HER feet pounded brutally against the uneven ground as her breaths became harsh and violent. She was running, but from what was quite a long story indeed. She hadn’t the time to recall it though as finding a place to hide seemed more crucial at this very moment. Especially when the voices were getting closer and closer.
The young, pale maiden tripped over a tree root, sending her tumbling towards a big spiky bush that pricked her oh-so delicate skin.
“Ouch!” she hissed as the bright crimson blood trickled down, illuminating itself under the waxing gibbous moon.
She was already covered head to toe in scars and bruises, and as for the rest of her appearance, it was almost depressing. Her grey, white spotted, hair was jagged; a complete mess, and her hooded dress was so torn and crinkled - even one of her sleeves were missing - when did it go missing?
She was fortunate that the hood of her dress wasn’t torn as brutally as the rest of it, as it fitted over her hair, covering her forehead and the glimmer of her grey-white locks.
The other voices were becoming increasingly clearer by the second as they drew near. “I heard something over there!” someone shouted.
The maiden was frantic now. She knew she was going to be found if she didn’t find a hiding place soon. She looked around before focusing back on the spiky bush behind her. Finding a little hidden passageway in amongst prickly twigs, she didn’t hesitate any longer.
As she crawled through the small space in between, the thorns tore at her hunter’s dress more, making sure not to miss her porcelain flesh. She fought the urge to hiss and curse in pain as she hid herself amongst the bristly bush and waited.
“Where is she?!” a tall, sturdy woman hissed.
The maiden peered through the little gaps to find a tanned woman, with red silk covering her neck. A metal weskeh sat around her collar, bearing two golden frames with a dark, pale green in the middle. This collar piece had a cross on the bottom of the golden frames, acting as an religious extension piece, despite the knight’s disbelief.
From under her weskeh, her bronze armour was evident, starting with pauldrons on each side, along with two almost isosceles triangles right next to them travelling towards the middle, and finishing off with then two sharp-curved pieces in between that acted like pincers getting ready to either pursue the cross or be its protector. The maiden couldn’t tell its true purpose.
The woman also wore a lorikion; the sleeves stopping halfway across her biceps and the hem of the clothing stopping at just above her knees, that were also plated with armour. From her knees and elbows, scales travelled towards her hands and feet, stopping only due to the metallic armour covering both - the feet being covered by silver and black boots, and the hands by black armour that stopped at the middle crease of her fingers and in between the creases of her thumbs.
In between her lorikion and elbow, and knee plate and same cloth waving above; the red silk that covered her neck peeked, colouring her fingers and thumbs as well.
Most knights wore the same thing, minus her weskeh; the only other differences being the almost-isosceles and pincers design, and her osiris belt, that helped holding her blade and its pouch in place.
The maiden really couldn’t help but focus her attention solely on this one knight; someone her sister praised and blabbered on about often - swooned, was probably the correct word.
Unlike the maiden’s white-grey hair, tucked firmly in the back of her hooded dress, the knight had curly leathery black hair. It was extremely untidy; bangs in an unruly but parted mess, fringe as unkempt as ever, bun frizzed in the frenzy and rest of the strands that didn’t cooperate when tying her hair into a bun.
She wondered why her sister admired her at first, criticising the knight’s atrocious aroma and her natural demeanour, but soon came to understand why when she joined her sister as an audience.
It was dark, the light from the moon and stars barely touching the knight’s figure, the Wolf barely at her peak, and still the maiden could outline the woman’s every detail. After all, a General who led her disciples into battle was someone extraordinary, (and again, her sister was quite mouthy).
Everyone in the Kingdom and in the villages nearby knew of her. She was a leader who trained her disciples to the best of their abilities, never failing once - hence why she was voted to be.
The only thing that the General and her knights lacked, however, was their ability to find the maiden herself. She was the best at hiding, her and her sister being an unbeatable duo! Even though her sister wasn’t with her now, she wasn’t going to give in - not even the monsters that roamed the night could deter her anymore.
One of the disciples spoke up. “I don’t know! I could’ve sworn she was over here!”
- and here she was, in a place that they’d least expect.
The General grew irritated. “Well, find her! She couldn’t have gotten far!”
The knights and the runaway trembled at the booming voice, one resistant to her demanding voice. It wasn’t like they hadn’t heard it before, but whenever the General got mad it was a time to worry - the maiden was just vulnerable to harsh tones.
The knights all scramble to form a straight line in front of her, the stray complying calmly, as they saluted.
“Ser, yes, Ser!” they all synchronised, a solitary knight sounding flat.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Sooner or later they all left in the same direction. The maiden, who witnessed the scene, slowly crawled out of her hiding place. Not bothering to remove the thorns that made her flesh and dressing their new home, she took off once more, the echoing of a metallic sound wishing her luck from afar. She was smart not to follow, she’d be crazy to do so!
Now looking back to where they all left, the maiden couldn’t help but be proud of herself. She managed to escape the General and her knights! Who wouldn’t be proud of something so unheard of? Surely she would’ve won part of the land - if it weren’t for her being on the run in the first place.
Tears pricked at her eyes, her lips twitching. Freedom was in her grasp at last. All she had to do now was take it and fly away. Do you hear that, Vykki? Adelfos? We’re going to be free at last.
Without much warning, she bumped into a commoner.
“Ow…” she hissed. The maiden looked to the woman who fell, and quickly arose from the ground in a hasted motion. “I’m so sorry, ma’am!!”
The runaway stretched out her hand, but the lady was more focused on the maiden’s torn dress and excessively damaged skin.
“Oh my, dear! You’re wounded!”
the commoner exclaimed,
as she picked herself up from the ground.
The maiden wanted to speak up, but found she was at a loss for words. She hasn’t spoken to a normal human besides her hunter in years.
What does she even say to one?
“Don’t worry, ma’am! I’m fine, truly!” Though that wasn’t convincing in the slightest.
The older one clicked her tongue.
“You’re not fooling anybody, sweetie.
Come with me.
We’ll have to treat those nasty wounds of yours
before they get infected!”
The maiden was a loss for words as she was dragged along by the commoner.
This lady is strong!, she noted.
The runaway saw no point in struggling or refusing the generous lady’s help. Was there any need to? None of the citizens outside of the Kingdom knew who she really was and the person’s scent was comforting, almost familiar; familial.
As long as I stay hidden, it’ll be fine, she convinced herself.
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
Give Mōntari some love ya’ll
Also, another drawing of Astrum I couldn’t upload before because I reached the picture limit O-O
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I love them all 🥹
having wings
a talented story teller
a rainbow caused by the reflection of the moon
hating endings; someone who prolongs saying goodbye for as long as possible
a person who loves stars
What is this poll for?
I have plans for all six of these words, but I want to know what you guys want to read about first - and, before you get your hopes up, I normally with queer characters, so there’s a high chance of them either being; bisexual, lesbian, gay, asexual, aromantic, aro/ace, intersex, trans, etc.
If you’re not deterred by any of that, then I should have the story up by March 1st! I’ll be sure to shout it out and add it to my master post!
Still not sure what to vote? Well, I’ll give you a little insight! 🤫
A flightless bird, who is treated unfairly and tries to spread his wings.
A storyteller who just bullshits his way out of tough situations whilst on an adventure with his friends.
A girl who was born under a moonbow, and was graced with of ability of dancing.
Someone who is afraid of goodbyes, and is clingly as fluff.
A young child who dreams of one day exploring the cosmos, and steal a star from the sky.
Thank you to all whom votes!
I’ll be back in a week to check on this.
Bye, ‘mιn μαριονετες! 🥰
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
Thank you to everyone who participated!! My forever loved it so much!!
The cover is still a work in progress though, as I have to get my iPad fixed first, but again, thank you very much everyone!! I’m probably going to start doing monthly one word prompts soon enough or suggestions for stories. I actually have a separate account for it too! Let me just-
I’m going to do a poll on there for now, and also, stories like Mouse Trap will strictly be on AO3 since I don’t want to go against WattPad guidelines and the story is more out there (and contains themes I do not want to glorify). As for Names and Christmas Sorrows the next Chapter of that will be uploaded around Christmas times only, due to me wanting to keep to that theme.
I’m currently finishing writing up an original story right now to get it ready for publishing, but after that I’m free as a wandering soul that can travel threw plains of existences!
I’ll be working on a poll for the next story idea!
Bai 🤍
a calm, gentle breeze
IDYLLIC (adj.)
like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful or picturesque
excessive desire to stay in bed
a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days
a particular smell that belongs to old books
beautiful thinking; healthy mind
FIKA (n.)
a moment to slow down and appreciate the little things in life
What is this poll for?
I really want to make a Valentine’s short for my love, and Valentine’s is tomorrow. This was decided on short notice, but after she sent me a wholesome edit of both me and her, I knew had to do this. It will really help a lot if you vote. I really want to surprise her with something she’ll never expect, so I’m probably going to be working the whole night on it. Thank you for reading and voting (if you did), it really helps a lot! (Also, reblog this if you can, I want it to get as much attention as possible before I start writing).
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
a calm, gentle breeze
IDYLLIC (adj.)
like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful or picturesque
excessive desire to stay in bed
a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days
a particular smell that belongs to old books
beautiful thinking; healthy mind
FIKA (n.)
a moment to slow down and appreciate the little things in life
What is this poll for?
I really want to make a Valentine’s short for my love, and Valentine’s is tomorrow. This was decided on short notice, but after she sent me a wholesome edit of both me and her, I knew had to do this. It will really help a lot if you vote. I really want to surprise her with something she’ll never expect, so I’m probably going to be working the whole night on it. Thank you for reading and voting (if you did), it really helps a lot! (Also, reblog this if you can, I want it to get as much attention as possible before I start writing).
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
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At this point I just might make a Waifu appreciation tumblr account.
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
Okay, but hear me out.
So, some Bylers are familiar with the tag
#the babygirlification of mike wheeler
Now get ready for…
Drumroll, please.
#the babygirlification of Johnathon Byers.
Nancy definitely calls Johnathon babygirl and no one can convince me otherwise.
Please, for all Jancy endgame truthers, this needs to be a thing. QwQ
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
What? I’m not obsessed with my best friend!
Also me;
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Maaaaaaaybe I’m a little obsessed. QwQ
Also, for those wondering how this conversation started, here’s the TikTok;
…I’m still waiting for a reply. O>O
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
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My best friend/Waifu being wholesome 🥺
I seriously have found the most beautiful, wholesome, breathtaking and thoughtful person in the world, and yes, I am going to brag about it! 😤
I literally told her, whenever I get bad cramps, I usually make my bed into like a nest, like omegas do in fanfics (except, I’ve always done this, even before I knew what A/B/O was), and she called me adorable for it. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone else, (speaking about my in real life fun), because they’d likely make fun of me or think I’m weird, and then she wrote paragraph after paragraph about how you should be yourself and should able to feel comfortable about yourself without people dissing you for it, and my heart! I love her so fluffen much!!! TwT
I seriously do want to marry her, and love her for all of eternity. She’s just so absolutely perfect in every way, and we’re soulmates!! :0
I don’t even care what we do together, as long as we’re together and never leave one another, I’m content.
Just think of this post as fluff between two best friends, and not just me being madly in love with her, lol
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
I’m so glad! Thank you so much UsErHeReOrIgInAl!!!! I’m going to be reading it now and saving it to my bookmarks collection!! Again, thank you so so so much!!! djahfiaoivehvaeiohvisoehgvaoeirhvioerghgiesorgoisebnoiesrnbisebisnbisn
Thank you again!!!
Sincerely, AJ on AO3.
New Byler Fic idea!!
Lucas and Mike have been flirting with Will for a few weeks now. Lucas does so jokily, but Mike is serious about (he also doesn’t know Lucas is joking so he assumes he’s competing for Will’s love). The rest of the party (minus Will) finds this to be a humourous joke, and eventually starts joining in (excpet El because of obvious reasons). This only agitates Mike more.
Will doesn’t do flirt back for a while, only getting extremely flustered and shy over these jokes, but when he does, all hell breaks lose, because this man can flirt. It shocks everyone, especially Mike, who only ends up getting more flustered than Will in the process. Will also calls Mike babygirl on several occasions and Mike finds that he strangely likes it. #babygirlgate
Also, no one in the party knows that Mike and Will are gay, not even each other. (Not like Mike’s thinking about that though, he has a boy’s heart to win over.)
[This prompt is up for grabs. I’m just the person with the ideas.]
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
My newest account for Byler prompts. Now I won’t get Byler mixed up with my own Queer original stories. OwO
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
Please, I’ve been stalking AO3 waiting everyday to see if someone has written it yet. I need this, just as much as I need to see my Waifu this this, release my first original book and continue NACS!! TwT
New Byler Fic idea!!
Lucas and Mike have been flirting with Will for a few weeks now. Lucas does so jokily, but Mike is serious about (he also doesn’t know Lucas is joking so he assumes he’s competing for Will’s love). The rest of the party (minus Will) finds this to be a humourous joke, and eventually starts joining in (excpet El because of obvious reasons). This only agitates Mike more.
Will doesn’t do flirt back for a while, only getting extremely flustered and shy over these jokes, but when he does, all hell breaks lose, because this man can flirt. It shocks everyone, especially Mike, who only ends up getting more flustered than Will in the process. Will also calls Mike babygirl on several occasions and Mike finds that he strangely likes it. #babygirlgate
Also, no one in the party knows that Mike and Will are gay, not even each other. (Not like Mike’s thinking about that though, he has a boy’s heart to win over.)
[This prompt is up for grabs. I’m just the person with the ideas.]
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
(I’m really not stopping with these anytime soon-)
Will has been hanging out with the girls more often. They normally do manicures/spa days, makeup, sleepovers and talk about cute boys whenever they hang out without the party (only them two know he’s gay as well). Mike notices this, and gets jealous of Will spending more time with the girls than with him and the boys (though Mike just really wants Will to pay attention to him).
Mike having enough of this, decides to do something about it. He asks if Will could come over for a sleepover with ‘him and the boys’ since they haven’t hung out in a while, to which Will accepts (because why not? It’s just Mike and the og party after all). He assumes the rest of the initial party know, sending them off with a ‘see you later’ before going back home and getting ready.
When Will arrives, greeting both of Mike’s parents and Holly on the way in, he notices that he’s the first to arrive. Mike welcomes him in, bringing him downstairs, with a big grin plastered on his face. He sits Will on the couch and asks which movie they should watch first. Will, confused, asks “shouldn’t we wait for the others first?”
Mike purses his lips at this, saying the others cancelled last minute (which is a blatant lie, he did even ask the others to come). Mike then clear his throat continues by saying, it’s been ages since they hung out together, just the two of them and says it might be a nice once in a while (the last part he sys with a softened and shy-like voice), and Will just studies, like actually full on studies him.
Mike, not used to this attention, (since Will hasn’t hung out and has been distracting himself by talking to others), just crumbles. He doesn’t know what to do or what to say, and he’s just getting more flustered by the second, his throat become dry and clogged. Then at last, Will breaks the silence, but sadly that does not quell Mike’s nerves, as he says, “you never ask Dustin and Lucas to hang out, did you?”, and boy, if Mike wasn’t already anxious before, he’s now having a full blown war in his head.
He tries to deny it, but the only words that come out of his mouth are; “no, uh, I swear-,” and a series of jumbled nonsense. Then Will laughs, and by God does Mike’s heart nearly stop, because he swears he hears the most absurd thing fall from his best friend’s lips, “how cute.” This sends Mike into a crisis, because one, he’s not gay, (at least he doesn’t know that yet), and two, he strangely likes being called cute.
Then cue Mike’s self discovery of being gay and being Will’s babygirl. (Babygirlgate is best gate, change my mind.)
This Byler prompt is anyone’s for the taking. I may just make a Byler prompt account, just so I don’t mix my original content with the beautiful creation that is Byler.
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
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When Christmas takes a turn for the worst, Newt is here there to try and keep the magic alive, but no matter how hard he tries, he always fails. Every year more and more elves quit, Αντίχριοτος being at the root of it all. Looking in the mirror day after day, he slowly loses himself. He wants to - needs to bring Christmas back to life, but how can he when no one even takes him seriously anymore. Will he ever be able to bring back ‘Christmas’ back to it’s former glory, or will he continue chasing a dream of once was?
Chapter One
Newt has always been the most festive out of the elves, but after Aντίχριοτος wrongfully took over the once merry place, it seemed that the Christmas spirit was fading all year ‘round. Not even Santa’s daughter loved Christmas the way she used to, but that was probably a given, since the female version of the Grinch literally killed her parents. Actually, she was worse than the Grinch.
He tried his absolute best to keep everyone from giving up, but his efforts were always wasted. Even though the kids still managed to get their toys every year, present making became a chore, one they antagonised and despised, eventually leading some elves to quit in the process. Christmas was fading for them, and for kids all around the world too.
Sooner or later, Santa would only be a myth - a lie. He didn’t want that, but what could he do when no one was willing to take him seriously?
Newt turned to an elf who seemed awfully peeved at him - a familiar setting. “Yes, Φώτα?”, he asked, awaiting an answer.
Φώτα sighed, exhaustedly. “You’re supposed to be in charge of the last minute mail, you fuckwit. So, tell me why you haven’t you haven’t fucking left yet?”
The festive one winced at the foul language. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to it, yet it still hurt. Everyone of his elven family were getting more and more on edge as the years rolled on by - as the result of the Antichrist. Everyone was giving up, but he swore to himself he wouldn’t.
Remembering the conversation at hand, he bowed, pathetically. “Sorry! I’ll get right to it!”
“You better, Newt. Otherwise, we’re not having that Christmas Turkey that you insisted on getting.”
After nodding frantically, Newt scurried away, throwing a snow globe on the floor and entering the portal without a second thought. He didn’t know when the elves collectively decided on calling him Newt, but over time he got used to it… Too use it, in fact, that he forgot what his real name even was.
What was it? he would constantly ask himself, but nothing resurfaced, so eventually he got used to the cruel title - he had to.
He sighed as he got into the van, hiding his inhuman features with the magic of the bloodstone. Why couldn’t things be like they used to?
He looked in the mirror, to see the crystal was losing its magic - was Christmas fading that badly? His reindeer ears were now more like those iconic elf designs humans created, instead of them being normal human ears like intended, and although his bushy tail, along with his half-hooved, half-clawed hands and his smokey grey skin; his white hair and candy corn horns never went away.
It’s okay, he decided. The horns he could pass off as part of his elf hat, and his hair could be excused as dye. The main problem was his stereotypical-elf-like ears. How was he going to hide them?
Newt looked down. It looked like he was going to have to do something about his clothes too, as the effect of the crystal wasn’t any help with that whatsoever. His so-called ‘ugly Christmas sweater’ (he thinks it’s cute), was fine, but his stockings didn’t help his human feet feel any comfort, being that it was meant for his true form, and the fact that he didn’t have any underwear or pants to cover up his lower half.
At home, it wouldn’t be a problem; his sweater covered all it needed to, allowing his tail to roam free, and no elf bats an eye at home, since they were intersex and mostly asexual creatures, however, in human society, he knew that covering up those parts were important and essential.
The amount of times he’s been flirted with by both men and women wanting to drag him back to a hotel, (whilst in his human form), he didn’t want to imagine what type of perverts and predators would come after him when he looked like this.
He needed to think. How could he get out of this situation?
Newt looked in the back of the van, in hopes to find something useful, but all he could find was a bunch of empty sacks that were going to be used for the mail. How was this going to work in his favour?
He hummed in thought, attempting to weigh his options. He thought back to last year, and how little sacks were filled - only about six sacks and a quarter. In the van, there were a total of twenty sacks, and assuming this year would be a repeat of the year prior, he made his decision.
He searched around the van, finding the target at last; the sewing kit. They normally kept it in here since a couple of centuries back the amount of mail they got normally left the sacks tearing at the seams, but now he kept it in here as a reminder. A reminder of how great Christmas once was, how great it can still be.
He couldn’t stall any longer. “Time to get to work,” he announced to himself, determinedly, not wasting another second longer.
Thirty minutes eventually passed as Newt was finally done, holding the pair of pants up to admire his work. Obviously it wasn’t as good as his hand-sened or hand-knitted sweaters, but he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. It was like he was making hand-made sweaters for his family again, except this time he wasn’t…
Newt shook his head. The letters, he reminded himself.
He slipped off his candy cane patterned stockings, already missing the warmth of familiarity, before putting on the scratchy pants.
To say the material was uncomfortable against his skin was an understatement. He was already chafing badly, his lower region copping the worst of it. He whined. Was there really nothing else?
He looked around, but it rendered hopeless. “It’s okay,” he whispered to himself. It should be an in and out mission anyways. As long as he can get inside before the shop opens, he would be all fine.
Newt parked across from the shop, only to find it was already too late - the shop was open. He covered his face with his hands, feeling utterly exhausted. Come on, Newt! Think!
Then it came to him. The back door! Surely people were far too busy to go through the back, unless it was for a minor break. He doubted that they would get any breaks today, seeing as how jammed-packed it is inside, and what time of the year it is.
He turned off the engine and jumped out, folding eight sacks. Should he get another? He does.
Newt made his way to the back door, the curtain allowing access to see inside. He looked through the transparent, slightly stained glass, cautiously, relieved to find no one wandering around on the other side. In and out, he encouraged himself, choosing to ignore the excruciatingly uncomfortable chafing.
He rolls the snow globe on the ground, before entering the portal and picking the device up. He was so glad the globe was working as smoothly as it was, seeming as the crystal was less compliant.
Focus. He went towards the junk mail room with the sacks, the path already a familiar one, despite him only repeating this process once a year. For elves though, a year was only a minor thing, he supposed.
He reached for the door, glad that he was going to be quickly down with this and back in time for the Christmas Turkey… If only.
Newt froze.
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
New Byler Fic idea!!
Lucas and Mike have been flirting with Will for a few weeks now. Lucas does so jokily, but Mike is serious about (he also doesn’t know Lucas is joking so he assumes he’s competing for Will’s love). The rest of the party (minus Will) finds this to be a humourous joke, and eventually starts joining in (excpet El because of obvious reasons). This only agitates Mike more.
Will doesn’t do flirt back for a while, only getting extremely flustered and shy over these jokes, but when he does, all hell breaks lose, because this man can flirt. It shocks everyone, especially Mike, who only ends up getting more flustered than Will in the process. Will also calls Mike babygirl on several occasions and Mike finds that he strangely likes it. #babygirlgate
Also, no one in the party knows that Mike and Will are gay, not even each other. (Not like Mike’s thinking about that though, he has a boy’s heart to win over.)
[This prompt is up for grabs. I’m just the person with the ideas.]
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aramapostsandwrites · 2 years
Okay, 2022 Byler fic, but Mike is Will’s discord kitten.
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aramapostsandwrites · 4 years
So, you know how there are Homo Sapiens. Does that mean there’s Hetero Sapiens, Bi Sapiens, A Sapiens, Trans Sapiens, Pan Sapiens, and so on? Or am I just being weird? This needs to be a thing now. 
                                     J  O  I   N       M  E
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