chateaulonlon · 8 months
Ocarina of Time's story lasts 2-3 years
((By 2-3 years, I am excluding the 7 year coma. Plus the coma, the game lasts 9-10 years.))
A theory I've sat on for about a decade is that when Link collects the spiritual stones, it takes him an entire year, perhaps less, 6 months at the least. Retrieving the medallions takes 1 to 2 years. This means that the game, from Link's perspective, lasts 2-3 years.
Time in Hyrule, from our eyes, is strange. Each day cycle is a real-life 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and each night cycle is 1 minute and 20 seconds. By the time Link leaves the forest, the number of days it takes to venture across Hyrule might just take a year. Time in this game is extremely relevant, and personally, I think the day/night cycle is accurate in terms of Hyrule's scale. I am also including areas where time stops. Although not really relevant, Ocarina of time takes between 11-14 hours to complete if you know what you're doing. For others, it might take 20-70 hours.
Gaebora Kaepora does mention at Hyrule Castle that time "stops" in some regions of the game, such as the market or Lon Lon Ranch. I have always assumed that time stops to allow players to linger around shops or keep things from randomly changing every couple of minutes (i.e., if time continued in the ranch, Malon would bounce from the field to her house constantly). This is a game mechanic. I don't think time literally stops at the farm because then, the horses wouldn't move, and Malon couldn't speak. 
The same goes for Twilight Princess. However, time in TP is further stretched, albeit unevenly. It takes around 17 real-life minutes for an entire 24-hour cycle, give or take. Places like Kakariko or Ordon do not change in time, likely because they're the players' "resting stops," if that makes sense. The overworld in Ocarina of Time is much smaller in scale than in TP. It makes sense that proportionally, time moves at different speeds. Kakariko is pretty close to the castle in OoT, but it's much farther in TP (which is the same field, btw). Discussing more of OoT and TP's map differences is a waste of time in this post because there are many inconsistencies despite the games taking place only a century apart. 
My theory only works if Link isn't a speed runner. I am going under the impression that the game is played as Nintendo intended. I am also working with the assumption that the player 100%'s the game and isn't a total noob.
From YouTube playthroughs to my own, it would take Link around 105 GAME days, at the least, from waking up in bed until the point he opens the door of time. 
This makes more sense in the story. Ganondorf's climb to power was calculated and pre-determined. He attempted to gain the King's trust over months or perhaps a year to determine his next steps. Ganondorf slowly corrupted each region and race of Hyrule and the Hylians were saved for last. When Link and Zelda meet for the first time, it's also likely the King of Hyrule and Ganondorf's first meeting. 
It would've taken up to a year if we think about Link sleeping, eating, indulging in free time, etc. These story gaps are primarily filled in the mangas, but it's up to you to decide. People do sleep in Hyrule, and Link is not excluded. Link also defecates, but we thankfully don't see this on-screen. We can only assume it happens. In a way, you can think of Ocarina of Time as an interpretation of a story. In movies, we don't see people eating or peeing regularly. We get time-skips and jump-cuts, and viewers assume the gaps. 
Considering it takes Link well over 100 days from the start to the temple of time, it's safe to presume we can double or triple that number based on things he would do off-screen. Sleeping is the biggest factor in this.
As an adult, Link's main quest is retrieving the medallions, which takes considerably longer. According to brief calculations, it would've taken Link around 200 game days to get the medallions, do quests, defeat bosses, etc. If we triple or double that number (400-600), it could've taken Link 1-2 years (estimation) to do all of this. 
It took Ganondorf 7 years to prep for Link's return and gain full reign over Hyrule. In that time, he built an empire and gained followers. But these 7 years are only the beginning for the King of Thieves - in his words, he's ready to take over more than Hyrule, also the entire world. Ganondorf's work in Hyrule is practically complete, with the exception of ridding Link and Zelda from the equation. It only took Link 1-2 years to take this 7-year reign down.
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thezeldapagan · 6 months
As a coda to my previous post, I'd like to call out a great video dedicated to the nature of the Triforce specifically in Breath of the Wild that was released by YouTube user MonsterMaze on March 13, 2023.
[Disclaimer: MonsterMaze's video as a whole is great, and I encourage watching it in its entirety for some great insights into a plausible general theory regarding the nature of the Triforce and why it wasn't more obviously present in Breath of the Wild. What I've pulled here are merely snippets to make a slightly different point for my own purposes.]
The video, entitled "The Mystery of the TRIFORCE in Breath of the Wild - Zelda Theory," explores the nature of the Triforce across the games, but more specifically it seeks to answer the question of why it is seemingly absent from the in-game universe in Breath of the Wild. In the first part, MM demonstrates all the ways the Triforce functions in most games as both a force of power within a person that manifests as a symbol on the hand, and as a physical object outside of a host that can be used in its complete form to grant requests.
MM goes on to discuss Link in Skyward Sword and his unique relationship to the Triforce, in that he is the only Link who possesses not just the Triforce of Courage, but all three pieces within his spirit:
“I think the signs of Link possessing the complete Triforce were there from the very beginning. The crest of the Triforce is seen manifesting on the back of Link’s hand on three separate occasions [after he tempers the Goddess Sword with each of the three sacred flames in the second portion of his quest]. It starts with Courage only, then Wisdom is added, then finally Power, marking the first time ever in Zelda history that someone possesses the crest of the complete Triforce as opposed to only parts of it. And this all happened before Link ever collects the Triforce pieces from Skykeep” (20:04 – 20:29).
So Skyward Sword Link serves as a great model of the Zelda pagan path. Obviously the Triforce as a physically manifested object is not what we would anticipate in the real world, but approaching the Triforce symbolically, as a way of focusing our intention on and pathway to self-improvement, allows for a more reasonable method of utilization. Link visits each of the regions on the map one by one, achieves a goal in each one, and is rewarded with personal and spiritual growth that is made visible by the marks on his hand. He is unable to tap into the power of the Triforce in its physical manifestation until he possesses all of the pieces in their spiritual manifestation.
Ultimately, MM argues that Zelda goes through a similar trial in Breath of the Wild, as we see her struggle through all of Link’s recovered memories to access her “sealing power.” This power is what ultimately is believed to be the thing that will defeat Calamity Ganon. Accessing it is her primary goal as the princess of Hyrule. MM posits that, like SS Link, Zelda already houses the complete Triforce inside of her in its spiritual manifestation, which ultimately IS the sealing power, and that is why it is otherwise not present in the particular world of BotW. But if this is the case, why is her power so elusive? MM asks this very question:
“If Zelda possesses the complete Triforce, how come she was struggling so much to tap into it? What prevented her from using her power until it was arguably too late and the kingdom and most of her friends had already fallen? My guess is that similar to the Hero of the Sky, she had not yet unlocked all three virtues necessary to control it…Instead, the thing that held her back was simply her own mental struggles. It is my suspicion that she had unlocked Power and Wisdom. As a scientist and scholar, she was very wise for someone her age. And as we all know, she’s very powerful, much more powerful than she realizes.”
(The above and all quotes following pulled from 27:46 – 30:01)
So Zelda has all the pieces of the Triforce in their spiritual manifestation, but she has not yet undergone development of all three to achieve true balance and reach her full potential. I would agree that she demonstrates great Wisdom in its nerdier aspect, though I would argue that Power is also evident simply in her role as a member of the royal family. Rather than abuse this power for its own sake (like some others, ahem Ganondorf), she fulfills her role within an expected framework of supporting her people, and thereby for good.
MM continues by discussing where Zelda falls short in her possession of the three:
“I think the virtue she was lacking was Courage. Throughout the memories [in BotW], we can see that Zelda was oftentimes fearful and not particularly brave. When push came to shove, she would freeze up and others had to take action in her stead. The immense pressure placed on her shoulders also meant she was in constant doubt about herself and her contributions, which wasn’t helped by the fact that she received little to no love or support from her stern and impatient father.”
So while she already demonstrates Wisdom and Power in rather obvious ways, Zelda needs further development of her Courage. To me, this is a much more realistic example of how the Triforce journey would manifest in reality as an actual spiritual practice. Everyone has different talents and strengths, so it may very well be that people are already going to be more comfortable with particular aspects and less so with others. This is where the need for the balance comes in. We develop the areas where we are lacking, and that leads to greater overall fulfillment.
And that is, ultimately, exactly what happens with Zelda, and MM pinpoints the final push into fulfillment as the exact moment when she steps in front of Link as he is under attack at Blatchery Plain:
“I think the reason her power awakened when it did was because for the first time she had the courage to step in. Instead of standing back helplessly once again and letting it all happen, she put herself in harm’s way to save someone she cared about. And with this act of bravery, she unlocked the final virtue, and with it, her ultimate power.”
Link’s journey in Skyward Sword is a perfect metaphor for the journey of the Zelda pagan, but it is Zelda’s journey in Breath of the Wild that functions best as a realistic depiction. Through her story we see very relatable struggles with self-doubt, parental pressure, and the constant need to live up to others’ expectations, all things that could prevent any person from reaching their full potential. She already possesses her own strengths; she simply needs to work on certain aspects of herself in order to unlock that final piece of the Triforce.
Beyond this moment, we see that Zelda’s newfound power has not only further strengthened herself, but she also uses that power to serve all of Hyrule. MM continues:
“From this moment on we see a noticeable shift in Zelda’s behavior. She’s no longer the defenseless, frustrated, insecure girl we saw in the other memories. She takes quick and decisive action to save Link’s life. She takes it upon herself to travel to the great forest and return the Master Sword. And finally, she makes the ultimate sacrifice and faces Ganon alone.”
As described in my previous post, this perfectly encapsulates the call of the Hylia statues to “go forth and bring peace.” Zelda’s journey in Breath of the Wild is a complete example of this overarching goal, one that any Zelda pagan can look to for inspiration.
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twilit-zonaite · 9 months
History of the Zonai [Chapter 2]: Era of the Goddess Hylia
“Before they left the world they created, the three goddesses created the Triforce—a magical object made up of three golden triangles—and entrusted it with the goddess Hylia.” - Nintendo, via the Zelda Official Website
This chapter speculates on the origins of the sheikah and their connections to the zonai, as well as the original purpose of Thyphlo Ruins and hypothesize as to why it's in its current location.
Disclaimer: This series is a hypothetical history of the zonai as interpreted by me with the goal of creating a comprehensive narrative. Although my interpretation is based on canon events, locations and other information provided in-game as well as evidence and ideas brought forward by other fan theorists, it remains purely theoretical and borders on the realm of heavy speculation and even fiction. I do not claim anything said in this series as factual!
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1. The Origins of the Sheikah
After entrusting the Triforce to the goddess Hylia, the goddesses created the hylians to help her protect this artifact. The zonai likely lived unaware of the Triforce, and did not worship Hylia like the hylians did. By that time, the zonai would have become highly advanced in their use of magic and were starting to create highly advanced technology.
Although it is not known exactly how the sheikah came to be, a likely explanation is that a group of hylians would see the technological and magical advancement of the zonai that could easily rival with Hylia’s own powers. This group probably developed a fascination with the zonai, they likely portrayed them as enlightened beings closest to the gods. The group would plausibly adopt the third eye, a noticeable physical trait of the zonai, as their symbol and would start working with the zonai to learn from them.
The early sheikah were probably not too different from other hylians, it is possible that they would develop their unique physical traits, such as the red eyes, white hair and longer life-spans much later, as they may have been inherited from the zonai.
Impa from Skyward Sword is the only example of a sheikah of the Era of the Goddess Hylia; she is blonde with brown-mahogany eyes. Her clothes are somewhat reminiscent of Mineru's in both colours and style, showing the influence of the zonai. The painted eye on her forehead is also closer in design to the zonai eye symbol than the sheikah symbol that can be found elsewhere in-game, like on the timeshift stones.
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Impa from Skyward Sword - via Zelda Dungeon
2. The Zonai & the Sheikah
It is unclear what the relation was between the zonai and sheikah of this time. What we do know is that they have probably worked together.
It is highly possible that the zonai and sheikah worked together in the collecting of resources from the vast grassland that would later become the Lanayru Desert. Said resources were most likely used by the zonai to create and power their new technology. These resources would later be replaced by the zonaite found in the depths.
They might have had some sort of arrangement with the sheikah; the sheikah may have helped the zonai in harvesting resources from their land in exchange of knowledge regarding their technology. They most likely built the sandship together to ferry resources, as the zonai crest can be spotted on the ship, indicating they may have had a hand in building the mining facilities as well.
However the sandship and mining facilities does not appear to be built in the zonai style. This could mean that, despite having a hand in their creation, they may not have been the ones to build them. These were likely built by the sheikah following instructions from the zonai, which would have left a lot of room for interpretation in terms of architecture and design.
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Zonai swirl symbol found on the sandship doors - via r/zeldatheories
Once the land ran out of resources, the zonai likely moved their operations elsewhere, leaving the area entirely to the sheikah. The sheikah would have created the Timeshift Stones as a way to keep harvesting resources in the area to power their own inventions, as well as the ancient robots, probably inspired by the zonai constructs, using the knowledge they had gained from working with the zonai.
After discovering the zonaite ore, which they would use for the creation of their zonai charges and energy wells, the zonai would move their entire operations to the depths. They likely used the ore for building bigger and stronger constructs, and to enhance their magic abilities. The boar tribe would likely know a great expansion due to the increased need for zonaite and would start their conquest of the depths.
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Lanayru Desert Timeshift Stone - via Link's Hideaway
3. Thyphlo Ruins
There are many possibilities as to the origins of Thyphlo Ruins. Based on the layout, it might have been a former stronghold. The fact that it is so far removed from the settlement in the Faron Province might indicate it was moved at one point.
In the event that the castle was moved, it was most likely originally located closer to the Faron Province, either in the middle of Lake Hylia or Lanayru Wetlands. In the case it wasn't moved, there is the possibility it was built due to its proximity to Death Mountain and the Forgotten Temple, likely for trading or defensive purposes against the rising threat of Demise, who had yet to make his move.
The castle might have also been the home of the first zonai sages and the place where the zonai would create the secret stones. It might have also been the first sky island built by the zonai. It was probably built only by the dragon and owl tribe, as shown by the lack of boar statues.
This stronghold may have been originally built on a hill, in a maze-like fashion to discourage enemies and allow for greater protection. This is probably what would inspire the building of the labyrinths. Within the walls, there would've been a guard tower near the entrance as well as the sage’s temple. On the left, there would be the garden, the keep, the temple with two chapels dedicated to Nayru and Farore, as well as the graveyard. On the right side, there would be the lower and higher courtyards leading to the sage’s quarters, and on the top of the hill, sat the great hall and the king’s tower.
This is likely where the zonai of the dragon and owl tribes would take refuge when Demise attacked. The sages would then raise the castle into the sky, making it the first sky island. Long after Demise is defeated, they would bring this island back down to the surface. This would make them seem as if they had descended from the heavens.
If the castle wasn't originally in its current location near the Lost Woods and Eldin Volcano, it was likely moved there due to the chasm close by that would ensure contact with the boar tribe in the depths, as it is likely that the Gleeok Den in the depths used to be a former settlement of the boar tribe.
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Possible plan of the zonai castle at Thyphlo Ruins - made by me
Chapter 1 <- -> Chapter 3
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Reminder: This narrative is purely speculative and is based on my own deductions and theories, as well as on what has already been theorized by other.
These are the sources that inspired the narrative of this chapter:
Secrets of the Lanayru Desert by Monster Maze
The Zonai-Sheikah Connections by Monster Maze
The Lomei Labyrinths - Breath of Wild Analysis by Monster Maze
Who are the ZONAI? - A Breath of the Wild Documentary by NintendoBlackCrisis
Breath of the Wild: The MYSTERY of Thyphlo Ruins by NintendoBlackCrisis
The Zonai Construct's Origins and How they Might’ve been Built by Triforce Trends
Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map by Zelda Dungeon
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lillie-lavender · 4 years
A botw theory with not a ton of evidence
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Ok so this line of dialogue surprised me when I first read it. Not only does it imply that Link would have had to be frequently visiting Zora's domain in order for both Kodah and Mipha to fall in love with him, but it implies that he chose an answer that Kodah didn't like. This would mean that he told her he chose Mipha... right? But that wouldn't make any sense since no where in Botw does it ever say or imply that Link had feelings for Mipha, or that he ever knew about her feelings for him until after 100 years. Even in Mipha's diary she talks about how she will tell him how she feels after Zelda's visit to the Shrine of Wisdom (and we all know how that goes). Kodah isn't even mentioned in Mipha's diary, so obviously they weren't good friends. So then, why does Kodah respond this way? Did he just stay silent when she asked him this? Or did Link perhaps say he wasn't interested in either of them and maybe he chose a... third option? Perhaps the princess-of-hyrule option? It makes Kodah's odd response kind of make sense. If she asked him to choose and he chose neither, it would have made her sad and sorry to realize he never loved either of them, and make her realized that they couldn't compare to the Princess of all Hyrule. And if link had chosen Mipha, don't you think she would have responded differently or perhaps even told Mipha about it? Like I said, never once is it mentioned that Link had any feels towards Mipha, nor is it depicted in any cutscenes of them. And he definitely didn't choose Kodah or else that response would have been way different.
Idk about you guys... but I'm going to keep believing that Zelda was always Link's one love.
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thehonorableprince · 4 years
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"Power of the Goddesses, give me what I desire! Help me to conquer this world!" Brand New Cover by AsmaArt! Read more at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27777823/chapters/67998331
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merimaatelegiac · 4 years
“The Hero of Men” Notes Pt. 2
The Prophecy of the Hero of Time - Like I mentioned in part 1, this prophecy is very important both in the series themselves, and for If Time Healed Wounds’ background. In Ocarina of Time, Sheik speaks of both this and the prophecy of the game’s seven temples. I wanted to put out there my theory on how they came to exist. Since they are temples, we can assume that they used to be places of worship before being corrupted by Ganondorf, and from some (such as the Shadow and Spirit temples) we actually learn a little of what they were used for, though nothing too specific. Now, thanks to the games that “canonically” go before OoT in terms of the chronology, it was very easy to take advantage of the fact that the Master Sword is not used again after the events of Skyward Sword. There’s also the fact that, even though those previous games have pretty serious events hidden in the background (such as the apparent genocide of the Wind Tribe---another post that will be!), they are still minor threats compared to all the sh*itshow going on leading to, during, and after the events in OoT. The Civil War, Hyrule finally being conquered by the bad guy and gone to waste (or semi-waste, considering the actual waste that is Hyrule in BotW), the timeline splitting up... All of that is, imo, much worse than anything that’s happened since the time of SS, even more so than the interlopers going wild. From all of these things I gave form and purpose to both prophecies.
And, insert here GoW Kratos’ voice saying “BOY”. All the bits and pieces I still had to make sense of for the Reader character’s story, put themselves into place once I had these events explained in my mind.
The thanking ceremony - When I was little, the Temple of Time creeped me out in a very weird way. I used to find it extremely weird that they’d built such an enormous building only to have it empty literally all the time. As I grew up I understood that the game’s capacity probably didn’t allow the devs to give more life to OoT’s Hyrule, but I was always left with that awkward feeling. Then, as I thought about all of those bits of lore that would be so fresh in the days of the Minish’ arrival from the time of the war against Demise, I figured that there’d be, necessarily, different holidays in Hyrule, one of which had to be some sort of celebration around his defeat. And what better place to hold it than the Temple of Time?? Let’s not forget that the Sealed Temple, placed on top of Demise’s original tomb, used to be where the Temple of Time now stands. I honestly loved the idea, and it’s even given me a different way of experiencing it when I replay any game where it appears. Which are, like, two xD.
I had so much fun thinking of the little details on how the ceremony would be performed. I actually created the prayer recited by Princess Aryn based on an ancient Templar prayer that they used when they started being persecuted by the Church.
Also, remember how it is mentioned that something about that prayer makes the princess feel calm and secure? Well, it is dedicated to the Hero, after all. It works!
A little on the Geography of Hyrule, according to Reliable Me - This honestly deserves its own post, and I might just do that in the future. But I do want to touch some of that here. Naturally, the main map I was using as reference for the vast majority of the chapter was that from The Minish Cap. The one major change I made was the denomination of the Minish Woods, which in the story was refered to as the Southern Forests (continuing the naming pattern in TMC, with names such as Eastern Hills, Western Wood and North/South Hyrule Field). Naturally, the Minish Woods would be named as such after these events. Now, Lake Hylia does not appear in TMC, but it does in Four Swords, which, canonically, would go after TMC. In FS, Lake Hylia is more or less where the Zora Domain is located in Ocarina of Time. So! In my headcanon that is the original Lake Floria, which then was named Lake Hylia, until the Zora arrived. Then, with the years and the expansion of the Kingdom of Hyrule, the lake to the southeast was named as Lake Hylia instead. In my mind, Hyrule was not very big in these early years, and I think its very plausible that all of the areas in the center of TMC’s map are the middle areas in OoT’s map, including Castor Wilds, right east of the natural barrier of the hills leading to Gerudo Valley. I have a whole explanation of how the area of Mt. Crenel turned into the frozen wasteland that we see in Twilight Princess, along with a detailed outlining of the entirety of Hyrule’s western desert...
... But I’ll leave that for its own post. :D
The Minish and the Guardian Spirits... - Again, as is usual in the series, the origins of the Minish are left extremely vague. So, I filled some of those gaps, while not getting into too much detail. I made them the origins of the guardian spirits that we encounter in Ocarina of Time (the Great Deku Tree, Lord Jabu-Jabu, and, you guessed it! -?-, Volvagia ---yes, I like the theory of Volvagia being the Spiritual Guardian of Fire before being corrupted by Ganondorf---), along with a fourth, the Spiritual Guardian of Wind (who might it be? Perhaps the Wind Fish?? Who knows!!), whose fate we don’t know anything about, after the Wind Tribe was massacred. As years passed, I like the idea of the Hylians starting to call the Minish with the name of the sword they made, with only the Royal Family remembering their original name, for the average Hylian villager didn’t really know the details of that whole story. In contrast, as is usually the case with locations, the Minish Woods would retain that name.
As to what happened to them... let’s leave it open for speculation, like Nintendo did.
The Wind Tribe - These guys fascinate me so much. I think there’s a lot of potential for their origins and lore in general, and I tried to exploit that. I unfortunately took the easy route and assumed that all red-haired tribes in Hyrule come from the same peoples (so goddamned brilliant of me, I know), based also on the fact that most of them have origins in the west of Hyrule. My reasoning is that the original Dark Tribe developed the red hair trait, which remained after they were reinstated into Hylian society and during their rift, half of them becoming the Wind Tribe, the others what would be known as the Dark Interlopers. Now, we know that after the events of The Minish Cap, there came another Hero with a unique adventure, separate to that of the Four Sword Hero. In those times,Vaati is said to kidnap beautiful women and take them to his Palace in the sky. Since the Wind Tribe is never heard of again, many theorize that Vaati might have killed them after he escaped his first imprisonment, thus taking over their home from then on. I personally go for this theory as well in my headcanon, but I don’t think all of them were destroyed.
In TMC, the Ocarina of Winds works with music. That alone was my cue to link them to the Song of Healing (it makes more sense int he chapter, haha) as was implied in the chapter :D And if at this point you’re thinking something about the Happy Mask Salesman, you’re probably right. But more on this in another post!
I think that covers all general topics in the story. As I said in part one, I’ll make separate posts for the other, more complicated ones. Ask me for any doubts you have in regards to these!
Thanks for reading!
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yaileng · 5 years
The Triforce of Courage
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I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out already, but I’m gonna call it right now. Listen.
BoTW centered around Zelda’s triforce and sealing powers, but they didn’t even mention Link’s. The BoTW2 trailer has come out and, in the middle of a series of really fast cuts, this one shows up.
We see glowing light and “spirals” converging in Links right hand. Three spirals that converge in Link’s triforce hand, to be more precise.
Think about it. Now make good theories, because I don’t know how. And this is supposed to be an art blog lol.
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dierlich-design · 5 years
My current thoughts and theories on the new BotW2 trailer
Regarding Ganondorf, I believe this is the remains of his body after he was defeated 10,000 years ago. The paintings on the wall depict him with his trident going to war with Hyrule. It could be a more detailed version of the prophecy Link is told about by Impa.
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It would seem that they are underground, specifically somewhere under the castle. I remember in an interview or maybe something in game that the castle was a symbol of light that was built to keep the darkness at bay. So maybe Ganondorf was defeated by the Princess and the Chanpion and the Guardians 10,000 years ago, and the castle and all it’s Sheikah tech were built over him to keep his evil secure. This is why when Calamity Ganon appeared, it seemed to come from within the castle itself!
Additionally, this malice that seems to be leaking from his human form is the last bit left of Ganondorfs power, and it is what caused Vah Ruta to experience troubles at the end of Breath of the Wild. If my hunch is correct, then the hand that is holding Ganondorf in the trailer is not an ally feeding him energy, but a metaphorical cork in the bottle. Attempting to hold the malice back. Link and Zelda disturb this process and his malice is set free once again with horrific side effects, causing the seal on Ganondorf to be broken once again.
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The seemingly Gerudo text that we can see appear and vanish that’s connected to the hand, could quite possibly be old Gerudo magic. The Gerudo could have had a hand in sealing Ganondorf away, which is why they are on such good terms with Hylians in Breath of the Wild. (Something we don’t normally see). Perhaps the ones who helped seal him away were the Seven eight Heroines?
That’s my take on the events happening in the trailer and I will keep combing through to find anymore missing details and share whatever I can.
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elven-ariaera · 7 years
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Check out my latest #youtube video, inspired by one of my favorite articles I’ve written for #ZeldaUniverse! Look for “Legacy of the Maiden in the Sword: Fi in Breath of the Wild” #Fi #LegendofZelda #Zelda #SkywardSword #BreathoftheWild #botw #ss #loz #zeldatheory #zeldaeasteregg #mastersword
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rmfh209-blog · 8 years
The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild has finally been revealed to the world! Although we received three full days of content Nintendo sadly left use with very limited details on the actual story. The technology supposedly created by the Sheikah is the first thing that caught my eye. Since when have the Sheikah been known to be a technologically advanced race? Join me on my search to uncover the mysterious past of the Sheikah tribe as I turn the pages back on Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Hyrule Historia. If you liked this theory, check out these related Zelda theory videos. Music in this video - Trailer Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Acoustic/Rock Cover) by Shady Cicada - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luay51U1xr0&list=WL&index=68 Shady Cicada's channle - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-90KuSWRVLImW4xHWFYMnQ Hyrule Field Music - Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Music Proposition - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drjgmg_aa4w Music Proposition's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoYbsEfC4kIGl9LX6dehYYQ Zelda Theory - Gerudo Timeline: https://youtu.be/x2gEWv5_Ws0 Zelda Theory - Skull Kids Burden: https://youtu.be/QL_QpXau_6E Zelda Theory - The Sun Songs Origins: https://youtu.be/pfYJhQAKTrA Zelda Theory - Mysteries Within The Temple of Time: https://youtu.be/84xMs_x0OYo Zelda Theory - The Kokiri Timeline: https://youtu.be/38CT6BLOo04 Zelda Theory - The Creation of a Kingdom: https://youtu.be/-ksQEbCgUJg Zelda Theory - Who Caused The Great Flood Of Hyrule: https://youtu.be/f1MTEHk9N8o Zelda Theory - The Golden Goddesses: https://youtu.be/HlvdQozYlrA Zelda Theory - The Mirror Of Twilight and The Dark Mirror: https://youtu.be/CEXtKD7kOOc Zelda Theory - The Origins Of Majora's Mask & The Dark Interlopers: https://youtu.be/PfZoUuCjkS4 Zelda Theory - Zelda Wii U Timeline Placement: https://youtu.be/qg3N2yvxWZk I also do plenty of collaborations Complete Collab Playlist - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... Zelda Theory - Is Link Dead In Majora's Mask? Link is Not Dead!: http://youtu.be/LxTf5hjvOCU Zelda Theory - History Of Dark Link: http://youtu.be/GvYC3eGbIyk Need help with the Zelda Timeline? Look no further Zelda Timeline Breakdown - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... Remember to like, comment, & subscribe. We want to reach many more Zelda fans, so please share the video wherever you can. Zelda Theory - The Oocca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMEIdsTOeZw Zelda Theory - Kakariko A True City? https://youtu.be/uob16jgILO0 Zelda Theory - The Sword of Time? https://youtu.be/R1Tgsy6_MrU Zelda Theory - Sheikah Tech (Breath of The Wild) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHIqjGbu8PI
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rainethehylian-blog · 9 years
I know it’s far from deep, but here’s a neat story idea I slapped together.
Similar to ocarina of time, Link is left orphaned after his mom dies or something in the middle of the desert. Gerudos find him and raise him as their own. At this time, ganondorf is around but hes not an adult yet but he’s older than Link. Probably a tween. Ganondorf becomes Links mentor. But later, he becomes corrupt with the obsession of the triforce. Link runs away, not wanting to get stuck in ganondorfs evil actions. A while after Link leaves, ganondorf figures out Link possesses a piece of the triforce. So he sends monsters out to kill him. That may explain the giant robot thing in the trailer, one of ganondorfs evil minions. Being raised by the Gerudo would also explain why Link is so adept at horseback and archery like the Gerudos from ocarina of time. And if you look closely, Links bracers have markings on them that are similar to ganondorfs in ocarina of time. And Link wore the cloak to attract the least attention as possible, to avoid ganondorf. In the game, you will have to use the skills that ganondorf taught you to defend yourself against monsters while saving the world.
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thehonorableprince · 2 years
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The Breaking of Time CH 9 - A New Life Confirmed as Alfon's squire, Link finds "Army Life" to be less thrilling than he heard. Chores... chores... and even more menial chores are heaped upon the boy - while the other soldiers tease him for his young age. Illustration (1/2) This Chapter Read more at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27777823/chapters/68007292 Illustration by: http://instagram.com/hollow.rt/ #loz #alttp #oot #zeldafanart #knightsofhylia #downfalltimeline #zeldatheory #zeldalore #thebreakingoftime #zeldacreators #nintendo #Link #alfon #squireslife
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kameha8088 · 5 years
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Part one of the Zelda collection #zelda #breathofthewild2 #breathofthewild #botwamiibos #legendofzelda #zeldacollection #zeldacollector #zeldagram #hyrule #nintendolife #zeldanation #zeldacommunity #kameha #youtuber #zeldaocarinaoftime #zeldamajorasmask #zeldawindwaker #zeldatwilightprincess #zeldacommunity #linkbetweenworlds #breathofthewildmasteredition #zeldalinksawakening #zeldatheory https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wJCKan6yR/?igshid=1oqm2jvawo5o6
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