#zipline park
sapphireginger · 9 months
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Chapter #6
“So, I’ll text you my address…” Stiles says trailing off as he takes a step back, not taking his eyes off Derek. Derek also takes a step back. “I’ll come pick you up and…” Stiles smiles. “We’ll go out for dinner and…” “And…” They both are even more red now, but their smiles haven’t waned a bit. “Hurry up, Daddy! You gotta go get even more beautiful!”
Sunday starts off the same way but with more teasing from the team and Stiles is sure they’re having a competition to see who can make him turn the reddest. He’s just glad that Olivia didn’t hear them. She’s his priority always, first and foremost. She is with Aria, a friend from school, today but will be dropped off in the afternoon.
Erica and Stiles set up the schedule for the day and she puts Stiles on shift lead which he’s more than fine with. He loves going up on the courses and doing safety briefs but sometimes it’s nice to stay inside for a while.
It’s around lunchtime and Stiles is down at course five and six, when Erica radios about needing Stiles to take his break. “No one likes a hangry Alpha, Alpha.”
Stiles rolls his eyes but radios back. “On my way, Catwoman.” He playfully shoves Jackson before making his way up the hill, following the path up to the cabin and heading into the den where he plops down onto a chair and starts chugging his water.
Erica peeks her head in and snorts. “I mean I knew you were thirsty because I heard how you looked at Derek but you gotta eat too, Batman.” She easily dodges the empty water bottle he throws at her and cackles.
It’s while he’s on his lunch break that he sees Derek again. They don’t speak and Derek doesn’t see him, but Stiles sees Derek’s bracelet indicating he’s there for the adult course. Stiles’s heart beats faster and he hurries into the cabin. “Hey Catwoman?” he says with an extra sweet tone.
“Yes Batman?” she replies in an equally sweet tone.
“Can I take Der—I mean that group?”
She smirks, giving him a knowing look and signs off on the switch. Kira is more than happy to switch with him.
Despite the fact they’re on vacation Derek decides to return on Sunday and though Stiles remains professional his heart speeds up. Though it doesn't look like Derek’s son, Zeke is there today. Derek wants to go through the adult course which Stiles is hesitant about but it’s not his decision. He does keep a sharp watch on Derek though. 
He hears cheers at the end of the zipline for course two and can’t help but grin seeing that Derek’s son is holding up signs to cheer his daddy on as a younger woman, who must be the aunt, watches him protectively. 
He can’t help but overhear the woman as she pesters Derek. “So? Anything?” 
Derek’s ears twinge pink again and he gives a one shoulder shrug. “Well, he’s keeping a close watch on me but that doesn’t mean anything. I probably just look terrified and he’s just doing his job.” 
Zeke speaks up next. “No. Daddy, that's not true. When I talked to Mr. Stiles, he promised to watch over you too and that if you got hurt, he would come save you too.” 
Stiles quickly averts his gaze when Derek looks over at him. “I know kiddo. Shall we head to the next one?”
Cora notices her brother’s disappointment but also sees the way the instructor looks at her twin. “Yeah. We still have courses three, four, five and six left.”
Stiles waits for Derek to start the next course before sighing wistfully. “He’s right, Derek. It’s not true.”
Aria’s mom, Karlie drops off Olivia around 2 pm. Stiles heads up the hill to the cabin to greet her. “Hey, angel,” he says with a smile. “Did you have fun?”
Olivia grins and hugs him tightly as she nods, her pigtails bouncing up and down with her head. “Yes! Lots of fun. I got Aria to try watching Star Wars. Now she can do Halloween with us too! She wants to be Padmé Amidala. I told her you could help with the pretty dresses she wears and that you would do her hair.”
Stiles chuckles and nods at Karlie. “Thank you for watching her and bringing her here. I really appreciate it.”
Karlie smiles. “It’s my pleasure. I also may have been intrigued and decided to watch the movies along with them.”
Olivia giggles as Stiles scoops her up. “See, Daddy? More fans of Star Wars!”
“I see. Shall we head inside, cub?” he asks while tickling her sides.
“DADDY!!!” Olivia shrieks trying to get away from his tickles with a huge smile on her face as they bid Karlie goodbye. Stiles doesn’t notice the face that loses its smile as he watches.
Derek watches as Stiles picks up a girl who is probably seven or eight years old and it makes him smile. He has a thing for guys who are good with kids. He has been going over and over the question he wants to ask Stiles because really, what’s the harm in asking him out? However, when he sees the woman standing with Stiles, he feels his gut churn and clench as the smile slips off his face and a scowl forms. 
Cora finds him a few minutes later. “So? What did he say?”
Derek glares at her. “He didn’t say anything because I didn’t ask.”
“WHAT?!” she snaps. “Why not?” she asks, lowering her voice.
“Because he has a girlfriend. Maybe a wife. I mean I haven’t seen a ring but it’s not like he would wear it while working considering he has to use his hands a lot.”
Cora’s brows furrow in confusion. “Why do you think he has a significant other?”
Derek groans. “Because I just saw her. Okay? She’s got auburn hair and she’s gorgeous. I mean she’s not my type but for all I know Stiles is straighter than an arrow.”
“Not possible. Not with the way he looked at you, Der.” 
Derek rolls his eyes. 
“I’m serious! How can you be so sure they’re together?”
“There was a little girl with the woman who ran up to Stiles and called him daddy.”
“Oh. Well, that doesn’t mean that they’re together. Maybe she is a babysitter.”
Derek shrugs and looks over to where Stiles is talking with his daughter, both of them wearing smiles and talking animatedly. “Maybe but it doesn’t matter. Let’s just go.”
Cora crosses her arms, stares at her brother for a hot minute and then turns to go to the nearest instructor, who just so happens to be Jackson. “Excuse me?”
Jackson looks over and nods. “Yes?”
“I was wondering something.” She gestures to Derek who is still watching Stiles. “That guy there is my brother and he’s being all sulky because he’s pining over him,” she says, gesturing to Stiles. “However, despite my attempts to get him to just ask him out he has yet to do so. Then my pining brother sees a woman with him and has now decided they must be together.”
“I see,” Jackson drawls with a smirk. “So, you want to know whether Alpha is taken then huh?”
Cora blinks and then nods. “Yes? Assuming by Alpha, you mean him.” She points to Stiles again.
Jackson chuckles and crosses his arms. “Stiles is as single as can be. That’s his daughter with him right now and the woman is Karlie. She was babysitting Olivia, his daughter, today and just dropped her off. Karlie’s daughter, Aria, is one of Olivia’s classmates.”
Cora’s face lights up and a mischievous grin forms on her face. “So that’s a yes then?”
“That’s a yes. Tell him to ask. Alpha is totally smitten.” Jackson then turns back to the courses, his eyes following a couple of teenagers who have been rowdy.
“Excellent,” Cora says, rubbing her hands together in the way a cartoon villain might before marching back over to her brother. “Der-Bear?”
Derek startles, his face flushing deep red. “I wasn’t staring.”
Cora snorts. “And I’m the Queen of England. You have five seconds to go ask him out or I swear to all hell I’ll shave your eyebrows off. Again.”
“You don’t have the manners of a lady let alone a queen.”
“Derek Spencer Hale! For Peter’s sakes ask the man out!”
She gives him a shove and Derek stumbles but rights himself before he faceplants. The whole thing does catch Stiles’s attention though which moves the red flush from Derek’s cheeks to the tips of his ears. “Hi?’
Stiles tilts his head and gives him a smile. “Hey,” he replies.
Olivia squints her eyes. “Who is he, Daddy?’
“Oh, this is Derek.”
Derek gives a little wave. “Hello.” He wonders to himself how in the world he’s supposed to ask the man out in front of his daughter. That doesn’t seem like a very smart thing to do.
Olivia gasps. “Oh my gosh! You’re Derek? I’m Olivia! Daddy told me about you and said that you were the best wolf the entire day on Friday.”
Stiles’s cheeks darken and he glances at Derek. “Yeah. Well, it’s true.”
Erica is watching this painful conversation for less than a minute before she pops her head outside. “Hey, Mini A! Come help me with the wristbands?”
“Oooo. Can I daddy please?”
Stiles breathes out in relief and sets her down tugging her pigtail gently. “Go for it.” He watches her run into the cabin and adjusts his radio. He starts chewing his lip before glancing at Derek again. “So, you came back?”
Derek nods. “Yeah.”
“Had fun then I guess.”
“Man of few words I see.”
Derek nods and then rubs a hand down his face. “Most of the time but not always. Sorry just—” he stops and takes a deep breath. “Do you have a minute?”
Stiles opens his mouth but Erica interrupts. “He has thirty of them.”
Their gazes snap to the cabin window where they see her wave before looking back at each other. “What she said.”
“Good. I—There’s—I wanted to—Can I ask you something?”
Stiles quirks a brow. “You just did.”
Derek smiles. “Touche. I have a question I want to ask you.”
“Shoot,” Stiles says, cocking his hip to the side with his arms crossed, his body relaxed.
Derek takes a minute to just admire the man before him. He’s strong. He’s authoritative. He’s fucking gorgeous and he’s—“Would you go to dinner with me?” he blurts out. 
Stiles’s eyes widen, making him look so much like Bambi and his mouth drops open. Derek starts cursing Cora in his head. It takes Stiles a minute to answer because he’s so surprised but then a huge grin breaks out on his face even as he gets more and more flushed. “Yes.”
“Yes? You’re saying yes? You’ll go to dinner with me?”
Stiles nods looking like a bobblehead. “Yeah. Yes. I—That—Please.”
Derek’s stomach feels full of butterflies, and he smiles, revealing the most adorable bunny teeth Stiles has ever seen. “Wow. I can’t believe you said yes. I’m—I was—I can’t wait. When are you free?”
Once again Erica jumps in before Stiles can. “He’s free tonight. If he says he’s not he’s being a naughty Alpha.”
Stiles glares at her. “I have Oliv—”
“She’s coming home with me and Boyd.” 
Olivia peeks her head out and smiles. “Erica is gonna make mac n cheese, with creamed corn and hot dogs. Boyd is gonna make cookies and he said he’d show me how he makes a wooden wolf!”
Erica smirks at him with a ‘You’re welcome’ expression and Stiles relaxes. Knowing Olivia is going to be looked after makes it easier to agree. 
Isaac jogs over and smiles. “We got the closing stuff handled, Alpha. I bet if you leave now you can get in a shower, get changed and head out in plenty of time.”
Stiles is overwhelmed and a bit fondly annoyed with his pack. He looks at Derek. “Sorry they tend to do that sometimes.”
Derek hasn’t stopped grinning. “I don’t mind. I’m still stuck on the fact that you said yes.” He pulls out his phone. “I have to let Cora know that—”
“Cora knows and has already taken the liberty of booking a hotel suite for Zeke and myself,” Cora interrupts as she sends a wink Derek’s way, making him blush. 
Stiles chokes on the water he was drinking. “Little presumptuous there, don’t you think?” he says, staring at Cora.
Derek looks at him apologetically and feels embarrassment churning in his stomach. “Just ignore her please?”
Erica cackles. “Like we all don’t sense the UST between you but there’s no pressure, Batman.” Stiles looks at her to see a soft smile on her face. “Just go have fun. Okay?”
He smiles softly at her. “Okay.”
Derek smiles and gestures to his car. “I’m gonna go get ready and I can come pick you up if you want. Then I can drive us?”
Stiles nods. “Sure. I have to hang my gear up and then I’ll head home to get ready. I can give you my address.”
“You need to exchange numbers with him first, Daddy!!” Olivia calls out.
“Ah. Yeah. I knew that,” he mumbles, his skin a pretty shade of pink that Derek wants to nip at. They exchange phones, input their numbers and trade them back.
“So, I’ll text you my address…” Stiles says trailing off as he takes a step back, not taking his eyes off Derek.
Derek also takes a step back. “I’ll come pick you up and…”
Stiles smiles. “We’ll go out for dinner and…”
They both are even more red now, but their smiles haven’t waned a bit.
“Hurry up, Daddy! You gotta go get even more beautiful!”
Stiles and Derek startle, having gotten lost in their own little world. They exchange adorably awkward waves before turning to go. Derek rushes to his car, glad he and Cora drove separately and heads to their hotel to get ready. Stiles hurries into the cabin, a bundle of excitement and nerves coursing through him.
Once he’s got his things, he kisses his daughter’s forehead. “I love you, angel.”
She smiles and hugs him. “Love you too, Daddy. Have fun with Mr. Derek!”
Stiles makes his way to his jeep, grinning like a loon and laughs at the howls that sound behind him as he pulls out of the parking lot.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 months
Looking back on my childhood...some things become much funnier and also much sadder in hindsight.
#when i was in school for a brief window before my parents decided to homeschool us#there were two girls about two years older than me who i retrospectively realize were trying quite hard to bully me#(and did in fact bully many other girls...so badly in fact that there was a lawsuit and several children were pulled from the school)#the one girl was the ringleader and would rile up the other girls in her class and her special pet henchman would help her#they used to say really awful things about and to me#i have one very vivid memory of the three of us playing all alone at a park and we were fighting over what was essentially a kiddie-zipline#we were all three taking turns but the ringleader and her pet henchman wanted it to themselves#so they started telling me to go away and play by myself#i knew they weren't allowed to tell me to go away and i didn't want to go away#so i just kept taking my turn#when they tried to jostle me away i jostled back (and i was a very sturdy five year old)#when that didn't work they tried to tell me that they didn't like me#and i told them very frankly that that was okay because i didn't like them either#then they tried to tell me that NO ONE liked me#and i listed off three other girls who did like me#so they told me those other little girls had told them that they were just pretending to like me#and i told them that no i was pretty sure netty and angie and kayla wouldn't say that--#(the most hilarious things was that these girls had never met kayla to begin with--a fact i was quick to point out)#--and that they were just saying that so they could hog the playground to themselves#it went on and on like that until all three of us had to go home#and i was completely unfazed by the whole thing#i only realized when i was MUCH MUCH older how vicious they were trying to be#but i was used to fighting with my siblings and that's how you warded off that kind of attack#you had to be matter-of-fact and a little brazen and never let anyone jostle you off the playground!#(not being afraid to tattle-tale was another asset XD)
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flammabel · 1 year
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'Zipping' around Jedha
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activeman-adventures · 10 months
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itsreaditandwow2 · 4 days
I have heartburn really bad! My heart hurts!
Lucas Cruikshank as Fred Figglehorn
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loenadiary · 2 months
📍Nami Island - 남이섬
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dreamlandmunnar · 4 months
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Zipline in Munnar
Experience the thrill of ziplining amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Munnar! Soar through the lush greenery and misty mountains on an exhilarating zipline adventure, discovering the beauty of this enchanting hill station in Kerala like never before.
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
(slowly sets random sting ray plushie I got for my birthday down) Brain-rot. so I present Dad!Simon and Ollie at the aquarium
Simon! Who was currently two weeks deep into babysitting oliver and it being the middle of summer almost everywhere and everything had been exhausted
"Library time with Miss Rue?"
Ollie frowns from his ice cream,- which you would murder simon for if you found out which is why they were both sworn to secrecy, "MIss Rue is jus reeed-ing Peter Bunny again. No want."
"No want." Simon echoed slowly, leaning against the kitchen counter as he tried to think.
"Big mall?" "No..."
"The zipline park?" (A normal park with a little kid zipline)
"The animals?"
"Nope. Momma said we stinky after animal."
Simon nods again, the local farmer's markets would normally have a little petting zoo- so that had also become a staple. "She did- rightoo laddie. Okay...okay, let Mister Riley think for a minute."
Ollie nods to his babysitters words and takes another hefty bite of the ice cream, "We could....we could see fish? We see fish."
"We go fish, in-in big pool."
Simon who spent ten finding which aquarium within a fifty mile radius had the best reviews because if he is...might as well make it memorable
Simon who made sure Ollie wore is water proof shoes because...well he just knew the kid was going to jump into the little kiddie water pad the aquarium had
Simon who packed a towel and change of clothes for that exact reason too
Simon who so has baby shark stuck in his head
Simon who once the tickets are purchased is already trying to trick the tyke down, basically playing marco polo
Simon who held up Ollie without a second thought to see the Jelly fish, telling him how he was once stung while he was down in Japan, smiling to the childs laughter
Simon who spends the extra fifteen dollars so Ollie could feed the stingrays, keeping an arm looped around him to keep him stable
Simon who of course notices the looks he's getting from the group of moms, he ignores them though
Simon who tried to politely turn down the one who came up to him, nice woman, seemed kind- yet...she wasn't...you
Simon who had to get more firm and did lie when she wouldn't get the message-
"Listen lady- I could kill ya without even blinking 'n you are really testin my patience so ho' bout you leave me 'n my son alone before i get annoyed?" Just how he assumed it would've gone down the woman became flustered and excused herself, meanwhile, Ollie was still being held in the air to look at the catfish.
Ollie looks to Simon as he then lets out a sigh and adjusts his grip on the boy, "Ister Riley?"
"Yeah, lad?"
"Mommy said killing people isn't nice."
Simon clears this throat, "Mum is real smart like that."
Simon who gets Ollie a plushie and teehsirt
Simon who feels really proud of himself when Ollie is fast asleep for the entire car ride home
(annnnyway thats it<333 any feedback and all that jazz means the world to me!!)
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sapphireginger · 8 months
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High on Zipping into Love: Full Story
Fully Posted
Stiles Stilinski is the owner and alpha of Howlin' Heights. The zip line park is one of the most popular attractions in the country.
Seems a man and his son agree. The son? So. Freaking. Adorable. The man? So. Freaking. Gorgeous. Stiles may be crushing. Too bad they'll be gone by the next day.
Or will they?
AO3 Link
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god have I ever told you guys about Florida: The Themepark, aka Gatorland?
So when I was 11 my parents got divorced and it was decided that for the first Christmas after the divorce I would NOT get to spend it with my Dad's family (which I have every year since I was born) and instead my mother would take me to fly across the country and spend Christmas with my maternal aunt in Florida.
So you know as a child going through her parent's very sudden separation and being torn away from the only family I have any real relationship with for the holidays, if I'm being dragged down to Florida against my will I'm at least going to Disney World right??? NO.
Apparently my aunt lived in the BORING part of Florida and it was "too far away" for us to go to Disney World. But as a consolation prize she was taking me to... Gatorland [Alligator Capital of the World]
So Gatorland is exactly what it sounds like... a discount theme park with thousands of wild alligators as the attraction. You know one of those super unethical 'wildlife preserves' that double as a tourist trap and are breaking every regulation known to man.
Basically the whole thing is a boardwalk with a pit under it (referred to as the 'Breeding Marsh' on their website) with like... an unethical amount of alligators in it. Pretty sure some of the big ones were eating the smaller ones.
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Aside from staring into The Gator Pit™ they offered such wonderful attractions as... zipline over The Gator Pit™, food, and 'educational shows'.
I did not go on the zipline. We then had lunch at a "restaurant" that served 'gator burgers'. Now this being Gatorland you'd think 'Gator burger' would be you know... fun theming for the kids. Like 'Big Mac' or 'Mickey Burger'. WRONG. The 'gator' in 'gator burger' refers to the alligator meat patty, which you must eat while surrounded by thousands of its living relatives. I do not remember what the 'Gator burger' tasted like.
To end the day we sat in this mini-stadium and watcher an educational 'gator show' in which the presenter dragged some poor alligator out and manhandle it, teaching us such interesting facts as 'an alligator's jaw strength only affects the closing of the jaws not the opening'. Which he then demonstrated by holding the alligator's mouth shut with his bare hands.
To more clearly demonstrate this unbelievable fact, the presenter taped the alligators mouth shut and invited all the kids in the audience to come sit on the live alligator for pictures.
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I did not sit on the live alligator for a picture.
That's all I remember about my Gatorland experience. Not a replacement for Disney World in the slightest. No one can believe me when I tell them this place exists. It's like if Florida Man was a theme park.
I desperately hope for it to go out of business so the Defunctland guy will make a video about it.
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rb if you vote tell me which if you want all that good stuff
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hoonvrs · 10 months
SANDY CHEEKS — y. jungwon
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req for 1k event!
PROMPT playing in a playground with jungwon ( based on his video )
PAIRING jungwon x gnr
GENRE est. relationship, comfort, fluff
WARNINGS the words fuck and ass appear once
W. COUNT 0.4k
S. NOTE his video <//3 the title is so goofy omfg
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walks along the han river at ungodly hours wasn’t new to you, courtesy of yang jungwon. 
sure you’d stay up until the sun is almost rising, but actually leaving your house was never even an option because, why would you ever consider leaving your warm bed for the harsh cold wind? 
until yang jungwon became your boyfriend.
your boyfriend who seems to love walks along rivers past 1am where the moon hangs idly in the sky, preferring to walk along the streets without having them filled with people — or worse, kids.
now, relaxing in your bed as you read online was a thing of the past. slowly finding yourself unconsciously preparing an outfit suitable for the weather outside for when you inevitably receive that ‘be ready in 20, were going on a walk!’ text from jungwon.
you didn’t necessarily hate the walks themselves, it was the cold. good thing you had your boyfriend there to warm you, “babe look! they have a park!”
you followed behind, not like you had much choice when you’re intertwined hands were tucked safely in his jacket pocket forcing you to go after him. sure enough, there was a playground, nothing especially different from the parks that were near your apartment except one thing. 
no kids. 
“they have a zipline i'm going to piss myself,” jungwon screamed, wasting no time to separate your hands and leave you in the dust.
you huffed under your breath, it's hard to complain about the sudden lack of warmth when you have your boyfriend climbing up the kiddie ladder to position himself high with the biggest smile on his face, “why can't you say you’re excited like a normal person?”
“because it's not as eloquent,” and maybe the effects of being on a playground took a toll on his brain because he blew a fucking raspberry at you. like, full spit and sound, “film me!”
“okay, you overgrown child,” you said, pulling out your phone to start recording him not expecting much. 
maybe, you both should have taken into consideration that you were both adults in a children’s playground, so it shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise when jungwon jumped off of the mini tower with the rope between his legs to only make it half the way before his feet buried themselves into the sand — effectively throwing your boyfriend down flat onto the ground.
he got up with a wince on his face, patting his pants down as you began doubling over in laughter on the ground unable to hear him whining over yourself, “i think i got some sand in my ass.” that only made you laugh louder, feeling tears ready to fall at any minute, “happy to see you enjoy my misery.”
“aww, don’t sulk sandy cheeks, let's go home,” you patted his shoulder, walking off towards the pavement leaving him whining behind you.
“hey! don’t call me that!”
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perm taglist @mesopret @whoschr ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @boyfhee @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre @dneltrise @aleiouvre @nyxvrse @yohanabanana
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activeman-adventures · 4 months
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N hates when Chris does stupid shit and brings her along. This night however it didn’t end up how they thought it would 🚔
Warning⚠️: SMUTTTTTTTTT. They was fucking in a holding cell…dirty HOES anyways ENJOYYYYY
Song for the imagine: Deceptacon- Le Tigre
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I love Chris with my whole heart, but sometimes he can be a fucking idiot. He does stupid shit that could get us in trouble yet doesn’t seem to care. He’s like a reckless child trapped in a grown man’s body
I always yelled at him for it, but he didn’t care clearly. He had this bad habit as of recently where he takes me out with him. I’m thinking we’re doing something cute, but then he starts pulling these shenanigans
I’ve given up. I just stay in the car and ignore him for the rest of the night because we’re 21 not 15, and this hooligan bullshit had to stop….
This brings us to right now it’s midnight, and I’d prefer to be sleeping or watching a movie, and what does Chris want to do? He wants to go be a fucking idiot, and I agreed like an idiot
He didn’t tell me what he had planned, but I knew it was bad. When he didn’t tell me his plans it usually resulted in crazy shit happening that could get us arrested.
“Chris, where are you taking us?” I asked him
“Somewhere fun come on baby lighten up” he said winking at me
“You know you’re going to get caught soon like this shit has to stop” I said rolling my eyes at him
“Babyyyyy come on live a little don’t you like the thrill” he said looking over at me
“Yeah I like thrill….like a rollercoaster or ziplining not illegal shit” I said
“You know me! I’m safe we won’t get caught I promise” he said
“Whatever….if you get arrested I’m ratting your ass out, and you can stay in jail” I said hugging
“I won’t get caught, but nice to know you have my back” he said sarcastically
He drove for another 20 minutes before he pulled up to what looked like an abandoned building from where he parked.
We got out and started to walk to the building, but it looked new
“Chris what the fuck are you doing this is not abandoned” I said to him
“I’m sure it it, I’ve been scoping this place out for a few days, no one comes in and out” he said
“Scoping out your next stupid activity is bizarre” I said annoyed
“Just come on” he said
We walked through some fences, and finally got to the building
“Alright baby let’s have some fun” he said pulling out spray paint cans from his sweatpant pockets
“Chris where the fuck did you get those, and how did I not see” I said looking at him
“Don’t worry about that, just have some fun” he said giving me the pink spray paint
I reluctantly took it, and we used our phone flash lights to illuminate the wall
Chris went straight in with his red spray paint just spraying dumb shit all over the walls
“Really a dick?” I said rolling my eyes
“Don’t cramp my style babe I’m just having fun” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Whatever” I said and began to paint the wall too
I wanted to hate this so much, but it was so much fucking fun just spray painting random shit on the walls
Suddenly we heard the leaves crunching in the distance
“Chris someone’s here” I said stopping
“No they aren’t it’s probably an animal” he said continuing to paint
“I don’t know I’m getting scared” I said looking around but not seeing anything
“Stop being a pussy” he said laughing
“HEY WHOS THERE” we hear a deep voice yell
“Chris you fucking idiot” I said in a whisper yell
“Shhh” he said pulling me in and turning his flashlight off
“You didn’t check if this place was surveillanced by cops” I said
“That I didn’t do” he said
“You’re so fucking stupid” I said to him
“Shhh I think they left” Chris said trying to listen
It got really quiet and we thought the close was clear, until suddenly a cop appeared flashing his bright light at us
“STAY RIGHT THERE” he yelled
Chris and I looked at each other
“RUNNNN” Chris said
All I know is Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me. We were running through the pitchblack
“I TOLD YOU, YOU WOULD GET CAUGHT” I screamed at him as we ran
We saw street lights and a road, so we ran that way and once he was off our trail we’d circle back around to Chris' car.
We ran towards the street, and as we ran squad cars circled us, and four cops came up behind us with their guns drawn
Chris and I both threw our hands up in the air looking at the cops
“DROP TO YOUR KNEES” one yelled
“Is that necessary we have our hands up” Chris said
“CHRIS SHUT UP” I yelled and started to get down on my knees
Chris didn’t though, and one cop tackled him down causing him to scratch his face on the pavement
“GET DOWN I SAID” he yelled at Chris
“HEY GET OFF OF MY BOYFRIEND HE DIDNT DO SHIT” I yelled as another cop got on my back bringing my hands behind my back
“Both of you shut up before you make it worse for yourselves” they said
“Chris Chris just relax let them arrest you” I said to him
They eventually got us cuffed and picked us up putting us in their squad car
“You’re so dumb” I said not looking at Chris
“I thought we had that” he said
“Yeah well we didn’t, and now we’re arrested, and your face is cut up” I said shaking my head
“I’m sorry” he said
“Yeah you should be I can’t believe you right now” I said rolling my eyes
They drove us to the precinct where we got our mugshots taken and our fingerprints done.
“You guys will be held in a cell block till we hear from the company you vandalized, they can press charges or they can drop them, and as of right now your bail is set at 1,000 each” the officer said bluntly
“This is bullshit” Chris said
“Should’ve thought about that before being idiots” he said smiling at us
“Can I get patched up for the cuts?” Chris asked
“Mmm nurse is off duty right now maybe in the morning” he said chewing his gum like an asshole
“Do I get a phone call?” I asked
“One call” he said
I had called Nick explaining what Chris got me into, and what our bail was set at. They said they’d see what they can do while we all waited for the company to get back to the officers
Chris and I were the only ones in the cell block yet they put us all the way in the last one
“I’m not supposed to put yall together, but you seem harmless” the guard said locking the cell
“Thanks for that how sweet” Chris said sarcastically
“Chris shut the fuck up for once” I said getting annoyed
“As long as you keep your hands to yourself, and watch that mouth of yours you guys can stay in here” the guard said
“Thank you sir” I said nodding my head and sitting down
“My face hurts” Chris said wincing
“Good I hope it does” I said rolling my eyes at him
“The way you tried to defend me earlier was so hot” he said looking at me
“Not now” I said bluntly
“My girl fighting for me….Ouu swore I got hard” he said winking at me
“We’re in a fucking prison cell, and all you think with is your dick….classic Chris” I said rolling my eyes
“Come on baby…..don’t you find any of this hot” he said
“No” I said
“Us running from the cops and being arrested. I don’t know seeing you in handcuffs was pretty hot” he said sitting next to me
“Your face being cut up and bleeding is the only hot thing” I said looking over at him
“Ouuu she finds bloody men hot” he said winking at me
“You’re so horny all the time” I said laughing
“I can’t help it” he said
“You think we could fuck and get away with it?” He asked
“First off no and second off that’s disgusting LOOK WHERE WERE AT” I kind of yelled at him
“Oh come on baby you can ride, and you won’t touch anything” he said
“You’re a dog” I said scoffing at him
“So is that a yes?” He asked looking at me
“Uhh fine only because you’re hot” I said
I got up and straddled his lap kissing him and running my hands through his hair
“We have to be really quiet though” I said to him
“Yes baby anything for you” he said kissing my neck
He came back up and continued to make out with me as I grinded down onto him
“Fuck Chris” I said biting my lip
He kissed my neck as he ran his hands up and down my body occasionally squeezing my ass and breasts
“Chris I need you now” I said grinding on his erection
“Me too baby” he said with half lidded eyes
I got up and removed my sweatpants leaving my underwear on so he could just push them to the side
Chris lifted up to pull his sweats down, and just pulled his dick out of his boxers
“Spit baby” he said stroking his dick
I leaned over and spat on his dick as he stroked his dick
I got back on his lap, and he slip my panties to the side
“Ready baby?” He asked
“Yeah” I breathed out
I slowly slid down onto his dick feel full
“Fuckkk” He whispered out
I slowly started to bounce up and down on him
“Shit Chris this feels so good” I said throwing my head back
“You’re such a dirty girl” he said rubbing my ass
“Shut up” I moaned out
I continued to bounce on his dick and making out with him to silence our moans. I then started to grind on his dick to allow my clit to get stimulated
“Shit Chris I’m going to cum” I said in a whisper grinding harder as he gripped my ass harder
“Come on baby you got this” he said helping me grind harder
“Fuckkkk” I said as my jaw fell and I started to grind down harder
“I won’t be able to hold out much longer” he whispered to me
“Okay okay” I said grinding on him
He brought his hand down to my clit and started to rub with his thumb
“Shittttt” I said shutting my eyes hard
“I’m cumming baby I’m cumming” I said as my mouth fell slack and fell into his chest, my legs shaking as I came all over his cock
“Come on baby you gonna swallow for me?” He said helping me ride out my high
“Yes baby” I said in a whisper
He helped me off of his dick, and I got down to my knees as he stroked his dick, his mouth falling slack as he covered his mouth cumming on my tongue, and I swallowed every last drop
“Fuck you’re so good to me” He said rubbing my cheek
“Always for you baby” I said standing up, and putting my sweatpants back on
He put his dick back into his boxers and pulled his pants up. I got up and laid down on the bench next to him laying my head on his lap
“You better never ever do this shit again” I said looking up at him
“I promise I won’t no matter how hot Jail sex is” he said laughing
“You pervert” I said playfully smacking him
“I’m kidding I won’t trust me I learned, I hope they don’t press charges and I pray Nick and Matt bail us out” Chris said leaning his head against the wall
“Yeah same” I said
We kept talking until we both dozed off
We immediately jumped out of our sleep
“Shit what time is it” Chris asked rubbing his eyes
“8AM, let’s go” the guard said gesturing with his hands
“Okay yeah” we both said scrambling to our feet and following him
He brought us out to the front where we signed some papers, and we walked outside to see Nick and Matt waiting for us
“Ayyy you guys came” Chris said hugging his brothers
“Yeah you owe us $2,000” Matt said hugging him
“What the fuck did you do” Nick said
“This idiot decided to be an idiot at the wrong place” I said to them
“Typical Chris, come on let’s had back to the house” Matt said
We got in the car and headed back to the house where we showered and had to go back and get Chris' car from the building. What an interesting life I was living with Chris
The End
Alright this was for my bestie, but I hoped all your guys enjoyed this😏🖤🖤
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jmdbjk · 1 month
I can't leave to enjoy a few days vacation without the world falling apart?
Hybe vs. Min HeeJin. Not on anyone's bingo card this year. I have not caught up on everything but who tipped off Hybe about her dastardly plans? The timing of it all... and her little extemporaneous skit she did for a press conference was perhaps part of her plan to turn public opinion in her favor? She claims to have invented kpop or at least made it what it is today but out the other side of her mouth says she hates idol culture?
Hybe's not here to play, they will not be nice. I see no benefit to her for showing us the not so pretty side of the idol industry. Maybe that's her problem, she can't see what she's doing because she's too far into it. Thirty years in the business will make you lose your objectivity. She has no idea she is coming across as a greedy, spoiled, entitled, manipulative, narcissistic, emotional female in a male dominated industry. Basically a nut case.
The lady had a tremendous opportunity to perhaps take ownership of her company in due time, become a great example for female leadership in a country where corporate culture is steeped in chaebolism. Instead she squandered that and thinks she will come out on top. Did she miss the Hybe vs. SM Entertainment episode from last year?
RM's new album! RPWP!
The Monochrome pop up store is doing well!
Jin will be back after 6 Fridays!
In other news. I went to Las Vegas. This is what I saw:
The Bellagio Fountains. They're huge. The Bellagio is SWANK. I looked for Jimin in Dior and Tiffany, Hobi in the Louis Vuitton store, Namjoon in the Bottega Veneta store, but none of them were in there. There was no Calvin Klein store.
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When Hobi, JK and Tae were there watching the fountains dance to Dynamite, they were standing here:
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Passed by Allegiant Stadium a few times. It's huge.
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Drove out to Seven Magic Mountains. I am happy to report the lowest boulders had no writing or graffiti. They were amazingly huge as you can see.
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Joon's pic of the above rocks:
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Went to AREA 15 and it was HUGE and amazing! It's impossible to show everything that its about, there are multiple buildings and installations and activities, gift shops, bars, etc. We went into the Omega Mart (mega art) experience which led to a maze of fantastically created chambers, each different from the last one, all pulsing with animated lights, texture walls, ceilings and floors.
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And ate at Hobak Korean BBQ. We couldn't find out which tables the members of BTS sat at but I got a pic of the Butter album they all signed. There were other autographs from other famous Korean celebs but the BTS signatures were displayed in a more prominent place on the wall.
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We also scoped out The Sphere. Also HUGE. The concert space is arena sized. I don't know who was playing there that night but the parking lot was filling up.
We also walked the Strip.
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The Fremont Street Experience. That's an animated video screen overhead with ziplines running through the length of it. It's two blocks of casinos, restaurants and gift shops. People are also doing busking and shows at street level.
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Hoover Dam, view of the dam from the highway bridge and view of the highway bridge from the dam. Spent a few minutes on the Arizona side.
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Hiked in the desert. Saw cactus and wildlife. Drank a lot of water.
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Drove to the Mojave Desert Preserve in California just to say we did.
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We hated leaving. It was a fun trip. But damn, I have so much stuff to catch up on now. Hiatus my ass.
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If Vegas is on the BTS comeback tour I promise I will be there this time.
We gambled at the airport on our way out. The slot machines were next to our gate. And in the baggage claim area. But as you can see, its not just about gambling there.
In case you didn't get it, everything in Vegas is HUUUGGE and FARRRR. Walk a lot, spend a lot of money.
Overall, Las Vegas was clean, the people were extremely friendly and welcoming of course, they might be teaching hospitality as a school subject there, I don't know.
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birbmania · 1 year
Went ziplining for my birthday today! There was a great horned owl nest in the tree right near the park office. This youngin had fallen out of the tree during last night's storms and was sent to my bird rescue to be checked on. He was found to be healthy and was put back quickly. He can't fly but is old enough to be a "brancher," aka leave the nest to tree climb. Shame I didn't have my camera, but! Was a lovely surprise to see him up close.
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