#zack patterson
tulipsforvin · 7 months
Can I request the moriarty brothers and Zack Paterson x reader reaching reader (i don't mind about the gender) too late and when they finally find reader, they're dead?
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✧ ⚠️: Death, suicide, murder, angst .. I think that's all.
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╰┈⪼ ୨ William James Moriarty is busy teaching his class when he finds out you've passed in the hospital. ୧
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“Now, you'll have some trouble solving the equations but once you get the hang of it - it'll be far easier for you all.” William says, palms against the podium as he looks over his class, a gentle smile plastered across his features.
Two knocks are heard on the door opposite to the podium he stands in front of. Slowly, the door is opened to a new face - looking at William with somber, hesitant eyes.
“Yes?” William lifts his head, gazing over the stranger. Several students turn their heads to look at the new man as well. “Can I help you?”
The man inhales, unsurely looking over the classroom. “Lord Moriarty, please. It's urgent.” He says, gesturing William to come closer towards the man.
William pauses, wondering what could be so urgent. He nods his head, making his way to the end of the class. The man takes William out of the classroom to break the news, whispering into his ear.
He stiffens, not sure if he's heard the man right. “Pardon? I-” His heart is thumping violently in his chest, feeling his palms get sweaty all of a sudden. The impact the news has is even worse when his older brother, Albert, comes personally to pick his younger brother up.
“William..” Albert rasps, guiding him towards the carriage to get to the hospital. William's dazed, feeling like he's not here, not present. Albert has to hold him by the shoulders.
It's only when he finds your lifeless body on the hospital bed when it finally clicks for him. He's standing in the doorway momentarily before his knees suddenly give out under him. Albert holds onto him, making sure he doesn't hurt himself from the fall. “What is..? Brother?” William turns to look at Albert, who's gaze is locked to the ground, afraid to meet his younger brother's eyes. “They were in a carriage accident, William.” He says silently. “They were crossing the road when a carriage's wheels suddenly came undone; crushing them under it's weight.”
He's so very soft and gentle when he gathers you into his arms, cradling you close to his chest. Soft sobs involuntarily make their way out of his throat as he rocks you back and forth on the hospital bed, lips pressed against your forehead. His eyelids are closed and tears drip from them, the flat of his thumb caresses the back of your cold hand, arms wrapped around you as if it would warm your lifeless, cold body, even by the slightest.
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╰┈⪼ ୨ Albert had baked your favourite dessert after a long time since you'd been diagnosed with a chronic illness. He wanted to share it with you. ୧
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You had been spending your final days in the hospital. Medical tubes held your frail existence, oscillating between life's edge and the promise of tomorrow.
Despite your preparations and promises to be strong, a solitary tear betrayed your resolve. Did you regret sending him away for your favorite dessert, knowing death was inching closer? No. No, you didn't. Did you? It was your plan in the first place, to spare him from witnessing your departure from this mortal realm.
It was a nice life, wasn't it?
“It was.” You whisper, smiling softly to yourself.
Your senses grow gentle and distant, as if caressed by a gentle breeze on a summer evening and the world around you recedes, becoming acutely aware of the gentle rise and fall of your breath. You release the weight of existence, surrendering to the gentle pull of the unknown.
“Darling! So very sorry I'm late, I was-” He peaks his head into the hospital room, your favourite dessert in a bag he holds. He stiffens, the silence of the room jarring. He'd half expected you to nag him about being so late. “Darling?”
The sight of you, so silent and unmoving makes his heart fall to the ground. The bag falls to the floor. He feels his stomach churn as he makes his way to you, tiptoeing to you quietly as if a noise too loud would wake you - but perhaps, that was all he wanted. To wake you up once more. Tears stream down his face, feeling his heart break inside of his chest.
“I'd baked for two.” He whispers to your motionless body, stroking your hair softly. A small, soft whimper makes it's way past his lips when he leans down to press his lips against the tip of your nose, bidding you goodbye.
“Rest now, my beloved.” He speaks softly, slowly running his palm over your eyelids and closing them for you. Atleast now you wouldn't be in constant pain.
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╰┈⪼ ୨ Louis didn't want it this to end - certainly not this way. He was sorry and he wanted to apologize to you. ୧
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Louis's ears were ringing loudly - the noises in his head almost too blaring, too violent, completely blocking out the abrasive shouts of those around him.
His breath was rapid, irregular and heavy as he pushed everyone out of his way to get to you. All kinds of thoughts flooded through his mind. He'd gotten too angry, too caught up in the moment that he ended up lashing out at you. He knew you were having problems with everything, with yourself. He should have understood. He should have. If only he didn't lash out at you, if only he had noticed these signs earlier - the constant anxiety, the inability to get out of bed, to eat, to take care of yourself..
An officer from the Scotland yard stops him, trying to block him from getting to you. “Sir, please! You can't go past these police lines anymore.”
He pushes past the police officer, too focused on locating you. When he finally finds your body on the ground, chalk outlining your body - he can only feel his heart break inside of his chest to see you in such a state.
“(Name)..!” He gasps, voice weak and barely audible. “No..” His voice cracks as he staggers his way to you, police officers still trying to stop him. He kneels infront of your unmoving body, holding you into his arms.
“Please..” Louis pleads, burying his face into your hair. “You can't..- you can't leave me. Please, (Name). I'm sorry..”
“Wake up, please. (Name)..” He looks down at your lifeless body. "Wake up." He whispers to you, the sound of his wails of grief echoing throughout the atmosphere. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up." He pleads to every single deity out there, hoping one of those ‘wake up's’ would wake you up and bring you back to him.
He's shaking all over, tears flooding his eyes and making it's way down his face. “Scream at me, hit me, be angry. Hate me all you want. Please, just wake up.”
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╰┈⪼ ୨ How would Zack know that his very work of line, the one he swore to use to make a safer world for you, would wound up being the reason for him to lose you? ୧
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Surrounded by constant threats and corruption, in and out of the CID - that's what it meant to be Zack's significant other. And yet, the both of you didn't mind - as long as you two were by each other's side, everything was alright.
That was the case.. until now. He was always a work oriented man, he'd never put his emotions over his duties.
And yet, his emotions overwhelmed him greatly. You were his light - and now with you gone, he felt himself loose a part of him.
Zack stood at the scene, his eyes fixated on the lifeless body of his lover being carefully placed on the stretcher. The blaring ambulance sirens echoed in the background, their piercing wails mingling with the chaotic thoughts racing through his mind. His hand feebly grasped onto your own a little too longer as you're carried away, watching you with a grief stricken gaze.
Lestrade, his trusted colleague, approached him cautiously with concern etched on his face. "Zack, I'm.. so very sorry for what happened." he said softly, his voice barely audible over the clamor around them. "We'll find the person responsible for this. I promise you."
Zack blinks, a tear dripping down his face. His chest tightened, a mixture of grief and anger overwhelming him. He clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination. "I won't rest until I find the bastard who did this." he replied, his voice laced with raw emotion.
“They're going to regret-” his voice breaks. “-what they did to them, what they took from me. ”
He replayed their last moments together, the warmth of your touch, the gentle sound of your laughter. And now, all he was left with was an empty void, a painful absence that threatened to consume him. As the ambulance doors closed, shutting out the sight of his lover's lifeless form, Zack's heart sank further.
Memories of their time together flooded his mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of what had been stolen from him.
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universe-nero · 10 months
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part 37
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Uh oh-
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moranshand · 2 years
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Can we please talk about this photo...
Here we can see:
• Will and Sherlock flirting
• Miss Hudson and James Bonde one of the same
• Albert also flirting with Mycroft but they both keep and eye on their brothers
• John's trying to stop Louis from committing a murder but he is still doing it hot
• Our playboy Moran is not flirting for the first time in his life but he is just drinking from the bottle
• Von Herder is giving poisonous drinks
• Jack the Ripper is just starting at him
• And Lestrade is getting poisoned with Zack just watching his!!
The only normal person here is Fred!!
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102naota · 2 years
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These 20 seconds hit right in kokoro
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zypria · 2 years
Obsessing over Yuumori Character Profiles part ?/? - 👍 and👎
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William and John are the same actually - likes happy, dislikes sad
Moneypenny goes in both wholesome and peak comedy tier
Fred loving cats is never not going to be cute and Miss Hudson liking sincere people is also kinda cute (can also fit into comedy tier for hating eccentricities yet perpetually caring for the prototype of all eccentrics)
I find it kinda funny how half of them are "my biggest dislike is...power. crime. regress. hatred." and the other half is like "ew insects. yes food."
Mycroft black coffee eyeroll combo gives me war flashbacks, that one is personal
Louis and Sherlock are self explanatory
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memento-yuumori · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing showing Patterson, James, Moran, Albert, William, Louis, Fred, Jack, Moneypenny and Von Herder from Yuukoku no Moriarty. The characters are drawn standing, from the thighs up. They're holding signs that form the phrase "Be gay do crime" in all caps with the colors of the rainbow flag. One of the signs has the rainbow flag painted on it. The background is light gray covered with stripes in the colors of the rainbow flag, but lighter.
All characters are wearing pride flag buttons. They're as follows: - Patterson: gay man; - James: trans and pan; - Moran: bi; - Albert: gay man, demiromantic and asexual; - William: trans, panromantic, demiromantic and asexual; - Louis: aroace; - Fred: nonbinary; - Jack: aromantic; - Moneypenny: bi and cupioromantic; - Von Herder: agender, pan, lithromantic and graysexual. End ID]
(throws my gender/orientation hcs for the ynm characters at y'all) managed to get this finished for the last day of june! :D
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joanquill · 9 months
Sweater weather & "Do you believe in ghosts?"
15 Character is zack Peterson Type: romantic, fluff, deep meaning? And 25 w fred
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Zack Paterson & Fred Porlock
Tag/s: Romantic (Paterson), Platonic (Fred), Fluff Ending, Deep Meaning(?) IDK Warning/s: Death, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Profanity
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"Mx. (Y/N),"
"Do you believe in ghosts?"
You straightened your posture as you looked at Fred, confused at the sudden question.
"...Kind of concerning how you're asking me that when I'm about to leave," you chuckled as you put on your coat.
"If I'm being honest... Not really... Or at least I hope they don't exist considering our job," you dryly chuckled as you grabbed your basket, opening the door.
"Why do you ask?" you questioned as you looked back at him.
"...Just a thought..." he mumbled, turning away as he rubbed his arm.
You raised a brow at his answer but shrugged your shoulders.
"If you say so," you smiled as you put on your shoes, "I'll be back in a couple of hours,"
"Right... Be careful. It's quite cold today," he reminded you as he saw you off waving goodbye.
"You're telling me..." you chuckled, stretching your neck and shoulders as the cold wind kept making you shiver.
"I'll be back before dinner!" you waved goodbye as you headed off.
Fred bit his lip as his eyes focused on the shadowy figure on your back, clinging to you.
"I wonder what's gotten into that boy..." you muttered, fixing your bouquet as you continued walking.
"Hope you didn't wait long," you smiled as you opened the cemetery's gate, greeting your ex-husband's gravestone.
You replaced the old flowers with new ones, laying your coat on the grass and sitting down.
"William sent out on a new mission, and I had to go to London for a few weeks. Hope you didn't miss me much," you chuckled as you laid out your drink, pouring yourself a cup.
"Anyway, you wouldn't believe this, but..."
Your head started to sway as you tried to keep sitting up, the alcohol hitting you hard as you fell back.
"I thought I would find you here," a new voice greeted as a shadow loomed over you, making you open your eyes.
"Paterson..." you muttered, seeing the man looking at you.
"You're going to catch a cold," he sighed, giving you a sweater.
"Thanks..." you smiled as you sat up, "What brings you here?" you muttered, putting on the sweater.
"The others were wondering if you were okay," he answered, sitting beside you.
"Is that so?" you chuckled, looking down at the sweater.
"...Are you okay?" Paterson gently asked, making you chuckle.
"Honestly? I'm not sure myself..." you sighed, looking straight at your ex-husband's gravestone.
You two sat in silence as the wind continued to blow.
"...Are you going to stay here the whole time?"
"You look like you could use the company," he replied, making you breathe out a smile.
"My husband... was not a good man..." you started, making Paterson look at you.
"I was only fifteen when he brought me to that godforsaken house... He was jealous and would accuse me of infidelity at every chance he got," you tightened your jaw, memories flooding back in.
"The nights when he was drunk were the worst of it..." you sadly laughed, remembering the bruises and scars it left you.
"And when he died... All I felt was relief," you breathed out, resting your hand over your face.
"I thought I was finally free... That it was finally over..." you continued, looking at the gravestone.
"And yet here I am... visiting this bastard every year..." you frowned, fidgeting with the end of your sweater.
"And I don't even know why..." you sighed, running your hands through your hair.
Paterson kept quiet as he looked at the gravestone.
"You were only a child back then..." Paterson started, making you turn to him.
"This is what you've known your whole life... So don't beat yourself up about it," he reassured, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"But you're not alone anymore," he smiled, pulling you to his chest.
"Don't ever forget that, okay?" he reminded, rubbing your back.
You breathed a smile as you hugged him back, sighing as his body heat covered you in warmth.
"Right... Thank you..." you sighed, standing up as you pulled him along.
"Let's go home?" you suggested, making him smile.
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ananiel · 7 months
Tw : slight Gore, dark content, read at your own risk
Now thinking about my last post. Let's talk a little about this version of You. (for context and better understanding the fic i suggest reading the first part, of course, it's optional, feel Free to do as You wish as i put some Main explinations on this fic as well)
Now, clearly someone that lost all of their close one (and not on accident but because of the need to protect them) would be rather skitish. You hold the biggest secret of humanity, the secret that hey, You are the mastermind behind it all and You took powers from everyone (made them unable to use them by making them forget they exist), You just lost your best friend because of the need to protect them. You would clearly be stand offish, maybe even skitish like a cat . I mean, who wouldn't knowing that there isn't a way for them to lower their powers and if they did lower them, everyone would get the powers that were killing them back. So Yes, i amagine this version of You to be more quiet, or maybe not quiet, but to prefer to be alone, to mourn in silence the lost of their kind, knowing they are at fault for it
So that's when the yandere's come, and there are 3 posibilities of how it would go
IT starts as a curiosity, a need to see if You are a worthy or not. They watch over You like a hawk and they can't help but feel something in their chest as they look at You. At how You continue to live your life as if nothing happened and how everyone seems to ignore the way your eyes gloss from time to time or how your lower lip quivers when You see something reminding You of your old friend or about what You did to them
Maybe they felt pity for You, maybe they were trying to understand You more, maybe they were happy that a being like You was alone. Alone and easy to captureze. They can't remember when this curiosity turned into obssesion
IT became a habit, to talk You, to know about your daily life as if it was theirs. It was entertaining for them. It was refreshing for them to watch over You, over your grief of a lost life, and they were content living like this, at least for now.
Sooner or later things of yours Will start to dissapear or be moved around your house and You would find flowers and love letters written in blood. Letters explaining their adoration and how jealous they are of the friend that pleagues your mind and heart, saying that it isn't fair for them to sicken your state when they were supposed to do it, to be the reason You can't sleep at night
This letters Will grow crazier and crazier, until one day You see them in your living room, your friend's mangled body next to them as they dedicate this piece of art in your name
The stalker : gin akutagawa, NIKOLAI, Tanizaki, kenji, John Watson, Fred porlock, Irene adler, zack patterson, ARTHUR RIMBAUD, Billy the kid, von harder, tachihara, Odasaku, ranpo, atsushi, Kunikida
You were interesting in their eyes. A rare jewel only for them to see. Only for them to play with. Imagine the Power they would hold if You were their partner. Oh, they could change the world. That's what they wanted at first, to use your talent, to use You as a whole. Of course, for that they needed to get close to You, and that's what they did. First they entered in your life as an acquintance. You tought meeting them was random, something only fate could've pulled the strings to happen.
You were so cute in their eyes. So hurt and vulnerable after realising You had no one left. They of course noticed the way your voice would quiver or how You would refuse contact with anyone. You were simply adorable. And they needed to know more about You. EVERYTHING about You and your way of thinking bacause You showed them You weren't dumb, You showed them that You didn't fall easily into their open net as they expected. They loved it. They forgot about their plan to use You very fast and instead just wanted your love, wanted You to sorrow over them like You did after your friend
They become intoxicated with the tought of having You lean on them after they found out every small detail that You couldn't hide about your existente, yet they wanted more, needed more.
They Will manipulate You with their sweet words, get You to tell your story and they Will listen with such interest as if they Will engrave every word You just uttered into their skin. They needed to know everything, as if it hurt them not to. They would replay everything You told them, over and over, until it was impragnated in their very own soul
Of course, You are somehow human, You need conections with the outside so they use that fact to trap You. To pull you in their obsessive hold where You won't ever escape
The manipulators : jouno, Dazai osamu, shibusawa, Fyodor, Mori Ougai, Ango, William james moriarty, Albert james moriarty, Charles Augustus milverton, James bond, fukuzawa (?), Bram
One word : devotion
That's what You can read when You look into their eyes.
They related to You, to how lonely You felt, they hated seeing You mourn for someone else. They hated the fact that they didn't know much about You and how skitish You were. You were an entity, a God, in their eyes. The reason they were put on this earth was to be in your presence.
They are like animals. Wild and dangerous ones that will claw out the eyes of everyone that comes to closer to You, they are ready to bite and break, to hurt and destroy anything to get their goal. To get to You.
No one is safe. They are the worst ones to have in your giving time. Not only would they torture your friend and any other being that You ever took the powers out of, but they Will do it and proundly procleim that now you're only theirs, that your heart only belongs to them . It's most likely that while they kill and dispose the bodies of "normal ones" the ones that are like You will be trophies, your friend the most precious one.
They'll lick at every wound You ever had that is healed or freshly made, they Will drink your blood as if it gives them Power to live. In your name, they do anything.
The devoted : LOUIS JAMES MORIARTY , Billy the kid, sherlock holmes, PAUL VERLAINE, Edgar allen poe (?), Nikolai, Ryonosuke akutagawa, Sebastian Moran, CHUUYA
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tulipsforvin · 7 months
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✧ a/n: my dumbass deleted this request or something. i don't know.. it just kind disappeared so here i am, writing it again. @noregretzfoodieotaku here you go!! 😭
✧ ⚠️: mentions of obsessive behaviour, mentions of gore, stalking
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MANIPULATION and mind games are a favourite of their's. They twist and turn their words - coating their venomous sentences with honey to hide their true intentions.
“I love you like a grave loves it's corpse; you rot into me while I embrace your decay. Where else would you find somebody like me?”
They are more subtle and discrete than the rest. And yet, they're the most dangerous out of all. They mess with your mind - loosening your screws and bending you to their will.
You shrivel, unsure of how to respond. “I-” You look away, not sure where to direct your gaze. “I can't.. because there's nobody else like you. There won't ever be anyone else like you.”
They tip your chin upwards to meet your gazw, a victorious smile gracing their facial features. “You're correct. You never can.”
They play the role of a god - a saviour, something holy that it seems almost comical to expect something dark out of them. They scheme right under your nose and yet they're completely unnoticeable - so when you're finally their's and in their complete grasp, you won't even be aware of what hit you.
the manipulators: albert j. moriarty, william j. moriarty, mycroft holmes, james bonde, charles augustus milverton.
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STALKING you is like second nature to them. They've memorized your sleeping schedule, when you get in and out of work or your educational institution, the type of food you eat and avoid, the places you frequent, etc.
They're on the more quieter side, similar to the manipulators. Yet, they won't initiate direct contact with you. Atleast not yet.
They watch silently as you move on about your day from the cracks of your doors or your windows, any opening that is accessible for them to get a view of you.
“Oh!” You gasp, bumping into somebody's shoulder as you get out of the subway. “I'm so very sorry! I didn't mean to—”
The figure disappears. You don't remember their face and all you have of them is now a love letter that appeared out of nowhere, the words written in blood.
You'll find remnants of their presence in the place where you live or go to work for/study. Footprints, gifts, shards of glass - etcetera, etcetera. Did they break into your house?
the stalkers: fred porlock, irene adler, zack patterson or zach paterson, billy the kid, von herder.
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DEVOTION is the first word that comes into your mind when you look at them. They obsess over you like canines - clawing and sharp, salivating and perspiring. It's messy.
They find their God in you. For them, ichor runs in your blood and they lick it off your wounds like the nectar the divine consume.
They are the most violent, most agressive and the loudest of the three. They tend to be overprotective and all consuming.
Bodies are slit and stabbed, throats and heads are beheaded and cut, entrails are put up as if they were decorations or stepping stones for the things or lives it took to get to you.
“Nobody,” They begin, wiping away the smudge of blood on their upper lip. “Nobody can seperate you from me. I will crawl back to you from the devil's grasp if you call me.”
the violently devoted: louis j. moriarty, sherlock holmes, sebastian moran, billy the kid(??)
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sethnorth · 4 months
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Muscleboy Zack Patterson v. Mike Bailey
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blahblahblees · 4 months
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this includes all of my fanfic on wattpad! the majority of my fanfics are female led original characters unless stated otherwise. these fics are either ongoing, fully completed, completed until that season returns, or are in a undecided phase!
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already over — cole walter (my life with the walter boys)
teenage dream — maya hart (girl meets world)
eldest daughter — percy jackson’s sister (pjotv)
bad for business — zed necrodopolis (z-o-m-b-i-e-s)
delicate — robby keene (cobra kai)
misery business — jordan li (gen v)
glimpse of us — conrad & jeremiah fisher (the summer i turned pretty)
this side of paradise — wally clark (school spirits)
alright — jay kelso & nate runck (that 90s show)
looking at me — jack brewer (kickin’ it)
womanizer — zack martin (suite life on deck)
just wanna be with you — luke patterson (julie and the phantoms)
name game — kendall knight (big time rush)
the love club — ricky bowen (high school musical: the musical: the series)
feel something — joshua bassett (irl)
long story short — freddie benson book 1 (icarly)
back to you — freddie benson book 2 (icarly)
lollie — lucas friar (girl meets world)
nasa — austin moon (austin & ally)
my song for you — ricky bowen book 1 (hsmtmts)
lover — ricky bowen book 2 (hsmtmts)
golden — carlos de vil (descendants)
boyfriend — ben gross (never have i ever)
call out my name — harry bingham (the society)
are you bored yet — rodrick heffley (diary of a wimpy kid)
you belong with me — lucas friar (girl meets world)
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missjoolee · 1 year
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Is it luke patterson? 🤔🤔
Went to a concert and couldn't get over how much this guy's silhouette looked like Luke haha. Been working on some gifs too but brain power is slow on those.
*actually Zack Hansen of The Word Alive
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fantasy football draft cheat sheet 2022 mod menu 6MY+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Fantasy Football Draft Rankings, Consensus Draft Rankings, Overall Cheat Sheets | FantasyPros. RK, Player Name, POS, BYE, SOS. Here's a collection of downloadable, printable cheat sheets for the fantasy football season, including PPR, non-PPR and dynasty/keeper. Fantasy Rankings Top cheat sheet for standard fantasy football drafts ; 10, Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals, WR ; 11, Alvin Kamara, Saints, RB. PFN's fantasy football cheat sheet is here to help you with your tough Week 4 decisions and also to provide you with Underdog Pick'em advice. NFL Fantasy Football Draft cheat sheet for standard scoring format · 1. Justin Jefferson · 2. Cooper Kupp · 3. Ja'Marr Chase · 4. Tyreek Hill. Up to date Fantasy cheat sheet for standard scoring. No need to prepare your Draft, whether you're a beginner or experienced player, just use this list and you'll be set. In Standard Scoring Leagues you don't get points for receptions, so you will have to prioritize touchdown-heavy players. In this format, running backs are going to be a priority, so they have a slight edge over wide receiver. However, a receiving running back is also important because you have double the chance to score. If your league allows it, I would start three RBs every week. These will get you the most touchdowns besides a quarterback. So, remember to do after those red zone threats. In the end, they will make the difference when it comes to Standard Scoring formats. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Joe Burrow 5. Lamar Jackson 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Matthew Stafford 8. Kyler Murray 9. Russell Wilson Dak Prescott Derek Carr Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Trey Lance Kirk Cousins Tua Tagovailoa Trevor Lawrence Jameis Winston Matt Ryan Ryan Tannehill Deshaun Watson Jared Goff Zach Wilson Daniel Jones Carson Wentz Justin Fields Baker Mayfield Marcus Mariota Mac Jones Mitch Trubisky Jimmy Garoppolo Drew Lock Davis Mills Kenny Pickett Sam Darnold Desmond Ridder Jacoby Brissett Gardner Minshew Teddy Bridgewater Andy Dalton. Jonathan Taylor 2. Najee Harris 3. Joe Mixon 4. Derrick Henry 5. Austin Ekeler 6. Christian McCaffrey 7. Dalvin Cook 8. Javonte Williams 9. Nick Chubb Cam Akers D'Andre Swift Alvin Kamara Aaron Jones Saquon Barkley Josh Jacobs Ezekiel Elliott Elijah Mitchell Breece Hall James Conner Leonard Fournette David Montgomery Damien Harris Dobbins AJ Dillon Miles Sanders Antonio Gibson Devin Singletary Travis Etienne Kareem Hunt James Cook Chase Edmonds Clyde Edwards-Helaire Ken Walker James Robinson Dameon Pierce Melvin Gordon Tony Pollard Raheem Mostert Rhamondre Stevenson Ronald Jones Isaiah Spiller Michael Carter Rashaad Penny Alexander Mattison Jamaal Williams Marlon Mack Chuba Hubbard Cordarrelle Patterson D'Onta Foreman Damien Williams Tyler Allgeier Kenyan Drake McKissic Nyheim Hines Darrell Henderson Tyrion Davis-Price Rachaad White Gus Edwards Khalil Herbert Keaontay Ingram Zamir White Mark Ingram Sony Michel Hassan Haskins Samaje Perine Zack Moss Kenneth Gainwell Pierre Strong Giovani Bernard Duke Johnson Boston Scott Kene Nwangwu Myles Gaskin Benny Snell D'Ernest Johnson Jeff Wilson Kyren Williams Rex Burkhead Ke'Shawn Vaughn Matt Breida Joshua Kelley Eno Benjamin Jaret Patterson Snoop Conner Tevin Coleman Anthony McFarland Ryquell Armstead Craig Reynolds Darrynton Evans Mike Boone Dontrell Hilliard Tony Jones DeeJay Dallas Jermar Jefferson Trey Sermon Chris Evans Jerome Ford Justin Jefferson 2. Cooper Kupp 3. Ja'Marr Chase 4. Tyreek Hill 5. Davante Adams 6. Deebo Samuel 7. Stefon Diggs 8. Terry McLaurin 9. Mike Evans CeeDee Lamb Brown Keenan Allen Michael Pittman Courtland Sutton Mike Williams DK Metcalf DJ Moore Amari Cooper Diontae Johnson Tee Higgins Brandin Cooks JuJu Smith-Schuster Michael Thomas Chris Godwin Allen Robinson Amon-Ra St. Jerry Jeudy Chase Claypool Brandon Aiyuk Gabriel Davis Adam Thielen Mecole Hardman Jaylen Waddle DeAndre Hopkins Kenny Golladay Darnell Mooney DeVonta Smith Treylon Burks Allen Lazard Rashod Bateman Marquise Brown Jarvis Landry Christian Kirk Drake London Tyler Lockett Elijah Moore Michael Gallup Chris Olave Robert Woods Hunter Renfrow Christian Watson DeVante Parker Tyler Boyd Skyy Moore DJ Chark Corey Davis Alec Pierce Marvin Jones Marquez Valdes-Scantling Garrett Wilson Green Terrace Marshall Randall Cobb Jameson Williams Robbie Anderson Jamison Crowder Jakobi Meyers Jahan Dotson David Bell Kadarius Toney Nico Collins Russell Gage Sammy Watkins Van Jefferson Byron Pringle Bryan Edwards Zay Jones Odell Beckham Jr. Parris Campbell Jalen Tolbert Kendrick Bourne Rondale Moore Joshua Palmer Devon Allen Sterling Shepard Donovan Peoples-Jones Julio Jones Curtis Samuel John Metchie George Pickens Marquez Callaway Cedrick Wilson Darius Slayton Nelson Agholor James Washington Romeo Doubs Tyquan Thornton Josh Reynolds Tre'Quan Smith. Travis Kelce 2. Mark Andrews 3. Kyle Pitts 4. George Kittle 5. Darren Waller 6. Zack Ertz 7. Dallas Goedert 8. Dalton Schultz 9. Hunter Henry Hockenson Pat Freiermuth Mike Gesicki Dawson Knox Gerald Everett Albert Okwuegbunam Noah Fant Logan Thomas Cole Kmet Austin Hooper David Njoku Robert Tonyan Tyler Higbee Evan Engram Cameron Brate Mo Alie-Cox Uzomah Jelani Woods Irv Smith Hayden Hurst Adam Trautman Howard Jonnu Smith Harrison Bryant Ricky Seals-Jones Donald Parham Trey McBride Will Dissly Dan Arnold Tommy Tremble Tyler Conklin Brevin Jordan Foster Moreau Blake Bell Isaiah Likely Drew Sample John Bates Greg Dulcich. Justin Tucker 2. Daniel Carlson 3. Matt Gay 4. Harrison Butker 5. Tyler Bass 6. Evan McPherson 7. Younghoe Koo 8. Ryan Succop 9. Matt Prater Brandon McManus Rodrigo Blankenship Jason Sanders Dustin Hopkins Greg Zuerlein Robbie Gould Jake Elliott. Buffalo Bills 2. San Francisco 49ers 3. Indianapolis Colts 4. New England Patriots 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Los Angeles Rams 7. Denver Broncos 8. New Orleans Saints 9. Miami Dolphins Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Dallas Cowboys Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens. Fantasy Football.
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zypria · 2 years
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I'm bored, I'm opinionated, I found a template and I love organizing stuff:
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