#zoo tube
beardedmrbean · 1 year
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Noel and Lynn at the Copenhagen Zoo being silly silly bears
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woosh-floosh · 6 months
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Took a family trip down to Atlanta this week to visit the aquarium and the zoo! Was able to take lots of animal photos yayyy!!!
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microsoftoutlook · 28 days
no….its a plastic ball that i lick
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jeanne-davenport · 1 year
King Julian and...
zoo, Warszawa
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ura-niia · 4 months
My willingness to participate in being experimented on in laboratory animal testing got me 4 tickets
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
With permission I will now be sharing my absolute favorite story from my friend Buck. For flavor, here are some facts about him.
Buck, like myself, is on the spectrum. Most comfortable in a cowboy hat, he grew up rural and was named after his grandfathers favorite horse. He carries that same grandfathers ashes on his person. He is often mistaken for a staff member when he goes to the zoo.
Back when Buck was a small little lad his father took him and his sister out boating. His dad judged that he was old enough to apply his own sunscreen for the day on the water and subsequently filled his tiny hands with a dollop of lotion.
He cautioned, “Here, just be careful not to get it in your eyes.” Buck held out his hands to receive the sunscreen, and his dad turned away to attend to Buck’s sister.
Buck’s dad had only turned away for a moment to start on his daughters protection when Buck’s shrieking cry cut through the warm sunny day. He spun back around to behold Buck, sunscreen spackled completely over his eye sockets, screaming his tiny head off.
Buck’s dad was absolutely flabbergasted by having issued the warning “Be careful of you eyes” only to have his son immediately slap a half a tube of sunscreen directly into his eyes. He couldn’t have foreseen the twists of Buck’s tiny autistic mind.
Buck had looked down at the sunscreen in his hands. He had heard the warning. It naturally made him think- he had to be careful of his eyes… BUT! What about his eyelids? If he didn’t get sunscreen on his eyelids then they might burn!
Tiny Buck could not imagine anything worse than sunburned eyelids and slapped his hands up over his eyes after that brilliant realization, only to instantly self inflict the burning he had hoped to avoid.
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youji-burgers · 1 year
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hey people who know fish why it do that?
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nonsensical-pixels · 8 months
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as anyone who knows me will know, my house is a zoo i am a sucker for small rodents, especially guinea pigs and hamsters. last year for my 17th birthday i shared these deco guinea pigs, so this year today, for my 18th, have the natural progression of that post: a 4t2 conversion of @kaisosims' rodents pack! 20 new, modular, decorative fur-baby items & accessories for your sims to adore 🥰
everything that could have fitted slots has slots; the hamster shelf, notably, has a grand total of 15! all of the cages are stackable, i.e.: you can put the animals (which are purely deco) in them, then stack them on top of any other surface--the given ones, or a counter, study table, etc.! more info can be found under the cut 👇
this set was originally supposed to be my... wow... 1000 followers and 17th birthday gift. but back then my cc skills honestly kinda sucked and the slots + transparency drove me to insanity. over a year, 1500 more followers, and a mental crisis later, here we are, with the final product of over 30 hours of hard work! 👏 in any case, thank you all so much for 2500 followers!
tysm to @skittlesplays for suggesting this set in the first place btw, you know me so well anna!! if you'd like to see my other, mechtasims pet set, which i converted in her honour, check out my 1000 followers gift weekend starting here.
credits go to @kaisosims for the original ts4 meshes & textures, they are so adorable! and of course to all of you, for sticking with me through another birthday 💖
Originally by Kaisosims for TS4. Converted to The Sims 2 by nonsensical-pixels.
Pretty much everything that can have a slot, has a slot!
All cages can be placed on other surfaces, like tables, counters, etc.; if you want to place an animal inside of them, do that first, THEN place them on the surface.
Everything is decorative; nothing is functional… yet.
Art pieces are in the Paintings category, surfaces like the Cage Stand are in Surfaces -> Misc, and everything else is in General -> Pets.
You may note that some items have drastically different polycounts from the TS4 originals; this is because TS4 automates the appearance of backfaces, but TS2 doesn't recognise them, so I had to add my own.
Art (28 polys) Cage Stand (398 polys) Cleaning Supplies (424 polys) Ferret (682 polys) Food (100 polys) Guinea Pig (484 polys) Guinea Pig Enclosure (4356 polys) Guinea Pig Enclosure Top (1008 polys) Hamster (520 polys) Hamster Cage (1758 polys) Hamster Table (308 polys) Rat (456 polys) Rat Cage (2140 polys) Small Cage (988 polys) Substrate (144 polys) Treats (1876 polys) Tube (640 polys) Wood Wall Art (380 polys) Zoom Pet (341 polys)
20 items total. Collection file included for added convenience!
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much love from my lil piggies: bethany, ivory, emily, and alex!! they're getting new cages for my birthday, just like my sims' piggies 🐽
once again, thank you guys all so much for the support! i wish i could've added more to this gift but i guess this weekend's content will be compensation... 👀 if there are any issues that you find with this set, please don't be afraid to let me know! otherwise, i'll see you in the next one. happy simming, and when you download this, do keep in mind,
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Love, ~ Ky 💓
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
End of the World III
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Ruesha Littlejohn x Child!Reader
Summary: It's different at Mammy's house
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"I've got you!" Mammy said, reaching down to snatch you up.
You shrieked and tried to pull away but she had you nice and tight, throwing you up into the air and catching you. "Mammy!" You laughed," Let go!"
"No chance!" Mammy declared, pretending to bite at your cheeks.
You laughed again, trying to bat her away as you caught sight of Ma sliding the back door open.
It was an unusually warm day so Ma said you could all eat in the wendy house at the bottom of the garden.
"Katie!" Ma scolded when Mammy turned you upside down and shook.
"We're just playing!" Mammy laughed as she pretended to drop you, much to your amusement and Ma's horror.
"You can play later. Come on, kiddo, help me carry everything out."
As soon as you were on your feet again, you hurried inside to collect the plates Ma wanted you to take. You walked as quick as you could without running (because then Ma would scold you like she scolded Mammy) and placed the plates on the little table in the wendy house that Mammy and Ma built for you last year.
"You got everything, kiddo?" Mammy teased as you moved back and forth between the table and inside.
You thought for a moment, nodding before shaking your head. You bounded over to her and asked," What do you want to drink, Mammy?"
Mammy laughed. "There should be some fruit juice in the fridge, kiddo. Can you get me that?"
"I can!" You scampered off back inside and tugged on Ma's shorts. "Mammy wants fruit juice."
"And she's too lazy to come and get it herself?" Ma teased as she poured some into a glass for you to take.
"I asked!" You said quickly.
"My helpful girl," Ma kissed you on the head before sending you on your way.
On your way to the garden, you begin to feel a little woozy and blink a few times to see the entire garden has gone still and someone's calling your name.
You blink awake suddenly, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see Ma kneeling in front of you.
"Hey sleepy girl," She says," You look like you were having a good dream."
You nod sullenly.
Ma puppeteers you into your clothes when it becomes clear that you don't want to move. You've spent your week with Ma and now you're going back with Mammy to Arsenal. You're used to the routine of it now but after your dream, you can't bring yourself to be happy about seeing Mammy again even though you've really missed her since you've been away.
You swing your leg up to put on Ma's knee and she laces up your shoes nice and tight.
Ma does a lot of things she didn't use to do with you. When it was Ma and Mammy and you, you did things all together or with one of them only. Now though, Ma has a lot more time with you. She takes you everywhere, to the park, to the cinema...Anywhere you want to go, she takes you.
You went to the zoo yesterday and the day before that you went to the trampoline park. You scraped your elbow there and Ma gave it special magic kisses and took you to get ice cream.
Something that's become increasingly more regular with Ma is that she holds you. She didn't used to hold you in her arms, just your hand, but she does it a lot now. Sometimes, when she's having one of her bad days, she holds you close and tight and just sits with you. Sometimes, when she's having one of her really bad days, she cries.
You both pretend not to notice.
She smiles at you as she zips up your jacket and helps you wear your backpack. That's new too, decorated with the characters from your favourite show. You went to Camden market the day you came home to her and you saw it at one of the stalls and Ma bought it straight away and then you shared some Dutch pancakes before getting on the tube to go home.
"I love you," She says as she presses a kiss to your cheek. She puts one on your other cheek. "I love you." Then your forehead. "I love you." Your nose. "I love you." Your chin and then your cheeks again. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
You giggle and try to squirm away when she tries to start it all again. She doesn't let you go and you're thankful when the doorbell rings.
"Mammy!" You cheer, barrelling into her. All of your earlier aloofness towards her has disappeared as you crash into her, arms coming up to wrap around her middle.
"Hey, kiddo!" Mammy laughs as she picks you up," ...Hey, Ruesha."
"Hi, Katie."
You know something bad happened between Ma and Mammy. You know so because you heard Ma discuss it with Auntie Shebahn and Lucy when they were having one of their adult juice nights when you were meant to be sleeping.
Ma mentioned Mammy's adult name a lot and Caitlin's name too but you didn't understand it. All you know is something bad happened and now Ma and Mammy won't even be friends anymore.
"All of her stuff is packed," Ma says to Mammy as you wait on the doorstep, standing on your tiptoes to shyly wave at Caitlin, who was waiting in the car," There's a juice box and snacks too. Her tablet's all charged up and she's got her special pillow too, in case she wants to nap and-"
"I'm her Mam too, Ruesha," Mammy says as she takes your hand," I know what to do with her. Say goodbye to your Ma, kiddo."
"Bye Ma! Love you!"
"Love you too."
Mammy straps you into your car seat and pulls off the driveway.
Caitlin says hello to you before she and Mammy get involved in one of their adult conversations that you don't know how to contribute to. Now that it's just you and Ma, she never has conversations that you can't be included in like Mammy and Caitlin do.
It's a little annoying but it doesn't take too long to get home so you can deal with it.
"Put your stuff away," Mammy says," And then we'll sort out some lunch. Sound good, kiddo?"
"Will you play with me?" You ask.
She winces and brushes a hand over your head. "Later," She promises," I've got some meetings to go to and some emails to answer. But I'll play with you later, okay?"
Ma always plays with you when you ask but this isn't Ma's house and this isn't Ma. The rules at Mammy's are a bit different to Ma's so you just nod and go to put your stuff in your room.
You sit criss-cross-apple-sauce in the living room with some of your barnyard animals, making your tractor drive over the rug. Cooper naps nearby and you give him a kiss in greeting before going back to your game.
Mammy and Caitlin sit at the kitchen table. Mammy's got her headphones on and she's talking to the people on her screen while Caitlin is hunched over a book, scrawling notes with one hand.
You're hungry and Mammy's on one of her special calls that you know you're not meant to interrupt her unless you're hurt. You glance at Caitlin. You know the bad thing that happened between Ma and Mammy had something to do with her so you're a little wary in approaching her but you suck it up because you're hungry.
You tug on her top. "Caitlin?"
"Huh...? Oh, right. Yeah, what's up, kid?"
"I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
Caitlin glances at the kitchen. "I think we've got ham and cheese? Do you want a sandwich?"
Caitlin lifts you up onto the granite countertops as she makes you your sandwich.
"You have to cut it into triangles," You say," And no crusts. Because crusts are bad."
She grins at you. "Triangles and no crusts. Got it, boss."
That makes you giggle a little. You're not the boss.
"Thank you, Caitlin."
You sit by Cooper on the floor to eat your sandwich, playing with your toys. By the time you've finished your sandwich, Mammy has finished her meeting.
"Mammy," You say as she passes you," We can play now?"
"Sorry, kiddo," She replies," I'm still working."
You huff. "But it's later now! You said you would play with me! Ma always plays with me!"
You know it's the wrong thing to say because Mammy's face goes sad for a moment before she presses her lips to the top of your head.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," But I'm very nearly done. Why don't you play with Caitlin? She's free."
You give Caitlin a wary look but she's smiling at you and you've got no other options with Mammy doing work and Cooper asleep. So, begrudgingly, you nod.
Caitlin joins you in front of your farm toys.
You give her a look. "You can be the donkey," You say, passing the toy over to her," And the fat duck. He's fat because he eats bread all the time. He's stupid."
You're sullen and a bit pouty and you keep looking up to see if Mammy's nearly done.
She's working a lot now. Always working or doing something that you can't do. Ma never does anything like that. She always plays with you.
You pout, bottom lip jutting out as you wait for Mammy but she's taking ages.
Caitlin seems to notice because she looks between you both several times before opening her mouth. "Katie!"
Mammy looks up.
"Come and play."
"I have work," Mammy says.
"Nothing that can't wait a few hours," Caitlin says," You haven't seen her all week. Come and play with us."
"Please, Mammy," You say," I promise I won't ask again all visit!"
Something in Mammy's expression shatters as she approaches. She cups your face, running her finger over your cheekbone. She sighs.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," I'll...I'll play with you. You don't have to promise that."
"Mammy needs to work," You say to Caitlin," Not supposed to interrupt her when she works."
It's clear to Katie that you're a bit bummed out about everything. She had plans last night to take you out to the park and to the nice bakery you like but a call from her agent in the car when she drove to pick you up about today's meeting had completely blindsided her and then, when she thought about it, she realised that she had emails that she needed to reply to.
Katie sighs, sitting down on the floor and pulling you into her lap. "No," She says," I don't need to work right now. I've got an adorable little kiddo to play with first."
You give her an odd look like you can't quite believe what she's saying before you look down at your toys with a smile.
"You can be the horse," You say," Because he likes playing rough with his friends."
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
leveling the playing field V
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summary: you didn't meet the requirements for the plinth prize, only to find out that you're not just missing out on that- you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. your friend wants to help, because maybe you can help each other.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.6k (she's long today DAMN)
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). implications and discussion of abuse, so read with caution!!
masterlists // nav // requests
join my taglist here
a/n: head empty, no thoughts. only this fic. but i should say if you enjoy it please reblog!! it means so much to us as writers, and who knows! maybe one of your mutuals is missing out on their future favourite fic ;)
next part
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You're about to walk out the door, heading to the academy to meet Coryo before the games start. To try and prepare as best you can.
"Y/N, wait." Your dad stops you as you reach for the handle, and you quickly turn to him. 
"Yes?" You know better than to rush him, but you already were running slightly behind schedule.
"Good luck today." He says and you nod at him.
"Thank you."
"And don't let Coriolanus down." There it is. "He is helping you, he didn't have to do that. Don't ruin this for him. If he needs anything, get it for him. If he tells you to jump, ask how high. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." You nod, a pit forming in your stomach. The pressure was on, not that it wasn't already, but now it was so much more real.
"Now, hurry up. Don't keep him waiting." He dismisses you, and you don't have to be told twice.
When you reach the academy, you rush inside. You were always rushing places, these days. The building was almost deserted, it was still quite early, but only two minutes until the time you agreed to meet Coryo in the courtyard. The Games were set to start in just under three hours, and you weren't sure what you would fill that time with, but that is what he asked of you so that is what you will do.
The last you had seen him was only about four or so hours ago, when he walked you home after stopping at the zoo to bring Lucy Gray the arena layout and he gave her a compact. One she promised to give back after the games, after crying over what today would bring. You felt bad, but mostly because you felt it was somewhat inconvenient that she would waste time over tears when you had important information for her on where to go and how to hide. This was valuable to her. Every moment counted if she wanted to walk out of the arena alive.
You spot Coryo pacing the courtyard through the window before you push it open, stepping out onto the path as the cool air brushes over your skin. It was July, but the mornings were still crisp.
"Sorry I'm almost late, I-"
"It's okay." He interrupts you as you get closer. He really only wanted you there for company, and he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep in this time anyway. "How are you feeling?" 
"Fine, if a little tired." You shrug. "You?"
"Fine." He echoes your answer, just standing there staring at you in the silence. He really wasn't afraid of silence- but you were.
"What about your back? Recovering okay? I have some extra morphing if you're in pain." You offer, already reaching for your bag just for the sake of giving yourself something to do with your hands.
Confusion takes over his features. "Morphling?" He asks, brow furrowed. "Why do you have that on you?"
"Migraines, twisted ankles, cramps..." You answer. "You never know when you'll need some." You hold the small tube out to him, but he shakes his head, pushing your hand down. 
He was sore, it wouldn't hurt, but something about taking it from you felt wrong. "No thank you, I'm fine." It would make sense that you would have it, though it was only accessible by prescription. It was likely your dad who prescribed it to you, if only so you could have it on hand. Or because he knows how often you're hurting, or he doesn't want you acting hurt- exposing the irony of having an abusive father who's also the most sought-after doctor in all of the Capitol. Morphling numbs the body, but also the mind. It's highly addictive, expensive to those who could access it, and not for the faint of heart- but you showed no signs of addiction. You must not take it often, therefore there's no real reason for him to be worried.
"Suit yourself." You shrug, tucking the vial away again. "Let me know if you change your mind. We have a long day ahead." 
He nods in confirmation, joining you as you sit down on a bench nearby. "What did you give Lucy Gray last night, anyway?"
"A compact?" He feigns confusion, knowing the true implications of your question.
"Duh, Mister President." You tease. "I meant what was in it?"
Coryo chews on the inside of his cheek, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He has to answer casually, lest face your anger issues when he shows any guilt about cheating. "Uh, nothing." That wasn't a total lie, he just left out the part where he implied that Lucy Gray could find something within the cage at the zoo that would fit nicely in it, something like rat poison.
"Nothing?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "You just gave her that as a gift?"
"Something like that." He shrugs, and your expression reads as though you're not buying it. "If she happened to find something to put in it, something that could help her, that would be just an unrelated convenience."
You freeze, staring at him in disbelief. "Coryo." You whisper, slapping his shoulder to get him to look at you as you read between the lines. "Something like rat poison? That's cheating! Are you kidding me right now?"
"What?" He defends, sitting up straighter as he looks over at you again. "It's my only shot! If she doesn't win, I can kiss the prize goodbye."
"It's not about her winning, Coriolanus. It's about the efficacy of the mentorship! Dean Highbottom said-"
"Dean Highbottom despises me, winning is the only thing I can do to get him to even glance at my mentorship as an option." He argues and you groan, burying your face in your hands.
He watches you, and suddenly feels regret for his decision. If only because you didn't approve of his actions. "Okay." You sigh, dropping your hands into your lap again and sitting up straighter. "Okay. We can work with it. As long as she is smart about it, we won't get caught. And like you said, we didn't do anything. It was just a gift."
"I warned her. She knows." He assures you. Really, there's no harm done unless you get caught. And should Lucy Gray become the victor, your life plan will fall beautifully into place. It will be worth it, you're ashamed you didn't think of such a thing first.
After everyone else arrived, the two of you decided to make a fashionably late entrance, walking into the newly decorated hall, containing many students and professors alike, the large screens against the back wall displaying all of the remaining tributes and the Hunger Games logo, where the games themselves will be aired. You were excited and scared all at once. 
"Y/N, Coriolanus." Dean Highbottom greets you as you enter, taking in the atmosphere. Both of you grace him with just a nod. "I'd advise you to tell your friend Sejanus to find a seat near the door..." He adds quietly before walking off, leaving the two of you confused.
Coryo doesn't seem to think too much about it, just heading down the stairs. You follow behind him, head held high to counteract any of your peer's bitter staring or laughs. Everyone knew you didn't qualify for a mentorship, and to most, you just appeared to be following Coriolanus Snow around like a lost puppy, hoping to get the scraps of his success. 
They won't be laughing when you are Head Gamemaker, that's for sure. But even then, will that not also be the scraps of his success? Him appointing you to the job of your dreams after his inauguration, will that not appear to be out of bias or pity? This isn't a question you have time to let bother you. Your future starts today.
When the games are about to start, you follow Coryo over while he decides which desk to take, deciding on one in the back row close to where you will be sitting. "Good luck." You grin, placing a hand on his forearm. 
He looks down at where your hand is brushing over his coat sleeve and he nods.
You get closer, standing on your tip-toes to whisper to him. "Snow lands on top."
A small smile forms on his face. "Snow lands on top." He whispers back, grabbing your hand for only a moment, afraid of the Dean or Dr. Gaul taking notice. That would only serve to get you both in trouble.
You sit in the first row of benches where Coryo can see you, can easily look to you for help. He's grateful to have you in his peripheral, knowing that you're there, and you're not leaving, is what he didn't realize he really needed.
You both watch silently as the tributes walk out to their designated spots surrounding the pile of rubble in the center of the arena. You were there just last night, but now it looks scarier- even in the light of day. Maybe it's because you know what you are about to witness. All you can do is hope Lucy Gray won't be the first down.
Your heart drops into your stomach when the camera pans to show Sejanus's tribute- the one who escaped, hung from a beam by both his wrists. It's hard to look at, and along with the gasps that echo through the hall and Lucky's commentary, you hear a chair scraping and your eyes land on Sejanus, who's now standing in the middle of the room. He's seething, you can see it in the exaggerated rise and fall of his chest and in the contraction of seemingly every muscle in his body. That's what Dean Highbottom meant- he knew Sejanus would be leaving quickly. You stand as well, your intuition telling you he won't be leaving quietly. Neither would you, if you were in his place.
In a second, Sejanus is throwing his desk and everything on it at the large screen in front of him, screaming in anger. "You're all monsters!" 
You find your feet carrying you toward the screaming boy, but he's shoving past you to leave before you get the chance to talk to him. Hug him, something. You stumble back at the contact, able to save yourself from falling as your eyes follow Sejanus out the door. 
Coryo saw you get knocked back by the force of Sejanus's misplaced rage, and he wanted to check on you. Make sure you are okay, but the games are about to start. He promised Dr. Gaul that you would receive no sympathies from him, and her eyes are burning into both of your backs so he settles for shaking his head at you when you look like you want to follow Sejanus. Doing so would not only leave him alone, but sympathizing with him would align you with his attitudes, however irrelevant to your own opinions.
"Y/N." Coryo says to you, and when you look at him he shakes his head. Stay, he's saying. It's like he can read your mind. But he needs you to stay. 
Surely, Sejanus needs you more. Surely, it would just be a few minutes. Then you remember what your father told you this morning and you smooth your shirt back down, returning to your seat. The games hadn't even started yet, and you're already facing hard decisions.
"You should go home." Coriolanus mutters to you, readjusting his posture in the uncomfortable chair.
"Huh?" You ask, looking up at him from where you're sitting on the floor next to his desk. After everyone else left, there was no use in sitting so far away when you could finally talk candidly about the events of the day.
"Go home." He repeats and you shake your head, attempting to salvage what was left of your hairstyle, which was carefully pinned back this morning.
"I can't, I'll stay. You can go home." You reply, looking up at the screen again. Nothing new had happened in a long time- but you didn't want to miss it if it did.
"Why not?" He yawns.
"My parents are expecting me to stay with you until it's over." You explain. 
Coryo sighs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I'd invite you to stay with me, but we aren't prepared for guests." Neglecting to mention, of course, the unmaintained mess the Snow apartment had turned into over the last twelve or so years.
"Of course, I wouldn't expect that of you. One of us should be here anyway." You wave it off. "Go home, get some rest."
As soon as he's packed up and left, insisting he won't be gone for long, you make yourself comfortable in his chair with your eyes trained on the screen. You have to stay awake. Lucy Gray could make an appearance any second in search of water, food, anything. You have to stay alert. You can't let Coryo down.
You're jolted awake by the sound of gravel crunching under footsteps, echoing over the speakers from microphones inside the arena. Shit. You fell asleep, you weren't supposed to fall asleep. Immediately you're looking for Lucy Gray onscreen, looking for her body, looking for any sign of her but you see none. If there had been a fight, if she had been screaming, that would have woken you up before footsteps did.
You squint to see what's going on, eyes landing on two figures in the middle of the arena, under the beam that Lamina is lying on, still seemingly asleep. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you realize who the two people are. Sejanus and Coryo. Your friends. Inside the arena, standing over the body of Sejanus's tribute. You recall that one of the female tributes, Lamina, had killed him and cut him down. You suspected that he asked her to- so what were the boys doing in there?
You can't tear your eyes away- what can you even do? They're talking too quietly for the microphones to pick up. Why are they even there? If Coriolanus had planned this he would have told you. This is too reckless, even for him.
You're not helping by sitting and watching. You have to get there.
Abandoning your bag, you walk as fast as you can manage out of the Academy building before making a run for it, heading in the direction of the arena. You don't even have a plan as to what you'll do when you get there. Do you go in? You'll be risking your life without a doubt. You can't risk calling them, you'll practically be summoning the most violent and angry of the tributes right to them, and to you. 
When you see the arena, there are people standing outside and several peacekeeper trucks. At least people know.
"What the hell is happening?" You ask, walking up to the first person you see. A peacekeeper.
"You can't be here, Miss. You have to go." They start to push you back and you shove them away by the front of their helmet.
"Don't touch me! My friends are in there and I need to know what's happening right now!" You're trying to keep your voice down, but you need answers- urgently. 
"Miss Y/L/N," You hear Dr. Gaul's voice and the peacekeeper lets you go, motioning for you to go over and join her where she is standing with the Dean, and people you recognize as Sejanus's parents are standing by a black vehicle nearby.
"What's going on?" You ask again, firmly as you walk up to the group.
"Sejanus got inside, we don't know who let him in. Coriolanus went in to coax him out."
"What? Why not send peacekeepers? Coriolanus could die in there and you let him go anyway?" It's hard to even believe they would allow a student to walk into harm's way like that. And not just any student, either. Coriolanus Snow.
"If we sent in peacekeepers Sejanus would run. Coriolanus is the only one he would trust so they could leave unnoticed." Dean Highbottom explains.
You scoff, pointing into the gates. "Then why are they still in there?"
"Sejanus is in a difficult place right now, Miss Y/L/N-"
"Yeah. Fuck this." You roll your eyes, taking off your blazer and dropping it on the ground before rolling up your sleeves, and making your way over to the gate.
"Miss Y/L/N, you can't go in there." Dr. Gaul half-heartedly tries to stop you.
"Watch me." You state and the peacekeepers open the gate, letting you in. She must have allowed them to, otherwise they wouldn't.
You're mindful of your steps, trying to be as quiet as possible. You hop over the turnstiles, your landing making the two boys' heads snap toward you.
"It's just me." You whisper, knowing they can't see you in the dark but the large open space will still carry your voice.
"Y/N?" You hear Coryo reply, clearly confused.
"Yeah. We have to go, come on. Come with me."
"Go back!" He hisses. "You can't be here!"
"Neither can you!" Now is not the time for fighting. For once, he needs to listen to you.
He just huffs, turning back to Sejanus, you're assuming to try and talk him down. 
"Okay, I've got a plan." You say this time walking back through the bars, triggering the mechanism. 
Enjoy the show!
You try not to wince at the loudness of the voice, knowing by now that any nearby tributes must have heard that. If the Coral's pack had heard, clearly being the biggest threat, they'd be here soon so you pick up your pace, running back to the bars that surround the arena in one large circle. 
Coryo is calling you to try and get you to stop, to leave, but his whispers don't make it to you anymore.
"Give up?" Dean Highbottom asks you from the other side, and you pick up a large rock from the ground.
"Nope." You shake your head, beginning to walk around the outside, far from the entrance before you start banging it against every bar you walk past. Just for fun, you begin to sing one of Lucy Gray's songs. Maybe, that will be less obvious of a diversion. 
When Coriolanus and Sejanus hear the ruckus you're making outside, the banging accompanied by the sound of your voice moving slowly around the outside of the large arena, they look at each other in a mutual panic. 
"Sejanus, please. We have to go now." Coriolanus pleads with him, and he looks back down at Marcus for a moment before nodding.
"But we're taking Marcus with us." 
"Okay, whatever. Yes." Coriolanus agrees desperately, already grabbing the boy's legs.
They start to carry him toward the exit, picking up pace as they hear that your diversion has worked, echoing voices working their way around the outside of the arena. That's Coryo's primary concern- until they hear what can only be attributed to a war cry from behind them, another tribute with a large knife sprinting after them. 
Wordlessly, they both drop Marcus and start to run.
Once you heard what you were sure was Coral's group running up behind you, still out of view, you changed your tune.
"Gem of Panem, mighty city, through the ages you shine anew!"
With this, you hear their confusion and anger increase tenfold, along with their speed.
You start running, dragging the rock along every bar.
"Come back, Capitol Princess! What are you so afraid of?" You hear Coral's familiar voice shout at you, getting closer. 
They're laughing now, following you around the outside of the arena. Hopefully, Coryo is out because now it's a race. You're on the opposite side now, and have a long way to go to get back around. You ditch the rock, picking up a full sprint.
You can hear them gaining on you with every step, and you ditch your pride and start to yell about halfway back. "Open the gate!" You scream, hoping someone can hear you, and open it for you to make a quick escape. Every inch you have on the three tributes following you counts, and you're losing that valuable space very quickly. You've never been much of an athlete.
You round the side of the building, seeing the gate partially open, and Coryo is standing there holding a hand out to you. "Y/N/N! Come on!"
As soon as you get close enough he grabs your arm and pulls you through, yanking you back as the peacekeepers slam the gate again in the faces of the tributes. Barbarically they slam their weapons against the bars, making you jump as you crash into Coryo's chest. He's got his arms around you now, holding the back of your head protectively as they eventually give up and walk away, stalking off like a pack of wild animals who had lost their prey; except you don't think they planned on eating you. Just killing you for the fun of it, to leave your family and the city tortured the same way it was over the murder of Arachne Crane.
You're breathing heavily and you can hear your heartbeat pounding in your head, maybe it's his. You can't even really tell. 
"You shouldn't have done that." He mumbles to you, gripping onto you as tight as ever.  He wants to scold you, tell you that you were too reckless for your own good. That you could have been killed; but he can't. He doesn't care. In this moment, he is only concerned with one thing. "Are you alright?"
You inhale, trying to focus on slowing your laboured breaths as you nod against his shoulder. You couldn't speak, even if you wanted to. You couldn't argue with him and tell him you were only trying to help, and you would argue that you did.
"Coriolanus." Dr. Gaul says, walking up and looking him over. "You'll need stitches, come back with me to my lab." She instructs and he lets you go.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, pushing your hair back out of your eyes to look at you more clearly. You just nod, biting on the inside of your cheek.
"Fine." You assure him quietly, heart still racing behind your ribs. "Go get stitched up."
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taglist: @keziahcore, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @babyspice6, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @gloryekaterina, @andrewgarfieldsbitch, @queenofspades6, @pixiepopz, @pepperonipastas, @ladybug0095, @lunamothwrites, @nhlfs, @sbrewer21, @mus-tbe-a-weasley, @splxtscreen, @unclecrunkle, @karmaswitch, @sunghoonsbakery, @coconut-dreamz, @nekee-lilac02, @ooooglymoooogly, @riddlerloveb0t, @lovedbalances, @notyourwildestdream, @snowlandson-top, @too-lit-for-fanfic, @utopiakys, @@deafeningballoonnacho, @roosterschanelslut, @impeterporker, @chmpgneprblem, @cosmoetik, @http-ilysm, @Lauravanderbooben20, @dry0campa, @luclue, @lokidala, @urvampgfsworld, @carolanns-world @nan-nie, @ulookhotasf, @shakespearseclipse, @iovemoonyy, @yunloyal, @notyoursweetheart-honey
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phoward89 · 3 months
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Based on this ask
Senator!Coriolanus x Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, porn with plot, degradation
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Working in the lab at the Citadel’s a very important job. It's also a very meticulous job; one that had to be done just right or else something bad could happen. Especially with all of the mutts being experimented on or created.
Some things are still leftover from when Dr. Gaul ran the lab. But they were locked up tight and blocked off by Coriolanus Snow when he took over the lab and became Head Gamemaker shortly after Dr. Gaul's tragic and accidental death.
It's such a shame that the mad scientist slipped and fell into her pool of deadly eels.
Anyways, you met Coriolanus Snow when he was Dr. Gaul's assistant and you took a student internship for a science credit. You developed a civil banter that turned into a comadre; you impressed him so much with your wits that he pleaded with Dr. Gaul to give you a position as an assistant gamemaker. As his assistant.
Dr. Gaul begrudgingly did; then a week or so later she tragically died in a lab accident with her beloved eels.
So, you and Coriolanus, who in time insisted that you call him Coryo after becoming friendly with one another, worked side by side to make the games a spectacle. A true show to dazzle Capitol City and punish the Districts for their digressions; their shortcomings. And together the two of you truly did revolutionize the games.
But, Coriolanus Snow had bigger ambitions. He wanted to run for President of Panem once old and decrepit President Ravenstill kicked the bucket. But before he could do that he had to get into politics. He had to climb up the political ladder by becoming a senator and being given seats on important councils and departments.
But, of course, since Coriolanus was very charming with a silver tongue he was elected to the Senate. He also stepped down from his role as Head Gamemaker to focus fully on politics. He told President Ravenstill that he felt that you should be named his successor and given the position of Head Gamemaker, but the old goat listened to his personal council and cabinet; gave the job of Head Gamemaker to Ragno Crane, the older brother of Arachne Crane (who was killed by her tribute after teasing her with a water bottle thru the zoo bars).
To say that Coriolanus was livid would be an understatement. He was furious; felt that you deserved his old job as Head Gamemaker. Coriolanus just couldn't fathom why you didn't get the position.
So, you remained a lab rat while he went on to bigger and better things. Becoming Senator Snow. But you still remained friends and kept in touch.
And his touch is something that you'll definitely need one day after a stupid lab accident with Pollen #69.
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It started out as a normal day in the lab. Or at least it was until Ragno Crane unsealed a vault that Coriolanus had sealed years ago. Oh, and your boss told you and the other lab rats to grab the petri dishes from the vault and start to conduct tests. Of course, as your luck would go, you got stuck with the pollen named Pollen #69. Unknown to you, it's sex pollen.
Pollen #69 is sex pollen; when inhaled it makes the person who inhaled it insanely horny and its effects can last for hours.
And of cours, it was locked up with other things that Dr. Gaul was experimenting on that Coriolanus thought was too dangerous to put inside of the arena or to use as a biological weapon. But, Head gamemaker Ragno Crane thought he was a big shot that knew better then his predecessor and threw all of Coriolanus’ notes about the job into the shredder.
And, of course, you breathed in the pollen while conducting a test with it in a test tube with some chemical solution to find out its reaction. A couple of minutes after inhaling the pollen you start to feel extremely clammy and, for some strange reason, your pussy’s starting to pool and ache. You try to ignore it, but you feel like your about to go insane as the minutes tick by.
What the hell is going on?
You knew that your boss wouldn't have the answers, so you called the only person you knew that would.
Senator Snow.
“Y/N, darling, I'm at the office. If this isn't an emergency, you shouldn't be calling me.” Coriolanus chastised you when he answered his phone. But as soon as he noticed the sweat trickling down your brow and the way your chest was heaving via the video call, he grew instantly concerned. “Darling, what's wrong? Did something happen to you in the lab?” He asked, eyes transfixed on your form as you stood a few feet away from your lab station.
“Ragno opened up that vault you had all of the scraped projects seal off in. He assigned us all to start experimenting on the petri dishes and I was assigned Pollen #69-” You start to explain, only to be cut off by Coriolanus asking you, “Did you breathe any of it in?”, while looking at you with worried baby blue eyes.
“Yes, I think so. And now I feel like a bitch in heat.” You crassly tell Coryo, since that's truly the only way to explain how horny you're starting to feel.
“Pollen #69 is sex pollen. Whoever inhales it gets horny to a level that it'll drive them insane, absolutely mad, if they don't get satisfied.” Coryo explained, causing your eyes to pop out of your head. “I advise you to toss that petri dish into the furnace and get to my penthouse immediately. I'll be there soon to, uh, help you out with your sex pollen problem.”
“Coryo, you don't have to do that. We're friends and-” You start to say, trying to give him an out since you don't want him to feel like he has to fuck you so you don't go crazy, but of course he currly cuts you off.
“Y/N, you don't have a steady boyfriend. And as you've stated we're friends, so just let me fuck you til the pollen wears off.”
Fucking Coriolanus didn't sound that bad. He's a very handsome man, after all. And every woman in the Capitol, both taken and single, swoons over him. You'd be a fool to turn down his help. And your mama didn't raise no fool.
“I'll be at your penthouse in half an hour.” You relent, only because you need some relief. Your hormones are thru the roof; betraying you all because of the sex pollen.
“Good.” The platinum haired senator gives you a tight lipped smile. “I'll see you then.”
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Half an hour later you're in Coryo's penthouse, splayed out on his bed with your legs spread as wide as they'll go while his platinum blonde head’s buried between them as he laps at your wet cunt with such fervor. You let out little moans every time you feel his tongue dip inside your tight hole, fucking you, only to slide along your wet slit and flicker against your swollen clit.
“Coryo…” You moan, feeling your back arch as he begins sucking on your clit. “Oh god, that feels so good.” You moan once again as Coryo slips one of his fingers into your pussy.
Coryo’s hot breath fanned over your soaking and aching cunt as he told you, “Fuck, your cunt’s so greedy. She's sucking my finger right in.”, while looking at the way your cunt was clenching around his long finger as he started to finger you.
“More, Coryo. Add another finger, please.” You beg, still craving to be filled, as you feel his finger curl up and brush against your special spongy spot deep inside of you.
“Such a greedy lil cunt, wanting more of my fingers.” He chuckled against your pussy, only to follow your request and add a second finger.
“Ooo…” You whine, feeling like you're about to die and go to heaven once the cool weight of the chunky gold ring on his finger meets the wet hot heat of your cunt. “That feels so good, Coryo.”
“I know it does, my dirty lil slut.” Coriolanus smugly says before wrapping his lips around your puffy clit once more.
Your breathing starts to hitch as you feel pleasure start to bubble up. “Coryo…” You mewl, feeling yourself get closer to the edge.
Coryo's quickly shoved his fingers in and out of your dripping wet cunt, curling them to hit your special spongy spot just right, as his tongue flickered over your clit. He began to use his tongue to trace the letters of his name on your clit, all while finger fucking you furiously.
But because of the sex pollen you weren't satisfied. Far from it.
Between his tongue and his fingers, you cum with a mix of curses and Coryo's name on your lips.
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You and Coryo are both panting, sweaty messes as he holds your legs up, pressing them into your chest and he fucks you deep with his long, thick cock. Your tight, abused hole’s stretched to the limit with his cock and is leaking with a mix of both of your cum. The sheets underneath you’s so soak that they're most likely ruined.
You don't even know what round you're on right now, but you do know that you can't feel your legs anymore. You don't know how Coryo's still on his knees, drilling you quickly. He has to be getting tired, the way his body glistens with a sheen of sweat gives way to the fact that he's been fucking you for only gods knows how long.
Between fucking you and eating you out, you know that Coryo must be feeling the weight of exhaustion hitting his shoulders.
“Fuck, baby, your cunt's so wet an’ tight for me.” Coryo moans, his words nearly slurring, as his cock pumps in and out of you.
The loud, wet squelching of your pussy being pounded lewdy echoes throughout the room; mingling with the moans and mewls you and the senator make. The slapping of skin against skin is also heard, adding to the chorus of lewd noises echoing out.
“Coryo, I'm so close.” You nearly gasp, feeling Coryo's cum heavy balls smacking against your pussy that's being fucked raw. Your nails dig into his pale back, tracing over previous scratches and breaking the skin.
“Fuck…” Coryo hissed, feeling the scratches on his back being open by your nails; causing blood to trickle down his back like a waterfall. “I'm gonna make ya cum so hard, baby, you ain't gonna be walking right for a week.” Coryo promising you, tossing your legs over his shoulders and fucking into you with every ounce of speed he could muster.
A tired smirk painted his lips as snaked a hand between your connected bodies and began to rub your swollen clit with the pad of his thumb. You let out a yelp that was half pleasure, half pain from the sensations shooting thru that bundle of nerves Coryo was playing with.
“I know you're oversensitive, baby. I am too.” He told you as his thrusts began to get sloppier.
“Coryo, please, it's too much.” You cry, finally feeling the sex pollen begin to wear off, resulting in you being an oversensitive mess.
“It's not too much, baby.” Coryo snapped, his hips bucking wildly against yours.
Your knees are draped over his shoulders, nearly smacking against your ears, as he moves flush against you. His chiseled chest brushes against your bouncing tits; the friction against your sensitive nipples sends jolts of pleasure straight to your weeping, aching core. He's literally bending your body in half, one of his hands tightly grips your thigh- his fingers digging into the meat and imprinting crescent marks into the soft skin; his other hand flat on the mattress, near your head, to balance himself as his legs begin to burn with every fast, but desperately sloppy movement he makes.
“Be a good lil slut and take it.” He grunts. “Your such a dirty girl, drenching my cock as I fuck you dumb for hours.”
“Oh, oh god…” You moan, feeling his tip hitting your g-spot just right.
“Not god, Y/N. Just your Coryo.” The platinum blonde Adonis said with feigned humbleness in his husky baritone.
“I-I think I'm gonna cum.” You babble out, starting to thrash underneath the touch of the senator that's pulling the last ounce of pleasure from your nearly spent body.
“Cum right now, baby. Cum on my cock right now.” Coryo orders, his hips stunting slightly from the fatigue that's now starting to hit him, as he roughly pinches your clit; sending you tumbling over the edge of pleasure.
Coryo fucks you thru your orgasm, smirking as you moan out a string of curses accompanied by his name. Despite running on empty, he's still able to give you mind blowing pleasure. His movements get sloppy and uneven as your cunt squeezes his cock just right.
“Oh, fuck.” Coryo groans, nearly collapsing on you as he cums, painting your inner walls white with his warm seed.
Lifting your knees off of his shoulders and letting them go, causing them to flop bonelessly on the bed, he rolls off on you. Laying by your side, he struggles to catch his breath. Looking at you, sweat rolling down his brow and dripping into his icy eyes, he wonders, “Need another round or you good?”
“I'm good.” You tell him, breasts heaving up and down with every breath you take. Turning your head to look at him, you smile, “The pollen's worn off now.”
Coriolanus moves a sweat plastered piece of hair from your forehead while drowsily smiling. “Wanna go out for dinner once we can walk?”
“We've been fucking for hours on end, but you want to take me out for dinner?” You ask incredulously, finding the entire situation you're in to be surreal.
“Y/N, my darling rose, I usually take a woman as stunning as you out for dinner first before bringing her to my bed, but dire circumstances call for extreme measures and I had to bring you to my bed straight away before dinner.”
“We never had a dinner date planned, Coryo.” You remind him in a tiny giggle.
A giggle that made his too sensitive cock twitch.
“No, but we would've had one planned eventually.” The platinum blonde says matter of factly. Pushing himself up and his elbow l, he asks, “So, how about dinner when we're recovered?”
You bite your bottom lip, pretending to ponder your answer. Of course, you're going to say yes. After the blonde giving you mind blowing hours upon hours of sex, you'd be a fool to reject him. Senator Coriolanus Snow’s the entire package: handsome, wealthy, and a sex god.
“Okay.” You tell him, struggling to hold back a smile. “I'll go out with you.”
Coryo leans over and presses a chaste kiss to your lips, a kiss you try to chase as he pulls away. He chuckles at you pouting over the too short kiss. The bops your nose with his finger before pushing himself to sit up. “I'm gonna get us some water and then run us a bath.”
“You might have to help me to the bath, my legs feel like jello.” You tell him as he rises from the bed on unsteady, long legs- reminding you of Bambi taking his first steps.
“Don't worry, I'll help you, baby.” Coryo assures you before walking out of his room to prepare some things for your aftercare routine.
As you lay in his king-sized bed, tangled in wet sheets soak with your mixed fluids, you can't help, but to be thankful that you got assigned Pollen #69. It did, after all, help your friendship with Coriolanus turn into a relationship. A relationship that you know will have a very intense sex life.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @lady-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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genericpuff · 10 months
zoo wee mama, the new Hbomberguy video is a RIDE and it's absolutely relevant to everything going on in webcomics. let's talk about it.
I'm sure a lot of you have heard about this video going around already (it's gotten 2+ million views in just a little over 24 hours) but if you haven't, I highly recommend you set aside time to watch it yourself, I was surprised to see how much he had dug up especially regarding Youtubers that I never suspected were plagiarizing. He also says some very on-point stuff about how we view content creators and plagiarizing in this "do it yourself" industry that really resonated with me because it's stuff I've been saying for years in the webcomic sphere.
I won't spoil the video much because I think it's best experienced watching it for yourself (especially because he's putting all the money he earns off this video towards compensating the people who had their work plagiarized by one Youtuber in particular who's especially guilty... I'm not even gonna mince words, it's James Somerton) but this passage in particular just felt so validating to hear from someone who clearly holds themselves to the standards that more Youtubers - and creators in general - should be holding themselves to:
"I think a lot of people are inclined to protect creators they like on the grounds that plagiarism is a very academic-sounding problem, like something that happens in research papers or journalism, not something that you can do in a silly video made for entertainment purposes. Why are we holding Youtubers to standards? That would be like expecting accurate history from someone whose name has 'historian' in it! Because Youtubers often project a sense of being scrappy, do-it-yourself amateurs, it feels almost wrong to expect them to be professional... but a lot of them are professionals, regardless how authentic their persona may be. Youtubers are now among the most recognizable faces on the planet, and have become immensely wealthy doing this. Some are so influential we literally call them influencers. Maybe it's a good idea to have some standards for not stealing. Maybe." - Hbomberguy, "Plagiarism and You(tube)" timestamp: 3:35:32
Obviously this has nothing to directly do with webcomics but I do think it's something that reflects very similar behavior within the webcomic community that's, frankly, worth discussing. Many people justifiably want to make a living off their work, want webcomics as a whole to be taken more seriously in the mainstream next to traditional publishing, and for webcomic creators to be taken more seriously as professionals.
But at the same time, I still see a lot of infantilizing of the people in this industry, done by both their fans and the people within it, the idea that being a professional (noun) isn't mutually inclusive of being professional (adjective). It's how we've gotten creators in the past like Snailords, mongie, and yes, Rachel Smythe, who are often shielded by their fanbase on the basis of, "they're just indie comic creators doing what they love, leave them alone!" when they're very much not that, at least not anymore. At least two of those three creators have TV deals (though whether or not they'll make it to the screen is debatable), and all three of them have or have had Webtoons seemingly wrapped around their finger more so than any other creator (though mongie has argued she left Webtoons over unfair treatment, it really doesn't seem like that to the people who know how much mongie was intentionally pushing the rules of what she was allowed to post on the platform, particularly with her Sam x Charles smut).
They are not 'indie creators' anymore and they are not exempt from criticism just because their younger fanbase mistakenly assumes them to be the same age as them. Rachel, mongie, and Snailords are all in their mid-to-late 30's. They all have merchandising deals and either have TV deals or want to have TV deals. They've all been given priority advertising by Webtoons even at the cost of undercutting all the other creators and series on the platform that need it more. They are not "scrappy" creators, they're contractual professionals now and they all do not act like it. Whether it's reacting poorly to criticism or using their characters as a mouthpiece for their own egos or even just using their comics as a poorly disguised fetish, they're all contractual professionals who do not act professional. And they're not the only webcomic creators who do this.
And again, I've talked about this before on here and in the discussions on reddit concerning LO and other webtoons, so it's incredibly validating and refreshing to see Hbomberguy put those feelings into words (albeit about Youtubers, but let's be real, Webtoons is definitely trying to be the "Youtube of webcomics", as is Tapas and other competing webtoon platforms) because that sentiment rings true for a lot of the webtoon creators who have practically failed upwards and only forgo their advertised "professional status" when they're under fire for their actions and writing. Rachel is an "award winning creator" and "self-proclaimed folklorist" until her comic is criticized for its blatant misrepresentation and disrespect towards an entire culture, then all of a sudden "it's just fanfiction". Mongie is the creator of the bestselling series Let's Play until she's called out for racist depictions of Asians and Hispanic people in her work, then all of a sudden she's "just trying to make a fun comic" that's not meant to be taken that seriously. And of course, their audience of teens and young adults who don't know any better keep forgiving them and vehemently defending them because they wrongfully assume that these creators are scrappy teens just like themselves who just started making webcomics for fun and then achieved fame and glory overnight (which they're not!)
We should be having bigger discussions about what awaits the webcomic and "content creator" industry as a whole in the future and what standards we should be holding creators and their work to. We can't possibly expect these mediums to be taken seriously as a professional industry if we don't set better expectations for the quality of the work that's being created and the creators who are building these platforms for themselves.
"In current discourse, Youtubers simultaneously present as the forefront of a new medium, creative voices that need to be taken seriously as part of the 'next generation of media'... and also 'uwu smol beans little babies who shouldn't be taken seriously when they rip someone off and make tens of thousands of dollars doing it." - Hbomberguy, "Plagiarism and You(tube)" timestamp: 3:36:18
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hollowtones · 1 year
Have you ever really looked up close at an elephant trunk? I havent until today its just fucking crazy that its normal to us. Its like if a pig nose was stretched out. Who did that. And the nostrils have little hairs n stuff. They have a long tube of nostril and nothing else. What are their sinuses like i wonder. They use their nose like a arm.
Elephants don't live natively in Quebec, and I've never been especially close to one in a zoo, so I haven't. There's a deep, gnawing hunger in my heart now. Thank you. I need to see an elephant's nose soon or I may expire...
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tealfloyd · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking requests. But I have a strong weakness for these prompts where the mc changes for each dorm. So I gotta ask for something similar. For the each non human characters, the MC changes to their animal counterpart. Like for Azul, MC is stuck as an octopus or for Ruggie they're a hyena.
Love these prompts and you write them really well!
"MC's part of the exhibitions now~"
SUMMARY: MC collides with a student, accidentally touching one of his potions, unbeknownst of the troubling effects that this would cause. (Savanaclaw, Octavinelle and Malleus x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: MC almost dies in Octavinelle part due to her being an eel out of water. Stressing and a crying bit (while being a dragon) in Diasomnia's part.
CONTENT: Am I pampering Malleus? Yes, I am. MC transforms into a lioness, a hyena, a wolf, an octopus, an eel and a dragon, in that order. Only these seven because they're the only ones that classify as non-human that have animal counterparts. Imagine MC's dragon form as Light Fury (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World) because I saw a meme of Malleus doing the Toothless's mating dance and I never let it go. WORDS: 4K+
A/N: Hello dear anon~! Thank you for the compliment, I'm very happy you liked my writings!
This was a fun request! But it's more of a short story (that I'm not very proud of-) than reactions since it was easier to write; I still hope you like it though!
The plot isn't that good, but I swear that I tried my best to make this work- And I may have arranged some things to conveniently help the plot, but in my defence... It's a magical world.
Now onto the fic~
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Ah, Night Raven College. One of the most prestigious magic academies for young boys and a magicless girl, overflowing with talent and... Disaster.
But this time it wasn’t caused by our main cast, no, no, no. This time it was made by a clueless student that was passing by.
You were walking down the hallway, alone and distracted, heading to Savanaclaw by petition of Jack, when all of the sudden, you collided with someone, the crash sounding like it came out of a cartoon.
“Ouch!” You both exclaimed in pain, falling to the floor which was covered with papers and some potions.
“I’m sorry, I—" He stopped as he looked at you, realising who he just crashed with. “By the Sevens. I’m very sorry, Prefect!” He made an apologetic bow, positioning himself so it would be more respectful.
“Please, there’s no need. It was an accident," you said, chuckling slightly at his politeness. “I crashed with you too, so please forgive me," you also made a bow, helping him with all the work that was scattered on the floor. “Let me help you with this, is the least I can do."
The boy blushed at that, shyly evading your gaze. “Thank you, Prefect," he muttered, lifting some of the bottles.
“There you go," you passed him the now neatly organised carpets, making sure he was able to hold everything. “Want me to help you carry these?”
He shook his head, thinking about the reactions of your scary and powerful friends if they found you were passing your time helping him, and what’s worse, that you collided with him. “It’s okay, I can do it," he didn’t dare to look at you, making a quick bow while apologising, again, hurriedly leaving.
“Well, that was strange…” You muttered, also leaving so you could be in time for your appointment with the beastman, feeling a ticklish sensation on your hand, absentmindedly scratching it.
It was then when the student noted that one of the test tubes was empty, inspecting it to see if there were remains of the potion. “Where did it…” He looked at you, seeing you scratching your hand before rounding the corner. “Oh no."
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“Sevens, who cleaned that floor?” You uttered, still scratching your hand while walking towards the main building.
You sat on the sofa while texting Jack that you arrived, waiting for him patiently until you heard a familiar, cheeky voice.
“Well, if it isn’t the Prefect," exclaimed Ruggie, walking closer to you. “What brings you here?”
“Oh— Hi, Ruggie," you greeted him, earning one of his characteristics laughs in return. “I'm waiting for Jack."
Your response caught him off guard, looking confused. “Jack? Why Jack?”
“We're going to the library since we're working on a project together," you said, a little taken aback by the sudden question.
“So, it's just a group project then," he muttered, looking more relieved.
“Ah, MC," said Jack, lifting an eyebrow at the scene. “And Ruggie."
A third voice added himself into the conversation, coming from a grumpy lion beastman, groggily walking to the living room. “I see you’re here, herbivore."
“Ah, yes. I’m sorry if I disturbed you," you bowed slightly. “Maybe Jack and I should go so you can continue, uh— Napping?”
This is certainly not what Leona nor Ruggie were expecting, but Jack wasn’t complaining, happy that he was going to spend some time with you.
“You are right, we can finish at the end of the afternoon if we start now," he said, ready to walk out of the lounge when his dorm leader noticed something.
“What happened to your hand?”
“Ah, this?" You looked at your hand. "It’s nothing, it's just a scratch from when I fell on my way here," you responded, brushing it off.
“You fell on your way here?” Ruggie questioned.
“It was nothing, the floor was a bit slippery, that’s all." You were starting to become nervous, not wanting to talk about the earlier incident to cover up for the innocent student.
“Let me see it," said Leona, approaching so he could inspect your hand.
“It’s nothing, really," you didn’t argue when he lifted it up, seeing the red spot and the redness because of all the scratching.
“You really are careless," he muttered, moving to get a better angle, accidentally touching your skin with his forearm.
At that moment, everything went black for you for a few seconds, a veil of smoke covering your form.
“MC?!” The three screamed in panic, trying to dissipate the fog so they could check if you were okay.
You were okay, but not human MC okay, more like lioness MC okay.
 “A lioness…?” Jack muttered, dumfounded.
“Did MC just transform into a lioness…?" Continued Ruggie, sharing the same expression as his underclassman.
All of them were panicking, but Leona was the only one who was calmer (on the outside, inside, he's panicking just as much as them) than his dorm members.
He crouched to be at eye level with you, deeply exhaling before speaking. “MC, what did you touch?”
You tried to respond, alarmed because the only sound you could make was roars.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can understand you, just keep talking," encouraged Ruggie, also crouching down.
You tried to communicate, hoping that it was enough for them to understand.
“’Maybe I touched a potion by accident’?” Jack remarked, which you nodded, glad that he understood. “At class?”
“’I don’t think so…’” Ruggie said, confused. “What do you mean you don’t think so?”
“’I think I touched a student’s potion by accident when I crashed onto him earlier’” Leona repeated, annoyance showing in his voice. “And why didn't you tell us?”
You went serious for a moment, giving them the look before saying that you didn't want them to go after him, to which they only scoffed, knowing very well that what you were saying was true.
“We have to find a way to get her back to normal," Jack said, starting to brainstorm ideas to solve this problem.
Ruggie checked your paw, which still had the red dot, and the moment he did the smoke appeared again, converting you into a hyena.
“What did you do?!” Asked Jack, concern washing over his voice.
“Nothing! I just touched her paw!” Ruggie defended himself, also concerned.
“You shouldn’t have touched her paw in the first place!” Leona bickered.
Sighing, you sat down, frustrated that you always seem to be stuck in this type of situations, thinking about who to ask that could solve this, all while watching the beastmen fighting over who was to blame for.
‘Are you done?’ You asked, completely serious, doing what you could to raise an eyebrow.
They immediately stopped arguing, understanding that that wouldn't help you transform into a human again.
“We should tell a professor about this," Jack suggested, gaining three collective sighs from you and their upperclassmen.
“Have you forgot?”
“They are not coming back until tomorrow morning.”
‘They are in a meeting with the Royal Sword Academy teachers,' you finally said, making the boy blush in embarrassment.
“We need to look for someone who knows how to revert this…” Ruggie commented, trying to think of someone aside from the teachers who could help you.
“What about Vil? Pomefiore is known for their potion making skills," proposed Jack, and you shook your head.
‘He’s out for the day. He told me he will be doing an important photoshoot; so even if we call him is likely he wouldn’t not answer.'
“Great, the beauty freak is out, and the teachers are in a meeting. What next?”.
‘I think that Azul may know how to fix this,' you said, making Leona grunt in denial.
‘We have to go to the Mostro Lounge.'
He clicked his tongue, deciding that it was wiser to not say anything, instead helping you walk with your new legs.
Due to the trembling, all you could do was wiggle, accidentally resting your paw on Jack’s forearm, transforming into a wolf, falling back because of the shock.
“Jack!” They both exclaimed, making said boy retrieve your new paw from his forearm as if it would poison you.
‘It’s okay. It’s not like it can get any worse, so let’s leave it like that,' you calmed them down, trying to shift your weight from one leg to the other, maintaining a steady balance as you exited Savanaclaw.
You three arrived at Octavinelle with a painfully slow pace, trying to help you the best they could without touching your paw.
“We’re finally here," said Ruggie, exhaling in relief upon seeing the establishment’s sign.
‘Guys, I don’t want to seem exasperated, but can you just push that door?’ You asked, and Jack complied, letting you four enter to the restaurant.
You were wary, hiding behind the three beastmen before Azul and Jade conveniently appeared.
”My, if it isn't our Savanaclaw acquaintances," proclaimed the dorm leader. "What can I do for you?"
"We have a huge problem right here," said Ruggie, already annoyed by their attitude.
“Oh? And are you here to ask for our help?” Jade asked, smile growing wider.
“The problem… Has to be with MC," Jack said, still covering your form along with Leona so they would have time to explain.
Their faces fell at that, turning serious upon listening that their friend love interest was having a problem.
“Is the Prefect in danger?” Asked Azul, fixing his glasses, trying to mask his concern with politeness.
“They're not, but they’re different now," commented Leona.
“Different... You say?” Inquired Jade, sincerely not knowing what they were talking about.
They moved aside to reveal you, still in your wolf form, looking at them intently.
“And the problem involves this wolf?” Questioned Jade, while Azul backed away slightly out of fear.
“The wolf is MC," they finally said, making the Octavinelle students widen their eyes, not believing them.
“Are you telling me that the Prefect… Transformed into a wolf…?” Azul glasses nearly fall from the shock, fortunately pushing them back in time.
“First into a lioness, then a hyena and finally a wolf," Leona added. “Think you can solve this?"
“I’m afraid I will need more information…” He managed to let out, intending to say that he needed time to process this.
“MC, is this really you?” Asked Jade, crouching down to match your height, looking at your eyes.
‘Unfortunately, I am MC,' you answered, thinking that if he asked, he could understand you, which he did.
“My, how did you end up in this situation…?”
“They crashed with a student who had a potion that caused this," Leona answered, already done with all the questions. “Can you help her or not?”
Azul cleared his throat before speaking, finally regaining his (well, most of it) composure, bending down in front of you. “I need to see how the potion works; did you say she transformed into a lioness, a hyena and a wolf?”
“Yes, the moment we touched her hand, er— Paw, she transformed," said Jack, inspecting their intentions.
“I never saw a potion that does this… Have you tried talking to Vil?”
‘He’s in a photoshoot right now.'
“I see…” Azul stopped for a second, thinking until something clicked on his mind. “May I see the paw you all touched?”
‘It’s this one. What do you think about it?’
“It left a mark," said Jade, trying to think of substances that could have caused it. “I think her skin didn’t react the way it was intended to."
“MC, can I touch your paw?” Azul asked, wanting to confirm a hypothesis.
‘Sure, if it’s going to help,' you passed your paw to him, and he removed his glove, hesitantly grazing his finger over the red spot.
Two seconds after the action, a smoke covered you again, revealing that your wolf form changed into an octopus’s one, and at that precise moment Floyd entered the café, not really noticing you at first because of his height.
“Huh?” He looked at the three Savanaclaw students, smile growing wider. “What are the Savanaclaw fishies doing here~?”
“Floyd, you may want to see this," said his twin brother, and he looked down to find what he thought was a cute octopus.
“Oh?” He let out a surprise noise, replacing it with giggles. “Where did this octopus come from~? Hey Azul, can I cook it~?”
You silently screamed. 'Please don’t Floyd, I assure you I’m not tasty,' you exclaimed, backing away from him the best you could.
“Huh? How do you know my name, little octopus~?” He crouched closer to you, scaring you even more.
“It’s because it’s the Prefect,” Azul finally said, finally standing up after seeing what the potion did, putting his glove on.
“Eh?” Floyd’s brain paused for a second before realising what he just said, now yelling. “Eh?! Shrimpy?!”
‘Yes Floyd, I’m MC, now, can you please not eat me?’ You were relieved he believed his house warden, trying to use your tentacles to move with futile results.
“Wah! How did you end up as an octopus?!” He started to touch your head, curious of how you did this.
“It seems that the potion makes her transform into each animal of the non-humans she touches," stated Azul, sighing before saying the next sentence. “Unfortunately, this is advanced alchemy; we can't make her touch or drink something else without guaranteeing it would affect her permanently."
“So, you can’t bring her back to normal," summarized Ruggie, frustrated at the outcome. “Then what should we do?”
“First, we have to stop touching her hand— Well, tentacles, to not cause further damage—“ He was cut off by the smoke indicating that someone had touched you, knowing at the exact moment who did it. “Floyd…”
“Sorry~” He apologised, looking down at your new form, noticing which animal was just a second after. “Oh! Shrimpy transformed into an eel!”
You squirmed on the floor, trying to breathe, hoping they would get that if you weren’t on water right now you would die.
“Aren’t eels supposed to be… In the water?” Ruggie pointed out, making all of them instantly panic.
“OH SHIT!” Floyd rushed over to the tank, hurriedly opening it so Azul and Jade could drop you into it, deeply exhaling after making you almost die.
“Why did you have to touch her?!” Azul scolded, trying to control his breathing after the whole experience.
“I didn’t know that she would transform! You never tell me anything!” He defended himself, although he had to admit that he felt a bit guilty.
“There is no time to fight over this," said Jade, trying to calm them down for once. “We still have to find a way to get the Prefect back to normal."
“Eh~? But Shrimpy’s very cute as an eel~” Floyd whined, not really understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Floyd, do you understand that if she stays like an eel she wouldn’t pet your hair?” That sole phrase was enough for him to change his mind-set.
“We have to find a way to get Shrimpy back to normal!”
“And how do we do that? The teachers are in a meeting, Vil’s out and there’s no guarantee she wouldn’t stay like this forever," said Jack, making everyone think about how it would be their life without you in it.
‘I think that there’s only one option,' you started to talk, confused for your new way of breathing. ‘We have to go to Diasomnia.'
“Do you mean… Asking Malleus for help?” Asked Jade, which you nodded your head.
‘I think he is the only one that can truly help me go back to normal,' you said, kind of enjoying swimming with a tailfin.
“So, we have to go to the lizard for help then…” Leona mumbled, and although it would seem like he didn’t share the idea, he actually thought it was the best one so far.
“We need to transport MC for that…” Azul thought about it for a moment, asking the tweels for help. “I think you would fit here… Mostly, at least."
And then, after somehow fitting in the medium fish tank, you all walked over to Diasomnia, hoping that the dragon-fae would aid you.
“Prefect? Are you okay in there?” Asked Azul, checking that you were comfortable with the fish tank they fitted you in.
‘I’m okay, but I’m more concerned about them’,'you answered, talking about the four men that were lifting you to keep you from falling.
“I assure you they’re fine, that’s what their muscles are for anyway," he said, looking for Malleus in the garden.
“Don’t speak on our behalf," Jack complained, steading himself after almost tripping.
‘Oh, he’s there,' you tried to point with your nose, or your tailfin… You pointed to the man who was calmly reading, his frame making it easier for all of the men to spot him.
Azul went first, deciding that he was the most befitting out of you all to explain the situation, trying to not enrage him since he knew about his feelings for you.
“Malleus," he said, attracting the attention the fae, who looked away from his book to look at him.
“Ashengrotto, what brings you here?” He asked, closing his book so he could listen to what he had to say.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we require your help," he signalled the others behind him, and raised a brow at the container, thinking that it was something humans tend to do, which is not, but is not like he knows about it. “You see; the Prefect has been engaged in… Quite a situation."
His face showed concern, but not enough that it would cause a storm, intently waiting for Azul’s explanation.
“She touched a potion that makes her change into different animals depending on who touches her, so she’s currently…” He pointed at you, sighing. “An eel."
“I… Don’t quite get it," he finally said, looking at your sea form as he processed the new information.
‘Hello, Tsunotarou,' you said, impressed that he widened his eyes at that, an indicator that he understood what you’ve just said. ‘As Azul said, I’m a moray eel now.'
“Child of Man…?” He hesitantly asked, inspecting you. “What happened?”
‘I accidentally touched a potion that makes me change to different animals, or something like that,' you also didn’t get your position, but tried to explain it nonetheless. ‘Can you help me go back to normal?’
“I…” This was one of the few times Malleus was too stunned to speak, at least in front of you, seemingly thinking about what he could do to help. “Of course, I may have a potion that could fix this."
“You do?!” All of you screamed at once, happy that this was going to end soon.
You jumped in excitement, going a bit too far as you unintentionally came out of water, tailfin (which had the now unique red spot on it) touching Malleus hand due to his proximity.
You didn’t notice until it was too late, knowing that the change was about to happen once you felt the sensation of the transformation, jumping out of water in a panic, not wanting to hurt them since you knew you were going to transform into a dragon next.
And you did; vision fogging for a few seconds until you saw that you were now huge compared to your friends, trying to control your tail and wings, that were fluttering because of the shock.
“MC!” They all screamed, concerned because you seemed very stressed, thinking of what to do to help you.
“Back away," Malleus said, which they complied, trusting his ability. “You have to search the potion in my room; it has an emerald tone and it’s situated on my library," he gave them the instructions to get to his room, not really caring about who was going for it, instead focusing on you.
You were pretty stressed; being transformed into a normal animal was one thing. It was something that could happen any day in alchemy class with Ace, Deuce and Grim, but this was nothing like that.
Maybe it was the fact that for you, dragons were considered mythical until you arrived here, or the feeling that you were going to stay like this forever. Whatever ended up being, you felt the lingering sensation to cry, panic building inside of you.
Your tears were streaming down your new face when you felt something warm nuzzling against your head. You blinked your tears away to try and identify it, eyes connecting with very familiar green eyes, which belonged to another dragon.
‘Malleus…?’ You asked, and he nodded his head, shifting closer to you. ‘Is this… Your dragon form…?’ It was a stupid question, and you knew it, but your over-stressed brain didn’t really think about it before speaking at that time.
Still, he didn’t seem to mind, chuckling lightly. ‘Indeed. Do you not like it?’ He inquired, and although it sounded like a teasing remark, he was scared that this impulsive action may cause you to back away from him due to his "monstrous" form.
He was, by all means, incorrect. ‘No, I think it’s cute…' You managed to say, his presence calming you down.
‘Cute?’ He asked, setting his head on top of yours, covering your wings with his own in order to calm you down.
‘Ah, sorry, was I not supposed to say that…?’ You were starting to panic again, thinking that you did something wrong, leading Malleus to apply more force to keep you from exasperating again.
‘I think that cute it’s not what most people think when looking at a dragon,' he nudged his head into yours, sitting down so you could lean on him, relieved that you seemed more at peace.
‘Yeah, maybe you’re right…’ You accommodated your legs into a more comfortable position, letting your head rest on the crook of his neck.
His sole presence made you calm down to the point where you fell asleep, light snores being the only sound that came out of your mouth, along with a little bit of smoke.
While all of this ensued, the students on the ground wondered what the hell just happened, and since the school doesn't really teach 'dragon language', the only thing they saw was the two of you roaring and grunting at each other, utterly confused by this.
“Does anyone know how to speak dragon?” Asked Ruggie.
“Are they even talking?” Commented Leona.
“I can’t believe all of this happened in the span of one afternoon," complained Azul.
“Isn’t Sea Slug like, very close to Shrimpy?” Whined Floyd.
“Is that what you think after this?” Jade said, thinking about what his twin just exclaimed. “Although they sure are a bit too close…”
When Jack finally arrived with the potion, Malleus had to lift your paw due to the immense force that it would require for them to do it, lulling you to sleep when you showed signs of waking up.
After it was done, they had to wait for around fifteen seconds until it made effect, a veil of white smoke appearing for the last time combined with Malleus's green one, revealing the two of you leaning against each other, clothes slightly damaged due to the transformation.
You were so tired that you didn’t woke up even after they argued over who should carry you over to Ramshackle; Malleus ended up winning the fight since he could teleport, treating you as if you were a feather, setting you down softly on your bed.
He decided that it would be better if he stayed in the living room, afraid of what could happen if he left you alone after such a wild experience.
The day after the whole situation, you went to classes like normal, having to endure so many questions coming from your friends since people were talking about how you transformed into different animals, clearly thinking they missed a key adventure.
You said that it was a long story, and it certainly was.
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
can we pls get the first time arthur says i love you to the reader
love your writing btw!
he didn't mean to say it.
he did mean to say it.
everytime he looked at her or caught just the slightest glimpse of her in his peripheral, he would feel his chest tighten or he would feel his heartbeat increase everytime she stood near him. everytime he heard her voice, nothing else seemed to matter to him and his interest in a current conversation would disappear when he realised she was close by. everytime he touched her, he felt sparks course through his body.
he just didn't mean to say it in that specific moment.
he was on a twitch stream, because he'd felt he had neglected that form of content for a while, with planet zoo loaded up on his screen. chatting away and answering questions that came in from those that were watching, thanking people for their donations and waffling on about what his day had been like and what he'd been up to.
and it never bothered yn, really. she loved the peace and quiet that it gave her. an hour or two by herself, cosied up on his sofa with a series or a documentary on netflix playing in the background or stretched out in his bed as she scrolled on her tiktok app and waited for him to come and join her. sometimes, she even watched his streams so she could enjoy his content without being in the room. she understood what his worklife entailed, she understood his work schedule and she never wanted to get in the way because it was important to him.
with a cup of tea in her hand, one of his old hoodies hanging down her figure and a pair of tube socks on her feet to keep her toes warm from the wooden floor of his flat, she knocks on his door tentatively and waits to hear some form of invitation to come in... which never had her waiting long. peeking her head through the door, holding tight to her cup of tea, her face is illuminated by the gentle light of his lamp in the corner of the room that he always used when streaming or filming his videos. headphones on his head and covering his ears, hand wrapped around his mouse, attention turning from the screen before him towards the doorway.
"you okay?"
"i'm heading to bed. had a busy day today and i was falling asleep on the sofa," she informs him warmly and he nods his head back in response, "might be asleep, might not be, but i just wanted to warn you."
"okay," he smiles softly and in that moment, he forgot what he was doing and where he was, "do you need anything?"
"no, i'm okay. i'm sure i can find whatever i need if i need it."
"okay, i won't be much longer anyway. been on for an hour," he laughs softly and she takes a sip of her tea before swallowing back the warm liquid, "i think i've left an old t-shirt on the bed for you. if not, have a look through the wardrobe."
"okie dokie," she nods, "enjoy the rest of the stream."
"will do," he looks back at his screen, looking at the comments and the live chat that was coming through before diverting his attention back to where yn was still stood in the door, "let me know if you can't find what you need."
"arthur, i've been here more than once. i know where you keep my toothbrush," she giggles and he can feel the heat flush over the curve of his cheeks, "your subs need you back."
"alright, i'll be through soon. i love you," and it flows off of his tongue so effortlessly. without much thought. and it takes her back, with his sudden admission, and her eyes widen in his direction and meet his matching widened eyes, "uhm-"
"i love you too," she whispers and the grin on his face was wide and large and toothy, "see you in a bit."
when the door closes and he turns his attention back to the stream, he doesn't quite know what to do with himself. he wants to end his stream with a goodbye and a promise to come back the following week to continue his planet zoo saga but a part of him wanted to act as if it was a common occurrence to exchange their love and that his stream could go a little longer... except his comments were far from oblivious to what had happened.
'arthur definitely just accidentally told her he loved her. omg'
'did we just see the first i love you's?????'
'this is so cute!!!!!'
"chat, i think i need to call it a night," he informs them, saving any of his progress he had made on his game and closing up the window, a smile toying with his lips, "i think we'll make this is a regular thing. in between filming videos. keep an eye on the discord. and my social medias."
'someone make editssss!!! we need them!!!!'
'he's sooooo gonna repost all the edits made for them'
'arthur has a girlfriend? whaaaat?'
"thanks for joining me tonight. it was fun. planet zoo is my favourite game to play at the moment and if you want to see more, head over to george clarkey's channel for a video of me and the other arthur playing it with him," he moves the cursor of his mouse over the button to end the stream, "see you guys later. bye."
he's quick from his chair as soon as the stream ends. turning off his computer, taking off his headphones and setting them on his desk, and standing to his feet, leaving anything unimportant behind as he could always come back and get it if he needed it. turning off the lamp, exiting the room and closing the door behind him, and he can feel the anticipation bubbling in his stomach and rising up to his chest.
his bedroom door is ajar and he can feel the nerves making his arms and legs shake and the sound of her scrolling her tiktok made it clear to him that she was still awake and had every intention of waiting for him to come to bed with her. something he'd become a lover of over the last few weeks when he asked her to stay.
"i know you're there."
"i'm just-"
"why are you going all shy?" she questions and he plucks up enough courage to step foot into his bedroom, ruffling his fringe with his fingers and letting the strands stand in all directions, "don't go all soft on me now, mister television."
"i'm not," he looks at her and he just wants to melt under her gaze, "i just, i had a more elaborate and better way of telling you than doing it on stream."
"i thought it was cute," she admits and he shook his head, "seriously, arthur. you just, sort of just, blurted it out and i think that's sweeter than any kind of planned out night. it's a very you thing to do."
he joins her on the bed, laying down on his side beside her, propping his head up with his hand. and she rolls over to match his position, a grin on her mouth, a hand coming up to cup his face with fingers ready to brush across his cheeks.
"i do love you," he says, "so much. the last few weeks have been the best and my most favourite few weeks. just, getting to know you and getting to spend time with you and learning more about you on a deeper level."
"i love you too," she reiterates, scooting over on the bed and letting his arms wrap around her, holding her close to his chest, "so much." xx
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
Making yourself cum on Chan's arm
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GENRE: smut, snark, idk arm kink?
Author’s Note (Co-curator Tortoise): This image has been living in my head rent free ever since they posted it. It is my lockscreen for heavens sake!! I have been imagining riding his arm EVERY DAY and it's just not healthy at this point. If you are like me, welcome, please leave a message so we can descend into madness together.
WARNINGS: rated M (minors do not engage!), masturbation, petting
„Oh my fucking GOD!“, you exclaim while staring at your phone. Luckily, no one is around, so you do not have to share the cause for your excitement – and despair. Chan has just posted a selfie with Changbin in the group chat “zoo and keeper 💪🐺🐰” between you three and Changbin’s girlfriend.
“Had a good set today~” was the accompanying text.
“Why would he do this to me”, you are absolutely stunned, while also knowing for sure that he has no idea what such a picture would do to you, seeing as you are simply the boys’ flatmate.
You wish you were more than that, so you could write something like Changbin’s girlfriend: “Tell Changbin I need him at my place urgently – it’s for sex reasons.”
You snort and think: “Same, girl. But we can’t all have fit as fuck boyfriends. Some of us have to suffer as singles while living with a perfectly eligible bachelor.”
However, you write: “EEEEWWWW, did NOT need to know this, will purge this from my memory in 3 – 2 – 1 – hey Changbin I have a weird feeling I won’t be seeing you around tonight so don’t forget to put the bins out tomorrow!!”
The ensuing snark in the chat has you grinning and helps you push The Picture out of your mind. It’s late in the afternoon on a Saturday so you decide to live it up and watch a Netflix documentary about some murder cult to distract yourself further. It works, but not for long, because inevitably Chan comes home, all by his lonesome and handsome self.
“Hey, what are we watching?”, he asks, flopping down on the sofa next to you once he has deposited his gym bag in his room. You risk a quick glance at him. Yep, still slightly wet hair from his shower, arms still pumped, veins still popping. God is testing you today.
“People being murdery”, you gesture vaguely at your glass and Chan helpfully reaches over to hand it to you. “Thanks.”
Your fingers brush his wonderfully warm skin and you take a breath and another peek. You notice something on his left hand and – damn it, damn yourself for not resisting – you grasp it lightly to take a closer look. His large hands are calloused, but surprisingly soft. You already knew that and you shamelessly relish the chance of touching him now under the guise of checking out the raw spot on his palm.
“And how did that happen?”, you wonder, “I thought you had callouses for dayyyys”, you stretch the sound while standing up to get some ointment.
“Ah, yeah”, he says shyly, rubbing his head, shouting after you, “you knaur, I guess I didn’t put my straps on properly.”
“Heh, strap-on”, you tease automatically as you walk back, cream in hand. You open the tube and put a pea-sized portion on his reddened skin. “Would’ve thought that makes you raw in other areas.”
“Oh my gosh, YN”, he laughs, letting his head fall back against the couch, then looking up cheekily, “I guess it depends how you use it?”
You huff a laugh, focusing on gently rubbing in the cream – fuck, you love doing this. You try not to make it last too long or be too sensual, but you cannot help but enjoy the texture of his skin under your fingers. You draw little circles on the redness, then use the cream to slightly push into the surrounding muscles of his hand as well.
“I’m not sure you know how to use a strap-on properly then! Best stick to the straps you know – and come find me if your callouses get defeated by your recklessness again.”
You pretend as if you want to get rid of the last bits of cream and travel your fingers up his sleeveless underarm, cruising his prominent veins for a few seconds. Then you quickly pull back and look at the TV screen again. Your fingers are warm from where you touched Chan’s arm, and you have to clench your hand to get rid of the tingly feeling in them. You brush your lips with the same hand that just touched Chan in a nervous tic, which only serves to make you even more nervous when you notice what you are doing and that Chan is still watching you. You pull your hand away from your mouth immediately.
“What?”, you ask, trying to play it cool, because obviously there is nothing to get all bothered by.
“Thanks”, he says simply, with a wide, happy smile. You feel like you could turn into putty when he smiles this way and you yearn to be moulded into something new by him. How dare his mouth and arms work in tandem like that? You try to save yourself by dialling up the drama in your voice:
“Ugh, it’s alright, I guess, all in a day’s work for a saint like me. I do accept alms in the form of chocolate and cash” – and cock, you add in your head, which makes you roll your eyes at yourself and back at the TV but you do catch a glimpse of Chan licking his lips before replying:
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
And you could bicker further, but his low voice took on a weird tone (playful, but sexy? Suggestive? Oh, lord!) and you have literally no spoons left to contain your horniness, so you try to ignore the gorgeous presence next to you and focus on murder.
Four hours later you wake up, with a weight on you in unfamiliar places. You have somehow managed to partly drape yourself over Chan –you are spooning into him, holding his left arm hostage like your favourite plushie. His t-shirt is wet where you drooled on him, his head is resting above you. You are surprised to find him asleep, considering his insomniac tendencies.
Still quite dazed, you relish the feeling of his upper arm and side against your body. You lie there, just existing, enjoying this fleeting moment, listening to Chan’s calm breaths, the beating of his heart that you could swear you can feel from where his muscular arm is pressed against you.
When he moves in his sleep, you unwillingly relent your grip. Better to let him turn freely than wake him up. But he doesn’t move away – at least, not the way you expected. He grumbles, flexing his triceps as he slides his arm down. His arm is now lying between you and him, his hand is resting on your thigh, which you have tucked up against you, turning you into a little croissant.
On instinct, you slightly open your legs to let his hand in. You wonder what the hell you are doing. He hooks his hand between your thighs. You wonder what the hell HE is doing. Chan pulls you closer with an ease that both delights and disgusts you in the best possible way. You don’t breathe. He doesn’t let go. His hand is now nicely sandwiched between your legs. His fingers squeeze the meaty part of your thigh, tantalizingly close to your pussy. You lift your head, trying to look in his face. Is he still asleep? Are you his plushie now? Have you died and gone to heaven?
He seems peacefully asleep and you lie back down carefully. You are now much closer to him. You feel hot and a bit shivery. His fingers continue to flex in obviously involuntary movements, his synapses firing in deep sleep. Your eyes drift shut with pleasure.
It feels good. His touch, his proximity, this entire situation. You are taut as a bowstring from excitement. You experimentally touch Chan’s upper arm again, holding on, gently stroking the exposed skin with your thumb. He is so soft and his muscles so thick you could sink your teeth into them.  
With the smallest gasp, you cannot help but roll your hips into his hand, very carefully, to cause that sweet friction you have been denied so far. Lightning strikes through your clit into your stomach.
“Oh shit”, you think, “oh shit, I shouldn’t have done that.”
Because you cannot stop yourself now. Chan’s heady closeness, his smell, his warmth, his fingers and now your own naughty movement have pushed you over an edge and you have to keep rolling, rocking yourself into him. You try to hold back, to be as soft as you can. You make a keening sound, nearly inaudible. You feel like you are being set on fire.
And then Chan turns over and captures you tightly. He rotates the arm between your legs so his hand is splayed on your arse cheek, holding on. His other arm comes down on your other side. He hovers over you, his elbows propping him up while his free hand snakes under your head to grab you in the nape of your neck. You cannot escape from the tight space he has created.
You suck in a shocked breath, your eyes snap open. His face is so close. Before you can move or say anything, try to explain yourself, he grins down at you.
“I knew you liked my arms, YN”, his voice is hoarse and quiet, laced with satisfaction, “I just didn’t know you liked them that much.”
“I’m so sorry”, you say with a panicked look on your face, trying to squirm out of his grasp, “I didn’t think…I didn’t mean to…”
Chan neither lets you finish your sentence nor continue your futile struggle against the virtual wall he has created with his body. He flexes the arm between your legs up against your crotch, squeezing your bum tightly.
“Fffuuuhhck”, you let out a broken moan from the sudden stimulation and your eyes drift shut again. This is what you needed. All the little movements you dared to make before cannot compare in any way to this. Chan’s large hand on your neck squeezes slightly.
“I like it when you swear”, Chan says, looking down at you, relenting the pressure of his arm and then pushing in again, making you gasp, bucking your hips, “and I like it when you use me. So, go on, YN…use me.”
You decide that this is the most realistic sex dream you ever had and to just fucking go with it. You pull Chan’s head down to cover his plump lips with soft kisses. He opens his mouth for you and it feels like he is ready to devour you. When his tongue touches yours for the first time, you feel like you might cum on the spot. His lips and tongue seem to tease you, promising more pleasure.
Your other hand grabs his arm, feeling his magnificent muscles straining to give you as much friction as you need. You start riding his arm slowly but with strength behind every roll of your hips.
“Come on, YN, I can take it.”
It’s dizzying. You pick up your pace, and soon there is no rhythm to your movements anymore, just plain wanton need to feel more. You are moaning into his mouth as he lets his tongue play with yours.
“That’s right, just like that. You have been holding back for so long, being all proper with me, I am so glad you are finally letting loose, you look fucking beautiful, my little princess.”
His low voice, his self-assured tone is driving you closer to your peak, and Chan can tell by your frantic movements and sounds. He kisses your lips, down your jaw. He squeezes your arse and your nape as he growls into your ear: “Keep going, baby girl. Cum on me.”
Yes, this is what you needed.
With a throaty moan you press your wet pussy against his strong underarm and ride out your orgasm, whimpering nonsense. Chan leans his forehead against yours, whispering how sexy you are while you spasm under him.
After what feels like millenia, you go limp. You are breathing hard, still making little noises as you come down from your high.
“Oh, fuck me, oh, that was so good”, you gasp.
Chan lies down next to you and pulls you in tight. He nuzzles your neck and you can feel his grin.
“Yeah? I think so too. Very hot. I especially liked it when you said I am your own personal Adonis.”
You groan and hide your face in your hands.
“I did say that didn’t I?! This is all the fault of. That. Picture.”
You turn around and accentuate your words with pinches to his shoulder and biceps. Chan laughs and catches your hand before it can pinch any further, kissing your fingers.
“You knaur, I never thought this would happen, but I am very happy it did”, he turns a little serious and looks into your eyes intently. “I think you are really cool and hot. And I would like to do this again. Maybe you will find some other parts of me even more enjoyable.”
You cock an eyebrow, making a show of looking him up and down.
“Hm, you think so, do you? Well, you muscular, arrogant, delectable, little shit, I will be the judge of that!”
And with that you attack his lips and push your hand down his pants to reward him for his existence in general and the orgasm he gifted you in particular.
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