#zal cryptid
zal-cryptid · 29 days
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It's my birthday.
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kevotheamazo · 2 months
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I made a character submission for a comic she is making called misfits in toyland. @zalCryptid
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gargusscp · 4 months
Obviously the toyfolk cast of @zal-cryptid's Misfits in Toyland have a full range of expression available, being as they're both magically-animate playthings not bound by the usual limitations of felt and plastic, and feature in a visual medium that requires easily-read acting to emotionally function. This said, I'm thinking some about the possibility toyfolk might need to learn physical overacting as second nature in order to properly express themselves.
The fine nuances you get from typical microexpressions are gone when transferred onto a new material lacking traditional muscles and nerves driving their movement. A painted porcelain face can only slide its features about a two-dimensional plane. Plastic molds don't twitch and wrinkle very well. Felt folds upon and rubs against itself in weird ways even when one doesn't MEAN to shift the look on their face. If you furrow your brow, quirk your lip, twitch your eye, adjust your neck, any of it with the small movements natural to a flesh and blood body, the action might very easily get lost in your materials' limitations.
So they've gotta go big to make their feelings known. Bug their eyes harder, open their mouths wider, throw their limbs and neck and back into expressions that wouldn't otherwise require full physical movement. Everything's gotta be the work of a giant ham milking an invisible cow to make sure the other party gets what's running through your head. Like amateur community theater actors shoved onstage at the most prestigious opera house in the land and drawing on their worst instincts to ensure the cheap seats two-hundred feet away can see and hear clear as life.
It's a bit of a frightening prospect, and makes quite a few of them feel stupid, but so many of them spent so much time hiding from themselves that they wound up here in Toyland. Is going big, loud, and excessively honest not part of the healing process? They can act natural when they're better.
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diddgery · 1 month
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had the idea to adapt my oc vixie to fit in @zal-cryptid's misfits in toyland comic. it was the easiest thing ever. didn't even have to change her design much
also read misfits in toyland. it kicks ass.
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the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC: Danny x Danny
So, sometimes I just like to imagine ridiculous pairing and then I have a moment that makes me go "actually..."
So Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom(he/him) x Danny the Street(they/them)
If you're not familiar with Danny the Street, they are a literal teleporting street that's essentially a gay neighborhood. They are a safe space for people who don't fit into mainstream society, and is a big ally of the queer community...
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(art by Zal-Cryptid)
So, a street that is a safe haven for weirdos AND the queer community... Kind of the perfect place for a half ghost boy being hunted by the government... especially since trans Danny is a popular head-canon... and the fact they share the same name is kind of funny...
Damn it, do I now ship Danny and Danny the Street together?
Just imagine them talking to each other Danny the Street using TVs and signs and Danny just talking out loud as he works through so trauma and bonds with them over coffee...
and just the slight tragedy that is not being able to hold your lover's hand but at the same time the romance of being able to feel your lover's affection for you all around because they are literally all around you
Idk there's just something kind of unhinged yet sweet about the whole thing
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shadowedknight68 · 2 months
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Wanted draw a character I had an idea of after reading the talented @zal-cryptid's Misfits in Toyland webcomic.
Marcus was always bad, since he was young he always got in trouble, caused fights throughout his life and always blamed his twin brother Michael for it, as a child he got good at impersonating his twin, and growing up he became perfect at it. Around adulthood, Marcus's actions got worse, from small pranks and lies to full fledged aggravated assault and finally even murder, his victims were mostly women, those he was stronger than, often luring them to their demise, like lambs to the slaughter. So when the police finally caught Marcus is was easy for Krampus to find him and take him to Toyland, transformed into a female sheep doll to make him feel as those women did. However, this isn't Marcus, this is his twin Michael, the exact opposite of Marcus in every way besides their appearance, he was kind and caring but always pinned for his brother's actions, eventually leading to his arrest under the belief he was Marcus, and then taken by Krampus leaving Michael in a punishment he didn't deserve.
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theinsidiousdice · 1 month
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So @diddgery put me onto Misfits in Toyland by @zal-cryptid, a webcomic about terrible people who get turned into toys to atone for their sins.
And THEN she adapted her Vixie to the setting and I was like "well shoot now I'm thinking"
Here's three of my awful idiots.
Sienna Travler was a serial killer in life, driven by her intense need to prove that she was The Best. Naturally, she got turned into a Mega Blok person - easy to disassemble and worse build quality than the leading competitor. (Don't worry, it gets lighter from here.)
Turner Travers (at least this version of him) was a cruel manager at a games company who belittled his employees and pushed them into crunch during every development cycle. He got turned into the mascot, Junie, of their hit game Nakamono.
Isaac Robins was a belligerent misogynistic incel who frequently tore into people for liking "girly" things. He got turned into a Beanie Baby, and can't even remember her old name, only the name on her tag: Jinxie.
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superwholocked2016 · 4 months
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Fanart of Maria from Misfits in Toyland! @zal-cryptid
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arturite2 · 1 year
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Doctors will literally become a bunch of insects instead of going to therapy.
(This was inspired by the beautiful art of Zal-Cryptid and rottingraisins on these SCPs, go check them out, as well as the articles themselves!)
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sharkrad08222222 · 6 months
Misfits in Toyland Changeling the lost edition
I fuckin love @zal-cryptid 's Toylanders, so I decided to transfer a few into the works of Changeling: The lost, starting with someone who probably wants to be out of here. So HERE IS THE CHARATERS SHEET! ...ah shit forgot people dont know what changeling the lost is...Hold on let me get my thinking cap on, but first, a story of how I think Tammy got in and out of Arcaida.
Once(the Backstory, which I might not need to add and it probably wrong, but I aint wasting it.) Tammy Yokoi was not someone who you wanted to meet. Sure at first, they seemed ok, but give them anything important to do that she had no interest in and she would throw it aside, and probably make fun of you for thinking said task meant anything. This is what made Krampus catch his eye, where he followed her and saw how she was just The worst. Outing a Girl as intersex, outing the same girl as a Lesbian, which pretty much Destroyed her life, and being such a terrible babysitter, that she NEARLY caused one kid to die, and sad kid would have if Krampus didn't step in. Thinking of an apporeate punishment, he turned her into a tamagotchi and pulled her away into his little kingdom in Arcadia. As a tamagotchi, she was unable to feed or clean, herself, and died multiple times, only to come back and to starve all over again. This happened twice before being found, where she was thrust into many a Test to get her working, form being stuck in doom, Monkey Island, and various others, all in a way to improve her living situations. It wasn't all bad, she did meet a Woman named Mel, who got turned into a pull string Baby doll, who she grew rather fond of. but also met the girl she ruined the life of, Jen, who has an Axe to grind. Now.(Life as a changeling) She does not remember how she got out of her plastic prisons, all she remember is that Mel is in danger and she tried to stop it and she then found herself behind a pizzeria. She was quickly found by a summer patrol when she tried to get back to Arcaida, and now is a part of the local Summer court of (insert whatever big city of the state Tammy was form?) Here she is a Driven Elemental, working on getting connected with people to hopefully get back to Arcadia so she can give Krampus a piece of her mind. However, her time has changed her, form a bully to a more care taker role. She still packs quite the snark, but she does give a damn about the people around her. 
Mask and Mien Most changelings are changed form their encounter, literally as they their bodies and souls where forced into new shapes,a Mien. but exiting and the Desire to remain hidden form their form captors looking for escapees, has created their mask. Tammy’s mask is pretty similar to her origins forum, but for the supernatural looking for tells , her heartbeat is more like a Hospital monitor, her eyes show a pixelated reflection, her voice has  only the slightest hint of static.
Her Mien makes her looks like she’s been Rotoscoped into reality, with a body showing visible pixels. Not the most Terrifying but it’s unusual for sure. I would shit my self I say a person suddenly go form normal to Rotoscoped person holding rotoscoped shot gun. Seeming, Kith and Court. Seeming was you where in Arcadia Elementals were people made into forces of nature who got confined to a lined area, but eventually Freed, and now have a lot of power on their hands. As an Elemental of Code and Computer stuff, Tammy can cause computers to bleed pixels and for Monitors to shoot stuff out at people.  Kiths are the roles people got forced into. Being Eletrical in nature, and now with the ability to manipluate a code, Tammy is a Levinquick with the abilithy telaport between the air waves. Carries alot of burner phones for this. Courts are a mix of support Group and survialist club. NO ONE wants to go back, the summer court espselly, who if they keepers are going to try to take them back, they are going to fight tooth, nail, bone and Whatever else to get them to back off. Tammy Joined the summer court cuase to her they seem like the ones most likely to barg into or at least teach the skills on how to do so. For her Mantle with the courts, she is a bit sharper with her insults.
Clarity And keeping it together. Clarity represents how "stable" a changeling is, how connected they are to reality. Clarity is how aware a Changeling is to the world around them, and creatian actions or events can cause this track to take damage Tammy has a common on of not wanting to keep people against their will, cause you know the whole being trapped in a tamagotchi again her will sort of thing. Tammy also doesnt not like it when she witnesses someone experiences Neglect, cause she knows how that feels. Starvation is in the same boat as Neglect, not only for witnessing it but also for feeling it. Another things that cause her clarity attacks is being reminded of pass behaviors. She Realizes that she was bad, and does not want to repeat them, BUT rather than face them, she instead runs from them, buries them. if you think that she could fall back into old habits…you are not wrong.  Luckly though Touchstones, connections to realuty are mantianed and Clarity can be regained. Tammy's Touchstones are a group of kids she babysits for, a circle of kids if you will. was it the best idea to go baby sitting again, but it has given her Convection, with the small rings of kids she baby sits over months and week ends. plus cash for paying her half of the rent. Speaking of which what do all these dots mean? If one has played any TTRPGies, like a D&D, you probably know what skills and attaubies are, Willpower is willpower, burn it to be more likly to succed at a task Glamour is Emontial Fuel that both fuels abilities and existence. but merits is where things get intresting. Merits repersnet more specialzied skills, special training, innate Biological abilities, assets of all sorts, ETC, ETC. Changelings need Glamour to survive and can feel like shit if they dont get any so, but Tammy due to the deprecation she faced in Arcadia has developed a body that take some Glamour Fasting It will still catch up with her but not as fast, at least until she can find some, hedge fruit or People she can feed form.  Having been gone for so long, she has been somewhat forgotten, her parents given up their search, and most of her fellow classmates having moved on, she’s a ghost. Pure Anonymity.  No paper trail, no Criminal Record, none of that.
Her Drive and old skills form playing baseball has come back, make her a Relentless chaser.
She’s made some Allies outside of her summer court, a group of baby sitters, mostly being their to help with unruly kids or getting them to cover for her. They dont know her true nature, but that is liable to change, espelly with one going into clown collage.  Elemental Warrior...We will talk about that later.
A mixed blessing form Her time in Arcadia, but her body has somehow Become Hardy out how to go on even when the ravages of the world are after her. but WAIT THEIR'S MORE due to the laws and red tape of Reality, changelings can take up contracts with the funablemtal forces of the universe. On the list their is the classic for all elementls elemental weapon! Using the code around her she shapes it into a weapons to use against her foes. Usually a shotgun of some sort, but with enough concentration he can summon an old Navel Cannon. Need to scare someone off? Overpowering Dread, is the ability to do just that. Tammy could Summons the illusion of a big scary monster but she usually just makes them leave though supernatural potent Insults.
Do you want to put a curse on a target, but dont have time for a HEX? Retrograde is the choice for you. Tammy's manfest , causing  the targets phone to not work, computers to crash and for the GPS to break down.  Sometimes you need to hide, or make it look like your unattiable and Trapdoor Spider’s Trick is ,well, the trick. Tammy causes any doors to appear barracked with the power of an anti virus software. Sometimes you need to make some one really pissed off, so that is why Tammy uses Sunburnt Heart is infusing someone with the anger of the sun(The sun is well known for being incredibly petty, still hasnt forgiven her kids cause they killed here dad), so using the power of the summer sun, Tammy can infuse people with the rage, and then direct those people away form her.
owever if tammy wants to use her own rage, Elemental Fury is the go too. Causing all the srceens to bleed out pixels what replate environments, while also damaging all who are caught in. A favor of hers is sending a crap ton of rude messages to a bunch of people causing them to riot in an area.
and this STILL isnt everything, but DEAR GOD I have been here for too long, and I am going to go now...and stat out Krampus.
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black-stella · 1 month
"Oye Adam, si tú y yo hubiesemos sido esposos... ¿No crees que un beso hubiera bastado para solucionarlo todo?."
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(Edit: créditos a @zal-cryptid por el diseño de Adam, I apologize for making you see this).
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zal-cryptid · 2 months
What if YOU found the crown of misrule?
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Something like this, I'd imagine.
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saltysoulballoon · 7 months
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Krampus Plush Toyland dolly talk to you toyfolk by @zal-cryptid
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gargusscp · 3 months
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Here's a nice little surprise for everyone! A sketch commission courtesy Gingersnaps, featuring select scenes of Dolly (of @zal-cryptid's Misfits in Toyland webcomic) and Beau from "When She Was Just..."!
Thanks very kindly, Ginger!
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fiercefauna · 6 months
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6684 has gotten a few more upvotes lately - @zal-cryptid was that you? lol. It was slow and kind of subtle but I’m stoked to think it will make it to its one year anniversary in May. Thank you all my oomfs and SCP peeps. I made this animation because I was excited.
I’m hoping to get back to some of my unfinished projects sometime soon, I hadn’t drawn or animated anything because I was nearvous about some upcoming stuff - but it’s over and I’m doing fine. Just got to get back into the swing of things.
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a-toast-ghost · 3 months
I've thought to myself "what if tammy could escape into the digital world" since tamagotchi and digimon are connected due to their base premise and development history, only for her to immediately nope the fuck out of that option since there's actual monsters. I then found out that there's a tamagotchi who evolved into a digimon after crossing over to their world, it became Nanimon.
So as far as the toy lines and their story is concerned she could possibly escape, at the cost of becoming an actual monster.
So, I guess you could use that concept, and the body horror of constant death and branching evolution, for some AU sketches @zal-cryptid
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