micha-lapin · 1 year
one day,, ,
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vieformidable · 9 months
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Dream job or daring adventure? An annual salary of 1.2 million for the brave soul willing to guard the Zumon Lighthouse on the Brittany coast of France. Sleep when you want, enjoy stunning views, and even go fishing. Yet, the loneliness is profound, and storms with towering waves make it the world's most perilous job.
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daiza-the-witch · 2 years
I love my babies
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aflo · 3 years
Zére eez a pairson on zis website you mai 'ave 'aird of befaire who eez current-lee zé victim of an airganizéd bul-leeeng campaign sét up by hair hatairs to insult, mok, et tairmont hair bécausé shé 'as special needs et can’t explain hairself la same wai évairybody else does. La 'arassmont 'as gottén zo bad zat amégaotaku 'as basical-lee jéne offline and won’t talk to any of hair friends includeng hair own boyfriend. Zis was part of a scheme concocted by hair bittair ex-bést friend trashy tasha from la total drama fandom whaire she would mass send anons to people accuseng le usair een quéstshe-on amégaotaku of beeng a zioneest. Zen shé got evairyoné to beliéve amegaotaku was responsibuhl fair séndéng zése anons et a bunch of trulls started getteng mad at hair and now people won’t stop makeng fun of hair usairname and sendeng hair 'ate. Ai know we don’t know each othair but eez zere any wai you could offair zum 'élp to amégaotaku? Eet would mean a lot if zumone could suppairt hair through all of zis.
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djlewylew · 5 years
LOVE AWAY by @djlewylew feat #mrzomeone Available on . . #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/love-away-feat.-zumone-spectrum/id1121751836 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/36JR9NmAntakS38bgg7SBn?si=knrzo-1ORiagYwRpC09rEA Stream here: https://youtu.be/RKZPr6l0IZA #Tidal #GooglePlay #Amazon & ALL Digital Outlets via #MusicToDeathLLC #music #rnb #RandB #rhythemandblues #virginiarhythemandblues #virginiarap #757 #virginiahiphop #virginiamusic #757producers #757producer #757rhythemandblues #ru #de #757rappers #757rap #757rapper https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iuNR_lczK/?igshid=dmak5qdbrtut
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omghealthdrink · 6 years
Surprise Moi
Amelie: Ai just wont zumone to tak me oot.
Gerard: Lik on a date air wiv a snipair rifle?
Amélie: Surprizé me.
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sakamichi46art · 7 years
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#Fanfic #Photoshop #zumon #Keyakizaka46
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jaxamuse · 8 years
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Creatively, 2016 was really good to me! Thank you to all my collaborators for the cool opportunities ---- Live Lab w/ Orphx, Hamilton, CA; Mutek w/ Orphx, Montreal, CA; Spectrum, Toronto, CA; Uprise w/ SUMA, Toronto, CA; Eclipse w/ Jonah K, Quebec, CA; Root Stage at Solstice w/ ZumOne, Ontario, CA; Dark Rooms at Function Keys w/ Jonah K, Hamilton, CA 
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agrivietorg · 4 years
Zumon super 260EC – Thuốc trừ sâu
  Thuốc Zumon super 260EC là gì?
Tên thuốc: Zumon super 260EC Số đăng ký: 4511/CNĐKT-BVTV Thời gian lưu hành: 17/1/2017 -> 17/1/2022 Nhóm thuốc: Thuốc trừ sâu Phân loại nhóm độc:
GHS: 4
Loại 1, 2: Nguy hiểm – Chết nếu hít phải
Loại 3: Nguy hiểm – Ngộ độc nếu hít phải
Loại 4: Cảnh báo – Có hại nếu hít phải
Loại 5: Cảnh báo – Có thể có hại nếu hít phải
WHO: 2
Nhóm 1a, 1b: Rất độc
Nhóm 2: Độc
Nhóm 3: Nguy hiểm
Nhóm 4: Cẩn thận
Doanh nghiệp sản xuất:
Thành phần
Chlorfluazuron 100g/l + Fipronil 160g/l: 260g/l Cùng các thành phần và tá dược khác có trong sản phẩm.
Công dụng tác dụng
Zumon super 260EC chứa Chlorfluazuron 100g/l + Fipronil 160g/l có công dụng trong việc phòng, điều trị các loại sâu bệnh hoặc các vấn đề cây trồng trong Nông nghiệp.
Phạm vi sử dụng
Zumon super 260EC là thuốc được sử dụng trong Nông Nghiệp trong việc phòng và trị các loại sâu bệnh cây trồng mắc phải. Chỉ được sử dụng theo khuyến cáo của nhà sản xuất, không được sử dụng thuốc vào mục đích khác vì các thuốc BVTV hầu hết đều độc hại với con người.
Liều lượng và cách dùng
1. Dùng Zumon super 260EC trên lúa để trị sâu cuốn lá
Liều lượng: 0.2 lít/ha Thời gian cách ly (PreHarvest Interval- PHI): 14 ngày (Khoảng thời gian tính bằng ngày từ lần xử lý cuối cùng đến khi thu hoạch) Cách dùng: Lượng nước phun 400 – 500 lít/ha. Phun thuốc khi sâu tuổi 1-2
Giá bán
Giá bán thuốc Zumon super 260EC khác nhau tuỳ thuộc vào nhà cung cấp, khối lượng mua và thời điểm đặt mua. Liên hệ đại lý, cửa hàng vật tư nông nghiệp để biết giá chính xác. Hoặc thường xuyên truy cập website agriviet.org để cập nhật thông tin Nông Nghiệp gồm giá bán thuốc bảo vệ thực vật.
Mua Zumon super 260EC ở đâu?
Bạn đọc có thể đặt mua Zumon super 260EC trực tiếp ở các cửa hàng bán vật tư nông nghiệp hoặc các hiệu thuốc bảo vệ thực vật gần hoặc tiện nhất. Bạn cũng có thể đặt mua thuốc online tại các website bán vật tư nông nghiệp uy tín như agriviet.org/shop — Như vậy, Agriviet đã cung cấp những thông tin tổng quan về thuốc bảo vệ thực vật Zumon super 260EC, hy vọng những thông tin trên sẽ giúp bạn đọc có được những kiến thức hữu ích để sử dụng tốt thuốc BVTV cho việc chăm sóc cây trồng.
source https://agriviet.org/thuoc-bao-ve-thuc-vat/zumon-super-260ec-1259/
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silent-dragon · 2 years
(List of my student ocs by years/grade with link to bios if they have em.)
RSA Students
Armonye Dorm
(Incremania,Crystaleon,Sanwaii are RSA fandorms made by others.)
4th years
Alexandre Beauregard - Crystaleon
Amadus Astarot - Crystaleon
Maxime Heart - Crystaleon
Michalis viator Caligo - Crystaleon
Vasuki Hai - Crystaleon
Yaryla Eros - Crystaleon
3rd years
Cary Holger - General Student
Levina Leclair - General Student
Luke Watt Leclair - Incremania
Adalene Beauregard - Crystaleon
Amal Sunhold - Crystaleon
Bohumil Astarot - Crystaleon
Devlin Ether Cepheus - Crystaleon
Jebei Sunhold - Crystaleon
Mars Maws - Crystaleon
Minnette Astarot - Crystaleon
Yasa Bivatn - Crystaleon
Yisu Flamvival - Crystaleon
Merrill Kahlo - Zodiaste
Twst!Rico - Sanwaii
NBC Students
3rd years
Percival Day - General Student
Fanschool Students
(Shroomside,Stallmare are fanschool of mine,check pinned for post about it.)
(Hourglass Station Academy,Death's Academy of Combat,Witching Hour Academy are fanschools made by others.)
Hourglass Station Academy OCs
4th years
Bennett Sting - Evolnation
Dewey Ribeiro - Evolnation
Kandi Teahop - Polisionalle
Sakon Kiyo - Polisionalle
Cove Dripsprings - Tetravania
Harold Elefritz - Tetravania
Monsutā Taka - Tetravania
Veer - Tetravania
Vesper - Falciettie
Ashe Ramone - Valhunny
Dashiell Slora - Valhunny
Acalan Sosa - Syncrean
Ciro O’Connor - Syncrean
Nohea Kainoa - Syncrean
Duane Lovato Bardales - Legothrylos
Kenshin Kikuchi - Ikimori
Mokochiba - Ikimori
Nana - Ikimori
Asaa - KowaiNyan
Daisuke - KowaiNyan
Jiro Gōsutokurō - KowaiNyan
Ruka - KowaiNyan
Tén - KowaiNyan
3rd years
Croissant Merrick Steward - Evolnation
Gloria Kate - Evolnation
Matcha Meredith Steward - Evolnation
Shadya Dreavus - Evolnation
Alec Galanis - Tetravania
Celestria Solace - Tetravania
Ilana - Falciette
Jute - Falciette
McIntosh Crisp - Dreamystar
Mau Darwish - Valhunny
Ebony Bloodroot - Brutelene
Chiyo Kikuchi - Ikimori
Hanayuki Kikuchi - Ikimori
Death's Academy of Combat
Makasho Dorm
4th years
Sharptooth - Nakaumi
Vulcan - Nakaumi
Akos - Nakaumi
3rd years
Diletta Mezzasalma - Outlandical
Lady Palm - Nakaumi
Spencer Ryan - Nakaumi
Belial Cross - Gemmeluner
Balial Cross - Faerust
Witching Hour Academy
4th years
Nasir - Iginishield
Stallmare(blog in the works)
3rd years
Magnus Ragnulf - Ultima
Shroomside Elementary
2nd Grade
Ozul Mushrock
1st Grade
Drogo Goni
Rosé Aria Law
Lowan Zumon Crowley(AU Only)
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sakrum1 · 6 years
Robotron Z 1013
Der Robotron Z 1013 ist ein auf dem U880-Mikro­prozes­sor basie­render Heim­compu­ter des VEB Robotron aus der Deutschen Demo­krati­schen Repu­blik, der aus­schließ­lich als Bau­satz mit vor­montier­ten Bau­gruppen erhält­lich war. Die Produk­tion des Compu­ters wurde ab Mitte 1985 unter ande­rem mit dem Ziel geplant, bei der aufwen­digen Ferti­gung integrier­ter Schalt­kreise anfal­lende Aus­schuss­ware mit einge­schränk­ten Bau­teile­daten dennoch sinn­voll ein­setzen zu können. Durch die zu erwarten­den Beein­trächti­gungen beim Betrieb sollte der damit bestückte Z 1013 aus­schließ­lich als Hobby­anwendung für Privat­haus­halte bereit­gestellt werden, womit man zudem den staat­lichen Forde­rungen nach neu­artigen Konsum­gütern nach­kam. Für indus­trielle Anwen­dungen konzi­pierte man dagegen eine spe­zielle Variante mit regulä­ren Bau­teilen. Auf­grund der zusätz­lich geforder­ten geringst­mögli­chen Her­stellungs­kosten wurde der Rech­ner als gehäuse­loser Ein­platinen­compu­ter mit Folien­tasta­tur ent­wickelt, dessen ein­zelne Bau­gruppen vom Benutzer end­zumon­tieren waren. Zwischen Ende 1985 und Mitte 1990 wurden insge­samt etwa 25.000 Bau­sätze ausgeliefert.  – Zum Artikel …
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“slurred words”
I love ‘im. Of coursh ‘e...always like  my chest is spleet open. Like zah kind of love zat ‘urts constantly like you bruise your ‘eel and so, soooo every steep. Step not steep...Are you listening to me? Because I speaking and I do not feel you are lizzening. Every step...you are walking, and...I forget what I was...’AL! My ‘Al. Always mine, and now...not mine and not mine for so long I should not...but then I see ‘im and I do because ‘e still feels...so I still feel...and zeen it’s just all these feelings we are feeling, all tied up together. And I think--not to be boasting because I try nevah to be boasting...Okay, zat is a lie. I can do much boasting, but ‘Al, I know ‘e could be my ‘Al again. If I go and say ‘Al I love you and I don’t know ‘ow not to because it seems zah only thing I remember. I walk into zat green’ouse and I ‘ear you sing and za-bam I love you and nevah stop since so I think I should just love you forever and you love me and you be my ‘Al and zat is enough. 
So I say zat and I zeenk..yeah, ‘e would say yes I am your ‘Al again and it would be ‘appy but...I don’t want it. Because it’s all ‘appy surface and zen underneath I can forgive ‘im supporting zah..zah...zat zing...the attic...I can’t remember zah word but zah fighting people oo...malice.....une milice privée? [A vigilante squad] I could forgive zat...I could...if ‘e saw what zey were and admitted it and if ‘e was not a part of making more war. I could move on even wit’out every part of zat. But every time I think of ‘Al,  I also start zinking of ‘ow when Felix denied we ‘ad any relationship when I surprise ‘im at work zat summer everyone said ‘ow terrible ‘ow unforgivable it was, ‘ow I was right to be so ‘urt and Ailis and Lawrence and all of everyone say no, don’t forgive ‘im, ‘e does not deserve a second chance...and I zink, yes, I deserve betteh zen to be zumone’s secret swept undeh zah rug. I deserve to be betteh zen a ‘e’s nobody, because zat was my ‘ole life. Nobody. Nobody. 
And zen zare was ‘Al. Felix tried to warn me about ‘Al. Isn’t zat a funny thing to remember? Felix was zah only one zat saw it, zat knew, zat cared zat  ‘Al ...well ‘e was doing zah same unforgivable zing over and over much longer and I tried to forget zat it ‘urt. I tried to forget zat I was nuzzing. Because I felt I was so lucky ‘Al wanted me at all, even lying and ‘iding for months and months.Be patient I told myself. For seven months from ‘im saying ‘e wanted to be wit’ me...not just be wit’ me. ‘E wanted a relationship. ‘E wanted to try. It was zis ‘ole thing. ‘E’d already been telling me I was important, telling me what I deserved,  but zen seven months from wanting to try and it was seven months of...you know we ‘ad our New Year’s kiss in an alley next to a garbage can so nobody would see and we spent Valentine’s Day in an empty classroom? So seven months and zen ‘e says maybe we can tell a few people...but still not all zah people. Wouldn’t want everyone knowing ‘e was dating me. Because ‘e was ashamed of me or of ‘imself and aren’t both bad?
‘E got over it and we ‘ad...we ‘ad a lot of good times. We were public a lot longer zen seven months....if you add all zah different times we were off and on together.  It was a long time ago, but still...zat is what I remember now. Seven months of ‘im being ashamed and me telling ‘im ‘ow undehstandable it was to be ashamed...of me.
If Felix was unforgivable, zat is unforgivable. 
And I deserve better. 
But I do love ‘im from seventeen to twenty-one and I may still look back and find a memory and remember I love ‘im a four ‘undred and one....I do not think I will live zat long zo.
‘Is ‘air is so soft and ‘is voice makes me feel like I am blank sheet and zah world is a blank sheet and every time ‘e open ‘is mouth to sing ‘e just can paint everyzing and make a world..’is world and you are only just seeing it.  I love ‘is ‘eart...’ow much ‘e cares about small things with all zah passion of ‘is soul. I remember when ‘e blushes deeply it’s zah color of sumerwine acacia flowers. 
I neveh needed an extra blanket sharing a bed with ‘im. ‘E just radiates ‘eat like a little sun, but in a good, sunny way.
‘E’s not always a sun zo. ‘E was a...cloud. Yes, a cloud and ‘e just rained all kind of guilt and gloom and I’m sorry Mr. Cloud I don’t owe you anyzing and I should be ‘appy and try to forget...all zah everyzing!
I don’t forget zo.
I just....I don’t know. I don’t know very much of anyzing.
My mouth is dry. I talk too long.
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amillagus · 7 years
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Zumon Maki for brunch 😍 . . . #japanesefood #sushi #tunamaki #healthyfood #eeeeeats #beautifulcuisines #foodporn #foodpornshare #foodphotography #foodie #instafoodie #yummy #jakartainfood #foodgasm (at MONKS)
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apuesta8 · 8 years
New pick from Picks Zumones View pick 10 February 2017, 19:45 UTC Football - Wales: Bala Town - Cardiff MU FC pick: Full Time Excluding …
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djlewylew · 5 years
LOVE AWAY by @djlewylew feat #mrzomeone Available on . . #iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/love-away-feat.-zumone-spectrum/id1121751836 #Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/36JR9NmAntakS38bgg7SBn?si=knrzo-1ORiagYwRpC09rEA Stream here: https://youtu.be/RKZPr6l0IZA #Tidal #GooglePlay #Amazon & ALL Digital Outlets via #MusicToDeathLLC #music #rnb #RandB #rhythemandblues #virginiarhythemandblues #virginiarap #757 #virginiahiphop #virginiamusic #757producers #757producer #757rhythemandblues #ru #de #757rappers #757rap #757rapper https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SW4LDBqkM/?igshid=1rdpcdbgty1wy
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silent-dragon · 2 years
TWST OC Profile ~ Neir Moonlapis
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Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Name: Neir Moonlapis(Miss Moon by students)
Gender: Non-binary(She/They) 
Age: ???
Species: Pixie Fairy
Orientation: Demiromantic
Birthday: ???
Zodiac: ???
Inspired By: The Blue Fairy from Pinocchio
Height: 144cm(132cm without heels)
Eye Color: Moon Yellow
Hair Color: Blue tones & Clear(Glows blue&white at night)
Homeland: Briar Valley?
School Year: ??yrs+ as staff
Occupation: Astrology Professor
Best Subject: Astrology
Dominant Hand: Both
Favorite Food: Carambola desserts
Least Favorite Food: Tomato soup
Dislikes: Bad fairy myths,students who skip class
Hobby: Stargazing,Painting skyscapes,Tarot telling
Talents: Fast flying,Making things float,Pranks,Wish granting,Constellation finding
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Elemental Magic: Light/Fire
Unique Magic: "Happy Wish upon a Star" -
Neir doesn't grant wishes anymore so this is not used but basically allows her to grant a miracle level unconditional wish if you told it to a star in the night sky. She used to grant theses but the youth stopped believing in doing this so she stopped doing it.
OC’s Lore Summary: Neir is a long time staff member of NRC since fairies have been helping at the school. She is of the pixie species so she is more human sized and can speak fairy & human languages being often needed for communication between the two. Unlike most fairies Neir loves the night sky & stars. She loves teaching others about Astrology and has studied it for some time.
Personality: During the day she is a bit grumpy but gets better at night. She used to be super happy all the time but after a lot of years she is now a tad bitter. At night her personality is flipped and is so nice. She can be sweet anytime if you give her a bit of appreciation or praise.
Fun Facts: Neir was born from the 1st baby laugh of Dire. She seeked him out after feeling like she didn't fit in with the other fairies. She has never left his side since.
It bothers her secretly that she has never been anyone's favorite professor.
She functions on stars to power her magic as well as fairy dust which has been something that made her different then a regular pixie. Often she was called a witch by other fairies for it and told she's dangerous as she can make life altering choices with wish magic gained from star magic.
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Her skin tone changes from light gray to dark gray depending on the stars. Certain alignments give her power while others take it. Dark gray means she is weaker.
On the surface she seems mean but is kind, however has a habit of playing pranks on other staff members and sometimes students when she sees them being mean. Usually trips them or makes their phone vanish for a few mins.
Her wings are usually hidden or do not show to certain people but you can hear them if you listen closely. They are visible at night glittering from the light of her hair which glows at night as well.
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Dire Crowley
His laugh created her and no one understands why she is so different from other fairies but he has always welcomed her. She has always followed him. Neir has no label to what family he is to her.
In present twst they have a strained relationship as she disagrees on things he has done to get where he is now but still is there. She has no where else to go. The stars tell her nothing about his fate which worries her so. They tend to argue and Neir usually will make his hat fly away and he go after it to end the conversation.
Neir knows whats under the mask of course since she been with him since he was a boy.
Lonan Damón-Nova Crowley
Son of Dire and one Neir has taken care of moment she found him in a basket all alone on the beach. She calls him Little Nova most of the time as he adores stars due to her telling him all about them.
Lowan Zumon Crowley
The son of Lonan who she has recently met and has continued her care of Dire's family. While she wishes to care for him same as she did Lonan Dire has told her she needs to let him care for his child more. She calls him Mini Nova after what she calls his father.
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