#zandra the love of my life <3
elysianymph · 1 year
signed, sealed, (not) delivered
A collection of letters exchanged between Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene Mckinnon between 1975 and 1981.
dedicated to @lesbianmckinnonn
ZANDRA HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE <33 i wish you the best and hope you have a great day. i'm so glad i met you, you're so talented and i love talking to you about our silly little headcanons and screaming about the angst we write. sorry for giving you angst on your birthday (i'm not) but that's my brand and this idea came to me one night so i had to. hope you like it <33 (sorry if i make you cry)
The first letter — or rather piece of parchment that they wrote on together — was exchanged during a particularly boring Defence Against The Dark Arts class in their fifth year. Even Dorcas couldn't help letting her mind drift elsewhere as the professor talked, her manicured nails tapping against the wooden desk, counting down the seconds until the unbearably boring class would be dismissed.
Until a piece of parchment had landed right in front of her. She looked down at the offending object like it would turn to ashes from her gaze alone. The last thing she needed was a detention for passing notes.
She looked up, hoping to see who had thrown it at her, and she immediately made eye-contact with a pair of smug hazel eyes that belonged to none other than Marlene Mckinnon, her rival on and off the quidditch pitch. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she glared at Mckinnon who wore a grin on her face, a dimple appearing on her left cheek from how hard she was smiling.
‘Open it,’ she mouthed to Dorcas, sending her a wink. Dorcas felt her cheeks heating up — in anger and annoyance, obviously — but her curiosity took over and she opened up the parchment carefully, bracing herself like it would explode in her hands.
‘Meadowes, are you going to grace us with your presence at the Gryffindor Tower this Friday?’ was scribbled on the parchment in Mckinnon’s messy handwriting. Dorcas’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
‘Why are you so interested? Hoping for something?’ She wrote and threw the note back to Mckninnon’s desk, making sure the professor’s back was turned so he wouldn't catch her.
Dorcas watched Mckinnon from the corner of her eyes as she quickly wrote down her reply, pausing before scribbling something else on the note. She threw it back to Dorcas discreetly.
‘Don't flatter yourself, Meadowes. I’ve just heard you’re good company when you’re high and trust me, there will be plenty of weed. My friends made sure of it.’
Dorcas rolled her eyes, taking a peek behind her to see the aforementioned friends sitting in the back of the class, trying to keep their laughter in at some ridiculous joke.
‘And by your friends I suppose you mean the four imbeciles sitting in the back poking each other in their asses with their quills?’
Mckinnon choked back a laugh as she read Dorcas’ reply and Dorcas had to force her head to turn away so she wouldn't continue to watch as Marlene laughed, mesmerised by how her eyes turned to crescent moons.
‘They’re having more fun than we are, you have to admit.’
‘I would be having more fun if you would stop sending me these notes.’ Dorcas threw the note back, not bothering to even look at Mckinnon.
‘I wouldn't have to if you answered my question.’
Ah, so Mckinnon wasn't going to let it go. Dorcas finally writes the question that had been going through her head the entire conversation onto the parchment. ‘Why are you even asking? It’s not like you're going to spend time with me.’
Mckinnon actually pouted when she opened the note. With a crease between her brows she threw it back at Dorcas.
‘How will you know if you don't show up?’
Dorcas stared at the note for a moment, perplexed and at a loss for words. What was she supposed to say to that? She turned to look at Mckinnon — hoping to read from her expression whether or not this was some big joke — only to see her biting at her lower lip, watching Dorcas intently. When she realised Dorcas was looking she perked up, eyes wide as she mouthed ‘please.’
Dorcas turned back to the letter and let out a sigh, her anxiety leaving her body along with the air as she made an impulsive decision. She wrote down her reply and threw the note to Marlene, not giving herself a chance to overthink it. ‘I’m expecting the weed to be free.’
Mckinnon threw the letter back to her with a playful wink. ‘I’ve got it all sorted out for you, don't worry your pretty head about it.’
Dorcas gave her one last look, the ghost of a smile on her lips. She rested her head against the palm of her hand and the rest of the class seemed to pass by in a blur, her thoughts occupied by the girl in red as she absentmindedly played with the crumpled parchment.
The second (first?) letters they exchanged were over the summer break right after their fifth year. Surprisingly, all that was needed to bring two rivals together was a bunch of weed and Firewhiskey. Dorcas and Marlene had bonded quickly after that night, fights on the quidditch pitch quickly turning into playful teasing in the halls. Marlene had even snuck into her dorm one night, a pack of cigarettes in hand and a soft smile on her face as she asked for some company. Dorcas was grateful that the cover of the night had hidden her flushed face from Marlene’s view.
Which is exactly why Dorcas was stuck in this predicament because Marlene had left her jumper in Dorcas’ dorm and Dorcas — instead of immediately returning it like a normal person — kept it under her bed and wore it every chance she got like some sort of creep. She had held onto it until the last days of the school year when she was packing her bags and reconsidering what she would do with it. Ultimately, she didn't have the guts to approach Marlene and give it to her. So now she was sitting in her room at home, writing a letter that she would attach to the jumper she should've returned months ago.
‘Dear Marlene,
I hope your summer is going well. Everything seems easier now that the threat of our OWLs isn't ahead or at least in my mind it does.
While unpacking at home I found a jumper that definitely wasn't mine and after asking my roommates none of them told me they had lost a jumper while at Hogwarts. I came to the conclusion it must be yours since you were the only other person who I had brought into my dorm. You probably forgot it that night you snuck in.
I’m really sorry it took this long for me to realise but even the nights are too hot this time of year to wear jumpers, so I hope you didn't miss it too much.
From Dorcas.’
Despite second-guessing her choices and being unable to sleep one entire night, Dorcas didn't regret the letter after she had received a reply from Marlene in only two days — along with a pack of homemade cookies.
‘Dear Cas,
I knew I hadn't left that shirt at home! I couldn't for the life of me find it in my dorm room and I was scared I had lost it. Glad to know it was in good hands! Must’ve spilled some perfume on it though, smells just like you :) Not that I mind, you smell really nice.
I hope you’re having fun! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up over the summer sometime? Just the two of us, out in the town or maybe at a pool or something? We could even go to Hogsmeade if you want.
My mum encouraged me to send a gift back since you were so kind as to mail the shirt back to me, so I baked some cookies for you! I’m still new to it but these are my favorite to make so I hope they’re good enough for your tastes.
Can't wait to see you again!
Love, Marlene.’
The simple exchange had left Dorcas a giddy, smiling mess for days, impatiently waiting for the days to pass by so she would see Marlene’s face again, maybe wearing the jumper Dorcas had stolen.
By the time the summer holidays after sixth year had started, Dorcas had lost count of the letters she and Marlene had sent each other. That summer however, unlike the last, was radio silent until the last week of August. This time when a letter assigned to Dorcas arrived and she had recognized the Mckinnon family owl her stomach hadn't filled with butterflies, rather a sickness she could feel rising to her throat. The sickness had built up until Dorcas couldn't handle it anymore and she had finally, finally torn open the envelope that had sat on her bedside table for three days.
sorry if you end up needing to use a decoding charm on this letter but I can't seem to stop my hands from shaking as I write. I’ve written this letter a million times and thrown it into the trash every time, which is why it took me a month to send this in the first place. I’m wearing my Gryffindor robes at the moment, channelling my inner bravery. It’s not working.
I’m sorry for kissing you on the train.
Well, I’m not, actually. I liked it, your lips are really soft, just like I imagined. I’d been dreaming about doing it for so long, I just wished I had done it in a better way. I didn't mean to run away after either. Not my proudest moment, I’ll admit.
I just wanted to let you know how I really felt before we all finally grew up and I was forced to deal with the reality of our world. All of my friends are talking about the war and the preparations, Sirius is losing his mind and Lily is determined to join the fight. James is right behind her and his boys will follow blindly. But all I’ve been able to think about is how I want to kiss you and hold you in my arms, run away with your hand in mine to some place no one will ever recognize us.
I know it’s wrong — not how I feel about you because a love as pure as this could never be evil like the people who can't understand it try to make us think — but the way I’m disregarding every other thing in favour of you. I can’t help it when all that I dream of is your eyes looking into mine and that pretty smile on your face, lighting up the room. Funny to think that even the dead aren't guaranteed to feel heaven but I already have, in your presence.
I’m sorry for being a coward and not saying this to your face, sorry for not giving you the love confession you deserved. Romantic candles and sunsets on the beach but I was never the type to follow the rules, was I?
Hope you like the blueberry muffins I sent you. I know blueberries are your favourite (they might be my favourite too now that they remind me of the taste of your lips).
Yours, Marlene.’
Dorcas hadn't dignified that letter with a reply, instead letting the bravery so unlike her green robes wash over her as she ran to hug Marlene at the train station, pressing their lips together and feeling the fireworks explode between them as the world melted away.
A crumpled piece of parchment was in her pocket, a simple ‘I love you too’ written on it in case her words failed her. But by the time she had pulled away from the kiss and seen Marlene’s teary eyes and wide smile, she felt like no words were needed when her actions had done the job.
After that, the years had passed by in a blur. The world had changed and Dorcas could feel it crumbling beneath her feet and threatening to swallow her too but she hadn't paid it any mind, too focused on holding her love in her arms.
Marlene with her pretty smile and soft lips, always a cigarette between them — a bad habit she couldn't seem to break. Marlene with her hazel eyes that pulled Dorcas into a forest she dared not to escape from. Marlene, beautiful and alive Marlene, whose arms would always be Dorcas’ home.
There was no need for fear when Marlene would press a kiss to her lips and wish her good luck on her next mission with the Order, a playful promise of making her favourite meal by the time she returned. As if Marlene wouldn't be far away on a mission by the time Dorcas was back. The reality didn't matter, not when they would always come back to each other, alive and in one piece.
At least until Dorcas had received another letter from Marlene. Despite the circumstances, she couldn't help the smile that had crossed her lips when she opened it, feeling like she was once again 16 and hopelessly in love. Only one of those things had changed.
‘Dear Cassie,
sorry for sending this on such a short notice but I had to tell you I won't be waiting for you at home when you return. Don't blame Dumbledoor this time, blame my mum. My brother is back from abroad along with his family and mum is insisting we have a family reunion in the middle of a war.
I can't even blame her when things are getting so rough. I hate to think about it but it may be the last time I see my family all together. I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m inclined to visit even when it’s so risky.
I assure you I’ll be fine like I always am. You take care of yourself, can't have you sitting in St. Mungo’s during our anniversary.
See you soon, love, miss you terribly.
Yours, Marlene.’
Dorcas held onto the letter like a lifeline only a week later, wearing black robes wet from rain as she watched her love be lowered into the cold ground undeserving of embracing her. Her salty tears had smudged the sacred ink which had immortalised Marlene’s last, hopeful words.
“I think it's strange…” Lupin began to speak as he walked up to her. Dorcas remained unflinching, staring straight at Marlene’s casket and hoping, praying for a miracle that would confirm this was all a dream. She would wake up in Marlene’s warm arms, safe and sound. Instead, Remus’ next words only served to twist the knife further in Dorcas’ chest: “That the Death Eaters just so happened to attack the one night that Marlene was there.”
“What are you insinuating, Lupin?” Dorcas asked, not in the mood for his vagueness.
“There are only a few close people Marlene would've told she was leaving to see her family,” Remus continued, “and we know there is a traitor among our ranks. I’m afraid Marlene may have just told the wrong person the wrong thing.”
Dorcas’ eyebrows furrowed and she looked up at Lupin, who was turning his head away, inviting her to follow his suspicions.
She followed Remus’ gaze, landing on Sirius’ hunched over form. She had to do a double take, to make sure she hadn't already gone crazy with grief but there was no mistaking who Remus was looking at. When she looked back up at Remus he only gave her a nod, confirming her thoughts.
But it couldn't be.
Dorcas’ eyes trailed down to Sirius’ hands and there it was — the red and gold friendship bracelet Marlene had made back in 6th year for Sirius’ birthday. The two star charms still dangle from the worn out threads, shining against his pale skin. It was all the confirmation Dorcas needed that Sirius was innocent, as if the tears streaming down his face weren't enough.
She wasn't sure what had possessed Remus, if the war had really made all of them so distrustful, if perhaps she and Marlene had only been shielded away from it because of their love for each other. In that moment Dorcas dared to think death a mercy, for at least her and Marlene trusted each other until the end. At least she had lost Marlene instantly instead of watching her drift away and turn into an unrecognisable shadow of the version she had fallen in love with.
“Remus…” She looked up at him, tears that she thought she had bleed dry threatening to fall again. She spoke again, unsure of who she was convincing, herself or Remus: “You don't actually think that.”
She watched Remus shake his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I’m just telling you to be wary,” he said and walked off, leaving Dorcas alone with her thoughts.
One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to stop until every one of those wretched bastards was dead.
Dorcas’ body was found in early August of next year, surrounded by the corpses of Death Eaters she had dragged to death alongside her. One final act of revenge. She was buried alongside Marlene by request of her family, with two unused wedding bands on a chain around her neck and her final letter in her pocket — two declarations of a love that wasn't allowed to bloom.
‘My dearest, Marlene,
I love you, my star.
I know how much you loved to hear it when I would press a kiss to your lips and smile, whispering the same words into your soft skin. I hope the words reached you all the same when I whispered them at your grave with my lips pressed against cold marble.
Forgive me for not writing to you sooner, I’m sure you’ll understand why. Every time I tried to pick up a quill to write, the only thing that would stain the parchment were my tears. I had no words for such a long time, nothing to say, to express my grief when it seemed like everything was gone and everyone had moved on without me, without you.
The distant look in your hazel eyes still haunts me but I’m afraid I can't remember what your smile looked like. Your laugh still rings in my ears when I wake up but I can no longer remember the sound of your voice. The fragments are there and I’m still desperately clinging onto how your tongue used to curl around my name, how you would stretch the last syllable when you wanted to tease me.
I can still feel your hand ghosting against mine, your cold breath against the nape of my neck as I cook your favourite meal in our kitchen. I still make enough for two and bring out your favourite plates, although I’m not sure why. I hope you don't mind that I’ve been using your cherry perfume, that expensive one Peter bought you for your birthday last year, I know it was your favourite. I’ve used up almost all of it by now, even though I used as little as I could every day, but I can't help myself to find comfort in every small thing that reminds me of you. I’ve been wearing your clothes recently, the old ones that still smell like you and your cherry body wash, though overpowered by the smell of smoke that still clings to them. Your old quidditch jumper is very comfortable, if a little small, I’m not sure why I stopped stealing it from you.
You had looked beautiful even that day, as they lowered you into the cold ground and I watched my own life be buried alongside you. Ever since then, the world has been cold and grey, the same as your tombstone. I hope you didn't mind my constant company those first few weeks but I couldn't bring myself to leave you alone, I could barely restrain myself from digging my fingers into the dirt and wrapping my arms around your cold bones and carrying them back home. I think they would offer more comfort and warmth than this cruel world has this year. I think my love should be enough to wake you up from your slumber.
The heavens are not merciful enough to agree.
I’m writing this to say goodbye one last time for I never got the chance to before and I hadn't mustered up the courage earlier. I’m going into this mission knowing it will be my last, knowing that all that will remain of me is my lifeless body if I am lucky enough. I had expressed my fear of dying to you when we were younger, eyes brighter and lungs full, but now I find myself strangely numb to the knowledge that I’m inviting death to my door. I had been afraid then to die without living the life we had planned together, to die without letting you know how deeply my love for you lives inside me, engraved into my bones. Now that my biggest fears have come true, I find that the fear has left me — perhaps just another thing I left buried alongside you.
My hands are stained red from the revenge I’ve tried to take but I know you will welcome me with open arms. Your friends — and what little I have left of mine — have tried to comfort me, to help me but they can't understand how I feel without you. They do not know that without you I am nothing, not when I had spent half a decade planning my life with you. I love you so much that even in your absence you are all I can think about, the words and touches I did not get the chance to share, the plans I did not get to fulfil because of my cowardice. I cannot imagine loving anyone the way I’ve loved you in your life and continue to after your death. You, dead, are so much better than anyone alive.
I cannot avenge you because even if I killed every single one of them, their souls wouldn't be enough to make up for the loss of yours. At the same time I cannot move on, not when you stand in the way of my life and when I dare not push you away, you are so far out of my reach already. There is no other choice for me but to join you. So this may not be a goodbye after all, perhaps just a notice that I’ll be with you soon if the heavens decide to bring us together again.
Please forgive me for not mailing this last letter, I don't know your new address.
Yours, in life and in death, Dorcas.’
Somewhere, far away in time and place, brown eyes meet hazel and Dorcas’ heart beats once more with no other purpose than to love.
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radio-goo-goo · 4 years
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Queen 30 Day Challenge ║ Day 29 ║ Five Favourite Things About Queen       
so i might have accidentally blacked out and written a love letter/essay for this question so if that’s the sort of thing that floats your boat pls read on
1. Their Versatility I know this is said a lot, but one of my absolute favourite things about the band is just how many different music styles they have produced over their time together. I could literally rant forever about how much I love every single Queen era (including Hot Space and I will fist fight someone over this if I have to).
I went NUTS the first time I listened to Queen/Queen II because I couldn’t believe that they started off as this heavy rock meets epic fantasy kind of folksy sound that makes you want to go and run off into the forest and make fairy circles.
I think A Night At The Opera is probably the best example of how versatile Queen is. It’s genuinely masterpiece of an album and 100% deserves to be their most popular album. All of the tracks are so unique and its just such an experience to listen to every single time. 
And of course every single ballad they did; like there’s literally not a person on the planet who hasn’t heard at least one Queen ballad, if that’s not impressive idk what is.
2. Their Fashion This one isn’t that deep, I just really love their fashion and aesthetic, particularly from the early-mid 70′s. I LOVE that they all shared clothes and accessories in the early days, and the fact that they weren’t afraid to get a little bit experimental with their looks.
Zandra Rhodes is absolutely incredible and all of Freddie and Brian’s stage costumes from that era are absolutely beautiful. I also think there’s something oddly poetic about the fact that during the time where the boys were essentially broke and playing their smallest gigs was also the time where they made the effort to look the most grandiose and theatrical.
I also really appreciate that their look from the mid to late 80′s was pretty much exclusively “exhausted dad at the sunday neighbourhood bbq”. I think that was quite brave of them.
3. Their Stage Presence This one’s sort of mainly a Freddie appreciation thing but for a damn good reason because the man KNEW how to capture an audience. That description about how Freddie made it feel like he was talking to you directly in a crowd of hundreds of thousands is so accurate, even from low quality recordings of their concerts from 40 years ago it still feels the same way. The most obvious example of this is Live Aid, but if you haven’t already seen it, go watch Queen’s 1977 performance at Earl’s Court because after every few songs Freddie will just start talking to the audience either about how the night’s going or about the next song they’re going to do, but he talks in such a conversational way it really does feel like he’s just talking to you and its so soft.
I also need to talk about Wembley ‘86 because WOW do I get emotional watching that. Its impossible not to feel the energy from the band and the crowd, and you can tell how much fun all of the boys are having (especially during the acoustic set which might be my favourite part).
4. Their Vocal Harmonies Straight up I just can’t get over how incredible Brian, Freddie, and Roger’s voices sound together. I feel like I don’t even need to elaborate because y’all know exactly what I’m talking about. There are too many songs to give examples of but particularly all of Somebody To Love makes me go absolutely BANANAS (freddie was 100% correct when he said it was queen’s best song)
5. Just Like, Them As People I love that all of them are so different as individuals and the way that shows through their music. Their brotherly relationship really well and truly does warm my heart.
I love that Freddie knew he was a superstar and acted like it even when the band was only playing pub gigs and barely had a dollar to its name, that level of determination and self-confidence is honestly something I aspire to. I also love his consistent “i’m going to love the world and everyone in it but absolutely take no shit from anyone who tries to give it to me” outlook on life.
I love that Brian is so clever and multi-talented, please try and name another astrophysicist 3-D photographer international rock star (you CAN’T because that’s insane and completely ridiculous and it’s Brian and I love him for it). I love how stubborn and passionate he was about making music even if it did result in screaming matches with the rest of the band.
I love that Deaky essentially accidentally helped form one of the most popular rock groups in history, my mans joined the band at 19 and never intended to be a rock star but he did it and raised a whole family at the same time. I also love that this quiet little soft spoken bassist was the dancing queen of Queen and out of nowhere would write some of their greatest hit singles...  we really do have no choice but to stan.
I love that Roger tried to be an Adult and get a Real Life Job but said no fuck that i’m going to be a rock and roll star because that’s what i love and i’m good at it. I also love how in tune he was with the world and all the current fashions and modern trends, he really said i’m going to be well-read and cultured but make it sexy.
Essentially, I think I like Queen so much because it’s this perfect storm of four very distinct personalities that should absolutely clash but for some reason only bring out the best in each other and I think that’s really neat.
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mochasandwords · 5 years
I See Fire (Part 1)
*taps mic* Is this still on? 
Uh, hi! I’m back with another part of my Greater Beings AU! I’m still working on this fic, but it’s becoming very lengthy. Almost 4,500 words currently. There will probably four parts, and I am working on part three. (I’ve got my inspiration back! Woo!) 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Warning: This whole fic is very depressing. Warnings will be used for each part individually.
Word Count: 2,849
Warnings: Near falling, snakes, homophobia, transphobia, implied stalker, aphobe, threats (let me know if there’s anything else)
Ships: Adster (Adonis x Aster (OCs)), eventual implied dukceit
Doran grunted as the stubborn apple finally came off of the branch it was on. He threw it into the basket of apples on the ground beneath him. He reached for another apple on a higher branch and felt the hand that was steadying him start to slip. He quickly wrapped his legs around the branch he was on and grabbed it with his arms.
“Doran, please be careful!” Papa yelled up into the branches. Doran smiled through shaky breaths.
“I am!” He shouted back down. Through the branches, he saw the figure of his papa standing with his arms crossed. His green eyes glittered nervously.  
“Come on down, this tree’s been picked enough,” Papa said, shaking his head. Doran looked back up at the apple he had been trying to reach. If he was just a bit taller...
“Don’t even think about it, mister.” Doran groaned but obeyed, making his way down the tree. Once his feet hit the ground, his papa ruffled his hair. Doran hissed and shrank away, running a hand through his blonde hair in an attempt to fix it.  
“You’re brave, Doran, but a part of being brave is knowing when to stop.” Papa chuckled, “Come on, there are only a couple more trees to pick.” Doran nodded and walked after his papa, eyeing his hat. A few seconds later, he jumped up and snatched it from his papa’s head, revealing his brown hair. Doran laughed and took off, hearing Papa gasp and laugh behind him.
Doran felt strong arms pick him up and spin him around, stopping him mid-sprint.
“You little thief!” Papa laughed. Doran giggled loudly as he held the hat close. Papa set him down after a while, Doran having to close his eyes to keep the world from spinning. When he opened his eyes, his papa had his hat on his head. Doran gaped; he hadn’t even realized he had lost it.
“Disorient the person and take your thing back. I’ve taught you this, Doran.” Papa said, wagging his finger playfully. Doran shrugged.
“I wasn’t looking to keep it.” He grinned. Papa smiled.
“No more playing or climbing trees so high you almost fall, ok? Your dad will have dinner done soon, and I want to be at the house when your sister gets there.” Papa said. Doran perked up and nodded. How could I forget that Zandra was coming home? His sister was a priestess of the god Roman and didn’t have many opportunities to visit. Doran loved his sister and missed her often. They had been close as kids and she had been a pillar of strength in his life. Other than his papa and dad of course.  
Doran couldn’t stop the memories that flowed back to him, and honestly, he didn’t want them to stop. The beaming smile paired with bright green eyes. Strong arms that made Doran feel safe. The games they would play where she was the Dragon Witch that had to be slain and he was a brave knight. All the things she taught him, like prayers to the different gods, their parent’s weak spot for puppy-dog eyes, how to hold and swing a sword, and most importantly, how to be a good older brother to Kit.
Kit was the youngest kid in the family, and once he could walk, he had been a handful. His curly hair was untamable, and his normally blonde hair was always caked with dust and mud. He had a chipped tooth from the time he had tried to jump over a stream and his green eyes were always filled with mischief. Doran loved him but got overwhelmed by the six-year old’s endless energy easily. He was learning to be patient.
Doran considered himself to be one of the calmest people in his family, even though he did have sudden spurts of energy and was always down to have fun. He was also hardworking, like his papa and dad. Since Kit couldn’t do many of the bigger chores, the responsibility fell on Doran most days. He didn’t mind though, it was something to do, and he got to bond with his parents.
“Let’s head back, Doran! That’s enough for today!” Papa called, pulling Doran from his thoughts.
“Coming!” Doran shouted, sliding down the tree he had been in. Once on the ground, he grabbed as many of the baskets of apples that he could carry and hauled them onto the cart his family owned. Doran wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and looked up at the sky, smiling at the beautiful sunset. Papa placed the last basket into the cart and then the two were off, both pulling the cart behind them.  
When they finally reached the house, it was almost dark, the god Logan’s stars already poking through the sky. Their house was small, just a hut with a straw roof. It had a kitchen area and three rooms, one for Doran’s parents, one for Doran and Kit, and one for Zandra when she visited.  
Papa and Doran dropped the cart off near the front of the house and walked in, letting the warmth and sweet smells wash over them.
“Papa!” Kit cried, jumping off the stool he had been on and running to Papa. Papa laughed and kneeled down so he could hug Kit. Doran smiled and took off his cloak, hanging it up, and pulled off his shoes, putting them by the door.
“Hi, dad!” Doran said, turning to his dad. His dad stood over the fire as he finished with dinner, blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.
“Hello Doran, how did harvesting go?” Dad asked, turning slightly to look at his son.
“Good! We’re all done!” Doran answered, grunting as Kit barged into him, giving him an aggressive hug.
“So you’ll be able to attend the market with me tomorrow?” Dad asked. Doran sighed.
“What’s wrong? You love the market.” Papa said.
“I just wanted to spend time with Zandra,” Doran muttered.  
“You’ll have plenty of time to do that.” Said a voice from one of the back rooms. Doran gasped and ran to hug the robed figure.
“Hey, Doran!” His sister said with a laugh.
“When did you get here?” He asked, muttering into her white robe.
“A few minutes ago,” Zandra said.
“Let me hug her too, Doran!” Papa said. Doran backed up and let Papa hug his daughter.
“Hi, papa,” Zandra said softly.
“We’ve missed you, Zandra,” Papa replied.
“I’ve missed you too.” Zandra smiled.
“You look good! Your work has been treating you well?” Papa asked. Zandra nodded and did a little twirl, showing off her priestly outfit. She had a long, flowy white robe on. The insignia that was sown over one of her breasts was a red flame. At her hip were a sword and a brown satchel. She was pretty muscular but had defiantly gained a few pounds from how well the priests and priestesses were treated.
Zandra gasped and knelt down, looking at Kit, who was currently hiding behind Dad.  
“Is this Kit? Hey, kiddo!” She held out a hand to him, “You’ve grown up so fast!”
“Who is that?” Kit whispered after a few moments. Zandra giggled.
“I’m your sister, Zandra. Gosh, the last time I saw you was when you were born.” She smiled. Kit still wore a look of confusion. Doran bent down to his brother’s side.  
“Remember the Dragon Witch? And who I told you came up with her?” He whispered. Kit gasped and pointed.
“You’re the Dragon Witch!” He squealed. Zandra laughed.  
“Well, I made her, yes.” She winked.
“Doran’s the Dragon Warlock!” Kit blurted out.
“Oh is he now?”
“Yeah!” Kit squeaked.
“I... might’ve taken some of your ideas,” Doran said, coughing.
“It’s good to have the team expanded, Warlock,” Zandra smirked.
“No! They’ve made an alliance! I need my sword! The kingdom is in danger!” Kit shouted, running to his and Doran’s room, voice fading a bit. Papa and Dad chuckled.  
“You can fight them later, dinner is ready!” Dad shouted, taking the stew away from the fire. Doran, could you put the fire out?” Doran nodded and grabbed the bucket that they used to put out the fire. He carefully placed it over the fire, covering it completely. Zandra came by his side and said a quick prayer over the now enclosed fire. Doran was in awe with how reverently she was speaking, how her words wove through the air like birds flying through the sky.
Doran and his family had sworn an oath to the god Roman when Zandra had become his priestess. Though the family didn’t have to do as much as Zandra by any means. They honored Roman and the fires he let the family used. They prayed to him as a family before they slept. They welcomed any priestess or priest or cleric of Roman’s that came along. And they never put out a fire with water. To them, that was indirectly saying that Remus was more powerful than his brother, as Remus was the god of water.
“Kit! Help me set the table!” Dad shouted.
“But the kingdom!” Kit yelled.  
“Now, Kit!” Papa warned. There was a groan, and Kit walked back into the main area, dragging his feet. Zandra smirked and nudged Doran.
“He reminds me of someone.” She whispered. Doran stuck his tongue out in retaliation.  
Soon, dinner was placed on the table, with the entire family around it. Zandra said a prayer to Roman and Thomas, who was the head god. The meal was bigger than it normally was, as Papa and Dad didn’t want to make Sandra worry. They weren’t poor, but they weren’t wealthy either. They lived comfortably. At least, that’s how Doran would describe it.  
Doran tried to hold himself back from eating his food quickly, but the smell and taste of the food were hard to resist. Dad really pulled out all the stops. He thought with a smile. Too soon, the meal was over.
“That was really good, Dad. Thank you.” Zandra said, dipping her head.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Dad replied, glancing at the empty plates and what little was left of the stew.
“Kit, why don’t you and I clean up?” Papa suggested, standing up. Dad reached over and put his hand on his husband’s.
“Let me do it, Aster. You’ve been working all day.” He said, smiling lovingly. Papa sighed and nodded, resting in his chair.  
“Come on, Kit,” Dad said, stretching.  
“Fine.” Kit whined.  
“Oh, Doran! I have something for you.” Zandra said, standing up with a big smile. Doran raised an eyebrow.
“I have learned not to trust that sentence, Z,” Doran said hesitantly.
“I promise you, it’s nothing bad, D.”  
“You don’t trust a priestess?” Zandra grinned. Doran rolled his eyes and stood up. Zandra’s grin widened. She led him back to her room and sat on her bed, patting next to her. Doran sat down with hesitance. Zandra clicked her tongue and made a low ‘pspsps’ sound.  
A tiny head popped up out of a pile of dirt.
Doran felt his eyes widen in awe as he saw the snake slither toward him, tongue flicking out. Its black scales shone in the dull light.
“Woah!” He gasped. Zandra laughed softly and picked up the snake.
“This one was brought over from Nusantara. He was going to be sacrificed, but after praying and talking to a high priestess, I was allowed to keep her. I felt that she would be perfect for you. She’s not venomous, and Dad and Papa said it was ok for you to have her.” She said, holding up the snake to Doran.
“Really?” He whispered. Zandra nodded, loving the look of awe on her little brother’s face. He was a pro, holding the snake so that it was supported, but letting her slither around his arms. He giggled as she came to rest around his shoulders, flicking her tongue at his face.  
“She likes you.”
“Can... I name her? Or does she have one?”
“Go ahead.”
“...Nothing seems right.” Doran said after a few seconds.
“Let’s go get the night fire started. I want to show you something she does.” Zandra said, standing and walking to the main area of the house; Doran following close behind with his snake on her perch. When they got out to the main area, the fire in the fireplace was already going, with the rest of the family sitting in front of it.  
“Hold her up to the light, D!” Zandra said with a flourish of her hand. Doran gently took his snake off of his shoulders and held her up. Doran’s jaw dropped as his snake’s scales turned rainbow. Wherever the light hit the scales, they shone and danced with color.  
“She looks like a beam of sunshine!” Kit gasped.
“Liakáda.” Doran whispered, “That’s your name.”
“‘Sunshine’. It’s perfect.” Zandra nodded. Liakáda lifted her head higher, seeming like she was proud of herself.  
“Thank you Zandra,” Doran said, a huge smile bursting forth. He put Liakáda back around his shoulders and hugged his sister tightly.  
A knock came at the door.
“Who could be here at this hour?” Papa asked, humming.  
“I’ll get it.” Dad sighed, getting up. He walked to the door; a bit tense. Doran glanced at the window, noting how late it was. He released his sister, intrigued. When Doran’s dad opened the door, Doran heard Zandra give a huge sigh.  
A pale man stood outside, his outfit garish and startling. His hair was greasy and black, only reaching his ears. His dark brown eyes glittered with mischief. He wore black, flowy pants with a matching long sleeve black shirt. The shirt had puffy sleeves with green frills on the cuffs and on the bottom hem of the shirt. The top few buttons were undone, partially covering the wave insignia that was sewn over his breast. A medium-sized silver morning star hung on his back, supported by a leather sash. He had a leather pouch that hung from a silver chain around his waist. His pants were tucked into high heeled, black boots.  
The man bowed deeply.
“Hello, sir. I am Xeno. I am a priest of Remus.” Xeno said.  
“What are you doing here, Xeno?” Zandra snapped, suddenly upset. Xeno grinned.
“Zandra! Hello, my dear.” Xeno greeted.
“I have told you how many times to not call me that.” Zandra sighed.
“I will win you eventually.” Xeno winked.
“You know this man?” Dad asked, turning to Zandra.
“The head priests, priestesses, and clerics in our area have been trying to get Remus’ and Roman’s followers to get along. But like the twins and like fire and water, it’s not working.” Zandra growled.
“All of you Roman followers are just a bit too stubborn. You need to relax!” Xeno said.
“We’ll relax when you all calm down and stop gallivanting everywhere in search of fun.” Zandra snapped.
“Anyway. I was just on my way to town when I thought I'd drop by. I might have seen you through the window and decided to say hello.” Xeno suddenly changed the subject, looking around, “This must be your family. Is your mother out?”  
Everyone in the room stiffened.
“I told you, Xeno. I have two fathers.” Zandra whispered, venom in her voice. Xeno’s face fell into one of mean scrutiny. His eyes seemed to turn black. Doran moved in front of Kit and Liakáda hissed.
“You were serious about that?”
“And the fact I don’t experience romantic or sexual attraction.”
“I’ve told you, that can be changed.”
“Get out of here.” Papa spoke up as he stood, “Get out of our house. And never speak to us again.”
“You want to live like this, Zandra? With people that are not norm-.” Xeno started. Zandra cut him off by thrusting her sword against his throat.
“If I somehow change, which won’t happen, I would never be with you, Xeno. Get that through your head. You’ve insulted my family, me and Roman. You try and ridicule me when I have done nothing wrong and am accepted by my fellow followers of Roman. I suggest you leave this instant before my hand slips and I push this sword deep into your throat.” Zandra hissed. Xeno growled and backed away.
“You are all insane. This world is being infected with people like you. My fellow followers accept your kind for some reason. You’ve tainted them. I could fix you, Zandra, if you weren’t so stubborn. You’ll pay for breaking my heart and insulting me. For being one of their kind.” His head jerked toward Papa and Dad.
“Roman will protect us. And I'm sure even Remus wouldn’t be happy with what you’re saying.” Zandra said. Xeno snarled.
“I know my god better than you, freak.” He turned, as if to leave, then paused.
“And let's see how long your god will be willing to protect people like you.” After that, he stalked into the night, morning star glistening under the light of the moon.
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rockthecotswolds · 6 years
Rocking Day in the Life of... Robin Watkins-Davis
A 20-year-old award-winning artist who’s recently displayed her installation ‘Shift’ in Painswick. Robin splits her time between her art and teaching yoga and works hard to inspire mental wellbeing in under 25s.
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So Robin, when did you discover you had artistic talent….and did you know you wanted to move into contemporary art early on?
I have been doing art since I was around four years old and began focusing on developing my artistic skills when I was 10 years old. After my school day, (Croft Primary School in Painswick) I had tutors in fine art painting and sculpture and this began my fascination with art as I found the extra circular lessons stimulating and challenging. I built up a portfolio of work which then got me an art scholarship.
At secondary school and sixth form I focused mainly on fine art painting, developing my technical drawing skills, it was on my art foundation course at Stroud, last year where my mind opened to contemporary art and I pushed my own artistic boundaries like never before.
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When did you start practising yoga?  We saw that you were the UK’s youngest yoga instructor not so long ago, so it must have been at a very young age?!
I started meditation first at the age of 12, this was to support me as I was going through a bit of a dark time and connected to the practice as a way of overcoming the challenges, providing me with some hope and control over the way I was feeling.
I got into yoga around the age of 14 and then trained at 16 years old to become the UK’s youngest yoga teacher.
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You are keen on promoting mindfulness, particularly with young people around Gloucestershire, what would be your three tips for someone needing more calm in their life?
Ooo… this is a good question!
Tip 1) When in a state of overwhelm or stress, I try and use my body and breath as a way of connecting into the present moment, this doesn’t have to be yoga, it could be walking or another form of exercise. Instead of thinking, I try and connection into sensations and feelings, for example following the breath as it flows in and out through my body. This helps anchor me into the present moment and then things often seem much more manageable!
Tip 2) To step outside of the ‘heat’ of the emotion and instead see the body in a mechanical sense, ie: what you put in, you get out. When I am not feeling well mentally or physically, I apply to perspective and think about how I can change a habit or behaviour so that I then get a different outcome. For example, when I feel stressed instead of delving into that and getting even more stressed out, and then telling everyone how stressed I am, I try my best to step back and say to myself mentally, ‘Okay Robin, you are feeling stressed, that’s okay, that’s just my body telling me that its under a bit too much pressure.’ Then I try and find some small changes, for example sleeping more which will shift that emotion or experience.
Tip 3) To remember there are only so many hours in a day, I often remind students this when I go into schools and do de-stress exam workshops. All we can do is our best, taking moments to pause is just as important as the doing.
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You’re originally from Tasmania, how did you come to live in the Cotswolds?
Yes, I was born there, my father is Australian, we came over to the UK after spending a few years in both Australia and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I think my mum was missing her family back in the UK so we decided to come back here, my mum liked the idea of my brother and I going to a small village primary school which is why we moved to Painswick and I am very grateful for that because I love the the community of the village, the people are very supportive and have encouraged me to dream big and make them come true!
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You worked with Zandra Rhodes and Giffords Circus - which sounds amazing - what did you do?
Yes, I lived and worked with Dame Zandra Rhodes, an opportunity which I won through Art Couture Painswick with their wearable art festival. It was an amazing experience as I was 17 and had never stayed in London for that length of time before, I was assisting Zandra with designs for costumes she was making for an opera and drawing her archive collection for her ‘fashion bible.’ In the evenings I enjoyed meals with Zandra, and one highlight was going to look around the David Hockney exhibition with her.
I worked with Giffords Circus for about a month last spring, helping in the art department with set design and prop making, I loved this experience because I have found Gifford circus such a magical and uplifting show since I was a child, so to be able to work behind the scenes was fascinating.
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What’s a fairly typical morning and afternoon for you?
Ooo… haha! My days are fairly unstructured, which can sometimes be unsettling as school provided such routine that it can feel odd without one (I only just left college in September) but I also love having a flexible and creative working day. My day typically starts early, before the sun has risen, where I practice yoga and meditation before any of my brothers have woken up, I have three, the youngest is four years old. I then spend a few hours working on art projects, that may be organising an art exhibition/ event or making more work/researching.
I then start working on yoga projects, where I focus on improving education on mental health for young people, sharing tools and techniques.
The afternoon, normally involves a couple of yoga classes or private family classes/ one – to – ones.
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What would you say about the work/life balance of being in the Cotswolds?
I personally love it, when I go and visit London for events and conferences, I am always shocked by how much work people do, and how fast the pace of life is. The Cotswolds provides a sense of leisure but there are also plenty of opportunities and ambition, there is lots going on especially in lifestyle, hospitality and creative industries.
I think that balance is important, as I would say I am a driven person so being able to slow down and retreat in nature is essential for me staying positive and enthusiastic with my work and not burning out.
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You’ve set up yoga for under 25s - could you tell us more about that?
Yes, Bliss by Robin is the name of my business which focuses on delivering yoga and mindfulness to young people, now that involves me teaching yoga classes in Gloucestershire, both outside and in schools. These are really growing in popularity as I think young people can relate to me, because we are similar in age and so they find the classes supportive and of relevance to what they may be going through
I have recently started a project called bliss-ed which has exciting plans to make yoga more accessible for a wide variety of young people. Bliss-ed is primarily for young people and by young people (I have a small team of young people who are involved in the content making)
Using social media and youtube to share free content, for example in a few weeks’ time I have mental health campaign coming out, especially for young people to help them with mental health.
Bliss-ed ambassadors this is a new idea I have had which empowers young people to share yoga and mindfulness with their peers by running lunchtime clubs, this has already been tried out at Stroud High School, with one of my students, Flo Cross.
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You’re a patron for the Teen Yoga Foundation - could you tell us more about that?
The TeenYoga Foundation is a charity with the aim of making yoga more accessible for young people. They do studies with the university of Westminster, and others investigating the effect yoga has on young peoples well-being and they also represent the ‘yoga in schools’ section of the All-Party-Parliamentary-Group (APPG) for yoga in society, where MPs and lords, as-well as health care professionals and yoga teachers meet to raise awareness of yoga and coming up with solutions for the government to put these practices into our healthcare, schools, prisons and businesses. As the Teen Yoga Patron, I support their work by going to the APPG meetings.
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Where do you like to go to eat/drink in the area?
Somewhere close: The Painswick Hotel - I just love the interior and the balcony has amazing views, it’s so comfortable and stylish and the food is divine, the veggie options are experimental and tasty.
What’s been the most challenging and rewarding part of your jobs so far?
Juggling art and the yoga as they both have lots of potential opportunity and areas of growth so managing my time between them both can sometimes mean the workload is a bit overwhelming, but I just do my best and try not to rush.
It was exciting to do the ‘shift’ art exhibition as that combined art and yoga together in a powerful synergy.
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What are your goals living and working here or have you reached them already?
I have reached some big goals already, my next big one Is to leave something behind which can keep running without me having to be here all the time, the work I do for young people in the are has really started to kick off and I hope with the bliss-ed ambassador scheme other young people can take on some of my work and expand it, so that a suitable and supportive mental health support is offered.
My art goal is to now take my ‘shift’ exhibition on a tour out from Painswick and around the Cotswolds and up to London.
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Where’s your favourite place to relax over a weekend?
Walking on Rodborough common or through the Painswick Rococo gardens.
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Where would you go in the Cotswolds to be inspired?
There are always lots of interesting, creative events going on in Stroud and Cheltenham, I enjoy going to live music, local festival and art exhibitions to see something new.
Look out for Robin’s videos on ‘Movement for Modern Life’ or the ‘Netflix of Yoga’ as Robin calls it, based in the Cotswolds.  www.mfml.co/robin
In April Robin is releasing a special series called ‘Sharpen your Mind’ to help people through stressful times: 
For more be sure to follow Robin:
@blissbyrobin - personal yoga account @blissedgeneration - new project @rart.insta - art account
0 notes
jaetros · 7 years
The Tribe 30 Day Challenge (My Take)
1. When did you first start watching The Tribe?
Back when I was around Primary school days! I first caught the show at my father’s workplace as there was a private room (that I could access) which had a TV! I would watch The Tribe till my dad finished his work to bring me home.
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2. What were your initial views of the show?
I found it to be very scary yet engaging. The empty city and the Locos was very convincing to me as a little kid. They unfortunately only aired Series 1 in Singapore, so I eventually forgot the show’s name but always wondered if the Mall Rats had a happy ending. It wouldn’t be until 2015 where I finally rediscovered the show (which was more dramatic than I remembered it to be haha).
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3. What are your views on Zandra. (Useless/awesome/annoying…?) and why?
Zandra was one of my favourite characters as I also enjoy fashion, watching TV and the comforts of home. She was a fun character overall and I really loved her comic relief. Even in a post-apocalyptic world, she still happily went on with life which was surprisingly nice to see. Zandra didn’t take things very seriously but she still had a brain unlike Gel. When she died at the beginning of Series 2, I was very close to tears. Zandra had started to develop away from her material obsession and was preparing to be a responsible mother, only to leave poor Lex behind. The Mall felt very empty without her presence and I didn't accept her death till the end of the season. I’ve always wondered what her development would be if she had survived and given birth to Lex’s baby... :’)
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4. Who is your all around favorite Character in The Tribe?
Oh mannnnn... they were my favourites all together haha! But if forced to choose it will probably be Salene. I liked her since the start as she was a very nice and caring person. Surprisingly, I related and sympathised with her more than any other character on the show (even though I’m a boy I’m very connected with my emotions). I struggled with self-esteem and depression just like her. The scene where Salene attempted suicide was very touching because her friends stopped her (since I had also attempted to throw myself off a building before). This is a very unpopular opinion but Salene was very overlooked and deserves far more recognition. Yes she made her mistakes but finally grew into a strong person and became city leader in Series 4. Although many people said she sucked as city leader but she obviously couldn’t do much against Ram, at least she got them the Hospital (which to me is a throwback to when she struggled with Bulimia and now has the chance to help similar people). Series 4 really was her spotlight and I HATED how they reverted her back in Series 5 to a complete mess.
Here’s a picture montage to all the times Salene had a big heart for others but also her sufferings.
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5. Crazy Trudy or Sane Trudy and why?
Sane Trudy because she’s an admirable, strong sweetheart! She has grown so much since her introduction from a scared little girl to a strong woman who offers sincere and capable support. I definitely look up and admire her growth! But Crazy Trudy is also enjoyable as I love Antonia’s acting. Trudy had potential as a villain during Series 2, her creepy vibes still give me goosebumps.
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6. What is your favorite season (series) of The Tribe and why?
It’s either Series 1 or 3 and honestly very hard to pick! Series 1 because it was the only one I watched during childhood and had that post-apocalyptic vibe (which I felt the later seasons had mostly lost). It also housed some of the best storylines of the entire series, the Mall Rats forming, the birth of Brady, the revelation of Brady’s true father, the Tribal Gathering, Hope Island, Tribe Circus invading the Mall and the Eagle Mountain saga. Series 3 because it was the final season to use most of the original cast, Amber’s return, Pride’s introduction, The Chosen’s takeover of the Mall, the struggles of the captive Mall Rats, and the chilling finale where the adults seemed to have returned in a plane flying over the city.
Both seasons unfortunately suffered flaws, the abrupt disappearance of Paul was what kept Series 1 from nearly being prefect (makes me wish his actor hadn’t left). Series 3 had similar problems, Patsy and Ryan disappearing, Amber and Trudy temporarily exiting the show for two periods, and the poor quality of the middle episodes of the season due tot the aforementioned reasons.
If I was really forced to choose it would probably be Series 1. Since it was the beginning of a post-apocalyptic world and the Mall Rats individually dealt with the situation in their own ways. By the end of the season, each of the cast had grown so much and some have became couples! All of them were ready to face the future together, which was what personally made it special for me. :)
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7. Did you watch The New Tomorrow and what did you think?
It wasn’t good at all. The characters were dull and uninteresting and it was way too kiddish, so I was majorly disappointed it had little to do with The Tribe. The only praise I would give to that show is the beautiful filming locations and the new music. The cancelled Season 6 would have been awesome with the newer budget The New Tomorrow had, which sucks. I don't recommend watching it at all.
8. Lex and Zandra or Lex and Tai-san?
Lex/Tai-San! Their relationship worked much better and it’s the prefect example of opposites attract! Lex the bad boy and Tai San the spiritual girl, I never thought they would end up together when I first watched the show. Tai San has really helped Lex develop and soften down. The one that shocked me most was Lex agreeing with Tai San not to trade The Guardian for Amber and Trudy (despite Lex’s hatred for The Guardian). As for Lex/Zandra, it was nice yet stereotypical seeing the bad boy with the pretty material girl. It lacked real love, which was a shame because Lex only objectified Zandra. While people argue that Lex loved her in his own way, I think otherwise as I feel Lex grieving over Zandra’s death was his guilt of letting her down. I don’t think he really loved her honestly.
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9. Favorite “evil” leader and explain.
MEGA! Because he was cold and calculative. Putting fear into the citizens with a supposed outside threat so they’ll turn to him for help was simply genius. That guy created a new virus which was honestly insane. The only problem with Mega was that he didn’t feel threatening compared to the rest of the villains. This is where The Guardian feels more appealing...
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10. What was your favorite tribe?
Mall Rats! Since they had a lot of diversity amongst themselves and accepted whoever wanted to join. They strived to bring a fair and just society despite opposition. Even giving the antidote away for free. I definitely want to be in a tribe that upholds these values!
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11. Which tribe do you think you would be in and why? (not just because you like it.)
I see myself as being with the Mall Rats because I’m a city guy. The Ecos and Technos seem very appealing to join but I don’t think I can handle tribesman and computer skills as much as I want to. I’m a very slow learner. The Ecos would be a lovely getaway from reality though haha.
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12. Favorite season finale?
Every season finale had it’s charm so it’s hard to choose! But I like Series 2′s finale as it always gives me goosebumps watching the whole city fall to The Chosen’s tyranny. It was completely silent and no words were spoken till the Guardian announced their victory to Zoot, while Ebony helplessly watches from a clifftop. It’s predictable but I liked the execution. Series 3′s finale was another one that gave me goosebumps, everyone watches the plane flying over the city and unknown people parachuting down. It really seemed that the invading Technos were the adults at that time! The show could have gone in any direction after that finale, so Series 3 probably wins for me.
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13. Season 5 finale. Did you think it was an abrupt, but great ending, or really bad cliff hanger?
I agree it’s abrupt but not necessarily great. The finale felt rushed to me. It hinted at the possibility of a fresh new start for survival like at the beginning of the show, which made me excited. This is an unpopular opinion but I really liked the unused Series 6 ideas, sure there’s reveal of some new technology, but come on, the scripts don’t show anything like what Series 4 had, it’s just freaking machines rampaging the island. The Privileged and the Discards conflict was clearly a “screw you” to beauty standards like Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie and Fitch, which I feel would have been a good message to young viewers. The return of Bray, Alice and KC was also something I wanted to see. I really liked how they planned to end Series 6 as open-ended by having the final scene to be the same as the Abe Messiah video. Only this time it’s Bray and Amber holding Baby Bray. It would have eased my mind if the show had been cancelled after Series 6, shame the boat scene is forever in our minds. The Tribe: A New World novel is solid too and I love that they brought back Bray, but I feel they keep dragging the story for the novels. Shame we will never see the Mall Rats encounter the Privileged and the Discards as the concept was interesting. But who knows what future novels will bring!
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14. Did you like the twist with Amber’s return, or think it was really cheesy.
It was never cheesy but a happy twist! The show was set in a Post-Apocalyptic world, so how was it extreme? Amber’s return was one of the most exciting storylines of the whole show. It was crazy yet very believable! The episode which explains her survival has been one of my favourites, given she was a big favourite of mine too! Amber was very headstrong but was always on the look out for others than herself. The Mall Rats were very lost without her so it was awesome she came back, her story was far from finished. Cheers to Amber!
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15. Bob or Cloudy and why?
Bob as he had spotlight and didn't just feel like the Mall Rats’ loyal canine. He felt like a real friend protecting his tribe, he was a dog I definitely would have wanted! Cloudy was an unneeded replacement I never cared about (it never did anything other than finding the missing Ebony). The creators didn’t bother to make him as interesting as Bob, who I wished had stayed longer on the show. RIP Bob, we’ll miss you forever. :’)
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16. Did you miss Paul or no?
Yes, but it was hard to care about him initially because he didn’t develop enough before his disappearance. Although I wished he had stayed as his sensing abilities could offer a lot of interesting storylines, he’ll undoubtedly be an onscreen hero to deaf people watching the show. It’s a real shame!
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17. Do you think Ebony was all bad?
No! In fact she’s very misunderstood! Ebony has a good side she just wants to deny. If you have watched Series 2 you know her pattern, once she feels heartbreak and betrayal she’ll go back to the Ebony we all know. I wish a man would finally arrive on the scene and love Ebony for real. Jay/Ebony had the best chemistry and it sucks they fell apart. Then again, I’ve always enjoyed Ebony’s character. All the villains on the show know she is a serious threat, which is somewhat admirable knowing she can show who’s boss if you give her enough time to destroy you. Haven’t we all wanted to show that some people are fools who picked the wrong person to mess with? Here’s to hope Ebony will find a real gentleman one day!
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18. Most emotional death scene?
Zandra. As mentioned before, she was the only one which moved me very close to tears, yet I was able to keep them from coming. She was that bubbly girl in her own world who was getting ready to be mother, but death stepped in. I felt when Zandra died, a part of me also died. Wasn’t able to get over her death till the end of Series 2, this was a feeling to a fictional character I’ve never felt before. I had a similar experience reacting to Siva’s death, but not as strong. Zandra left an unfulfilled longing of what could have been and I really wish she had stayed on the show so we could see how she would have reacted to The Chosen and the Technos.
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19. Least favorite character and why?
DANNI. No questions asked. Annoying isn’t enough to describe her, she was simply the worst character in the entire franchise. She just walked into the Mall and acted like she was the boss, announcing her Bill of Rights and got whiny when things didn’t get her way. Such as when Bray had to memorise the formula and when the kids were playing basketball, she be like “stop fooling around and get to workkk.” Always up and about everyone’s business, like just chill man. Why the Mall Rats made an outsider their leader was beyond me. Danni was very hypocritical too, Bray asked if she wanted to dance but she declined. Then Ebony offered to dance with Bray and she got super jealous within seconds!!!!! I hated her relationship with Bray and was one of the most difficult things to watch. Danni knew Amber “died” and it wasn’t even 10 minutes before she started making a move on Bray, seriously?? Most of all I never understood why Bray could fall in love with her as she’s nothing like Amber, just whiny about her Bill of Rights. Simply put, the creators tried to make her “Amber 0.2″ but it didn’t work!!! Amber was FAR more interesting and they were annoyingly pushing her to be the replacement, when she should have stood out more individually. It would have been better to make her a fighter character instead of a leader type, since her first appearance had her with a bow and arrow (that was my initial impression of her). I must admit however that she seemed better in the last three episodes of Series 2 but then they got rid of her LOL. Danni is the only missing character whom I hope stays dead, she was never interesting enough to continue with. While I felt like her backstory was just to make us feel sorry for her, it had potential. But because they barely did anything with her character and tossed her off the show, how was I supposed to care? No offence to Ella, who did her best with the role that the lazy script writers obviously didn’t put any effort with.
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20. Pick a season that wasn’t as great as the others and why?
Series 2. It was annoying to watch that season as I felt the Mall Rats weren’t making the best decisions despite the recent death of their two friends. Although their efforts were sincere like giving the antidote for free, they did so many stupid things which lead to The Chosen’s takeover. “Ultimate power ultimately corrupts” is probably this season’s moral. But it’s a shame though, the antidote storyline was interesting and the costumes for Series 2 were some of the best. It’s difficult to go through that season more than once as many things were hard to watch. *cough* Danni *cough* 
The only aspect I enjoyed about Series 2 was The Chosen’s creepy vibes, I loved the idea where they snuck up on the Mall Rats and took over when it was too late. Crazy Trudy had a worthy spotlight as well! It’s a huge shame that The Chosen were no longer creepy in Series 3 anymore.
I’m also tempted to say Series 4 and 5 due to the show becoming too lighthearted by that point. But it wasn’t hard to watch unlike Series 2.
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21. Favorite song from The Tribe? (Opening/ending credits or album)
Probably Abadeo as it has a very happy and catchy tune to it! Beep Beep, Abe Messiah and The Dream Must Stay Alive are my other favourites. I have throughly enjoyed every song The Tribe has ever offered however! 
22. Amber and Jay, or Amber and Bray?
Bray/Amber forever!!! I loved their chemistry in Series 1 and they were really suited for each other. While I was happy they reunited in Series 3, I must admit it didn’t feel the same as before. But it sucks they both got separated TWICE. So heartbreaking as they never got enough time together. Jay/Amber were okay but I felt Jay might have been leading her on, as he did with Ebony and Trudy. Like make up your mind bruh.
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23. Who would you have put Trudy with if you wrote The Tribe?
I feel there were no suitable people for Trudy in the show IMO. Maybe Martin? But their relationship was a one night stand, so I feel reluctant to put them together as they never had much moments on screen (Plus he is dead lol). Trudy did seem happy with Jay, but we all know Jay was just leading her on. I’ve never shipped Jay/Trudy too which is something that should not have happened. Here’s to hope that Trudy will meet her man-to-be someday! She deserves someone who’s worth it.
24. Funniest unintentionally funny scene?
Probably in Series 1 where Trudy threatens Bray with a plastic knife lol.
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25. Would you have forgiven Danni for her dad starting the Virus?
As much as I dislike Danni’s character, what her father did was entirely separate from her own annoying deeds, so yes I would forgive her. A father’s sins is not the children’s after all.
26. Ellie and Luke, or Ellie and Jack?
Jack/Ellie! They were a super cute couple when they first started in Series 2. Both Jack and Ellie have grown so much since then, so their Series 5 moments were the best! But I disliked Ellie for going with Luke when she knew Jack was still alive. Luke/Ellie did have some cute moments I admit, but it didn’t work out compared to Jack/Ellie.
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27. Would you have joined Zoot, or feared him?
I would have feared him! But screaming “Power and Chaos” is actually fun lol.
28. Do you have a favorite episode of the tribe?
Too many to remember haha.
29. One of the reasons The Tribe ended was because the characters were growing up, which was straying from the original concept. Do you think this mattered, or was it a good idea to end?
Absolutely not! Were the actors even that old?? There was always room for introduction of new and younger kids, which was already done with Gel, Sammy and Lottie. Anyways, while the characters were growing so were we! Fans weren’t reverting back to toddlers, so it was all the more reason to have continued it. We could have seen how children would have survived till adulthood in a Post-Apocalyptic world which lacked parents. Many things could have been taught and shared. If they wanted to cancel the series at least give it a proper conclusion! Not cliff-hang it! This is why us fans have suffered for years waiting for a continuation of our beloved characters. All of which felt like they were part of our lives. Just look at how proud I am of how the characters grew up below! They’ve come a LONG way.
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30. Finally, talk about some of your favorite moments in The Tribe. (Try to include some from all the seasons.)
Ho ho! This will be a long list..
Series 1: The first episode, Cloe and Bluebell, Zandra scenes, Trudy and Ryan taking care of bulimic Salene, Jack and Dal’s bromance, Bramber moments, the Tribal Gathering, Tribe Circus invading, Locos take the antidote, and the journey to Eagle Mountain.
Series 2: Creepy Chosen, kidnapping of Brady and Trudy, the flashbacks, Alice and Tai San’s friendship, Crazy Trudy and The Chosen capturing the city.
Series 3: Jack taken away by Chosen and Ellie’s grief, Amber’s return, introduction of Pride, captive Mall Rats divided, Trudy’s redemption, defeat of The Chosen, Salene’s near suicide and redemption, Trudy protecting the pregnant Amber, Cloe brings Jack back to the Mall, and planes arriving in the finale.
Series 4: Salene as leader, Jay/Ebony moments, Ved/Cloe moments, Dee/Patch moments, Ebony makes up with Siva, Mouse’s cuteness, the Mall trashed by addicted outsiders, Technos attack the Eco camp, Tai San’s return and final showdown with Technos.
Series 5: Liberty, Ram’s redemption, Jack/Ellie moments, Mega’s scheming, Jack saving the Mall Rats from a bomb, Ebony grieving over her sisters’ death, celebration party of Mega’s defeat, Bray, Alice and KC revealed to be alive, and the final scene on the boat.
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deadrock98 · 8 years
My Sweet/Vicious comic script
I was a disappointed in how the actual comic came out for my Gender and Comics class, but I love the script. So I decided to post what I wrote, I will send this link to the creator so she can read what I wrote. I hope you all enjoy.
Sweet/Vicious #1
 Page 1:
Full page-
Ophelia: Looks like we’re gonna be busy.
Page 2:
Panel 1-
           Jules: There are so many, where do we even start?
           Ophelia: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe comes to mind.
Panel 2-
           Jules: I’m serious. I knew that sexual assault was a problem at Darlington. But I wasn’t expecting this.
Panel 3-
           Ophelia: I was joking. But we need to figure something out because we’re getting posts from all over campus. I mean look at this we’ve got a bunch from guys not only women.
-Jules points to computer screen-
           Jules: Let’s start with this one. “Imperfect_R_Victim.”
Panel 4-
           Ophelia: Perfect, why that one?
Jules: It’s a play on a title of an article I read freshmen year. I took Intro to Gender with Professor Davis and we read this article from Katie Koestner. It talked about her own sexual assault while she was in college in the 90’s.
Panel 5-
           Ophelia: See you’re smart and amazing all in one.
           Jules: Aw. I bet you say that to all the girls.
           Ophelia: (under her breath) Not to all.
Page 3:
Panel 1-
Ophelia: (reading aloud) David Webb attacked me in the park near the Gas n’ Sip. They did nothing because I’m male. I need help & justice!
Panel 2-
Jules: I never thought that the school wouldn’t listen to a guy. Like you would think it’s a guy so we need to listen to him.
Ophelia: I’m amazed that he even reported it to the school.
Panel 3-
           Jules: Why?
           Ophelia: Male rape victims often feel stigmatized and majority of the times the system just ignores them because they’ve got no idea how to handle the situation.
Panel 4-
           Jules: They just sweep it under the rug?
           Ophelia: Yep. Usually seems to be the case.
           Jules: The system refused to help me we’re gonna help him.
Page 4:
Panel 1-
           Ophelia: I love when you get that fire in your eye.
Panel 2-
           Jules: I’m gonna go see Tyler. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Do some diggin’.
Panel 3-
           Ophelia: Ya got it. Now Imperfect…who are you?
Page 4:
Panel 1- Few hours later
           Jules: What did you find out?
           Ophelia: A ton. So “Imperfect” is a sophomore by the name of Derek. Full time student with a GPA of 3.0, not bad for his history.
           Jules: What do you mean?
Panel 2-
           Ophelia: He’s got a history of drug abuse and mental health issues including PTSD. He’s been clean for over 5 years at least according to his records. But after this event who knows.
           Jules: Records?
           Ophelia: Gained access to his doctors’ computer files.
           Jules: What else does the records say about him?
Panel 3-
           Ophelia: Well his doctor put in the files that he was sexually assaulted when he was 10 years old. Could be why he was hooked on drugs for a few years. It’s sad really, he finally gets his life together and comes to school only to be knocked back down again. I cannot imagine what he is going through right now.
Panel 4-
           Jules: Than we’re gonna need to make sure that we can give him justice. What about his attacker, David Webb, what did you dig up on him?
Page 5
Panel 1-
           Ophelia: A lot actually. David has a history of getting away with sexual assault. But with lack of evidence or his victims changing their stories before anything can be done. I dug up about 7 complaints on him over the span of 4 years. 4 of which within the last year. When it comes to the law he’s untouchable.
Panel 2-
           Jules: How can he get away with it? How can even be allowed in school with that many complaints?
Panel 3-
           Ophelia: That’s simple he’s the son of the Senator who’s just as equally as disgusting as his son.
           Jules: David Webb is Senator Donald Webb’s son?
           Ophelia: Yup. Might make things difficult for us.
Page 6:
Panel 1-
           Jules: Fuck it we’re taking him down.
Panel 2-
           Ophelia: FUCK YEA! There’s my Jules.
Page 7:
Panel 1-
           Jules: When is he usually alone?
           Ophelia: I’ve seen him countless times at Darlington Pie. Set something up there.
Panel 2-
           Jules: We should. Maybe we’ll slip the late-night crew an extra hundred. I mean we did smash up a few glasses. Don’t want to seem like a terrible entity in the eyes of the community.
Panel 3-
           Ophelia: Yeah that does make sense. We really did fuck up those frat guys. Even Harris was very surprised by that. Good news is he’s there as we speak according to Facebook.
           Jules: Perfect. Let’s suit up.
           Ophelia: You got it Ben Affleck.
Page 8:
Panel 1-
           *Money on some pizza boxes and a note that reads “Sorry for before here is more money to help with any damages we might produce.”
Panel 2-
           Jules standing on the counter and Ophelia standing behind the counter near the opening decked out in all black.
Panel 3-
           Jules: Sup David.
           Ophelia: We’re here for justice.
Panel 4-
           David: How scary. You two think you can take me down like you did with all of those other guys? You got another thing coming. I’ll keep doing what I want to who I want when I want. There is nothing you can do about it.
Page 9:
Panel 1-
           Jules: You see that’s where you are wrong.
Panel 2-
           Ophelia: We’re gonna stop you. Than we’re going after your dad.
Panel 3-
           David: You think so? So who sent you after me?
Page 10:
Full Page-
           Ophelia: Jessica. Claire. Karen. Zandra. Dominique. Derek. Bray. And everyone you’ve hurt before them
Page 11:
Panel 1-
           David: They all sent you huh? Well they enjoyed every minute of it. Besides they asked for it.
Panel 2-
           Jules: You’re sick if you think they wanted it.
Panel 3-
           David: Know what I’m going to do. First kick your asses then find some little bitch and have my fun with them. I don’t discriminate. And there’s nothin’ either of you will do about it.
Panel 4-
           Jules: That’s where you’re wrong. We’ll stop you and your father from hurting another person again.
Panel 5-
           David: I wish you all the luck.
Page 12:
Full page
           Jules and Ophelia: Game on.
To Be Continued….
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From Lenny Letter No. 77
Jane Austen Slept ’Til Eight By Rachel Seville Tashjian How do I begin my day? I awake at 3:45 a.m. I take a piping-hot shower, followed by a plunge in an extremely cold bath in a tub lined with gold tiles from El Dorado. I read an entire book, then an entire newspaper — and then I eat them both. I run ten miles. I run eight more. I look in the mirror and scream, “I AM ONE DEMANDING CUSTOMER AND LIFE IS BEING SERVED TO ME ON A PLATTER, MEDIUM RARE!” I throw out everything that doesn’t bring me happiness, such as money; I read a single email; I tweet something inspiring that usually becomes a law. And then it’s time for my 8 a.m. meeting. How many times have we heard a version of that hellish morning routine from someone crowned by the Internet as one of the “world’s most successful people”? It’s enough to make you want to throw a dream journal into a fire and meditate to Slayer! And yet those secret, sacred hours before “the real day begins” retain a certain allure: a surprisingly large sliver of the Internet click-factory is made up of these invigorating dispatches. We want success and productivity and clarity, and for some reason we’ve come to believe that those are to be found in the hours we’d rather be sleeping or watching What’s Opera, Doc? while eating Fruity Pebbles. But instead, we are meant to copy routines that range from the impossibly esoteric to the homogeneously intimidating: Steve Jobs or Oprah or Albert Einstein telling you to get up early, exercise, eat a thing, meditate, and, if all that weren’t enough, drink an entire bottle of water. In truth, most of these recommendations don’t stray far from what Benjamin Franklin said almost three centuries ago: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” But the thing is, Benjamin Franklin had gout. And, even more important, the characters who populate these tortured lists aren’t wildly successful because they exercise for two hours and massage their matcha powder with a brush made of preserved spider legs. Perhaps they do these things because they are already wired to think differently, weirdly, ambitiously. And what if we don’t want to be billionaires? What if we just want to be, you know, happy? Are there ways to master the hours of rosy-fingered dawn without orienting our actions so directly toward ambition and success? In other words, is there something between utter sloth — jumping out of bed at the last possible minute and straight into the shower — and the tyranny of the perfected morning? Let’s investigate. Waking up: First of all, I am so excited to tell you that Jane Austen allegedly woke up at the ripe hour of 8 a.m. Exercise: The most important thing to remember in assembling a morning routine is that just because someone didn’t invent the iPhone doesn’t mean they weren’t doing great stuff before noon. For example, should we all try to be Edie Sedgwick? Let’s allow that question to hang rhetorically and just say that she got herself out of bed every morning around 11 a.m. to do ballet stretches while listening to Maria Callas records. This is less jarring than, say, a totalitarian spinning class, and will leave you with more energy to charm at cocktail parties (or a 1 p.m. meeting). And a little Callas in the ears may be the key to supporting a pair of decadent, Sedgwick-esque chandelier earrings! Meditation: You can think, you can chant, you can be the tree, but then, what better moment for craft time than just before breakfast? Zandra Rhodes, who gave high fashion punk pizzazz in the ’70s and ’80s, says she does at least one watercolor drawing in the morning, if not two or three. Breakfast: In Courtney Love’s infamous “Grub Street Diet” — which is really the most essential reading, culinary and otherwise — she claims to start her day with toast soldiers and a hot cloth to rub her legs. Doesn’t that sound like a much more reasonable ritual than eating charcoal with a minute spork from Japan? Welcome to the dawn of a new day, where rock stars are the ones with the mornings worth imitating! Get dressed: Confronting one’s wardrobe can be a daunting task, especially when your audience is … your business colleagues. Now is the time to employ some truly nonsense mantras. Look in the mirror and do your best Diana Vreeland: FASHION IS FANTASY. It’s not the dress, as she once said, but the life you live in it. What would you attempt to wear if you knew you could not fail — in your 10 a.m. meeting, in your 1 p.m. conference call, in your 3 p.m. status update with your boss? Say it aloud: I am in charge of my own destiny and also my own socks! Shoes are the windows to the soul! Fashion fades, but so does the power of Wang Chung’s “Dance Hall Days” if you listen to it on repeat for four days straight and don’t leave your bedroom! Bathe in Champagne, and drink shampoo! Skirts are the new black! Shirts are the secret to pants! French women don’t get mad; they get even, and on Wednesdays, we wear croissants! The morning hours are ripe with possibility, but they call for a refocusing of our attention. Don’t we have enough autocrats speaking over our lives without adding the voice-over of a meditation app? But like watching the sunrise, it’s all about having the right perspective. Under proper guidance, even waking up early can feel right: as Toni Morrison told The Paris Review in 1993, “I, at first, thought I didn’t have a ritual, but then I remembered that I always get up and make a cup of coffee while it is still dark — it must be dark — and then I drink the coffee and watch the light come … And I realized that for me, this ritual comprises my preparation to enter a space that I can only call nonsecular.” There’s the real secret to a successful morning: the most effective rituals are the ones we don’t struggle to form into routine.
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short-stories-by-me · 8 years
The Newcomers - Prologue: The one where everything goes wrong… and then goes right
She was walking quickly. Almost running. Her high heels clicked on the tile floor and her white lab coat flared out behind her. She had a black duffle bag in one of her hands; a clipboard in the other. Her blond her, tied back into a ponytail, was swinging from side to side because of the speed she was walking at. The black glasses that sat on her nose framed her icy blue eyes. A doctor passed her as she made her way down to the lab. Her wedding ring clung tightly to her hand as she gripped the clipboard harder. A young boy nearly ran into her as she rounded the corner, almost spilling his coffee. He was obviously distressed so the woman didn’t comment, just continued on at the same speed. Up ahead a door was opening. Out of it stepped another woman with a white duffle bag instead of a black one. This was one of her students, one of the ones involved with the ‘Portal Project’. She had short black hair and didn’t need to have it in a ponytail. She walked towards the blonde woman and started walking a step behind her, almost matching her speed. Her name was Caprina Bartlett. She had startling gray eyes and an innocent smile that had much wisdom. Out of all the students in the project, Caprina was the shortest. “Professor, did you hear? They got the portal working. I heard it was Emily who got it working, but I heard it from Jason and everyone knows he’s had a crush on Emily since they were kids.” Caprina prattled to her professor, knowing she wouldn’t get in trouble. The Professor seemed to favor her group of friends, so she had no problem speaking like a colleague, rather than a student. They rounded another corner and had to swivel severely to avoid getting hit by an opening door. Another student was coming out from there. This time she had brown hair. Her dark brown eyes followed them for a bit before closing the door and following them, pink duffle bag in hand. “Rydia, did you hear that the portal is working now? Jason said that Emily got it working.” Caprina explained to her best friend, Rydia Gilmour. Rydia, one of the only people who would tolerate Caprina's talking, simply nodded and walked behind her Professor. She was also part of the project. Rydia was only a little bit taller than Caprina, something which she took pride in. They finally made it to the lab and walked in, first the Professor, then Caprina, and finally Rydia. Inside, pushed against the wall, were 6 duffle bags: purple, blue, brown, gray, yellow and orange. Across the room from the doorway was a circular object. It was big, metal and glowing. Inside the circle was a loop of purples, blues, and pinks. Leaning against the counter in the middle, 3 people were talking. Kayleigh Dickens, Emily Knight and Jason Du Lac. They were talking in low voices and seemed to be in an argument, but they were too far away to hear. As the small group of 3 walked through the door, put their bags with the others, and approached the counter, another pair of footsteps was heard in the corridor. “I think that the colours are more magenta than purple.” “Don’t be stupid. It’s so purple, it's the colour of Fiona’s bag.” The 2 arguing walked through the door, coffee in hand, and heading for the counter. Behind them walked another girl, sipping her tea gingerly. “Zandra, Vivian, stop fighting.” Their Professor called out to them when they opened the door. “Yes, Professor.” They said in unison. No matter how much they argued, Zandra D'Arcangelo and Vivian Morduch were scaringly alike. Fiona Galante walked past them and to her bag, where she placed her phone. “Sebastyn said he would be here soon, Professor,” Fiona announced, putting away her phone. Sebastyn Warland was the Professor’s brother and the assistant to the project. Zandra and Vivian were still arguing and they managed to pull Caprina and Rydia into their argument. “It’s purple.” “Magenta.” “Purple.” “Magenta.” “PURPLE!” Zandra and Caprina yelled. “MAGENTA!” Vivian and Rydia shouted back. They had to be pulled away from each other by the rest, as was usually the outcome of arguments between the 4. The Professor simply glanced in their direction, lips pursed, before turning back to the portal. It had taken almost 5 years to complete, and she still didn’t believe it was working. She and her brother had been working on it since the beginning. The students had joined one by one as they entered the academy. Emily and Jason were the oldest, at 18 years each. Zandra and Vivian were each 16; Fiona and Rydia at 15;  Kayleigh and Caprina at 14. They each had contributed to the project when everyone else had thought it was impossible. Looking back at the kids who had helped create this, the Professor saw Caprina, Kayleigh, and Rydia talking with each other. Fiona, Jason, Emily and Vivian were talking together near their bags, and Zandra was sulking in the corner, glaring at Emily and Jason. She didn’t trust them because, according to her, they had betrayed her trust and had broken her heart. The Professor didn’t know why, but she saw to it that their petty rivalry never got in the way of work. Zandra, on her part, ignored the 2 as much as possible, being almost civil if the need be. Emily and Jason, on the other hand, had done nothing to try and diffuse the situation. In Zandra’s mind, they purposely stole her girlfriend from her very frequently. “Emily, Jason.” “Yes professor”, Jason called out. “Could you please go get Headmaster Heilma here, please?” “Of course professor”, Emily answered. They said a quick goodbye to Fiona and Vivian and made their way to his office. The moment they were out of the room, Zandra went and grabbed Vivian’s hand and dragged her over to her corner so they could talk. Fiona simply went over to the Professor. “Do you really think it works? I mean, we’ve been trying so hard, and we’ve got the scars to prove it. But, do you really think this will help you find your husband?” Not many people knew the real reason the project had been created. Well, that wasn't the reason at first but that had been the reason for 2 years. The professor had met her husband in school; in the very academy, she worked in now. They had created the project together after they got married. For 3 years they worked on it together. Then her husband went missing was declared dead in space. That was around the time that Emily and Jason joined the project. “I don't know Fiona. But I have to hope it will work.”She glanced back to the room. The 3 by the counter were laughing merrily with each other. In the corner, Zandra was kissing her girlfriend and smiling. They seemed to have made up. “Alright, everyone. Meeting at the counter.” The professor yelled to the room. They all gathered around the counter and were discussing what to do when an alarm went off. Rydia ran to the panel and look at the readings. “There's something wrong. Something is pushing through, trying to pull us in.” At that moment, anything that wasn't bolted to the ground flew into the portal. Sebastyn decided to make his presence known at that moment. “Hey guys, I'm here now… holy crow! What is happening?” He shouted into the room. The bags all flew into the portal, including Sebastyn’s green one. All the girls and Sebastyn were holding on to whatever they could find. Rydia was the first into fall through, seeing as she was the closest to the portal. Caprina was next, then Kayleigh, Fiona, and Sebastyn. It was only Zandra, Vivian, and the Professor left. Vivian was slipping and she let go, but Zandra wasn't going to let her. “See you on the other side, Professor!” She yelled as she and Vivian were sucked into the portal. ‘I'm sorry my love.’ She thought before she let go and was pulled into the portal, seconds before it closed. At that moment, Emily and Jason returned with Headmaster Heilma. They were in shock and didn't  say anything. They entire room had disappeared. Everyone that was in there had disappeared too.
On the other side of the galaxy, a portal was appearing in the bay. Chairs, tables, equipment and bags all poured through. Then the people fell out. Once everyone, including the Professor, had fallen through, the portal collapsed. Alarms blared faintly in the background. One of the doors opened and out came 7 people. 2 of them had pointy elf ears and strange markings. The other 5 were wearing some kind of armour, weapons at the ready. Slowly, the travelers stood up. The Professor moved to the front of the group, Sebastyn by her side. Zandra was holding on to Vivian for dear life, glaring at the 7 by the doorway. Vivian was in a similar position, but she was being squished against Zandra. Fiona and Kayleigh had moved to the Professor’s left side. Caprina and Rydia were half hiding behind Sebastyn. The one dressed in black dropped his hand, which had been glowing, and have the newcomers a strange look. He then removed his helmet and tossed it to the side. “My love…” the Professor breathed. “Takashi…” “Shanika, is it really you?” “It's me Takashi, it's really me.” They ran to the space between the 2 groups and embraced. They kissed a feverish kiss after not feeling the other for 2 years. “My love…” After 2 years of searching. Shanika Shirogane had found her husband. And she was never letting go.
That’s the first thing I’ve written, and I kinda hope no one will see it...
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tribeworldarchive · 4 years
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Tribe Trivia 7: Love in The Tribe!!
Love is a big part of The Tribe - and real life - and here`s some trivia about Love in The Tribe:
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1. Who has kissed the most? Well, Bray has definitely kissed 6 girls - Salene, Trudy, Amber, Ebony, Danni, and Moon (sneaky preview for Series 3!).
And a close runner-up is Lex, who has kissed 5 girls - Zandra, Tai-San, May, Ebony, Alice - and he has also tried to kiss Amber and Salene at different times!
2. Never been kissed! Love may be a big theme in The Tribe but some characters have never been kissed and never had a romantic relationship, sad to say!
KC has not had a romantic relationship and neither has Dal (although Dal liked Trudy for a time) and neither have been kissed - yet!
3. Romantic dinners There are few things nicer in love than a nice romantic dinner. Sure it is always nice to enjoy good food - but how better to also enjoy a nice evening or meal talking with someone, getting to know them?
Lex (we think!) has had the most romantic dinners - on different occasions, he has had romantic meals with Zandra, Salene, Tai-San and once with Trudy (when Trudy cooked Lex something very memorable - a type of "rat-atouie!").
As the couple perhaps most blessed with true love, it may seem odd but we cannot recall any occasion when Bray and Amber had a romantic meal together...
4. The day of love - Valentines Day February 14th may be celebrated by many as the day of love and things to do with romance - but we believe Valentines Day has never been celebrated in the world of the Tribe - not yet anyway!
5. Some famous Tribe love moments Who can remember:
- Amber hugging Sasha and declaring her love for him with "... to hell with the future!"
- Bray and Amber swapping gifts - Amber giving Bray her father`s ring, Bray giving Amber a key - "...the key to my heart"
- What about the infamous dinner cooked up by Zandra for Lex? Lex provided the ingredients, Zandra cooked them up - and Henrietta the chicken moved from being a pet to being on the plate!
- And remember Salene and Ryan`s romantic evening when they pretended to be in Venice, with KC and Dal serenading them and pretending they were in a gondola/nice restaurant?
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elysianymph · 1 year
dorlene theme with my beloved @lesbianmckinnonn <33
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dreamarieblog · 7 years
READ IT IN 3 minutes
Let’s go shopping. We have an event this weekend and guess what, it’s not too late to find a FAB outfit. I know, we should have started looking like weeks ago but who has time to plan like that?! Anyways, here we are, excited and outfitless.  I’m sharing my pro tips and tricks to nailing your Packwood outfit and/or, honestly, any fancy summer event.  
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&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
I love ALL of these options. 
Zandra from Life With Zandra and I decided to go search high and low for Packwood Grand outfit inspo. We headed to CrossIron Mills cause HELLO, we love a good bargain and they have tons of dresses. After sifting through tons of options at Saks Off Fifth, I narrowed it down to my top summer event style suggestions.
Important. Lace gives an elegant, vintage feel that is perfect for a day at the horse races. Imagine a lace dress, wide brimmed sun hat and delicate hand fan fanning yourself while watching the races and sipping your Veuve. 
Don’t wear black. I have some strong affinity that wearing black to a summer event that takes place during the day is a no go. This is the time to wear white, pastels, bright colours! Not to mention, black looks and IS very hot. You could always rock a black dress that is covered in a floral or coloured design but, use this opportunity to wear something bright and fun!!
When in doubt, over dress. No one will judge. Also who cares if they do?! I guarantee there will be fascinators, dresses, heels, hand fans, statement necklaces galore. Go all out.
Zandra had such a good style idea; a straw bag. It’s perfect for a summer event at the horse races! Light, summery and airy. Basically now I need a straw bag. K the one below Zandra scored from Saks Off Fifth at CrossIron for $59.99. SCORE.
STYLE CHANGE UP. Jumpsuits and rompers can be subbed for dresses. HOW CUTE are the one above in the collage and outfit carousal? I need that lemon one. Go for light and airy FORSURE with these options. It gets hot in the summer. Light colours/patterns and breathable fabric is a must.
I am so over painful heels, who else is with me? Zandra found these amazing pink pastel flats that are a perfect option. Being 5 feet tall and all, I’m going for a chunky heel/wedge option. Something you can walk and talk in. The last thing we want to do is be sitting down in a corner somewhere applying Bandaids and hobbling around.
It’s all about the details. Delicate ruffles and elegant lace are synonymous with classic southern style. Look for feminine details.
THE MOST FUN. When else are we going to rock a fascinator!? If you’re looking more for a summer event, choose a fancy wide brimmed sun hat. So fun! If you’re heading to the horse races and/or Packwood Grand, for sure a fascinator. Check out my girl Lia from Pink Spot and grab a fascinator before Saturday!
{all photos by @rissakampf}
  If you have ANY questions just comment them below!! I hope to see all your fab outfits this weekend. If you spot me, flag me down and say hey!
If you missed the options up top, here they are again! Just tap on whichever outfit and it will give you all the information.
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  xxoo Drea Marie
The post WHAT TO WEAR TO PACKWOOD GRAND appeared first on Drea Marie Blog.
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5minswith · 8 years
London-based Tim has been a photographer for over 25 years. His professional career began in beauty and fashion but soon moved to interiors, food and travel. He has worked with many clients across the UK including: Cath Kidston, Country Living Magazine, Principal Hotels, Sunday Times Style, imbibe and Good Housekeeping, to name just a few.
Tim’s work has also featured in several books, with the most recent being Paula Pryke OBE, Wedding Flowers: Exceptional Floral Design for Exceptional Occasions.
1. How did you get from being an aspiring photographer to doing it full time, for a living?
I worked in Lloyd’s of London insurance market as a trainee underwriter for 18 months straight from school, quickly realising that I didn’t want an office-based life.
I joined a camera club, one evening a week, then found a job as assistant to a commercial photography studio in Oxfordshire, where I had grown up. I worked there for just over a year, printing negatives of cracks in metals for a local Government laboratory, as well as photographing books, paint tins and other products on a large format camera against paper backgrounds. Not the most inspiring work, but a fantastic technical grounding. From there I went to Gloucester College of Arts and Technology to take a 2-year HND in Advertising and Editorial Photography.
The course was hands on, practical and in no-way arty-farty, and aimed to send graduates out into the industry as competent assistants. Next stop London, and within a couple of weeks I had secured a full-time job assisting a long-established advertising photographer who at the time was shooting billboard campaigns for British Airways.
I assisted him and several other photographers for three full years, before finally feeling ready to step-up and go on my own, and immediately picked up a few small jobs for magazines (She, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping et al). From there work ballooned, I took on an agent and had ten very solid years in fashion and beauty work, before making a switch to interiors and food imagery.
2. Do you have a specific technique to help you achieve the results you require?
I like to light my images to achieve a degree of consistency (and have been told my style is very “clean”). I use a mixture of daylight and flash (we work mainly in the UK so daylight can throw up continual challenges). That said, I like to be flexible, and take the attitude that the client has a better idea of what they would like to achieve for the shoot than I do. I will not engage in battles of ego, and learnt from Anthony Crickmay, a photographer whom I consider to be my greatest mentor, that there is no room for stress in the workplace.
3. What other photographers have influenced your career?
Anthony Crickmay was my greatest influence. He used to shoot portraits of the Royal Family, Royal Ballet, and countless celebrities, actors and musicians. He was also responsible for many Athena posters, for those who can remember them.
He had the most beautiful studio in Fulham, and I was at times responsible for hiring it out to other photographers. Through this I met Patrick Demarchelier, who was shooting portraits of Princess Diana, and Michael Roberts (Sarah Ferguson in his case). They both bought large teams of assistants with them, but through all that I could see that their lighting styles were incredibly simple.
4. Can you tell us about your latest project?
I am currently engaged in a long contract shooting for Principal Hotels, who are refurbishing several huge landmark hotels in Edinburgh, York, Manchester and soon London. Principal have a very strong visual brand identity, and we have had to establish and maintain a clear style and “feel” to images in each room.
The cavernous reception area of #principalmanchester with horse sculpture by Sophie Dickens
A post shared by Tim Winter (@twinter1) on Feb 28, 2017 at 8:58am PST
We will be shooting images of the Principal London, (formerly the Hotel Russell) in Bloomsbury, over the next few months, in time for its relaunch in the Summer 2017.
I also shoot regular updates for the Aqua group of restaurants. Each time I am asked back to the 32nd floor of The Shard to photograph food, cocktails and staff, I get a real buzz of affirmation that I am doing the job I love.
Covering all angles @aquashard #foodshoot #foodphotography #menu #food #restaurant #england #landmark #london #theshard #theshardlondon
A post shared by Tim Winter (@twinter1) on Oct 4, 2016 at 5:37am PDT
5. From your whole body of work, which is your favourite photo and why?
Without a doubt, it is a portrait I took some years ago of actor Jenny Agutter. Unfortunately, the image was shot on film, and is hidden away in storage somewhere. It was for a magazine feature called “My favourite dress”, and she had chosen a Zandra Rhodes, elfin, pleated rust-coloured number.
I should point out that I had had a huge adolescent crush on Ms Agutter (think Walkabout, Equus) and was quite nervous at the prospect of meeting her. We hired a studio that happened to have a wooden throne and two enormous floor-standing candelabras, so sent out for 40 large church candles, sparked them up, and awaited hair and make-up to do their thing. I hadn’t at this point had the chance to say hello to my sitter.
When she walked on to set, my voice went. I was unable to speak.
Jenny coped well, and said “Hello. Tim, isn’t it? I suspect you would like me to sit here, Tim?”.
I nodded.
She sat, very upright.
“I could sit like this and look very sweet, or, and I think you might prefer this, I could sit like…this”, at which point she slid down in the chair, and reclined in the most alluring way.
I nodded. Then pressed the shutter a few times, and nodded again and gave a weak wave to suggest that I had all I needed.
She stood, thanked me, and went off to the changing room.
A while later she returned, thanked us all once more and started to head off to her taxi. Seeing my opportunity, I picked up her bag and escorted her out, hopeful that my power of speech might return. It didn’t. We got to the cab, she got in, I shut the door, and nodded. And waved.
And Just for Fun…
6. What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
It would have helped had someone given us a warning that digital technology was due to come in and upset the apple-cart! When I was at college, there was one word-processor in the whole faculty. We shot film, were careful in our use of polaroid, and had to keep an eye on how many frames we took of an image. That meant we composed, checked, dusted, rechecked everything as we went along. We also used our imaginations more, and were more decisive about how and what we were shooting.
Digital has changed everything. We used to have our own favourite film types, and knew how to manipulate the film in chemical processing. This can all be done now in post-editing in Photoshop, and there are myriad apps and filters to take you “there” with an image, but the excitement of waiting, sometimes in doubt, to see if you have achieved the planned result has been taken away, as has the social circle that was the processing laboratory. This is now the preserve of the bearded hipster. Clients don’t want or need to see film now, nor pay for the conversion of it to a digital file.
That said, Photoshop has bought so much more control. We shoot more by coalition now, with many more people having input on the day, and it has made photography more affordable to more people.
7. If you could take a photograph of anyone or anything in the world, past, present or in the future, what would it be?
I still have a wish-list, and am trying to make time to tackle it. I have always wanted to see and photograph the Aurora, be it in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. I was finally going to have a commissioned chance this spring (now, in fact) as I was invited by a cruise company to guide a group to shoot the Aurora Borealis in Norway. Unfortunately, their company went under in January, so I will have to keep looking.
8. What are you most afraid of?
Like any freelance professional, I most fear that the phone will one day stop ringing. Our industry favours youth, but that said, having survived two large and one small recessions, as well as reinvented myself in the digital era, I hope I am doing something right. The current generation of photography graduates have grown up with digital media, and should have a competitive advantage, but having learnt my trade by looking in detail when composing an image, there is a lot to be said for experience. Oh, and those running snakes on Planet Earth!
9. Where is your favourite holiday destination and why?
New Zealand. We went there for our honeymoon 22 years ago, and are going back this year, this time with our children. It is the most photogenic place I have seen, and so varied. That said, I am getting better at looking and enjoying the moment now, rather than feeling obliged to snap at every juncture.
10. What is your favourite quote?
I personally detest manifesto-style preaching: so many people use Instagram to illustrate that they have just found another daily mantra! Route 1 to an “unfollow” in my book.
I quite like one I heard on “Quote, Unquote” the other day: “Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth” Mike Tyson!
View the gallery below of Tim’s work:
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See more of Tim Winter’s beautiful photography at timwinter.co.uk You can follow Tim on Instagram – @twinter1
Read our #5minuteswith professional photographer Tim Winter @T12Winter #photography London-based Tim has been a photographer for over 25 years. His professional career began in beauty and fashion but soon moved to interiors, food and travel.
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bryonythomsonarts · 8 years
UCA interview preparation sheet
1.     About the college:
When looking at universities to apply to UCA really stood out to me. After researching it online I discovered all the impressive illumini that have previously studied here. People such as Zandra Rhodes and Tracy Emins. The location of UCA farnham was something I liked as it is quite near where I live but a nice enough distance that I would be separate from my life there.
 2.     About the Course
I chose this course due to its broad title, I like the way it mentions fashion and interiors, which is not something I have seen a lot when looking around at other universities. After researching the curriculum content I am excited to do the practical work using print and weave in the first year, as it is something that really interests me. The opportunities for competitions and work placement in the second year is something that intrigues me as I would love to get out and get involved more in the textiles industry. Although I did not go to an open day I have researched the university itself thoroughly, I have learnt that the course leader (Sharon Ting) is a largescale print specialist, this will benefit me as I am interested in gaining more skills in print as I would love to take it further in my work.
 3.     About My Current Interests:
I very recently just bought my festival ticket to a very creative festival in Winchester, I went last year and the stage design and all the detail put into decorating the festival itself was really inspiring. I recently went to London to the Saatchi gallery and discovered the work of Bjarne Melgaard. Who is controversial painter who uses extremely bright colours and text. I am currently in the middle of booking a trip to Paris in the summer as I love travelling, last year I went to Amsterdam and the beautiful buildings and houses really inspired my work (why I made the 50 book). The galleries and museums in Amsterdam were so inspiring, especially the van gough museum. I am also extremely interested in photography, especially polaroid photography. I have 2 different polaroid cameras and love travelling around and capturing the moments instantly. My room is filled with disposable camera photos or polaroid photos. The retroish colour is something I really like and enjoy using in my work. I am constantly on websites such as Instagram or Pinterest looking at the newest trends of lifestyles. I can’t help but take an interest in what people are wearing or where they are travelling to and documenting.
 4.     About My Current Practice:
Brightly coloured textiles prints combined with illustration, a mix of the 2 medias and just experimenting with different ways to present my work differently to how I normally would.
 5.     Prepare 3 Key Questions to ask the Interviewer.
What is the teacher to student ratio?
On your website it says students have worked with V&A Muesum and John Lewis, what sort of work did that include?
After researching Sharon Ting, I was just interested in how you got to exhibit at London fashion week?
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