the-devilskid · 6 months
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the-devilskid · 2 years
We were learning about conjuct and disconjuct in critical thinking today and this was the example the lecturer gave us
P1) David is gay if he likes John.
P2) David is gay.
C) David likes John.
So in this example he wanted us to identify the sufficient condition (sc) and necessary condition (nc)
P1 is sc and P2 is nc
Our lecturer said “ ‘David is gay’is a necessary condition. Know this that being gay is not a choice but necessity. Go tell this to the pastor or people from church”
Side not my lecturer is Christian chinese
Moral of the day, being gay is not a choice but a necessity
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Things I Need:
1: Attention 2: An Orgasm 3: $10,000,000
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the-devilskid · 2 years
This is an AU where mc and lucifer married and mc turned into a demon so that she can stay with lucifer for eternity and another personal reason.
They did live for more then an eternity. They had three kids: Lola, Lucas and Liam(they’re triplets).
One day lucifers days came to an end and he passed so mc took over his place coz that’s what he wanted since he and his brothers knew no one can take over his place better then mc. The brothers also see mc as their older sister since she was married to lucifer so they respected her the same way they did to lucifer.
In this AU mc does everything that lucifer used to do. Paperwork, being diavolos right hand man, Vice President of the student council, being the head of the family, the new avatar of pride and the second strongest demon after diavolo…diavolos dad awoke a couple of years after the triplets was born therefore he granted lucifers power to mc in this AU after he passed which made her strong enough to be diavolos right hand man…and the new avatar of pride…
Present day: 6 months after lucifers death
Mammon: *knocks on the door of lucifers office coz mc was in there for the whole day but doesn’t receive a respond* I’m comin’ in
Mammon enters lucifers office and see’s…
Mammon: lucifer…
Lucifer: Mammon…mam*his voice slowly fading to mc’s voice*
Mc: mon..mammon…you need anything? *mc sounds tired coz they’ve been doing paperwork since they woke up and is exhausted by the constant stress of the paperwork*
Mammon: *realises he just saw mc as lucifer coz mc is slowly turning into lucifer* ya should get to bed…ya look tired…
Mc: I’ll go to bed once I’m done with these*points at a huge stack of paper*
Mammon: THAT stack…
Mc: yes THIS stack��I’ll finish it in an hour…
Mammon: ya used too force lucifer to take a break from overworking and now you’re doing the same as him…
Mc: I’m not overworking myself…I just took my 5 minutes break…I’ll go to bed after this I promise*gives him an assuring smile*
Mammon: *sighs in defeat coz he knows mc is stubborn* fine I’ll check on ya in an hour to remind you to go to bed…okay
Mc: okay *smiles softly*
Mammon: *leaves lucifers office to see his brothers,niece and nephews outside*
Mammon: *closes the door and ushers the others to move a bit far from now mcs office*
Levi: so…
Mammon: …
Mammon: I swear I saw lucifer for a secon’ there…they’re slowly turnin’ into him…
Lola,Lucas and Liam looking at each other knowing why their parent is slowly turning into their father…
The brothers: …
Beel: mc didn’t even eat any proper food today…just snacks and tea…
Mammon: and demonus…like loads of it…we gotta do somethin’ or we might lose them forever…like lucifer *the last sentence comes out almost as a whisper* I don’t wanna lose them too…
Tell me if should continue this…if I should then the next part would begin from when lucifer and mc met mcs mother…it will make sense from there
Honestly this is an imagine I had if I ever dated lucifer and I can’t get it out of my head so I would really like you guys to read what I imagined too :)
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the-devilskid · 2 years
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the-devilskid · 2 years
For Fuck sake Ive been extremely horny since last night and I’m doing my best not to touch myself right now coz I need to go the temple this evening…yes I’m Hindu
Since I’m horny I’ve been having some imagines of barbatos right now…
So like imagine you guys are in the human world to buy some tea leaves, you suggested this place “Cameron highlands coz this place is known for fresh tea leaves and veggies in Malaysia”…back to the story. You guys purchased your tea’s and you suggested to him that you guys should stay the night there coz
1. You’re extremely exhausted to deal with the brothers shenanigans
2. Barbatos needs some sleep. That demon literally has eyebags now bcoz of the lack of sleep HES BEEN GETTING
You managed to convince him and you went to a nearby hotel to check in for two rooms but HERES THE DAMN TWIST!!!
They only have one room available and you two had no choice but to share it so you guys booked it and went into your room…this room only has one bed and a sofa. And as the gentleman he is he suggested that he would sleep on the sofa. THAT was when you interfere. Barbatos is a cold blooded demon therefore and cold environment like this would make him to hibernate so you said this to him and he agreed that you’re are right so you took your chance and said
You: that’s why I’m saying we should share the bed. My body heat would radiate towards you so that you don’t hibernate.
Barb: well then who am I to deny you when you were the who paid for this room
Yes you paid for it…you insisted OK!
So while barb was freshening up and taking a hot shower to add heat towards him you messaged the bros saying you won’t be home tonight coz your gonna stay the night there and as usual they made a fuss but you ignored.
By the time you put your phone down barb came out the shower with only a towel and HOLY COW was that a sight to see but you were surprised of course coz this is BARB we’re talking about.
You: ah! Your just wearing a towel…
Barb: well we didn’t bring any extra clothing and it wouldn’t be comfortable to sleep in our outing clothes. So I had to settle for a towel. Why don’t you freshen up too.
You: ah yes I will
So you went to take a shower too and while you were showering barb made some tea that was provided by the hotel too warm you guys up.
You did the same as he did…coming out the shower with just a towel on. It was freezing but you had no choice. Barb offered the tea he made for you and you accepted it immediately. You were sipping the tea while watching the movie that was playing on the tv but what you didn’t notice was barbatos hungry eyes eyeing you. MAN he wanted to take you right there and then, you just looked so…irresistible. His eyes didn’t linger from you once, he only looked away when you looked at him and say you’re gonna head to bed and that he should join you too.
The moment you were under the sheets you took your towel off coz it was uncomfortable to sleep with it on. Minutes later barb joined and turn off the lights.
You and him being under the sheets in the same bed naked made you feel some sort of way. So you braved yourself and decided to talk.
You: hey…barb
Barb: yes mc?
You: your eyes are flattering…
Barb: slumber is pulling me in right now…I don’t think I’ll be able to wake up tomorrow.
You: why don’t I help you out?
barb: how so?
You: well yk by heating you u-
Barb: I’m going to need you to stop right there.
You: huh?
Barb: you are tempting me now mc. If you don’t stop now I won’t be able to stop myself from pouncing on you.
You: I just wanna help plus…I don’t really mind if you pounce at me
You say while blushing. MAN did that awaken something in him. The next thing you know your pinned under him while he breaths into your ear and whispers
Barb: hope you’re ready for a long night~
You can imagine the rest coz idk how to write smut but yeah IM DOWN BAD FOR HIM RIGHT NOW NGH!
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the-devilskid · 2 years
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I managed to take a pic with the whole family
But I’m surprised the inosuke cosplayer didn’t freeze to death😭😭
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the-devilskid · 2 years
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Look at this nanami cosplayer…
And the fact that he’s the first cosplayer I took a pic with…my day might’ve started bad BUT HE CHEERED IT UP
I literally had to put my quesadilla down to take a pic with him
Tho I’m disappointed that there wasn’t a single OM! Cosplayer…I was hoping to see lucifer honestly but oh well I got to see nanami
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the-devilskid · 2 years
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But ignore that…look at the cosplayers
I’m only disappointed that there were ZERO geto and dabi cosplayers🥹🥹🥹
I did cosplay as Dabi but my make up melted even before I reached the event😭😭😭
Still a great day tho…even tho my train to the event was delayed, my heels broke before I left my home and my phone died in the middle of the event…still an eventful day
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Guess who’s on lesson 71 when the obey me devs released lesson 76 *points at myself* this fucker. AND I CANT PASS THIS LESSON COZ MY CARDS ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH AND IM BROKE. No like… I’m literally broke…I have 0 dp, 0 dv, 15k grimm and 200 ap… I need to save for lucifers birthday event…BUT I WANNA PASS LESSON 71 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Insert the character you simp.
If you imagine Solomon from obey me doing this for you then skip number 4 :)
You’re on your period and you have the worst CRAMPS to exist…like all you wanna do is lay down and not do shit and suffer with the pain bcoz you’re not the type to take pain killers (self insert)…so your lovely and caring s/o decided to take care off you. They literally made a list of stuff to do for you.
1. Help y/n take a warm bath with bubbles and oil essence(your favourite ofc)
2. Fuck the cramps out of y/n during bath time(it’s bcoz you can’t bleed when your in water so less mess ig)
3. Clean y/n up after sexy time, help her get dressed and wrap her up in bed in the most warm duvet.
4. Make y/n’s favourite food and dessert
5. Feed y/n the food( coz you poor thing cant even move due to the pain)
6. Turn on y/n’s favourite movie and cuddle her throughout the film after meal time.
7. Help y/n with her work( or homework if your still studying)
And lastly 8. Give y/n a forehead a kiss, tuck her into bed and cuddle her from behind (your cramps have lessened but they’re still there so he doesn’t wanna squeeze ya so back cuddle it is)
im on my period and have the most terrible cramps to exist… and I’m working as a waitress…life couldn’t get any worse🥲🥲🥲
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the-devilskid · 2 years
I relate to this
Sometimes I just wanna be fucked dumb. Just like absolutely dumbed to the point I can't remember my problems
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the-devilskid · 2 years
imagine this
Gojo wants to fuck you coz he's so horny but you’re on your period so he had to improvise and decided to fuck your tits instead and tbh he would look like a fucking angel doing so coz he just looks so DIVINE from this position😩😩😩. He also would praise you with shit like ''you're doing so good holding your tits together for me pretty girl'' or ''fuck you're squeezing me good like your pussy does''. He also would moan so loud when he cums to let you know how good it was fucking your tits like this...he would even scoop up some of his cum with his finger and smother it on your tongue saying ''your reward for being such a good girl and letting me to fuck your tits''
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the-devilskid · 2 years
step-dad Toji and step-bro megumi fucking you together bcoz you were just sooooo needy for their dick…✋😫😫 I just had the craziest smut scene in my head with this concept and it’s fucking 3:30am… these two together has me going FERAL
Megumi is 18+ btw…
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Soft lucifer has me going FERALLLLLL
I've noticed y'all are scenting hoes, huh? LMFAO
I propose to you! Lucifer scenting, but he's mildly drunk and can't stop talking about sweet he is on you, and everyone avoids you like the plague the morning after because you reek of pride.
Maneuvering the demonus from his gloved hand- he hums with feigned disappointment but he lets you take it and his smile returns in a flash. He tucks his nose into the curve of your shoulder and plants his hands on the dip of your side; breathes you in and everything stills. He breathes you in. Just you. Not the perfumey stuff you insist on wearing, but you. Your skin, your breath, your softness and your warmth, the clean smell emanating from your hair after a good shampooing.
And he can't help it. You're so darling, so unfathomably wonderful and he could grow addicted to this. He could get hooked on the steady beat of your heart, and the up and down of your living, breathing chest... So he rubs his face against you. His cheek meets the flat of your chest and he nuzzles- cradling you close to prevent your escape and he holds you as though you are his raft in a never-ending sea.
You tilt your head at him, curious. He only smiles in response.
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Fück sake I’m in love with soft lucifer
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Lucifer was not a morning person, that much you knew. But this was just outrageous.
Three preset alarms and five kicks later, he was still sleeping serenely next to you, as if he was in another world altogether. His hair was sprayed out on the pillow, lips slightly parted by the way his cheek was squished. You would've drowned in this sight forever if not for the phone on his side of the pillow ringing again, the sound piercing both your ears and your patience.
He laid unbothered. You shoved the blanket off of you and reached across him to press the snooze button for the nth time this morning before falling back onto the soft mattress. 
"Are you up yet?"
You were only met with a hum.
To be fair, it was a weekend, but he was to have a short meeting with Diavolo before he could have the day to himself. He shouldn't have this much trouble waking up. After all, he was a demon with restraint. Maybe he'd come to bed late last night. He'd seemed pretty absorbed in work when you'd checked on him.
You huffed. For someone as well-rounded as him, you'd expect him to be able to take care of himself. Then again, it was supposed to be your job.
The blanket shifted. Instead of actually getting up, he sneaked his arm around your middle and inched closer until his chin was atop your head. As if on instinct, you turned towards his torso and buried your face in his shirt, feeling his chest heave with every breath he took. He was always warmer than you. Paired with the heavy blanket that seemed to have been created with the sole purpose of keeping you in bed, you found your mind sinking further and further back into sleep.
The truth was. you weren't a morning person either.
The alarm exploded. This time, your eyes shot right open. Pulling your head back, you shook your demon by the shoulder. "Alright, that's enough sleeping,"
No response. You used the same hand to squish his cheek and received a silent frown.
"You're going to be late if you don't wake up." You warned.
That seemed to do the trick. Slowly but surely, Lucifer blinked the drowsiness away until they focused on you. 
"Morning," he said, with a hint of rasp in his voice.
"Morning to you too, sleepyhead. I take it that you had a great sleep?"
He nodded, a yawn slipping past his lips. "You were in my dreams last night. You should've let me stay there."
"Are you saying that you prefer the dream version to the real deal?" 
Instead of answering, he leaned down and gave you a brief kiss, then threw the blanket to the end of the bed and got up as if he hadn't been avoiding it for the past thirty minutes.
"Hey, you didn't answer me!" You rolled onto your feet and watched as he entered the bathroom. He poked his head out, gave you a lopsided grin, and closed the door.
"Jerk," you murmured under your breath before shuffling across the room to the couch. It's warm inside the room, courtesy of the fireplace. The only thing lacking was the sun. You gazed out over the dark sky, and wondered how Lucifer would react to a blazing orb glaring at him every morning. Perhaps it would work better than the hundred alarms he'd set.
Your eyes drifted to the skeleton posing in the corner and squinted. The position itself was already a mystery, and the fact that Lucifer never gave you a precise answer only added to the suspense. There were a few theories running in your head, and you indulged in them until an arm wrapped around you, followed by a kiss on the base of your neck.
Lucifer was already well-dressed, except for the tie hanging loosely around his shoulders. You moved onto your knees so you were at eye-level, and started tying an easy knot. Your eyes were on the tie while he was looking at you. Neither of you spoke, but the silence was tranquil. It was just another morning, and you were just carrying out your routine, but the calmness of the moment suddenly struck you, and had you wanting to stay in it forever.
As if reading your thoughts– like it was a language that he'd come to master– Lucifer enveloped you into a hug. You fit into his arms like a puzzle piece.
"I wish you didn't have to work today." you said into the fabric of his shirt, and his chest rumbled with a chuckle.
"Only for a short while, my love, and then my whole afternoon is reserved for you. Let's go to Madam Scream's. You mentioned it yesterday, no?"
You made a sound of affirmation. You had, in fact, expressed wanting to visit the bakery, but it was only in passing. It hadn't even been intended for him to hear. You and Beel had been craving some dessert after dinner, and the image of pastries stayed inside your head until you'd fallen asleep. That Lucifer heard and even remembered it warmed your heart.
"I'll come pick you up after the meeting, then we'll go together."
You remembered his brothers commenting on how he'd become soft after meeting you, and it was exactly instants like these that proved it to be true. He loved you the first thing in the morning, when his mind was still clouded and hazy. His hands reached for you before he even realized what he was doing. He made even the most reluctant mornings something to look forward to. And there would never be enough mornings like this to hold close to your heart.
Lucifer, as complicated as he was, loved quite simply.
He stirred. "Did you doze off on me, love?"
Shaking your head, you pulled away from him with all your might, a smile gracing your lips. You wished that it was enough to convey what you were feeling, and by the way brightness entered his eyes, you knew it was
Time was merciless. He turned to the clock before walking over to put on his overcoat. The amount of time he spent lingering in bed meant that he'd have to rush things a little. You held your arms above your head and stretched your sleepy muscles before heading to get cleaned up.
"I'll be off," you were already a step into the bathroom when he called out. 
"Okay, see you."
You picked up the toothbrush and frowned. There was no sound of the door opening, or closing, for that matter. Sticking your head out, you noticed Lucifer still standing there, a slight frown on his brows.
"Is something the matter?" You asked.
He answered matter-of-factly, "You forgot something"
It took you a few seconds of brain static before it struck you. You'd made it a habit to give him a kiss for luck whenever he had to leave for work. He'd never shown much care for it, so you just assumed that he wouldn't mind missing a day or two.
That was apparently not the case. To think that he had been paying mind to the tiny gestures you gave him… 
"Haven't you had enough kisses already?" You crooked a brow.
His face almost hardened at that, and you'd tease him for it were you not trying to preserve the purity of the moment. Toothbrush still in hand, you walked over and met his lips for a split second. Just enough to leave him craving for more. A satisfied smile found its way to his face, and he turned the doorknob.
You waited until the door shut behind him to let out a sigh. The room was silent all over again, but your heart was content. There was no better way to start off a day, after all.
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Satan noticing Mc likes to read a lot, whether it be curled up with a physical book or on the screen of their D.D.D. He tries to strike up a conversation about reading with them, but whenever the question of “What are you reading now?” comes up, they always keep it vague. They never go into detail a lot of the time, and sometimes they have a sleeve over the cover so he cant even look at the title. 
Until one day Mc slips. Satan was hanging out in their room, and when they went to the kitchen to get drinks, Satan noticed they had left their most recent read on the table and he took a peak. Judging by the cover and title, it seemed like your average romance novel. Satan thought it was kinda funny Mc was embarrassed enough to hide it from him, it must have been the really cheesy kind. He took a note of the title and author. He’s never been one to refuse trying a book, so he decides to surprise Mc and read it for himself so they can discuss. But once he gets the book, he quickly finds the real reason Mc has not told him about it. It wasn’t because it was cheesy, its because Mc had been reading the most hardcore smutty romances they could find. Satan was very unsure of what to do now.
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