#yusra major
dove-da-birb · 1 year
Meet Yusra Bashar
The Picrew used was TOON ME! <&lt;A>> by @/hellosunnycore.
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Name; Yusra Bashar
Other names; Yu
Birthday; February 28 (Pisces)
Age; 18
Height; 180 cm (she tol)
Dominant hand; Left
Gender; Demi-girl
Pronouns; She/Her but open to other pronouns
Sexuality; Asexual
Romantic Orientation; Panromantic
Hobbies; Strategy games
Pet Peeve; Itchy fabrics, drives her up the wall
Favourite Food; Amriti
Least Favourite Food; Durian 
Talent; Knowing what Ace, Deuce, and Grim got up to without being told
Languages; English, Bengali
Other; ADHD, braces
Best Subject; Mathematics
Club; Boardgame Club and wins every time
Secondary Dorm; Octavinelle (if she had magic)
Friends; Deuce, Ace, Trey, Grim
Other Information~
The "Yuu" for Heartslabyul's chapter.
Yusra is the first "Yuu" to be teleported in TWST, which panics her brother Prem back at home (more on him later). She adapts quickly though, and Deuce reminds her of her brother, so she befriended him right away. She's also friends with Ace and Grim, although she really doesn't know why she decided to keep those two headache inducers around. Oh right, those three are a package deal.
Yusra's family is Bengali, but immigrated to Brisbane, Australia; that's right, Bengali-Australian MC. She had to deal with large spiders and the occasional snake; what's magic to that? She is self-assured in her abilities, but she also does keep an eye out for her friends. Somewhat blunt with her words, but her emotions can be easily read.
The mirror would have sorted her into Octavinelle if she had magic, as she is at her core, generous. Not a generous winner though, especially during strategy games; likes to be smug when she beats Azul. Terrible when it comes to luck-based games, but oh well, as long as she doesn't come in last place. (Frenemies with Azul, polite with Idia for the most part)
She tends to get out extra stress - be it due to being in a different dimension, her new friends, or everything in between - by cooking family recipes. And she befriended Trey when she was cooking one night, and enjoys spending time with him when she's not busy. He's calm, and she likes that... even if his puns are terrible. But bad puns is better than putting out another fire.
She likes lighter fabrics, as they allow for more movement. She HATES itchy fabrics as it irritates her skin. She ADORES pastel colours, and she only has pastel clothes in her closet back at home; not a fan of the NRC uniform but she makes do with pastel hijabs. She tends to decorate her hijab with pins; usually a pink heart or the blue pearl pin gifted to her by Prem. She also wears bright bands in her braces.
She loves cats, and likes to stay behind whenever she has time in Professor Trein's class, petting Lucius and learning more about Twisted Wonderland. Lucius reminds her of her one cat back at home, Berlioz. Whereas Grim reminds her of Toulouse, her no-brain-cell-having orange cat. She finds Headmage Crowley... incompetent.
Bonus fits!
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Other minor character name and relationship post. CAUTION: May contain minor spoilers. This is straight up a reference point just for me in the future - like a rough draft of some ideas I've tossed around.
Parents: Teman, a healer/pharmacist, and Sarai, an accountant
Students: Donatella, Farhana Junon Zuri and Yusra (Summer), Anahita (Dawn), Agape Lenotia Onoe Charis and Keren.
Parents: Noora and Sabinus, who own a smithy.
Grandmother: Lucretia, a retired priestess.
Friends from the Stables: Durans, Pastor, Taras.
Step-family: Eadwulf, a merchant, Solveig and Oonagh (half sisters). Currently living in the Winter Court.
Mother: Theano. A changeling who dies before the story begins.
Friends on Thira: Anthe, Lueke, Galatea, Calliste.
Mirche: Former business partner [and amicable ex] of Helion, currently running the winery.
Phoebus: Minister of the treasury. A real pill but good at his job.
Heba and Menae: married couple, ranked members of Court.
Alkyone: Myrtle's wife. She is the Architectural Minister.
Martialis: Captain of the royal guard.
Otho: Commander of the city watch.
Valerian: General of Day. A powerful magic user.
Indrani: Mother of Jocasta and Penelope, a retired merchant from Bharat.
Janus: Head of the banking guild. Worst enemy of Phoebus and Helion both.
Yasrin: The counterpart of Nomi, who was persuaded to lead his charges into battle, and their doom.
Municipalities of Day:
The Day Court is highly beaureacratic, divided into five major administrative legions, each with its own minor court. The largest court, in the capital, is presided over by the High Lord.
Rhodes: the capital and surrounding lands. Ruled by Helion Isidoros. It's library is known as the Hall of All Worlds.
Dodona: the westernmost region. Famously the birthplace of the last known Seer in Prythian. Ruled by Mithras. It's library is known as the Hall of All Eyes.
Zominthos: shares the largest portion of the border with the Night Court. A mountainous region. Ruled by Lipara. It's library is known as the Hall of All Tongues.
Hesperia: The region closest to Dawn. Largely agricultural. Ruled by Memnon. It's library is known as the Hall of the Lost.
Cyme: the easternmost region. Ruled by Teispes. Known for its gold and its poetry. It's library is known the Hall of the Travelers.
Cyme also contains numerous semi-autonomous islands with their own governments - Thira, Helion's former home, is one of them.
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picturematic · 2 years
Great To Be Back at The County Assembly Rooms
We had the pleasure of hosting our open-air vintage photo booth at The County Assembly Rooms, Bailgate, Lincoln. It was a wonderful way to return to the incredible venue after a lovely new management team took over. We learnt of their fantastic plans for the venue and can’t wait to return for some of the incredible plans they have for 2023 and beyond.
The County Assembly Rooms is a beautiful venue that is perfect for any event, from wedding receptions to corporate events, this flexible space can be transformed into whatever you need it to be. We were delighted to have been chosen as the photo booth supplier by Yusra & Harris for such a special occasion at this gorgeous venue, it really was a blast.
Every photo session produced two prints for every guest. Not only did they get a chance to take home fun memories from the night, but also something tangible that they can keep forever! We strive for high quality when it comes to our prints, they’re all high resolution at 600dpi (that’s a lot of dots per inch).
If you like what you see above you should check out what we do and also take a look at The County Assembly Rooms website (link below), they have some major plans for the future and aren’t going to stop until it’s the best venue in Lincolnshire.
website: The County Assembly Rooms
location: Google / W3W
If you like the look of our setup and would like us at your next event, hit the button below!
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limanesce · 3 years
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a bat.......dead body.......glitter......queen ur secret murder weapon sounds like a twilight vampire 😳
i hate you.
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sunny-rants · 2 years
ok people, I’m gonna need you to hype up this movie the way you do
The Swimmers is based on the true story of Syrian refugee and olympic athlete Yusra Mardini and her activist sister Sarah Mardini.
first of all, the movie looks amazing, I mean just the teaser trailer gave me chills, and second of all, most of the cast is Arab, and I am so incredibly excited because this will likely be the first actual, accurate Middle Eastern representation on a major Western streaming platform!
and so I need you people to hype this movie up like you would any other poc rep, because while I usually hate true story film adaptations, this movie looks like it’s gonna be a banger
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disillusioned41 · 4 years
Support for Medicare for All among U.S. voters has reached a nine-month high in a Morning Consult/Politico tracking poll as the deadly and ongoing coronavirus pandemic lays bare the horrors and systemic inefficiencies of America's profit-driven healthcare system.
The survey (pdf), released Wednesday, found that 55 percent of U.S. voters support Medicare for All, a nine-point jump since February. While support for Medicare for All is highest among Democratic voters at 75%, a majority of Independents—52%—also support the policy, along with 31% of Republicans.
Morning Consult's Yusra Murad wrote that the poll, conducted between March 27-29, "suggests progressive lawmakers may have an opportunity to sway key demographics—support for Medicare for All grew among people in the $50,000-$100,000 income bracket, voters between 45 and 54 years old, and black voters by roughly 10 points each."
"With the discussion of enacting a universal healthcare system in the United States intensifying, 43 percent of voters say they are more likely to support reforms to grant all Americans health insurance from the government because of the coronavirus outbreak," Murad noted. "Notably, that support does not include the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential primary election—former Vice President Joe Biden."
As Common Dreams reported, Biden on Monday doubled down on his opposition to Medicare for All, telling MSNBC that single-payer healthcare would "not solve" the coronavirus crisis.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Biden's only remaining opponent in the Democratic presidential primary race, has repeatedly argued in recent weeks—alongside many other experts and advocates—that the coronavirus outbreak and the resulting economic meltdown bolsters the case for Medicare for All, the Vermont senator's signature policy proposal.
Sanders' Medicare for All plan would provide everyone in the U.S. with comprehensive healthcare for free at the point of service and virtually eliminate the private insurance system which has left 80 million Americans uninsured or underinsured—a number that is rising rapidly as millions lose their jobs due to the coronavirus outbreak.
"How can it be that we spend 18% of our [gross domestic product] on healthcare—more than any other major country on Earth—but still lack the beds, masks, ventilators, gowns, gloves, and test kits we need to adequately respond to this crisis?" Sanders asked in a tweet on Wednesday.
"We must transform our dysfunctional healthcare system," said Sanders.
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cryptodailysun · 3 years
Russian law enforcement agencies have gone after the organizers of a large crypto pyramid which has been promising extraordinarily high returns. The Ponzi scheme is being unraveled after a similar project defrauded thousands of investors in Russia, the region, and far beyond. Police Find Crypto Pyramid Organizers in Dagestan, Russia Officers from the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian republic of Dagestan have identified persons suspected of organizing a major financial pyramid offering victims profits of up to 500% per year on their investments in digital assets. According to sources quoted by the Russian business daily Kommersant, the suspects are representatives of the Yusra Global project, Forklog reported. Besides Dagestan, the fraudulent entity had established offices in other Russian regions, Kazakhstan in Central Asia, and Turkey. The publication reveals that the authorities have detained four people in January, all Russian citizens, who are believed to be behind the Ponzi scheme. They were initially placed under arrest for a period of two months. The defendants may face up to ten years in prison on top of hefty fines. The perpetrators of the fraud were inflating quotes of values of digital assets and paid out dividends using the funds invested by new participants in the pyramid, the report detailed. They distributed the rest of the money amongst themselves and purchased real estate. Preliminary estimates suggest the victims’ losses amount to 1 billion rubles, or more than $10 million according to current exchange rates at the time of writing, the Russian newspaper revealed. The news about the investigation into Yusra Global comes after last year, when Russian authorities busted arguably the country’s largest financial scam since the notorious MMM pyramid in the 1990s. Finiko, also a Ponzi scheme exploiting the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies, is responsible for the loss of up to $4 billion in total. Its founder Kirill Doronin — a social media influencer linked to other scams in the past — and a number of his accomplices were arrested. Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the former-Soviet space, EU member states, and the U.S. are among the people who sent 800,000 separate crypto deposits to the phantom entity. The pyramid, which was based in another Russian republic, Tatarstan, received over $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin in less than two years, according to Chainalysis. Do you expect Russian authorities to target other financial pyramids related to crypto investments? Tell us in the comments section below. Go to Source
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dreadnought-despair · 7 years
Aoi Himura - don’t fight them! sure they’re kinda blunt sometimes but they mean well and have good intentions! plus they’re the team medic so they could probably patch up their wounds. don’t fight them
Gugalanna Velasquez - BAD IDEA. DO NOT FIGHT GUGA
Honoka Ueda - don’t fight honk! sure her bossiness can be kinda annoying but she means well and is probably the only thing keeping the group together so without her chaos would ensue, plus she’s really cute look at her. let her live
Ishi Utsunomiya - again. bad idea. ishi can and will kick your ass plus why would you want to fight her? sure she’s impulsive and reckless sometimes but she means well and is a good friend to tim! just listen to how tim describes her. and speaking of tim he’d probably lecture you if you did try to fight her and lemme tell ya getting a lecture from a librarian is. not good. don’t fight ishi
Jurou Takahashi - why. why on earth would you ever fight jurou. what has this man done to you. if you fight him i will come fight you (even though you could probably kick my ass but that’s not the point). he’s so lovable and he’s trying his very best to make everyone happy! do not fight jurou it’s not worth it
Kapono Alana - look at him! why would you ever want to fight this boy. he’s so fucking adorable and has done nothing wrong in fact i think he’s one of the most helpful members of the cast. please do not fight kapono
Michi Kurosawa - your call here. he’s a little meme shit gremlin but he’s actually pretty buff so he might be able to kick your ass depending on who you are. if you wanna try then go right ahead but just be wary
Nikola Ragnvaldsson - don’t you fucking dare!! just look at this man! he’s fucking adorable and he does not deserve any of this suffering plus he has anxiety (and possibly a bad home life) so he’s already got enough shit to put up with. if you did try to fight him (you monster) he’d probably freak out and cry the whole time and it just wouldn’t be worth it. plus (fun fact): the guy’s a swing dancer, and those guys have some serious athletic prowess so he could probably knock you out if he tried. the moral of the story is don’t fight nik
Ping - please don’t! ping has done nothing wrong plus why would you try to punch solid steel if you’re not guga levels of strong. unless you have a heavy object you won’t be able to make a dent in her. don’t fight ping
Riko Shirai - just looking at her is intimidating enough so you’d probably get scared before you tried to swing at her unless you are physically unable to feel emotion. plus she’s really pretty and a lovable nerd so don’t fight riko
Salvatore Benevici - take caution. he will knock you out with his fabulousness, stab your ego with a few sharp words and probably step on you with his equally sharp heels. all in all you probably shouldn’t fight sal
Siegfried Iskandar - be my guest. sure he’s pretty buff and could probably kick your ass but if you are able to put him in his place then do it. punch him in his smug face and kick him in the shins a few times idfc go nuts.
Tiffani Fairfax - again, take caution. she’s a former cheerleader so she’s probably got some decent muscle on her and could beat you up if she tried, but she’s more likely to cuss you out. your call
Timaeus Woodworth - no!! he’s a good boy who has done nothing wrong in his entire life. just look at him! he’s got long flowy hair and harry potter glasses and a cute nose dear god he’s too adorable for words. plus if you do fight him you’ll have ishi on your ass and do you really want that
Yusra Samara - do not fight yusra! sure she’s also kinda blunt but she’s really nice and has a cute smile and she’s just a lovely girl overall! plus you’ll probably catch riko’s attention if you lay even a finger on yusra and you really don’t want riko mad at you
MONO-9000 - go right ahead. crush him into itty bitty pieces. just be wary of his talons and you should be fine. fight the murder orb
this is a solid post i just have a few addendums:
if you’re being forced to fight a dreadnought cast member under penalty of death then aoi is a good choice since they can patch themselves up and if you explain the situation they’ll be understanding
if you tell ishi you want to fight her she’s 100% ready to throw down just for fun. guga is too but getting in a fight with her is much more hazardous to your health
sal is easy to beat up in the moment but he has the connections to summon an elite team of special agents from major intelligence services across the globe to track you down and wipe your existence from written record. ur playin a dangerous game
sieg isn’t as strong as he looks kick his ass babey
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Turkey earthquake toll hits 31 as rescue operations continue for second day - world news
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Turkish rescue teams continued to pull survivors from collapsed buildings Sunday, more than a day and a half after a powerful earthquake hit the country’s east, killing at least 31 people, officials said.The magnitude 6.8 quake injured 1,556 people, and 45 people had been pulled from the rubble so far, the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) said.As overnight temperatures dropped to -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit), emergency teams set up more than 9,500 tents for displaced residents and distributed some 17,000 hot meals.Rescue teams concentrated their efforts in the Mustafa Pasa neighborhood of the city of Elazig and the nearby town of Sivrice, the closest residential area to the epicenter of Friday night’s quake.Turkish television showed Ayse Yildiz, 35, and her 2-year-old daughter Yusra being saved from a collapsed apartment building in Mustafa Pasa district. They had been trapped for 28 hours after the earthquake struck.Nearly 600 aftershocks rocked the region as rescue teams worked. A magnitude 4.3 quake hit Puturge district in the neighboring Malatya province on Sunday morning, AFAD said.Friday’s main quake hit at 8:55 p.m. local time (1755 GMT). Earthquakes are frequent in Turkey, which sits atop two major fault lines. A pair of strong earthquakes struck northwest Turkey in 1999, killing around 18,000 people. Read the full article
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Exppress Car Wash: Ruling North in Car Wash since Decades
Agree or not, everyone prefers and loves to drive a clean car. And exactly why not? After all, owning a car is the most priced possession after owning a house. But just buying a car is not an easy task. You need to take care of its cleanliness and maintenance from time to time. For most people car maintenance is restricted to oiling and lubrication and in that perception, they skip thinking about car washing and detailing. Getting cars thoroughly cleaned inside-out is important as it is directly related to image building and health.
Car cleaning is a task many people keep aside, which is much hazardous for resale value and car paint. Paying attention to car detailing not only keeps the car looking new but also helps in preventing premature rusting and add life to the car paint task. Taking care of your car can be very easy with quality brands delivering ultimate services. You need to check a few suggestions about what to search for when looking for the best quality car wash brand. Here are a few suggestions to consider:
Number of services and car care options
Types of equipment and products used
Affordability, convenient and pocket-friendly
Reputation and experience in the car care sector
Manpower quality
Exppress Car Wash brings you the best car care services in the Indian market at an affordable price. This brand delivers professional car cleaning using eco-friendly products and efficient machines. One of the reasons why Exppress car wash is preferred by the public over other brands is that it offers many more benefits than other car washes. Not only it has open up its wings in PAN India but also with its quality services and good client relationship it has won thousands of hearts. Here comes the description of all the Exppress Car Wash outlets running in North India.
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Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest states in North India in terms of area. More the area more is the population leading directly to an increase of the convenience on the roads. Exppress car wash is extending itself by opening franchise-owned outlets at different locations in Uttar Pradesh like:
Are you eagerly looking for exciting car wash in Noida that best suiting you and your pocket? Read on!
Noida, the IT capital of the National Capital Region (NCR) is the prime location for budding businesses and entrepreneurs in exploring new opportunities within Delhi NCR. Budding business enhances the number of running cars on the roads. Regular running of cars will surely affect the look and feel of the vehicle. Stones chips, bird dropping, changing weather, chemical etching and others are factors that affect the appearance of the externally. You can get it cleaned and detailed at the outlets of Exppress Car Wash. In Noida and Greater Noida, you have a total of 3 company-owned outlets and 1 Franchisee- owned outlet of Exppress Car wash that deals in car wash and detailing services. Here are the location and addresses of all the three outlets.
Sec-5, Main Road, Near Hyundai, Noida-201301
Sector-49, opposite Sector 78, Hindon Vihar, Near Large Hanuman Murty, Barola Village, Noida
Logix Mall Sector -32, Opp Wave City Metro Station, Basement 2 – 201301
Opposite to Gaur City, Main Road, Greater Noida West-201009
If you are resident of Lucknow (City of Nawabs), and looking for a professional Car Wash in Lucknow, then you can get your car/ vehicle washes and detailed at
4/53, Vijyant Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, U.P-226010
Located between Kanpur and Prayagraj, it is one of the main cities in UP. The traffic ranging between these two important cities most surpasses from this city. With good traffic and commutation, you surely require the best place where your vehicle is taken care of. Exppress car wash in Fatehpur, can be the place where you can get your vehicle washed, detailed and taken care of. In Fatehpur, we have one franchise-owned outlet to take care of your car care need and that is:
Yusra Colony, Lucknow Bypass Road, Near Noorul Huda School, Fatehpur-212601
Aligarh is one of the ancient cities of India and is popular for locks. This city is the major manufacturing hub of different types of locks. As time is running, the rush in this city is increasing at a very high rate. So, keeping our vehicle neat and clean is a quite huge challenge for us. To overcome these circumstances, Exppress Car Wash in Aligarh comes into the picture. And is currently doing well in car washing and detailing services. You can reach Exppress Car Wash at below address:
Kuldeep Vihar, Quarsi Etah Bypass Road, Near Green Park, Opposite Swarn Jayanti Nagar, Aligarh-202001
All the outlets deliver you same class of car washing and detailing services to the clients. Few of the services are mentioned here that will help you to easily know about what you can avail at these outlets of Exppress car wash:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
It is surely that Delhi being the Nation capital brings you the best opportunities to explore. You will always get your demands fulfilled with the best of all things, services, and benefits. Exppress Car Wash gives ultimate car washing and detailing services in Delhi. It is a brand that has revolutionized the experience of car care. Trained and experienced staff bring you the best solutions to maintain the look and feel of your vehicle. Exppress Car Wash in Delhi has a total of 3 outlets in which 2 is a company-owned outlet and 1 is franchisee-owned. Look out the address and exact location of Exppress Car Wash outlets in Delhi.
C-126 Naraina industrial area phase 1, next to mobility world, New Delhi -110028
Angra HP Centre Petrol Pump, Vinay Marg Road, Opposite Nehru Park, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
Sahas Service Station BPCL Petrol Pump, Opposite Bosco Public School
Exppress Car Wash provides its customer with the high car wash service quality using the best products in Delhi. While delivering the services, the main focus of the company relies on service standards and maintaining good customer satisfaction. Certain services that you can enjoy at the Delhi outlets of Exppress Car Wash are:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
Car wash has many benefits even more than what you see. Normal car wash doesn’t deliver adequate water supply to wipe off dirt and grimes which is layered on the surface of the vehicle over time. Roads of Faridabad is full of dirt, dust and stone chips due to regular construction and maintenance of roads and metro. So, regular car wash is not enough to keep the car clean and healthy. So, for the best care you need the best professionals. Exppress Car Wash is the perfect destination for your car wash and detailing needs. All the professionals remove hidden stains during complete professional car wash in Faridabad. You can see the outlets at:
5B/3A, BP Railway Road, NIT, Near Bankey Bihari Mandir, Faridabad, Haryana
Main Sohna Road Saroorpur Chowk, Near Raj Gas Service (Bharat Gas Godown), Faridabad-121004
Hisar is one of the major cities of Haryana. It is located in western Haryana. In Hisar, the weather is extremely hot in summers and extremely cool in winters. If you are living in Hisar and want to maintain your car’s beauty and to keep your car life-long then Exppress Car Wash in Hisar is the only option. You can reach the outlets at below address:
234 Model Town, near Chawla Nursing Home, Hisar, Haryana-125005
Not just car wash, apart from this service you can also avail another main service as a part of car detailing services like:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing and  Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
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A car wash is a service used for cleaning the exterior but you need to go for something more than this normal wash. You will always prefer something extra in a restricted amount. Exppress Car wash in Patna is best-suited car wash centre in Bihar. With wings spreading, Exppress car wash is now the best car wash in Patna. With development every second, this city is growing so why not follow and grab services of growing car wash companies. The professionals will help you in keeping the car clean and also ensure the interiors are healthy and hygienic. Using proper tools, equipment, and experienced hands, Exppress Car Wash in Patna stands one of the best outlets of the company. You can avail services like:
We have two franchisee-owned Outlets in Patna:
Chetnalay Sehkari Gerah Nirman Samiti, Plot No. 1, Bhagwat Nagar, 90 Ft Road, Near NRL Petrol Pump, Kumhrar, Patna-800026
Atharva enterprises near old Sarswati residential school, Jagdeo Nagar aiims Digha link road rupash pur Nahar, Patna-801506
You can avail below car wash and detailing services at these outlets of Exppress car wash in Patna:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
Vadodara; industrial, educational and cultural hub of North-Western India. With numerous options for business growth and franchisee opportunities, your vehicle is the main source of convenience. So, with regular traveling, your vehicle faces extra torture. You can face all the tortures coming to your car with amazing services of Exppress car wash in Vadodara. You can avail all sorts of car wash and detailing services at the best price with assured quality. we have one franchisee-owned outlet in Vadodara. Here is the address where you can avail the best services to care for your vehicles.
Autocrest Enterprise - Ground Floor, Shop No. 8, Sugam Apartments, Opp. Dmart(Akota Store), Akota, Vadodara
Being one of the favourite places on the Indian map, Vadodara is the best place to enjoy living. Easy life, the smooth road is something that attracts people. Easy running vehicles on roads might soothe your experience but what about the vehicles. Still, they face harms like contaminants, bird droppings, chemical etching, bug splatters and others. So, to keep your car safe from all the above-mentioned harm, visit us Exppress Car Wash in Ahmedabad. You can find our franchise-owned outlet at
Jasdeep car wash, Opp. Benchmark cars, Near Adani Gas pump, S.g Highway Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382210
Few of the services are mentioned here that will help you to easily know about what you can avail at these outlets of Exppress car wash:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
We all are well aware of the roads of hilly areas. Those who live in Dehradun or have ever traveled to this place will relate to this. The roads are full of dry dust, sand and stone chips. Driving through these roads definitely harms the look and feel of the vehicle mostly the lower body. To protect the lower and underbody of the car, you can get it professionally treated with a best quality coating. Exppress car wash in Dehradun offers you the best quality car coating for protecting your car from all sorts of external contaminants and elements. Here is the address where you can pay the best price for getting your car the ultimate protection:
160 B, Subhash Nagar, Saharanpur Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248001
The services that are mentioned below are available at Dehradun outlet of Exppress car wash:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
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Yes, you can find the outlet of Exppress Car Wash in “The Mica City of India” and avail the best services for your beloved car. Exppress Car wash in Koderma brings you all the services essential for taking care of your car at the best possible rates. Services catered at the franchise owned outlet include car polishing, steam wash, foam wash, interior cleaning, vacuuming, underbody coating, engine cleaning and coating, headlight restoration and many others. Visit us today at:
NH-31, Ranchi Patna Road, Dudhimati, Koderma, Near Yuvraj Hotel, Dist- Koderma, Jharkhand- 825410
You can avail all the car wash and detailing services mentioned below at outlet of Exppress car wash in Koderma:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
Exppress Car Wash is now in Siliguri, mainly known as the “Gateway of Northeast India.” The best brand when it comes to car care. You can avail of all the car wash and detailing services at Exppress Car Wash in Siliguri. Few of the factors that make us different from other car wash brand in Siliguri is our dedicated operation, trained professionals and on-time service. Visit us today at:
Burdwan road, near Rishi Bhawan, Ghospara, Siliguri, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 734001
All the car wash and detailing services are available at one place in this outlet of Exppress Car Wash in Siliguri. Few of the services are mentioned below:
Pre car washing  |Foam Wash |Steam Wash of exterior surface |Engine Cleaning and Coating  |Underbody Wash and Coating |Interior Vacuuming and Cleaning |Car Polishing  and Buffing |Ceramic Coating |Paint Protection Film |Glass Treatment |Leather  Conditioning |AC Treatment |Wheels cleaning
 That’s all folks, we’ll be back soon with our upcoming blog on Exppress Car Wash outlets of South India locations. Till then, keep your car clean and shiny with Exppress Car Wash.
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limanesce · 3 years
it is 4 am lime go to sleep challenge
And I did ! Are you proud of me :D ?
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In a harsh rebuke of "sunny ways" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an organizer with Black Lives Matter Toronto described him as a "white supremacist terrorist" over the weekend.
A YouTube video taken from an anti-Islamophobia protest in downtown Toronto Saturday appears to show Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali condemning Trudeau for tweeting about Canada's acceptance of refugees but not following that up with policy.
After US President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US, Trudeau tweeted "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada."
However, when later questioned, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said Canada would not be increasing its refugee quotas, prompting criticism that Trudeau's words were opportunistic but ultimately empty.
At Saturday's protest against Trump's order attended by thousands, Khogali said, "What did Justin Trudeau say? He said he wanted to accept everyone who is not allowed into the US border to Canada," which was met by some cheers.
"Don't cheer," Khogali said. "We know what that is, we know what that manipulation is, it is what this country is founded on—erasure and silencing of the real history of this land. The genocide of Indigenous people, in which the state is founded on. The enslavement and genocide of black people, in which the state is founded on."
Khogali continued, "When Justin Trudeau says that he is a liar, he is a hypocrite, he is a white supremacist terrorist."
Khogali then criticized Toronto Mayor John Tory for saying that Toronto is a sanctuary for refugees "when black people are being murdered in the city." She pointed to the deaths of Andrew Loku and Jermaine Carby at the hands of police as examples.
Khogali encouraged protesters to rise up and fight back. "We are the people, we have the power."
VICE has reached out to the Prime Minister's Office but has not yet heard back.
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tariqk · 8 years
For me, it was seeing Yusra Khogali, co-founder of BLM TO (and a Muslim herself), and Alexandria Symone, member of BLM TO, speak and call Justin Trudeau a white supremacist. Hearing them say the words in front of thousands, felt like a relief… perhaps a validation of much of my own experiences living in Canada and of much of what the women who have mentored me, the majority Indigenous, have taught me. In addition, it was a “f*ck you” moment for those people, immigrants or otherwise, who have an uncritical and relentless love for a white-man who, to date, has broken his campaign promises to everyone, including  Indigenous peoples, mingles comfortably with Israel, went back on his promise to change the electoral system and recently agreed to security measures that will criminalize minorities residing in Canada at US borders.
Eren Arruna Cervantes, “Yusra Khogali Called Justin Trudeau a ‘White Supremacist’ When Few Dared”.
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redsmarch · 7 years
Innovative Brand Storytelling: Why Is It Essential?
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Long has gone the days of product selling done in the hard way. People are stimulated by stories. It entices people– making them want to follow the journey. According to a study by Jennifer Aaker, a marketing professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, information is memorized more when it is combined and tangled with the elements of story[1].
In the marketing scene, storytelling ability has met its match: digital PR tools (i.e. social media). Two of the most powerful tool in persuasion has become a reality. However, few people realized why we need to combine the best of both: storytelling using the ever-improving digital tools in our arsenal. We need to adapt to the changing PR landscape for several reasons: digital devices are used all the time, the incoming surge of the digital native generation, and the digital disruption which is unavoidable to businesses of all kinds.
Digital Devices are Ubiquitous
One cannot simply walk out of their houses, even their rooms without bringing their devices along. Elsewhere, as written on dailymail.co.uk, another study commissioned by Nokia in 2013 revealed that users regularly take a peek on their smartphones an average of 150 times during their active time of 16 hours a day. In addition, a research conducted on American citizens in 2015 about device ownership resulted in 68% of U.S. adults possessing smartphone, up to 73% having desktop or laptop on their hands, and about 45% have control of a tablet computer. [2] In Indonesia alone, the number of mobile subscribers have reached almost 100 million in 2015 (expected to reach 250 million in 2021) making it the highest in APAC region.[3]
People are getting strongly hooked up with their digital life. Most of their lives are spent on their smartphone, ranging from texting, calling, browsing – everything related to working, and all things for their entertainment needs, such as listening to tunes, movies, and gaming. People are going mobile and tech-savvy. Taking the devices out of their reach could mean taking a part of their life.
Digital Native Generation is Getting Bigger
Millenials, or widely known as the Digital Native generation [4]is becoming the dominant force which takes up a large chunk of the aging population. The population of millennials have immensely grown, taking up the world’s global population by 24%. In Indonesia, based on a research [5]by Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) on 2016 revealed how Millenials in Indonesia (25-29 years old) are the major Internet users at 80% or approximately 25 million people.
According to a report by Nielsen (2017), they possess several traits: social, loved to network, promote healthy lifestyle, the masters of multitaskers, loved to feel connected and informed, likes products and services which are innovative and promote sustainability towards the industry, and they utilize both the new and traditional media.
1.       Social: They actively seek roles as an advocate for their society, whether through local councils or create one of their own;
2.       Networkers: A penchant for networking opportunity, they seek new doors to introduce themselves and become part of a larger community;
3.       Healthy lifestyle: They eat beneficiary consumables: Gluten-Free, Organic, full of nutritional goods which would keep their body fortified which keeps the diseases at bay;
4.       Multitasker: Living a fast-paced life forces them to be adaptive towards tight schedules packed with abundant activities – watch TV and use internet simultaneously* [6]
5.       Informed: Compared to 63% of Baby Boomers, the 80% of Millenials are craving to know the “behind-the-scenes" of a project or a product;
6.       Innovative and Sustain: They care about their environment and what the product can do towards sustainable living (48%) through continuous innovation (73%);
7.       New and Traditional Media: Seeking various credible sources for news, they seek the best of both worlds.
Incoming Digital Disruption
The inevitable digital disruption affects the increasing need for digital tools as complementary to the more traditional tools. Looking up on Merriam-Webster, disruption, or disrupt means to break apart (1). Putting it into a digital context, it means a disruption towards things related to anything digital [7]. Digital Disruption forces business leaders to re-think their strategy in pursuing profits, especially in marketing terms. They must not fear the incoming storm of digitization. Instead, they must come into terms with it by embracing the creation of new business strategies towards revolutionized approach.
To tackle this challenge of going digital, many people have tried to move in with Digital Marketing tools. These newly-found tools (e.g. website, social media, SEO, interactive-digital assets, blog) are intended to complement the existing counterparts. Even though they have the power to create an impact and are attractive for many people (because it is in our genes to use novel things), yet they cannot change the pre-existing tools of old (which is rooted in how the whole business is conducted).
Eyeing for success needs a well-planned strategy in reaching your target audience. We cannot stop changing nature of the audience. They are surrounded by a vibrant environment where innovation has become a precious commodity. The result: a new era is coming and we must not turn our backs on it.
Most people who lived in the fast lane would not have much time to concentrate in doing one thing at a time – they multitask. In creating a great story, your brand has to make sure that the story does not take too much time to read and can be opened in various devices. Moreover, the population is aging, and those with growing numbers are the Millenials. Telling stories about your services would be beneficial if it is relevant to them. Even though they are not your target audience, they are great to boost the reach of your content. Thus, you have to ensure that the content is relevant to them as well. Last, when trying to approach your audience, you have to use the digital tools of today complemented with a prior research to determine several aspects, such as their educational background and their openness to technology.
So, are you prepared to move your brand forward under the digital era, or do you prefer to call it quits?
[1] Nn. What is Digital Disruption: Definition, Meaning, Examples. Retrieved on June 27, 2017 from http://www.thewindowsclub.com/digital-disruption-definition-meaning-examples
[1] Those who were born afther the 1980s and aged between 13-25
[2] DH, Agung. (October 25,2016). Pengguna Internet Indonesia Didominasi Generasi Milenial. Retrieved on July 6, 2017 from https://tirto.id/pengguna-internet-indonesia-didominasi-generasi-milenial-bXsJ
[3] Nielsen report on Vietnam citizens as their sampling
[1] Anderson, Monica. (October 29, 2015). Technology Device Ownership: 2015. Retrieved on June 22, 2017 from http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/10/29/technology-device-ownership-2015/
[2] Yusra, Yenny. (June 17, 2016). Ericsson: Pengguna Smartphone di Indonesia Kini Capai 38 Persen/ Retrieved on July 5, 2017 from https://dailysocial.id/post/ericsson-pengguna-smartphone-di-indonesia-kini-capai-38
[1] Delistraty, Cody C. (November 2, 2014). The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling. Retrieved on June 22, 2017 from https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/11/the-psychological-comforts-of-storytelling/381964/
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dreadnought-despair · 7 years
idk if this has been asked yet but what would everybody play if they were Band Kids
me, an instrumental performance major who has been in concert bands for over 10 years: i thought you’d never ask
aoi - clarinet
guga - tuba (has to stand on the bleachers to see over the trombones when the marching band’s in the stands)
honoka - piccolo (drum major during marching band season)
ishi - plays quads in drumline, snare/bass drum in concert band
jurou - tenor sax
kapono - euphonium
michi - TROMBONE
nikola - trumpet (as much as it pains me to say it)
ping - auxiliary percussion (she has four arms and a built-in metronome shes every band director’s dream)
riko - oboe
sal - alto sax (plays careless whisper literally every chance he gets)
sieg - hes That kind of choir kid he wouldn’t be caught dead in a band hall
tiff - bari sax (pretends to hate it but secretly enjoys the Loud Honking)
tim - bassoon
vash - flute (no one’s really sure how she plays it with hands the size of dinner plates but she manages)
yusra - french horn
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
10 Incredible Olympians Who Will Inspire You To Fight For Your Dreams
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/10-incredible-olympians-who-will-inspire-you-to-fight-for-your-dreams/
10 Incredible Olympians Who Will Inspire You To Fight For Your Dreams
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When the Olympic Games roll around, we’re all confronted with what people can accomplish with enough dedication.
No matter which arenas these athletes step into, there is a common thread that connects each and every one of them: They make it their mission to achieve their dreams. Whether they grew up rich or poor, privileged or suffocated by oppression, they’re all emblematic of what it means to chase your dreams until you’re totally breathless.
But there are some whose stories strike a particularly profound chord. A few athletes competing in Rio this year were born into violence in Sudan. Another broke her spine and stopped at nothing to get back in the game. Their stories are important. They’re inspiring and powerful and sometimes tragic. They prove that with perseverance, no hurdle on the road to greatness is too high.
1. Kayla Harrison
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In Rio, Harrison will compete for the United States in women’s judo. She has trained with the likes of Rhonda Rousey. She fields more offers from mixed martial arts groups every day. She was also sexually abused by her coach as a judo prodigy at the age of 13.
The beginning of her career was marred by betrayal and trauma, but now, she’s open with her story in the hopes that she can help other young athletes who are dealing with sexual assault believe in their talents and know that their abusers are the ones who should suffer, not them. Harrison is a hero in more ways than one.
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2. Jillion Potter
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Although this rugby superstar from the U.S. seems unbreakable, her entire career almost came crashing down when she shattered her C5 vertebra and tore a few ligaments. Despite her doctor’s orders to refrain from ever playing again, she went through extensive rehab to get back on the field.
When she overcame that obstacle, however, she was strapped with a devastating diagnosis. She was heartbroken to discover that she had synovial sarcoma, which is a form of cancer that affects soft tissue in the joints. Amazingly, she underwent chemotherapy and will be hitting the turf this year to play for her country.
3. Quanitta “Queen” Underwood
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This American boxing star has had to fight her entire life, and like Harrison, she knows what it’s like to be betrayed. She and her sister suffered through years of sexual abuse committed by their own father. Unlike many athletes, Underwood was not a prodigy. She was always strong, but she wasn’t introduced to boxing until she was 19 after she joined the Air Force.
She medaled in London back in 2012, which was the year boxing was introduced as an Olympic sport. All signs point to her doing it again this year.
4. Guor Mading Maker
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Childhood was never something Maker was able to enjoy. The Sudanese runner was born during a period of violence and turmoil as the southern region of Sudan worked to free itself from the country’s clutches. He lost eight siblings to that war, along with 28 more family members. It stole everything from him. When South Sudan became its own nation and the Olympic qualifiers rolled around, he realized that he did not have citizenship in a nation recognized by the Olympic committee.
In a moment that made Olympic history, Maker was permitted to run in London as an independent athlete. In Rio, he will compete as a member of the South Sudanese team in its inaugural year.
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5. Kieran Behan
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As a child, this Irish gymnast was told that he would be bound to a wheelchair his entire life due to complications caused by a tumor on his right leg. After rigorous therapy, he defied his physicians and learned to walk on his own again.
After sustaining a major injury, he was once again told that a career in gymnastics wasn’t in the cards for him. Once again, he pushed through rehab and got back out on the floor. He’s since torn a ligament, but as you can imagine, that didn’t stop him. He’s used to overcoming adversity, and that’s exactly what he’ll do in Rio.
6. Yusra Mardini
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This Syrian swimmer has a unique relationship with the water, since the greatest journey of her young life was a harrowing trip across the Aegean from Syria to Greece as she and her sister fled from their war-torn nation. Before they reached the shore, their boat began to fill with water. Along with her sister and another refugee, Mardini became a hero when she pushed the boat to dry land.
And now, as a member of the first Refugee Olympic Team (ROT), she hopes to swim her way to victory in Rio. Based on how far her dreams have taken her, that goal is certainly within reach.
7. Lopez Lomong
Facebook / Lopez Lomong
By age six, this runner for the United States had gone through more than most of us will in a lifetime. As a child, Lomong was abducted and taken back to Sudan, where he was born, and placed in a prison camp. He was one of the nation’s “Lost Boys,” as was Maker. This was the name given to children who were stolen or orphaned during a civil war that took pace between 1983 and 2005.
Townspeople helped the runner escape and make his way to the Kenyan border. That’s where he remained in a refugee camp for an entire decade. When he’s not competing, he can be found working as an activist to bring education and healthcare to the people of Sudan.
8. Yiech Pur Biel
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Biel, a 21-year-old member of the ROT, began running competitively just one year ago. He turned to running because in trying times, it made him feel like something larger than himself when he no longer felt like he belonged to any nation.
Although he’s a rookie, the 800-meter runner shows incredible promise, but his humility is what really sets him apart. As he explained to People, “Even if I will not get gold or silver, I will show the world that being a refugee, you can do something.” He and his team members give faces to one of the world’s most contentious issues, and those faces are symbols of strength and bravery.
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9. Kristina Vogel
Facebook / Kristina Vogel
In 2009, this German cyclist’s Olympic dreams were almost shattered when she was in a horrific car accident. She broke multiple bones, lost most of her bottom teeth, and was even put into a medically induced coma for two days.
After recovering, however, she hit the track once again and pedaled her heart out for her country in London. She’ll do the same in Rio.
10. Yolande Mabika
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Mabika’s life was off to a rough start when she was orphaned in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but she found solace in judo that led to her becoming the national champion. She eventually sought asylum in Brazil, where she continued to train.
“Judo gives me a strong heart,” she said. “I started judo to make my life better, to change my life, because I searched for my family for so long.”
Life just feels impossible sometimes. The point that these athletes drive home, however, is that the finish line is never out of reach. We can all go for gold.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/incredible-olympians/
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