#zeta reticuli
malinastharlock · 3 months
I finally have a plan on how to jack an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Now, this may not be the best plan in Midgard, but just hear me out. Okay, I'm going to use a very high powered lazer pointer to fuck with an alien's spacecraft until they come down to like, I don't know, prob my bootyhole or whatever they're into and then with the power of my aluminum foil helmet and just being a sneaky ass space pirate. I'm going to do what I do best and... Okay so I don't know yet, I haven't planned that far ahead. I normally just kinda wing everything and it just works out. I just hope it's not the Zetians, they can be really mean plus their ships are a bitch and a half to pilot and their suits are always so sticky.
So to reiterate my plan again.
Pew pew lazer pointer at spacyship
Get off this flarping prison planet
✌︎( ᐛ )✌︎ yeah that seems legit.
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nickysfacts · 6 months
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Since being gifted with life, Mewtwo remains as one of the most other worldly Pokémon!
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skygodz · 22 days
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You can run, but you can't hide...
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cjcroen1393 · 2 months
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Part 2 of the monster school concept I uploaded pictures of yesterday.
Here, we see the obligatory mean girl posse, the big man on campus and the nerd.
Lyra Melody: Lyra here is our Regina George or Heather Chandler figure, the quintessential "alpha bitch" type. She's a siren, which I thought would be a very fitting position for a popular mean girl character. Her parents are famous singers in both the monster and human worlds (they have human disguises) so she's filthy rich. I've lately been fond of sirens who blend the old-school "bird" aesthetic and the more recent "mermaid" aesthetic.
Raya: A penanggalan and Lyra's second-in-command. The penanggalan, for those who don't know, is a monster from Malay folklore, kind of similar to the manananggal, but instead of just splitting off her torso, she splits off her entire body except her head and her internal organs. The penanggalan is also more like a witch than a vampire, taking on these forms through the use of dark magic (though she still feeds on viscera). Not entirely satisfied with her name tbh.
Veronica Bloodworth: The third and nicest member of Lyra's girl posse, Veronica, as her name implies, is a vampire (specifically of the Romanian "strigoi" variety, basically your classic, Dracula-esque vampire). Fun fact: Veronica was actually going to be the vampire of the main group, but then I decided I wanted the vampire rep among the protagonists to be a manananggal, so I changed things. I still liked Veronica's design, though, so I put her in the mean girl posse instead. She's not that mean, though. She's just following the wrong crowd.
Drake Rider: The obligatory "Big Man on Campus" type, Drake is the popular jock who can be kind of full of himself sometimes. He was originally going to be a dragon named "Drake St. George", but then I decided that I like dragons better as more animal-like monsters, so I made him a centaur instead. Figured centaurs made for good "jock" type monsters, since they're frequently depicted as tough but arrogant and chauvinistic.
Gala: A nerdy Zeta Reticulan ("grey alien"), I like to think of Gala here as a parody of the "foreign exchange student" character -- in the monster school, "foreign" can mean "from another planet"! (I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to do that, but still) She's probably my favorite design atm; I'm especially fond of her big, sparkly eyes! I like to think she has a crush on Drake and there'd be a whole plot about our heroes and even Lyra trying to help her woo him.
I have more concepts for this in the works, I'll hopefully upload those eventually. Characters belong to me.
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death-metalhead · 1 year
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divine-nonchalance · 17 days
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astonishinglegends · 2 months
Ep 287: The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill Part 1
"Oh my God. They’re not what I expected. They don’t look like I expected them to look. They look like people, but they’re sort of grotesque."  -- Betty Hill, recounting a nightmare she had in a note to Dr. Benjamin Simon; late spring 1964 from Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden’s book, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience
On the night of September 19, 1961, around 10:30 p.m., Betty and Barney Hill drove back to their home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, after a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. As they passed the town of Lancaster along U.S. Route 3, Betty saw a bright light in the sky just below the Moon that she initially thought was a falling star, except this light was moving upward and erratically, growing larger and more brilliant. The Hills pulled over for a closer look through binoculars. Betty said she saw an oddly shaped craft with multicolored lights that flashed as it traveled across the face of the Moon. Barney saw what he first reasoned was a commercial jetliner, but when the craft silently descended rapidly in their direction without turning, he realized it was not a plane. They resumed driving as the object continued its quick descent toward their car until it hovered above the highway about 80 to 100 feet off the ground, causing Barney to stop in the middle of the road. Using the binoculars again, Barney could now see what he described as eight to eleven humanoid beings staring at him through one of the craft's windows. Then they all turned away from the window except for one that continued to glare and seemingly sent a telepathic message to Barney, commanding him to "stay where you are and keep looking." After making further observations about the craft and its occupants, whom Barney described as "somehow not human," the only thing the Hills could recall next from that moment was hearing a buzzing sound, then continuing on their drive. The Hills arrived home in the early morning the following day, and somehow, the trip took about two hours longer than it should have. Initially feeling at ease upon arrival, Betty and Barney would soon be troubled by puzzling evidence and unexplainable feelings and urges. Their watches were permanently stopped. Betty's dress was ripped around the zipper and lining and dusted with traces of a pinkish powder. The leather strap for the binoculars was torn, and the tops of the toes of Barney's shoes were scuffed as if he was dragged. He also developed inexplicable growths. They felt compelled to take long showers to remove any contamination without fully knowing what had happened to them. They noticed concentric circular marks on the trunk of their car that had strange magnetic properties. All of these baffling clues were traces of the extraordinarily terrifying and traumatic experience they endured that night, which scarred them for years, pieced together from their conscious memories, hypnotic regression sessions, and Betty's vividly recurring dreams. Taken all together, the story of Betty and Barney Hill became one of the most classic and seminal in ufology and is considered the first widely publicized case of alien abduction in the United States.
Reference Links:
Barney and Betty Hill incident on Wikipedia
Kathleen Marden, Betty Hill’s niece, from her website: www.kathleen-marden.com
The Betty and Barney Hill New Hampshire historical roadside marker
The Hill case from the Mad Scientist Podcast
Niagara Falls
Once again, the motion picture Rashomon
Project Blue Book
Walter N. Webb, from nicap.org
Donald Keyhoe
Location: The Betty and Barney Hill historical roadside marker in New Hampshire
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Episode 287: The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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piningpercussionist · 8 months
no lights this time. but you hear a strange noise... it's like a harp mixed with white noise. you see a minor flash of white and, darting out of it a vaguely perceptible being. clad in a suit and tie. it kind of hurts looking directly at him for too long. "...the reason the mortal you call 'Scott', is so dull and unthinking. *might* have to do with some... inhuman lineage. Zetan brain-death cults *have* occasionally visited this particular point of being... and there's records of Zetans intermingling with humans. or, perhaps one of his ancestors worshipped a certain... blind idiot..." Doc sounds... anxious? when he mentions this 'blind idiot'.
*Hearing the sound, Kim quickly swivels her head about, trying to figure out where it was coming from. It was a strange one to be sure, but almost sort of pleasant- at least to her. Noticing the flash of white, she quickly turns to face him.*
*Kim tries to look at him in confusion as he speaks, but swiftly looks away, rubbing at her eyes again. She blinks out the spots and tries to look at the floor near him instead, having a marginally easier time with that approach. (Zetans...? Brain-death cults....? What?) Kim wonders vaguely if this was something she could have heard about in one of the weird college courses she passed up, but lets go of the thought rather quickly; there was no point in giving herself a headache over it, especially when answers could be a simple question away. Besides, Doc had claimed to have otherworldly knowledge- that could just as easily be the case here.*
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Wait. Are you saying he's this stupid because he's like, brain dead in some sort of alien sense?
*She does try, but she's unable to stop herself from snickering a little at the notion, shaking her head. She doesn't miss the anxious edge to his voice at the last part though, letting her smirk dissolve. She glances back up at him- and then quickly away again, with some swears directed at herself- with some concern.*
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Blind idiot? You wanna elaborate on that, Doc?
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georgebbwbush · 2 years
where's that post with the person handloading .357 magnum while smoking and then talking about shooting a grey alien. where the fuck is it
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thewarrenhare023 · 1 year
Outerworldly GREY HUMANOID ENCOUNTER Described By Experiencer From Oregon
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A 12 year old girl encountered an outerworldly grey humanoid creature in the forestland of Oregon.
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calder · 2 months
originally written for zetans/bts
Zetans were designed by Adam Adamowicz for Fallout 3, inspired by the UFO lore from previous Fallout media. Like protectrons, the design of Zetans strongly evokes "Martian"-adjacent pulp science fiction films of the 20th century.
This is likely why their suits in Fallout 3 resemble tinfoil. The sci-fi trend of greys in shiny suits may have been inspired by a story related to the legend of Roswell, wherein the government allegedly confiscated a sheet-like alien metal from a farmer. In supposed photographs of the material, it resembles tinfoil.
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The Fallout 4 revision of the Zetan design gives them a bulky harness with a large, rigid metal base for their helmets, and an apparent respiratory apparatus on the neck. The design closely resembles the uniforms worn by martian soldiers in the 1996 film Mars Attacks!, which is itself a retro pastiche of pulpy alien B-movies.
The name Zetans is based on Zeta Reticulans, a designation commonly used by sincere extraterrestrial theorists for "short greys," the stereotypical stock aliens typically invoked in pop culture depictions. Most people who report being abducted by aliens identify or describe their tormentors as short greys.
The modern conception of flying saucers primarily emerged in America in the wake of World War II. Early sightings were strongly correlated with sites of nuclear experimentation or nuclear power. These reports were celebrated among science fiction enthusiasts, who began forming "flying saucer clubs" as early as the 1930s.
The topic of aliens saw an explosion of popular interest after the 1947 Roswell Incident, when nationwide media published sensational reports of a flying saucer having supposedly crashed in New Mexico. The legend of the "Men in Black" may stem from unconfirmed reports of government agents intimidating civilians in the wake of the Roswell Incident.
The conception of Men in Black as disguised aliens was codified and popularized by the 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies. In Fallout 76, the Emissary is a character who fits the description of a Man in Black. The Emissary holds a key to one of the domes at Black Mountain Ordnance Works, which is based on the "TNT Area" north of Point Pleasant where the Mothman was first seen. There were many reported sightings of Mothman and UFOs at that site throughout 1967. Conspiratorial Mothman-UFO folklore often asserts the dome-vaults of the TNT Area to contain government secrets, which is thoroughly reflected in the game.
The popularization of the short grey abduction scenario is often attributed to the story of Betty and Barney Hill, who reported being abducted in 1961, and provided vivid, evocative testimonies under hypnotic regression. They also drew star maps which were likened to Zeta Reticuli, hence the name Zeta Reticulans. Skeptics criticize hypnotic regression as a technique and hold that the supposed star maps do not meaningfully depict Zeta Reticuli.
Theorists (conspiratorial, Fortean, and skeptical alike) often connect the modern alien abduction scenario to historic reports of supernatural encounters, especially European fairies, and other similarly-psychedelic "trickster" beings throughout the history of folklore.
i should continue this some time. there's a lot more to say.
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charismatictrait · 1 year
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going out of my hiatus because of @antoninko's beautiful new hair system! here's 18 afro hairs for women [3 of which are unisex]. Meshes included. [inhales] credits to Simtric, Ilyass (couldn't find their simblr?), Nightcrawler, @esotheria-sims, Nouk, Rain-N-candy, @lordcrumps, memento-sims, stealthic, @deedee-sims, @miniculesim, @marja87, aharrris0bitney, @polygonbeach, okruee, @delcowebneytwo, @furbyq, eir, zeta-reticuli, remi, @profesionalpartyguest & @nonsensical-pixels Download
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chips1977 · 2 months
Subject: Re:ANSWERS
WHAT IS GOING ON? Something very SINISTER is going on. Polls reveal that over 90% of the American people believe in UFO's and 95% of these people believe the government is keeping this knowledge from the public. But why? Are they afraid the people will panic if an "official" announcement were made? Hardly. Such an announcement would create interest and excitement and many questions, particularly by the churches, but not panic. Why then the continued cover-up?
There is overwhelming evidence in the past several years from "whistle-blowers"--retired military officers who have finally said, "Enough is enough! It's time the government told the people the truth!" these officers, such as Navy intelligence officer, William Cooper, Major John Lear (whose father founded the Learjet Corp.) and Air Force officer William English, to name but a few, have all discovered the truth, and at the risk of their very lives, are trying to alert YOU to the secrets behind the UFOs and the Alien Presence on this earth. These people worked on secret projects, had access to, 'classified' Top Secret documents, had seen with their own eyes 'captured' aliens, or extraterrestrial entities, UFOs and the incredible technology they brought with them.
Sightings of 'UFOs' (unidentified flying objects) have been reported throughout history, and biblical and historic references to "flaming chariots" huqe flying 'birds' and odd-looking beings predate our history by thousands of years. In the 1940s several alien spacecraft were recovered by the U.S. and other countries, along with a few dead aliens and one live one they named EBE (a name suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity).
1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward Earth. At first they believed these were asteroids, but later evidence proved the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sign and Project Plato intercepted alien radio communication and using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face-to-face contact with alien beings from another planet. Meanwhile, a race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government, warning us that the aliens orbiting the equator were hostile beings from Orion. These human-type aliens demanded we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons, that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the earth, stop raping the earth's natural resources and learn to live in harmony with one another. President Eisenhower rejected these demands.
Later in 1954 the race of aliens, known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force Base. They stated their planet was dying and they needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow their race to survive; this in exchange for certain technology. Pres. Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would furnish us with advanced technology . They could abduct humans on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the human have no memory of the event. It was also agreed the alien bases; would be constructed underground, beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S4, about 7 miles south of Area 51, known as 'Dreamland.' A multi-billion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House, supposedly to build secret underground sites for the President and staff in case of military attacks.
By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower re-established a permanent committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign Relations, known as the Wise Men' and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them.
A major finding of the commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.
The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien project was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relalions was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs could be shipped from south America to the offshore platforms by fishing boats, then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, thus avoiding search by customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA controls all the world's illegal drug markets. One should remember, it was George Bush who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to finance the deep underground alien bases.
Conclusions: the Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society. Throughout history the aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion and the occult. The CFR and the Trilateral Commisson are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation's economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problems. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth. MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology. Each president has bought that story hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood. At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls.
By 1989 over 3 million 'Greys' are occupying these deep multi-level underground complexes. Level 7 at Dulce is called "Nightmare Hall" They have welched on their agreement on abducting humans; today over 25 million citizens have been abducted and implanted, a literal army awaiting orders to march! (Whitley Strieber has written best-selling books on his personal experience as have many others). For this reason other nations were informed. Within 5 months the communist monolith Russia was dismantled to unite with the U.S. and its technology to fight the invasion. The Hubbel Space Telescope was created to keep a watchful eye on the invasion fleet; Star Wars technology has been developed to hopefully stop them in outer space before they can get to the earth.
Today, the government is on the horns of a dilemma. Too many sources are releasing alien Information. The public could get angry at continued secrecy. So MJ-12 plans soon to make an "official" announcement, under controlled conditions, probably Area 51. Network TV will be called to meet the staged 'landing' of the aliens, these being the Grays.
They will come bearing gifts, technology that supposedly will heal cancer and AIDS, retard aging, etc. They will tell us they are the 'saviors of humanity' who have come to defend the earth against an invasion of human eating aliens called Reptoids. This story is a LIE, they already work for the Reptoids! Their plan is to unify the world into a One-World Government, a 'New World Order' with the argument that only this can defeat the invasion by Reptoids. This is a trap to enslave the world's population. Control will be accomplished through the money system, a universal currency controlled by certain international bankers, who for years have been lackeys of the aliens, who seized upon their greed and lust for wealth and power as a means to bring about their evil plan to control the earth. (This also being the scenario predicted in the Bible's 'Book of Revelation' wherein only those who accept the Mark of the Beast (the aliens being the Beast' and the 'Mark' being some sort of laser tattoo or Credit Card they will use, which will allow people to buy and sell goods). Those who do not accept this 'Mark' must live outside the money system and survive somehow on their own, through barter etc.
Arcturus Book Servko: PO Box 83183, Stone Mt., GA. 30083. (Specialists in UFO books and magazines, tapes, videos)
Worldwide UFO News Clipping bureau & Publlc Information Center 955 Lancastor Rd. Suite 420, Odando, FL 32809. (Tapes videos etc. on UFOs and Alien Presence).
C.A.C. Box 115, Olympia, Wa. 98507 (Cosmic Newsletter with much information on UFOs. and Alien Presence).
The William Cooper Foundation, 19744 Beach Blvd. No.301 Huntington Beach, Cal. 92648. Phone: (6O2) 567 6530
Stanley IC. Barrington, 2059 East Ave. 1, Sp.11, Lancaster CA 93535
BOOKS: An Alien Harvest, by Linda Moulton Howe ,PO Box 3130, Littleton, CO. 80161 (Secret of the cattle mutilations) The Gulf Breeze Sightings, by Ed Walterr,. Wm. Morrow & Co. Pub. The Watchers, by Raymond Fowler, Bantam Books, N.Y. Communion, by Whitby Strieber, Wm Morrow Pub. N.Y. Ask Your local bookstore!
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skygodz · 4 months
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Have you been captured?
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archivist-crow · 5 days
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On this day: BETTY AND BARNEY HILL On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving on an isolated New Hampshire road around midnight when they noticed a light moving erratically through the sky. Seven hours later they were home. The trip normally took less than five hours. At first they had no memory of the lost time, but then alien nightmares began to haunt their sleep and unexplained marks began to appear on their bodies. Eventually they sought the help of a noted Boston psychiatrist to regain their memory of the missing time. Returning home from Canada on U.S. Route 3, they reached the White Mountains, and the light appeared to be running parallel to the car. Abruptly, it appeared directly in their path. Barney got out of the car to look at it through binoculars. He saw a row of windows with figures moving around behind them. Suddenly overcome with a fear of capture, Barney dashed back into the car and sped away. Curious vibrating noises followed the car, and Barney and Betty felt very sleepy. Later, they became conscious thirty-five miles south of where they last remembered being, and their watches had stopped. Anxiety over the lost two hours began to rule their lives. What unfolded, under hypnosis, was a sensational account of alien abduction and medical examination. A group of uniformed men surrounded the Hills, taking them from their car and to a saucer-shaped craft. Samples of the Hills' hair, fingernails, and skin were taken. The leader assured the Hills of their safety. And when Betty asked where they were from, he led her to a "star map." Later, under post-hypnotic suggestion, she drew the map, which appeared meaningless at the time. Several years later new astronomical information revealed a star cluster, near Zeta Reticuli, which rendered Betty's map amazingly accurate. Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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jesse im a crossbreed from zeta reticuli
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