#yuichi: okay now tell me more
ilikemakingstuff · 3 months
Okay, no surprise everyone likes Robin Hood, thief of the rich and giver to the poor. Coincidentally, it’s one of my more completed WIPs anyway. So, I guess I’ll lay the foundation of my idea for my Leoichi, Robin Hood, early Edo Japan fic: “Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, Golly What a Day.”
As you can tell, I’m going to base it mostly in Disney’s Robin Hood, with a few elements from whatever samurai and Robin Hood media I find and like. And for the characters, I plan to incorporate from ROTTMNT, SRTUC, and Usagi Yojimbo.
I plan to make Leo as the swashbuckling star, Robin Hood himself, with his brothers and Splinter as the Merry Men; Usagi as Maid Mariam with Gen, Chizu, and Kitsune taking turns as Madame Cluck; Baron Draxum and Tetsujin will share the role of Friar Tuck; Huginn and Munnin will be the church mice; Lord Kugane as Prince John and Lord Hebe (Usagi Yojimbo) as Sir Hiss. I’m currently debating who should be the Sheriff of Nottingham; as of now, I’m thinking of using Meat Sweats.
I’m sorry to say there would be no Alan-a-Dale, because it would be too clunky to add songs to writing.
I also have no idea when I’ll finish and start posting it. I’m a severe perfectionist, and I never submit anything until it meets my standards.
I will also refer Usagi with Yuichi being his first name, and Usagi being his last. I know it’s not canon, but it’s bugged me that his friends call him Usagi while his Auntie, his only family member seen on screen and presumably the one who raised him, calls him Yuichi.
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kowaindar0u · 4 months
diary entry #15, with Yuichi AND Sengou ehek (@zantedeschia-praesul )
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
oho... let's see how this goes
15.     entry made featuring desire. (Yuichi)
[maybe dated after our current thread with them]
Dearest journal. You know, I hated you at first. It's still sort of awkward to write here like this, and I don't think I could survive the embarrassment if anyone else were to ever find you. There's a reason I keep you unlabeled, even in my personal room. Just... inconspicuous, yeah? But, here I am.
Likewise, I never thought I would ever be feeling this way about somebody, and lo and behold, you're the only one I dare to admit it to. Yes, of course, it's Nagasone. I know one of the previous times I wrote about him I said it wasn't anything uncouth, but... I don't know, maybe it is a little bit...uncouth.
God, even just writing that is so... ugh, I want to scream.
I... don't even really know what exactly I mean by that either. I've never really had this feeling, about anyone. I mean... I'm an adult. By now I've had... 'what-if' thoughts, right? By this age for a lot of people, this is nothing. It's normal, even. But until now, the thought has always just been... uncomfortable, mortifying... I mean, scary, yeah?
But I think...maybe what I'm feeling is that... with him, it might not be any of those things? Nothing is scary when I'm with him. I think I might even like it...?? I... I don't think I would be good at it, though? I seriously CANNOT believe I'm even writing this. What is this?? What am I doing? God. No, yeah, of course, he's... too sweet to hold it against me if that's the case. You're right. And I'm imagining that you're speaking back to me. Okay. Great. I knew writing about this was kind of a stupid idea huh?
Well. This entry here more than ever-- if you tell a soul, I'll... I don't know. Rip you apart or something. Use your imagination.
15.     entry made featuring desire. (Sengo)
[from before our thread with them]
I should probably be speaking with some of my more... insightful fellow touken danshi about this, but as per usual I'm not doing that. Instead, I'm writing in this journal. I think this is best. Others may describe me as mysterious, or perhaps too forward in certain regards, or maybe a mix of the two. But it all comes down to the fact that I simply... cannot seem to express my true self.
In general... the reason for that is... kind of a mystery. Surely there are many feelings the sharing of which is good for all involved, no? Perhaps it's that when I do try to express them, I do it...poorly. Incorrectly, maybe.
However... the reason I'm even scrawling on these pages today is something I feel for certain that is simply best kept hidden, relegated to my own mind. I only write here in hopes of relieving some of the ache it causes me. Perhaps this is what they call 'heartache'.
You see, little notebook, for some time I have been harboring this... longing, for my saniwa, my master, my-- ... Saseki. He is beautiful-- simultaneously so handsome, so pretty, and so adorable. He is strong, yet I have the feeling that he has faced considerable trials in his time as sage up til now, and while I haven't been privvy to the specifics, I just... I want to protect him. I know-- all touken danshi wish to protect their master. I know, but this... It's different. I want to protect him, I so, so badly want him close to me, more than close. I want to love him, and I wish, so fiercely and desperately, that he could love me in the same way, but...
I feel... I feel like it could never be. Even if I did find the audacity, the honesty within me... If I were to tell him, to spill all or any part of this as some bleeding-heart confession, I... I think it could only lead to discomfort, or worse. And I don't think I could handle doing that to him.
So... I will continue to simply serve him as touken danshi, to maintain an arm's-length friendship, and... as painfully as I yearn for something more, I will cherish and appreciate every aching second I spend with him.
Until next time, journal.
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Chapter 6 of The Teenage Mutant Phantom of the Opera!
“Leo! Are you here? I’m really sorry if I hurt your feelings somehow! I just want to talk!” Usagi calls out, alone on the stage.
“You don’t need to apologize.”
Usagi jumps in surprise, then turns around to see him entering from the direction of the main entrance for once.
“You came back!” He rushes down the stairs.
“Because this wasn’t about anything you did, it was me. I’m sorry I made you think I’d stop talking to you.”
“Apology accepted! How’s your hand?” Usagi gently holds the one remembers was cut and looks it over.
Leo’s other hand starts fluttering at his side.
“It’s fine.”
Usagi’s happy face turns to one in confusion when he sees there’s zero trace of the cut.
“Oh, I guess it is. Must not have been that deep of a cut.”
Leo takes a breath, letting himself feel the fur against his hand.
“It’s the reason I left. I was….afraid. I realized that I was wrong to think that you’d hold something like this against me. I want to show you what scared me, can I?”
Usagi nods.
Leo slowly takes away his hand and holds out the knife from before. He cuts along the palm, hardly flinching as he does.
Usagi stares in shock before Leo holds his hand up and shows that the cut heals before his very eyes.
“It’s completely gone.”
Leo wipes the blood off his hand.
“I have no idea why I’m like this, it’s….not normal, I know.”
Usagi isn’t 100% sure since he’s not a turtle yokai, but he doesn’t think he’s heard of one being able to heal like this.
Donnie could be right about who also is.
Oh! Donnie!
He forgot what he promised!
“You were right. You don’t need to be worried. I’ve seen a lot of weird things, and this is by far one of the coolest.”
Leo melts at how he says it like the weird part of this all is okay, good even.
He puts his knife away.
“I should have known you’d understand.”
“Of course, Leo. I might actually be able to help you figure out why too!”
Leo looks at him in confusion.
“I know what you’re going to say, but just hear me out, okay?”
Usagi’s takes a breath.
“So Donnie-Leo! You said you’d listen! What’s with that face!?”
Leo has the expression of someone who’s just stepped in something squishy.
“I didn’t say anything to stop you from talking.”
“I know you don’t like him and I get why, but please just give him a chance. Leo, he could be your brother.”
Leo feels himself tense.
“Excuse me?”
Usagi takes out his phone.
“I promised I’d tell him when I found you, he can come over and we can all talk about it together!”
Leo has to hold himself back from grabbing the phone and breaking it to pieces. Instead, he holds onto Usagi’s wrist gently.
“Please. Don’t.”
“What? Why? Is it because of how he acted before with me? I promise that he has nothing against you.”
Leo starts feeling sick to his stomach.
If there were three more turtle creatures in the lab he was found in, why was he the only one left alone?
What could he, as a baby, do to deserve to be the only one that wasn’t saved?
He was scarred, physically, mentally, in almost complete isolation at most times.
What if that rat didn’t want him even now?
What if everything about how his life is comes out and takes away what he has left while giving him nothing?
He already freaked out once, he can’t lose control again.
“Yuichi. I’m not ready. This is….life altering. I need this to go much slower. I can’t go right into meeting him.”
Usagi’s ears droop. He understands why he feels this way, and he himself feels guilty for making a promise that Leo might not have agreed to.
“Is it….okay if I tell him I found you but that you want more time?”
Leo is very aware at the moment just how far he’s willing to go for Usagi.
Terrorizing and running off the other lead was much objectively crazier but also what Leo has already done in the past.
This, was….different. Already not getting rid of Donnie right away was different.
He makes him different.
“Yes, but if he tries to see me I’m leaving.”
Usagi smiles and Leo feels like he’ll never regret this decision, even if he already is.
“Thank you. Now I can keep my pinky.” Usagi jokes, tapping on his phone.
Leo decides not to question that statement.
The phone only rings once.
“Did you find him!? Is he with you right now?”
“Yes, but-“
“Tracking your location!”
“What!? No! Hold on! Donnie! He doesn’t want to meet yet!”
“What are you talking about? Why not?”
“He’s not ready.”
“Not-not ready!? I’ve lived 15 years without a brother I was supposed to have and he’s not ready?”
“Donnie, he’s spent all this time believing he didn’t have brothers period. Give him a break here, please.”
Donnie sighs heavily through the phone.
“I can’t believe I’m asking for this, but isn’t there something in the middle we could do? At least a plan to meet eventually.”
Usagi takes several seconds to think about what they could do that Leo would be comfortable with.
His nose twitches as an idea comes to him.
He puts himself on mute.
“Leo, you can come to our first performance! You were going to anyways, right?”
“I….don’t know, Yuichi.”
“I can get you a ticket in the back, you could come in late and avoid the crowds. Any time you feel uncomfortable you can just portal away.”
Leo’s stomach drops again.
Sitting next to all those people?
He was just going to watch the performance while hidden somewhere.
The anxiety in his heart mixes together with the absolute excitement at a chance of getting a better view at Usagi, being able to watch the culmination of everything they worked for together.
Could he do it?
Can he even try?
He glances at Usagi’s eyes, those comfortingly warm brown eyes filled with so much kindness and compassion.
“I’ll…..I’ll do it.”
Usagi smiles widely and Leo feels yet again that this is both the best and worst decision he’s ever made.
Usagi unmutes himself.
“Leo’s coming to our first show!”
“I suppose that’s better than nothing. Fine. You and I are pulling out all the stops then, understood?”
“I was already planning on it! I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I want to ask one more thing.”
“What is it?”
“When is his birthday?”
Usagi hesitates slightly since he wasn’t expecting that question, but covers the phone anyways as he looks over at Leo.
“When’s your birthday?”
“I don’t know what my real one is, but August 17th was picked for me.”
Usagi moves his hand.
“August 17th.”
He hears Donnie chuckle softly, but in the way that a villain would when his plan is coming together.
“That’s the birthday I chose for myself! I considered the 12th but 17 has a nicer shape to it.”
“That is such a big coincidence.”
“Not a coincidence. Proof. Evidence. Talk later.” Donnie hangs up.
Usagi puts his phone away.
“I’m glad we got that sorted out. Why don’t we relax together instead of practicing?”
“But….you didn’t get any lessons from me last time because I ran off. The performance is soon, don’t you want all the practice you can get?”
“You’re more important than that. Besides, I could use some downtime.”
Leo is constantly reminded why his obsession has taken such a hold.
They spend the rest of the time Usagi has talking about nothing and everything. The opera was at the back of their minds for the moment, and they had a better time for it.
Leo once again watches Usagi leave, then makes his way to his main hidden room. There’s a chest full of costume items that he’s taken from other productions.
He digs through the different articles of clothing before finding the set he left at the bottom.
A white dress shirt, a blue bow tie, dark blue dress pants and vest with gold buttons, black dress shoes, blue gloves, and a blue cape where only the underside has stars.
It matches his equally star filled mask.
When he took this years ago, all of the items were far too big.
They’d fit perfectly for what’s right come.
The time until the performance almost blurs by for everyone. It’s so busy for Usagi and Donnie they can hardly believe the practices will become the real thing.
They were working harder than ever to make sure it would be the best opening night possible.
For Leo, the nervousness and anxiety whittled his time away.
Usagi had given him his ticket, it was in the back row as promised.
Now it was just minutes before the performance is supposed to start and Donnie stares hard from the slightly drawn curtain into the crowd.
“Don’t worry, we’ll see him once it starts.” Usagi insists from behind him.
“You’re sure he’ll actually be here?”
“He said he would be and I trust him. Have faith.”
Donnie grumbles as he closes the curtain and heads to where they’re supposed to be with him.
Leo’s portal opens up above his seat and he drops down onto it.
The people around him stare in shock until the curtains open up.
Leo can’t pay attention at first, the stares already having gotten to him already. Knowing he’s surrounded by actual people in these usually empty seats makes his heart beat out of his chest.
That all changes when Usagi starts singing and his eyes snap to attention.
His heart keeping beating fast, but for a much different reason.
Usagi is gorgeous on the stage. His entire presence perfectly captures the character, even from where he’s sitting.
He did it.
He’s doing it.
Exactly what they wanted to do.
He’s so entranced with Usagi that he doesn’t notice Donnie scanning the crowd once again when he enters the stage.
Donnie stares right at the seat Usagi told him the ticket was for and has an immense feeling of familiarity.
The outfit he’s wearing is something Donnie would have picked in a heartbeat, save for a few changes to make it look crisper.
The smile on his face, the look in his eyes, even the way he sits.
They’re brothers, they have to be.
His performance is invigorated by this fact. He sings like never before. Leo’s laser focused vision was even slightly turning his way as he did.
Usagi can’t help but feel encouraged too, knowing how special this moment is in so many ways.
People are clearly impressed when the song ends with a roar of clapping.
Two turtles and a rat in the front row seem the most enthusiastic about it.
Eventually, it’s time for the intermission and Leo once again feels the anxiety rush in.
He leaves alongside the other viewers in the crowd into the lobby.
There’s some relief in seeing other people wear masks just as added decoration to themselves for this special occasion.
He’s not sure what to do so he just people watches for a bit, taking is still the first time he’s been next to this many….ever.
There’s some talking about how good the performance is, some heading for a bathroom break, and others buying food and drinks.
Movement to his side catches his eye, someone moved too fast against the direction of someone else.
His body moves on its own and a smaller body wearing a suit falls into his arms.
“Nice catch Raphie-oh! You are not Raph.” The turtle yokai comments as he cranes his neck backwards to look up at him.
“No, I’m not. Are you okay?” Leo stands him up.
The yokai nods enthusiastically.
“Thanks to you! I’m Mikey.”
Should he also give his name?
There doesn’t seem to be any immediate harm in it.
“Leo. Glad you’re okay, enjoy the show.”
Mikey’s eyes seem to light up at hearing his name. They then look Leo over curiously, stopping at his face.
Leo immediately feels self conscious and glances away in embarrassment.
“Wow, your markings are so pretty!”
That is not what he was expecting.
“Th-Thank you.”
He hates the stutter that comes out from him at times.
“Do you think you can help me get back to my dad and brother? I was trying to get to them before I got knocked over.”
“I’m sorry, I should really be going.”
Mikey gives the biggest puppy dog eyes that Leo has ever seen, he’s not even sure this level of sad cuteness should exist. It should be illegal.
“Pleeeeeeeeease? I would really appreciate it!”
“I…..okay, which way are they?”
Mikey smiles at him and takes his hand, pulling him in the same direction he was heading before he fell.
Leo finds it odd that this kid would hold his hand after just meeting him. He looks a little too old to be doing that.
They eventually get to where a large turtle and a small rat yokai are-
Oh no.
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g1itchtree · 1 year
Rise!Leonardo Hamato x Usagi Yuichi
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Summary: Usagi plans a special date under the stars
Word Count: 2312
Content: Fluff. Lots of fluff. Usagi’s hella nervous the whole time. Leo is too but he tries to play it smooth. Tries.
Notes: Woo first post. Haven’t really formatted anything on tumblr before so sorry if it turns out weird. I’ll go in and fix it if it does
Usagi was beautiful in the moonlight, Leo thought.
The rabbit was currently at the wheel of the car Leo had borrowed- one of his many favors earned in the Hidden City. It hummed steadily underneath them, the old radio crackling and the busted AC hardly cooling them down. Which was unfortunate, since Leo could feel his face heating up as he observed his companion.
Usagi had insisted on driving them to their destination, wanting to keep the date he had planned a surprise. The moon shone through the window and gave his white fur a sapphire glow.
He kept his eyes on the road, but Leo could tell he was nervous by the nervous thump of his left foot and the occasional twitch of his nose.
“Something up?” Usagi asked, sparing a quick glance at Leo. “You, uh, you’ve been staring for a bit, and… well, you got super quiet, which isn’t really like you, so I guess I just-”
“Just admiring the view, hermoso,” He winked with a grin, causing his companion to fluster.
“Don’t just say things like that out of the blue!” Usagi complained, though a smile was working its way onto his face.
“Aw, but your reactions are just too precious!” Leo cooed, cackling as Usagi playfully smacked his arm. “Agh, mercy!”
“Never mind what I said, go back to being quiet,” Usagi said with a huff.
Leo’s laughing fit quieted down to small chuckles as he leaned back in his seat. “Okay, be that way. But how much further is this mystery destination? We’ve been on the road for quite a while now. I mean, what is there to do in Long Island anyways?”
“Something you can’t do in the city, trust me,” Usagi shot him a nervous grin, his foot starting to tap again. “Just a little further, okay?”
Leo nodded, placing a hand on the rabbit’s arm. “Hey, I’m sure I’ll love whatever you set up, okay?”
“Yeah, you’ve said,” Usagi sighed, taking one hand off the wheel and placing it over his. “But you’ve put so much thought into our other dates, and I’ve had such a good time, really. And I want to do that for you, but I never really done anything like this before, y’know? And I dunno, it’s a lot more lowkey than what you’ve chosen for dates, so what if you’re bored?”
Leo frowned a bit at that, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. “Dude, I’ve only really planned two dates, which I totally got from a blog. Our third was me running from the HCPD, and you just joined in and we messed with them all day. I’m sure whatever you got is fine. Another thing, it’s not a competition or anything, though if you think that would be fun then I’m down. But right now? As long as I’m with you, then it doesn’t matter what we do. We could go bobbing for apples in Meat Sweats’ grease traps and I’m sure we could make it fun.”
Usagi practically melted at that, his ears drooping slightly as he shot Leo an appreciative look. “Why do you have to be so unintentionally endearing?”
“I’m just gonna take that backhanded compliment without too much thought.”
“Yeah, you’re good at that, aren’t you?”
“Okay, nevermind, let me out of here! You’re being mean!”
Usagi cracked up, the moonlight making his eyes sparkle more than they would have. And yeah, Leo is pretty sure he could get used to this.
“Okay, it gets a bit steep here, careful not to trip,” Usagi instructed, hands over Leo’s eyes as they walk to their destination.
“I can trust you to catch me, right?” Leo hummed, turning his head to the rabbit, despite not being able to see.
“If you stop trying to peek, then sure,” Usagi quipped back, humor in his voice. “Now keep walking, it’s just up ahead.”
“You said that like, ten minutes ago,” Leo whined, though he picked up his pace a bit in anticipation.
After no more than a minute of walking, Usagi stopped, but didn’t remove his hands. “Okay, we’re here… just give me a second, okay? Don’t open your eyes.”
“Placing a looot of trust in me, here,” Leo teased, grinning at Usagi’s little huff.
“I’m serious here, no looking!” He grumbled, and wow, Leo could practically hear the pout on his face.
“Okay, okay. Here,” He covered his face with his own hands, letting Usagi take his away. “Better?”
“Mmh, not really, but fine,” Leo heard him take a few steps back and pause a moment, probably making sure he really couldn’t see. After that, he quickly scampered to work, hurrying around the place. Leo heard a few clicks and some music start up, piquing his curiosity.
After another minute of this, followed by a stretch of nervous silence, Usagi came back to Leo’s side, taking his hands away from his face and holding them in between the two.
“Well, here it is,” He mumbled, looking down and standing to the side so Leo could see.
They were surrounded by a few trees and various wildflowers, standing at the top of an overlook that had endless fields and some glittering ponds scattered around. On the ground was a blanket spread out, with more on top of it forming a makeshift shelter of fluff and warmth. Leo knew that they would end up cocooned in there before long, it was one of Usagi’s favorite ways to cuddle.
On the edge of the blanket was a picnic basket, already opened with drinks on the ground beside it. Fairy lights were glowing softly around the blanket, with a lantern to the side to provide more light. A speaker was playing songs from their shared playlist, with one of the romance musicals that they loved to make fun of but secretly adored singing out.
Altogether, it was the perfect spot for the two of them to just be.
Beside him, Usagi fiddled with his hands, drawing Leo’s attention back over to him. “So, what do you think? You can be honest, really, I won’t mind if you think it’s stupid or cheesy or-“
Leo cut him off with a quick peck on the top of his head, beaming down at him. “It’s amazing. When did you even bring all this out here?”
Usagi visibly relaxed with a sigh, bringing Leo to sit on the blanket. “Earlier today. I made the food yesterday with Mikey. He taught me some of your favorites and there’s plenty here. There’s also extra at my place. We got a bit carried away, heh…”
“Woah, no way!” Leo grabbed the basket and started digging through it. “Holy crap, pizza bites?”
“You do not want to know how long that took to get right,” Usagi breathed out a laugh, setting some of the food aside. “I’m pretty sure there’s still dough in my fur.”
Leo threw his arms around him and pulled him in close, nuzzling his beak into his shoulder. “This is literally the best thing ever.”
“You haven’t seen the best part,” Usagi whispered, making Leo raise his head.
“Wuzzat mean?”
Usagi reached around him to turn off the lantern and pulled away from the hug, gesturing to the sky.
Leo turned to look up, his breath catching in his throat at the sight. “Woah, there’s so many…”
Bright stars were spread as far as he could see, glittering like someone had decided to take a bedazzler and decorate the sky itself. Even though it should be dark as hell without any light, Leo could still make out the ground before them.
Usagi gave a laugh at his awed expression. “Can’t see this in the city, huh?”
“Definitely not,” Leo agreed, turning to look back at him. He was staring at the sky with a fond look in his eyes, head resting on his knees with his arms wrapped around them. Leo knew he had lived in the country before moving to the city. Had he missed seeing such clear skies?
He thought about making some kind of smooth move, maybe wrap an arm around him or even push his hair back a bit. But before he could decide, Usagi let out a little gasp, grabbing onto Leo’s arm with excitement. “It’s starting, look!”
Leo turned back to the sky with curiosity, letting out a gasp when sparkles of light dashed across the sky. “Shooting stars?”
“Meteor shower.” Usagi was grinning from ear to ear, leaning into Leo’s side and looking up at him. “You mentioned you’ve never seen one, so…”
“You remember that?” He asked, surprised. “That was, like, when we first started talking.”
“Mm, I have a good memory,” Usagi hummed. “Now quick, make a wish!”
A wish? There wasn’t much Leo could think of. Ordinarily, it would be for money or something stupid like that, ‘cause who doesn’t want to be rich? But… being here, Usagi nestled against him, he couldn’t help but think his life was pretty damn great as it was.
Well… there was one thing.
“I’m not supposed to say my wish, right?” He asked.
Usagi nodded, still focused on the stars. “Yeah, or it won’t come true.”
“What if it doesn’t?” Leo pressed, trying to push the knots in his stomach down. “What if… it would help it come true?”
Usagi pulled away a bit, looking up at him with a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
Leo hesitantly placed his hand on Usagi’s cheek, trying for a charming smile, though it was more shaky than anything. “Can I… um…”
He seemed to get the hint, eyes wide and ears straight up. “Oh! Oh, uh-”
Leo took the hesitance as a no, scrambling to fix his mistake. “It’s totally fine if you don’t wanna, I just thought maybe, I dunno… I mean you just look really nice tonight and I think you probably noticed I’ve been staring a bit and, well-”
“Leo!” Usagi cut off his ramble, laughing at his surprise. “It’s fine, really. And it’s not that I don’t want to, but… it’s new? And scary. Really scary. And I feel so, so nervous.”
“Yeah, you’re thumping,” Leo noted.
Usagi squeaked, stopping his foot and covering his face. “You didn’t see that.”
Leo laughed, letting him hide his face in his plastron. “You’ve been doing it all night, hermoso.”
“It’s embarrassing.” He grumbled, loosely wrapping his arms around Leo’s shell.
“I don’t think so,” Leo assured, drawing shapes on his back. “I mean, you deal with my chirps and stuff.”
Usagi snickered at that, shaking his head. “Okay, but that’s actually adorable.”
“So are you!” He insisted, poking his cheek. “Like, whenever we go somewhere you always sniff a bit and your ears go around, like you’re investigating or something. And whenever I call you something in Spanish you basically melt. I’m talking ears drooping and everything. And-”
“Alright, I get it!” Usagi swatted his hand away, trying to hold back a smile. “Shut up already!”
Leo dipped his head down a bit, brushing at Usagi’s cheek. “Then why don’t you make me?”
Usagi paused, glancing down to his lips. “I… I don’t know. What if it’s bad?”
“The only way to get better is to practice, right?”
He gave a little snort, visibly relaxing. “Dork. You just want to kiss me.”
Leo grinned at that. “Maybe.”
Usagi smiled a bit and took in a deep breath, seemingly psyching himself up. Then he took Leo’s face in both hands and pressed their lips together in one swift motion, taking Leo by surprise.
It was quick and both of them had absolutely no idea what to do, but it was awesome all the same. His free hand found its way to Usagi’s waist, tracing his side on the way down. Usagi’s nose was twitching fast, tickling his beak and making him smile into the kiss.
After a long moment, Usagi pulled away, eyes wide but smile wider. “Woah.”
“Yeah,” Leo agreed. “Definitely ‘woah’.”
The two of them sat for a while in comfortable silence, just taking the moment in. That was, until Usagi started cracking up.
“What? What’s so funny?” Leo asked.
“No, no, I just-” He broke off into more laughter, ducking his head down. “I was so nervous this entire day cause I totally wanted to kiss you, and then you just go and offer it yourself- and holy crap, it was amazing. We need to do that more often.”
Leo relaxed at that, the knots in his stomach turning into butterflies. “Oh yeah, totally. Let’s start now, yeah?”
He playfully kissed his cheek, cackling as Usagi squirmed away.
“Wait wait, hold on, before that,” Usagi interrupted, holding Leo back by his plastron. “Does this mean we’re officially boyfriends and everything?”
That makes Leo pause, confusion etching over his face. “…Were we not?”
“What! I thought that was like, already confirmed!”
“Really?” Usagi asked, moving to cuddle into his side. “I mean, people normally go on a few dates and then they take that step.”
Leo shrugged, moving them to the cocoon of blankets. “Yeah, but you hang out at my place, like, all the time. Thought we were past that step.”
“Geez, why is this all so confusing,” Usagi whined, ducking his head into Leo’s shoulder.
Leo smiled at that, brushing some of his hair back. “I dunno, I think we’re doing a pretty great job.”
“Please! We’re a total mess, admit it.”
“Mmh, maybe,” He concedes. “But we’re having fun, aren’t we? And we totally dig each other, which is a plus.”
Usagi grinned, interlacing their fingers. It was a bit awkward with the numbers difference, but they made it work. “You’re a weirdo, you know that? Total dork.”
“Yeah, but you love it.”
“Mmh, that I do.”
No doubt about it, Leo was absolutely sure he could get used to this.
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angelmichelangelo · 3 months
brother i will devour any content of that human au
so the purple dragons are like. preeettyyy prominent in this au. they’re just bad influence gang members. raph + casey + eventually mikey all get caught up in their, uh, escapades and it doesn’t really end well. poor mike ends up the worst out of it (sorry michael this is the curse of being the writer’s favourite)
but raph meets mona through them! and they become each others reason to be better people so. that’s cute :3
i also added yuichi to the list of side characters because who am i if not a leosagi enjoyer <33 and they’re happy… for now >:)
WOODY IS ALSO PRESENT!! we gots to have my main boy woody. he also is a good enough reason for mikey to get away from the dragons but.. but poor mike is a vulnerable kid. he’s had a tough childhood. maybe woody is sadly not enough to have him change his life around :(
donnie is just vibing. i haven’t really through it all the way through as to what his whole arc is gonna be in this fic. i know i wanna fix the whole april/casey/donnie love triangle in some way.. so yeah. maybe donnie gets the spicy arc lmao
i also love the idea of single foster father splinter. not sure where he’d actually fit into the story but he’s there. in my mind. with the rest of this fic LMAO anywho. here’s a flash forward snippet that i did the other day to kill my writers block :3
tw: mentions of drug abuse + vomit (i said this one was gonna be sadder lol)
Three am. That’s the time that his phone blinds him with when he grabs it off the end table, stopping it from skirting off the edge where it dances across the wood top as it buzzes fiercely at him.
Leo pulls himself away from Yuichi’s arm that’s lovingly and heavily slung over his waist and hits accept on the call.
“Mike,” he says, voice raspy and tired and coming out of him all slow like it often did when he was awoken so abruptly. “What’s up.”
Silence, only for a small fraction of a second, then shuffling and movement. A sniff, like he’d been crying and that gets Leo more awake in mere seconds.
“Leo,” he says, voice so small and far away sounding, like they were just kids again, scared and alone and, fuck. Leo’s heart is ramming hard against his chest. “Leo. I, uh. I need you to come get me. Please?”
Leonardo has now managed to entirely untangle himself from the loose limbs of his sleeping boyfriend beside him, slipping out of the bed to stretch the knot of muscles out of his calves and rub a knuckle into his eyes to smear away the sleep that lingered there.
“Yeah,” he says without a second thought. His alarm is set to go off in just a few hours. He has a full shift waiting for him but Mikey needs him. “Sure. Where are you?”
More shuffling. More movement. Leo wants to blink and have his little brother appear here in front of him. “I’m. Uh. I’m just leaving now. Can you meet me on 41st?”
It’s not far, and Leo can go faster knowing the streets’ll be mostly empty at this time of night. “Of course,” he tells him firmly. “Just stay there, okay? I’ll come get you.”
He hears the sound of a broken off sob and he’s cutting the call dead, spinning in a half circle to blindly search for his forgotten sweatpants on the floor when there’s the sound of Yuichi slowly waking from his side of the bed.
“Hmmm,” he says as he’s pulled from his sleep, stretching his arms out in front of him like a cat. “What’s wrong?”
Leo’s found his sweatpants, dancing about in them, one leg hopping about the room before he’s able to yank them up and pocket his phone away safely. “Mike,” he says plainly. Even in the dim room, he can make out the sad expression the other boy makes. “I’m gonna go get him. He’s– he’s in a bad way, I think, Ich.”
Yuichi makes no such fuss. He sits up, pushing back the shaggy locks of his blonde hair from his face – letting it stiffly stand up on end, he makes himself comfortable before looking at Leo with a loving gaze.
“Need me to come with?” He asks gently.
Leo shakes his head. “No. Though, I wouldn’t mind if you set the couch up for him for when we get back?” He asks.
Yuichi smiles, then gestures for Leo to come to him with little grabby hands. Leo gladly follows, pillowing his face between his warm, gentle hands.
“Love you,” he simply says, pulling him closer to press a soft kiss to his nose. Leo sighs, melting into the touch with ease.
“I know. Love you too.” He pulls away with a pout. “I won’t be long.”
And so he goes.
Leo’s old Sedan might be a heap of junk but it gets him to Mikey’s destination in good time. He pulls up, clipping the curb and bouncing the entire car with a jerk, to find his little brother perched sadly on a bench, his face wet and sunken, curls plastered damp across his face.
“Oh, Mike,” he says softly to himself as he peels himself out of the car to approach him. “What’s happened.”
Mikey almost doesn’t even notice that he’s arrived just yet, not until he’s up close in his bubble does his blank stared reserve seem to burst and his whole face crumples, reaching up for his brother like he’s five years old again.
“Hey,” Leo says with a breath, wrapping him up into his arms. He smells like booze and sweat and something else that has his gut turning in circles. He only pulls away to inspect him up close, holding his face between his palms like Yuichi had done for him, his heart sinks when he notes his brother’s blown out pupils and how pale he really was.
“M’sorry,” Mikey slurs, a mixture of intoxication and tears, bottom lip wobbling about on his face. “M’so sorry, Leo. Fo’everything.”
Leo pulls him in again, running his fingers through his matted, unkempt hair. “It’s alright. I got you now.”
Mikey’s breath shudders. He’s so small still, so lilith and… god so little. Leo is able to practically pick him up whilst he’s sandwiched up in his arms like this and guide him back to the car where it’s warmer.
They get in the car where Leo blasts the heaters on full and turns the radio down to mute.
He watches as his brother sluggishly slides his seatbelt over his chest, then wipes his nose with the back of his wrist, wetting his sleeve.
“I’ve been worried sick about you, Mike,” Leo says to him, unable to hold back the words any longer. “Weeks without any contact. I… I was thinking the worst.”
Mikey, unable to hold eye contact for longer than a brief, fleeting second, sighs, dropping his head down with shame as more tears spring hotly behind his eyes.
“I’m an idiot. I ruined my life, ruined yours and Don’s and Raph’s–” He hiccups, whole body shaking violently as a brutal sob crawls out of him. Leo’s instinct is to fly a hand out and land it on his arm to try and quell him. But he doesn’t.
He can’t. He just watches.
More silence. Aside from the sniffling and the grizzling, Leo takes a sobering, steady breath.
“What…” he loses his confidence. He clears his throat and tries again. “What did you take? Tonight?”
Mikey pinches his whole face together, like he was simply trying to just… pop himself out of existence into thin air. He scrubs a hand down his face and relaxes, eyes still closed, he tells his brother,
“I dunno. Think. Think it was somethin’ a lot stronger than I’ve taken before. S’okay. I didn’t. I didn’t shoot up. Just pills, this time.”
This was how it would go. This was how it would go for Leo’s littlest brother – his little brother that found a crutch with pills and substances rather than his own family. His little brother that had found a more solid foundation in pushing poison through his veins than his own flesh and blood.
Leo’s chest gives a little unsteady wobble. “Okay.” He says slowly. “Do…do you need a hospital?”
Mikey is quick to shake his head, his curls loose, go skirting about his forehead before he’s frantically pushing them away with the palm of his hand.
“God no,” he says in one breath. Eyes still shut, he tips his head back against the headrest and sighs. “Can. Can we just go? I don’t care where you take me.” His eyes slide back open, hazy and lost. “I’ve, uh. I’ve been staying at that hotel, the one with the flamingo on the wall. You know it?”
Leo shakes his head, swallowing thickly. “No,” he tells him. “I’ll take you home.”
Mikey blanches. Someone outside the bar gets loud and rowdy and starts singing a song with all the wrong lyrics.
“Home?” Mikey says, voice small. “What home?”
Leo swears he feels his heart dive to the long, endless bottom of his gut. “My– I’ll take you back to my place.” He tells his brother. “It’s your home, too.”
Leo has to watch the way tears well up, big and wobbly in his brother’s soft, brown eyes. Listens to the way his voice trembles when he asks.
“Will Yuichi be mad?”
Leo scoffs and then does he finally start the car, clunkily putting it into drive. “Course not. Your family, Mike. I’ve been waiting for you, remember?”
The drive is slow and long and bordering on torturous on the account of Leonardo having to sit beside his brother that continues to muffle his sobs into the palm of his hand. Eventually when they pull up to his apartment building, does it seem like the crying has subsided for now.
“Oh, shit,” Mikey says with a breath grazing past his teeth, climbing loosely out of his side of the car. He wobbles, catching himself on the door, and then laughs somewhat wetly. “Yeah. That’s— that’s hitting, now.”
Leo’s face tightens as he goes around the car, shouldering some of his brothers shaky weight, walking him up the steps like a baby deer, they finally make it inside.
Not before Mike pukes all over the welcome mat.
“Aw,” he says weakly, his entire body sagging against Leo’s now as his bottom lip trembles slightly. “I’m sorry.”
Yuichi, who seems to appear within the blink of an eye with bundles of blankets heaped up in his arms, shares a softened expression between both brothers.
“It’s alright,” he assures him, voice gentle, gesturing for him to follow him inside with a nod of his head. “Here. Come in. I’ll clean that up, you just go sit.”
Leo steers his brother around the puddle of vomit and towards the couch that is currently resembling more of a nest than it did a piece of their furniture.
Leo peels off his hoodie and unlaces his sneakers for him. Mikey hiccups, and Leo scoots away, mindful that he might just be sick on him, but untenses when he notes it’s just another little sob evading him.
Yuichi gets to work mopping the entryway and Leo tucks his brother up in his makeshift bed, flattening his unruly curls back with the palm of his hand.
“Sorry,” Mikey whispers again, eyes drooping shut. He whimpers another sad, pathetic sound, and then, finally, is he asleep
There’s the sound of running water, the squeak of the faucet turning off, and Yuichi’s bare feet padding across the small living room to meet Leo, bumping a comforting shoulder with his.
“I’ll probably stay up, keep an eye on him in here,” Leo says with one heaving breath. He runs a hand down his face, fully feeling the effects of being awake at such an hour catch up on him hotly.
Yuichi brushes his knuckles against Leo’s; a gesture so intimate and warm, it almost makes him fall asleep on the spot.
“You sure you don’t want me to?” He asks, mindful to keep his voice hushed. When Leo turns to face him, his brows are furrowed, a look of concern etched deeply across his face as they watch Leo’s sleeping brother sprawled out on the couch.
Leo hums. Knocking his knuckles with his with a small tap. “No, it’s alright,” he assures him, offering him a warm, easy smile. “You get some rest. I’ll call work in the morning. Tell them there’s been… a family emergency.” His voice goes tight as he looks again towards Mikey.
He’ll also have to call Raph in the morning also. And he could try Donnie, but he’s not so sure he’d really be up for caring all that much right now.
“Okay,” Yuichi says after a while, leaning over to press a chaste kiss across his cheek, lips lingering for just a second before he’s pulling away to stifle a yawn.
“Get some rest, Ich,” Leo says softly, nodding towards the direction of their bedroom. His boyfriend smiles warmly, and then does he go.
“Wake me if you need me,” he says before he disappears behind the door. Leo agrees and finally allows himself to slump his weight into the small, plush armchair that resides beside his brother.
He watches the steady rise and fall of his chest, coming and going, knowing that with each pump of his heart, he was shooting poison and pain through the very veins that kept him going.
Anxiety causes his gut to form like a hard knot. So he swallows the thought down, bitterly, and keeps watching the up and down motion of his brother’s chest.
Up. And down. And up. And down.
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umhuhwellthen · 11 months
Self-proclaimed eldest of the girls:
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Lmao look at that pic of a Burmese I used as reference and then the canon image, tell me they are not the same i dare you(joking)
She is SO *clenches fist* I'd be shaking her if she wouldn't stab me
Her relationship with Yuichi is very much one of those siblings, "only I'm allowed to call you shit, anyone else does I'm throwing hands." Except it's usually very sharp and deadly objects in this case.
Lovingly bullies Yuichi. Auntie very much had to do the whole domesticating a feral kitten for all the ninja but especially with her.
If they had phones and a groupchat vvv
Yuichi: -hey Gen how do you quell a sisters murderous rage?
Gen: -What.
Yuichi: -time sensitive question Itsumi's trying to kill Lord Kogane
Chizu: -Let her.
Kitsune: -let her!!!!
Kiyoko: -13t h3r 1m40
Toshiko: -Let her lol
Gen: -....
Yuichi: -GUYS
Gen: -Yeah, okay.
Gen: -Let her.
Copy and pasting my rambles from notes app:
Itsumi is sooo fun. She thinks Yuichi is an idiot and is frankly astonished he's still alive and that he's lived so long(she admires him, his kindness and determination). She tolerates him as he loves and cares for all the neko ninja orphans as little sisters (he loves and cares for her). Just. She was snarky and bossy and disbelieving. And it could have just been she was a brat kid and/or a bully. Or. Or It could be that she was always trying to be the loudest among them, speaking up and speaking out to get all the attention on her, "Look at me, look only at me, pay attention to me, ignore them, leave the others alone, they are not worth your time, focus on me." And disbelieving how Hanna actually got out of the crew because she needs to nip false hope in the bud to avoid getting hurt. Because while the other kittens sometimes have a confused or concerned expression, she had an angry or sceptical one. And she was always in front while the others were at her side and a step behind. She needs to be on the lookout, she needs to guide and protect the others because who else will? And Yuichi got them out. Sure Chizu and the others helped but Yuichi gave them a home. Tells them the best napping spots. Will tell them to try and find his hidden comics on their own, but will give hints(that aren't so much so hints but their exact locations) if he feels like they might be struggling even though they very much are definitely not. Pats their heads. Calls them imouto. Lends them his old clothes, gives them his childhood toys. Became their big brother. Goofy and more childish than them sometimes, but a good and caring older brother nonetheless.
Going from living with Lady Fuwa to living with Auntie on the farm.... They were always kept in the dojo, and depending on how young they were taken in never even remembered or knew what the sky looks like, and then its shown in the show that because of the bright lights of Neo Edo you can't see the stars, and then their first night at the farm, still disbelieving that they're truly free, together in a room because there's no way they feel comfortable enough to separate, and then looking out a window and seeing a sky, blue, dark, and covered in stars.
Itsumi chose new clothes that were blue, and yes it was to copy Yuichi (she will forever deny that) but also because blue is the color of freedom, the color of the samurai who held out his hand and tried to teach them to be good, the color of the sky overhead as you realize you are free to rest your head and not worry about a demon in red coming for you and your sisters family comrades, just. Peace.
She'll never admit that though, it's more tactical now, she'll say. The blue blends in better with the night sky now that the lights are off.
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I read that you have open requests and I thought I would ask you if you could make a Shigaraki/Tenko x reader platonic! , in which AFO basically kidnapped several children to do experiments on them to make them stronger and have more quirks etc, but still have a human appearance and continue to acting like humans.Only one girl survived and AFO took her to train with Shigaraki, at that time Shigaraki would be about 10/11 years old and reader 5 and a half.Both were raised together and with the intention that they get along and that's how it was. But one day the heroes arrive and save reader (by this time he would have been about 9/10 years old)And that in the future, when Shigaraki and the LOV attack class 1-A at the UA, he meets Reader who is now in class 1-A training to be a pro hero.
I'd reader was fem! or gn! I don't know if I described what I want, sorry about that!
If you don't want to make this request it's completely fine and thank you very much in advance ⁠♡♡☆☆
At first i didn't get it but then my brain processed it. Love this idea, so I'll gladly write it for you💚
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They took you away, and now I see you on a different side.
Shigaraki x gn!reader (Platonic!)
Notes: some slight(?) angst, fluff, slight swearing. It was a little longer than I expected, but IT MADE ME CRY.
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All you could see was black, the thick fabric blocking all light from your vision. All you remember was going to a park with your mother, going down the slides, laughing, smiling... then a strange man in a suit came and blocked all light. You were only 5, your birthday was to happen in 3 weeks. Your mom must be worried, you could practically see her face filled with teary eyes. You suddenly feel forward, hitting the metal surface of the vehicle they threw you in. You heard the door slam and then another being opened with a click. "Get the kids and have the change." you were suddenly being carried by someone, your tears were absorbed by the fabric but your sniffles were consistent, and your whimpers were growing louder. "Shh, it's okay... I won't hurt you little one." The person said, it was a man. You felt that you were placed on some soft surface, like the ones at the doctors.
"i need you to cooperate with me dear, can you do that for me?" you didn't know what to do, or even what 'couhpurate' meant, you were only 5. You just sat there, sniffling. The man sighed and slowly removed the fabric covering your eyes. You were soon met with green eyes, "He said he'd take those above 7..." as he grabbed a white medical gown, you were still sniffling when he walked over to his desk and grabbed a tissue. "Blow on three okay? One... Two... Three..." you blew, he then wiped your nose with a clean tissue and disposed of it. "I'm doctor Yuichi Ishii, but you can call me doctor Yui, okay? What's your name dear?" you just stared at him with tears in his eyes, "...Y/N, where's my mommy doctor mister?" he looked away, not knowing how to tell a five year old on what's to come. "She's... preparing a... surprise party! With all your friends, and all the gifts you want!" he says with a bright smile, he felt horrible, lying to a kid. But it's for the best. "Really?! Why didn't she tell me about the old man? Why make me cry? Why-" He then hugged your small body, it felt warm, you liked warm. You wrapped your small arms around him, falling into a slumber, which was good, since he muttered, "I'm so sorry little Y/N, you shouldn't have to go through this..."
You were now 6, standing next to your 'father'. It had been a year since you arrived, you made friends but they come and go. Your only real friend was your 'father'. "Y/N dear, you'll be okay in there alone right?" he looked down to meet your e/c eyes, you responded to him with a small bright smile on his face. "Of course father! I'll be on my be behaviour!" giving him a small salute. He chuckled, he no longer minded you calling him father. But it ached his heart knowing that someday, he won't see you again.
"Were here, this will be the last test for today. Then you can go play!" he opened the door to a room you were now familiar with. The same doctors, white tile walls and floors, the machines, everything. "Good day little Y/N, you know the drill." Doctor Tsukiko stated getting her clipboard ready. "mhm!" as you entered the room, you saw your 'father' giving you a thumbs up. "Alright Y/N, prepare to use your quirk on that pile of cups in three... two... one!" you used your quirk, it eliminated the cups immediately. After what seemed like forever, the daily tests were over. You walked out of the room with a happy smile and a lollipop! You were holding onto your 'father's' coat as he led you to the play room. You expected it to be empty, but there were two people standing in the middle of the room, a man in a suit, and a boy with baby blue hair. "B-boss! I wasn't expecting a visit so soon! Let me escort Y/N out for this discussion-", "There is no need Doctor, I'm merely here to let my boy play with some other kids, if that's alright with you." The doctor looked at the what seemed to be, 11 year old boy. "Of course boss! Y/N would love too, right dear?", "Mhm! Now I have someone to do my puzzles with!" you smile grabbing his hand leading him to the puzzle table.
"what's your name? And how old are you?" You ask while picking out one of the new puzzles they brought in for you and your family. "Ten... *cough* Tomura. And I'm 11 years old." you place the puzzle in front of him, "That's so cool! Your names cool too! Wanna play puzzle with me?" He gives a small smile and nods, you guys solved three 500 piece puzzles that day.
And ever since, after you'd finish your daily test, you'd play with him. You'd play jenga, color pictures, act as detectives and sometimes your 'father' would join in too! You both were inseparable. You'd ask him about where he lives, what's it like living with your 'father's' boss, etc. It's been at least 2 and half years.
"I don't get it detective Tomu! How will we find the thief? the city is hugee!" you say, stretching the 'e' and gesturing to the city you guys built with the big blocks, "Why with clues of course! Y/N, what did we see at the crime scene?" Tomura says, pointing at the messy toy box, "... a pair of green glasses?" Tomura nodded and pointed at your father, "Exactly! And the only person who uses green glasses in the WHOLE city, is HIM! DOCTOR YUI!" he says, grinning. "Oh drat! You caught me detective..." your 'father' says with his hands up, "Now where's the item you stole! You must return it!", "Yeah! You better!" he chuckled and handed over the sparkly teddy bear, both of your smiles grew. "We did it detective Tomu! Our city is saved!!", "I couldn't have done it without you detective Y/N!"
It happened... the incident. You were just sitting in your 'father's' office when you felt a rumble. "Y/N, under my desk, NOW." He yelled, standing up, and heading towards his secret tool cabinet. "Father?", "Stay here, and don't leave unless I say the words 'apple pies, with cream" okay?", you nodded. His smile wasn't as bright as it was before, you hid under his desk as he walked out of his office. You heard loud bangs, screams, and explosions. It reminded you of older brother Hikaru, whenever it was his time to take his test, you could hears screams and explosions from his room. Until one day, he stopped coming to play time. You never knew what happened, you were told he behaved so well he got to go and see the beach and eat ice cream!
All of a sudden, the sound of the office door kicked open, followed by the voices of your 'father' and another unknown voice. "Please take them and go! They can't be here please! They are all I have left!", "Sir, we can save you as well! PLease let me-", "NO! TAKE MY CHILD AND LEAVE, PLEASE!", "father?", "Sweety, this hero will take you to your mother! You'll get to have apple pies with cream for dessert all you want!" he sounded sad, you slowly left the table. "Father? Who's this?", "Take them, please. Their name is L/N Y/N, they're allergic to pollen, and have a small phobia of needles, please, return them to their mother." The hero nodded and scoped you up in his arms, "father!" you said reaching your hands out to him. "My dear sweet Y/N, you were the only reason I stayed here in this facility. I hope that when your older, you'll understand what I've done for you." you started to cry, as he kissed your forehead, a loud bang was heard in the distance. "Go hero, and keep her safe." He removes his cloak and glasses, wrapping and placing them on you. "Farewell my dear, I hope to see you again one day."
Tomura stood next to his sensei, overlooking the chaos. "Sensei, where's Y/N and Doctor Yui?", "...Let's go Tomura.", "They aren't dead, are they?" he asks, tears slowly filling his eyes. "I doubt, but we need to go." he looked back again down at the chaos... you and the doctor weren't dead, surely! He snuck out, he had never thought he'd do this behind his sensei's back, but he couldn't sleep. He arrived at the scene, inspecting the pile of rubble and ruins. He walked towards what he remembers as the play room, he noticed the sparkly teddy bear now had lost an arm and had blood stains on it, and next to it...was a drawing of him, Y/N, and the doctor. He cried the moment he curled up in bed, hugging the teddy and the drawing close to him. You were gone... the doctor was gone... you BOTH were gone... and he didn't get to play with you one last time.
You were sitting next to the hero who took you away from your father. He handed you a slice of apple pie, "Your dad promised you apple pies with cream for dessert right? Here! Eat up little one!" he said with a bright smile, as bright as your dads. You started to tear up, slowly eating the pie, "Hey hey! What's wrong? Is it cold?", "No.. *sniffle* you just, have the same smile as my dad..." The hero looked sad, he then came up with an idea "How about I introduce myself! I'm Fat Gum, the BMI hero!", you looked up at him, "Hero? Like a detective?", "You could say that! But I rescue people and go on dangerous missions. But you could say one of them is my hunger!" he states, while posing. You giggled at his jokes and stories, you found yourself admiring him, he saves people as a job! And his quirk was amazing! "WHERE IS MY BABY?!" You hear a familiar voice, you turn towards it, and saw a familiar face. "...Y/N?" you couldn't remember who it was "...?", "Kid, that's your mom." you blinked a few times before remembering everything "m-mommy?", "MY BABY!! OH MY BABY! I'M SO GLAD YOUR OKAY! I'M SO SORRY! OH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! MOMMY MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" she cried out, you hugged her back, letting all your emotions loose. She was constantly next to you, showering you in the motherly love you missed out on for 3 and a half years. "I'm so so so sorry baby, I should've been doing a better job at watching you...", "Mommy, it's okay, it wasn't your fault."
"Still, I'm so so sorry baby. Why don't you tell me what you've been doing these past years hm?"
It's been 5 years. You were now 16 and a half. You still celebrate your father's death anniversary, your mother allowed it because she was thankful that someone was being sweet and kind to her beloved child. She would sometimes tag along with you to share her gratitude. Your mother enrolled you into Aldera Junior High, the same school as Bakugo and Midoriya. You talked with with Midoriya from time to time, but other than that, nothing else. You only started to have full conversations with him when you found out you were both participating in the UA hero's entrance exam.
You both were in the same class, and soon became best friends. Along with the rest of the deku squad. You weren't the best student, but not the worst. Luckily the things you did during the tests allowed you to be a bit smarter. The puzzles you did, the problems you solved, the training you did, etc. You still followed the same schedule your 'father' gave you, it made you feel satisfied, and closer to him. Your quirk grew strong, very strong. It almost lost control during training, but you managed! sort of...
USJ came along, and you all were pretty excited for the exercise of saving people, maybe you could learn to become like Fat Gum! You sat next to Todoroki who was just napping, you both were on mutual terms, he even asked you to wake him up when they arrive!
But what you didn't expect was for it to become a real battle, during the teleportation, you were one of the few who stayed behind with Thirteen and the rest of your classmates. You decided to assist you teacher in anyway you could by shooting at some villains. But when that big guy came out, you had to go down and help. You left the others to help when you noticed a baby blue color flash in the corner of your eye... you turned to see the familiar hands you would see your childhood playmate have with him on occasion. "..Tomu?" "...Y/N?"
you both looked at eachother. He saw you, you were alive! After all these years of grief and guilt, he saw you alive, breathing! But, you were with the heroes, these good for NOTHING HEROES! "Why are you on the hero side Y/N?" he asked sternly. You got into a stace and sent an attack towards him. "I'm on the heroes side because a villain killed my father!", "You mean Doctor Yui? Wow, those heroes didn't even SAVE him?"
He was right, why didn't FatGum save your dad? You shook off the thought and knocked down a villian that was heading your way. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS' TOMU.", "IT SHOULD BE. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO SEND ME A LETTER, OR GIVE ME A SIGN THAT YOU WERE ALIVE." He started running towards you, your teacher Aizawa extended his scarf out to grab you but he was being held by the Nomu.
You were both now having hand-to-hand combat, "BULLSHIT EXCUSE Y/N! YOU LEFT ME, AND ALL I HAD WAS THE THOUGHTS OF YOU AND DOCTOR YURI LYING DEAD UNDER RUBBLE THAT DAY." He kicked you onto your back and pressed his foot against your throat.
"They took you from me, and now I see you on THEIR side." he said, pressing harder, "T-tomu, please..." you begged him to remove his foot, he stared down at you. "I loved our memories Y/N," he stated lifting his foot, "But next time, I won't be so nice." He then kicked you, your back colliding with a stone wall, knocking you out cold.
"Please don't interrupt our plans, I'd hate to have to take you down."
goddam, this made me cry. But yeah that's it! Hope it was to your liking!
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The omakes and filler episodes in Bleach are insane in the way that they tell us all that, logically, the timeline of the series should have been way longer!
Christmas and New Year's omakes when Ichigo never really had ONE single Christmas with the Shinigami?
Fillers that needed at least two extra years of story to make sense even if they're not canon?
It's actually insane when you think that, for example, the Lost Agent Arc takes places in less than week if I'm not wrong?!? (Timelines are complicated because we need to Google them each time.)
The first Arc takes a month... Okay, we know her mission (well, we know afterwards...) was only a month. But could have been two to three months.
Soul Society Arc makes a bit more sense that it's fast. It's supposed to reflect the half assed, cheat codes filled "training" Urahara and Yoruichi imposed on Ichigo because time was of essence!
But then there's like no time to prepare for the confrontation with Aizen and we get the long ass (episode wise) Hueco Mundo Saga that just goes on and on and on...
Theoretically it starts on the 1st of September and ends on the 2nd of December... But...
Inoue is kidnapped (not really but okay....) on the 30th of October and Aizen is defeated on the 1st of November...
Again, way too fucking fast.
The Lost Agent Arc (or Fullbringer Arc) begins on some Monday of April (at least after the first week, because Ichigo's back in school for his last year of Secondary Education) and ends on Sunday... Okay.
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Makes no sense. But moving on to worse things...
When I was just begging my Bleach journey and I thought Kuchiki Byakuya was a damn weird name, 366 episodes were going to take months and months to finish, (two months to finish everything up to tybw cour 1) and I really wanted to hear Yuichi Nakamura and Daisuke Ono's voices, ( "So, Tsukishima is one of the good guys, right?" I asked my younger son... Who just smirked at me...) I kinda — for some reason — got into my head that between the Fullbringer Arc and TYBW it must have been two years!
It made sense to me.
Boy, was I wrong!
Now, if we'd have those two years of interval in universe, it would have given us a "logical" place to insert most of the filler and omakes. (though Byakuya was wearing the Kenseikan in those and we know he stopped wearing them, along with the scarf altogether...)
But with the canon timelines?
There's no place to insert those humorous Kuchiki Byakuya and the others giving Yamamoto letters for Santa, the one were Byakuya gifts Ichigo the Sakura Crested All Access pass and the New Year's cards with Byakuya and Rukia trying to draw a snake...
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pissfizz · 1 year
okay well now that you mentioned it i am Also very curious on your thoughts on their parenting (esp ena since you already mentioned it)
Ok WELL. let’s start with ena since that’s who I’ve already brought up lol
Since I already find myself so incredibly similar to her it’s kind of easy to see where her faults would be, since they’re the same as mine. I say this with love, but ena is vain, selfish, and self centered. I’m not saying that someone with these traits can’t be a good parent, but it is very very difficult. She thinks about herself a lot, which can be hard on a kid that just wants their moms attention all the time. Also, she is incredibly easily annoyed, which, in my experience, doesn’t tend to fare well with children. I’m sure by the time she’s the age of having a kid, she’ll have grown, but these are still intrinsic parts of her, and in Naomi’s early years, I think she’d still be struggling a lot with them. They would be hard on Naomi, especially with how easily annoyed she is. But don’t get me wrong, she definitely still loves Naomi with every bit of her being, and honestly something tells me she’d accidentally become a little too strict out of worry since Mizuki is a lot looser when it comes to rules and stuff. Naomi would gravitate towards Mizuki for these reasons, and before she comes to understand ena more, she would likely resent her a bit. But as Naomi ages, ena grows and becomes a better parent. Not perfect, but better. Around the time Naomi is sixteen is when ena is really trying to remedy her behavior from Naomi’s childhood, and trying to be warmer and more caring and spend more time with Naomi and support her more.
With Mizuki, they’re a very laid back parent. They feel Naomi needs to have some independence and figure things out on her own sometimes. They talk with her like a friend, and are very casual and don’t really have a traditional parent child barrier of respect, which they’re fine with. Mizuki let’s Naomi get away with a lot of stuff and kind of do whatever she wants, but sometimes she takes advantage of this and does things she shouldn’t or skips out on rules or school stuff because she knows Mizuki won’t punish her. Mizuki views themself as a bad parent because of this, being unable to be an actual parent to her and not just an adult friend that happened to sire her. Especially when Naomi was a baby, they would freak out because they didn’t know what they were doing and didn’t know how to take care of a kid, especially when they still feel like a kid themself. However, between the both of them, Naomi is an amazing makeup artist and is amazing at expressing herself through her appearance and clothes.
With toya, his biggest fear would be being too much like his dad. He goes out of his way to make sure his kid gets to make their own choices and be who they want and that neither he or akito is forcing them into something they don’t want. He also doesn’t want to have that cold distance he had with his parents and siblings, trying especially hard to have their family be close and warm, although sometimes he can become incredibly overbearing, made worse by his struggle to express himself properly. He can also become a bit of a push over, since he doesn’t want to come off as strict as his father. His desire for an affectionate family can also be a little odd for him, since he doesn’t have experience with it and thus he can be a bit awkward and distant when he’s making everyone all hang out together. But Yuichi does get full range to express themself without judgement, which is a great thing.
Akito has a similar problem to ena with getting easily annoyed, but not quite as intense, but that may also be because Yuichi was a much quieter child than Naomi was. I don’t have as many thoughts on him as the others but he’s definitely very chill most of the time, and makes sure that Yuichi is comfortable around him. He also constantly stresses that Yuichi can be whoever he wants to be, and not anything that others think he should. He’s also pretty protective too. I might add more on this later but this is what I have for akito right now
Return at a later date for emunene since I only have the bare bones for them </3
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blue-nardo · 2 years
Ya aren’ hur’ more righ’? Ya safe? Please tell me ya safe now…
-Monty 🐊
Hey, I'm completely fine, okay? I made it back to the lair without a scratch. I'm sorry I'm making you stress, but I wouldn't bite off more than I could chew with this right now. Miyamoto just wanted to talk, and he got Yuichi away from me before a real fight could break out.
I'm okay, Monty. I promise.
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galaxitix · 1 year
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Who is the lucky person who has captured our dear Lavinia's heart? 🤭
(hint it's a rabbit and no it's not miyamoto but it is a usagi)
Be sure to vote for this flustered lesbian in the mini tournament
@ultimatebabygirlsupremebattle (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) submission for gay lesbian panic
(a bit of au info dump under cut)
Okay more specifically it's an original character of mine. Who knows maybe I'll post the lucky rabbit during the mini tournament 😌 💅
But for now a bit of info dump about my au (does it have a name? yes. Am I going to reveal it? Eventually, just not now, want to finalize some things first (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠))
• In this miyamoto and the turtles share a teacher-student relationship, sometimes it's fatherly because these turtle need more adults in their life though Lav kinda has beef with him in the beginning but respects him all the same)
• Did I mention my splinter is alive? No. Well he is (let's the boys keep their father ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ)
• A teaser about the 'lucky rabbit', she is just like Lav (I'll let you figure that out for yourself (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡)
• her brothers are well aware of her crush despite her denial (there're her brothers of course they see though her, they all are terrible at taking secrets from one another)
• naturally they tease her about it and when she confess to like the 'rabbit', they try and help her out especially Mikey and Raph who are both suckers for romance, shush don't tell Raph I said that tho. Donnie is there for moral support and will, with no hesitate, make rabbit stew if Lav gets hurt)
• oh my story also happens two years after season 5 and no, the mutant apocalypse never happen in my au, the turtle are 20-21 (my au comes in two parts:pre and post so that why I said 20-21)
•you can also ask questions about my au if you're interested
(Finally before I go, i just want to say the writers did my boy Leonardo dirty in the show when it came to his love interest. And since 2003 and Rottmnt has their own usagi(miyamoto and yuichi respectively) I decided to give him one in my au (not this one, one I haven't posted about, probably won't honestly) so I bought it over to this one, changing a few 'things'(not going to specify because I don't want gave away anything about the 'lucky rabbit' yet. They share the same origin tho with a slight difference because of the 'things' I change but enough rambling from me.)
if you made this far, thanks for reading my non-sense(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ even though you probably only came for the art
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
(diary meme ehek) 13 Yuichi (either Nagasone, Kashuu or Saseki ehek), 7 Hachisuka! (@zantedeschia-praesul)
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
i'm a gemini you can't just give me 3 choices and expect me to pick hehe. so have them all !!!!!!! (really i just love doing these diaries so i'm taking all them i can get rrrrrraaaaaa)
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Nagasone)
Ohhh, dearest diary. You are going to feel so special, aren't you? Because you've known for so long about Nagasone and I, longer than perhaps anyone else-- except maybe Kashuu. Don't be getting jealous, though!
But... we've finally decided to let it be known by the rest of the honmaru, and... Well I think a lot of the men already had some kind of idea. Kogitsunemaru definitely knew, though he's gracious enough to wait until we were ready before he said anything (some very kind words, naturally). I think Murakumo got the hint simply for how much time he spends in my office some days. Hachisuka probably figured it out pretty quickly, though he hasn't said anything to me, and Nagasone hasn't mentioned anything from him. Urashima I think was somehow still unaware. Perhaps he's just too pure for this world.
"I don't know why I was so nervous about it." I know I say this all the time, but it never seems to stop being relevant. I was worried others would be unhappy about it, or that they might think I play favorites-- clearly this is different, right? Right.
Worst of all, the thought crossed my mind that... perhaps after it stopped being such a secret, Nagasone might lose interest, or look at me differently, or something. I don't have this worry anymore, but I can't stop thinking ABOUT the fact that I thought that might happen. I feel awful for even barely entertaining the thought. Nagasone had never given me any reason to believe that, and on the contrary, he only ever gives me hundreds more to KNOW for certain that it wouldn't happen. It's... amazing, really, how he can do so much to make me feel so good, and happy, and just... like everything's okay... But I still find a way to think there's a chance that I don't deserve it.
Nagasone would hate to hear that from me, I know it. And he doesn't deserve that, either.
Which is why I tell you, of course. But you probably could already guess that, huh.
Well... Whether I deserve it or not... I love him. So much. I'd be a goner without him.
So, diary, I hope you're happy for us too.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Kashuu)
Dear Diary.
This still feels like some kind of fucked-up dream. But... up until now, through all of this... recovering, monitoring, assessing, training, learning, trying to come to terms with the fact that apparently magic and sword-men and time travel is all real... It's been like I'm just walking through it in a confused, numb daze. It didn't really matter. For all I knew, I could've been dead and this was my afterlife.
But... not anymore.
I summoned my first touken danshi. Kashuu Kiyomitsu, he's called. One of two trusty swords of Shinsengumi first unit captain, famed Okita Souji.
The summoning itself was... excruciating, but amazing. I don't know how I did it. But... I haven't FELT this much emotion, felt anything in this intensity but despair and loneliness in... I don't know when, or if I have.
Maybe I was scared. This whole Government thing is intimidating. Maybe I was just afraid that if I didn't give it my all, they'd... I dunno, kick me to whatever the afterlife equivalent of a curb is. Or send me to hell.
Maybe I just wanted it to be real so badly that I managed to tap into that... pathetic, desperate wish for a connection with someone, a friend, that I could have a chance not to isolate myself or squander it, and...
And he appeared. Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
I thought perhaps the fact I was crying might freak out a new person-- a literally NEW person, right? But it seems... there really is a connection between us. They told us this would be the case with the swords we summoned, but... I guess I couldn't believe it until I felt it myself.
I hugged Kashuu Kiyomitsu and... it just made everything real. Real, and scary, and overwhelming, but... if this is my second chance at life, I'm going to take it. As long as he's there with me... I think I'll be okay.
Kashuu Kiyomitsu... Thank you.
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. (Yuichi -> Saseki)
Ah, diary...
I'm sitting at my desk... I should be working, but... I just can't help but stare at the magical painting Saseki gifted me, and think about him. I appreciate Nagisa a great deal, and of course owe my life to her and her men, but I don't know that I was in such a state of mind to have formed a bond with her. Not to mention there was a lot that she couldn't tell me, since the Government had yet to make a call on what to do with me.
But Saseki... what can I say? He's become one of my best friends, almost like a brother, perhaps. He's so insistent that he be able to protect me or help me if I'd ever need it, even after he's been through so much himself... I'm so grateful to him, and this honmaru is lucky to have such an ally, of course.
But letting my thoughts drift... one question my mind asked, I can't help but think about: "Where were you before, in my old life?"
I had ... friends, before. I guess. But I had such trouble trying to interact with them for some reason and opted to just... keep to myself. I didn't feel truly comfortable with anyone.
But... I don't know. I don't want to change where I am now. I would never give this up for even a moment, not over my dead body and then some. But I can't help but wonder, what IF I had known Saseki? Sometimes I think about this with my touken danshi as well, but it feels more of a fantasy that way, about maybe taking them around a modern city and whatnot. But with Saseki... he's a human. In theory, it's not impossible for us to have crossed paths, and ... I just think... maybe if we had...
No, no. This sounds like I'm blaming Saseki. It's not that. It's just... What I mean is... I'm just so grateful to have him. And I know now the impact one person can have on the trajectory of history in a given timeline. On the off chance I would have allowed myself to befriend him like this back then, or in a different timeline... maybe things wouldn't have been quite so unbearable. Maybe there's a version of me who had someone like him like I wished I had. And that's what's really got me right now.
[there's some smudges where seemingly a couple of drops were hastily brushed off the page]
Well. It's really neither here nor there, isn't it. What matters most is that we both got to where we are and are friends today, right? Right.
07.     entry made featuring an important moment in their life. (Hachisuka)
Dear Diary.
It was... a beautiful day. Well. It was... a fine enough day. Until the rain and winds picked up, and thunder crashed, rattling the doors and windows...
And HE appeared.
Nagasone 'Kotetsu'.
It may be unbecoming of me, but I'm seething. A counterfeit, a fake, an imitation, using something as prestigious as the Kotetsu name? Here, in my citadel? In my room? My master is testing me, truly.
He seems to not even be bothered by the fact that he bears a name that doesn't suit him, that he couldn't possibly live up to... right? He's just so... amicable, and seems quite happy to be here.
I told him: I may be obligated to share my room with you--for now. But know this. You are NOT a true Kotetsu, and you are NOT my brother. Do not expect me to treat you as such.
I don't know what I expected from him.
It's ridiculous, preposterous.
It seems I lost my train of thought. No matter. I'm being called out for dispatch anyway. This isn't the last you'll hear on this regard, mark my word.
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That anon gave me an idea for a request. How would The First user react of seeing his child after his s/o gave birth and how would he be with his s/o during pregnancy and then how would he be with his baby. Set in an AU where he didn't have to fight AFO also the other users are also alive and react to become uncles and aunts. Hope this isn't too much! I love ur writing! Keep it up!
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First User has a child, All One for All users alive AU
[f/n] = first name
[s/c] = skin color
[h/l] = hair length 
[h/c] = hair color
[e/c] = eye color
A/N: Just to make it easier on myself, I will be referring to the first user as Yuichi. But that is just for this request. Also side note, “Ichi” is the kanji for “one”. Second user will be called Ganji Nishizaka, “Ni” is the kanji for “two”. Third user will be called Wakaba Sans, “San” is the kanji for “three”. Sixth user will be called Okada Roku, “Roku” is the kanji for “six”. 
Possible Manga Spoilers ahead?  
To say that Shigaraki [f/n] is nervous, is an understatement. She’s only been married for nine years to her husband Shigaraki Yuichi and now she is pregnant. And someone people may say that nine years of marriage is the prefect time to be having kids. But [f/n] doesn't think so. Also having a child is a lot of responsibility that not everyone is ready for. 
“Okay little one, how am I going to tell you daddy?” [f/n] wonders to herself as she stands before the mirror of the bathroom. 
“Hey, [f/n] are you okay in there?” Asks her long time friend Shimura Nana. 
“Yeah, be out in a minute.” [f/n] says taking a deep breath. 
[f/n] steps out of the bathroom to see Nana waiting for her in the hall. Nana takes one look at [f/n] before she gasps excitedly. Quickly, [f/n] covers Nana’s mouth. 
“Not a word.” [f/n] snaps in a whisper. 
“Okay, okay.” Nana whispers softly. “How long?”
“About a week. I had been feeling sick and then I went to the doctors early this morning.”
“By yourself?” 
“How are you going to tell him?”
“Not sure yet. But just dont say anything okay.” [f/n] begs. 
“Okay.” Nana nods. 
[f/n] smiles softly as she and Nana enter the living room. Yuichi is out with the boys of their friend group; Ganji Nishizaka, Wakaba Sans, Hikage Shinomori, Banjo Daigoro, and Okada Ruko. Apparently it was Daigoro’s idea to have a “guys’ day” and let the girls have time to themselves since they are surrounded by men. And the others agreed since it sounded nice. 
“What do you think the boys are doing?” Nana asks. 
“Probably at a bar.”
“Poor Shinomori then. He’s probably being forced to pretend he’s someone’s man.” 
“You know he enjoys doing that.” [f/n] giggles. 
“Yeah but still. Eventually he’s gonna snap and someone’s going to get sent to the hospital and press charges.” 
“Doubt that. But I get what you’re saying.” 
{A few hours later}
Nana leaves a few minutes before Yuichi returns. Thankfully Yuichi isn’t drunk but there is a huge smile on his face as he sees [f/n]. He wraps his arms around her forcing her into a long hug. 
“And what has gotten into you?”
“Missed you.” He says. 
“Did you?”
“You didnt miss me?” He asks pretending to be hurt.
[f/n] rolls her [e/c] eyes and says, “Of course I did.” 
Yuichi smiles and leans in for a tender kiss. [f/n] smiles into the kiss as she relaxes into his arms. Yuichi slowly pulls away breaking the kiss and stares into [f/n]’s eyes for a moment. 
“So, how was your day with Nana?”
“It was good. We just had tea and talked. What did you boys end up doing.” 
“Daigoro thought it be fun to take us to new club that opened up. We spent about twenty minutes trying to get Roku inside because he didnt look like he was old enough to go in as far as the bouncer was concerned.” Yuichi explains getting [f/n] to laugh. 
“Oh poor Ruko.” [f/n] laughs imagining just how pissed Ruko was and Daigoro, Sans, and Nishizaka laughing their asses off.
“You never did tell me where you went earlier today.” Yuichi says becoming serious. 
“Well, I didnt want to worry you. I went to doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. I should have the tests back by the end of the week.” [f/n] lies trying not to bite her lip. 
She hates lying to her husband. But for now, until she figures out a way to tell him, she is gonna have to. 
{A few days later}
“You still haven’t told him!?” Nana demands over the phone. 
“Nana, quiet down.” [f/n] begs. “It’s not easy. I thought you of all people would understand.” 
“I do. Which is why you should just tell him. You and I both know Yuichi will be happy knowing he is going to be a father.” Nana says. 
“Yeah, yeah I know.” [f/n] sighs. 
“You could always ask Shinomori for advice. I mean that’s how I told my husband I was pregnant by going to him.” Nana explains. 
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” [f/n] nods. 
After ended the call with Nana, [f/n] calls Shinomori. 
“Hello?” His deep voice resonates from the other line. 
“Hey Shinomori, it’s me [f/n]. I need your advice on something.” 
“Sure. What you need?”
“Well...the thing is...”
“You’re pregnant aren’t you?”
“Yeah, been for two weeks now.”
“And you haven’t told Yuichi yet?”
“No, which is why I’m calling you. Nana told me that you helped her tell her husband.” 
“I did. With Yuichi, I think the easiest way to tell him is buy a baby outfit that looks like his favorite hero.” 
“That could work. Thanks, Shinomori.”
“No problem. Happy I could help.”
“Also, I have to know, how are you still not married yet? Seriously you’d make a great husband for someone.” 
“I am aware, but I dont think marriage is for me.”
“I understand that, but when was the last time you went on a date or got laid for that matter.”
“Oh, god now your sounding like Daigoro.”
“Hey that’s a valid question as a cornered friend who sees you as a older brother.” 
“Much appreciated and I do see you as a sister. Good luck telling Yuichi.” 
“Thanks Shinomori.” 
{The next day}
Finding the baby outfit of Yuichi’s favorite hero was easy. Now all she has to put is put in a place he’ll find it. That’s when [f/n] recalls that Yuichi has adult onesie of his favorite hero that he wears every once and while. She finds that onesie and lays it and the baby outfit on the bed. She also adds the test from the doctors to confirm it. With that done, all she needs to do now is wait. 
Yuichi comes home from work a hour later. He greets [f/n] like he normally does with a smile, a kiss, and a hug. After which he heads into the bedroom to change and get comfortable. 
Watching him head into their room, she waits for his reaction. Hearing footsteps she looks to see him come back into the kitchen holding the onesie with tears in his eyes. 
“A-A-Are we really?” 
“We are.” [f/n] nods with a smile. 
Yuichi breaks down into tears as he grabs [f/n] into a hug and swings her around. He laughs while she yelps. He plants a kiss on her lips completely overwhelmed in joy. 
{Telling the others}
“YES!” Daigoro cheers. “More children for us to spoil!” 
“About time.” Nishizaka shrugs. 
“Finally mini Yuichis!” Sans jokes. 
“What about mini [f/n]s?” Asks Roku. 
“You’ll both be great parents.” Shinomori says with a smile. 
“Agreed. Picked our the godparents yet?” Nana asks. 
“Shinomori and you for sure.” [f/n] says.
“HAHA Yes!” Nana cheers. 
“I’d be honored.” 
“Hey a kid can have more than two godparents.” Daigoro says a bit hurt he wasn't chosen. 
“You’re the fun uncle remember?” Asks Ruko.
“Oh right.” Daigoro smiles.  
{During the pregnancy}
[f/n] is surprised how much Yuichi involves himself in the pregnancy. Like, WOW, he is involved. He reads a lot of parenting books and researches tons of baby stuff. He brings up a few things he’s learned with [f/n] to see if she might be willing to try them. It’s a little endearing, but [f/n] doesn’t mind. She knows that he is just excited and nervous. 
Also Yuichi has been handling her hormones, carvings, and mood swings pretty well. Of course, [f/n] can’t help but think he might be venting to Shinomori or Nana’s husband to help get through it. And if he is, well [f/n] can’t blame him. 
There is also the fact that Yuichi has taken over getting the baby’s room ready. They still dont know the gender because they want it to be a surprise. 
“H-Hey, Yuichi can you rub my feet?” [f/n] asks as they sit on the couch. 
“Sure.” Yuichi says moving toward her feet. 
“Thank you.” [f/n] says beginning to fall asleep.
“You’re welcome my love.” Yuichi says leaning to plant a kiss on [f/n]’s cheek. 
{When the baby is born}
Needless to say, [f/n] thought she broke Yuichi’s hand during the birth. However she is pleasantly surprised to find that she didn’t. Of course Yuichi admits that her grip did hurt. Holding their, newly born son, [f/n] tries to hold the tears back. 
Their son has his father’s hair, green eyes, but your [s/c] skin and your mother’s oddly symmetrical freckles.
“What do you want to name him?” [f/n] asks Yuichi. 
“Hmm...Izuku.” Yuichi says. 
“After your grandfather?”
“Alright then. Shigaraki Izuku it is.”
Okay, so I probably should have done this headcannon style, but then I thought, why not try writing it as a short? And once I started I couldn’t stop. Also thank you Anon for this request and I hope you like it. 
Master List                     
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the-paper-furler · 3 years
FYI: I kinda hate this post now.
Headcannons for Animal Academy characters and why. (mostly just sexuality headcannons tho, bc I'm not the most creative).
- Miiko is a lesbian: Evidence: 1. she states at end of report 1-2 that Neko's smell (she's got a strong nose bc she's a transforming cat), not only doesn't bother her, but calms her down and that she stopped being anxious when she learned she and Neko would not only be in the same class, but roommates... that's some sapphic stuff right there. 2 Neko is one of two characters that Miiko has neither tried to slap, or flat out insulted or just said she hated (I only include that last one for Yusuke's sake). 3, When Kotaro confesses to her in volume three, Miiko states she likes someone else, it's implied to be Teruo, as we learn in volume 6 that he was her owner. But I personally think it's Fune/Neko. Also in a way, Teruo is more like a fatherly figure... 4. In volume two, Miiko goes out of her room to look for Neko in the middle of the night, simply bc she wasn't in their room. 5. when she learns what the term 'bride' means, she thinks it's weird/just finds Kotaro's confession meh. 6. literally everything that happens in the damn manga.
- Kotaro is omni or pan, but doesn't use labels: this one is more just from a character stand point. I mean clearly he's bi+. But he doesn't strike me as the type of person to use labels. Like if anyone asked him are you gay, or bi, or straight, or anything, he'd say no. Even if he's been in romantic relationships w/ people before. Because he just doesn't think that way, like in volume three when Neko and Yuichi tease him abt how a fox and a cat can't get along, and he just says, "but I don't like cats, just Miiko".
-Sasuke is aromantic: This one is based on interpreting certain sences from a different pov, but there is solid logic to it. 1, in volume six, after Neko confesses to Sasuke (something he's suprised by), Yusuke confronts him in his room. During this incounter, he (Sasuke), never mentions how he feels abt this, just that Yusuke pushed her to do it, likely in somekind of bad deal. Yusuke, meanwhile, taunts him, telling him he can't turn her down without hurting her feelings, and that "if you don't care, then maybe I should take her", after which Sasuke grabs his brother by the collar, and just looks at him in the eyes w/ a pissed expression. The panel that follows is just Yuichi saying "Oh, so you do care". It's vague enough that you can view it from the perspective of a straight guy, getting mad that his brother might take away the girl he likes. Or from the pov of someone who doesn't want his friend getting hurt (in multiple ways), by his brother, who could debatably be called a sociopath, or an impulsive imp. Along w/ the fact that up until this point he's just kinda played along w/ his brother's antics. 2, I just really prefer Sasuke and Neko as friends okay. 3, also from volume six, we learn from Yusuke that the reason why he's so deicated to protecting Neko is that he has rock bottom self estem, that he genuionly wouldn't mind dying O-o. I shouldn't have to explain that one... 4, Even the wiki agrees! "Neko has a crush on Sasuke and confesses to him, but he's extremely dense in love and doesn't really notice anything different about her." HE'S DENSE BC HE DOESN'T VIEW PEOPLE IN ROMANCTIC WAY!
- Umeka is bi: I mean just look at her (this would be the part where I show a picture, but she's not on any of the front covers and I'm not using my ipad... but just trust me. She ain't straight)
- Yuichi and Neko are bi: I'm putting these together, 'cause lazziness. 1. it's established in volume that they have crushes on eachother. And they are both VERY close to their roommates...
- Zenda is gay and Manjiro is pan: w/ M, he just love cats, and tells Zenda at one poit that he should drop his form. Z and M: they're prez and vice prez of the ninja club, and I just think they're gay for eachother 'kay.
possible trans characters: Yuichi: he's says he needs to figure out who he is at the end of volume 3, maybe that includes gender. Neko: gets nicknamed Fune, has rlly short hair, if you think hard enough, you could write a whole saga abt Fune realizing their gender identity, and coming out/just asking the school for the male uniform. Miiko: Teruo probs didn't check to see which parts Miiko had before giving her her name.
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appleinducedsleep · 4 years
My Journey Under the Midnight Sun @readerbookclub​ review
*spoilers, this is full of spoilers*
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Keigo Higashino weaves an intricate web of crime and loyalty, where one detective is doggedly committed to solving the murder that started it all. Even if it takes 20 years. What we got was a fast-paced bleak history, where you could trust no-one.
What are your thoughts on the plot? What were the things you liked and the things you didn't like? How did it feel to read a book where almost all the characters are bad people?
I have a love for detective stories, and this one was pretty epic. I loved that it spanned 20 years, I even liked the time jumps, everytime it was like, okay what happened now. Did it get worse, can it get worse?
I actually liked the evolution of cyber crime, and the stock market, and the cyanide. It was all different but connected. I didn’t even mind the golf, because I was interested to see why it was important. Everything was a puzzle piece. Everything was a necessary evil, and we were on the outside looking in. Just like the rest of the characters. It was really dark though, and there wasn’t a lot of gray area. I like my villains to be morally ambiguous. But I wasn’t ever rooting for Ryo and Yukiho.
Did the story play out in the way you expected, or did it surprise you?While reading it did you have any theories about what was happening? Did they turn out to be true?
I don’t know why the big reveal actually surprised me... I kind of stopped caring about that murder, because of all the other crimes that kept being sprinkled around. It was distracting. I felt Ryo and Yukiho were sociopaths, but they were also children at the time of the first murder. I didn’t think so much about why they acted like they did, I just thought it was the thrill of the crime. 
I never doubted that everything that followed was orchestrated by whatever twisted relationship they had. The pistol shrimp and the goby, and all that.
Also, the general lack of trust and communication was slightly painful. Maybe if  Imaeda hadn’t played his cards so close to his chest, he could have lived and had a happy life with Eri Sugawara at their Detective Agency (okay, probably not, but I can dream). Noriko staying quiet, and Sasagaki just lucking out by seeing the album (why ever did Ryo take her along to Osaka). Eriko never fully trusting Yukiho, but never speaking out. Makota stranded at the hotel, without a way to reach Chizuru Misawa. That conversation between Ryo’s mum and Sasagaki at her bar... like way to bury the lead.
Is this a book you would have otherwise read? If not, are you more open to similar books in the future? Would you consider re-reading it in the future?
Definitely, it’s a genre I gravitate towards. I think it would be interesting to reread this book, with all that I know now. I’m curious to see if there were clear hints that I completely missed.
What did you think of the authors style? Have you read any of their books before? Would you read their work in the future? Each chapter, the book jumps from one character to another. What did you think of this approach? Was it difficult to keep up?
So we went from the point-of-view character of Detective Sasagaki; to Toshio Tagawa; to Eriko Kawashima; to Yuichi Akiyoshi; to Tomohiko Sonomura; to Namie Nishiguchi. That’s not even all. That’s only the first three chapters. Some characters return, others don’t. Lots of side-stories, lots of names, lots of minor characters.
It could get confusing at times, some of the names were very similar. All the crazy time jumps didn’t exactly help, because a lot of the plot happened and you were playing catch up all the time.
I did like the style, it was an interesting way of telling a story. It all was very to-the-point, no filler pieces. I would be interested in reading more of Keigo Higashino‘s work.
Throughout the book, we follow the adventures of quite a few characters. Which of these sub-plots did you enjoy most?
1) Eriko. She was right in the viper’s nest, and eventually got punished for cultivating some confidence. I really hated how her life turned out. She became just another reason for Kazunari to grow suspicious of Yukiho, like we see on page 336:
“My ex-girlfriend,” Kazunari said, then closed his mouth tightly.
“OK,” Imaeda took a sip of his coffee. It had gone lukewarm. “What happened there, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Something bad. Almost the worst that could happen to a woman. That event was what drove us apart. So,” Katzunari continued, “I guess you could say that I’ve met with misfortune, too.”
2) Chizuru Misawa. I wanted her to be happy. Like obviously she cheated with Makoto, and sure, that Ryo and Yukiho master-minded the whole thing doesn’t make it right in the least, but I still was slightly rooting for true love. It seemed like one of the only happy stories out of all those 537 pages.
3) I liked Eri. I liked their undercover operation, and that she was excited to do some detectiving, and it was bittersweet when Sasagaki visited her at Imaeda Detective Agency, where she now like lived. Not accepting that Imaeda was most definitely dead.
How much would you rate this book? Why?
I gave it a 4 star rating on Goodreads. It’s well-crafted and suspenseful. I wanted more Ryo and Yukiho interaction though... even if the power was clearly in not showing it. I felt the story was a little bloated with characters at times, they were necessary, but it did make for a long book. I didn’t like the part about Mika, and I wondered what it was about her that made Ryo and Yukiho more cruel.
I would recommend it to every who loves psychological thrillers.
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oreranoneiro · 5 years
Matsumura Hokuto 10,000 characters interview (Myojo 2020 May Edition)
When we formed a circle that day, it was the moment we promised, “Let’s go on with the 6 of us, forever.”
If it's these 6 members, we'll be even greater.
Once again, congratulations on your debut.
Thank you very much. But we'll go further from now on. I'm super passionate right now. I want to keep working and do something every day. Many thoughts are running through my head; what more I can do and what is coming from now on, about the group and about the members. From there, I realised that if it's these 6 members, we'll be even greater. That's why it's only the beginning.
You're not satisfied with the current situation?
Satisfied!? Honestly, right now I'm not. Not at all. I’m glad when people go, “Amazing!” at the current SixTONES, but I also want to tell them it's nothing yet. I want to tell them to keep watching the six of us. Because it's from now on. I say that but it's not like we have a fundamental vision of anything (laughs). It was like that from our Jr. era. We would go all out for one concert, but when the next one comes around, we’d have zero ideas. We can't conjure up a vision for the next thing. We might have zero ideas, but the passion of the six of us is driving this whirlwind. We don't know what's coming or what we'll do next, but if I think about our potential, it's isn’t only this.
I think being the main character is cool.
We’d like to backtrack on your path to debut. Do you have a memory from childhood?
Is it okay if this one isn't an experience? I vaguely like french toast. If I look for a deeper reason, it seems like I often ate french toast when I was a baby. After becoming an adult, I’d often eat it on the streets as it became popular, and it really is delicious. But what I like the most is buying plain bread at the supermarket, cutting the edge, and making a simple french toast by adding egg, milk and sugar, then pouring maple syrup on it. It feels like something my mom made.
You also like cooking, right?
I have liked it for a long time. I always watched my mom cook, so maybe it's the effect of that. When I was a kid, I used to dream of having a curry shop or a ramen shop. Apparently, I couldn't pronounce it properly, so at kindergarten I said, "I want to be Karen-san and Ramen-san!" (laughs) After that, I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to help people in trouble.
When you started learning karate in first grade, was it because you wanted to be a hero?
I don't remember the reason, but it wasn’t because of someone else’s suggestion. "I want to learn karate!" was something I said myself.
Wasn't the training strict?
It was strict, but I was completely absorbed in it soon after starting. However, around 3rd grade, I plateaued and couldn't advance. I didn't win matches, and I considered quitting a couple of times. My worried parents told me, "After going on this far, we think you should continue. But the final decision is yours." In the end, I didn't quit. It isn’t a cool story where I went on because I hated to lose. It was because if I quit, I felt like I would have lost something inside me. Also, the fear of betraying my parents' expectations was really strong.
Did you have any interest in the entertainment world?
None at all. In 5th grade, by chance I watched the drama 'Kurosagi'. I don't normally watch drama, but I think the protagonist is really cool. I wanted to imitate him, I wanted to be someone like that. But I didn't even know his name. When I talked about it in class,  someone said "That's Yamapi (Yamashita Tomohisa)." Everyone knew him. I suddenly felt enthusiastic and asked my parents to register me in the fanclub. I also went to NEWS’s concert. He was also really cool during concerts.
Then you send an application to Johnny's.
The first time I sent it was in grade 5. I sent the second one a year later. There was no reply to both applications.
But you didn't give up?
I didn’t. That's why I sent my third application in the first year of middle school. At that time, I consulted my parents. Maybe they saw how impatient I was and thought, if I didn't have a deadline, how long would I suffer for? Just like back then with karate, instead of pushing their opinion on me, they told me to think about the possibility of it not working out. So I came to a decision. If they did not reply by April 1st, the beginning of my second year, then I will give up. It was because in the second year, I would have to focus on high school preparation. That's why even if an answer came after April 1st, I wouldn't go to the audition.
When did the response come?
February. Just barely before the time limit. We have a video of that. I came home after the end of term exam, and somehow my mom is recording with a handycam. Then she gave me a sheet of fax. But instead of Johnny's Audition, written there was The Shounen Club back dancer auditions. It is a program in which only Johnny's could perform, so it was actually a Johnny's audition. For a moment I couldn't wrap my head around it. I felt sorry for my mom because she couldn't get the reaction she expected. (laughs)
Shimekake and I were made into a pair.
How was the audition?
We went from Shizuoka to Tokyo in a car. Dad driving, mom by his side, me in the back seat. As we came closer to Tokyo, the mixed feeling of nervousness, happiness, and uneasiness intensified. It would have been decided on that day whether or not my three-year-long dream from grade 5 will come true. It's not simply three years. For I who was thirteen, it was 3 years out of my 13-year-long life. But I’ve never done anything like dancing, and I don't know how many will pass the audition. The only thing I understood was that if the insignificant me made one mistake and they told me to go home, that will be the end of my dream. Realizing that, I started crying. I tried to hide it, but mom realized it and looked back at me, then I thought she might cry, too. When I saw her face, I shouted, "Don't cry!". I tried to be intimidating, so my tears stopped just like that. Now when we look back at it,  mom told me, "You were really angry at that time, huh." I laughed it off and said, "It was because everyone was so cool in the audition, there was no way I would have passed if my eyes were swollen."
What happened after you arrived?
We put on name labels. At first, we formed lines and someone taught us the choreography, and we danced intently. Then gradually we were told of our positions. "You, go forward. You, in the back.” The most vivid memory was when Shimekake (Ryuya) was by my side. I thought he was cute, but also really good at dancing. Then, Johnny-san called me over. It might be because I wrote my English proficiency level on my application, but suddenly he started speaking English. His pronunciation was really like a native speaker so I didn't understand anything. I thought 'Ah, I'm in danger'. When we were on break, I got called over by Johnny-san and the choreography teacher and they told me, "You, go and keep practicing without rest." I felt down. I wanted to practice but I didn't have any dancing experience, and I couldn't remember the choreo, either. At that time, I relied on Shimekake. "I don't remember the choreo, can you teach me?" When practice started again, Shimekake and I slowly went forward, and in the end we stood on the foremost center, in the position that's like partner.
How was the result?
The day after was the recording of The Shounen Club, so when Johnny-san asked if I could come, I answered "I will!". However, the night after the audition there came a phone call from Johnny-san. "YOU don't have to come tomorrow." When I asked why, he said "YOU are in Shizuoka, that's really far. I'll let you do something even greater." Doesn't that make you wonder what that greater thing would be? I thought it was a lie so that he could turn me down without hurting me, because I believe there's no way that kind of Cinderella Story would happen. If it was that good, everything would have gone smoothly from a long time ago. Even I know that such a convenient story would only happen to people who don't wait. That's why I keep on saying that I will definitely come, and in the end, it was like Johnny-san gave in.
You kept pushing and came to the recording.
Yes. in front of everyone, Johnny-san said in a loud voice, "YOU, why did you come!" and I was really embarrassed. But then he laughed and said, "You're really determined, huh." Suddenly he told me to appear in 'Jr. ni Q' corner. I tagged along to the waiting room, and there he told Goseki (Koichi)-kun. "Goseki, bring this kid with you." Goseki-kun agreed indifferently. When the time came, Goseki-kun pulled my hand to the stage and over there were Koyama (Keiichiro)-kun from my favorite NEWS and Nakamaru (Yuichi)-kun. I always watched 'The Shounen Club', so I can't believe I could stand there myself.
It’s because you are that; It’s because it's like that.
Right after you joined the company, you were added to B.I.Shadow, so the 'great thing' Johnny-san said really did happen.
I think it was the Shokura practice 2 weeks after I joined. Johnny-san told me "There's this kid who’s a great star, you should always be with him. Be in his group." and introduced me to Nakajima Kento. "That's B.I.Shadow, and you're in that. It was 3 members but now it’s 4 members. It's like that," he said. I'm already panicking, so I was like "What do you mean like that? I'm joining this group? There's no way I'm in B.I.Shadow, right?"
So you yourself were doubting it.
Yes. During the next week's rehearsal, when the choreographer called "B.I.!!" I tagged along. Everyone around me went "eh!?" and became a bit noisy. But Kento and (Kikuchi) Fuma really treated me well. There were times when I asked about the choreo and they told me to wait but didn't teach me, and for a while I thought they were unreliable, though (laughs). Looking back now, it was only a year after they joined but they still looked after me. When they were free, most of the time they would be checking my dance.
After that, you were active as a part of Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow and NYC Boys. You also accomplished a CD release and a Kouhaku performance. 
All of that was in my first year. What an exciting first year.
Any conversation with Yamada-kun and Chinen-kun from that time that you still remember?
We barely talked with each other, so close to none. Because I was really shy. 
But in a magazine interview back when you just joined, you said never feeling shy is your strong point.
I was probably trying to look tough. I just joined and want to be an innocent, sociable little brother who anyone can fawn over, but I was actually forcing myself. I'm basically pretty cheerful and chatty, but also annoyingly shy toward strangers.
After that, there was a period where your workload lessened.
There was. At first, it was just a faint sense of discomfort, but gradually it became stronger. For example, I thought "Huh? There's no interview for B.I.Shadow this month, but Kento and Fuma went to an interview together."
I see.
I was a junior high schooler, but still realized the intention behind the upper and lower case letters of  ‘NYC boys'. The three of them wore red costumes, while we're in the back wearing different costumes. The workload was indeed decreasing, but I was just holding on desperately. Even on the song where Kento and Fuma are supposed to sing with just the two of them, I memorized the choreo so when the time came, I could say "I can dance it too!" and they would let me perform it with them. Of course, I didn't get the mic, and for a while I thought it couldn't be helped anymore. I struggled to think of a way to escape this world of leftovers. I didn't want to disappoint my parents and hometown friends, but more than anything, it was a world I really yearn after, so there was no way I'm giving up easily.
Getting into a group right after joining, you may look like one of the elites but in fact you were struggling too.
Yeah. I want to get even a bit more work, so I moved to Tokyo. When I talked to someone from the agency, they said "You can work from Shizuoka, too." I said it's not for work, but the school I want to enroll in is in Tokyo. Then after moving, I reported to the agency that I now live in Tokyo.
But then Sexy Zone's debut was decided, and B.I.Shadow's activity came to a full stop.
In a flash, any work was gone. My dancing position was pushed to the back too, and there was a month where I had no job at all. It was a really terrible time. 
But you looked forward without giving up.
It sounds cool, but I became sulky inside. It clashed with my need to prove myself when I got called. In short, I strayed from the path. I didn't cut corners when it came to dancing, but be it as senior group's dancer or something else, I stood on the stage thinking "Hey! Look, look! Look at me!" I remember singing KinKi Kids' 'Family ~Hitotsu ni naru koto' with glittery makeup and jingling accessories on Junior corner of Hey!Say!JUMP's concert. It's a lovely ballad, but I sang it with a piercing glare and skull ring on my finger. I was desperate to show how good I was. Even though I know better than anyone else that I'm not a special human.
You really struggled.
If the current me can meet me back then, I will warn him for sure. Of course, I could hear, "What a bad sense," "Such a bad image," "He got carried away," from all around me. But with that thorny appearance, the producer of 'Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou' saw me and thought, "What a sour-looking guy, how interesting." And that was how my position in the cast was decided.
So that was the story of your selection.
Yes. But just because I got chosen by it, doesn't mean the stupid things I did back then were forgiven. But the me back then did go full force. Everything in life is connected. Right and wrong is a different matter altogether, but if you do something desperately, something will definitely come from it.
Even if this group will succeed, do I have it in me...
The drama 'Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou' that gathered all SixTONES current members was a big hit. Did you feel like you will debut with these 6 members one day?
There was no premonition (laugh). But I did think what a random bunch we are. We left an impression of a group with six mismatched members. There were moments when I thought being with them was somewhat interesting. Like homemade hamburg steak. Even if we're wrong together, it wasn't a steak nor was it a restaurant-level hamburg steak with 100% cow beef. Made with different compositions, it was a homemade hamburg steak for a barbecue we ate together. But it was really delicious.
So slowly something like a group consciousness grew within you?
Yes. We got to sing together in 'Shokura', also appeared together in 'SUMMARY' and concerts. However, I could strongly feel that at first, each of us was focusing on personal success or were clinging desperately to this group as a way to survive.
In 2013, you won no. 1 in 'Jr. You Want To Have As A Lover' category of the Jr. ranking held by Myojo, right.
I was really happy. I totally didn't expect to win it. With what happened after Sexy Zone's debut, along with the push of the Bakaleya franchise, I wondered if there were still people who wanted me to debut. There's a superstition that the Junior who won will be able to debut, right!? As I had won it, it became an encouragement in my heart that even someone like me will be able to debut.
Then, in May 2015, SixTONES became an official group.
19 years old. I thought no matter what kind of future awaits this group, this will be my last group. There's no ‘later on’ if this ends in failure. The last chance.
Right after the formation, did you think you could debut?
At first, not at once. Rather than feeling like we couldn't debut for sure, it was a worry because we were not gaining popularity at all. 
I see.
It might have been because I was already worried about myself. Even if this group succeeds, do I have what it takes? What if one way or another I end up quitting?
As you brooded over it, what happened?
Slowly, a lot of things made me feel 'Huh?!' toward the group or members. I didn't try to be liked, and also didn't think anyone liked me. I thought everyone was struggling because it's our last chance and we don't have enough composure. Even though we're in this together, we hurt each other; we went against each other indiscriminately. When something went against our expectations, we looked for someone to blame.
For example?
This is just an example. Currently, in choreography, even if we match you can see our individual arrangement, and we respect each other for the way we dance. However, back then, with one arrangement, someone will go "Isn't that wrong?" and looked for a mistake. "He's doing it wrong." Each of us felt like we were right and blamed someone else, even though there was nothing wrong with it. I also did it to other members. I can't stand the situation where it was like we had an internal discord.
I see.
It's a world where no one knows what is right. That's why I built a wall so I could decide everything for myself. Be it advice or direction from other members, I isolated myself from everything. I finish everything so I don't have to talk with the others at the dressing room, I kept on reading books while putting earphones on.
Did you consider quitting?
My chatty yet shy nature kind of complicated the situation... But even with that attitude, I actually wanted to talk with them, and I didn't think about quitting, not once. I keep on thinking that even if we don't have what it takes as a group, let's go on with what we’ve got. However, I couldn't hide it and made my parents worried. Maybe I barely concealed my situation. "Just think of it as a circle or club activities. Because you got paid, you can also think of it as a part-time job. It's okay if you want to end it. If it's too hard then it's okay," they told me. "Yeah, yeah," I always answered lightly, but deep inside, I always felt sorry for making them worried. "Sorry, but I will go on. I don't have any intention to quit."
All other members said "Hokuto really changed," but was there a trigger to your change?
It’s because now in the dressing room, I'm the most talkative one (lol). But it wasn't only one happening that changed my whole world. It was more like many points that linked into a line. From my point of view, rather than being the one who changed a lot, it's the others who changed and slowly made me conscious that I can show my honest self to them. Everyone really changed. Saying we became adults sounds nice, but I think it was because we kept going on as these six members and slowly gained self-assurance.
Do you have an example of those points that linked together into a line?
Hmm. For example, I’ve always thought that acting is fun, but I'm really bad at it. It became somewhat of a preoccupation. When asked what I want to do, I will feel pressured to answer only with the things I can do. That's why I couldn't say I want to act. In interviews right after the group formation, when asked, "Hokuto-kun, what do you want to do from now on?" I couldn't answer anything. At that time, Jesse will definitely answer "He wants to act. He also looks attractive when acting, so from now on I think he will grow as an actor too," always. There was an instance when I think I can't let him keep saying it for me, I have to be able to convey what I want to do by myself. "I want to act more, but I know that I'm not good. So, I would like more opportunities to practice it." Then, I have to watch more movies, I have to do that, I have to do this. My activities, behavior, and interests changed. Not just Jesse, I also accepted small gestures from other members as the points became a line. I realized those things given to me were what made me change.
Forming a line with the 6 of us and bawling our eyes out.
In 2018, your activity broadened with the 'Johnny's Jr. Channel', you were on magazine covers here and there, managed to get a rare reprint, and the group rapidly gained exposure. Were there any moments that you think changed the wind's direction?
We did 'Amazing!!!!!!' in 2017. With that song, the direction the group is going for became clear. I think that was the culmination of everything. It was at that point that everyone evolved. In a way, 'Amazing!!!!!!' might have been the starting line for  SixTONES.
But you repeatedly said you were not focused on debuting, right?
Honestly, rather than not focused on it, it was more like we gave up on debuting. I think there are only a few differences between debuting and not debuting. The biggest difference for me is if we couldn't debut, this group will disappear one day. There's also the possibility of the members changing, because debuting means we are recognised as a group. However, debut or not, SixTONES won't disappear. We will go on forever. Somewhere along the line, I began to think like that. No one said it to us nor did we promise anything between us. But that's the biggest reason why I wasn't worried about debuting.
Then on 28th June 2019, you were informed of the debut in Johnny-san's hospital room, and also the fact that you will announce it on 'Johnny's Jr. 8.8 Festival' on August 8th, wherein a total of 300 Johnny's Jr. will perform.
That place on August 8th felt solemn. That day, on top of our joy, we had to properly tell everyone who attended about our debut. The friends who fought alongside us as Jr, fans who supported them. Of course, our fans are there too, also those whom we regarded as rivals. That announcement was supposed to bring joy for some of us, but also cruelty for the others. 
What kind of existence is Snow Man who debuts at the same time as you?
They are our rival, of course, but also completely our comrade. It feels like our only difference is the group.
How did you convey it to the family that had always worried about you?
That day, I called them right away. They casually told me "That's great," I will never forget those words. I can't put it into words, but all my life, thank you for entrusting everything to me. Thank you for letting me live this life with my own choices. I want to tell them thank you for believing in me.
Do you have something you want to say to the members who went through joy and sorrow together with you? First, Kouchi Yugo-kun.
Johnny-san told me "There's a guy who's really compatible with you," and that was Kouchi. Even after the B.I.Shadow's cessation of activities, we keep on being a pair. So from now on, let's be together all along our life.
To Jesse-kun.
From now on too, I'll keep on relying on you. Of course we will work hard too, but you are the face of our group, our center.
To Tanaka Juri-kun.
Juri, our engine starter, you are the strongest. Juri, you are amazing. Have some confidence, okay.
To Morimoto Shintaro-kun.
As the youngest member of this group, you still have things holding you back. But let's go through the years with everyone else and become an adult. Then that gap will feel like nothing.
To Kyomoto Taiga-kun.
… Keep showing me your figure from the back, maybe. More than anyone else, Kyomoto has always been a stimulus for me to have an awareness that we are professionals. Because you're the person who made me think that artists are great. If we are in different businesses, maybe I will be able to tell you honestly that I respect you.
The last question. When did you feel the happiest that SixTONES are these 6 members?
Probably this year's January 7th. During 'TrackONE IMPACT' Yokohama Arena, the last part of double encore, our last stage as Jr., the last moment on that stage. From when our debut was decided, I keep on thinking 'SixTONES is a group that started on May 1st 2015, debuting on January 22nd 2020. But we're not a group that ends one thing and starts something else on our debut.' However, at that double encore, we formed a circle on the stage, met each other's eyes and shouted 'Thank you!' as we cried. We bawled our eyes out to an embarrassing extent. I looked at the members' eyes and thought, "I've been saved by these guys. I'm glad it's the six of us," while my tears keep on flowing. I really love them, that's how I feel from the bottom of my heart. 
Doesn't matter if we debuted or not, I believe we will always be together. I’ve been stuck at certain points. Will we be able to stay together forever? When we formed a circle that time, it's not like we confirmed it with words to each other. But I think that was the moment where we promised "let's go on forever with these six members." At that time, I accidentally thought, "Ah, it ended...", even though I had said that a debut is not the end of one thing and the start of something else. It was really fun, and also manyfolds so very difficult. We hurt and helped each other. But no matter when, we will always go full throttle. That day, at that moment, the Jr days ended, and these 6 members will walk on with a new promise in our heart.
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