enactoflife123 · 1 year
When you get into a really emotional situation.
You should first take 3 deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
Calm yourself down.
If that doesnt work, you can just walk out of that spot and let your emotions calm down.
What do you normally do when things get heated up? High chance that you will do and say things that you will regret in the future.
To avoid that catastrophe, remember to calm yourself down when you notice the tension is rising.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Today, I am in a kinda slump. I felt horrible. Physically and psychologically.
I havent bath till after lunch, I ate too much during lunch, skil my dinner time. Now, my stomach is all messed up.
But before all these, my week has been going great. Good habits kept being done and avoiding bad habits is simpler now.
Maybe it's because I started the days hitting the snooze button lately. I started playing phone when I am supposed to be bathing, eating, studying, and etc. Or maybe it's because I was told I study too hard, that's why I subconciously resisted studying.
Either way, what's important for me is to get back my routine. Sleeping before midnight, waking up to the first alarm, do my morning routine without touching my phone, and then I can learn, have fun, do chores, and socialize.
Typing this all down helps keeping my thoughts coherent. Hahaha
Wish me luck tumblrers? Is that even a word. Anywho, bye internet.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
In my country, I have never ever learned about the nazis and holocoust taught in schools. Our countries history has never cross paths.
All I heard was snippets on the internet that briefly appears. But still, I have not had a whole picture in my mind about holocaust and its horrors.
But today, I learned about Eugenics. It is morally wrong.
Even if we had our differences here, we never looked down on others or think we are superior just because of our ethnicity, skin colors and languages.
It might have be cause I see the world in my rose tinted glasses... But I never thought how and why someone can just treat someone differently because of being different. Isn't that what makes each of us special?
It's okay to be different. In fact, It's normal to be different. These differences should not have been the platform for people to cause strife, fight or dislike one another. These should have brought us closer to one another...
This is the common philosophy that I have back home.
Can any of share what your takes on this topic?
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Self Reflection: What's my common mistakes?
1. I always make assumption.
Ex: You like this stuff right? Honestly, if they didn't state it, what I said could most likely be wrong and it may end up sounding presumptuous.
2. Sometimes, I always assume the worst of people and situation unnecessarily.
What if...? I could/would be mortified. That will be bad. I should just stop attempting it altogether.
I should treat everyone as my comrades rather than enemy. That way, I will not maliciously judge their action towards me have any bad results or intentions.
-Based on "The courage to be Disliked"
3. I panick easily.
When things don't go the way I thought it will be, I should have take a step back, adjust my breath and analyze the situation.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Hello, strangers from the internet
I hope you have a nice day today :)
Everyone deserves one big virtual hug
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Have a nice day
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
I am grateful that I can still live another day to breathe oxygen, see the sun, see the myriads of colours surrounding me, read my novels, study and learn more with what the world give and would give me.
I am grateful to have wonderful parents, sister, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousin male or female, other far-related but still beloved family, best friends, old and new friends, childhood friends, ex and current classmates, teachers, mentors, strangers that help, support me and had a hand in creating the me I am today. May it be intentional or unintentional.
Most importantly, I am grateful that I am blessed to have me and my loved ones healthy and well.
Thank you the god that blessed me and loved ones. I hope that You will continue to bless us. Amin.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Have you ever wondered about past scenarios? What could have change if I did things differently?
Have you ever dwell a past action that you did when you were 5 years old? Omg, I did this and that, do they(people around you) still remember it?
This is really important for us to remember and carve into our heart. We wasted so much time on the past that we can't change and control. Forgetting that we can chose to forget and forgive our past. That's the bare mercy we need to give to ourselves.
If the past creeps up to your brain. REMEMBER: you can always say "Oh yeah, that did happen." Never dwell on it.
*insert Ted-Ed closing music* Tenewnewk
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Bystanders SAW best.
Have you ever heard, read, or just saw a relationship that bounds to break or just never gonna work?
Like those stories of rich heiress eloping with some hoodlum against her parents better wishes. Cutting off all contact with her parents, friends, and loved ones. Only to end up miserable later on as years passed.
Either there is money issues or tinted rose view fade off or violence by the guy she fell in love with? The list could go on.
But as most people like to do, rather than reaching out for help with social workers, police, parents or anyone else. A lot of these ex-rich heiress prefer to suffer in silence or seek other source of "help". Drugs. A new love affair. Etc.
Honestly, I just can't wrap my head around the ideas of these series of actions...
Why can't she listen to her parents' advice? Why can't she just communicate better?
I read countless of stories that revolve around love. Love has many different meanings in all these. Like the theory that Lily's love for Harry protects him from the killing curse. Or the love that caused a person who has everything lost everthing in trying to achieve a love life with the person they like. Love that causes people to do extreme actions like stalking, murder, kidnapping, lies, and MANY MORE.
After reading so much of these stories that has characters with tragic ending because of love. I grew scared. WHAT IF I fell in love and just did ridiculous stuff and hurt my parents.
But then I realized, I could just build a healthy habit of communicating with my parents. I realized that when I introduced my future partner to my parents, I would carefully listen to their inputs. Don't let my emotions get in the way.
Sometimes, bystander just Know Best.
Honestly, I want to talk more about relationships and family that is more on the parents side. I guess it could wait?
Let's just finish this off. I can't wait.
And for parents, I really hope you can make it clear to your children that you will always support them. Don't disown your child for just trying to love someone they shouldn't (toxic and all). THAT will actually cut off a lot of their emergency exit, their life jacket. It might also cause them to just take extreme actions similar to eloping.
Even if you disapprove the relationship and cannot reason with them that ended up in a fight with your child. Still let them know you will be there for them, Always.
Of course, you can mentally prepare them long before the "meeting with parents". Perhaps something similar to:
"Hey, let me tell you a story. ......... . I don't want that to ever happen to us, okay? When the time comes, I just want you to hear us out and know that we will still love you no matter what."
That's communication. It's a magic power that people tend to not use for reasons such as pride. Even Naruto won many of his fight with communication.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
After reviewing all the mistakes I've made this past week and referring them to the common mistakes I made my whole life.
I conclude that my mistake revolves around me panicking and flapping around like a hot flaming chicken.
I will lose my calm and threw caution to the wind. My brain stops working and the panic is REAL.
After exam, I will review my answers and notice that my answer is correct before I had changed it during the last few minutes of the exam. I will always feel regret wallowing up and try to tell my loved one about this.
But this time, the sentence my mom uttered is stuck in my head and I allow myself to digest it thoroughly without letting my emotions clouding my judgements like the past times she did this.
The way she faced my particular problem is like she has had to follow through this routine countless of times.
"You ALWAYS do this."
And the thing is, I can't deny it. The fact is right there. I panic easily. Some things are clear to me but gets so blurry because I can't think straight.
This happens again yesterday. I only thought of a solution to an issue ONE minute after the issue is a done deed.
It felt horrible. Deja vu. Routine. Habits.
I don't want to kick myself too hard. But I do KNOW that I do not want this to repeat again. So, I try to narrow down what I need to do and fix to really specific details.
Maybe I wasn't really clear with the note-to-self back then. That's why I keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over.. again. I need to specify this clearly.
The thought breakdown:
1. I often panic and lose my calm easily.
2. Why do I did that? Because there's a time limit situation, I try to rush my thinking when I should be relaxing and calm myself first.
3. Okay. So? I need to find a method to calm yourself first. I need to be able to remind myself to calm down and incorporate it into your daily routine so it happens easily DURING the panicking event.
4. How will you do that? I need to remind myself to take 3 deep breaths or up until I calm down. I will try doing this after I wake up every morning.
5. How will I know you will do that? It's difficult to do that, No? I will keep twitter updated about my progress once in a while.
So yeah. I will keep updating this. I think I will be able to make a huge leap progress if I can do this routinely :)
Every progess should be cherished. I am even proud I can blog this out and make my thinking more coherent.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Tips for locking down on a rental:
1. Find one with their own washing machine/dryer.
2. If you're comfortable with it, you can find one that has a shared bathroom.
3. Find one that's walkable or 5-10 minutes public transport distance to the place you went to the most. Example: school, supermarket, mall, workplace, etc
4. Make sure to visit the place in person, you need to make sure it's the right place for you. The atmosphere, location, lighting, whatever is most important to you.
Fun story, I almsot got duped to go to a 30% cheaper place, with bathroom shared with 10sth people(swimming pool shower vibe), longer distance walk in a location I definitely didn't request, inside a really dark building with barely any lights whatsoever. I'm forever glad I asked my friend to accompany me that day.
5. If you really like to go swimming, play sports, go to the gym. It's best to find the building that has all these, so you will save more.
6. If you can't cook, It is also best to find one near a lot of restaurants. If you can, find one near the supermarket.
7. I really recommended having a room with a nice window that shows the sky. It can actually help boost up your mood. In my opinion, that's better than spending the money on entertainment.
8. Find one that actually allows stay overs. Because, your family members might come over some time. And if they do, it will be nice to save them their accomodation fee. Like for example, a night might cost 150 in my currency. If they are here for 10sth days a year. Thats actually 1-2k, it is better to spend that 1-2k on a bit bigger rental room that allows stayover.
This is all I had in mind right now. I'd really like it if you can tell your tips! I might use it in the future when I move to a new place.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Do you often feel sleepy during class or anything like that?
This is some of the things I do to avoid it and stay focus:
1. Put water on the table and drink it to freshen up.
2. Sleep more before class starts. Actually it is recommended to sleep more than 8 hours. Whether when you are kids, teenagers, adults. There's a lot that sleeping affects. I'll write more about that later, as it might get a little lengthy.
3. Stand up. Its good for your health to stand up every hour or so and it wakes you up.
4. Don't put yourself in a food coma. Sudden spike of glucose are actually bad.
5. If you are not restricted to the place. Go take a walk, bask under the sun, take a cold shower, stretch, and nap.
Hopefull, this can help you focus more in class.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Food isn't about what you substract from it but what you can add to it.
-a nutrionist, content creator
This sentence had to be repeated several times on several different occasions before I finally understood it. And that sentence woke up a whole new alternate-dimension for me. A world where I started eating healthier. Honestly, her food tips works amazing for me.
Instead of adding less seasonings to the instant noodles. I add egg, carrots, etc.
Instead of eating less portion of food, I just consume yoghurt, vegetables, and fruits.
She also taught me about meal prep. It's okay to just prepare your ingredients during weekend to make it easier for you to cook the following days.
These 2 lessons I learned from her? I didn't just apply it to what I consume, I also applied it to my day to day life. After all, what you learned about in one sector does not mean you cannot apply it to other parts.
For example?
Rather then tasking myself to spend less time on my phone and novels, I find myself some events to gather. There, I meet more people, socialize more, gain more energy, leaen something new. Cooping myself inside my room just makes me more lethargic. Going out and socialize with positive and new people boosts up my energy. This drives up my mood, and I ended up getting a lot of things done.
We all have limited energy. Especially during busy weekends with classes, transport, work, etc. That's why if you know you won't have energy to do anything during those days. You do your chores, and everything else on the weekends.
It's amazing how many different thinking you can apply to your life!
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
I just had something of a "fight" with my loved one. Specifically my mom.
I know she loved, love, and will always love unconditionally. Since the moment I was born until the moment either of us pass. Maybe even after that.
It doesn't mean she can't hurt me or it's because of that, it hurts worse compared to when strangers did it to me.
I guess I have to learn how to communicate with her without ever sharing my troubles. Because I know I will only get hurt. Some time in the future, this issue might be brought up. I still love her.
But I knew something is changing. The fact I can't share my woes with her without her hurting me. I just want support and understanding...
Until then, I'd still like to let in wonderful people into my world. Meet more, talk more, share more. This world has so much to give. I'm reluctant to miss it.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Bounderies has always been important. But boundaries has not always been clearly stated and emphasized. We often let other people break boundaries and it causes them to repeat it again.
Even if we set our boundaries, your friend, family, etc may not respect it. That's actually a sign that person is not right for you. They are someone you should avoid talking. Nevermind the norm or whether or not it's the polite manner. They DO NOT deserve your politeness.
I know it's a challenge to just cut off and avoid people. But when you have doubts about your action.
How you feel when they are around. Do you feel like your energy is sucked out? Do you feel empty? Negative?
How you feel when you are not around them. Do you feel relieved? Free? Happier?
Let me tell you something, men leech off women with wisdom and grace and a feminine alluring personality and especially if you are knowledgeable and skillfulll.
Be careful of mental leeches, they will:
use long calls, to waste your time and lure you in.
penpal antics, by not arranging to see you and constantly contacting you.
use you as a therapist and a mental dumpster by telling you their problems in their life because they are attracted to the feminine side of you that allows them to be vulnerable.
Remind yourself of the woman you are and know there are going to be so many dusties that will attempt to try you and use you, FOR FREE.
Stay away from them, block them and from early on do not be vulnerable or allow long calls or texts at any hours.
Men take advantage of how empathetic women can be and will save their resources to get access to you for FREE.
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Do you ever forget sth about your friend? Like their bday or their country of origin or their birthday?
I often forget about it. I had trouble remembering a lot of stuff. Sometimes, it's even hard for me to put a name to a face. Especially if I had only met someone once or twice and communicate for a sentence.
It's just that, You'd want to make the other people in the convo more relaxed and etc. Make them feel appreciated. It's not a people pleaser thing to do imo. This small act can make then feel way better than you forgetting them.
Right now, I'm trying to make a data file for people I know. Hopefully this will prove to be a great investment of my time and effort!
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
Some things are always going on.. Life, time, age, cars passing by.
In these kind of normalized environment, I just can't help but stay at rest. That's fine in my book. As long as I never turn my head and get stuck in the past, staying still for a grain of time means nothing at all.
Staying still is okay. What's deadly is staying stuck and never moving ever forward
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enactoflife123 · 1 year
I was just reprimanded by one of my professors. The old me will definitely think it's bad and feel all agitated and emotional. Because really, it's a small matter that she keeps rambling about aloud to the whole class. And so, I just treated it as a small matter.
My friends are like ☹️ "Are you okay?" My question is why am I not okay? It's just a small matter and the prof kept emphasizing that she's not targeting me. Just reminding everyone in the class. Even if the prof didn't say that, I would still be nonchalant about it. Cause why does it matter? I don't think I made a huge mistake. The teacher just don't want me to repeat that again. So sure, I won't.
But comparing my action and emotion today to back then, I feel a tiny inny bit sense of accomplishment.
You and everyone you know are going to be dead soon. And in the short amount of time between here and there, you have a limited amount of fucks to give. Very few, in fact. And if you go around giving a fuck about everything and everyone without conscious thought or choice—well, then you’re going to get fucked.
-Mark Manson
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