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Happy New Year!
I have not forgot about you all, just busy being an adult. I will be back in action posting more, but not as often as before. I loved this blog and they journey it took me, but I cannot wait to share with you all what is in future for me ☺️
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Crotchet Goddess Locs - Blonde mix
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A Day for Women
So they created a day for women, which I think is refreshing.
But after this day is done;
Will you go back to silencing their accusations?
Will you go back to making them secondary to leadership?
Will you go back to silencing their ideas at work?
Will you go back to not acknowledging them in a room full of men?
Will you go back to assuming they are the assistant or secretary?
Will you go back to shaming them for choosing the ideology of Womanism? When Womanism chose them?
Will you go back to assuming she asked for it?
Will you go back to questioning their choice?
Will you go back to drooling over the slim-thicc, but gagging over true plus sizes?
Will you go back to questioning their ideologies when they love to cook for their partner, but shaming them for not wanting to cook at all?
Will you go back to high expectations of women, but low emotional support?
Will you go back to calling them queens, but not letting them sit at the throne?
Asking for me.
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Wise words on a day FUBU. #HappyInternationalWomensDay
- Arienne
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When everyday is Valentine's Day >
• Arienne
Follow me on instagram.com/ArienneJay
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My Galentine's Day Adventures.
On Feb. 15 I went out with my boyfriend and I decided to go out with my best friends from highschool on Feb. 14 instead (we are all grown now). I feel that as I get older the less I need to prove to other people, so I decided to just treat myself and chill with my friends on Valentine's Day. We got to dress up, went to the movies and then went to a well-known dessert place in Toronto. And because it's all us girls, we had a photoshoot every turn we went with no complaints 😊.
I had a lot of fun and the sweets really hit the spot! Did you ever celebrate Galentine's Day with your girls or go out with friends on a v-day? Let me know what you did!
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Check out my mood board for Valentine's Day and everyday hopeless romantic visuals.
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Happy Valentine's Day!
What better gift than a modern RnB playlist for your loved ones. And since I love you all, I made a chill playlist on Spotify for you to listen to throughout your day.
I love to hear stories. Let me know what you all plan to do today.
- Arienne
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Late nights and self-love ❤️
Do you ever catch yourself giving negative affirmations in your mind during hard times? Try this exercise the next time it happens!
Rewrite your internal thoughts:
When you catch calling yourself a bad name, you are minimizing yourself to a single bad element that you don't like about yourself. You need to realize that that one bad element or mistake is not your whole life or being.
First acknowledge WHY you say something negative in your mind, and give reasoning to why you thought this. When you are done with that, give yourself a positive affirmation.
"Ugh I made a grammar mistake to an email to a job recruiter, I am so stupid no one will hire me now!"
"No, I am not stupid, I just made a simple human error. I said that because I've heard someone call me stupid in the past and believed it. No one is perfect and there are plenty of jobs for everyone. 9/10 times I am flawless at writing!"
Next time you make a mistake and catch yourself saying something negative or using negative language to yourself, try this tip. :)
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And claiming it! I rarely reblog because I want original content; but someone on my timeline may need some positive affirmations tonight. ❤️
Honey if you're reading this, you're going to be a successful black woman
Reblogging for my black women followers
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Happy Black History Month!
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This month let's continue to support one another and lift up our voices! Let's tell OUR story by sharing OUR truth. Don't let anyone make you feel that your blackness could possibly make them feel uncomfortable, and that your magic is too strong. Loving yourself means being aware that your race, ethnicity and identity is not and should not be your weakness but is your strength. This is a great month to identify how being black has positively impacted your life, or knowing someone black (or the influence of black culture) has been positive to you.
And for my black women out there, do not let your guard down for any man who doesn't understand your rights or your gender struggle (psst. even a black man). The excuse of "we gotta stick together" just to support their hypermasculine narrative that gender-based violence is okay (once we're helping the black man) is getting old sis. Sticking together means holding people accountable and being better as a race. Don't ever forget that queen 👑.
(Graphic art by Alicia Robinson)
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Check out my post of "gifts to get the guys" 👆👆
Valentine Gift Ideas for Guys
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Hey You!  Happy February and Black History Month! 
Everyone knows February for its cold weather, BHM and for its sale of cheap candy. We also know February for the Valentine’s Day! I recently saw an article about whether women should go all out for valentine’s day for their boyfriends/husbands as they do. I was humored but not surprised to see the outrage from men in the comments, most of whom said that the guys needed to be wine and dined just as much as the women once in a while. But we all know buying gifts for guys, whether it is your father’s birthday or a Christmas gift for your brother, is difficult. How do we give gifts of appreciation to the men in our lives in a world where hyper-masculinity is still a thing, and getting flowers and chocolate will make you look “soft”, and/or he has a hard time showing emotion. Let’s break that barrier and get him something thoughtful this year and the many to come.
I have constructed a list of how you can show appreciation on Valentine’s Day to the men in your life, whether it is you boyfriend of one year or your guy friend from class that always compliments your hair. This gift ranges as low as $5 so it is perfect for any budget!
Hopefully this will be the last ultimate gift list you will need!
Gift Ideas on Valentine’s Day for Him
Get them a card. I know this seems like the lazy route, but I’ve always appreciated a nice card. Get him one with a gift card (with a store they really like but rarely go in) and a nice thoughtful message. DO NOT LEAVE THE CARD BLANK! Write about how much he means to you, how he inspires you to do better every day, or maybe something encouraging to start off the year. Words can do much more than material things.
Make a video message. A card isn’t his thing? Try creating a “video” card about him, and throw in some memories from the year you two have had. This doesn’t have to go down the sappy route, throw in some funny/embarrassing moments in your video, or some throwback photos of him when he was younger. It will surely make him laugh, and he will appreciate the effort you put in. Don’t forget to put it on a DVD or USB stick and give it to him physically.
Pay for the dinner bill. Take him out to dinner (and a place HE likes to eat). Guys like to be wine and dined too, so let him know before ordering that you will be paying for the meal. It may take some convincing at first, and he might even be uncomfortable with the idea if you bring it up too late, so let him know early that this is something you want to do to show your appreciation. 
Art. Artwork or a poster from a an artist or a graphic designer is always a great gift, especially if it is custom made. If you want to go the extra mile, find a local artist and pay them to paint/draw a portrait of your special someone. 
Buy him something practical. If you have been hearing him complain about something often, find a way to solve that problem. This is affordable yet very thoughtful, it shows that you are listening.
Does he take tend to miss the bus to his commute to work or class in the winter? Treat him to a $50 Uber Gift card so he can get a luxury ride. 
Is he trying to grow out his hair and beard? Make him a hair care package/basket with fancy shampoos, treatments and hair picks.You can even throw in The Art of Growing a Beard, a book by Marvin Grosswirth.
Does he live in the gym? Buy a small gym bag and fill it with essentials like protein shakes or Gatorade, and throw in a nice smoothie/water bottle.
See him peeking in a particular clothing store every time you go to the mall? Buying him clothes/shoes will always be appreciated.
Splurge & Get an Accessory.  Nothing wrong with a nice watch, cap/hat or designer sunglasses. Guys like jewelry too!
Get him a video game. I didn’t know how expensive one game for a Nintendo Switch cost. He would definitely appreciate it if he is a gamer. If you REALLY want to splurge, get him the whole console lol.
Too busy to go out to eat? Order him lunch. Send a surprise lunch order to his workplace. Not only is it thoughtful but it shows that you know what type of food he enjoys (or doesn’t enjoy).  Make sure to get the restaurant to write a nice valentine’s day note for him as well, and let them know it is a gift. If you have time you can even deliver it yourself (just make sure he is comfortable with that). Surprises are always nice. Uber Eats and Just Eat are both great, just put his phone number and the address of where you want them to go.
Get Party Favs! If your male companion is a fun extrovert who loves to entertain, get him an item that would make him be the life of any party. From collectible shot glasses to social card/board games, anything that will be fun with a group or just the two of you.
Make a scrapbook of memories. If you have a lot of photos of each other, print them off and put them in a photo album, scrapbook, a custom social media calendar, array of snow globes, string with clothing pins, mood board, etc. Always remind him of the good times you have shared with each other.
Does he love music? Make him a playlist! Super cheesy but if he is a true music lover he would love to receive a playlist with his favourite artists on a CD or USB stick. If he has a vinyl player you can be creative and make a record of the playlist. You can splurge and even get him wireless headphones, or even speakers so he can play the playlist aloud. 
This is my wonderful list of ideas, if you have any more ideas PLEASE feel free to add unto my list! Sometimes we forget that the men in our lives need love too on Valentine’s Day, so don’t forget to put thought into the gifts for your Valentine!
ArienneJay, the fashionable introvert
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Valentine's Day
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For the next few weeks I will be blogging about Valentine's Day! We used to be so excited about Valentine's Day as primary students, giving hugs and candy to all of our classmates and teachers. My dad used to be up all night writing out cards for all of my classmates the night before. It was definitely one of my favorite holidays as a little kid, but as I grew older I found the day a bit more dreadful and lonely. I'd love to do a Valentine's series on love and self-love to bring back that excitement!
I will be posting the history of Valentine's Day, v-day gift ideas, self-care, fashion looks, self-love and a conversation on self-respect! Stay tuned!
-Arienne, the fashionable introvert
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It's still winter but it's never to early to start pinning about SPRING 💛🌻 Check out my spring section in my fashion board: https://pin.it/7gmvcb4jutf5qj
- Arienne
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Follow my Pinterest! www.pinterest.com/ArienneJay
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Apps & Websites Every Student Should Have!
Hi Again! How did everyone hold up with Midterms/Exams in 2017? I know college/university can be stressful, so I made a list of all of the amazing applications I have on my phone or computer that I couldn’t go without while studying + staying oranized.
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Apps for Studying/Tasks/Organization
Wunderlist - App that helps you organize your tasks and sets deadline as notifications. Definitely helps settle your mind when you have a million things to do.
Brainscape - Ever since a friend introduced me to quiz/flashcard making, I haven’t found a more efficient way of studying. This is a great alternative to Quizlet. If you type your already type your notes, try it out! I guarantee it will make studying a breeze.
Spotify - Whether it’s motivation on your way to class, or blocking out the world while studying/reading, Spotify has one of the largest collection of streaming music today and there is a STUDENT discount, so might as well!
Google Drive - Not sure it there is a space limitation to google drive, but I have been using it for everything lately. You can create folders and make google docs, slides and excel sheets, while easily collaborating with others by a simple link. 
Lynda - I know the feeling where you teacher isn’t great at learning and you need help self-learning something asap! Most schools actually give you free access to learning site such as Lynda with you school login! Something to consider…
Apps for Saving Money
Flipp - Who says only aunties collect coupons and flyers. Flipp is such as easy and innovative way that we can clip and save flyer deals for many stores we use as students. Whether it is for grocery shopping electronics or dorm/apartment decor.
Groupon - Find the latest deals before making that purchase with the group on app. You do not need to purchase in bulk or for a group to get great deals!
ShopTagr - Have you ever browsed on an online store and say the PERFECT item, but it was way out of your price range. I think that happens to everyone. Shoptagr lets you tag a clothing item and puts it on a wishlist. When that item goes on sale or the price gets lower, it notifies you right away! This is an application that can be installed both on your phone and on your internet browser for you desktop/laptop. This app is so useful for saving money on those must have items.
Apps for Networking
There are so many apps for meeting new people both in person and online. LinkedIn is a great example of how you can directly reach out to hiring managers or people in your field of interest for advice. Check out my complete list HERE!
Are there any other apps that you use that has saved your butt in College? Let me know!
Arienne, the fashionable introvert
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This new year, one of my goals is to bring my online organization “Club Comm Tech” to life. Let’s take the necessary steps to achieving our goals together! Check out our recent Club Comm Tech newsletter all about goal setting which includes: 
8 vision board must-haves
Inspirational websites and resources
creative ideas to motivate you
Tech Update: Wordpress 5.0
Freelance writing opportunities with CCT
Don’t forget to subscribe to get this newsletter sent straight to your inbox!
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