thefourchimes · 4 months
🍎: Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Oooh, well, overall, bashing of characters (especially the ones that lead to complete OOCness because bruh), proshipping (fuck that shit), and smut (I'm uncomfortable with writing and reading this personally)
I'm not sure if there are others I forgot to mention but those are the ones off the top of my head
🍍: What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I generally like all AUs as long as the premise and summary of the fic is interesting!! As long as it hooks me in some way, I don't mind
Don't really have beef or hate for any particular AU, not unless the AU's aim is to only bash characters in some way
🫐: What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Ooooh, this is a tough one, hm...
What does one consider as underrated in Encanto?
I'm blanking so hard, omg
Characters and various things probably considered underrated in this fandom are not considered underrated in my head because of how I think about them so much, so I'm not actually sure HASFUHASF
Plus I don't think it helps that I never really was in the fandom when it was in an all time high, and my hyperfixation only skyrocketed around three to four months ago
Oh well, I guess I can mention Casita, love Casita sm <33
🍐: Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Well, this is another tough one, considering how Encanto is from Mirabel's pov which means it makes sense that some things aren't shown on screen, but even then, I think I still would have loved to see more dynamics and relationships between all the Madrigals, like a conversation between Isabela and Luisa for example (we saw them individually with Mirabel but not with each other—their moment in All of You is not enough 😔)
So it's less fix and more of explore in this case, especially since the only concrete canon we have are the movie and some comics and books
Though another thing I would love to fix are the misunderstandings, not in fics actually but rather with other people's perceptions and takes with the movie, because so many people miss several points completely in some way that it physically pains me every time, the "media literacy, where are you" type of thing
But I digress
Thanks for the ask!! :DD <33
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omgcheez · 5 months
Happy Birthday!
Thank you! :D
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waitingonavision · 1 year
35, 48
OC ask.
Whee~ thank you for the ask! I'll be working my way through the questions I've received kind of methodically—gives me the chance to really think about the answers. CW: for mentions of death (of parents)
. . .
35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
I wouldn't say that Moisés is prone to daydreaming... but I think he tends to let his thoughts drift quite a bit on Shabbat and Yamim Tovim (holidays) , when it's quiet and he's not doing any work.
He's fairly imaginative, though not on the level of, say, Bruno or Mirabel. He's the town's calligrapher (he works in both Spanish and Hebrew), so his creative streak definitely comes out when he's designing things... I think he has a "structured" or deliberate? kind of creative mind, if that makes sense... like, less free-wheeling. He doesn't let his worry or anxiety show too much. But he has Jewish Guilt and inherited trauma... plus, he was around four years old when the Encanto was created, so he has that traumatic memory of fleeing the town with his parents and the other refugees. It manifests sometimes in the form of PTSD.
48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
Mo's mamá's name is Ester and his pá is Jonás. They lived in the same town as Alma and Pedro. I imagine there were a few other Jews in that town, but by the time the horsemen come, and definitely while they're living in the Encanto (until the Madrigals discover their own Jewish ancestry), the Bondias are the only Jews left.
In contrast to Alma and Pedro, Ester and Jonás became parents at an older age. Maybe it took them some time to conceive Moisés, who's their only child. Ester's grandfather was a rabbi, and I think it's possible that Jonás, who was also a scribe, had both Sephardi (Spanish Jewish) and Ashkenazi (Eastern European Jewish) family members. I haven't thought to much about their backstories yet, so don't hold me to any of this lol ;;; For simplicity's sake, I'll probably also model their personalities on Esther and Jonah from the Tanakh/associated midrash. Mo gets his studiousness and some of his positive traits from Ester, and a bit of his goofiness and vices from Jonás.
Mo was always pretty close with his parents and is really affected when they pass away while he's still in his 20s. And he feels distraught because he's not able to recite Kaddish for them (the mourner's prayer requires a quorum of ten Jews)... which leads him to scour rabbinic literature for solutions or a work-around. Their deaths also cause him to feel even more isolated as the sole Jew in the Encanto (until the Madrigals' discovery, of course).
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Baby Mo doodle!
OC Asks!
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
If you still accept headcanons:
Before getting her gift Pepa really loved all storny and rainy and overreal extreme weather and now she still does but it kinda rubs her the wrong way
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spooky-spextre-arts · 2 months
💝☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆💝 ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ 🐝💕
Aww, thanks!! I'm happy I count as one of your favorite blogs. <3 🍁
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bananahkim · 1 year
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It’s been a while since I’ve posted Encanto fanart so here’s a Madrigal kids’ group photo plus Antonio’s favorite jaguar! @incorrectmadrigalfamilyquotes and @zuuz-dot-chr-exe hope you like this!!!
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For @zuuz-dot-chr-exe, based on the prompt: “Isabela trying to convince Dolores to have a streak of her hair dyied.”
A short one shot of Isabela and Dolores bonding while Isa tries to convince her prima-hermana to let her dye a single strand of hair. Or Isabela might not like showing it but sometimes she still needs reassurance from her family that being imperfect is okay.
Something Unexpected
“No, Isabela.”
It wasn't the first time she heard it and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
Ever since she got her gift back, Isabela had been no stranger to dyeing anything she could get her hands on. From her hair to her dress to her furniture to even her own skin, she would stain in any colour - splattered, several at once or mix up something new. She wasn’t picky. If anything, she liked the mash of colour.
Subsequently, this also meant her family had to adjust to this change too. For the most part, they were on board and very supportive. Many of them would happily join in or offer themselves as victims test subjects. The only real disapproval would come from her mother when she made a mess and refused to clean it, and when she stained a new piece of clothing in front of Mirabel. The nagging over the kitchen and whining of wasted thread aside, Isabela was much happier than she ever remembers being.
She frequently found herself adding dyed strands to the hair of Luisa, Camilo and Antonio. That was where you could find the four Madrigal kids on Sunday morning like today. Not that she is complaining about the arrangement, but… it would be nice to do someone else’s hair. And her one target didn’t seem to have any other response. No matter how she approached the offer.
“Please, Dolores!” Antonio tried, tugging at his sister’s sleeve with hopeful eyes. “It doesn’t hurt or anything, I promise. You’ll look so pretty with your hair done!”
Dolores barely lifted her eyes from her tiple, continuing to strum the tune she was learning.
“Come on, we’re all doing it, sis. Just have Bela put some yellow in.” Camilo kicked his foot at her chair. Unlike Antonio’s flattery and begging, his go-to strategy was always to annoy his sister into doing something. Which got pretty similar results. She didn’t move and instead Casita pushed him aside. “Casita, that’s not fair! It’s not my fault! Dolores is ruining the whole afternoon!”
“Why are you all getting on my case about this? Mirabel isn’t joining in either.” Dolores squeaked.
“Don’t spin this on me,” Mirabel snapped, stopping her embroidery to look up at her accuser. “You know full well I’m allergic.”
“You’re allergic to tree pollen, not flowers, you’re fine!”
Mirabel brushed her forehead curl back, revealing an irritated red patch, a rash from some test Isabela had done. She shot Dolores a challenging look, “Then explain the existence of the allergic reaction I’ve had, Lola.” Dolores rolled her eyes, turning away. Mirabel set her hair back, sighing to herself as she picked up her needle, “Dios, dame fuerzas. Tener la razón todo el tiempo es agotador.”
“I can hear you, you know,” Dolores whispered over.
“Good.” Mirabel hummed.
Luisa, who was sat on Mirabel’s other side, dropped an arm around her sister. “I can’t believe you’d throw this all on her. She is a child and she has a reason to not participate, what the hell is your excuse anyways? Let me guess: the pollen is too loud?” She asked, teasing.
“Oh, you are so funny, Luisa.” She deadpanned.
“One strand of hair, Dolores, that’s all I’m asking,” Isabela piped up, waving the red flower around dramatically. “Come on, I’m your best friend! Your sister-like figure—”
“Do not give me that song and dance again. You did it twice yesterday and I still have a headache.”
“Okay, fine… But, you know, as the eldest grandchild, I’m technically the one in charge, so what I say goes and I say—”
“It’s not going to happen, Isabela.”
Isabela groaned, “Please!? I will literally pay you!”
“There isn’t enough money in Colombia for that.” Dolores countered.
Seemingly giving up, Isabela collapsed back into the chair behind her. Luisa chuckled a bit but didn’t say anything more, happy enough to let this go too. Antonio pouted while Camilo huffed, getting onto his feet he offered his hand to the younger boy.
“Come on, Toñito, let’s go show Mamí and Papa how great our hair looks.” He suggested.
As the two boys ran off in a flurry of multicoloured powder, Dolores contented herself in the relative silence of the room. With a smirk to herself, she returned her focus back on to the instrument in hand. She barely got through the first chord before:
“Okay, your brothers are gone now. It’s just us. You can let me dye your hair now.”
“Pretty please!?”
“Bitch,” Isabela spat, slumping over onto the floor.
“Language.” Mirabel said, sing-song.
Luisa was giggling to herself at this point, clearly very entertained by both Isabela and Dolores’ ongoing argument. Even more so now that Mirabel had decided to try mediate the situation or at the very least Isabela’s swearing.
Dolores decided to simply ignore her three cousins, just focus on the song she had yet to finish because of all the interruptions and distractions in this room.
Honestly, she should have picked somewhere else to settle down with her tiple. It has crossed her mind an hour ago but she didn’t think too much of it. After all, they were her family. Her own brothers and cousins, and she did like being in their company. Even if she was just a silent spectator to the chaos of gremlins and Mirabel’s latest embroidery project.
When Isabela brought out the flowers and the boys began bouncing off the walls in hyper excitement and anticipation, she had her cue to leave. That would have been the chance to avoid all of this. Casita even nudged her foot to let her know. And yet… she still didn’t move. She remained in her seat, happily making her way through the chord progressions, enjoying the background noise of the chaos in the room.
“Oh, shut up!” Isabela flung back at her sister. “How would you feel if Luisa turned around and refused to wear your embroidery?”
“I wouldn’t blame her. It is her decision what she wants to wear and my embroidery is a disgrace.”
The laughter stopped very quickly.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Luisa exclaimed. “What did Mama tell you about demeaning yourself and your skills, hermanita?”
Mirabel clicked her tongue, just managing to stop herself from rolling her eyes. This wasn’t her first time doing this. She realised where this was going and stopped her work at a sensible place. “Not to do it, even in jest.”
“Exactly,” Luisa nodded. She heaved herself up onto her feet, scooping Mirabel up into her arms and headed for the exit. “Now, we’re gonna go into a quiet space upstairs, hug and discuss why you felt the need to say that, like the responsible and open Madrigal we are. Just know, I am not disappointed in you, just a little concerned at where such bullshit came from!”
“Yep, sorry, Mira. I realised as soon as I said it.”
Her footsteps disappeared up the stairs, leaving the room once again in silence. Quieter than before. Quieter than when she first entered the room.
It wasn’t the same kind of silence. It was the same silence she remembers on the first night after Casita’s collapse, almost a year ago to the day. Uncomfortable, to put it lightly. Different types of discomfort, of course, but somehow still the same. They weren’t pleasant to sit through and it ruined the melody every time she tried to play.
She set the tiple down in the empty spot beside her. Glancing over at Isabela, who had since slumped all the way down to the floor, flickering various petals and leaves into the air from her fingers.
“You don’t really think I don’t support you, do you?”
The petals unceremoniously dropped. Isabela sat up abruptly, coughing them out.
“What?” She asked.
“What you asked Mirabel,” Dolores clarified. “You implied that me not letting you dye my hair was the equivalent to Luisa turning down the embroidery Mirabel spends hours working on. I know you were exaggerating but the point remains; I’m asking if you think that I don’t care or support you.”
Isabela didn’t say anything, still unusually quiet. But the silence was enough of an indicator for Dolores.
As much as Isabela has grown to perfect herself and was a flawless actress, who had the entire town believing every smile was as real as life itself, Dolores had become incredibly sharp at reading people. Hearing everything gave her knowledge which was always an advantage in that process, but after so many years, it pretty much became second nature. So, even though Isabela had everyone else believing what she wanted, she never had and never will have Dolores.
Dolores stepped down, kneeling on the floor beside her cousin, taking her hand. Isabela raised an eyebrow at this.
“Isabela, I do care about you. I’m happy that you get to be yourself and, even though some of your actions are very stupid and downright dangerous, I do support you. I might not always say it or show it, but I do.” She insisted, offering a smile. “Okay?”
Isabela returned the smile, meeting her eyes. “So… can I dye your hair?”
Jesus fucking Christ—
“Fine,” she relented, covering Isabela’s mouth before she could start screaming in excitement. “But this stays between us, Isa. I don’t want my brothers knowing that I can change my mind, I’ll lose my power over them.”
“Whatever you want, Lola.”
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shuinami · 1 year
belated 15 questions lol, thank you for tagging me @sweet-potatah-pie (check out her beautiful patf fics and art, she's so good fr 🤎🤎🤎)
1. Were you named after anybody? I don't think so but I share a name with a singer who was popping the most when my parents were in their 20s
2. When was the last time you cried? Two days ago 👩🏽‍💻
3. Do you have any kids? No 😎
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really
5. What sports do you play / have you played? Nothing of significance, I'm not a sporty gyal
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Hair
7. Eye color? Brown/black
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings
9. Any special talents? Nope 🥸
10. Where were you born? London
11. What are your hobbies? Writing fics, producing songs, doing art, idk if these count as hobbies but definitley spending way too much time on social media and joblessly walking around central London 😅
12. Do you have any pets? 3 cats 🐱
13. How tall are you? 5"7 or 5"8
14. Favorite subject in school? Socio-Cultural Anthropology 🤎
15. Dream job? Screen actor 🥸
if anyone's up for it: @thisismisogynoir @jacuzziwaters @topaz-carbuncle @immabethehero @tempestuousgish @zuuz-dot-chr-exe
@eveningstar1516 @blackenedrosary @chilewithcarnage @itscosmicnerd
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orangetubor · 1 year
15 questions!
Tagged by @zuuz-dot-chr-exe
1. Were you named after anybody?
Kitty pryde from the X-Men comics! It didn't stick though :p
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember!
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don't know, do I?
5. What sports do you play/have played?
I am NOT a sporty person, but I do exercise a lot to try and maintain my strength so I don't injure myself walking or sumthn
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Idk, I don't meet a lot of new people, most of the time it's 'wow they're pretty' there's a lot of pretty people in the world
7. Eye color?
Like a Goldy green kind of? Picture sea after a storm
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Personally I am a happy endings fan
9. Any special talents?
I can make my eyes wiggle and use it to freak people out, for funsies ;)
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to draw, play videos game, rotate Juno Steele in my mind, and play the stylophone!
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! My lovely cat Mr Marlowe :)
13. How tall are you?
5'1! Finally!
14. Favourite subject in school?
Biology! I get first place on all the kahoots
15. Dream job?
I don't know yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Feel free to join in: @xerayn @alphacrone @curiositykilledtheradiostar @herawell @arlen-oliver
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yellowcry · 10 months
How can you keep everything together?
For @zuuz-dot-chr-exe promt: Giftless members of the family reflect and try to make sence of the whole thing
Things weren't supposed to go this way. In a split second the candle just flickered and something strange happened. The fact that some people don't have gifts doesn't mean they weren't affected
She remembered that day as if it were a nightmare.
Mirabel didn't mean the words, "The miracle is dying because of you!" They just went out of her throat before she could even realize it. For a moment, there was a sound of breaking, as if the biggest crack was about to destroy them. The floor shook, the old stonework of the floor was running over each other, and Mirabel was wholly sure that Casita would just fall apart within a second.
It stopped as suddenly as it began. Mirabel stared up into the window where the magic candle stood proudly, and a black, impenetrable smoke was coming up from it. 
And there was yelling. Mirabel winced in panic and looked around. The first thing she realized is that her mom hunched over, leaning on Agustin with the blood running down her face; her arms were covered in red cuts, tears, and slashes. And Mirabel could see how the bruises appeared out of nowhere. 
"Mama!" She screamed in horror, but as she ran to Julieta, the latter suddenly felt better, injuries had quickly healed, just like they always had with the magic food.
"Mi Amor?" Agustin breathed out in panic, supporting his wife as Mirabel peeked, scared over what just happened. It wasn't normal. And on her eyes, her mom's skin got irritated as if from the injury, and the blood ran down again. Just out of nowhere. And Mirabel could see how Mama's azure dress was getting wet and strained with blood. 
"What the hell?" Mirabel winced, her hands trembling as she touched Mama's dress at this moment, before looking away, now staring at her older sister. Agustin looked like he wanted to scold her for a moment, but the words got stuck inside of him. Isabela grabbed the vine that was growing exactly from her palm, as if she were the ground. In a split movement, a young woman ripped off the plant, and fresh blood dripped down her cut. The whole cold family stared at this with visible worry and horror.
The wind around was so strong that Mirabel got really scared that instead of breaking, Casita would just fly away in Tía's hurricane, who was shaking from cold, and small flashes of lightning were running all over her like a peel. Felix tried to take her arm but immediately winced in pain, reflexively pulling away.
Mirabel's gaze was jumping from one family member to another, not making any sense of what was going on right now. She saw how Isabela ripped off another sprout, and Luisa rubbed her face and stared down at herself worriedly. Tío Felix rushed to Dolores, who seemed to fall unconscious on the floor, while Bruno, with the face of Señora Pezmuerto (Camilo?) fell after his sister because he couldn't balance properly without a second leg.
After a moment, a teenager turned to see Abuela. Her grandma clenched her hands together; for the first time in Mirabel's life, she could see fear, pure terror, in her strong and resilient Abuela's eyes. Her face twisted from horror, brows arched in panic. The candle continued to smoke.
Days were passing pretty slowly, at least in Felix's opinion. He couldn't tell that he didn't wish to get everything back to how it was before, but his motto in life was to keep going forward, despite the life obstacles, not losing faith that tomorrow will be even better. He would call himself a glue person who was smoothing the corners. His positive outlook on life was probably the reason why he didn't seem to fall into as much despair as everyone else. Still, he wasn't naive. Their condition really seemed desperate, and his usual optimism could never do anything to fix it.
He was pretty used to bearing through Pepa's storms. When you spend more than twenty years sharing the same bedroom, you get used to all those temperature changes or hurricanes. But even Felix had to admit that it was nothing compared to what was. going on near his wife now. Just walking from the door of their room to bed would take a good two hours with all those crazy gusts of hurricane wind all around. Don't get him wrong; he loved it when Pepita was allowing all her feelings out, causing the weather around her to go crazy. But Felix also hated it when she was upset, which was usually the cause of 'troubling' weather. And, according to the constant storm that threatened to just break down the door, Pepa was upset literally all the time. But what concerned Felix the most was how hard it was now to get Pepa's mood in a lighter condition. Everyone knew that she was quick to rage, but people often forgot that she was quick to calm down and even switch to happiness. But now getting Pepa into even a neutral condition felt like the eighth wonder of the world; leaving alone actually made her get any positive feelings no matter how hard Felix tried. It was like Pepa's ability to feel happiness dissipated in the smoke of a twisted candle. 
Not only hers, actually. Felix hadn't told anyone, but it just seemed like all gifted Madrigals now were way more snappish or depressed than before. He could blame curses for it; he wouldn't keep his optimism if he was affected either, but with how impossible it was to make Pepa stop thundering, Felix really thought that gifted members just couldn't feel anything but rage or despair. And it hurt way more than he wanted to admit. In this way, Felix was just like Camilo, wishing nothing more than to keep everyone happy.
The mentioned boy wasn't any better than his mother or sister, who currently isolates herself from any sound. When Felix first saw how Shapeshifter was jumping between random people, mixing some really incompatible traits, he got really worried. But it was really nothing compared to when Camilo took a form with his skin inside out, showing his organs. 
But it wasn't like Felix could actually do anything to fix this. The only thing he was able to do was run from his wife to his son, trying to give them at least a tiny shred of happiness.
*** Alma had no idea what to do now. Everything was out of control when most of the family suffered, and those little amount without gifts tried to help everyone. Crying howls could be heard from every room at night. Pain and despair hung over the whole Casita, as nothing seemed to help stop the suffering. The candle dripped with wax, and the once beautiful pattern has blurred. Alma couldn't say she wasn't afraid of what might come next out of this now-twisted in some dark way miracle, but she didn't know how to stop this. Agustin's idea of putting out the candle might be good at first sight, but there was no way to actually know if it would stop the devilry in this house. 
Alma walked down the stairs, mentally marking blood stains to clean them later. Who's blood was it? Maybe Isabela destroyed the plants in her body again, tearing her own skin for the sake of freedom. Maybe Camilo shapeshifted into something abnormal again. Alma could never know. The fact that her mind reacted so calmly made her guts twist.
It was nothing like Pedro. If he disappeared in a slit of a second without letting Alma even understand what was happening properly, then her descendants stayed like this for a long time to become something not so strange. Everyone just wanted for this to stop. 
While other giftless members tried to comfort the exhausted tortured Madrigals, Alma was way more focused on keeping the village in line, leaving problem feelings inside Casita. 
And, oh boy, she never realized how much everyone used the magic gifts. For a couple of weeks, the whole village got into chaos. In those forty-five years, Alma had forgotten how wild the weather was without control. Donkeys were walking all over the village, and no one actually knew how to deal with injuries. 
This heavy smoke exposed the worst parts of the family, piercing through the skin with the sharp fangs, and Alma did her best to keep everything in order, just like always. Except for the fact that this time there was no way to say that everything was fine, pretending that all the cracks were a part of imagination. No matter how hard Alma tried to pretend that everything was fine, her family kept suffering.
Her eldest, Julieta, could barely move from bed with all those injuries that were appearing as fast as they were disappearing. No one actually could see Pepa properly because coming into her room was dangerous with the endless hurricane she caused, and Alma could only admire Felix, who kept coming to his wife despite how dangerous it was. And Bruno, her poor boy, who just disappeared one night without a trace, was now surrounded by spinning sand all the time. Grains painfully hit her skin when Alma tried to come closer, just like those lights all over Pepa's body. There were nights—many nights—when Alma imagined how her missing son returned home, even if she was completely sure that he was dead. This reunion wasn't as sweet as she had hoped it to be, no. It was painful and heartbreaking. She'd rather never see him again instead of this madness that took over him. 
Then there were her grandchildren. Primary four oldest of them. For some heavenly grace, Antonio didn't suffer like the others; even if Alma could see some disappointment in his eyes when he lost his gift that he got just a day ago, it was better than seeing him crying in pain without anyone around to comfort him properly. And Mirabel... Well, she looked completely fine. But, again, the curse seemed to affect only gifted Madrigals, so Alma left her be; there were enough problems already. The other grandkids, however, weren't so good. Starting with Isabela, who kept having plants growing inside of her, the red blood was running down her arms so often when she kept ripping the flowers off her. Dolores just stayed in her room, just like her mother, not for everyone's safety but for her own. For a couple of days, she had an extremely large number of heart attacks, until Mirabel connected the dots and said that her prima's heart usually gives out when there are loud noises. So Dolores went into her room to never come out. Luisa even looked fine for some time, only saying about some strange itching under her skin, that's until the first gray spots came on the surface, slowly growing, replacing her body with rock, just like plants replaced Isabela's. Camilo kept shapeshifting rapidly, seemingly not having any control over it; his body didn't care if his limbs were switched, not even taking into concern anything else.
Agustin greatly blamed her for this entire situation. And Alma just couldn't get it. She didn't try, she never wanted for something like this to happen. Dios, she wouldn't wish this even for her enemy. There was no way she actually did something to cause this; she was only protecting the family, and she didn't know how she would live with herself if she was to blame. 
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thefourchimes · 4 months
here you go <3
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omgcheez · 1 year
Happy Birthday! 🎂👏🏻
Thank you!
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aeshnalacrymosa · 1 year
No Pressure
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I am so happy to finally finish this DTIYS for @zuuz-dot-chr-exe ! I hope you like it! Thanks for liking most of my posts! 💜
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Felix needs reading glasses.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
My Encanto Friendship Page☆☆☆
@acewithapaintbrush thought up this ADORABLE idea of Encanto friendship pages. Basically you fill one out, share it and tag some ppl! Read more abt it in her original post💞💞💞
Soooo heres mine🥰💌:::
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I'm also MollyMerccurY on Fanfic.net but I couldn't fit it in lol- plus I don't rly use it anymore x
This was so cute and fun!!!😭😭💘💘 I'm really excited to see all the ppl that fill this out!💗💗
Because this is a special occasion💌 I'm gonna go all out with the tags and basically @ everyone who I've formed any kind of connection with, no matter how small, because of Encanto 💞💞
In no particular order~~~
@naoko-world @omgcheez @glitternightingale @shuinami @julietas-basil @waitingonavision @junosaccount @metaphoricaltigers @sokkas-first-fangirl @sketchnwhatevr @sharknadoslutt @unskilled-dabbler @immabethehero @clownmoontoon @lunamadrigal @seanettlles @a-bagel-with-anxiety @azucareraart @becstuffs @captaincravatthecapricious @psyphifics @usedtobeguest123 @rats0ut @breannasfluff @zuuz-dot-chr-exe @greenvillainredemption @hectic-hector @ro-bun @justanisabelakinnie @graveyardlilies @encantoisawesome @inthishousewestanencanto
If I forgot anyone, I'm so sorry!! There's a lot of you lol and I'm grateful for each and every one of you😫😭💘💘💘
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orangetubor · 10 months
Thank you for the tag @butchmechanism !
Last song I listened to: funky baiser, I was listening to the monster in Paris soundtrack!
Favourite colour: purple
Last movie/show I watched: I'm watching elementary with my mum right now
Relationship status: single and not ready to mingle ✌️
Last thing I looked up: possum Vs opossum (I wa starting to figure out the difference, turns out there isn't one)
Current obsession: the penumbra podcast is still whirring in my brain
No pressure: @zuuz-dot-chr-exe @xerayn @the-private-eye @aroacecat @theplasticwalmartbag
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