#yumeno kyusaku imagine
betaboks · 3 months
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Happy pride, from the Sakaguchi-Yumeno household
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jalapenobee · 1 year
so the pm and ada go on a trip to an amusement park right
nikolai and sigma are there too (but not with them) because fyodor got fed up with nikolai distracting him from under the glass desk and told him and sigma to 'get tf out of his office and go pleasure themselves somewhere' (the amusement park was nikolai's idea)
nikolai is CONSTANTLY trying to cause some sort of petty trouble and sigma is running after him like
n: *has a lollipop that did not come from anywhere near them*
s: nikolai. WHERE did that come from.
n: teehee *disappears*
soukoku and shin soukoku at the bumper cars - akutagawa tries to hide in the corner but absolutely demolishes some kid when they bump into him by accident
the other three are battling to the death - dazai stands up in his car and chuuya is practically horizontal and floating - atsushi uses his tiger claws to move around
they get kicked out
q drags chuuya to the merry go round and the little kiddie games - tachihara and higuchi spend hours at the water gun games competing (they're even) - elise is forced to the mirror house with mori - tanizaki and kenji walk around trying all the snacks and occasionally the big roller coaster - naomi drags tanizaki to the ferris wheel
ranpo finds a tall pole and sits on it shouting criticism at people, only coming down to grab smth shiny he noticed and then scrambling back up before fukuzawa can catch him and drag him to kunikida (who is on the spinning teacups)
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Characters who have never interacted but I'd think would get along: Elise, Q and Lucy
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ticklinglady · 1 year
You know, I find it to be truly fun to think about connections of various writers and wonder how those might play out in the story, however then I remember that Asagiri himself isn't particularly interested in doing this, aside from some exceptions. For better or for worse, which is a matter of preference, he truly creates an entirely new story with some references to the real people, despite using their names and alluding to their works. Usually I'm rather cool with that, "Let the man go wild, he's awesome! 🥰", however sometimes I can't help, but feel like it results in some missed opportunities for the story. If you name characters after real people, might as well play with the allusions to them a little more. Here are just some examples of the connections between the real writers, that I am aware of, yet they played no role in the BSD at all:
Akutagawa Ryunosuke was the student of Natsume Soseki and loved his teacher dearly - zero interactions between the two during the story
Q/Yumeno Kyusaku was quite a huge fan of Edogawa Ranpo and Edogawa later became the benefactor of the writer - zero interactions between the two during the story
Tayama Katai and Mori Ogai became acquaintances during the Russo-Japanese war and spent lots of time talking with one another while at it - zero interactions between the two during the story
Edogawa Ranpo was the first person to translate and introduce Lovecraft's writings in Japan - zero interactions between the two during the story
Akutagawa Ryunosuke loved Poe's works and translated them into Japanese - zero interactions between the two during the story
Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville were great friends and Melville adored Hawthorne so much, that it influenced the creation of "Moby-Dick" a lot and from what I have seen many people say he was actually in love (maybe the writer was indeed in love with him, but I am afraid, I'm not qualified enough to talk about this. Feel more than free to add info to the post) - zero interactions between the two during the story
H. P. Lovecraft was quite a fan of Edgar Allan Poe and his works were heavily influenced by him - zero interactions between the two during the story
Nikolai Gogol and Alexander Pushkin were great friends and influenced each other a lot - zero interactions between the two during the story
Fyodor Dostoevsky was one hell of a fanboy of Alexander Pushkin and even had the honor to give an official speech at the anniversary of the latter's death - zero interactions between the two during the story
And etc.
I mean, don't you guys think it would have been interesting to see Mori and Katai interact, given Katai's heavy dislike for the mafia? Hell, Mori might have even been made the main reason behind Katai's strong emotions! And then there's the situation with Akutagawa and Natsume. I find it to be truly surprising that Mori and Fukuzawa were made Natsume's students in the BSD, yet the person who was actually Natsume's student in real life hasn't even talked to him so far. Nathaniel and Melville are actually part of the same organization, yet there's nothing about it, though to be fair, the Guild members suffer from the lack of screentime in general. But just imagine if there was a tragic love story between the two instead of the one we got with Margaret arffufgbh. However, like I said in the beginning, it's a matter of preference. The story still works on its own and Asagiri still gives us from time to time such interesting references so in general I am very content and happy X3 I'm just saying here my thoughts on how fun it would have been, if he had gone even further
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tamamorikun · 2 years
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Tamamori. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of yaoi most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tamamori's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Kuroiwa Ruikou's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Tamamori truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Tamamori's existencial catchphrase "Nyahaha" which itself is a cryptic reference to Yumeno Kyusaku's Japanese epic Dogra Magra I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kurosawa Rinko's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Tamamori tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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tseneipgam · 4 months
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"The other day at school, between classes, I forget who, but someone was saying, "I was born a girl, so yeah I definitely want to have a baby of my own eventually." Where does that come from, though? Does blood coming out of your body make you a woman? A potential mother? What makes that so great anyway? Does anyone really believe that? .... It feels like I'm trapped inside my body. It decides when I get hungry, and when I'll get my period. From birth to death, you have to keep eating and making money just to stay alive. I see what working every night does to my mum. It takes it out of her. But what's it all for? Life is hard enough with just one body. Why would anyone ever want to make another one? I can't even imagine why anyone would bother, but people act like it's the best thing ever. Do they believe that, though? I mean, have they ever really thought about it? When I'm alone and thinking about this stuff, it always makes me so sad. At least for me, I know it's not the right thing. Once you get your period, that means your body can fertil- ize sperm. And that means you can get pregnant. And then we get more people, thinking and eating and filling up the world. It's overwhelming. I get a little depressed just thinking about it. I'll never do it. I'll never have children. Ever."
"...even the idea that all is one and one is all vanishes from your mind, and you realize you're the universe, and that there is no you at all. She said that people can become Buddhas, too, but honestly I don't really get how that's differ- ent from enlightenment or whatever. Anyway, that's what Buddhism is all about. And that's why priests read sutras at funerals. So that the person who died can become a Buddha. But there was this other thing she said that really stuck with me. Even when a woman dies, she can't become a Buddha. Because women are supposedly dirty. A long time ago, all these important people wrote about how dirty women are, and why that's bad. So, basically, to become a Buddha, you have to be reborn as a man first. What the hell is that? I didn't get it, so I was like, Jun, how do you do that? She was like "I don't know." I asked her how she could believe any of that. It was crazy. Things got pretty awkward after that."
"The lower shelves were where I kept the paperbacks I fig- ured I'd never read again. The names on the spines, Herman Hesse, Raymond Radiguet, and Kyusaku Yumeno, had all faded in the sun. Lord of the Flies, Pride and Prejudice, and my Dostoyevsky, The Gambler, Notes from Underground, and The Brothers Karamazov. Chekhov, Camus, Steinbeck. The Odyssey and The Earthquake in Chile. These were the undisputed giants of literature; but from a different angle, this classic lineup was a shameful, even mortifying symbol of my willing- ness to truckle to the received wisdom of the canon, a stance that undeniably marked me as an amateur."
"Writing makes me happy. But it goes beyond that. Writing is my life's work. I am absolutely positive that this is what I'm here to do. Even if it turns out that I don't have the ability, and no one out there wants to read a single word of it, there's noth. ing I can do about this feeling. I can't make it go away. I recognize that luck, effort, and ability are often indistin- guishable. And I know that, in the end, I'm just another human being, who's born only to die. I know that in reality, it makes no difference whether I write novels, and it makes no differ- ence if anyone cares. With all the countless books already out there, the world won't notice if I fail to publish even one book with my name on it. That's no tragedy. I know that. I get that."
"From that point on, it's all a mystery. Say an egg is fertilized. It's going to be a girl, and she hasn't been born yet. In the baby girl's ovaries (scary to think, but she's already got them), she's got seven million eggs, more than she'll ever have after being born. From then on, the number only drops. When the girl's born, she's got maybe a million, and she'll never get any new ones After that, it dips way, way down. By the time a girl is my age, she's got around three hundred thousand left, and only a small number of those fully develop. Only those eggs can get you pregnant. It's scary to think about it, really scary. Before I was even born, I already had everything I needed to have a baby of my own. In some ways, I was even more prepared than I am now. Set up to give birth, before I was even born ...This isn't just in books, though. It's happening now, as we speak, inside of me. I wish I could rip out all those parts of me, the parts already rushing to give birth. Why does it have to be like this?"
"Your life would have been better if you never had me. Think about how great everything would be if none of us were ever born. No happiness, no sadness. Nothing could ever happen to us then. It's not our fault that we have eggs and sperm, but we can definitely try harder to keep them from meeting."
"Just think about it. They're on a pedestal from the second they're born, only they don't realize it. Whenever they need something, their mums come running. They're taught to believe that their penises make them superior, and that women are just there for them to use however they see fit. Then they go out into the world, where everything centers around them and their dicks. And it's women who have to make it work. At the end of the day, where's this pain that men feel coming from? In their opinion: us. It's all our fault--whether they're unpopular, broke, jobless. Whatever it is, they blame women for all of their failures, all their problems. Now think about women. No matter how you see it, who's actually responsible for the majority of the pain women feel? If you think about it that way, how could a man and a woman ever see eye to eye? It's structurally impossible."
"You've got what it takes to be a great novelist. Don't squander your gift. Everyone goes through times when they can't write. The important thing is that you keep on going. If you want to write, you have to make it your whole life. I mean, you knew that when you started, right?" I stared down at the round tips of her shoes. Nothing to say. "How is having a kid going to help you? Get a grip. Kids. Do you know how boring you sound? Great writers, men and women alike, never have kids. When you write, there's no room in your life for that. You have to go where your stories take you. You owe that to your writing. Don't listen to Rika. What she does isn't literature anyway. It's pop. It's trash. What she writes anyone could write. Sure it's readable and makes people feel cozy, but her prose is hackneyed and derivative. She churns stuff out like nothing for a reason. That isn't literature. You can do better than that. If your story is putting up a fight, that means it has a heart. That's all that matters. What's the point of writing some novel you could breeze through in a month or two? The struggle means something. It means every- thing. I'm here for you. I'm with you. I'm working on this with you. The story's going to be great. I believe in you. You can write something that nobody else can, I'm sure of it."
"It's never crossed their mind that bringing a child into the world could be at all violent. Hey, everyone loves surprise par- ties, right? One day you open the door, and everyone's there waiting for you, ready to surprise you. Here are all these people you've never met, never seen before, congratulating you, big smiles on their faces. Parties are different, though. You can go back through the door behind you, but when you're born, there's no leaving. There's no door. There's no way back to how things were before. I hate it to say it, but not everyone likes sut- prise parties. Most people go around believing life is good, one stant blessing, like the world we live in is so beautiful, and despite the pain, it's actually this amazing place."
"She could hear the other children playing, even see them, way off in the distance. How could they be living in the same world? If the grass covering the river's edge could talk, what would it say? Growing its whole life in the same spot. Stuck there. What about her? What did she have to say? Staring off into the distance, Yuriko remembered the time that she got separated from her mother in the meadow. The smell of grass was almost suffocating. Crouching so she could get a closer look at all the shiny flowering plants, she blew on their leaves and asked them: "What makes us so different? Does it hurt to be you? Does it hurt to be me? What's it mean to hurt, anyway?" Jostling on the fragrant breeze, her new friends wouldn't answer her."
"Amazing, right? If I was sulking on the ferris wheel, nor wanting to go home, or just bent out of shape, if I'd been felt. ins with a friend or Mum had yelled at me, my dad would say, When things get rough, just think about the Voyager: He rold me it was always out there, flying through the darkness. Not metaphorically. Literally. At any given moment, somewhere on earth, it was directly overhead." I nodded. "Kind of a lot to tell a kid. But I think I understood what he was saying. We're always getting caught up in our problems, but what's a hundred years? Human lives are so short. The whole of human history is nothing when you stop and think about outer space. I don't think he was trying to tell me I was going to die at some point or anything like that. It wasn't about me at all. More like there would come a time when the sun would burn out, when human beings and this planet would no longer exist, but the Voyager would still be out there, drifting ever deeper into space." I nodded. "You know about the golden record?" "What's that?" I asked. "The Voyager is carrying a record filled with the sounds of our planet. Waves, wind, lightning, birds. Greetings in over fifty languages. Music from across the globe. Information about human reproduction, our anatomy, the way our bodies change. The colors as we perceive them, the things we eat, the things we care about. Our daily lives. Deserts, oceans, mountains, animals, musical instruments Science, culture, everything. It's all on this record. There's a needle in there, too, so you can play it." I imagined a single gold-colored disc. "Someday, if someone in another galaxy finds the probe. and they can make sense of that record, they'll get a sense of who we were. By that time, we'll be long gone, all of us. But at least we left a record. In that sense, our memory can live on"
"yakiniku" commonly refers to a style of cooking bite-size meat and vegetables on gridirons or griddles
"motsu" literally translates to guts and "yaki" meaning grilled so: Grilled Guts.
"mugicha" =Japanese barley tea
"izakaya" =a type of informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snack
“motsuni” usually refers to a soup dish that has been simmered for a long time
a "happi" is a traditional tube-sleeved Japanese coat, usually worn only during festivals
"Oden" is a Japanese fish cake stew simmered in a soy sauce-based dashi broth and served family style in a donabe clay pot in the wintertime.
an "oshibori" or hot towel in English, is a wet hand towel offered to customers in places such as restaurants or bars, and used to clean one's hands before eating.
"Harusame" = glass noodle
"Dashimaki Tamago"= rolled omelet made with egg and dashi
"Samgyeopsal, samgyeopsal-gui, or grilled pork belly is a type of gui in Korean cuisine"
"Pachinko" parlors are widespread in Japan, and usually also feature a number of slot machines (called pachislo or pachislots
"Okonomiyaki" is a Japanese teppanyaki, savory pancake dish consisting of wheat flour batter and other ingredients cooked on a teppan.
"Takoyaki" is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion
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lp-rott3n · 3 years
Empty Vase
Yumeno has trouble sleeping, Chuuya tries to help.
!! tw !! : s3lf h@am & su!c!dal themes, v0mit, implied mental and physical ab*se, unintentional meal skipping, brief mention of alcohol 
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The celling fan echoes throughout the room shamelessly, Yumeno, who spent the last half an hour tossing and turning between the polyester sheets, now listens to the monotonous creaking in defeat.
Their eyes don’t focus on anything in particular, pouncing from the vacant grey walls to the empty vase on the bedside table, the sheer amount of space left unoccupied in the room wouldn’t bother them on most nights, however, as of this moment, a certain restlessness was blooming at the pit of their stomach, slowly and agonizingly extending all the way to the top of their scalp. 
Their breathing is uneven and a suffocating sensation seems to have its grip on their esophagus, still, for the most part, they manage to distract themselves, rocking back and forth in an attempt to lull their mind back to sleep, they were tired after all. Very tired. And a proper thoughtless slumber was quite tempting during times like these.
But somewhere deep within them, they longed for something more permanent. A kind of rest that wouldn’t need them to wake up again, the idea of breaking free from the mafia’s choking hold was intoxicating yet, for whatever reason, they were still here, still alive.
 Perhaps because there were a plenty of other things they longed for, like the red velvet ice cream in the parlor downtown, or the tiny walks to the park Chuuya would take them on occasionally, the annual mafia picnic where they would sit beside Gin, Kajii and Tachihara, watching the latter two bicker back and forth, and not to forget, those rare moments when Kouyou would ruffle their hair and give them an endearing smile. All these occurrences that pile on top of each other ease their discomfort temporarily. 
Then, a string of memories revives itself all too quickly, Dazai’s spite filled eyes staring right into their torn soul, Mori’s venomous tongue slithering and hissing next to their ears, all the times they were curled up on the floor, wheezing in pain because they failed to please the boss. 
There was also the constant burning and throbbing, the cuts which itched unforgivingly and even then, they had no choice but to wrap the damned barbed wire around their frail arms and wrists. They could feel bile rising up their throat, their mouth swelling slightly as they covered their lips and swallowed in an effort to keep their dinner down.
On second thought, had they even eaten dinner tonight? When was the last time they ate? Was it this afternoon when they hastily chomped down on all the mini strawberry Kit-Kats in the pantry? They couldn’t really tell. Either way, they weren’t feeling too great, the nausea amplifying itself by the second. They felt as though they were all over the place, inside out and vulnerable, their trembling now evidently worsening.
 If they were to be completely honest, they weren’t even sure what they were thinking about at this point. Everything just sort of mushed together and created this Frankenstein of a spiral and they kept falling and falling and falling. 
Unable to hold themselves back any longer, Yumeno rushes over to the bin which is stationed at the corner of the lifeless room, hovering above it and retching rather violently, gagging on the taste of acid that lingers in their mouth moments after they’re finished. 
Sighing heavily, they allow their body to grow limp and drop down on the floor, irritated by how their t-shirt is drenched in cold sweat, stubbornly sticking to their back, but they're too exhausted to change. 
There’s a knock on the door that initially goes unnoticed, only heard when it rings in their ears twice as loud as before, they don’t know what time it is, sluggishly picking themselves up and dragging their feet, hesitantly twisting the doorknob.
 A messy mop of orange pokes through the crack, Yumeno rubs their eyes, adjusting to the light seeping into the room from the hallway, “You alright?”, an equally, if not more, exhausted Chuuya speaks, his breath reeking of alcohol and mint, not knowing what to say, the younger simply shrugs. Chuuya opens the door further, standing still for a while before inviting himself in, “It’s 2 AM, why are you still awake?” The morbid scent of puke reaches his nose and his face momentarily scrunches up, “Are you sure you’re okay?” 
The silence is sickening and it weighs on his heart. Even though there really is no special bond between the two of them, Chuuya still does his best to look after Yumeno, because they’re young, because they had no other choice than to walk this rotten path, because he knows there is a lot hidden beneath the face they show. In return, Yumeno doesn’t protest, they don’t whine when Chuuya practically carries them to dinner, they don’t cry when he visits after most missions, rubbing their wounds with disinfectant, and when the single, barely audible, word of gratitude leaves them, Chuuya nods. 
“Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?” He asks, and they know it’s partly because he’s worried and partly because he’s trying to escape from his own demons. So they whisper a tiny “Okay.” And Chuuya cracks the window open for a bit, in hopes of the stuffiness reducing. He then walks over to the pile of clothes that’s decked up on a rolling chair, grabbing what he guesses is a clean t-shirt,  cleaner than the one they had on right now anyways. “Change.” He says, before turning around and flopping himself on the bed, Yumeno does so with considerable difficulty, leaving the soiled clothing on the floor and crawling next to him. 
They don’t hold each other, they don’t even face each other, both stuck on respective sides of the bed which isn’t quite the perfect fit, but they manage. Neither of them catch a wink of sleep, but there’s a sense of tranquility that envelopes them. 
There are so many things Yumeno wants to say to him, reassure him and tell him how much they appreciate him and look up to him, but they don’t. They’re not sure if they have the right. Especially not after the incident with the Guild that left a crushing gap between them and other members of the mafia.
This melancholy that gracefully draped itself all over them left them unable to move. And they could do nothing but curse their own existence, the same goes for Chuuya, plus there was the added agitation of trying to get over the things that happened in the past.  
Well, whatever it may be, Yumeno can’t complain and they don’t want to either, blankly staring at the empty vase in front of them, they take solace, albeit in a messed up way, in knowing that when the first rays of the sun will hit the ground, the vase will still be empty.
that was it ! i really like yumeno as a character and i want to see more of them, this was inspired by that one picture of chuuya giving a piggy back ride to yumeno :") ahh this is my first fic and it's kinda short but i hope u like it !!
see u next time :D
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aabcin · 2 years
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i plan on more of this
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aliceesblog · 2 years
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The port mafia
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sugarcarnation · 2 years
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ethan45 · 3 years
─ 𝗞𝘆𝘂̄𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂 𝗬𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗼 : 𝗕𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝗗𝗼𝗴𝘀.
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bungou-gay-twitter · 3 years
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inspired by this ^w^
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heyy:) could you please write some head canons for dazai's fem!s/o adopting Q after him and chuya saved them?
A/N: Hii anon, thank you for requesting, this was fun to write. Q deserves so much love and I hope they get it soon. I drabbled a bit too cause I couldn't stop myself, I hope that's okay <3
Warnings: Mentions of Q’s cuts and injuries, but or else it’s a bunch of domestic fluff and a bit of crack.
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It all happened when you asked Dazai why he had a creepy looking stuffed toy when he came home that day and he told you he stole it from a child
“What are you doing stealing kids’ stuff you maniac?” you say, confused, taking the toy away from him and examining it. And that’s when he tells you about Q.
He hesitates to talk about their abilities but you see some of the same hurt you saw in Dazai when he was in the Port Mafia in Q’s story and you knew what to do.
One thing led to the other, and Q was living with the both of you, a household more chaotic than ever.
You steal Dazai’s bandages to help fix Q’s wounds from the razor blades and because of the nature of their ability, Dazai usually has to sit next to the both of you, anxious as hell, using his ability to not get you hurt.
You caught Dazai taking care of their wounds once when Q was asleep and you didn’t make a sound, but watched from the door. He was sat by the edge of their bed as he let down his guards and gently dabbed at Q’s cuts and wrapped them in bandages, wincing at the scars, knowing more about them than anyone else.
He knew you were there though. “Stop creeping around,” he smiles at you sadly. You walk into the room and tuck the blanket around Q and kiss their forehead softly, hoping they don’t wake up as they breathe deeply and shift deeper into sleep. You smile at Dazai, and bend to kiss his cheek chastely, whispering "You're a good person Dazai, like it or not."
Shopping trips baybee. On a lighter note, shopping with Q and Dazai has to be one of the most chaotic things to exist. They both are constantly ready to break the rules of the stores and it’s very exhausting to apologize to every shopkeeper you guys come across.
“No, you can’t just walk out with all that candy Q,” you sigh, reaching towards them to take the bunch that they had tucked into their arms.
“Why not?” Dazai asks, turning to you as he opens one of the candy wrappers and pops into his mouth with the cheekiest smile.
They make puppy eyes at you, devising plans to tell you that actually really could rob the store if you tried hard enough.
You whisper a string of curses, “NO!”
Movie nights with them ✪ ω ✪. Q and Dazai always agree with the villain's ideologies, nodding slowly and humming knowingly at their reasons for being evil and you just worriedly look between the both of them before proposing that you watch a family movie instead.
Q observed that a lot of people around them had hair that was colored one shade or blended well and was upset and insecure at the way theirs was split black and white on two separate sides.
To cheer them up you proposed that Dazai and you will join them in their hair colors to show them how pretty they really are. Q reveled in Dazai’s grumbling and horror as he was forced to dye his hair with you.
Q and Dazai fight. A lot. Most of the time it involves you yelling at both of them to stop and sending them to separate rooms. You'll either hear them continue to fight through the walls of the rooms and you have to threaten them saying you'll leave them and they both quickly apologize.
Q's nightmares. They have had a lot of people say a lot of bad things to them and make them lose hope in good so you can't blame them when they wake up in the middle of the night with their chest heaving and tears at the corner of their eyes.
But Dazai and you are right there. You wrap a blanket around them and give them a cup of hot chocolate as Dazai does his best, telling them stories of how he fights the bad guys now. He tells them how he uses his ability for good now and they can too someday. And they believe him.
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
hey can I ask for a Q x motherly reader. basically where the reader is very protective over Q and will treat them with snacks and treats!
i hope this is okay, i didn't have many ideas for this but enjoy!
ice cream | Q x motherly!reader
words - 670
warnings - none
genre - ???
you were one of kouyou and mori's  friends, you knew what kind of work they did in the port mafia and you knew it was criminal work but you didn't really mind as long as you didn't involve yourself in it. occasionally they asked you to look after Q and babysit them, since they don't always have time for that. today, you were babysitting Q for the day.
"can we go to the parkkkkk" Q whined as they tugged on your arm, trying to pull you towards the door.
"not yet, we'll go soon, let me just finish this chapter of my book" you replied patting Q's head.
"but i wanna go nowwww" Q pouted.
you sighed. you had no choice but to go, because you couldn't read while you heard constant whining about the park anyways.
"fine. we'll go but i don't want to hear anymore whinning when we get home okay?"
"mhm!" Q nodded.
"oh and, no using your ability on other kids at the park" you said.
"okayyyy" Q said, as they tugged on your arm to leave.
you packed a bag with some snacks, water, and your book. you put a sweater on Q and helped them put their shoes on as they tugged you out of the house. you held their hand as you walked down the street towards the park. when you finally got to the park, you found a nice picnic table to sit at while you let Q play at the park with the kids.
you were sitting, reading your book and enjoying the warm summer breeze when you heard the little girl Q was talking to, crying. you walked to them to see what was going on.
"Q what have you done" you asked them
"nothing!" Q said, you could tell they were lying.
"how many times have i told you to stop harassing other children!" you said sternly.
"i wasn't!" Q said, as they began to cry.
"im sorry, did he hurt you?" you said, in an attempt to comfort the little girl.
"n-no, im just scared" she said between sobs.
"its okay, theres nothing to be scared of" you said.
the child soon ran off and you took Q by the hand and took them to the picnic table.
"if you don't behave you wont get ice cream" you said to Q who now finally calmed down from the tantrum they were throwing.
"nooo please i want ice cream!" Q whined.
"then behave for the rest of our time here, and we'll get ice cream on our way back" you said, and Q nodded, while they ran off to the playground.
an hour had gone by and you finally decided it was time to leave. you found Q and took them by the hand as you began to leave the park.
"ice cream! ice cream! ice cream!" Q was saying in a song-like tone as you two approached an ice cream stand.
"what flavour do you want?" you asked them.
"chocolate!" they said, smiling.
you bought the ice cream and took Q, who now had a large smile over their face, to sit on a nearby bench. Q ate the ice cream with delight.
"thank you y/n!" Q said with a jolly tone, happy that they got the ice cream that they wanted.
you went back to your house shortly after, and let Q take a nap since they were pretty tired from the walking and the park. when they woke up, they were hungry and wanted to eat.
"can i have mac n cheese?" Q asked, still rubbing their eyes since they just woke up from their nap.
"of course" you said with a smile, walking over to the kitchen to make some food for the both og you.
you made the mac n cheese, and you two sat down to eat.
"mm yummy!" they said after the first bite.
"im glad you like it" you replied.
soon enough after you finished eating, kouyou appeared at your door, to come pick Q up.
"thank you for babysitting today" she said, as she picked Q up.
"anytime" you replied, and walked them out.
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tayaminaka · 4 years
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𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲 : 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗼.
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𝙃𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚
You entered the deep dark room in the lower floors of the port mafia building. It was a bit cold here but after those months you got simply used to it. The first day on your new job where hard, deadly hard. As you firstly went down the hallways from the elevator you received many pity looks from other the mafioso, they knew in which direction you were going....
You felt a shiver roll down your spine as two arms wrapped around your waist. It was Yumeno, the child with strange eyes and a deadly ability. You turned a bit around to meet one pair of curious eyes and a sneaky smile on his face. The first day when you met him he was very towards you and that made fear rise in you. You knew about the other persons who once tried to take care of him and you knew exactly what happened to them. He didn’t say anything until he simply had enough of you. With a smile he came closer to you and decided that you both would play a little cat and mouse game. But he would be the little cat and kill the little mouse. You literally ran away from him, knowing that if you even hurt him a little be it accidentally or out of fear, his ability will activate and brutally kill you. Even the guards in front of his room were a bit surprised but they understood that you didn’t want to die, not like that.
Before your second meeting you tried to talk with your boss, telling him that you didn’t want to die, that you wanted to do another job but you met deaf ears. Your other meetings went on like that. You would clean his room a bit and try to talk with him until he simply had enough of you. And you would run away as fast as you can.
Until one time you simply stood there, not moving at all. Your body was tense as he came closer to the corner you were standing in. You wanted to run away but you knew that if you try to do so it would only get worse for you. But you really didn’t expect that he would just hug you and laugh about your scared self. After that you were a bit less scared of him, though you still were careful with him.
Everything went on until you saw the other side of his twisted self, the simple child in him. He was laying on the bed, half asleep as a plate laying on a table with a strange clear liquid on it. You saw that he was still in pain after the torture he got trought. Tears where flowing down his face as he moaned in pain, trying to say something. That night you sat beside him, patted his head as you told him some stories to distract him a little from the pain. After all, mafia isn’t for children and nobody has mercy with a mafioso. Strange how now you’re so close, despite that he tried to murder you. But shouldn’t the past rest?
“...Have I scared you..Y/N-Chan?” he asked with a smile on his face
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annie-blackhill · 3 years
I'm feeling depressed, I have a competition to give a speech for and I'm high on coffee... I just finished crying but I got this idea and I'm hoping that this would help comfort me, I'll just give this a shot.
Headcannons of Dazai Osamu with an S/O who kidnaps Yumeno Kyusaku and becomes a foster mum for him
You were with Dazai in the Port Mafia and you knew Kyusaku well
You two used to play together back when you were still in the Port Mafia
When the time came for you and Dazai to run, you had left a note for Chuuya, telling him to take good care of Kyusaku for you.
After the whole, Guild and Fyodor fiasco, you decided that you should get Kyusaku back after seeing how The Guild had used him
So, with the help of Chuuya who wanted the child to have a better life and surprisingly Akutagawa too, they helped smuggle little Kyusaku out of the Port Mafia and you brought him to your home at the ADA's hostel
That night, you removed the glass and blades that had been imbedded into the little child and wrapped him up in Dazai's spare bandages that you had managed to steal from him
You clean and treated his wounds and then wrapped the small child up in bandages.
Kyusaku was relieved at most that he was finally out of the Port Mafia
He didn't really talk much to you that night but he did snuggle with you in your futon
Imagine Dazai's shock the next morning when the suicidal maniac that doesn't have a sleep schedule comes by to wake you up only to find the little Yumeno Kyusaku in bed with you
Cue him screaming and yelling and panicking in a way to get you up
You did wake up, angrily
When Dazai explained why he reacted in such a way
You merely told your sometimes scared to death dumb boyfriend that you had kidnapped the child and was now keeping him as your foster kid
Dazai was not amused, at all
He would be alert 24/7
Makes sure that Kyusaku doesn't get too close with you and all that
When you told Fukuzawa about this and assured him that no trouble would come to the agency and that she'll take the blame and all that
Fukuzawa said that as long as the child was safe and well in your care then he doesn't mind a few fights for the sake of Kyusaku
Kyusaku comes to work with you everyday and Naomi and Haruno have the most amazing, they play with him and give him some paper and crayons for him to draw with
Atsushi is very wary of Kyusaku like Dazai
Those two would always be giving the small boy distrustful looks and glares from time to time, Kyusaku didn't mind since he was used to being given those type of looks even back in the Port Mafia too
You shower the small boy with love and sweets and healthy food, after you found out that he was malnourished
After some time, and Kyusaku stopped being on edge all the time and Mori never sent anyone to come after the small boy, he started to loosen up a little and started to act like kids his age
You didn't trust schools to treat Kyusaku right so you decided on homeschooling him instead
After work you would teach the boy a normal school's syllabus to him
Kunikida would help you whenever he's free but overtime, he started to leave a slot empty in his schedule for him to teach Kyusaku
Dazai starts to warm up to the child too, but Kyusaku still had a medium sized hatred for the older man
Dazai tried to win the small boy's heart with sweets and gifts and sometimes would try to bring the young boy out to carnivals and fun fairs
Dazai just saw a younger version of him in the little boy and he couldn't help but want to make sure he didn't become like Dazai when he grew older, thus Dazai trying to give him a better life too
By the time Kyusaku is a teenager, he's extremely smart, well nourished (you're so damn proud that he's well nourished because Hell knows he was a friggin skeleton when you brought the child in) and is happy like any other normal teenager should be
He likes skateboarding and plays chess like a pro, loves having chess matches with Ranpo
Atsushi grew onto the boy too
Dazai was your husband now
And he has a little baby sister who looked like the female version of Dazai but with your eyes
He really loves her and he's a protective big brother
Chuuya and Akutagawa visits from time to time to meet Kyusaku and you daughter
You always thank the duo for helping you that day
And everyone has a Happy Ending
I'm sorry if it was cringe, OOC or incorrect but it's just how I think everything would how down.
Requests are open!
So please do request some stuff from me!
You can ask questions too, I don't mind answering random questions from time to time!
Thank you!
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