#zep spoiler
zepskies · 2 months
Ask game! Ask game! 29 and 73! (Hi, Zep! How are you? <3)
Hey, lovely!! I'm doing better this week, thank you. 💜
And yay! I love more questions from the Ask Game. 🙌🏽
29. Give us a spoiler from one of your stories.
Ooh you cheeky, you. 😘 Okay, you and others might know that I'm working on a Soldier Boy x Supe!Reader story based in the '80s. I've written a couple of chapters so far.
Lost on You
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Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
👀 Here's a Sneak Peek:
Suddenly, your spine prickled. Your mind buzzed faintly with awareness as you sensed a presence.
It was overwhelmingly male, with heavy, confident steps coming down the hall. You tilted your head and frowned at the familiarity of it. 
Soldier Boy, that asshole. 
But then, your lips curved upward. This could be fun. 
When Soldier Boy walked into the breakroom, he noticed you. You pretended not to realize he was there, but you felt the heat of his gaze roaming over your body. You wanted to sigh.
Right then, you made a quiet, firm decision. Today, this man was going to learn your name. And he wasn’t going to forget it. 
You turned to him with a smile when he approached—the most pleasant one you could manage.
“Good morning, sir.”
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73. How do you visualize scenes? Do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
I definitely have to try and visualize it like a movie in my head. And I try to make that come across on the page. I know if I can't see it in my mind's eye, then the reader probably can't either, and the story won't flow from scene to scene.
Dialogue is what often "just flows," when I get a good groove going. But the mechanics of the scene around the dialogue, like the character blocking, is where I have to actively visualize.
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Thank you for these questions, friend! 💜
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bringmefoxgloves · 1 year
Some v informal and probably wrong Saw X tailer analysis with photos below the cut! SPOILERS WATCH THE TRAILER FIRST (tw for flashing jumpcuts and gore of course)
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Images 1 & 2: We have Billy on a tricycle!!! But we also have the woman who posed as a cured cancer patient, chained to what appears to be an anchor. Her pants and the anchor are visible in the next image, it appears she is being hung.
Image 3: John working on what appears to be a hollow bullet, maybe something like the shotgun key component of the Rack?
Images 4 & 5: One of the characters, assuming a nurse who was part of the fake procedure, made to cut off her leg (Anyone getting Lawrence vibes? Just me?) which is so helpfully marked.
Images 6, 7, 8: Man with scalpels duct taped to hands, and pipe bombs secured with barbed wire around his forearms. Clearly he survives his trap.
Image 9: Character! Who? We don't know.
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Image 10: Full shot of Amanda's Pig mask!
Images 11, 12, 13: Glass tube trap we see on the poster, but also notice the wires to his wrist/fingers, which mean the broken fingers are a part of his trap. Open end to the tubes suggest something is meant to travel down the tube to his eyes.
Image 14: Bathroom jumpscare! Don't know whose shoes are those but that looks like perhaps Zep's corpse on the edge of frame?
Image 15: Police investigation board..... I think
Image 16 & 17: Billy bringing out the tools to brain surgery pt 2 trap! Glad to see a crt television.
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Image 18: John hugging someone.... Perhaps Amanda?
Images 19 & 20: Woman waking up in backseat of car, smoking pouring in from vents.... Carbon Monoxide poisoning trap?
Image 21: GORE IS BACK BABYYYYYY Reminds me of Seth Baxter.....
Image 22: Close up on a random trap
Anyways those are some of the interesting images I pulled from the trailer!
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mo0nagedaydr3am · 1 year
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. it’s ended. that’s it. the end. oh my mother fucking gods. wow. that was one hell of a ride. i’m in a sort of anesthetic world rn where it hasn’t hit me that this is the end but at the same time im also crying while typing this because WOW i have so many emotions rn but one thing i can say for sure is that zep is fucking brilliant and they’re amazing for giving us such an emotional and beautiful story like i’m just wow. i think it’s hit me now. i’m ranting now. SIRUS AND REMUS MAKING OUT WHILE SIRIUS IS IN A DRESS OMG I LOVE THEM LMAO. AND THEN SIRIUS IMMEDIATELY DROPPING EVERYONE FOR REGULUS ONCE JAMES CALLS HIM OH MY BABIES THEYRE SO AHH 😭 ZEP IS SO REAL FOR GETTING ATTACHED TO BROTHERS LIKE THEY LITERALLY OWN MY HEART. AND THEN THEM SITTING THERE TALKING AND REGULUS FUCKING THANKS SIRIUS FOR VOLUNTEERING FOR HIM AND HOLY SHIT THAT WAS LIKE YES YOU GO BABES OH IM SO PROUD OF THEM. THEYRE BROTHERS. AND I REMEMBER WHEN REGULUS WAS ABOUT SIRIUS LIKE “His older brother. Always his older brother”. AND THIS TIME IT WAS SIRIUS SAYING IT ABOUT REG “His little brother. Always his little brother” AND OH BROTHERS 😭🫶. and then james. JAMES POTTER THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. HE LET THE HORCRUX HORNET GO AND VANITY AND OH HES GROWING JUST LIKE REG AND THEYRE DOING IT TOGETHER TOO AND THEN THE KIDS OMG THEIR KIDS!!! Malcom, Marcel, Florimel, and Aster!!! THEYRE SO SWEET I LOVE THEM 😭 AND THEY MADE A SNOWMAN AND REGULUS PUT THE HAT ON IT OH THE HAT!!!! and then Evan…yea that’s where i started crying literally wasn’t even sad to me it was just the fact that it was Evan… OH REGULUS IS GROWING AND EVAN IN HIS DREAMS ACTUALLY REPRESENTING REGULUS’ HOPE FOR THE FUTURE AND HIMSELF AND HIM CLIMBING AND HE DID IT AND HE WOKE UP AND HES JUST SO HAPPY AHHH THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME OMG IM GONNA HAVE TO READ THIS ALL OVER AGAIN ARENT I? IM LITERALLY NEVER GONNA LET THEM GO THIS FIC CHANGED MY LIFE AND IM ALWAYS GONNA COME BACK TO IT HOLY SHIT THIS IS JUST😭❤️
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electrificata · 2 years
top traxx off preacher's daughter by ethel cain these are not actually in order numbers are fake
"thoroughfare" do you like "fade into you" by mazzy star but wish it was almost 10 minutes long and way more doomed-feeling? vibes (to me) like some of led zep's folkier stuff, esp the outro
"gibson girl" a) this title really does it for me, really love the concept. b) rides the sexy/scary line the same way the weeknd's trilogy era did. c) horror movie version of "ride" by lana del rey
"family tree (intro)" hits the intergenerational-trauma-as-horror theme perfectly while still having an 80s arena rock drum sound. best lyrics on the album. i like this one better than the one later in the album.
"ptolemaea" what can i say that hasnt been said. would be personally thrilled abt the re-entry of heavy metal into the fringes of the pop world under any circumstances, the fact that its in the idiom of grotesque feminine horror? best possible scenario
"strangers" has to be here just for the concept (SPOILER if anybody cares: literally a song from the perspective about a woman dead and frozen and waiting to be eaten in a killers basement. what could be better"
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Il y a des jours avec, et des jours sans. Aujourd'hui, ce sera un jour sans Dr Rathatton, qui n'a pas apprécié de se peler les noisettes toute la nuit (une petite couverture, ça ne nous suffira pas), et ne se sent pas bien :(
Du coup, je me balade ce matin autour de notre auberge, et je tombe sur le temple le plus étrange de l'univers ... D'un côté, une représentation TRÈS graphique de ce qui arrive aux petits enfants pas sage (je n'ai pas zoomé pour les âmes sensibles)...
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Et de l'autre, un couloir magnifique rempli de ces drôles de sculptures tressées colorées !
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Forcément, si on te propose le premier choix ou le second, ça motive à devenir un bon élève bouddhiste !
Il y a aussi un espèce de guerrier géant posé avec son caillou, tout à fait en mode "MA cacahouète". (Mais déprimé)
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Sur le chemin du retour, je passe devant la maternelle (qui nous aura fait entendre des chants sympas ce matin, je pense à la levée du drapeau). Oui, entre ça et la ZEP du 93, on ne commence pas tous avec les mêmes chances dans la vie.
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M'étant trouvé un petit dej, j'attrape une portion de riz pour Clem, et direction la maison. A midi elle se sent mieux, et propose d'aller se poser au bord du lac réservoir qu'on a vu la veille sur internet. Clem se pose tranquillement pendant que je suis un sentier de randonnée censé faire deux heures de balade autour du lac.
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Et maintenant, jouons à un jeu avec Annette : trouvez le sentier sur ces photos !
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Bon, spoiler alerte, le sentier étant moins bien entretenu que la barbe de papa à son retour de Compostelle, je galère beaucoup BEAUCOUP à le trouver, et je ne me vois pas abandonner Clem à son sort pendant que je vadrouille 3h perdue dans la jungle, je fais donc demi tour au bout de trente minutes. C'était quand même sympa !
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Dernier arrêt par les sources chaudes de Chiang Dao, dont je profite seule car Clem n'est pas très tentée. Elle se sent de nouveau pas terrible, donc on repart vers l'auberge où elle fait actuellement la sieste !
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(non, vous n'aurez pas la photo grimaçante de la trempette dans la rivière)
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(have not yet finished the chapter) the Albus and aberforth scene when i KNOW the girls are out for Albus' blood??? oh no oh no oh no. zep you have to stop giving me sibling relationships that hit me square in the heart
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glitchydyke · 2 years
HI JINX HI JINX whoa that’s like the word hijinks. crazy
okay so i know ur not like. gonna watch saw but. heads up for super heavy spoilers for the first movie ofc
OKAY SO. saw is abt gore and torture yes yes whatever but oh my god it’s also abt life and death and the fragile mortality of humans and the fact you should appreciate your life while you still have it because there is so much beauty in the world that you deserve to see and the fact that nobody is ever too broken to be fixed and you are always worthy of redemption and. christ
i’ve watched the first 3 movies so far and my favourite is the first one bc. ADAM. GRIPS YOU. FUCKING ADAM. he’s this scrawny photographer who doesn’t really appreciate his life and makes a living being hired to stalk ppl and take photos of them <33 hes suchhh a weirdgirl like that
so he wakes up chained to the pipe in a shitty derelict bathroom. also sopping wet. like hes literally a wet cat i cannot stress this enough. soggy man. and on the other side of the room, another man is chained to a pipe in the same way he is, and in the middle of the room is a dead body just chillin <3 the other guy introduces himself as dr lawrence gordon and also hes gay but we’ll get to that later
SO they both understandably panic (lawrence less so bc hes been awake for longer and has already done the screaming for help thing) until they eventually begin actually talking to each other and trying to figure things out. they find a tape in each of their pockets and manage to reach a tape player from the dead guy in the middle of the room. they play the tapes and are both introduced to their game: lawrence has to kill adam by 6, and adam has to escape without um. dying
lawrence’s tape also said follow your heart in a whisper after the main message, and they follow this clue to a toilet with a heart drawn on it and find two hacksaws in the toilet lid. for a while they try to cut through their chains, but it doesn’t work and adam ends up breaking his saw :( lawrence then realises the saws are meant to be used to cut off their feet, not cut through their chains
they uh. do not want to do this ofc so they start talking to each other, and across the movies they find out a few things about each other. lawrence’s wife and daughter are being held hostage as motivation for him to kill, lawrence was accused of being the jigsaw killer a few months ago, and adam was hired by a former detective to follow adam and take pictures of him. adam also reveals he found some of his pictures along w the hacksaws, and recognises one of them as one he didn’t take - a photo of a man standing by the window in lawrence’s house.
they start to figure out who’s put them there and what’s happened, and eventually there’s call from the man holding lawrence’s family hostage that ends in gunshots. lawrence uh. freaks out and upon hearing his family in genuine danger he takes his saw and. gets rid of his foot <3 he then crawls over to the dead body, takes a gun from it, and shoots adam. the man holding lawrence’s family hostage (zep) then walks in and prepares to kill him since he didn’t technically win the game since it was after 6 by the time he killed adam. shit gets real fucked and THEN adam turns out to not b dead bc hes a real one like that and he beats zep to death w a toilet lid until lawrence crawls over to him and stops him
and they then have. the gayest fucking scene. they’re lying on the bathroom floor, scared and cold and covered in blood, and they fucking grip each other like they’re each other’s lifelines. lawrence holds adam’s face, adam grasps lawrence’s shirt, their faces are pressed against each other, and they’re so fucking close and desperate and they’re the only thing in the world to each other at that moment and it drives me INSANE. i can’t even describe it enough it’s genuinely cinematic history i promise you. i need you to look at this oh my god
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lawrence then says he has to go get help or else he’s gonna bleed out, and crawls away while adam reaches for him, tells him to stay, begging for him not to leave him. lawrence promises to bring someone back, and leaves the room. adam tries to find a key to his chain on zep’s body, but only finds a tape player - and when he plays it, he finds that zep was also only a part of this game, not the mastermind of it. and then the body in the middle of the room moves. the jigsaw killer, the man who kidnapped them and tortured them was with them all along.
he tells adam the key to the chain was in the bathtub he woke up in, and it went down the drain when adam accidentally pulled the plug when he woke up - meaning adam was always given a way out, but lost it before he even knew he has it. adam tries to shoot him, but he’s electrocuted and the man heads towards the door. the lights turn out, adam reaches out desperately, screaming and terrified and frantic, so close to escape. the man looks at him. says game over. the door closes. adam is left to die, and the credits roll as his screaming fades away.
AND IT DRIVES ME FUCKING INSANE. adam won his game. do you fucking understand. he won. he was meant to stay alive until six, and he did. he was left to die because of a single mistake, because he lost a key he didn’t even know he had. he watches as the person he’s been closest to and furthest away from maims himself in a desperate act of survival. he clings to lawrence as their blood mixes between them. he screams and cries and begs to not be left alone. he learns the person who orchestrated everything was right beside him the whole time. he spends days in that bathroom, chained and cold and alone and in the dark, waiting desperately for lawrence to come back. waiting to be saved. just fucking waiting. do you think he had hope? even when hours passed? when a day passed? as he squinted through the darkness at the clock on the wall and realised hes lost count of the hours? knowing lawrence went out in a labyrinth of walls and pipes, bleeding and missing a limb, not knowing where to go? knowing that his only chance of survival could be dead on the floor right down the hallway? hoping desperately that the man he’s come to love so much managed to get out. hoping someone, anyone, will please fucking come back for him?
and then days later, someone does. an apprentice, a follower of jigsaw, feeling bad for him and wanting to help. and her help comes in the form of a plastic bag over his head, blood in his mouth, and all oxygen leaving him. she says she’s freeing him. he’s never felt more trapped.
lawrence’s task was to kill adam. adam’s task was to live.
and somewhere, lawrence survives.
and in the bathroom, adam dies.
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fletchasketch7893 · 3 months
Spoiler Alert for "The Batman" (2022) [Content Warning: Violence, Abduction, Home Invasion, Flooding, Paul Dano] Film: The Batman (2022) Music: "Hello, Zep" from Saw (2004) This mashup was made as a gift for a relative with a bizarre fondness for Paul Dano as the riddler.
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theshy1sout · 3 years
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I can’t wait for season 3
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As I sob over the departure of Lauren from ZEP, I just want to take a moment to point out that Joan is the ONLY person who apologizes to Zoey for unfairly pressuring her and also the ONLY person outside her family to really connect with her over her grief to make her feel better (and not just remind her that they’re there for her and not really do anything about it).
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That’s it. That’s all.
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
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Whatever happens, we're in this together, okay?
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist S2 
Sources: ZEP S2 promos LINK 1   LINK 2    LINK 3  LINK 4
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zepskies · 3 months
Hi Zep! I just wanted to say how much Break Me Down stuck to me. As I was watching ep 4 of the boys today, I thought why don’t they just ask Kimiko or get another supe to give blood to Hughie’s dad (not that he needs it but the healing factor of compound v) and then I had to stop and think if that was actually canon 😆
Anyway, I might go and rereading Break Me Down today!
Hey there!
That's amazing that Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader) has infiltrated your brain in the same way it has mine. 😂💚💚 I actually had the exact same thought while watching the episode today!
I do feel like that's a little plot hole the writers maybe didn't consider? How Compound V has changed these supes on a molecular level, in their DNA.
Spoilers for The Boys season 4 below the cut: ⤵️
But for the healing to work, I also think it would have to be specifically a supe that has regenerative powers, like Soldier Boy (a la BMD), or like Kimiko, which you suggested.
For example, if it was Sage's blood, it would help Butcher maybe, considering his brain tumor, but not Hughie's dad necessarily.
Thanks for rereading BMD! I hope you enjoy it the second time around. 😘
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nextdoorginger · 3 years
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TIME AFTER TIME Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas (2021)
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sy5starplaty · 3 years
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Merry almost Christmas. Merry? Is it? Is it actually merry? I'm sorry, but, like, what does that even mean? At what other point in the year do we ever tell each other merry anything? Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas (2021)
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WE NEED A LITTLE CHRISTMAS Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas (2021)
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zoeysplaylistgifs · 3 years
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