juanarc-thethird · 2 months
Zen Jaune #2
Jaune: *Finds a lamp and rubs it*
Suddenly smoke comes out of the lamp and a Genie appears.
Genie: (Nice~ A new idiot to fool, hehehe…) Greetings mortal, for finding my lamp I will grant you three wishes. But with some exceptions. I can't make anyone fall in love with you, I can't bring back the dead, and no wishing for more wishes. (Also, if you are not specific, I will make your life an eternal suffering, hehehe….)
Nora: *GASP!* You found a magic lamp?!! *She says excited* What are you going to wish for? Money? Power? An oven that doesn't use electricity, is portable, and can create delicious food from nothing?! Tell me!!
Ren: Nora, leave him alone. Jaune needs time to think about it.
Genie: (Oh humans, always with their greed.) *He smiles*
Jaune: Is ok Ren. I already know what I want.
Genie: Oh really? Well, what is your wish, boy? (I can't wait to trick him. Hehehe...)
Jaune: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Genie: Your wish is granted, and…
He bows to Jaune.
Genie: ..I want to apologize.
Jaune: *Concern* Wait, What? Why? Please raise your head, Mr. Genie.
Genie: *Still bowing down to him* (All this power and knowledge in the palm of my hands, and it was a human who taught me not to judge others.)
Jaune: Please, Mr. Genie. Raise your head.
Ren: *bows to Jaune* Sensei
Jaune: Huh?
Nora: *Also bows to Jaune* Teach me your ways, master!
Jaune: Don't do that! Please, you three, raise your heads!
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rw-repurposed · 6 months
The Messenger (2)
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RW Repurposed: Messenger (2)
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Zen is slowly learning how to interact with one of the many scavenger tribes within Chasing Wind's facility ground, being one of the most advanced Scavenger tribes, they are more open-minded and welcoming. However, will Zen be as lucky as the other less advanced tribes?
We'll have to see~
QNA for the blog is still open! You can ask the characters that are present in the comics as well!
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toxictoxicities · 6 months
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So I've been discovering Head Canon Voices for Emergence Iterators...
Repurposed Chasing Wind and Zen @revolvius / @rw-repurposed
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spookyflavors · 1 year
The prompt wasn't as ravenous as I wanted, but that's because I see big Horror Sans being a little softie, while I see short Horror Sans as more like...
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zen-shenanigans · 1 year
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I did the thing for @pastelpaperplanes dtiys! And it was a lot of fun! uwu
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sp1ritb0x · 8 months
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More mystic measenger art :3
rfa genderbent bt its my headcanons,,
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canned-pears · 1 month
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Character spreads! RFA is up first and below are some more MCs! For quick reference, the first two on the right are ones I made for Zen and 707 routes and the others I loosely aligned following the same order as the spread above-but tbh these designs were more for funzies and I could imagine paired with anyone from any route!
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I made colored versions of these that I'll post later as well :)
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mamoonde · 1 year
thinking about wcz seeming the "calmer/less reactive" parent (and he usually is) so wwx typically confided in his dad more... until wwx tells his dad "offhandedly" about his cool new friend in school who's really smart and funny and "perfect-looking, honestly" for over an hour, to which, wcz just "hmm"s and "ahh"s and "i see"s from where he's "tinkering w a talisman" (but has actually ruined the paper with huge blobs of ink).
wwx retires to his room with a, "we're gonna be best friends, i can tell!" and wcz chokes out a, "uh-huh, that's nice, a-ying."
and the moment the door closes, wcz dashes out of the study to where cssr is rush-ironing out their formal robes for the conference tomorrow (like he knew she would even though he'd reminded her about it everyday for the past 2 weeks) and blurts out in a panic, "A-YING IS IN LOVE!"
CSSR: He is? Really? And he told you that?? WCZ: Well, no, not exactly, he claims to wanna be this boy's best friend, but- CSSR: so why are you freaking out about this? it's just a friend- WCZ: No, you don't understand, he's your son, he had that look and- CSSR: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?! WCZ: He talked about the boy's 'perfect hair' for 15 mins and every other way he's perfect for the rest of the hour. CSSR: Oh. Huh. He is my son then. Who's the boy? Did he say? Maybe we can look him up! WCZ: No, he didn't, but that's not the point! A-Ying, our baby!!! Is in love!!!?!?!! CSR: And? WCZ: And!! He'll want to marry the boy!!! And move out!!! And never wanna see us again!!!! 😭 CSSR: Hold your horses there, buddy. If they do get married, which I imagine isn't going to be any time soon, I will demand visits, especially with the grandchildren- WCZ: Grandchildren!?!??!?! Nooo, not my baby!!! He's still too young for such things! CSSR: Our boy is almost 20, baba. WCZ: Yes, but he's our boy 🥺 CSSR: And he always will be, but remember, we weren't that much older when we made him- WCZ: Cangse...! CSSR: -and anyway, if you're feeling the empty nest now, we could always make another... 😘 WCZ: 😳 A-ahem. You should, uh. You'll burn our robes again.
Much Later in the Wei Household
CSSR pats WCZ's hand where it lay on her bare stomach. "There, another one cooking."
WCZ snorts. "Your period starts in two days, love, I highly doubt it."
"Spoilsport." CSSR blows a raspberry at him, then sighs with a smug smile. "Wait 'til I tell Qiren about this! We may not be Lans, but we Weis do fall pretty hard, you know." She boops his nose.
WCZ smiles. "That we do."
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juanarc-thethird · 2 months
Zen Jaune
Jaune: *Meditating in the distance on the cliff looking at the Emerald Forest*
Nora and Yang are looking at him from afar.
Yang: What's up with Jaune?
Nora: Remember the time you, me ,and the other girls almost broke Jaune's sanity with your double meaning jokes?
Yang: Yeah
Nora: Well, this is his prize. Infinite enlightenment.
Jaune: *Shining bright*
Yang: *Pfft* No way he got "infinite enlightenment".
Nora: If you don't believe it, you can try making bad.
Yang: How?
Nora: I don't know. Say or do something that can make him angry?
Yang: Like?
Nora: If I knew, I would have done it already.
Yang: True. Ok lets try something... light.
Yang walks up to Jaune and says.
Yang: Hey Jaune, Cardin is talking shit about you again. He says you're still a loser! Let's go beat him up!
Jaune: No thank you.
Yang: Come on! He said you're fight like a girl! He deserves it!
Jaune: "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact." "Everything we see is perspective, not the truth." "Our understanding of situations is filtered through our prejudices."
Yang turns around and walks past Nora.
Nora: Wait. *She takes Yang's arm* What did he tell you?
Yang: *Stunned* He… He is a real man.
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rw-repurposed · 7 months
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"Even after all my kind has been through. I'm glad to be built into this world..." - Chasing Wind
Chasing Wind takes a moment to view the world from the top of his can. Accompanied by Zen, they both viewed the world beyond their home. Does this wonder have to end one day?
Artwork and Comic List
No way- Repurposed content??? :O
Yeah, sorry for the lack of content the past month or so. College has been kicking my ass and I lacked motivation because of it for quite a while XD
We'll see what happens next~
Also I was helped by my bestie @toxictoxicities for the coloring. :b
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makishimu · 4 months
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Have some more awful siblings :D
Including Kai being a bad influence, Tanjiro not approving, Zen being a brat and Tall Zen
Drawing them is so entertaining, I love it
Close ups behind de Read More
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spookyflavors · 1 year
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A lil'bit of wine for @zenubi-scribbles ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ (Also, please follow them! They are such an amazing person and artist!!)
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onedivinemisfit · 4 months
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Some more Poisoner!yuki doodles~
- sexy obiyuki cover bc now they’re two people with sekrits
- kind prince zen offering poor “kurayami” some velvet with which she can show her mourning the loss of her country’s crown prince… he means well, and she understands that - in fact, zen’s support has helped her ruse a lot
- (metaphor) obi goes by a lot of names. In this AU, reaper seems to be shirayuki’s nickname for him
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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marsvlog · 1 year
zen as mint eye believer + my headcanons !
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i was between recruiter and cleansing leader for him bc i feel like he’s naturally a charming type of person. his good looks will help as much as his acting skills, he would make ppl join the cult in a blink of an eye, recruiter fits him perfectly BUT looking at his character in general (present) i find impossible that he would do something as bad as manipulating/kidnapping ppl to make them join the cult in a sober state. i think he would need a deep cleansing ritual to even make hyun behave.
i based this on what saeran said on his BE3 (in case u don’t know about this saeran is referring himself as the “angel” 💀 and he had to drug zen a lot for him to obey him, and he still wasn’t completely tamed in this ending)
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that’s why he wouldn’t be suitable for a role that requires him going outside a lot, he would def find a way to escape or snitch. so i think the cleansing on him would be directed into one of his flaws: his bad temper. it’ll be as harsh as saeran’s cleansing.
but in zen’s case they won’t need to create a “persona” because he already has an attitude. i remember Sev saying that he’s a scary person when angry. his cleansing ceremony would expand that. a strong personality is perfect for cleansing leader!!
i’m setting hyun free by assigning a role that doesn’t require him to look good, charming and perfect
also im sure he has tried to kill jumin but his loyalty for mint eye has stop him lol or someone else stops him anyways end of my long ass rant <3
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canned-pears · 4 months
💞💜💟 Intro to my Zen route MC!💟💜💞
Since it's Valentines Day I find it fitting to post more about my most lovely, bubbly, pink/purple obsessed MC!
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Design is based on the pony pfp from the game lol
She's a performer like zen
Thoroughly enjoys traditionally feminine things like makeup, fashion, skin care etc.
Magenta, purple & pink is her COLOR!! Argue w/ the wall
Close to Zen's height & towers over him when she wears heels loool
Sanrio girlyy (my Melo is her favorite fs)
Since she and Zen share a lot of things in common regarding personal upkeep, humor, & the arts, they instantly clicked. I like to think of their relationship as pretty fun and lighthearted! They see each other as equals but r sooo competitive in the best ways-especially when it comes to gift giving or dates! I think of them as ppl who do anything & everything for each other & are as open as possible about it! Idk they're cute & i thought they were the best pair to post around Valentines season <3
More drawings under the cut
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Enjoy the art dump! Some drawings I did earlier than others so you can def see the changes in style & coloring methods-not too drastically different but you can tell the saturation was off sometimes & i apologize for the inconsistency ( I had a whole situation with my phone & recovering images it was a mess))
I am fs planning on doing more MC's! I'm still working on that comic I toootally didn't forget about too...🧍
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zenmom · 6 months
May I present this concept au idea:
The main cast lives in Mickey’s luxurious cruise ship and he takes his guests and customers all over the world.
I’m thinking that this will be like a tv or comic series. It is a mix of reminiscents of Mickey Mouse clubhouse, funhouse and the House of Mouse, all in a new setting.
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