thepiscesclub · 7 months
hot girl shit is rotting in bed on a saturday night, freshly showered, incense burning, reading a book and listening to lana del rey.
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
Autumn movies for witches
The Craft
A 90s classic with a dark turn - a must-watch for any teenage witch out there.
Donnie Darko
The most eerie but comforting movie about time travel, love and psychotic behaviour. My favourite.
Addams Family
You wish this was your family. Love, Death, Murder and a lot of spooky vibes.
Crimson Peak
Did you ever want to be captured and driven into insanity by Tom Hiddleston? This is for you.
Dark Shadows
Sexy vampires in combination with Alice Cooper songs. Sounds good to me.
Enjoy xx
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
Hot girl habits (morning edition)
We all want to glow up and get ready to receive our manifestations right? These habits can definetely bring you closer to being your higher self.
Read first thing in the morning. Instead of scrolling your phone, take the first sun rays to shine on your book pages. This helps you actually using your time mindfully and start into your day grounded.
Move your body. Yoga, Pilates or even some stretching will do. It wakes you up and keeps your body healthy. Get your blood flowing and muscles warm. You will feel like you already accomplished so much.
Care for yourself. Shower, moisturize, brush your teeth. A clean body is a healthy body, thriving and fresh to go into your day.
Eat good food. Eat fruits, eat whole foods, eat seeds. Everything that makes you feel good and gives you energy.
Set your goals. Grab a journal and write down your goals. Whether it be a small bucket list for the day or your actual life goals. Manifest manifest manifest and actually prepare your mind to receive all these things.
Now nothing can hold you back. You are a queen and you deserve the world. Do not be too harsh on yourself, remember you are so capable of everything you dream of. xx
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
mythical water creatures
The unreachable depth and mystique of water whether it be a lake or the sea, has made mankind wonder about the creatures that may be living in it for ages. So here are 5 female water creatures that have lured naive men into insanity. (we stan)
Let´s start with a classic. Deriving from Greek mythology, the siren is a half human half fish or bird creature, seducing sailors and causing them to die by singing to them with their sweet voices which made them lose their minds. She is seen as dangerous, to be feared, but also as a tempting, beautiful woman. In some tellings where the sailor resists the sirens song, she commits suicide. The siren is a seductive and strong individual.
The undine is a peaceful water nymph from European myths, who lives in quiet forest lakes and sings charming songs. When she falls in love with a human man, she gets to have a soul and live a wonderful life as a normal girl. But should he be unfaithful to her, she would die. Which happened quite often, based on all the stories about her.
This creature from Slavic mythology is said to be the spirit of a virgin who was drowned and is now seeking revenge by enticing men and torturing them in their river. She is either portrayed as a cute and charming girl, beautiful and in white robes, singing a bewitching song or as a terrifying ugly naked being, scaring the passersby. Beginning of every summer, the russalki dance in circles under the moonlight, and everyone who joins them has to keep dancing until they die from exhaustion. How charming.
This myth from Germany is about a virgin maid who commits suicide by jumping in a river because she got her heart broken by her lover, who misused her trust. Then she was transformed into a heartless siren who is on the hunt for fishermen and lures them into the water where they drown. She sure is a drama queen.
The well known mermaid, having a fish tail and human upper body, is portrayed as a beautiful, mostly with good intentions towards humans. Sometimes even falling in love with them. They like to sing and had magical powers which allowed them to see the future or heal wounds. But still they had a flighty and impulsive character, getting angry easily and causing floods for revenge or luring sailors into the water when they felt like it.
All female water creatures portray womanhood in every possible way, from a dramatic girl who got cheated on to an insane woman who wants to see every man on earth drown - we can definetely relate to them in some way. Let their stories inspire you xx
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
Books for autumn
Our favourite season is approaching and what else is a girl to do if not reading in a cosy sweater, drinking chai latte??? I wouldn´t know. So here are 5 books I recently picked up to get me through spooky season.
The Little Friend - Donna Tartt
After reading The Secret History, I now know that Donna Tartt is literally perfect for a chilly mystical read. So excited for this one!
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
A classic that makes you feel like seeing your girl friends and have a pumpkin pie together. Cozy, warm and full of love and female support.
Carmilla - Sheridan Le Fanu
The original vampire story, published long before Bram Stokers Dracula and it is about a female lesbian vampire? What else could you ever wish for? Perfect for all my queer goths out there.
Orlando - Virginia Woolf
Pure gender confusion, portrayed by a lovable main character, feeling like a comfort zone for every one who is having a major identity crisis. Makes you feel safe and shows you are not alone with your struggles as a female in a patriarchal system.
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Because what is autumn without a little bit of female insanity? Exactly.
I highly recommend getting these books and enjoying them alongside your cinnamon candles and halloween spells.
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
How to heal
Some chapters in life can be hard. Especially when they are about moving on and leaving old people and habits behind. Here is what you can do to move forward when you feel stuck and heal from old wounds.
Cut people off
Yes, it sounds brutal. It is. But it will also be your ticket to the next chapter in your abundant and successful life. Some people will always hold you back, if you don´t get rid of them. Maybe their limiting beliefs keep you from achieving a dream or they just have a toxic, draining energy to them that exhausts you. Either way, distance yourself and do not keep in contact. This is the only way to move on and leave every negative influence behind you. Instead, concentrate your energy on people who cheer you on and give you a lot of support and love.
Get that notebook out the dusty drawer and start writing. Write out all the pain and everything you do not want to bring with you into the new chapter. Then burn the pages. And now write about everything you want to achieve. Where do you want to be in a year? A month? You will have it. The universe gives you what you deserve. But first, you have to end all the stuck up negative energy. Literally better than therapy.
Go outside
Whenever I am sad and hurt, I feel expecially drawn to nature. When words and hugs can not help you anymore, go sit in a tree for a few hours and feel mother nature heal your heart. She is there, ever present and caring. Meditate, listen to the sound of trees and water, admire the raw beauty of nature. It will always calm you down and make you feel safe. Get grounded, speak your affirmations and listen to mother nature answering. In the idyllic surroundings of green trees and flowing creeks, human desires seem so pointless and small. It makes you realise that in the face of the universe, nothing matters.
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
Witchy things to do when on your period 🩸🌹
Ladies and witches, we all know having a period is not the most glamorous thing in the world. There is pain and there is anger. Sometimes too much to handle.
Here´s what you can do to feel like the powerful witch you are when you are bleeding:
Take a blood bath
You hear me just right. Dive into your bathtub, use some herbs like chamomile, rosemary or lavender, whatever feels right for your soul. Listen to divine spiritual music, light candles. Maybe even do a little blood magic. Whatever feels right. Now just let your blood flow freely, appreciate your body working for your wellbeing and practice feeling gratitude for your female energy. Believe me, it feels empowering.
Drink tea and enjoy nourishing foods
The menstruating body craves nourishing foods. Feed yourself. Listen to your cravings. I know we all get that chocolate craving when we are bleeding, our body is craving it for all the benefits cocoa has on your body! Eat that dark chocolate and drink some herb tea, with angelica root, dandelion, chamomile and cinnamon. Also eat more or less than you normally do, listen to your body and what it needs.
Have sex
Having sex on your period is a spiritual experience. It is pure blood magic if you do it with intention and really let yourself dive into this ritual of love and bonding. If you want to connect to your partner on a higher level of conciousness, this is what you want to do. Remember to always listen to your body, if it hurts, stop. But mostly, sex can ease period cramps and relax your muscles. It is an intense spiritual ritual that you can practice with your partner, bringing you closer to each other and connecting your spirits in ways you never did before.
Celebrate a moon ritual
I love when my period aligns with the full moon cycle. It reminds me of my connection to nature. I am just a part of the universe, existing peacefully, connected to everything around me. Talk to the moon, admire her and your existence, side by side, flowing in natural cycles and worshipping every part of it. Just like you celebrate a full moon, celebrate your period and every part of womanhood that comes with it.
Menstruation is connected to shame and pain in our modern society. It is time to appreciate our female bodies again, diving into our divine energies and practicing the craft in alignment with our cycle. Have a bloody bath babes xx
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
I love being a girl. Taking warm showers after getting soaked in the rain, putting on red lipstick, scribbling love spells on paper scraps and hiding them under my pillow, talking to myself in the mirror, listening to classical music and imagining I am a princess. Seducing the man on the bus, wearing mini skirts and high boots, pretending to be rich in a gucci store, smoking cigarettes on the windowsill, drinking lavender tea.
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
3 books to read when moving to a new city alone
Earlier this year, I moved out of my childhood home on the countryside to Berlin. Alone. With no money, no job and no safe place to stay. To pursue my dreams and escape the literal hell a small village with no artistic opportunities can be. Because the space in my suitcase was limited, I could only bring a few books. These are books I took with me into this new era of my life where I have felt so lost and lonely in the beginning.
Just Kids - Patti Smith
This book inspired me so much when I first read it. Patti, who is now one of the greatest female rock musicians in the world and played her music along some other legendary people, moved to New York City on her own when she was a teenager, having no money and no concrete plan. She even had to live on the streets for some periods, starving and desperatly working any job she could find. But through all this, she never lost her vision, her love for the arts. And she made it, met amazing people and slowly built up her life. There was so much struggle, despair and pain involved in her journey, which gives any young artist striving to get out there so much hope. Also Patti is a great writer, carefully arranging her words and pairing them with amazing visuals, like old pictures that make you feel like you are there with her, eating donuts and smoking cigarettes.
Looking for Alaska - John Green
John Green is a legend when it comes to writing about the mind and struggles of the average self concious teenager trying to fit into society´s standards. Looking for Alaska has been one of my favourite books for a long time. I have read it about 15 times and it gives me an enormous amount of comfort. Miles, the a weird and lonely teenage boy moves to another school, away from his parents and his home town, where he is confronted with strange characters and a whole new hierarchy. Sounds intimidating, right? He manages to find friends, fall in love, experience all the stunningly beautiful and dirty aspects of being a teenager. This book always reminds me that even if there is sadness and pain and grief, that should never stop me from acknowledging the small things that define life. To have gratitude and take it all in, the good and the bad. Coming of age is a challenge, but it is not something to avoid, it´s something that has to be felt.
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
I hated this book. It is extremely uncomfortable to read, I completely despised the main character Holden and his way of dealing with people around him. But still, to be fair, he is just a 16 year old jerk, trying to find some meaning in stagnant every day processes. Even though he is not very likeable, his desperate tries to do someting meaningful are heartbreaking, you feel like you are just wandering the cold streets with him. It is a story about alienation in a big city, feeling incredibly alone and excluded from society. When I was sitting in my new apartment on my own, with no one to talk to, I felt like Salinger describes the feelings you have in such a situation quite well. Loneliness just creeps up on you. And not always can a comforting word help with that, sometimes you need to hear the experience of a character who is just as lost in the world as you are. That is what Catcher in the Rye did for me.
Being alone can be so freeing and extremely enjoyable! But if you seek for some comfort, consider reading these books.
Have a wonderful day xx
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
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this is me all day
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
“hot girl summer”
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thepiscesclub · 7 months
This is The Pisces Club Babes!!!
Welcome fellow witches, women and queer folks!
This is a blog about spirituality, witchcraft, feminity, loving yourself, manifesting your best abundant life and taking blood baths under the full moon.
We will dive into our divine feminine energy, talk about spells, manifestation and how to get rid of the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. To grow as a spiritual being, take care of your sacred body and dive into all that power hidden behind your insecurities. The Pisces Club is not only for my Pisces babies, but for everyone wanting to expand their energies and treat themselves as the divine high vibrational individual they are.
Enjoy and don´t forget to say your affirmations!
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thepiscesclub · 5 years
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thepiscesclub · 5 years
looks like paradise
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thepiscesclub · 5 years
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