for you."
"Not far to go now."
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You've gotta get up. Come on."
"I have what you need."
"This is a very, very bad situation."
"Look what the cat dragged in."
"This is the very last of the good stuff."
"Avoid the hospital here."
"I got some bad stuff."
"Humility gets you nowhere."
"Illiterate zombie philistine!"
"It was all so political."
"Anyway, I was supposed to be dead. And now at last I shall be."
"Give me all your money, baby."
"I'm gonna get you that present."
"And no funny business."
"Have the water wars started yet? Or is it still about the oil?"
"I'm barely still here."
"We're finished, aren't we?"
"So fucking 15th century."
"They are deliciously beautiful, though, aren't they?"
"What choice do we have, really?"
"How romantic of you."
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slvrtnge · 4 years
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» new hideout || DABI x fem! reader
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» welcome!
» writing type: fanfic (full writing)
» ship/ relationship: dabi x rem! reader
» warnings: none / fluff
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summary: After being chased out of their old hideout by heroes, the LOV goes on the hunt for a new base of operations, lucky for them DABI’s girlfriend is more than willing to share. It's a complete surprise for the LOV, discovering their resident emo is dating who seems to be the softest person on the planet- and also just so happens to be a popular streamer/ youtuber known for defending vigilantes and villains.
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Muttered curses escaped Shigaraki’s mouth as he, alongside the rest of the League, only just managed to slip into a maze of alleys and lose their annoyingly loud tail-- Endeavour.
Toga lay collapsed on her back, glaring empty threats at the sun that seemed to latch onto the group’s dark aesthetic and burn them. Beside her, propped against a wall, Twice wrapped bandages around a possibly unconscious-- or dead-looking Spinner.
Amongst the homeless, ragtag group of villains only two appeared unaffected by the situation: Compress, who had previously expressed a need to constantly look confident to play the role of a proper performer; and Dabi, who eerily wore a creepy smile as he glanced over the message on his phone before speedily typing up a response.
Shigaraki, having finally caught onto the unusual smile on his subordinate’s face, quickly spoke up,
“Oi asshole, finally gone batshit insane or got some good news for us?” - a snarl was prominent on his face, not finding nearly as much amusement as Dabi clearly was.
“Don't take a bite at the hand that feeds you, or in this case houses all of our pleb asses.”
It was a simple reply, the tone and vulgar word choice familiar to the group, yet the implications of his words left everyone wide-eyed, leaping up and staring at him with something akin to surprise and ‘genuine’ joy and happiness.
Finally looking up from his burnt and smashed phone, Dabi took a glance over his partners in crime before letting out a sigh, the explaining himself:
“My ‘close acquaintance’ lives nearby-- she’s willing to let us crash at her place as long as we don’t fuck it all up. It’s a big house, practically bordering on a mansion, one and it's got plenty of room and games to play; looking at you handjob.”
Looking down at his phone once more, he clicked the power button on the side and pocketed it, removing himself from where he was leaning on one of the alley walls and walking to the entrance- or exit- of the alley,
“Pick up the pace, it’s either this or the abandoned mental hospital four streets down, and I'd rather not spend the next month or so sleeping in a bathtub that’s most likely seen more deaths than even old handjob here has.”
Resigning to their fate, the rest of the League members composed themselves, before rushing after Dabi: Toga and Twice relentlessly teasing him for finally opening up, and about having a girlfriend of all things.
The League stood before a large gate guarding a picturesque, modern chateau that apparently belonged to their blue-fired emo-- yeah, no way that he didn’t just choose a random house with the residents away to try and impress the rest of them.
“Seriously, Dabi if you wanted us to start killing off the rich sooner you could’ve just said- no need to bring us here for a surprise murder! Personally, I think Dabi’s doing quite well for himself if he’s got a girlfriend this rich: let’s kill her off and steal her inheritance!”
Twice wasn’t doing much to calm everyone’s nerves, having been laying low in abandoned warehouses and crippling houses just short of collapsing, a place that stood directly in the middle of the chaos of the city and held its tall stature alongside the other snobby houses in the street around it was quite the change.
Dabi sneered once more before walking up to the slightly worn keypad at the side of the gate, glancing down at his phone and typing in the code. The rest slightly expected alarms to start blaring, for red and blue lights to start filling their vision as disgusting screeching from police cars pounded on their skulls, but instead: a mechanical clicking could be heard alongside the turning of gears as the gate in front of them pulled apart to let them pass,
“Don't stare all day, believe or not we’re still criminals on the run and the snotty bitches around here won’t hesitate to call the police on us.”
And with that, the League dragged themselves through the gates, mumbling about the distaste of this situation- Toga chasing after Spinner down the driveway, kicking up stones that crumpled under their feet, stirring up dust.
Around the front of the house sat a garden of moss- whether the choice was made for the environment or out of laziness left unclear. A few small fountains are artificial small waterfalls to spread moisture lay around, splattering the surrounding areas with water.
The patio was rather plain, a space to leave neglected packages and mail, alongside a bench and coffee table set that showed signs of weathering. The thing that stood out the most against the withering patio was the large, black, pristine door with a silver handle and two locks-- which just so happened to be left unlocked by a possibly forgetful owner.
The League’s fire user cut through the stunned silence by reaching a hand out to the door and pushing it open, yelling out to his girlfriend who was yet to be seen:
“[y/n], I brought the idiots as you wanted! Where are you?”
A muffled ‘here’ could be heard from across the house, Dabi walking further into the house to find the source, while the others followed like lost ducks.
The group of villains stumbled through a front room, past a dining table and marble kitchen before arriving in a decent-sized room. The dull lighting called attention to the bright flashing and movements on the monitor/ TV. Clicking and clunking made its way to their ears as the girl slumped over in a beanbag surrounded by plushies and teddies of differing sizes. Suddenly, the sound of a distant gunshot blew through the room, blasting from speakers to create a surround sound effect-- Spinner jumped slightly at the disruption while Shigaraki eyed the giant screen which now displayed a ‘game over’ message on it.
The girl seemed upset over the loss, yet quickly placed down her controller and spun around, grabbing a small remote and holding down to turn the lights back to their full brightness- temporarily blinding the members.
In front of them stood a girl with an average build, a cat plushy squished between one arm as she gently smiled at the League- no resemblance of fear, horror or disgust that they were usually greeted with.
“Hello, you’re the League of Villains, right? Please make yourselves at home, just try not to break anything!”
The welcoming grin across her face greatly contrasted the manic one on Dabi’s; full of evil satisfaction at his ‘teammates’ stupefied faces. Meanwhile, only one coherent thought ran through the shocked group’s brains:
‘How the fuck did this dickhead get a girlfriend as sweet as her?’
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if you encounter any problems regarding hyperlinks, spelling, grammar, people stealing my content, etc. and wish to bring it to my attention either message me or send an ‘ask’ to let me know!
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Hello villain izuku father anon here! Thank u for loving my idea. I mean you can still write the one shot without izuku, i actually just wanted the villains reaction to that. I'm sorry if i didn't describe that right! Still thank u for answering and loving my idea!♡ Again have a nice day/night!
(Its been sooooo long oh gosh! Was it the reader being AFO’s child and the others reacting to it? I think that was it. I’m gonna go about that, and sorry for the long wait!!!!)
~Y/N is AFO’s Child~ ~How the LOV reacts~
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-Shigaraki: He already knew. You two have met on more than one occasion but it wasn’t too much often. You’re not really distant with your dad, but you have a life to live so you never visited too much (especially since he was deep in villainy). The few times that you did visit him, you spent a little time with Tomura before he hit the age of 15 and became an angsty teenager locked in his room playing hours upon hours of Minecraft. You still see him as a little brother and he somewhat considers you a sibling as well.
-Kurogiri: Just like Tomura, he already knew as well. I mean, he spent a great deal of life employed under AFO and of course he meets you many times as well. You two spend a good amount of time together when you visit since you enjoy his company. He’s quiet but good at conversation and even better with listening. Sometimes you might feel bad for always venting to him when you’d visit your grandpa, but he was a good friend so it couldn’t be helped. And man does he know how to keep a secret too!
-Toga: “What??? That old man?!” She’s really surprised since you don’t really act much like him and you don’t really resemble him either. You reassure her that he’s your dad (whether by blood, or adoption depending on the reader). So then Toga grills you on the big boss because she’s curious to see what life was like with him. She won’t bring it up in front of him the next time she sees him either.
-Dabi: “You’re related to the big guy? Couldn’t tell at first since he looks like a wrinkly testicle and all.” Dabi teases as he sits at the bar, and you smack him playfully. “Hey, he can be pretty awful sometimes, but he’s still my dad. Watch it, bacon bits.” You threaten him with a smirk and he scoffs. Dabi doesn’t really care to be honest with you. To him, being related to AFO is a lot less worse that being related to his father as he would put it. 
-Spinner: He just kinda chokes on his food a little bit before looking at you with a wide mouth. You laugh at him and shake your head. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?” You shrug it off and keep playing video games. “Why didn’t anyone ask me?” Spinner just kinda sits there dumfounded while you tap away at the keyboard and swivel the mouse around as you game. It’s gonna take him some time to believe it.
-Magne: She wants you to tell her everything (much like Toga did) because she’s curious about things now. She’s a little annoyed since you never said anything but you figure it wasn’t a big deal. You do manage to find a little comfort and telling her about some of the kinder moments you shared with AFO. The moments when he’s not a wanted villain but a father instead. The moments when you two would try to watch a movie together, or when he plays chess with you while drinking tea. Sometimes he wires you money when needed, but you don’t like asking for his help so you don’t say it often. 
-Twice: He’s a little confused but he also doesn’t see how this affects your friendship at all so it’s okay. I mean it’s a cool random fact for him to have learned but beside that, it really has nothing much to do with him. The only issue would be if he were to ever end up dating you. THEN it might seem to come up as an issue, but for now things are relatively normal between you two.
-Muscular: “Okay? And?” On the outside he plays it off like it doesn’t matter but on the inside, he’s having a hard time trying to grasp whether or not you’re fucking with him. He’s got like one braincell and that bitch is on vacation right now. He doesn’t want to ask anyone for help so he’ll deadass steal your phone when you aren’t looking and scroll through it until he realizes you’re telling the truth. By then it’s too late because you catch him with your phone and that’s death penalty in your books. Let’s hope you didn’t inherit AFO’s quirk for muscular’s sake...
-Moonfish: “???” He is confused but rolls with it. You may notice him keeping a bit of a distance from now on since he relates you to basically being a bit of royalty. He knows to make sure not to rub you the wrong way or else his head could be on the chopping block. Lucky for him, you really wouldn’t ever call your father for help like that because you could handle it yourself...and also because you’d never hear the end of his lecturing you
-Mustard: Tries to get on your good side even if you aren’t affiliated much with the LOV. He does it in the hopes of rising within the league/vanguard action squad ranks. You simply roll your eyes at this and continue on with everyday life. You don’t have the time to explain to him that befriending you wouldn’t benefit a single thing since you don’t get mixed up with your dad’s little villainy group. Still, you watch him exhaust himself trying because it’s funny lol
-Compress: He has to admit it surprised him a little bit since he had never even heard of it...and he knew a LOT about All for one! Then he figures out that you weren’t talked about or even mentioned as a way to protect your safety. IT all makes a lot more sense that way of course. Aside from all of this, he never wavers with the amount of respect he offers you. It doesn’t change and you’re thankful he treats you the same as usual instead of changing himself around you after the news. Sometimes you wonder if he really should’ve been a villain in the first place. 
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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boycritter · 3 years
funky stuff me and my friend said :D
“it may be the basic human decency but i think she’s a communist”
“listen if we can breathe while literally compressing our lungs you should be able to breathe with cloth over your face”
“just to clarify i am not shipping my science teacher with a random british minecraft youtuber”
“if you had to be locked in a room with three grown men who you felt safe with, who would they be?” “philza minecraft, spongebob, and shrek”
“bitches be like damn shawty then are 5′2″. you’re bitches”
“lets listen to nonbinary icon jazmin bean”
“what are they feeding these minecraft youtubers to make them so tall”
“me before ranboo: well i guess i just have a shit memory. me after ranboo: im just like ranboo”
“not to be angsty on main but...”
“im a ghostbur kinnie”
“now im going to give you a rant about queer rep in the winter soldier”
“i show up to the strip club roller blades on, clothes off”
“ayup, swag alert”
“i tried to make a mosteo but i gave up”
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raracool04 · 3 years
Oh man, we have a lot to catch up on, don't we?
November/December Update
I wouldn't blame you if you forgot I streamed. It has really been a while. However, I have never stopped thinking about streaming. A lot has happened since I was able to stream regularly, not even in my life, but in the streaming world. Twitch's blunders making a lot of people consider or even straight up switch to YouTube and StreamLabs' fall from grace to name the two most notable events. I'll be addressing both here.
Where the hell have you been loca??
Literally just school. Lmao idk how to elaborate further. I just finished a couple of exams so I should definitely have free time, and I would start now, but given recent events I am in the middle of some technical changes behind the scenes.
What's planned?
Absolutely nothing is set in stone yet, but I have Winter holidays coming up which will grant me a lot more free time, so I'm definitely taking advantage of that, I have a few ideas for a marathon 👀. Also, my birthday is also in December so I am absolutely gonna do something for that, stay tuned!
Well... where are you gonna stream?
This is gonna be controversial, but I'm gonna stick with Twitch. A lot of this is down to me just despising how I can't close the app without Premium, which is something I do with Twitch all the time. Not only that, but raids are one of the coolest features of Twitch (not hate raids though of course, fuck hate raids), and on YouTube, I don't ever watch a specific streamer consistently enough to want to raid them (oh sorry, Live Redirect them). These two opinions are entirely subjective, I know, but I have yet to warm up to the idea. If more of the streamers I watch move to YouTube, I'll reconsider, but for now, I'm staying put. If its an issue, I can look into multistreaming, but that is a short term solution until I am absolute in my decision.
About you using SLOBS...
Gone. Uninstalled. Fuck StreamLabs. I installed it initially because Touch Portal was being a bitch when I was messing with network settings, and I didn't wanna pay for the Stream Deck app, and I just got sucked into the ecosystem. I am going back to my roots of OBS and StreamElements, and this time I'm a LOT more prepared. I realised that it might actually be viable to start using the designs I promised last update! With SLOBS, since overlays are on-device, I had to choose between 90% CPU utilisation or massive files too big for my HDD to read real time. I'll have to compress them a small bit (and I'm talking 1 or 2MB here) but it's looking a lot more realistic now.
I'm still in the moving stages right now. I just simply haven't had the time I want to dedicate to making the transition as thorough as possible, and it's a big proponent as to why I'm not streaming right now.
This went on longer than I expect it, but I think it's necessary. I'm not quitting streaming yet and I'm excited to bring more to you guys!
- Rara
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sylvieons · 3 years
why do youtubers always ask for a “like” before the video even starts? bitch. i will compress the like button ONLY if i am completely and utterly blown away. which means i do it like twice a year.  try harder. be better.
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