#zak = zag
vancedis · 1 month
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Freya doodles 🐉
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skullibones · 2 months
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
What even are the ghosts in ghostforce? Are they like magical creatures? Or are they dead people? I assume theyre magical creatures but then sometimes i wonder. If they are magical creatures then why are they called ghosts? What's the difference between one of those and say Clovis from Zak Storm? I mean they take place in the shared universe, so id assume that means ghosts are just magical creatures. Are they like kwami? Are they powered through minergy? Are they a type of fairy?
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catfoxposts-blog · 1 year
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I dug up this release date calendar screenshot from Zag animation’s website, they’ve since removed the release date part of their website since a lot of these were either released later than they expected or didn’t come out at all.
Sad cause I remember seeing this page during Ladybug’s 2nd season, before the show had a lot more criticism thrown it’s way, it was fun to see what was to come and see ZAG’s potential grow. Now it’s kinda just Ladybug studio with a maybe one other show being produced in along side it. 
Guess Zak storm’s 2nd season is in production hell.
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Hi! ¿What do you know about Zak Storm Season 2?
Zak Storm Season 2 was announced to be greenlighted during the Miraculous Ladybug panel at SDCC 2017. The first script of the season was also completed as revealed on Jeremy Zag's Instagram on June 6, 2019, implying that it's in pre-production. However, there's still no news about it after all these years, so the production status is currently unknown. We don't know if ZAG and Man of Action are still planning to do Season 2 or if the production hasn't even begun yet.
Production of a new TV show and/or a TV season takes time and it usually takes between 2-3 years before the final product is finished and makes its premiere. I'm not talking about the announcement of the existence of a project or when a project is greenlit. But rather when there's an announcement that the production of a project begins and the crew starts working on it. Start animating, recording the voices, etc.
Power Players Season 1 began production in 2017 and premiered in 2019. Ghostforce Season 1 began production in 2018, but because of covid slowing everything down in 2020 which was rumored to be the original year of release, it premiered in 2021. Ghostforce Season 2 has begun production in 2022, so it's likely, based on the production length I mentioned earlier, that that show's season would premiere in 2024. Though, I wonder if Power Players Season 2 has begun production yet...
The same production length occurred for the seasons of Miraculous too. Think about it. Do you ever wonder why it takes too long for Miraculous Season 2? That's because of the production length gap. Miraculous Season 2 (and Season 3 at the same time) began production literally two months after "Volpina" aired in France in early-to-mid 2016. This resulted in us waiting until late 2017 for the official premiere of Season 2 (not counting the Christmas episode in 2016 since production for that episode is rushed in time for the holiday) and Season 3 premiered literally a month after the Season 2 finale in late 2018. The crew used this exact method again for Miraculous Seasons 4 and 5. Both seasons began production at the same time in late 2019, but again, because of covid, Season 4 premiered in early 2021, while Season 5 premiered literally three months after the Season 4 finale in mid-2022.
With all that in mind, this logically means that the production of Zak Storm Season 2 would have been finished in either 2021 or 2022 if the first script was finished all the way back in 2019. However, something must have happened behind-the-scenes that caused the production of the season to not even started, and it is instead stuck in pre-production which is the planning process of the season. There haven't been any announcements about Zak Storm Season 2 on Jeremy Zag's Instagram ever since 2019. The only time he posted anything about Zak Storm was in 2021 to promote Season 1 on Netflix... after it was removed in the USA. But there haven't been any posts featuring the show or its characters since then. Man of Action, the studio that co-produced both Zak Storm and Power Players, hasn't announced anything either. Not to mention, and this is important, the scripts must have not been finished yet. Neither Dubbing Brothers nor Ezra Weisz (the voice director for both Zak Storm and Miraculous Ladybug) has announced that they received the scripts for Season 2 to dub in English, which means the remaining episodes of Season 2 haven't even been written either.
Both ZAG and Man of Action are busy with one or two projects at a time to focus on Zak Storm. Man of Action is currently prioritizing Sonic Prime for Netflix and I think they are working on Season 3 for that show, so it's unlikely that the crew would have any time to do another season of Zak Storm. ZAG does a similar thing, not counting the seasons of Miraculous. 2019 gave us Power Players Season 1. 2020 gave us Miraculous New York special. 2021 gave us Ghostforce Season 1 and Miraculous Shanghai special. And 2023 gave us the Miraculous movie, though production for the movie lasted from 2019 to 2023 so it's understandable because of covid and stuff.
Anyway, it's likely Zak Storm Season 2 has been stuck in pre-production for all these years. This really sucks since the series is still stuck on a cliffhanger after the Season 1 finale back in 2018. At this point, I don't know if I want to wait any longer until both ZAG and Man of Action revisit the project and announce when the crew will begin production of the season. If the season hasn't begun production as soon as possible, then it would likely be premiered in either the mid-to-late 2020s or never.
TL;DR: Zak Storm Season 2 still hasn't begun production yet and it is likely instead stuck in pre-production/the planning process. As a result, we don't know when it would ever premiere due to both ZAG and Man of Action prioritizing other projects and it's uncertain if they would ever revisit Zak Storm again.
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Zag also toss aside there already finished shows for miraculous as well, example Zak Storm which had around 39 episodes and was confirmed to have a season 2 and works by Jeremy zag himself but who knows whether or not that still happening
Don't forget how rather than create crossovers with Miraculous Ladybug to generate interest in shows like Zak Storm, Power Players, or Ghost Force by establishing that they share a universe, ZAG chooses to introduce a bunch of uninestering characters who will only get a cameo in the show at best.
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cosmicstardust17 · 4 months
Which one of Zim’s kids is the troublesome one? Spoiled one? Nice one and quite one?
Zar : The mature quite one .
Miz : The ray of sunshine, nice and sometimes shy.
Zag: The nervous but silly.
Zak": The troublesome and hyper one. (Causes trouble with zag and gir).
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jacquesthepigeon · 9 months
re: zag's fairy show – apparently it got retooled into a movie at some point but now it's on the backburner in favor of a different movie. considering how many in development/cancelled projects zag has i personally don't pay attention to anything they do outside of ml unless it's been officially released
The only other project I know of that’s actually made it out of development is Zak Storm and I think the ghost one?
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theoddvet · 9 months
I've decided to retrain my two cats to wear harnesses because they love going outside and Guen especially just starts chirping and zig-zagging wildly in glee which is, obviously, a bit unpredictable and stressful for me if she's untethered.
But while Zak is taking to it just fine as she was started as a kitten, Guen is strongly ~autistic~ and hates anything being on her body and acts like she's been suckerpunched with a shit-covered hand every time I put the harness on her.
We'll get there, especially when I go grab a couple of vest harnesses as I think they'll be a bit more comfortable and safe for them. I just want to see the pure ecstatic joy and excitement in her eyes again.
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ikmichiel · 6 months
Ode aan Gent
Elke baksteen in elk rijhuis Elke scheve stoeptegel Elk veel te klein groenperk
Elk groepje met een voetbal dat in je richting trapt of op je auto spuwt
Elke zak zwerfvuil Elke step, bakfiets en longtail Elke voorbijganger die niet terugknikt
Elke stadstuin die naam onwaardig met 'toch weer drie courgetten dit jaar'
Elk politiek statement op raamstickers Elk verhard voortuintje Elke veel te grauwe wijk uit betonrot
Elk gebrek aan ruimte, aan tuinen, aan opritten of aan tweerichtingsstraten
Elke pensée unique Elk amper weggestoken chauvinisme Elke tongval die hier 'h' zegt wanneer er 'g' staat
Elk cliché van zichzelf dat hier in glutenvrije koffie- en soepbars probeert te breken met zijn afkomst
Elke vreemdeling van de ander Elke vervreemding van mekaar Elke wijk waar niemand elkaar kent
Elke kilometer honderdtwintig om precies te zijn ver weg van huis
Elke stamp op traditie Elke positieve discriminatie Elke omhooggevallen Franskiljon
Elke wereldverbeteraar die nooit één strohalm, maar wel maniok van dichtbij zag
Elk gebrek aan gemeenschapsleven Elk gebrek aan rustig voortbollen Elk gebrek aan privacy
Elke stenen canyon En een Veldstraat die aan haar naam niet voldoen wil
Elk met zijn eigen taal Elk op z'n eigen eiland Elk minderheid in 'eigen' stad
Elk geluid, razend en vuil waar snelwegen vol getoeter en fijnstof nooit rust verschaffen
Afgezien van mijn kat, misschien die ik uit het asielcentrum redde, haat ik het allemaal
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vancedis · 2 months
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skullibones · 2 months
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is that ok for you to draw my headcanon Caramba is having bisexual panic but he doesnt know why and what is it?
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Here you go! Sorry if this looks rushed and a bit late I didn't have time to do it because I was at a trip😞🙏
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
Just finished power players. Very good actually. Like surprisingly good. I wouldn't put it on the same level as miraculous or zak storm, but its just so campy and fun. I feel like it really captures what it's like to be a kid. Watching it i couldn't help but think of the games i came up with when i played with my own toys. It also has some really wholesome vibes, and there's a found family theme in it which i am definitely biased to.
That being said, i have so many questions that im not sure will ever be answered. Maybe one day zag will make another season? It is more recent then zak storm, so id say there may be hope for it?. Idk.
It really sucks though, because as much as i like miraculous, zag has some other shows that are overshadowed by its popularity. The worst case is Zak Storm, which is by all means a better show in most aspects than Miraculous, but i guess miraculous ended up being more marketable? From what i can tell, the networks that aired both zak storm and power players are not doing those shows any favors.
I believe zak storm aired on discovery kids or something? Which is a channel that i didn't even know existed. Then power players did play on cartoon network, but it looks like it was a show on their website, so it may not have even seen airtime on television. And if it did, it was probably aired early morning where cartoon network airs all the shows it doesn't care about.
As for ghost force, i have to say it is the weakest show from zag. That's not to say it's bad or that i don't like it, but it just has really weak writing at times, and the episode pacing is worse then miraculous. This would be understandable seeing as it is made to fit into the 11 minute segment whereas miraculous fits the 30 minute segment, but power players is also 11 minute episodes, and the pacing is far better. And by all means, even though power players does get repetitive in its episode formula, it feels far more inventive then ghost force.
I feel like the biggest problem that ghost force has though is that it is trying to be like miraculous. Like as different as the shows are, there are way more similarities then zak storm or power players have to miraculous. For goodness sake ghost force even has a food vendor character, and even though there are 2 other main leads the focus goes on the main girl (i do enjoy liv, but I'd like to see more from mike and andy), or should i mention how one of the main leads is rich and has a strained relationship with his single rich father?
I do think that one good thing going for ghost force is that since it is airing on disney channel, i believe it will get more eyes on it, which will give it plenty of room to grow into its own. Like there is a lot of potential there. So many of the story ideas and characters are interesting, and there are some interesting mysteries that I'd like to see solved. At the same time, it just really sucks that zak storm will probably never get the 2nd season it was renewed for.
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riallasheng · 1 year
Fruit Emoji Ask:
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
(Blorbo: your absolute favourite character)
I've had some people say that a blorbo is the cahracter you lose braincells over; 'always have rotating in your head'; a character you hyper related to; a character you're obsessed with and so on (I got SO MANY messages SO FAST after admitting I didn't know what a blorbo was, it was so nice and also so funny XD, thank you EVERYONE who came and answered my question! And I'm including you, Janet, in this, as I got your ask alongside the messages and I thank you very much for it ^_^)
And for those definitions, I don't really have a blorbo? I've got some favorite characters whom I enjoy reading about / seeing / writing, but no characters that I am really obsessed with or lose braincells over or the like^^;;
So I'll just go with your absolute favs, as that way I actually have an answer!! ^^
Just going with fandoms as I think of them, it's hardly an exhaustive list, however XD I also am going to keep it to just 2 or 3 characters for each fandom just to try and keep things something resembling reasonable in length XD
Anderson / Century 21: Phones is one without a doubt. I ADORE how calm, sweet, and gentle Phones is and how he is so happy not to be in the limelight and just how well he bounces off the far more fiery.... well, most everyone XD ------ Lady Penelope herself. She's legit in my top ten for ALL TIME favorite characters in all media so that's an easy one. The stoic is my favorite character type, and Penny is a calm, cool under fire stoic, and a badass and competent spy to boot (Also, all three of her novels were awesome, as were her comics) ------ Scott Tracy as, again, I do so love the stoic, esp a stoic who trends towards deadpan snarker / dry wit. Scott rarely gets angry, and tends to stay calm and cool even in the most fiery of situations, and I just really enjoy his character and stories that he 'stars' in... helped by the fact that he and Penny were the 'leads' of the Theydon novels and I adore those books ^^
Conan Doyle: Watson, when he's the version of the character seen in the novels. A collected but very passionate man, and quite brilliant in his own way. While I am a HUGE fan of the Granada Holmes and other Holmes shows, I hate how Watson was reduced to a bumbler or fool. outside of the novels, I'd have to say that Freeman in Sherlock and Law in the Sherlock Holmes films are my favorite examples of the character Sherlock Holmes himself, as I adore how he can go from calm and cool to the point of nearly emotionless to near manic vibrancy and activity. He tends to be super interested in things that he cares about... but giving no energy or care to things that don't interest him. I adore him in the novels, and in many of his depictions, not including many of the more recent depictions. Professor Challenger. A volcano of man. As massive in stature and personality as he is in (well earned) reputation. He was pretentious and self-righteous... but he cared deeply about people and the world and would come roaring to the defense of those in need.
Zag: Used to really like Miraculous, but honestly I have lost interest in the show and characters. Last thing I watched was the NYC special and Season 3, still have neither watched nor been interested in watching S4 or S5. I'm idly interested in watching the upcoming film. Maybe it'll be decent and interesting where the show proper is not. BUT... I do like the REST of the Zag shows a lot. They're a ton of fun and I've gone out of my way to watch them, and rewatch them fairly regularly. Can I say everyone in the Zak Storm, Ghostforce, and Power Players? ...no? ...dang it. hrm, gonna go with Cece, Calabrass and Liv. Cece is the calm, logic driven Spock to Zak's Kirk, and as mentioned above, I do so love the stoic XD Calabrass is very much NOT a stoic, but he bounces SO WELL off everyone else, and I adore how he quickly became a 'dad' to the crew, but in particular Zak. Liv is independent, spunky and very helpful/caring (to the piont that it can be a weakness at times).
Gargoyles: Brooklyn, Elisa, and Xanatos here. One of the few cases where the stoic is not my favorite, as I ended up finding Goliath rather boring ^^;; I love Brooklyn's deadpan snarker / gallows humor personality, Elisa's fiery and competent manner, and Xanatos adaptable and suaveness. I also like how well rounded they are ^_^
Transformers: Hot Rod / Rodimus is my fav here, or at least the marvel comics and g1 cartoon version of him (gallows humor and deadpan snarker with a firey and vibrant personality). I don't really like him much in IDW (but then I didn't like IDW pretty much at all) I also love Cheetor, seeing him go from a well meaning but unseasoned kid to a competent and crafty warrior by the end... ach, just love it (actually love the entire BW crew) Lots of other characters too, just trying to keep it to my top favs
i had more, but it made the post glitch out, so cutting all but this XD
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