ventcricket · 3 years
Bye guys
this was a failure anyways and I shouldn’t have made an account to begin with, don’t try to contact me because I won’t be able to bring myself to respond. 
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ventcricket · 3 years
uh hi
I haven’t showed up here in a while but I’m getting my haircut pretty soon so that's neat I guess. 
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ventcricket · 3 years
Everyone was stressed
And its stressing me out ahhhhh now I’m being stupid. Its stupid too the washer just made a weird wrrr noise and that's it hhhssgh
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ventcricket · 3 years
Hello, it’s 3/2/21
I was having a good day and now I’m just suddenly tired. HmmmMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I shouldn’t have spent the extra four hours daydreaming instead of actually dreaming….Oh well, its not like I have any time to do it during the day 
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ventcricket · 3 years
Tumblr media
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ventcricket · 3 years
Fuck I missed yesterday
Yeah a lot of shit happened lol. I kinda feel bad because GENDER is proving to be an incredibly difficult concept to figure out. I know that somethings wrong with how I see myself compared to others and I’ve legit been going by he/him on the internet for at least three years now. But damn if I haven’t been looking at every single sign of my gender dysphoria in the last two days and going “this is called a lesbian”. I am really dense if I think my orientation (which is also really difficult to figure out) has anything to do with how I perceive gender beyond preference. I’m sorry if that was offensive to anybody. 
On the positive side I got a tuner for my ukulele (*COUGH* to share with my aunt-*COUGH*). It sounds way better when I tune my instruments myself, I was so happy just sitting outside and playing to my own rhythm. That’s really cheesy lmao. 
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ventcricket · 3 years
Okay I should probably wait a few hours before writing this considering I like just woke up two hours ago, but some shit already happened. (not really a vent just trying to get into the habit of writing things down) 
-Mom figured out I cut a lock of my hair out of annoyance (and mild hair dysphoria) She said she was mad in the darkest tone she could but I am completely unphased by it since she uses the “you ltitle shite” tone a lot. 
-I woke up at eight in the morning and despite falling asleep at ten that night, chose to sleep in until ten in the morning. I hate wasting half the day like that. 
-now I’m sitting here hoping mom doesn’t happen to peek over in my direction any second. 
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ventcricket · 3 years
hi this is ayden sending you all the good vibes and then some!!
Thank you, sorry if I seem nervous writing I’m just not used to using Tumblr lol 
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ventcricket · 3 years
Uh so oatmeal is nice.  
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ventcricket · 3 years
Uh hi, idk how to introduce a vent blog considering I’ve never owned one before. I’ve never really had a diary to document my stress, too lazy I guess. I’m an anxious mess, and I’d be surprised if anybody bat an eye to this. I am kinda happy if you stopped and listened to all that bullcrap though lol 
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