aonrivers · 1 year
Other Places to Find Me!
I am looking to push the envelope a bit and extend my work to other areas of the internets.
If you care to follow along, check below...
★ I am creating digital items and selling them on Etsy. There will be digital planners, along with forms and others as I make them. So keep an eye out on this page!
★ I am also selling my artwork on websites such as teepublic and redbubble. On these sites you can find shirts, mugs, stickers, and much more!
★ I am sharing my stories/books that I have been writing since 1998. These stories range from my first stories all the way to my most recent!
★ And lastly, I have been uploading old music I have on my PC from MANY moons ago. Speaking of Moons - a lot of it is my Sailor Moon collection!
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aonrivers · 2 years
“I hate when people confuse education with intelligence. You can have a bachelor’s degree and still be an idiot.” - Elon Musk
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aonrivers · 2 years
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.
-Glenn Turner
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aonrivers · 2 years
Last night I dreamt..
...that I was at a party and we were talking about the Batman franchise and how with the new Batman they were looking for a very specific actor to play the part. I explained, "I read an article that said women are first attracted to a man from here down," I pointed from my nose down to my chin, "Which is true because the first thing I look at is the mouth. If you have nice teeth then "wow you've got really nice teeth!"." (And the dude next to me smiled and I was like (in my head) "yours are fake af" lol. The girls tho were in full agreeance, nodding ferociously.) I continued, "So because of that and because they need to revive the Batman series, in walks Robert Pattinson. And why? Because his Twilight fans will follow." And everyone at the table was like "Ooohhh. I didn't think of it that way! Makes so much sense!”.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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Deep within the forest of Haven Woods, an eerie howl passes through the fog of many faces. The trees with their jack-o'-lantern faces cackle as the sticks beneath his paws snap. The only light that has lit his path is his glowing sword and the doorway at the top of the ghostly stairs. For it is Hallow's Night and Dark Prince Patel is looking for the one who stole his throne. Will he reclaim his rightful place? Or will he be cast away, waiting for the veil to thin once more?
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aonrivers · 3 years
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No truer image than this.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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These roses are from my grandma's (2021) and pop's (2015) funerals. They are still going strong. I need to find a way to preserve them...
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aonrivers · 3 years
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My friend's father passed away, so I took a rose petal from his funeral and created this frame piece for him.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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Created a new Instagram account where I will be posting all my trades: 
• Baking • Photography • Woodburning • Artist • Tattoo Novice
I will still be posting my writings as Aon Rivers as that is my pen name I have chosen. But Mishi is my other self and I mean that in the way that people think I’m a Michelle, and I am not.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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Getting ready for fall!
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aonrivers · 3 years
Last night I dreamt...
...of a nightmare. My husband and friend were sitting at the end of the pool on patio chairs and I was getting something out of my car. Then there was this ear piercing scream - it could've actually happened that's how loud and real it was - followed by a swarm of rabid bat screeches. I drop everything and run into the fenced area and ask if they heard it and they're both like "yeah it's probably nothing". And my hubby sits back down in his seat and I'm screaming, "No, it's not nothing. I can hear them coming closer, get inside!" I grab his arm and we all run inside as the sound gets louder and I had to force myself away. 
I actually had to stay awake for a bit so I didn't go back in the dream.
Later on that night, I dreamt of asking my husband to grab Vi because she too has been having nightmares.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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I have a strawberry coming!!! FINALLY - it's only taken 5+ months.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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Watermelons! These guys are late bloomers and they are taking over the garden! Then the mowers came and weedwhacked my two big guys...
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aonrivers · 3 years
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My rose bush bloomed twice this year.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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No idea what this is and can't remember where I snapped the photo, but it sure is pretty.
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aonrivers · 3 years
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Was left a gift today.
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aonrivers · 3 years
Last night I dreamt...
...I died and came back to life, but not in this year... I came back to life in 2001. Different school. Same and new faces. And my guide explained that because of my death, my timeline (aging process) is now 2-3 minutes faster than the rest.
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