writesindread · 3 years
by: writesindread
i have a knack of constantly adoring
the idea of stripping my lips,
picking each broken glass of ancient skin
like lushes you see in your neighborhood's garden.
i pull it so good —
so calm and tenderizing
though sometimes awakens and
clutches my soul to layers of gnaw.
i feel the sweltering pain in a manner that it gratifies;
like summer boiling the seven seas into hell —
red crimson rays poking through, inducing
the blinding glimmers to appear
in the peak of tiny waves,
that poets find meaningful
and metaphorical —
those are my pain for them.
i think that blood is the antagonist of pain.
imagine a man butchering a pig;
the pig squeals and spirals in agony.
man's empire of virility continued to asunder his skin and the slaughtered feels invaded and terrorized,
but since blood didn't brought a single
dirt to his apron,
the man says "he's fine" and
i say this to myself.
generally, the ache is
the longing of drought for monsoon,
the wanting of a man to come in his chest —
it's so extreme.
but with me nothing comes off from my mouth
even the antagonist is in play,
nonchalance gets the best of me.
now a piece of skin is now on my palm regenerating
like a wilted rose,
the moon is waning,
poets are dying,
i have not dreamt of men,
how long have i been masturbating?
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writesindread · 3 years
if atsumu miya was a real human, he’s probably famous on twitter with 101k followers and 5 following. Because of his daily thirst traps, he immediately gets called out by his teammates to minimize or at least create boundaries in showing his “beautiful” cock, knowing sakusa is and extremely jealous person despite of those knackered eyes of him. they’re undeniably bewitching though and his clout-chasing boyfriend is verily aware.
“tsumtsum, what the fuck you dont want kiyoomi to throw you another plate in the head right?” bokuto punctuated.
“rightttt???!!!” hinata added solely to add fuel to the fire.
“he won’t know, my twitter is on private so calm down. in fact, he’s barely interested with everything that involves technology so... :)” miya replied.
“you will never know this is so bad”
“true” of course, the tangerine decoy and adorable favorite boyfriend of kageyama tobio, will always be there to validate bokuto.
3 minutes later while miya is scrolling through his pinterest application in the gym, specifically his lego collection board, a name popped up in his phone...
/omi-omi is calling/
“your clothes are in the garage, as well as your limited edition lego rocket collection and your i-picked-chartreuse-because-it-reminds-me-of-you hydroflask. thanks.” 
/phone call dropped/
a whirlwind of nonchalance precisely etched and searing within sakusa’s deep, dont-fuck-with-me voice made atsumu’s heart stagger in fear. 
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writesindread · 3 years
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HI!!! i wrote this hours ago. something tugged my chest and brought me back to writing, and here's one of the writing i did earlier. its a little bit sexual and wild but there something more than that to be honest.
i hope yall like it.
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writesindread · 3 years
kageyama, a drunk halfway-dozing-off blueberry boyfriend of hinata shoyo, unsteadily approaches him at the table where a group of players playing charades. they are namely ushijima, hoshiumi, and atsumu miya.
"oi" he taps hinata on the shoulder
"gimmie a kiss" with hinata sitting down, kageyema looks like a gargantuan from his position, furrowed brows, lips perfectly crooked downward for a frown.
"oh my god why is your face so red!! where have you been dumbass!!??"
kageyama is unwavering from standing "shut up, just give me a kiss, the one you always do every night"
oh fuck, no one has the slightest information about their relationship because they want it to keep it for good.
but the setter itself is unveiling everything at wakatoshi's household.
hinata is so DOOMED.
"i said gimmie a kiss!!!" then he immediately scooped hinata for a hard smooch in front of,,, OH MY GOD, in front of ushjima, hoshiumi, and atsumu miya!!
and there lies, the 3-year conceal of their wonderfully loud relationship. surprisingly everyone's in AWE.
especially ushijima. he raised a glass for a toast and hoshiumi went
"wueeee??? this is not a wedding waka-kun."
"oh." he whimpers.
but the blondie on the right looks disheveled from the kiss. is he jealous? does he wants hinata's kiss?
atsumu miya feels this little envy hanging so dearly in his cabinet of ribs. eventually, the urge touches his heart.
he scurries toward sakusa kiyoomi, his 6-year and 192cm boyfriend who's very specific with shades of green.
one time atsumu pointed out a green box at the grocery
and said "hey omi-omi, this is moss green do you know that" as if his boyfriend isn't meticulous with colors and there he continues
"and this is plum and that one is burgandy"
sakusa finds it stupid and romantic at the same time
but as soon as sakusa's sees the box of cereal his boyfriend firstly pointed out, its in neon. and by neon, sakusa calls it "miya, for the love of god, thats chartreuse"
miya waltzes towards sakusa in one of ushijima's famous mural walls
there are approximately 30 paintings dangling and sakusa is currently living the hell out of his dream. he has always admired paintings that are artistically smudged.
"omi omi, gimmie a kith!!" he pouts in front of him while his chartreuse of a boyfriend is in puddle of bewilderment.
"what the hell are doing, why is your face covered with swabs of charcoal"
"oh ive been losing charades so now gimmie a kith" as he persistently asks.
sakusa sighed behind his mask, eyes squinting whilst his hands tucked inside his boyfriend's
inarizaki campus jacket. "no."
atsumu melted in disbelief "THATS.... YOURE SO RUDE OMI-OMI" his bones almost defrosted to the ground but
sakusa leaned towards atsumu, gently clutches his mask downward to his chin, and whispers to his ear
"dont worry miya, ill ruin you as soon as we get home, you like being tied right, im gonna give it to you this night so for now, play with your friends and keep losing"
he winks at him as he leaned back and atsumu is found: glacier in one of wakatoshi's victorian tiles.
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writesindread · 3 years
"its fine"
by: writesindread
-- a kurotsukki random short brainrot
kurotsuki brainrot.
its 10pm in the evening and kuroo is apologizing to his boyfriend, tsukkishima kei, for breaking one of his favorite customized mugs.
"uhh" he taps his shoulder with utter fear, i can feel it, he's fucking shaking considering his boyfriend is now in the zone of studying the extinction of dinosaurs, areas where leftover bones are located, and different complex names that vary from bird-hipped dinosaurs to lizard-hipped dinosaurs. anyway, he shouldn't be disturbing him at this very hour.
"what" eyes twitching as he answers. the exhaustion is evident from his voice and facial accent.
kuroo hesitated for a nanosecond but he knew it would be a lot worse if he lied "i- uhhh broke one of your favorite mugs, the one has dinosaur imprints on it? yes this is very frustrating and irresponsible of me to break one of your things and i am really really sorry babe."
oh no, tsukki is just staring at him like a dead corpse. this is bad kuroo, this is really bad.
"its fine" shifts his head to his 1000-paged almanac, continued highlighting crucial terminologies and wow, tsukki is surprisingly nonchalant this time. one time, kuroo happened to spill orange juice on his white lone-sleeves polo right at the time of his departure and tsukki didn't talked to him for weeks!!! but this time? i-
kuroo is spiraling in confusion "wait what?" two brows meet and his forehead ripples. "you're not mad at me baby???? i mean its okay to be mad because thats really a big deal, this is considerable, its a dinosaur mug you should be mad"
yeah tsukki, why are you not mad!!! that mug was your prize possession and given by your brother!!!
"yeah you're right you can go pack your things and go back to your family,,,, babe" he emphasized "babe" as he flipped page 879 of his almanac.
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writesindread · 3 years
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writesindread · 3 years
robbed heartbeats
by: writesindread
-- a bokuaka AU
11:05 p.m, akaashi staring at the vacant vast of bokuto's hospital room, hearing the cardiac monitor synchronizing his heartbeats and tiny twitches from fingers and there.....
"keiji, you're here!" he was surprised but his mouth aches as he opens it abruptly. he notices trails of despair from his face, he memorized akaashi for years and he is sure, something is wrong but...
"why is my keiji a saddie right now?? does he wants my huggies??? come here baby." he reaches for the embrace by lifting his body, eyes closed because of smiling.
"hmm?" bokuto secretly peaks with one eye – now, he's confused.
akaashi didn't look at him, static in his very place, he's busy with his fingers gingerly frisking along the avenues of bokuto's bones until it intertwines. hes thinking... maybe because he forgot to bring bokuto's favorite yogurt... is that it???... until...
"im sorry, bokuto-san"
tears is trickling from the side of his eyes. "i can't" as he halted the continuation. he thinks again.
"i cant what, keiji?" he asks. both left with silence but the percussive sound of the air conditioner. bokuto waits for the answers. "ke-"
"us...." akaashi punctuated, midway the articulation of his name. "i can't continue "us" anymore, bokuto-san" his body spasmed, resonating and vibrating out of anxiousness.
he bends his down head, facing the white comforter wrapping bokuto's body witnessing all the wrinkles and disarray because he remembers bokuto sleeps in enmeshing manner.
rushing hot suffused pressure on his nose coiling as he closes his eyes – then tears came dotting the skin of their intertwining hands.
bokuto spaced out for a bit induced him to gawk at the ceiling. he doesnt know what to feel but for sure he is spiraling and drowning with disappointment and misery. his pounding head pinned on his pillow.
"you think i wont forgive you for not bringing me yogurt today??? keiji, come on we can bu—"
"no" he calmly protested.
bokuto stares at him in puzzlement.
"w- wh- why keiji, im going to get out of this hellhole as soon as i can right? we can continue our plans right?" his words came dribbling, finding everything hard to grasp and intake, he still thinks its about the yogurt making himself feel bad but...
"we- we can still go to italy, keiji, we are go- going to eat your favorite bread and i- im going to take hu- hund- red pictures of you, ri- right keiji?" desperation came pouring and words seem hard to say.
akaashi thwarting his emotions, his answer. forehead meets begrudgingly and he just looks at their hands, for the last time — it subdued him.
"keiji, please, d- do- dont leave me like this" he coughs in between his dramatic, extremely dreadful sobs. "i cannot afford to lose you".
"im sorry, bokuto-san, i am not capable of making someone happy" he said with sheer confident yet his guilt screeches from within "even if you get discharged, im just there standing behind you — unrequited."
"but you make me hap-"
akaashi's fingers starting to untangle like a passing eclipse.
"come back to me please, hug me for the last time"
bokuto just...... doesnt let go of him. FUCK he's fucking sobbing so hard, his body's pressing the bed so woodenly -- his breaths, his tears, his heart catching one another and all melting simultaneously like an ocean water with blinding glimmers prior to nightfall.
bokuto's life is now a nightfall.
akaashi is making his way towards the doorway, leaving imprints of apologies. he squeezed his eyes out of the teeming pain while the other laments on his bed like a buried fossil trying to arise from the ground.
he is midway of closing the door until he heard a loud body that descended. "BOKUTO-SAN!!!!"
he scooped him immediately.
"ke- kei- ji, please dont leave me" he mutters. bokuto is on his knees, elbow affixed on the floor. his heart is beating faster than its usual then he first began to grab what he sees — akaashi's knitted cardigan. "baby, no please"
he engulfed the entirety of his face to akaashi's embrace. for the last time.
both tears inundating themselves — soaking wet on the disbelief brought by this night. "i have to, bokuto-san, i have to" he pressed his kisses and hooked his chin upon his head.
the sentiments coming out from akaashi's mouth are all hard to articulate, as if every every single letter he says, memories compress his chest like barbed wires — he's filled agonizingly.
akaashi starting to caress bokuto's softened platinum, brushed-up hair that is now withered — he likes it, it tames him though its painful but he feels remembered and welcomed and acknowledged even he only has one person who had him through droughts and lake fires — only keiji.
"i love you, keiji, always" he has not fully accepted it but he is grateful at some point.
he continuously to sob whilst he situate his cheeks beneath akaashi's chin. he hears the tiniest heartbeats that once pulsated and clung to him — for him.
"i love you too, koutarou" he smiles at him amidst all the cries and embarrassing sniffles "i will always".
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writesindread · 3 years
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Hello there, this is the promised eye tutorial. I know how most tutorials are, confusing and I am afraid mine isn’t even better.
Here is a link for my DA site where you can download the original sized file:https://www.deviantart.com/badartmakamati/art/Eyetutfull-863760056?ga_submit_new=10%3A1607698123. Use it as you please and in case you aren’t sure about the colours just use the colour picker, that’s why I added also that little swatches. Of course you can change always the tones how you like them to look and of cooourse there are like a million ways to draw the iris, I just picked that colour cause I hadn’t paint greenish eyes in a while. 
As tip, always use a quite big canvas so you can add a lot of details without fighting the small size of your brush. You can always later downsize the painting and all little mistakes will even vanish magically haha ^^ Also try using the navigator to always having control about the overall shape of your picture, you can see more easily what’s off or just see what needs more shadow, what needs more highlights and if the overall harmony is right. Also another tip, check your painting on your phone, the screen is small and you can detect mistakes you can’t see on the big screen of your PC or notebook more easily. At least I am mostly doing that. Mirroring also helps, of course.
Blending colours while not using air brush can be a big pain in the… don’t worry, if it won’t work in the first place I needed a looong time and even shed tears over it until I got used. The pro of the hard round brush is, that you can creat a more realistic texture (at least that’s the thing I like to paint), BUT don’t hesitate to use airbrush if you just go crazy with the hard round. Completley alright, ne : )
While using the hard round try to not be too chaotic, you need to caress the canvas softly haha, no joke and choose the colours very carefully, don’t mix very dark with very bright colours, they should just gradually change so you get a more smooth look.
Another little tip for eyes… at least that’s what I do cause it makes it more dramatic, just add a little light reflex at the part you think that looks good to you. It should be a completly white point. As for guys I wouldnt use too much lashes but I think actually that one can add as many as it pleases just maybe don’t use black for lashes cuz it might be to harsh in that realistic case.
Hm… ok, if there are more questions, just ask me and ah, one thing more: When it will take you 3h or even 4h to paint such an eye… even 6 or 7 hours! Don’t worry! Everything needs time… I did not check the time but I bet I needed 1,5h or so. The blending just really takes time without using air brush but man, it’s worth it! and sometimes mistakes happen so you need to go back from some starting point. 
Also, this is just an example of course! The shape of the eyes, the colours can vary in a billion ways, just experiment with them and use references if you are unsure about something!!
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writesindread · 3 years
what if tsukki and kuroo live in the same roof and when they fight over something petty — for example kuroo gets mad whenever tsukki does not tell him his secret coffee mixture because he always forgets it — they tend to decide which things they will retain or own and who should be leaving the house.
"ok i get the blender, you get the coffee mixture" kuroo confidently protested.
"no, leave the house and get nothing."
then kuroo will be so fucking enraged since he always get speechless everytime tsukki suggests something and the fight's conclusion will be, kuroo having no choice but.....
"how about..." as kuroo approaches him and crawled his fingers upwardly, circling and burying his hair behind his ears "we fuck right now, tsukkishima kei."
"tch.." nudging so abrupt from kuroo, by looking at his side grumpily.... he thinks.... "ok lets go you idiot."
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writesindread · 4 years
thousand muted suns
by: writesindread
-- a sakuatsu AU
grains of stars scattered along the navy nights, drifting clouds like puffs from e-cigarette smokes and there we see, a boy in rustic yellow-tinted hair waltzing towards his home — in sweats, toneless emotions and no one can tell why he’s dull like thousand muted suns. well, he has several severe bruises on his back, tattered and peeled skin.
he twists the doorknob with enough force and there, we hear midway, from the slight peaks of the door, a solemn-jazzy sound engulfed atsumu’s attention.
unlit... romantically unlit, enough to see the silverwares, his television, and his aching plant and there, as he compasses his eyes towards the left, in subtle silhouette we see the boy he loved across the 7 seas — standing still behind a table, wrapped in black and bestrewn with accents of red. one area from the table is wrinkled, he looks at it back and forth — the guy, the cloth, the guy, the cloth — and uncomfortably smiles. he sillily unfolded the disarray in nanosecond.
the tinted boy giggles in the dark. he loves it when he rattles.
there, we see a boy without his mask, a boy pooled with joy, smirking, he’s smirking and made his way to the left solely to assist the boy in sweats to his chair.
“omi-omi what are yo—“
“just seat, love, take a deep breath and watch”
sakusa clothed in a fancy black tuxedo, polished boots, leather gloves and there, his ring embracing his middle finger and there, his fairly curly hair combed neatly to the side enough to sting a gaze with one eye.
he grabbed his violin beside his respective chair and there, the bow with imprints of his name “miya” and there, we see sakusa grasping it delicately — one by one fingers from pinky to thumb crumbled and meet.
“yer lookin fanc—“ eyes swollen.
“this is the song i wrote for you when we had our first date, tsumu.” sakusa interrupts midway. “when i laid my eyes on you like a table napkin on my thighs and i was vibrating with pages of emotions, just like how you annoyingly scratch your plate and watch me buzz in agony. you are those annoying little things that ironically love tsumu and i can’t live without them”
sakusa bites his lower lip like a nightfall and there, atsumu dramatically gasped from within, registering a face, outwardly — astonished, dazed, enchanted. he’s not used to his omi-omi giving him all the fluffs and fervor he deserves at this very hour.
he watched sakusa from his seat and there, he witnessed the bow strums the thinnest of strings from his instrument and there, he heard the little symphonies — resonating and meandering, crawling and tickling his insides.
atsumu is on the brink of combusting.
before the notes roam in the room, he watches atsumu from his perspective quivering and melting like molten rocks and there, his eyes gingerly shuts to close and released every emotion as he syncopates the the tunes, up and down, enough for his lover to swoon and now, his heart is daubed in cinammon and exploding memories. now, he sings to him like a nightingale as if owns the rests and notes. and now, he’s watching him alike from how he reads his letters, his gazes that he does not understand, and the perfect strokes coiling, clashing from the differing swatches of color in his paintings.
as he continues to swing his bow, tsumu is fazed by him — eyes cracking and tears shuddering. he’s slowing ascending from his seat, making his way, pressing little steps from the hardwood floor of their home. his hands are trembling and ready to touch his face. atsumu is slowly approaching sakusa and he does not know. sakusa does not know that he’s there in front of him, as for he’s busy singing his chest out after all the days of repressing and hiding his written songs for atsumu.
at least one of them is now revealed. he’s contented and relishing every tick of the moment.
hes there and atsumu touches his chin — warm and in utter grace. both eyes meet and boiling from the perplexing depths of reasons — reasons of trying and reasons of persisting.
atsumu’s persian lips converging the crevices of his lover’s mouth. but sakusa pushes himself in, interrupting the gradual approach and there, both hands of atsumu resting on sakusa’s chest. feeling the lovely frolicking beats of his heart — racing and thumps in fourscore at once.
there, they temporarily asunder solely for sakusa to say
“do i look dumb in this suit?” eyes squinting in romance.
“yes and i would make a thousand jokes just for you to annoy.”
“tch. this wasn’t my first choice okay i couldve wor—“
“you cant live without my irascible self right omi-omi?” he sneered, while his one brow curved upwards and making millions of blinks. he’s cute, his omi-omi admits it in his mind.
“you are such a dork” sakusa laughingly remarked. “of course”
foreheads intertwining like eclipse, just like how the sun fills the curve of the moon.
eyes closed, swaying like dandelions in the meadows, following the lulling melodies suffusing the room — both dashing and soothing along the navy nights. they bought it from the gods from above and below and owns it.
two arms hooked around sakasa’s nape and both hands rested on atsumu’s torso.
their faces creak with fulgent smirks and there, the love that once doubted and rejected out of the frowns and failed punchlines in the locker room, is now seeping with verses from love sonnets that they never understood.
a love that no one else, even them, understood.
atsumu buried his face to the broad shoulders of sakusa.
“i love you, omi-omi.”
“you deserve this, tsumu.” he gently grabs atsumu’s face in front of him, caressed his cheeks like cirrus clouds. “youre safe with me and will always be, i love you, my love”
atsumu broke down to the floor and cries rushing streams of tears.
“why’d you leave me omi? i still have my jokes stored, exclusively reserved just to annoy you. you’ll love them omi-omi” his voice cracks as he sobbed and continuously hammers the floor with his clenched fist, bottled with sheer dread and disbelief.
no one is there for atsumu to annoy, to love, and someone that could understand his troubles and jokes. it may seem a small deal but even an inch of appreciation was given, atsumu feels loose.
now, he’s bereaved and helpless on the floor. left with his crooked reasons of persisting and there, in his very place, everything has sunken as it supremely pains him inside.
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writesindread · 4 years
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black jackals locker room 
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writesindread · 4 years
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i have the headcanon that Atsumu has thick legs since he’s the bulkiest of them all (and that’s a good thing)
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writesindread · 4 years
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if this post disappears (for reasons) i will re-upload it on my pixiv 😂
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writesindread · 4 years
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MSBY before MSBY Check tags; Please if you like give it a share ☺️it helps me a lot.
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writesindread · 4 years
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frowning at each other 
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writesindread · 4 years
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I posted some +18 sakuatsu sketches on my pixiv.  https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84815870 My plans are to increase the amount of this from now on 👀 
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writesindread · 4 years
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some pictures I made while working for halloween. 💋
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