aparasaurus · 4 years
According to my uncle, another name for mushroom in Bangla is “baenger chatha” which means frog’s umbrella and the imagery is so pleasing and cottagecore, i love it so much 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
In Bangla, whenever someone asks how you are, a common answer is “eyje, assi” which roughly translates to “you know...I’m alive” and...the fabulousness...the flair...the absolute dead-inside quality of that answer...i just think its very sexy of them
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aparasaurus · 4 years
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You know that one text post (I’d credit the user but I can’t remember who it was) that said Shakespeare used “wit” as a euphemism for..ahem...male genitalia, well I was reading Pride and Prejudice like the English nerd I am and this was said about Miss Bingley so I guess there’s only one thing left to do...
Confirmed: Miss Bingley has Big Dick Energy(TM)
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aparasaurus · 4 years
Ok so picture my father, a tall Bangladeshi man who gives off Awkward Oxford Professor Vibes(TM). He is renowned for his day long speeches about things no-one cares about (spreadsheets) and his occasional sense of humour that peeks through his jumper-clad lanky frame like a ray of sunshine. Well folks, today the weather forecast said “bring your suncream, gays and theys*, its gonna be a sunny day.” After an uneventful dinner, he told us about his College Adventures and we expected the usual introverted dork who wore his watch upside down just cause the cool kids did, but instead he horrified us with tales of actually cool stuff. Terrified, I though to myself, “Oh shit, my dad has defied all Dad Laws and become Cool(TM)”. No matter how much I begged, he told my unsuspecting twin and I about his horrifically cool escapades. On the train to Dhaka, he saw some dudes helping their sick friend. It later transpired that they were trying to illegally cross the border to India, but their plans were delayed by a blasted bus strike. And here comes the Coolness, like a punch to the throat, my over-thinking, introverted father decided to help them, his justification being “i thought they were good people because they helped their friend”. His poor, innocent soul, was unaware that many of the cruellest crimes were crimes of passion, done out of love for another. This crime of tainting our adolescent ears with tales of rad-ness, however, was stone-cold, calculated first degree murder and I am, indeed, typing this from the grave. Unfortunately, this was not the last time my father had exhibited symptoms of Coolness(TM). I shall keep you informed about the furthering off this disease, compatriots. Let us pray to the Carb Gods, that the Coolness(TM) does not spread. Good day. 
*in this context, gays include all parts of the LGBTQ+ community, it just doesn’t rhyme but don’t you worry, all you fruity peeps are welcome to enjoy this sunny day
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aparasaurus · 4 years
I did a speech a few months ago about the importance of representation in romance movies and I think one of the things I thought about in my research is how much movies have actually affected me and other people. Like right now, people let their kids go wild on youtube and netflix and believe me, they watch some weird things. But to what extent do people actually believe and absorb what happens? Do kids know that what they’re watching isn’t like real life or that it doesn’t actually happens? I was raised on Bollywood movies and I used books as a way to escape so they shaped a lot of my world view but did other kids take it as seriously as I did? Why does that differ? Do we need to monitor what they’re seeing and reading or do we just need to do that for select children? How do we figure out who will react to literature like that? Am I thinking about this way too deeply? I don’t know, but my speech has definitely raised a bunch of questions about the media we consume as kids. I’m confused 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
The Mansion
4 steps from the middle of nowhere,
Turn left when you reach a long way away,  
A long-forgotten mansion, lies, abandoned, there, 
Frozen in time, it hasn't aged a day. 
They say the paintings have eyes that follow you around, 
That dust caresses every inch like a fond memory, 
Murmurs of haunting music and beautiful ball gowns, 
On the other side of massive oak doors, just out of reach. 
Smashed glass and champagne flutes litter the moss-covered carpet, 
Sparkling in the early morning light. 
They say a lady treads barefoot, her blood scarlet. 
Bathing in the scent of sorrow and sour wine. 
She stares out at her kingdom of regret, 
Framed by broken glass, 
Rage stifled beneath mascara and a velvet dress,
She waits, while time refuses to pass. 
I heard she fell in love with the maid, 
But she couldn't give up the money and the glitter, 
So a few centimetres away from her grave, 
Lies the dream of kisses and a moss-covered letter. 
I heard her dad found out about her attempt to run away,
And if you look into her grand, gilded mirror,
You'll see a black eye and red smile, marred by decay, 
Thinly veiled anger with accents of bitter. 
Pay your respects to the woman,
Who slow dances to her screams,
Maybe she'll gather enough well-wishes to move on,
And finally, her kingdom will sleep.
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aparasaurus · 4 years
I have 3 main goals
- host a dinner party in which i invite everyone i want to, get good at cooking so i cook whatever i want to and just feed everyone a 3 course meal
- make my mother angry enough that she awakes from the dead for the sole purpose of slapping me 
- fake my death and move to switzerland 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
When ur sister who wasn’t exactly onboard with you being gay shows you a TV show and says “I thought you’d like it cause it has a gay couple” and you just-
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aparasaurus · 4 years
I am The Gay One in my friendship group, but there is also The Ace One Who Asks Us Awkward Questions About Sex Because She Constantly Feels The Need To Validate Her Sexuality, Because Western Culture Somehow Surrounds Sex But Also Makes It Taboo, By Making Sure She’s Not Crazy But What Does Being Horny Actually Feel Like? and I feel like that needs to be talked about more 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
people who are mean or impolite for no reason whatsoever suck. like damn, girl, you just ruined someone’s day - and for what? and i bet people would be like yah, common sense, duh, but still talk over that one person who’s been trying to tell their story foR HALF AN HOUR DAMMIT. be nice, kids. you don’t need to be mean to slay. 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
See Through My Eyes
You tuck your hair behind your ear,
Finally satisfied with how you appear,
I’m just glad that you’re happy with how you look,
Then you rip out your hair, scribble over your colouring book. 
You trace over the outline with a painful grip, 
Press into your skin until the pages rip,
Blinking back tears that brand your cheeks with symbols, 
You start a new page to hide the years of scribbles. 
I watch your fractured reflection, 
I want to show you you can be whole again,
That your nose or eyes’ position in that way, 
Doesn’t determine whether you can like yourself today. 
Your self-hate bleeds, red through the page, 
I can prove to you, you can escape your cage,
Because I’m you, in your reflection, I am entwined, 
My heart beats between your lines.
You’ll live a wonderful, full life,
You’ll break away from your paper-thin pages and fly, 
And insulting your attire, 
Will finally be satire. 
You won’t care about your size, you’ll be soaring through the skies, 
And finally, you’ll see yourself, through my eyes.
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aparasaurus · 4 years
My friends got me a neon rainbow light for my birthday and this baby gay is the happiest she’s ever been. However, little did they know, this is just Phase 1 of my “slowly manipulate my friends into funding my fight against Compulsory Heterosexuality(TM)” plan. 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
News at 5: Apa is unable to watch anything queer without crying 
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aparasaurus · 4 years
I get the feeling that a lot (not all) of asian parents care a lot (possibly too much) about their reputation which can harm their kids. Like the, “you’re wearing that? what will people think?” or “that’s what you wanna be? what will people think?” etc etc, which makes the kids feel like the parents prioritise their reputation over their happiness (and ultimately, so might the kids). I get it, it’s a harsh world and you wanna take care of your kids, make sure they have a nice house and job and marriage or whatever, but what if they don’t want that or more specifically, what if they don’t want your version of that? You can’t save them from every bump in the road and i think that’s a hard thing to learn, but doing so will help your kid and avoid saddling them with another thing they have to unlearn as an adult. Like take my mum, she doesn’t really care about other people being LGBTQ + but if someone in our family or god forbid her own daughter (ironic amirite?) was part of that community, then she’d be horrified. So yeah, if this world’s on its way to hell then might as well enjoy it while it lasts, doing what you want in life and maybe dragging a certain orange butthole down with us.
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aparasaurus · 4 years
I think that if people just learned to mind their damn business, the world would be a better place. That boy’s wearing makeup? Those two girls are kissing? Someone chooses not to have a baby? Someone wears a short skirt and a tank top? None of it matters, unless its hurting you! Even then, how can it??? How can you be hurt at someone loving someone or expressing themselves or making a choice that you don’t know any context about? Like, bruh
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aparasaurus · 4 years
the lesbians are quivering in their doc martens 
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Earrings by Beads Byaree
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aparasaurus · 4 years
i hope you dig your way out of your blanket cave and smile at this gorgeous dress that is a complete waste if i don’t wear it with blood red lipstick and nails, well aware that I am scaring my prisoner and slightly arousing my butch bodyguard that is only there to make sure I don’t scratch my nails into the prisoner’s chest and steal his heart ‘cause mine’s basically dead. 
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Elie Saab | Fall/Winter 2013 Couture
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