#zagreus x red shade
pupkou · 8 months
✧ No Lights To Tell Us ✧
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✦ Zagreus (Hades 2018) x Gender Neutral Reader. ✦ Warnings: slight mentions of gore (mention of beheading), mention of blood, mention of swords/blades. ✦ Word Count: 900. ✦ A standalone one shot, set within my "Blood and Darkness" universe (but not yet somewhere specific in that story's timeline). ✦ Link to part one (parts are not yet connected).
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Zagreus is nothing if not devoted.
That sentiment applies to everything he's interested in-- but really 'obsessed with' is a better way of putting it, because he doesn't lightheartedly ponder or enjoy anything. He's too intense for any lighthearted observation and studying because he connects too deeply with the stories of others and the worlds that they live in, his heart too big to live without sorrow. Despite his attachments, he lives to find a place of his own, to feel like he belongs, and his ambition to complete this quest has not been strained.
While living in the Underworld provides him with so much inspiration for adventure and reasons to dash around, defeating friends and foes alike, Zagreus can say that his favorite adventure has been knowing you.
Before you, Zagreus trained with Achilles for as many hours as the great hero allowed-- starting their sessions back when it was revealed to him in a dream that there is a world outside of the house of Hades. Zagreus obsesses about his trainings, the way he moves is careful and planned because one wrong move could send him plunging back into the depths of red blood that always seem to greet him eventually-- warm, but not kind. His movements matter because you can only get beheaded so many times before it gets old, and Zagreus prefers to spill blood with a slash of his blade than to be the one lying cold and hard against the stone floor.
But he's also devoted to you, his most beloved (as he calls you).
He did all of the outdated courting rituals, like inviting you over for a grand feast, gifting you ambrosia won in battle, and demonstrating the best way to remove the sweet beads of fruit from a pomegranate (as any good prince would do for a prospective partner) but Zagreus didn't need all those formal actions to be sure of how he feels.
Zagreus, since the moment he laid eyes on you, was obsessed with you. Like a hunting bird watching its soft, warm-hearted prey from above as it flies steadily above, Zagreus set his sights on you, and needed you more than anything. His desire for you outweighed any other, so strong that he lent Orpheus a few words on longing and tenderness. He didn't need time to love you; because his devotion to you was formed in an instant, rendered unchangeable and strong within the blink of an eye like a blacksmith plunging a sword into dark, cool water.
You are his main devotion, his beloved, his favorite shade, and it is through Zagreus' obsession with you that you learn what it is to be loved by a God.
One night, under the living stars and lying on the plush earth of his mother's garden, he rests his head in your lap as you comb your fingers through Zagreus' dark locks of hair. His laurels are set to the side, simmering with crimson and glittering with gold, and he is at peace in your embrace.
"Zagreus?", you say softly, pulling him out of his trance and drawing his bicolored eyes toward you. His eyes of garnet and emerald shine at you inquisitively as his mouth smiles, pleased at hearing his name from the mouth of his lover, the sweetest song he knows.
"Yes, beloved?", he answers, kind and warm.
"Did you hear that the villagers of your mother's hometown have built a temple in your honor?"
"I did, love," he beams, proud of their efforts and appreciation. "Their offerings were quite impressive, I need to remember to reward them with a bountiful season of hunting for their efforts."
"That's kind of you," you muse, petting his hair still as he leans into the soft press of your hand against him. "They're lucky to have someone who is as generous as you, Zagreus."
"You flatter me, darling. I just.. try to give everyone what they deserve," he says, sighing as he looks up at the stars dancing through the night sky, "and to be someone they can believe in."
"I know it isn't easy, my love. After all, if all Gods are worshipped, who is left for the Gods to believe in? Who is there to guide those whose hands mold mortality?"
"It's a bit late to get philisophical," he jokes, although it is without much humor behind his voice. "But I believe that the answer is that we are left with only what we cherish. For me, you are cherished-- so I have you to believe in, to lean on, and to worship in this infinite strand of life. You love me even when I have no offerings, and not even any blood to spill into your cup, and it is not because of my power. You know better than anyone that Gods only have what they have been given-- we have no lights to tell us our fates, only stars."
"I do love you, Zagreus," you affirm, leaning down to kiss his forehead. So many thoughts swirl within his mind, and your kiss helps to soothe his celestial thoughts of life and love. "And I thank the stars that they have led you to me."
Above your heads, in silver and gold, the stars sparkle brighter in their carefully planned formation, as if they are content with the way the scroll of fate has unfurled perfectly.
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lmk what you think plz <3 love you
@allright @transchainsawman 💜
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
Thanatos x Zagreus | Chapter 6
Zagreus has found yet another way to die slowly, crushed under the stones that make up the Temple Styx. Abdominal wounds can take their time, and Thanatos has felt his heartbeat weakening for hours. He would have suffered less if he’d thought to remove the shard of stone jutting out of his side and allowed his blood to spill freely. He could have ended it quickly.
No matter. He has reached the end now. Thanatos leans in to sever the weak thread of his life, but his hand is repelled just as Zagreus gasps in a wheezing breath. Thanatos reaches again, but some last reserve Zagreus managed to hide as the life seeped out of him stops his hand.
Zagreus opens his eyes. “Show me,” he grits out, his voice hoarse, “Show me your face.”
He lured Thanatos here, then, dying slowly on purpose. This thought jars Thanatos in an uncomfortable way. There was no need for that, no need for Zagreus to see Thanatos at all. They have no business together. His shade will flow freely back to his home where it belongs.
But Zagreus accepted all that pain as his price. Thanatos understands bargains, and perhaps this is why he pulls his hood back a little. Zagreus has earned this prize, though the thought feels foreign in his mind.
Zagreus sucks air in through his teeth. He tries to move, which is a mistake. His flagging reserves flicker and dim. “What did you do?” he asks as he dies. “Who did this to—”
Thanatos cannot think of the last time he looked at his own reflection. It does not matter what he looks like. And yet Zagreus’s expression gnaws at him in a way nothing has of late, even as the Styx rolls over his feet to take him away. He feels a twinge of something as Zagreus is swallowed in the warm, red water. Regret. He regrets showing Zagreus his face.
The mortals fear him, but Zagreus never has. What does Death mean to him? Thanatos doesn’t know why he should care. Zagreus is a job, same as any other. But it… bothers him.
He sought him out. Why should he then fear what he asked for?
Read the rest here | Or start from the beginning
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smallraindrops-blog · 4 months
Wake Me From This Dreaming is currently one of my top 3 fanfics to re-read. I love the story and conflict written in it, and you write the hades characters super well! I do have 2 questions.
Do you plan on updating your ao3 with the new chapters (along with the .5 chapters and oneshots related) for WMFTD sometime soon? Tumblr loves to be a pain in the ass when going through masterlists, sadly.
And um... do you, by chance, have any plan for more stories revolving around Hypnos and Y/N family? Or Y/N relationship with Melionë?
Again, thank you for writing such a masterpiece, and I hope the rest of your days are well!
(P.S. your Pyrrhus x reader is also delightful to re-read. We love toxic yaoi in this household.)
Oh anon, thank you so much! I love to hear that. It completely makes my whole year to know ppl are enjoying my works so much that they will reread it.
Also lol toxic is the polite way to describe that whole hot mess.
Regarding your questions:
Yes I do. I have just realized not too long ago how tumblr can be with master lists. I will setting time aside to post them on A03, expect to see some chapters and hopefully one-shots posted by tonight.
As for more stories with the family, I do actually! I enjoy writing them as parents along with my plans to explore my own lore behind Y/N’s family history. I just have a lot on my plate atm.
And for y/n and Melionë, I will likely wait until the full game is out before writing anything in-depth but I will post an noncanon short for you under the readmore.
If it helps, I kinda see them having the same vibe as Zagreus and Patroclus.
The shade never smiled.
Odysseus always seemed to have a smile for Melionë, even when she had misplaced his maps once.(Although he did looked ready to cry when she confessed to it. Not even getting shot by an arrow did that to him.)
Melionë inhaled, her small hand tightened determinedly around her gift, red flowers she picked for the sleeping one that never woke. No matter what they did.
The red flowers reminded her of his cloak, bright red and soft.
She marched right up to the where Hypnos and his stoic guardian always were. He was sitting down, his arm resting on a bent knee, his other hand close to his spear.
Melionë couldn’t help but admire the type of love it must took to wait endlessly by someone’s side. She hoped she would know such things one day.
The shade’s sharp eyes locked on her immediately as he stood up, his expression unreadable to her. In that moment, He seemed taller than anything else in the whole world. And she was so very small.
It took her a moment to find the words.
“Good day, Sir Y/N. I brought a gift for Hypnos.” Melionë told him, showing him the flowers, wishing that she didn’t sound so young and childish.
His eyes flickered to her hand then back to her face. “Thank you.” He said, his voice low as he moved aside. His head bow as a show of respect. “He would enjoy those. Red is his favorite color after all.”
It was the most he ever spoke in a single sentence. Melionë blinked at him in surprise.
She nodded slowly then after her decision made, she handed one to him. “For you, my good shade.”
His face broke in surprise, “For me?”
She nodded, all but shoving the single red flower at him. He eyed it like it was a weapon but took the flower, staring down at it.
“Thank you, Princess Melionë.” He said in quiet confusion. She gave what she hoped passed as a regal nod and curtsy before walking past.
When Melionë went up to Hypnos, she could had swore she saw a faint smile on his face.
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thisisallidream · 23 days
Take Shelter From the Sun, with all the Fates and Shades
Circe x Zagreus fanfic (wip)
Chapter 1
He did it. He finally did it. He escaped. He was free. His breath heaved, lungs stinging with the frosted air as his sweat started to freeze against his skin. Zagreus could barely recognise his father under the blood that coated his bare chest and arms, red and gold mixed. The sound of their clashing weapons still rang out in the field as his father knelt in the snow, slowly bleeding out. The silence was brief.
“Go. Go then. GO! Get out of here! Get out!” He roared with what little strength he had left in him. Zagreus flinched, despite himself. There was hellfire in that voice, anger and bitterness and he had never felt it so directly aimed at him before. His molten gaze stared at the ground and Zagreus’ chest burned with rejection – his father couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge him, not even now, as this immortality dragged him back to the hells. Not even in their final moments.
“Goodbye father” Zagreus tried to keep his voice even. He would not let him know how his contempt wounded him, more so than any swing of his spear. He watched as the snow around his prone form melted to red, water turning to the blood of the river that would deliver the god of the dead back home. The earth swallowed him then, and Zagreus made himself watch as the figure that was his father sank into the ground, disappearing from sight. Only the echo of his last words remained:
“There... is... no... escape.”
And then he was gone. The snow was as pure as before, not even a spot of red marring the pristine blanket of Demeter’s grief made real. Now he was truly, for the first time in his life, completely alone.
“I made it...” He whispered into the world, as if he needed it to acknowledge him, tell him yes, he had done it, this was real and he was real and his mother was real, waiting for him.
He stepped towards that glowing arch, holding his breath, waiting for the godly glow to reject him, just another divine intervention holding him back from the truth. Instead, he slipped through gracefully and all at once. That burnt imprint of his feet had already started to fill with snow.
It was dark, wherever he was. His eyes adjusted quickly to the low light, enough to see that he was no longer surrounded by snow. The lush wilds of a forest surrounded him, or at least that is what he assumed. The only nature he was familiar with was the lush landscapes of Elysium, ever green and filled with a constant twilight that made the grass glimmer. But this – the sighing of the willow branches, the brambles and roots that hid small creatures, the sharp scent of flowers he couldn’t name – this was real. Not a shade rendering of life, but the muse itself. He thought of Eurydice briefly, and Orpheus. He understood now, he thought, what drove them to sing.
“Is this...?” He spoke to the air, as if waiting for a voice to beckon him onwards, but there was no reply. This was no wind-swept surface, no frozen land wracked by the cold. “It can’t...” His breath caught in this throat for a moment. Had Nyx been mistaken? Her words rang in his head, her soft reverberating voice soothing him, strengthening him, as it always had.
“Beyond the frozen overlook,” she had said. “Await the first glimpse of the sun to your left, then onward through the cold.”
But there was no overlook, no sign of that fated sun, no cold to march through until he found his mother. His heartbeat quickened with a sudden fear. Had something gone wrong? Had he done something wrong? Had the Fates cursed him as he stepped through that portal? Or, perhaps, had Nyx lied? He shook his head before the thought could take root. She loved him as a son. She was his... what? What was she now to him? And, what now was he to her?
A glint ahead caught his eye, halting the spiral of his thoughts for a moment. The flickering of a flame. Small hope unfurled in his chest again, and he began his journey to that firelight.
The fear sloshed over me, each wave colder than the last. There were too many sounds, yet it was still so quiet compared to the halls of my father. I was used to the rushing of water, the clamoring of stones, the thick voices of naiads and gods alike ringing loud into the empty passageways.
The still air crawled across my skin and shadows reached out their hands. The feathers of the bed murmured against each other as I moved to squeeze myself against the wall, so that I might be too small for the things in the dark to notice. The shutter-wood creaked like the ropes of ships in a storm. All around me I felt the wild hollows of the island swelling in their dark. At least the birds had stopped their screaming, but that only meant that I could hear more now. A soft rhythmic thud, a shutter that had loosed itself from its clasp. The soft crunch and whisper of leaf under foot. The even pace of a confident stride. I stared into the darkness, straining to hear past the beat of my own blood. Was this my true penance, then? Was it just a politeness to let me believe myself exiled, so that I might be killed more quietly? A silent execution away from the delicate naiads. Or perhaps Aeetes was wrong, and Zeus’s wrath could not be staved, not even by threat of war against the titans. Perhaps he knew, that however strong Helios’s pride, no blood would be shed and no peace truly broken over a wayward child, who was no true heir of the sun, and a daughter at that.
Worst of my children, faded and broken.
“Um, hello?”
I did not think it possible for my heart to beat harder. Fear pinned me and my mind raced, trying to place the voice that had called out. It was not one I’d heard before. Which one of Zeus’s children had been sent to do away with the witch?
“May I come in?”
I was no stranger to staying silent. Many times, I held my tongue, when Perses and Pasiphaë were being cruel, when others complained of my frail voice, or when I simply did not wish to speak. But that was not why I did not answer. I was just simply speechless, as no one had ever in my life asked my permission for, well, anything. Curiosity finally coaxed my voice from the knot in my throat as I stepped out from the sanctuary of my room.
“Who asks for entrance?” I spoke softly, still trained as I was to consider the ears of others who may hear me and grimace at the sound. I bade myself look up, to face the stranger who had come to my door. Their question still resonated within me, and I swelled with some resolution, for this was now my home: I would not cower, not anymore.
Dark hair, black as night, shone in the firelight, wreathed by a laurel crown of scarlet and golden leaves. He stared at me unflinchingly, but despite the hellfire that flamed in his right eye, there was a kindness in him that I had never seen turned upon me before, not even in Aeëtes when he was still small and sweet in my arms. He reminded me of Glaucos as he was before, but this stranger was no mortal. Even if you ignored the oddness of his eyes, there was no way to miss how his feet singed the stone. Despite this, he didn’t glow with divinity like my father or my golden-haired siblings; his was a more subtle power. I could see it in the broadness of his bare chest, the smoothness of his marble skin, the determination of his soul. There was that slight copper smell of blood that followed him when he shifted.
“Oh, right. I should’ve probably introduced myself first.” He smiled softly, and I could see it was a smile he wore often. It fit the shape of his face, like he had been born with it. “My name is Zagreus.” Shyness crept into his expression. “May I ask, is your name...” he fumbled with his words. There was something in his voice that felt familiar, and it coaxed me out further from behind the half-closed door. “Are you Persephone?”
My heart dropped slightly, and, at the time, I did not know why. I had never heard the name before, and so I knew, from the searching look in his gaze, that I would be a disappointment. Though we may have happened upon Aiaíā at the same time, it was not by the Fates design, for he was looking for someone else.
“No. I am Circe.” I said simply.
Chapter 2
Zagreus hadn’t been sure what he was expecting when he approached the house, but it certainly wasn’t her. He knew before he asked that she wasn’t Persephone – he wasn’t exactly sure where this knowledge came from, only that when he looked at her, his bones told him that this was not his mother. Still, he had asked.
“Circe.” He repeated, trying to bury the sadness, the feeling of failure, that was rising in him. Instead, he focused on her wide yellow eyes, so bright – they looked so much like Than’s. Maybe that was why he felt so drawn to her, even though she wasn’t who he had been searching for. “It’s lovely to meet you. Do you mind telling me where I am?” Zagreus couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at the pure confusion on Circe’s face.
“We stand on Aiaíā.” She sounded just as incredulous as she looked. “Is this some trick?”
“No, not at all!” He stepped forward without thinking, a hand outstretched in reassurance, but she flinched away, and he stopped dead. He didn’t like the look of fear in her eyes, and resolved silently that he would do whatever he could to ensure she never looked at him like that again. “Sorry, it’s just, this is all very new to me, being on the surface and all, and I’m a bit at a loss.”
“You come from my father’s halls?” The fear in her seemed to deepen at the thought, her hands clenching the door.
“Well, I don’t think so, unless your father is also Hades” Zagreus gave her conspiratorial smile, leaning the side of his face with the green eye towards her. He found that most people responded better when that hellish eye was hidden.
“So, you are an Olympian then.”
“I guess technically, though I think we’re more commonly referred to as Chthonic, if we’re being particular.” Zagreus wasn’t used to speaking with others who didn’t know who he was. It was delightfully refreshing. “I take it you’re not an Olympian either then?” He didn’t know why he asked, but then again, he didn’t know why Circe had mentioned either. From the faint flicker of fear he saw when she spoke the word, he decided maybe he didn’t want to know. Circe was not so practiced at concealing her emotions. She looked at him with genuine surprise. It was refreshing, especially after his fights with Thanatos and Megaera. Zagreus could never tell what they were thinking, and it seemed they were not eager to tell him. It sent him mad sometimes, second-guessing everything he did and said, wondering what exactly he had done wrong to deserve the contempt they both constantly wore when looking at him.
“You left, without so much as telling me good-bye.”
Than’s words still rang in his ears, like that damn death toll. It was Circe’s voice that brought him out of his thoughts.
“I’m a daughter of the titan Helios,” she replied. As if that explained everything. Well, he guessed it did for her.
“Titan? But I had thought they were all gone? Torn apart and scattered through Tartarus, as my father once put it.” Hades never spoke much about the war that had happened eons ago, and had made it very clear to Zagreus that he didn’t appreciate being asked. The story seemed so fantastical to him, so unreal – these ancient figures of which no one dared to mention, primal powers that set mortals quivering. He didn’t know what started the war, or who was in the right, or how it had even ended. He had asked Nyx once, wasn’t she a titan?
“No, my child. I am something much older. The word that was most often used to refer to my kind was Primordial.”
It still didn’t make any sense to him, but having met Chaos, he knew that generally the world didn’t have to make any sense, and most often didn’t.
“Most are gone. But not all.” Her yellows eyes watched him carefully, as bright and intent as a hawk.
“I’m glad then, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting you.”
Circe hesitated. “You truly don’t know of my father?” Her gaze flittered up and down, and whatever she found seemed confirmation enough.
“I can’t say I do, no.” Zagreus glanced around the entrance into the large sitting room where the fireplace blazed. It was a beautiful house, filled with glittering treasures and tapestries, but the room’s lavishness didn’t quite seem to fit the girl who stood before him. “Does he live here with you?” Circe couldn’t help the small, unexpected laugh that escaped her, and Zagreus liked the way it lit up her eyes and relaxed her shoulders. He suspected she didn’t often get a chance to laugh. She composed herself quickly.
“No, he is not here.” She glanced around the room herself, examining the items as if for the first time. “He much prefers his halls and my grandfather’s palace.” She smiled, as if she had just told a secret joke, but didn’t explain further.
“This place is beautiful though. It must be nice to have it all to yourself.” Apart from their voices, the island was quiet. No rush of the river Styx, no mumbling and worrying of the shades lined up to speak with his father, no deep voice filled with disdain yelling “boy!” at him every time he took a wrong step. Which felt like every step.
“Yes. It is.” She smiled, as if the thought had only just occurred to her. “I apologize. I was not expecting visitors.” But she opened the door further all the same. They sat before the hearth together. Zagreus stared at the flames, and wondered if they would burn him. For a while, they sat in a comfortable silence, the crackling of the fire filling the room with its warmth and light. It was a sort of peace that neither of them seemed to disturb. But, just like everything in life, its death was inevitable.
"Who is Persephone?" Circe broke the quiet between them.
Indeed, who was Persephone. How exactly did one explain that his mother had run away from their home, and that he had only learned of her existence not so long ago? That her existence had been hidden from him by everyone in his life, and the person who had always been his mother had lied to him about who she was? He felt the inky black of the skin that marked his hellish heritage creep across his face. He tried to dredge up his usual carefree voice, desperately gripping at the edges of his usual cheery visage to smother away the boiling anger and hurt that festered inside him. But for the first time in... well, since he could remember, his grasp slipped.
“My mother” was all he could manage to get out, voice tinged with hesitation. "I was told she would be here, on the surface.” Another silence; this time, it was not so comfortable. It was the light touch of a cold hand on his that shocked him out of his thought spiral. Zagreus glanced up in surprise, his gaze meeting Circe’s golden eyes. They stayed like that for a moment that seemed to stretch on for gods know how long, before Circe retreated. Was that embarrassment that flushed her cheeks?
“I’m sorry. I don’t know anyone by that name,” she admitted softly. (TBC with some drabbles, see post before this one for more details.)
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Yandere!Zagreus x Good Shade!Reader Headcanons
❤ The journey to reach the surface was a long and arduous, filled with many trials and tribulations for the godling to face. Zagreus persisted undaunted, however. Well… Perhaps, a little daunted. The fields of Elysium had proven especially difficult, the Soul Catchers and spirits of Exalted Ones often overwhelming Zagreus and sending him down a one-way trip to the House of Hades. It was rather disheartening, making Asphodel and it's Bone Hydra seeming like a walk in the (dangerous, lava-filled) park in comparison. Though, with great effort and the help of more than a few boons from his family (and the spirit of a once great warrior), Zagreus had finally found himself at the maw of the colosseum. 
☠ Zagreus had faced the Minotaur, Asterius, before - an incredible fighter who had defeated the prince once in his many attempts to reach the end of Elysium. But now, Zagreus had to face of against Theseus, as well, who was… Unfortunately less polite than his bull companion. Looking around the entirety of the colosseum, Zagreus couldn't help but feel small. Everyone else was against him, cheering on the pair of heroes in their quest to defeat the godling. Just like always, most everyone was against him. Zagreus felt himself almost deflate, worn down by sudden pessimism, frustration, and exhaustion… Until a flash of red caught his eye.
❤ A sole blip of red amongst an ocean of blue. You leaned over the railing, wide smile on your face and starstruck look in your eyes as you and Zagreus locked eyes. For a moment, the godling completely froze as he took in your form. He swore the breath in his lungs escaped him for a moment. Below you hung a banner, a picture of him plastered on it, showing your support to the Prince of The Underworld. It was as though he was suddenly rejuvenated, ready to take on the two warriors, take on the world, take on anything. As the battle commenced, he dashed around the arena, dodging Theseus' spear and the swings of Asterius' are. Every moment he could, he'd stop to look back over to you, watching as you cheered him on, jumping up and down in excitement. Maybe it was just the adrenaline, but, it was exhilarating! Watching you, seeing you - his heart was beating so fast, his chest and face were so warm, so warm and light and- You. He didn't want to look away-! And in an instant, caught off guard, Zagreus felt the pain of a spear piercing him. The cheers and uproar of the colosseum went silent. Zagreus' vision went dark. He lost control of his limbs. And then, he climbed back to his feet, finding himself back in the Pool of Styx.
☠ Rather than feeling upset by his loss, Zagreus felt himself filled with renewed vigor for his quest… And to see you again, the good shade who filled him with such joy and confidence. Zagreus paid no mind to anybody else in the House of Hades, quickly racing off to begin another escape attempt. The young godling fought even faster than usual, trying to navigate the fastest route back up to Elysium - but this time, it wasn't solely for his want to reach the surface. It wasn't too long before he reached the colosseum once more, shades gathered around in excitement, waiting with baited breath for another match to begin, but Zagreus was here for you… And to reach the surface, of course!
❤ Zagreus fought hard and dodged as well as he could, trying to keep his focus on his two competitors. But, the prince couldn't help but sneak a glance back over at you when he felt himself able to rest momentarily. Your eyes were always on him, your smile so bright and radiant that he swore it would surely blind him. And he swore that, just above the uproar of the other spirits' voices, he could hear it - what must be your voice, cheering over and over, "Zag-re-us! Zag-re-us! Zag-re-us!" Oh, gods, his face went almost bright red at the thought. He hoped beyond hope that everyone assumed it was because of the strenuous battle. But, gods above, he felt… Absolutely smitten. Had anyone besides Nyx and Achilles been so unabashedly supportive of him? Oh, you were so sweet, so kind, so gorgeous, so-! Zagreus shakes himself off, standing in the Pool of Styx once more, frustrated and feeling more alone than ever.
☠ You were always on his mind, in every chamber, after every defeat, every moment he stood in his Father's House, during every fight with every enemy. You had burned yourself in his mind, branding yourself there. But, it didn't hurt. In fact, it felt so good to think of you, to indulge himself in fantasies of you, his Shade. His Shade. All his. That's why you had his banner, right? Why you supported him. He loved you for that. Because… You must love him, right? You knew he'd make it all the way to Elysium. You loved him. Supported him. Believed in him. You knew you were meant to be together. Oh, His Shade was so smart. It was you that gave him that strength to defeat Asterius, to dodge Theseus' spear and summons from the gods. It is you who gave him the strength to deal the killing blow to Theseus. Finally, a moment of rest. The colosseum boomed with noise, but Zagreus ran up to you, desperate to speak to you. He shouted up at you, hoping his expression and voice would convey his love for you, "I dedicate this victory to you, my Good Shade!" His good shade. Because that's what you are, right. His. Just as he is your champion. And when you smile so wide at him, eyes swirling with awe and what must be love, Zagreus can't help but smile back. He feels so warm and so light, like all of his problems had melted away, all thanks to you.
❤ When Zagreus is defeated within the Temple of Styx, Zagreus doesn't feel as frustrated as he imagined he'd be. Of course not. Another defeat would be another chance to see you, to see your smile, to win for you. So many attempts, so many victories dedicated all for you. But, eventually, it isn't enough. Of course, it's not. It isn't enough to see his beloved from afar and speak to you only occasionally. No. It's not fair. You must be as upset as he was. But, it's no matter. He's the prince, after all. He could pull a few strings, give the both of you your happy ending. You're so confused when you wash up into the Pool of Styx, covered in blood. The expression on your face is adorable, confused and a bit dazed - only to be replaced with shock as Zagreus quickly scooped you up into his arms, holding you flush to his chest. It's so hard to resist the urge to just nuzzle you close and smother you with kisses. He needs to hold back, to allow you time to calm down and explain what he had done - summoning you hear to the House, where you will now permanently stay. And besides, Father would probably throw a fit over such a public display of affection. So, Zagreus concedes to simply shushing you and softly explaining everything to you as you look around in confusion and squirm in his arms, him slowly carrying off to his, or rather, your shared room.
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Token of Appreciation|{Zagreus}
This originally was only going to be 800 words but I have no self control and my sleep schedule is ruined so this happened. I hope you guys enjoy this, I know its different from my usual bnha stuff so I just hope y’all don’t mind.
I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Zagreus x Male Reader
Words: 1.3k (1,308)
Warning(s): mentions of death
Requests: Open
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The rough texture of stone and the sting of Asphodel's heated air on Zagreus's face was the last thing he felt as the hydra landed the final blow.
The world around him went dark, as it usually did and the darkness embraced him.
He had no more death defiance’s remaining, so he waited for the all too familiar splash of the blood-red waters of the River Styx to envelop him.
To have him wake up inside of his home, the House of Hades, making him face his father again after yet another failed attempt at escaping.
But the unnaturally cold waters never touched him.
Instead, a warmth embraced him. One that warmed his soul and soothed his aching heart.
It was a stark contrast to the blistering heat of Asphodel that nipped at Zagreus like the teeth of the three-headed Cerberus as he made his way across the bubbling rivers of magma.
He felt at peace as he lay suspended in the area between death and resurrection.
This wasn’t the first time he felt this warmth.
His wounds forgotten, he embraced the familiar gentle tides of peace and tranquillity that washed over him.
A hand reached out of the darkness and cupped his cheek.
“Zagreus.” A familiar deep gentle voice called out to him. “My love, open your eyes.”
Doing as he was told, Zagreus was met with the sight of you.
Your silk toga draped elegantly over your frame with such beauty that it would put Aphrodite to shame, the jewelry that Zagreus himself gifted you, could not shine nearly as bright as your eyes, the eyes that held knowledge he could not even hope to fathom. They pierced his bi-colored orbs and filled him with awe.
He would never get used to your heavenly aspect.
“Hello, handsome.” Zagreus muttered.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed pulling away from him.
“Even when you’ve just died you’re still as charming as always.”
Zagreus laughed and reached up, took your hand from his face, brought it to his lips, and placed a kiss to the back. He then leaned in and captured your lips in a gentle kiss.
You were the first one to pull away pressing your foreheads together.
“I’ve missed you, (Y/N).”
“I’ve missed you too, my prince.”
He shook his head and laughed.
“I’ve told you to stop calling me that.”
You chuckled in response.
The two of you held each other relishing in the other’s warmth.
“The gods of Olympus have not stopped talking about you.”
He hummed in a questioning manner.
“Have they?”
You nodded
“Yes, they’re excited that you’ve decided to join them up on Olympus.” You paused for a moment. “I wonder how they’ll react when they realize that you won’t be joining them.”
He looked away, cringing at the thought of how his Olympic family will fare with the news of his deception.
“I’ll… get to that when it happens.”
The two of you went back into silence.
Though you used this moment to get a good look at Zagreus.
He had many injuries from his many battles in Tartarus and Asphodel. Having only a few chances to rest and even fewer chances to heal his wounds. He looked utterly exhausted.
Pulling back, you looked down at your intertwined hands with furrowed brows.
“My prince, how I wish you would end this rebellion, I don’t think I can bear to watch you go through so much pain and suffering.” You let your shoulders slump. “Especially when I cannot be there to protect you.”
His gaze lowered for a moment before rising back to look at your face.
“I know, but you know why I must do this.”
He pulled his hands free of yours, cupping your face, making you meet his eyes.
“I cannot waste the rest of my life, trapped in this dreadful place any longer, and if I must fight the entire kingdom of the dead to escape, then so be it.”
You stayed silent before letting out a deep breath.
“I knew you would say that.”
You straightened up.
“That is why I will continue to do whatever I can to help guide you on your journey.”
The two of you stared into each other’s eyes a mutual understanding written in your eyes.
The moment was then interrupted by a lapse in your sphere of peace when Zagreus hissed in pain as his wounds began to regain their sting.
“It appears our time here has come to an end.”
“It appears so.” He hissed. “I will miss you, my love.”
You leaned in and pressed your lips against his and hugged him close to your chest.
“I will miss you too.”
You felt him become lighter and lighter until he fazed right through your arms.
You watched as he fell into the spectral waters of the River Styx. His form becoming obscured by the blood-red waters until he was no longer visible.
“Goodbye, Zagreus until we meet again, my love.”
Zagreus awakened in the entrance hall of the House of Hades.
He climbed out of the river and sighed.
All of his blessings have been purged in the process of dying and he’s back home. Though he should be used to it by now he can’t get rid of the slight disappointment that gnaws at him.
He made his way down the dimly lit hall, passing by shades waiting in line in front of Hades. He walked until he approached the snoozing form of Hypnos, the god of sleep.
Said god startled awake when Zagreus approached.
“Huh? Oh, hey Zagreus, killed by a hydra this time? That sucks, ya know the heads of the hydra creep me out big time I’m glad I don’t have to be anywhere near them, I feel bad for the suckers who make the mistake of getting too close.”
Zagreus listened to the gods rambling.
“Uh-huh, lucky you.”
Hypno dismissively waved his hand.
“I didn’t mea- wait, what’s that?”
Zagreus raised an eyebrow.
Hypnos pointed to something on his chest.
He looked down and saw a gold necklace hanging from his neck.
“That’s new, where did that come from?” Zagreus asked as he hooked a finger around the chain. The metal felt unnaturally warm.
“Beats me, but if you don’t mind I think I should get back to work.”
He nodded and stepped away. 
Turning on his heel, he would have to pass by his father to get back to his room.
Taking in a breath, he held his head up high and began walking.
He felt his father's gaze burning into him the entire way, but he did not utter a word.
Zagreus entered his room, immediately heading to the large mirror gifted to him by Nyx, using it to get a clearer look at the necklace.
The pendant at the end of the necklace is in the shape of a skull, with a small heart-shaped diamond embedded in the forehead.
He racked his brain for where it came from.
It wasn’t there the last time he visited the mirror and he hasn’t received any more keepsakes from anyone recently.
He stared at it before it clicked in his mind.
The pendant. It was the same one that you adorned on a necklace that you wore before he had gifted you a new one.
He smiled at his reflection. He felt the familiar soothing warmth softly emanating from it.
He reached up and lightly clutched it to his chest.
“Thank you, my love. I’ll treasure it.”
He felt the necklace pulse in his hand.
With a determined look, he made his way through the courtyard and stood at his window preparing to exit.
“(Y/N), my love, guide me.”
The necklace pulsed it’s warmth once more in response.
He took a deep breath and jumped, prepared to fight through hell once more.
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@lotsofrandom @your-strangelove @yumeneji @nahtoolazy @dumbass-calamari @naonaocat @tamakiwithcrab @delightfulcupquakequeen @brithedemonspawn @chatnoirfangirl1624 @redsharksimp <- Sorry anyone who isn’t tagged properly but I wasn’t able to tag you!
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yandere-sins · 4 years
The Exception
My friend let me try playing Hades on her switch and well... I kinda liked it. Namely, I liked all the characters, so my brain went like “what if they were yandere” and I had an idea for this story that I threw together this morning before working on the Fox Wedding (: The latter isn’t done yet, but this sure is, so who knows, mayhaps some of you will enjoy it! Just tried to answer the question how we could get Thanatos to whisk us away.
Characters: Yandere!Thanatos x Reader Warnings: Yandere, Blood, War, Wounds/Impaling, Major Character Death (???) or well dying, I read into greek history for almost an hour but if I gotten something wrong then so be it
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Thanatos had seen enough of the world to know that he didn't want to stay on the surface forever. 
The current battle spreading before him was a mere reason to sigh deeply as he watched bodies fall left and right, their souls soon leaving to a better, or perhaps worse, place. It was mandatory he stayed, but Thanatos was well aware of which side was winning and which was losing. It was his duty and his work to know these things, even though it didn't make the fighting any less futile in his eyes.
Letting his gaze wander over the battlefield, he watched the red splatters on the ground, heard the crushing sounds of iron against iron and the cacophony of fearful and devastating screams. He still couldn't believe Zagreus would want to come to such a place. A place where there was futile fighting and too much light, but perhaps, it was a world that fit the Prince of the Underworld, as he was the same, even if Thanatos only recognized this fact bitterly. 
Finally, the battle was closing in on its end, just like the hundreds of people that found their death because of it. The ones who weren't dead yet slowly but surely started to hesitate and retreat. Even as the personification of death, Thanatos reckoned that a pointless death was scary, even though so many humans chose it over desertion. Their death was inevitable, preordained by Thanatos sisters. Still, he had seen many hold on to the last sparks of hope that they could escape Thanatos' grasp. 
And then, on the other side of the coin, were those that practically would have offered their life to Hades and fought to the end.
You weren't an exception. Yes, your quest and pride were your downfall, and by the gleam in your eyes Thanatos could tell you knew. You knew and recognized that you'd die. However, as if you were spiting him personally, you still continued to fight ahead of everyone else, gaining questioning glances from your comrades and contempt from your enemies, which you pulled to the ground one after another and sending them to hell. 
Many before you had this overzealous compulsion to make that best out of their inevitable demise. Thanatos would admit that yes, most had a good reason for it, like saving their family or fighting for their own life. Others simply lucked out on the gift of pride and ignorance, forcing themselves and occasionally many more lives with them into the deep, dark pits of death. 
What was your reason? Thanatos wondered. 
He still had time before he needed to take action, he could allow himself a short - minuscule, really - different thought than his upcoming work, and you presented yourself so nicely to him as the incarnation of death waited for the end of today's battle. It wasn't often that he had the leisure to let his thoughts wander, so Thanatos intended to use these few seconds, which would fall under the radar, to still his curiosity.
By the looks of it, you weren't an inexperienced fighter. Or perhaps, you were just a farmer judging by your muscles. Surely, you seemed enthusiastic about your task, so were you fighting for something more significant than the glory of your country? Family? A loved one? Thanatos couldn't help but be curious about what your drive was, as he had seen so many reasons, yet they were all the same. Perhaps, yours was new?
Even so, you were graceful as you swung your sword around. What did he know about footwork, but at least, yours seemed to pay off as you weren't dead yet. When one of your foes managed to smack off your helmet, Thanatos believed that was it, but alas, you regained your strength, charging at the very same attacker. 
In a way, fighting was like an elaborate play. The only difference was that neither of the parties knew the other one's move. The person reacting better was the winner. He couldn't find joy in watching wars, but even Thanatos had to admit that it was a joy watching you. Even if you lacked the enthusiasm as the heroic shades that lingered below, like Theseus, had, you fought a fight worth mentioning in the books as well. 
Every move you made, Thanatos could see the calculations in your eyes, that keen shine reflecting in them. The sun seemed to break through the clouds just to reach out to you, making your armor sparkle in its rays. Yes, you were a formidable human, and Thanatos caught himself thinking that it was a shame you were fighting even if you looked so beautifully while doing it. 
Taking another deep breath, he could see the swirls in the air left by it. While the winter wasn't affecting him, no matter how little clothes he wore, Thanatos felt a second of pitiful understanding for everyone who had to fight in those conditions. Undoubtedly, the cold armors, freezing hands and weapons, and frozen ground were another nemesis for every soldier out here. Even if their bodies stayed warm from adrenaline and running, it certainly was another reason many of your human bodies gave out quicker, merely submitting to their fate. It was fair enough for Thanatos. It meant his work was over faster, and judging by you being circled and the other soldiers at your side beginning to see the end coming towards them with long spears and sharp swords, it was all over soon. 
You had fought bravely, that much he could give you. Perhaps you had impressed him enough to put in an unusual good word for you with Hypnos, who'd pass it on to Hades himself, granting you a shot on being put into Elysium. But your fate had long been decided, and as you fell to the ground, the battlefield erupted in victorious screams, announcing your time of death. 
And also, his start of work. 
As the winners retreated one after one, happy whenever they found a friend that survived too, Thanatos passed by them and onto the battlefield instead. Unseen by the human eye, he began his duty of reaping, one soul after the other, as mangled and frustrated over their death as they were, following his orders as he shushed them away. Usually, some pleaded and bargained with him for another shot of life, but even if Thanatos had wanted, there was no way for him to help them. But that day, everyone seemed awfully aware that there was no negotiating nor mercy waiting for them as they looked at his figure, frightened and frustrated. A pointless battle, with meaningless deaths, brought forth the self-pity in them, but this wasn't the first battle Thanatos tended to, so he felt nothing akin to that. It also wasn't his duty to take care of the souls gathered here, as it was Hermes' job to lead to them. 
He had something very different on his agenda. You. 
It was unfortunate for both of you, but when he reached you, you had yet to breathe your last breath. One eye slowly and in pain, opened, the other one damaged from the blow to the head you had received. However, as you looked at him, serene clarity laid in your gaze, and you recognized him, mayhaps by the giant scythe he carried around. Your stare was clear and less afraid than he expected you to be when acknowledging him, but you closed your eyes as a cough overcame you, hot, red blood dripping down your lips. 
"Guess that's it," you croaked, and Thanatos could only stare. Conversing… wasn't his strong suit, and there wasn't exactly a reason to talk to you.
"Are you going to kill me?" you continued, undeterred by his silence, and Thanatos weighed his actions. "No, of course not," he eventually spoke, shaking his head slowly, the hood on his head shifting along to his movement. 
"Ouch, that's cruel. You'll just wait until I die like this?" 
Your words were nothing he hadn't heard before, and he didn't feel offended by them. However, he didn't expect your lips to briefly curl into a smile, adding a jesting notion to what you said. Even that wasn't new, but… it struck a chord inside the usual stoic bringer of death. "I can't end your suffering," Thanatos explained, hoping you'd simply know about the unspoken rule that he couldn't harm you. 
"I think, I get it," you heaved, feeling worse by the minute. "You are just making sure I know I am supposed to die here."
That assumption wasn't wrong, even though there had been more playing into his service than just that. Too many kept trying to escape their fate, and sort of, Thanatos was just checking and cleaning up what would be left. You still had some time before your organs would fail and finally take you to the grave, different from the other souls that were already leaving for their new home. 
"No, you will die here," he retorted firmly. 
"I could," you chuckled, followed by another painful cough. 
"Don't test me, Mortal."
In between deep breaths, you allowed yourself a short laugh. Just like him, you were probably aware that there was nothing worse that could happen to your situation, so his threat was just a way he hoped to shut you up with. In silence, he watched over you, until eventually, your eye opened up again. This time your gaze was searching for him - or something really - but your sight had already begun to cloud. No matter how proud and achieved you are in life, in the face of death, everyone looked the same.
 "I think I did a good job. You know, fighting. Thought that if I already had to do it, I might as well give it my damn best."
More coughing. Thanatos watched the puddle of blood around you grow by the second. The spear inside your body must have been stirring up your insides the more you talked. Thanatos had expected something like this, you, young as you still were, had been led by the belief that doing your best could make up for the fact that you'd die. "But in the end, it was worth nothing, right? We lost after all."
Thanatos could only stare as he wondered what you expected him to say. He came here, knowing your life would end here, so really, the hope you had put into yourself didn't have the same disappointment to him now as it did to you. And yet, as he listened to you, seeing your body battered up with cuts and bruises, for the first time in centuries, he felt something akin to pity for you, and you specifically.
"Why did you fight then?" he asked, perhaps against your expectations. 
"Why? Because they told us too. The King ordered us to fight this battle, and only he could have known how many soldiers our opponent would bring."
"You could have run." Thanatos tried to stay as detached from you as possible, though it didn't quite work, your words taking their influence on him. "Can you?" you retorted before letting out a long sigh. Death was near, literally as well as figuratively. 
"Can you run from your duties? You don't have to do this either, do you?" 
"I do--"
There was no immediate response this time, your question justified, despite your little mortal soul undoubtedly never understanding the burdens on the shoulders of Gods. The world would stop if they all decided to not continue their work and fulfill their duties and expectations. If Thanatos stopped, no one would die anymore, and but the suffering of everything would never disappear too. 
"Dying sucks," you whispered, turning your head away. 
"I reckon," he muttered indifferently. Not like he could talk about it from experience. It must be painful, dreadful, and, depending on the circumstances, frustrating too. Right now, though he couldn't imagine the extent, you must have felt so hopeless and so, so scared. There wasn't much other reason for your banter.
"Thanatos… I always thought it was a pretty name, even if everyone feared it." Regaining his attention after finding himself momentarily lost in thoughts, he looked down at you again, watching as your eyelid closed slowly. "Say what you want, but you can't blame them for fearing death, and alas, me."
"Perhaps if they talked to you, they wouldn't be so afraid."
"Meaning you don't feel so afraid anymore?"
A smile danced over your lips once more, a truly unusual sight for a soul so close to their end, and especially after talking to him. Hypnos often teased Thanatos with being too formal and dutiful to be amusing, and Hades beware, comforting. Though he didn't care for his twin's words, yours did make him feel... happy. 
"Let's go then," you whispered, and Thanatos kneeled down, his hand falling to your wrist, listening to your pulse. Even with the feeling of your heart still desperately pumping blood through your body, only to lose it through your wounds, you didn't utter another word afterwards. You undoubtedly were dying, but perhaps, for now, you were merely unconscious as your lungs didn't stop reaching for air, and your heart used all your strength to function. 
Once more, the sun broke through the clouds, shining down right at you two, bringing Thanatos into the predicament of being blinded as it reflected off your armor. Perhaps he understood it now. Understood how unfair it was that someone like you, innocent and kind, was doomed to die out here. How awful his job on this day was, forcing him to take you to Tartarus and put you before the judgment of the god residing there. 
So what if... he didn't. 
He couldn't heal your wounds, nor make you feel better. But what he could do is battle the fate, earn the scorn of many, but at least, even if he took out the spear from your bloody body, you'd live. You'd live to tell your tale, and who knew, even he could apply some bandages, so maybe you'd recover some. 
It was a risk, and one Thanatos did not like taking, nor found pleasure in executing. But you couldn't refuse to come to this battle, whereas he, perhaps, after all these years, could refuse to do his job once. For your sake, and unbeknownst to him at that time, for his own even more.
His scythe disappeared in favor of Thanatos grabbing for the dreadful spear. Never before had he experience the kind of sound a wound could make from so close, and by the gods, he hoped he never would again. It was just your luck that you were unconscious, or the pain would have perhaps killed you faster than your wounds.
Leaning down, he scooped you up, his hand sullied with your blood and the dirt on the ground. The snow wasn't cold when he touched it, but your body was warm in his arms and still alive. Your threat of fade wasn't cut yet, and he wouldn't do it. With you in his arms, he stepped back, looking into your sleeping face before he retreated from the battlefield with a quiet, "Let's go."
No, the surface wasn't a place Thanatos liked to linger. It was too loud, too wrong, and too bright. But to see your smile, lively and happy, one more time, he didn't need to stay above ground. Where you were going, it was dark and, at times, lonely if you weren't a being born there. But you'd also be safe and alive for as long as you wished to.
And Thanatos would be with you, even if everyone would turn against him and his decision, for all eternity if he must.
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Request: Thanatos x Reader
Thanatos x reader
Word Count: 796
Request: @lululandd
You’d been dubbed Melinoe by the mortals some time ago, but had never been given a name of your own by the ones that were supposed to be your family. As a child of Hades and Persephone, it was no surprise when your talent started showing itself to be associated with the dead, only unlike the others you were specifically gifted with a duty to accompany the souls of those that were never buried properly. As such, it was rare that you ever laid eyes on your fearsome father. Really, the only people you ever saw with any regularity were Ares--after all, war wasn’t a place where the dead were usually cared for--and Thanatos--the one who brought death in the first place. 
Over the years, you’d bonded with Ares despite the sheer number of souls he contributed to your flock. You’d found yourself enjoying when the god of war would teach you how to wield a sword. After all, wandering the plains of the Earth was only so entertaining, and it wasn’t as if the shades that followed you could do much to provide amusement.
One day, you were in the midst of such a training exercise, your ghosts around the pair of you as if this was a coliseum, when suddenly Ares spoke up, “So, are you ever going to make your move on Thanatos?”
Instantly, you tripped, finding yourself with his blade under your throat in a breath. “I’m sorry. What?” you squawked.
He rolled those red eyes of his as he allowed you to stand. “Tall, floats, scythe? Death Incarnate?”
“I know who he is!”
“Then what is the issue, little sister?” You weren’t sure when he’d started calling you that as a term of endearment, but you’d never complained. It was nice to have a family member that wanted you around rather than being treated like a pest for doing your job.
“You seem to be imagining things, Ares.” You hoped he couldn’t hear your heart race at the lie. How he’d recognized the crush you harbored for Thanatos, you didn’t know, but you suspected Aphrodite was to blame.
“Of course not,” he laughed. “I must have hallucinated the way you were gazing longingly after him the last time we all met.” He paused in mock-thoughtfulness as he danced out of the way of your blade. “And conjured the dreamy tone in your voice when you speak of him.”
“I do not sound dreamy!”
“There’s really no shame in it, little sister,” he soothed, smirk pulling at his lips. “Connections are a good thing, remember?”
All at once, the fight left you, leaving your arms hanging limp at your side and forcing him to abruptly yank his incoming sword in the opposite direction to keep it from harming you. “That may be true, but being hurt by them once again isn’t.”
He sighed. He knew full well that ‘them’ referred to the Chthonic gods. Ever since your mother left, your father wanted even less to do with you than he did in the first place; an impressive feat considering how little he spoke to you before. And with your brother, Zagreus, being so consumed by his need to escape the Underworld . . . there was very little time for him to try to reach you. “You know as well as I that Thanatos is nothing like your family.”
“You don’t know them, Ares,” you argued. “Hell, you’ve never even met Zagreus. The lot of them want nothing to do with me.”
“That’s not true,” a quiet voice called from behind the ring of lost souls around you.
Your head whipped around to confirm what your ears suspected. It was, indeed, Thanatos standing there behind the now-parting crowd of ghosts. “Lord Thanatos,” you breathed, anxiety stabbing like a spear through your heart.
“Why would you even think that?” he questioned, sweeping forward in that ominous way he always did.
“I--” You looked over to Ares for help only to find that he’d vanished. All at once, this started to feel like something he’d planned all along.
“I thought you knew how I feel about you,” Thanatos continued. “So few others understand what it’s like to care for the dead. Why would I drive away one of the only people that I--What have I done to make you feel this way?”
When you spoke, it felt as if you were doing it around a ball of spikes, “Nothing. You’ve done nothing.”
“Then why?” he pleaded. “If anything I want to spend more time with you, not less.”
Your whole body seemed to freeze. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I would be honored if you’d bestow upon me your company. Outside of work, that is. Let me prove to you that I am nothing like them.”
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dailyhypnos · 3 years
Hello. I'm in love with Hypnos, the lanky, weird, cloud-haired, Looney-Tunes-voiced twink from Hades (Supergiant Games, 2020).
This is a blog I've made to document and share all of the Hypnos dialogue (and dialogues about him) I found in Hades. That includes all forms of deaths and every special event I can find (I'm still missing some, like the 300th and 500th death milestones, or a Nyx dialogue I think). Not all of them include Zagreus' reply, depends on whether I found it funny or not. Don't ask more of me, this was terrible to organize already
If you find one that isn't listed, please tell me! I'd prefer if you told me the method so I could get it myself, instead of showing me the screenshot. EDIT: I accept screenshots now! I would like them in 1080p and taken from the game, not from a video. If you’re not sure I’ve posted it, just ask! It’s easy for me to check
INDEX - I will update this post with links
0 First times dying (I think)
1 Spike Trap 2 Dart Trap 3 Explosive urn
4 Wretched Thug 5 Numbskull 6 Wretched Lout 7 Wretched Witch 8 Wretched Pest 9 Wringer 10 Brimstone
11 Inferno Bomber 12 Wretched Sneak 13 Doomstone
14 Megaera 15 Alecto 16 Tisiphone
17 Magma and magma spout
18 Bloodless (white skeleton) 19 Bone-Raker (blue skeleton) 20 Wave-Maker (red skeleton) 21 Burn-Flinger (green bomber skeleton) 22 Slam-Dancer (purple bomber skeleton) 23 Gorgon 24 Skull-Crusher 25 Dracon 26 Spreader
27 Witches Circle 28 Barge of Death 29 Megagorgon  (You don't get anything new if you die to the Dire Skull-Crusher)
30 Bone Hydra
31 Phoenix Urn 32 Phalanx Statue 33 Archer Statue
34 Exalted Brightsword 35 Exalted Greatshield 36 Exalted Longspear 37 Exalted Strongbow 38 Flame Wheel (the small ones) 39 Nemean Chariot (the big ones) 40 Soul Catcher 41 Splitter
(I have some doubts here on which screenshots are which character, but anyway) 42 Asterius 43 Theseus *44 Asterius writing the autograph *45 Hypnos receiving the autograph
46 Falling Axe 47 Saw blades 48 Noxious gas 49 Bother 50 Crawler (also Tiny Vermin) 51 Gigantic Vermin 52 Satyr Cultist 53 Snakestone (All their Dire counterparts give the same messages)
54 Hades 55 Natural Causes 56 Charon 57 Exagryph (with the Daedalus Hammer upgrade Hazard Bomb, which makes its special able to damage Zagreus) 58 Dying before the 5th room 59 Dying of Tight Deadline (from the Pact of Punishment) 60 Dying X number of times
61 1st Nectar 62 2nd Nectar 63 3rd Nectar 64 4th Nectar 65 5th Nectar 66 6th Nectar 67 1st Ambrosia 68 2nd Ambrosia
OTHER DIALOGUES 69 Dusa and the line of shades 70 Hades and late reports 71 Nyx talks to Zagreus about Hypnos 72 First victory against Megaera 73 Your dad’s mad 74 Hades’ private chambers 75 Megaera receives advice 76 Thanatos and killing all the mortals 77 Divine chaise 78 Hypnos asks Megaera out 79 Dusa and the line of shades again 80 Megaera breakup 81 Megaera sulking in the lounge 82 Dusa and the line of shades, third time 83 Dusa talks to Zagreus about Hypnos 84 The Queen’s back 85 Zagreus’ new job 86 Thanatos reprimands 87 Thanatos warns 88 Hypnos speaks to Persephone 89 Thanatos gives advice about lists 90 Dusa is impressed 91 Thanatos congratulates 92 Zagreus and Thanatos talk about Hypnos 93 Hades congratulates 94 Thanatos apologizes 95 Hypnos is grateful (unlocks hearts) 96 Zagreus and Thanatos talk about Hypnos working better 97 Thanatos is proud 98 Hypnos’ portrait 99 Nyx doesn’t talk to Hypnos 100 The feast with the Olympians 101 Hypnos find out about Thanatos and Zagreus
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breakoutime · 4 years
Hades x (Neutral)Reader
Warning, nsfw!
Tags: Cockwarming, size kink, exibitionism? praise kink? (ask to tag pls)
Summary: Reader has been working hard for the house of Hades, and the master of the house has noticed and wants to reward them.
Authors note: Ok, VERYFIRST TIME writing smut, hopefully its good, or at least passable, english isnt my first language soooo yeah keep that in mind... P-please gimme feedback >///<
Your job at the House of the dead was a strange one. You weren't quite sure how to name it, but for now everyone referred to you as “The assistant”, you never really stayed in the same place for long, always being the one everyone called for help when a task was too much to handle. You have been assigned to Dusa to help with the cleaning, you’ve been working hard with the other shades inside the archive, you’ve been even assigned to stand by Achilles' side when the master of the house had visitors and considered some extra security was necessary. Dusa would always tell you how happy everyone was with your presence in the house, how helpful you’ve been, and how amazingly adaptable you were, having skills that allowed you to act and serve in all these different areas. Your face was quite often on the board at the Lounge, and it was obvious Hades himself was quite pleased with your performance. It was often that you would be called into his desk, to either give a report on your current task or to be praised for your hard work, which always left you inspired and happy for your next task.
You had to admit, your hard working attitude came not only for your passion for your work, but also for the passion you felt towards your master. You couldn't be quite sure when it started, it definitely wasn't there when you first arrived at the house. Hade´s was a rough man, cold, strict, serius. You would always hear him berate the others when their performance was not enough, often punishing them if their results were lacking. It was somewhere between Orpheus' punishment for refusing to sing, and when Zagreus started to openly fight back against his father, that you were called, alone, to Hades’ desk. Of course, at that time, you were anxious, wondering if even with your efforts, the master was disappointed in you and called to have you berated and punished, just like Orpheus was not so long ago, but no. Hades had specially called you simply to praise you, to say how, when so many of his workers, when even his own son was unable to handle his duties, you alone were there to support, cover and pull the needed effort and time to have the house working properly. You weren't able to suppress the smile in your face, or the tingling in your stomach as you heard the so often strict and stern master, praise your hard work for the whole house to hear. Slowly but surely you became obsessed with it. With working hard just to hear Hades himself telling you of your good work and how pleased he was with you. Soon you realized that those words did more than just kindle the fire of your hard work, but also left you warm with another kind of fire, one that burned between your legs. Now, everytime Hades praised you, you had to- no, you needed to take a short break to indulge yourself in that heat, to touch yourself and satisfy this burning need that arouse from you each time that booming, rough voice reverberated through your being, just to tell you how good you’ve been to this house, to him.
Today, you were hoping for such a praise, since you’ve been assigned to work at the archives, getting a lot of paperwork ready for Hades’ reviewing. This was your favorite thing to do, since the Lord was always so busy with paperwork at his desk, always reading and writing and filing, he never had anybody else there to help him with that particular part of the process, sure, at the archives many shades worked to get said paperwork ready for him, but no matter how hard you worked or how many shades he had at his disposal, he was always glued to his work, concentrated and dedicated, but also tired and slightly bored of the repetitive tasks he has at hand. There wasn't much you could do other than work hard and please him with your work, which immediately sent another jolt of heat through you. Of course, your stack of documents was done, which meant you now needed to personally deliver them to his desk. Your smile was proud and your face was slightly flushed from the heat you felt, feeling a bit too eager today to hear what your master had to say. Silently you wondered if it was noticeable, if the master knew that your enthusiastic work and demeanor came from these kinds of feelings, or even if the other people in the house knew. For a moment you thought how would Zagreus react, if he knew you had the hots for his father, but you quickly had to shake that thought and compose yourself, as you passed Achilles and walked straight up to Hades’s desk. 
As always, he was seated there, in his throne, reading attentively one of the many documents he had in his desk. One small part of you felt bad, because the stack of documents was considerably going to grow with the one you were holding, but sadly that stack was going to work either way. Patiently you waited, the stack was heavy but his desk was way too tall for you, and you already knew that interrupting him was never a good idea. If only you could float like Hypnos or Thanatos, or if you were taller, but just like the prince, your stature meant that you’d need some help to get up the desk. Soon, you saw Hades pick up his plume, signing one of the documents, a sign that he was done with his current one, and immediately you made your wade to his side, ready to hand the paperwork for when he stretched his arms to receive them. With a pleased hum, he acknowledged you, taking the stack of papers and thanking you in the process.
“Quick and efficient as always. Glad that there is someone here who never disappoints me.” You had to stifle a laugh, the comment was not only a praise to you but also a small insult to Hypnos, who was floating and sleeping soundly in the hallway in front of you two. 
“Now,” he said, tidying the new stack of documents before fully turning to you. “The house has been working quite efficiently lately, so i'm afraid there are few dignified chores left for someone of your skill and dedication...” That wasn't exactly a bad thing, sometimes you were given time off to rest, but there was something different about the way he spoke, the way he was looking at you. Anxiety started to build in you, and as you opened your mouth to say something, he simply raised his hand, stopping you. “Except one thing.” He moved, lowering his hand to your level. “Come here.” You could feel your heart hammering in your chest, your knees trembling, and cold drops of sweat falling from your brow. Was he really telling you to climb his hand? Nervously, you took a seat on it, allowing your master to raise you and place you comfortably in his lap. This was new, very new and confusing, you’ve never seen anyone have the honor of sitting on Hade's lap, but there you were, comfortable laying in one of his powerful thighs, staring up at him. Your master, who everyone respected and feared, who always made your very being burn was giving you this sort of treatment, of affection? His voice is lower this time, huskier, “Today I have a different task for you… A different kind of service that I need” His hand was on your back now, rubbing it gently. “One which will be quite pleasurable for you and for me.” You had been staring at him this whole time, looking at his eyes, his expression, which was something you’ve never seen before, desire was evident in his face. Desire for you. “I have made a concoction, to allow you to handle such a task-” he continued, now his other hand lifting his robes, exposing himself for you. You could not believe it. Your master wanted this from you, just as much as you wanted it from him. His size was massive, proportional to a man of his build and stature, you couldn't help but reach out, running your hand over it, how were you supposed to  please him? Even with your both hands you wouldn't be able to stroke him firmly, much less fit him inside of you- But your thoughts were interrupted by something uncorking. He did say something about a concoction, but how-
A small vial was in his hands, the liquid of which looked like nothing you had ever seen. It shifted in color, going from red to orange to green, it must have been made from Hades’ power. “Do not fear. Spread yourself for me, and I'll take care of the rest...” You didn't have to be told twice.  Breathing heavy, you allowed your master to pour that strange liquid into your entrance, which seemed to burn you in the most pleasurable way, making you let out soft pleased sounds. “It was about time we took some sort of break, so few of us take our work seriously...” gently, he applied pressure with his finger into your entrance, which to your surprise stretched without problem to fit his finger, coating your insides with the strange liquid as it went in. “And you are one of the bests of course.” His words were like honey, fueling the need inside you. “That's why I know only you will be up to this task….” He removed his finger, having your insides well coated and warm for his member. “I want you to keep me company, to keep me warm... While im at my desk today.” Your legs were shaking, but you knew what you had to do, he really didn't have to tell you. Bracing yourself against his chest, slowly you pressed your entrance into his member, even with the concoction, it took some effort, the tip slipping a couple of times before being able to get in. The stretch should have been painful, but all you could feel was pleasure, the burn of the strange liquid must have changed you, allowing you to take such size and not feel an ounce of pain. “Hmmmmm, go on now, get comfortable- Ah~!” Your master moaned when you started moving, the tightness of your hole breaking a small part of his determination to keep this quiet. You yourself weren't being quite quiet either, whimpers, moans and whines coming out of you as you slowly adjusted your tight grip on Lord Hades’ cock as you sank down, coming to a rest against him, now his member fully sheathed inside of you. Your Lord seemed to be taking a moment to compose himself while you simply slumped against him, your thighs twitching as your insides squeezed exquisitely around your master. In the back of your mind, you wondered if this was some sort of dream, one witch you’d never want to wake up from, but as Hades moved a document from the stack to be reviewed, one of his hands went for you, lifting you barely from his cock and pushing you down again, making him growl in satisfaction and you cry out in pleasure. “Absolutely perfect. Even now your performance is impeccable.” You couldn't really answer much to that, being a bit overwhelmed by this whole situation. “I was hoping to work while you kept me pleased, but you’ve demonstrated to be far more… stimulating than I thought.” He shifted you again, making you see stars and your insides to tremble. “But It hardly matters, this just means my paper work can wait....” He looked hungry at you, even more so, now holding you with both hands with the clear intention of focusing on you. “Now I’ll have to work on giving us both a reward for working so hard.”
With that, he started really moving you, pounding at you slowly and gently at first, but quickly picking up pace and intensity. Your screams of pleasure practically echoed in the house, you were unable to repress them, far too gone in the pleasure to care. “That's it, L-let everyone know your price- your pleasure!” He boomed on top of you, now lifting you up to lay on the desk as he stood and pounded away at you. “Let this be an example for everyone- Only the best can get this from me” Hades growls and loudly proclaims on top of you now, his movements so fanatic you can't understand how you havent came ten times by now, but the ecstasy you felt right now was more than worth it. You couldn't help but look around, now laying in said desk you had vision of Hypnos, who clearly had woken up and was openly staring with both of his hands over his mouth, a deep flush evident in his face, and achilles, who clearly was looking away, red and ashamed of being in proximity of such an act, and of course, many shades where looking, some even cheering at the expectable, even with the little features they had, you could see a pang of envy on them, which only fueled your pleasure. With a mighty grunt, he slammed deep inside of you, filling your insides with his seed, which was all you needed to break and finally cum yourself, blacking out for a second, over the overwhelming wave of pleasure he had just given you, that delicious burn his liquid gave you coming back with vengeance, making you ride your orgasm with that pleasure too, leaving you utterly spent and satisfied. Maybe it was that same liquid which made your orgasm wait, so that you could reach it with master Hades. 
Now, with both of you panting, he gently pulls out of you, covering himself again and using a clan rag on one of his drawers to help you clean up. The adoration in your face must have been evident, since the look he gave you was both gentle and smug. “I’ll leave you to rest in my quarters, but once I'm finished with this paperwork, I'll join you one more there, I won't be long.” With that, he picked you up and carried you to his room, just in time for zagreus to rise from the river, shooting you a questioning look as he saw his father carry you away. You were far too tired to care, really, the only thing that mattered now was the fact that Lord Hades himself was laying you on his bed, where he would surely instruct you to pleasure him, now in private. Curling up. you knew you needed some rest if you wanted, like always, to give your very best for the task.
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pupkou · 1 year
✧ Blood and Darkness ✧
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✦ Zagreus (Hades 2018) x Gender Neutral Reader. ✦ Warnings: slight mentions of gore (no details; in the game, Zagreus is killed over and over and is often covered in blood), head injury (reader is hurt, non-fatally, and is knocked out by hitting their head), mentions of Zagreus’ sexual escapades (no descriptions), reader is a servant of the house of Hades and is described as a shade, no smut (😞)... yet (😏). ✦ Word Count: 2.2K. ✦ Read on AO3. ✦ Part 1 / ?
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You've heard rumors about Hades' son.
They say he's not in possession of a particularly impressive stature; he's of average height, with dark hair, and he's quite thin, really, for a God. That's what he is, after all, just a God of the Underworld. One of many. And one who looks like he's not indulging himself in ambrosia and nectar as much as he should be at that, it almost seems like he's ungrateful for all the blessings and curses that come along with being the Prince of the Underworld.
They describe him as far smaller and more pathetic than Achilles, their blush showing on their ghostly complexions as they describe how his hair is cropped close to his neck and black and unflowing, not at all like the golden locks that fall around Achilles' nape.
Oh, Achilles, why must you torture us with your divine beauty and arrogant sneer? We know our ghastly, hellish faces are unworthy of your gaze, but a small, simple kindness-- in the form of a smile from your handsome face-- would satisfy us for eternities to come. By Achilles, by Thetis, and by Zeus, please let him stroll by and be pleased by something enough to smile for us, even if his pleasure comes from our misery. Surely, one of us can think of something to poke fun at Hector... much like the spear of Achilles' poked at his neck... surely so, surely so...
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They... say a lot of things, but they always call him Zagreus, which means 'great hunter'. But by the rumors you've heard, it... doesn't seem like Zagreus' name fits him very well. In Tartarus' maze, everything becomes prey to those that inhabit the different levels of death and despair that come before you feel the sun's warm embrace, or so you've heard. You've never actually felt the sun, but you have heard Achilles brag about it to Hades, reminding the king of his very eventful life on earth. The sun doesn't reach this far down, though, and is unable to illuminate the depths of Hades' realm or comfort those who call it home. Here, predators lurk around every moss-covered turn, under every magma-concealing rock, behind every skullified hero's dug-up grave, and even amongst the distinguished guests that frequent the house of Hades.
From the whispers you've strained to hear, it seems like Zagreus wants out of this place-- the Underworld, that is. The shades, your main source of information on Zagreus and the other residents of the house, love to gossip, and they say he's still not been successful in escaping the darkness that has consumed him since he was born. Some root for him, hoping that one day his laurels will know what it feels like to soak in the blazing sun like the blessed olive trees they were harvested from, while others laugh at his failure, joining Hypnos' chorus of dramatic mocking, when they see him rise from the blood once again.
He's always covered in it, head to toe, deep red and maroon coating his limbs and soaking from his limbs as if it were his own. Much of it is, considering the amount of times he's died, but that doesn't make it any less pitiful to see the Prince rise from the fluid of life (and death), unrelenting in his attempts to escape his home. He'd hardly call it that, of course, as you've heard him say as he climbs the marble steps leading from the pool of blood, wiping his glowing feet on the carpet that you think was one of Arachne's (hence its purpose being for Zagreus to wipe his bloody feet on.)
The thing about marble-- what the house of Hades is made out of-- is that it doesn't absorb sound in the slightest. It's a curse for embarrassed shades trying to quietly explain how they arrived in Tartarus early because their pet goat rammed them in the stomach, but a blessing for beings like you who get most of their daily excitement from the things that they hear refracted off of the cool stone walls.
Marble also doesn't quickly absorb any liquid poured onto its surface, despite being a porous stone, which means that you, one of the poor shades tasked with cleaning, have a lot of work to do. Guests in the house get rowdy at the kitchen bar sometimes, drinking too much ambrosia and leaving various liquids behind. Sometimes water from the river Styx drips from cracks in the ceiling, pooling and causing problems for anyone whose flesh comes in contact with the liquid. And on the worst days, the most stubborn of fluid comes in contact with the objects you're in charge of keeping tidy.
One of Cerberus' heads is a particularly messy eater, which means that sometimes droplets of blood from a cut of meat (or carcass) he's eating are flung onto precious objects. Another guest, who is said to be armed with a barbed whip, has been said to make her victims cry blood on occasion, staining the good dinner napkins and frustrating you profusely. But by far, the being who makes the worst, bloody messes, is Zagreus himself.
Despite him wiping his feet on the carpet and despite your polite suggestion to him-- a sheet for him to dry off with laid over the marble railing, Zagreus continuously trails blood all over the house. And it doesn't help that the Prince behaves like a dog, prodding at his ears when they're clogged with blood and scratching at his head to dislodge it from his scalp. He's even shook like a filthy mutt before, letting drops of blood fly from his dark hair and unknowingly creating hours of cleanup for you. You've always been forgiving, though, considering that for one, you don't have much of a choice, and two, that you've never actually spoken to Zagreus in all of your years working for the house. You've heard his name boomed in anger from Hades' decision chamber, whispered by a loose-lipped shade with an audience to entertain, and uttered during more private affairs when you shouldn't have been pressing an ear to the dark wood of his bedchamber.
But things happen. And you've never met him, so you don't feel too bad or worry too much about ever being in his presence. He's always gone anyway, wooing an undead maiden when he's not fighting to flee the house, you presume. So when you enter his bedroom dust off his belongings and collect his blood and gut soiled robes, you pay little attention to your surroundings.
You've been in his sleeping chambers many times since you've been trusted with entry, something the other cleaning shades consider a privilege. You scoff at the idea that cleaning up the Prince's dirty laundry, various collected knickknacks, and... bodily fluids is at all a privilege, but you do as you're told anyway because admittedly, it is interesting to be provided with such an intimate view of someone you've never met. There's so much to be told by someone's bedroom, or in Zagreus' case, the state of someone's sheets (his always are in various stages of disarray from his frequent activities held within the bedchamber), and you don't at all mind the exclusive perspective on the Prince.
You do, however, mind that he tracks blood everywhere. Usually, you're more aware of it, considering how much of your life you spend cleaning it up, but this time, you're not so lucky as to notice its presence. Abnormally, the carpet that cushions the foot of Zagreus' bed is kicked up in one spot so that when you move to straighten the books on his bookshelf, not only do you trip on the carpet, but you slip in a pool of blood, streaking it across the tile as you fall hard onto the floor. The force with which your head hits the hard, stone floor would surely have killed you had you not died ages ago, but in this extended lifetime, all it does is send the lower half of your body into the bookshelf's feet, knocking books, scrolls, and what are surely precious artifacts from Zagreus' journeys flying to the floor in a great crash that shakes and echoes through the room.
Although you're thoroughly disoriented and on the verge of passing out, you still hear a gravelly, skeletal voice in the distance say, "Maybe you'd better investigate that, boyo. Unless you don't got the guts! I sure don't! Ha ha ha!" before your eyes close and your mind descends to darkness.
Rest, even when injury is involved, is rare for a servant of Hades like you, and it feels like only a moment has passed before your eyes are opening again, drowsy and weak as the lids flutter open. While you can't quite understand why yet, you notice that you're lying on a bed softer than a cloud and warmer than the sun (as you imagine it), and that soft voices are speaking in hushed tones nearby. One is older than the other, and commands the other to be more quiet as he worries, as though he's fretting about you.
Your sight comes back to you gradually, and you see that a red blanket with golden lining is draped over your legs and midsection comfortably, keeping you warm and still as the shocks of the pain from your head pulse through your body. Your neck hurts too, but it retains just enough of its strength that you're able to lift your hurting head and see the two forms hovering at the bedside, far enough to indicate that they were worried you might spring up like an undead warrior looking for revenge, but concerned enough that they needed to stay close.
The one on the left, who's farther from you, is a reanimated human's skeleton. A Bloodless, as they're called, was once a mortal warrior that did not receive a proper burial, and is now forced to roam the Underworld aimlessly, looking for a fight that might bring them eternal peace. It's a foolish game to play, of course, as all wise men know that no war will ever bring peace. This Bloodless doesn't seem mindless like the others though, and is able to make eye contact with his bright red irises, although he seems uncomfortable doing so. He looks at his partner when you meet his gaze.
His partner stands closer to you, his face full of concern as it points at you, studying you. He's not very tall, but he's muscular as if he uses his body more than the average God trapped in Tartarus for all of eternity, and the half of his torso that's revealed lacks scarring-- in the dimness of the room, it's almost like his skin is glowing faintly. His face is kind and handsome, unlike anyone you've ever seen before. On top of his short, dark hair rests a loop of multi-colored laurels whose crimson color fades into red, which fades into copper, which fades into gold.
It sits on his head like a crown, much like the dark-haired child in the portrait of Cerberus that hangs in the great hall wore, you think. Identical to it, even. You've never actually stopped to read the plaque that hangs beneath the masterpiece, so you're not sure who the child or his companions are or what their names could be-- you just know that he is of the utmost importance to Hades considering he is the center of a few artistic representations, which Hades isn't often fond of. But before you can begin your quest to discover the identity of the child in the portrait, he speaks.
"Hello, dear friend," he says softly. "Can you hear me?"
You swallow, hoping your voice still works, and say, "Yes."
"Woah! This one's got no respect for royalty! They just employ any- body these days! Ha!" the Bloodless jokes, elbowing his partner in the ribs humorously. Unfortunately for him, his partner doesn't laugh, he just keeps his attention steady on you, his heterochromatic eyes caring as they watch you. In any other case, he would push the Bloodless over and reduce him (temporarily) to a scattered pile of bones, but there are things more important to worry about than someone’s mistimed joke. 
At the skeleton’s words, your stomach drops as all the blood rushes to your head all at once, and your heart starts beating so hard you can hear it in your ears, a pounding rhythm usually reserved for life-or-death situations. Suddenly, the room becomes familiar again-- the picture frames you've dusted and the knickknacks you've arranged and the blankets you've straightened thousands of times become clear to you.
You're in Zagreus' bedroom.
Prince Zagreus' bedroom.
And you're lying in his bed.
And the man, who was once a baby with a crown of laurels forced (by magic) to sit still for a portrait, is right in front of you.
The one person in the house of Hades who you've never come in contact with is standing at your bedside because you slipped in his blood.
You are so extremely damned. Somehow, even more than the first time you got damned to Tartarus for all eternity.
Blood and darkness.
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tagging people I think might like this <3
@vampireloverz @allright @transchainsawman @moonsong1027 <3
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
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Thanks for a great year everyone!
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#you really think these men have game after fighting everyday for 4 years?
My Top Posts in 2021
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wolf keum because his half-lidded look makes me fucking nuts 🤪🤪🤪 
63 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 02:49:23 GMT
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“KEUM”  wolf keum inspired by junji ito’s snow white 
85 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 02:08:20 GMT
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WOLF KEUM - negative space [ref- cha eunwoo]
88 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 09:24:50 GMT
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See the full post
94 notes • Posted 2021-08-11 05:13:58 GMT
eternally, infernally
Summary:  You are stuck between life and death. You encounter Zagreus, a godling residing only in life and death. Gift for breadsticker on ao3.
Genre: Romance, Angst
Date: 7/11/2021
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When the names of Olympians and Cthonics are whispered among mortals, it is never done without awe, never spoken about without at least an inkling of fear.
Among the endlessly changing realm of worldly beings some may sing praises for the holy golden palace of Zeus, or recoil in fear at Hade’s trenches, where the good go for rebirthing and the sinful go to rot.
Some may have heard of the lovely Persephone’s garden, boundless with ripened fruit and blossoms in abundant glory across green fields of crops, life laying just beyond the creeping vines of the Underworld’s seeping darkness.
However, these are not places you’ve been acquainted with.
Somewhere beyond that fertile land, there is a cold, solitary mountain embedded between eternal night and day.
Among the boundary of the living and the deceased, there is a reigning world in which an everlasting twilight meets the dying breath of a raging snowstorm. Beyond the cliff lies a vast sea, stretching beyond the naked eye and further still. It swallows the horizon with lulls of ebbing tides, rippling gleams of yellow, orange, and red painting the snowy landscape a deceivingly warm shade of pink.
It is here that time lies nearly stagnant, wedged between the frozen pines, shadows falling stiflingly still.
It is here that you’ve made your home for the time being, whether it be a day, an hour, or a few seconds; peering out over the stirring sea.
Coming upon you, Zagreus recognizes your situation immediately.
Although your body held the iridescent glow of a shade, you retained the shape of what was once your mortal shell.
Just like these mountains, you were a product of time at a standstill. Not quite alive, not quite dead, not quite in purgatory, though some may consider it so.
You hear his footsteps crunching in the soft snow long before he stops behind you.
“Zagreus.” You greet, but do not look to him. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
He pauses, though the rushing sound of the water easily fills that silence.
How did you know him? Well, he supposed that was a silly question. Nearly all the shades in the Underworld understood the identities and purposes of the Cthonics, demigod or not, because of trepidation, because of veneration, because of pious upbringings.
“I may ask the same. What business does a wayward traveler such as yourself have, settling so close to the mouth of the Underworld?”
After his mother had returned to the House of Hades, his many trips to the surface had been mostly to tend to her garden.
Although the task had become ritual to him, he hadn’t ever the chance to garner company, especially company as peculiar as yourself.
Your eyes do not stray from the push and pull of the waters far below, trails of spiraling seafoam hypnotic.
“I have lost much, Zagreus, but I have not lost hope.”
Though it is hardly the time to laugh, he finds himself chuckling anyways. “How very morbid of you.”
Turning away from the scene, you meet his eyes for the first time. True to word of legends, the beauty of both gods and demigods are unparalleled, but you dare not reveal this.
Godlings, with the empathy of the mundane and the instincts of the divine, need no such verbal cues.
And surely, Zagreus does not need words to understand.
He thinks to himself, on this peculiar day, shrouded by a light flurry, perhaps his mother’s garden can wait a bit longer. Perhaps the pain in his body will slow on this infernal mountain, and perhaps the River Styx will claim him later rather than sooner.
He ventures to ask, “May I take a seat?”
See the full post
127 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 22:48:29 GMT
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
Thanatos x Zagreus | M | Chapter 1 | AO3
Thanatos didn’t notice his body forming until he felt itchy for the first time. It was a curiously human sensation, as was scratching the itch with fingernails he did not know he had, though he never managed anything so uncouth as sneezing or yawning. He thinks the hood was there first before his head to fill it, but he isn’t sure. What he knows is that his body reflects his purpose, and it reflects how the mortals think of him: Terrifying.
He is taller than their greatest warriors, powerfully and needlessly muscular. His face is gaunt, hard, empty of pity. He does not have laugh lines as their elderly do, so despite his lifeless and bloodless skin, he is relatively youthful in their eyes. Those who perceive Death’s physical form are under no misapprehensions that they could possibly overpower him. They cannot, though this has nothing to do with his muscled body or fearsome expression.
Thanatos does not know how much of himself was shaped by their beliefs and how much was shaped from his own; he is not even certain when he began to know his own face, and whether that knowledge locked it into its current mold, but it does not matter. With a human body came other facets of humanity, and Thanatos is no longer merely an immutable fact of nature; he is also a man.  
Zagreus is the only god of the Underworld who was born fully in his body, even if he was dead at the time. He is more human than any of them with his red blood and propensity for dying, always dying, his shade calling out to Thanatos before it remembers it already knows the way home. He is noisy and purposeless and spoiled in a way no god of the Underworld has been spoiled before, and he doesn’t even know it. He strives in a place where there is no need to strive, there is nothing to strive for. He seems to fight his very nature, and that is as human as it gets.
It is his influence, Thanatos thinks, that taught him irritation. That emotion was easy to understand, the mental equivalent of itching, most frequently caused by Hypnos. And it is Zagreus’s influence, Thanatos thinks, that taught him to sense humor in things. This one is harder to describe, where it comes from, why it happens. There was no laughter in the House of Hades before Zagreus, and now there is, still mostly from Zagreus himself. Thanatos did not have a laugh for most of his existence, and now he does, and when he utilizes it, Zagreus smiles as big and brightly as he can. Thanatos experienced a new feeling then, delight, he thinks. He once considered laughter a strange and loud quirk of humanity, but now when he hears it in the world up above, he is satisfied, knowing what the mortals must be feeling.
Before Zagreus, Thanatos never considered what his feet were doing—he had never even noticed if he was standing or hovering until Zagreus complained about him looming over him. He had never considered whether his hair, unwittingly grown, held any value until Zagreus commented on it after he had cut it. He had never wondered whether he was attractive or not. Not until Zagreus. The dead have no need for mirrors, but Thanatos had stood in front of one on the surface and wondered what Zagreus saw when he looked at him.
Read the rest here!
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 years
Hear me out hear me out… Achilles and Patroclus x reader 😳 just two husbands reuniting with their third
Covered in stardust.
Achilles x Patroclus x male!reader
Word count: 3.2
Warning: implied sexuality and non-sexual intimacy, talk of war, death.
Notes: hey, thank you so much for your patience! I hope you guys like this! I never wrote a poly fic before so I hope I did it right! 
It starts as it always does.
With a single spark.
You stared out at the gentle beauty of Elysium and wondered what the exact amount of oil it would take to burn it all down. 
Unable to bear the sight of it, you turned away with a sigh. 
Only to hear quick footsteps heading your way. 
You looked down from your perch on a large boulder and blinked in surprise. A young man was staring up at you, burnt footsteps trailed behind him. A very faint red aura followed him as well. You and him stared each other down for a long moment, taking in the sight. 
“Wait-“ he spoke, pointing a finger at you. His brow was furrow and he stepped closer. “I think I know who you are.”
You said nothing, only raising an eyebrow. You haven’t spoken in years and you won't start now.
“You were one of the greatest strategists to ever live!” He beamed at you, putting his hand on his hip, his sword on his shoulder. 
For a moment, a single moment but you didn’t see the dark hair man before you but one with bright blue eyes and an easy grin.
“I didn’t realize you would be here. But I am glad to finally meet you.” He said, pulling you back. You scoffed but it seemed the young man didn’t need a single word from you. 
“My name is Zagreus.” He said.
The prince. Of course. You have heard about him, even seen faint trails of smoke from the battlefields. Lord Hades had put out an order to all capable shades to put a stop to the prince’s ransacking of his domain.
You had decided to ignore it.   
When you continued to stay silent, Zagreus frowned and stepped back. “Sorry for bothering you, sir.” 
You only shrugged and turned away, listening to his footsteps fade away. 
The memory lingered, and for a second you thought you felt an arm around your waist, dark eyes glancing up at you. A soft smile to contrast the bright smile.
Moon and sun, forever in obit with each other. And far from your reach. 
You covered your face with a trembling hand.
Fool. God damn fool
You landed on your back against the ground and you stared up at Patroclus in shock. 
From his place on the log, Achilles tossed his head back and laughed. 
You scoffed and tried to jerk away but Patroclus had you pinned under him.  Patroclus moved your wrists above your head, holding them easily in his hands. He smirked down at you, his dark eyes sparkling in amusement and you scowled at him past your blush. 
You rolled your head to look at Achilles who was flushed from the wine and the heat of the campfire. He grinned at you, and rested his chin on his palm. He looked far too pleased with the current events. 
“What have you been teaching him, Achilles?” You snapped, embarrassment warming even the tips of your ears. You used to be the one who won the fights against Patroclus and you always lost to Achilles. 
It was how it always went. Even when all three of you were young boys under Chiron’s care. 
Now something had changed, Patroclus had won. And you were the one in the dirt. 
Achilles blinked, then slowly his grin turned into a smirk and he stood up. “Would you like to know?” 
You blinked, your blush becoming worse and tried to think of something to say to that. You heard a soft chuckle from Patroclus, “Be nice, Achilles.” 
With careful steps in the grass, he made his way over to you and Patroclus. He glowed in the firelight, his golden hair spilling over his shoulder as he kneeled beside you.
Your heart raced at the look he gave you then he looked at Patroclus, his face softening. There was a moment of silence between the two, words you swore you could almost hear.
Something in the air grew thick and heady but you didn’t understand. Was too scared to understand.
Then Patroclus leaned down, his dark hair brushing your cheek. You swallowed, unable to look away from him. Achilles was eye-catching but gods, Patroclus was always just as beautiful to you. He was the moonlight to Achilles’ sunlight. 
His eyes were dark, darker than void and you felt so exposed. 
“Patroclus.” Your voice came out as a cracked whisper. 
His lips found yours and you gasped against his mouth. His lips moved against your, the kiss gentle and chaste but you felt like you were burning alive. You returned the kiss, keeping the pressure just as gentle.
You heard a faint sigh from Achilles, it sounded almost worshipful. Like a man getting his first drink of water.
The kiss between you and Patroclus broke, and you stared up at him. Patroclus smiled and one of his hands slid up to interlaced with your fingers. You knew he could feel how badly you were trembling. 
Then Achilles took your other hand, copying Patroclus. You looked toward him and  he leaned down as well.
Where Patroclus’ kiss had been coaxing, Achilles’ kiss was claiming. Sharp and hot like the sun. His other hand tangled in your hair, moving your head enough to deepen the kiss. You whimpered and tried to meet Achilles but all you could was tighten your hold on their hands, and try not to lose yourself. 
In the firelight, the stars found each other, three pieces becoming whole. 
Zagreus had found you again. 
Only this time, he was bloody and moving more slowly.  You frowned with a flicker of concern in your chest. Zagreus offered you a weak grin, and slumped against the boulder. He slided down, closing his eyes.
“I have to ask for more of your forgiveness.” He said, trying to sound jovial. “I just need a moment of rest and I will be on my way.” 
You moved so you could better stare down at him. Not only did he look more beat up, he also had a different aura, a soft pink this time. 
“Your aura is different.” You said, voice rough from the lack of speaking for… years? Centuries? You didn’t even know. 
Zagreus jerked in surprise then his smile came out in full force on his bloody face. “So, you do talk!” With a grunt, he twisted and looked up at you. “And yes, this time I have been blessed by Aphrodite. Ah, but I am not quite as skilled with her gifts.”
Goddess of love. You almost said her blessings may be more of a curse but you held your tongue. There was a chance the goddess might hear your unkind words. 
You stared down at the young man, even bloody and pitiful as he looked right now, there was a determination burning in him. 
Two sets of eyes, dark and blue, stared up at you. Young and beautiful and ready for anything.
“Tell me about what she gifted you with.” You ordered him.
“Wait, are you really going to help me?” Zagreus asked.
“If you don’t wish for my help-“ you said but was interrupted by a head shake from Zagreus.  
“No, please. I can use all the help I can get.” Zagreus stood, and squared his shoulders. He looked like a prince once more. 
Quickly as he could, he began telling you everything. You listened, chess pieces moving in your mind once more. It felt good. 
You felt like yourself for the first time in a long time.
You stared up at the tent’s roof, and felt a pang of homesickness. It had been only two years of this damn war and you were ready to take Achilles and Patroclus and run away from all this.
But, you thought with a twist of your mouth, it didn’t work the first time. 
Patroclus was asleep, his head on your shoulders, facing away from you. His legs tangled with yours. His hand on Achilles’ chest as if he needed reassurance that Achilles was still alive even in his sleep. Maybe that was what prompted Achilles to speak up.
“I didn’t mean to.” He said softly, his blue eyes on Patroclus’ exhausted face then he looked at you.
It was a shared trait you and Achiles had, making Patroclus worry even without meaning to. Without Patroclus, you and Achilles were more like flames. Self destructive to the point of ruin. 
Today was a good example of that. Thank gods for Patroclus.
“I didn’t exactly help matters.” You whispered, holding that beautiful sky blue gaze over Patroclus’ head. Achilles gave a small crooked smile then it dropped. 
“I wish we never left Chiron’s.” He whispered bitterly. “We were so happy there.” 
Careful as not to wake Patroclus, you held out your hand and Achilles reached for you, interlacing his fingers with yours. You gave it a squeeze. 
“We will all return someday, I promise.” You told him, glancing at Patroclus. You felt the rage in you soften just a bit. 
Achilles was quiet, his own eyes were Patroclus as well. Then he returned the squeeze, prompting you to look at him. His face was unusually serious, his mouth thinned. 
“Promise me this instead, if anything happens to me, you will take care of Patroclus.” Achilles said. 
You opened your mouth to argue but he squeezed your hand again. “Just please. I know you don’t think the prophecy is real or that there is a way around it and maybe there is. But just in case there isn't, let me have some peace and tell me that you and he will take care of each other.” 
You swallowed, “Achilles. You know you don’t have to ask me or Patroclus that.” 
Achilles nodded, his mouth still tight. You knew he needed to hear it.
“I will die before I let anything happen to him. I will make sure he will never go without. Do you understand me?” You said, and Achilles’ face relaxed, and he looked so much like that beautiful boy you remembered that it made your chest ache. 
“Thank you.” Achilles whispered, leaning over and pressing a kiss against your fingers. His other hand covered Patroclus’. “Thank you.”
This time Zagreus had cuts on his arm but he looked far better. His steps were much faster than you remembered and thought, ‘Good. He took my words into consideration.’
This time, a golden aura followed him. Something about the darkness of his hair among the gold made your throat tighten. 
Zagreus gave you a nervous grin and you narrowed your eyes at him. You waited for him to speak first. 
He cleared his throat, “I just want to say thanks.” 
You were quiet for a moment, fingers tapping your knee. “But?” You said when Zagreus said nothing else.
He took a deep breath. “Good sir, I must ask you this. Does the name Patroclus mean anything to you?”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t realize that Zagreus would even know him, let alone say his name to you. 
“Or Achilles?” He added hopefully.
“Leave.” You ordered harshly. “Now.”
“But I just want to-“
Patroclus dabbed at your stitched up wound with a damp cloth. His dark hair pulled away from his face in a ponytail. And if you weren’t in such pain right now, you would lean over to kiss and nip at his neck. 
You glanced down at your ribcage, where the arrow had previously buried itself into your flesh. It was the skilled hands of Patroclus that had taken it out without too much damage. 
“Achilles told me what you did.” He said quietly. His tone was carefully neutral but you winced. You knew that tone just as well Achilles did, you were in trouble.
“He is a tattletale.” You tried to joke but the cool look Patroclus shot you made you quiet down. You sighed, and looked away. Patroclus’s hand cupped your cheek and turned you back to him. 
His face softened, the candlelight danced on his face. The darkness of his eyes still made you feel so exposed and even years later, it still made your cheeks warm. 
“You can’t keep getting hurt like this.” Patroclus said, “You are so brilliant and you try to save everyone but yourself. Why do you think you are an acceptable loss?”  
You took a sharp -and painful- breath, you weren’t expecting such words from him. Then you slumped, Achilles would rage and even break stuff to show his emotions, unable to find the words. Patroclus had always been able to cut straight to the heart. Really, you shouldn't be so surprised.
“Because if you and Achilles are alive and safe, then it is worth it.” You said quietly. Patroclus was quiet then leaned forward to pressed his forehead against yours. 
“Not to us, it isn’t. Your life is worth more than you know.” Patroclus said, his voice breaking. “We thought…”
“I’m sorry.” You said, reaching up to cup the back of his neck. The feeling of his pulse against your fingertip calmed you down. You and him lingered there, then the tent flap opened and Achilles stepped in. 
He looked beaten down but upon seeing you and Patroclus, he smiled.
He tossed his helmet aside and came over. You and Patroclus opened an arm toward him, wrapping around him when he was close enough. 
Unable to help yourself, you spoke up. “You got me in trouble with Patroclus.” 
Patroclus sighed, “Really?” and Achilles chucked, “Revenge for telling him about what I said to Odysseus’ face.”
You scoffed at him. It took a few minutes, between Achilles getting undressed and your wound, but eventually all three of you found a comfortable spot in bed together. 
Patroclus blew out the candle and rejoined by your side. Achilles was already asleep on your other side, his mouth pressed against your shoulder. Patroclus kissed your cheek before he settled next to you, being careful of your injury. 
Sleep didn’t come for you yet, even bone tired as you were. Holding these two men, loving them felt like the most natural thing in the world to you. 
You closed your eyes as guilt welled up in you again. If something happened to Patroclus, you and Achilles would burn each other alive. And it was impossible to imagine Patroclus without Achilles, it would be like a sunrise with no sun. 
 If you could just keep them both alive, prophecy be damn, then it will be alright. 
Because if something had to be sacrificed then wouldn’t it be better that it was you? 
You would give everything up for them.
Even your own life.
“I don’t care if you are mad at me, sir. You are going to let me talk.” Zagreus announced when he came to your spot again. You glared at him, and he wilted just a little. 
Then in a stubborn jut of his jaw that made you want to laugh because you have seen that same look on Achilles’ face before, he actually tried to climb the boulder.
Because you were a petty bastard, you used a single finger on his forehead to push him back down. Only to Zagreus to grab your wrist and pull you down with him. 
You grunted and shoved him away as you picked yourself up off the ground. You dusted yourself off then grabbed him by his tunic when he got up. 
“What exactly were you thinking?” You snapped and Zagreus met your glare head on. 
“What I am thinking is that I see three people who all desperately miss each other but won’t talk to each other. And I don’t understand why!” Zagreus yelled and he looked nearly ready to cry. “I mean I understand what it's like to have two people out of reach because of your own mistakes but at least I try damnit!”
Zagrues panted harshly as you stared in shock. Your hands loosen enough to let him take a step back. You watched him straighten his tunic and Zagreus sighed.
“I have a message for you.” Zagreus said. “Are you going to listen to me?”
You wanted to turn away and maybe go drown yourself in the river Lethe and forget you ever existed. But that would mean also forgetting Patroclus and Achilles. You couldn’t do that even if you wanted to.
“Yes.” You said quietly. 
“Patroclus told me to tell you and Achilles the same thing. ‘To risk it all.’” Zagreus said just as quietly. 
Of course, it was Patroclus. Always straight to the heart. 
“I don’t know everything about what happened, but I do know they miss you.” Zagreus said, “I know Sir Achilles always looks so sad when I talk about you and Patroclus. I saw the same look on Patroclus’s face too. And right now, I see it on your face.” 
“I thought I was doing the right thing.” You told him, “I let my own arrogance lead me to ruin.” 
“Arrogance or love?” Zagreus countered. “Because from what I heard about you, you sounded like you were trying to save everyone. Everyone but yourself.” 
Your mouth clink shut, then you smiled faintly. “Patroclus?” You asked. 
“Achilles, sir. I think you should talk to them.” Zagreus said.
You nodded, a knot forming your throat. “Thank you.”
“You can thank me after you talk to them.” 
You had your back on Achilles’ chest, Patroclus in your arms as all three stared into the campfire. The moon was full in the sky, the Milky Way bright and gleaming.
“So, all three of us?” Achilles said and you heard the hopeful tone in his voice. He sounded so young to you. His hand found yours and the other found Patroclus’.
Patroclus looked up at you and him, his dark eyes thoughtful and beautiful. Then he took your other hand, connecting the loop. Patroclus didn’t have to say anything, you and Achilles already knew his answer 
You were quiet for a moment. You tried to imagine never knowing them but it would be like looking up to the sky and never seeing the moon or the sun or the stars.
To know them, to love them was something so infinite you thought maybe you always did. 
“All three of us.” You agreed. The simple words settled into your very being, and weaved into the tapestry of fate.
You stood on the path, unable to take a step forward. You heard the sound of running water, gentle and sweet among the greenery.
You tried to listen for a familiar voice, or a laugh but all there was silence. You were used to silence, even took comfort in it. Or used to. Now you might give up your limbs to have a familiar voice guide you. 
You took another step forward then another. If nothing else, you might as well keep moving forward.
It was only when you saw the path change just ever so slightly, when the running water got louder that hope grew in you. When you turned around the corner, you froze.
The whole area was filled with light, and the river Lethe flowed through. It was a beautiful place but that wasn’t what caught your attention.
Two people stood holding each other, one golden and bright and the dark and beautiful. They looked like a painting. Unreal and untouchable. And you suddenly took a step back, stepping on a nosy leaf. 
Achilles and Patroclus both looked up, their faces hopeful. Gods, they looked as beautiful as you remembered.
“It’s you.” Achilles said, a smile blooming on his face. Patroclus was quiet, but you saw his nervousness and hopefulness. It was a mirror of your own face. 
“It’s me.” You said softly. 
It was Patroclus who took the first step toward you then he hurried to you, Achilles but a step behind. You met them in the middle, arms wrapping around each and it was impossible to tell who was who. 
It was Achilles who kissed you first then Patroclus who kissed you afterwards. 
You laughed with them, meeting them again and again.
You felt whole. 
Like the universe had returned to as it should be. 
And you were home again. 
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I accidentally made this a Zagreus x the one shade who cheers him on, my b. 
Tried a new writing style for this one, so let me know what you think!
Shades of all manner wander the dead world. Tall shades, short shades, leery shades, reckless shades, shades who took their work too seriously, shades who only the instilled fear of Hades’ wrath could be motivated into working. Zagreus made it a point to talk to them often - who better to know the world above than those who once wandered it? - but some did start to blur together. 
Elysium shades held some advantage in that having limited experience with them, Prince Zagreus’s curious nature brought them to his attention but their own mannerisms did fray what patience he had for them. Heroes did often make the most self-absorbed of undead denizens. Too foolhardy to recognize their arrogance, too insecure to be dried of attention. 
In this, the shy shade who cheered him subtly, who flew a home-made banner with off-stitching around the lightly unorganized symbol meant to represent him caught his attention in more ways than one. The little dash of red had stood out in a sea of greens. Zagreus found it to be charming in a spiteful sense; a good knock at the ego of Theseus. With time, and each dedicated victory to the shade behind it, the prince found himself seeking out their quiet form amongst the crowds at the start of every fight until at last the determination to speak to them outside the ring drove him to seek them out. At minimum they deserved his thanks in person, and at minimum his curiosity for who the one Elysian soul who cheered him required sating. 
He approaches them directly - no point in dancing around them waiting for them to come to him - and greets them warmly. “If it isn’t my favorite shade? Nice to finally meet you without having to cross any swords.” 
What Zagreus does not realize is that he has the smile that rivals the warmth of the Underworld’s undead sun, perhaps even that of the living realms. Or that his presence, friendly and intimidating and majestic even can be quite overwhelming for the quiet types. It’s a miracle the shade doesn’t faint then and there. 
Shyness is not a quality found in Elysium often. Warriors were loud, scholars were louder, and healers kept to their own matters. Denizens of Elysium are often as bold as the realm itself. Zagreus cannot help but gravitate towards s/o. They are a much-need spot of peace in Elysium, possibly the entirety of the Underworld, and Zagreus would be hard-pressed to skip over them to reach the upper world when their conversations are just so enjoyable. 
He takes delight in seeing the range of reactions from the shade. He cannot help but internally gush at the way they move and carry themselves so shyly. It’s so different than what he’s used it. It’s endearing. He’ll say it outright too and crack a grin when they grow flustered at the sincere attention. Who could blame him for being attracted to such a sweet soul?
Aphrodite herself receives thanks for the Prince of the Underworld when his confession leads to a relationship with his favorite being below. Having them in his life means that Zagreus can at last indulge them in every bit of attention they deserve, and drink from their lips their own adorable words of love as they pour him over with their own affections. It is a luxury he did not know he was allowed. It is a gift he will not refute or deny no matter his own thoughts of his self-worth.
Physical touch has always been of deep-meaning to the prince but with s/o it’s exaggerated further for each touch yields a reaction, a sweet face from his love that shakes Zagreus to the very core of his being. Embraces in his arms are warm, secure, accepting, and often, along with the accompanying kisses up and down their neck, words of softest love breathed between each peck against their skin. 
The first time they initiated, Zagreus though he had experienced truest death. He was not remotely prepared for their hesitant fingers to loop around his own, their own hand shaking in attempted confidence while they could not even hold gaze with him. ‘Cute’ is not a word used often in the vocabulary of the prince but it was the only one he could think of while he covered his face, desperate to the results of their handiwork. 
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hiddenwashington · 3 years
Hi y’all, so unfortunately after a lot of thought I decided to leave the group. A lot of changes are going on in my life and as much as I want to be here, I really need to focus on my life, friendships, long-term goals, etc. My impulsive nature of friends is acting up again, where I decided, ‘what if instead of replies, I get my ear pierced with my friend’ and just enjoying the summer for while it lasts. Unfortunately, I will never be able to rock out a tan but I can rock out a new piercing. Life has taken be my surprise so many times this year, for the worst, for the best – and after a lot of hard thinking, me leaving is definitely for the best. Hidden is still a home and hopefully I’ll be back in the future, depending on how much my life has changed.
Thank you so much for the memories y’all , the friendships, the awesome replies, the dedication. Thanks for being awesome members and awesome friends and on that note, I figured that I can leave with some good ole’ fashion book recommendations starting with my June challenge of reading strictly LGTBQ+ books for the month of June.
Books for June: They Both Die in the end, House in the Cerulean Sea, One Last Stop ( coming June 1st ) , Red White and Royal Blue, Criers War, Foxhole Court, Gideon the Ninth, This is How You Lose The Time War, The Raven Cycle ( slow burn series ), Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets to the Universe, Carry On, The Song of Achilles, Last Night at The Telegraph Club, Malice, Fence, The Priory of the Orange Tree, Juliet Takes a Breath, and The Rise of Kyoshi.
Other book recommendations: ACOTAR, Crescent City, The Night Circus, Invisible Life of Addie Larue, A Darker Shade of Magic, Ninth House, House of Leaves, Seraph of the End ( manga ), Spy x Family (manga), Chainsaw Man (manga), Six of Crows, The Monster of Elendhaven, Serpent and Dove, The Guest List, Scythe, Renegades, Vicious, and the Poppy War.
Thank you all again for being here, being awesome friends, and hopefully will be back in the future after I get my soul back from the Mouse. See y’all real soon <3 
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please unfollow @graveycrds​:  achilles, addie larue, adora, alexander ‘alec’ lightwood, allison argent, alya cesaire, anakin solo, bryce quinlan, cora ‘vicrul’ ren, felix mckinnon, gwen stacey, henry windsor, james potter, korra, lysander scamander, mercutio, morgan stark, padme amidala, regulus black, riley biers, ronan lynch, tartaglia ‘childe’, theodore ‘teddy’ altman, timothy stoker, xiao, zagreus are re-opened for applications 
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