#zaz spotted
zazter-den · 3 months
That GQ China 'heat stroke' photo reminds me of the first time I was in the desert lmao I stupidly thought my southern mediterranean skin could handle a winter desert day, and boy was I fucking wrong when I woke up from my nap in the shade. I took a picture of how the nasty sunburn went right down the middle to send to my mum and I'm making this pathetic blue-steel 'wtf' look with bad bedhead, and sadly it's the only picture I still have of when I had pure white Gojo hair (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
[toasted dork below↴]
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razzle-zazzle · 22 days
wait what's the betrothal au??
I'm glad you asked! The premise of the Betrothal AU, in a single sentence, is thus:
Cole and Skylor are arranged to marry each other by a contract made before either of them were born, and they take issue with this.
Of course, there's more to the AU than just the premise—how the whole contract was made and how Skylor and Cole feel about it are major questions I wanna explore in the AU, so I'll do my best to summarize them a bit here:
The contract was made by Chen and Cole's Currently Unnamed Grandfather (I used to call him Shane but I'm not liking that name as much now tbh); Chen had the upper hand in those negotiations. Like it was clear from start to finish who was in control. He initially asked for Lilly's hand, but her father threw a fit and managed to change the terms to "Chen's child will marry Lilly's youngest child by the time both are 20" (but with. more legalese). Because surely, Unnamed Grandfather thought, Chen couldn't possibly have children as an exiled-to-an-island war criminal, and surely, if Chen did find a way to father offspring, Lilly would have multiple children and her eldest would inherit the power of earth, thus preventing the earth master line from getting tangled up with the likes of Chen.
Except then about six months after Skylor was born Chen sent several baby pictures to Unnamed Grandfather to gloat. And Lilly only had Cole because she and Lou only ever wanted one child. So Cole and Skylor are engaged from... not quite birth because Skylor was born almost a year earlier and Chen waited to see if Lilly would have any other children, but definitely since they were both young enough to toddle.
Sooooo... how do Skylor and Cole feel about this? Well, for the most part.. they're kids. Yeah, they meet when they're both five and they're given their halves of a pendant and told that one day they're gonna marry each other, but at that point they were literally just children. Marriage was more of a concept to them, a silly thing they could pretend to do and think about that otherwise didn't really impact them. Especially since they only saw each other once a year (and Lou & Lilly would always throw a fit when Unnamed Grandfather took Cole to Chen's island. But Unnamed Grandfather is going to honor his debts, dammit, even the ones that suck).
But even as they did get to be kids, even as Skylor would eagerly await the 2-4 weeks every year when Unnamed Grandfather would visit with Cole in tow, even as they would run around the labyrinth and into the jungle and all over Chen's compound like the kids they were... well, Chen's a dick. Oh, sure, he wasn't trying to make them feel bad about the engagement, but he definitely wouldn't let them forget it.
So the marriage became a sort of inevitability, for Cole & Skylor. When they were 11-12, they had these cute puppy crushes on each other that they would not have had were it not for the whole "you two are going to one day marry and then spend the rest of your life together" thing hanging over their heads.
And then Unnamed Grandfather dies, and Lilly's fallen ill, and Lou is absolutely not going to go to Chen's island under any circumstances. So Cole and Skylor haven't seen each other in person since they were 13, and wrote letters instead.
So they inevitably drifted. For Skylor, the marriage was an inevitability, but one that she could deal with later—being Chen's daughter gives her way more pressing concerns to deal with daily, anyway. And it was the same for Cole—the engagement, when he thought about it (which wasn't super often) was a distant sort of inevitability, like a project due at the end of the semester that you don't think about until then because you've got assignments due now to worry about.
When Chen invites the ninja to his tournament, when Cole and Skylor see each other on that ferry...
Skylor had been sort of vaguely aware that she wasn't interested in Cole that way. From her memory, he was sweet and rowdy, and her only childhood friend her age. Not the worst person to be tied to on the legal level of marriage, but not exactly someone she was interested in. Seeing Cole in person for the first time in years, and connecting that familiar face with the most recent letters—it crystalizes, for Skylor, that she's not into him that way.
But her father always gets what he wants, and the contract is airtight. So Skylor grits her teeth, swallows her venom, and sidles over to Cole to test the waters. Hope he's not as into her as she remembers feeling about him once, when they were younger and friendlier and liked to talk about what they wanted for their wedding together while digging in the mud for cool jungle bugs.
Cole hadn't thought about his engagement as often—sure, he used the new pendant half that Chen sent him after the monastery burned down to finance every meal the grieving ninja ate at Chen's, and sure, he sent letters monthly at least. But the notion of marriage has become so distant and unimportant in the wake of Garmadon, the Great Devourer, the Overlord, and Zane's death. When he sees Skylor, standing off to the side in a cloak but nonetheless recognizable, it hits him—they really hadn't seen each other in years, and he doesn't feel anything romantic for her.
But Chen has Zane, or might have Zane and be lying—and Cole can't chance that. He needs to know for sure if Zane is alive, so he hopped on the ferry alongside the others, pendant half in hand in case it'd come in handy. But now that the reality of his engagement is staring him in the face and sidling over to him—oh, Cole just knows it's going to cause problems. He's always been good at running away from problems—but he can't run away now, can he?
so yeah tl;dr chen's a little bitch and cole & skylor are gonna have to try and work around that
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blueberryarchive · 5 months
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𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧
more 80's slasher!jk
previously on steph's bathroom... // later on brew house...
Dazed and Confused echoed on the walls of the garage, the heat slowly dissipated with the canned beer that you swallowed in long gulps, the air polluted with the smell of pot. You were wearing high-waisted pants and a colorful blouse, bare feet. Robert Plant moaned in your ears as you drank another beer and damn, how good the hippies had it before, you thought.
A greased hand snaked up to your waist, squeezing so hard that you felt the beer return to your esophagus, the calloused fingers decorated with thick silver rings that ruminated over your breasts until connecting his fingers and nose with your neck, an indecent exhale taking in all the air in the room and with it your coherence.
"No, wait."
“Shh, for once in your life, fuck. Shut your stupid mouth." Rings covered your lips, a wet tongue trailing your jugular and the boiling smell of weed in his mouth.
You wanted to say his name, over and over again in that guitar solo. Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
And zaz! The garage was torn from your ears, the sun covered your body lying on the stands and you were no longer dressed like you were going to Woodstock, the backlight made your boyfriend's blonde hair and his red uniform shine.
“What the hell are you listening to? I have like fifteen minutes calling you.” His ethereal smile searched inside your backpack finding the small plastic box. “Led Zeppelin. That's new.” This time the laughter disappeared, putting on the headphones.
Your body sat up looking for a coherent explanation, Jimin laughed after listening for a few seconds.
“I didn't know you liked to hear men moan, you would have told me and I'd make you a whole album.” Your hand hit his chest and he laughed again.
"Shut up."
You both looked at each other when the laughter began to die with the summer wind, practice was over, the cheerleaders were leaving and the players were dissipating, going to look for their girlfriends or in groups to go to the bar near college. It was Friday and the vacations were approaching, you could see it in the smile of each student, in their quick walks, in the circles under your exhausted boyfriend's eyes.
"Hi, beautiful."
"Hi, handsome."
God was the only one who knew how you came to be with the Maroon Warriors' quarterback, with his sweaty hair stuck to his temple, his lips swollen from biting them, and the two small black spots on his cheek, singed against his laugh lines. Defined arms and thighs wide and hard like a horse's back.
"You like what you see?"
“If I could kneel in front of you right now, I would.”
Jimin raised his eyebrows at you, where did his silent little girl and infinitely aware of every word that came from her beloved lips go? But he couldn't lie that your words made him hard under his white pants.
His hand rose to the back of your head and brought your mouth to his. There was something so inherently bestial and delicious about the smell of sweat emanating from Jimin's uniform that he made you exhale sharply and stick your tongue into the equation.
“Mm.” Jimin frowned, opening his eyes a little to confirm that he was still kissing his girlfriend. “Are you hungry, doll?”
“I haven't seen you in two weeks, Minnie. What you' think?”
“I left you with your friends so you wouldn't get bored.”
“That sleepover was so long ago, I'm bored with them.” You moaned softly, your neck burning, someone was watching you.
“Do you want to have a sleepover with your boyfriend?” Jimin scoffed and you nodded, ignoring the joke.
Your hand removed the headphones from his ears and you chained your arms around his neck, your body throbbing with a brute force that wanted to move fast and careless, that looked for a way to drag your boyfriend to the bathrooms and strip him naked, fog the walls of the bath with your promiscuity, yours of something more viscous and thick.
“Park!” a voice shouted for the third time and Jimin broke your grotesque beatitude again.
“Fuck, I'm sick of this old man.” Jimin mumbled looking at his coach. “Sir, practice is over. Let me enjoy my girlfriend for a second.” He yelled but old Grant didn't care how much you both wanted each other.
Jimin looked into your eyes with frustration and then looked at his pants, the silhouette marked thickly along the zipper to his thigh. You smiled and gave another small kiss to his neck.
“Up up, champion.” You cheered, fluttering his hair. Jimin took your coat and covered his erection, the look on his teammates' faces when they saw him stand up was indescribable, laughter while Jimin cursed them all while he went down the steps in a funny way. "Call me." You screamed. Please, you murmured.
You took your cassette player and your headphones to put it in your backpack, you watched your boyfriend listening attentively to Mr. Grant until a furry, red mass took your attention. You still didn't know what was the team mascot supposed to be with a metal sword and eyes big and open like two billiard balls, like a hunter.
One of the players patted the big red monster's back and the man inside him took off his heavy head, his dark sweaty hair, a silver hoop hanging from his right ear. Your heart was pounding, you told yourself that you were here to watch your boyfriend practice, to support him. Of course you looked at the other players from time to time trying to find Jungkook.
Things would be easier if you just asked your friends and they pointed with their manicured finger at the headless man in your fantasies. But you didn't want them to think you liked him, specially Bobby Joe who would tell Jimin in a heartbeat, the bitch. It was just curiosity, of course. You could find out yourself.
Besides, where's the fun in that?
Two weeks had passed since the sleepover and you could feel his gaze on the flesh of your thighs, the saliva of a predator with each man that passed by you, the fangs of a hyena cruelly tempting with its tips against your skull.
Two weeks searching through familiar faces and unfamiliar ones, like playing Guess Who.
Guess who listens to Led Zeppelin to sleep.
Guess who would dare to respond with such confidence to a stranger.
Guess who would smile while he promises to rape you if he finds you?
Guess who left you with his laugh tattooed on your stomach.
And your hands sweated as you felt his gaze again. There, yes. It was him again. The mascot. Between the dark strands of his hair, under his thick eyebrows and in the middle of his sly smile. It was only a second but that's enough for you. A quick, indiscreet look.
You tried to maintain your composure, to keep your balance as he walked away inside the costume lighting a cigarette with his gloved hands. You walked down the steps as normally as you could without them realizing that your heart was being strangled, you were so close.
You walked across the grass to the back of the stadium, you looked around but it was gone, like a hallucination, like the air in the garage of your dreams.
You bit your nails thinking, you only had to wait for the stadium to be alone. Enter the locker room, find that costume and... then what?. It sickened you to think that you were so desperate. You hadn't traveled from your small town to New York for this, you hadn't earned a reputation or your scholarship to chase a loser through college.
Your cheeks were burning, you could feel your mother's gaze upon seeing you in such a state. But this time you agreed with her judgment. You stood up with your head down, you don't know how long you had spent looking at the grass, but the sunset was already bathing the empty stadium in a dusty pink.
“Nice shorts.” The deep voice said from afar.
“Fuck off.” You said without thinking before turning around.
And there it was, with the cigarette dangling from his lips, a Slayer t-shirt pressed against his arms, so short that it showed the soft line of hair from his navel to hidden in his jeans. His elbows rested on his knees as he waited for you to insult him again.
You didn't even dare to do that. Could it be him?
You clear your throat and fix your hair. “Do you know where the archery club is?”
His eyebrows unravel in surprise.
“Do you like archers?”
“Why don't you assume I'm in the club?” You interrupted, stepping closer.
His smile spread across his face again, a puff before he stood, tall and careless in front of you. He looked down and you could feel the fangs salivating, just the tip entering the parietal part of your head.
“Because I’ve never seen you there.”
And Dazed and Confused started playing, the drums pounding fast in your chest. Your lips dried as you watched him walk away.
“Are you Jungkook Jeon?”
The stranger stopped in his footsteps, his head snapped up before turning to look at you. And there was the smile you have imagined so many times.
"Then it's you." He hummed, tilting his head. “Oh, the quarterback's sweet little thing, of course.” His eyes scanned your trembling body.
And now what? Everything was so quiet, there was no one around, if you screamed no one would hear you. If you moaned, no one would hear you. If you were dying, no one would heard you.
“This heat must be killing you, lil' thing. Let’s go to the Brew House, I’ll introduce you to the president of the club there.”
"Don't call me little thing." Your brain wasn't working, is this an option? He brushed off your anger with the rolling of his eyes.
"You said you wanted to go to the archery club, isn't it to sign up?" Mockingly he took some keys out of his jeans.
"Yes, of course." You stuttered walking behind him, his broad back and walk intimidating you.
“You can put your bike in the back of the truck” His brown eyes looked at you sideways. “In case you suddenly want to escape or something.” He laughed.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 6 months
why's it jd that finds breek and not a more sensible brother?? if branch doesn't remember his brothers than what's stopping creek from bringing them to a nice little vacation spot that's advertised as havign a troll-friendly restaurant to chill at???
Well primarily because Zaz said “wouldn’t it be fun if JD was the one who finds him like that” and I said “you’re so right that WOULD be fun”
But also they are not on vacation they are little hermits in the woods who just survived actual long term torture together and now distrust everyone and everything aside from each other
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sunflower-emoji · 8 months
4 and 14 for the ask game? Very curious about your ship with Keigo!
Eek thank you Zaz!! ^_^
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Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
Kaye: Okay look, it's not like I'm easily flustered, but that doesn't stop this man from trying. And he's as annoying as he is unflappable. No matter what gross sappy nickname I throw at him, he just responds with something even worse.
Keigo: Don't know what you're talking about. I'm just so happy to tell the world about my dearest darling schnookums-
Kaye: Going public with our relationship was a mistake.
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
Kaye: Keigo's usually the one to initiate them. He'll get this stupid grin on his face and ask if I feel like being irresponsible before sweeping us off to some impossibly gorgeous view. My favorite spot is kind of a secret, but it's up near the mountains and has the most breathtaking sunrises.
Keigo: I'm not the only instigator here. Kaye's dragged me down plenty of twisty alleyways in the middle of the night with nothing more than a "trust me, you'll like this." And it'll always be some little stall with delicious fried food that I had no idea existed, even though it's my hometown. I do always like it though, in her defense.
Original post
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swagreecrow · 5 months
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@inspiredwriter @kawaiibunga @hedgehog-dreamer @luna-tmnt @dai-su-kiss @levana-art @razzy-zaz @raphy-the-turtle @raphaelsrightarm @donatello-writes @donnies-fake-eyebrows @rainbow-squirrels-7 @raisans-art @akarihamato04 @wolfroks @another-tmnt-writer @angel-of-the-redacted @android-cap-007 @androgynousenemydetective @lordfreg @psiquic-a-blog @imaginashon @imababblekat @imthegreenfairy86 @angelicdavinci @all-things-tmnt @red-knight-raphael @kathaynesart @rexim-djm @reptile-eye @red-knight-raphael @reddenedsais-inactive @lazyafgurl @theroachsalad-blog @thelostandforgottenangel @mikey-angelo-hamato @mikeyshulagirl @miss-andromeda @mishacakes @mishajeans @venisdemilo @baraturts @foulbonkcolorempath-blog @dragonfairy19 @tmnt-life-of-a-terrapin @tmntvenisxleo @nomonoma @notjustdragonspages @lyzuka @coffeestation @donnies-the-encyclopedia @rl800 @cthonyxa
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feraecor · 10 months
@mundanemiseries | Send 👀 for a headcanon about a behaviour my muse has that displays their thoughts and/or emotions! | Accepting!
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👀 Satan rarely if ever has a shirt on. Mainly because he fidgets with them constantly. If its not the hem, then its the sleeves, or straightening the collar, picking imaginary lint off, brushing the wrinkles out, anything he can do to keep his hands busy. The demon even took up smoking to keep himself from messing with his shirts. Until he starting getting cigarette burns in his shirts and started to fuss with those. It was finally deemed necessary for the devil to simply go without a shirt. Plus it upped his intimidation factor. And he's got a nice chest.
Extra fun tidbit: San used to burn through clothes quite often when he was younger because of his temper. The compromise for that was he keeps his pants on.
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👀 Zaz, the bird boy extraordinaire, usually has a loose feather in his hands that he's messing around with. He sheds feathers quite a bit, simply because of the nature of his magic and his constant movements. He simply can't keep still for long periods of time. So he'll be in one spot one moment and across the realm in the next.
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👀 If Marcellus is bored or disinterested in something, he's usually found talking to someone. He's very chatty but its nonsensical and often he is getting someone to tell him their whole life's story. It really doesn't matter to him who he is talking to either. Sibling, niece, great nephew, old neighbor, perfect stranger. The boy will chat with any one!
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cappuccino-bear · 2 years
Aaaah i love your designs! Lilith is so huggable. How did she meet Isaac and the others?
Aaaa thank you! She does enjoy hugs so the design is as accurate to this as possible uwu
As for how she joined the gang, when Azazel disappeared from hell she was incredibly worried. He was meant to haunt someone, sure, but he was gone. Cue about a month of complete panic, searchibg for him up and down while most demons were more worried about the strange limbo-like place they were called to every once in a while.
One day Big Horn, a good friend of hers, tips her off that someone in Greed's Arena spotted him there. She runs there with Incubus (the only kid of hers that really wants to stick around her) and walks in on Azazel having beaten the ass of Ultra Greed, cheerfully celebrating with... someone else.
He notices her, she runs to hug him, so glad he's not hurt and doing ok, but asking questions about where the FUCK did he end up in??? And he's so happy to introduce her to Isaac, his new buddy! And about all these other people they met, and this weird labyrinth they're stuck to and keep dying and coming back in-
And all she can think is... Isaac? THAT kid named Isaac? The one God is currently watching? The one SATAN wants dead???? Of course she won't sit idle now, this is all so dangerous!
But before she can bring Azazel back, both of the kids are dragged towards a trapdoor. She clings to Zaz as strongly as possible, with Incubus stuck to her hair, but can't get them out. When they fall, she runs in the shop nearest to her and searches for something- rope, a ladder, anything to pull them up, and Incubus finds a weird box and opens it to look for something useful, too.
Just then, Ultra Greed snaps the loop and starts to chase her. She grabs Incubus, now stuck in the box, and makes a run for the trapdoor, also falling in.
Cue her waking up somewhere new, with Azazel (yay!), Isaac (oh shit) and Adam's wife (what), plus a buncha "kids" she does not know (a lot of them are adults but she's the second oldest living thing in the universe, almost everyone's a child). They fill her in on the situation, and she decides to follow them, vowing to help get them out of this whole mess and especially wanting to help Eve, for... well, she feels guilty, but Eve was nice to her in the Garden, before she walked out. Also she needs to keep tabs on Azazel, cuz Satan's not happy about him rurning sides, but as long as she's with him, nobody's putting a finger on him. Or his bestie. Or that lovely girl named Maggie. Or Eve's son. Or Eve. Or-
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livio-doublefang · 1 year
Anonymous asked: 'The little grey pup always following his brother wolf. Its both so cute and so naïve.' Zazie swung their feet from on top the nearby desk. 'One day the big black wolf's love won't be enough to protect you, Doublefang~' With a playful giggle, the Beast was gone.
"Damn brat."
Livio growled under his breath, simply glaring at the spot Zaz had just been. He was too tired and too lost in thought to give a damn on such vague warning and teasing purrs. He wanted to rebuke that. To say he didn't need to rely on Wolfwood to protect him. He was just as strong now as his brother but...yesterdays ordeal made it painfully obvious that no matter how strong he became he'd always stay a pale reflection to his brother.
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torao-is-law · 2 years
1, 5, 15, 35, and 61 for Song AND Talluri bc I miss them both
1 - Why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es)?
Song: Literally no choice. He got yoinked off the street as a teeny kid after he tried to rob a noble by the noble's body guard, who decided to drop him off with the manor's wizards to teach him something useful. He's been a little terror to the wizards ever since (but he wouldn't ever turn down a free....ish lesson).
Talluri: She's a curious cat who wouldn't say no to a step up under the streets for her and Zaz, so when a rock and a hard place turned into an offer of "employment" from the head of one of the local gangs, she decided to level up on her natural sorcerer capabilities and learn some of the neat wizard tricks from the creepy fuck that always trails behind the gang leader like a shadow. So what if it comes with a life time contact?
5 -do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity?
Song - More by proximity than anything. The Glass family has always been followers of the Triad, so he often accompanied Aldrin to the temples for prayer. As for Song's personal beliefs, he's been known to carry the symbol of Helm, even if his focus of duty is much more narrow. He'll fall back to any temple of the Triad gods or Helm just for the comfort of familiarity.
Talluri - Not much by way of personal beliefs. She figures if you draw the attention of the gods, that's more bad luck for you. She'd rather rely on her own capabilities than risk getting left in the lurch by a god who might not be listening.
15 - do they trust their party? why or why not?
Song - No - or maybe not yet. He doesn't know them well enough for that, what their motives really are, the clear signs that some of them have pasts - even presents - that might catch up with them and put his new mission focus at risk. He's lost most of what trust he has since he and his were so clearly betrayed, and he hasn't known or worked with these people nearly long enough to work up to that. However, each time they help each other in battle and joke around, his resolve to NOT trust them gets a little thinner.
Talluri - No <3 Trusting random strangers is how you get killed fast, everyone knows that <3
35 - which party member do they worry for?
Song - He's got a soft spot for Bo - capable though she may be, he doesn't want to see her cheer crushed by the world.
Talluri - Honestly I don't think she gives much of a shit about the rest of the party's well being enough to worry about them. Sure she'll watch their backs if it'll help keep her alive and moving, and they sure are an interesting bunch, but worry? She doesn't have enough to spare at the moment.
61 - what kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow?
Song - Forget me nots. He hung out with Sasha in the library and helped her look up flower meanings when she was obsessing over what to make for Ana when she was courting her, and these caught his eye. He's a sap, really.
Talluri - Deadass, whatever is brightest in her line of sight. Possibly all of them. Homegirl wants all of the colorful things.
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zazter-den · 7 months
As much as I love the Sailor Jupiter look, I really want to go back to violet hair once I get a new job in my field again. Though I'm definitely keeping those green contacts ^^
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razzle-zazzle · 2 months
Cole finally visits home only to realize that his father is interested in dating again, doesn’t catch the name becuase he’s a little busy lying (trying to win the fangblade) and then later when Garmadon is on the bounty annoying the heck out of the ninja by being evil they hear him calling someone on the phone being disgustingly sweet and then ONCE THE GREAT DEVOURER is released and Garmadon disappears, the camera man personally congratulates them and hugs both Cole and Lloyd saying that he just knew that their dads were proud of them before he walks off. WHAT IF
-stepdad anon
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
#teresa talks#AND THE GBTH REPRISE AT THE VERY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEAK MUSICAL THEATER RIGHT THERE#music peaked in 2010 when starkid did days of summer and it's all just been downhill ever since#lol wait idek if days of summer is my favorite sk song#It's Up There though#no way is also very good and underrated#but now im listening to make the most of it and Losing It#they're all so fucking good!!!!!#if i listen to super friends then i will just die on the spot im pretty sure#throwback to when i learned the tour choreography to that song. im pretty sure i still know it#it definitely wasn't that hard. u could figure it out as u went along.#UGH WHEN JEMILLA AND ZAZ SING THE OTHER'S THEME SONGS WHILE PROPOSING............#are you kidding me im crying at lwl medley now. what the hell is happening. it's the theme part ok..... it got to me....#where's that post that's like fuck what sign u are what part do u sing super friends#ah wait we've hit the identifiable [talking about starkid in place of a mental breakdown] state.....#also the leakycon performances of once in a lifetime and ive had the time of my life..... I Think About Those All The Time#dylan saunders is actually incapable of turning 180 degrees#ALSO NO ONE LIKES THIS IS THE END BUT I LOVE IT#LIKE THE ENTIRE AMBIANCE OF THE FIRST MINUTE OF AVPSY IS SO. FUCKING. GOOD.#BOB JOLES DOES SUCH A GOOD JOB THE ENTIRE THING JUST FEELS. I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE WORD LMAO.#it's good.#i will admit the end of the song is not great however most of it was Good#what's the performance where they went 'this is my friend' instead of 'this is the end'#it's slipping my mind#lmao where's that some people watch tgwdlm every day to cope post#ANI IS SO UNDERRATED AND TALKFINE WROTE SUCH GOOD MUSIC FOR IT AND I WILL BE BITTER FOREVER ABOUT IT#the geeky 2015 performance of the force you got it where joe walker fucked up like Ten times#and jaime was doing better than him and SHE WASNT EVEN IN THE SHOW.....#everything about geeky 2015 is pure fucking gold#im going to sleep like i should have hrs ago oops
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writingoddess1125 · 2 years
Blowin’ Me Up Pt. 1
Kurt Wagner and Azazel Fanfic 
Mild Kurt Wagner and Reader 
Takes place in the 80′s after Apocalypses. I took a lot of creative libraries with this so just know this isn't accurate to anything! Gender N! Reader 
Also don't own X-Men obviously.  
Warnings: Non really 
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Xavier School School for gifted youngsters- 1985 
“Come on Kurt! I cant do this without you and It will be fun!” Peter said with a snicker as he shook the indigo teenage dramatically, Kurt still trying to pitifully hide behind the book he had been reading. 
“Ive never been to Club” Kurt grumbled, not really liking the sound of going to a crowded and loud place where he would be exposed around many people who wouldnt like him too much. Peter groaned as he dramatically pulled the blue teen, Who flicked his tail at the speedster in irritation. 
“(Y/N) is going to be there-” Peter said with a wicked smirk, Kurt all but froze in his spot. His tail stiffening up at hearing this, He had the biggest crush on (Y/N) since they arrived and while they had become good friends it seemed like there was something holding them back from taking a step forward. Kurt slowly lowered his book to look at Peter. 
“Fine.. Vat is Zee name?-” 
Peter gave a wide smile at this and reached into his silver jacket as he pulled out a flyer. “Its Called-” 
New York City, NY- Secret U.S.S.R office 
“Metr-ro 007- Nightclub?” A shrouded figure perched in the corner scoffed in a mixture of distaste and amusement as his glassy dark eyes looked over the file that had been tossed in front of him. 
“This is your next Target comrade, he will be there tonight-”  
The shrouded figure sighed heavily as he looked over the file some more. His target was a younger man in his 30′s who liked to party in this location from time to time. Vibrant red hands flipped through the file some more, a skilled gaze picking up every bit of information necessary for this Mission. 
“Iz unwize for someone like me to be in a crowded place-” 
There was an amused chuckle from the USSR officer but he shook his head non the less. “Ironically comrade this is the perfect place. This club is for Mutants and Mutants only... Youlll blend right in Azazel” 
The red skinned man sighed a bit at this. Leaning back in his seat as he gave a single nod in agreement. After this the meeting was cut short as Azazel took his leave, Perching on a near by building like a gargoyle and smoking a cigarette. 
It had been quite a while since Azazel had been apart of the Brotherhood, Leaving shortly after Eric took control. While Shaw wasnt a pleasant man he wasnt completely batshit crazy either. Besides while he did have a Rather interesting time with Mystique while there, She became too involved with Eric to his liking and ditched her and the group quickly. 
Now working for the USSR he stayed in America to act as their spy and Assassin. It payed well and he was provided protection from other parties who may be interested in him. Win Win. 
“Zaz! We gotta go soon’ 
Azazel snapping from his train of thought as he glanced to the side to see Angel landing next to him. She had folllowed him in leaving the Brotherhood, But truthfully he doubted she had fully cut ties with them. 
“Fine... Lets Go” 
He grumbled as he grabbed her arm and they disappeared in a puff of smoke. 
Metro 007- Franklin, NY 
Kurt looked over his appearance in the mirror hesitantly as he smoothed out his red leather jacket. Anxiety was building up in his stomach as he couldnt help but smooth out the cherry red jacket he wore, Tonight he was not only going to go out in a very crowded place, but also go out with (Y/N). Kurt gave a silent prayer before heading downstairs to meet up with everyone, Scott, Jean, Storm, Jubliee and Peter where standing there clearly ready to go as 
“Schön Kurt mumbled as he blushed a deep Violet color as he saw (Y/N). They smiled at him and chuckled sweetly, Kurt realized he hadnt exactly been suttle and smiled proudly at them “You look really nice (Y/N)” he said shyly (Y/N) blushing and giving a shy Thanks in reply. “Alright Love Birds! Lets go!” Peter said as he cut off the sweet moment much to Kurt’s dismay, However the group soon left to the club at the insistence of the resident speedster. It didnt take long for the group to end up at the club which was booming with people, Packed from shoulder to shoulder as everyone was dressed up in their best and much to Kurt's surprise many different mutant faces there which made him feel comforble and welcome. Once inside the group was pushed against the bar rather painfully, Kurt wrapping his tail around (Y/N) to get them closer and shield them a bit with his body. 
Peter handed the group several The drink actually didnt taste too bad, It was strong but he liked it. Giggling as he saw the face (Y/N) made at the harsh, they smiled at him and chuckled. Maybe it was the alcohol or the hormones in the air but soon the two found themselves on the dancefloor. While Kurt wasnt much of a dancer it didnt seem to matter much, All that mattered was him and (Y/N) together as one Dozens of songs passed them as it seemed time didnt matter, either. 
Pulling (Y/N) close he felt the liquid courage kick in as he smiled down at them. Feeling their body against his as they danced and he pulled them even closer, he saw them looking up at him and in a second felt their lips on his. For Kurt, This was the best time of his young life and couldn't see anything going wrong! 
Azazel held a glass of scotch in his hands as he stood on a hanging railing looking down at the sea of people below him. It seemed this area was mainly for couples to smoke and get away from dancing, however it acted as a perfect place to scout out his Target. Sipping his scotch as it didnt take long to find the Target, Holding onto two women and preparing to depart to a more private area. Perfect- 
“Hey Zaz... I think you should look at this” Angel said quickly as she tapped the red skinned mans shoulder rapidly. Azazel snapping his head towards her in irritation as he looked away from the target “Yes, What?” He hissed at her, Angel seemed to be extra bold that evening as she grabbed his chin and made him face a group of kids dancing. At first he was pretty damn close to breaking her damn hand until his eyes focused on the kids. Particularly a indigo kid in a red leather jacket, he was clearly in his teens still as his lengthy figure was a bit awkward in appearance however even from the distance he couldn't help but keep staring at the boys face- It reminded Azazel of his owns when he was far younger and he wasn't covered in scars. His eyes watching with growing interest as he watched the young man laugh and clumsily spin around another teen in his arms, he assumed out of intoxication- However when Azazel was going to turn his gaze away he saw it- The thing that made Angel grab his attention that way. A Tail- A all to familiar spade tail that seemed to unwrap around the other teens waist to spin them on the dance floor, In that moment Azazel felt every drop of air leave his lungs and his world seem very woozy. Out of pure habit he quickly downed the drink in his hands and stumbled away from the railing he didn't realize he was leaning on. “What the Fuck-” He Mumbled in Russian before staggering down the stairs, his eyes not leaving the Indigo teen that was till he saw the boy disappear in a puff of smoke and Azazel felt his world go black. 
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sunflower-emoji · 7 months
Cherry Vanilla, Raspberry Swirl, and Lemon Sorbet for you and Keigo!
٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
Zaz thank youuuu!! This week was Exhausting but thinking about how to answer these questions was a little bright spot! ^_^
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
Keigo is a very touch-starved touchy person and so he's quite physical! Spontaneous, bone-crushing hugs, hair ruffling (to my irritation lol), and little pecks on the shoulder are his go-to gestures. He's also super attentive to the little things, like replacing something I'm running low on or sending me encouraging texts when he knows I've got an intense day ahead
lemon sorbet: does your F/O get jealous easily?
Oh, he's well aware that he's the best I'll ever have. 🙄🤣 But jealousy is pretty incompatible with our relationship: I value my non-romantic relationships a lot and both of our jobs mean dealing with fans and whatnot (though his is larger than mine lol). That being said, we both get pouty if we think we're not getting our fair share of attention, though that's usually easily remedied. 😜
raspberry swirl: how does your F/O cheer you up when you are feeling down?
I tend to get stuck in my head a lot, so Keigo does his best to pull me out of those spirals by helping me focus on other things, whether it's going for a few laps around the city, or just chatting aimlessly about his day or whatever else pops into his mind. Sometimes even just curling up on the couch together is enough. His presence is quite grounding, ironically.
Original question list
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stars-trash-18 · 3 years
Home II
I’m thinking of doing weekly to bi-weekly updates since that seems to fit my schedule better. I’m in the process of moving so between packing and getting my house ready to sell I’ll use my spare time to write. Also as many of us know the well of writing goes dry leaving us in a writer’s block.
I hope you enjoy the second installment to this series. Reminder that if you see any errors, or mentions of race or gender to let me know so that I can fix it. I want this fic to be for everybody.
You didn’t speak to them for weeks after that, wanting them to come to you when they were ready. Until Big Blue decided to disturb the peace.
He flew in when you were re-thatching the roof of the barn, you clutched your hat to your head as the wind picked up as he was landing. He sent dirt everywhere and blew several stacks of thatch off the roof, the chickens running around in panic, and Tusker went into an overprotective tizzy. The Tusk Cat circled the man warily with a low growl, but stopped when Paz held his hand out, concluding that the man half the size of a Bantha was no threat.
Paz looked up at you and you swore you could feel his apologetic look as he hoisted a few bundles of thatch into his thick arms. You would’ve been impressed if you weren’t sweating like a TaunTaun on Tatooine. Paz carefully climbed the ramp up to your spot and set the thatch down next to you, lowering himself to his knees to help.
“I’m here to let you know the clan agreed to repay you in labor, a few of us are able enough to help you work the land and the rest have skills that you’d benefit from,” he explained as he tightly weaved the long reeds and grasses together. You were slightly impressed, you had him down as a plain warrior not a craftsman.
“Alright, just know I won’t treat you like slaves, I've helped too many escape so it’ll be fair pay for fair work,” you said as you fixed a few of the strands.
“The most I’ll ask for is basic repairs, some help during harvests, and maybe some help gathering the herd when winter rolls in,” You rattled off handedly , “it might take awhile since it is a big piece of land but you'll have more use than I did so you should work it off in a few years,”.
You glanced up at the giant to see his visor pointed directly at you. You quirked an eyebrow at him as you stabbed a wooden pin into the weave, he flinched slightly at your sudden move and refocused on weaving.
“That’s kind of you more than we can ask for, pretty sure you’re one of the only decent beings left in the forsaken galaxy,” he huffed as you finished one section of the roof. You stood up and dusted your hands on your pants and held a hand out to help him up. He took it and with a grunt pulled himself up .
“If we’re going to be working together I'd at least like your name,” you said as you walked carefully down the ramp, Tusker waiting patiently at the bottom for you. You used him to help balance yourself after walking down at such an angle, leaning some of your weight onto him.
Paz seemed to have better footing than you did because he was able to walk in a straight line down, sending a chicken scurrying out of his path with a squawk of protest.
“Paz, my name is Paz and who has my clan put themselves in debt to?” he asked, though his tone was joking you didn’t miss the thinly veiled threat behind his words. You knew that anyone who messed with the clan had to answer to this blue mountain.
“Y/N, and don’t consider it debt, consider it an exchange with delayed payment,” you teased slightly as you heard your son’s scream getting closer. You pivoted in the direction of Attila and had a blaster in your hand and held at your thigh primed before Paz could even react.
“ZAZAAAA,” he cried as he launched himself into your legs. You nearly toppled over but a strong hand on your back kept you upright and a quick glance in the corner of your eyes proved that it was Paz who kept you upright.
“What is it, my little womp rat? Don’t tell me you were up to your antics again,” You scolded lightly as you placed a hand onto your son’s hair and softly ran your fingers through it to calm him, bending down to be closer to his height as you spoke. Attila reeled back from you hold and lightly battered your hands away from his hair, running his own hands through to keep it in place.
“Zaz I'm too old for that, I just wanted to show you my project,” he grumbled, his eyes glancing from you to Paz who leaned against a hitching post. You blinked at your kid for a moment, forgetting he’s almost a teenager. He may love your attention most of the time but when people are around he acts like every other preteen, wanting to impress others. 
You only sighed and lightly shook your head, “sorry kid, I forget you’re older now, but what is this project you were so excited to show me,” you said. You stood up again and watched as Attila reached into his back pocket and brought out one of your broken blasters.
“I know you hate me messing with weapons zaza, but I read blaster repair and wanted to try it out for myself, and look it works again!” he exclaimed, holding it out to you. You tried not to get angry with him, he was intelligent for 10 and always liked taking things apart to see how they worked. But you didn’t want him messing with weapons until you could find him a mentor, too many incidents from a blaster being rewired wrong flashed through your head.
“You know I’d normally ground you for this Attila and you’re lucky I’m in a good mood, so let’s see how this’ll work out,” you sighed defeatedly, taking the offered blaster from his hands. You carefully inspected it for anything out of order while it warmed up, glancing at a few of the components to find anything amiss. It was when you felt a large presence behind you that you glanced over your shoulder, having forgotten about your guest.
“If you’d like I could fire it for you, the armor protects me better if anything goes wrong, besides I’m a weapons expert and I've been blown up by a few of my own projects,” Paz offered, almost shyly at the mention of his own projects. You gave it little thought before dropping the blaster in his waiting hand, you’d rather he take the hit to his armor than you in nothing but your work clothes.
“Of course, there’s a can up on the fence post across the yard that I use for practice,” You mentioned offhandedly, taking Attila by the shoulders and moving yourselves back a few paces. Attila giggled in excitement as he kept his eyes glued to Paz’s armor, your son obviously taking a liking to him. Paz nodded in your direction and placed himself in a shooting stance, lifting the arm with the blaster up as he lined his shot. With a loud pop you saw a bolt send the mentioned can flying several yards away, and Paz let out a pained grunt as electricity flowed through his arm, causing him to drop the blaster into the dirt.
You rushed to his side and placed an arm around him to steady the man as Attila stood stock still in shock. Paz leaned heavily into your side before straightening up and letting you guide him into your house, kicking the door open and settling the man onto your dining chair.
“Attila, run and grab my kit from the bathroom, then put on my electrical gloves and get that blaster out of the yard,” you ordered as you wrangled Paz’s glove off his hand. Paz seemed to protest at first but relented when you glared at him and removed the glove, seeing slight burns on his fingertips and his hand stuck like he was still holding the blaster. 
“I’m fine, it’s just a little shock, kid put too much power into the firing module and it backfired, I’ll be fine in a few hours,” Paz lamented, gritting his teeth and balling his good hand into a fist to try and distract himself from the pain.
You only huffed before grumbling about his stubbornness, “what I see is different, you have some nerve damage in your hand and if I don’t get some Bacta on it now you won’t have use of your hand for the next week,” you retorted. Digging through your kit for the bacta spray, pulling it free and popping the cap off with your teeth, spraying a generous amount onto the burns and surrounding nerves. You started to massage the hand, trying to get that bacta deep into his skin to better heal.
Attila came running in and set the blaster down onto the table, wringing your gloves between his hands as he stared at Paz’s hand, his eyes slowly filling with tears. 
“I’m sorry mandalorian, I should’ve listened to zaza and now you’re hurt, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” He sniffled letting a few tears roll. Paz seemed to relax and extended his good hand out to Attila, moving the boy closer to him so he could rest his arm around Attila. You watched on in caution but refocused on wrapping his hand in bacta infused bandages when you saw how Paz softened at the crying child.
“It’s alright little one, accidents happen, this is just a lesson that needed to be learned,” He soothed, rubbing Attila’s shoulder comfortingly, “Now you know to listen to your Buir better and that I need to shock-proof my armor better, I’ll be alright,” he continued. This seemed to soothe Attila as he wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve and nodded, scurrying to his room to curl up with Tusker to calm down.
You sighed and watched him until he closed his door, turning back to your patient as you secured the glove back onto his hand, “thank you for that, it normally takes longer to soothe him, he hates failing,” you said, watching as reached for the blaster on the table. Turning it this way and that to inspect it.
“I told him he can mess with blasters when I find him proper training, but out here it’s hard to find a weaponsmith without an apprentice already,” you lamented softly. Paz turned his visor towards you and extended the blaster out to you to take before settling back into the chair.
“I know what it’s like, I was the same way when I was his age shortly before I joined the fighting Corps, I'm just glad I took the hit and not you or the boy,” he explained, running a hand down his thigh plating. It drew your attention briefly, knowing it was probably a scar from a similar incident, but you quickly looked back up at Paz as your face started to heat up.
“Kid’s good I’ll admit with his limited knowledge, if you ever find him a mentor I think he’d make something of himself,” He added, before standing up and heading towards the still open door, pausing briefly to look back at you.
“If you need anything you  know where to find us,” he said before closing the door behind himself. A minute later you heard his jet pack fire up and you heard him disappear towards the bunker. 
You sighed heavily and cradled your face in your hands to breathe deeply and decompress from all the activity. Rubbing your hands harshly down your face before you stared at the seat Paz had occupied a minute ago. What had you gotten yourself into.
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