#zombies run ask
kodessa · 8 months
How would you describe your 5's aesthetic? Also, would you share a scenario/headcanon from your 5's personal canon? 🙂
Oooooo I got a 5 ask?! Hell yeah, thanks Anon!
My five is a ✨girl✨ in-spite of it all. Picture the cutest gym rat (shorts, sports bra, hoodie, and a bow and lipstick). Is it practical? No. Does it annoy Janine? Yes. Is she just going to do it anyway? Yes.
As far as personal head canon -
Not sure how far you are so possible spoilers for season 6
After Janine returns to Abel (post Sigrid banquet/revel of the zombie cure), 5 and Sam get married that week at Abel. 5 is frankly sick of almost dying without being Sam’s wife so with Janine home, 5 simply announces this is happening (to improve moral 🤣). King Jamie performs the wedding. Peter walks her down the aisle. Amelia arrives after the ceremony (she just wants to attend the party and also this keeps the actual canon that Amelia doesn’t know 5’s actual name)
Thanks for the ask! This was fun!
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strawberri-draws · 2 months
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shuichi posting
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crownleys · 8 days
Sorry to bother you but do you know what episode Simon's cancer is mentioned in? Apparently I completely missed this when I ran s3 😅
Spoilers for Zombies, Run! Season 3
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask! Simon having had cancer is speculated about based on some of his lines in Season 3, Mission 10 (thank you @/zrtranscripts!) with these lines:
"I used to think I was so perfect. The body beautiful, that was me. All those days at the gym, the tanning salon. I even had my chest waxed once.
None of it mattered, though. It didn’t stop what was going on inside, where the gym and the tan couldn’t touch. Every moment in that perfect body of mine, cells dividing and dividing and dividing until someday, just one of them, only one, that’s all it takes. Then suddenly, you’ve got your own death growing inside you. I was pretty on the outside, but inside, I was just rotting away."
So while he doesn't specifically say the words, "I had/have cancer," the mention of tanning (and the well known correlation between tanning beds and skin cancer) + the cell growth talk lead a lot of fans & players to assume it was some sort of cancer, just based on the language he uses. Hope it helps!
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drowsystarlight · 24 days
Why is your design for Sam so crunchy!
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Thanks! I agree with you he’s so crunchy i want to eat him (NOT zombie style)
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beepbeepinthecorner · 5 months
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The gang meets their first fast zombie 😔
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antimony-medusa · 10 months
Ok we have a philbur kiss. Now I want like. Tommy and Charlie to stumble out of a room together disheveled and simultaneously heavily deny and imply they were just fucking. I want to watch Twitter squirm even more
Can you IMAGINE what twitter would do. And also Tommy and Slime would 100% do this. I think you could roast marshmallows on the fires of mcyttwt if that happened.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
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Me when I edit my ref sheet for a!mj for the millionth time: :3👍 (technically a repost of old ref sheet but I’ve edited it so severely since posting it I’m considering it new in my brain, but the last image of the eyes/hands/mouth/soul is new! But it is a redraw of an old ref image I’ll include it under the cut!)
(Close ups bc I know tumblr with screw over the quality)
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Og vers of the extra ref image: (SCARY….)
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Hey so I recently saw some “zombies run” Fanart and it looks cool af, but I’m having a hard time understanding what it is? Do I learn more about Sam Yao by playing a fitness running game 😭😭😭😭????
Oh my goodness hiiii
Yes let me tell you allll about it ☺️
Rest assured you do learn more about our dear Sam.
He's your "guy in the chair" for most of your runs, particularly early on, and it's his job to look out for you and keep you safe.
He is an absolute sweetheart and you will fall in love with him 😆
Zombies Run is super accessible, it's built with all levels of fitness in mind and is available on Android and iOS. The first three seasons are free with no ads!! And you can straight up walk the missions if you want (or just listen to them like a podcast lol)
It's more of an interactive radio play than anything. And it's really good! There's a whole cast of characters and it's super well written.
Good luck! I hope this was helpful!!
- Qwerty
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af-answers · 1 year
an ask for artemis and the gang: what would you do in an event of a zombie apocalypse?
Artemis: I'm sure the Manor's anti-aircraft guns can be repurposed for more terrestrial use. The first order of business, though, would be to retrieve the twins from France.
Myles: No need. Beck and I have already constructed a bunker here.
Beckett: When the zombies come you’ll be glad we have the razor wire fences and robot gladiators.
Myles: We don’t have robot gladiators, Beck.
Beckett: Do you want to DIE?!
Juliet: No, dying is not allowed. I'll need to look over those plans, Myles.
Beckett: Minnie, if you don't have a bunker, you can come to ours. Myles won't admit it, but he's already planned for you in our rations and stuff.
Minerva: That's very kind of you, Beckett (and Myles). For my part, I’d look for a cure.
Butler: I’d be on surveillance during the day, and doing night runs for munitions and supplies.
Mulch: I’m hiding out until it blows over. Can you imagine a mouth like mine being zombified? I’d be unstoppable! And to be honest, human meat isn’t my bag.
Foaly: Haven has a zombie/plague invasion failsafe, but it actually isn’t much different than the times we’ve had to shut down due to Arty boy’s shenanigans. 
Artemis: I'm flattered. :)
Holly: He was more of a threat, actually. Even a zombie can’t survive magma, and the shoots are the only way into Haven.
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Morning rush!
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highlifeboat · 8 months
FINALLY SOMEBODY ELSE TO MOURN LIN WITH! They did her so wrong man ;_; We *had time to save her* man!!
I'VE NEVER SEEN HER DEATH SCENE BEFORE AND I AM JUST--SO UPSET??? Like I'm not someone who gets overly emotional with video games usually, but that shit HURTS? SO MUCH??
I wanna know how we got out of the trunk but then just left her ass. Like even if she was dead by that point why did we not at least get her body? (Maybe to maintain cover but if they already know Lin is a Saint who cares). Left my girl FLOATING IN THE RIVER.
ALSO FUUUCK the dude who kidnaps/kills her because he was WAY too creepy towards her. Like the way he talks to her makes me feel so eugh.
Just everything about her death is WILD and for WHAT? Just to kill the best female character in the game? WACK DECISIONS.
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artist-issues · 4 months
wait… I just realized you are in the zombie run fandom!
what do you think of it? I did the 5k training and am still early in season 1
I have a love-hate relationship with it! It has a lot of self-sacrificial values and stuff in the story, and I love Sam, and I think it has no business being as well-done as it is! But of course, there are just heaps of values and stuff I really think are lies in the story. They're also super black-and-white anti-a-lot-of-silly-stuff, and they can get preachy about the environment, capitalism, corporations, etc. and that's when the story takes hits. Plus they get culty.
I would never recommend the app to anyone for the story, because it's SO full of the world's weirdo nonsensical value system in so many ways. But, for exercise, I definitely would, because the story is well-written enough to keep you engaged and it's the only reason I stay even remotely in shape (outside of the discipline that comes from obeying the Lord...when I actually obey the Lord 😅)
Isn't Sam the best?
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I might not do anything with this BUT I've been thinking about the Shadow of Mordor games again and how FUN would it be if Sauron did that but instead of bringing back Celebrimbor he uses his necromancy magic to bring back Maedhros
An imposingly tall figure, all done up in Sauron's spikey black armor, instead of his mace there is a wicked black blade where a right hand should be. He roams at the front of the Nazgul, blade at the ready as the other holds the reigns to a monstrous horse
People are terrified, thinking that Sauron himself is roaming the wilds, he stalks the Fellowship, nothing seems to stop him only delay him. Gandalf isn't sure its Sauron himself, but something about him under all that twisted and dark and evil song sings pure, like a dull flicker of white flame, like a weak candle.
When Boromir dies, that figure is with the orcs, it isnt the one to slay Boromir, but turns away and it seems to know where the ring is. The orcs are too focused on Merry and Pipin to follow the Figure, but he walks off. He stands on the shores as Frodo and Sam shiver in the Swan boat, but it does nothing but watch them as they sail off. It makes no motion to follow them or attack their small boat, just watch transfixed. Sam makes a comment that it looks like the Figure's armor makes it almost like it has a metal collar around its neck and cuffs on its wrists
During the battle of Helm's Deep, that Figure is back again, silently leading the siege. At one point, an Elven arrow hits the Figure's helm, knocking it a little loose and from under the helm tumbles a single red lock of hair. Its so red that almost looks like a smoldering flame. Haldir, who lives with the survivors of Doriath, sees that red hair, that tall stature, the handless right wrist and pales. While he wasn't there to witness the destruction of Doriath, he has heard the tales, he knows about the red haired monster that haunts the memories of the Sindar, and he knows what that Figure is capable of. Luckily, that Figure manages to catch a glimpse of Aragorn, and Freezes once again, a single stone that cuts through the rushing current of orcs all around him. Haldir doesn't see it again, but then again, Haldir doesn't see much of anything again.
(The Figure sees Gandalf on the hill, arriving with the dawn and reinforcments and it grieves, something in it breaks all over again but the magic puppeting its moves doesn't allow it to dwell. The helm is readjusted and the hair is tucked away and the Figure turns and leaves the battlefield. Its being summonded somewhere else.)
The war rages on, the Witch King is dead, but so is King Theoden. The Figure is trapped, the right wrist is pinned under the corpse of an oliphant and Elrond's sons watch as the Figure struggles before lying still. It's clearly not dead, but realizing it's trapped.
Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli join the twins. Gimli offers to thrust his axe in its chest, Legolas insists that he can shoot through its eye from a safer distance. Aragorn, who heard Haldir's frantic pleas during his final moments, just observes the Figure.
He notices the strange collar, how it clearly has cuffs on its wrist and feet, like it used to be shackled and chained.
"Can you speak?" He asks it.
The Figure does nothing but turn its helm towards Aragorn. They stare at each other for a few tense moments.
One of the twins, Aragorn still isn't fully sure which one, approches the Figure slowly. The Figure's helm is still directed at Aragorn.
"It feels familiar." The one twin whispers, voice raw from exertion. "It has a fea, it feels warm."
"Like uncle Erestor. Or Lindir." The other twin agrees.
The Figure turns its helm towards the twins at the mention of Erestor. The twin closest to the Figure, quick as an adder, jabs a polearm at the Figure's helm.
It snaps back, the helm tumbling off the Figure's head and those smoldering red locks fan out around the head, obscuring the face from view.
Even without seeing the face it's clearly an Elf. An abused one at that if one just looks at the notches missing from it's pointed ears. The polearm is back, nudging under where a chin should be to lift the face.
First, all that is seen is scars. So many that pull the once handsome face, for even under all its marring one can tell from the bone structure that this was a face that could launch a thousand ships, into a grotesque manner. But it is the eyes, the eyes that makes everyone suck in a breath.
These eyes glow, they glow with power, with light never been seen before, or well, haven't been seen in Ages. These grey eyes glow with the reflected light of the Two Trees, long since felled.
"Oh, Maitimo," Gandalf, who had wandered up the the group, sighed with tremendous sorrow. "What has become of you?"
Maitimo, or Maedhros as those in the Third Age know him as, tries to speak. His lips move, which brings attention to the fact that they are loosely sewn together with a black cord that seems to pull and ooze blood, never letting the wounds heal. His voice croaks, dry with misuse, but he manages a sound, a breath, perphaps even a word. Each syllable like a dying wheeze. He repeats the sound, again and again, almost becoming frantic with his wheezing chants, blood spilling down his chin from the threads, until it's understandable.
#amber rambles#silmarillion#maedhros#maitimo#silm fic#Iotr#I personally think it would be Fun and Seasonal if Mae becomes a zombie puppet for Sauron#like I already think that because of the Oath and because of his time with Morgoth and Sauron he wouldnt be able to die or hear Mandos Call#And I think Sauron would be a petty bitch enough to bring back Mae as a fun little HaHa Deal With THIS Emotional Trauma Elrond U Ass#I couldnt decide if I wanted Mae to deal with Aragorn and the fellowship or with frodo and sam but I figured if hes being puppeted#he would go after aragorn HOWEVER a fun little alternative i have#is that he goes after frodo and sam and they end up in Shelobs cave and Mae is gonna kill the hobbits but the Liquid Starlight#snaps some of his Sauron Mind Control off and activates his Omg Oath!! brain and he fights Shelob off the hobbits to grab it#and he knows he cant grab the vial cause hes Literally a figure of evil now but he just sits there and stares at it#and Little Sam goes up to him slowly and asks#If you want that vial i can help you but you must not hurt Mr Frodo anymore do you promise?#And Mae nods his head. promising.#so Sam cuts off a corner of his cloak and wraps the vial in it and hands it over to Mae who just hold the cloth bundle and begins to shake#he sobs. big wheezes and moans that cant make it past his sewn lips but he tries and Sam runs off to save Frodo while he does that#Then once gollum tosses himself and the ring into the lava and the world is crumbling around them Mae appears in the cave opening#to scoop up the tired hobbits and carry them to safety not caring about lava chasing after them. He collapses once the eagels come#Sam tries to get them to take Mae as well. But they dont and he screams and Mae just takes off his helm and smiles#He holds up the wrapped vial in his hand and with his bladed hand he cuts through the threads on his lips and shouts up to the sky#Thank You! A New Dawn Shall Rise!! and the eagles fly higher and farther and sam cant see it but he knows the lava swallowed him up#and a new dawn does rise. It rises on a new Age with a new king and a wedding and painful goodbyes and a new beginning
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freaky-flawless · 5 months
A possible idea for vice principal, have you considered, a gorgon? Afterall, they need to be careful and have self-control in order not to accidentally turn anyone to stone, plusssss, they can defend the kids if shit like monster hunters happen
My one hangup with a Gorgon is that I like the idea of them being a rare Monster type, with Deuce being the only one that attends the school (and Viperine I suppose but I don't think she's actually a student)
I'm still playing around with what I'd want personality wise, but I am leaning more towards their personality being somewhat opposite to the Headmistress.
Where Bloodgood is stern and somewhat intimidating, I kinda want the Vice to be playful and approachable. I just think that'll make for a fun dynamic between the two.
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Ohh you have to continue the zombie au!! Them finally meeting sersi and co will be amazing :D
"Welcome, Gilgamesh."
He frowned at those around him. He hadn't given them his name. Usually it was Thena who was deeply distrustful of anyone they came across, but he was happy to take up that mantle in her absence.
That was the worst part about this place, that he had yet to see Thena.
He had woken up in a fit over it, but they had told him - promised him - that he would see her if he kept himself calm. They returned his clothes to him, washed and everything.
"We take in all those who need help," the short doctor, Ajak he had learned, said beside him. The cafeteria was surprisingly bustling with people. "That was how you came to us."
They had told him that Thena had arrived with him on her back, which he couldn't help but doubt. Not that she would do it, but Thena was half his weight at most, and they didn't exactly have food or water to spare, last he remembered.
The last solid memory he did have was of feeling feverish, dragging his feet as they continued towards the next city. He must have been really lagging, because Thena did something they never did, which was commandeer a car.
He could remember being in the backseat, and he could remember Thena's voice whispering sweet things, his head in her lap, her tipping water up to his lips.
All the more reason for him to be wary of these people until he could see Thena for himself. He looked around the place, "I don't see her."
They sighed. He had been a broken record since getting on his feet, but he felt he had good reason to be. The other doctor patted his shoulder, although he flinched away from her. "Thena is just getting back."
"Back?" he frowned and turned. Sersi, the younger, taller doctor, and a third guy in a white coat named Phastos all stepped back from him. They were the only ones he'd met so far. "Where was she?"
"She joined some of our scouts on a run," Phastos attempted to be a voice of reason. "Some of the supplies we needed were for you, so she volunteered to go with them."
He wasn't exactly placated by the news. "So you sent her out there with people she doesn't even know? Are they really gonna watch her back out there? What if they can't protect her?!"
"Gil, please," Sersi joined in the effort to soothe him. "It's a simple run to the closest facility outside the hospital. We've been here a long time--since the beginning, really. We've already sectioned off half the city as safe territory."
Gil huffed. With Phastos behind him and the docs in front, he felt a bit like a caged animal. He looked around the bustling cafeteria again, "fine. When will they be back?"
"It should be any time now," Sersi promised before turning and trotting off.
"Sersi's husband is part of the field team," Ajak supplied in her absence, leading them closer to the rest of the populace. The people already there eyed them and kept their distance, but they didn't exactly pull out pitch forks and torches at the sight of him. "We have some very good people here with us."
Gil watched as Doctor Sersi trotted over to the door, her wavy black ponytail bouncing behind her. She must have seen they were coming, because she ran at the door and launched herself into someone's arms before they were even in the room.
A man walked in with her attached to him, tall and broad shouldered. Gil couldn't hear them, but he had an inkling that he was one of the men who had dragged him inside when Thena no longer could. The other one walked in past the married couple, not even glancing at them.
Finally, far behind the other two, a ghost of a figure hurried into the room and immediately split off and away from everyone. Despite the promise of food, she steered clear of the line for it, pushing a blonde ponytail off her shoulder and pulling off her backpack.
Her clothes had also been washed, and the jacket she was wearing seemed to be new, maybe as a form of protection. But that was definitely his Thena prowling away from the thick of the crowd.
Heads turned and people jumped out of the way of the huge stranger sprinting across the room. Some of them yelped, as if he were a train barrelling forward on its tracks. But he could only see Thena.
"Gil!" she barely got out before he swallowed her up, his arms snaking around her and his massive form folding over her. Her knees bent in response but he held her close, swinging her around in his arms.
"Thena! You're okay!" he sobbed, openly at that. For all his reluctance to cooperate with their hosts thus far he let himself weep with joy as he finally felt Thena's light frame in his embrace again. She still smelled like fresh air, and she was warm, and she was kind of bony, but soft in the places it mattered. "I-I thought-!"
"Sh, Gil, I'm here," she cooed, running her fingers through his hair as he blubbered over her like a baby. She let him lean his weight on her, his face buried between her neck and her shoulder, their legs stumbling, "it's okay, just breathe."
"I told you--they're too committed to each other, they won't-"
"Ikaris, hush."
"Are we just gonna watch them make out, or...?"
"Give them some space," Ajak urged the rest of her team. Gil pulled his head up to see her waving them back, her back turned to them. She didn't have the distrust in him and Thena that he had with her. "can you blame them?"
"Gil," Thena called to him, pulling his attention back to her. She put her hand to his cheek, her eyes scrubbing over him, "are you okay?"
He nodded, leaning into her touch, "I'm okay. Wh-What about you? I woke up and a-and you-"
"Sorry," Sersi leaned over to offer her apologies, "I voted to move you into the same room, but I got outnumbered."
"We weren't sure what to make of you," the other man who came in alongside Sersi's husband shrugged. "And then you freaked out when she wasn't there, so-"
"So," Gil made a face, "you decided that keeping us apart longer would fix that?"
Ajak laughed, although the guy clearly didn't appreciate it. He huffed, putting his hands on his hips, "hey, big guy, I'm the funny one here, got it?"
"Okay," Ajak spoke to those crowded around them en masse again, "let's let the lovebirds have a bite to eat and settle themselves. We can discuss what happens from here on afterward."
What did she mean by that? But Gil looked down as Thena slipped her hand into his. He was going to have to ignore that 'lovebirds' comment for now too, huh?
"Come on," Thena pulled him by the hand, keeping their fingers intertwined, "you must be starving."
"Well, yeah, but-" he looked around, still feeling on edge in the completely new environment. It was being around people - living people - that had him so on edge.
"I'll tell you everything that's happened," Thena promised him, "after you eat."
He just sighed, looking at her like she was the sun and he'd been underground for years. He would do anything if it meant he didn't have to let go of her hand yet, "fine."
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drowsystarlight · 1 year
just saw you finished s3
pls liveblog your act ii listening experience, we are all begging you
Cracks knuckles
The fandom had fun watching me lose my shit over season three (specifically looking at you mind control arc. Fuck you. Personally.) and anon here wants to witness me lose my shit again, as I re-experience season three via Act 2 of the musical, so why not !!! I had fun even if it was EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL and the fandom elders nodding their heads collectively was fucking hilarious to me so fuck it, here we go !!! Zrs3 spoiler tag and zrtm spoiler tag will be included in each reblog !!!
Before I start though, I should note that I am a very impatient kid and already listened to Entr’acte and Come Back Home as soon as I started S3. My current favorite right now is Entr’acte bc it’s CUTE OKAY and Ik i listened to it once and was singing-humming the thing to myself all the time,,,,, it’s just so cute,,,,, what a fun song,,,,,, surely s3 would be as fun and cheery right,,,,,, hhahahahahah (not)
Also, this specific fucking bit????????
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CRIMINAL OFFENSE. JAIL TIME. Shit still hurts and now I’m about to listen to it again KNOWING WHAT HAPPENS so now I’m also aware of possible foreshadowing…….. actually i think I already know where this specific passage will beat my ass later in the musical,,,,,,,, just a hunch just a feeling,,,,,, (uncontrollable sobbing)
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