kpopnstuff1 · 5 years
Without Love
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 . . . Synopsis: Loving your best friend Yoongi had become second nature, but how long is too long? When a new love interest crosses your path it sends your life into a frenzy. Now the people that hurt you the most must come to your rescue.
Feel free to send request and or feedback :) 
“Y/N wake up honey! You’re going to be late for school.” You we’re regretting staying up so late. It wasn’t like you wanted to. You had to. Your best friend Hoseok had a crisis and you had to be on the phone all last night. Well all this morning too. You had only gotten 2 hours of sleep. “5 more minutes mom.” “Yoongi is downstairs!” That’s all that it took to get you out of bed. You hurried out of bed to get dressed. Thank god you wore uniforms to school so you didn’t have to worry about picking out clothes. You brushed your hair and then your teeth. You ran downstairs almost knocking Yoongi over. “Sorry for keeping you waiting.” “It’s fine bunny, I’m used to it by now. But we should run, there’s no time for breakfast.” You nodded and followed him out. “Are you nervous?” You asked as you smoothed out your skirt. “A little, high school is different you know. And now we are going to attend school  with different people.” “I know but at least the 5 of us got into the same schools.”You said with a smile.  “Look please behave today. It’s a new school so the teachers won’t know that you were a trouble maker.” “Ahhhh Yoongi you have no faith in me! I’m more mature. I’ll behave.” He smiled “I like your new hairstyle.” “Oh , you noticed! I decided to straighten it. I don’t want to walk around with a crazy birds nest on my head like in middle school.” “I think your hair looked fine before. But this suits your face a bit more.” You blushed. You knew he meant nothing more by the comment but in the end of the day he was your crush. He had always been your crush. Ever since he moved into the neighborhood as a young boy.
“Hey guys wait up!!!!” Hoseok screamed. he ran as Yoongi and you kept walking. Seokjin and Namjoon running right behind him. “Yah what’s the  hurry!?” “Seokjin We’re going to be late for school if we don’t hurry.” He rolled his eyes at you. “You guys do know we are early right? We get in at 8.” Namjoon said as he looked at his watch. “It’s only 7:08 and we only have 3 blocks to go.” “Yoongi!!! You said we were late!” “Look Y/N I just wanted you to be on time for the first day.”  You gave him a small shove. “Well now that we’re here let’s go get some coffee before school!” Namjoon said as he grabbed your hand. “No, she has to be early to school.” “Hyung, we’re early. Let’s go!” Namjoon whined. “Please oppa!!!” “Hyung you know you want to too.” Hoseok said as he poked Yoongi. “Fine.”Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes.  “It’s my treat!” Seokjin said as he ran in front of everyone.
The bell rang just as you sat in your seat. “Welcome students my name is Lee jae byun but you can all call me profesor Lee. This is a specialized school in the arts so please don’t waste your time or mine. You are paying a hefty price so don’t waste your opportunity to be here.” Just then the door opened. “Ah and here is my first example. “I’m here. Sorry.” Every single person looked at this young man, even the guys. He was lean and had pale blonde hair. He was a bit short for a guy but taller than you. “And who are?” The professor asked annoyed. “My name is Park Jimin.” He Bowed. “Well Mr. Park, you have already made a bad impression and it is only the first day.” “I’m sorry, I got a bit lost. I just moved into the neighborhood. “No excuses. Now please find an open seat. “See Y/N this is why Yoongi doesn’t want you to be bad here. They will eat you alive.” You gulped. “I know Hoseok. I’ll be good.” “Now class lets begin.” Your eyes followed Jimin to his seat. He sat right next to Hoseok. You tried looking over Hoseok’s shoulder but he waved his hand in your face. “Close your mouth Y/N you’re drooling.”
“Woah! That was hard! I don’t get why we have to study the history of dance. It’s supposed to be dance. Not history.” You rolled your eyes. “Hoseok everything is hard for you.”
The first half of school went well. You loved being in high school and actually studying things you loved. “I’m so hungry! Y/N, come to the school store. I have to get extra snacks. My mom only packed noodles for me.” Seokjin said as he rubbed his stomach. “Seokjin oppa can you buy me Snacks too?” He nodded and you followed contently. “How was the first half of today?” Seokjin asked. “It was good, easy.” “I’m glad, you look happy.” “I forgot to tell you oppa! There is this guy I my dance class and he is just so handsome. Even the guys in class stared at him.” “Look at you Y/N, you’re growing up! Just last year you were saying guys had cooties.” He laughed. “Not true! You left middle school a year ago. You don’t know anything you old man!” “Yah! I’m only a year older than you!” You finally reached the front and ordered your things you were struggling to find the boys but Seokins height helped him find them faster. When you approached the table you noticed a stranger sitting next to Hoseok. “Over here!” “Guys this is Jeon Jungkook.” “Hello.” He said shyly. “Woah! You look so young. What are you doing here?!” You elbowed Seokjin. “Ouch, what was that for?” “You shouldn’t say stuff like that when you don’t know someone. And why did you drop the honorifics?” “It’s okay, I am younger than you guys. An what’s your name if you don’t mind me asking.” “Oh I’m Soo Y/N . Nice to meet you. Where are Namjoon and Yoongi?” You asked as you sat down. “They are still in line for the school lunch. Hoseok said as he stuffed his face. “So What year are you?” “I am 97.” “And you’re here!” Seokjin practically screamed. “Well my friends and I were the only guys that advanced a bit early. We placed first in our school.” “All of you?” Hoseok asked. “Yea, the three of us tied for 1st . Oh! There they are.” You all looked over to see who they were. You almost choked on your water when you saw them. The were with Yoongi and Namjoon. “Hey guys, look this is Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung.” “Hello, nice to meet you.” They said in unison. “Jungkook, you’re here!” “Yeah, I was going to text you now to meet up here. But what a small world.” “Well let’s eat, Namjoon said as he sat down. Yoongi sat next to you tapping your shoulder. “Bunny your eyes are going to pop out of your eye sockets.” He said in a monotone voice. “No they won’t.” You cleared your throat. “So how did you meet Yoongi and Namjoon?” You asked Taehyung. “We have production class with them.” You smiles and nodded. “Oh and you two are in my dance class right?” Jimin asked as he pointed to you and Hoseok. “Yeah, we are.” Hoseok answered. “I have that class too just in a different hour.” Jungkook chimed in.
Lunch was a bit awkward for you. You tried to not be too obvious about checking out Jimin. But Yoongi kept staring At you.
The walk home was long. You had been stuck in your own head thinking about Jimin and how cute and shy he was. When the boys started making fun of you. “Oohhh Y/N and Jimin sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Namjoon and Seokjin were screaming out. While Hoseok danced around you. “Stop, not true.” You said in a small voice. “Stop! Leave bunny alone. She doesn’t like him.” Yoongi scoffed “Hyung! You didn’t see her drool over him!? I think you chose not to see. I think someone is Jealous.” Namjoon said as he stuck his tongue out at Yoongi. “Come on bunny, leave these immature losers.” “Hey Yoongi weren’t we going to the basketball court?” Seokjin yelled behind you. “Don’t listen to them bunny. They are just immature...plus it’s not like you really were checking him out...right?” You shook your head. “Of course not oppa.” You knew you had been checking him out but your love for Yoongi was stronger then some physical attraction towards some guy.
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kpxptexts · 6 years
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Friends To Lovers (yugyeom) Part 2💌
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sjjms · 7 years
pretending | part 4
pairing: yugyeomxreader length: 2.6k words genre: fluff/angst summary: how hard could it be to hide that you’re in a relationship?
preview part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 final
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Your fingers threaded through the water like it was silk, but then they would be covered in bubbles when you would release your hand into the air. A cold sensation hit your hand each time you did that, you never got used to it even if it was your 100th time. “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are right now.” A voice appeared in the bathroom, you knew already it was Yugyeom. None of your staff ever visited you at this time of night.
“I missed you.” You let out a sigh of relief as he came into view, a smile was already present on his lips. He bent down to kiss on you the lips and then sat crossed leg beside the bathtub. “You said you wouldn’t be coming tonight.”
“Our concert finished and I expected to be tired but I’m not. So here I am. How are you? Feeling better?” You let out a smile and nodded your head, you finally felt normal again. It had taken the rest of Yugyeom’s tour and the filming for the drama but you felt like yourself again. You reached out to grab his hand, slightly touching his ring with your wet fingers.
“Do you remember when we trapped in an elevator?”
“You were so against the idea of us getting together,” Yugyeom smirked, he was lying. It was the other way around, you weren’t worried about getting into a relationship. It was just the risk of being caught and the consequence that would come along with it.
“We were desperate then… to not feel like we were lonely inside.” Your eyes flickered to Yugyeom as he momentarily reflected upon that thought. Leading a life in the public eye being watched with every movement, schedules being full of something constantly or doing nothing for months on end. At the end of the day, there was no one there…
“You know what my favourite moment of you is?” You smile a little trying to remember something that highlighted itself. “Well, there’s two.” He’s allowed to have as many favourite moments as he wants. He could have over a hundred and you would sit here and listen to all of them.
“When I dance with you?” What else was there? “When you catch me drinking wine from the bottle?”
He chuckled at the last suggestion but still shook his head at both, “One, when you held my hand in the elevator a few months ago because it made me feel safe. Two, when I walked in on you casually watching tv with Aera and Daeho, for a few moments it felt like we were normal and we didn’t have this lifestyle.” You remembered that moment, Yugyeom had walked in on the three of you watching your drama. He had no clue what was going on because he had come during the middle, he sat there like a lost puppy for the remainder of it.
“The mundane moments.” You whisper.
“Let’s go out,” Yugyeom mutters all of a sudden, his chin resting against the bathtub.
“Where?” Where could he take you without getting caught? Maybe just staying in the car would work, you felt like going on a car-ride to somewhere. He could drive you to Busan or some other place, just to get away from Seoul.
“I’ll take you somewhere you can see all of Seoul.” Another rooftop? Who’s building would you be going to this time?
“Okay. I need to get dressed. You’re lucky I don’t need to dry my hair.” You mutter as it was being held up in the bun, you would probably end up washing it tomorrow morning.
“I try to be lucky,” Yugyeom smirks at you.
“We need to make another song together.” You say during the car ride, Yugyeom held your hand in one and the other placed on the steering wheel. He doesn’t turn his face to look at you as he’s concentrating on driving, but you could see the smile on his face.
“Okay. For your next album? Or just for us?”
“Both. We could have a song that only the two of us knew the meaning too.” You whisper already coming up with the lyrics in your head.
“I like that. Is someone following us or is that just me?” Yugyeom mutters, his eyes glancing to his mirror. The car had been following the two of you for at least 10 minutes now, he didn’t like the idea of being caught in an accident.
“Make 4 right turns, it makes a circle.” You didn’t even recognise the car so it must have been Yugyeom, he was becoming warier as the days grew closer to the day he finally didn’t have a dating ban. It was understandable that he didn’t want to be caught, you were only two weeks away from being free but a lot could happen in two weeks. “What would we do if they are following us though, we can’t do anything otherwise we are caught. Let’s just drive we are bound to lose them.”
“I hope you don’t have a schedule then,” Yugyeom mutters.
“I don’t think so.” Tomorrow was your day off, hopefully… where was he going to drive? To Busan? He was insane if he did, it took around 6 hours to drive there he would lose the car about 10 times in that amount of time. “Yugyeom don’t do anything stupid, please.” He didn’t reply as his eyes were glued to the road, his jaw tightened as if he was angry at the people behind you, you wouldn’t even know. It worried you even more. At this rate, you would end up in a car accident. “Baby! Promise me!”
“Why should I promise something? I love you but we shouldn’t have to lose our careers for this.” Yugyeom’s foot pressed down on the pedal, you didn’t like the sound of this. You never liked it when Yugyeom got riled up like this.
“You should bring this up with the company then.” You mutter, it wouldn’t make much difference if he did though. It was pretty much you can date but don’t get caught, as well as it shouldn’t affect how well you perform. Your relationship with Yugyeom never did, you were endlessly supporting each other. If Yugyeom had to entirely focus on a comeback or a concert and spend less time with you, you were fine with that. He always did the same for you when you were filming a drama. But when you reunited it was the most satisfying thing ever, it built up your relationship.
“I already did. They all know about us.” All? Including…
“Pull over the car!” That was the one promise he had made to you, to let no one find out. He who promises is he who breaks it as they say. You no longer cared if the reporters were following you since everyone in the company knew maybe the whole world should know now too. If you were working on Yugyeom’s logic now.
“Why? What did I do wrong?” He didn’t know!?
“Pull over.” His eyes glanced to the mirror seeing the car following them disappeared, they probably figured out Yugyeom knew they were following the car.
“Baby, talk to me,” Yugyeom mutters. The car turns to stop at the side of the road, should you just get out? You hadn’t decided whether to sit through this argument. Which would be the best option?
“You told them… I thought this was just meant to be between a few.” The only few that were important.
“You really expected us to get through the dating ban without the higher ups knowing?” Yugyeom scoffed a little… but then he saw your face. “You did..?” You weren’t even sure anymore. You silently sat there hoping something would come to you, something appropriate, but nothing came. You put your hand on the handle deciding to get out of the car and go somewhere over than here. Tears forming in your eyes was never a good sign… “Y/N. Where are you going?” His hand grabbed onto your wrist, trying to stop you from going. Nothing was going to stop you. Not this time. “Baby…” The door closed behind you.
Your eyes spotted a taxi immediately, waving for the driver’s attention. You stood there, hoping Yugyeom wouldn’t come out and get you. Which is usually what the guy should do, but you needed to go to the company and seek the truth. “JYP Entertainment, please.” You say getting into the back seat of the car. As the taxi slowly passed the car, you weren’t able to see in due to the tinted windows but you knew he would be beating himself up about it. You wiped away the moisture with your sleeve, why were you getting so emotional about this? Yugyeom was the one at fault…
You wondered whether to storm into Daeho’s office demanding answers or to just do it calmly. Either way, you wanted to know the truth. The drive went by quickly one minute you were beside the car wanting to distance yourself from Yugyeom the next you were in front of the company building. Would he even be in his office? You bowed to the few staff that you passed on the way, the workers’ area was empty but his office light was on. His eyes darted to the door as soon as you came in, it was as if he was expecting someone maybe not even you to show up.
“Give me your phone. For the next two weeks, you are no longer allowed to contact Yugyeom.” Daeho took the phone from your hands, you couldn’t even put up an argument. If you did answer any of Yugyeom’s calls, you wouldn’t even know how to respond.
“Is the same thing happening to Yugyeom?” You ask moving slightly to sit in a chair in front of his desk, it looked like you were going to be here for a while.
“When he comes in tomorrow. Don’t you want to know what this is about?” You already did. But it wouldn’t hurt to confirm your suspicions. Daeho turned around his computer screen, the pictures showing you and Yugyeom walking to the car smiling. Your relationship was no longer like that now…
“They aren’t going to release anything on the grounds of being able to cover the next drama you are in and being the first to release the confirmation of your relationship.”
“This isn’t the way to do this.” You whisper. They might as well release the images, you no longer cared whether you would get caught. It’s been going on for long enough just put an end to it.
“The company is willing to protect you. It wasn’t likely to happen if the higher-ups didn’t know.” So they knew… he really did tell them then.
“When did they find out?”
“They had their suspicions at the award ceremony. Afterward, Yugyeom came clean. They didn’t like the fact it had been kept from them for two years. However, it was made up for when they realised how much the two of you cared and supported each other. You didn’t let your relationship ever get in the way of your schedules. They just don’t want your relationship news to leak early.”
“Well fans will still blame us for breaking the rules, how do they plan to get out of that?” They could easily get out of it since it legally wasn’t written in the contract, it was just a mutual agreement. The group had been going strong for three years already before you had started dating Yugyeom, that did say a lot.
“They’re going to release a statement, declaring that the dating ban has been lowered to 3 years. In other words, the group has been allowed to date for at least 2 years now without getting into trouble.” That just made you sigh, you felt like you had wasted two years sneaking around. But privacy was key in trying to maintain a relationship. Who else were they trying to cover for? It couldn’t just be you and Yugyeom, your relationship wasn’t important enough for the people higher up to intervene.
“I wonder if the company is not just covering our relationship.”
“There are others.” But he wasn’t allowed to tell me. It was probably the other members, Yugyeom hinted at it.
“Did something happen? Your phone has been going off every chance it gets.” You hadn’t even noticed the phone in his hand, there was probably going to 500 missed calls and messages by the time two weeks was up.
“I was annoyed at him for telling everyone. I feel like the worst person in the world right now.” You mutter, running your fingers through your hair. He wouldn’t even be angry, he would just be annoyed at himself for breaking a promise. You had already forgiven him in your head, you just couldn’t tell him that face to face.
“I would let you go back but you put the relationship at risk and two you’re needed for reshoots.” What? Reshoots? The drama was finished weeks ago, what could have possibly gone wrong now? The production had to be stalled in the middle not just because of you but you found out the male lead was also sick at the time. Coincidence or not? “They apparently messed up the product placement, don’t even ask me how because I don’t run in that business.” You smile a little at him, always reminding you of his place. There were limits to the magic Daeho could do for you. He couldn’t sing songs for you or film your dramas. “The script reading for your next drama has been scheduled for Friday.”
“How many dramas am I going to be appearing in this year?” You felt like you’d done five already even if it was only your first, it had taken that much energy out of you.
“The next one is the last one unless you want to do another one.” You could make it through another one then rest for a couple of weeks before deciding whether to take on a movie or focus on music.
Day four into this relationship separation, you had no idea how Yugyeom was. You had no idea if he was sleeping or eating. If he was separated from you, he would spend all of his time in the dance studio which made you all the more anxious. You’d seen him functioning on 2 hours to no sleep or food before. During the script reading you felt a little relief seeing Jaebum opposite you, hopefully, you could ask him if Yugyeom was okay or even alive at this point. Jaebum noticeably kept glancing down to his phone throughout the script reading. Had something happened? Your eyes would then look over to Daeho, who was doing the same thing.
“Thank you for coming today, I can already see that this drama will become a great success. We look forward to the filming starting in a few weeks.” The director announced at the end followed by everyone packing away their things. Jaebum could finally answer his phone while Daeho came up to you ushering you out of the room already.
“Why were you looking at my phone? Did something interesting happen?” You needed an answer, you still had a week before you could have your phone back and see Yugyeom.
“An unknown number keeps calling.” Oh, was that all? It was probably just a spam phone call then. The two of you entered the elevator, you were going at a much slower pace than the other actors and staff which was why you had the elevator to yourself.
“Y/N! Hold the elevator.” Jaebum came running in with the phone still glued to his ear. His eyes were looking at yours carefully, why? Were you about to receive some bad news?
“Yugyeom has been involved in a car accident.”
There it was.
The bad news.
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kateispenguin11 · 7 years
Chips? - Kim Yugyeom
Prompt: Your day was quiet until Bambam convinced you to go over to the dorms.  :) I suck at writing prompts when they’re not requested :)
Word Count: 415
Pairing: Kim YugyeomxReader
:) Fluffy :) This is kinda short but oh well :)
My day started out pretty quiet. I haven’t moved far from my couch and if I had it was for food and the bathroom. Sometime in the afternoon, I received a text from one of my best friends, Bambam. It read, “Yugyeom’s grossing me out by talking about you. Send help ASAP!” That’s enough to get me off this damn couch. I got of the couch and took a shower. I put on my clothes and almost forgot my phone. I raced back to get it and told Bambam I was on my way. When I got there, I knocked on the door. Bambam answered it, “I knew that would get you to come over.” “Were you lying to me Bam?” I asked, hoping like hell that he wasn’t. He shook his head no and let me in. Yugyeom peered around the corner and nearly fell when he saw me. I looked at him in shock, completely forgetting the reason why I came over. A few seconds later it hit me. Bambam wasn’t lying when he told me Yugyeom was talking about me, probably in ‘that’ way. Y’know. ‘That’ way. Bambam said it was grossing him out. “Bambam, come here,” Yugyeom spoke through gritted teeth. I could here parts of what they were saying after Yugyeom pulled Bambam around the corner. Honestly, if I hadn’t interrupted them, Bambam would have been killed. “It’s okay, Gyeomie,” I spoke out a little timidly, afraid that he might lash out on Bambam even more. “I decided to come over. He didn’t make me,” I wasn’t sure that that was what he wanted to hear but I tried it anyway. ”Really?” Yugyeom looked shocked at my words. I nodded my head and moved a little closer to him. Bambam backed up. When I was right in front of him, Yugyeom placed his lips on mine in a very passionate kiss. Sparks flew like crazy. It was the most wonderful moment of my life. When we pulled away, we realized the rest of Got7 was back at the dorms and watching us. “Chips?” Jackson smiled,extending his arm that he had the chip bag placed firmly in his hand. I chuckled, grabbing Yugyeom’s hand and pulling him into his shared room, “We need to talk.” He smiled realizing what I meant. I shot him a wink before he whispered, “You’re really not going to take that chip offer?” I smiled and shook my head before placing my lips back on his. <3
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k-fiction-therapy · 6 years
Naked Brunch [Daehyun/Jongup/Female Reader] (19+)
Modern Art [GDTOP] (PG-13)
You Wanna Try Me? [TaeKook] (18+)
You Should Be Nicer To Yourself [YoonSeok] (PG)
Just Another Face In The Crowd [Jungkook/Female Reader] (PG-13)
Clandestine In The Moonlight [Taehyung] (19+)
Cure For Lethargy [SeSoo] (PG-13)
Laundry Day [Mini] [Minseok/Sehun/Baekhyun] (PG)
Take Me, The Both Of You [Youngjae/Jackson/Female Reader] (18+)
I Miss You Too [Youngjae (& Jaebum [Mentioned])] (18+)
Truth or Dare [Jackson/Male Reader] (18+)
You’re Mine [Jaebum/Female Reader] (18+)
After The Fansign [MarkSon] (18+)
You’re Too Nice [Jackson/Reader] (18+)
In The Storage Closet [Kiho] (18+)
You Are My Sun [WonHyuk] (PG-13)
“Hey Honey, You Got Something For Me?” [JooKyun] (19+)
Time To Hit The Showers [Shownu/Female Reader] (18+)
The Skype Call [HyungWonho] (18+)
Shower Time~ [Shownu/Reader] (18+)
Yes, Senpai [Kihyun/Female Reader] (19+)
I’m Not Usually Like This [Minhyuk/Reader] (18+)
I Think I Can Take You [Shownu/Reader] (19+)
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty~ [JooKyun] (19+)
Shy Taste~ [Shownu/Female Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 1 - Shownu) [Shownu/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 2 - Wonho) [Wonho/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 3 - Minhyuk) [Minhyuk/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 4 - Kihyun) [Kihyun/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 5 - Hyungwon) [Hyungwon/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 6 - Jooheon) [Jooheon/Reader] (18+)
Into The Night (Version 7 - Changkyun) [Changkyun/Reader] (18+)
At Least Hold My Hand [Lucas/Ten] (19+)
The Ritual (19+)
Neon City (Part I) [JaeYong]
Studio Session [SoonHoon] (19+)
I Love You, Noona [DK/Female Reader] (18+)
Good Samaritan, Voyeur [SoonHoon] (18+)
All You Had To Do Was Ask [DK/Reader] (18+)
Dizzying Attraction, MOVE [Taemin/Reader] (18+)
Bound [Taemin/Male Reader] (19+)
Leader’s Girl [Onew/Female Reader] (PG-13)
There’s Something About Your Body, Body, Body [Taemin/Female Reader] (18+)
After Practice [Taemin/Reader] (18+)
Beautiful Liar [WonTaek, LR] (18+)
Let Me Hear Your Voice [Leo/Reader] (PG-13)
Press It, Say Hello [TaeKai] (19+)
I Knew The Moment I Met You [TaeKai] (19+)
Welcome Home [₩uNo/Reader] (18+)
Distant Boy [Lee Jongsuk/Reader] (NC-17)
DongJun Ship Mini Plot
MoonbinXWOC Reader Mini Plot
Song Mingi & Reader Greek Mythology AU Mini Plot
HongjoongXJongho Mini-Fic Plot
YonggukXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
HimchanXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
DaehyunXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
YoungjaeXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
JongupXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
ZeloXMale!Reader Mini: Awkward Boner
Meanwhile Backstage [DaeUp]
Sauce~ [NamJin] 
Compassion~ [Jimin]
Back In The Hotel Room [Jimin]
Handsome~ [JiKook]
Delicious~ [Taehyung/Female Reader]
TaeKook Mini Plot
NamjoonXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
SeokjinXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
YoongiXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
HoseokXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
JiminXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
TaehyungXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
JungkookXReader Mini: Thigh Riding
Morning Rhythm [Jimin] 
JiminX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
JungkookX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
JinX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
TaehyungX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
RMX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
J-HopeX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
SugaX[Older]Female!Reader Mini: Noona Kink
SungjinXReader Mini: Tied Up & Waiting
JaeXReader Mini: Tied Up & Waiting
YoungKXReader Mini: Tied Up & Waiting
WonpilXReader Mini: Tied Up & Waiting
DowoonXReader Mini: Tied Up & Waiting
Being Tall Suits You- [YugBam]
JaebumXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
JinyoungXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
MarkXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
JacksonXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
YoungjaeXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
BambamXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
YugyeomXReader Mini: Cumming Inside
WonhoXReader Mini Plot
Good Morning, Hyunwoo [ShowKi]
Pretty Boys Shouldn’t Cry [HyungWonho]
Over The Edge [Shownu/Reader]
You’re My Ideal Type [Wonho/Female Reader]
ShownuXReader Mini: Grinding
KihyunXReader Mini: Grinding
MinhyukXReader Mini: Grinding
HyungwonXReader Mini: Grinding
WonhoXReader Mini: Grinding
JooheonXReader Mini: Grinding
ChangkyunXReader Mini: Grinding
ShownuXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
KihyunXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
MinhyukXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
HyungwonXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
WonhoXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
JooheonXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
ChangkyunXReader Mini: Finger Sucking
ShownuXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
KihyunXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
MinhyukXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
HyungwonXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
WonhoXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
JooheonXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
ChangkyunXReader Mini: Loud In Bed
YuWin Ship Mini Plot
LucasXTaeil HighSchool!AU Mini Plot
JaehyunXDoyoung Greek Mythology AU Full Plot
JohnnyXJaehyun Mini Plot
~Oral Fixation~ [Jungwoo/Johnny/Jaehyun]
JaehyunXTaeyong Plot
Enjoyable [OnTae]
What A Beautiful View [OnHo]
TaeKey Omegaverse AU Plot
OnewXReader Mini: Being Unable To Walk After Sex
KibumXReader Mini: Being Unable To Walk After Sex
MinhoXReader Mini: Being Unable To Walk After Sex
TaeminXReader Mini: Being Unable To Walk After Sex
Stray Kids:
Changlix Fantasy AU Plot
LR Fantasy AU Rough Plot
1 Idol/1 object/1 word:
Jungwoo/Bath Robe/“Firey”
Ziu/Bathing Suit/“Sparkle”
TOP/Leather Gloves/“Listen”
Rainy day:
Wonho [Monsta X]
Daehyun [B.A.P] 
Youngjae [B.A.P]
I.M [Monsta X]
Kihyun [Monsta X]
Donghan [JBJ]
Jinho [Pentagon]
A-Z Smut Alphabet:
Wonho [Monsta X]
Jungkook [BTS]
Namjoon [BTS]
Mingi hands free masturbating Moodboard
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Jongup
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Himchan
Skydive, Freefall - DaeUp Moodboard
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Daehyun
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Zelo
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Youngjae
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Yongguk
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Reader
Skydive, Freefall Character Moodboard: Hakyeon
Daehyun - Gangster/Daddy
GDTOP - Our Love Is Art
Jimin - “Morning Rhythm”
Dowoon - Sub/Kisses
YoungK - Sub/Fox
Kenta - “So Pretty In Pink”
Wonho - “Rope Bunny”
Changkyun - Neko~
Changkyun - Subby
Jooheon - Daddy
Doyoung as Asclepius Moodboard
Jaehyun as Caduceus Moodboard
Jaehyun - “Rich Boy”
Taeyong - “Soft Pride”
Yuta - “Senpai”
Johnny - “Long Distance”
Jungwoo - “Shark”
Yuta - “90′s Heartthrob”
Yuta - Kyoto
Yuta - Samurai
Taemin - “Purple Neon”
Taemin - “Bondage”
Taemin - Blue Night 
Taemin - Blood Orange 
Taemin - Purple
Mino - “Red Neon”
Water Nymph Leo Moodboard
Centaur Ravi Moodboard
Zion.T - 70′s
Let Me Hear Your Voice [Vampire!Leo/Reader]
Skydive, Freefall Fanfiction Trailer
Skydive, Freefall DaeUp Teaser 
The Devil On Two Sticks Teaser [Pseudo Prequel to “The Ritual”]
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gemini-writes-kpop · 6 years
For @jung-snowseok
Pairing: YugyeomxReader
Contains fluff.
298 words.
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“Yugs,” you groaned, unable to move from under his heavy arm. He was dead to the world when he slept. He happily snored away as you struggled to roll over. “Yugs!” You raised your voice when you were finally flipped on your back. He was on his stomach, one arm over you, the other hanging off the bed, one leg hitched up almost on top of you, the other leaving his foot dangling off the end of the bed. When you bought the bed, he fit. It seemed with each passing night he grew a few inches in his sleep. Soon you would need an upgrade. You lifted his arm and tried to toss it back on his side of the bed, but your plan backfired and his arm came crashing back down onto your chest, knocking the breath out of you. This woke him up a little bit. He sniffled and cracked one eye open. “What’re you doing?” He asked. You huffed and pushed his arm away. He didn’t take the hint, sliding over to you to trap you in his arms again. This time his leg also made it onto you, leaving you tangled up in his gangly limbs. “Yugyeom, I just want to sleep,” you whined. He nuzzled his face into the back of your head. “I know,” he whispered, already drifting off again. “And I can’t sleep when you’re suffocating me,” you continued. He kissed down your neck onto your shoulders. “I know,” he repeated. You weren’t sure he was actually listening to you. He loosened his grip, letting you adjust yourself until you were comfortable. “That’s better,” you said with a smile. You could feel him nod in agreement on your shared pillow. As long as he was touching you, he was happy.
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greasygyeom · 7 years
Title: Capture The Flag: The Absconding
By: GreasyGyeom
Summary: Two teams, a lot of snow & a simple common goal. The only problem is that you don’t really care about the game.
YugyeomxReader / Sad Fluff / SFW / Trigger Warning: Accident, Loss of family member
Notes: Hello everyone  <3 This is a part of my Valentines Day’ Collab for the @kpoptrashnetwork with the lovely Lys @kpopchangedme​ Read Capture the Flag: The Trade  for the full context <3
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It was the deciding day - the day this mess would either be over or continue for the next three days. The blue team had succeeded in capsizing the red fort the first three days. If the blue team failed to get the flag today, then the game would go on until the they got their fourth flag — not like you really cared. You were only there because Jaebum  had been your best friend for more than 6 years and he needed a player.
“Don’t space out.” Bambam nudged, as you wished for literally anything that would help you slip out of this game. Physical activity, of any kind, was not your strongest suit. “I know you’ve not been playing”
“You’ve slipped out within fifteen minutes of the game, every day.”
“What of it?”
“Jaebum will notice, you know”
“No he won’t. He’s too focused on winning. He didn’t notice the last three times”
“Yeah, but this time I’ll tell him”
You glared at Bambam. If you hadn’t known him for as long as you had, you’d have shoved his face in snow by now.
“Bammie, I will kill you if you say a word”.
“Not if he kills you first”
“Pfft... Jaebum? He’s terrified of me”
“I know, but he’s going to feel all bad and get moody. Do you really want that?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll buy you pizza, you dweeb. Just cover for me”
He smirked as you whacked his arm.
At a short distance you heard Youngjae clear his throat, and start explaining the rules for the fourth time this week. As always, no one paid attention but he diligently followed his role as the referee.
Bambam cackled next to you, when he was called out for using fireworks the previous day. There was no remorse on his face, whatsoever.
Everyone around you screamed when the score is announced; 3–0 for the Blue Team. Jaebum beamed proudly, throwing his hands in the air and you sulked a little more. It was too noisy, and that was some statement coming from a metalhead. But you’d take the guitar riffs over this howling bunch of idiots any day.
You just wanted the commotion to start so you could slip out again.
When the siren cut through the cold wind, it was mayhem on the ground. Jinyoung cornered you as soon as the snow started flinging in all directions.
“I need you to snowball as many red caps, as many times you see them at a height higher than you. Got it?”
“I cannot believe you found a way to make a snide comment about my height while strategising for a game I give no fucks about.”
“I don’t have time for banter, munchkin. Just do as I say okay.”
You punched him, making him squirm in pain. “You’re an asshole.”
As soon as you could, you crawled away from his line of vision. All you had to do was inch towards the edge of the playground so you could vanish into the forest. Luckily it was right behind your side of the fort.
Going around it without being caught by Jaebum was the real problem.
You scanned the ground for an escape route when you felt a pair of eyes follow you around, but the snow made it impossible for you to make sense of anything.
You spotted Bambam on the left side of the fort, guarding one of the three entrances.
“You never saw me.” You whispered to him as you went around him to the back of the fort.
“Make it two pizzas and we have a deal!”
“Oh, you’re so dead after this is over” you scoffed but didn’t have enough time to stay and argue. At the right moment, you vanished into the slip road that led to the heart of the forest. Thanks to all the times your elder brother had taken you on his bug treks, you knew the area inside out.
You walked through the trees, avoiding bumping into the snow-clad branches, when you heard an echo of footsteps behind you.
“Who’s there?” You asked, turning around. It was a stupid question really. If someone was following you to hurt you, it was highly unlikely they’d answer anyway.
You couldn’t see anyone within your vision, so you trooped ahead, dismissing it as your imagination; towards the little clearing where you and your brother always ate lunch after he was done looking for new insects.
You really missed him.
It was a clean patch of grass, except right now it was covered in white.
Sitting down by a tree, you looked up. The sun hadn’t set yet, so you couldn’t see the stars, but streaks of cotton clouds filled the bright blue sky and it warmed your heart.
You heard footsteps approaching you again, just as you were about to plug in your headphones.
Alarmed, you jumped up, expecting to see something ominous. There were no animals in the area so you were sure someone had followed you in. Grabbing a stone nearby, you readied yourself to run for your life.
“Oh my god, it’s just you!” you exclaimed, breathing in after what felt like excruciatingly long minutes. “Damn, Yugyeom, you scared me. What are you doing here?”
“I saw you slip out, so I followed you.”
“Why? Just go back to that game, alright?”
The tall boy stood unmoving, simply looking at you. He took of the red cap and ruffled his silver-ish hair.
“I don’t want to.”
“Then go somewhere else.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Well, I don’t want you here, so leave me alone.”
“I won’t bother you.” He shrugged and took the spot opposite to you. “You can throw the stone now — just don’t throw it at me.”
You made a face at his smartness and sat back down.
You didn’t like intruders in your space but you couldn’t really make him leave either, so you ignored him to your best capabilities and went back to doing what you were supposed to before he’d interrupted you.
He sat with his gaze fixed on you, a little pout settled on his face.
“I didn’t say anything”
“But you’re looking. Don’t look”
“Why are you always so angry? I’ve always seen you frowning. Don’t you ever laugh?”
He really knew how to get on your nerves.
“So much for not being a bother.” You sneered, pulling your leather jacket closer to your body. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
“Wait, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to —
“— indirectly call me a bitch?”
“I’m not calling you a bitch. See you’re doing it again!”
“Doing what?”
“Being mean, for no reason.”
“I have a reason, you followed me in here!”
“Because I wanted to spend some time with you... alone”, he replied rather sheepishly.
His answer confused you. You knew him through Jaebum and Bambam, because he frequented underground dance battles with them. But you never actually had held a proper conversation with him.
“Me? Why? I thought you thought I was a bitch”, you teased this time, easing your tone.
He got up to take up even more of your personal space and dropped his weight on the ground next to you.
“I didn’t say you could sit next to me.”
“You didn’t say I couldn’t either”
It took every ounce of your patience to not actually smack him.
“So, why do you come here?” He asked, resting his head on his hand and looking at you expectantly. There was this softness in his face that made you feel comfortable.
“I like it here. It’s always quite and calm here. And I can see the stars”
“Your parents let you come here alone?”
“I don’t tell them, they have enough to worry about.”
“I’m sure they would want to know though.”
“I’m sure...” you trailed off, looking away. You hated crying in front of people.
“Hey... hey I’m sorry.... we don’t have to talk about it or anything. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry”
“I’m not crying. I just – nevermind”
He didn’t push you further but could see you were hurting.
“Want to see something beautiful?” He asked
“Like what?”
He pulled out his other hand and showed you a ladybird walking on the back of his palm.
It made you smile, but it also unstitched an old wound. You sniffled, in an attempt to not cry, but it was futile.
Hiding your face in your knees, you sobbed as silently as possible. Yugyeom froze, not knowing what to do—whether to stroke your head or say something comforting.
He chose to scoot closer and sit in silence, feeling absolutely awful.
You took a few minutes to calm down and he finally asked if you were okay or not.
“No, not really. I’m sorry for crying like this.”
“You want to talk about it?”
“I just... really miss my brother. He.... he’s in a coma. This spot is his actually. Whenever I was sad he’d get me here and teach me about insects. Did you know ladybirds bleed from their knees when they feel threatened?”
“Really? I didn’t even know they could survive winters ”
“Yeah, they can. They usually hibernate though. He taught me all this when I was 9.”
“I’m really sorry. I said some mean things. I shouldn’t have said all that”
“It’s alright. It wasn’t untrue. I am always angry. I’m angry at the drunk driver who jumped the light. I’m angry at my parents for not letting him go. I’m angry at myself, at him, at the everything.”
You leaned onto Yugyeom’s shoulder for support and he gently stroked your hair.
“Being angry won’t make the situation any different. You’re only hurting yourself like this.”
You couldn’t believe you had just spilled out your guts to a boy you had met five minutes ago and that now he was giving you advice about your life.
“Feeling angry is a lot better than feeling useless”, you dryly replied, pulling yourself together. “I’m sorry for laying all this on you.”
He nodded and you stayed resting your head on his shoulder for several minutes. Your thoughts swarmed around your brother and how if it hadn’t been for him you would never have met Jaebum and eventually the rest of them. You sighed dismissively.
“You’re not scary at all.” He finally spoke.
“Wow you’re excellent at complimenting people”
“That’s not what I mean.... everyone discouraged me from talking to you. They told me you would probably punch me if I tried.”
“Well, I was ready to fling a stone at you”
He chuckled and it made your heart flutter like a butterfly. You hadn’t felt this relaxed in the past year; not since your life had turned upside down.
“I like being scary. Normal people don’t come near me.”
“Are you calling me stupid?”
“I’m calling you strange”, you laughed.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind being stupid for you” he replied, giving you a peck on your cheek.
The warmth you felt took you by complete surprise, and you shyly looked away at the sky, begging your heart to stop racing.
A stray streak of red sparks in the sky caught your attention, giving you the diversion you needed.
“Oh! Looks like your team won. I guess we better head back.”
“Do you want to?” He asked, holding your hand as you got up.
“Not really, but I don’t wanna fight with Jaebum — or worst, Jinyoung — about it. Won’t your teammates be mad if they couldn’t find you on the ground?”
He stood up, at least three heads taller than you and smiled; before briefly brushing his lips with yours.
“Noona will probably kill me. But, it was totally worth it following you here.”
You blushed a bright crimson. “If you tell anyone about today I will push you off a cliff. But I’m glad you followed me here too.”
You couldn’t wrap you head around the familiarity you felt, but even as you walked towards the playground, holding this strange boy’s hand, you felt no fear.
And in that brief moment of invincibility you knew, he was going to be someone special.
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yeaimfishboi · 7 years
Pairing: YugyeomxReader
Genre: Mafia! AU, Angst, fluff if you squint hard.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Death violence, mentions of kidnapping, and further shitty stuff.
Part: 2/??
A/N: This is the continuation of Typical Recon (requested by @kpopstarsreact), as part of the new series Not the Same for Candi from @welovekpopscenarios! Also I tried something new, I tried using voice to text so 1. I apologize for any grammatical errors bc I can’t catch everything and 2. I apologize for it’s shittiness. It took me less than a few hours and I was literally saying everything my brain thought of and I didn’t edit it at all.
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“She's gone, Jinyoung  said, “ she's been gone for a month. I don't expect her to be back. At least in one piece.”
Yugyeom had been a mess since you were gone. He could not understand how he let you out of his sight. Even if it was only for 30 seconds. You had been sitting in the hospital room for about 2 weeks after  the attack that left you with countless injuries. He left to grab a cup of ice to help cool your head, but by the time he came back you were gone.  His only assumption was that the people who took you were the people that hurt you in the first place. During those two weeks the two of you had created a special bond. Yugyeom found himself developing a sort of liking towards you. he even found himself developing, a thing almost like feelings.  he felt like it was all his fault. maybe if he hadn't of gone outside to get you that ice you would have been completely okay right next to him right now, but that was not the case.
You had been missing for a month and nobody had come forth with any clues as to your whereabouts. his only hope at this point was that the gang who took you somehow screwed up and left a little clue as to where you were, or maybe if you were to leave the same clue. at this point hope was dwindling, he had lost all of it.  He thought back to the first few days after you had  been taken.
“Yugyeom-ah you haven't slept in 3 days, get some rest and we'll continue looking for her.” Jackson interrupted his near sleep moment. It has been 3 days since you were taken and Yugyeom had not one ounce of sleep. He knew how much you meant to the man in charge but he also knew how much you meant to him. It only been two weeks and 3 days since he had saved you from the men that almost killed you. during those two weeks the only person you ever saw was yugyeom. He missed you, he missed your stupid jokes he missed your obnoxious laugh, and most importantly, he missed how your face lit up every time he entered the room. You two had developed one of the closest friendships yugyeom has ever had. he never expected to become friends with anyone other than the gang members.  he knew he was going to have to try to do everything in his power to get you back.
“Jackson I can't sleep knowing that she's out there. out there scared, hurt, and seeking safety. Jaebum would be so disappointed if I didn't do everything I could to find her, even if it means I die trying.”  Yugyeom had said while scribbling at his keyboard hoping to find something on  CCTV cameras that gave him some sign as to where you were.
“Well you certainly are going to die fast if you don't get some sleep. Even if you take 2 hours just to nap, I’ll stop nagging you. I've got it covered.  We will find Y/N soon enough. she'll be home soon enough.”  Jackson stated while he pulled out the laptop from Yugyeom’s lap and took it  with him to his room.
Now, it had been a month all efforts were unsuccessful, and Yugyeom was exhausted. every clue that he had found didn't pan out and every camera that he checked showed nothing. Jaebum have been running around like he was a chicken with his head cut off.  Everyday was getting more and more exhausting. Yugyeom felt like there was no hope for the future.
Yugyeom was in the middle of checking chatter between rival gang members, through coding on a website, When he noticed something. Upon this coding,  was a certain message that said, Prisoner transfer at 20:00, meet us at the pier. This was the first lead he had had in weeks.  who decided to tell only two other members. Jackson, the brute force of the group, with his skills they certainly could plow their way through to get her, and jinyoung, the hacker,  with jinyoung's help they could hack the piers system in order to let them in before y/n where to arrive. Now all he had to do was get them and go.
“So you're not going to tell Jaebum?” Jackson had asked after yugyeom had requested for the two to join him.
“No, if I tell him now, and Y/N isn't there he would be so disappointed and upset. it's better for the three of us to go now and face the risk of her not being there, rather than all of Got7 show up and her not be there. if we choose the latter and that were to happen we could lose so many men and it would halt all efforts to find her.”  Yugyeom had said while holding his hands in his lap twiddling his thumbs.
“Why did you choose the two of us?” Jinyoung had asked most inquisitively, wondering what the significant was to bringing him and Jackson upon this trip.
“You two are the best options I have right now. Jinyoung, you are the smartest in the group, and Jackson you are the toughest. if I were to tell  Youngjae or Mark, they would go straight to Jaebum and he would waste all of our resources. BamBam would just find a way to make me feel like an idiot for chasing after this dwindling hope that she's alive.”  Yugyeom had lifted his head, and the two other boys could see the feeling of desperation in his eyes.
“Count us in,”  Jackson had butted in, “If she's there we'll get her.“
They had arrived at the pier ahead of schedule, it was only five minutes before this so-called prisoner was to arrive, and Yugyeom’s palms were already sweating. He was scared, scared that she wasn't going to be there, and scared that if she were to arrive something would really be screwed up. Yugyeom saw two gangs start to approach each other from opposite sides of the pier. One appeared to be guarding something. As they got closer you give me saw that what this gang appeared to be guarding was Y/N. he was relieved as all hell, but he knew that he Jinyoung and Jackson first had to make it to her and then somehow miraculously get her out. now, was a time for quick thinking and brute force, Jinyoung and Jackson's specialties.
“She's here,”  Yugyeom quickly whispered to Jinyoung and Jackson, “How do we get her out?”
“If you look to your left the guard on Y/N’s upper left’s gait is slightly wavering.It seems he injured his leg recently he's much weaker than the rest of them. If I quickly sneak behind this little parade and quietly take out that guard you guys can come in and quickly take out the rest. I'll take Y/N to the van and then pull around and take you two. Deal?”
“Deal.”  Both Jackson and Yugyeom whispered. Jinyoung quietly snuck around the back, and got slightly ahead of the guards. He quickly took out his knife ran up to the guard, and slit his throat. that was  their cue to run in, and take out the rest. Whilst doing that Jinyoung picked up Y/N and ran to the van. After two minutes of fighting, Jinyoung pulled the van around the front of this little brigade and motioned Yugyeom and Jackson to go inside. They both jumped inside and Jinyoung drove far out of sight before stopping.
“Finally. you're okay.”  Yugyeom blurted through breathless gasps.
“Who are you? Why'd you take me?” Y/N had asked in fear of the man standing before her.
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hypbaest · 4 years
how fic writers got me lookin when i open up a yugyeomxreader fic
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kpxptexts · 6 years
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Friends To Lovers (Yugyeom) Part 1 💌
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sjjms · 4 years
trust me | 03
pairing: yugyeomxreader length: 2.1k words genre: fluff & slight angst  summary: oh, how fate is funny sometimes...
01 02 03
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There was something about weddings you failed to understand, you understood this was one’s way of confirming their undying love. But… the need to invite so many people to an occasion like this. It was a bit excessive. Maybe you and many others shared this thought. Still, couples would want to show the world they had found their life partner.
A life-partner… it was still too early to think about one of those, right? All the relationships you had been in never presented themselves with the opportunity to turn into a long term one. Perhaps, love wasn't what you were looking for. Weddings. They were always bringing up unwanted feelings to remind your loving heart, it was lonely.
A figure appeared at your side. You take a chance trying to guess whether a stranger or someone you knew was residing in the seat next to you. Hoping for it to be a stranger wasn’t going to make it be one. It would be someone you knew and hadn’t had the chance to speak to in a while. You were going to be forced into making polite conversation for the next ten minutes. Definitely shouldn’t have shown up early...
“We meet again.”
“We do keep meeting each other.” What else could you say? Haha… It looks like something is trying to bring us together when I’m trying to do the opposite.
“What brings you here?” You avoid his eyes this time. The bouquets of ivory flowers dotted at the end of each aisle became your escape. What luck!
"A friend of the groom. You?"
"A friend of both. Did you not want to sit on the groom's side?"  There was a part of you wishing Yugyeom away, the other, clinging to the idea of him staying. Him, beside you, at a wedding. What possible romantic entities could happen from this? The thought diminished itself - when reminded - Yugyeom having romantic feelings towards you was not impossible but unlikely.
“They said to sit either side, and you’re someone I know. I hardly recognise any of these people, I am sure you know more guests here than I do.” You had to give him that. There were some household names among the people attending, they were all tending to mingle in their own circles. Although, the rare few were venturing out to greet others.
"I also have something to tell you. But you may already know about it." The focus was brought to work, a wave of relief hit, your gaze no longer finds an excuse to stay glued to the flowers.
“Daeho is usually pretty organised when telling me things, surprisingly, I have not seen him today,” You mutter. You shift around the room scanning for potential sightings of your manager. He was supposedly here... even Aera had made an appearance before him.
“Remember the demo recording you did the other day?” How could you not forget? You had made yourself an embarrassment in front of Yugyeom, again. Yugyeom later came to the recording, your cheeks were heating up so much so someone would have thought you permitted yourself to day drink. At that point, you wish you had.  
“Did Minjoon send it off in the end?” By the time you were finished with demo recording Minjoon still looked unsure with the track itself. He said he would figure it out and let you know about the final results.
“He sent off two versions… the one you recorded and one with me also singing with your voice.” Oh. “They came back today asking for a full version of the duet.” Really? You were going to be seeing him again. A weak smile forms on your lips, your eyes glaze over the room still hoping to find Daeho, your own heart struggling to calm itself down. The excitement of being able to see Yugyeom again sparked inside of you, there would be a valid reason for you two to be in the same room together.
"That's great news!" You exclaim with all the self-restraint you could hold in your voice. How long would it have to go on like this? "When will the recording need to take place?”
“In the next few days, Minjoon is being pressured to bring you back,” Yugyeom said.
Your attention was quickly taken away from Yugyeom as Daeho appears in front of the two of you. He could be an angel in disguise at times, you wondered whether he had been lurking in the crowd until now.
“Aera had said you arrived, is there any room there?” Daeho asks with his eyes fixed on the space to your left, you nod and slide across, closer to Yugyeom. “I’m Y/N’s manager, also a friend of the wedding party.” You press your back uncomfortably against the bench as Yugyeom and Daeho share the necessary introductions.
"Y/N took part in a recording for a song demo the other day. The producers of the drama are wondering whether she would like to come back and record the full version."
“Yes, we’re trying to figure out the best time to record. At the moment, we can’t. It conflicts with an already pre-existing schedule in Busan.” Just glimpsing at the way Yugyeom’s face fell made you want to take part. In some alternative universe, you would grab his arm and say we’ll go record this right now. The extremities of falling in love were presenting themselves. Anything Yugyeom wanted from now on, you would do it because nothing mattered more than seeing him happy.
"I would like to participate." You turn to Daeho with determination and give him an eager nod. The same one used when you truly wanted to take part in a particular acting role.
“We'll try and shift your schedule around."
“Well, we did it!” The producer calls out at last, with an exasperated yawn and a quick arm stretch. “Thank you for all of your hard work. I’m sure this song will be popular not only with the viewers but the general public.”
A stifling yawn passes by your lips when Daeho approaches you with another cup of coffee, this was the fifth coffee and counting today. It was now well into the early hours of the morning, twenty-four hours had passed since your last regular sleep cycle.
“Tired?” Yugyeom asks.
You nod and fail to provide a verbal follow up. It wasn’t often you wished for the comforts of your own apartment, but currently, it was the thing you wanted, not needed. You would be glad to be moving out of that building soon. Noisy neighbours, too cramped and it was expensive for what it gave. In all of the chaos and packed schedules, you had come across a larger apartment for the same price and took the opportunity to sign a three-year lease.
“Would it be alright if we filmed a promotional video professing your support for the drama?” A staff member cautiously approaches Daeho with the question as if he was running this whole show. Technically, he was. You were constrained on time, you were heading to catch the first train into Busan after this for your next schedule.
“If you’re able to do it within the next ten minutes.” You muster up a small chuckle watching the member of staff internally shriek with horror. Most things like this would normally take around that time, but when someone puts a time limit on it, everyone suddenly believes there is a constant pressure to finish the task; as if a ticking time bomb would go off if the task didn’t reach completion.
“Alright, if you could have the camera set up in here in front of them.” They frantically pointed to you and Yugyeom, at least you wouldn’t have to stand up, you weren’t sure how long your legs were going to hold out if you did.
"If you could read quickly over what to say." The two sheets of paper were passed along. At first glance, your brain struggled to process each word when all of a sudden, the staff member announces, "Let's do this in one take!"
“I can take the longer part if you want,” Yugyeom suggests. You take a gulp of the coffee well aware of the scalding temperature, the heat ran against the back of your throat to the point it was burning. There was the wake-up call you needed.
“Okay,” you reply.
“Have you been busy recently?” Yugyeom tries again to reach through. He was hoping for a conversation that you were too worn out to take part in. At least your feelings for him were well hidden beneath the layers of exhaustion.
"The current drama I was filming wrapped up today, and then we're heading to Busan for another schedule." Just the thought of the rest of the day was mentally tiring let alone thinking about the rest of the week. If you kept on going the way you were, you feared you were going to suffer a burn-out.
“No breaks?”
“Not until next month.” Could you call it a break? You would be moving on to focus your attention to your music which also meant you were likely to get requests to produce on other tracks than your own. Even then, a drama offer may come in and want to start recording as soon as they can. For now, you were preparing to take a break from acting until you had at least an album to release, no matter how long it took you.
“Are you ready to go?” The staff member interrupted Yugyeom’s chance to reply. Daeho was tapping his watch with impatience, he was making the poor staff member suffer too much. This one take was going to be all or nothing.
You turn to face Yugyeom for the first time today. It was the first time you had the chance to drink in how handsome he looked, even barefaced. Your heart spirals out of control as the hand signals for the two of you to start.
“Have you heard Blue Moon is the most anticipated drama of this season?” Yugyeom starts.
"Of course. I'm honoured that we were able to contribute this song to the drama." You grin at Yugyeom, you turn to meet his eyes knowing you shouldn't, how could you look away now?
“Make sure to tune into this week’s episodes of Blue Moon and listen out for our song.” Yugyeom’s eyes didn’t sway nor move away from yours as the camera cut. He went off-script. Daeho clears his throat, you glance to him and realise you stared for perhaps longer than you should have.
“We have to get going.” You stand up and thank all the staff members for their hard work before looking back to Yugyeom. You pull the elastic strings around the back of your ears and give him one last smile before you pull the mask up.
“Thank you for your hard work today,” You say.
The train moves at a swift pace leaving no chance to appreciate the lingering landscape. You were supposedly sleeping for all Daeho and Aera knew. You couldn’t. It was a struggle. A train moving at a constant high-speed lifted the comforts of being grounded safely to a bed. Why didn’t you bring a pillow to at least rest your head against? The headrest these seats provided was never the best to sleep on, you were going to have to suffer from a stiff neck after you finally did fall asleep.
“Just admit it. It was a cute moment.” Aera hushed voice broke through the barriers of your headphones. You carefully push the volume down button that hopefully went unnoticed by the pair.
“It’s how dating rumours begin.” The grumble in Daeho’s voice almost passed your ears, the two of them were trying to be careful with their words.
"Stop assuming every interaction she has with a man will provide evidence for a dating rumour!" Aera's harsh whisper made you subconsciously smile, she was always going to have your back. If the walls of your career were crumbling down over a dating rumour, then she would be standing beside you sustaining as many bruises you would.
“Do you think something is going on between them?” Daeho’s thoughts were already spiralling. That was never a good sign.
"We should not be getting involved Daeho, it's her private life."
"She will want to protect her career as much as he does. He has a group behind him, what does she have?" Daeho's heavy sigh followed. He was always the voice of reason, it's why he became your manager in the first place.
“She has us! Sometimes, I believe you forget that we’re a team. We were put together for a reason, I plan to stay by her side, I hope will as well.”
Those words of reassurance gave you some faith in the world, in Aera. In the end, you would be alright, there were no plans to tell Yugyeom of your feelings towards him.
He couldn’t find out. 
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kpopwishes · 7 years
||Hybrid!au|| Part 1-3 Yugyeom ||
Pairings: YugyeomXReader
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Summary: You find a huge package with word ‘fragile’ written on it in front of your door with the code ‘GOT1KY’ you wonder what’s inside.
     After I finished my morning chores, I start to make the coffee that I desperately need. While my coffee is brewing, I grab the remote and flick through boring channels. “Urgent news, there is a company that is selling human-like anim-” I turn the TV off, not wanted to ruin my day with nonsense news. I wait in silence for a few seconds before I smell the aroma of my coffee, letting me know it’s done. As soon as I get up, the door bell rings. In confusion, I walk to the door and open it hesitantly because I’m still in my revealing pajamas. I look at the pale and skinny man dressed in all black, I then look down and find a huge box on my doorstep. The man hands me a black card and begins to walk away. “Ah- Wait I didn’t order anythi- Hey wait!” I shout and wave my hands at him but he just drives away in a black van. I wrinkle my nose, looking at the huge box I have to take in by myself. I bend over to try to carry the box into my house, putting the card between my teeth. I grunt at how heavy it is and drop it into my house quickly. I close the door behind me and read the card.
  The card reads ‘Prototype GOT1KY’, I wrinkle my nose in confusion.”What is this, I didn’t order a computer.” I throw the card on the table and go to the kitchen. As I’m pouring my coffee, I hear a thud near the door. I choose to ignore it and continue making my coffee that I’ve been longing for. When I put my coffee cup on the table, I notice that the card wasn’t there anymore. I turn around and carefully look towards the open box near my doorstep. I walk towards the box and peek inside. There was nothing in there! All of a sudden I feel a knife to my neck and breathing in my ear. I gulp and say to the person “Who are you? What do you want fro-” He growled and said ”Shutup and give me food.” I take in shallow, breath and say “O-ok, what type of food do you want?” He points the knife towards the box and said, “The manual is in there.” I head towards the box and pull out many books until I find the one that says ‘manual on it’. “What even are you? Did you come out of this box?” I ask him. “Just flip through the manual, you’ll learn everything about me.” He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at me.
  I flip through the book until I get to a page that says ‘FOOD’. I start to skim the contents and the foods listed is chicken, kimbap, and pork belly. The page had pictures on it which made him lick his lips. I walk slowly to the kitchen while he goes after me. I open the fridge and take out some chicken, “Can I have the knife?” I asked him. He looks at his hand and hesitates before he glares at me, but he gave me the knife. I use the knife to cut the chicken into tinier slices before seasoning them. I take a look at him only to find him staring at me with emotionless eyes. I drizzle some oil on the pan and lay the chicken evenly along it.
    I turn around and head towards the living room, I flinch when a hand grabs me by my forearm. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He asked in a powerful voice. “I’m going into the living room, I have to wait for the chicken to cook…” I answered meekly. He gives me a grunt of approval and follows me to the couch. He shoves the manual in my face and said, “Read”. “I don’t understand who you are and why you have shown up at my doorstep and why I have to feed you, but you better tell me why or I’m putting you back into that box and sending you where you came from,” I say calmly. He clenches his jaw and opens the manual, revealing a CD. He takes the CD and inserts it into my TV. I raise my eyebrow at his actions, but he just steps back and crossed his arms, waiting for the CD to play.
    “HELLO THERE! Well if you are seeing this CD, we have to inform you on who this little guy is and why he was sent to your house! Well, this prototype is a genetically modified hybrid. He is a mixture of a human and a South American Gray Fox! His personality is the easiest to handle out of the hybrids we will send you! You will have this prototype for two weeks, and then we will come to collect him. Your job is to be able to tame him in those two weeks. The first task you have is to successfully make him sleep in another room. Since this prototype is a cuddler and loves to dominate over his human, he often likes to sleep with you.” He rolls his eyes at this comment, leaving your mouth agape at the information. “ANYWHOO… We will give you a few warning so that this little guy won’t kill ya! Do not be in the same room as him on your period, Don’t hit him, Don’t touch him without permission, and don’t ignore him! This one thrives off of attention and doesn’t like it when your attention is on something else.”
   The CD suddenly ends, leaving you looking at him. He clears his throat, “My name is Yugyeom, it’s what the scientist call me. Just stay out of my way for the next 2 weeks, and you can try all you want but, I’m not sleeping in another bed.” With that said, he just stomps up the stairs. I take a skim at the card contents one last time. There was something I missed, ‘If you don’t complete the goal, we will turn you in for owning an illegal hybrid ;)’. Your eyes widen at the message written in fine print and suddenly you feel fired up to complete this mission.
    ‘Wow I’m in big trouble.’
Admin 민수
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k-fiction-therapy · 5 years
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Moodboard by Admin Scar
[Flash Fiction, 05:21:27 AM]: /YugyeomXReader Mini-Fic/ – Yugyeom thanked God that he had locked the door to the mirrored studio, especially now that he was fucking you raw against the mirror, his arm holding you up enough to thrust in and out of you. His free hand in your hair, gripping tight, your lips forced to his and thighs spread wide for him. His thrusts were relentless and when he pulled back enough to speak, you were trembling against him, your muscles spasming hard. He would grin, “You like it when I fuck you like this? Mm?” Yugyeom exhaled hard, “I know you like it. You want my cock. My cum? Yeah, you do. Fuck..” His words only spurred him on, your moans following suit as he picked up his pace even further, slamming into you hard and fast, your skin slapping against the mirror densely. Without warning, he groaned low and twitched hard, thrusts slowing to milk his orgasm from him, the pleasure too much to take, his muscles trembling from exertion as his cock contracted hard enough to spread you wider, pumping you full of his cum. It dripped from you and down the mirror, thick and hefty. Licking his lips, he looked immediately concerned, though his orgasm made him stutter with aftershock, “…I came inside…Is that bad? I’m so sorry…”
Admin Death
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kuniluna32-blog · 6 years
I Hate You But I Love You - Got7 Soulmates - Yugyeom x Reader
Chapter Three I assumed wrong... BamBam, Yugyeom, Jungkook, Jimin, and Mark came up to me and it seemed like they were either following me or walking me to class. Jungkook and Yugyeom were on either side of me, BamBam was on Yugyeom’s left side, and Mark was on Jungkook’s right side. I walked around Jungkook to stand next to Mark and Mark only. Mark put his arm around me, not like we were dating... well actually he kind of was doing that. Eh I don’t care. I thought I saw Yugyeom scowl. It’s probably my imagination. “So, you excited for the dance?” Mark asked looking directly at me and talking in a hushed tone. “Yes! I can’t wait!” I said to him smiling. “Good. I am happy you accepted!” He smiled. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over and saw BamBam had cleared his throat and saw Yugyeom staring forward with a stone cold face. “What’s their problem?” I asked Mark in a low voice. “BamBam is probably jealous. Gyeomie’s probably jealous too,” he muttered back to me. “Why would Yugyeom be jealous?” I asked. “I mean I understand BamBam but Yugyeom? I don’t get it.” “Oh... well Yugyeom can tell you when he’s ready!” He said before we walked into the class so I couldn’t ask what he meant. I looked at the board. We didn’t change seats. I went to my normal seat which was next to Jimin, and Jungkook and Sehun behind me. They all started messing around which the end result was them accidentally pushing Sehun into me. “Hi,” he said sheepishly to me. All I did was roll my eyes and continue drawing while I waited for the teacher to get here. I sighed it’s been 15 minutes since class started but Teacher-Nim is still not here. I saw that most of the class was getting rowdier. Thirty minutes since class started. Where is the teacher? I sighed. “You love sighing don’t you?” BamBam asked me. “Yep. And I also love not being bothered,” I retorted. “Can you read my note. I know you still have it,” his eyes showed a sense of pleading. I looked away then took the note out and read it. It said: Y/N, I’m really sorry. Couldn’t you have told me you were bothered because I hardly talked to you? It would have been more simple than getting mad at me and not talking to me. Please talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong. Can we please be friends again? Please? BamBam I sighed and looked at him. I stood up. He just stared at me. Then I gently put my arms around him as a hug. He was taller than me so you can see the trouble. He let out a sigh. Then I noticed something. Why was the class silent?! I looked up to see everyone staring at us. The teacher was still not there but I could see girls glaring at me and half the boys smirking, a quarter glaring at BamBam, and another quarter just frowning. I rolled my eyes.
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kpxptexts · 6 years
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Friends To Lovers (yugyeom)Part 4💌
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sjjms · 5 years
trust me | 01
pairing: yugyeomxreader length: 2.2k words genre: fluff  summary: You’ve just joined a new company and just happened to make one embarrassing mistake, what could possibly evolve from it?  (A/N: I consider this as pretending’s prequel, you can read Pretending here.) 
01 02 03
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[Two years ago]
There had always been something about the bustling nightlife of a city you hadn't tried to shy away from, especially in the earlier days. The temptation to go out drinking instead of focusing on your career had not been easy for you, it was certain you did like to procrastinate more than finish tasks. You couldn't help it, you preferred a drink over reading a script and a drink was your mission tonight. With a slight chill in the air causing you to bundle up you hurried into the covers of the market. Stalls were packed tightly next to one another in a parallel line suffocating the public into the middle to be surrounded by consumerism.
At times walking through the market was amusing, you would hear the older women talking about their sons and daughters. Complaining about how they live their lives with deprived refrigerators and going out most nights to drink. It was comforting to know your parents were living miles away, unable to control aspects of your life that you should probably change. You had confronted these bad habits in the face however you couldn’t bear to let them go because they'd been with you ever since you came to Seoul.
There was always smoke tied to these markets wavering in and out of each stall you would choose to visit, it was soft on the lungs due to the sweet delicacies covering the potency. You never did hang around the stalls for too long as the place you wanted to be was your favourite restaurant, a little establishment serving both noodles and alcohol. The two things you couldn’t live without.
“Hello! You’re usual?” You were greeted by the owner as you took up one of the tables. It was quiet most days you visited, you were almost certain you were his only customer some days but he reassured you he received many. You did always come at odd times, usually, an hour before he was due to close for the night, the owner was kind enough to sometimes keep the restaurant open for longer while you finished.
“Have you been busy?”
“It has been, we’ve almost run out of vegetables, there’s a first time for everything.” He chuckles and continues in the kitchen as you watch him through the boxed window. It was reassuring to hear his voice full of joy. His success today may have been down to you, you had posted a photo on social media about his noodles last night, claiming they were the best for cold nights. Very fitting for this sudden chill taking over the weather.
The owner places down a bowl of noodles with a bottle of Soju, “On the house. The people that visited me today had told me you had recommended it to them, thank you.” He gives you a warm smile before retreating to the kitchen.
Maybe you should have invited someone out with you tonight, you stare into the broth catching a glimpse of your reflection knowing your facial expression weren't betraying you. After all, loneliness did have a way to consume a person. You had recently signed under a new company, Daeho and Aera had insisted on going out to drink last week but you declined, the hangover would have become one of your regrets. Now you were planning on getting drunk without even being surrounded by anyone.
The bottle stared intently into your eyes, waiting to be consumed, while aware of the damage it was going to do your body. Alcohol was easily becoming something to turn to. Only you have the power to turn down the bottle in front of you and yet, you didn’t. Before you knew it, there was only a small drop in the glass that wouldn’t part from the bottle as the rest of the contents had caused your cheeks to heat up.
“Are you going to be alright getting home?” The owner was grasping onto your arm as you were gently walking towards the exit. You did have to admit you were feeling light on your feet and tables did look like they were inches off falling through the cracks on the floor. Calling Daeho would be a safe bet, it was still early, you thought.
“I’ll call my manager.” You fiddled around with your purse for a few minutes, the strap on your bag seemed to keep getting in the way of your buckle. Things like this usually didn’t take as long as this.
“Why don’t you let me do it? You sit down here…” He carefully walks you over to a stool accompanied by a table. The man retrieves your phone within seconds and hands it to you to unlock.
“Call the most recent number.” You were a hundred per cent sure your previous call was to either Daeho or Aera, mostly because you talked to fellow actors and artists through messenger. Whilst the owner started to ring the number, you plant your head against the cool table hoping the hot cheeks would cease before Daeho arrives. He couldn't see you like this otherwise you would get a scolding, they always drove you to the memories of home.
“Ah, sorry to bother you… this late at night. Your artist has drunk a little and I’m worried about her getting home safely, would you be able to come to collect her?” You didn’t pay attention to much of the conversation as the room began to spin, how much did you even have to drink? The owner returned the phone to your bag and brought some water to the table.
After some water, you turn to focus on the doorway, at least the room wasn’t spinning any more. “Thank you for everything.” With a weak smile at the owner, a tall figure looms in the doorway, almost unrecognisable. Your legs abruptly straightened themselves and you acknowledge him, it wasn’t Daeho… it was GOT7’s Yugyeom.
Now it hit you, the most recent person you contacted had been Yugyeom. You were exchanging phone numbers with all of the members earlier and he was the last person. “I’m so sorry. I asked the owner to call the most recent number but apparently, it was you instead of my manager…” What were you supposed to say in this situation? You wanted to find something to hide behind and hope Yugyeom would leave without saying too much, in an idealistic world, of course.
“I don’t think your manager would be awake at this time anyway…” Yugyeom mutters, you couldn’t bear to look up but knew his eyes were permanently going to be staring at you from now on. “Ah… I’m so sorry but you called the wrong person.” He apologies to the owner whilst you gather your things. Reality hit and in those seconds Yugyeom walked through the door instead of Daeho, you became sober.
“It’s okay I can take care of myself.” How to get out of any awkward situation. Run. You shove the bag over your shoulder before giving the owner a wave goodbye.
Hitting the chilled streets you look around to figure out where you were, a pharmacy was unlikely to be open at this time. You finally glance at the time, one in the morning. The poor owner! His usual closing time was midnight. Your once warm red cheeks were now a simmering hot. How could you show your face there again? Sending flowers or a gift basket to apologise should be alright, wouldn't it?
“Y/N,” Yugyeom’s voice calls out, “Wait!”
Something made you stop, your feet and brain seemed to be working in opposite directions, one wanted to go whilst the other wanted to stay. Yugyeom appears breathing heavily in front of you, “I’m sorry. I should have made the call myself,” You said.
“Don’t worry about it.” Yugyeom smiles a little to soften the mood, “Let me at least escort you safely to a taxi.”  
“I was going to stay out for a little longer… I’ll be alright on my own,” Your apartment wasn’t the greatest place to be alone, being outside did also feel less lonesome even if you didn’t talk to anyone.  
“Would you like some company…?” Yugyeom mutters as you glance up to his lowered eyes. “Only if you want it.” He rushes through his words like an accelerating car, he was nervous and you couldn’t help but smile at him.
Awkwardly, the two of you set off to walk down the path heading towards the river. The trees provided a gloom as they swayed to the silent wind, either way, it didn’t lighten how uncomfortable Yugyeom and you felt.
Deciding to make this walk a little more enjoyable, you broke the silence with a question, “So… How long have you been an idol?”
“Three years… almost four,” Yugyeom glances at you wondering how to keep the conversation going. “I know you have been in dramas since you were a child but when did you start to make music? I looked you up and you seem to have credits in producing not only your music but other artists' songs."
“I've been around for ten years but I started to make music around the time you debuted.” You breathe out, almost sighing, you envied this man beside you and he would never know. He could make music with no obligations, no other major commitment and nothing could stop him from releasing it. “You know what’s funny..? I’m a producing artist but I have more friends through acting rather than producing.” Could you say it was a bad thing? Not particularly. You just enjoyed hanging out with those who made music more. It was difficult to come by those people though because most believed you were prioritising your acting career over the music.
“Do you want to be friends with more artists?”
“Of course! I want to record and produce music but all the companies I’ve been with have told me to focus on acting.” Starting your own company had been an option when you were a free agent however you would have struggled more over the financial burden.
“Why did you choose this company? It’s not the best… I have my doubts about that place...everyone does in the group.” Yugyeom stops abruptly in front of the river, the lights were glistening over the water like a fireworks display, colourful and full of life.  
“Because… they offered me something none of the other companies did,” Yugyeom glances down at you anticipating the answer.
“A comeback.” They had been the only one to approach you with the chance to still be able to make music. But now… they had gone back on that one thing that made you sign. Telling you to focus on acting rather than music and maybe then you could have a comeback. It was tiring to hear those words time after time.
“It probably won’t happen now…” You decide to sit on the steps just a few meters behind you, it didn’t matter if Yugyeom left you now, you were contempt like this. Reflecting. Something you were doing a lot of lately, you just couldn't seem to turn it off.
“It won’t happen if you don’t do anything about it.” Yugyeom turns to meet your eyes. How many times had he done that tonight? You were thinking too much into this. He was right though you needed to have the guts to present a song. It wasn’t something you didn’t know how to do, you had done it multiple times for other groups but when it came to yourself… you stopped.
“Anyway, we probably won’t be seeing each other for a while now. Thank you for calling me by accident because I enjoyed this.”
“Don’t thank me, thank the owner. I should say thank you for joining me here, you’ve given me courage.” You give him a smile with the hopeful intent he would take that also.
“Me too.” Yugyeom looks away as he says those words, did he need some help too? Courage. Everyone needed it once in a while otherwise achievement wouldn’t need to exist. It wasn’t your place to press on to Yugyeom’s words, you had to remind yourself, the two of you barely knew each other. This conversation was a small step in becoming friends.
“Of course! The next time I want to walk by the Han River at one in the morning you will be at the top of the list.” Yugyeom’s smile returns to his lips. You wanted him to mean those words, truly.
“I’m honoured.” A light laugh falls into the atmosphere fitting perfectly just like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
“I should get going… thank you for making me feel a little less embarrassed. Contact me anytime, I don’t mind.” You stood up patting your coat with the briefest of touch before looking Yugyeom’s way.
“Happy to help. Be sure to travel safely home.”
“I’ll message you.” Turning around you start to walk away, returning in the direction of the noodle shop. It wasn’t a good idea to look back in this situation, not now. It was too late. You placed your hand over your chest feeling the fluttering heartbeat. How many relationships had it been since you last felt this way?  
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