the-crows-caw-tarot · 4 years
Why don't you want me in your life?
To teach how loss feels?! Loss is a hard emotion to deal with, it hurts, it sucker punches HARD in the gut! Teaching solitude? Teaching self reliance? That they're not the right match for you anyway and space needs to be made for the right people?
Maybe I don't matter to them anymore? Maybe..... Just maybe they don't matter to me any more.....
💜 The Crow's Caw Tarot 💜
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 4 years
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Shadow Work Info 🧿🌀🥀
[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 4 years
“Only when there is no competition will we all live in peace.”
— Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching ch.8. Transl.J.H.McDonald- (via terracemuse)
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 4 years
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
I've struggled in the past to push through some bad times that nearly broke me, when I couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, when I wanted to exit life. So many days were such a struggle I'd stand there contemplating how to end it all, but SOMEHOW I kept going, something inside of me pushed me on. Fast forward to now and I'm so glad I kept going; I've now found inner peace, am stronger and wiser and those struggles make me appreciate the happy times so much more. I'm so happy and proud of myself, to be living the life I am right now. A life I would not have known if I'd given up. So, now I'm asking you to have faith in what I'm saying, to trust me because no matter how bad things get, hang on in there. You won't see it now but sometime in the future you will be glad you did, your future self will thank you for persevering and pushing through the shit. Be gentle, take each moment as it comes knowing you will get through it. Take it from me, I know, I've been there.
Love to you, be strong ~ Vicki ~
~The Crow's Caw ~
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
Emotional Beings
Human beings can be self destructive but I do believe that as emotional beings we have a natural tendency to be this way. It’s ultimately about finding healthy ways to express negative emotions which harm none and creating healthy barriers in how you treat yourself and others.
By The Crow's Caw x
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
Simple moon phase explanation for spellwork
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MOON PHASE: new, waxing, full, waning.
WAXING: getting bigger (before the full moon) for drawing to you and abundance.
WANING: getting smaller (after the full moon) for releasing, letting go.
By The Crow's Caw x
(image Nasa)
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
friendly reminder: healing is not an overnight process
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
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Choose love. 
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
We all go about our daily lives endlessly searching for happiness and fulfillment. We are actually seeking what we ultimately are at a soul level; joy, bliss, love and light. We all have this same goal but we just go about it in different ways.
By The Crow's Caw
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
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(The Crow's Caw) x
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 6 years
Remember, you are a spiritual being living a human experience who's goal is to evolve.
By The Crow's Caw x
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 9 years
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My spirit guide, Rushing Bull, gave me a message which I want to share with you. The above quote is apt for his message:-
“as an empath you feel deeply and hurt deeply. You have a tendency to hold onto negative emotions and hurts, carrying them around; burying them. Depression and illness is common in empaths for this reason.”
“The most important thing you must always do when you wake and throughout the day is protect yourself. Visualise yourself within a ball of brilliant white light with a reflective mirrored outer shell to reflect external negative energies.”
“Draw, paint, write, dance, sing, walk in the woods, meditate, cry, punch a pillow to bits, scream and shout into a pillow, talk to friends. Express emotions and hurts in a safe manner which causes no harm to yourself or others, draw them up and out, free them! Don’t let them fester inside!”
“Ensure you are properly hydrated so as to prevent energetic stagnation.”
“and don’t forget to breathe properly; taking breaths into your stomach, see it rise. Don’t shallow breathe.”
“This is to help you understand why you feel the way you do.”
~Rushing Bull~
By The Crow’s Caw x
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 9 years
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How many of you live in your past? We cannot forget our past, it made us who we are but it doesn’t mean you should be living in it day after day.
More time spent with feelings of guilt and regret over past decisions and past hurts means you are spending too much time in those thoughts - IN YOUR PAST.
The trouble is, by doing this you are actually re-living your past OVER AND OVER right now, in your present. These same memories will now become your future memories again and again.
Look at things differently. Look at THIS MOMENT as the most important moment you will have, this moment will soon be in your past. Make this moment count, make this moment birth some new memories you will cherish.
This was not originally posted by love viral..... Was posted originally by me!
The Crow’s Caw
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 9 years
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When faced with a problem it is commonplace to ask the advice of others. Deep down, you already know the answer, know the way forward and seeking advice from others is simply external validation.
You are on your path and they are on theirs and both soul paths are very different. Take the opinions of others on board as they may have some good practical advice but act on YOUR own inner voice.
Advice from others is based on THEIR own personal outlook on life and fears.
Validate your own feelings and trust them.
Copyright © 2016 Vicki Sherman Rainbowmessagesfromwithin
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 9 years
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Have you said “I LOVE YOU” to anyone lately?
It’s so important to tell our loved ones what they mean to us through our actions AND our words.
Don’t assume they know how you feel if your actions and words don’t reflect how you actually feel inside. People are not mind readers.
The Crow's Caw
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the-crows-caw-tarot · 9 years
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