#yuri on ice fic recs
yoificfinder · 3 months
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In celebration of women, here are some fics centered around the great women of YOI! Happy international women's day! ♀️✨️
(Don't) Give a Damn by @forochel [T, 9K]
Mari, through the years,
an open door by tripcyclone [G, 8K]
Lilia never wanted children of her own, but caring for Victor gives her a glimpse into the life she chose to pass by.
and your feet will follow by @prinzenhasserin [T, 13K]
Lilia’s relationship with her fellow ballerinas wasn’t usually complicated. Usually, she knew exactly where she stood. Not so with Minako Okukawa who had disappeared from the ballet world some years ago to hide in the dance studio of a backwater town in Japan.
Lilia didn’t care about that, of course. Not at all. She just deserved a vacation, to Japan, incidentally.
another girl in another time by cityboys [G, 11K]
Wouldn’t it be cool if there really is another version of you out there?
Beautiful in Knowing by @val-creative [T, 1K]
Sara knew she was a girl, even if nobody else did or believed her.
She ordered Michele to call her "Lady Sara" from now on. He would roll his eyes and grumble, but never attempt to misgender her. She liked "Sara" — it meant "lady, princess, noblewoman". And she would never go back to her deadname.
if friends were flowers, i'd pick you by windupbirdgirl [G, 4K]
During the first two years of high school, Yuuko finds she barely has time to breathe. The sky seems very far away, the sea even more so. She hasn’t gone to the rink in months.
if love is king, who wears the crown by @crollalanzaa [G, 1K]
“Second is seen as nothing,” Christophe had derided.
“But that moment you glide onto the ice, that hush of the audience, and that expectation, isn’t that worth something?”
“You speak as if you know. You used to skate?"
Past tense. It still stung, even if it was expected.
Minako knows exactly what it's like to be at the top of your game, and she remembers the descent just as clearly.
if she wants me by renaissance [G, 6K]
Hiroko and Minako, then and now.
if the sea has any draw for you by weird_bird [E, 8K]
The first time Mila saw her dance in person, her power funneled down into elegance, the granite of her face transmogrified to marble, she almost gave her the password to her bank account, she’s that good.
kagura by night by seventhstar / @pencilwalla [T, 1K]
The world around her is like the mountains.
A mortal lifespan is narrow; mortals watch the mountain’s unchanging faces, unravaged by the same measure of time that takes a human from dust to dust, and think them immortal in comparison. But stone erodes, just as flesh decays. It just takes longer.
If she watches long enough, everything changes. Languages drift until all the words she learned before are meaningless. Technology changes until she ceases to believe in magic because human ingenuity is more infinite than the stars. What is beautiful, what is polite, what is wrong, what is right—time, given its way, reshapes all.
But Minako’s body remains as it has always been. That’s why she loves to dance, she supposes; it’s the one thing time cannot take from her.
Katsudon by @azriona [G, 8K]
Hiroko doesn’t need to see to coat pork cutlets in egg and panko. She has made this dish for her family for over thirty years; she’ll make it another thirty, if she’s lucky.
Now she makes it for Yuuri and Victor as they fly home from Barcelona, with silver around their necks and gold around their fingers.
keep me steady as we go by orphan_account [G, 3K]
When Isabella stood and crossed the room to where he sat she saw her notebook open in his lap, turned to the last page of their to-do list, all but three items crossed off with less than a month to the wedding date. License. Ceremony. Everything after. She saw the angle of his gaze, too, not on the words but straight ahead, staring blank and glassy and brittle into some invisible place she still wasn’t sure she could follow him to, yet. And yet she had been the one who’d promised to try—and to keep promising, forever and forever.
Kooks by BoxWineConfessions [G, 3K]
Mari clasps her right hand across her left hand and rests them both atop her growing stomach. “I guess you’re just lucky that your father, I mean your other father, my brother-“ Mari giggles. “God, it all sounds so weird, doesn’t it? Do you care? Do you care that we’re all so fucked up and we don’t care at all?” Mari laughs again. It’s all she can do when she hurts this much, and wants a cigarette this much, but can’t stop smiling despite the fact that her body seems to hate her so much. “Well he means the world to me. That’s why I have you.”
Living in the Maybe by @adrianners [T, 6K]
It wasn’t hard to spot a 180cm platinum blond in Fukuoka International Airport. Especially when he was the only person wearing sunglasses. Indoors. At night.
Mari picks Viktor up at the airport when he returns from Moscow. Without Yuuri there to play his usual role of interpreter, they learn to communicate around their linguistic, cultural, and personal barriers.
my better self by @spookyfoot [G, 1K]
Mila's the first friend Yuuri's made in Russia. Technically, Yuuri became friends with Yurio in Hasetsu, but he'd never say that to Yurio's face.
On his first day training in Russia, Mila stole Yuuri from the rink and showed him pictures of Victor and Georgi wearing Spice Girls t-shirts Victor had picked up at a consignment shop during Skate America in 2006, and a video of them skating a synchronized routine to "Stacy's Mom."
"Don't let anyone here intimidate you. I guarantee none of them are scarier than Yura." They watched Victor skate circles around Yuri on the ice, Mila's camera primed for blackmail material—just in case.
Yuuri and some of the women in his life, through the years.
Variations on a Theme by BoxWineConfessions [M, 20K]
Mari doesn't like it when the past and the present overlap so easily. Mari knows the mischievous grin and the burn of eyes that linger too long. They're the trademark of girls who are still figuring out what they want, but want relentlessly. Mari is tired of letting people in, only to have to say goodbye when their vacation is over.
Mila has experienced this before, this knowing little smile that implies that they know something about her body that she doesn’t. It comes across as cocky, and arrogant on men, and gentle with Mari. Mari looks like she's just told her some kind of wonderful secret.
Together, they reshape their expectations.
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Yuuri On Ice (Mostly Viktuuri) Fic Recs
Zanka by rinsled05
A historical au set in the Edo period of Japan. Yuuri is a high-ranking courtesan (basically a prostitute) that Viktor meets while on a political trip to Japan. Very well-written and beautifully traumatic. I am a massive sucker for well-written historical aus, and from what I can tell, it's pretty accurate, and even if it wasn't, it still makes you feel the absolute horror of Yuuri's situation. This fic will put you through the emotional fucking wringer, but the ending is well-worth it.
Take Strength by stammiviktor
A post-canon fic about Yuuri and Viktor adopting a son. Tooth-rottingly sweet and domestic. We desperately need more kidfics in this fandom.
Polyglot Variations by spoken
A sort of character-study of Viktor and his life examined through the lens of his multilingualism. This is legit one of my favorite fanfics ever. This is literally so good and realistic that it feels like canon. It should be. Just. Fucking read it.
hood & glove by Fahye and hawberries
Otayuri fantasy au, where Yuri is a fairy and needs Otabek's help with the plot. I love Otayuri, but most of the fics I find of them aren't really up to my tastes, but this is really good, even if it is short. Fantasy aus don't tend to be my cup of tea, but if you like fantasy aus, you'll like this one.
he's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds by wingchestr
Some of the best fics in the yoi fandom are the ones that are both extremely fluffy and extremely smutty. This is one of them. Just a cute domestic fic about Viktor and Yuuri moving to Russia with a LOT of smut. Like, it's basically just 30k of well-written smut and couple bonding, and it's amazing.
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Some of the fantastic books that I've read on ao3, so thought of sharing them with you
Wreckage by sleonard
Summary: Yuuri is an amazing skater - he has finally mastered his first quad and everything is looking up. That is, until Yuuri is touched by tragedy again when a snowy drive ends Phichit's life. He is offered the chance to start over in Russia, where a team of skaters and coaches band together around this amazing man who has stolen all of their hearts.
(not completed till now)
Language: English Words: 477,754 Chapters: 61/65
Warnings: Character Death, Blood and Injury, Gore, Car Accidents, Implied/Referenced Suicide
Review: it's really one of the best stories that I've read on ao3. It portrays the raw emotion that the character feels in a detailed and amazing way.
The pakhan's jewel by theangryyuniverse
Summary: No one had ever heard the omega speak.
It was not that they had never heard him at all. They had all heard the voice of the omega at some point – a gentle laugh, for example, a quiet hum, or, quite more often, lustful cries and moans, caused by the Pakhan himself. But the omega never spoke, and never deigned to even look at them, for they all were beneath him, and mattered less than the dirt beneath his feet.
For they all knew that Katsuki Yuuri's heart belonged to one man only - and that man was Viktor Nikiforov, the Pakhan himself.
Language: English Words: 152,955 Chapters: 23/23
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, mpreg, nesting, intersex omega
Review: It's another one of the amazing fics that I've read on ao3. It's amazing to read.
Love Born in the Eye of the Storm by ScribblerQueen1
Summary: After a snowstorm cancels their return flight and all the hotels are overbooked, Yuuri decides to detour home to wait it out. He offers to let other stranded skaters stay at Yuu-topia, he just didn't know one of them was Victor Nikiforov.
Language: English Words: 14,353 Chapters: 1/1
Review: another great fic that I've read. Really love the characters and the story!
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whateverithinkof · 1 month
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 17)
Yuri On Ice
Title: A Prince in Disguise
Author: lourthor
Words: 5,182
Chapters: 1
Completed?: Yes
"The one thing his classmates know about him for sure is that he loves his husband.
aka Victor takes Japanese at a community college."
-- -- -- -- --
Cute fic where Viktor takes every chance he can to talk about his husband, Yuuri.
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randomficrecss · 1 year
OtaYuri Fic Rec
I haven’t actually read that many OtaYuri fics but these are my favorites!
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My soul is an empty carousel at sunset by dawnstruck
T | 13.8K | 1/1 | Slowburn, Hurt/Comfort
Yuri grows up and grows older and grows into himself. Otabek helps. It just takes a while to get there.
Part 1 of Demi!Yuri
Under your skin the moon is alive by dawnstruck
E | 14.8K | 1/1 | NSFW
Long distance relationships aren't easy, but that just means they've got to make each moment matter, got to make it memorable, got to make it mean more.
Part 2 of Demi!Yuri
Once Mine, Now Yours by TripCreates
T | 7.9K | 3/3 | Fluff
"You’ll have to come here to get it,” Yuri wrote.
Otabek smiled at the lack of denial Yuri showed for taking the scarf. “Maybe I will.”
“Try and take it back if you can.”
Otabek stared at his phone screen. Wait, was Yuri flirting with him?
Or while scrolling through Instagram, Otabek realizes where his missing scarf went.
i walk my days on a wire by idrilka
E | 14.5K | 2/2 | NSFW
“Asia sucked without you,” Yuri admits eventually after a moment, as he falls backwards onto the bed, his t-shirt riding up. It must be still hot in Saint Petersburg, if the forecast is to be believed, but Yuri has the hood up, obscuring his face at this angle. “But we all went back to the hot spring run by Katsuki’s family after the Fukuoka show, so I guess it wasn’t that bad.”
A story of a relationship, told in photographs and Skype calls.
anywhere i go, there you are by astrid_fischer
M | 24K | 1/1 | Slow Burn
There must have been a moment. When everything changed, whether or not he knew it. There must have been, but it’s impossible to find now. The full-color truth of it is already saturating a slideshow of black and white mental images and he can’t remember what they looked like before.
or: it takes yuri plisetsky three years to realize he’s in love with his best friend.
chasing fireflies by copperwings
M | 26.7K | 3/3 | Strangers to lovers, angst, fluff
Yuri has never been good with social interactions or with people in general. But there is a staring contest with Mila’s former classmate Otabek in a dingy diner at 2 AM, and then all of a sudden this Otabek guy wants to hang out with him… Motorcycle rides, sticky watermelon kisses and summer shenanigans ensue, and they spend the summer building their relationship while Yuri tries to come to terms with the fact that he just doesn’t fit into the norms of society.
Or: the fic in which Yuri is neuroatypical and a demisexual, and Otabek is just generally awesome and endlessly patient.
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tenacious-minds · 10 months
I hate when I’m in the mood for something very specific in which searching tags is basically useless.
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triptychgrip · 1 month
Over the past few days, I got sucked into the most incredible Emma/Clueless AU Yuri!!! on Ice fic, and had to make a post; RUN to check out matched by ao3 user bigspoonnoya (52K, friends to lovers story, main pairing is Viktor/Yuuri, but Otabek/Yuri are a side pairing)
It is so, so good, and made me laugh out loud multiple times!! I've copy/pasted an excerpt below from Chapter 4 (also, I searched for 'bigspoonnoya' and couldn't find them, but if you know this author to be on Tumblr, please let me know so I can tag them!):
Viktor rubbed his temples. He kept talking because he couldn’t remember how to stop himself. 
“I’ve been a bad friend lately, and it’s made me realize, I can’t remember when I was ever a good friend before—but you’re still here. Yuuri Katsuki is still here.” Yuuri was sitting up slowly, but Viktor couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m grateful. Frankly, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I think you’re a good man.” He felt Yuuri grip his shoulder, and had to look up. His face was blotchy and his eyes red, but god, if he didn’t have a kind expression—then Viktor didn’t know what a kind expression was. “But you have to stop matching people up.”
“I know! I know, I’m done, it’s over!”
“Promise me—”
“I’m terrible at it!”
“You are, you’re really awful.”
Laughing under his breath, Viktor ran a hand through his hair. Yuuri’s eyes were fixed on the ceiling.
“Viktor, can I ask you something?”
Please don’t, said a small, fearful voice in the back of his head. I couldn’t bear it. “Of course, Yuuri.”
“What does miliy moi mean?”
Oh. That. He had to laugh, though there was nothing funny about it. “It means... darling or dear. My darling.”
“Ah. Okay.”
They were silent for a moment, not looking at each other. It ate away at Viktor—he got to his feet, and helped Yuuri get to his.
“Let’s go downstairs… if the limo isn’t here yet, we’ll take the Underground.”
Yuuri’s face was suddenly serious. “Viktor, you’d take the Underground? Have you ever done that before?” 
Viktor shook his head. He hadn’t, but millions of Londoners did everyday, so it couldn’t be difficult, could it? 
“Do you even know how much it costs to ride the Underground?”
“Um… ten pounds?”
Yuuri shoved Viktor away from him and made for the exit himself. “You’re right, you don’t deserve to be friends with me.”
“Yuuri, no!”
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spazzcat · 5 months
Spazzcat's (Incomplete) YOI Fic Rec List
@alexseanchai said yes please, so now you all get to hear me ramble about the YOI fics I've been reading! I may do another one in the future since I'm still working through the archive but for now, these are the ones I've enjoyed and hope you will too! Note: Unless specified otherwise, all these are completed works.
Until my Feet Bleed and my Heart Aches by Reiya
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’   A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: Several, plot-critical Additional notes: This is the first installment of the Rivals series, which probably everyone in the fandom has heard of but I can't not include it. The sequel, Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts, covers the story from Victor's POV. An absolute banger of a series, and a real treat to reread as well as read for the first time after learning what was happening on the other side of the conversations. Expect lots and lots of miscommunication and heavy emotions throughout.
2. Stargazer by Fahye
"No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win."
Wordcount: 23k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: To paraphrase the author's notes, this is a sports AU of a sports canon, where the sport is a made-up sci-fi sport played by royalty. It sounds absolutely insane, I know, but trust me, the world-building is perfectly executed to tell you everything you need to know without getting bogged down with unnecessary exposition. Has an Otayuri-centric sequel.
3. Dear Mama by Ferrero13
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Epistolary format following canon from the perspective of Victor writing back and forth with his mother. Just a very cute and funny insight into Victor's head and heart.
4. How the Mighty Fall (In Love) by braveten
Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common.
1. They have unrealistic expectations for romance. 2. They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations. 3. They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: “KY.”
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Authors AU, just an all-around fun read of meeting, falling, and some hilarious mix-ups and mistakes along the way.
5. My Fun Fact Is: by stillmadaboutpetra
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
Wordcount: 6k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: The identity reveal trope is one of my favourites, and this is my favourite fic out of those.
6. Written in the Stars by pheonixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is a scientist aboard a deep space research vessel. Their mission is to chart and study a black hole, but when there's an accident Yuri is forced to abandon ship. Alone and adrift he can only watch as his husband, Phichit, and all their friends are killed. Then, with rescue likely years away, he goes into stasis. Victor Nikiforov is the young captain of an exploration vessel. Known for his charisma it is his job to make first contact and establish friendly relationships with other space-faring societies. But his curiosity is piqued when his crew detects an old distress signal, and finds a lone survivor from a ship lost nearly a hundred years before.
Wordcount: 90k Sex scenes: yes, not plot-essential Additional notes: Far future sci-fi, be prepared for character deaths right at the beginning and grief/mourning throughout. Really well-thought-out sci-fi experience with romance as part of the plot but not the entire focus.
7. Tale of a Sleeping Prince by phoenixwaller
In a world where soulmates exist, but may not be alive at the same time, those born first become "sleepers." They go into self-induced hibernation that can last centuries until their soulmate is of age, and close physical distance. At the age of 12 Yuri Katsuki sees a photo of the living legend, the oldest known sleeper, Victor Nikiforov. It sets in motion a desire to get close to the other man by training to be a caretaker. Eventually he finds himself in Saint Petersburg Russia, ready to work as close to the sleeping man, but as he approaches the Living Legend awakens.
Wordcount: 16k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: I am weak for soulmate AUs and this is a really unique one supported by fantastic worldbuilding.
8. Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket
In which Yuri Plisetsky began life with the name Edward Elric, and this has made the world of figure skating a significantly stranger and more alarming place. “Are you saying you lived a life of crime before you began skating?” “I’m gonna have to check the statute of limitations on a couple things and get back to you on that.”
Wordcount: 55k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Crossover with FMA, but knowledge of that canon needed to understand this should be minimal, I think. Focuses on Yurio and is one of the most hilarious fics I have ever read in my life, if you only read one fic from this list let it be this one, you won't regret it.
9. Empty Ice by phoenixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is considering retiring from competitive figure skating after coming in sixth at his first Grand Prix Final, but an accident only days after the final leaves his idol, Victor Nikiforov, in a coma. Grief stricken, Yuri decides to dedicate his season to the fallen skater and throws himself into the sport. He puts everything on the line for three final competitions. Then, dreams shattered, he retires. Adrift, grieving, and unsure of his place in the world Yuri turns to photography and quickly becomes known as one of the best figure skating photographers at competitions. It is this that leads him to the one thing that lends a sense of catharsis: recreating famous photographs of Victor, except in empty ice rinks. However, soon strange artifacts start to appear in his photos, and a presence calling itself Victor attaches itself to him. Yuri is left to wonder if he is going insane or if he's being haunted, and whether the strange artifacts in the photos are at all connected to the comatose skater.
Wordcount: 78k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Mind the tags, but trust me, it's worth the weird.
10. Miliy by fangirlandiknowit
Viktor finds himself in a sticky situation – referring to more than the mess in his pants after watching his favorite camboy’s show. In other words, how do you tell a camboy with a celebrity crush on Viktor Nikiforov that you are, in fact, the very man you role play with him as? The answer - you don't.
Wordcount: 66k Sex scenes: several, plot-important Additional notes: Lots of sex scenes (it's a camboy AU, what do you expect) but still manages to pack in an impressive amount of plot, drama, and feels.
11. Lessons in Love by fangirlandiknowit
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he'll do. He just didn't expect to become a fan, too. (He didn't expect to fall in love.)
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Broke: fake dating. Woke: Pining so hard everyone around you is convinced you're already dating. Strikes a great balance between a Victor who takes the important things in his life very seriously and a Victor who is a complete disaster when Yuuri's around. Very sweet, very funny, however you may have to suspend your disbelief regarding the physical and mental development of a ten-year-old.
12. No Storm Can Venture There (orphaned fic)
General Viktor Nikiforov stands, hands in his pockets, facing the man he so desperately needs on his side. "We've got four Jaegers and we're missing a pilot," he states. Pauses. The silence stretches, pulled at both ends by both stubborn wills. Finally- "You know I won't," former Ranger Yuuri Katsuki starts, turning his gaze aside, standing, shoulders tense, "can't." Viktor closes the distance. "Of course you don't think you can when you've been hiding from the possibility."
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: Otayuri glimpsed only briefly Additional notes: Going in, this fic starts off seeming like a beat-for-beat Pacific Rim rewrite with YOI characters. If you give it a chance, however, it is very much not, and goes further and further away as the story progresses. Very much a wild ride.
13. you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be by roserelease
More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov, aka Nike Cosplay. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him... It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry? (Except for when one fateful, lonely night, Viktor does.)
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: yes Additional tags: Be very mindful of the tags, while being a very positive story overall this one does touch on some heavy subjects and the second installment in the series even more so. Fourth installment is in progress and last updated Jan 15, 2024 at time of writing.
14. empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
Wordcount: 225k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Be mindful of the tags again for this one, otherwise a nice juicy slowburn of relationship development.
15. The Coin, The Stone, & The Rose by Silver_Scribbles
Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov once had the world at his fingertips; he was rich and powerful and handsome, and he had everything his heart desired. Now, he is a Beast, imprisoned by an Enchantress' spell; hiding away from the world in the never-ending winter of his shame. Katsuki Yuuri is . . . odd, to say the least. Beautiful, but odd. While the rest of the villagers put one foot firmly in front of the other, Yuuri would rather loose himself to his dancing and his daydreams; always wishing for something more than his provincial life. Each is captive to circumstances beyond their control; trapped by unbreakable spells and impossible dreams. However, an unlikely meeting is about to change everything. Hope makes a final play for their salvation as the sands of time run out; but as Yuuri and Viktor learn to find themselves in one another, they also make discoveries that they're completely unprepared for . . . some wondrous, some wretched . . . and some treacherous enough to permanently tear them apart. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
Wordcount: 270k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: While the first chapter is a well-executed tribute to disney's Beauty and the Beast, this is very much its own story that takes some of the basic elements and creates something entirely new and suited to the characters. Be advised that as the story progresses it does get a bit darker and heavier in some ways that aren't tagged for such as blackmail, forced marriage, and violence, but it does end happily.
16. The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well… That’s a long story.
Wordcount: 325k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Fascinating AU mixing not just royalty but magic, with a background world that diverged from our own. Does take the realities of court politics and political intrigue seriously and gets fairly dark at points, so approach with some caution.
17. Let Me Fall For You by HuntressFirefall
Victor Nikiforov was on his way to becoming a Living Legend in the sport of figure skating. After hitting his stride and winning back-to-back World Championships, the sport's biggest star was the overwhelming favorite to win gold in his third Olympics on home ice in Sochi, Russia. But when Yuri Katsuki pulls off the upset victory in Sochi at the young age of 21 and takes the gold, Victor begins to see his world and the people in it in a very different light -- and it turns out they see him differently as well. No longer knowing who he can rely on and finding he didn't know those close to him as well as he thought, when his skating career falters Victor makes a shocking choice that turns his world upside down in ways he did -- and didn't -- expect.
Wordcount: 400k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Takes a very serious look at the pressures of high-level skating and the consequences of that. The heavy emotions lead to the ending being satisfying beyond belief.
18. The Nature of Things by Zombubble
Lonely, tired, and stuck in Detroit for two months due to competitions, Viktor Nikiforov decides he's staying. He's not sure what he expects to find, but it's certainly not love, and he certainly doesn't expect it to come in the form of the World's Cutest Barista. But when the pressure of his career threatens to strain his burgeoning relationship, and long-held secrets come into the light, he finds his love tested in ways he'd never anticipated, with life-changing results.
Wordcount: 465k Sex scenes: None that I can recall Additional notes: What starts off looking like a meet-cute with skater!Victor and barista!Yuuri turns far more complex and serious when Yuuri turns out to be secret royalty. Long, emotion-heavy, and just touching on some of the darker facets of court reality.
19. All Our Yesterdays by Kitsunebi_UK
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life? Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive. When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
Wordcount: 1.02 million Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: A wild ride from start to finish, with truly exceptional attention to detail in creating a believable future and a realistic past, plus some scarily believable worldbuilding for the time periods in between. Expect period-typical violence for all eras that come into play. Does get downright heartbreaking near the end, but hang in there, they do get their happy ending, I promise.
20. Equivalent Exchange by writingfromtheshadows
Without the Katsuki line to protect and maintain the laws of magic, Great Mages have become so few and far between that many believe the age of magic is coming to an end. However, when he comes across a young man weaving tales with figures of fire, Viktor begins to wonder if magic is truly dead, or if it lives on in the body of the storyteller with warm brown eyes.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Wonderfully constructed fantasy setting, intriguing magic system, and an intense plot bringing it all together.
21. When the World Stops... by Miled
When an injury sidelines Viktor from competing as a skater, Yakov encourages him to take up coaching even if he kind of sucks at it. On the other hand, Yuuri is absolutely devastated that he can no longer strive to compete with his inspiration. Instead of giving it up, he dedicates one last season to honoring Viktor's career...but then Viktor takes notice.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Just a really interesting what if possibility!
22. L'ultima volta by goodbye_blue
“Hey, Mila,” Viktor looked up at her, bleary-eyed. “You don’t know any theoretical physicists, do you?” “…No?” She replied hesitantly. Yakov had seen enough. “What the hell are you doing?!” He stormed, rounding the table. Oh no, he thought when he saw the video. His stomach sank a little. It was that Japanese skater, Katsuki. The dark horse who had just demolished the competition at Skate America.
Yuuri and Viktor find themselves years in the past, right at the start of the fateful season where they first met. Now, if only they could figure out whether they’ve come back alone.
Wordcount: 25k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: They're idiots, your honour.
23. eternity will be born from hope by vivi_writ3s
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over. Or; Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
IN PROGRESS Additional notes: This is the beginning of a rewrite of a fic by the same name and author that they decided to alter because they realized they went OOC for Victor's age in the story. The pre-rewite version is still up as the first fic in the series and is absolutely worth reading as is (there are several scenes I go back to regularly).
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mp4527 · 2 months
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I'm Hals (she/her), a Haikyuu and Yuri!! On Ice fic writer and I'll be using this blog to promote my ongoing and finished fics. Let's be friends and moots 💖
Find me on 🐦: mp4527
My AO3: halesi / NotASlut_ButWhoKnows
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yoificfinder · 6 months
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Hi anon! Sorry I accidentally deleted your ask while I was in the process of making a rec list for your request because of the editing issue I have on tumblr. Fortunately, I was able to take a screenshot before deleting. And hopefully, the issue is now fixed!
Here's my rec list of canon-divergent fics where it was Victor who skated Eros/Agape:
a certain playboy by fan_nerd [G, 4K]
@v-nikiforov - The handsome playboy has returned to town. Please pay special attention to my Free Skate tomorrow. ♥♥♥
There’s no way that Victor, Yuuri’s childhood idol, could be calling Yuuri a handsome playboy, just because they’d met eyes at two skating events. Besides, a total stranger had given Yuuri the tickets. It would be totally absurd.
Yuuri frowns, turning his head on the pillow. Wouldn’t it?
catch me (i'm falling) by @spookyfoot [T, 5K]
Victor skates the saltiest Eros routine of all time and issues a call out on international television.
darling, stay by my side by jenmishe [T, 16K]
“Yuuri!” Phichit cries. “I know you have this weird insomnia thing, but for the love of god, get some sleep. Or at least turn the phone down. I know it’s after midnight there.”
“Holy shit, Phichit,” says Yuuri. “Yakov Feltsman wants to coach me.”
“Holy shit,” Phichit agrees, wide eyed.
(Or: Vicchan lives and fate is a funny thing.)
A Myriad of Possibilities by ztwilightzx [T, 92K]
“I have to go!” Yuuri blurts out. As an assistant coach, he needs to be at Minami’s interviews, even if it is Victor of all people standing right in front of him.
“Wait—” Victor says, but Yuuri has already ducked away. “Yuri!” he hears Victor call from behind him.
Yuuri doesn’t stop. He’s made that mistake before – why would Victor Nikiforov know who Yuuri is this year any more than he did last year? Yuri Plisetsky is debuting as a senior, after all, and might be here at the Cup of China to support his rinkmates.
It may be the sound of Yuuri’s name on Victor’s lips, but there is no way Victor is calling for him.
(Canon-divergence. The Nishigori triplets never upload Yuuri's rendition of Stammi Vicino online. Yuuri buys himself time to decide whether he wants to stay on the ice or retire by joining Minami Kenjirou's team as an assistant coach.
Victor never hears from the beautiful Japanese skater after Sochi. He choreographs On Love: Eros because he can’t quite let go, but it’s getting harder to push himself on the ice and the cracks are starting to show.
Two lost individuals take a different route to find love and life, but they eventually get there all the same.
same song, different dance by @crossroadswrite [T, 88K]
The line is silent for a moment, as Yuuri stands there, fingers getting progressively colder as he hears Minako breathe in his ear, not really willing to hang up first.
“The Grand Prix is just around the corner,” Minako says, her tone almost wistful.
He breathes out slowly to steady himself. “It is.”
“… Are you going to watch it?”
Yuuri shouldn’t. He knows it’ll feel awful to watch everyone he knows trying their best at something he loves when he can’t anymore. But it’s Phichit’s first year in the Grand Prix, and Victor’s competing, so…
“Of course,” he says, and is proud of how steady his voice comes out. He doesn’t know if it’s a lie or not.
(Or: in which Yuuri's Stammi Vicino skate never gets posted and he retires, Victor keeps himself skating for better or for worse, Yuri struggles with his debut, and missed opportunities have a way of righting themselves.)
Other recs are welcome!
ETA: Other people's rec:
starting right now I'll be strong by @alexseanchai [T, 1k] *WIP
Enthrall by poppysocle [E, 106K]
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plutoscribblez · 1 month
Hiiiii, does anyone know of fics where yuuri trains under yakov? Preferably if the fic was complete already but ongoing ones are fine as well, thanks yall~ 🥹🙏
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 month
Hey! Would you do an outsider pov list of stuff i havent seen in a while or new stuff if you can find it
you got it! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
POV Outsider Fic Recs
the cain instinct by orphan_account - rated G
In which the Fire Lord is a competent and compassionate leader trying to head a successful international peace summit, but he is also a seventeen-year-old boy. And the Avatar won't stop calling him his great-grandson, and thus is in sore need of a beatdown.
Star Wars
i implore you (it’s time to come back) by HiddenEye - Rated T
And then, the door swings open, with Luke opening his mouth to no doubt tell her off, when he freezes at the sight of the Mandalorian. “You gotta be kidding me.” Luke blurts out, burning a hole into the middle of his new visitor’s head with a vicious frown.
A Missed Connection by hearnopromises - Not Rated
On their way to visit Sam, Dean and Castiel sit next to a young woman on their departing flight from Kansas. Dean thinks the bumblebee pin on her bag would make a perfect gift for his husband. She thinks Dean would make a perfect addition to her bed.
25 and Still Alive by goldenraeofsun - Rated G
Claire steps out of Jay Street Diner with relief. It wasn’t a bad morning shift, overall. She overheard a few out-of-towners gossiping about a weird death a couple cities over that she’ll check out tonight. Outside, she takes a deep breath of air that doesn’t smell like pancake syrup and bacon and pulls out her phone. The screen lights up with no new texts from Castiel, even though he usually makes plans for lunch by now. But no, the last thing he sent her was a link to a video of a cat walking across a piano three days ago. Claire looks up and stops dead in her tracks. The Impala idles next to the curb.
stars & dots by piesexuality - Rated T
The thing is that Jack is a good student. A great student, even.
As the school counselor, Vera’s been trying to make sense of it on her own for awhile. He's such a nice boy, but his behavior is off-putting in a way she can't quite put her finger on. She hates having to bring parents into the equation, but with Jack, she’s reached the point where there’s simply nothing else she can do.
so darlin', save the last dance for me by ashavahishta - Rated T
"I’m wearing a wedding ring! Do I have to get ‘property of Buck Diaz’ tattooed on my forehead?”  “Oh, Buck would love that,” Lena laughs.   “He really would,” Eddie muses with a grin. “He’d get a matching one. Might help with all the thirsty single parents he deals with at his job.”  “Doesn’t he have your wedding photo prominently displayed in his office?” “And like ten photos of us with Christopher, yep,” Eddie agrees. “Doesn’t stop people from trying.” Or: "Eddie Diaz drinks his 'I fucking love my husband' juice for ANOTHER 6,000 words", feat: Dad!Buck, mother hen Eddie, and Pride celebrations with the 118.
with sweet (mis)understanding by cloudyycolfer - Rated T
“You’re a lifesaver, Evan.” “I know.” Buck replies. “It’s in the job description.” Maddie’s eyes are stuck on her brother. “You’re in his will and you still think he isn’t in love with you?” or the one where evan buckley and eddie diaz are keeping their relationship underwraps. (the 118 have their speculations and theories on the truth)
Red Ribbon by AshwinMeird - Rated G
Nell was familiar with the many injury-prone members of the 118 because of her dad's stories from making them cakes but also from being the one running the front of the shop and taking their cake orders. Only this time it wasn't a return to work from an injury cake. This was a getting together cake for two of the firefighters.
Eyes On You by sealeviathan - Not Rated
Hen liked their new probie. Buck was easy to get along with. He had a husband and a son, he was good at his job and helped everyone to the best of his ability. Not only that, but he was actually interesting. He was passionate, funny, caring and he fit well into the team dynamic. Hen was happy with this information - happy with her knowledge of one Evan Buckley. That being said, she really didn't expect Buck to be the disloyal type. But here he was, at a bar, practically drooling over some bartender in front of all of his coworkers. The guy even seemed familiar with Buck. --- Or: The fic where Buck blatantly lusts over Eddie. Hen and Chimney worry they're about to witness a marriage-ending move because Buck failed to mention that Eddie is the man he's married to.
come home to my heart by coupe_de_foudre - Rated G
“Ev?” an unfamiliar voice rings through the room, following the sound of the front door being ripped open, and Bobby’s head whips in the direction it comes from, “Evan Buckley-Diaz, you better be here or so help me God! You’re in serious shit.”
Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited by kingdomfaraway - Rated G
While Leroy didn’t like gossip, he wasn’t immune to it and he’d heard about a young boy claiming to be Tony Stark’s intern showing up randomly throughout the building. He just figured it was some random mystery, a Stark Industries cryptid if you will. Never did he think he’d have a sighting. “Are you Peter Parker?” Leroy questioned, narrowing his eyes at the young boy, looking for any signs of deceit. “Oh yeah, that’s me, hi!” Possibly Fabled Intern Peter Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out a badge and lanyard, this one with his face on it and INTERN written underneath it. “Mr. Stark got me a badge so I can get nachos whenever I want.”
Yuri!!! On Ice
Fill the World with Music by prettybirdy979 - Rated T
It's been a whirlwind of a week for Phichit, not only because of his competing in the Grand Prix Finals. Yuuri seems to have made it his mission to surprise everyone a dozen times over before the end of the competition. But there's only the gala exhibition tomorrow to go. Surely Yuuri (and Viktor) can't manage one more surprise by then? (Aka that fic where Viktor breaks twitter, Yuuri breaks the internet then pretends to not understand, and together they break their friends)
The Time(s) The Internet Collectively Exploded by MEIXIU - Rated T
It started with Victor Nikiforov's departure from Figure Skating to suddenly pursue a career in coaching with a certain Japanese man and then it escalated quickly from then on.
#KissOrHug by Aurum - Rated G
Yuuri and Victor make #Victuri trend worldwide. Phichit accidentally makes it worse.
My fun fact is: by stillmadaboutpetra - Rated G
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
How To Train Your Dragon
familiar (but this time i've had some practice) by aloneintherain - Rated T
Every decade, three teenagers are dragged from the future and placed in their younger bodies to give predictions that will set the tone for the next ten years on Berk. But how are three dragon riders supposed to give prophecy to a village full of dragon-hating vikings? (Time travel AU)
Sasuke's No Good Very Bad Teammates by GwendolynStacy - Rated T
Naruto and Sakura have gone insane. Or: Just after becoming Team 7 Naruto and Sakura go through a massive shift in personality, leaving Sasuke out of the loop and wondering what in the name of sanity could have happened to them. His only consolation is that Kakashi is just as weirded out as he is.
The five times Flash came to Gotham for help and the one time he didn't need to (5+1) by Silver_Athena - Not Rated
Barry needs help solving a murder, he goes to Gotham for help. Though he's looking for Batman he seems to constantly run into new heroes. Why do they all seem connected to Batman? --- “You know where he lives?” “I practically live there myself, why is this so surprising to you? You’ve worked with him for- Oh… oh my God, you guys don’t know!"
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whateverithinkof · 2 months
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 4)
Yuri On Ice
Title: he meets me where i am
Author: rire
Words: 4,606
Chapters: 1
Completed?: Yes
“Something gold catches the light, drawing his attention. There’s a gold ring on Victor’s ring finger. “Ah,” Yuuri says, his heart giving a last squeeze, a futile reminder of the silly crush he once had. “Congratulations on your marriage,” he says, as cheerily as he can.
In which Yuuri gets into an accident that wipes his memory of everything that happened after his first Grand Prix, Yurio and Victor help him retrace his journey, and Yuuri rediscovers himself along the way.”
— — — — —
Slightly angsty fic where Yuuri loses all his memories of Viktor- including their relationship.
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coolotplblogloadng · 1 year
Top 10 Fanfic - Multi-Fandom
No Particular Order
between the click of the light and the start of a dream by thepshycicclam
sterek (m/m) - Teen Wolf - 105,192 words - Rated E
Stiles starts getting haunted by something in his dreams. Derek gets overprotective. Pack feels and angst. I love it. I read it once a year.
who ya gonna call? by igneousbitch
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 24,563 - Rated E
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. Need I say more? Harrow falls on her ass at least twice I recall. A masterpiece.
lucky jacket by chellethewriter 
catradora (f/f) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - 16,301 - Rated M
Explores the lore of Adora’s jacket after Catra may have done something to it. Very funny concept but shit hits the fan. Very cute and fluffy.
My Name of Your Lips by feelslikefire
victuuri (m/m) - Yuri on Ice! - 108,070 words - Rated E
Literally the ONLY a/b/o fic I ever liked and finished. High fantasy, magic, dragons. Yuuri betrothed to Prince Victor and plans on secretly fighting a tourney to get out of it...but then he catches feelings! 👀
horsebow moon by athousandsatellites
edeleth (f/f) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 4,765 words - Rated G
Edelgard finds Jeralt’s journal but turns out Byleth has made use of it as well! Really sweet and fluffy (some angst). But touched on stuff I wish the game explored. So *chefs kiss*
Due West by europa_report 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 27,284 words - Rated M
Suuuuuucccchh good writing from Krolia’s perspective how she feels about Keith and Lance’s relationship. Her and Lance are stranded on a planet. Feelings of motherhood. Angst. 👌👌
The Hurricane in His Veins by magisterpavus 
shklance (m/m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 265,040 words - Rated E
I had to put this one on. Main fic is only 187,481 words. But the world is just so great I gotta read all the fics in the series. Vampire Keith and Shiro and human(?) Lance. A classic, fabulous.
I Will Not Die For You by ghost_maiden_of_delphi
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 151,369 words - Rated M
Mafia boss Harrow, bodyguard Gideon. Cross country road trip full of pining, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual romance!! Gideon and Naberius fight and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 12,535 words - Rated M
So sweet, so lovely. Snippets of them falling for each other represented by different waves. Shorter but oh so sweeter. 
Homesick by Beelzebumons
sidlink (m/m) - Breath of the Wild - 175,190 words - Rated E
Link dressed in Zora armor 24/7 being Sidon’s bodyguard? That has to take him on a tour of all of Hyrule? Canon divergent with interesting backstories and plot? Yes sign me up pls!
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randomficrecss · 7 months
Victuuri fic rec
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Melodies Unheard, but Felt All the Same by Watermelonsmellinfellon
M | 100.3k | 39/39 | deaf!yuuri, ableism, sexual content, explicit language
Yuuri wanted to make history as the first Deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Victor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.
But Victor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten
E | 20.8k | 2/2 | sick!yuuri, hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
centripetal force by braveten
E | 85.8k | 10/10 | college au, roommates, sexual content, anxiety attacks, underage drinking
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
like your french girls by ebenroot
T | 102.9k | 7/7 | artist au, slow burn, awkward flirting, pining victor, fluff
"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."
in which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
one of my fav things about until my feet bleed and my heart aches is how it worked in and reimagined iconic moments from the show itself, like not that they’re the first person ever to do that ofc not, but i think it works really really well for this fic. i finished it days ago and i’m still thinking about it tbh, all those little moments. the tie pulling, for instance.
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