Good stories have variety
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Physics: More pencil tricks
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Head cannon: Mitchell set up a macro that beams Daniel back to the ship whenever he says magic lol!
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@wandaomanov requested: natasha romanoff edit ☆ captain america: the winter soldier (2014) dr. the russo brothers
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No one has ever returned alive.
Are you saying that people have returned dead? Because if everyone who goes to such and such a place dies then who is returning these bodies? Are they zombies. I think you mean no one has ever returned. <- period.
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Have you ever...
Have you ever opened your back door and see your neighbor cleaning off your side of the side by side driveway you share and being just a super nice awesome human being but then you close the door as fast as you can before he sees you because you are a introverted super mess?
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Have you ever...
Have you ever just sat in your room with the door closed watching YouTube videos gnawing on a chunk of Colby Jack because you are just DONE?
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Patience and I are old friends.
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Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right. And damn the consequences.
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It's lonely to be more powerful then any man you know and have to live like a shadow.
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There is no evil in sorcery, only the hearts of men.
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Two whole days in the tavern.
I'm not quite sure it was that long.
sg-1 au where everything is the same except the asgardians are the marvel versions (when applicable) and the figures from arthurian myth are the versions from merlin bbc
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Not how that works
One of the things that bothers me in stories is when they do something with the moon and they make it seem like the moon is always up at night. That is a 1000% not how that works and you know it. All you have to do is look up at the sky and know that ain't true all the time. Yes sometimes the moon rises as the sun set but just as likely the moon is up during the day. Like right now, I'm watching Kubo and the Two String (awesome movie by the way) and his mom is like dont let the moon see you and it makes it seem that all he does is stay inside at night but if that's all he is doing that WOULDN'T work. Lol
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These were right next to each other on my pinterest feed. Lol
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Seriously, getting a song like Call Me Maybe stuck in your head would be the worst cuz there is only two ways to stop it; listen to the song which he wouldn't be able to do or get it stuck in someone else's head which he also couldn't do because no one else knows the song.
imagine steve getting call me maybe or something stuck in his head and then getting upset that he has to wait 70 years to hear it again
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Books are better than the movies.
This is so true. Movies just dont have the capacity for detail that books have but some movies are able to capture the overall feel of the books. I feel like that's not the case with Lord of the Rings though. The movies are good movies but they completely miss the tone of the book. I'm only like a third of the way through The Two Towers but some of the best things in the books were changed so completely that they aren't even recognizable in the movies.
Merry and Pippin, the movies would have you thinking they were accidental companions. No they were co-conspirators all the way through lol. They had no idea what they were really getting themselves into but they were ride-or-die kind of friends.
Aragorn son of Arathorn: The movies make him out to be a reluctant king hiding behind his alias Strider. In the books that dude has no problem with his true name and lineage and especially when he gets back to the realms of men with his reforged sword Andúril. Dude be name dropping himself and demanding the respect of all the peasants lol, I am mostly joking.
Anyways I am really enjoying the read.
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Cheeseburgers made me cry. Nothing else got to but those damn cheeseburgers.
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Klaus Mikelson
I have a theory that a small part of the reason Klaus acts so overboard crazy... a small part because he is a sociopath with a God complex... but I think he also does it to keep Elijah focused on reining him in, forcing Elijah to be the even tempered, logical, diplomatic one. Because if Elijah had to be to the sword (Elijah is more of a shield) that protected the Mikaelson family always and forever, the streets would run red with blood.
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Do you blame her? For what happened? No. Because she blames herself. It was no one’s fault.  You still love her, right? Of course I do! You should tell her.
A Quiet Place (2018), dir. John Krasinski
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