wedigbats · 3 years
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wedigbats · 4 years
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
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Japan: 3-5286-9090
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Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
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Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
Ukraine: 0487-327715
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wedigbats · 5 years
superman always has amnesia in fics. i want batman to have amnesia. and clark has to justifiably explain why he needs to be by brucie’s side. like, bruce naturally assumes he’s is his metropolis boyfriend and clark is not fast enough to come up with a believable lie before the batkids are like YES, THIS IS YOUR BOYFRIEND CLARK, HE WEARS KHAKIS AND TERRIBLE TIES BUT YOU LOVE HIM 
clark splits time being superman and batman (because nightwing can’t fill in) and oh god, bruce has a crisis because he has a crush on batman
23K notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
Damian: The game is 2 truths and a lie.
Bruce: So you've heard of it.
Jason: Okay, my turn, my turn, my turn. Okay, um, my eyes are brown, I am basically Batman-sized, and one time I escaped from a Thai drug lord's car trunk, by bribing him with sex.
Bruce: Right idea, Jay, but you know what? It's gotta be more challenging for everybody-
Tim: His eyes are aqua.
Bruce: You did WHAT?
605 notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
Before the Absence is a (so far) FOUR FULL LENGTH EPISODE series detailing the events prior to Jason being abducted by the Joker
The fight scenes.
The acting. 
The cinematography.
It is rare to see a web series so well done.
It IS of course noticeable that it’s a web series. Sometimes you’re gonna look at it and think “oh God I can’t believe they kept that” but the fact that the costumes and lighting and everything is so good?? When they’re doing this for FUN?? Unbelievable.
PLEASE give it a watch. PLEASE support these creators. They deserve it.
I am not being paid to advertise this I swear on sweet jesus.
They have one for Dick, one for Roy, one for Jason, and one for Tim. My personal favourite episode is Roy’s. Just… mother h*cker.
Youtube’s stupid algorithm makes it hard to find so here’s the first one.
Enjoy, you freakin nerds.
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wedigbats · 5 years
Mk. II, Final Version.
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“No place like home.”
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wedigbats · 5 years
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House into a home.
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wedigbats · 5 years
barbara gordon: Honestly Jason, I expected better of you.
jason todd: HA!
jason todd: Why?!
143 notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
Salt, Tequila, Lemon - Jason Todd x Reader
Please read this intro, thank you very much :  
So. I posted this yesterday, but after a bug on the Tumblr app on my phone it got deleted. I’m super bummed out because it had over 200 notes and quite a few feedbacks that I never got to read because it was accidentally deleted…If the people that took the time to comment things on the story could take a bit more time to write a little comment again and give me their feedbacks, and also if the people that liked and reblog could do it once more…i’d appreciate the hell out of you <3.  So reposting it (thanks god I always have back ups of all my stories now). Written in twenty minutes during my break at work. Bam. Hope you’ll like it :
Also, since Tumblr’s new guidelines and enforcement of it, I DON’T really appear in searches anymore, so the only way for this story to be seen by others than those who follow me is to reblog it. So if you wanna, you can show your support for my writing by doing just that. Thanks very much. You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Ok. So. Grandma’s remedy against heartbreak ? Oh, right. 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
Got it. Licking the back of your hand to make the salt stick to it, you pour yourself a massive shot of “To-Kill-Ya” in your coffee mug, not even caring about the fact that there is still some remnant of your cappuccino from last night in it. 
You focus on the sound the liquid makes as it fills your cup. Makes you think about something else. Good. Yup. This was totally gonna help right now. 
“Cheers”, you exclaim to yourself, your empty apartment echoing your voice. 
Wincing. Stingy. Salt on its own is gross. 
More wincing. Oh my god, it burns. The coffee that was still at the bottom of the cup is an oddly nice touch. 
The last of the Wincing. 
You spit the piece of lemon you just bit into in the trash and…miss. The yellow fruit falls with a little flat sound on the floor, and you honestly can’t bother to pick it up. Your apartment is a mess anyway, so you just stare at it angrily and pour yourself another drink. 
Salt. Tequila. Lemon. 
You gulp the last of the citrus and shiver. Miss the trash again. 
Damn. This was good. 
Well, actually, it was disgusting. 
You didn’t like strong alcohol and what the Hell ?! Why did you leave a bit of coffee in your cup ? Now that the aftertaste was kicking in, it was actually really gross. If the tequila itself didn’t make you wanna throw up, the stale coffee taste nearly did. Oh, and the salt and lemon combination was as awful as ever. 
You really didn’t like salt, tequila, or lemon. 
But it was still good. 
Because thanks to all this immediate awfulness, you could slowly feel yourself drift into “haze land”, and forget about your worries. 
Forget that your boyfriend of two years just cheated on you with some random woman you worked with. Woman that, by the way, he met at the Christmas “end of the year” party from you work you invited him to…You gave him free champagne and mise-en-bouche and all your love, and he broke your heart. 
Afficher davantage
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wedigbats · 5 years
Hi, you benevolent queen! If you’re interested, how about “ what does love look like ” with Jason Todd? ✨
Note: Vanessa, you goddess, back at it again with the BEST prompts 💖💖 I hope you like this one, my love.
Poetry Prompt List
He’d never admit it— not to his brothers ever, not to his friends on his dark days, not even to you on the shining ones— but Jason always wondered what love really, truly looked like.
Was it a gaseous thing? Sentenced to a temporary existence of filling a space with fluttering particles that danced in a mockery of happiness. Did love look like the rare, translucent days when his mother stayed coherent? When his father was more of a father that a bastard? Surely not. Love shouldn’t have to be contained behind a stopper to remain genuine and true.
The question lingered then, overbearing as he stared up into Batman’s cowl, blood on his mouth and heart on his sleeve. Was that love then? Fixing what was broken? Did love flow like a stream, skipping over rocks and going around bends? Did it ebb and stutter, meander about corners? Only take shape when contained. Was love learning recipes at four in the morning from a tired old man that seemed to live a perpetual cycle of watching his family fall into a boiling pot of leather and kevlar and crime fighting. Was that love? Maybe. He thinks it could have been.
Or, was it neither. Perhaps love was not as see through as smoke or flexible as water. Conceivably, love looked like a solid promise tendered by strong, unbreakable bonds. It took the shape of your smile in the soft kisses shared in the hours between midnight and mid morning. Love ran from the shades of pink that hung onto the sun as it shifted across the sky into the deep wine tones of bruises, the purply sheens of kisses full of teeth and crimson of unwashed blood.
Love was his shirts and your favourite pajama bottoms in the same rinse cycle. It was waking up an hour after his alarm to the sound of your voice trailing over a song you didn’t know that well and the cacophony of dishes clattering as you whipped up breakfast. Love rose at 3am to watch him shed his armour and grew weary on the couch after 8pm with your head dropping onto his shoulder as you snored softly. He was sure, surer than sure in fact, that this had to be love.
“Aren’t you tired, gorgeous?”
That. That was love. It was there in the sweet curl of concern in your words, a line directly from your heart.
“Not yet,” he’d admit. And then he’d wrench you closer, cross the distance with ungovernable passion to capture the unalloyed contrivance of love with his own hands. “I don’t think I’ll ever be tired of you, little bird.”
A mellow diffidence would meet the line of your shoulders, the tilt of your chin and you’d shrink into a pretty, pampered thing. A precious sight to behold. He had posed an answer— not to the question you’d asked— to his own inquiry.
What did love look like?
Well, it looked like you.
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wedigbats · 5 years
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posting your fic on AO3 like
175K notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
The Snails revolution - Chapter 4 Jason Todd / Reader
Hello Everybody.
It took me a while to write this chapter because some difficulties happened in my private life. Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to both my grand-parents of my father side and it was difficult to think about something else for a while.
I am back now, and I am determined to continue with this pic and I really hope that you will like this new chapter.
There is a riddle at one point and if you know the answer (or even if you don't know the answer), feel free to share it with me and I will give you the answer in the next chapter.
This fic is also available on AO3 : https://tinyurl.com/yymrdrsr
Have a good day !
For once in his life Jason did not regret being wounded on a mission. Of course he was stuck at home until further notice, but he had good reason to be less annoyed by the situation than usual. 
On one hand, his best friend's daughter was present, and she illuminated the lives of the two men. On the other hand, a feeling that was still vague but very present made him feel as if he had been comfortably settled in his own skin for a few days. He found himself smiling when he woke up that morning. He had had a good night's sleep, and only woke up once because of the pain. A good night, then, of course. He put his hands on his face to chase away the remains of his night, then slowly straightened up. That's when Lian opened the door to her room and entered, carrying a tray in her arms. 
- Hello Uncle Jay!!! It's breakfast time!
The little girl put the tray on the edge of the bed and hoisted herself up on the mattress to pick up her load and put it on her uncle's legs. The tray came from the kitchen, he recognized it, but he didn't recognize the culinary talent that had prepared his breakfast. Despite all his good will, Roy always ended up letting the omelettes cook too long and we found ourselves eating dry eggs in the middle and frankly burned on the outside. Here, the omelette was perfect. Just like the two toasts, the fig jam, the small square of butter and the large glass of fresh orange juice placed on the said tray. 
He must have frowned because Lian laughed, and handed him a fork, knife and spoon. 
- Dad didn't make breakfast. He left earlier. Stephanie called him, and apparently she wanted to see him to ask him for help on a work file. He told me to stay with you. 
Jason enjoyed his omelette and took a long sip of orange juice before focusing again on Lian. 
- And so, who made breakfast ? 
- (Y/N). 
Jason paused for a moment, the fork halfway between his plate and his lips. 
- (Y/N) is here? 
Lian shook her head. 
- No, she went home, she said she had to go see a guy for an interview. But she took the time to cook for us. At the same time she didn't had much choice, Dick had started burning the kitchen when (Y/N) worried about the smell. 
- What? 
The young man was lost. (Y/N) had to cook when Dick started setting fire to the kitchen? In itself, that too was not very surprising. Dick was worse than Roy in terms of cooking. But if he had understood what his niece had just told him, it meant that Dick was present in his apartment. 
- Lian... Dick is still here? 
An innocent smile appeared on Roy's daughter's lips. 
- Yes. He was waiting for you to wake up to look at your wounds. He said he agreed with Dad to stop by regularly until you're completely cured. 
Jason growled and pushed back the tray on which he had placed his cutlery. And to think that the morning had started well. 
Seeing that her uncle would not eat more than he had already taken, Lian climb down the bed and went to the living room to pick up her uncle's brother. He entered the room a few minutes later without the little girl. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and observed his brother for a moment.
- Stéph asked me to check in with you. 
- I'm fine. I don't need a nanny or a nurse. 
Dick sighed and grabbed his bag to take out what he needed for Jason's bandage. 
- Well, while you are still recovering, it's up to me to take care of you when you can't do it or when Roy's away. 
He put his equipment on the mattress and pushed the tray further, removing it from Jason's legs, to put it towards the edge of the bed. He then helped his brother to sit properly, and lifted the blanket to access his brother's bandages. 
He examined the wounds, and found them in the process of healing. He was careful not to tell Jason that he might soon resume his activities. He knew very well that if he told him now, his little brother would take the opportunity to try something stupid and reopen his wounds unnecessarily. 
He washed the wounds as they healed, then changed the strips to a thinner, more breathable material. He knew Jason would notice the change, but if he asked questions, he could still argue that the new bands would help the wounds heal faster. 
Once this was done, Dick put his equipment away and put the old bandages, as well as the gauze and cotton he used to clean the wounds, in a medical waste bag that he would dispose of once he got back to the mansion. 
He grabbed the edge of the tray left nearby and pulled it towards him. 
- You should eat. I hear it helps when you're recovering. 
Jason gave a dark look to his brother who had adopted a more than ironic tone. 
- Don't you have anything else to do but squat here? I don't know, could you maybe go take care of Demon Head? 
- Damian is obviously not the only child who needs to be supervised. It seems you're not very obedient and Roy can't stay watching you all the time. The proof is that he called me yesterday... to watch you. 
The wounded man crossed his arms and took it upon himself not to get angry. He wasn't supposed to make a scene. Lian was in the next room and if he ever had to fight with his brother again, he still preferred to wait until the little girl was not within ear's reach and he was completely recovered.
Dick had meanwhile caught one of the abandoned toasts and not wanting to let it get lost, ate it and took a look at his brother from time to time.  
- You're getting crumbs all over my bed.
Dicl swallowed the toast bite and leaned towards Jason. 
- If you had eaten your toast, that wouldn't happen. 
- Yes, or you could eat cleanly like every other human being on the planet. 
Dick laughed, and picked up the crumbs that had fallen on the sheets and put them on the plate. He took the opportunity to grab the second toast and make it a vague memory in a matter of minutes. 
- Hm, (Y/N) makes a great breakfast! You're lucky your neighbor was alerted by the smell from the kitchen. You could have eaten coal otherwise. 
Jason clenched his fists with the mention of (Y/N). He didn't like his brother talking about her. Why? No idea, he still had to answer that question, but in any case, he didn't like it. 
Dick was not unaware of the young man's reaction. He hadn't particularly wanted to believe it, but with the picture from the last time, and Jason's reaction to (Y/N)'s impromptu visit the day before, he was beginning to believe that Stephanie was right and that Jason was not insensitive to his neighbour's charm. Especially since, according to Roy, the young woman did not leave after he himself had left them alone at the apartment. He knew what he had to do. 
Certainly it wasn't the smartest idea, but he didn't have many other solutions to confirm Stephanie's hypothesis. He was going to have to make his brother angry. 
He knew Jason by heart and the best way to get him to say things was to make him angry. After all, it was angry and emotional that Jason had told Bruce that he hated him for taking him for a threat when he came back from the dead, rather than being happy that his son was back. It was also by making him angry that they were able to find out why Jason chose to work for Black Mask despite the fact that he did everything Jason hated most in the world.
And this time he would make his brother angry to find out if he really had any feelings or attachment for the young woman who lived next door. 
Again, it wasn't ideal, but Jason, with his family, only understood two emotions: anger and grief. Might as well use it. However, it was out of the question to talk to Bruce, who would soon interfere with his plans and ruin everything. As for Stephanie, he had to have a word with her. Maybe she could help him. 
He exchanged a few more words with his brother and then got up to say goodbye. Roy wouldn’t take long to come back home and Lian was already choosing a book to spend some time with her uncle. 
He was curious to know what the redhead had told the blonde about the events of the previous day. This too could help him to set up the best tactic to get his brother off his hinges. 
It was due time for Jason to stop being a loner as well as stop burying every spark of goodness or happiness that appeared.
A girl like (Y/N) in her life would do him a lot of good.  
When Roy returned to the apartment, he found his friend asleep on the couch, Lian next to him reading a book. 
She saw her father from the corner of her eye and put a finger on her lips to tell him not to make any noise. Lian closed her book and carefully hoisted herself out of the couch so as not to wake her uncle. She approached her father who took her in his arms and both decided to whisper so as not to disturb the third inhabitant. 
- Is Stephanie okay? Did she mention Damian? 
Roy smiled and sat down at the kitchen bar with his daughter. 
- Stephanie is fine. She wanted information on a situation we're monitoring right now. And no, sorry, princess, she didn't mention Damian. I'll ask her again next time I see her, okay? 
The little girl replied with a nod of her head, looking a little sad. Roy put his hand through his daughter's hair to ruffle it and continued. 
- How did it go with Dick? 
- Good, but I don't think Uncle Jay expected him to be here all the time. He comes every day. It's not usually like that, is it? 
Roy looked at his friend's sleeping shape. 
- No, it's not usually like that. I think Dick has an idea in mind and generally, when it does, it doesn't end well. Dick and your uncle are known not to be very smart when they confront each other. 
Lian seemed to think for a moment before grabbing her father's arm and holding it close to her. 
- If that's the way it is in all families, I'm glad I don't have a brother or sister. You and Uncle Jay are more than enough. 
Roy smiled affectionately at his daughter and hugged her. 
- If it wasn't for you, princess, my life would have been a lot different, you know. I'm glad you're here, even though you're leaving soon.
- I don't want to go back. 
- You have to, though, otherwise how else are you going to get even smarter than you already are and close Damian's beak? 
- Damian's an idiot who thinks girls aren't as strong as boys.
- And what do you think of that? 
- I think when I grow up, Damian will always be as dumb as ever and I'll be like you and Uncle Jay. 
Roy raised an interrogative eyebrow, and invited his daughter to continue. 
- I mean, Damian will continue to see himself as stronger than everyone else and that instead of screaming at everything I want people to think about me, I will do what is right and useful. Actions speak louder than words. 
Roy smothered a laugh for fear of waking his friend. 
- You read Jason's books behind his back again. But you're right. The best way to contradict people who make fun of you or doubt you is to smile at them and achieve what you want to be or do. 
- And that's why I’ll be super badass when Damian will always be complaining about not being taken seriously. 
Roy watched his daughter step off the stool with a smile. Lian was a little girl with quite a temper. Character that she took in part from her mother. And between her mother, him, and Jason the little girl had enough to do in terms of stubbornness and willingness to undo prejudices. He never doubted for a moment that his daughter would succeed without fail, whatever she would decide to do with her life. 
The redhead attention was put back on the couch when Jason started to move and growl. His friend was waking up and apparently his middle was still hurting. He sighed and watched his daughter settle back next to Jason. The injured man straightened up with difficulty and tried to stretch without undoing the bandages that had been changed earlier. 
Roy grabbed his cigarette pack and approached the living room window, opened it, sat on the edge, and lit a cigarette he took from his pack and exhaled the smoke through the window opening. 
- Slept well? 
Jason put his hand on his face. 
- I didn't even realize I was falling asleep again. 
- The fatigue of not doing anything with your days, I guess. 
- Shut up, Roy. 
Lian kicked her uncle with the book she was holding in her hand. 
- Language uncle Jay. 
Jason pulled his tongue at her, which made the little girl laugh, and settled back in comfortably. 
- Still on a case with Stephanie? 
- Always. I also have something to take care of tonight. I'll leave you two alone. 
Lian, who did not miss a word of the discussion, put the book on her lap and jumped at the opportunity. 
- Does that mean we can invite (Y/N)? 
Roy laughed and exhaled his smoke through the window before answering his daughter. 
- I think it's going to be complicated for you to see (Y/N) in the evening for a while, princess. 
Lian gave him an interrogative look as Jason, frankly interested, turned his head at his friend. 
- What do you mean? 
- I ran into her on my way home. She was coming out of a job interview at The Question Mark bar. Apparently she was recruited and starts tonight. 
Lian looked a little sad about this statement but started smiling again when she realized that if (Y/N) had found a job it meant she would stay in Gotham for a long time. Long enough anyway for her to allow Lian to see her again when she was here for the holidays. 
Jason, on the other hand, darkened up and said nothing for a long time. He listened to his friend and Lian talking, ruminating that the young woman he was beginning to like was going to work in a bar run by The Riddler. Certainly the bar itself was not dangerous in itself, and let's face it, The Riddler had had its moment of glory, but now he was a threat only to good taste and humour. Jason's stomach was still tightening at that perspective. 
The rest of the day went by without any major events and when evening came, Roy had to leave for his mission. He prepared lunch for everyone and left them on the couch watching a movie that was playing and that he wouldn't regret missing. He went out through the window and set off for the docks, making a detour to the bar in which (Y/N) was working. 
The young woman was already there, black blouse, skirt and shoes, green apron and green headband with purple question marks in place, she was taking the order of a man whose figure was familiar to him. He shrugged his shoulders and went on his way. 
Inside the bar, (Y/N) finished writing her customer's order on her notebook, smiled at him, and confirmed that his order would arrive in a few minutes. She grabbed a handout from the next table and handed it to the man, with a pen. 
- I would also like to give you this. It's an answer sheet for tonight's quiz. If you want to participate alone, you can write your name and answer the questions directly on the sheet that will be collected at the end of the quiz. If you want to do this in a group, with other customers of the bar, you can, you just have to find a team name. 
The customer Roy had seen, thanked her warmly, and the young woman went to the bar to place the order, and continued to take some orders while the rest was prepared. 
When she returned with her tray and the two glasses ordered, she was surprised to see a well-known face sitting at the table with her client. 
- Good evening (Y/N), I didn't know you worked here. 
The young woman paused for a moment, surprised. 
- Oh hello Dick, sorry I didn't expected to see you here. 
She smiled at him, and placed Dick’s companion order in front of him and then turned to the young man. 
- I guess the diabolo grenadine is for you. 
Dick laughed and glance at the person sitting at the table with him. 
- Yes, it's for me. Apparently no matter how old his children are, Bruce still has trouble with the fact that some of us drink, and not just diabolos. 
(Y/N) took a look at that Bruce Dick had just mentioned and realized how much Dick and Jason looked like him. The hair, the eyes, even the appearance of the face had a small resemblance. She brought back a lock of hair that had escaped behind her ear and let out a slight laugh. 
- I guess you must also be Jason's father. 
Bruce gave the young woman a surprised look. 
- Do you know my other son? 
(Y/N) nodded. 
- Yeah, he's the one I met Dick through. We're neighbors, and I used to be Lian and Jason's nanny. 
- Knowing my son, he must not have been happy about the situation. 
- He didn't have much choice. 
Dick nodded and added to the young woman explanation. 
- Well, with his fall, he had to remain calm, and (Y/N) almost managed to control him. A real feat when you know my brother's stubbornness. 
- Strange... he said the same thing about you. Apparently stubbornness is a family thing. I mean no disrespect. 
Bruce smiled at the young woman and told her that he had not taken her words badly and that on the contrary he was well aware of how his children used to listen only to what they wanted. With a laugh (Y/N) apologized  to both men and returned to work. 
- Something tells me you already knew who she is. 
- Stephanie tends to tell Barbara everything, especially on the phone, on speakerphone, in the living room. It wasn't that hard to find out. 
Dick hid a smile in his glass and turned his attention to (Y/N) as she sailed between the tables, smiling. 
The young man finally took his eyes off her and grabbed the answer sheet for the quiz. 
- As long as we're here, we might as well enjoy it. How about Batfamily as a team name? That seems very appropriate to me.
- Dick... 
- All right, all right...... Well, it'll be « Devinettes »  then. Riddle but in French. I prefer not to get too tired for the name. For all we know, the questions might be really complicated. 
Bruce rolled his eyes and let his elder do whatever he wanted. About fifteen minutes later, he appeared on stage, his usual costume in place and a microphone in his hand: The Ridler had just made his entrance.  
The regulars of the place acclaimed him and some applauded. Bruce frowned and Dick pouted. 
- At the same time we should have known... just in the name of the bar... 
Edward Nygma presented the rules of the quiz and congratulated the participants. After throwing a few jokes at the assembled crowd, he started the game and posed his first riddle, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. 
- What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word? 
Dick looked at Bruce with the forbidden look on his face. He finally sighed and slipped the sheet to his father who seemed to know the answer. 
- I never liked his riddles anyway. 
Nygma, repeated the question twice to those who asked him, and then moved on to the next one. 
On the eighth question, Dick signalled to (Y/N) to approach them, ordered a beer for himself and a whisky for Bruce. He took advantage of her presence to chat a little. 
- That’s your boss on stage, isn't it? 
- Yes. Mr. Nygma, is a strange man, but he's rather friendly. He lets us keep all our tips and my colleague Chris told me earlier that after closing time, he stays to help us clean up. He seems to be quite close to his employees. 
Dick pouted and before he could answer Bruce addressed the young woman. 
- He is also a notorious criminal in Gotham. 
(Y/N) looked in his direction, unfazed. 
- He is also the only person who answered me when I was looking for a job, and especially who did not ask me indiscreet questions about my life before Gotham. I'm fine with that. 
Dick had a big smile on his face. 
- Things to hide? 
- No Dick, nothing to hide, I'm just used to having to deal with recruiters who sift through my life without taking an interest in my diplomas or skills. 
The young man did not answer that but went on to say that The Riddler was not the most innocent of men. 
- He's still a criminal, if I were you I'd be careful and look for another job quickly. 
(Y/N) sighed, but did not let her annoyance appear on her face.
- Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion. I'd still be stuck in my apartment doing nothing all day in this case. 
She took their empty glasses back and dropped off their order at the bar to pick them up a little later. 
Meanwhile, Dick had been speechless. 
- Now I understand why she gets along so well with your brother. She’ll be able to send you to hell if necessary. 
Dick answered nothing and pretended to be interested in the piece of paper on which Bruce had answered the questions asked. 
A few days later (Y/N) rang at Roy and Jason's apartment. It was Lian who opened it to her. 
- Hi Lian, your father sent me a message, he asked me to keep an eye on you, can I come in? 
Lian nodded and moved to the side to let the young woman in. She didn't look very happy that day. She kept her head slightly down and her eyes, usually sparkling, seemed extinguished. 
(Y/N) closed the door behind her, and knelt down in front of the girl. 
- What's the matter, sweetie?
- Nothing. 
The young woman sighed and took Lian's hand in hers. 
- I can see something's bothering you. I understand you don't want to talk about it, but if at some point you want someone to listen to you, I'll be there, okay? 
The little one nodded and before the young woman could get up, she threw herself into her arms to hug her for a moment before releasing her and running to her father's room. 
(Y/N) followed her with her eyes, and stood up, biting the inside her cheek, worried about this behaviour that she had not yet seen in Lian. 
- She's bored and sad because Roy has been away quite a bit in the last few days. 
The young woman looked in the direction of Jason who was sitting on the couch and who seemed to be in much better shape. She took off her jacket and sat next to him on the couch looking worried. 
- Maybe it would be good for her to get out. I could take her to a museum or an exhibition. Or take her to the park. Staying locked up all day while she's on vacation must start weighing on her. 
- Lian is a very active little girl. I think it would be good for her to go out and take her mind off it. The problem is, I don't know what it would interest a girl her age. The mall? 
(Y/N) hit him in the shoulder. 
- Not all girls think about shopping, Mr. Prejudice. There must be things to do in Gotham. 
Jason shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his cell phone. He looked for something to do for a moment under the young woman's gaze and finally turned the phone towards her. 
- Bubble archaeology? What is it? 
- An exhibition at the Museum of the University of Gotham. It allows you to discover archaeology through comics and Lian loves comics. 
(Y/N)'s face lit up. 
- Read me the presentation of the exhibition... wait wait wait you have a museum in your university?? 
- Welcome to Gotham.
The young woman looked up to the sky and listened to Jason read her the Gotham Gazette's description of the exhibition in question. After a few minutes of discussion on the subject, Jason and (Y/N) agreed on the issue.  Lian needed to have fun and this outing could be both fun and entertaining. The young woman thought she would have to convince Jason to accompany them with a lot of arguments, but he beat her to it and asked her if he could accompany them. He himself needed to stretch his legs. (Y/N) accepted with pleasure and she went to announce their plan to Lian who was delighted with the news. 
They prepared quite quickly and left the building, Lian between the two adults, holding hands with each other. They walked part of the way and then took the bus to Midtown and the University of Gotham. (Y/N) who had not yet really visited the city, took the opportunity to admire the city, sitting next to Jason who gave her indications about the buildings, or monuments she was seeing, Lian on her knees. They passed Robinson Park before arriving at the university bus stop and Jason and (Y/N) promised Lian that they would walk there after the museum visit. 
When they got off the bus, they headed for the university museum, Lian still between them. After queuing to obtain their entrance ticket, they entered the main hall of the museum and headed towards the young woman in her early twenties, an archaeology student, who would serve as their guide for the visit. 
The guide was obviously passionate about her studies and when Lian asked her questions about the objects that were presented behind her, on a small console, the young student was very happy to introduce her and explain to her what the study journals, dig books and research instruments were for. The guide gave Lian, her own notebook and a pen with the university's arms so that she could write down what she found interesting and told her with a mysterious look that she could herself be the source of a discovery. 
Lian opened her eyes, excited at this perspective and when she turned to her uncle and (Y/N) to talk to them, her attention was drawn to two paintings behind them: a portrait of Jean-François Champollion, the first to decipher the hieroglyphics and Mosul's Pasha's visit to Khorsabad excavations by Felix Thomas. She was particularly interested in the explanations given by the guide on the strange figure in the second painting: a winged androcephalus bull with five legs.
The guide led them to a small theater where she presented them with a video in which the steps of the archaeological drawing were explained in common terms. Lian's eyes were riveted on the screen while Jason preferred to watch her neighbour smile as she saw the little girl focused on what she was learning. The video ended with a map of the museum and the current exhibition that described how both the archaeologist and the comic artist use the sketchbook and pencil to conduct scientific surveys at an archaeological excavation site or to facilitate reconstruction in a work of fiction.
The guide then took them to a second room, which shows and learns the notion of archaeological treasures. Jason and (Y/N) headed towards the back of the room while Lian was busy asking questions to their guide about a bronze statue of the god Apollo. 
- You were right, going out feels good. 
- Yes, she already looks much happier now than she did earlier at the apartment. And I have the impression that the exhibition fascinates her. Excellent choice, Mr. Todd. 
(Y/N) smiled at Jason, who replied with a little laughter. 
- I had nothing to do with it, it's the Gotham Gazette to thank. 
The young woman took him by the arm and Jason, who had become tense under the surprise, relaxed almost immediately, feeling a little strange at the time, but delighted. 
- You underestimate yourself. And Lian will only keep in mind that it was your idea to bring her here. 
Jason looked at the young woman hanging on his arm for a moment. 
- Did you tell her it was my idea? 
- Of course I told her it was your idea. 
- Why? You were the one who wanted to get her out. 
- But you're her uncle, and she loves you unconditionally. She will remember from that day that she had fun with her uncle whom she loves and that is the most important thing. 
For a minute Jason had the irresistible urge to hug (Y/N) and never let go. However, he reasoned with himself and decided not to. He and the young woman still on his arm, followed the guide and Lian led them to the next room. 
The third room was larger than the two previous ones and in its centre was a gigantic window that displays in layers the objects found at the Susa site in southwestern Iran. It is thanks to this showcase that the young guide explains to Lian, the classification and dating of the objects found during the research. The fascinated little girl did not pay attention to her uncle or neighbour, standing nearby who themselves admire the small terracotta objects, tiny female figurines, horseman, bear or bull statuettes that have been found on the site in question.
- Thank you. 
(Y/N) took her gaze off the old statuettes to look at Jason, who was still staring at the window. 
- Thank you for what? 
Jason seemed to hesitate for a moment, then inspired and gathered his courage, which he usually did not lack. 
- Thank you for coming to keep us company, for making Lian happy. To bear with me. 
- Jason.... 
(Y/N) could not find the words she wanted to say. Telling him "nothing" didn't seem appropriate, while answering him "but no, I didn't do any of that" seemed hollow, hypocritical and misplaced. She simply gave him a pressure with her hand that she had still resting on the young man's arm. 
He finally looked up at her and shyly smiled at her. They were interrupted by the young student who invited them to follow her to the fourth and last room of the exhibition. In this last stage of the visit, Lian, under the explanation of their guide, discovers giant comic strips that humorously describe the life of a Paleolithic family called "Silex and the City" or scientific works on the rediscovered history of ancient and almost forgotten peoples. 
- I think even if the visit is over, she'll want to stay. 
- Do you think so? She wanted to go for a walk in the park when we were on the bus. 
- Lian likes to learn. She is extremely curious, and when it comes to discovering something new for her, she sticks with the subject until she gets sick. 
(Y/N) let a laugh escape, and turned to the guide who approached them, letting Lian leaf through the books nearby. 
- Your daughter is incredible. Usually children are not as passionate about old objects. She asks incredibly interesting questions.
Jason stiffened up and (Y/N) bit her tongue so as not to laugh. 
- Yes Lian is very curious by nature. Thank you very much for this visit, it was really very interesting, and your explanations were very clear even for neophytes like us. 
The student blushed and protested when (Y/N) tipped her to thank her for guiding them. She finally accepted and told them that the winged bull the little girl had seen in the painting at the beginning of the visit was actually a statuette and that it was displayed a little further down in the wing dedicated to oriental antiquities. Jason and his partner thanked her and joined the little girl who seemed to be flying from book to book. When her uncle told her that she could see the bull, she jumped joyously at the idea and they headed for the room indicated by the guide. 
When they admired what they wanted to admire, Lian reminded them of their promise and all three headed for the park. It was a sunny and hot day, and they ended up settling under a tree in the shade, after buying ice cream from a small kiosk near for each of them. Lian, well settled between Jason and (Y/N), seemed happy.  
Tired of the heat that had fallen on them, Jason, (Y/N) and Lian left the park and moved to a small bar/restaurant not far from the university. The fresh air provided by the establishment's air conditioning did them the greatest good, and everyone sat at a table near the windows to observe passers-by braving the heat. 
A 40-year-old waitress approached them and asked them what they wanted to order in a quiet voice. She looked at Lian and already looked exasperated by the child's presence. She had probably had clients more than once whose children were not holding their heads in place and expected the same behaviour from the little girl who was reading the card, with interest. 
Jason ordered a cold beer for himself, and a soda for Lian, concerning (Y/N), she asked for an iced tea for herself. 
- Uncle Jay, you shouldn't drink beer it's still morning. 
Lian gave her uncle a reproving look behind her menu. 
- It's noon. Well it’s past noon young girl and by talking like that you're going to make me look like an alcoholic. 
The young woman who was accompanying them did not interfere in the game between Jason and his niece but observed them with a smile. She thanked the waitress who had returned with their order and asked her for something to eat, her stomach starting to wake up. 
- If you want, we can order some food. A real meal, I mean. 
- I'm fine, I'm not that hungry, though.... 
(Y/N) turned her eyes to Lian who was sulking after losing to her uncle. 
- Maybe Lian's hungry? And so maybe are you. 
The little one nodded and plunged back into her menu, apparently slightly faking being mad at Jason. The latter smiled and rolled his eyes to the little girl's reaction. The young man assured her that he was not hungry for the moment, and that they could always stop later to buy food. 
(Y/N) nodded and for a moment no one spoke. It wasn't one of those uncomfortable silences that pushes you to rack your brains to find something to say. It was rather the kind of silence that comes after a pleasant morning, and where you just feel good to be in the company of others, the kind of time when you don't need to say anything to feel comfortable. The presence of others is enough. 
And for the first time in a long time Jason didn't feel the need to be on guard. He was just happy to share his day with his beloved niece, and the young woman who had managed to integrate into the small group of people he liked.  Strange when he thought about it. He had only recently met her, but her presence had the effect of calming him down. And even if he had had suspicions, doubts and a big problem of trust, he knew perfectly well that Dick had done some research on the young woman behind his back, and that if something was wrong with her, his brother would have told him, or at least taken care of it himself. 
The advantage of having an army of detectives in the family. He smiled at himself and shook his head, attracting the young woman's attention. 
- Something wrong ? 
- No, it's all right. And it's been a long time since everything has been so good. 
(Y/N) smiled at him and carried her glass to her lips. 
- Getting out of your apartment for a while is good for you. You look less stressed. 
- Hm... going out during the day is not really part of my routine. I work mainly at night. By the way, welcome to the club. Dick came by shortly before you arrived and told me he met you at Question Mark.
-Yes, he came to the bar several days ago and offered me advice on my boss. 
- Advice I imagine you didn't ask him? 
- No, I did not. Oh, and I met your father too. He seems charming. 
Jason got tense and looked stunned. 
- My father? 
- Bruce. He was there first, by the way. Dick joined him a little later, and he introduced me to your father. They participated in Mr. Nygma's quiz. 
- Bruce took part in a quiz? Seriously? 
Jason, who looked angry a few seconds earlier, now looked completely bewildered. 
- Yes. We talked a little bit about you too, we didn't really talk about it. Just enough for your father and I to agree that you were stubborn. 
She hid her smile in her drink and watched Jason,while sipping on her tea. 
- You're Satan.
(Y/N) laughed, pulling Lian to her. 
- Am I now? 
- Yes. 
The young woman laughed and rolled her eyes. Jason's smile, however, did not escape her. It was nice to see the young man smiling. He was a bit rough around the edge but she definitely liked him. More than his brother anyway, who tended to be too... too tactile and didn't bother to enter her personal space without being invited. She didn't hate him though, she just didn't feel as comfortable with Dick as she did with Jason. But maybe she was still a bit uneasy with the unwanted advice.
They spent a moment talking to each other, Lian having finally decided not to ignore her uncle anymore. When they had finished their drinks, they paid for them, then went away, finding themselves in the hot and sunny streets of Gotham. 
They walked on the sidewalk beside a series of restaurants and small shops, they discussed what they could do now, none of them in a hurry to return home. 
They finally decided to take public transport and head for the Wayne Botanical Garden. 
Lian had seen that her uncle didn't really like the idea of going to a place named after his father, but she was sure that he wouldn't say anything for the benefit of (Y/N). She had heard him complain enough to her father about the fact that Wayne's name was being placed all over the city because of their involvement in the construction and history of the city. But even more so because although he would never admit it, Wayne was also his family and it pisses him off to be reminded that little fact.
They got on the bus and Jason played the guides for the young woman again until they got to their stop. 
They walked around the botanical garden, (Y/N) admiring the plants, trees and decorations of the greenhouse. Jason watched her marvel when the visit was interrupted by an impromptu visitor. 
- Hello Jason. 
The young man turned around and found himself facing his father with Damian. 
- DAMI!!! 
Lian and (Y/N) had turned around when Bruce called their partner, and the little girl immediately saw her friend. She detached herself from the young woman whose hand she was holding and rushed into Damian's arms, who, under the shock of the impact, took a few steps back with an upset look.
- Bruce. 
Jason closed like an oyster to the greatest despair of (Y/N) who approached the small group. 
- Hello. 
Bruce gave the young woman a broad friendly smile and shook her hand. Damian, who had managed to get her friend to let go, looked at the young woman suspiciously.
Lian elbowed him in the sides when he asked her to introduce herself, using an unpleasant tone. 
- (Y/N). I'm Jason's neighbour. 
- I was not aware that neighbours were now considered socially acceptable for a trip to the family botanical garden. Are we even sure there's still a member of our family here. 
Bruce called his youngest son back to order and apologized to the young woman, explaining that Damian was rather homey, and that his manners were still not very gentle. 
(Y/N) at first shocked by the young boy's cold and somewhat aggressive repartee, answered nothing, and smiled at Bruce, looking uncomfortable anyway. 
- Sorry to interrupt you during your visit, but when I saw you, I took the opportunity. 
- What do you want, Bruce? 
The young woman put her hand on Jason's arm and simply looked in the direction of her friend's father, without saying a word. 
- Within a week there will be an evening at home. I would like you to be present. This is a great opportunity for us all to be together. If it is convenient for you, (Y/N), you are cordially invited. I enjoyed our meeting the other night, I would be happy to have the opportunity to talk to you again. 
He looked back at his son again. 
- Roy and Lian are also welcome. Lian will be able to take advantage of her presence here to have fun with Damian. 
- I'll get the message across. 
Bruce nodded while Lian was already looking forward to the prospect. (Y/N) seemed uncomfortable. 
- It's very kind of you to invite me, but I wouldn't want to interfere in a family reunion. 
- Don't worry, you are very welcome, especially since there will not only be family. You won't feel left out, I promise. I'll send you an invitation myself tonight. 
- That's very kind of you, thank you. 
(Y/N) and Bruce exchanged a few more words and then Bruce finally took his leave and walked away with Damian. 
Jason, still angry that he had run into Bruce without having the opportunity to tell him to go to hell, turned to Lian and the young woman who was accompanying them and approached her. 
- Sorry about that. 
- Sorry about what? Your father is charming, although I don't really understand why he invited me. 
- It's a charity event, he wants us all to be together for this kind of event. Let the image of the perfect family be presented. 
- I understood the other nigth that your father was indeed an important person. But, what did your... little brother meant by family botanical garden ? 
Jason sighed and swore silently to himself to strangle the demon head when he had the chance. He seemed to think for a moment and then decided to explain to the young woman who his father really was and what this meant in relation to the botanical garden, and the rest of the buildings, monuments and other organizations named after Wayne. 
(Y/N) remained silent for most of Jason's explanations, and resigned herself to not comment. The young man didn't seem comfortable with the situation, and she preferred to take his arm to quietly let him know that it didn't make much difference to her. 
She changed the subject of discussion, and they finished their visit of the garden. As they left the greenhouse, the sun was still high in the sky and the heat was more overwhelming than ever. By mutual agreement, everyone opted to go home, and got on the first bus that came by. 
The stairs of the building were the setting for a race between Jason and Lian as everyone went back to their floor. On the landing on their floor, the young man who had obviously beaten the little girl, was waiting for her, squatting down with his arms wide open to receive her as she threw herself at him laughing. (Y/N) who did not wish to participate in the race, followed. The young woman finished climbing the few remaining steps and headed for the door of her apartment. She was interrupted as she was looking for the keys to her house, by Jason, who invited her to stay with them a little longer. She looked at him a little surprised, but took her hand out of her purse, and accepted the young man's offer. 
She followed him home and found Lian already sitting on the couch. 
- Lian's getting hungry, I'm going to cook, will you join us? 
(Y/N) accepted with a smile and offered her help in preparing the meal, which Jason politely refused, explaining that when he was in the kitchen, it was better not to get in his way or risk accidentally getting hit with a spatula. Lian confirmed what her uncle said and lured the young woman with her on the couch. 
When Jason had finished preparing lunch, the afternoon was already well advanced and everyone sat down to enjoy the dish the young man had prepared. After eating, they stayed for a moment to talk until their neighbour noticed the time and decided to go home and get some sleep before going to work. 
She got up, received a hug from Lian, and didn't know very well how to say goodbye to Jason. After a moment's hesitation, she decided to kiss him on the cheek.  She returned home, leaving Jason stunned and a secretly victorious Lian. The little girl would be happy to tell that to her father and eventually to Dick. 
That same evening, (Y/N) prepared herself, grabbed the bag in which she had packed her uniform for work and left her house.
She walked the short path that separated her from the bar and went to change in the changing rooms reserved for the employees, when she came back into the room, her notebook on her belt, she saw Dick at the same table as the last time he had come. His father was not with him this time. 
- Good evening, Dick. What can I get you? 
- Good evening (Y/N). A beer please, and I'd like to apologize for the last time. It wasn't very smart, or even my place, to give you advice on where you should work. 
The young woman accepted his apology and made no further comments, preferring to return to a relationship that seemed friendly, rather than a persistent embarrassment. He was after all his neighbour's brother, and she tended to see Jason often, which meant seeing Dick regularly. She left for a moment to drop off the young man's order and take care of her other tables, then came back with Dick's beer, which she put in front of him. 
He held her back for a moment and asked if there was a quiz that night. She answered in the affirmative and gave him an answer sheet. 
- Bruce told me he met you, Jason and Lian at the botanical garden. I am happy to know that my brother is able to move around without any problems. He seems to be doing better. 
- Yes. He's better, and we had a very good day. Apart from the heat which was a little too tirinf, the day was great. 
Dick gave her a delighted smile. 
- It's good to hear things like that. My little brother doesn't usually get along well with people. His circle of friends is very small. 
- I noticed yes that he had few friends. I must have a lucky star somewhere. 
The young man laughed softly and stared at her for a moment, seeming charmed by her natural niceness. 
- I hope you can come. 
(Y/N) stopped for a moment before she understood what Dick was talking about. 
- Oh, the party. I... Uh... I haven't really taken a decision yet to be honest. Lian has already started trying to convince me to come, but I feel a little uncomfortable crashing a party for which I'm not really the target. And I'm not part of your family, it seems wrong to me to come in this situation. 
Dick did not have time to reply as one of the young woman's colleagues called her to let her know that her other customers' orders were ready. She apologized and went back to work. 
During the evening, the young man repeated his order several times and ended up ordering a burger as the quiz was about to start. He answered most of the questions, watching the young woman from the corner of his eye, and got one or two answers from her when he seemed to be in trouble. 
When the end of (Y/N's) shift came, she went to change in the locker room, and joined Dick at his table. 
- Can I join you ? 
- Of course. 
The young man moved to make way for the young woman, and the waitress who replaced her came to take their order. (Y/N)'s colleague stopped at the sight of Dick and flirted with him for a moment before leaving with their order. The young woman rolled her eyes and spoke to her table mate. 
- Something tells me this isn't the first time this has happened to you. 
- Without wanting to appear futile or entitled, yes, it happens quite often. It's not unpleasant on some days, but most of the time it's just embarrassing. 
(Y/N) smiled and changed the subject of the discussion. They essentially discussed the day the young woman had spent with the young man's brother and Lian. Dick seemed interested in the exhibition they had seen, and became tense when she told him about their fortuitous encounter with Bruce. 
- Jason must have told you what it meant, right? And you had the pleasure of meeting Damian. 
- Yes, Jason explained to me who your family was. I must admit that it's quite impressive and if it hadn't been explained to me, I don't think I would have ever suspected it. As for your brother...... He looks like... 
- Mean and devoid of any sense of conversation? 
The young woman laughed. 
- I wouldn't have said it like that, but I was a little shocked by his repartee. I don't think he likes me very much. 
- Damian is still young, and he is very proud. We try to make him behave properly but sometimes it's a little complicated. 
- I suppose so. He must be the same age as Lian, right? 
- He is two years older, but he is still small for his age. We have already begun to take bets on a spectacular growth spurt. Our other brother Tim hopes with all his heart that he will remain tiny for the rest of his life. Personally I am convinced that he will be as big as Bruce. 
- Tim? How many of you are in your family? Jason didn't tell me about it. 
Dick looked embarrassed and put his hand through his hair before finishing his drink. 
- We are..... Many... There are Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke and me, and the girls. Stephanie, Barbara, and Cassandra. Not to mention the "friends" that Bruce has more or less adopted unofficially. They have unrestricted access to the house if ever needed. 
- Wow.... It's quite a family. 
They spent another hour discussing Dick and Jason's family and then a little bit about the young woman's family. When the bar was about to close, Dick offered to walk her home, which she accepted. When Jason's older brother arrived at the door of the young woman's building, he ended an anecdote about their younger brother and Tim who had a tendency to argue over the slightest thing. 
Discomfort set in and Dick decided to break this embarrassing moment by pull the young woman into a hug to say goodbye. He also promised to return to the bar regularly, and made her promise to participate with him in one of the quizzes one of these evenings. 
When the young woman found herself in front of her door, she could hear the cries of joy and laughter behind her neighbours' door. She interrupted her action as she was about to put the key in her door and smiled as she heard Lian's voice suffocated by the walls. 
- I don't want to hear your apology. You can't just give me wet-willies.
(Y/N) smiled and went home. She put her things in a corner, took her uniform, washed it and then went to take a shower. Once she was clean and relaxed, she put on her favorite pajamas and went to bed. The right wall of her room was common to the wall of her neighbours' living room, and she could hear Lian's cries and sometimes by listening carefully, the voices of the two young men next door. 
With a sigh, she recalled the events of the day. She thought about the young museum guide who thought Lian was her daughter and Jason’s. She recalled that the young man had not noticed when she had not denied what the student thought. She smiled and thought maybe she should ask him why. An idea that she rejected a few seconds later, not wanting to make the young man uncomfortable with an event that had happened in the morning and that she was sure of, he had already forgotten. 
She also thought about meeting Bruce in the garden. Dick had had good arguments during the evening, and when she thought about it, she was curious to know how this kind of evening was going. And then she'd have a good excuse to see Jason. Now that he was better, it would be more difficult for her to see him. He was going to go back to work, and even if she was babysitting Lian, Jason, would not necessarily be there. 
On the other side of the wall, the infernal trio finished the board game initiated by the little girl. Jason was putting away the game and the dishes while Roy was putting his daughter to bed. Lian had given her father a detailed account of the day and had illustrated each stage of the day with strong gestures and mimes. 
Jason, wished good night to the little girl and her father through the door frame and went to bed himself. 
Lying in his bed, he couldn't help but think back to the kiss (Y/N) he had left on his cheek before leaving. He felt a kind of knot in his stomach, a bit like the first time he met Kory or Artemis. The only difference being that (Y/N) was not an overpowered alien about to be queen of her planet, or an invulnerable amazon that could literally break every bone in his body without even breaking a sweat. He smiles as he looks up at the ceiling of his room. (Y/N) was different. She was kind and Lian loved her and despite her kindness, she had a strong character. He was certain that she couldtell him to go to hell if he pushed her to the limit. Just this idea made him laugh and he realized at that moment that it might not just be her presence that he appreciated. 
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wedigbats · 5 years
About an hour ago, I was in Walmart looking for my conditioner because today is wash day for my hair. As I’m looking for my product, this older white lady approaches me and she says, “Excuse me, miss. Please don’t be offended by this.” And usually when white people tell me not to be offended, 9 times out of 10, whatever they are about to say is going to be offensive af.
Anyway, she follows it up with, “My husband and I just recently won our custody battle with our foster daughter and she means the world to us. She’s a beautiful African American girl and her hair looks a lot like yours. But I’m afraid because I don’t know what to do with her hair. It’s a lot different from mines and our other children and we are at a total loss. I’ve tried looking up the YouTube videos and my husband went to the braiding shops so they can teach him how to properly braid her hair, but he’s still pretty new and it will be a while before he gets used to it. Do you have any tips you can give me? If you don’t have the time, it’s okay, really! I just needed a little advice because I want her to look beautiful.”
Y’all. swear I almost started crying on aisle 6. So for the last 30 minutes, I spent my time talking to her and what products to use and how to properly detangle and comb her hair with the proper tools and what not to do with natural hair. And I showed her a bunch of easier to follow natural hair tutorials on YouTube and saved them for her. (I also had to create a YouTube account for her so she could save it for later.) but omfg, she was so sweet, and I could tell that she listened to every single thing I had to say and she took little notes on her little notepad.
And what really filled my heart was the fact that her husband actually taking classes from African braiding shops. And she showed me a picture of him wearing a little sweater vest and loafers in a little shop surrounded by beautiful black women showing him how to braid black hair and even the lady he’s braiding on is guiding his hands. And omfg. Bless these old white people and their black daughter who I know have new loving parents because they are willing to step out of their comfort zone just to make her feel and look beautiful.
I really hope our paths cross again one day, Mrs Cicilia. 💖💕
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wedigbats · 5 years
The Snails revolution - Chapter 3 Jason Todd / Reader
Hello :) I am back with a new chapter also available on AO3 : 
When Lian woke up, it was still early. She hadn't slept much, annoyed by a feeling that didn't want to leave her alone. She liked Dick, he was her uncle Jay's older brother, and even though they didn't always get along, she knew that Jason didn't hate him as much as he wanted to suggest. 
She pulled herself out of the sheets and went to look for something in her suitcase. She grabbed a small notebook and a pen in her kit, then went back under the covers. Damian had told her several times that you have to write things down when you want to get an overview. When you let the information turn and turn, too long in your head you would end up being confused and you could no longer properly analyze the elements you had. 
She opened her notebook, and drew a line vertically in the middle of a blank page. At the top of the right column she wrote her uncle's first name, and at the top of the left column, the first name Dick. In each column she listed the behaviour that the person concerned had had with (Y/N). Dick had been charming, cheerful and seemed interested in everything (Y/N) and Lily had to say. He had been more considerate with (Y/N) than he had been with Lily but Lian thought it was mainly because (Y/N) had asked Dick about his brother. She had told her uncle's brother about their previous three encounters and had been surprised by Jason's hostility towards her when she had done nothing to attract anyone's wrath. 
Dick had explained to him that Jason was not easy to approach, that he was rather homey and liked his solitude. Lian didn't like that remark but didn't say anything. She reserved to herself the right to go to the young woman to deny the bad things that might have been said about her favorite uncle. In the column concerning Jason, the evidence gathered was not very encouraging. He had been cold, sulky, he ignored (Y/N) and replied only if he really had to. The only exception was during the meal, where despite the frontal attack launched by (Y/N) he remained calm. Lian was sure he wouldn't have been so diplomatic with one of his brothers or even Bruce. She had seen him with his brothers and he had no patience with them. 
She was sure of it, though. She had seen him glance at (Y/N) she would bet her life on it. And their neighbour seemed intrigued. Maybe not interested, Lian hadn't dared to ask the main interested party that very specific question, but at least she hadn't closed herself off. And last night she smiled at her uncle. That meant something, didn't it? And then, as Stephanie said, when a boy loves a girl, he doesn't really know how to say it, and he pulls her hair to get her attention. For all she knows, Uncle Jay's hostility might be his way of pulling girls' hair. 
Lian pouted. She wasn't quite convinced. Why did adults have to be so complicated? She wanted to call Damian to explain her idea, but she needed a phone, and the only phone here that had Damian's number was Jason's. In other words, she had little chances of getting her hands on it, and even less chance of calling Damian and explaining what she wanted before her uncle caught her and took back his property. 
She rolled her eyes, exasperated. She was about to close her notebook when she heard noise in the kitchen. Her father and Jason were up and talking while making their own breakfast. 
She quietly got up and stuck her ear to the bedroom door to listen to what they were saying. 
- Still pissed off at your brother? 
- Roy don’t start. 
- I was just wondering if you were mad at your brother because he's your brother and you always find a good excuse to argue, or because he seems to get along well with the neighbours. Face it Jay, he's good with people, and I saw the look on your face when he took (Y/N) in his arms last night. 
- Dick hugs everyone. He can't survive two hours without hugging anyone. We were all, molested by Dick the octopus, at least once.
Lian heard her father giggling, and had to hold back a laugh herself. It's true that Dick was a particularly tactile person. No one escaped it, not even Alfred or Damian. 
- You know, there's no shame in being attracted to someone. We all are at some point. 
- I'm not attracted to (Y/N). I'm no longer a child, if I like someone I don't beat around the bush. 
- But of course...... Jay... maybe you should think about it five minutes and think about how you felt when you saw your brother hugging (Y/N). I hadn't seen you react the way you've been reacting around that girl for a very long time. 
Jason did not answer his friend and changed the subject, preferring to talk about his evening patrol rather than dwell on his alleged feelings. 
Lian was not satisfied. She walked away from the door and went back to bed with her notebook. The adults were complicated, certainly it was not new for her, but still. Her father was happy at the time. She had seen him when they were in the park and restaurant, and all the time she was with him. And she knew that even when she wasn't there, he wasn't sad, and that he was happy to live with his best friend. Lian was relieved, she knew that he had not always been happy and that a few years before, he had been sick. Uncle Jay had done all he could to make everything seem normal to her so she would not be able to realize that her father was in a bad situation. She loved him very much for that, but she was worried that Jason would only smile for her, or Roy. She had never seen him with a girl or a boy like she had seen Dick, or Tim. She wanted him to be happy and not just by kicking the butts of bad guys who wanted to hurt him. Maybe she should talk to her father about it. Damian was too far away and she was no longer so sure that he would be able to help her. Or she could address adult girls, like Barbara or Stephanie. 
She sighed , worried, and got up. She could always see what options she had after eating her breakfast. And if Uncle Jay was in a good mood, maybe she could try to convince him to go see his family. Despite the fact that he would not be of any tangible help to her, she was missing Damian and his bad temper. That's how it is with friends, you tend to love them so much, you can forgive them for most of their flaws. 
When she entered the kitchen, Roy's face lit up. His daughter walked towards him and hugged him at the waist as she used to do, then turned to Jason to do the same. She sat down at the kitchen bar and waited quietly for her breakfast to be served. 
- Well rested, princess? 
Lian nodded with a smile. 
- Yes. I had a great time last night. Even if it would have been even better if you had been there. 
Roy let a laugh escape and passed his hand over his daughter's head, ruining her hair in the process. 
- You know we were supposed to go out last night, that's our job. 
- I know. I know. But I don't really like it. I like spending time with you. And last night Uncle Jay was wounded. 
She pointed to her uncle's forearm as he was preparing her toast. 
- Your father and I are used to it, and it's just scratches, nothing serious. 
She welcomed with pleasure her plate and her glass of orange juice. 
- Do you have to go out again tonight? 
- Jason has to go see someone, but I can stay. We've arranged for me to spend as much time with you as I can while you're here. 
- All right. But can we still spend time with you, Uncle Jay? 
- Of course, princess. I won't be long and I will be back home before you know it.
Lian smiled brightly and focused on her breakfast. The two adults had tea and coffee, and while the little girl at, they discussed Jason's evening appointment. Roy didn't like Lian to be present when they discussed their work, but since it was only a reconnaissance mission, and nothing violent was mentioned, he didn't mind. He loved having his daughter close to him despite the potential danger in his lifestyle. She was his lifeline, and he knew her by heart. He knew something was bothering her, and he could see the cogs in her head getting active. He suspected it had something to do with Jason but didn't say anything. Lian knew that if she wanted to talk, she could turn to her father, he would never stop her from speaking with an open heart, nor would he judge her on her questions. Maybe this time he should take the first step. After all, Jason was his best friend and Lian's unofficial uncle, she would certainly have more qualms about talking to her father if it was about her uncle. 
When the little girl had finished her plate, Jason took care of cleaning and tidying everything up. She went back to the room she was staying in and grabbed her notebook and pen, then went to sit on the couch while her father and Jason went about their business.
She opened a new blank page, sucked the tip of her pen, then, taking a breath, began to write.
"Dear Diary,..."
Jason was finishing getting ready in his room when Lian came to see him. She slipped into his room and sat silently on the edge of his bed. 
- Is there a problem, princess? 
The little girl played for a moment with the plaid on the edge of the bed, before looking up at her uncle. 
- I wanted to ask you a question, but I don't know if you're going to want to answer. And I don't want you to be angry. 
She looked sad and looked down as soon as she answered Jason's question. He finished putting on his holster and came to sit next to his niece, and took her in his arms. 
- Lian, I'm not the best person to talk open-heartedly, I know that. However, there is no question, and I repeat, no question, that you could ask me that would make me angry. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to answer you, but I'll never get angry with you. 
His uncle's affirmation seemed to reassure Lian, and after taking a deep breath, she started speaking.
- I'm wondering, and Dad doesn't seem to see the same things as me, so I wanted to know..... I wanted to know why you were so cold and mean to the neighbours. I know you don't get along with your brothers, Barbara explained it to me. But (Y/N) and lily they're not part of your family. 
Jason swore silently, and promised himself to say two words to Barbara when he had five minutes. 
- Lian.... 
He squeezed her a little tighter against him and put his chin on the top of the little girl's head. 
- Your father, you and Kory are the people I'm closest to. A few years ago, I loved Bruce, and Dick was my hero and role model...
- Oh, really? 
- Yes, really. Then I had problems. Big problems that led me to realize that the admiration I had for Bruce and Dick was one-sided and that they had no problems replacing me in their lives. 
- With Tim and Damian, right? 
- That's it. Because of that, I have trouble trusting people. And even more so people I don't know. We don't know how people will react. And with my job it's complicated to get closer to people. There's a 50% chance they'll be malicious, or they'll try to hurt us. Finding really disinterested people in Gotham is difficult. 
- What does disinterested mean? 
Jason let out a little laugh. 
- Disinterested means they're not looking for something from you. To take advantage of you.
- And you think the neighbours aren't selfless, do you? 
- I don't know, princess. I just know that we should have stopped to asking them to keep it down. 
-You didn't seem happy last night. When we were talking about Dick. 
- Dick is my problem. He always had a knack for making me feel unwanted and stealing my spotlight. He's good at it. 
- And you're afraid he'll steal your spotlight with (Y/N)? 
Jason frowned but did not answer. He thought back to the night before, and could not put his finger on what he had made him so angry that he wanted to beat his brother up. 
- Dad told me that when you have a funny feeling in your stomach or in your heart but you're not sick, it means you like someone. Do you have this? 
- I don't think so, no. You really want me to get along well with the neighbours, don't you? 
Lian tried to hide her smile by hiding her face against Jason's arm. 
- Yes. I like (Y/N). Lily's nice too, but it's not the same. She's a little weird. She smiles a lot but her eyes remain a little cold. 
Jason thought back to the discussion he had heard in the hallway a few days earlier. 
- Maybe she was hurt and she doesn't want to look sad in front of people. Not everyone talks about what scares them or keeps them awake at night. 
- Like you and Dad? 
- Like your father and I do, yes. 
Lian was not completely satisfied with the answers provided by her uncle, but it was already a start. She hugged him one last time and then cleared out to let him finish getting ready. When he was ready, she took his hand and both returned to the main room. Roy was lying on the couch and watching TV. He greeted his daughter with a smile and looked at his best friend. 
- Ready to go, Jaybird? 
- Yep. Keep your fingers crossed so I don't fall on my family and pray that Gordon doesn't back off  of the deal. 
Roy raised his arm and crossed his fingers as Jason passed through the apartment window. 
For a moment Lian and Roy were content to watch television together in silence. Then Lian began to wiggle until he could no longer hold her in place. 
- What's the matter, princess? You're very agitated tonight..... 
- I'd like to go see Damian. Please, please, please, please, please!!!!
- Lian... I don't know if I can take you to see Damian. You know Uncle Jason.... 
- I know that. But he doesn't have to come with us. And Damian is my friend. Please, please, please, please, please!!!!
Roy sighed. He weighed the pros and cons and in the end, could not fight against his daughter's pleading gaze. 
He grabbed his phone with a sigh and searched Dick's phone number in his phone book before making the call. He was going to regret doing that, but it's not like he's putting her in danger. And if Jason had any objections, Roy would handle it. 
When Dick picked up, Roy explained the situation to him. Fortunately for Lian, Damian was not out that night and those who were on patrol would not be late, Bruce had asked everyone to be at the mansion early. 
After a few minutes of discussion, Dick confirmed to Roy that Lian was welcome to the mansion, and that the others would welcome him as well for the time of his visit. 
When the good news came, the little girl jumped up and ran into her room to get her coat. She put on her shoes and urged her father to hurry. 
They went down into the underground garage and settled into Roy's truck before taking the road and after about thirty minutes by car, they were in front of the entrance to Wayne's manor. 
Lian stepped out of the vehicle like a rocket, and climbed the steps that led to the entrance door four by four. She ranged, and Alfred came to open the door just as Roy was joining his daughter at the top of the stairs. 
- Good evening, Miss Harper. Mr. Harper. 
- Good evening, Alfred!  Is Damian there? 
The little girl seemed overexcited at the thought of seeing her friend, and proceeded to conjure one of the butler's rare smiles. Alfred, got out of the entrance and offered to let them in, then led them to the living room where Dick, Damian and Stephanie were already sitting. Tim and Barbara were not present, and Bruce was not visible in the room. 
Lian rushed to Damian who didn't have time to avoid the cannonball that was the little girl and found himself against his will trapped in a hug. He grumbled a few words about the lack of control and impropriety of such a display of affection in public before the girl released him. She turned to the others, said a general hello, then took Damian by the hand before dragging him to one of the side rooms, telling him that she wanted to talk to him about something top secret. 
Roy with a sigh approached Dick and Stephanie and greeted them. He sat in an armchair next to them and apologized for the inconvenience. 
- Don't worry about it, Roy. From what you told me, she wouldn't have been quiet until she saw Dami, right? 
Roy nodded. 
- Yeah. She has an idea in mind and I have a feeling it's about your brother. 
Dick was intrigued, and Stephanie got a little closer to the two young men. 
- Jason's out tonight, and when he was getting ready, I saw Lian go see him. I know her, and she knows that when we get ready, she's not supposed to be in the room. I don't want her to get used to seeing us armed. So I wanted to go get her, but she was talking to Jay. 
- And what were they discussing? 
Roy hesitated for a moment. 
- They were discussing last night and Jason's reaction. I feel like Lian thinks Jay has feelings for the neighbour and he doesn't want to say it. 
Dick started laughing, looking like he didn't believe it for a second, while Stephanie frowned and pushed the oldest Wayne to the side. 
- And she's right? 
- Honestly, Steph, I have no idea. I know he promised her to make an effort with the neighbours since she likes them but frankly..... He is strange at the moment, but to deduce that he has feelings for a girl he met just a few days ago.... 
- It's possible, isn't it? Look at stupid, laughing there. He has one crush a week. And Jason, despite everything he wants to say, he remains human. Human with feelings. And if he can feel anger, he may as well fell attraction and maybe even love. 
Dick stopped laughing for a moment and took time to catch his breath. 
- Steph' we're talking about Jason, he has as many love inclinations as Dami. 
- You'd be surprised, Dick. Our little Damian may be a demon but he is not indifferent to a certain person in our entourage. 
Dick looked at the stunned blonde. 
- No......... 
Roy let out a sigh. 
- Lian is convinced that she is right, and I think she will try to use her position with Jason to prove it. I just don't want her to alienate Jay, or be disappointed if she finds out she's wrong. 
A silence set for a moment. Dick always seemed shocked by Stephanie's insinuations, and Stephanie, her, seemed to be thinking. 
- You know Roy, there may be a solution to this problem. 
The redhead looked up at Stephanie, hoping with all his heart that it wasn't yet one of her delusional ideas that would end badly. 
- Go ahead and explain. At this point..... 
The young woman leaned over to her two accomplices to explain her plan. 
Meanwhile Lian had had time to explain to Damian what she suspected and couldn't get him to believe that she could be right. She showed him her notebook and explained to him what had happened, the reactions her uncle had had and the discussion that had taken place in Jason's room before he left that very evening. Damian was not convinced and he contradicted every one of Lian's arguments, and finally finished his argument by explaining that Todd was impossible to love, and that he had proved it many times in recent years. He was a difficult person that even Father could not contain. 
The little girl closed her notebook with a sad look on her face and jumped when her father shouted her first name to call her. 
When they arrived at the mansion, Roy had sent a text message to Jason to let him know they were leaving. He told him where they were and assured Jason that he didn't have to join them if he don’t wanted to. Apparently he had decided otherwise. He had greeted Alfred as usual. He may not have liked coming at the mansion, but he still loved Alfred, and no one would make him disrespect the butler who had always treated him with love. He passed through the living room where his friend Stephanie and Dick were, greeted the young woman and took care to ignore his brother who had approached him, then went in search of his niece to be able to leave the house as quickly as possible. 
When he arrived in one of the secondary living rooms, he found Damian sitting in an armchair reading a magazine. 
- Where's Lian, demon brat? 
- She's hiding behind the sofa.
- Hey!
Jason did find the little girl hiding behind the couch, who gave Damian a black look as soon as she came out of her hiding place. She then looked at her uncle, and smiled innocently. 
- Hey, Uncle Jay. Are you all right? 
Jason sighed and rolled his eyes. 
- It's time to go home Lian, your father and I need to talk and it would be better if we were at the apartment for that.
The little girl looked down and pouted. 
- All right. 
She turned to Damian and said goodbye, getting no answer from the boy. Then she took her uncle by the hand and both went to join Roy who was waiting for them at the front door with Dick and Stephanie. 
They exchanged a good evening, and Jason turned one last time to say good night to Alfred but stopped in full sentence when he saw Bruce at the back of the hall. He left the house and got on his motorcycle, waiting for the other two to get back into the truck. They all left, under the gaze of the blonde and the eldest of the Wayne's. 
- Your plan will get us into trouble, Steph. 
- No, It will not! And what are the risks? To see that Jason has risen from the dead with a heart of stone or, on the contrary, that he has human feelings and a crush? I see nothing but positive outcomes in this. 
- I can see that somehow it's going to end badly for us. 
Once everyone had returned to the apartment, things did not go as Roy had imagined. He thought Jason would wait until Lian went to wash up to start blaming him for bringing his niece to the mansion. He expected anger, disapproval, blame and criticism to be unending, not to mention the inevitable monologue about the constant faults of his family and more specifically Bruce and Dick, but none of this happened. 
If Roy was really honest, he knew he had escaped the storm Jason, only thanks to the phone call he received when they returned. He had seen his friends touch the side of his helmet as if to answer a call, as he was opening the way back to the apartment. 
Red Hood gave his friend an annoyed look but made no comments. Roy would do anything to make Lian happy, and he had trouble accepting that the girl or even her best friend could have a more or less normal relationships with his family. He readjusted his helmet, and headed for the window. 
- I have to go out again. I'll be back in a couple of hours. 
- Okay. 
Roy watched his friend come out and sighed. He felt that he had not heard the end of it. He went to his room and put Lian to bed. Once the little girl was settled in and ready to fall asleep, he kissed her on the forehead and returned to the living room closing the bedroom door behind him. He went to sit on the couch as usual since his daughter arrived, and pulled the blanket. He reached out to grab the remote control, and turned on the television. He skipped channels for a few minutes and then settled for a random show. 
He watched the program for a moment and then fell asleep, with the television still on. 
Roy was woken up several hours later by a loud fall sound in the living room. He woke up with a start and grabbed the knife that Jason always left under the couch seat. He jumped over the back of the sofa and found himself facing the intruder who was spread out on the floor of the main room. 
- Hey Roy... 
The redhead dropped his weapon and rushed to his friend who looked rather ill. The lower right part of his helmet was missing, and he was covered in blood. He helped Jason to get up and saw that his friend was keeping his left arm pressed against his stomach. He laid him down on the couch and removed what was left of the helmet before moving his arm to see the damage. 
Roy frowned when he noticed that the young man had received numerous blade cuts to his abdomen. Nothing deep, but enough to cause a big loss of blood, and an inability to use his lower limbs properly. 
- How did you manage to get back in this state? 
Jason didn't answer, he was in shock. Roy swore and noticed that his friend was having trouble breathing. He seized his phone and called Alfred immediately. The butler was taking note of what Roy was telling him and immediately sent Dick to the apartment to help his brother. He heard the bedroom door open and sent Lian back to bed before she could even see her uncle in such a bad state. The little girl immediately closed the door, but stayed behind to listen to what was happening. 
Roy put Alfred on speaker so that he could be guided by the butler until Dick arrived. Meanwhile Jason had passed out. 
- Okay, uh... he has several stab wounds to the abdomen, nothing perforating but deep enough to cause muscle damage. He has trouble breathing and given the amount of blood on his clothes, I would say he has lost quite a lot,  as far as I can see, and if it is his own blood, I would say he lost about 25%. His pulse is slightly slowed and his extremities are pale. 
Roy rushed to the kitchen to grab some clean cloths and applied them to the wounds. 
- It is possible that he may be suffering from a concussion. A part of his helmet is missing but he does not have any trace of a blow or shock of any kind. 
Roy didn't know what to say anymore, and despite the cold sweat running down his back, his voice was stable. Alfred, on the phone, gave him instructions to help stabilize Jason until his brother was there with the necessary equipment. After long minutes of waiting, Dick arrived and Roy opened the door for him. He didn't have his usual smile on his face, but was obviously in Nightwing mode, and took over to help Jason. Roy warned Alfred that Dick had arrived, and the butler hung up after announcing to the young man that he would inform the other family members of the situation. 
Dick cleaned, sutured and bandaged his brother's wounds, checked his blood pressure, as well as his blood oxygenation level before checking the reaction of his pupils with a small flashlight, then when he was finally satisfied, he asked Roy for help to take Jason to his room. 
They put him to bed and let him rest, leaving the bedroom door open to hear if his patient woke up. Once they returned to the main room, they took action to erase all traces of what had just happened. The blanket used by Roy and the cushion covers were stained with blood, so they ended up in a garbage bag ready to be destroyed, along with the rest of the strips of gauze and single-use medical instruments that Dick had used to sew his brother up. They moped and rearranged what was wrong when Jason came back in a hurry. Once everything was back to normal, Dick went into the kitchen and made two coffees. Roy took the opportunity to check on Lian. The little girl had fallen asleep by the door. Her face twisted in an expression shared between sadness and pain. He was trying so hard to protect her from what could happen at work. Obviously, he was failing. 
He put her back in the bed and tucked her in, kissing her again on the forehead before exiting the room. 
He joined Dick and welcomed the cup of fresh coffee that the young man handed him. 
- Is Lian asleep? 
- She tried to get out of the room when I was on the phone with Alfred. I sent her back to bed but she stayed by the door, I found her asleep against the wall.  
Dick sighed and looked down at his cup. 
- Lian is smart. She knows what happened tonight. But she remains a child, she wants to participate, and is naturally curious about what is happening, especially when you don't want her to be interested. 
- I know. I'm just afraid that she'll get hurt one day because I wouldn't have been careful enough, or worse that she'd decide to go down the same path as us. She already admires Damian as Robin. I don't want her to end the way we almost ended more than once.  
The eldest of the Wayne's nodded to mark his acknowledgement, and took a sip of coffee again as he looked towards the open door that led to his little brother's room. 
- Where was he tonight to end up like this? 
- I have no idea. He received a phone call when we were on our way back home. He left shortly after we got back. He didn't say where he was going, he just told me that he was going to be back two hours later. Nothing more than that. 
Dick growled. 
- He sometimes gets on my nerves making secrets out of everything. After all these years I thought he would finally…. 
He did not finish his sentence, his throat tied. Roy put his hand on Dick's shoulder and squeezed for a moment, to give him his support.
- Jason... Jason is complicated. Even for me and we're not related. He's not a bad person, we both know that, but he's very angry with Bruce, which is nothing new. 
- That... I think they're stuck in a vicious circle. They do everything to make the other person angry and wonder why nothing gets better. 
- Maybe we should lock them in a bunker and throw away the keys until they finally yell at each other for what they have to say. 
Dick let out a sad laugh. 
- I'm not sure it'll work. It would be more like a pugilate than a rational explanation if you ask me. 
The two men stayed together talking until late at night, then Dick decided it was time for him to go back home. He said goodbye Roy and asked him to keep him informed of his brother's condition before leaving. The redhead, after Dick left, looked at the couch and thought he didn't really want to sleep there tonight. He took one of the chairs from the dining table and dragged it into Jason's room. He sat down and after checking that his friend was still breathing, fell asleep in the same chair. 
When Jason emerged the next morning, he was surprised to find his niece glued against him in bed. Once the surprise was over, he looked around and realized that he was in his room. He didn't remember coming back to the apartment last night. He tried to move but a wave of pain irradiating from his middle prevented him from doing so. He then turned his head to find his best friend asleep in a chair next to his bed. Clenching his teeth to contain the pain, he moved his arm to shake Roy's knee and wake him up. The latter jumped and smiled timidly as he saw his wounded friend awake. He frowned as he saw a tuft of brown hair next to Jason. He rolled his eyes but said nothing. There was no point now in complaining.  He brought the chair closer to the bed. 
- How are you feeling, Jaybird? 
- Not so good. How did I get here? 
- You crashed in the living room, and you passed out. I had to call for help to stitch you up and bring you here. 
Jason nodded, suspecting that Roy had had to call his family for it. He lifted the blanket to try to see the extent of the damage. He shivered and suddenly turned to Roy with a very serious look.
- Roy...... I'm sorry to tell you this now, but..... Considering my wounds....I lost our baby.
Roy punched his friend in the shoulder, who was holding back from laughing because of the pain. 
- You're a jerk. 
Jason was closely watched all morning, and when he thought his friend had relaxed his vigilance, he was reprimanded by Lian as he tried to get out of bed. He found himself forced to lie down for most of the day, and was not allowed to use his phone. Lian, on the other hand, kept him company. 
Roy had texted Dick to warn him that Jason was awake and that he looked about fine, despite natural fatigue after significant blood loss and injuries such as those he had suffered. 
By early afternoon he had received a call from Stephanie, reminding him of her plan from the previous evening, and letting him know on several occasions that the current situation was very suitable for the execution of the plan in question. The already tired redhead didn't want to think about the blonde's crazy plan but she seemed very enthusiastic about confirming her suspicions and didn't let go of Roy until he promised at least to try. 
Roy took care of his bedridden friend and daughter until the evening. He received another phone call and came out of the room to answer. When he came back, he looked bored. 
Jason looked up from the comic book he was reading with Lian and stared at his roommate. 
- Something wrong, Roy? 
- Yeah. I have to get out. It wasn't planned and I can't leave you two alone. And neither Dick nor Stephanie are available immediately. 
- And? I can keep Lian. Anyway, I can't move much right now. 
Roy raised an eyebrow. 
- Precisely.  You think you can take care of Lian alone tonight? You can't even move from one room to another by yourself. 
- And what do you recommend then? 
The little girl's father played with his cell phone for a moment, and grinned. 
- I don't want any protest, I don't have a choice under the circumstances so... 
- I swear to you, if you call Bruce... 
- I'm not going to call Bruce, but I'm going to go next door for help. 
- What do you mean by next door? 
Suddenly, the meaning of what Roy had just said struck Jason. He became paler than he already was and shook his head. 
- No. No. 
- Yes. And you'll be kind and a patient... patient, I suppose. 
- Roy... 
- No protest, I have no choice, and I'm not giving you a choice either. Now get ready, I'll help you go to the main room, we'll put you on the couch. 
Despite the injured man's protests and threats, Roy helped his friend get out of bed and into the next room. He sat him down on the couch and brought him a blanket and a t-shirt, Dick having only put on him a jog the night before. Lian had not understood at first sight why her uncle was so reluctant, but once he had started threatening her father, she had figured out where they were going with. From that moment on, she became a real energy ball again and ran around to make sure everything was perfect in the apartment. 
Roy left Jason and his daughter for a moment to ring the bell at the neighbours' house. It was Lily who opened the door for him, she was putting on her coat when Roy rang the bell, and she apologized for greeting him like that. When Roy explained the situation to her, avoiding to mention that Jason was injured because of his Red hood activity but arguing that he had had a bad fall and needed to be watched, the young woman looked sorry. She told him that she was about to leave for several days to visit her family, and that it was better for him to contact (Y/N). She let him into their house, closed the door, and then went to get her friend, who was in the bathroom. 
(Y/N) smiled when she saw Roy, she asked him for a little more details about what was going on, Lily having vaguely explained the situation to her when she had come to fetch her. 
Roy told his story again and finally asked her if she would take care of her friend for the evening, and at the same time watch his daughter. He had no choice, and had to go to a last-minute appointment and did not want to leave his injured friend alone. His daughter did not have the physical strength to help him if he fell and he did not want to leave her alone.  (Y/N) agreed and assured him that she would not mind after Roy asked her to forgive him for making such a request. 
The redhead came home a few minutes later and told Jason and Lian that their neighbour would be here within the hour, and that he would leave after she arrived. He then went to get ready, tonight he wouldn't be Arsenal, but he would still take some precautions. He put on civilian clothes, and took his eternal cap with him. When the hour was almost up, he came out of his room and returned to the living room. 
- I hope you'll behave yourself tonight. 
- Harper, if I could get off this couch without fear of my organs falling to the ground, I'd kick your ass. 
- Jason, language, we have sensitive ears in the room. 
Lian manifested herself by going to see her father, hugging him by the waist and sticking out his tongue at her uncle. 
- Yes, Uncle Jason, think about me, you must be a good example. 
- Just wait, you little ...
The little girl laughed and joined her uncle on the couch. The doorbell of the apartment rang at that moment and Roy went to open to  (Y/N) who was then invited to come in. 
- Thank you again for agreeing to help me. I don't know how I would have done it if you hadn't agreed to that. Things haven't gone the way I expected tonight. 
- No problem really, I don’t mind at all. Lily went to see her family, I find myself alone, so spending the evening with Lian and the homestuck patient doesn't bother me, quite the contrary. 
She smiled joyfully at him, and waved back at Lian, who was still on the couch by her uncle. Roy and (Y/N) exchanged a few more words before he left, leaving the young woman alone with her daughter and friend.
The redhead went down the stairs four by four and answered his phone that started ringing as we entered the lobby. He had not yet left the building, but the people he was supposed to meet were already getting impatient. He told his interlocutor that he would be there in a few minutes and hung up. He found himself in the street, and turned right to go to a dinner a few blocks away. He entered the restaurant and walked towards the back, spotting from afar the silhouettes of his friends waiting for him. 
- So? 
- So honestly, to start with, I'll get something to eat, I'm hungry. 
At the apartment, things had started badly, Jason closing up like an oyster until he needed help to get to the bathroom. This was without counting on, the optimistic and selfless nature of (Y/N) which helped him to move without him feeling uncomfortable or diminished. She even waited for him outside the bathroom door so he wouldn't have to call her again to get back to the couch. 
As Lian was too young to cook alone, (Y/N) suggested that they cook together under Jason's direction who could more or less supervise what they were doing from the couch. His view was partially impaired because of the bar that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room, but it was enough for him to follow the progress of things. That's how they ended up all on the couch, Jason stuck between Lian and (Y/N) enjoying chicken with butternut. Lian was enjoying herself, and the injured man had to admit that the young woman was a good cook, and he finally decided to enjoy the evening. 
When Roy returned several hours later, the night was already well advanced. For his part, the evening had been rather pleasant and he did not regret going out in the end. He turned the key in the front door and was surprised to hear only the sounds from the television.
He put his keys on the kitchen bar and grabbed his phone. 
Lian rolled in a ball against her uncle, Jason slumped against (Y/N) whose head rested on the injured man's shoulder, all sleeping soundly, it was well worth a picture. 
He rolled his eyes with a smile and sent the picture by text message. He put his phone in his back jeans pocket and started to wake everyone up. 
Dick and Stephanie had stayed at the dinner table where they spent their evening with Roy. They were in the middle of a discussion when Stephanie received a text message from the redhead. She shouted with joy and shoved her phone at Dick, her arm outstretched. 
- Look! Look!!!!! They're so cute when they're asleep.
When Jason woke up the next morning he decided to stay in bed for a while. He thought about the evening before, which looked more and more like an ambush orchestrated by Roy, the more he thought about it. 
He wanted to confront his friend about it but he didn't want to relive the mini-horror he had experienced when Roy came home. Yes, they had all fallen asleep on the couch, yes he had slightly slipped against (Y/N) in his sleep, yes the young woman had fallen asleep against him, so what? It wasn't worth the mocking looks Roy gave him last night when he helped him get back to his room after their neighbour left. 
He grunted and tried to get up, clenching his teeth under the wave of the pain. Roy had warned him that Dick would come in the morning to take a look at his injuries and change his bandages. He wasn't particularly happy with the idea, but he didn't have much choice. 
As it was impossible for him to move properly for a few more days, he was trapped inside. So Roy would wait until Dick got here to go out with his daughter. Lian and her father needed to spend time together and Jason couldn't stop them from enjoying the little time they had together because he had been reckless and became incapacitated. 
He could hear them in the main room having breakfast. He was mixed between the desire to join them, even if it meant suffering in the process, and staying in his bed. After a moment of reflection, he decided to join them. 
Roy and Lian were sitting at the dining table when Jason appeared in the frame of the door leading to his room. Roy got up and went to help his friend join them. He prepared a tea cup for him, put it in front of him and then went back to his chair. 
- Slept well, Jay? 
- Hm.... 
Jason didn't answer and looked down at his cup of tea. He was playing last night over and over again in his head and had trouble keeping a smile off his face. Lian had been particularly happy last night. The little girl was naturally cheerful, but yesterday, she seemed to have reached a peak of happiness. And he had to admit that despite all his prejudices, (Y/N) was pretty good company.
He was drawn from his thoughts by Roy and his daughter's conversation. They were discussing their program for the day. Jason envied them a little. He was certainly not ready to have children, but he had to admit that he missed the afternoons spent with his family from time to time. 
After breakfast, Roy helped Jason get on the couch and he and his daughter prepared to leave. Lian was finishing putting on her dress when the apartment bell rang. 
She rushed to the door and opened it to Dick who had a big smile on his face. 
- Hello Dick!!! 
- Hi Lian! How are you doing? I'm here to watch your uncle. 
Jason groaned from the couch and rolled his eyes. The little girl let the eldest of the Wayne family into the apartment and went to fetch her father. Dick approached the couch and put down the sports bag containing everything he needed to take care of his brother. 
- Hey Jaybird. How are you feeling? 
- Dick. 
Jason did not answer his brother's question, and Dick chose not to be bothered. He sat down next to his little brother and pinched his lips.  
- Just for the record... Alfred warned everyone that you were hurt. And so... I have to report to them on your condition. Bruce... 
- Dick, I know you're here because Roy called you and I don't have a choice in the matter. Don't try to play on feelings, especially not using Bruce you know how it's going to end. 
The two young men remained silent until Roy and Lian came out of the room and left. Once they were completely alone, Dick checked his brother's injuries and replaced the bandages. 
- Your wounds are clean, no sign of infection. Are you tired right now? 
- A little. 
- It's the loss of blood. You're going to need to rest a while longer before you can resume your activities. That's wiser. 
Jason was going to open his mouth to protest, but his brother stopped him. 
- No. No buts. You have lost a lot of blood, I have seen you lying on this couch, bathing in your blood, you need to rest until you can be fully recovered. If you ever faint during a mission you may not come home at all... And I'm not sure I can handle a second funeral for Jason Todd. 
Jason's elusive look gave Dick the assurance that his brother would not protest any more today about his injuries. Dick took his place on the couch next to his brother. 
- Roy told me you played nanny last night? 
- Yeah, he had something to do and left me with Lian to watch.
- I'm surprised he left you alone with his daughter when you're not really in a position to move alone right now. 
- I had my own babysitter since none of you were available. Apparently I'm not supposed to be left unsupervised. 
Jason's statement made Dick laugh. 
- Yes, sorry about that. I was on patrol last night and the girls had their own plans. I figured you might not want to have Tim or Damian in your path, so... But who was the babysitter? 
- (Y/N), the neighbour.
- Ooooh yes. She's nice, and pretty, I  like her. 
- Thank you for not seducing my neighbour. I see you enough as it is. You don't have to become a frequent visitor to this building to that. 
To Jason's surprise, his brother's visit was not completely unpleasant. Apparently today was the day of surprises. After realizing that (Y/N) was not bad company, that he might miss his family despite the efforts he was making to hate them and the fact that for the moment he had not yet wanted to strangle his brother, he surprised himself by hoping that it was the neighbour who had just rang the doorbell.
Dick got up and went to open up, and Jason's heart started beating a little faster when (Y/N) appeared. She came in with a plate of cookies in her hand and a blossoming smile on her lips. 
- Hi, I understand Jason was alone today and since he's sick I thought I could keep him company. I mean, if my presence doesn't bother you. 
Dick let her in and noticed that Jason, although keeping a neutral look, looked a little more relaxed when he saw the neighbour. She went to greet the wounded man and sat next to him, handing him the plate of cookies for him to take one. Jason took one with a little reluctance for form, then she stretched her arm, the one holding the plate, towards Dick who joined them on the couch. 
They talked for a while about everything and nothing, until Dick suddenly decided he had to leave. He said goodbye to (Y/N) and his brother and left them alone. As soon as he got out, he grabbed his phone and texted Stephanie. He would have love to be able to be in two places at the same time in order to see the reaction of the blonde. 
After Dick left, Jason had only one strange fear: that (Y/N) would decide to go home. Fortunately for him, his neighbour didn't seem to want to leave. She sat next to him, with a cookie in her hand, talking. 
- And so as Lily left for her family, I thought I would trump my solitude by keeping you company. That's a little selfish, sorry. 
- No. It's nice of you to come and keep me company. Most people I know wouldn't have lifted a finger to even check up on me. You come with cookies. That's fine with me. 
(Y/N) smiled gently, and cleared her throat. 
- Your brother seemed happy to keep you company, though. 
- It's... complicated. My family is complicated. We don't get along very well. 
The young woman put her hand on Jason's forearm to give him her support. 
- Family relationships are not necessarily easy. But as they say, you don't choose your family but you can always choose your friends. And if you need company in the coming days, until you get back on your feet, I'm here. And even after that. 
(Y/N) smiled at him, gently squeezed the hand she had put on Jason's arm. He could not help but feel a heat ball forming in his chest and had to control himself for a moment not to take (Y/N)'s hand. 
- Thank you. I wouldn't want to interfere with your job search either... since last night you told me that since you moved to Gotham... 
- Um... it's okay, don't worry. My options are limited here anyway. I had started my job search before coming here but I didn't get any answers. I'm considering taking a job as a waitress nearby. I saw that The Question Mark was recruiting. Maybe I'll apply. 
- But why exactly did you come to Gotham to settle down? 
- I followed Lily. She had a very bad experience a few months ago and she had to change her life completely. Alone, she wouldn't have been able to leave, so I left with her. 
The young woman sighed and looked sad for a fraction of a second. The emotion did not escape Jason who this time did not fight against his reflex and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.
- It's not going as you planned, is it? 
- No. No, it's not going as planned. Lily left yesterday to visit her family and I think she's going to stay there. 
They did not have time to dwell on the subject since Roy and his daughter returned from their day out. The little girl was holding the promotional bag that one of the Gotham museums was offering to its visitors and shouted with joy when she saw the cookies placed on the sofa next to her uncle. (Y/N) laughed and turned to the little girl, receiving a hug between two cookies. Jason looked at Roy who seemed to be at the end of his life. 
- I'd kill for a coffee... literally.
(Y/N) got up from the couch followed by Jason's eyes and headed for the kitchen. 
- You know what? I'll tell you what. I'll take care of it. Coffee for Roy, tea for Jason, and for Lian I'd say... orange juice.
Lian gave her a radiant smile, while Roy thanked (Y/N) for the help. He slumped down next to his friend while the young woman was busy in the kitchen. 
- I see Dick left earlier than expected. 
- Shut up, Roy. 
1 note · View note
wedigbats · 5 years
Damian: Why are you looking at me through a fork
Jason: I’m pretending you’re in jail
Damian: Why
Jason: It’s suprisingly healing
2K notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
cassandra cain: What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made while you were drunk?
jason todd: Don’t mean to brag but I don’t even need alcohol to make really bad decisions.
118 notes · View notes
wedigbats · 5 years
bruce wayne: What is it with you? I tell you not to do something, and you promise not to do it, and you do it anyways!
jason todd: Life, it’s always a learning experience.
38 notes · View notes