wordnerdsworld · 2 months
parallel sentences are BORING. Where is the EMOTION? The DIVERSITY? The INTEREST? STOP trying to make sentences conform for YOUR comfort, ELA teachers everywhere.
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wordnerdsworld · 4 months
You're deeply disinterested, right?
You are an illusion, a vain and impossible to reach dream; for I am looking for you, but I cannot find you. I have decided not to wait for you, not to run towards you; am I losing you?
Because sometimes I feel this way; either you slip through my fingers, or you collect pieces of me, worn out and lost, and you put them back together (I think?) and then I enjoy the illusion that is your temporary existence.
Sometimes I wonder if you even like me, or if you just like someone caring about you as much as I do. Someone who will listen to all your stories and be the shoulder you can rest your head on. Someone tangible, not like you, my dear; someone to be with, with whom you feel loved.
When will my turn come, taunting angel with a soul of stone?
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wordnerdsworld · 4 months
writing a second draft
a one sentence horror story for all the authors out there
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wordnerdsworld · 4 months
I am going to take a deep breath and just remind you:
Writing is messy, even for the best authors. It's supposed to feel a little uncomfortable, exhilarating, freeing, natural, and terrifying.
It's supposed to inspire you and feel like a too-heavy backpack.
Sometimes, you're going to love being a writer and sometimes, you'll feel so disconnected, you'll wonder if you were ever a writer to begin with.
Give yourself room to make mistakes and hate your work and return to it with renewed confidence that yes, you will get 1% better next time.
It's what we're all going through. Let's speed up the growing process a little by accepting the entirety of it.
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wordnerdsworld · 5 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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wordnerdsworld · 5 months
okay guys im doing a survey thing so this is for writers and readers, reblog and share your thoughts?
topic: self publishing vs trad publishing
as a reader, does the difference mean anything to you?
as a writer, what helps you decide which to pursue?
i'm going to be using the replies to this post to make more topic posts later on as part of a larger project i'm putting together, so i really appreciate answers!
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wordnerdsworld · 5 months
Tumblr media
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wordnerdsworld · 6 months
absolute ICON omg
If you’re ever insecure about how often you use commas or how long your sentences are I IMPLORE you to read the Treaty of Paris (1783), specifically article two.
510 words.
2 periods.
Like don’t worry babes your 3 commas and semi colon are NOTHING to the revolution era and that’s what truly matters.
249 notes · View notes
wordnerdsworld · 6 months
Vampire lily Fic rec 🧛🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️https://archiveofourown.org/works/44887867
see personally when I asked for fic recs I meant more tragic, heartbreaking things, not one with Lily/Riddle, Esme/Edward, and Lily/Carslile, but thank you for the effort!
0 notes
wordnerdsworld · 6 months
Ty for all the suggestions to add a read more page blocker thingy- I am new to tumblr and did not know I had to that! Very useful though, and sorry for the inconvenience not having it caused!!
Are you a writer constantly in need of cool, fancy sounding words to write about? Are you a person who just wants to expand your vocabulary? Do you just want words to use to make you sound smart? Well then, enjoy this list that took me a few months and tons of books and google searches to create of really good words.
All with the official spellings and definitions from the first result, alphabetically organized :)
Updated and featuring a word for every letter of the alphabet!
Abhor- regard with disgust and hatred
Abject- (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree
Adumbrate/Adumbration- report or represent in outline
Adage- a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth
Aftak (Scottish)- An easing or lull in a storm
Alizarin- a red pigment present in madder root, used in dyeing
Amalgamation- the action, process, or result of combining or uniting
Anchorite- a religious recluse
Anhedonic- inability to feel pleasure
Apocryphal- (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true
Ardent- burning; glowing
Arduous- involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
Askance- with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval
Athirst- very eager to get something
Augur- (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action
Axiom- a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true
Baroque- relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail. In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernini in Italy
Basorexia- the overwhelming desire to kiss
Bawdy- dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent
Beguile- charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way
Benignant- kindly and benevolent
Bier- a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave
Blunderbuss- an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision
Boff- have sex with (someone)
Boudoir- a woman's bedroom or private room
Bovine- an animal of the cattle group, which also includes buffaloes and bisons
Bucolic- relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
Calamitous- involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous
Callow- (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
Celerity- swiftness of movement
Cenotaph- a monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war
Claret- a deep purplish-red color
Conglomerate- a number of different things or parts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but remain distinct entities
Consternation- feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
Coppice- an area of woodland in which the trees or shrubs are, or formerly were, periodically cut back to ground level to stimulate growth and provide firewood or timber
Crépuscule- twilight
Covetousness- the feeling of having a strong desire for the things that other people have
Dearth- a scarcity or lack of something
Debutante- an upper-class young woman making her first appearance in fashionable society
Declamation- the action or art of declaiming
Declaiming- utter or deliver words or a speech in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience
Demarcated- set the boundaries or limits of
Dichotomy- a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
Dilatory- slow to act
Diminution- a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something
Diocese- a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church
Diaphanous- (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent
Dolichocephalic- having a relatively long skull (typically with the breadth less than 80 [or 75] percent of the length)
Dogmatic- being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions
Dutch Crocus- type of flower I thought sounded pretty
Encroached- intrude on (a person's territory or a thing considered to be a right)
Eleutheromania- a mania or frantic zeal for freedom
Encumber- restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult
Epigram- a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever or amusing way
Ephemeral- lasting for a very short time
Erotomania- a delusion in which a person (typically a woman) believes that another person (typically of higher social status) is in love with them
Espionage- the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information
Expostulate- express strong disapproval or disagreement
Falchion- a broad, slightly curved sword with the cutting edge on the convex side.
Fallacy- a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument
Fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree
Floccinaucinihilipilification- the action or habit of estimating something as worthless
Foibles- a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character
Folichonne- (informal) slight, lightweight; mischievous
Forelsket (Norwegian)- The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love
Fungible- (of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable
Funambulist- a tightrope walker
Galvanic- relating to or involving electric currents produced by chemical action
Gant- a yawn
Garrulous- excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Gloaming- twilight; dusk
Hedonistic- engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent
Hiraeth- (especially in the context of Wales or Welsh culture) deep longing for something, especially one's home
Idiosyncrasies- a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual
Idyll- an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene, typically an idealized or unsustainable one
Intaglio- a design incised or engraved into a material
Incandescent- soft glow
Irrevocably- not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final
Jettisoned- throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship
Kalopsia- The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are
Keening- the action of wailing in grief for a lost loved one
Ken- one's range of knowledge or sight
Lackadaisical- lacking enthusiasm and determination
Logophile- a lover of words
Loquacity- the quality of talking a great deal; talkativeness
Magnanimous- generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person
Magniloquent- using high-flown or bombastic language
Meandering- following a winding course
Meliorism- the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
Mellifluous- (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
Metonym- a word, name, or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated
Midnightly- Taking place at midnight
Modicum- a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable
Nihilistic- rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless
Obsequies- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Obstreperous- noisy and difficult to control
Occultation- An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden from the observer by another object that passes between them
Ochre- an earthy pigment containing ferric oxide, typically with clay, varying from light yellow to brown or red
Panoply- a complete or impressive collection of things
Pastiche- an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period
Petrichor- a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
Pious- having or showing a deep respect for God and religion
Pithy- (of a language or style) concise and forcefully expressive
Portending- be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen
Portmanteau- a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel (from ‘motor’ and ‘hotel’) or brunch (from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’)
Propinquity- the state of being close to someone or something; proximity or close kinship
Propitious- giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable
Pulchritudinous- beautiful (yes, that’s the full definition)
Pusillanimous- showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Qawwalis- a style of Sufi devotional music marked by rhythmic improvisatory repetition of a short phrase, intended to rouse participants to a state of mystical ecstasy
Rapport- a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well
Recalcitrant- having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
Repertoire- a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses
Resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Reverberated- (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo or (of a place) appear to vibrate or be disturbed
Reverie- a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
Requisite- made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations
Ricocheted- rebound one or more times off a surface
Rivulet- a very small stream
Rhododendron- a shrub or small tree of the heath family, with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and typically with large evergreen leaves, widely grown as an ornamental
Ruched- (of cloth, clothes, etc.) sewn so that they hang in folds
Sablions- French plural word for sand (I’m 90% sure)
Salacious- having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters
Salubrious- health-giving; healthy or a place that is pleasant; not run-down
Sarsen- a silicified sandstone boulder of a kind which occurs on the chalk downs of southern England. Such stones were used in constructing Stonehenge and other prehistoric monuments
Scagliola- imitation marble or other stone, made of plaster mixed with glue and dyes which is then painted or polished
Sceptred- invested with a scepter or sovereign authority
Scintillating- brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful
Sepia- a reddish-brown color associated particularly with monochrome photographs of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Sepulchral- gloomy; dismal
Sonder- The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it
Soporific- tending to induce drowsiness or sleep
Sumptuous- splendid and expensive-looking
Sycophant- a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
Synecdoche- a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning “Cleveland's baseball team”)
Taciturn- (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
Tangentially- in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally
Tantamount- equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as
Tenacious- tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
Trepidation- a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
Truculent- eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
Ubiquitous- present, appearing, or found everywhere
Unequivocally- leaving no doubt
Valise- a small traveling bag or suitcase
Vaunted- praised or boasted about, especially in an excessive way
Venorexia- the feeling of romance that comes with the arrival of springtime
Verdant- (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation
Wanton- (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
Whelm- engulf, submerge, or bury
Xerically- of, pertaining to, or adapted to a dry environment
Yillen (Scottish)- shower of rain
Yoked- attack, especially by strangling
Yūgen- the beauty that we can feel sense into an object, even though the beauty doesn't exist in the literal sense of the word and cannot be seen directly
Zenith- the time at which something is most powerful or successful
I hope you enjoyed my little panoply of words!
Ily all, and ty for really amplifying the last post I made like this! I hope it helps someone out there and if there are any mistakes or inaccuracies PLEASE lmk!
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wordnerdsworld · 7 months
Are you a writer constantly in need of cool, fancy sounding words to write about? Are you a person who just wants to expand your vocabulary? Do you just want words to use to make you sound smart? Well then, enjoy this list that took me a few months and tons of books and google searches to create of really good words.
All with the official spellings and definitions from the first result, alphabetically organized :)
Updated and featuring a word for every letter of the alphabet!
Abhor- regard with disgust and hatred
Abject- (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree
Adumbrate/Adumbration- report or represent in outline
Adage- a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth
Aftak (Scottish)- An easing or lull in a storm
Alizarin- a red pigment present in madder root, used in dyeing
Amalgamation- the action, process, or result of combining or uniting
Anchorite- a religious recluse
Anhedonic- inability to feel pleasure
Apocryphal- (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true
Ardent- burning; glowing
Arduous- involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
Askance- with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval
Athirst- very eager to get something
Augur- (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action
Axiom- a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true
Baroque- relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail. In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernini in Italy
Basorexia- the overwhelming desire to kiss
Bawdy- dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent
Beguile- charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way
Benignant- kindly and benevolent
Bier- a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave
Blunderbuss- an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision
Boff- have sex with (someone)
Boudoir- a woman's bedroom or private room
Bovine- an animal of the cattle group, which also includes buffaloes and bisons
Bucolic- relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
Calamitous- involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous
Callow- (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
Celerity- swiftness of movement
Cenotaph- a monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war
Claret- a deep purplish-red color
Conglomerate- a number of different things or parts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but remain distinct entities
Consternation- feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
Coppice- an area of woodland in which the trees or shrubs are, or formerly were, periodically cut back to ground level to stimulate growth and provide firewood or timber
Crépuscule- twilight
Covetousness- the feeling of having a strong desire for the things that other people have
Dearth- a scarcity or lack of something
Debutante- an upper-class young woman making her first appearance in fashionable society
Declamation- the action or art of declaiming
Declaiming- utter or deliver words or a speech in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience
Demarcated- set the boundaries or limits of
Dichotomy- a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
Dilatory- slow to act
Diminution- a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something
Diocese- a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church
Diaphanous- (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent
Dolichocephalic- having a relatively long skull (typically with the breadth less than 80 [or 75] percent of the length)
Dogmatic- being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions
Dutch Crocus- type of flower I thought sounded pretty
Encroached- intrude on (a person's territory or a thing considered to be a right)
Eleutheromania- a mania or frantic zeal for freedom
Encumber- restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult
Epigram- a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever or amusing way
Ephemeral- lasting for a very short time
Erotomania- a delusion in which a person (typically a woman) believes that another person (typically of higher social status) is in love with them
Espionage- the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information
Expostulate- express strong disapproval or disagreement
Falchion- a broad, slightly curved sword with the cutting edge on the convex side.
Fallacy- a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument
Fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree
Floccinaucinihilipilification- the action or habit of estimating something as worthless
Foibles- a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character
Folichonne- (informal) slight, lightweight; mischievous
Forelsket (Norwegian)- The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love
Fungible- (of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable
Funambulist- a tightrope walker
Galvanic- relating to or involving electric currents produced by chemical action
Gant- a yawn
Garrulous- excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Gloaming- twilight; dusk
Hedonistic- engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent
Hiraeth- (especially in the context of Wales or Welsh culture) deep longing for something, especially one's home
Idiosyncrasies- a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual
Idyll- an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene, typically an idealized or unsustainable one
Intaglio- a design incised or engraved into a material
Incandescent- soft glow
Irrevocably- not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final
Jettisoned- throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship
Kalopsia- The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are
Keening- the action of wailing in grief for a lost loved one
Ken- one's range of knowledge or sight
Lackadaisical- lacking enthusiasm and determination
Logophile- a lover of words
Loquacity- the quality of talking a great deal; talkativeness
Magnanimous- generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person
Magniloquent- using high-flown or bombastic language
Meandering- following a winding course
Meliorism- the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
Mellifluous- (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
Metonym- a word, name, or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated
Midnightly- Taking place at midnight
Modicum- a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable
Nihilistic- rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless
Obsequies- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Obstreperous- noisy and difficult to control
Occultation- An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden from the observer by another object that passes between them
Ochre- an earthy pigment containing ferric oxide, typically with clay, varying from light yellow to brown or red
Panoply- a complete or impressive collection of things
Pastiche- an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period
Petrichor- a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
Pious- having or showing a deep respect for God and religion
Pithy- (of a language or style) concise and forcefully expressive
Portending- be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen
Portmanteau- a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel (from ‘motor’ and ‘hotel’) or brunch (from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’)
Propinquity- the state of being close to someone or something; proximity or close kinship
Propitious- giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable
Pulchritudinous- beautiful (yes, that’s the full definition)
Pusillanimous- showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Qawwalis- a style of Sufi devotional music marked by rhythmic improvisatory repetition of a short phrase, intended to rouse participants to a state of mystical ecstasy
Rapport- a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well
Recalcitrant- having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
Repertoire- a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses
Resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Reverberated- (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo or (of a place) appear to vibrate or be disturbed
Reverie- a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
Requisite- made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations
Ricocheted- rebound one or more times off a surface
Rivulet- a very small stream
Rhododendron- a shrub or small tree of the heath family, with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and typically with large evergreen leaves, widely grown as an ornamental
Ruched- (of cloth, clothes, etc.) sewn so that they hang in folds
Sablions- French plural word for sand (I’m 90% sure)
Salacious- having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters
Salubrious- health-giving; healthy or a place that is pleasant; not run-down
Sarsen- a silicified sandstone boulder of a kind which occurs on the chalk downs of southern England. Such stones were used in constructing Stonehenge and other prehistoric monuments
Scagliola- imitation marble or other stone, made of plaster mixed with glue and dyes which is then painted or polished
Sceptred- invested with a scepter or sovereign authority
Scintillating- brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful
Sepia- a reddish-brown color associated particularly with monochrome photographs of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Sepulchral- gloomy; dismal
Sonder- The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it
Soporific- tending to induce drowsiness or sleep
Sumptuous- splendid and expensive-looking
Sycophant- a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
Synecdoche- a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning “Cleveland's baseball team”)
Taciturn- (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
Tangentially- in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally
Tantamount- equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as
Tenacious- tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
Trepidation- a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
Truculent- eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
Ubiquitous- present, appearing, or found everywhere
Unequivocally- leaving no doubt
Valise- a small traveling bag or suitcase
Vaunted- praised or boasted about, especially in an excessive way
Venorexia- the feeling of romance that comes with the arrival of springtime
Verdant- (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation
Wanton- (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
Whelm- engulf, submerge, or bury
Xerically- of, pertaining to, or adapted to a dry environment
Yillen (Scottish)- shower of rain
Yoked- attack, especially by strangling
Yūgen- the beauty that we can feel sense into an object, even though the beauty doesn't exist in the literal sense of the word and cannot be seen directly
Zenith- the time at which something is most powerful or successful
I hope you enjoyed my little panoply of words!
Ily all, and ty for really amplifying the last post I made like this! I hope it helps someone out there and if there are any mistakes or inaccuracies PLEASE lmk!
318 notes · View notes
wordnerdsworld · 7 months
If you’re ever insecure about how often you use commas or how long your sentences are I IMPLORE you to read the Treaty of Paris (1783), specifically article two.
510 words.
2 periods.
Like don’t worry babes your 3 commas and semi colon are NOTHING to the revolution era and that’s what truly matters.
249 notes · View notes
wordnerdsworld · 7 months
happy to help!
If you’re ever insecure about how often you use commas or how long your sentences are I IMPLORE you to read the Treaty of Paris (1783), specifically article two.
510 words.
2 periods.
Like don’t worry babes your 3 commas and semi colon are NOTHING to the revolution era and that’s what truly matters.
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wordnerdsworld · 7 months
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Literally the only reason I know about this is because we had to read them for class and I was STRUGGLING!!
If you’re ever insecure about how often you use commas or how long your sentences are I IMPLORE you to read the Treaty of Paris (1783), specifically article two.
510 words.
2 periods.
Like don’t worry babes your 3 commas and semi colon are NOTHING to the revolution era and that’s what truly matters.
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wordnerdsworld · 7 months
this is so wolfstar coded…hahahahahaha
What in the fanfic hell is this?? 😂😂
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wordnerdsworld · 7 months
If you’re ever insecure about how often you use commas or how long your sentences are I IMPLORE you to read the Treaty of Paris (1783), specifically article two.
510 words.
2 periods.
Like don’t worry babes your 3 commas and semi colon are NOTHING to the revolution era and that’s what truly matters.
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wordnerdsworld · 8 months
also this new au idea needs me to rewatch 3 seasons and reread a whole book series ❤️
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