wren-l-winter · 2 days
“Will you not let me in?” Those brown eyes, so tender and soft, pleaded as I looked up at her. She held me in her arms, brought my head to her chest, offered every ounce of comfort she could. 
And yet, it was not enough. My body had become a vacant vessel, a husk. I could see her anguish, the desperation of trying and failing to connect to a part of me that had withered. But there was something else lingering over her like an opaque painting—too distant to grasp yet clear enough to see. 
The memories that haunted me marred her features, turning the delicate curve of her nose into broken cartilage and blood. I knew if I reached out, she would be whole, and yet I recoiled at the thought, afraid of the tricks my mind played.
Quietly, I sat, letting her fuss over me as I tried to banish the image of her hands turning into torn tendons and shattered bones.
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wren-l-winter · 4 days
Death never scared me. The promise of the unknown was tempting, but the moments before, when my soul is ripped from my body, were what curdled my blood at night.
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wren-l-winter · 5 days
Count your blessings, they said. The Gods are generous with their servants. 
So I served them my heart on a plate of gold, my eyes on forks of silver, and my blood in a goblet of iron. 
Where are my blessings, I asked. 
They had no answer. They merely told me to keep counting. 
It had been centuries and yet there was still nothing. 
So I started to count the lives I took, the hands I severed, the ears I turned into jewelry. I will count every creature upon this earth and slay them until there is nothing left. Until the Gods look for a worshiper to bless and only I am left. Then I will count my blessings.
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wren-l-winter · 9 days
I'm still alive! Working on outlining my Queen story and then I'll start posting more frequently again <3
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wren-l-winter · 21 days
Lay your sins before me so that I might see you as the ugly, gnarled thing that you are. I tire of the painting of perfection you fail to imitate.
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wren-l-winter · 23 days
Where are my sapphic, dark fantasy writers?
Please, I need some more friends 😭
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wren-l-winter · 23 days
“Take away her wings, and she’ll never leave you again,” the shadows whispered. 
They were right. She had left me before. Abandoned me. Left me broken and ruined without so much as a glance over her shoulder. Or maybe she had. Maybe she had looked at me, wingless and bleeding as I crawled after her. I wouldn’t know. They’d snapped the halo of my horns and no matter how I wiped at my face, I couldn’t get rid of the streams of burning gold. Relief only came when I clawed my eyes out and the darkness embraced me. 
My footsteps were slow as I walked over to her trapped, thrashing form. I savored the weak threats spilling from her supple lips. I wondered if they were as soft as when I had once had the pleasure of kissing them. The shadows swarmed around me, hiding the monstrosity she’d left behind—the fallen angel, banished and discarded. I was a disgrace and a warning. Opposing the elders had a price, and I had paid with my wings. 
Darkness slithered across the floor, wrapping around her delicate limbs and pulling taut. Snapping the fragile bones would have been simple, easy. But the tendrils handled her with care. She wasn’t like the other celestials. I wanted to savor her pain and feel when her joints finally gave way beneath my hands. I wanted to hear her scream the way I had. I wanted to know how she could stand to listen and watch as they’d torn me apart. Maybe then I could understand.
I should have known she would turn on me. She’d always loved to sing…and now she would sing until the night I tire of her and tear out her larynx. Then she will feel as hollow and heavy as I did the day she left me. But I will be kind. I will never leave. Never again will I feel the hole she left in my heart. When I’m done, her shattered remains will soothe all the suffering I endured and fill the abyss she’d carved into my chest when she’d been the first to pluck one of my feathers. 
Prompt #651
“Take away her wings, and she’ll never leave you again,”
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wren-l-winter · 26 days
I watched her drag the edge of the dagger across the umber flesh of her palm and felt the feeble beat of my heart quicken. She curled her fingers, cupping the viscous ink in her hand and offered the trickling fountain to me. To accept meant death…and yet, the cost was nothing compared to the sweet knowledge of knowing I would be with her forever—a creature of the night, never to see the sun again.
But I had never loved the sun. The moon had always watched over me with its gentle silver gaze and I would gladly bask under its light for eternity if it meant having my love's hand in mine.
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wren-l-winter · 29 days
Every time she holds me, my heart melts as though I am wax and she is the wick, tenderly burning me away as the minutes pass by. I love the way her arms rest around me, even if she holds a knife to my back. The sharp tip in my flesh doesn't bother me as much as the emptiness her absence leaves.
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wren-l-winter · 30 days
Cruelty is a kindness to some. It makes it easy to hate the villain. They were evil. Simple as that. Perfectly black and white.
But she was loving and sweet, caressing away my fears while she wielded the forceps to tear the bones from my fingers. She bandaged the wounds she inflicted, kissing the hurt as though the gashes were merely scrapes. Every word was a barb coated in honey, tearing at my flesh while ensuring there were no infections but the ones she had implanted. 
I was her favorite, and she lovingly ruined me with each warm, scraping kiss.
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
What's wrong, little hero? Too fucked out on my strap to think about saving the world? I thought you were going to destroy me, not drool all over my nice pillows.
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
Don't spare me. Rip my heart from my chest and crush it between your calloused fingers. To die by your hand would be the sweetest death of all.
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
Queens are born to rule, but can they tame a brat? Part 1
The court was in her hand. Lady Enora Draconis stood in the center of the throne room, her voice echoing off the marble walls draped with tapestries of purple and silver. She addressed the nobility in the stands, fueled by ambition and blinded by ego. The kingdom had suffered since her father’s passing and the wolfish aristocrats had turned their gnashing maws to Queen Soraya, who sat languidly on her throne unperturbed by the beasts surrounding her. Enora had given them scraps, fueling the depthless pits of their hunger, now she only needed to point to the one who had starved them. But before she could neatly tuck away the strings of her web, another voice cut through the future she had created. “Lady Enora,” Queen Soraya Argyris said, regal and languid in her throne, “I do not recall you curtsying.” The monarch stared down from her dias, the shine of her silver irises not dulled by the new formation of wrinkles around the edges.
Long, dark lashes brushed against the slight blush rising across her cheeks. Surely she had. Hadn’t she? Enora slipped into a practiced curtsy, lowering her head until the soft, delicate curls of her onyx hair cascaded down her shoulders. “Forgive me. I did not meant to off-”
“Forgive me, Your Majesty.”
Too far. She had stepped too far into the lioness’s den and yet fear evaded her. “Forgive me, Your Majesty,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Come forward.” The command filled the room, silencing the murmurs of the noble crowd. Fire ignited in her chest as Enora left the center to encroach on the realm that was the queen’s. “Closer.” Slender fingers curled into the rich greens of Enora’s dress as she dared to take the first step onto the monarch’s dias. The daydreams she’d entertained of climbing the carpeted steps had gone differently. “Must I take your hand and guide you in front of me like a child,” the queen said—a purposeful insult. 
Lady Enora, Head of the House Draconis, had inherited the title five years ago after her father’s passing. Her mother had died in childbirth and both her elder brothers had died in the war, heroes known to all, but it had been Enora to claim what was never meant to be hers. She had seen twenty-six winters and the nobles had all scorned her for her youth. The queen was no different. “No, Your Majesty.” 
The queen smiled, showing off teeth as pristine as the pearls on her fingers. “I’m afraid I’ve found your apology to be lacking given that you are the head of your house, Lady Enora.” The queen’s legs spread beneath the rich hues of purple beneath her skirt. “I would like to feel your apology.” 
Eyes the color of rain-soaked moss widened. “Queen Soraya-”
The command shook through the fibers of her soul and she felt the fire in her chest wither beneath the frigid silver of the monarch’s gaze. Silence stretched between them. What punishment would come if she disobeyed? No. She couldn’t, not in front of the court. The queen would make a swift and brutal example out of her. Enora lowered to her knees, though she did not sit back on her heels—a feeble attempt to keep what fragile dignity she had left. 
“Lady Enora,” Queen Soraya said, addressing the throne room though the molten silver of her eyes remained on her, “for your failure to show proper etiquette to your queen, you will spell every letter of your lovely speech with your tongue on my clit. Your sister, Lady Runa, may continue your house’s thinly veiled proposal for funds. Should you succeed in making me cum, I will consider allowing you to keep your tongue.”
Enora stared up at her, lips slightly parted. The queen did not correct herself even as the nobles began to shift and murmur. “Surely you jest,” she said, her voice quiet and boiling with ire. 
Silence was the queen’s answer. She watched her, looking as though she was a serpent ready to devour her whole. “Please defy me. I have yearned for a moment to mount your tongue to my wall,” she said, voice low and sweet for only her delicate ears to hear. 
With trembling hands, Enora lifted the hem of the queen’s dress. Her garments were soft against her fingers, though she wished her nails could claw through the pristine material. Stripping the queen of her garments was a cruel affair. She was offered no help in pulling them off, left to struggle for several agonizing moments. She left them pooled at the queen’s feet as her gaze fell to the swollen wetness of her center. How long had the queen waited for this? Enora shifted closer, settling between the toned legs of the queen. She stared up at her, nose wrinkled in a barely concealed snarl. 
A jeweled finger slipped beneath Enora’s chin, pressing against the nerve along her jaw, demanding she tilt her head to look at her. “If you bite me,” Queen Soraya said, “I’ll rip out each of your perfect teeth with my fingers and make you swallow them.” 
Hatred burned behind her eyes as she said, “Yes, Your Majesty.” Soft, painted lips grazed her center. Notes of sweet perfumes and the smell of a spring’s storm filled her nose as she breathed her in. Enora closed her eyes as the queen hummed above her and turned her attention to her sister, gesturing for her to continue where she had begun—Lady Runa wasn’t so foolish as to forget to curtsy and address the ruler accordingly. 
Enora’s tongue was graceless, plunging through her folds with reckless fury. She licked and sucked, ignoring the drool and cum slipping down her chin. She didn’t swallow, finding some satisfaction in ruining the rich fabrics of the queen’s dress. The pace of her tongue was wild, never following a rhythm as her anger grew. The queen ignored her. Never did she shiver or tremble. There was no sign that what Enora did was working. She was left to guess and she despised guessing. Women who moaned and shuttered at her touch were easy, simple, perfect. Their pleasure was the easiest to follow, but the queen would not be so kind—not when Enora had made it a point to be a thorn in her side for the last five years.
Her sister finished and the queen promptly dismissed the court. When Enora pulled back to rise, fingers slid into her hair, shoving her down against the heat of the royal’s core. “Are you so eager to fail me,” the queen hissed. Enora squirmed, her jaw aching as toned thighs closed around her head, leaving her crushed against her core. She let out a muffled scream, her lungs aching without air. Only when the last courtier had left the room was she released. 
Enora pulled back with such force she fell to her back, gasping for each precious breath. She closed her eyes and wiped the fluids off her face, smudging her painted lips even further. 
“I don’t recall you saying ‘I hate you’ so many times during your speech.” Dark lashes flew open, the wild beat of her heart growing faster. The queen smiled, smug at her quiet admission. “Seeing as you failed,” the queen continued with a sigh, “I now own that lovely tongue of yours.” The malicious lines of her grin grew. “You will serve me again tonight. Until then, I suggest you find your sister and ask her to rub that poor little jaw of yours.” The queen stood, letting the curtain of her dress fall. She stepped past Enora’s panting form before pausing to take one last glance at the mess that remained of the Head of the House Draconis and said, “Next time, less teeth.” 
Enora kept the fury of her gaze on the polished throne. The very throne she would one day have painted with the queen’s blood. The world would fall before Enora’s feet and kick dust on the name Soraya Argyris. 
In the hall, Runa was waiting. “Gods above,” she gasped, the tips of her fingers hovering over her mouth. “We must clean you up. No one can see you like this.” “Let them look,” Enora snapped. Again, she tried to wipe away the mess on her face but only succeeded in further smearing the paint of her lips. “I will have her head mounted to my wall.” “Sister,” Runa hissed, grabbing Enora’s arm and dragging her away from the throne room, “do you wish to end up like father?” Emerald eyes slid to the girl, the picture of her mother’s late image. “He was a fool without a spine and with nothing to offer. Queen Soraya at least enjoys my tongue.” A harsh slap filled the hall and Enora pulled back her hand where her sister had struck it, leaving the skin pink. 
“Enough. Enough of your plans and your scheming. You’ve grown too bold.” 
“Bold enough to find myself in her bed,” she said, her fury only rising as she marched through the corridors, meeting the eyes of all those who dared to look at her. The comment was only met with a glare from her sister. 
Night swept through the palace far too soon. Enora had readied herself, pulling back her hair in elegant, cascading braids of onyx and only applying the barest hue of pink to her lips. The dress she wore clung to her torso in dyes dipped in greens as rich as the leaves from the mighty trees decorating her family’s region with elegant embroidery depicting winding vines along the seams. The skirt flowed around her hips, giving the illusion of assets she didn’t quite possess. Two guards escorted her from her chambers down the long, empty corridors of the west wing where the queen resided. They had knocked on her door, demanding she leave and threatening to drag her out in whatever state she was in. Typical. The queen was closer to a goddess than a ruler to the commoners, revered and beloved. To the nobility she was nothing but a tyrant, keeping them on a tight leash at her side. 
Heavy, polished doors opened, revealing the queen in her sitting room, a cup of steaming tea in her hand. The guards delicately shut the door behind the noblewoman, fearful of the queen’s wrath should they slam it. Enora smoothed her hands over her dress, taking in a deep, calming breath. “Queen Soraya-”
“Again, you forget yourself, Lady Enora. Curtsy then address. Try again.” The fragile cup was brought to her crimson lips, amusement in every line of her features. 
If she had claws, she would have ripped through the skirts of her dress. She dipped into a curtsy, eyes remaining on the queen. “Now, Queen Soraya-”
“Still speaking out of turn.” The queen tsked. “We will have to remedy that.” 
Without the presence of the court’s watchful eye, Enora found herself unable to contain herself. “You will listen to me.” She stepped closer, fury emanating from every delicate bone in her body. “This has gone too far. You humiliated me in front of the entire court and now you waste my time demanding formalities!” 
Manicured brows flecked with grey rose. With a predator's grace, the queen set her teacup down without so much as a clink as it settled on its saucer. “You forget yourself.” She stood in one fluid movement, unencumbered by the decades she’d spent ruling over the kingdom. 
“And you forget who supports you.” 
A bark of laughter snapped against Enora’s ears. “You,” the queen scoffed, “with all the land and wealth I stripped from your house? You and your family are nothing but a name. A speck to be brushed away.” She strode forward, her hand snatching the insolent girl’s jaw. “I’ve had enough of you and your conniving family. You will learn to bow your head and speak when told.” Her fingers dug harder into the tender flesh of Enora’s jaw. “When I’m finished with you, the Draconis House will be subservient to the crown as it was always meant to be.” 
“My house will never serve you,” Enora grit out, her fingers threatening to rip the seams of her dress. 
“Perhaps not,” the queen sighed and released her, “but you will.” 
She stumbled back, hand lifting to touch the tender pink skin along her jaw. “What makes you think I would ever willingly serve you?”
The queen smiled, slow and with too many teeth. “Because you are as breakable as your mother was.” 
“How dare you?” Enora’s hand fell away, curled and clenched at her side. 
“She was lovely.” Those silver eyes studied her, watching the way the full lips pulled back from her teeth. “Your father was a spineless man, and exactly what your mother wanted.” 
“Don’t speak of her.” “Or what?” The queen stepped forward, forcing her to step back. “I have so many tales to tell you of her. She was fierce, as you are now. Practically smoldering and yet so willing to be extinguished by the right hand.” Enora lunged with a feral cry. The queen spun, her foot striking the back of Enora’s knee. The floor greeted her with an unforgiving jolt. Strong hands grabbed Enora’s arms, pinning them behind her back. “Your mother was a mewing bitch who used to beg me to spread my legs for her. It didn’t matter where we were—my study, the throne room, under the table, anywhere. She was always so eager to please.” 
“I’ll kill you!”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you already had a plan in motion. Your mother did. Twice she failed to have my head mounted to her wall.” 
“I’ll sew your mouth shut for telling such lies!” 
“Is that any way to talk to your queen?” The queen flipped Enora onto her back and sat on to her chest, crushing the air from her lungs. “You’re as pitiful as she was,” the queen said, leering over her. “Look at you, nearly ready to cry. I’ve never seen your face get so pink.” 
“When I’m done, no one will remember you,” Enora hissed, barely able to pull in a breath.
“You will always remember me,” the queen purred. The back of her knuckles caressed the sharp line of Enora’s cheek. “Even if you manage to burn my memory from the world, I will always linger in yours.” Enora twisted her head, teeth snapping. Two fingers plunged into her mouth, shoving into the back of her throat. “Oh, you will not enjoy the punishment you will receive for biting me.” The queen’s fingers pressed down. Enora gagged, shaking her head, desperate as she choked on the digits. They retreated, leaving her gasping while tears beaded down the sides of her face. The queen brought her fingers to her lips, licking off the drool. “I won’t be so kind if you try again.
“Now, let’s continue where you failed.” 
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
Bleed me dry. Bleed me until I am nothing but a husk for you to fill with your love and make anew
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
“She will tremble above me.” “Don’t you mean tremble before you?”
“No. She’s going to give me her strap and she’s not going to stop until she’s trembling above me. Idiot.”
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
“I serve only the Princess,” the knight said, her sword poised to kill as ichor dripped from its edge. 
“You would dare defy your Queen?” The monarch stepped down from her dias, brows ever so slightly raised. “To do so would be treason.” 
“She will pardon me when I offer her your head.”
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wren-l-winter · 1 month
Also, if you have any suggestions/feedback/thoughts, I'd love to hear them! I've always wanted to build a writing community and develop friendships within it so don't hesitate to reach out :)
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