#zhongli/original female character
boundinparchment · 2 years
Of Blood and Sparks - IV
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Karina Alexandre of Fontaine lost her position, her family, and her Archon’s favor.  A dead Electro Vision is her mark of guilt.  A reminder to never fail again. Faith shattered, and suspicious of the Fatui, she eventually makes her way to Liyue, where she encounters a certain funeral parlor consultant. Little does she know it’s only the beginning. Original character centric; eventual Zhongli/OC.   Posted originally at @chevalier-of-fontaine. ArchiveOfOurOwn || FF.net || Karina’s profile
The rest of the factory beyond the gauntlet of Ruin Guards was much quieter.  Hallways of pipes and grating lead to a second large chamber, dimmer than the previous, but there was no mistaking the layout and the dark stains along the floor.  Nor the single observation window high above.
“An arena,” Diluc declared, examining a set of manacles left on the floor.  “It looks like it’s been a while since it’s been used, though.”
“He probably got bored and ended up focusing on the Ruin Guards.  This place doesn’t strike me as an easy location to bring people to…they were probably the workers who helped clear the area.”
Lugging hostages up a narrow path and through the gambit they just ran through was more work than the research was worth; a remote lab in the mountains was better suited to the research of monstrous metal contraptions.  The cathedral had been different.  It was a normal location people went in and out of daily.  The church was part of the villagers’ lives.  Where better to hide than in plain sight?
Karina swallowed as the iron tang of old blood grew stronger, permeating everything.  Other than the debris and the stains, the room was stripped of anything else remotely telling.  Remaining bodies would have collected disease and Dottore wasn’t one to waste test subjects until he extracted everything he could.
When they reached the observation deck, she paused, hand gripping the hilt of her sword.  The smells were a cocktail she didn’t want to put a name to with the distinct underlying current of rotting flesh.  The chaotic spread of instruments and papers told them everything they already knew: that the important stuff was already gone.
Diluc stepped through first, his eyes immediately roaming for anything that could have been left behind.  
Sweat gathered on her hands, making her gloves stick to her skin, as if she had dived into water in a ballgown.  No one was here.  They hadn’t even seen a skeleton, let alone a corpse.  There would be no skirmishers or sharpshooters to trap them…no one was here…
A metal tray clattered to the ground and she jumped, drawing her sword and whirling on the spot, only to be faced with an empty corridor.  Her pulse thrummed in her ears as she searched for anything that wasn’t there before.  Nothing had changed.  Good.  Okay.  She took a few deep breaths and sheathed her sword before she turned around to see Diluc watching her.
She wasn’t a child.  They might have been four years apart but he was younger.  He didn’t need to babysit her like this.
Another reason for their emotional schism.  He couldn’t bear seeing her hurt.  He’d wanted to protect her to the point that it was detrimental to them both.  How could he protect her when it was her own mind that worked against her, anyway?
She gave a shaky sigh but nodded after returning his steady gaze.
“I’m fine,” Karina replied, reaching up to adjust her hair to keep her hands away from her weapon.
In the darker corners of the room, she swore she saw large eyes watching as she entered.  Those of colleagues, of children, bodies strewn about like rag dolls.
Taking a deeper breath, she reminded herself of hot coffee, fresh bread, and the snick of a needle and thread passing through fabric.  If she focused hard enough, she could hear the sound of the ocean and feel the water lapping at her feet.
Feeling grounded again, she finally took a good look around.  Barely legible scrawls on stray pieces of paper were scattered about like confetti.  One wall in particular was almost covered in pages painstakingly hammered into the stone in place of a proper bulletin board.  Gaps in the patterns and torn corners and sections were a dead giveaway that notes were missing.  
The equipment on the floor was clean, not yet used, intended for another purpose.  The floor wasn’t as lucky, shadows barely hiding mysterious stains.  The examination chair in the corner of the room faced the door.  It hadn’t held many test subjects, judging by the fairly decent condition; Karina got a feeling it was more of a throne than anything else.  The bloody makeshift table upon which more debris and remnants were spread told more tales than she cared to consider.
“No desk separate from the operating table...” Diluc muttered.  “Nothing permanent.”
“The Fatui only stay long enough to get what they want,” Karina replied.  “Duty first.  The only permanent thing about them is their love for the Tsaritsa and their devotion to her cause.  Not unlike the servants of the Abyss.”
They rifled through the papers, finding occasional differences in penmanship, some papers marked with a B in a corner.  Why…
“Barnabas must have been here as well,” Diluc said, peering over her shoulder.  “He succeeded with Collei, much as it sickens me to say it; Dottore would have wanted to know how.”
Karina hummed in agreement.  She had seen the rendering of the man from Sumeru when the plan to capture him was first enacted.  There was a coldness in the blank stare that the artist managed to capture that never quite left her.  
She turned her attention to the wall of papers, reading each one with care.  As she flipped one piece of paper to read it, she wasn’t met with stone but rather, a photograph.  It was rare to see a photo this far outside of Fontaine.  Most places relied on artistic renderings and paintings.  The technology wasn’t as accepted outside of the region.  Even for Liyue, this wasn’t exactly a common find.
A woman with strong dark brows stared at something out of frame, her dress almost a perfect match for her jade-green eyes.
Eyes that were...no, that was very much impossible.  Those eyes would never open again.
Karina plucked it from its place only to discover it wasn’t just a photograph but rather a poster for Opera Lutetia’s latest performance by Baptisia.  She was beautiful, the chevalier had to admit, and the singer captured the nation’s spirit of the arts in a way Karina hadn’t seen in years.  The opera house was one of the cultural gems of Fontaine, famous for being one of the oldest buildings in the capital, second to the Grand Palais and its Court of Mirrors.
But why did Dottore have something as trivial as a piece of marketing material?  
Better yet, why did she look so much like…
“I think I’ve seen enough,” Diluc said, shattering her thoughts.  “Anything valuable is halfway to Snezhnaya; all of these notes and scribbles are related to Ruin Guards.  If there’s one guarantee, it’s that Dottore leaves behind a mess wherever he goes, diplomatic or otherwise.”
Truer words couldn’t come to mind for her just yet.
Karina carefully folded the flyer and tucked it away in her coat for safe-keeping.  The trip out to the cliffside would, at least, help her gather her thoughts.  She needed sunlight or at least a fire for a better view.   The lighting in here was poor and her mind was playing tricks on her.
After all, the woman in the photograph was long dead.
But if the Archon residue experiments were finally succeeding...what else were the Fatui and their associates capable of?
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st4rshang0ut · 10 months
Genshin Sagau brainrot pt2
Sagau au, right? The characters all love you, they grovel at your feet. You want something? You'll get multiple of them at the foot of your bed. You like some kind of food? Those good in cooking will make them for you as long as you like!
But this doesn't come without its downsides. You have at least close to around 80 loyal acolytes, how are you supposed to divide your attention equally so brawls dont break out?
Now, I’m sure we've all heard of the sagau universe's Traveler, whether its Lumine or Aether, the npcs and playable characters only act so accomodating and sweet to the Traveler and Paimon is due to the fact that they know their divine creator is looking upon them with their heavenly gaze by controlling the Traveler's body.
Likewise, when you log off, your characters will come to life in place of the Traveler or your party members you control! Wriothesley has a character thats his assistant? The Administrator of the Fortress of Meropide is quick to snatch them away for himself, and shower and praise them with love. Furina earns a personal attendant thats there to be the relief to Furina's loud and dramatic personality? She'll make sure to always include that attendant during her tea time and give her those limited cake slices! They know that its not the divine creator they are caring and giving their love to, but they love them as well! Perhaps even more so, considering that this particular character is always with your devoted followers even when your online...
They are eternally all grateful of these precious, living, breathing blessings that you provide. they are gifts from you, for each of them. Klee, Diona and the kids all get their own best friend or older sibling, the Archons get their mortal/immortal friends, the vision holders all get their own loverfriends and family to hold and stay dear to. Heck, you like an npc so much you give them an character? Those npcs will cherish them with all their life.
You may not be able to enter their world and be with them, the characters and personas you send their way to keep them company in your offline or online absence, they'll cherish them till the very end.
Who knows... they may even love their new companions so much that they wont even try to find a way to bring you into their world...
But they’ll always love you! Just- maybe not as much as the beloved characters you have made and blessed upon them..~
(Author's note) you know, i might expand on this idea. give me a character to write a oc for based on this!
(Second author’s note) I’m doing it, here the list to all the characters hehe
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gabriel-xander · 10 months
I Wish You Died Instead Ch. 7
[Scaramouce x Fem!Reader]
A/N: I started writing this before all of his lore came out/Before the last Sumeru Archon quest, so there will be a handful of inconsistency later on. My advice to you? Just go with it!
{Also on Quotev, Ao3, and Wattpad under Gabriel Xander}
Chapter 7: He Totally Loves Your Letters
Fiddling nervously with your hands, you sit silently at the table while Childe, Zhongli, Kazuki... and two other people talk with each other about the recent passing of Rex Lapis, the God of Geo, and, like, 50 other fancy titles.
You're not gonna lie, his "death" was a little funny to you. Honestly, it kind of looked like Lady Ningguang was the one who did it. She did this whole performance thing and shot this power into the sky. Two seconds later, a great dragon fell out of the sky dead as hell.
No one seems to think about it like that, though.
Anyway, the two other guests that Zhongli and Childe were talking to were:
The Traveler and Paimon.
They are the man(s), the myth, the legend...
The Traveler, who introduced himself as Aether, was actually very pretty. You first confused him as a young man, a potential little baby, a little son you can spoil because he's just a little guy. But alas, that is not the case with him. He looked a little sad when he had to correct you about his age.
You and Kazuki were already with Zhongli at Liuli Pavilion when Childe arrived with Aether and Paimon. That's when you officially met them both, and Aether's aura was one of someone who has lived and experienced more than you can ever imagine. Aether wasn't very talkative, instead the weird fairy, Paimon, did most of it on his behalf.
Kazuki puts a hand on your bouncing thigh, giving you a passive look. Calm down, he's telling you.
You smile at him.
You were only nervous since you were unsure if the Traveler and Paimon knew of your true identity, and you didn't want to go around announcing that if you could help it.
"In fact," Zhongli looks at you with a smile, "[Y/n], why don't you accompany us? You have always shown interest in my work before, and I can allow you to witness it firsthand just this once if you'd like."
Wait, what? You were not paying attention.
"Uh, I–Sorry, I zoned out," You laugh nervously, "What did you want my help with?"
"It's not like you to be so out of focus," Kazuki teases, nudging your leg.
You scoff, "Leave me alone, I zoned out for not even a minute."
Childe chuckles, "The Traveler, Paimon, and Mr. Zhongli were just discussing the fulfillment of the memorial service for the passing of Rex Lapis. I agree with him, I think it'd be a good opportunity for you to learn. You do always ask him about it, after all."
You laugh sheepishly, embarrassed at how easily they keep revealing that.
It's not that you're super interested in the work of a funeral consultant, more so the stories Zhongli always shared about the clients. He always knows so much, and he's so knowledgeable about that dead person's life, and you don't know why, but you just love hearing about it.
You wouldn't consider yourself a "dang I love people" type of person, but life itself is so wonderful to you. You love hearing about life through a person who seemed like he experienced so much of it.
After all, your fascination with life itself is the reason why you became a Fatui, to begin with. You're given resources to travel the world and study the land under the guise of doing work. You especially love learning about the history of Teyvat, the Abyss, Celestia, and Khaenri'ah, kind of like lore hunting.
"Is-Is it really okay if I come, Mr. Zhongli?"
Still, you have to ask. Childe never hid his identity from Zhongli, so you never bothered either, he knows you three are of Fatuus. Is it really okay with him if you go along knowing that there's the possibility that your superior will ask something suspicious of you?
La Signora hasn't yet, but still. Surely he knows?
He nods with a smile, "Of course. I wouldn't have offered otherwise."
You light up and sit up straighter, "Then yeah! Of course! Thank you for having me!"
"Hm," The brunette nods, "Now then if we have agreed, come with me. We will speak of the details as we walk."
It wasn't until after your group left (leaving poor Kazuki with Childe) that the ginger asked his subordinate a question.
"Do you think... [Y/n] would be upset with me if I had asked her to be a double agent while with Mr. Zhongli?"
Kazuki nods immediately, "Yes, My Liege. Unfortunately, you two are friends now. Though she tries not to show it, she is quite sensitive. Especially when it comes to the topic of friends. Why do you think before meeting you, she was only friends with me?"
"I just thought she was a loner," Childe raises a brow.
"No. Her philosophy is: that betrayal hurts because it can only come from the people you care about. And in this line of business, that is inevitable. Now that you are her friend, you fall under that category," The Pyro vision user hums as he sloshes around the drink in his hand, "I personally have no issue with it, but for [Y/n], never mix friends and business with her."
Tartaglia had to think to himself for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea to become your friend at all. He doesn't regret it, but it does make situations like these more difficult. It took a while for you to even want to warm up to him, so... No, he doesn't want to risk it so soon by asking you to spy on your guys' mutual friend.
"Wait," Childe frowns at Kazuki, "What did you mean earlier when you said, "Unfortunately we're friends?"
The man with light brown eyes smirks very slightly, nearly unnoticeable, "Because you are a Harbinger, My Liege. And your task here requires violent actions, remember? You're going to do something that upsets her, and she's going to cut you off. It's inevitable."
Childe slams his forehead on the table.
Well... fuck.
You lightly smack your cheek, blinking hard to keep yourself awake so late into the night so you don't pass out in the middle of reading.
You're lucky you managed to befriend Jifang, the Boss of Wawen Bookhouse before you knew she was the boss of the place. This ended up working out for you when you wanted to read a book, she'd allow you to "rent" it out rather than a full purchase. She even trusted you to stick around to keep reading even after she closed shop for the day. You'd say you're doing a good job maintaining her trust since you never stole and you always made sure to honor her payment methods.
"So even the Salt God stood amongst the other Gods before the Archon War..." You mutter, reading the next passage out loud, "...before being ruthlessly murdered by one of her own followers."
Holy shit, that's fucked up! Just because she was kind, she had to die? But that doesn't make any sense. If this was during the Archon War, and the God of Salt was technically considered a God of Liyue, why didn't Rex Lapis help her out? Or at least, helped her people so they didn't feel like they had to kill their own God?
You hum to yourself as you keep reading the book: "Her remains are likely to be found somewhere in the ruins of the area known as "Sal Terrae."
The rest of the Volume goes on to talk about the "Flower Toss", or more commonly known in Liyue and Mondstadt, as the "Flower Ball", the God of Salt handed her people a bunch of flowers as a blessing to them. Or at least, if not a blessing, then a small gesture of comfort to stave off the bitterness of the Archon War.
You close shut Volume 1 of Customs of Liyue, neatly putting it back on the shelf from where you got it. Volumes 2 and 3 are about the Rite of Decension and Silk Flowers, both of which you know have nothing to do with the Salt God.
You skim through the spines of the books, trying to find something else of relevance. It's a bit hard to read in the dark, and the only light you have is a lantern above illuminating a small area.
"Ah, here we go. Hopefully, this has something," You muse to yourself, "Volumes 1 and 2 of Records of the Gallant."
Spoilers: it was a fucking bust.
You sigh in irritation as you put the books back after a quick skim. You're starting to get a headache from reading in the dark for hours. Dawn will soon arrive in a few hours, making you dread today's assignments.
You stifle through your Mora bag, pulling out... shit, how many books did you end up reading tonight? You read the full series of Customs of Liyue and Records of the Gallant. Not to mention that you had a quick indulgence of the Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru Teyvat Travel Guides before you were on a spontaneous lore hunt. It was 1,000 Mora for each Volume, and 2,500 Mora for each Travel Guide Volume. (Mind you, this is all half-price since you're "renting" them, and not fully purchasing them for permanent ownership.)
You pout very sadly, parting with 15,000 Mora. You put it in a jar that Jifang leaves out for you to put the Mora in.
Liyue's architect and structure still fucking confuse you to this day, so it takes you a whole fucking hour to get back to the Northland Bank. It seemed that Vlad's shift was over, since now Nadia, the guard of the Northland Bank for the night shift, was outside standing at attention.
You smile at her, and she smiles back when she recognizes you. You think it's funny other Fatuus have a hard time recognizing you without your mask on. You don't like wearing it out when you're not on the clock though, and you haven't been scolded for it so you guess it's fine.
"Hey, there, Nadia. Is Ekaterina still here?" You ask her, holding back a yawn.
"Oh, good evening, [L/n]. Yes, she should still be here. She had a busy day today, you know. So she might be a little cranky," The girl with light brown hair tells you, "Oh! Before you go in, I have news about my new pen-pal!"
"Oh? Do we finally have more information about them?" You smile teasingly.
"Yeah! He's also a guard here at the Northland Bank, but he's on duty during the day, while I'm on duty at night," Nadia nervously pushes a lock of hair behind her ear, "To tell you the truth, I don't even know his name."
Dude... She is literally talking about Vlad. You literally know Vlad.
Still, it's actually pretty cute that she managed to get to him. Vlad is always dry when talking to you, and he never cared for socializing with the people here. You decide to keep his identity a secret from Nadia, you think it'll be cuter for her this way to learn herself.
"One time, I accidentally left the letter I had written to my brother at our post. And then perhaps the other guard mistook it as a letter I left for him. He even wrote me a reply. I could read between the lines and tell that he was probably very lonely, so I thought it would be good along with it to help him this way. But eventually, writing to him also became a part of my life. I've even started looking forward to receiving his letters, hehe...!"
You feel a weird, bittersweet emotion from her words. You wonder if your letters to Scaramouch help him feel any better, wherever he is at the moment. He never wrote back to you, but you're still dedicated to writing to him often.
You... You hope he also looks forward to receiving your letters.
"That's good, Nadia! I hope things keep going well with this mysterious pen-pal," You wink at her, nudging her arm, "Who knows, maybe he's very handsome, too."
She blushes under her mask, though you can barely see it. "I-I... Don't you have to talk to Ekaterina?! Ge-Get going...!"
"Alright, alright," You pull open the door, "Have a good night, Nadia."
"Ye-Yes, you too."
Poor Ekaterina was sitting at the counter doing late-night paperwork. You don't know exactly what her job entails, but you have a funny feeling Childe makes her job more stressful.
"Hello, Ekaterina!" You greet her as cheerfully as you can because you have a feeling that your happiness will make her annoyed.
And you were right.
She glares at you and you feel it through her mask, "[L/n]. What. Is. Wrong. With. You."
"Want me to go alphabetically, or chronologically?"
"Never mind," You shake your head, "I want to talk to your boss. Is Lord Childe here?"
"Do you not realize what time it is? He's already retired for the night hours ago, so you'll have to try your luck tomorrow."
"Riiiigt, right. I figured, but I thought I should take my chances anyway. Anyway, I wanted to take out a small loan for myself. I'm finally cashing in my vacation starting tomor–Uh, I guess starting today, I mean."
"Wait. A vacation? That's a bit last minute, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess. But I already received permission from the Fair Lady, so I'm being responsible, don't worry."
"Yes, I figured as much, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered. But still, don't you want to wait? I mean, the Rite of Parting is the day after tomorrow. Don't you want to stick around for it?
You furrow your brows and cross your arms, "Not to be callous, but no. There's something else I'm more interested in, and I know I'll be way too restless to wait any longer so I'll just do it now."
Ekaterina looks put off by your attitude since you're usually more amendable to reason but it seems that doesn't apply whenever it comes to your own personal interests/research. Ah, but she knows that Childe wouldn't want you to go since he likes you, he's admitted to that before in passing. And Kazuki might have some reservations about it as well, or maybe, he'd even want to go with you.
"I-I see. Well... Alright, then," Ekaterina says with a slight sigh, "Give me a moment to finish up here, and I'll get to the paperwork for the withdrawal."
"Sure, take your time," You smile, "Actually, I'll be leaving now to get sleep. We can get this sorted out in a few hours after some rest, right?"
"Yes, that will be fine. Have a good rest, [L/n]."
"You too, Ekaterina."
You turn around to leave, but you don't get to the door.
"Ah–Wait! I almost forgot!"
You turn around at Ekaterina's sudden shout. You walk back curiously as she shuffles through a stack of papers from behind her desk. You don't rush her, waiting patiently as you lean on the desk. She picks up a small stack of papers, and dreadfully, you believe that it is all yours. To your luck, she stifles through them and separates a slightly thick envelope wrapped in a thin, red string before handing them to you.
Thank God.
You smile and mutter out thanks, taking the envelope from the woman before leaving the bank. You recognize the envelope as being the common ones used in Snezhnaya, more precisely, used at the Zapolyarny Palace. There wasn't a wax seal or a name though, only that it was addressed to you: [Y/n] [L/n], written very neatly. Just from holding it, you can feel there are other papers inside it.
Walking back to the place you and the other Fatuus are staying at takes another about two hours because Liyue is fucking huge. You left the bank around 23:35, but you don't get to your location until 1:42. You hate it here. However, the air is crisp and cool, so you didn't mind the walk too much. There were only a few people out since there were some shops open this late at night. You wave to a few you pass by regularly, though you wouldn't say you're on friendly terms with them, you see each other often enough to at least say hi.
Your identity as a Fatui isn't exactly a secret, so, commonly, you'll get the cold shoulder and unwarranted disrespect. However, you're friendly and outwardly honest enough that you managed to get a good majority of Liyue to like you... Enough.
You still experience distrust and discrimination because of your occupation. You guess there's just no helping it.
Entering your room, you make sure to lock the door behind you and shuck off your coat. You tilt your head side to side, flopping down on your bed face first.
You're ready to pass out then and there, but you're curious about the mail in your hands. You push yourself up and kick off your shoes, moving further up the bed so you can sit cross-legged.
There are separate letters inside it, one addressed to La Signora, one addressed to Tartaglia, and one to yourself. Strange, the main mail was addressed to you, so why did you get Signora's and Childe's letters as well? Was it a mistake?
Either way, you don't want to get in trouble and risk it, so you'll only open yours. You'll just have to make sure to give these out to their proper owners in the morning after you sleep. There isn't a wax seal, so it was easy enough to retrieve the hand-written letter.
06 . 08 . XXXX
To My Faithful Servant,
I hope you haven't been completely useless without me for the past six months. It HAS been six months, right? At least for you anyway, but that's beside the point.
I've finally returned to Snezhnaya as of this morning, though I'll be staying at Zapolyarny Palace for another month to complete some work for the Doctor. For your own safety, I advise you to stay where you are in Liyue until I have time to get you myself.
Actually, I think it'd be better if you start working under Tartaglia until then, I don't trust that witch as far as I can throw her. I'll write up an appeal for you to give over to Signora and Tartaglia separately. I'll make sure to include them in the letter before sending it out.
Anyway, you can stop worrying so much. If I knew you'd send letters this frequently, I would've just brought you instead. But now that I think about it, you probably would give me a big headache the whole time, so never mind.
If you want to keep sending your pointless letters, then be my guest. I won't bother replying, but at least that way I know you're still alive and I won't need to hire a new second in command.
You're extremely lucky I happen to find you tolerable. When I see you again, be ready to be put to work.
From "Your Dearest,"
You scoff out a laugh, get up from your bed, and hurry to your desk.
Fuck that guy, you're writing back immediately. As a matter of fact, you don't give a fuck, you're going to be sappy as fuck because you'll admit, you miss that cuck. From the date, he sent this last week. If you send it first thing tomorrow, then he should receive it in a week as well.
Scaramouche sighs quietly, closing the door to his chambers gently as he simply lacks the energy for anything else. He's finding himself to be more monotonous as of late, maybe due to the temporary routine of his life. It hasn't even been two weeks since he returned to the Zapolyarny Palace and he's already getting bored of his time here.
He has to endure the Doctor's experiments since returning, doing his own fucking paperwork because while he usually has you doing it, he doesn't trust his other subordinates with it.
He does nothing but train, endure experiments, paperwork, and repeat.
And now it's time for the last part of his routine.
He sits down at his desk, glaring at the stacks of paper with hatred and disdain, snatching his fountain pen aggressively to get started-
The top of the stack was an envelope with a wax seal he recognized immediately. He drops the pen and carefully (but eagerly) takes the letter and unseals the wax with practiced habit. Scaramouche doesn't realize he's smiling as the familiar scent of your perfume gets stronger when he takes out the letter. He doesn't understand why, but you've always done that with the letters.
He can't say he hates it though.
Ah, the date is from last week. Did you send this the day you got his letter?
06 . 15 . XXXX
To My Dearest, Loveliest, Most Criminally Insane Boss,
It's wonderful to hear from you, My Lord! It's okay to admit that you missed me too, I promise to keep it a secret.
I can't lie, I was very happy to hear that you are okay and back at the Palace that I hate spelling. I hope the Doctor hasn't been too overbearing for you, I know how much he displeases you and that's putting it lightly. Let us both pray the days go by fast for us so this month can be over.
I imagine you must have wonderful stories to tell from your time away, I expect nothing less from the mighty Harbinger such as yourself!
Are you getting annoyed yet? Haha! Sorry, maybe being in Liyue for this long has put me in too good of a mood lately. There are so many fascinating things about this place and so many things to learn about. Actually, tomorrow I'm taking a short vacation to visit Sal Terrae with (hopefully) my companion, Kazuki. Did you know that the God of Salt was most likely killed by her own people? Well, that's actually why I want to visit it, to confirm it myself. I doubt I'll make any paper about it, this is just to sedate my own curiosity.
I just realized you won't care for this... I don't have the energy to rewrite this though so tough luck.
Anyway, later this morning (it will already have passed by the time you get this) will be the Rite of Parting for Rex Lapis. I already told you in another letter, but that bitch dead as hell. Not to sound disrespectful, but I'm not NEARLY as interested in that as I am for the God of Salt. Hopefully, Lord Childe and Kazuki can tell me about it, I'm sure they'll both be participating.
Sorry for rambling, I tend to do that too much in all my letters don't I? Why is that? Probably because it's easier to talk to you like this when I'm not in pimp-slapping range. And I can't see the disgust on your face because I can't shut the fuck up. Sorry, ignore that.
I'll wrap this up now. You said I don't have to keep writing to you, but then I'd be making your life too easy, and we can't have that, can we?
Take care, and I'll write again next week with another update.
Your Wonderful, Favorite, Totally Amazing Servant,
The Balladeer shakes his head with a smile, opening the top drawer to put it alongside the other letters he's kept. Though, he pauses right as he's about to set it down.
He sets it back on the table and opens up another drawer where he keeps his papers and envelopes.
It'd just be rude to not write back. Not that he particularly cares if he hurts your feelings or not, but this is a lot better than doing fucking paperwork.
06 . 21 . XXXX
To My Wonderful, Favorite, Totally Amazing Servant,
These titles are getting ridiculous, and frankly, too tiresome to write.
You're right about one thing, I DO miss you... I miss you doing all my paperwork for me, that's for damn sure. I never realized how tiresome and boring it was to do this, is this what you go through? If so, Thank GOD I won't have to do it for much longer. Once you return to my side, you're going to be very busy catching up on all the work I don't want to do.
I'm afraid I don't have anything worth sharing on my time away, so I'll have to disappoint you with that. From what you've told me, that seems to be the complete opposite of your time in Liyue. You certainly seem happier there than in Snezhnaya, perhaps you ought to stay there.
I at least know you tend to get too caught up in your research. If I didn't know any better, I could've mistaken you for a Sumeru Scholar. Maybe the Haravat Darshan would take you eagerly, though I don't know much about the Akademiya to make a proper guess.
Why don't you give me a brief essay on the God of Salt as a practice assessment once you finish your investigation? I'll determine for you whether you'll get accepted or not; I figure you'll be done with Sal Terrae once you receive this. But be warned, I won't hold back so don't disappoint me with your essay, or I'll be forced to give you a failing grade.
What did Childe tell you about the Rite of Parting? Did anything interesting happen, or is it as boring as all funerals?
You know, you're not as irritating as everyone else who works for me. If you made it sound interesting, then perhaps I can tolerate you telling me more of your knowledge in person.
No promises, though.
By the time you get this, I might already be on the way to Liyue. How about this instead of waiting for me in Liyue, why don't you start making your way to Mondstadt? The Jester wants me to do something for him in the nation of Freedom, so it'll be less of a hassle to meet you there instead. I can trust you to travel alone and make it there alive, right?
I hate to be disappointed in you over something so simple.
Your Dearest, Loveliest, Most Cri
Ugh, like I said. Too much of a hassle.
A/N: I actually read ALL books of ​​​​​​"Customs of Liyue" and "Records of the Gallant" from the Genshin Archives in game to get the information I wrote down. Not only that, I was walking place to place to determine the lore-accurate time it takes to get from Point A to Point B. It's a thankless job but it must be done.
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adonisbeloveds · 9 months
Hello! I really enjoyed how you wrote the SAGAU Genshin characters reacting to reader using them to farm for other characters. It ended up giving me inspiration for a request.
I don't know when I started doing it, but it originally started out as a joke. At some point, I started to "Pray" to Barbatos whenever I went to do a ten pull. It was always something short and simple like "Lord Barbatos please bless my pulls." And for whatever reason it just sorta stuck.
So my request is, how would the archons (Or just the archons of your choice if that's too much) react to hearing the player "Pray" To them before pulling for a new character?
Thanks a bunch for your time! Hope you have a nice day
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Zhongli: When he first heard you pray to him he was both shocked and happy, shocked that you would pray to him of all archons but happy you did so at all, although he isn't an archon anymore he will try to bless all and every one of your pulls even though he will feel kinda jealous that your pulling for another archon. Even though he isn't an archon he will always be ready to bless your pulls whenever you ask him to <3
Venti: His pride would skyrocket and you already know hes bragging to the other archons that you chose him over them, hes not just some bard whos an archon anymore no no hes the archon that the creator prays to!
He will bless every and all your pulls, he needs to prove to you that you made the right choice! that you were right to pray to him! he will be salty that your pulling for another archon but he trusts you not to abandon him!...right? Him and zhongli are just little guys who feel the most amount of pride and happiness when you pray to them <3
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I don't write for females but I will give a sentance or two for them because its christmas and I feel bad for leaving this for to long <3 also these are all to be seen as platonic
Ei: Would be surprised but grateful that you trust her after what shes done i hate ei soo idk what to write here
Nahida: Would be glad and blessed all of your pull and might even give you a con or two ahem my wanderer c1 ahem
Furina: literally cried because you still see her as a archon and her dad neuvilette had to comfort her, she will bless all your pulls
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Sorry if its a little shit i feel the writers block coming but i still tried :D
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pocarinapyon · 1 year
Happy Father's Day to the fathers, to those you consider fathers, and to those who will become fathers! 🤩
Speaking of fathers... 👑/🖥️ Just another random thought about the SAGAU / Reverse Isekai idea I had...
🌶️🌶️ What if the boys found out that they can stay in your world forever if they got you pregnant? Or in the case of the female characters, if they get pregnant? Like... They found some kind of scripture / ancient text / legend / whatever that says something about being able to retain themselves once they sire / bear your children (How many are children we talking about? IDK). Just imagine how eager the boys would be to get you pregnant!! 🤤🥵
So, again with my favourites!!
Starring : Albedo, Alhaitham, Childe, Kaveh (Separate)
Tags / Warnings : 🌶️🌶️ [Chilis] Actual seggs; The boys being obsessed with you; Petnames (if it bothers you); Contains stray cuss words; Usage of potions; A little dramatic in Kaveh's part; 👑/🖥️ [SAGAU/Reverse Isekai] Based on the SAGAU / Reverse Isekai concept linked below but spicy; Concept used if original / glitch varies
Links : Pinned Post, SAGAU/Reverse Isekai original concept, SAGAU/Reverse Isekai glitch concept, Anon's awesome concept about sleepmasks, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version A1(Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) Separate, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version Venti solo, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version A2 (Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) GangB., 🌶️🌶️ JJ version B1(Bennett / Diluc / Kaeya / Kazuha) Separate
Target audience is female (bodied) reader.
To whoever is reading, please enjoy.
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Now just because Albedo was a homunculus doesn't mean he'd stop trying. In fact, he was even more inspired; even more dedicated to create new life inside your womb so he could be with you forever. As an artificial being, would he be able to get you pregnant? He wasn't sure yet but if he wasn't able to, he would find ways or die trying.
When he materialized in your room, he immediately drugged you into a deeper sleep. That way, he could experiment on you all night long without worry of waking you up and dematerializing back to Teyvat. And since he already fed you a slumber potion, why not go far as to give you something for your fertility and libido?
"Ahh...! My love, you're taking me so well. That's impressive," Albedo huffed as he pistoned his cock in and out of your abused pussy. "Ah...! Princess...!"
Albedo snapped his hips onto you and released another load of cum deep inside your already full womb. In turn, your slumbering body instinctively milked Albedo's manhood for more.
"Heh... Hehe... You really want it, don't you, my princess? I just love how you tighten around me and squeeze my cock," the alchemist sighed in contentment as he recovered from another orgasm.
"Ah, shit...! More... More! Fuck, you're so tight!" uncharacteristic cuss escaped from the Chalk Prince's lips. It felt so good to be buried deep inside you that the usually calm and poised Chief Alchemist couldn't help it.
White essence had long stained your sheets, an indication that Albedo had been assaulting you for a long time. But he wasn't done, no. He wanted to keep you as his beloved princess and if getting you pregnant was needed for this dream of his to come true, then he would gladly fuck you until your womb is full.
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Alhaitham was probably the one who discovered the scriptures. Unfortunately, he was with a certain someone when he found out about the legend. It was a shame he couldn't stop the word from spreading. No worries. You usually keep Alhaitham active in your party so there was an insignificant chance his competitors could materialize in your world and get you pregnant.
Now that he was transported to your world, he must commence his plan. He stoically stared at your computer / Playstation (let's assume that's what you use to play) and carelessly unplugged the device, shutting it down abnormally. This made him glitch and stay in your world but only temporarily. Of course, he'd prefer to be in this state forever which was why he must proceed to the next step of his plan.
"Alhaitham, please stop...!!" your tongue was already lolled out while you plead for the virile scribe to be gentler with your wanton pussy.
"Oh? Don't act all shy and reserved now. You're clearly enjoying this because if you didn't-"
Alhaitham paused his movements and chuckled from seeing how your head quickly snapped in his direction. Your glossy eyes begged him to fuck you more and it proved just how much you wanted his cock.
"-well, you wouldn't be tightening around me and creaming all over me, right?"
"H - Haitham, you're being unfair...!" you cried from being on edge. "J - just make me cum already!!"
Alhaitham snickered before pressing onto your erected clit, making you squirm beneath his hard toned body. He did not move and only kept himself buried deep inside you while tinkering your sensitive little nub. The stimulation was enough to make you orgasm and convulse from the pleasure, milking Alhaitham and begging to be filled with his essence.
The Haravatat scholar knew how to push your buttons. Every time you masturbated to him, he observed you and etched in his mind how you wanted to be pleasured.
He also knew this won't stop you from playing Genshin Impact and using him as the main character. In fact, he assumed you would be more inclined to use him. You were a slut for him and giving you a taste of his sex would make you excited for more.
Now, all he had to do was to ensure you carry his child so he could make you his forever.
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An interesting hearsay quickly spread across Teyvat. Word was if the active character that materialized in your world got you pregnant, they would be able to live with you in your world forever. Everyone became envious of the people who had the privilege of realizing this legend and one of these blessed people was the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger, Childe.
Childe couldn't help but feel giddily restless. Just the thought of seeing you pregnant and having a family with you made his cock stiffen in excitement. He wanted to knock you up so bad that he planned meticulously just to make sure you became his lovely wife.
"Aw, sweetheart. Don't be like that," Childe cooed at you. His hot breath fanned your ear as he whispered words that cajoled you deeper into depravity, "I know you want me to cum inside you. You feel that, right? How my cock twitches inside you and your pussy begs me to paint it white?"
"G - geez...! Fine! Today is a safe day anyway so I guess it's alright," you concurred. You then began to bounce on his cock once more, "Hehe~ Ah~! Make sure to cum tons, okay~?"
"Of course. Anything for you, my wifey," Childe responded in a husky voice.
"Hehe~ I can't believe you're actually letting me ride you on top today!" you chortled while grinding your hips to feel the Harbinger's hard erected manhood against your snug gummy walls. "Uwaaah~ this feels soooo good!"
With your sleepmask on, you failed to see the dark glint in Childe's eyes. He wanted to focus on your pleasure but it was hard to restrain himself from pinning you down and fucking your brains out. Like a bunny, you looked so adorable hopping up and down his cock that he wanted to make a mess out of you. But if it was true that you would have a higher chance of getting pregnant this way, then he would stop himself.
Patience is key as they say. He needed to tame his dark desires for now so he can reap the rewards later - and that reward was being with you forever.
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The sappy architect's eyes glistened in delight. You mean there was a way he could stay with you forever? He could do something so that he wouldn't have to endure and make do with holding you in your sleep? If he got you pregnant, you would be his lover forever? What an interesting information indeed!
Kaveh stood in front of your bed, miserably debating whether to do this or not. His conscience ate at him. He loved you - he was obsessed with you - he wanted to be with you forever, but it was wrong to take advantage of you in your sleep. He sighed in agony and flopped beside you. And as if the higher beings heard his plea, your phone suddenly lit up and displayed a low battery alert before disappearing to reveal something interesting.
Kaveh smut. Tags: impregnation, cervix kissing, hard-core sex.
He wasn't sure if he could do hard-core but that was all the sign he needed to go with his original plan.
"N - nnh... You're so tight...," Kaveh whispered. He slowly dragged his cock deeper and penetrated you. "Mmh... Do you like that?"
Kaveh planted a kiss on your lips. He was being as gentle as he could in fear of waking you up.
"You're so gorgeous; nothing could compare to you. You are the embodiment of all that is beautiful," Kaveh praised you in a soft voice.
He continued to massage your snug walls with his veiny cock. A satisfied sigh escaped his chest when your warmth spasmed and clenched onto his manhood.
"Hehe. It seems you like this as much as I do," Kaveh mentioned with a proud smile.
He made love to you in the most romantic way. You were treated like a queen - a goddess who deserved all the love the world had to offer. Your pleasure was his priority, and he made sure to give every inch of you love and attention.
It was his first time doing this (with) to you, and he would be glad if he could have the chance to do more. All he hoped was for you to accept him should he manage to get you pregnant and stay in your world. After all, you were deprived of the privilege to decide if you wanted him or not.
Three among those four are triple crowned. Can you guess who's not triple crowned?
To whoever read this, thank you for your time. Here, have a pet bun-bun 🐇.
Again, happy father's day!!
Links : Pinned Post, SAGAU/Reverse Isekai original concept, SAGAU/Reverse Isekai glitch concept, Anon's awesome concept about sleepmasks, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version A1(Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) Separate, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version Venti solo, 🌶️🌶️ JJ version A2 (Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) GangB., 🌶️🌶️ JJ version B1(Bennett / Diluc / Kaeya / Kazuha) Separate
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mikashisus · 5 months
OLDER : O4. movie premiere
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The blinding, continuous flash of cameras was starting to give you a migraine. First, your manager had yelled in your ear the whole way to the premiere because you had been so careless as to leak a part of your private life to the public, and now this.
Your night had been shaping up to be undeniably shitty, yet you kept an innocent smile plastered on your face for the paparazzi. They ate it up— your youthful glow, innocent smile, and attractive figure. It all made you sick to your stomach.
Not even two years into your professional acting career, and your life no longer belonged to you. You didn’t regret this path, you really didn’t. You had always dreamed of becoming an actor one day, yet you failed to think about all the side effects that came with stardom.
Now, after your second most notable role that provided you with fame you couldn’t mentally handle, you were learning how to deal with the weight of everything all around you. The only thing keeping you going was the support of your friends, and the presence of your coworker, Mr. Zhongli.
You met him for the first time on set on your first day of filming. Back then, you hadn’t realized just how big of a role you landed. The series would cover each nation eventually, but so far, it only covered Mondstadt and Liyue.
The very first movie was about the Archon War in Mondstadt. The second movie was meant to cover Liyue, but the director made the wise decision to split it up into two consecutive movies. The history of the Archon War in Liyue was too extensive to just numb it down to one movie.
Part one had already been released two years prior, and at that time, there had been a different actress for Guizong.
The original actress for the role had faced an untimely death. Because of the suddenness, the casting director had to find someone else to fill the role immediately. Since most of the scenes with Guizong had not been finished at the time of the previous actress’ death, all scenes that had already been filmed had to be redone.
You weren’t exactly sure what the casting director saw in you, but you were more than grateful for the opportunity to take on such a big role. Of course, you held a deep respect for the woman who previously had this role, and you promised yourself that you would do the role justice for her.
One of your main worries had always been what the public would think of you after finding out that the role of Guizong had been passed to another actress. You worried about not being as good an actress, or not playing the role the way it was meant to be played.
There were so many doubts: were you really cut out for this role? Would you really be able to fill the shoes of such a great and beloved actress? Would the viewers like you as much as they loved her? Would they hate you?
That was when your on-screen lover entered the fray.
Mr. Zhongli was a renowned actor. He had been acting for most of his life, and was favored particularly by younger female audiences because of his handsome looks and gentlemanly attitude. With his comforting voice and soothing presence, you quickly relaxed and began to open up.
Looking back on everything, you were incredibly thankful for his help.
A gloved hand placed itself on the small of your back as a tall figure came to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Looking up, you caught the gaze of the coworker you had just been thinking about. He always seemed to show up when you were thinking about him.
He sent you a dazzling smile, and you could feel your knees buckle. You returned it dumbly, your eyes shamelessly trailing down his figure to study his outfit choice. An elegant suit and tie ensemble with gold embellishments and silver engravings on the shoulders. It looked nearly identical to one of the outfits his character wore in the movie. It really, really suited him.
You didn’t realize you were staring until he lightly squeezed your waist and focused his amber eyes back onto the paparazzi. Clearing your throat in embarrassment, you knew the public would begin to question the long stares the two of you had been giving each other for quite some time now.
You knew they’d shame you for liking a man that was old enough to be your father, but you really couldn’t help it when he was just so… so…
He tugged you away from the cameras, turning his body in such a way that shielded you from their view. “You look absolutely stunning,” he muttered into your ear, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. “That color suits you, my dear.”
He had a habit of calling you “my dear” ever since the two of you got closer during filming. The rest of the cast would continuously tease you about this whenever it happened.
Letting out an involuntary giggle, you smiled up at him. “You don’t look too bad yourself, grandpa.” You snickered as he exhaled deeply.
It was a running joke among the cast that Zhongli was a grandpa because he was older than most of you. Of course, he didn’t mind the jokes one bit. Sometimes he even participated in making them.
He squeezed your waist again, another small habit that formed during filming. Whenever you were about to start a scene, he’d promptly squeeze the side of your waist or your hips and smirk at your little yelps. Then, he’d walk away with this smug look on his face while you yelled at him.
“Y/n!” The voice of your close friend, Ganyu, called out.
Zhongli’s arm retracted from your waist, not without giving a final little tug first. You sent him a small glare before greeting Ganyu with a smile.
“Ganyu! Oh, look at you! You look absolutely gorgeous! I’d get on my knees for you, but I don’t want to ruin my dress.”
Ganyu was wearing a tight, black and blue dress with sparkles littering the hem. The dress reached her feet and billowed out at the ends, and had a slit on one side. The top of the dress had a sweetheart neckline, with thin red ropes lining the edges. Her sleeves billowed, allowing her arms room to breathe. The outfit was completed with black heels and an elegant hair piece that kept her hair tied back in a bun.
She usually didn’t fancy these types of dresses, as they weren’t really her style, but it looked magnificent on her.
Pink dusted Ganyu’s cheeks as she waved you off. “Oh, stop! Have you seen yourself!? The guys won’t be able to keep their eyes off of you!”
Zhongli interjected before you could say something in response. He chuckled, “They won’t be the only ones, it seems.” His amber eyes settled on you once more. He was staring at you so intensely that it made you feel smaller under his gaze.
You let out a small laugh of disbelief as Ganyu’s eyes widened. She cleared her throat awkwardly, “Well, ready to head inside? Almost everyone is in there already. We were just waiting on you two.”
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Zhongli slid his arm around your waist once more, pulling you close to him. “I think this calls for celebration,” he said, sending you a smile. “For a job well done on the movie.”
You nodded. “I agree. You were amazing, as always.”
He chuckled, his other hand coming up to gently stroke your cheek. “I meant you, my dear. You were absolutely fantastic in that role. I think you lived up to everyone’s expectations.” He paused. “So… will you take me up on that offer?”
Moments before the two of you had stepped outside, Zhongli offered to buy you dinner and asked if you would like to spend the rest of the night with him. You agreed, for obvious reasons.
Your breath hitched. “Of course. How could I turn down Mr. Zhongli?” you teased. “Jokes aside, yes. Where were you thinking?”
“I was thinking about Xinyue Kiosk. The food there is most exceptional.” He had a nervous look in his eyes, one that you knew all too well.
He was nervous about not being able to impress you. Luckily for him, you were already impressed by his charm.
With a newfound confidence surging within you, you eagerly took his hand and held it tightly, intertwining your fingers. You brought your other hand up to rest over the back of his. He smiled sweetly at the action, giving your hand a small squeeze.
“I trust your judgment,” you told him. “After all, you are a distinguished man.”
He clicked his tongue and let out a small laugh. “You jest. I enjoy simplicity as well.”
“Simplicity, huh?”
The word reminded you of your hometown and your parents, who preferred a minimalistic lifestyle. Some of their ideologies had passed to you, though you hated to admit it, and you liked a simplistic life as well.
However, being a famous actor meant you couldn’t have that kind of lifestyle that you wanted. It meant that you would always be shoved into a life of expectancy and glamor.
As the limo driver opened the door for you and Zhongli, you slipped inside and crossed one leg over the other. Still having a firm grip on Zhongli’s hand, you rested it on your lap and let out a small sigh.
The man beside you rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand in soothing circles. “You have a look on your face.” He muttered.
You glanced at him. “I was just thinking about home. And food.”
That prompted a small huff of amusement from him. He raised a brow. “Care to tell me about ‘home’ during dinner?”
Your lips twitched up into a smile. “Only if you’re willing to listen.”
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prev. | next | masterlist
NOTES: written chapter this time. i’ll be doing this from time to time since originally this fic was not supposed to be a smau at all. this chapter was supposed to be released WEEKS ago but this fic isn’t my top priority, so i didn’t edit this until now.
SUMMARY: when your acting career booms, the stress of the spotlight and your every move being watched starts to drown you whole. the only escape from a complete all time low comes in the form of your attractive coworker, zhongli— a distinguished and slightly older man that you can't seem to stop thinking about.
TAGLIST — open @theprinceofkhaos
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Space Rider's AU Voice Claim Headcanons Part 1
Still riding the au train of @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, cause it's just that great. So for the past couple of day's, I've been brainstorming on possible voice claims for this au's critters. Though, these voices could work for other au's if anyone so wishes.
Before getting started, all the voices in this post are gonna be from Genshin Impact. The reason being it's very easy to listen to voice samples of each character thanks to a section in their profiles. I also avoided the more child like characters for the voice's, since the Critters in Onyx's au seem more on the young adult range.
With that out of the way, let's get started with everyone's favorite sunny dog!
Dog boy for the dog boy. A soft voice with the ability to go serious and commanding at a moments notice, perfect for a leader of a team such as Dogday.
For if you looking for something a bit more on the calmer and gentler side, then Thoma could be a good choice for Dogday. I feel like this voice fits better for the Dogday's in au's that resemble more to the canon story. The caretaker Dogday, if you will.
Catnap was a bit difficult, as he more often than not doesn't talk or whispers. But I think I found one that can work. There were some voices that were more sleepy, but they were female so it can't work for Catnap.
Calming, if a bit monotone. Originally I was having Albedo be one of Bubba's because of all the research talk, but I think Catnap fits better.
Need a voice that's confident, bombastic, and possibly in over their head? Then look no further than Itto. The minute I heard this voice, I knew it would be Kickin.
More toned down compared to Itto, but I'd say it still fits. Especially with the voice sounding very gen z, which I'm confident Kickin would 100% be.
Energetic, optimistic, possibly ADHD? This does sound like Hoppy. Though it might be too high pitched for some.
This one was actually my first choice for Hoppy. Confident, serious when needed, but not too serious so she can sound like she's having fun.
Analytical, with a good amount of snark? That what Space Rider's Bubba gives me, and that why I found Alhaitham to be a good choice.
I also feel like Bubba would have a more deeper voice. Being one of the tallest of the Space Rider's, so Zhongli feels like a good choice.
There was third choice for Bubba, that being Tighnari's old voice. But...I believe it wouldn't be a good choice after what the old voice actor had done once he started getting popular as Tighnari's voice. Which is a shame, as it would've been another perfect choice along with Alhaitham.
I'm nearing the video link limit for a post. So I'll be splitting this into two parts. The second part will be for Crafty, Bobby, and Picky.
And a reminder that this is all my opinion and is subject to possibly change overtime. And to check @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, and that's what inspired this and the subsequent post, as well as read there Saved au as well.
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ballad-of-encore · 3 months
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i have no idea how much, but there's mostly females since i'm most comfortable with playing female characters asides from enstars and league HELLLLL
more hidden under the tab <3
please note that characters that are bolded are main muses!
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An Shiraishi, Kohane Azusawa, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Mizuki Akiyama, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori
Ritsu Sakuma, Natsume Sakasaki, Sora Harukawa, Shu Itsuki, Subaru Akehoshi, Izumi Sena, Hokuto Hidaka, Mao Isara
Female Rover, Encore
Lumine, Ayaka Kamisato, Arlecchino, Eula, Hu Tao, Xiao, Venti, Aether, Zhongli
Kougyoku Ren, Morgiana, Kouha Ren
Akane Kurokawa, Ai Hoshino, Minami Kotobuki
Ezreal, Aphelios, Kayn, Ahri, Seraphine — please note that all of them are meant to be roleplayed in their Riot Music alternate universe!
Atsushi Nakajima, Kyoka Izumi
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi
Uta, Nami, Trafalgar Law (ONLY mlw pairings)
Maomao (Apothecary Diaries), Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer), Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia), Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Noelle Silva (Black Clover), Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone), Anya Forger (Spy x Family), Kaoruko Waguri (Kaoruhana)
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please comment on here first if you want to rp with me!
mlw, mlm + wlw and all gender-inclusive pairings allowed
in contrast, as i'm of age, i am capable of doing nsfw writing even though i'm publicly embarrassed to say so LMAO. i'd rather keep all the nsfw stuff to private/dms thanksies <3
rp asks allowed, but only sfw!
if you want to do an rp ask, please state which one of the characters above that you want to interact with!
but in the event that the plot requires characters to be aged up (e.g., marriage, drinking shenanigans, college/university setting, etc.), that is ALSO allowed
OCS WELCOMED!!! i am NOT against cc x oc roleplay as i also have my own original characters i roleplay and yap about!!!
AUs are SO welcomed, genuinely
characters of all ages are allowed!!
romantic and platonic are highly preferred!
i don't do well with horror, nor am i all that great at action scenes, so i'm 100% more partial to a fluff and light-hearted setting!
you don’t always gotta give me a plot, just give me a character, the setting, and WE BALL!!!
crossover pairings, multiships, polyamory—all are welcome, but in terms of polyamory, i'd be fine if it's just between three people :'D
please also note that there are also canon ships from certain fandom/media that i prefer to not roleplay as i primarily see them as friends and nothing else! (eg., anhane, shin soukoku, atsushi and kyoka)
if you ask to roleplay on another platform, then it would be discord i'm most comfortable with!
if you're a minor and ask for nsfw roleplay, then i'm sorry, but i'm turning you down because i'd be comfortable doing that with an adult.
do NOT control my character, i will actually be turned off from replying for a long while if this happens.
this list will grow as i figure tumblr out more! (despite being a user for... several years now... sigh...)
RP CARD: symphonic encore
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
I almost feel bad for the sagau playable characters because I manage to find something about them that annoys me into disliking them
For example
Ei - horrible dictator who didn't face any consequences for her actions because "everything was her puppet's fault" bitch you programmed that puppet and left it to do as it wanted because you couldn't go to a therapist or something
Ayaka - Guilt tripped traveler into helping them with the vision decree even though traveler didn't want to at first thanks Ayaka you just turned me away from ever liking you by doing that
Kokomi - overworked priestess and military leader who only has humanity as her flaw and did not do any actual military shit at all Jean's story quest the sequel plus she actively allowed the fatui to give them delusions without thinking of the consequences I understand you were in a rough spot but didn't you think it was suspicious at all
Yae - pretends to be benevolent and that she's not manipulative even though she is like at least Ayato is open about it you're just pretending you're a nice person
Zhongli - I understand that you never had to save because you could just make money out of thin air but stop impulsively buying everything at full price you dumbass you really need to learn how to save because it might be cute but to someone who grew up poor it's really frustrating
Childe - I think he's an asshole
Eula - You criticize Diluc for being aloof but take a good long look at yourself and tell me you're not aloof. If I had to choose between the rich guy who chooses to work a minimum wage job and is nice to people but awkward and the female captain who still acts like an aristocrat to people and demands vengeance for everything I'll choose the rich guy because I wouldn't know your vengeance isn't actually vengeance learn to communicate
Klee - Just because you are a child does not mean you are exempt from my criticism. You need to learn that blowing things up is dangerous and that people who do not smile all the time are not weird and that not smiling sometimes is normal. Also I hate children.
And then I realize I don't have to like them
oomf this is elaborate– i adore all of the characters but if i had to play the character that hates them in sagau though- 🤔 I think id go with ei honestly. . . i completely understand why and how her story/archon quest turned out like that, but it still feels off for her nation to suffer partly because of her grief and beliefs.
I think genshin added that to prove that even the archons are susceptible to "human" flaws, im hoping this could be expanded in future archons AAAAH ei showed grief, nahida showed weakness, how could this apply with the actions of the original 7 archons and their destruction of khaenri'ah? ANYWAY I WENT OFF TOPIC just rambled there
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minsarasarahair · 7 months
My thoughts about Devil Venerable also Wants to Know by Cyan Wings after finally finishing it. It took a while for me to finish this because I'm obsessing over You Yao donghua...
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Well, it was fun and very insightful read. I believe the message of the book are:
Be a critique to what you read and don't consume everything you read as if its the only truth available. Perspective matter. Look at the bigger picture. (God of Annihilation vs Abusive Romance)
Difference between a hater vs critique (Commenters vs Wenren E questioning the plot holes)
The balance between good and evil is important for the cycle and order of the world. World is not Black and White. (Baili Qingmiao character development)
Roles matter in relationship. You should know what your partner wants, strength and what role they are comfortable with if you want the relationship to work. (Yin Hanjiang & Yin Hanjiang story)
Real love is not abuse nor about social order. Its about equality and healthy communication. (Wenren E, Yin Hanjiang, He Wenzhao & Baili Qingmiao story)
I know there's a lot and it varies depend on what the reader noticed but that's what I remember that are the most important for me. I really love it when danmei point out some issues I barely see in straight romance. For example, this story shows the difference between fiction media for male and female. Male demographic care about the strength and power of MC while the female demographic are either annoyed to the naïve heroine or protective of her. Its really interesting to see that different media have different types of people. This is why its important to consume different genre to improve your media literacy, people!
As for the characters, I really love Wenren E as the protagonist. He's very aroace-coded and levelheaded so its easy for me to relate to his thoughts. Even if he's the leader of a demonic sect and chose a path that is harmful to him, he's very rational. His character explore what I wish MDZS Wei Wuxian should care. Demonic cultivation is not the issue here but MDZS Wei Wuxian dismissing the fact its harmful to him so it got worse to the point where there's no turning back. Wenren E on the other hand, know the stake very well so he focus in cultivating his mind seriously. But well, MDZS WWX is younger so it make sense he's more reckless and Wenren E is already jaded by his past experience. Anyway, I love both characters okay? Tbh Wenren E reminds me of SPL's Gu Yun more than WWX because they are both generals. I'm also thankful that Wenren E is very knowledgeable about the cultivation world and explained to the readers how it works while adding his own input about it such as heavenly tribulation is a thing, dual cultivating, bonded weapon etc. I don't really have a problem with him aside from the fact he use the ABUSIVE romance book to try to understand love in the beginning LOL That's like the worse book choice to understand what real love it.
Yin Hanjiang's journey in accepting what he desire is very compelling to me. I love that he was never submissive or yes man originally but he's more like playing the role that don't fit his personality at all. Thanks to that, the result is he became mediocre or he can't progress. All this time he's suppressing the real him with the thought of being afraid it won't fit to Wenren E's standard. I like that their whole fighting dynamic was changed in the ending. He used to just assist Wenren E like a typical righthand man or side kick but later we found out he shines more if he's the one who charge first or be in offensive. I like that in the final battle he become the star of the show while Wenren E became his support.
Baili Qingmiao is the heroine of Abusive Romance. I admit I'm annoyed to her in the beginning because I hate naïve mary sue heroines with romance-driven mindset. It turns out she just need Shu Yanyan, Zhongli Qian, Qiu Congxue and Wenren E's guidance to realize what she's doing is wrong. Revolving your life to just one person especially if this person is not even worth your sacrifice is not the way. Life is not all about Romance. Its about love that comes in different shapes. That's why platonic relationship also exists. Self-caring and caring about the world are also love. I also love her realization that the world is not black and white. Even the righteous sect has bad apples in it and it don't mean righteous sect is entirely bad just like how Xuanyuan demonic sect is not pure evil either. They have demonic cultivators and ruthless, yes but that don't mean they are guilty to every bad thing happened in their world. But that don't entirely excuse them that their sect is still one of the most cruel sect when it comes to brutality. At least they have rules that they only harm cultivators and not commoners lol
There are so many interesting characters to talk about. We have Shu Yanyan the right protector who was always seen scheming against Wenren E but always failed, the scholar-like handsome gentleman cultivator Zhongli Qian as the most reliable supporting character ever, the insufferable He Wenzhao who treat women as his stepping stone to advance his cultivation, etc. But I'm afraid this post will never end if if I talk about it more so I only chose these 3 because I think they are the most important to the story. Just read it if you want to find out more.
I think I recommend this to people who read MDZS, and TGCF if you want to know how cultivation world works because it covers the immortals, gods and cultivators. I also recommend it to You Yao and SVSSS fans because it has the comedy that make fun of story stereotypes. And yeah, to Tian Ya Ke fans because of antiheroes couple with healthy relationship. I will read the Governor is Sick next because I'm thirsty for this dynamic.
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genshinconfessions · 4 days
i absolutely despise the female archon's designs bc like... sigh 😔
a characters design is meant to visually contribute to how a character is perceived; through their looks and how they present, you should be able to get a vauge impression of that character ( ie, zhongli's wearing a sharp and dark suit, signifying his power and significance as an archon, but the warmer yellow gives off a cosier feeling, revealing his more peaceful and warmer nature )
however, with the female archons ( specifically raiden and mavuika / murata ? ), they're so sexualised that the message in the design is lost.
to me, raiden's design doesn't convey any key aspects of her character; yes, you can tell she's significant to the story, but apart from that ?? there was sm potential with her design but it's all wasted because they wanted to sexualise her instead. she could've been in her old war clothes or given more elements of her past with fighting ( iffy on her backstory, sorry ) to signify her past, given more flowers throughout her design or stand alone / broken down looking things to represent makoto, just literally anything !!
personally, i dunno a lot about mavuika, especially not as much as raiden, but i'm scared that the same things gonna happen. looking at mavuika, if it wasn't for the glowing hair, i wouldn't be able to tell she was an archon. originally, i thought she was a weird fatui member or villain npc because her fit is not giving leader of a nation, let alone ANY nation at all, like, apart from the symbols at her hips, she's js wearing a black leather jumpsuit, while everyone else in natlan has bright colours and short clothes.
archons are so cool and if they keep sexualising the female ones i will genuinely just drop dead on the spot man i can't keep doing this 😪
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Of Blood and Sparks - III
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Karina Alexandre of Fontaine lost her position, her family, and her Archon’s favor.   A dead Electro Vision is her mark of guilt.  A reminder to never fail again. Faith shattered, and suspicious of the Fatui, she eventually makes her way to Liyue, where she encounters a certain funeral parlor consultant. Little does she know it’s only the beginning. Original character centric; eventual Zhongli/OC.   Posted originally at @chevalier-of-fontaine. ArchiveOfOurOwn || FF.net || Karina’s profile
Within the first few hours, they were at the crossroads of Guili Plains and heading towards Cuijue Slope, having already stopped at Wangshu Inn long enough to rest and snack.  The night provided enough cover from monsters but not from Treasure Hoarders with keen eyes looking for a quick score.  Karina’s quick slashes and jabs were only reinforced by the precise and shattering blows Diluc issued with his claymore  His Pyro attacks were a fantastic distraction from final blows and a warning to the rest of the group that their plans went far awry.
She ached with jealousy whenever the flaming phoenix soared, taking enemies with it.  Her hand itched, instinctively reaching for a power just out of reach, longing to call lightning to her command again.
Diluc’s Pyro attacks were stronger than she remembered them being when they first met.  Everything about his attacks was more concentrated, more powerful, more deadly.  And he was already deadly to begin with.
Karina lost her footing as the phoenix flew and dropped an enemy into the nearby marsh, where he floundered until he sank.  Recovering quickly, she slashed, missed, and then swung her leg up to drive a push-kick into her enemy’s chest, knocking him back.  The rest of the attackers were already gone, some knocked out and others groaning in surrender.  She dealt the final blow with a parry to step around her attacker and a stab to the man’s back, weight sinking onto her sword before she pulled it away.
“We aren’t even close to any site worth exploring, at least this far into the open,” Diluc said after they found a spot to take a break.  “The ruins here were picked clean centuries ago.  Treasure Hoarders need a new hobby.”
Karina gave a thoughtful hum.  “There’s only a few select ways to make it to Liyue Harbor, they have to find mora somehow.  What better way than to prey upon the merchants who use the roadway?”
They eventually made their way through to Lingju Pass, coming across collapsed Ruin Guards as they got closer to the spot on the map.  From the almost imperceptible entrance in the mountainside, Karina could make out distant sounds of machinery and the air that slipped through reeked of oil and something metallic that wasn’t just from the factory.
“You’re sure about this?” Diluc asked, tugging at his glove.  “About going in?”
Karina tightened her belt to keep her scabbard at a better angle.  She wasn’t sure, not really, and this wasn’t part of any kind of objective.  Last time had been different; a goal, a point to prove, and the end result had been disastrous.  But if there were any clues, any remnants of Fatui plans, they would be here, in the last known lair of the Second Harbinger.  It wasn’t as if they would run into Dottore anyway.  He was probably already halfway to Snezhnaya by now.
To not go in felt negligent, irresponsible.
“I’m sure.  Besides, the Darknight Hero can’t get all of the credit.”
She threw a smile, one that felt uneasy on her lips.  There was no accounting for what they might truly find in the bowels of the mountain.  Although, nothing could be worse than that cathedral basement, she thought.
Karina steeled herself and followed Diluc through the tight opening, the air instantly becoming heavy and stale.  There was likely a better entrance than this; after all, the Second Harbinger loved to make himself known.  Before she knew it, echoes of running machinery thrummed in her ears and drilled through her chest, almost overriding her heartbeat.
The traps were elaborate, no doubt already present before it was transformed into...whatever this hellscape was meant to be.  The machinery was ancient but repaired to be operational.  Judging from the scrap piles they came across, it appeared as though Dottore had been keen on understanding the inner workings, right down to the basic circuitry boards strewn about.  Karina was so absorbed in counting the scattered, broken remnants that she didn’t hear the whirring and clanking over the hiss of steam.
“Watch it!”
Diluc shoved her out of the way just in time before a barrage of missiles landed right where she had been standing as a Ruin Guard noticed their movement.  His body covered hers a moment longer as the dust settled and the ancient guard lumbered their way.
“Shit,” she hissed, rising alongside him.  “Of course there would be one activated…”
Diluc’s claymore sliced through the air and landed a fiery slash into the mechanical shin.  It buckled and he dodged as the Ruin Guard extended its arms.  A sudden flash ran down the tubes and the metal slammed together in a thunderous clap.  
Karina aimed a slash at the other leg, aiming for the spaces between the plates before she scrambled out of the way of a slamming stomp.  They continued their attacks, Pyro searing any metal it reached.  Karina’s sword struck between metal plates and generated the only sparks she’d seen in years.  She tucked and rolled out of the way, regrouping with Diluc as the Ruin Guard stuck out its arms and began to spin.  Within a few seconds, it was whipping around the air into a whirlwind, sucking up everything in its path.
Detailed drawings of the Ruin Guard’s head came to mind as they evaded the oncoming destruction, keeping distance until the Ruin Guard’s programming told it the technique wasn’t working.  Dottore had been precise in his renditions, having noted the exact spots that would be effective at both disabling the machine and keeping it intact.
The glowing eye was a bit obvious, granted, but it was worth a try.
“The eye might be the weak spot.  And the spot at the back of the head,” she shouted.  “The notes were thorough about their assembly and backup switches.”
“Can you climb?” Diluc replied before beginning a barrage of quick hacks, handling his Claymore as if it were light as air.
She scoffed, the sound entirely drowned out by the metallic groaning of the Guard winding up its missiles.  It was as if it was meant to simply go from one attack to the other without stopping and tire out its adversary if it couldn’t incapacitate as soon as possible.  The machine’s legs were battered and it struggled to move; Diluc had smashed the joints, one leg already dragging as it spun along.
“I’ll break the other leg, you get the glowing core!” He shouted, calling upon his Vision and taking a grounded stance.
As soon as the fiery bird flew through the air and ran into Guard, the other leg buckled from the force and the Ruin Guard came down with a clattering smash.  Karina dashed toward the weakened contraption and clamored her way up its back.  Adjusting her grip on her sword, she raised it over her head and thrust the blade into the core, sparks flying as gears grinded and the power supply failed.  The Ruin Guard stalled suddenly and Karina struggled as she tried to pull her blade out, letting out a cry of frustration.  The machine fell forward with a crashing thud and she fell with it, landing hard.
If she’d had her Electro powers, this wouldn’t have been an issue.  She would have been able to conjure sparking needles to chain lightning to reach one of the cores from a distance.  Or even weave a net of Electro to toss around one of the massive legs to cripple the machine.  She threw a kick towards a piece of the Ruin Guard after she stood up, the shockwave running through the reinforced toe of her boot as she stared at the lifeless metal shell.  
She reached and pulled her sword out, the blade finally coming free.  It looked more artifact than weapon sometimes, the sword bearing the obvious Fontaine flourishes of filigree.  A present from her parents upon receiving her official title as a Chevalier, half-a-year’s worth of sales condensed into a single weapon.
“You’re stronger ever since you returned to your Vision,” she ventured, her eyes focusing on the blade.  “I know that wasn’t an easy choice.”
Machinery whirred and steam distantly hissed, filling the sudden silence around them.
“It wasn’t exactly a choice,” he muttered, and then continued, “You’re just as deadly without yours.”
“You don’t know what I was like with my Vision.”
“I don’t need to.”
Karina felt a smile work its way across her lips and she shook her head. In the dim light, she looked up to find him watching her.  Their first missions together and the emotional tumbles after sprang to mind when she met his gaze.
She’d overheard many conversations about Diluc’s lack of emoting, how a once passionate and enthusiastic Knight now wore a face of stern stoicism.  
And while she knew it and saw it with her own eyes, she wondered how many bothered to look close enough to see that his passion never truly left, and instead was simply redirected.  Mondstadt was strange to her in that regard, that its people would miss what was so obvious.  If they just gave a second thought to anything, their lives would be that much easier.  But hardly anyone did.  
“I only meant that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” Diluc said, adjusting his glove despite it being perfectly snug.  “You’ve hardly been secretive about how you feel watching Vision-wielders use their powers.  Even less so about me abandoning mine and using my father’s...”
“But it’s not my place to be so critical, as you so kindly said.”
“I didn’t phrase it quite that way.”
Karina resisted the urge to roll her eyes.   “I know what you said.”
Crimson eyes pulled her from the present, to days in the bedroom when he returned from a mission.  To heated sparring that somehow managed to become intoxicating, drunk not on wine but a desperate attempt to make the ache in her heart stop for two seconds and erase the nightmares that even now still crept up on her.
It wasn’t without tension, without some kind of crash after the endorphin-laced high.  A bedframe used as a training dummy in her fury when they were reunited only for him to smell like a Delusion.  Envy coursed through her at the knowledge he would taint himself with destructive devices when he had a perfectly good Vision if he would only go and claim it again.  Everything in the name of protecting Mondstadt.  Everyone else came first in his life.
It would be so easy, wouldn’t it, she wondered.  To give in to the craving of intimacy that sat low in her soul, the desire to, for once, not feel so heavy and weighed down by everything that came with even truly knowing her…
So few could carry that as well as he could.  So few understood the devastation that came so early for both of them.  They had a map to each other’s scars, both physical and mental.  Obsessively-created maps that were far more detailed than any atlas of Teyvat she owned.
The distance in their roles only served to make the break easier, in truth; she was only as beholden as the contract between them required, and she was free to terminate any business no longer suited to her skills.  They would have burned each other up in their attempts to lose themselves in one another, incompatible in both element and need.
“We agreed to move on from that.” Karina reminded him as she turned her head away, trying to regain focus on the task at hand. 
Diluc rose and handed the cloth back to her before he collected his weapon.  “We did.  Come on, the lab proper can’t be too much farther.”
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CW : Blood / Gore / Mention about characters dead / Gruesome.
Pronounce : She / Her
Gender : Female ( Cause it easy for me to write and I don't really write English fanfics often like other. )
Note : This story might not follow the original game storyline.
Tag : @khalhaimdad
<< Part 4 : Part 6 >>
He didn't become to a Harbinger for nothing. Yes, he had a reason to be.
Even though his position might the lowest of all the Eleventh Harbingers. But it's the higher position that made most of peoples respect into him. And he had a rumour about how cruel and sadistic he is.
“ When it finish? My little Childe? ”
He swear, if the other people call him with this silly name. He gonna slit their throat with no hesitation! But... But, if you call him with that name. Maybe, he will see it as an exception.
And what's he doing now? Oh... After he decided to pay a little visit. You immediately drag him to cook something for you and your rebellion team. With no asking for some his reason, but he see it's okay, if you want to tast his cooking skill. He gonna make it for you.
“ Just a moment your highness~ it's nearly done!~ ”
From the most dangerous Harbinger to Master chef.
It's take around 30~40 minutes, that meals will ready to serve.
“ If I remember correctly, you ever said that you will took only 20 mins to rest, right? Y/N? ”
Flowey asked. You swallow all your foods in your mouth before reply it.
“ Yes, but I think it's too short. And now we have a Yaksha and Sandba— I mean... Childe the eleventh of eleven Fatui Harbingers with us. Maybe we can get rest a little longer. ”
He know, he heard it with his two ears. But he ignore it, listen from your tone. He know that you're joking.
' Your grace, I know, I know you see me as a sandbag. '
“ But for real, my creator. I don't trust that Yaksha. ”
Flowey say it straight, you nodded.
“ I know, I didn't trust him either. And I know that everyone in here didn't trust him too. ”
And you know that all of your team didn't trust Childe either, especially Diluc who glaring at the youngest Harbinger all the time.
You sure that if you sit there, no one dare to bring up a fight. But if you not, it will be happen exactly.
After finished with some rest in cave in Guili plain, you decide to continue travelling to Sumeru. You sent Flowey to explore the ways first and cleared some enemies that might hurt you and your group while traveling.
The next is Cuijue Slope. It's for own good to avoid Liyue harbor, it have a high chance that the Rebellion will encounter with Archon of War or know as Geo Archon : Zhongli. You know how dangerous he is and didn't want everyone to get risk with that encounter.
You bet with your head, all of Rebellion will die immediately.
“ I think you have a Fatui's work to do? ”
You ask Childe, yes, he follow you too. He just shrugged.
“ I leave all of my work to my agent and let him deal with it. Protect you is the most important more than my work~ ”
It show that he indifference about his paper work or another work that didn't have you involved. You roll your eyes, you know that he just lazy to do his work, but if he want to follow you, then, just leave him to be.
“ !!!!! ”
You suddenly stopped, froze in place like you get attack by cyro user. Everyone around you notice your behaviour, they all guard up immediately, ready to protect the Creator.
Your eyes glowing, it's gold and pure. Everyone staring in amazement. They can feel the divine aura from you.
“ My people, they hurt, they fallen to the pit of painful. ”
Everyone chilling run down to their spines. Your tone is different from the normal state. And then, you start to run, run to Jueyun Karst.
Why life is so cruel?
Why everyone's life that have a different opinion will end like this?
Just..... WHY?
Blood, body pieces, they all spread around the floor. The metallic smelt is too strong, monsters and the carnivores are walking around like they all hungry and never eat.
Her wings reach to the body, the body that belong to her beloved like step-daughter
The body is started to get cold little by little. Her skins is very pale, because she loses all of her blood, her stomach have a big wound that her guts can come out.
“ Shenhe. ”
She said with whispering tone, the tears flow from her eyes.
The Cloud Retainer look around, the humans dead body and pieces are spread around the floor, it isn't different from the nightmare, and the only one who can commit the gruesome things like this....
It's him, Morax.
Other adeptus is nearly dead, they all get injured by the Geo Archon too, they strong enough to encounter with him, but the human is another story.
They all died.
Like Shenhe died too.
Human is too fragile to handle the wrath of rock.
“ I see, the strong painful is coming from you, right? Cloud Retainer. ”
No one deserves the end like this, you believed.
Especially, the kids who have a bright future.
You don't know why, but this isn't right.
Xiangling and her families.
And all adeptus who nearly dead.
You raise your hand, determined to heal and revival all the dead body that doesn't deserve such a cruel death. The golden and divine aura start to shine and glitter. Spread around this place, infiltrate to the dead body and the adeptus. All of them who have conscious can feel a warm aura around them.
The cruelty began to fade away, and the blood and flesh flowed back together into a shape. The almost extinguished soul suddenly came back to life and returned to the body that was put back together with your power.
“ Take them to the safest place,”
you told the members who had been following you. They obediently followed your orders and immediately took the recently healed person to a safe place to rest.
You know that bringing back a human who has died is against the rules, but when fate has ordained you as the creator, those rules do not apply to you.
‘ What rule did I break? If I don't let them end their lives, I will revive them as many times as I want. ’
you think to yourself as you watch the members moving people to a safe place.
“ It's a great privilege to see you display such power. The impostor can't compare to you. ”
Childe speaks to you, with his eyes seeming to hide his excitement. You shrug before walking away to find a quiet place to meditate.
You are very angry, angry at the person who unreasonably decides the fate of other's lives.
They started to regained consciousness, and when they woke up, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place. No, it isn't unfamiliar, they were in a cave. Some cave in Liyue.
“ I remember that I ...”
Shenhe spoke with a deep feeling of disbelief. She remembered the last moments of her breath, the golden spear that pierced her body until her guts spilled out, and all her friends falling dead like fallen leaves. It was because they decided to unite and protest, as the creator did not act justly and refused to lend a helping when they needed it even just a little.
“ Shenhe! I'm glad you're awake! ”
It's voice from Cloud Retainer who raised her and help her fight with Morax or.. Zhongli. Shenhe looking around, and saw the many people sitting around her. Some looked confused, some still feared.
“ What happened? Can you tell me? ”
Shenhe asked. Cloud Retainer start to tell everything about it to her.
It's an unbelievable scene that it will turn into a real event that happening to yourself. Some peoples of Liyue were massacred, as well as the characters you've revived them and all the Adeptus kneeled down in front of you.
The other members that follows you from the start had a confused look. But they understand that all of peoples and creatures want to thank you for helping them from the death.
“ May we all follow you? ”
The Adepti speak on behalf to convey their wishes. You stand still as your mind processes the situation. Albedo stifles a laugh at your expression before Rosaria shoots him a look.
“ Are you sure? Our group is now become a wanted criminal and labeled as Rebellion. ”
You ask them to be certain, knowing that the more followers you have, the more burden that you should take a responsibility into.
“ Even if it means we will dying or sacrificing our souls, we will follow you until the end of the world! ”
“ We have a messenger told that Tartaglia is staying with our Creator now. ”
Fatui Agent inform this news to Tsaritsa and all the Harbingers that sitting in meeting room. After he informed, he bow his head and went out from this place immediately.
“ And the another Agent said, Geo Archon had gone feral killing the peoples who had an urge to against that fake. ”
Pulcinella say, some Harbinger chuckled with that news.
“ I hope Tartaglia will sent more details about this, so, what do tou think? Lord Tsaritsa? ”
Capitano asked the Cryo Archon who sits on her throne.
“ Sent order to Tartaglia, convince her to come to Snezhnaya. And protect her at all costs. If I see some scratch on her skins, he will punished. ”
“ Yes, your majesty. ”
When everything is okay, you continue to traveling again. You may meet the Fatui Agent or Cicin mage sometimes, but they all doesn't harm you. Just look at you and turn away when Childe glare at them.
You sure that you will safe from Fatui, from now.
“ Don't worry your highness, they all don't attack you. All the Fatui don't attack you. This is Tsaritsa's order and my command too. Don't worry. ”
Childe said, he raised his hand to his chest and smiled at you. You smile back, and see the hint of happiness in his eyes.
“ You can trust me. ”
“ And I should crush you in to a pieces, should I? ”
<< Part 4 : Part 6 >>
I just take a break, I'm worried that I can't end this story. But I'll try to do my best.
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gabriel-xander · 11 months
I Wish You Died Instead Ch. 6
[Scaramouce x Fem!Reader]
A/N: I started writing this before all of his lore came out/Before the last Sumeru Archon quest, so there will be a handful of inconsistency later on. My advice to you? Just go with it!
{Also on Quotev, Ao3, and Wattpad under Gabriel Xander}
Chapter 6: Bitches on Me Left and Right
You furrow your brows in your reflection, putting in the red dangling earring that Childe had given you. You tug at the fluffy collar around your neck and sigh heavily. You're going to ditch the coat. It's your first day in Liyue and the weather is already getting to you.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who the fuck is that? Aside from La Signora's direct subordinates, no one should be coming to get you. And you shouldn't have any visitors either.
You grab your mask from the nightstand next to the mirror, making sure it's secure on your face.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You hold back the sigh and drop your coat onto the bed and rush to the door. You swing the door open and automatically stand up straight.
"Good mor-NAOOO!!"
You throw your mask off and throw your arms around Kazuki's neck, pulling that fucker into a hug. You feel his arms go around your waist, squeezing the life out of your. Your best friend chuckles and sways you both side to side.
"You should've told me you were coming. I thought you were working for the Knave for the time being."
"I-I had no time to write to you, the Fair Lady suddenly requested my recruitment," You pulled away from the pretty man, holding him at arm's length with a grin, "Oh, Nao! I missed you so much! Did your hair get longer? We should trim it. You wanna have lunch with me? Show me around Liyue! Oh! How is Lord Childe? Are you two getting along? How have your missions been? Do you think-"
Kazuki cups your face with both hands, and leans forward to kiss your forehead.
You stop immediately, your shoulders relax and you allow yourself to enjoy the moment. He pulls away after a few seconds, wrapping his arms around you again and hugs you close. You just sink into the embrace, smiling to yourself and relishing in the familiar touch of your best friend.
"We have a few hours to ourselves, let's go get something to eat first, yeah?"
You nod.
"There's a few places I want to take you. My favorite place is the Liuli Pavillion, but Xinyue Kiosk is really good too. And maybe later tonight, we can head to Third-Round Knockout for drinks."
"I don't know any of those places, so I'll trust your judgment on this one."
Kazuki pulls away and smirks very slightly, "Come on, let's get going."
Kazuki takes you straight to Liuli Pavillion for breakfast, ordering a lot of Liyue dishes that he thought you'd like since you're a bit hesitant to try new foods you're unfamiliar with. They didn't have forks or spoons though, only "chopsticks", which kind of sucked ass.
Kazuki was already a master of them, making fun of you as you struggled to get food in your mouth. You felt so bad though, he ordered so much food but you barely managed to finish one and a half of the seven dishes he ordered.
"No matter," Kazuki simply said, "We'll box this and take it back to where you're staying."
"You're too frivolous with your Mora."
"You're just jealous that I make more money than you."
"Yes I am, and I'll die mad about it."
After that, he takes you around the city to look around, buying you a few trinkets and clothing if you spend a second too long looking at it. Kazuki is too eager when it comes to buying you things, since that's his love language–both platonically and romantically. And Kazuki? He loves you very much, and you love him just the same.
However... Kazuki was insistent on carrying everything for you, but he started buying you too many things that you also have to carry. And not is not an issue either, but both of your arms are getting full and supposedly he wants to take you somewhere else?
"Uh, Nao... I-I don't need that, I swear! My eyes just looked at it for a second!."
"Nonsense. You like the color, don't you?" Kazuki hums, holding up a skirt that, yes, was very pretty in color. "How much is it, boss?"
"Naooo!" You whine, your arms beginning to get sore from carrying so many things.
"Well, if it isn't [Y/n]!"
Ah fuck berries!!
You turn to the voice with a tired smile. "Lord Childe! It's good to see you! Ah, and... you are?"
You don't know if it's good or bad luck that Childe managed to find you. You knew he was still in Liyue, but you thought maybe at the moment he was dealing with his Harbinger duties? Walking next to him was Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. Well, not really dark since his skin was pretty pale. But his overall color scheme was browns and golds.
"I am Zhongli, a close associate of Childe," The man greets politely with a smile, "I assume you are as well?"
...You are as well what?
"Yeah, I guess you can say that. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Zhongli. You can call me [Y/n]," You nod.
You didn't understand why he'd think you're close with Childe, but you guess it's because of your matching earring with the Harbinger. You don't know if that warrants an assumption that you two are close, but you guess it doesn't really matter.
"What are you doing here in Liyue, [Y/n]? Is your boss here too?" Childe asks.
"Uh, he's-"
"-Perhaps we should talk somewhere else and not hold up the stall," Kazuki cuts in, "Not to mention, I believe [Y/n] is getting tired from carrying all this. I should escort her back to where she's staying so we can drop this off."
Ah, you know that look. To outsiders, his blank expression is one that never changes no matter what emotion he feels. However, yOu'Re NoT lIkE tHe OtHeR gIrLs and you notice every slight change in his expression and body language. You can read that he was actually feeling quite annoyed that his alone time with you is likely coming to an end.
"Oh, why don't we help you with that?"
As Childe decides this all on his own, he takes the bags from your arms, and the boxes you were holding. He was having a much easier time than you were, and Zhongli even took it upon himself to take a few things from Childe to help him too.
You smile at Kazuki apologetically, taking some things from his arms now that you had more help. He narrows his eyes slightly, getting more irritated as the second passes.
"Lead the way, [Y/n]," Childe smiles.
And lead the way you did. You take your gaggle of friends (Can you call Childe and Zhongli your friends? You feel that's a bit unprofessional and a bit presumptuous of you to assume you're all already friends) to the place you, La Signora, and the other Harbingers under her command are staying. Though as you get closer, Childe seems to light up.
"Oh, you're staying here?" Childe speeds up a bit to walk closer to you, "What a coincidence! My troops and I are staying here as well!"
So not only are you blessed that Kazuki is in the same building as you, you're also cursed that Childe has easy access to you too now!
You'd be more open to being Childe's friend if you weren't super cautious of ALL the Harbingers. He seems really nice, and expressed that he desires to be your friend, but that doesn't suddenly make you more trusting.
"I should warn you, Lord Childe. I'm not here for Lord Scaramouche, I'm here with the Fair Lady," You inform, walking up the stairs to get to your floor, "So you should do your best to avoid her... Don't tell her I said that."
"La Signora?" Childe frowns, "But why are you with her? You're Scaramouche's subordinate, aren't you? Did something happen?"
You shrug, "My Lord was sent somewhere, but that's all I know since he refused to tell me anything more. He said he could be gone for a while, so in the meantime he ordered me to assist any other Harbinger so that my skill isn't going to waste. The only person he prohibited for me to help was the Doctor, so there's that."
You're too busy to not trip over the stairs to see the look on Childe's face. Maybe if you were paying more attention, you would've noticed how... guilty he looked when you mentioned the Balladeer was sent somewhere.
"So that's why I'm here with La Signora. Before this, I was with the Knave."
"I heard she's a stone cold bitch," Kazuki hums, "I hope that wasn't too unbearable."
"Ooh, watch your tone in the presence of another Harbinger," You snicker, "Lord Childe might rat you out."
"Ah!" The ginger makes an exaggerated noise as if he was offended, "Comrade! I would do no such thing!"
"It's true. Lord Childe's favorite pastime is to shit talk-"
"Ah-ha ha ha! Ah, Kazuki...!" The Harbinger clears his throat, sending a not very subtle message to keep the other quiet.
"Yeah, yeah," You hum, walking down the short hall until you get to your door, "So, Mr. Zhongli, what do you do for a living? I don't think I've had the chance to ask yet."
Appreciating that he could be part of the conversation now, the brunette offers you a smile even if you couldn't see it, "I am a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. I perform all manners of ritual for burying the dead, along as funeral rites for the adepti."
"Oh wow! That's pretty serious stuff. And that's really admirable too, you know? It can't be easy being surrounded by death all the time, and having being the one to send them off too? Your work is very important to a lot of people, Mr. Zhongli. I hope you take a lot of pride in that."
Zhongli smiles a little more genuinely at your words, "I'm glad you understand and see the importance as well. It's nice to meet and talk to someone who can appreciate what I do... No offense, Childe."
"Wha–Well, I didn't take offense until after you said that!"
"Me personally, sir," Kazuki leans towards the ginger, "I wouldn't let that slide."
"Do NOT be an instigator, Kazuki!" You laugh.
Putting your shit in the room didn't take too long, as you told them you'll properly put it all away later tonight. You did forget that Kazuki plans on keeping you busy for a long time, so it might actually have to wait until tomorrow morning. But that's tomorrow's problem.
Today? It's your day off and you might as well spend it with some friends while you can.
05 . 14 . XXXX
My Dearest Scaramouche,
Ha ha! I bet that got your attention, didn't it? Since I've never addressed my letters to you that way; it's always been "To My Lord" and all that. I thought the change would be funny, and it would keep you on your toes.
Let's see.
It's been about five months since I've last seen you, five months since you were sent away by Lord Pierro. I wonder... I'll just be frank. I am, admittedly, getting worried about you.
I've been told my letters are getting to you, but I haven't received anything back. And if you had died, I CERTAINLY would've gotten word about it, too. But that might be very presumptuous of me to assume that you'd even write back. We're not remotely close, or friends for that matter, so you have no reason to respond. But you ARE my boss, and it's always been my duty to protect you.
How have you been? I hope you haven't been through too much, I know how much work inconveniences you very easily. How are the people who accompanied you? I heard you only brought along two other people; are you treating them well? Are they treating YOU well?
I've done as you said, helping the other Harbingers, staying clear of Il Dottore, doing my best, not letting my skill go to waste.
Do you remember all those months ago when we investigated those Treasure Hoarders? Noah, Ivan, and Isaac? And when we got the information we needed from them, you...
I think about them a lot. You had the mercy of allowing me to look away and not help you bury them, but I still carry the burden knowing that we had killed them. That YOU killed them and I did nothing about it. I always took it for granted, how you always let my hands stay clean, how you never forced me to look.
... I've seen a lot of fucked up shit when I was working with the other Harbingers, especially the Knave. They made me do horrible things too. Well... normal things expected of a Fatui, I think.
For the past month, I've been working with the Fair Lady, and we've been residing in Liyue. I don't really do much. She makes me do paper work, help out at the Northland Bank, keep tabs on Lord Tartaglia and Mr. Zhongli of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. She hasn't told me why, but I honestly think she might just be nosy. Don't tell her I said that, okay?
Kazuki has been a little more... reserved? I don't know what happened to him while we were separated, but I hope one of these days, he can open up to me and tell me what's happened to him. He's my best friend, you know? He's my person. Did you have someone like that before? DO you have someone like that?
I'm getting a little sleepy now, so I'll wrap this up. I know you're getting these, but I have no idea if you're reading them or not. If you don't, then that's fine. At least then you wouldn't have to read all my embarrassing thoughts.
And if you do...
I hope you're okay, and I hope I can see you again soon. Please take care.
Your faithful servant,
"Hmph..." Scaramouche smiles tiredly, "What an idiot..."
He sighs through his nose and folds the paper up, tucking it away in his open kimono for safe keeping with the rest of the letters. He looks down at the two spots near his camp. Two half-assed graves that he made almost immediately when he arrived.
The two that had accompanied him survived the best they could, but he's not completely surprised that they have died after a few years. After all, they're only human.
It's moments like these where he's glad he fought tooth and nail to convenience Pierro to let you stay behind with the other Harbingers instead of letting you accompany him.
In your letter, you said it's been about five months since he had departed, but to him it's been nearly three centuries. Time works differently in the Abyss. If he had to make the estimate, one day to you is about one year for him. So by that measurement, you've been sending him letters once every two weeks, but he's only been receiving them once every 40 years or so.
He's actually very grateful for your letters. It helps him keep track of time, helps him stay somewhat sane, helps him remember that it hasn't ACTUALLY been 300 years, helps him not feel THAT lonely...
It helps remind him you haven't died, and that you're still waiting for him.
You're still waiting for him...
Scaramouche stands up and works to put out the fire.
He can't send you anything back even if he wanted to, the only papers he has are for his reports back to Pierro and he's already running out. You'll just have to wait for him for a little while longer.
For now, he'll do the best he can to hurry up. It's not that he particularly cares about you, but he supposes he should repay you with his presence.
It's the least he can do in return for all your letters.
Scaramouche leaves his camp with a slight smile.
He can't let himself die, he's extremely looking forward to your next letter, after all.
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libertasforte · 5 months
JP livestream reaction (childe & arle)
So JP livestream had Maeno Tomoaki-san (Zhongli), Kimura Ryohei-san (Childe), and Mori Nanako-san (Arle) for their livestream and -
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Mori Nanaoko-san is not that famous for an anime VA but she is a former “male role” actress for the Takarazuka revue, an all-female theater group!
Ryohei-san talking about how Nanako-san seems very nervous…he is boyfriend material fr
Maeda-san: “what is your opinion of Arlecchino” Ryohei-san: “she is scary T_T"
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I was thinking Childe doesn't seem scared of Arle but if my role was to be so disrespectful to Arle like that I would be scared of her too
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Childe's brain works like this
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They’re wondering what Arlecchino says about Childe in her character voicelines
Ryohei-san: I hope she praises me
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Which is so in line with what I think about their relationship
This is something I drew like a year ago
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Tomoaki-san and Ryohei-san just fanboying over Arle and her weapon hehe
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Here Tomoaki-san keeps on repeating the lesser known sibling of “kawaii”, “kakkoii”, if “kawaii” represents a feminine ideal of cuteness then “kakkoii” represents a masculine ideal of coolness
They go in character for a bit and it's so precious -
They’re talking about how “kakkoi” Arlecchino is and Ryohei-san is like: “Tartaglia is kakkoii too”
Tomoaki-san asks which Harbinger will steal the gnosis in Natlan and Ryohei-san is like “Ore ga ubau yo” (I will steal it)
Ryohei-san is talking about how he wants to pull for Arlecchino and I’m like…so precious…
Two guys trying to pick up a girl
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
@zhongrin | Zhongli + Itto = crystalise
“Gods, demons, vision bearers, the visionless… We’re all the same, really, aren’t we?”
tags: zhongli and itto are fighting for your affections, female reader, it's Lantern Rite but i forgot how it works in canon, reader lives in liyue, literally pure fluff, itto knows Zhongli is an archon
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If there’s anything your life doesn’t lack, it’s drama.
Travelling across Teyvat does nothing but provide you with new companions to meet, and oftentimes it also leads to violent clashings of character. You thought you’d seen the worst of it when you accidentally reunited the Ragvindr brothers, but the most dramatic encounter was yet to come. Right now, though, you're enjoying the brief period of peace, as you walk alone through the bustling Liyue streets.
“Hey Sunshine!” Itto creeps up beside you, the smile on his face reflecting the smile blossoming in his heart. Yes, it's taken him a good few days to get to Liyue, and yes, everyone on board the ship really, really really loved beans, but he didn’t really mind. He gets to see you, so the sickness is worth it.
You spin around to see your favourite oni, his long white hair combed and braided to perfection, and his fanged smile wider than you’ve ever seen before.
“Was that supposed to make me jump?” You chuckle as he falls into step beside you.
“What? No. It was supposed to make you smile.” he grins. “And that it did.”
How is anyone not supposed to smile around him? He exudes energy and an optimistic naivety that you’ve not seen in anyone for a long time. His cheerfulness is even more impressive when you knew the things he’d experienced. He’d seen hell in person, but he chose to live every day pretending it didn’t exist.
“How was the trip?" you ask. "I wasn’t expecting you to get here so soon.”
“You knew I was coming?"
“Mmm,” you reply, watching as stalls begin to pop up for the upcoming Lantern Rite—undoubtedly your favourite festival of the year. “You put a sign on the message board saying that Liyue better be ready for The One and Oni Arataki Itto to show them how a real festival is done. I couldn't have missed it.”
Itto laughs heartily. “That means my work was done perfectly, as always. I should thank Shinobu. If I remember.”
“I’ll send her something on your behalf, don’t worry. I’ll grab something from the Lantern Rite stalls.”
“You would? You’re amazing. Seriously.” Itto grins. “So when’s Lantern Rite? Can I come? Do I get to set up a stall or something?”
“You put that message up on the board without even planning anything in advance?” You ask. His response sends you into a fit of giggles—one that pricks the ears of the retired geo archon.
It’s not like he’s jealous. You’re not his property, and never will be. But he is intrigued by this…demon who makes you giggle like that. You’d never laughed so heartily whenever you spent time with him. Maybe he'd get a slight chuckle at him and his antics, but nothing more. Not that he cared.
You didn't even notice you’d walked past the funeral parlour in the midst of your laughter—and you always noticed.
He’s not upset. At all. That would be absurd of him. He’s simply curious. You associate with people from all over Teyvat, a quality of yours that he’s always loved, so he’s not surprised. Either way, he decides to find out who this man is for himself—by bumping into you guys by chance.
“So are you going to let me come or not?” Itto huffs. You’d been talking about the history of the Lantern Rite for so long that he’d nearly forgotten his original question.
“A friend of mine has agreed to take me around this year, so you should definitely come with. He’s great with the history, and he knows where all the good food spots are.” Itto’s steps slow down almost comically.
“I’m going to have to share you?”
“Can I at least meet the guy?” he pouts. He came all this way to see you, and he's going to have to share your attention with another guy? He’s not a fan. He’s also not a fan of the creepy old man watching him from across the street, with his fancy jacket and tailored trousers and lean frame. What is he doing, staring at you?
“Sunshine, some weird guy over there is staring at you.” he nudges your side slightly. “You need me to tell him off or something?”
You glance over at the guilty party, who its watching you with an almost forced placidity. “Oh, that’s just my friend. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
Itto tilts his head to the side slightly. He knows that in order for someone to get along with him they’d have to be a certain kind of fearless and non-judgemental, but this is something new. Instead of being afraid of the weird dude making eyes at you, you call him your friend?
“Are you sure? I can deal with him if you like. You don’t need to be so chill.”
“Itto, it’s fine.” You grin, taking his hand and dragging him along with you. “Hi Zhongli!”
The man's blank expression breaks into a slight smile. “Hello, yn. It’s a pleasure to see you.”
“How many times have I told you to quit it with the formalities?” you giggle, squeezing his arm.
“Plenty of times.” Zhongli says. He glances at your hand—the one holding Itto’s—and his smile drops imperceptibly. “It’s impolite to not introduce your acquaintances, you know.”
“Hey, old man, don’t stick your big words on me. Me and yn are bona fide buddies. None of this acquaintance business. You make us sound like we work together.” He scowls. Admitting that he and you were friends was kind of…irritating. He liked being your friend, but he wanted more than that. He wanted you to light up his day with that smile of yours all the time. He wanted to you to be his. But he also wanted you to want that—and he doesn’t know where you stand on that front.
“Itto. Manners.” You poke his stomach lightly. “He’s my friend from when I went to visit Inazuma. He may not look it or sound it, but he’s a bit of a cynic.”
“Hmm.” Zhongli hums. “And a demon.”
Itto scowls. “An Oni. Look at the horns.”
“They’re almost shiner than mora. There’s no way I could miss them.” Zhongli retorts. Itto beams, not aware that Zhongli’s comment wasn’t exactly a compliment.
“Thanks, dude. Anyway, Sunshine here says that you’re taking her to the Latern Rite. I myself have an affinity for festivals and music and all that jazz, and she said I could tag along. That alright with you?”
Zhongli hums. “I suppose.” He doesn’t want Itto there. Inviting you to Lantern Rite was his attempt to get you on your own, to talk to you and see whether you share the same feelings, and now it’s been foiled. He can’t even be mad, because the the demon beside you makes you smile. He loves the sound of your laugh, and so, he has to appreciate anyone who makes you do that. “Do you know much about Lantern Rite?”
“Nope. But I am good with festivals. I held a drum-along in Inazuma. The drum was dirt cheap so we made a massive profit. So many people showed up, it was awesome.”
Zhongli raises an eyebrow. “The drum-along? I was told that was a menace to all involved.”
“Li,” You hiss. “Drop it. That’s a sensitive subject.”
“No, no, Sunshine. Let the man speak.” Itto smiles amicably. “I like to know what people are saying about me.”
Zhongli’s eyes flash amber for a second. “I heard nothing else. I do apologise for speaking out of turn, you’re more than welcome to join us tomorrow, Itto. And on that note, would you mind terribly if I stole yn from you?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Itto shrugs. Zhongli nods and turns to walk away.
“Hey Itto,” You grin, chucking your house keys at him. “You know where I live. Make yourself comfortable, I’ll take you out for dinner when I get back.” You wink at him before turning around to catch up with Zhongli. “My treat!”
Itto wants to complain, but you looked so happy at the thought of going out for dinner that he chokes down his disappointment at your being stolen and traipses to your house. How has an old man with creaky knees and a vocabulary straight out of the archon war period managed to fill up your time so thoroughly that you would pick him over Itto?
Zhongli is boring and quiet and judgemental. The sheer opposite of what he is. But at the same time, that makes him the opposite to you, and opposites attract, right? And then he decides to stop himself falling down the self hating wormhole he’s skirting, and makes himself at home in your living room.
“So, Sunshine,” Zhongli chuckles as you walk to the nearest tea shop.
You grin at him, chuckling lightly. “Why did you say it like that?”
“I’m just intrigued by the company you keep,” Zhongli hums. “I never would have expected you to get along so well with a demon.”
“Gods, demons, vision bearers, the visionless… We’re all the same, really, aren’t we?”
“I would argue that gods are a little higher on that pyramid.” He mutters as he pulls out a chair for you to sit on.
“You’re such a jealous little man,” You chuckle. “You can’t even bear to see me with my friend.”
“I am also your friend, and I admit that I often have ulterior motives for wanting to be around you. It’s perfectly natural for me to be suspicious.” he shrugs.
“I’m pretending I didn’t hear that.” You smile. “Anyway, what did you want to show me?”
Allowing Zhongli and itto to come with you to Lantern Rite was a mistake.
Itto wants to check out all the fun stalls, which you want to do. But Zhongli wants to tell you about the history of the festival, which you also want to do. Watching them try to subtly fight for dominance is too funny for you to keep a straight face throughout.
“Oh come on, old man, Why should I listen to you talk when we could be getting street food? Sunshine, what do you want?”
You cover your mouth to try and stop yourself from laughing at Zhongli’s expression. He looks hilarious. The archon is the picture of placidity, the only giveaway that he’s three seconds away from slicing Itto’s prized horns off being the slight clenching of his jaw.
“I’ll take a kebab, please.” You smile. Itto runs off to get you something to snack on and you turn back to Zhongli, whose eyes soften slightly. “You may continue.”
“I’m struggling to understand why you’ve invited both of us,” He hums. “You clearly know our personalities clash. Why subject yourself to this?”
You don’t answer him straight away. You’re not an idiot—you’re aware that both of them like you, and you might even admit to being guilty of egging them on slightly today. But all in all, you enjoy both of their company. Sure, you could separate them, but you're greedy.
“You’re both hilarious.” You reply finally, turning to look back at the sky.
“We both know you’re a lot smarter than you’d like most to believe.” Zhongli pushes. “You’re fully aware of what’s happening here. Why not put us all out of our collective misery?”
“You want to be put out of your misery?” You ask innocently, turning back to face him properly. He hums lightly. “Then fight for it.” Zhongli clenches his jaw slightly, lost for words. Never in his life has he been told what to do in a way that makes him want to obey, but he supposes there's a first time for everything.
Itto returns with the the kebabs and you take them excitedly, gushing over how fresh they were. “How did you get these so quickly?”
“Trick of the trade. I saw a firework stall thingy. Wanna try it out?”
“Sure!” You beam. You look behind you to check if Zhongli is coming along, but’s he’s disappeared, and you let him go. If that’s the kind of man he is, maybe you're better off not bothering. “Let’s go.”
You go around the stalls, dancing with the musicians and trying out all the delicacies on your way to make the fireworks. By the time you make it there, the sun is beginning to set, and Zhongli still isn’t back. You genuinely didn’t think he’d just give up.
“What colour should I pick?” you mutter to yourself. “Oh, I can’t decide. Where’s Ushi? He always has the answers.”
“I left him in Inazuma. He doesn’t like boats very much.”
“I still can’t believe you took a boat. There are teleport waypoints all across Teyvat.”
“Seeing you after such a long time isn’t the same without a gruelling journey to make me miss you more,” He jokes, patting your head lightly. “Anyway, knowing him, he’d probably suggest brown. You know how he is.”
“Then brown it is,” you smile, pouring the relevant chemicals into the tube. You have zero clue how this works, and neither does Itto. He asks the lady at the stall to explain it, but once she starts bringing up chemicals, his eyes glaze over, and you realise he’s just nodding every twenty five seconds. “Thank you!” he says, once she’s finished. “That was super interesting. I understood every word.”
You swipe away the tear that began to form as a result of how hard you were trying to not burst into laughter. He's trying his best, he really is.
“Come on, come on, I want to see how these look in the air.” He takes your hand. “There’s a spot up there.”
You cross your arms, looking up at the big cliff. “Uh uh. No way. I am not walking all the way up there.”
“What? Why? I’ll carry you. C’mon!”
You shake you head. “My feet hurt and I really cannot be asked. And I know you, you’ll fall asleep at some point and then I will have to drag you back down.”
Itto scratches his head, his face taken over by a thought ful expression. “Okay, new idea. I’ll go up there. Set them off, and then come back down.”
“Or you can just leave her with me, and we can partake in an activity that does not involve cliffs.” Zhongli huffs, holding a lantern in each of his hands. Itto looks at him with scathing disdain.
“Not you again! What is it with you and just swooping in to steal my friend?” Itto stomps his foot in frustration, and once again, you find yourself holding back a laugh. He can be so cute sometimes.
“I simply find activities that yn will enjoy. That is all.” Zhongli crosses his arms, the lanterns before him hovering in the air with a faint golden glow—a subtle reminder of the power he holds.
Itto almost pouts. “Yn, were you enjoying yourself with me?”
“I enjoyed myself plenty.” You quip. “But I really don’t want to go up the cliff. Sorry.”
“Hey, no sweat! Don’t apologise.” He roughs your hair up. “I get it.”
“Well, if you’re done being so gracious, yn and I will be on our way.”
“Now, when did she say you could take her?” Itto scowls, crossing his arms. “You do realise she’s like a whole human and everything. Being a demoted god or whatever doesn't give you the right to boss her around.”
“I didn’t expect you to stoop so low as to start throwing insults.” Zhongli sighs. “Be honest with yourself, demon. Did you really—”
“I’m plenty honest! More honest than you and your big fancy words that mean nothing.”
You retreat slightly, watching as the two men argue. Or rather, watching as Itto argues. Zhongli’s face is as passive as ever, retaliating with calmly spoken facts that only seem to infuriate him further.
“Are you going to tell him where to get off?” Itto says to you finally, and you snap out of your own, peaceful, thoughts.
“No.” You sigh. “And frankly, this has gone past the point of being funny. I really just wanted to enjoy my festival with both of you, becasue I enjoy your company. The bickering was kind of entertaining at first, but now it’s just boring. Go home or something. Both of you.”
And with that, you leave them in the dust, making your way back home. You’d been too greedy, you decide. They both deserve better than this weird limbo you’ve left them in. So on your way home, you try to make a decision between the two men. Either would have the decency to accept being your friend, so which would you rather be stuck with?
You can’t make up your mind.
When you get home, you flop onto your bed, leaving your decision to wait until the morning. And whilst your dreams are plagued with the dilemma you face in the real world, you wake up with a beautiful clarity that leaves you feeling bright and cheerful.
You get dressed, ready for another day of Lantern Rite festivities, but as you leave your house, you notice two bouquets of flowers at the front door. One is bright and colourful, full of Inazuman flowers and spilling out of its vase, whilst the other is a lot less vivid and put together with slightly more precision.
You chuckle lightly to yourself as you take one of the vases and display it in your front window. And although you feel bad about the arrangement that you leave seated on your porch, you know it’s a decision that you would have had to make eventually.
a/n i am actually proud of myself for getting this done in time, i actually checked this before(!!) i posted it so if there are any errors someone tell me before rin reblogs and then the incorrect version is left to be seen by the world
i tried to make the ending ambiguous but we all know i chose Zhongli right? cause i picked Zhongli. I don't know about you but Zhongli is my favourite. Literally i love h
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