#zoro soulmates
dira333 · 7 months
In every other Universe - Zoro x Reader
Part 1 - Driftwood bodies
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1. Driftwood bodies
Our driftwood bodies float against the tide,
twining around each other like we’ve been doing this
for ages, like we’ve been weather kissed, floating upon
and into and onto since the time before seas were first
christened into oceans.
From the moment you opened your eyes and saw the string, its vibrant mossy green tied to your pinky, you’d known the trouble ahead.
It wasn’t even the color of it that scared you, but the implications of it.
The grownups liked to talk about it, with big words that meant nothing in the end, about fate and being made for each other, and soulmates.
But you didn’t need words to understand that the tears your mother tried to hide did not come from happiness and that your father did not smell like booze every day because he was “just made like that”.
What good was a soulmate if it only pulled you down instead of up?
You can’t stop looking at it, no matter how much you try to hate it, to cut it, to forget about it. Its shade of green always comes back to haunt you.
It’s not the green that surrounds your house in the hills, not even when the tall grass moves in the wind like ocean waves. 
It’s not the dark green of the woods that lets your eyes rest when you watch them, dark and alluring, on the horizon. 
No, this green makes you think of a salty breeze and stormy skies, of a deepness below you and a horizon that you want to touch. This green makes you think of the ocean, long for something you’ve only ever seen in picture books before.
If only you could know that on the other end of the string, stretched and taut, would be the ocean and not some person.
The first time you felt truly happy, was when you heard a whale sing.
Hidden under your bed in case your mother or father came looking for you, ears shielded from their fighting with thick headphones, you press play on the cheap ocean sounds CD you got just hours ago.
The moment you hear the whales, you feel yourself drift off. No longer is the underside of your bed two inches away from your face and the bare wood under your back only cushioned by discarded clothes. Now your nose touches low drifting clouds and the wood underneath you is the smallest of boats, rocking in the waves.
You can hear the whales underneath you, singing to you about their own dreams and hopes and fears.
Something tickles your nose and you try to rub it only to realize that your string, usually stretched out into the distance, is now slack, the other end so close the string touches your nose, and pools next to your arm.
You need a second, even two, to realize what that means and when you do, you try to sit up so abruptly that you ram your head into the bed, pain pulsing in your temple and your nose as you roll out from underneath. Clutching your face you sprint for the window but all you can see is the back end of a funeral procession, everyone dressed in black.
You wonder if your soulmate is the one in the casket or someone following it.
You’ve never lost a relative or a friend. How does that feel? Freeing? Or suffocating?
“Who died, Mom?” You ask and you have been silent for so long that she’s too surprised not to answer.
“Some girl from Shimotsuki village. Fell down the stairs.”
Would you have gotten interested in marine life without the color of your string reminding you of it?
Would you have learned to fight without your awkwardness making you the butt of the joke too often to count? Always the girl that raises her hand to the sky at the weirdest moments, that keeps stumbling, pulled by an invisible string?
Would you have longed to escape this valley without someone pulling you?
You like to think that you’d do it all either way, but you can feel it, the pull of something, as you stumble through your teenage years.
The only thing that makes you think about making peace with it, them, is the thought of the ocean awaiting you. As long as you can be with it, in it, on it, you might be able to endure a soulmate.
There’s a boy in your classes who naps through every lecture and still gets the best marks. 
He hardly ever talks, smiles even less and has gotten into more fights this semester than you can count on both of your hands. 
You don’t want to think about his hair, that mossy shade of green you know so well, or the way your heart always misses one beat whenever he looks in your general direction, or passes you in the hallways.
You’d known you’d meet him someday. You’d thought moving to the city would make it easier, would leave him behind in the hills. But there he is, just two rows behind you, the weight of his gaze heavy on your shoulders.
He hasn’t tried talking to you. You’re not sure if he knows, or if he cares as little as you do.
But he’s in almost every one of your classes, his paper on sonar systems got a better grade than yours and he kicked the ass of that jerk from the football team before you got around to pepper spray him. 
He’s too close for comfort already and you try to pretend that you don’t know his name when your mind keeps whispering it in your ear.
Zoro. Roronoa Zoro. Your soulmate.
There are too many people pushing you to the right, too many people pushing you to the left.
You feel like a piece of driftwood caught in the stream, too tired to push against it, barely holding onto your drink.
Your back hit something warm and strong, someone sturdy enough to keep you upright.
“Thanks.” You mumble, trying to turn your head and get nothing in the flashing lights of the party. 
“No problem.”
There’s a lilt in his voice, a tilt to the words that you’re familiar with.
“Didn’t think I’d hear that accent in the city.” You say, fueling yourself with another sip. Liquid courage never hurt nobody.
“Grew up in Shimotsuki village.”
“No way.” You almost choke on your drink. “I grew up, like, two hills over. How’d you get here?”
“The sea.” He says simply and you nod, reveling in the truth of it.
“Yeah. Me too.” 
Someone stumbles into you at that, pushing you way off.
You hear someone yell “Dammit, Luffy!” in that accent that warms your heart with familiarity, but the crowd of people pulls you further away, making it unable to tell who it is.
There are people who are good at making friends and there are people who don’t.
Luffy falls into the first category, slinging an arm around your shoulders every time he’s in your vicinity, just because he can. 
The reason you’re friends? You gave him half of your sandwich when he sat next to you at the bus station, his stomach grumbling pathetically.
He had thanked you almost politely, scarved down the food in one bite, and then longingly eyed your half until you gave it up as well.
It’s hard avoiding him, but you try whenever you see a head of green hair walking, sitting, standing next to him.
Then there’s Nami, who’s got more fashion sense drunk than you might have sober. When you thought she was trying to scam you at first, selling self-made jewelry and other trinkets in the bathroom, you soon realized that she was doing just that but also doing some good.
“Don’t call him!” She slapped the phone out of some poor girl's hand and put both her hands onto her shoulders, gazing into her eyes. “I’m telling you! He’s not worth it. Here. Put that lipstick on. Just five pounds a piece, I tell you, it’s a miracle worker. Look at yourself, you’re so pretty! He doesn’t deserve you.” 
Even with her words half slurred she’s able to convince anyone to anything.
She might even convince you to talk to Zoro one day.
But not today.
Blood’s oozing from your split lip and your stomach hurts where they got a good kick in, but you’re still standing and they are not.
“Damn. That was a catfight if I’ve ever seen one.” Usopp says somewhere to your side. You blink to focus on his face.
“I’m not even mad that Zoro didn’t show up. But you didn’t have to go so hard on them.”
You huff, urging to get away from the scene. You don’t like getting into fights, but Usopp had seemed to need your help, always getting into trouble with the wrong kind of people. 
“I don’t like people picking on others. You good?”
“Yeah. You?” 
You shrug. “‘m fine.”
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, eyes the girls leaning against the walls, and points to the other end of the alley. “Wanna get out of here?”
“Sure.” You follow him out, pushing your hands into the pockets of your jacket as the wind picks up and pushes through you, bringing with it the salty tang of the sea and the comfort of the ocean. The longing to get to the shore kicks in again and moves your feet.
“What do you mean you got lost?” Usopp talks into his phone. “You just had to walk down the street, that’s like, a straight line. Yeah, don’t worry, I handled them just fine on my own.” 
You listen to him exaggerate his own doings, stopping in your movements when at the end of the street you can catch a glimpse of greenish blue between the buildings.
“You coming?” Usopp asks and you wave him off. “Ocean’s calling me.” You say simply and he shrugs, leaving you to make the short walk.
Next week the semester will end.
Your mother will call and ask if you plan to come home and you’ll politely decline, using non-existing assignments as an excuse.
Nami’s throwing a party on Saturday as an excuse to get people to buy whatever stuff she’s started creating now - you’ve seen her pottery collection and it’s impressive. 
Even if you’d avoid that party with a heavy heart, assuming Zoro would be there, declining Sanji’s invitation for lunch tasting on Sunday means buying groceries on Monday, something you can’t really afford.
You huff a breath as you walk up the steps to the pier, slowly coming to terms with the fact that you might be getting okay with being around Zoro. You wish you’d fought harder to avoid him, even if most of his friends are amazing and Usopp has at least managed to rope you into helping him.
You wish that it truly had been the sea that pulled you to it, loving you with all its might while you’re just the driftwood kissing its crown.
Maybe- You can see green hair, ruffled by the wind, strong shoulders, face turned into the wind to gaze at the sea.
It’s a green that’s not the fields and not the forest. A green you know will only fit against the blue of the ocean or the skin of your pinky.
You take the last few steps quietly, calmly, patiently.
“So you got lost.” You say and raise your hand in greeting, the string glinting in the sun.
It’s the first time you’ve addressed him, directly, to his face. The first time you’re alone together. The first time you acknowledge that there’s no more reason to run away.
There’s a flicker of a smile on Zoro’s face as he raises his own hand in response, the string connecting you two a vibrant green against the blue of the ocean.
“What do you mean? I’ve always been close.”
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part 2 - cartography
Dedicated to: @revasserium
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idontcarecarebear · 2 months
Loves to cook and hates wasting food.
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Will eat food off the floor covered in gravel.
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moonchild-nissa · 8 days
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beaulesbian · 8 months
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Luffy & Zoro in Wano || One Piece ep. 897
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nymph1e · 11 months
One thing I really hope changes about the Live Action is Zoro's characterisation. Dont get me wrong, OPLA!Zoro is great, but he's WAY too Cool Guy at the moment.
One of the best things about Zoro is how from a distance he SEEMS like a typical anime Cool Guy but then as you go forward you realize that, no, he's an insane weirdo who shares a braincell with Luffy, specifically. And they lost said braincell somewhere in Shells Town.
He will SOMETIMES borrow Nami's, but she charges too much for him to be able to afford it often...
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homolobotomized · 1 year
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zoro has a built in luffy locator (canon)
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shiouwu · 8 months
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Soulmates? 🎇⚔🚬🎇 twt: Shiodraws
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somanywips · 1 month
Au where you're pulled towards your soulmate, kinda like magnets.
So like, Zoro actually had a pretty good sense of direction when he was a kid. Not matter where you put him, he always knew where North was and could go wherever he wanted, but that changed when he turned 8. No one had no idea why, and Zoro was also completely clueless because he was always being pulled north, but then it just... Changed places one day. It kept moving around for a while until it settled somewhere else. And whatever it was that was pulling Zoro that way had always been north, so he just went Alright Guess The World Can Move Around and didn't question it. So he went on with his life, with his north sometimes shifting around.
When the cook joins the crew, it gets worse because now the north is always where Sanji is and the shitty bastard can always find him no matter where or how far Zoro goes.
And Zoro has no idea why his feet always seem to take him where Sanji is, why he always ends up in the galley at the end of the day, sitting on the floor, just watching the cook work, just existing near him.
And then they kiss for the first time, and he finally understands that Sanji has always been his north
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assiraphales · 8 months
sometimes when I step back from ships and look at them objectively i end up thinking to myself l “ok. yah. I was reading into it too much” but for luffy and zoro it’s the opposite. actually no one (myself the dudebros and all my fellow shippers included) are not being insane enough. let’s take it up a notch. maybe twenty
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harritudur · 1 month
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compilation + zoro and nami
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cottagedreamy · 3 months
Sometimes, i think how beautiful is the love between all the strawhats. I'm not talking about the romantic one, but the platonical. Besides i believe that any names could describe how their relationship works.
Oh, they just love so much each other. They LIVE, they keep going for them. They watch their backs, they fight GOD for them, they would burn, drown, kill, loose limbs for keep their nakamas safe.
It's so cute the fact that they do everything together. If they bath, they bath together. If they're gonna eat? They eat together! They're gonna sleep, they sleep together. One of them got a fever, they'll gonna look after them while asleep. Someone is sleeping without an blanket? Someone will bring one for them. One of them is working? There's always someone to make them company.
They tease each other, they hit their asses, they gonna fight for the insignificant things, they gonna argue, they gonna disturb each other, they will call you dumb and hit you, they can be mean for fun, and never say "i love you", because they just gonna show their love in different ways that doesn't need words.
It's funny to think they're so close, even they spent more time apart than together. But the dedication they have for each other, I feel like it was in the stars that they would meet, and at the moment when they needed it most, they appeared in each other's lives like sacred angels and bringing good company and shaping their bonds. unique characters that make it feel more like a family than a simple pirate crew. They are far from the conventional pirates we are familiar with in fiction. Because that ship became more than a shelter, it became a home.
And one day, this crew will be disbanded, and they will be able to go on with their lives peacefully. Travel, study, maybe get married, manage somewhere... And then, will their hearts sometimes go back to the sea and think "I miss those crazy days, with those people and with my captain..."? Everything will be just memories in the very distant future, but they will always carry a part of themselves in each other. They changed their nakama's lives forever.
But they've never got a chance to say "i think you're my family. And i love you", but like i said, they don't need to say. Their actions do it for themselves. They have so much love to give.
Oh, to be loved by your friends. To be cared by them. To call the sea your home, having a place to came back, but risk your life for some people that you've meet for a little time in your life, because you learned you can love, and now you have someone to share this love. Oh, they are destined to meet, they're all made for eachother. They're soulmates.
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dira333 · 7 months
In every other Universe - Zoro x Reader
Part 3 - Absinthe poem
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3. Absinthe poem
with the stars like fish in the sky 
that swam when we dipped our toes in
and made ripples, laughing, with our limbs
like broken swan wings  
From the moment you opened your eyes and saw the string, its vibrant mossy green tied to your pinky, you’d known the trouble ahead.
Because while everything you knew and loved was on this island, the string led straight away from it.
“Take me with you,” you say to anyone who will listen.
But you’re just a little kid.
“Take me with you,” you say to anyone who dares to stick around.
But you’re just a gangly teenager.
“Take me with you,” you press a handful of Berry into the Captain’s hand. 
His grin sends shivers down your back, but who knows when the next ship reaches your little island?
It’s hard work, being a pirate. Dirty work too. 
They say the crow’s nest is no place for a little girl, so you prove yourself and climb up first thing in the morning. 
They say a kitchen knife is the best weapon for a woman like you, so you learn how to wield a sword, then two. 
Your life might be nothing but you proving others wrong, but you can live with that, as long as you’re in motion, knowing you come closer to the other end of your string with every day that passes.
- - -
“Do you believe in Soulmates?” Robin asks over Dinner once. 
The question, innocent as it may sound, leaves the table in shambles. 
Sanji’s convinced that the mole on his back is a Soulmate Mark leading him to Nami, who, in turn, refuses to even consider that idea.
Usopp, however, has already found his one true love in Kaya, takes the chance to rave about her beauty once again while Luffy, never missing a chance, empties the plates of those otherwise occupied.
Robin’s dark eyes land on him.
“A string, huh?” She asks, as if she could see it, the neat little bow tied around his pinky.
He puts his hand down as if he hadn’t just stared at it like it would start talking any second.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’ve got one myself.” She raises her hand, looks at it in the burning light of a drowning sun. “There are days where I wonder if I’ll ever meet them.”
“It’s not like I’m searching for them,” Zoro huffs, because he isn’t, wasn’t, will not. 
There had been a time when he’d hoped it would be Kuina standing on the other side of this string. It had been a foolish idea, born from the mind of a little boy.
“We don’t have time for Soulmates anyway.” He calls out and takes his leave, a bottle of beer in his hand.
“You know,” Robin is hard to shake off. She looks at him from where her head has grown out of the wall. “It wouldn’t be that bad to have a Soulmate.”
“Not if you have to leave them behind. We’re moving toward something big and I’ll be damned to stay behind.”
“Sure, sure, but what if… you know… they’d come along?”
He stops, beer bottle pressed against his lips.
The thought is new, though not outlandish.
What if, he thinks, but doesn’t dare to finish the sentence.
- - -
By the time you leave your third ship you’d almost consider yourself talented in the act of disappearing.
There’s certainly some talent to it, honed by practice. You’ve spent months avoiding the Captain or other particularly nasty men who thought a woman on board meant having a wife on board. 
Your string is still taut, leading you further and further away, into the unknown distance.
But you’ve made a name for yourself, as the bounty posters proclaim.
Maybe, just maybe, there’s more to this than hunting down the supposed love of your life.
Maybe, just maybe, you could enjoy this, this life at sea.
- - -
There’s a tug on his string, just enough to shift his focus.
Zoro follows suit. Sanji and his damned market can wait. This is more important.
He tugs the string back, hopes and dreads an answer.
Another tug. He picks up speed.
The island’s rather small, from what he’s heard. If you’re on it, he’ll find you. 
But the string leads him away from the port, through narrow streets, and into the forest, up a hill he doesn’t remember seeing before.
Zoro tugs, you answer. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you don’t seem to mind that he’s about to find you.
Upon the hill, the trees give space to a clearing, just small enough for him… and you.
You’re out of breath, hands on your knees as you try to speak.
“You,” you both say at the same time.
You laugh, the sound new, yet welcoming him home. Zoro pulls you in, warm skin against warm skin, chests rising with each breath.
Maybe in a minute, he will ask for your name.
Right now, words are nothing but sparks in the face of a burning forest.
- - -
There’s nothing quite like swimming at night when the sky is clear and the stars swim in the sea just like you.
Zoro drifts in the dark water, arms crossed under his head as he looks up at the moon. 
You crawl laps around him, splash him from time to time to keep him from drifting to sleep as well.
“Hey…” You draw closer to him, dig your nose into the soft skin of his arm until he turns to pull you close, to press his warm lips against your cold cheeks. “Do you believe in Soulmates?”
“Funny.” He grumbles, squeezing your hip. 
“Do you think there are other worlds out there?” You ask, looking up at the moon. “Where we’re us, but not us? Like, I could be a medic or some really smart girl that studies the ocean…”
“I’d be a knight,” Zoro’s voice is firm, “For sure.”
You giggle, but can’t help the doubt wash over you again.
“But would you love me? In every other Universe?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” It sounds so simple when he says it. “In every other Universe, you’d still be you and I’d still be me. And I love you and you love me.”
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Dedicated to: @revasserium
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kourota · 9 months
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you'll always be my captain and i, your first mate
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sarcasticvoodoochild · 3 months
something something gay people and matching each other’s signature colors
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suuho · 1 year
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leo1132 · 1 year
ZS soulmate, red string, sanji centric, angst
So we are on wci, BUT the whole crew got their memories replaced by Pudding, they never had a cook, Luffy never invited Sanji, as for Sanji he never left germa, they successfully held the wedding, Big Mom also didn't betray Judge
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